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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ball soon all looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the mozen, but things and it's not true good to the hay this one to move together for sto Moby. Why don't you join yea yeah by Joy said turn, Yeah, you gotta turn to turn turn lobby, got to turn out to turn the want of yall? Comey, come on your back at it. I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the varts, come on dig me now. One and only. Uh huh. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah you do. Steve Harvey got a radio show. But like I said the other day, you got something too, though, don't you. God hadn't done something wonderful for you. You just gotta thank Him for it, you know. Uh, in the midst of all that's going on in my life and in your life. You know, I always used myself as an example because well I mean that way. I guarantee one I know what I'm talking about. Um here here's the situation, you know, with everything that's going on in my life and all the things I'm asking God for in the midst of uh, taxing and a very trying situation. That's very challenging for me right now. Man, God just keeps on, keeps on surprising me. He keeps doing things, and I want you to look at your life or for a second, Okay, let's do this. Let's make two columns here. Let's make a column of all the things you want from God. You know, just do that throughout the course of the day. You know, you know, run down the list of all the things you're asking God for, all the things you're praying for, the things you aspire to, what you your dreams, your visions, whatever it is. Just make a column list of all those things. Let's make three lists. And then the second list, I want you to make a list of everything that you've been asking God for, so I guess that could be a little bit of the same. But this third list, I want you to do a check off point. I want you to do a make a list everything that God has given you that you've asked him for. Just think about it like that for a second. I may be explaining a little wrong right now, but I'm I'm gonna pull it together for you. Make a list of everything you're asking God for. Just just listed. You know. It's okay. It's a dream board. You can call it that. I got one. It's a vision board. You know. Every everybody's got something you hope for. Make a list now. I want you to make another list of everything you've asked God for that he's given you already. See this is a good list because sometimes and what I've been guilty of and maybe you too, in in my request list on my dream board, I keep focusing so hard sometimes on the what I'm yet to receive. I keep focusing so hard on the what I hope he gives me. I keep focusing so hard on the things that I yet not fulfilled in my life that sometimes, as he starts checking off my wish list, the things I've asked for in the past that have come to pass that he's given me, I sometimes, in praying for what I want forget to thank him for what he's done for me. And I'm currently in the middle of that situation. And this morning when I woke up, I really, man, I just got on my knees this morning and I quit tripping for a second. I said, Man, hey, God, you know what I really do need? All them things I'm asking for and I'm really am believing that you're gonna give it to me. But in the meantime, though, Man, have I overlooked some important details here. I had to really look at what he's done for me. I mean, look, man, take yourself out of it personally and and look. Or you can leave yourself in it however you want to be. Some people can't do that, So just leave yourself in it there. But man, I started looking at the eye part of me, and I started looking around at what's happening overall. Like, man, he has kept my family together in spite of the attempts to tear it apart. I look at all of that. I look at how he's blessing my children with the his eyes of their heart, which I pray for my kids. You know, I want my kids to have a better life than I've had. I really really do. I don't want them to take as long as it took me to get it together. I really really don't. I'm trying to say, hey, man, if you go to college, this is what you can be. Don't do like your father did. Don't go three years, drop out, throw yourself into a spiral and then got to start to scratch all over again, you know, and and for the most part so far, you know, they're doing quite well of it. You know. You know they're getting kicked around a little bit, but that's life. I started thinking of the blessings that he's helped me overcome with some of the previous mistakes I've made in relationships in my life. And then I started looking about the things he's blessed me with that I've been asking him for. But since I've moved on from it, I forgot to keep thinking him because I gotta always thank God for a roof over my head, because guess what, when I was asking for the roof and I didn't really have it, then he gave me one that since he gave it to me, what, I'm just cool now. I can't ever go back to him and go, hey, man, I really do appreciate this roof over my head because that was a time when I was living in a car. But see, so every morning I wake up, I gotta remember the fact that I have a home now, because I gotta look back and go, man, that was time, Steve, when you didn't have no home. But see, we forget what God has done for us. Because in our column that won't column, the need column, we oftentimes forget for the columns and the check marks as He's already fulfilled in our life. You've got to take inventory every now and then daily if possible. But I know we're humans. We're not gonna do that. I don't. But you've got to take inventory of your life to say, hey, what has God done for me? Because man, you're overlooking as he's doing these wonderful things for you, because there's so much only yet to be fulfilled. I don't have part of your life. You forget that sex and man, how crazy is that that, of all God has done for me, that I keep wanting so many more things, needing so many more things, hoping so many things come to pass and get fulfilled. I forget to check off the list and take inventory today. Take inventory of your life. You will find out that God is watching you, that He is really really watching over you, in spite of yourself, in spite of your shortcomings, because we all got him. Please know, I do you know? And remember something else too. Change is good, but change is challenging. Accept the challenge that it is. Look, a lot of you come up to me all the time and say Steve Man, thank you, man boy, you in the morning, Man, I really be needing that. Or like I said in a hundred times, but I'm gonna say it again, y'all, I'll be needing it too. You know, you understand sometimes what what what God has deal in with me is for me. But now I'm in a sharing position where I can open up and if I just if I just quit being so about me and become a little bit more transparent, I can maybe some of me that's happening to me is happening to you and you could see some of this in me. That's why I used myself as an example, because man, I'm catching it too, y'all. I ain't perfect either. So for those of you that come up to me and say that, I want you to understand these these talks in the morning, man, this is important for me because man, I need these conversations from God. I need God to continue to strengthen me, to show me the way to help me understand what's happening to me. And see as we've all those of you who have made the decision to change to become a better person, a better woman, a better boy, a better girl, a better man for those you have made the decision to change. Change is a challenge, and accept the challenge because it's gonna come. Because right out of that here come to hay eat us. There they come people you don't even know, discussion your life and your change. If God see you, really really mean what you say in spite of what they say about you, God will raise you above the frase. He'll keep promoting you. He'll keep blessing you, He'll keep moving you up. He will use you as a show off point. He'll show you off. Man. He'll make you. He'll make you look good to people man who wish you'd fall all day long, and so to all your haters. All your haters will end up just watching you rise. Man, They will watch you continue to grow. That's what God will do for you. Man. You can fool the world, but you can't fool God. God know your heart, He knows your every thought. Man. So change is good. But change is a challenge. Accept the challenge, Expect the haters, expect the unnecessary. But God has strengthen you and get you through it all. Man, y'all doing swell this morning. Man, don't let nobody make you Thank you all. Keep talking, gonna God you're listening to It is exactly twenty one minutes after the hour. I would say Twitter after the hour. That's what my iPhones say. So there has a bit of confusion going on. Isn't twenty one or twenty if this minute matters that much to you? Your life is complicated and we're talking to a m p M. Is understanding, but am something's wrong. God is good and all the time. Your best to know this now because it is effective information. Come on, Cincro Welcome, Shirley, Welcome, Steve hall of Thank you, Steve Morning, Junior to Food Morning, the King or Pranks, Yes, I mean yourself and the newest edition Foolery Squam to the butt of everybody we wanted to bring forward. Yes, come on, something shocked, Come on past the bran. The breathing that you hear is my older brother. Yeah, he gonna have to get some clear sound. I'm so glad I'm clear today. This is not a clouded update for me. Thank you Jesus. What do you do it? We wanted to say to everyone, say it till I'm passed that this is a new day. Yes, it is a new beginning. Come on now, more levels boarded boar can breathe concernacity. Yes, I went to you past. I just I'm that's my don't wear everybody. He's been this way since we was baby. He ran on the track team and we had an ambulance at every track he needed in the hater. I'm so glad. This is a clear day, some days the thicker than others. Thank you Father for that thing breathing day here. You want to save anybody who can survive policies way. This man has got to be a god. Know yourself, according listen to me, ladies and gentlemen. Today is a great deal and we're looking forward to today's festivities right after this hill something funny as hell. You can believe that. Steve Harvard Morning Show. Now chlorade, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right? Coming up, we're gonna meet to the Bickerson is all right? Name since and what we're doing uh this week, everybody's introducing you to an influx of ignorance just so we can pick and choose from a plethora of so much we have to do now on this show where everything is gonna settle because we don't know right now. Everyone break is just a set And you know, Steve, I never thought we could get any more ignorant. I never even thought that. I thought we were act you know, like the peak of ignorance on this show is all right, Well I didn't know, but Jay more, we've added more ignorance. Well having me to come over here, meaning that would be more ignorant. I figured that out. The biggest sense is a couple have been together for a long time, all they do is fight about nothing. Any couple that has been together knows what the Biggessons go through. It's lone, undane stuff that don't matter. Why you got on big errans you don't normally wear big erran. Sometimes he starts the argument, sometimes she starts, but it's always about nothing. Why you laughing? A loving couple married for more than thirty years and always fighting about nothing. Sometimes she starts the argument, sometimes he starts it, but you can best believe it's always about nothing. So what were you doing? Like? Why are you acting that way at the party? Act? What? Oh you don't know now? No, I mean I was just having a good time, that's all, just having fun You gave more than just the giggle. It was a bigger thing. It's like, however, like the silliest thing was just laughing, that's all. One of the girls didn't even finish what she was saying, and you just start cracking up laughing. I mean, it was just a setup of just something funny and just I mean, why do you know what's funny? Yet she didn't even finish. Never mind, what do you mean? Never mind? You know what it was. I don't know what it was about. All you said is the simplest thing since when you like that much salt, since when you start eating a lot of told me you like sal this over nothing, and and and and and and here the copra I've been in that, That's the one I was saying. Yeah, how many years of mayor does that kick in by the first year you get some of that? Well, I don't cook a lot, ja, but you've had those silly arguments, Yeah, yeah, I have. Was dinner time. It's not it's not even an argument right now, it's just what do we having tonight for dinner? Hunting? Yeah, exactly? Why are you looking at me? Why am I always all of a sudden I'm gonna start. You should be used to this, but now you like to eat. Why you want to eat all the time? Yeah, all of that, some vegetables. My mom and dad used to do at it all the time for nothing, just because my daddy was a heavy breather and he had his habit. He had false teeth in his mouth and he would click. I don't know where he got that from, but you just hit it clicking, and it made my first of all, any time my daddy was happy, it made my mama mad any any enjoyment that he got out of through against anything that he liked. She just t her. All years they were separated, they separated and lived in different places, right, but they saw each other every day every day. My dad would go over there vice versa, and my mother moved out and for the last twenty five years of the marriage, she kept taking stuff out of the house. She just come over that that that's my part. I've been looking at that. I mean, I just shake my head. And when she passed away, she said, whatever you do, don't bury me next to brown. But they're only separated, divorced. Every day every day had to and she would get upset if you didn't know, you know brown and came over here to day you. You don't live there any more. He could have come back here. I don't know why he'd come back here. Miss. Yeah, I can't live with you. My mom and daddy would sit direct opposite, man, I ain't hardly over him, fighting and nothing. They're just sitting there. Man. My mom and daddy played dominoes. You know they played double nine. They played dominoes you could get no, man, they had nothing. You only had double nine. You know you could score forty five? Yeah, to play that some different dominoes. No, it's the same as every other domino Just go by five. It's just got nine, or it's harder, you know, the trash you could talk on forty five. I should be able to play domino as much trash as I talked. I should be able to play. You don't play domine and I live in l A. I can't playing. I don't tell him about it else I won't. I just won't bring it up. My mom world class on this show. I can't play spades with you. I'm good. I'm not good at that either day, I'm not. It takes too much sit down and look at this and count figures throw me off. Remember what he has in his hand and she has, Uh, you got to be a place spade man. Yeah, I will pull up a chair to watch because I love I love check some of the great trash talking Yes in the world. Yes, sit down with me. Just understand what's about to happen. What was your favorite line? Seems I'll be your huckleberry. I never knew. Yeah, that's one of my favorite movie. You copy yourry, you can't play, That's what he'd say. He stay with us, y'all when we come back. We're gonna run that prank back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning showy back, I'm gonna running back, gonna be running that. Yeah, he'd rewind, he'd play. Remember that cassette take. We're going. Yeah, if the ribbon come out and put that pencil in there and turn it knowing it palpable, that's it. Run that prank back? What's the title? I forgot? But I'm running back that one, that one that was real good wedding styles right, Hello, I'm trying to reach calm and please. Oh who's calling? This is the half style? SnO? Oh great, great? Hey, we were waiting for you. Hold on a second, on getter? Hello? Hi? Is this is this calming? Hi? How are you good? Great? Listen? Um? This is the half style that's I'm supposed to be there to do your half at the wedding. Hey? Are you lost? Uh? No, I do have a good thing. Just there's something that has come up and I kind of need to discuss some things with you. Are you kidding me? Let me ask you. You're a way. You know I'm getting married in four hours? Right, I do know, I do know. Let me ask you this, what time actually is the wedding? Is it at five or six? The wedding is at five? Okay? Um, what have you done to your hair so far? Nothing? You have the hair I'm waiting for you to put weave in my on my head? Right? Um? Oh god, dear, no, you're on your way. Right. This is a joke. No, this is not a joke. I've got I've got my mama. Fine, tell him to come here. I don't have a stylus today. You came highly recommended, and I've already given you a deposit. You you should be on your way. I do understand that dollar. I don't mind giving you your deposit back. That's no, that's not what I want. I need you here to do my hair. I have no one here to do my hair. I've already paid you. I understand this, dear. Calm down, listen, this is what I want to do. Okay. I do have someone that I can send that it's going to do an outstanding job for you. Okay, But I'm not. I've gotten into a spat with Oliver, and I just it's it's a very Oliver. Oliver is my friend, and we've gotten your kidding that. It's been a serious, serious, serious blow up. This is the most important day of my life, and you're not coming to do my hair. You're not taking care of your business because you've gotten into a fight with your boyfriend. Listen, I'm not gonna go back and forth with you about this. I have argued with him all night. I'm not going to go back and forth and argue with you as well. Yeah, I have to argue with me when I need it for you to be here. I understand that, and I'm going to send someone there. Any one of the most unprofessional stylus I have ever met in my life. I cannot even believe you're doing this. Listen, I'm trying to deal with you on a professional level, but you're not because you're not here. I understand that, and I understand I'm not trying to to to reign on your parade and professionalism went out the window when you called to say that you can make it because you were in an argument with your boyfriend. Well, I'm not gonna do is go back and forth with you. Somebody to find him? Fine, I'm telling her to come. Where is everybody? Mama? Please get him to the phone. Oh boyd listen. What have you done to your hair? Okay? Has it been washed? Yes? Okay, so it's just waiting. Is that what's going on? Yes, that's what's going on. Have been done? Have you been under the dryer at all? No? Okay? So is it still? Damn? What are you asking me questions? You're tritting to get someone I bring When I send someone in, I want to send them in there. Yes, I'm sitting here with wet hair. Has your hair? Has your makeup been done yet? No? I'm waiting for you to do my hair. I cannot believe this. Why are you asking me these questions? On Oliver I'm not gonna go I'm Oliver, I'm not Oh my god, I'm not gonna say this is crazy. I'm not going to I'm tinking you now, let me take care of the clime. I'm not going Hello, are you kidding me? Listen? Is there any way you could possibly push the wedding back to seven? You are crazy? You want me to change my time because you're in an argument with your boyfriend. Listen, this is the first thing this is. You are the most unprofessional dollars I've ever met in my life. And trust me, Darling, I will put the word out about you. No, no, I haven't make sure that you never ever do business again. Wait a minute, now, what you're not gonna do? You don't curse at me. You're not gonna You're not gonna do warning my day. I understand that's no reason to be mad. I'm the one that should be upset. It's my day. You're not gonna talk to me like this, and you don't talk to you any kind of way I want to you call warning my day. Hold on a second. So you got this talking crazy to me and I'm nothing to go with it, and I'm not what I'm not gonna do it sitting let's talk to me. Oh no, you didn't call me. I'm not going to sit here and let you talk to me. You know what, I wish you were coming to this church. I got your listen. I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. Now, I got someone I can send in there to get your hair done. Do you want it or do you not? Who are you sending? I am sending. Listen. I will be sending my assistant. And she does. She watched his half. She's been instructed what to do. Don't worry, she'll get it to you. Don't want me to let her shampoo girl start my hair on my wedding. Look do you want Are you kidding me? I'm a a please. Now you need to be talking to me, not all of her. I understand, listen, let me take the racial voice, said her voice at me. I can't do what every hell I want to. This is my Yeah, I've ruined my wedding day. No I'm not. I'm trying to get your wedding day together. Now. I'm going to send this one shampoo gold to do my hair. Cynthia is very good. She will be there at five o'clock. We will have you read wedding starts at five o'clock. I don't know what to say. What do you need to be saying? Is he on your day? I'm gonna Simpia will be honest. I don't want Synthia to do my hair. I didn't pay Cynthia to do my hair, paid you to do my head. You have to bring Oliver with you. You need to come on. But do you want to go? Oh my god, do you want to just go with me? Okay, listen, I have one more thing I need to say. You have to say to me. The only thing you need to be saying to me is that you and Oliver on your way. Yeah, about to ruin the most important day of my life. I am not up on your head, yest. Now are you on your head? Yes or no? Yes? And I have one more thing I need to say. But what do you want to say? Listen? Don't don't don't come for me. Boy, You've got to spit it out. This is Matthew tell me from the Steve Alby Morning Show. You just got pranked by all your bridesmaids. Oh my god, I am going to I don't believe they did this. That's why I can't sign on, Tessa and I'm kicking you. Was not funny, not today. This is the last thing I needed today. Do you know what they wanted? They wanted me to get you yesterday I said no, we're waiting to the wedding day under so much. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, But what what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the last the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, you stupid telling me show. We know who's showing that you got? Anybody want me to prank give you an initial not necessarily in order j T. Let me switch that around. I'm just saying that the one. That's it. That's it. I want to say something serious. I'm grateful, man, I'm grateful. I am I'm grateful man because I appreciate people who you know, It's it's amazing, man, how how this business really works. How a person can think that they know so much and that they can make a call that will affect you, and like, you know, that's it. I'm gonna do this. That's it for you. When I left the radio in uh Me and Shirley and Tommy left the radio in l A. You know what, they clearly said. That was it. This woman told me you will never work in radio again. I will see to that personally. You were washed up. What are you done? I said, I said, really, I'll see to that that you're never working radio. Game. That was five years later, baddest radio showing the land, Steve, everybody else, Joe Jo, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right before we get to miss Anne, I gotta tell you this, um, Steve, you gotta give it up to the Houston Rockets. Got him now. You can talk about him a lot, Yeah, but you gotta give it up to him. Here the Shepherd came with it, man, he really did. You're not saying anything. Yeah, yeah, your boy Russell Westbrook, I know you love him, but they're out around one in the Western Conference playoffs. They beat him moment one oh five to ninety nine. Don't let's have real, honest comes but let's have it. Who did y'all beat for real? Oklahoma Russell west What you won't you don't tell one over the five one on what you want? You know you didn't hear me all raising all this head when the calf swept the damn Pacers. What are you talking about right now? The Cavaliers swept the Pacients that I ain't said a word about. But now, but now y'all struggle with Okay, see now y'all walking damn round of applau because you talk about them show. Yeah you struggle five games? Yeah for the one about we swept all right the Rockets. Now, faith they're gonna face either Memphis or San Antonio, Okay, because they're scared. J They scared. They're just trying to stay in the playoffs as long as they can. They no good hair. Will they go to Senate? Tone it's oval. I'm just having it. Ain't the Lakers's sore about this for at least for a long time. Maybe maybe nothing in my lifetime. I have something for you, ja well, in case you missed it, Retired NBA superstar Kobe Bryant made an appearance on The Tonight Show to spit some bars. As an ode to the one and only Steve Urkel, Kobe dedicated a slam poem to the character from the nineties sitcom Family Matters. Take a listen here. It is transformation ercle to er cow suspenders to lapels from Nerve Steve cotton cheese so puny and weak, a metamorphosis from geek to fleek. Hands, who give a dance? I'm looking around the room. Hands that man Coovie broke the man code, and I'm not a Clovie fan. I'm gonna say it again, hands and give a dance? Up anything against Kobe. Yes, yes, I became a Kobe fan, even even after the Shock incident cause him and Shack shook hands about him, they did. I became a Kobe fan and he grew up, you know, he grew up. It's in my spirit. I'm a Shock fan. I'm a Shock friend. Shock my mind, Kobe Covid Kobe grew up into into quite a man after that. You really, I wish I could o It's just it's sulting my spirit, Steve, and I can't do it. I try to walk back. Who was the light? Don't wish I could be? You could? Don't With everything in me, I can't let it go. It brings up a bad bowed taste, and that's it. What is that? Ladies? And you had go to that, We gotta go to this. Come on, let it go, let it go. Okay, this is a trip with the news. Good morning everybody out there, good morning or good morning, good morning, good morning. Well here we go. Yesterday was the U Holocaust Museums National Days of Remembrance, and this time President Trump was careful to try to get it right. Those who deny the Holocaust are an accomplice to this horrible evil and will never be silent. We just won't. We will never ever be silent in the face of evil again. Up till now, you know, the Trump administration has been criticized for making remarks that sounded insensitive to the Holocaust, at one point talking about the horrible event without even mentioning the word you, and most recently, his White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer kind of embarrassed himself, seemed clueless, saying in a press conference of Hitler, din Gas people and that he knew about the people who were taken to the Holocaust centers, like there was buildings of centers or something like that. Anyway, federal judge in San Francisco has now moved to block any attempt to withhold money from so called sanctuary cities by the TRUP administration. Cities that don't turn into illegal immigrants just for just because. A judge has issued a temporary in junct in connection with lawsuits found by San Francisco and Santa Clara, California. This Saturday, by the way, mark Trump's one hundred day in office, the day that he promised great things, things that by and large have not materialized. According to Jersey Senator Corey Booker, so badly telling us he'd have a plan for isis in thirty days, telling us uh that he was gonna get healthcare that's going to be better uh than Obamacare. I mean, just on his own standards of what he told us he would do. Uh, he has failed by his own measure. He's failed as as in his first hundred days. And Santa Brooker tells me so far Trump's been betraying the people who supported him. Actor Scott Bao says he's now very sorry for saying his former co star Aaron Moran died of a heroin overdose. Turns out, while the actors had fallen on hard times and had drug issues, she actually died of undisclosed cancer. And Serena Williams has broken her silence about the remark about former tennis star Ilian Assassy made about her baby, calling it racist. By the way, today is National Slap a Dummy Day. I just thought I mentioned that we'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly to the twenty minutes after the hour stage. You're listening Steve Hard Morning Show, Good morning everyone, Stephen Tommy, Shirley Corllette Jr. And of course Jay Anthony Brown, Good morning to be wanting to me antone ferguson morning flat Bound. So here's city, y'all um. Today we're talking about let me back out, you know, not get so excited. So j Anthony Brown, Yes, you tell me you were gonna help me start my career. Have been working together and putting that together for your So this is why I'm first of all, we gotta start with my name. I don't want to be Liberacci. That's what I want to come. I want to be known as liber Racchi. It's already been a liberal. That's stupid black liber Ugie. How about the black liber rug black liber How day, Anthony? Who did you this guy stupid good person that ask his name name of somebody that's already was legend. You're not what you're not gonna do was disrespect me in front of miss her. How about how about that's cute? Now, what I want to know is because I know when to come here, just do the thing. Everybody come out out of sound, So what's my soul? Let me write that to come out to Grace Jones? What song is there? Pull up to the bump. How about I'm coming out. I'm coming out Bochi, lady, didn't put your hands again? Up? And then I'm come in and then I come out in my yeah, yeah, yeah, so um, I want my first subject, my first um topic to be flamboing about about being playing boy, very flamboyant. You want to do something flamboying flamingo? Yeah, I got a deal with a Roman candle. The fun is your lives a couple of months away from that? What my boy be having a round? My can? I want to think you want to be flamboys? Don't? Yeah, you take a Roman candor? Or guess about waiving point I'm not thinking waving them. I'm not gonna do no. No hands your hands are in the end. But I see the sparkler, no I have What are they saying, Charlotte shut, I don't get it. And with a countdown and you stopped it for the sparkling close because it's Yeah. Charlotte helped me out. How you have the microphone, his money in it, in the Roman candle in the other one? Yes, free? So where is the candle? And your back is to the audience coming up? J Anthony will murder, murder, murder hit you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Wasn't driving past your old job? Oh that's your greatest joy in the world. Stopped outside to building. Yeah, see me, I want job. You don't say, Jay, what you got for this morning? We got him murder to hit up. All right, it's that time time again from murder, the head time from murder. They hit Kendrick Lamar. It's going to be all white, all white, all right? Serious? Want to hear it here, doug Oh eight years he had to fake people people all eight years. They had rocked like he's almost gone gone in the fall, gets times up, but he didn't get fucking when wholes a shock. It's gonna be all white white people. Week, gonna be all white white brother, week, gonna be all white, my sister, it's gonna be all white doing him and do you him. We're gonna be all white white brother. It's gonna be all white white sister. It's gonna be all white like baby, it's gonna be all white doing him and even gonna be all right. I'm gonna day come Republic comes celebrating shooting handguns the ball cause you know they're gonna want to take down replace it with the racetrack and a horse. Now, oh weak and no, we're talking about the black life again. Could you know they put it in this my life? Whether shall in the garden of the highlight. I tell Obama we love it. But once he takes slightly Oh no, no more that's in on the TV. No more wrapping in the evening. Now way back to status quote white is may or now you feel only playing country music down reckond b. I never sing a country before saying there don't like us down the Trump hears a do bag hand re check emails on day vote. But then our blind ass can be so you better believe when I say't when you go black people won't have no vote. People instead of racing dope. Probably in in that first show, people and he Ate Rascoes had a number nine that it took to go people give Mr Jay spot though. My eyes getting wet to see Obama go. That's it's gonna be all white white people. We gonna be all white, white brother. Week, gonna be all white, sister. It's gonna be all white doing him and do him. We're gonna be all white, brother. It's gonna be all white, white sister. It's gonna be all white. Like maybe it's gonna be all white doing him and even gonna be all white people. Week gonna be all white white brother, weak, gonna be all white, gonna be all right. Yeah, here he makes stupid people proud. I'm proud, right, you nail that one. J Yeah, I'm I'm damn. I'm proudly shame. I'm you Have you ever been shamefully proud? You know man, that it's gonna be all white. The only think about it is I was listening to the lyrics because I don't know the original song. So that's what my aunts ain't listen to nothing. But then he rapped two. It's called pause rap Paul's record. Paul that's the Wow. So no love for Houston. Hush Steve, I'm back on that. I mean, you know what I mean congratulations, but what you want? Thank you, that's wanted, Oklahoma. I mean really, man, you know y'all ain't give me nothing. When the cash welt them patients, I ain't hear nothing about it. A matter of fact, it wasn't even news. Starting now all of a sudden called three Houston people on the show. We got to stop and pay homage cause you to beat damn. Okay, see, yeah they got one player you can beat. Westbrook really really name named two other players on. I don't think I don't know anybody else. I don't nobody. I don't think they know anybody else on the team. I'm like, you just put this. They don't know where about your name on the bestow who else play? Nobody knows who you know? West Josh Josh. That's got from the Lakers, now right, and when they got dripped lead back with sat and now so now that you caught it, you do understand man. But Russell Westbrook is your dude, though, Steve. Yeah, but he's doing everything he's doing on the plane, scrapping and fighting. He's just like by himself. He's yeah, yeah, the coach, let's go, let's play these heads. Come on, Cat let's get it done, and then coming up as a prank phone call from a nephew. What you got, I got cemetery, Watch me work. We'll be back. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach out Cedric Taylor. This is R. C. Calhoun from the Inglewood Park Cemetery. Is this Cedric? What's happening? Listen? Are you familiar with the the lowest Williams? This is my mama's sister. Yeah, but she did right right, She's buried here at the Inglewood Park Cemetery. And we'll listen. Let me tell you why I'm calling you. We are my family. The Calhoun family had decided that we're gonna sell the Inglewood Park Cemetery, and we're calling all the people's loved ones who are buried here. So what what's going on, Mr. Taylor, is we've sold this property to the to the city and they have purchased the property from us, so they they own the land that the cemetery is on now. But what's going on is they're getting ready to build a freeway through here. So what we're doing is calling all the loved ones because these bodies are gonna have to be dug up and move to what that's right. But my mom over there too. Your mom is buried that. But what they're doing is they're gonna be um moving these bodies because they're the city and decided they're gonna be build a free They're gonna build a freeway through that. So what's going on is we call them people so they know what they can decide if they want to move into a different cemetery that they like, or they're gonna leave it up to us to move. Hold on, hold on, hold on, excuse me, sir, Mr Calhoun, Let me let me some didn't get to the point right off the bat. You're calling me to tell me that you're gonna dig up my unty body and my mama's buddy. What people do you ask? Excuse me, sir, I ain't trying to go there with to the non spec you have lost you man, If you think you're gonna dig up my mama's body, I got news for your partner, I would be I will find you. I will find you, sir, and it will will not be pleasant. That's it. Ain't no threat, They ain't no promise. That's a guarantee. I'm crazy. You're gonna call nobody and tell me you're gonna dig up the body. What you're gonna dig up the body from? Do we well what that they've build in the freeway through That's what I'm saying. And we didn't solved that property to the city of the city's gonna build up the freeway through that. So that's that's sacred ground. I wish you and the city would try to dig up my mama body lost. You're gonna call me to day with some ain't nobody else cuts you out today? Well, I've had some problems with some of the people, but you all have a real problem right now, sir. If you're gonna call me and kill me, you you're gonna dig up the body. The city gonna dig up the body, and you don't sold the place. But you can't call with like that. That's up. Oh that's up, sir. And you try to take up my mother's body. God help me so I will not be responsible. You lost your mother. Learn to call people and tell him like that. How are you gonna do that? Well, it's my duty as an official the cemetary to call folk and let him know what's going on. That's all I want to do. And I don't want the problem at the Taylor. I'm just trying to be honest and open minded with you about it. We can move the body to do another if you if you're so open minded. So how come you didn't call everybody and give them notice way in advance when your family was thinking about selling the place. Now when you don't sold the place, how can't you didn't do that? Then people could have got petitions to get in everything and said, dog, you can't do that, But you don't get you a little piece of the pie. I'm hip like, yeah, you get you with pieces of pie, and then you tell you everybody else when we tell you something, MS calls if you call, if you call me with some like this again, and you say you're gonna move my mama's body, you say you're gonna move my monkey's body. I don't give sir, it's gonna be on, It's gonna be only Mr Taylor. We're not trying to have no problem. What I'm just saying that it is my duty to call you and ask you. And there are another particular cemetary you'd like for us to move your mama to or your angel. I did not know for I made the phone call that your mother was bad down. I probably not. I didn't. I didn't know, now that I didn't know. You didn't know that. Well, that's cool, it didn't. I tell you what, Mr. I tell you what MS came home. Since you didn't know, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt you didn't know. I'm gonna give you that. How about this? How about you just bring the bouti to my house and I put them in the garage and when you come, I'll have Channel full Challenge seven, Channel eleven, Channel nine, Channel thirteen. Here, how about that, sir? So they can see what you done got going on about that? Sir, I'm not that's not that's against a lot of me to bring about it and bring it to your house like that. I tried against the lot of you know, sold the place and dug you. And you want to dig up the bouties and give them to me and tiding to do something with them that ain't against the law. Be dead. And then you want to call me like I got wife, I got kids, holidays coming up? What looks and speaking of your wife? That's uh, that's just the WHU I need to tailor. Ain't it she the one putting me up to this? This is a prank phone called this nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank said, Oh that's some dirty, dirty dirty your white war need to said, you know, mess with him about this? Ain't it the Lowers? WI supposed that's your favorite? Ain'ty am? I right? Yeah, yeah, we need to do it's your white one? Need a dog? Bro Man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man? Oh man, It's Steve Harvey Morning Show. June thirty, There's a Time to learn. Come on out and catch me Channel nine Chan seven. Well a chum a little bit. Ain't nobody else can cuss you out tomorrow? His favorite line brank, ain't nobody you are calling with this? Yeah, your little piece of the flat the first sound like blanks like you. This dude right here has no shade right there. Super continues thirties going down. A Time to Laugh make a fest at the Kay Bailey Huntinonson Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. Come your watch yours truly as I host the comedy show A Time to Laugh hosted by me but also headlining Cedric the in the capitals are going to church. Come hang out with us a time to laugh. It's Mr cal who gonna be there. Yeah, Mr Carl who will be down Time to life on June fund Kay Bailey, Hutchinson Convention Center. Anybody there won't be no cussing going on that night. I promise you, bodies down here is gonna be voting that three channel. Just break them down here and set him up in my garage. How about that? I put him in the garage so that I got a wife and kids. Holidays coming up? Okay, I'll tell you what is it? Baby? You love that one? And he named the holidays. I got to deal with dead buddies and got the holidays coming up? Have you done this any other town? Alight? But man, don't you know I got the holidays? Wow? Kanye West back in the news. Uh, Kanye wanted Inward and every title on Watch the Throne album from you know a few years ago when you made that one. A former publisher recently revealed that Kanye wanted the N word in the title of every song. Uh. He was going to put the N word in every single title of the album. So everyone has to say it and confronted deal with it. People, deal with it. Jay Z of course was against this for obvious reasons, but he went along with in words in Paris, you know, that was okay. That was okay for him. You know, he compromised, right and elevator that was all right. Yeah. So I guess we have to say thank you to jay Z for you know, reel and Kanye in a little bit, he wanted the word and every time every tile wow, in words, watched the throne. Wow, he's got to be tough in in the house and just in that in that whole environment with the Kardash Kanye, the father, law, mother law. Yeah, yeah, and that that's just got to be you know, he's got that sometimes he's gotta do this is that's where the end where moments come. Yeah, that's right, yea yeah, transference. I can't see it here. But in this album though, why did I do this? You know, he has a moment right now. I think this moment I saw on this show when lamar Odom was in the car with Caitlin had met him for the first time. Hey man, you gotta pull that episode up and were struggling with this moment, right here. He didn't get this. He had just come out to Rehale boy when he met Caitlyn for the first time. That was the best episode I've ever seen. But mar was looking at him like, what I just got off drugs? Put me back? All right? Strawberry Letter is coming up next a subject He's got a Big ego. Well you're listening to Steve, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter, subject He's got a big ego. Dear Stephen Shirley, I believe I have found the man of my dreams. He is everything I have ever wanted and more in a man. We've been dating for a while now, and I finally gave him the cookie recently. The issue is, every time I give him the cookie, it hurts like heck because he has a really big ego, way bigger than I have ever experienced in my life. I don't want to end our relationship because of this. As much as I like him, I hate sex with him because not only does he have a big ego, he has a big appetite too. The minimum number of encounters we've had so far is three times a day on average. It's five times a day. He asked me to meet him on my lunch breaks, and if he stays late in the office, he likes for me to come to his office. I am only twenty six years old and he's fifteen years older than me. My friends tease me and have threatened me, saying that if I cannot handle him, they will. I am afraid to tell him how I feel because he may think that I am immature and can't handle him. If I let him go, then my friends and other women can have him. How can I make this better? What should I do? Well? The fact of the matter is, young lady, that you can't handle him. I mean, it has nothing to do with uh, you know how mature you are anything like that. You can't physically handle this guy. I mean, and I say to you, please don't let this much older, overly sex man ruin your young body. I mean. Sex and intimacy should not be painful, it shouldn't be uncomfortable, and it shouldn't be hated. And quite frankly, five times a day is too much. It's just too much. I'm sorry, it's just too much. He sounds controlling to me because he wants you winever wherever. And he also sounds merry too because it's in the offices and on lunch breaks. But he won't stop until you stop. I mean, I advise you to go to the guy of collegist, to the doctor, get checked out. I really do. If you, if you don't want this relationship this way, you have every right to let him know. Even though you're only twenty six, you may as well start standing up for yourself now and let him know how you really feel. And then stop telling your friends. Just stop telling your friends, and then they won't be teasing you about stealing him. And I don't think he's a man of your dreams, not at all, not doing this, not listening to you, not even hearing you. So I don't think he's a man of your dreams. Steve. Oh he's the man of her dreams. Oh, oh yes he is. Oh he's he's mature, he's where, he dresses like she likes, He looks the way she likes. He's got the job in the income she liked. Oh, it's the manner her dream. The problem with the man is he packing, he loaded, he blessed, he's in down, he's overjoyed. M he relentless of the cookie. Now you have set up in here. You didn't know Jack Johnson was under them. Clue, now here comes big Jack Johnson, heavyweight Champ of the World nineteen thirty two, just knocking white folks out. That's back. Fights lasted thirty six rounds. They just fought to your ass. Couldn't come out there no more. Jack Johnson, just knocking white folks out. Knuckles hated Jack Johnson. Well, this man got Jack Johnson in his plans. Jack knocking white folks out. Now here's a line in the song in your letter. I feel he may think I don't want to tell him high Field because I'm afraid he may think that I'm immature and k handle Hill. You can't. You can't handle him. It is nothing to be shame of. You can't handle him. You need to say it for this man kill you. You don't mess around. You ain't gonna be able to do nothing in a minute because the man is too much. You're gonna be just walking and just pee on yourself. You ain't gonna have a muscle, you ain't gonna have nothing work. You don't tell you a little tell me just I'm trying to help her. You're gonna be just walking down the street and just everything just out. You ain't gonna be able to stop nothing. Ah, your muscle's gonna be told. You'll be sitting me and walking around your over, just hanging on you lening. You don't even know what it is. You ain't never seen your over. You're gonna see it. You keep gonna mess around big Jack Johnson, because what do what do Jack Johnson do? Knock white folks out? Nineteen thirty two? You just set up here and started dating this man. Come up out here, just one of the five times a day you all down that office and tell your phone rang you start crying, baby, let's go baby, coming to a sitting up in here and that you're worried about him. You listen to me, It's perfectly normal for you to just to say these words, I'm not woman enough for you. I've been in this situation. I wanted to tell a girl, look, I'm not mad enough for you. Yeah, you gotta know when you didn't met you much. You got to know when something is too much, he too much. Listen to me, I'm talking from experience. Is I've been in this situation and at first, I was shamed as a man because I thought I was I was adequate, but it turned out I want it's just wanted them they have but one time, but that one time with damage it we didn't got physical. I knew something wrong when I kept saying, oh, can you feel me? Because I didn't feel nothing. I thought I was in the air. I'm trying to find a way to say this to you. I'm probably gonna have to come back and think about this. I can share with you this experience that I had. So let me go and thank y'all, and when I come back, I'm gonna share with you what happened to me, because it's happening to you. But you're gonna mess around and get all your equipment destroyed, messing around with Big Jack Johnson. You're listening back to the letter. Keyword is ego. Ego is a substitute word, folks. Ego substitutes for something else. This woman is twenty six years old. She's dating this man is fifteen years older than her. He has a huge sexual appetite. And not only does he have a huge sexual appetite, he huge and the girl is scared of the man as she says she don't want to tell him how I really feel because he don't want her to think that she immature and can't handle him. She can't handle him, man, She scared him. The minimum amount of times they do it is three times a day. It has gone up to five times. He huge with a huge appetite her girlfriends and told her that if you don't want him, girl will step in. You know, sometimes you have to be careful what you ask for m because you all know who you're dealing with overhire. This man right here is obviously blessed and highly favored. So now when you run over there, you got to know what you're doing. This little girl then bit off Moldy. She can shoot and Jack Johnson is in that delivering knockouts after knockout after knockout. Come on Jack here now, and he ain't trying to be ugly with it, but he ugly with it now. As I told you before the break, I've been in a similar situation. For what you have to do is you have to just come to terms and tell the man, excuse me, we have to stop seeing each other because I'm not woman enough for you and ain't no shame in that it's just one person. I've had to do it in my life. I've had to tell a woman I'm sorry, I'm not mad enough for you. You've said those words, yeah, yo, because she was too much for me. She had a huge appetite and she was huge, she had legal to Yeah, how are you going with big? I'm talking about man. Look here, I'm talking about you. That was times when I had to have on a coal miner's hat with a light on it. Okay, you're on the edge. I'm trying not to be. He said that. Back up. I'm trying to find a good way to put it to you. But I think the miners had with the light on it, it was like a cave. No, no, you don't get it. Now, it's like a spoon in a bucket. Clink clink, clink clink. But every now and then it's an amazing time in my life. How does this get back to you? Because I'm trying to let her know she ain't the only one being going through this hire and that the line she really need to come up with, Sherley is I'm not woman enough for you, just like I had to tell her, I'm not man enough for you. Then she's gonna try to hurt me. We'll get your little punk ass on. Then I said okay, and then you know, I went on this shot back. You know, you're the one with the bucket. Hello. Yeah, you know. But then she knew it. She said, you ain't the first person that said that to me. I'm just looking for Mr. Wright. Well, I don't think he living myself. I don't think unless you start messing with animals. I don't want to see boy get off some horses or something, Reynolds something. But I just think I don't see the man that can do this. Now, if this lady and lady that lady three and I had we meet this man right here, they might can help each other. Yeah, and then you can have relationship. But the only way I think you you ought to put an ad out in the paper. You gotta look for that specifically. You know, you have to ask questions like if you try to put a coffee mug on top of you, is it a tight fit? If he says, yeah, I didn't, that's who you need, man, because you know, at best, at best, you know, you know, fill up the thumb section on the as a tone of glove or I can do, like a a small tube sock. It had to be a woman's though, It had to be a woman's tube sock. I could be a small woman's tube sock. But I can't do. I can't, you know, just set up pot on it, you know, three quarter sauce play and I can't. I ain't you man, I'm just gonna gonna real yeah, yeah, no, no no, I can't hold up the lamp shade. It's all I'm saying. I ain't. I ain't that. I'm just gonna gonna be really, you know, I need something a little bit more snug. You know. I can't get real good that So appreciate you, ma'am. Thank you for naked. You know I felt empty my coat. Hello hello, hello, hello yeah yeah are you cay man? So I guess what you need to do. Just make the announcement baby back on out, because it ain't gonna happen for you. Oh man, okay, I think, thank you man. What have we learned? What have we learned here? That? Yeah? What I was I was now all I was was was a garden snake in a swimming pool moving. Yeah, what a different meaning for for actually first time I actually felt like a spurn. What you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, hey, oh alleluyah, jeez us, yeah, stand to him tired week and whom now like Jesus, that is my jam right there girl. Then it got me to Good Mornings. Everyone was Hi are tommy boy? Hi's you? Yes, ma'am, I'm blessed. How call it? Hey, sister out there? How are you doing? Oh James brutiful, brutalful? Junior Mornings is oldal Hey boy, how are you doing well? And I'm wonderful? Pretty good? Good mornings? You really? Wow? Wow, that startled me. You were so sweet, Good morning, sister, welcome back person. Yes, ma'am you are, and I'm so grateful to know you. Um, he's doing well, thank you, he's doing well, yeah, doing well well? Right? Why do you ask? Yeah? Because I try to be polite. You know, I just didn't know it's gonna last. It's long. It's how you can't cook. She can't cook. It's nice. It's just I wanted her to learn how to cook. So she got married. She thanked cause she could do some flips. That that's gonna keep her mate. Alright, It takes moding flips. You know, yes, ma'am, I'm could get flipping. He's gonna be hungry. He's gonna need that sandwich. Alright, well, sister deal. I'm so happy you're back. I'm so happy you're back. I wanted to know what we have someone new on the show, and I just wanted to know. Have you met Reverend Adnoid Oh god, yes, it's Reverend ad Noid Man. I haven't. I haven't met him. I've been hearing him. Might didn't know who that was? You mean on the radio. You've been here? Well, I didn't you know? I've is that hand breathing speak? Good? You do it? A lovely dress, you head, Well, this is a beautiful dress. Beautiful. You put the beauty in the ful you actually put the view into full Yes you did. Mooning to you, thank you, what you your name is? And your reverend Reverend at Noid risen At, good morning to you. It's not it's not nice to start a morning without saying good morning, everybody, good morning to you. Good one, a man of God, a saved man of God, saved no Jesus, well Jesus, thank you and praying you all right? Yeah? Sureley I'm so pride. Do you see him? Yeah, no, and he's a look at him. You sound you sound is saved as you are. Yes, you do know, mes said Jesus. Well we have you know, he's just kind of cute too. Revenue North only we don't want to discuss that. But you heard of the last supper I was at the first. Oh look what we don't come up all? Wow, sir deal, I never think you like that. Well, Shirley, you know, you know I've been you know they've been at me. You know so many years. You know I've had lets you know, can I ask you a question? Do you like to picture show? You like going to a picture show? Well, you know I hadn't been in a while. You know, I be the last time I went, I saw I believe I saw going with the Wind, and uh that was that was cool. You know, had it, had it, Matt Daniels was in it, and it would be so honored to take you to a picture show. Now, you know, popcorn is seventy three dollars. It has changed now, but we could do that. You could do that popcorn myself. You know I'm not Shirley, you know I some popcorn with that, you're gonna bring your own popcorn? And I got your person? Could you put too sola to sodas in the place that they would stay warm? Could you do that? I got someone where stay warm. I'm gonna be you. You you think you're drinking out of thermos? Love. I love a woman with a hot soda. I'll tell you what what if it's hot? So do you like you'd have met the right wall? Don't? Maybe? Because don't there is nothing to play with? No? I know that? Hey, yeah, you know how they don't say sulking silk, I still do sick. Hope you like duct tape because we can get something going. Know you ain't said dupe and clothes line wine, don't play with me, don't fliver with me? Close line? Why you know why asman used to work with duct tape and clothes white? What is that dream come true? I think we can do a little and they still say something something with a little something something, But now add not Yes, you're gonna have to work on your breathing, but don't you what's it you do? You a better work on your breathing because I'm don't you're gonna be sucking for wind. You're gonna need like something, hell, isn't you something like a lot of talk. I'm gonna have you really seeing Jesus. You don't I know you ain't gonna bring the law his name. And he says, oh, you're gonna be calling on him now? Oh yes, I want you to make me that what I want to see happened right there when I don't. Okay, okay, I'll tell you what I ain't knowing. I might be calling on Jesus, but you're gonna shall have to know his daddy that I hope you bring a Come on, I tell you what. I'll tell you what the Trinity better be in the room. That what you better hope is trinity, abulance and oxygen. We gotta get all out of here. I'll tell you what something bread, don't threaten me the thing to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Coming up next, the ignorance continues to meet the Bickerson or we might even murder another hit. You never know on this show. That's why we love it. Alright. Coming up, we got Murder of the Hits one more time from Jay Anthony Browner. What's this one? J Yeah, shows that throwing me on. You never played nothing twice the same damn day. Yeah, and you right, and you wouldn't. But was a week, Yeah, he played it twice a day. You may not have heard of Jake a different times. Am I'm being prank I promise he now he understand radio. He used to the treatment. He gonna every day lay when every day, every damn day. I'm nervous. So this is it's gonna be on white all eight years he had to white people people on all eight years. Day had dropped like he's almost gone gone in the fall. His time's up, but he didn't give funking when he leaves a joke. It's gonna be all white white people. Week gonna be all white white brother, week, gonna be all white white. It's gonna be all white doing him and do your him. We're gonna be all white white brother. It's gonna be all white white sister. It's gonna be all white like baby, it's gonna be all white doing him, and they're gonna be all white. Up. I'm gonna day comes, Republic comes celebrating shooting handguns the ball, cause you know they're gonna want to take down replace him with the race track, get a horse now, oh week, and now we're talking about the black life. I'm getting cool. You know they put in in the spy life was shelled in the garden that the highlights not tell Obama we love it. But once he takes slightly Oh no, no more, that's a nother TIV. No more wrapping in the evening. Now way back to status. Quote white the mayor, Now you feel only playing country music down record by I never sing a country before saying there on that use down the trump. He wears a too bad hand, re check emails all day. Vote for them, our blind ass can be So you better believe when I say, when you go black people won't have no vote people instead of racing dope, probably end up back in that first show people and he ate Rascoes had a number nine that it took to go people. He missed the Jay spot though. My eyes getting wet to see Obama go that's it's gonna be all white white people. We are gonna be all white white brother. We gonna be all white white Suster. It's gonna be all white do you him? And do you rely? We're gonna be all white white brother. It's gonna be all white white, Suster, it's gonna be all white white. Maybe it's gonna be all white doing him and do your peven gonna be all right, white people were gonna be all white. Brother, we smash played it twice, just that alone. You know the fact that you wrote a song about when Obama was leaving office and then to that beat. But then the ignorant mess your has said, it's gonna be all I had to hear it twice to really get all of it. You're stupid, man, Carson. You know how to teach it to me. Nobody's gonna pay you to be stupid. If I could find her sit down in the back back then little Stevie acting the fool, you ain't gonna ever make no money acting the food. He was gonna be to see you beat stupid y. Yeah, yeah, alright, we just played well you do the take off the murdered Kendricks. It's gonna be all right. Yeah. Well, President Barack Obama knew that Kendrick Lamar really was a good kid. He knew that. Yeah, so he took the time The President did to mentor uh young Kendrick many years ago. Kendrick tails Beats one that he once sat down for a one on one with the President, who offered some thoughts that stuck with him. He says, what I took from that experience was the idea of knowing that it's gonna take more than just an eight year or a four year term. Uh for the idea of change. He says, being a kid when he was elected, I got the idea that it was all gonna shift three d and sixty degrees just like that. But Kendrick adds that President Obama then was looking beyond his time in office. He says the press told him change doesn't start while I'm here. It starts once we leave the space that we're in. You gotta prep yourself for the next decade of what you're going to do that's going to change an idea or the thoughts that we have consuming us for so many years. Kendrick must be doing something right, So I took his advice. Yeah. Not only did his new album Damn Lined at Land at the number one spot every one of its singles, its songs made the hot one this week. This week's congratulations, I was hoping you wouldn't say that I had did not just leave it to leave it, leave it to j darn it. You get it one time, Okay, one time, and that's goli. Yeah, I said it. Here's something else. Um, this is bad news right here. Scientists are saying this is the worst news you might here today. One big shot science believes that we all might be dead by the year. Yeah. Do the numbers. Yeah, we might gonna be here anyway. Yeah, I'm not yet. I'm with you, Steve, I'm not anywhere. I'm gonna be here and my kids that I don't want to get buried. I want to be just embombed. I don't want to have suvend me that when you walk back when you look, don't go past the body like a light at nighttime when you're walking up for Yeah, but have something where your mouth be propped open. You know you're just embolved. Well, the scientists Jeff Nesbitt, who worked with the National Science Foundation, has written more than twenty four books. He's been studying artificial intelligence and thinks that we're close to developing supercomputers that learned so quickly that they surpass human intelligence and solve all problems, making humans obsolete. Believe it totally. That would be cool, but I ain't gonna I'm what you man, I ain't going nowhere. Okay, yeah, I want to be a nuisance to my kids. You take your buddy. I'm not I've had him fun. You'll tell me get in my head in a year. Come over, just play these jobs. He's listening to the Steve Harvey Moore Show. All right, yeah, yeah, j can I tell yall something? I just want to tell that something so I might I'm I probably was wrong for this, but last weekend I had a flight that was delayed two hours. But it was not due to weather. It was due to the gate agent because he he studied. But but it took him two hours to load this play. And I probably should not have been laughing, but he did it with such enthusias I couldn't help it. He got on that bigrophone, just hey, all right, well well who well, hey, hey, welcome to uh hey, hey, somebody give us the water. That's the only thing he said. Clear, somebody gets the water. Well to flight three who three thirty eight? We hey we we is nah nah? Who hey? Somebody gets war? We is now born? Uh uh hey zone one. We we would like to well, somebody gets water. We would like to well, man, I just wanted to say, well, they kept changing the time behind them as we were departed. As we was leaving, we were supposed to leave it two thirty, they said, Man, add another fifteen minutes on there, because we even made a the zone three. Now I probably was wrong, Now am I wrong? Right? You know you're wrong? Dead wrong. Well, let me tell you something. If he was not upset, if I gotta like it though. If he wasn't upset, then why should I be? They put him on the microphone. I was just at the gate. Be funny. Yeah, he's just stutter. Hell, yeah, I didn't know you study. I'm sorry that why you know severity? Well, he's on the microphone. I'm talking about severity. Easter speech one time, how long it was it was Easter speeches. The name of the speech was. And they rolled the stone away ten minutes in lady on the front row with baby baby, we know what happened, and rolled stone away so he can come out. I was up there, so damned. I was up that eastern place. And then uh, the angels, Angels, baby angels. She was the front. She was an evil last woman. She was she was so frustrated. Baby, Please roll this stone away. Something come out and we can go home. But we know what happened though, before we come back, checked your little feelings. I ended up The next year, she was in charge of the speeches. My speech was Jesus, well too that one, but about it about a minute he threw christ but but but Jesus started with Jake, that ain't a good word for stud Come on, can play. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up this Friday. You don't want to miss it. We have an exclusive interview with the one and only Mary J. Blige. More details and yeah, it's so awesome, isn't she. You have a concert coming up? Yes, just a trick. No, what do you mean? Yes? Plug Now let me go chat. She's so crazy. Read well. La La has been in the news a lot lately. La La Anthony, our good friend, was recently spotted at a strip club in New York City. Okay, she's getting out, but it wasn't all for fun. It wasn't all for fun. She was there to shoot footage for her brand new reality show. Uh La La is producing documentaries, a docuseries actually called gold Diggers it'll follow the lives of strippers and video vixens that have become successful businesswomen. Apparently, one of the cast members in the series works at the club French Montana, who was there to party, ran into La La by coincidence. He said that she seems to be in great spirits despite her marriage drama. So there you go. Who's whose marriage drama? Oh you didn't know about La La and Carmela? Yeah, they're they're separated, apparent, Yeah, apparently Carmelo. Listen, Carmelo got someone's pregnant or something. Steve. Yeah, a stripper, Yeah, yeah, a stripping Yeah. Yeah, it's ironic that she's doing She's come on, now, come on, y'all line. No, no, it's been all over everything. I know you work a lot, but yeah, I promise you I ain't seen that. Yeah, stripple pregnant, Yeah, yep, I know it's a wag where he would I know a hand to be one. No, no, a strip ain't gonna get rid of no baby, now, that's never gonna happen. No, no, I'm down off the pole. No, and she's doing a reality show, I'm surely yeah yeah, yeah, dig No, that's not the real name. It is how to whoop her ass? Oh that's what she is there. It is being right back with more ass shopping after each commit Yeah yeah, yeah. All. United Airlines is in trouble again for another passenger related incident. This one, however, involves a giant rabbit, a rabbit on the planet. Simon, a three foot continental rabbit, was being transported from London to Chicago, where it was being received by its new celebrity owner they don't say who. When the flight arrived, Simon was found dead and now the breeder demands to know what went wrong. The rabbit was given a full medical examination well yeah, full medical examinations by a vet before it went on the flight, and everything was fine. United issued a statement saying that listen to the statement. We were saddened to hear this news. We were saddened to hear this news. The safety and well being of all the animals that travel with us is of the utmost importance of all the animals to United Airlines and our Pet Safe Team. We've been in contact with our customer and have offered assistance. We are reviewing this good news and some bad news about your rabbit. It made its wow I wonder what celebrity was waiting for it. It says for a new celebrity owner, but they didn't say what celebrity. I'll tell you which celebrity wasn't I don't say that. Let's go into jails, cat, let's go. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, this is crazy two thousand and seventeen. This year is turning out to be the year of bay stories. Okay. There's been a hashtag hurt bay, hashtag stranded bay, hashtag boot bay, and now we have hashtag uber bay for okay, so be ginger, all right. For for those of you wondering what the heck bay even means, it's short for baby. Of course, you don't say baby now, you say bay my bay. It's a term that millennials use for their boyfriend or girlfriend. That's how they describe them. So, okay. On today's episode of your TV show, Steve, of your talk show, The Steve Harvey Show, you're gonna sit down with the latest subject of the viral bay story. Her name is Bree, She's twenty four years old and this is her very first national TV interview. So please go ahead, you tell it because you you've talked. Here's a deal. M hmm. This woman is a Uber driver. She's dating this man and they've been dating for about three years and she's well a little over a year. Okay, she got a relationship with this guy. She's thinking why this guy's are one. So one day before she goes to work driving her Uber, they meet to have lunch because he's gotta go catch a plane to go see his mother who's sick in d C. Okay, so they eat lunch, kiss, they drive off. She gets a call on her Uber before a pickup at the airport. She got to the airport and she picked this woman up. The woman gets in the car, they're talking. The woman gets to share the story that she's here to visit her boyfriend. The woman in the car is going, oh, yeah, I got a boyfriend to blah blah blah miss him sometimes. So so they're talking on the way and they tell him all this in So they keep driving and they're talking, just exchanging stories. She pulls up to the part and complex to the gate and the Uber driver says, wow, it's interesting, it's the same complex my boyfriend living. They go through the gate, they're driving. The Uber girls say she started to get a sick feeling because she don't really know the address exactly, but it's going right towards her boyfriend's house. She looked over in the parking lot and see her boyfriend car there, who was supposed to be at the airport, dropping to park his car to go see his mama. The dude come down stairs to greet the girl that's in the back seat, who just happened to be in the back seat, and his woman's card. So now he come down stairs. He waiting for the Uber driver to pick up. Oh my god, to come up and it's her. Oh God, So the chick jump out the car to Uber driver and just charge you. That's what I would have done that. Going back and forth, he telling how to calm down. The girl gets out the car because she don't know what's going on. She get out the car to defend her man from this crazy Uber driver. She bust this girl in the mouth. Uber has done nothing wrong here. Now do dude standing there trying to tell trying to tell his girlfriend to lead the girl alone one thing laying through another. He get the girl out the car. The Uber driver jumps in the car. She mad she take off, but the girl luggage in the trump what we do? Yes? So the next picture you see on Instagram is ther girlfriend rocking. Huh. His lover's glasses should have found the luggage that the dude called huh asked her to bring the luggage back. She acts like she ain't got no luggage. Finally she went on and took the girl's luggage back again. Her name is Bree. She's gonna tell Steve the whole story today. To make sure you're watching the Steve Harvey talk show today, here's another question. How many stars did she get for the rating after that? It wasn't a five star. It was not a five star as a newer driver one. Now, what I want you to tune in for is to see this girl. Okay, it's not gonna make no sense to you. It's not gonna really you know, she's she's a decent girl though, you know, you would think she'd be a lot more hood. But did you thought my name and that? Oh yeah, you know, hey, I got somebody for you. No, Junior, I didn't you know. I didn't think he did. I just was checking. You know. Wow, I can't wait to see this one saying what is a chance of good? I was really waiting on an ignorant person to start talking. Uh huh, but not the case. Huh No, she's surprised me. Well, Steve and j you guys are good friends. You talk about it all the time. According to a new study, having a best friend makes life easier. Okay. Researchers found that lasting friendships help people patches. Yeah, I like you guys in their life with greater ease than those without strong bonds. That makes sense because it's easier to get through challenges when you have someone to talk to. Well, we're talking about it tomorrow. We out of time. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.