Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve thanks the Lord for giving us this day. The Chief Love Officer truly has a potential Family Feud on his plate today. The stars of Buried By The Bernards stopped by and had us dying. Conspiracy theorists believe that 45 will return to power today. Sheryl Underwood returns to keep us abreast of Junior's harem. Today in Reality Update, Miss Carla covers Real Housewives of Atlanta and Steve got a show just for us. There is a special town hall meeting that The Black Coalition Against COVID-19 will hold tonight. The Chief Love Officer comes back to wrap up the show.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's not true. Good at listening together. Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing. Uh huh, I shall well, good morning everybody. Excuse me, y'are listening to the voice. Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man o man o man something going on real good today. You ought to feel blessed today. The fact that God woke you up and gave you another opportunity. You know, every day you wake up, it's another chance. It's a chance for all of us to get better, to get it right, to get on the right path, to stop heading the wrong way. Every day you wake up, that's your opportunity. See, because He's gonna keep waking you up because he has a plan for you. You know, I don't know, Uh you know, I don't. I don't. I don't know when he makes his call and and you know who gets called home when I can't explain it. I don't have that answer. I'm not him, I'm not God. I don't claim to be. I don't I don't understand it all something times. But God has an amazing way. But as long as he's waking you up. I do know this, God ain't through with you yet. God has a plan for you. Your job is to identify, identify the plan. You know. That's that's clearly what I need for you to do. You know, um oftentimes the thing that you're looking for, it's right there inside of you. You know. I can't tell you how many people I meet, mister Harvey, mister Hark speak to you for a many year. Man, what's up with you? Man? I was just wondering. Man, I've been trying to and I want to know, Man, can you give me a good agent? Can you give me a good lawyer? Can you give me a good Now? Look, if you got some legal problems, I understand you're gonna need some help right there. But the majority of questions I get asked is about their future, about their place in this world, about their mission, about what they're trying to do, how they're trying to figure out, and then how to go about doing it. But the answer I'm must remind all of you is always within yourself. It starts right there. See a lot of people burn up a lot of time looking around trying to find someone. If I could just meet them, if I could just get on her show. Man, if all, if I could just get to his show, I beating made It's not That's not necessarily the case. Because see, just like every time you put your put your faith in a person or an event or currens or some type of thing that you imagine yourself being and there that'll do it for you. Imagine of all the people who've made it without you know, I look at everybody telling man, if I could get on so and so show, that will do it for me. Man, somebody else got on that show and they blew up. Man, if I could just make it to that show, do you know how many people have made it without that? So see, when you start focusing in on what your idea of how to make it is, and your idea of how to make it does not include your relationship with God, you're spending your wills. Man, it's a vicious cycle you in now, and I'm asking everybody to get out of that cycle, get out of looking for someone and something. The answer is within you. God resides in you. That burning thing that you have that you just can't get out your head. That's a seed. God planet that that that's a seed. It needs watering, nurturing, fertilizing, and that's what it needs. It didn't it don't ever say, man, I need that other person right there now. Now people you will meet. That a compliment you, and I can assure you that God will put you in the right place at the right time. I'm almost certain that God will introduce you to everybody you need to be introduced to to make it to wherever it is. You all are trying to get to them talking about you and God now. But the moment you're taken into your own hands and you make the decision as to who you got to get to, you just clouded and muddied the waters. See God's plan for you don't really need your help. It needs your attention, it needs your focus, it needs your faith, and it needs your hard work. But it needs you to listen. Needs you to listen more than anything, Listen, keep the faith and be willing to work your tail off. I don't know how you think it can happen any other way. But then again I do because I try to make it another way. So I had to come to the conclusion, Hey man, listen here, dog, this ain't working for you. You gotta get some more God, here, man, listen to me. The answer was always within me, the moment I sat down with myself and told myself the truth that a partner you ain't really all that they a partner, regardless as to what people are seeing and stuff. You ain't happy. Hey Pardner, this really ain't about you. Hey Pardner, you really ain't all that good at this. God is keeping you for a reason. Okay, hold of Steve, quit tripping what I need to do. I just started talking to myself and then I heard Bishop Jake's say a couple of things. Then I was watching TV. I heard Joel Oldstein say a couple of things, and I went wild, man, Okay, cool, that's pretty slick. I'm gonna try that. And when I did it, it changed my life. I am telling you, man, it has been God this whole time, and the God has been residing inside of me, just like the God resides on the inside of you. That's him talking to you telling you man, you are to get it together. Man making you feel bad, it's sending you on guilt trips, you knowing you wrong and you out there wrong, and something telling you you all not do it. Here's how you know. It's God. And Bishop Olmer taught me this in his book He's Got Again't think of the name of it right now, but it's a really good book. But it says in there man. Bishop Alma was talking in this book and he was saying, the way you know is not God's voice. It's if it ain't no sin in it. See how many times have you made up in your mind, I'm gonna show this person or I'm gonna show that person. I'm gonna get this person back. You hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. You know the Lord don't like ugly. I'll show you well, the Lord don't like ugly. But no way in that does it's safe for you to go show them. It doesn't say that. See, so when you strike out on that mission, you know the God knows in my heart I loved you, but I got to do this because you did me. Whoa whoa ain't got nothing to do with God? Right there, you can take him out of it. If it's God, has no sin in it. So anytime somebody come to me talking about the Lord told me to do this to you, and that's the only reason, and now I'm doing it. You need to get yourself right with God. I heard all them threats right there. That ain't God talking to me through you. What are you crazy? If it's God, it has no sin in it. So you got to be careful, man, when you're talking to people and we're gonna go down here and we're gonna do this because this is the right thing to do. If it has something wrong going on, then it can't be the right thing to do. Took me a minute to learn that one. But please get that through your head so you can quit spinning yourself around and remember everything you're looking for is within you. It's all right there. Quit wasting your time looking around all the time. Go to your God, man, talk to him. Go to that spirit that's on the inside of you that's calling you. Stop letting people shake your treat. At the end of the day, somebody gonna be right, somebody gonna be wrong. All right, y'all, we're gonna help going day tripping a little bit going through something. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, it is here again. Praise God, Thank you, Lord, heavenly Father, for giving us this day, for allowing us to live and breathe and see another opportunity that you've granted us. They call it the present because that's exactly what it is. It's a present. It's a gift. And I'm so grateful. Steve Harvey Morning Show on and cracking Shirley Strawberry. I'm grateful right with you, Steve. Good morning, Good morning, Pharrell, so blessed and grateful, good morning. Hey what you say that? Junior? Morning? Everybody blessed in highly favor, King of pranks. What you know yourself? Top of the moaning and uncle Steve, Ladies and Junior, what a doo? That's interesting? That my chair? What's interesting? Just everything life, you know? I M yeah, yeah, just so it out. My granddaughter Joey, Oh how startled me? I don't know? Okay she a baby? Or yeah? Did the last one? Oh? All right? Now? How old is that one? For a few months? Less than a year? Yeah, I get they got seven. They're ripping them off like like the little weevil wobbles, so I don't know. I can't even keep track of them. No, damn more, we're just having kids up in hires anyway. Okay, yeah, what finished with the story? Everybody having kids married? That's damn. That's their life. All my kids, all my grandkids married. That's cool. They ain't slapping nothing. They're having kids. You know, I got seven, so what Anyway? I didn't know that if you lay Joey in the floor, now she can roll over and roll back up. So she uses that as a mode of transportation. Now she just rolls her little lass to the side of the room she want to be on and then sit up on her elbows and look at you and start grinning. Scared to put devil eggs out of me because she flipped and rolled under the coffee table and propped up, but didn't hit nothing. She under the coffee table, and I'm watching them. The coffee table ain't glass, so when she rolled under the coffee table, I thought her ass had rolled out the damn room. Look at you. I tripped out. She didn't rolled under the table. I don't see her under the table. And I fought at least ten seconds, I said, man, let her ass crawl out this rule where they how to hear you lose a baby that can't crawl all right out. And then I heard cool, cool cool. I look down as she was under the table just grinning her ass off. Baby, I said, damn it, that ain't funny. All right, Well, thank you for that interpretation. Steve Harvey. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. You know what time it is time for, asks the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning show time Now for asked the CLO Chief Love Officer, keyword Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Here we go, Steve. This one is from august in, Colorado. I'll, I says, I'm a thirty year old single woman and I have three older brothers that are overly protective of me. It was cute when I was younger, but now when I'm dating someone new, I don't like my brothers giving him the third degree or making death threats to him. We all live together because it's a cultural thing, and my dad doesn't want me to move out until I get married. I may never ever get married at this rate, should I be defiant and move out. Well, I mean is a question, what culture is it that got your three older brothers living at the house. What is what y'all living in? What is the living arrangement? I don't understand what cult you She didn't say, what culture? I mean, you know. But now she thirty and she got three older brothers. Yeah, and they all and they all lived there, and they give her dates the third degree, and it's a cultural thing. Her dad doesn't want her to move out until she gets married. Well, how are you gonna get married if they death threatned everybody come to the dope. Well, that's what she's saying. She may never get married at this rate. That's exactly what she's saying. So she's asking should she move out? And yeah, I think you should move out, but your daddy don't want you to move to you getting married. I don't know why he got them three damn boys living at all. That's what I ain't understanding. Are they married? She doesn't say, I don't understand what's going on. Somebody got to move. There's too many damn people have been here, too many Indians. There's too many damn chiefs at your house. She's saying, you know, I guess if she does that, she'll be defiant to her parents and the culture and everything. So she's asking, should she be defiant to move out? Cello, I would. I would go get my own place everything. They'll still be your parents. They don't want to culture though, right, Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, well, we need to do what culture that's here? Talk intelligently too. She didn't say, all right, we're gonna move on. Question mark there. I don't say nothing about that. I think I'm Larissa, and Louisiana says, I'm a married firefighter and my husband is a firefighter too. We're both in great physical shape, and we post our workouts on a shared Instagram account. I am careful not to show too much skin on my workout pictures. My husband is just the opposite. He posts pictures of himself with nothing but a towel around his waist, or he's got on biker shorts and no shirt. If I were to do something like that, he would blow a fuse. Do you think it's appropriate for a married man to post suggestive pictures? Well, I think it's appropriate for a married man's wife to say something about the husband that she doesn't want to post appropriate pictures. Yeah, so this is not an argument. This is a request that you have the right to make if you don't think it's right. It don't matter what he thinks. Not really, not in marriage partner. If she's mad about something, you better address it a problem, boy, ain't. Yes, you think it was bad when that Piegreed went out facts upon Yes? Yes, yes, yeah, so you're you're saying that she should just tell her tell her husband how she feels, and he needs to address it absolutely period. Now post something else, because I bet you he can't post nothing better than you could. Right. Oh yeah, she said if if he did, if she did it, he would blow a feud. Well do it? Well yeah, I mean, I mean, just blow the fuse. Let's go double standard. Yeah yep. Corey and Austin says, I'm a single man in my mid twenties and I'm suffering from an embarrassing, embarrassing problem that only happens when I get extremely nervous. I get all excited and I rise to the occasion. If you know what I mean. It's a blessing and a curse because my new girlfriend gets me excited. But then I can't enjoy intimacy with her because it doesn't stay at attention the whole time. It's and it's down. I tried wa wait listen, you guys are missing it. I tried marijuana to suppress my mood, but that doesn't work. Have you experienced this? How can I make it stop? Corean on you, my friend? Have you rectile dysfunction? If you ride to the KAYI and it don't stay there, that's dysfunction. Stop and it's down. You know you probably don't give you dog. You need to go to a doctor. You and your twenty you got a long life. You're in trouble. You gotta hurry up. If it don't stay up at twenty, you got property. Yeah, all right, let's go. The nephew would run that. Frank back right after this. Guys, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Our special guest will be Ryan and Miss Debbie from the hit Netflix show Buried by the Bernard's. Okay, this show is hilarious, It's reality. We cannot wait to talk to Ryan and Miss Debbie Bernard. But right now the nephew is here would run that brank back. What you got for his na? Your wife is fine? Is? Oh? All right? Let's go Kire. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Daryl. Yeah, this is Darrel. What is this, hey, Dariel? All you're doing? My name is Alonzo Man. I um for liquorice tributing company. I do a district liquor distribution. How are you doing today? I'm pretty goad. I'm pretty good man. What can I do for you? Hey? We're putting together a big, big event man with vodka, and they're throwing a They're throwing a huge pool party. And like I say, I've been I'm in the liquor business man. I've been doing it for for quite some years now. And you know, we're always trying to do different type of publicity and really get to hype up. And what we're trying to do, man, is really get people to come out to this fashion party because it's the first quarter twenty twenty. We wanted to be a one to remember. And uh, I know the no no no, no no no no no, you're I go to the bank. I go to the bank where your where your wife work? Set kindred? Okay, what we're trying to do is have I mean, we want our fire and Slash poster to be something really, really memorable, something that's going to really draw people in and have this. This thing's gonna be all over social media, the whole nine yards. So we're trying to see. You know, buddy of mine told me here he kind of knew of you or had a had a number on you, and I was like, cool, let me reach out to him. He told me you were Kendra's husband, So I want my husband. So I don't understand what my wife's got to do it this whole thing. Okay, what I'm trying to do is see if you were cool with Kendred being on our flyer, man, because your wife is finish, so we want to put her on the flyer. And what you mean my wife is finish? What's up? What do you mean we want? You're gonna call me up and talk about my wife? Vin, it's wrong with you, brother, brother, It's this, it's a respect thing. I'm giving you. I'm giving you props. It's probles, man. I'm giving suping out what you need, man, because you don't sound right, dude. We're trying to get your wife. We want to give her through a photo shoot in a porkini so we can put it. Hell, no, you ain't using my wife and no porkini to put on no flyer. You want your damn mind. It's my wife's man, respect me. Okay, okay, okay, okay, hold on man, hold on, man, Why are you tripping like this? Bro? Why are you tripping like my wife? My wife ain't gonna be no damn no the flying for no the party man with the you think this is what's wrong with you? Okay, bro, bro, you know what, Man, I tried to call you and give you to respect. I mean I'll get out sound like what? Well, Okay, look I didn't call for no argument. I just I just talked to Kendra. When I go to the fake depart and see if she want to do. Oh oh, he's gonna throw to my wife's job at the bank. That's what you're gonna do. Okay. I'm just ain't gonna do that because I'll be there too, and I don't make a deposit with my foot, you know, go ahead, okay, okay, hold on man. We're paying, we're playing five thousand dollars for the photos. Okay, yeah, what the you're paying no amount of money's gonna let me put my wife, the mother of my children on no closer and no for kinny. I don't care how much you can kiss my ass while let you do that. Okay, okay, bro okay, So I ain't gonna really go back and forth. What you man I calling? You're trying to be a man? Same? Okay, Well I'm trying to be man a man with you, just you know, throw the opportunity at you. Now you're throwing it back up. He was with disrespect. I wouldn't showing me for my wife to be a side now. No, I don't want none of that. Okay, man, No, your wife's saying is hell? People are you need to quit telling me how fine my wife is? Okay? Who gave you my phone number in the first place? I've got? Hey, man, evidently that's all Mulling pointed. Just all right, I don't even matter, just one the boy do. The issue on the table is I want to take some pictures of Kenny. Let me know when you plan on going to my wife job at the bank. Let me know, and you're gonna bring your black down there so I can be there. Okay, nobody calls another brother talking about how fine his wife's Okay, I told you no, Now you shouldn't get stopped right there. But you're gonna keep all talking about my wife. Okay. So let me say this though. Tell me is the one that says your wife was fine as hell? That's the one brought all this to our attention at the meeting. Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell? Though frommy Tommy, Tommy said your wife is fine as hell. That's what Tommy can get hit too. Who is Tommy? You don't you take your wife to work in the morning? Let me know. And you're gonna bring your black down there? Okay. And what y'all be What y'all be listening to on the way to work? What radio station y'all be listening to? We've been listening to mapew Tommy, baby, you you wouldn't abody to get your Hey, man, your wife kinder got me to brank you, bro, Wait till I see my wife. See that got my blood pressure up? Um man? She told me, she said, we listen to y'all every morning on the way to work. He drops me off and he goes to work. She said, Tommy, you've got to get it. I said, you let me know what. What do he love the most? She say me, I don't know about that right now. After that's man a man. We love you back, baby. Keep listening to the Steve Off Morning. So tell me this problem. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? What is it? Darrel? It's Steve Harvey with Nephew talking. How y'all like that? Y'all you crazy? I mean it's kind of a compliment though, isn't it too far her of a compliment? Yeah? Your wife find this here. Listen all the fellas in Birmingham that's got them fine wives, bring your wife out to get the laugh on? How about that April sixteenth through the eighteenth. April sixteenth through the eighteenth where it is at the Star Doom. We are social distancing, all right, We're gonna make sure that you are right. I'm gonna have on well I can't have a man's Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna be ridy all right. April sixtent through the eighteenth to saw it on two shows Friday to Saturday, one on Sunday. Nephew time. He has come to Town. It is the same weekend as the classic. That's right, Magic City Classic is jumping off the football game, the band, the whole nine yards of tailgating, you name it. They're doing it and I'm doing it too. At the start. Don't tickets are on sale, d naht. Great comment the club. Bruce Baby, he did a lot for my career. Man. He taught me how to do radio. I was promoting the show. He said, hey, man, you know the mistake you're making. You're on the radio and you're not acting like the same guy that's on stage. And I went, wow, what were you doing? You know, I was on the radio. I ain't gonna be too loud in their studio, had these head sets on, you know, trying to you know, work through some things like that. He sent. He said, no, man, you gotta be the same loud, exciting guy that you on stage. I did that, man, that was it. That was it. Here is a great game change your buddy. He saw that the one thing in me to change me. Definitely on the Wall of Fame up in there, that's I need to go down then see that all right, on every wall of Fame and every comedy clue I got an idea. When we come back and ask me about this idea when I come back, All right, Barry by the Bernards, when we come back right after this. You're listening, Hey, y'all listen. We got a special guests today that owns a funeral home in Memphis, Tennessee. And no, you probably thanking, Steve. Hell is you talking to somebody to own a funeral home? And Memphis, Tennessee and the rest of us is all around the corner, all around the country or hell, you don't know where you're gonna diet off right down. You don't know where you go there. But this funeral home in Memphis, cite see they got they got a reality series on Netflix. It's called Buried by the Barnards. Ain't that catchy? Now? I had this family on my talk show in twoy seventeen, okay, and they were going they wanted to discuss the business. And I saw a commercial they had with a drive by viewing services before a funeral. And after that the family run funeral home with viral he led to a TV series on Netflix, and they're here the day to talk about Buried by the Barnards. The ladies have seen the show yes, so already they got a fan base. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the show. The matriarch of the family, Miss Debbie Barnard, and her son, the funeral director, Ryan Barnard. Thank you, thank you, love, thank you. Well, y'all got plenty of a Memphis special to me because of this girl y'all produced down there in Memphis. I came and plucked up and changed my whole life. So thank you Jesus. Yeah, hey, let me ask something Ryan. You open the doors to the Arbornard Funeral Services in two thoy seventeen and you offer affordable funeral packages. I want to get into that later on personally find out what that means. But Debbie, it was your call to do a commercial advertising drive by viewing other bodies, and you had a family member pop about the casket. Uncle Kevin had got a lot of attention. How'd you come up with that? What made you think of that? You know what? Let me say so you now we're just faking it. Just we got to do something just different. Something's gonna ki somebad as a chitchen. What's don't really kiss somebod as attichen? What's don't make them look at something. I saw a bat slept on. I woke up that morning. I said, I got it. I just gotta find the food is gonna do it. So when I started around looking, I said, but not, let me run this value. He said, who getting in the gash? And I said, well, what you're doing in the morning, you might want to take that at deal somewhere else. So I just started looking out said, let me think about this real good. I ran the game on the canny. I said, here, dude, he game for Come on this go. I ran it back him. We talked about it. I said, come on this goal. He said, you really want me to get into cash. I said, yes, you got to get into Cassy. So he kept saying, well, I don't know. I let you know if I'm a dude. So one thing lay into another. I kept on running in behind him, and one day we just gat up and say, forget it, let's go forward. And that's where we did. When I then did we just did get that cacker. Kevin Klean right up there now, so off I love him. Hey, y'all, And what's and what's funny about it? I had been in my office all day, and like she said, it was unplanned. They had just hit it, and I was looking for Kevin. Where is kivin where? So I went down for Kevin mad I stuck my head in the chapel and hit his food and jumped at the cast or I hit the flow. Davy nodded. So, now let me ask you something now, Ryan, was this your idea to open the funeral home? Well, it was, well, my mom and Kevin they had been talking about it for years, you know, So I guess, like she said, she found the food to jump at the casket. She found the food that was smart enough to go get the license. Wow. But man, that the ladies love the show so funny, and they and they say what they like about it. It's just it's just well, I'm just being y'all on here, what does that? Ain't what y'all said. It's just a funny family. It's more about the family dynamics between the mother and the son. Who's the boss between them? You know, they have two beautiful daughters who you know, Ryan, Yeah, yeah, it has two daughters. And let's say this Shirley and Miss Debbie Steve. She don't make no mistakes. Now, dude, you miss that? You make any mistakes. You know, Hey, Ryan, Ryan, let me ask you a question. How are your two daughters? Bro one? Reagan just turned nineteen yesterday? Guys, oh wow, she turned ninety five. Well, let me ask you something, man. Is it's Daisy married? Days? Is not married? Not? Is it? Is it hard? Man? You're a fault. I'm a fall I just like talking to other men. Is it hard? Is? Are they having trouble dating because they work at the funeral home or they they daddy running the funeral home? That's a hard date. They're not in what you know? The funny thing about that? And I know you know better. See, uh, from the outside, everything looking fine and happy. M. You know, from the outside everything is all smiles and yes you know M. But you know, hey, as long as it's is like hey, long as I don't see nothing nor here nothing, you know, like I said, they can get that. They can get the eighteen ninety fast Special for free. I see you that, daddy, when you come over and go, I'm in the business that you really need to know something. I put your ass in the box. You can get hard left if you won't to. I got a box for yards and Steve, I gotta. I got a crematory man on site. God, come on, boy, come on man, Hey listen, Hey, y'all sit tight. We're gonna come back talk a little bit more. The show is called Buried by the Bernards. It's on Netflix, and we'll be right back with the Bernards. You're listening, all right, everybody. We're back our special guests this morning to show this on Netflix, and it's called Buried by the Bernards. We got on the phone with us today. The Bernards now to Memphis, Tennessee. Missus Debbie is the matriarch of the family. Ain't ever wrong, know everything in charge or the sun is really the one running the business. Got the mental capacity, fought and everything. But missus Debbie ain't trying to hit none of that, so you know, but come get him. The couple. When we was up there, no, I saw see, I saw what you were dealing with. I said, no, I don't need to see. See. I got a wife last thing. And then my mother in law lived in Memphis. See they still in Memphis. They was what y'all doing a little snowstorm? See and tell you how Yeah, See, there was a snowstorm, snow then water pipes busted. Let me tell you how crazy. Well okay, all right, but let me tell you whatever we offered to come get them now, Modred Daddy Bubba he ready to go at all times. Anytime he can come to the house. He would it. She didn't want to go. She got things to do. You ain't Q can't go nowhere, you know how old people. I got things to do. I got appointments. Well, you can't go nowhere. You're high risk. You ain't been fascinated. You got all the pre existing conditions you can have, ain't missing now one don't want to wear the damn mask, so they rolled it out. Man. So anyway, hey, listen, y'all, Oh this show, ladies, y'all got anything else y'all want to say about the show because y'all been watching. Okay, Well, I just wanted to say this. I was ahead, Yeah, I was starting to say about the beautiful daughters he had. They're going to get the business, you know, when when it's that time. But they're not like into it, into it, Like they don't want to see the dead body. They don't want to be in the embalming room. I love that aspect of it too, you know, they're in the business, but you know, there's still a little you know, a little scary about things like that. You know, hey, y'all love that. My mama cuts me out every day about them. Your daughters, Lady, they didn't show up the day, right, Why whyon't you tell them? You need to talk to your daughters. Look, I don't, hey, man, but this is it's this a business that the daughters won't get Sam said to be determined bad one of them. The show is on Netflix. You can go watch it anytime you won't. That's the beauty of Netflix. But we want everybody to tune in and support this project. It's something wrong with them and the business day in is dead wrong. Miss Debby and Ryan. We appreciate y'all coming and good luck with everything. Now, thank you all for you. Thank you, We love you. Thank you. Tell uncle Kevin we said, hey, oh, hey, Bernards are crazy. We love that show. Coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So here we go again. Guys. Police say they will have increased presence at the US Capitol today in response to intelligence suggesting that QAnon those conspiracy theorists, they're expecting former President Donald Trump to return to power today. Okay, um, oh you mean the police Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Um Well, Capital Police released a statement saying, based on the intelligence that we have, the Department has taken immediate steps to enhance our security posture and staffing for a number of days, to include today, which is March fourth. The Department has communicated our enhanced posture as well as the available intelligence for the entire workforce. Authorities are specifically concerned about March fourth today, which was the original remember this, now, this was the original inauguration day for all US presidents prior to nineteen thirty three. Some conspiracy theorists have set that as the date when President Joe Biden will be removed from office and Donald Trump will return to the White House. So, you know, maybe to answer your question, tell me, they want to the police want to let them know that they're there, you know, if you want to try something, they're there. Unlike last time. You know. Yeah, they got scrutinized for ignoring the warnings that they were coming and not taking them seriously, so seriously, this very seriously. Whether it's Qannon, the Proud Boys are just the same people who stormed the Capitol. What we've allowed to do is we've allowed this man, Donald Trump, to hijack a perfectly good election, claim it to be false. Still saying he won, even at seepack this past week. Yeah, yeah, still claiming the election was stolen. Still got senators standing up on the floor saying it was stolen. They know us a blatant lie. They have no proof. No court in the land would even hear the case because of the lack of ever denching proof that they had. But because he keeps saying this soul, he's causing these people who want to believe in him to believe this. And because they are so gullible and blind, and a lot of them just full of hate themselves and want to believe in everything that he does, this farce has continued to go on far too far. Yeah, and now they're talking about he wants to run again. It's all him tricking them to keep them on his side. This is all bullcrap. Man. I'm so sick of the way this country is so gullible when it comes to the truth. I'm sick of the way they watch videos, how they interpret it so differently than us. I'm sick of how they hear lie after lie after life with no proof and then put their hand on a bibbles where it to be true and stand up in that Senate. This man had them running down steps hiding for their life. Now they back talking money. Wasn't there bad? Yeah? Yeah, I didn't see an insurrection. I just saw protest that was only a few people that got out of hand. Are you kidding me? Man? Skip this? But you know, I mean when you when you look at what they believe, it's so crazy. Just a group of Satan worshiping, cannibalistic pedophiles. They think that are running a global child sex trafficking ring. And they plotted against Donald Trump when he was in office. Huh. You know the sad thing about this country that no matter what you say, you can get somebody to go along with it. That's the crazy person, that's the stupid bull. Give a story capital. Yeah, the most absurd thing in the world. You can just lay a claim as somebody else you want us a worship, say that you can get a group you want to be like these buttholes, that's trying to make being a pedophile a sexual preface. What and there's people, there's people trying to sign up for this. We're gonna with all y'all's ass. You can come to court with that one. I'm just telling you that right now I'm promoting violence. Then all right, Steve, we'll end on that note. Nephew up with the prank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I'm married to a narcissist. But right now the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. We'll get to the strawberry letter in a minute. But you're up now. Nef what you got in v F you? What? What? What men be helf you? I'm so afraid right now for you. No blacks for you, No blacks for you. Let's go cat though. Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Nicole. Please, this is how you doing. Listen, I'm giving you a call. You you happen to be um in a relationship with a with a black man? Am I am I right, I'm sorry. Who is this? I'm sorry. My name is Brian. Well, I don't want to give my full name, but it's Jiadiah Jiadiah Malcolm okay, and and I'm sorry, why are you calling? Okay? Now you you you are a Caucasian woman, correct? Okay, Why I'm still trying to get to why are you calling? Well, what's going on is, um, I'm with an organization and we're calling people who are in interracial relationships, and from my understanding, you are in an interracial relationship. Correct, Yes, okay, I'm with NBFU and that's uh. NBFU is no blacks for you. And what we're doing is we're trying to get racist to go back to dating each other, you know, which means Caucasians going back. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I first, I don't know who do you think you are calling my house? But that's just not going to happen. And I don't know where this organization is based out of. I mean, you must be some country bumpkin or something and you have just really called the wrong house. Okay. Well, no, NBFU, ma'am. It's been around since the early nineteen forties. Yeah, I can imagine. I can imagine that. I'm sure at some points you guys have to shut down because this is it's ridiculous. Do you know what I mean? Obama's mother was white at the Are you gonna go knock out his door too? What the hell are I'm not gonna have time to knock on Obama's door, He's business. What I'm trying to do is get the rest of the curt black. And that's what I'm playing. What I'm trying to trying to tell us we can't be together because you're black and I'm white. He's calling, yo, what's up? Who this? Uh? Okay? Who? Who? Who? Who is this? This is a I'm a man? Who this? Okay? This is Gajadiah Malcael. And what I'm doing, man, is well you know, I'm with an organization called nb FLU and NBFU. Man, there's no Blacks for you, which what we're trying to do is we're trying to get all racists to go back to each other. What you're talking, man? You are what what? What kind of organization is that y'all are tripping? Okay? Brother, let me ask you don't feel you don't feel empty? Without the sister on your side. You don't feel empty without loving black woman on your side. That's what I'm asking you, brother, I got I got plenty of black woman on my side, but that don't mean that I had to be in a relationship with a black woman. I'm in a relationship with a woman I loved. So that's what it's about. And now I don't feel empty. That's the first problem with your organization right there. That the premise is wrong. Okay, okay, okay, but brother, what we're trying to do, man, we don't want to lose our rate. We don't want the blacks to lose the strength that we have. And if blacks continued to date and mate with blacks, then we would be as powerful and stronger than any other race in the world. Where do you get this number from? Man? Excuse me? How do you get this another in the first place? Dude? I mean, I ain't got time for all this, man, This is a nonsense brow how you Why are you calling that? Hey? Man? Because all y'all interracial or couple? Yeah, but what business does that matter? That ain't not in your business, hey, But it is my business. Is I'm with if I'm with n B L for you know that you're a black person that integrated within another race. And what we're trying to do, man, just get you to understand to come back to your race and be comfortable and happy in your race. Oh you don't really now, dog, Come back to my race. I ain't never left my phone race. Dog, you are tripping yo, and be you you y'all get off our phone. Man, don't call him no more? Whatever did you think that you are happier with a Caucasian woman than you would be with a black woman. Man, I don't even I don't want to entertain this. Don't call hit no more. Don't call hit no more. Let me ask you be a man and answer the questions. Oh, dog, you know what you're about to get your dog? You know you really you really gonna get your will? Be a man? I'm asking you know what? If you bring it over here, you'll find out how much of a grown man I am. Hey, man, don't get your don't man while I'm in the middle of asking you these questions, because I ain't got no problem coming over there. I got your phone number, I got your address too. Bring your gone over and see what you find I'm asking you about these relationships. Man, are you more comfortable in a relationship with a Caucasian woman than you are with a black woman? Dog? I told you Land, it ain't even about that, and we ain't even going into that. So look, just please, brother, can you stop calling him? Don't call my girl. We're calling all interracial people around the country. That's what NBF you, Doug. We call all of y'all and we try to talk some sensing to you and see if you can change the world and go back to the racist from which is you came. You're tripping, Yell, you're really tripping, man, you know what. Obviously just a mental institution you're calling from because there's something wrong with you. So look, don't call him no more. And we ain't got no more problems like this. I say this to you. I'm going to your your girl's job and I'm talking to her face to face tomorrow about this whole situation. You know what, And you're gonna get your wood. No, I ain't getting my I'm going tomorrow and I'm talking matter fact, I ain't even called talk to you. You put her back on the fall, dall with you put the fall, show up at a job, demns he would happen. I'm showing up at her job. Put her back on the phone. Show up at her job tomorrows he would happened. You didn't change, Man, you change. Don't know me from the beginning. Dude, how he's gonna come down and change? You don't know me? Look at me. I don't know how your brothers get. Man. I'm as black as I ever was, and you can't messing my blackness because of who I'm dating. You show up at a job tomorrow, You're gonna get your You ain't gonna sit and fritten me. Man, I am with Jane. You don't work him up, and now I'm work that. You're done. You're done, so you can stop calling the housing women to your job tomorrow. Do you want him? Say? Man, I'm coming again, and manas you all you need to me? Matter fact, you can have your man at your job at lunchtime. Not only am I gonna talk to you at lunchtime, I'm a whooping Wow. There gonna be any talking. You show up, There isn't gonna be any talking. Jay's gonna be any black man. You. I have a discussion to uphold and help you want? Okay, you know what that's a saying? Are you on what the fool? Makes you a fool? So this conversation is over, Could I say one more thing to you? What this is, nephew tim Me from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend? Oh my goodness, wow, Okay, he's about to take his blood press. What hey, hey, hey, nephew tim Me. I ain't never like knowing. I gotta ask y'all before I leave, and I need to hear this from both of y'all. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve? Who y'all? No, this is Steve. What did you think of that one? You know, I don't really it's since you know you don't want the problem with this whole prank situation is he is really really good at best and soul. That's the problem. He is the king of pranks. But how many times have I heard somebody they would say they were gonna poop his hands? That's the party I'm talking about, and that that's a concerning part for this for me everyone. I think everyone every prank they say that, you don't think I think the possibility is just growing. I think y'all want me to get my hands. I kind of do. I'm gonna jump in, but I do kind of Coming up next, drabber, I got'ta let nobody whoop you though, but I kind of want to see a start. I'm married to a nursissist. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening. She's a Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for the Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the straw Berry Letters. Subject. I married a narcissist. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm in need of some sound advice. I got married six and a half months ago after reuniting with my man. We had an off and on relationship for years, and he started seeing a woman that catered to his big personality. She dumped him and he came running back to me after he begged me to give him another shot. I took him back and we got engaged. As soon as he put the ring on my finger, his finality started to change, but I married him anyway. Every day he comes home from work and tells me about his day. He's a car salesman and swears he's the best dressed, best looking salesman in the entire state, and that is why he's the top seller. He never asked how my day was. And I'm a pediatrician, so I always have an interesting story to tell if I'm in a bad mood or had a bad day. He tells me stories of how he deals with stress. He talks about himself a lot and spends more time primping in the bathroom mirror than I do. Last week, I invited my parents over for dinner and my husband puts some steaks on the grill. My husband dominated the conversation talking about the botox he planned to get, and my parents were looking at me like I was crazy. I tried to change the subject and my husband went ride back to talking about himself. I also want to add that during sex is all about him, and he liked me to play with his ariola and kiss his back and do a few other things. He always gives me instructions and it ruins the sexual experience for me. He's turned into a narcissist and I'm so sick of his ego. Can professional counseling help him? But I married him anyway? Okay. He said he had a big personality. You've known him for a while, So I got to ask you whose fault is this? I mean, you knew who this man was long before you got with him. What did you think was gonna happen? Oh, let me guess. I know you thought he was gonna change, right, You thought he was gonna change. Nope, you said it. He just went right back to who he really is, him, all him, him, him, all the time. And that's what a narcissist does. I mean, I believe in counseling to answer your question, but he's not gonna go. Narcissists don't think they need therapy because they don't think anything is wrong with them. The universe revolves around them. They're enormous egos. Lets them think that it's everyone else. I mean, unless you're planning a break up with him or something, your best bet, right now is to ignore him. I mean because they can't stand not being the center of your world, or the world for that matter. It's just a shame that your accomplishments you said you're a pediatrician. I'm sure you do have some great stories and your life are completely ignored by him. That's a shame, Steve, I need some sound advice. You got married six and a half years ago. I'm subject got married to a narcissist. Got married six and a half months ago. We had an off and on again relationship for years now. If you haven't own again off again relationship, I'm assuming that there's a reason for the off and it's probably the same reason that broke it up, because he didn't just start becoming a narcissist after he put this ring on. He was the same way. He started seeing another woman that was catering to all this big personality. She dumped him. He came running back, beg me give him a second shot. They hear the problem. He come home every day. He's a car salesman, right, and he swears he's the best dress best looking car salesman in the entire state. And that's why he's the top seller let's go over this right here. First of all, he swears he's the best dress he the best dress car salesman. How hard is it to get that title? Just based on the movies of car salesman I've seen? Yeah, Now, a lot of the brothers I know to sell cars. They be clean when they worked. They wear ties, you know. Some of them just wear their sleeves, roll up. They out there walking them lots in that heat. It's hot. It's hard work, man. But if you want to claim the title as the best dress car salesman, how how hard is it to get that title? Then you said you're the best looking salesman in the entire state. Now that depends on what car you're selling, because I can tell you right now, I ain't never seen nobody cute selling them jeeps. I wish I knew what car salesman he was. Now, if he's selling Lexus, you know he got a shot and might be you know, Lamborghini is something he might have a shot. You know, maybe must say it is. I don't know. You can't tell me nothing, man, what I'm in my forward Trump. But the guy that is sold it to me, he looked like he made it in his back, y'all. He's just regular. It's what you regular, dude, that made me want the truck. He knew so damn much about the truck. But they ain't never been all that good looking at them. But that ain't what this about. Your man is a nausis. He always got stories about what happened to him and work. You're a pediatrician, an educated woman with a high skilled job holding. He don't want to hit nothing by chill day, right, all right, we'll have pariatrician with kids, yes, no, with kids, pediatrists with feet. All right, here we go. We'll stay start with a pe I get it all right, listen, we'll have part two of sticks response coming up. I'm married. I'm married to a narcisses. We'll be right back. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Mary letter. The subject I'm married to a narcissist. Well, you know, married this guy. Thank you everything that here car sealsman. You married him after own again off relationship. Y'all been married now six and a half. Mom, he broke up and started seeing a woman had accepted the big personality. She sent him right on back to you. He begged back, and you took him back. But as soon as he put the ring on, he changed again. I mean he is he is what he is right here, car sellsan swear he the best dress best looking salesman in tire state. And that's why he's the top seller. Well, who said he the top seller? He did. I could probably bet you he's the top seller in the state. He might be all right at that dealership, might be top seller one day, but somebody down there warming because people that buy cars they like to light the salesman. He don't sound that likable to me. Never asked how your day was. You're pediatrician. You've always has interesting stories to tell. If I'm in a bad mood or had a bad day, he tell me a story about how he deal with stress. You know, he that dude here in the bathroom more than you. I don't like me and like that. I invited my parents over for dinner. My husband puts some mistakes on the bill, and my husband dominated the conversation talking about the botox he planned to get, and my parent was looking at me like I was crazy. Okay, excuse me, ladies, miss clause. Botox is injections to like make you put them in your face. You're four, you know people get them in their forehead to get the wrinkles out, the lines out of it. Mark, ohhead is permanently wrinkled. You think I need to get so No, you don't need them, smooth them out. Some people get them under their arms too, to stop um perspiration. Oh, you should have told me about that, because my partner and I lord had told him about that, because he didn't made us all climb out the carb befo, he didn't got so rough in there in the wintertime. We climbed out him sixty from the saber because the windows was rolled up and the heat was on high, and Gil's car only ran on eighty high heat. And he was in that car had a winter coat on, and that winter coach male like just like him. We had to get about that car. Anyway, Let's go back to last time. And so I tried to change the subject, and my husband went right back talking about himself. And then I want to add doing sex is all about him. He likes he likes for me to play with his ariola and kiss his back. I don't really want my back kissed I'm not comfortable right there, you know. But I don't want you to touch in my not with your fingers, not with your mouth. You I will buy you a card or if you do your car see that, you tell you right now, don't you do that? Girl? You better get your look girl, don't don't. Don't you just that there's Ariola. Not there was ariolas she said. But he all kissing me all in the back. I don't want you back there. What you're doing. This is not about you. Well, it's about him. That's what the letter is about us to do that. They made it all about him, and I want to show you how ridiculous it sounds. And then he always doing sex. It's all about he liked it and do this and he always gives me instruction and it ruined the seclist. Hey hey, hey, come on now, come around this way with that around your hold come up a little bit high. There we go, the hold on, slow down instruction. Where you're going right here? Right here? Come on our back up, hold up yourself, simple water what we're doing here? Now? See all this here, I'm finna get up, putting my clothes on. Not fit to do this to me He's turned into a narcissis and I'm sick of his ego. Can professional counseling help him? Probably could, but I think nobody can help him better than you can. The next time he starts talking about himself, walk out the room. Okay, when you're sitting at the table, No, but I want you to do it in a noticeable way, and then walk out side and walk out. You know, y'all at the dinner table, he talking about himself. Get them, take your plate and going there and start watching TV with it in the living room. You know, just stuff like that. Yeah, yeah, you know you're in the bed room. He coming there. He want all this back kiss. You can tell him to kiss your back. As soon as he kiss your back, get up and go whoo, Well that does it for me, and challenge all that talking every time he does it. You can help him. Babe, what's wrong with you? I'll be trying to talk with you. No, no, You'll be trying to tell me about you. You never asked me about me, You never talk to me about me. It's always about you, and I'm tired of hearing it without you listening to me, And get up and walk off. You gotta take a chance at this. Then if that don't work, go ahead and try to get him in therapy. But all they're gonna do is talk to therapist after death. All right, Step, So that's really it. That's the best I can do for you. Man. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast one demand. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the Talk. It will be a girl and we love her. From the Talk. You can see it every day Monday through Friday. She is here. We got to ask her what's going on with the Republicans. It is our girl, Cheryl Underwood. She will be in the mist. She wanted to talk about you, Junior. I try to get him. She like your Ariel. You're listening, all right, guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, our girl Carla's Reality updated right now, Steve, please introduce our other girl from the top Wood. Hey, Steve Harvard, Hey Carla for Ras and Sherley Scribeberries and Danger. Hey. Hey, okay, so this is all about me and Junior because I have one month to get myself together for yes, for our virtual our virtual Easter coming out Easter Sunday. Coordinate outfits. Well, I see, I don't know. I know about Junior and fantasy in my mind. So, um, Tommy, do you have a pencil on paper because I have questions for Junior what our needs before our relationship, especially for East, because you know, I got to coordinate outfits and everything. But before all of that, Junior, you understand we are in the relationship. You know that, right? News to me? Okay, but good, it's it's good news. As they say at the church. It's good news. Julian loves lemon yellow, like lemon yellow and mint green. Oh well, that's good. We're gonna look like new money and two bumblebees over at the church. I'm with it, Junior. Okay, Now here's here's the question. Now, I know you have other women that are interested in you, right, I understand cook? Okay, Oh that's good. Then that means we're gonna have a lot of food at the house. What does she cook? Because I don't mind being in the group. I don't because I can't do everything like a group. A group situation, this is like the military. Be all you can be calling for rel for rel and I see I'm not having a traditional relationship like you got. I have to get it how I could get it. Junior got other women in life. We all need our duties, Junior. So so she can cook. What what is the thing that she cooked that you love that you eat? What is it, Junior? What you could eat? I was good? I hope I hope that girl can put off foot in some spaghetti. I need all kinds of sausage meat. I need chopped um, hot dog, turning meat. I need any part of a pig in the teller, bringing on over in the crop by and we come on, jump on in. Girl, you are in Junior's harem. This is how it's about to go. For see everything I was gonna make it this good for you. You see, people just don't understands the Tommy get your man what he needs. I'm gonna give Junior what he need. And every week for the month of Marth, it's all about me and Junior being together because I'm trying to get to happily Ever after President over the far, we thank you, We thank you, love you so much, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality Update right after this. You're listening to Steven show. All right, Tommy, come on, introduced her. Here she is, She's ready. It's that time. She is hell the one and only call a Ferrol with what reality update? All right, thank you mate, coming in. All right, let's talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta. Then, Steve, I'm gonna ask you a question about one of your favorite reality reality shows. Mary that first sight. Are you gonna be ready? Be ready? All right? Here we go. So hey, wait, okay, good, I'm glad you listen. Cynthia's bachelorette party is Ovah and as the ladies, you know, head home from South care Lina back to Atlanta. We've learned a couple of things. What have we learned, Shirley. While we learned that Cynthia Bailey, she learned that she was a little hot and bothered while watching some of the ladies that were drunk making out. She admitted to that. So we learned that, okay, check, yes, Cynthia was watching some of the other ladies. They were drunk and partying and no judgment with them. They was having fun. And so Cynthia was like, I learned a lot. Okay, Next, Portia it's really sick of Kenya. We learned that, so Portia's sick of Kenya and her inspector gadget judgment detective game that she's trying, yeah, trying to figure out who slept with the stripper Bolo that night. Tanya, one of the friends of the cast members, admitted that she stayed in Porsha's room all night. So had hunt dun, dunt dun. She had that moment because she felt like Tanya put herself at the scene of crime because in Kenya's according to Kenya, she heard all of sexual moans and groans and all that coming towards coming from the area where Porsche's room was. So she's trying to put together and say Porsche and Tanya possibly got busy with the stripper Bolo anyway, So that's that Drew got back home. She's a new housewife on the show, and she told her husband Ralph all about the bachelorette party and all about the stripper. He was listening to her account of what happened, and she told him that she was dancing and twerking and doing all that with the stripper. She told her husband that he looked at her and then her reply to that was the reason why she was dancing with the stripper and doing all that was because she told him, all I can say to you is just you know, babe, I was just trying to learn how to make it clap for you. That's what she told her husband. All I could say was good answer like a family field. That was good. That was very good. I have to practice in order to get it right. So that's it. That that is in on Real Housewives of Atlanta. They still trying to recover from the Bachelor Red Party, and the countdown is on the Cynthia's wedding. So quickly mister Harvey, Steve Harves before we run out of time. Married at First Sight it's on Discovery plus the streaming app What you got to say? You love this show? All they ain't seen this here show you gotta tune in? Why? What? What's happening? It is everything that the show title say. It is married at first Sight. These people the first time they see each other is at the altar. That's crazy. Wait a minute, what at the first time? Basically, so what happens? All these relationship going to hell, every last one of them. They all mad at each other though nobody like nobody. They all struggling. This one couple trying to fake like where you know. We're gonna work through it because this is our dream is to be married. No, your dream is to be in love and then getting married. You can't stay mad if less united in love. We gotta work this one girl on the show. You gotta see her. She loved the drinking party. Her new husband don't because he got a business. She told him, I really want you to drinking party with me. That's important to me, and I'm not I'm not going to stop drinking. That dude is looking at her like what she adamant about that drinking. All right, we'll have more of a sending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thanks Carling, Steve twenty minutes after the hours when we'll be back right after this. You're listening to this Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, the Black Coalition Against COVID nineteen will be hosting another Making it Playing town hall meeting tonight that's at seventh Eastern time. Tonight's expert panel discussion is on protecting the lives of our Black community elders from COVID because, as we know, our elders are the pillars of our communities and protecting them is our priority. Panelists will include doctor Lushan McIvor from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, doctor Amanda Cone from the CDC, and tonight's event is for the dedicated people who work in aging services. Tune in at seven pm Eastern on Facebook dot com, forward slash blackdoctor dot org or YouTube dot com forward slash black Doctor dot org. So that's interesting and in yeah, very good time. Hall, Yeah, because you know, we don't think about our elders as much as we should, as much as we did growing up, you know, and we have to focus on them. Yeah, it's good to focus on them, yeah, yeah, and protect them from COVID and educate them. Yes, going on and what are the resources. Yeah, you know, if you have elderly neighbors and relatives, you should always constantly check on check on it. You never know, you got to check on you know, they could have been an accident in the house, they could just become a mobile for some reason. They just just check on them, man, Yeah, bad whether or not. Yeah, Yeah, it's the neighborly thing to do. It's the kind thing to do. Yeah, it is. You're right again. All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show, all right, So here we go again. Guys. Police say they will have increased presence at the US Capital today in response to intelligence suggesting that QAnon, those conspiracy theorists, they're expecting former President Donald Trump to return to power today. Okay, why did they tell them? Oh, you mean the police, Yeah, yeah, yeah, Well, Capital Police released a statement saying, based on the intelligence that we have, the Department has taken immediate steps to enhance our security posture and staffing for a number of days, to include today, which is March fourth. The Department has communicated our enhanced posture as well as the available intelligence for the entire workforce. Authorities are specifically concerned about March fourth today, which was the original remember this, now, this was the original inauguration day for all US presidents prior to nineteen thirty three. Some conspiracy theorists have set that as a date when President Joe Biden will be removed from office and Donald Trump will return to the White House. So you know, maybe to answer your question, tell me they want to the police want to let them know that they're there, you know, if you want to try something, they're there, Unlike last time. You know. Yeah, they got scrutinized for ignoring the warnings that they were coming and not taking them seriously. So seriously, this very seriously. Well there is qann. The Proud Boys are just the same people who stormed the Capitol. What we've allowed to do is we've allowed this man, Donald Trump, to hijack a perfectly good election, claim it to be false. Still saying he won, even at Seepack this past week. Yeah, yeah, still claiming the election was stolen. Still got senators standing up on the floor saying it was stolen. They know us a latent lie. They have no proof. No court in the land would even hear the case because of the lack of evidence and proof that they had. But because he keeps saying this, soul, if he's causing these people who want to believe in him to believe this, and because they are so gullible and blind, and a lot of them just full of hate themselves and want to believe in everything that he does, this farce has continued to go on far too far. Yeah, and now they're talking about he wants to run again. It's all him tricking them to keep them on his side, right right. This is all bullcrap. Man. I'm so sick of the way this country is so gullible when it comes to the truth. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and of course at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to show all right, here we are our last break of the day, and it's been a good day. And Steve, you know, you normally end with closing remarks, but we thought it'd be fun because we didn't get to all the clos just to end. We're doing all right, all right, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This is from Unique in Kansas. Kansas says I'm I mean Kansas, says. Unique says. I'm a high school senior and I caught my dad sneaking around with a lady he works with. I had snuck out to be with my boyfriend because my parents are so strict. Anyway, we got a cheap hotel room so we could swim in the indoor pool. The windows around the pool overlooked the back overlooked the back parking lot, and I saw my dad's matt black car. A few minutes later, I saw my dad and his co worker walk out together. I wanted to go jump on the woman, but then I'd have to explain why I was at the hotel. I have avoided my dad, and I'm thinking about telling my mom. Should I Wow, Well, I wouldn't do it if I were you, young lady, and I'll tell you why, because there's no known facts behind this. I got appearances are not always what they seem to be, and you know you can you can be opening up a can of worms that don't need to be open. Hotel room. I got it, But I mean, I don't know if telling your mom is in anybody's best interest. I understand you've just a terrible position for you to be in, but you don't have all the facts, and I would reserve. Now. What you could do is go to your dad, yeah and say, Dad, I saw something and I don't know how to handle. Can you help me. You can do that and see what he says to you. But you know you was in a hotel room in high school. Yeah. See what you don't understand, young lady. See, sin is sin, and all of us wrong under the eyes of God. Technically, you know what you was doing to deceit? You use that's wrong. If your father's using deceit, that's wrong. It's all wrong. So you're in a tough position. I wouldn't say anything, because every all the thing that's in the dark eventually comes to the light. They probably in there just working on some paperwork, like taxes or something. You know what, I'm doing something at a cheap hotel. Yeah. Well, you know, if you want to get your taxes done, surely you gotta get it done. I'm just saying it. You can't. You can't do it online with the software and all that. How about that work? How about that? Because I gotta do work at work? Yeah, all right, We're moving on. Larissa and Louisiana says. I'm a married firefighter and my husband is a firefighter too. We're both in great physical shape and we post our workouts on a shared Instagram account. I am careful not to show too much skin on my workout pictures. My husband is just the opposite, he posts pictures of himself with nothing but a towel around his waist, or he's got on biker shorts and no shirt. If I were to do something like that, he would blow a fuse. Do you think it's appropriate for a married man to post suggestive pictures? Well, I think it's appropriate for a married man's wife to say something about the husband that she doesn't want to post appropriate pictures. Yeah. So this is not an argument. This is a request that you have the right to make if you don't think it's right. It don't matter what he thinks, not really not in marriage partner. If she's bad about something, you better address it. Years a problem, boy, ain't Yes, you think it was bad when the pie greed went out? Facts upon yes, yes, yes, yeah, so you're you're saying that she should just tell her tell her husband how she feels, and he needs to address it absolutely period. Now post something else, spture, because I bet you he can't post nothing better than you could, right, Oh do it? Well? Yeah, I mean, I mean, let's blow the fuse. Let's go all right, Steve? Well, uh, you know, we had some clos left over and uh, you know, always good respond since we got to say thank you too. Buried by the Bernards Ryan and Miss Debbie stopped by from Buried by the Bernards. Kevin, Uncle Kevin is Yeah, it's just straight up entertainment. It really really is. Yeah. Yeah. If you're thinking it's gonna be morbid about the funeral business and everything, you get a little bit of that, but a whole lot of the family and their dynamics. That's what the fun. Yeah. They're out of Memphis, Tennessee. You gotta check it out. Yeah, man, Uncle Kevin is always in a casket somewhere popping out of a You know what I saw though when they went to go up but body the orange and ye you want some No, what do you get a Hers from? I've never seen a Hurs dealership or car lot. What do you get a Hurt He bought one off the car lot. Yeah, he bought one. They bought go to Day. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's such a fun show, it really is. Yeah. I've seen it all. I watched all of them because I couldn't stop. They're so funny the whole season. Yeah, funny, funny. How about how about how about missus Debbie and Miss Ay and Gossiping. A great show. Great, Yeah, it really is. It's Buried by the Bernard's on Netflix. You don't want to miss it. Fun, fun show. Put some laughter in your life, right, Steve. Absolutely, you need it every chance you get. Well. Great show today, guys, got a special show for you all coming up Monday. It's gonna be a ladies empowerment stay too. We got a surprise for y'all. We'll see y'all tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.