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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby at all, suit all looking back to back down, giving them more, just like the molking but things and it's touble y'all to be true. Good to stay listening to me toach other for still handle money? Don't you join? Yeah by joint period men said do you guy? Turn? Yeah, you go. You gotta turn to turn turn lobby, got to turn out to turn the water the water come come on your back. Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice come on digging now on it only Steve Harley got a radio show man instead of trying to be about the business. To y'all, I'm i'm I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make. I can do more. And my father used to tell me something when I was growing up. He says, son, when you've done your best and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said. When you've done the best you can and you can done all you can think of, he say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life, always have a little more. I ain't ever just out out out completely. I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me, There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never completely out, man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more. And that that. I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know, I was watching a documentary about people climbing a Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was and how they have on the hill, uh something called like a death zone or killing zone where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it's right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Everest from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's this most difficult. Now that I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more of people have lost their lives in that area. I don't know what it is, but the people that make it to the top of Mount efforts, they all had to go through that same zone or that same area, but they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know, a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that. So I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned back when I host pledge in. It's called don't Quit. The authors are unknown, but the poem was called don't Quit, and I had to memorize it. I memorize this point when I was eighteen nineteen, but the poem stayed in my head. I'm gonna try to remember it right now, I'm saying for you, but there's a stanza in it that talks about how many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. You know. That's a stanza that always sticks out in my mind. I'm gonna say I can memorize one whole of right, Okay, this is the point. There's the author is unknown. The name of the point is don't quit. It goes like this. If I'm make a mistake, I'm just trying to drum it up. So here we go, it says when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to sigh when cares are pressing you down. A bit, rest if you must, but don't quit. For life is queer with his twist and turns, as every one of us must sometimes learn. And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow. You may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tint of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are. It may be kneel when it seems afar, so stick to the fight when your heart ist hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. I remember it because I'd had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then. But I remembered that at that point. My Dad's kept me. You know, if we often talk about scripture and everything, and I don't, I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's heard that delivers a message. Man, that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success or try to be the best fall and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him, and a sharp little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super long, man, they will well below the middle of his back. I mean it was just long. And he kept talking to me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. Now know, somebody gonna take this too wrong way. But this is my story. So you know, feel how you want to feel. Already know the emails is coming. You're talking about it. So your man kept talking to him, and I said, hey, man, you know you do your here a huge self of favor in the business you and if you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your hair, and I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man, Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling me with me, and you're sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you are to consider cutting your hair. He said, mad Mr Harve, I've been growing his hair sounds a little boy. I said, how hold are you now? He said? I said, well, how long? You want to hang on to what you was when you was a little boy. You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager. I mean you're twenty eight now? What we and I said, so let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? Man? It's just who I am? It's I said, so you your have He said no, no, But it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging on too. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I feed that. But if I hang on ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that. What is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make sense to you? So I'm I can't tell you how many times I've had to change. Change is necess sary to grow. You can't be all you can be if you want to keep hanging on to all you was. That don't make no sense? How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards, you can't stay here and go there. Do you understand that if you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here? Oh? I got right Here is comfortable. I got right here is safe. But over there's where the shade is. Over. There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is over. There is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who you was. Changes. Growth is necessary. Let's go to ladies and gentlemen, get up on your feet and get ready. This is the Steve Harvid Morning Show. And you know what we're gonna Since my my uncle likes to dedicate the shows two different things, we're gonna dedicate this show to two different groups of people. All right, first group is everybody that made Giblet gravy. This goes out to you, all right, ghibling, ah your ghibling ghibl it g Giblin? Is it Giblet? I thought it was gibling. I thought it was ghibling. Latest is the gr J I don't know it's a It is a g it is a g for real. I haven't heard giblet alright, So everybody making Giblet, gibling gravy, how about both the Giblet gibler If you're making GiB gibl Giblet grave then and then last but not least, to everybody that's bringing the white person that Thanksgiving down, Thank you, thank you so much. Nobody ever recognizes. And I'm telling you the looks that I you know how I roll. If I'm coming, she gonna be white let and she always brings and we take it back to That's what I like about it. Try to have try to have like with the wind play and so she feel comb Well, that's a good one though, Junior. I'm glad you brought that up. What movies do you watch during the holiday? Oh? Yeah, I tell you what's to do that they watch a movie together every year. I tell you what movie they really want. And I hate to bring this up drum Line because it's on every holiday, man, because you're in it. I'm what can I say? I love drum Line and were in that. You were good in that check? Do you do you do your quite lady friend? Does she want to watch like Miracle? On thirty four speaks. You want to watch there, see what you're doing. We watched the Temptations Thanksgiving. Yeah, I wish you The five Hot Beats always comes on to let me tell you what I'm gonna put car Wait, Carla. I forgot to tell Carla one thing. I saw the guy who played Otis the other day. He was come. I did you know? I did come to see nobody coming to see? We should do that. Your favorite land from your favorite movie. We should do that. Your favorite line from your favorite movie. I like that's Tommy. We're watching Claudine. Okay, we're watching Claudine. Come on Gladys tonight with that soundtrack right there. We're watching with my white. We gotta watch with a dynamite. Let her know how it's done. You are, why not we get through within a dynamite. I'm gonna get you a little data, my girl. What really? I'm sorry far. You know when we come back to talk about, you know, holiday loving, we need to talk about that. You know how if we never talked about that? Huh? And if we don't, how will you know right? How you know how to conduct yourself? Something funny? You heard? No stuffing? God when we come back at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Al Right, here we go with something funny today. We're going to start it off with Junior's Truth Be Told and then something and then something. Tommy just came up with Holiday Loving. Yeah, come on, Junior. Okay, well we'll we're gonna get to that and I will have my input on that. But there's a few things. You know, we're right right there on the cusp of Thanksgiving, We're right there. We've covered all a few you know, a few things with time people should leave, and yeah, we've covered some things like that. But there's one thing I almost forgot that we have to talk about. I left something out, but I'm glad I thought about it because we're so close and this is really the most important thing, truth be told. Can't we keep the prayer under our just can't we just thank for the food. We don't have to bring people health condition into this crowd. We don't have to bring that out. Yeah, we just just just do the food and let's eat. We did you say the grace to prayer, whatever it is, But just keep it under our First of all, I know it's gonna be a long prayer. When I hear my my mind to beginning, that does not go. We get our hands down and by the holding hand and you hear my mom, and the hands is sweaty. Yeah, some sanitizing, if you'll just have to go around the table and everyone say a verse. Yeah, yeah, they're thankful for. Yeah, lately it's become what you're thankful for. Yeah, we need to have that box put up at the front door. Write it down, put it in there. Just put that up there by the dough. And we're getting this. So they just pray for the food because the food piping hot when we start. But it's always somebody that don't ever get to pray, so they always get a shot. Why do we let him even pray? He didn't even read his Bible. Why is he over here talking for everybody? My brother in law is the absolute longest world prayer in the entire world. A cousin like that, you call, I wish we could run one of them prayers. We man, they got to run it. It's gonna be all day when we stopped. But when we finished, they're putting food up because it's so cold now now We're just like, we gotta go. It's it's time. Ago. We have actually missed the game praying. Man, nothing wrong with praying, that's nothing. Point is he'll beat out tomorrow to cover the food. Today. Jackie's cousin was praying one year and doing the prayer it was so long. My son Jordan just said, Daddy, when we're gonna eat, start laughing man, because they were one thing about the kids. They will tell the truth. They will tell the truth. Man. Ok So, y'all my uncle Hell he does the prayer. He does the longest prayer right then afterwards he makes everybody count like how many family members are there? And we all three. After it's over, Now you know somebody wasn't listening, so then we have to start over. No, okay, do this for me, if you're listening, if you can take the holiday prayer and send it to me, get the prow and send it to Tommy hopefully call and let me run it next Yeah, let me get it right after the Black Friday when we come. Here's the video I would like to get. I'd like to get the vegan's eating greens and the halfway done. Realize they realized it's a hamhog up in the big jump off. There is good. I had an aunt. I had an aunt who would only eat the ham hocks. She didn't want you don't want. She wanted that him had aunt. She that it didn't have no teeth at all. One could kill a box of peanut brill. I'm telling you, Shena, she'd write down on it. Man, that's my same aunt. That my mother's sister, my mother's older sister, who loved to see the body at the funeral, even if she didn't know the person. Her thing was, she had to go to see the body. And that bends down. And that's the other one. That's the other one. My mom had three sisters and to take take me with him on a fascination with bodies. She just had a fatation with to see how they looked. But anyway, we're talking about family because we're getting ready to see him. Yeah, yeah, here's when I got as when you fixed, when your play get fixed on, when you fix your plate. My green's got to be in a different bowl from the rest of the food. You My greens can't run all that green. Jews can't run into that dressing. That's that's mustard. Mac. I don't want mustard mac plate to have a dip in the middle to almost drop it. Move move move. But I don't say this though, Tommy. When I do that, it can all be together. But now with my corn bread to decide how I will put my corn bread in to sogging this ratio to be Yeah, okay, wait, now see I don't do corn bread, Carla, because we have a corn bread dressing. So yeah, so I do rolls. I just do the some people do. Listen that green jewice can hit them, James, y'all that green juice that ain't cos you don't want to. But oh, it's gonna be some good eating though. That's holiday season. Yeah, we still got holiday we didn't get to We're going to get to it. Trust me. I know you're not gonna let us forget that I got. I'm gonna show you the rule that I got holiday love it. I'm just gonna take We don't want to know this is something y'all need to do. Is this something special that you don't do every other day? Come on Thursday? Yeah all right, Junior, thank you for your truth be told about the prayer. We appreciate that. Yeah, we're very truthful. Coming up next, it's the nephews, run that prank back. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of our Mr Anne will be here with today's national news and headlines. But right now it's time for the nephew and run that prank back. What you got, nef. We don't need your mama dressing this year. Oh lord, this hurts my because my mom cooked the dressing for the family. My mother was good. What bens you from the call a relative you missed yesterday? Here go hello? Hello? Who is this? Ms? Clinton? Who is this this bes? I'm college? Is MS Purvis there? Um? You know she's not here right now, but this is our daughter? Um? Is there a problem? Oh? No? This this this being this Mama Mama Lord's nephew. Who is this again? This blanda Mama Lord, Mama loa jo Ain't it ain't correct? Mama Lord's Okay, I'm beeling. I'm her nephew from the other side of the family. You say your name? Whatnot? Glad that? Okay? We'll tell you are supposed to get in and we used to meet everybody afternoon. Okay? Uh is miss purvises she is your mama making the dresses. Yeah, she's making enough for about forty five people. Um, we actually um, this will discussed about a month ago, right, y'all on the y'all they had the um conference call, the conference good family had the conference call, right, yes, sir? Okay, Nah, listen, what reason why they got me to call? They wanted me to go in and call, and and I was trying to give miss Purvis she's not there. You know, she's not here. What's wrong? Okay, they're not gonna They're not gonna need her to do the um to do the dress. And why wouldn't they need to do dress. She's been making it for ken years. We did, We just discussed it. So what do you mean they say that they got somebody down here that's gonna do the dresses, especially since y'all traveling. Y'all ain't got to bring it, you know, and be traveling with it. But they got somebody gonna do the dressing. Okay, Well, first of all, how are you you're you're being gee? What is your name? That? Whatnot? My name? Benjamin? But they called me Benji? But but but uh, like I say, uh, I'm on the other side of the fact. I ain't on y'all side. Okay, Well, I'm still trying to figure out why are you calling me? Because she's been making a dressing for ten years, like I said, And I mean, it's been discussed. So I don't even know why why you're calling me. I don't even know you. Okay, Well, what I'm trying to explain to you this right here is that they got so y'all, y'all ain't got to worry with bringing the dressing. They got somebody gonna bring. They got somebody down here that's gonna cook it, so and otherwhere with you know, if you can tell Miss Pervish ain't got to worry about the dressing this year. I was like, you want me to tell my mama after she'd been making dressing for ten years, that child say, y'all ain't worried about she shouldn't have to make this ship because we're driving there were dry every year. So I'm not gonna do that to her. So I mean, and I don't I don't even know who you are to be calling me anyway. Why can't somebody calling me that I don't know regarding it Okay, okay, you're good the right, I am blended. All right, listen, let me say this because I I don't mind saying what what everybody thinking, but most people don't want to say. Let me just say this right here. Really, what's going on is just right here. A lot of people in the family, you know, don't really don't, don't really like this pery of his dress, d Benjamin, he's supposed to be. Let me sport this up in there, my mom about making Tristen. You don't keep it and we ain't bringing that home with us. So you can tell your family that I said that because you understand me. I mean, for first of all, you got to understand that I'm bringing news that that that people didn't don't voted on, and it's what everybody want to do, don't nobody? Well, why is this Nick? How we had a meeting? She been making it ten years? Ain't nobody's been saying nothing? And a guess what when them up in the house, nobody had better not be walking up and through that. I'm talking about my MoMA either, and you know I don't eat okay, but see right there, why why if people don't like the dress in Glinda, why do you want to make submit everybody to happen to eat it if they don't like it? You don't. That's how I know. I don't know you want to come. Well, I don't know, no Benjamin, Ben who I want to do? My mama Lord's nephew from the other side of the family exactly, And they don't know yet. Okay, And it really really to the bad all that I don't really know you. But I'm but but I'm but I'm man enough. I'm man enough call you and tell you what we're gonna do it where we ain't gonna do what I know ain't I said it wasn't I wantet it again. She's gonna transic you gonna eat it, and we're gonna bund my name. Okay, Okay, right there, listen. And I know this might be hard for you. Don't understand what you grew up with liking everybody else might not like you to say what you want to. I don't even white. So you weren't like it because you want in down around? But she make it now. First of all, when y'all get down here, it's gonna already be some more dressing here, Okay, okay, and she got on that country and said, and we're gonna see down and I'm gonna eat, and it's it's not even what I mean'scuse no president in that I said. I can say because your name's gonna hurt my mama feeling. Okay, there ain't nobody to try. That's why I'm trying to tell you to tell her don't make it now, so she won't even bring it down. We don't conly get anyway. Hey, look, I'm gonna say this here because every dealer you ain't really understanding what I'm saying to you. I'm gonna say it as clear as I can say. If y'all come down here with that dress, I promise you we already got dressing made. We're throwing that dressing in the trash so everybody can get the dressing that we made fun of him, Deloy Blake. That's what we're doing. Please let me splay something into you. I'm gonna be undressing Patroll, and if I find out you then to my mama dressing in the trash, it's gonna be something and we're gonna set that out. I'm not playing with you. That's what's too funny to me. I'm gonna call ain't kill me. We're on coming, ain't you While I'm not to tellers, I'm telling this to boy. But now that they don't, said she you'll stop because when me, I don't even know you'll tell I can't they fail you. The band in the world, the Busy Bengel a love. I don't even know you're w I'm telling you now, I'm telling that playing with you. I'm telling you. Anybody hurt my mama felling, it's gonna be so and then and I'm telling you all, y'all gonna be yeah, fell it down there, but don't tell it y'all out one let me, I say, Can I say something else to you? I wish you would. Can I tell you what else they were saying? They wanted me to tell you this, Glenda, this is nephew. Tell me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your cousin Sheila got me to prank phone call you tell me fine you got you're about to make me? Said, because I'm gonna have my brothers. What yea play? Was going to be careful? Last question before I let you go? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Show that is, did I go over the really worried me on this one time? That's what you do, though, Man, I'm going over the lane to night, so I go. Now, Michigan, the nephew was in town, y'all get ready, man, the nephew was here. Mama's boy. You've been hearing us talk about it. I promise you. Everybody is in the building, Robin Giving, Johnny Gil, myself, jackk Harry, Ja Harry putting it down. That that's a bad girl right there. Can I tell you all that that's that incredible action she put it down. Shirlett Murdoch as all of that, get you'll tickets. They don't see right you will sing that that was the time she didn't want to sing that song. No, but but she put it. But she's so cold with Ja. She put a little twist on the end of it. Now just keep the lord wrapped up in there. Notice who he hasn't mentioned. I just want to make yes, Johnny Gil, the Star, Janni Fan, we know hit. Will I ever Get? The Big Dress in row? Know that's gonna be your next play? Will I Ever Get? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve is off today, but a shout out going out to Steve and Marjorie, his wife, for their generous, generous, generous efforts. Um just loving hearts, just you know, great spirits. Yesterday we kicked off the annual Harvey Turkey Giveaway and the giving continues today all over the country. Carla, what you got now? We are giving away turkeys is the Harvey Annual Turkey Giveaway, as you just mentioned, and we will be in New York kicking things off one oh seven five w b LS. That's our home station in New York. We're not swinging on over to d C W h U R and d c B one oh three in Chicago, w d AS in Philly nine seven v k L and Norfolk, Virginia. We are all over the country. We're going down south, Nephew, Dallas, Texas k R n B, also the Beat in Tampa seven to Beat and mixing ninety two point three. In Detroit, Tommy, you will be there today in Detroit turkeys and in Houston, Texas one on four or five Kiss FM, our newest family member. Also, the giveaway continues in Pittsburgh WAMMA one hundred and in Charlotte B one on one point nine. This is fantastic. Congratulations candas even Marjorie, and thank you so very much for your thank you. Yes, but let me say that. Listen, if I'm passing the turkey out to you in Detroit, I don't have time to take a picture and hold it's cold turkey. You're gonna have to take the turkey and keep it moving, That's all I'm saying. Okay, yeah, that's got to give me some glove today, y'all gonna say. I know one turkey give way. It's about to happen, and I'm pretty sure Steve is gonna do it. What's he's about to give away? Jay and Tammy? These two jaff turkeys. Why we're in the seventies all of a sudden, these two that happened your job, George, George Jefferson. Will you know what nobody ever picked up on that name and market that you know, like just butter ball? But I think job turck me right on brother on the backside, right on right, jaf All right, Tommy, we've stretched it out for as long as we could tell us about this holiday loving. Let's holiday loving? Is this Shirley, And this is what I tell my wife. Listen, however many times you get a plate, that's how much holiday loving I won't. I won't loving every time you get a new plate. And when I'm counting and I see you getting all these plates, guess what if I see you get four plates, hey, over the course of the day, four times, I'm just saying, holiday love it, Junior. You against that if anybody agains the holiday loving rule, And y'all can add to the rule, Junior, definitely, definitely, I can add a clicker in my I definitely want to add to the older players out there. Listen to me, the holidays coming up. Get your medication earlier, Okay, get you, get you get you know, I'm talking about your fun mads. Get your fun mads. Get that now so you're not backed up. Go early in the ain't crowded away. Mr Brown, your buys was ready? Hey man, Hey, alright on that note, guys, we're gonna reel it in because we have to introduce and right here we was just reeling it out. All a lot of things going on in the world and for the person to to let us know what's happening. We always refer to the one and only, the lovely, the very talented miss Anne trip our news director, miss Anne. Oh you, good morning everybody out there. This is and with the news, and there's a lot going on. Let me get to it. First of all, President Trump has put North Korea back on the State sponsored terrorism list. The United States is designating North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorists. Should have happened a long time ago. Should have happened years ago. Well, point of information on North Korea was designated a state sponsor of terrorism before. However, in two thousand six, President George W. Bush took it off the list as a way of providing the North with an incentive to negotiate an end to their nuclear build up. That's what he did it for. This latest move by President Trump is mostly symbolic, but what it does signify that the Trump administration is prepared to take a tougher stand against the Pieon Yang government. So more sanctions are expected to be announced soon, and Trump is hoping that China will exert more pressure on North Korea. But so far and that hold your breath now. PBS TV commentator Charlie Rose is being accused of sexual misconduct. A Washington Post reports as eight women are accusing the veteran newsman of groping them or walking naked in front of them, telling one woman how he am about her swimming naked uh and swinging it Rose seventy five years old. He says he's deeply embarrassed and he's apologizing for his behavior. PBS has halted distribution of his nightly interview show. CBS News says it suspended him as well. The Justice Department has open investigation into whether the St. Louis Police Department has violated the rights of protesters demanding greater police accountability. Justice Department review reportedly requested by both St. Louis's mayor, the police commissioner there, a local Democratic congressman, and the n double a CP legal defense fund. The local prosecutor says the probe is gonna be looking into house St. Louis cops have handled protesters ever since a judge found a white now former St. Louis cop not guilty of murder in the shooting death of a black man. A separate federal lawsuit has already resulted in new limits on when officers can use chemical weapons like pepper spray and when they can break up a protest. Puerto Rico health officials say the lack of clean drinking water has caused an outbreak of something called leptosporosis. Authorities say there have been seventy six suspected cases of the bacterial infection since her came. Maria devastated that island. Finally, sad news, legendary singer and actress Della Rees has died. Delar Rees, most recently star of CBS is long running spiritual drama Touched by an Angel. But she also was a singer and actress and such that that that's her singing as a matter of fact. But she was also in such movies as Harlem Nice, where she played the no nonsense madam who worked with Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy's characters they playing no more you put that braid away. M. Blow your damn pinky toe off. Oh now you're gonna shoot man, M pinkto He must be crazy to pull you're going on me. She was eighty six years old. Died of natural causes twenty minutes after the hour Stay tuned Eugene the Butterfly coming up on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Jay introduced the butterfly. Do you know the fly? Do do what I'm do. It's a little kind. It has a calypso for all I love. I love the calypso. Sound Good morning, every one. Good morning, Shirley carl At Jr. Time. J Anthony Brown, who brought me a lovely good money to all of you, are good morning, Harry's good morning. Yeah. Listen, here's what's going on with me a lot. I've been hearing you. I'll talk about Thanksgiving so much, but what you have not realized is this November is banana putting lover's mouth. That is what's going on Thanksgiving. That that's what I look forward to, is the banana putting. You know what I'm saying. It's alan anyway, idio Allen and I love bananas. You know I'm the one that does all the slicing of the bananas and the banana white first getting Oh, I love playing tains. I call them playing tains. They're harder. They're much harder than banana. I was just careful. It's the texture. But let's said, have you had them with the potato chips. Um, Charlotte and Carla plant potato chips. Those are acceptable foods. That's always so. Anyway, November is banana putting, lovers. You have got to get you something good banana putting for the holidays. That's something you want to do. And there's always one person in the family that knows how to make it. And then of course there's always something that don't know what the hell they're doing. So you have to be careful on picking your pudding. Pick your pudding. Now you pronounced it vanilla wavers a nilla waver. Now it's just I leave the ball. Now you gotta flip that be putting a lane on that. What you got? You got you selp na nala white first. I love it so much. Are you guys gonna have anyone in your family bringing up bana putting this weekend? No, don't make that for green I make it. I can make that. You can make it? Is that? Is that? That? What's the big secret that you have to get right? The pudding pudding and you have to have you have to have more wafers than you do bananas. Crunch, Yes, there you go, Yes, like a cr you got a problem. That's right. Don't put them on it too earlier so they won't get real soggy. Right, it's the timing thing. To Jay, there's a lady out here in a l a she puts um little coconut shavings like nobody want that. That's no, don't nobody want that. I'm telling you, you got to try it? About it we go. Don't bring that stuff this year. Don't until you tried it. I didn't think I wanted it either, because it's one of my favorite dessert. But all right, we gotta go. Guys. You know what you can do with you put me back. It's time for comedy Roulette. We come back at thirty four after But you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Ja, it is time for comedy roulette. Please set this up quickly. Did somebody say, what's going on at the j spont Let me tell you what's going on? Eighty one Westminster Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Tonight, my good friend Michael Carya does the birthday party Sunday from Ms Ross. Sherry Shepherd is coming up next Tuesday, and no one to know. Also a big celebration A tribute to Dick Gregory with Paul Mooney and Marshall Walfield. That's time there, that's a big name. And then you know George Wallace coming whatever. Okay whatever, alright, man, George Wallace is coming whatever. Go to event right to get your tickets. Comedy roulette, very simple. You test our comedy ability every week. Put five, stept your tone, wheel, spun the wheel? Which stop we can do today? That's it. Let's go Number one. Why don't you get yourself a manly dog? Another step right there? You need some manly okay? Number two I need that? Oh yeah, here we go. Number three, we're just being nice. The preacher's wife can't sing. The preacher's wife can't sing? Okay. Number four? What's that thing on your neck? Ain't maker? Can I just say? Can you bust? And the last one, the last one, These are some good ones. The last one, boy, you need a shower? Oh yeah, you shower? Right, let's go to the spending cat. I need not wants that one stop. The number three we're just being nice to preacher's wife cannot no disrespect, no disrespect. You know how I know she can't sing because the minute the preacher announces her, everybody started just in their seat looking at one another. Oh Lord, here we go, Oh God, not again. And she don't do it solo. No, let the band play, Let the band play instrumental. Yeah, that's how you know the preacher's wife can't sing. And everybody in the church notice though, but when the piano player does the introduction nine times where he just keep playing the introduction, not that so we don't have to hear her sing? And did that note ever? Tell yourself? You know, you know when the preacher White can't sing, when when she gets up to saying, preacher stick his playing in the air and walk out to his office. You know, you know you know how she can't sing when she's singing and she missed a note, and everybody in the church and let him use you, let h let him use you, let him use let this. I know because we got to our church. Is how I know she can't say. Everybody faked the spirit, everybody pass out and nobody happens that the Lord is about the saying, we didn't give everybody the time comregation. Do you know she can say what everybody in the quiet and took a knee. But we can do this. All right, We'll be back with Nephew Tommy's prank phone call right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry Letter. But right now it's the nephew and it's prank phone call as you're not last. Yeah, Church bought me this glove so that I may have healing power. I just had to say that. My tribute to Richard Pryde right there? Which way is up? All right? The title go the Yeah? How's the title game? Gold bags? Y'all don't even know where I'm going with h Do we need to be concerned? Well, if your kids is yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm glad you as your kids in the car. If your kids is in the car telling them the Holy Head out the window, I don't want you to miss the prank, but to win for five minutes, you can hit his prank. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Darnell. Darnell, do I know how you doing? This? Is Scott shame with bigger, bigger and better where we make you larger in charge? How you doing today, Scott. Who So I'm with Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charge. I'm good, Scott. What's up? We were actually, uh giving a phone call by your wife? Your wife? Is that correct? Yeah? Okay, well, um, your wife's um, your wife's birthday is coming up pretty soon, is that right? Yeah? Yeah, so a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's coming up. Okay. Have you have you decided on getting or anything or have you purchased anything yet? No? No, I got a couple of days in mine. Um. Well, actually, uh, we got a call from from I think we've got something that's gonna that's gonna really help you guys. And and something I think that she wanted to recommend that something that you probably wouldn't wouldn't think about getting racking my brain. So is actually gave us a call. She's actually had an idea, you know, what she would really really like for her birthday present. So what's her name? You're coming Bigger and Better? Um? Alright, Like I said, she called you. I'm sorry she called you to give me idea on what I should get for her birthday. Uh yeah, well this is this is something that's a little a little different and something that you probably would never in a million years think of. But here at Bigger and Better, where we make you large and in charge, we actually do some things that we definitely know you wouldn't have thought of. So I I definitely understand her giving us what's your name against Sam Scott? Scott Scott, get to the point what you're selling actually let us know that there are some things that that are really really lacking between you guys, And she would very much like for her birthday where you can be a lot more well endowed. So you know, that's what we do here at Bigger and Bad, We actually hello, what I could be more wet, more well doubt sir? So I think really what's going on is Bianca is really not satisfied right now. She called you to tell you that I'm not when you meet willing doubt my junk. So you're you're, you're, you're you're you're inadequate. You know what I mean? You're you're Are you kidding me? What's what's your name? Of? This company? In Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charge? And right now you know you're not. You're not larger in charge, and we want to get you to that were to come in for a complication, your compltation. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call her right now because it's right now, Okay, I'm gonna call her and were trying to do? Do you not? Do you not think you need to come in? I don't even think I even be talking to you, Mr Scott about whatever is going on in my bed room. I'm keen, so I'm not even I'm not even I don't even know what going on the first sign of denial, right, I don't have no no, I don't have no problems in the bed roll well you know, I don't even why am I even still on the phone with you? But sir, I mean you and you really have to wear about here from me. She's gotta something to kind of account with you. Then you you ain't go ahead and close that out because Mr, let me say this, you have a you have a very big ego, sir, you know, but you're not You're not as big as your ego. I want to get you to that point. This is something crazy. I've heard some crazy things people staying on But you're gonna call me talk about my wife called you saying that I'm in adequate in the bedroom. Sir, you know what, and and and once again, I'm trying. I know you, you're just doing your job, Scott, but I'm gonna have to call her right now. Okay. When you don't work my number, you're in denial. I'm in denial you Hello, sir. I really want to help you as much as I can. Listen, man, listen, I'm trying to get my wife on the phone right now. Okay, I know you you've got a job to do, but what I need you to do right now? Stop calling me? All right. I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you because I'm sure whatever it is she she called you, and you're just doing your job. They're trying to get you in here to get a consultation so we can get you further along the way you are consultation. I don't need no consultation. I don't need no assistance from you. You call me no more. Man. Hey, you're small and I don't want to make you bigger. What what what is this seeming like? Huh? What kind of job is that? How do you even get a job like that? You bly this job? An when you're in high school job. I'm trying to meet you. Stop calling me man, Mr Darnell. I'm still trying to help you get through this situation. Okay, are you willing to come in for a consultation. At least we're coming in for a conpeltation. We can get you where you are. Are you listening to me? The only consultation we're gonna have is my sister in your place. As you call me again to tell you what I will come in for a consultation. Give me give me your address and everything like that, all your information, and I will come down for a consultation. You're gonna be there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here the first eight hours of the day. Sir. What I want to do is get you lined up with get your call my wife. I don't need no damn procedures. Give me your info, and you got to work by hearing from us. No more. Okay, right now, I know you can get up for me. I don't want to hang up on you, and I understand we're trying to do your job. You're small. You're small, and I'm trying to make you bigger. You sir, you know what I'm trying to do a little small guy. I'm trying to help you with your problem. Now. If you're not gonna be appreciative of it, then I don't even understand why your wife knows you're why we can have this conversation face to face. You don't know what why your here. It doesn't matter if I can get on the line. I can't figure out why she calls you adequate man, sir. Here's the problem. You're tiny, and you don't want to admit it. Get you know me? Man, You never see me. You don't know anything about me. Ian. I can't even believe my wife's even call you. But just this is just how you do business. You don't call me and call me I'm tiny, sir. I'm just playing something to you. I'm not only the president, but I'm also a client, Sir. I don't give up what you are okay, okay? And there are some other things that let us know as well what the what that means. He also wanted me to tell you that this is nephew called me from Steve Harvey mart It show your wife just pray for calls you bad Man's funny man here over here looking at in the mirror kind of. I thought it was good, but I got a little nervous. Man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Come on now, you know, just see your Harvey radio show man, Come on now, geah to me. No, you'll just give me tell me, tell us about that plague. Baby, Johnny Gil, Robin's giving his nephew, Tommy jack A, Harry Little g from silk Oh, the beautiful Shirley Murdoch. The list goes on. You do not want to miss the hit stage play Mama's Boy. Let's see what I told y'all Tonight, Sagonaw, Michigan, Okay, Detroit, Get ready, baby, I'm coming to Motown Wednesday Friday, decided this Sunday. Get your tickets. They don't say all right now, all ticket mass outlets. Make no mistake about it. I am the star. They think it's Johnny Gil, but it really me. You understand, if it ain't robbing giving the speaking into existence, speaking into existence, the nephew is telling this thing up. Okay, and you Eugene does. He does a good job too, But nevertheless it's nephew holding it down. Get your tickets. They don't see right now, all right, all right, well, thank you, nephew. We'll make sure we keep letting the people know about it. Okay, Hey, hey, if I wanted you are calling it be a Sarah good mama. What what y'all? Dore? Coming up next, Today's strawberry Letter. Y'all can care a baby for me? Daniel those days again carry him to the God su Carcre. Coming up next, Today's Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's strawberry Letter is up next, and it's a good one. All right, come on tell me t we'renn We're gonna sprinkle. We're gonna sprinkle. Little Steve in here for y'all. We got the one and only buckle up, hold on tight. We gotta strawberry letter. My dad's wilding out in Mexico. That's the subject today, exactly, nephew, Steven Shirley. I'm twenty five years old and my emotionally fragile dad. It's fifty six. Recently, my dad had a midlife crisis and quit his federal job and moved to Mexico. At first, he was partying and having wild sescapades seccapades daily, and after doing this for about five months. He called to tell me that he fell in love and he's getting married. Despite his foolishness, I was happy for him until I found out that his fiance is twenty two years old, she has four kids and they communicate through an app. Thence, she speaks no English and he speaks no Spanish. The worst part is that she was a prostitute and that's how they met. Let him read the glow, then he confessed. I love it. Then he confessed, and he spent his entire four oh one k on her and her friends at a strip club. He plans to marry this woman, leave her four kids in Mexico, and move home to live with my grandma for a year. I called my grandma and told her everything. The wedding was scheduled for last week, but had to be postponed because he found out that his name is misspelled on his birth certificate. I praised God for intervening. My dad thinks they're in love, but I'm afraid that once this girl get what she wants, gets what she wants, she'll leave my dad. I love my dad too much to watch him be this stupid. What can I do to stop this. Please help me, I mean, thank you, nevew, thank you so much for adding some color to this craziness. All right, Um, I really don't think there's anything you can do, because you're you're at is certainly old enough to know better. He's just not doing better. He knows, um, even though you did say he was emotionally fragile. Uh. The sad part is there's nothing you can do. He's a grown man. I know he's your dad and you love him and you want to help. But he's making his own choices right now, albeit very bad, bad choices. But he's not listening to you. He's not listening to anyone. And I doubt very seriously if he's going to be able to move in with Grandma, with this woman who used to be a hooker and all of that. Uh. He's just not making smart decisions right now. His life is in a downward spiral, although he doesn't know it yet. The best you can do right now is just to keep praying and hoping that God continues to intervene when he did when he uh, you know, has something to do, you think with the misspelling of his name on the birth certificate. But this is this is really crazy. I mean, your dad's throwing his whole life away on this woman. And h he already threw with retirement away. So you gotta keep him in prayer because he's a grown man. You have to keep him in prayer. Jay, what you got? I like the math on this. The mathis how old is he? He's fifty six? In the lady is home, she's twenty two. Ffty six goes into twenty two? How many times? As many times as he can? That's what I'm right, is many times? Is Papa can't do it? Papa? Don't, Papa, don't? Papa don't? Yes, Papa, dude, you get one time to enjoy yourself. What man? I know that definitely don't want a woman that wants a woman that can't speak English. Every man wants a woman. I don't care what sire was speaks no English. So she cash back because I don't know what you're talking about. Makes your papa has a pretn up and make sure his wills are tightened up and everything. Papa enjoy himself. This is set life. This is Papa's life. Goodhead. I'm with Papa on yourself. Man, I'll tell you, Junior, idiotic decisions. Come on, guys, junior. Next, I think I think y'all missing the boat on this. I think I think there's something here that you all are not realizing is right there in front of your face. Come on, now, let's look at that. This goes to show you you don't have to speak this saying like to find love. What's love got to do with this? This is love. Let me say, I don't condone prostitute. Okay, but at least the girl is working. Okay, Okay, I do not condone. But if she's trying to pull away, Shirley, you're trying to bring some money in, Okay, you money to the house. You bring some money. C C, I bring some money. T Yes, some money. Okay. There comes a time when you know a strip club is necessary. And I understand the man blue his hole for one k? For sure? Isn't he allowed to do that? You don't get you? Say see, you don't speak no English over here. Say see, I'm a black woman. You know we have something I want to see. Thank you. I love the fact that they don't speak the same language, but they speak the same body language. And that's what's about to get married. This body language is this is this is real. But this has to be the dumbest answer ever from you. There would be days he would just look at her eyes. No me, Poul, there is start. I keep the little kikidding. I don't care if they start void, I don't care what they do. Be Sny Christmas. You got to listen, Ja, All right, listen, we have part two of this. We want to hear from Junior as well, and we'll wrap up the letter when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with part two of today's Strawberry Letters. Don't forget if you have relationship issues, we do want to hear from you. We want to give you our advice. You can ask us. Just submit your letters to Steve Harvey dot com. Steve Harvey dot com. Okay, now, this letter, the subject is my dad is wilding Out in Mexico, written by a twenty five year old woman about her fifty six year old in love with the former prostitute with four kids that he wants to marry and bring back to to live with his mother for a year. This is a complicated, crazy story. Uh, he's in love he's been down there whiling out, having these sex capades with these women, and he spent his four ok, this dad four oh one k this dad did all of this. The daughter is worried about him. She says, he's emotionally fragile. He's only fifty six years old too. Uh. The dad thinks that he's in love with this old woman, he said, But the daughter says once. She's afraid that once the woman gets what she wants, she'll leave her dad. And she loves her dad too much, and she she hates to watch him this stupid So what can she do to stop this? Is her her question in the struy letter. Yeah, so so, so what are you saying, Junior? Leave your daddy alone? And I'm in fact, I'm motivated to go to Mexico. I just put my flight this weekend. I'm going to go down here and see what happiness this is perfect. He speaks no Spanish, she speaks no English, and yeah, they communicate through apps. You know how many men who have women who speak English and ain't getting a damn thing understand what I answered? Junior? Here you go, Senior, Junior for beIN? Yeah, who don't go? Saw us uh cornandok. Yeah, but barritos and tacos on me. Oh yeah, coming anything here, winters, winters, aliana bull riding is good too. Yeah, he doesn't understand anything. Yeah no, no, like your citro is like hero. Slap my behind too. I'm doing myself. Maybe those trains count. No, I got no felonies. Enoughing this relationship is, this relationship is working fine, take it off clothes let senior junior senior junior Mia sua kia at capets the mark on Uh how you say? Uh? It's uh yeah, I brought up the case on myself that he has the market Trinidad. But surely wait, she said, how do you say? So? She had an English moment. Yeah, no high liberal book liberal, my little candle tinga. I'll go willing on, We'll get your three friends to come on in that all said, oh we need a translator everyone so yeah, a little sprissos uh so air about out a year or maybe? Um yeah, Well know what she said was can I go down to the bank and get my full one k and spending all the ho Yes that already stupid, but we don't go yes, I mean yeah, we're up. Yeah, all right, listen Instagram me your thoughts at my girl Shirley. Okay, this is today's letter. My dad is wilding out and mixing crazy. Uh switching gears. Now. Continuing a time honored White House tradition, President Donald Trump will pardon the national Thanksgiving turkey in a rose garden ceremony. Dang yeah. The White House says the event will feature two turkeys raised in Minnesota up and after the ceremony, they will live out their lives at Virginia Tech University. This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the lighthearted event. Trump is set to spend the Thanksgiving holiday at his Mara Lago Club in Palm Beach. Anyone surprised? Hey, uh, and hey guys, I do have a Thanksgiving kind of fun fact here Wisconsin. Check this out, guys, Johnson, Oh did you well? Did you know they produced four hundred and fifty million pounds of these last year? What are they? Just take a wild guest? Okay, turkeys, cranberries, cranberries, turkeys close to eat cranberry sauce with turkey because the cranberry I was always sitting next to the turkey and just sit there. Sometimes you don't, man, I love cranberry, But I tell you what's good. If you ever had a turkey sandwich with slice cranberry, Yeah, actually had Thanksgiving all a piece of breath. Yeah, black people saw Friday Friday. Ain't right. No Friday man does that. But could I say this? Come said that turkey didn't had it? Okay? Put that caucus in the trash. It's it's going timing. That's when somebody got to go. It's how big the turkey is. If you got to have a family member that though it's gone, it's all. They're gonna take that turkey and they fin a boiling Turkish to we're gonna eat eating it. Yeah, all right, Coming up next at forty one after the hour, guys, Uh, we're gonna do a segment called how do you tell someone that that we'll be bad? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve is off today, guys, but shout out to Stephen his lovely wife Marjorie for their generous hearts. It is time for the annual Harvey Turkey Giveaway, and the uh Giving continues today all over the country. Will be everywhere covering it like a blanket. Color that's right Shirley, New York kicking things off BLS one O seven five. That's our home station in the Big Apple. Also, yeah, we headed down in mid Atlantic, going to d C, d C right one three, yes, right be one on three. We're headed to Chicago. W d A S in Philly that Elly and Philly will be handing turkeys out there in Philly. Seven w v k L in Norfolk. We will be in Virginia, also headed to Dallas. How about them cowboys? Hey j here, Mike is going off soon. Also we're headed to Tampa seven to beat in Tampa, Florida. Tommy will be in Detroit with Yes Mixed ninety two point three in Detroit, yours truly. I will be in Houston with our home station, our newest family member one on four or five kiss at Famine h Town handing out turkeys. Weamo in Pittsburgh Black and Old representing and be one on one point nine in Charlotte. These stations we have all teamed up with Stephen Marjorie Harvey, with local shelters, charities, churches, community organization zations to help those families in need. So Happy Thanksgiving and continues all day long. Yeah, I gotta tell you all this because he came to see me where he actually opened up the show. I was in uh Maryville, Indiana last week. Guests who opened the show Bang Bang Bang Love Love represent sitting one oh three? He did. He came out, did his dog on thing. We took pictures out together. I did not know. Thirty seven years in the radio business, he started on our morning show, the show that I did with the late great Doug Banks. That's where romotes started in Chicago. Yeah, the late great Purpose Yeah all right, Jay, So let's let's get to the segment you wrote called how do you tell someone that from time to time you have things that happened? Chilly? Right? And there's a certain way. How do you tell somebody certain things? For instance, how do you knock someone else's door? M hmm, look them right in the face, is it, ma'am? I tell you, how do you say that? You see, j I've been there the phone? Yeah, how do you do it? How do you how do you look a man in his face and just tell him your wife is cheating on me, ain't you? I mean, how do you do it? Bring that up? How do you see these things? I got one. How do you tell your best girlfriend those finger ways are not working for you, working, they're not working for anybody. Do you see anybody in them back? No? No, they are back, but not for her? Yeah boo, yeah, I think I'm cool with the finger way when it turned into thumb waves so far apart? How do you say that? Yeah? Does they come out hunt? I'm gonna say this too. I don't know how to say this, but I just want to tell one of my partners. I don't know how to say that, but I need to tell them that, Hey, man, grown people don't wear parts in their parts are done, parts are over. I'm not coming back. Why is the barb going that far down on the side? Why what is he back there for? But but Junior, my boy car page winning one right now? Still, That's what I was talking about it to y'all. I was I want to tell him here, my friend, Here we go. We're gonna tell it right now. Let that is he in the place, No no causing, another place you can play the game. I browsed a minute that brown Fields something I got to send you all right here? Market Yeah, okay, how do you tell someone Okay, I have a girlfriend right, heavily endowed. I must say, beautiful girl, beautiful girl. Bro's just always a little too small. Yeah, when she's over overadge overhea. You know it's kind of puffy at the top and then on the side, you know she got sad yes side, yeah, the side boob. Yeah. How do you tell someone? How do you? I don't know what we're gonna say to Jake? Yeah? Is that a boom some Sorry? Wait, no, y'all I got one for y'all. Your girl surely over here. She don't have no problems though telling you. Let me tell you what she did. Let me tell you what she did to me. We're shopping. This is right after I had my baby, shortly nine years ago, right after the headsha. We went shopping in the mall. I tried on this dress. I said, what you think, sirley? She said, Oh, you'll be all right, girl. You just get you some spanks A right, I got spanks on right now. What did you tell that you don't need spanks calling you need whippings? Yeah, your friend always an opportunity to tell that one. I don't. I'm sorry about that. Keep you keep that's my girl, all right? Listen coming up to the top of the hour. Thanksgiving is a day to make family announcements. We'll be back let you know what they are right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Thanksgiving is one time of the year you have the whole family, usually in one place. Right. Thanksgiving is one time of year you can make a big announcement to everyone at once. Enough relatives, enough relatives are there that presumably your family won't make a scene. You clear your throat and say, excuse me, I have some news. Guys, can you share anything that was announced at the Thanksgiving table on this radio anything? No one stood up and said they had news. They were getting married, they were leaving him, Yeah, they were getting of more. Uh. They don't even be a formal announcement. Just you just go hear it over everybody. They're turned the volume down of the TV and say, Calvin went back in today, he would he just went in an hour ago. Did the announcement? We get m h. Yeah, I can't let me tell you when my my parents, Yeah, I wish I had would have met my parents because they were a unique group. Once you meet my parents, you have met my friends. You would have understood me more. All right, my mother and father got divorced and they didn't make the announcement at the thanksgiving them and my mama said, I'm leaving brown again. So you're like yeah, because she would leave my daddy like every year, so this this time she did leave. She did leave. She who doubt? But every day they saw each other until they died. Every damn day if my daddy didn't come see my mama, who wasn't living there, who wasn't living with her, or she came to his house, not only did she come to his house, she would take stuff out every day. There's my part. I left my part I thought I left. This was now do you now? Do you understand me? You Patty, take that part. There's my brother. I knew I left that rug and he was like, and Ley, just take the damn rugs. In my grandmother's neighborhood, that was a man that lived across the street from my grandmother and four four four houses down was his wife's house, and he would he would walk down their health, donner, health, breakfast, whatever, come back to his house. They live was down for me each other. It was crazy thing I have seen I've seen this guy who's he's like that hint, but he would walk to this lady's house every morning too to go. I don't know what he was doing. Man, it couldn't be that much work. That's perfect, that's perfect for you. You don't want to live with your spouse. You could still be married and maybe not just lived down the street. Yeah, and just go visit. Maybe not marrying. You're not marrying kind work for Ja'm not marrying. It doesn't work out for him. You have to work, make it work out, you know what? You right there? When you hear people talk about marriage, you'll say, well, how is married? It's worth a man's a lot of work. Well, I already got a job. You're gonna miss out, good holiday, loving man. You're gonna miss out on that that will not be married. Tell him about it, have them call, well, what what is it it? Just tell me this Jay, because I just want to understand. Is it just because you don't I'm gonna take the Jeff Sessions approach. I don't recall that. I can't remember and Ronald Reagan before him. Yeah, you just don't like the commitment. You don't remember, you know, I may have. I just can't. I think you don't like the commitment. I can't recall being from Alabama. I couldn't tell you. I don't know. Okay, well how about this? What could we get? Could we talk to any of your ex wives? I don't recall any of them at this particular, I don't. I don't remember. I could have had I love interview. So you're not friends with them after your break up? But I wouldn't say friends. But they're not evil to me. It's more a relief that I'm gone, which why they're nice to me. Are the ones that that have been divorced. They're happy that he's gone something. I don't know what people mean when they say they're not the marrying kind. I mean they could mean anything. I tell you what it means. The people who are not married are not the marriage You don't know, but you can be. Yeah, you have to learn from your mistakes. That's the other event why I'm married. People so insisting of getting people. It's too much. Really, you know what marriage really should expire in seven years, and you just you and you think about to do this again. It really should mean the worst person on earth. It should expire. Everything expires. Food, expires. You know your license expires. Everything expires town right, Yes, things have things that have the right to expire. If you want to, you know, reinstated, then you do that. But it's expire. It does expire. And you know what that means when you expire till death? Do by date? Yeah, it's not good past this date. Yeah, expiration. You bitter man, and you've been mad. I don't understand his pain. What's the hold up about that? Jr? Hold off? For what? Getting married? I didn't can't say we're going commercial, can't sit. You better have all the fun you want. Don't be rushing in. Well, I mean he's making money now. Usually guys wait, you know, until they get financially ready to make some money. You better have some fun because guess what, once you get married, all that money is not you're not able to We'll be back right after this. But you don't see this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen. Uh, we were just talking about marriage. I didn't mean anybody upset. Yeah. Married. Yeah. Let me say this too. It's Thanksgiving, it's holiday season. Let me just say this. Listen, and it's and I mean, no har all side pieces. Listen, when they come over there on Friday, they don't want your turkey. They didn't have turkey. Okay, have something different to eat, but listen, listen, they're not coming over there to have thank Giving dinner with you. They tired and they're not looking for that. It would be nice, but you have some barbecue, have some different that they're gonna be tired of the turkey so different. We don't be like baby, we're gonna baby, We're gonna sit around. I got the whole thing later. I just did this yesterday. I'm not trying to do this again. I didn't hell. I'm gonna go home with the play the food? What's that like to go from? I got this plays? Now you want to taste my broccoli castle role that came from over I came. I can't take that home. She can't be tasting your cooking. She gonna rinking that chips to all players and play, taking the plate, drive down the highway and throw it out the damn window. You can't take that home. You can't take that home. He can't do that. She's gonna recognize that. Did I hear you say? Like like you go back here, sap house. How is the castle roll? You know to me like the yams? Yeah, you get it home when you didn't put this You didn't put this peach cobbler in the fridy Where do you get that pitch comber front? That was good, you ain't that? Yeah? That was good because the most scared words in man, it's who's cheating? Is just in my plate? Love? She bite it to the plate your brother from my house. I'll tell you what I know this for sure. That ain't your mama Green. Be careful. This is a rough time of the year right now, a lot of them we lose people runner. Yeah, and don't just throw it out to win the finer dog somewhere. That's hard over kid. The other thing to Jake Fellas, don't be too happy, just be even killed. Keep what do you mean, don't be too high like if you go see her come home, bring it back down right down that jolly. Don't come in with that jolly. Yeah, don't go in there with that saying put a cut on your jolly, your moves and yeah you got to come in like you just got off work. You know that that you just left. Well, what do you say to get out of the house. I'm gonna take mama. Yeah, let me run over here by wayne them until I come over there. Okay, no problem, all right with you. I'm not doing anything. Everybody call me filthy. Yeah, this is not the nineteen fifty. No, I can't have my woman around that filthy top. My baby. We were going to the movies. Yeah, later on, it's important. You might have to see holiday movies twice. Okay, players, players, players, listen to me. Keep your mouth shut right here in trouble right here, all right? Uh. Coming up next, we're gonna tell you about the Harvey Turkey Giveaway. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve is off today. But a shout out going out to Steve and Marjorie, his wife, for their generous, generous, generous efforts. Um just loving hearts, just you know, great spirits. Yesterday we kicked off the annual Harvey Turkey Giveaway and the giving continues today all over the country. Carla, what you got now? We are giving away turkeys. It's the Harvey Annual Turkey Giveaway, as you just mentioned, and we will be in New York kicking things off one O seven five w B list. That's our home station in New York. We're swinging on over to d C w h U R d c B one oh three in Chicago w d A S and Philly N seven v k L in Norfolk, Virginia. We are all over the country. We're going down south, Nephew Dallas, Texas k r n B. Also the Beat in Tampa seven to Beat and Mixing ninety two point three in Detroit, Tommy, you will be there today. In Detroit turkeys and in Houston, Texas who one oh four or five Kiss FM are new with family member. Also, the giveaway continues in Pittsburgh WAMMA one hundred and in Charlotte B one on one point nine. This is fantastic again to Stephen Marjorie, and thank you so very much for your thank you. Yes, but let me see that Listen. If I'm passing the turkey out to you in Detroit, I don't have time to take a picture and hold it's cold turkey. You're gonna have to take the turkey and keep it moving. That's all okay, Yeah, that's what I got to give me some glove today. Ya gonna say, I know one turkey give ways about to happen. What And I'm pretty sure Steve is gonna do it. He's about to give away Jay and Tammy. These two Jaff turkeys. Why we're in the seventies all of a sudden, these two jack that happened Remember Jaf Jabb George Georgie Jefferson. Wow, you know what? Nobody ever picked up on that name and market that. You know that? Just button ball. But I think job turning right on brother, right on the side. Maybe we've stretched it out for as long as we could tell us about this holiday loving? Holiday loving? Is this Shirley, And this is what I tell my wife. Listen, however many times you get a plate, that's how much holiday loving? I won't. I won't loving every time you get a new plate. Holiday love it, Junior? You against that if anybody against the holiday loving rule, and y'all can add to the rule, Junior, definitely, definitely I can add a clicker in my I definitely want to add to the older players out there. Listen to me, the holidays coming up. Get your medication earlier, Okay, get you get check, get your no I'm talking about your fund mans, get your fun mads. Get that now, so you're not backed up. Get your fun man right, go early in the morning when it ain't crowded anyway, Mr brown yours was ready every man. Hey, alright on that note, guys, we're gonna reel it in because we have to introduce and right here we was just reeling it out. We'll be back to wrap up the show at forty nine after the hour with just one more thing. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go with the last break of the day. With just one more thing, Carla, you're on next with your cooking tips, your your eras and oversights to avoid stress free Thanksgiving. I like it, Yeah, cooking turkey. I don't know what what else is cook I cooking the sad I gotta cook, coming about of house to pick up the turk. What are we talking about? What is called free cooking too? Cooking though, guys, it's hosting can be stressful. So much happening in the kitchen, so you know it's easy to make mistakes. But so I got some common Thanksgiving cooking eras and oversights to avoid. So your Turkey day is stress free? Not planning ahead? Number one thing you gotta plan ahead to make it work. So you gotta double triple check your shopping list, playing it all out. Your prep times, Junior, we talked about this the other day. Consider your prep times, cooked times, you know, just things making sure surely oven spaces available. I don't know why I'm talking to you. These are the things that you have to do. I don't know why take those books out, all right, forgetting the appetizers, forgetting the advertisers, because you know, we get so wrapped up in the cooking the sides and cooking of us and we forget that. Folks come over, they're hungry. Yeah, you want somebody waiting in, just a little somebody that sounds good, that sounds like, that's sound good, alright, alright, serving all the hot dishes. This goes back to planning. You can only heat up so many things that there's only so much and you got none right, right, there's only so much of the space that you have, so you got to serve something like the salads, and you know, get all that together. Then let's see. All right, Tommy, you don't have this problem over cooking the turkey, because Tommy is a beast at frying the turkey. We get a fried turkey from Tommy every year, So Tommy, break it down, give them some pointers on frying turkey coming all right, So here we go. So, first of all, if you've never fried a turkey before, the most important thing is throwing your turkey completely out. That is the most important thing. You're gonna fry it. But certainly, here's the deal when you burn your whole house down. What you're talking about? Sure, I'm just sure. When when people till my food, it's not the time for you to chat me when they talk about cooking food, just kicking. So anyway, I seasoned this turkey up real good. You have a syringe, you shoot it up. I shoot it up. Uh. My mother created this this season that she put together, so I have never forgotten it. She taught it to me. Shoot the turkey up completely. Let the turkeys sit in the frieze. You inject shoot up. But anyway, shoot the turkey up and put him in the fridge. I don't fry my turkey till Thursday morning, all right. So I tried to shoot him up on Tuesday and let him sit in the fridge till Thursday. Dropping me in like right before the hour before dinner. I dropped the turkeys, so I got I got three deep fry of course from our friends at Master Bill. A turkey is fifty minutes. It's it's three minutes per pound, three minutes per pound. Yeah, so if you buy a turkey that's uh one pound, you just cook it for three minutes. And nobody got a one pound weep talking about food? What is this ty? This turkey been on drugs with one pound? Okay, okay, alright, okay, you realized my head. Okay, sorry, if you don't know you are frying it in peanut oil, that is as Now do you tell people timing to make sure that outside when they're from but well you know you know Master Bild has a butter ball indoor cooking too, so I have both of them, have both. I have it where I got three fries gone. You can just drop them all in when I put in fifteen minutes, when I pull them up, I got three turkeys and they're ready. And what you want a time and like call is saying all insides need to be ready to pull that turkey out of time and because more people burn their houses down trying to fry turkey doing the holidays. It's just not for rookie. Don't do it amateurs. No, no, you gotta know what you're doing. But just like Tommy says, thanks to Master Built, we have indoor uh friars now so you can fry your turkey indoors and be safe. So I went home yesterday, shot up a bunch of turkeys because you know I'm in Detroit now, shot up a bunch of turkeys and make sure my family got what they need. You know, my son will drop them in and and hopefully the boy won't burn. How many how many checkers are you cooking for other people? Turning for other people outside of me? About? I shot up five extra ones, and of course call is in that five checks has four? No, I don't know that I love them. It's like when he takes us out to dinner. We're not paying. Now you're gonna change that attitude though, I'm start making y'all pick up something. I want to pay, but you're I don't think it's gonna work. When I got one more tip, guys for the host not accepting help. Hosting is far from easy. It is hard work. So accept offers from people who want to help. You wash the dishes, tabletting the table. You ain't gotta be superwoman, because I will try to be super woman. Last year Thanksgiving was at my house and we need to come on and before we go, wash your damn hands while you cook it. Yes, we gotta have it. Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving. Thanks We love you, We're thankful for you. Thank you. Sade piece. No turkey on Friday. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.