Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to everyone including aliens. What do you cook for Thanksgiving? Are there family members that you have that you just don't want at Thanksgiving dinner? Do you remember any of the most irrelevant conversations that happen at Thanksgiving? Uncle Steve has the best advice on how and where and when to shop for Thanksgiving dinner! The crew have a debate on who is the best person to host Thanksgiving dinner and why. Fool #2 murders another one. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about visions and dreams, plus much more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them like amazing buck things. And it's not doing me true good at Steve hastening to move together for STU please by I don't join by joining you do with me. You gotta u turn keep let them go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You haven't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby it uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, I gotta tell you something everybody, And this is great news for everybody that I'm or share something with your principle of becoming successful at whatever level you choose. It can be successful in the relationship, successful in the family. Successes may be considered to you becoming a homeowner. It could be being dead free. Your ideal success could be sixty thousand a year, fifty thousand a year, one hundred thousand dollars a year. Doesn't matter if you're considering it, if you're wanting it, if you have a desire to become successful. I want to share with you the very beginning of that. If no one's ever done it, I'm going to say the beginning of it today. See Scripture makes it very clear for us you don't The only thing you need to become successful is already inside of you. It's not an external need. God wouldn't do that to you. He puts the core basis of everything you need inside of you. So if you discover it, if you tend to it, nurture it, fertilize it, and water it, it grows, it branches out. Then it reaches out externally and it starts grabbing things outside of there to make it even bigger, stronger, better, lasts longer. But in the very beginning, you don't need anything. It's all within you. And if you cultivate your relationship with God, it comes out, it flourishes. Now, let me tell you that thing that I'm talking about is a God given gift that He has given to all of us. We all possess it. It is all within us that everybody has a gift. Had somebody told me what I know now back then, I would have saved myself tons of mistakes. I just didn't know the principles. I had to learn them all well. One of the principles of becoming successful is your mind set. You got to get your mind right now. This mindset is simply a decision that you can make. I can't get it for you. I can tell you what to do, but you got to make the decision. You that's listening, have to decide. You know what, I'm gonna go on and get at it. I'm gonna stop renting. I'm gonna become a homeowner. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stop living check to check. I'm I'm gonna put a budget together. I'm gonna stop stepping out on my family. I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna get it together. I'm gonna stop using when you make these decisions, that's correcting your mindset. Now. The closer connection you have with God, the more help you get sustaining the mindset. How many times have you started to do something and you stopped? How many resolutions have you made at the New Year and stop by February? Over by me at January? Done in March? Because if you don't have a clear connection with your creator to help you carry out the other force out there. That evil force is designed to get you not to reach your goals, get you not to come to resolution with whatever the resolutions are you made, so he can so you can consider yourself not worthy or failure or unable to do something. But the more things you are able to accomplish, the greater your confidence goals grows. So we got to get your mindset together. Your mindset is a decision that you have to me. When you make the decision, you can begin the process. Your mindset is also a will of yours, a will along with the decision, a will, a willingness to do right, a willingness to change, a willingness to be better. It's going to then cause you to have to make a decision to make a change of direction. Don't go where everybody else going. You got to go your way now, you can't follow the crowd. You got to take a less travel path. You cannot do this without changing your direction. You can't keep hanging with the people you've been hanging with if you want to be different because they're not. Then you have to develop an obligation to yourself. You've got to say, you know what for me and my family or if you don't have a family for me, I owe it to myself. I have an obligation to myself to be the best meat that I can possibly be, to be the best self that I can possibly be, to be the best father, the best man, the best husband, the best wife, the best mother, the best daughter, the best son, the best student, the best employ ye, the best owner. You have an obligation to yourself to give yourself a shot at the best life you can. That's an obligation. You owe that to yourself. Why would you not live the best life that you possibly could. You have an obligation to yourself. Why would you teat yourself like that? Why would you take yourself and never allow yourself to see the goodness that's already in you, to have the abundance that's been promised to you, to go and explore all the riches out there that's available to you. And but one of the worst ways that you can rob yourself the joy of your obligation is to keep comparing yourself to somebody else, Because guess what, Man, that ain't your life. You ain't jay Z and Beyonce, you're not You're not open. Instead, man, that's not who you are. Quit looking around at everybody else. That comparison of everybody else to keep you broken. It'll keep you unhappy. You won't even be able to be grateful for what you have because you steady talking about what you don't have. That's not the way, man. You have an obligation to yourself to be the best you you can be, not the best them. You're not them. Stop trying to be them. Be the best you. It's cool. You got a nice little house. That's cool. You know how many big houses is empty and feel with hate and resentment. I'd rather have a smaller house feel with joy in it than to go to a big man. Prince got a line in a song that says, I realized, in its best disguise, or pretty house don't make a home. Man. Don't you know I know how true that is? So I'm just trying to tell you now. Another part of the mindset is taking dead aim at your life's goals and ambitions. What are they? What are your goals and your visions? What do you see for yourself? What do you dream about? If you knew you couldn't fail at whatever it is you were attempting, what would you go attempting. See, that's what we need to be after. It's a mindset, y'all. It's a decision, it's a will, it's a change of direction. It's an obligation to yourself. It's taking dead aim at your life's visions and goals. Come on, man, you got to get your mind wrapped around this thing. You owe it to yourself to live the best life you can be. Come on, man, talk to God. God got something for you. You just gotta check in with him. You're listening, ladies, gentlemen, girls, boys, things, animals, aliens, everybody. I talk to one of them? You talk to who a lien? You don't have no alien friends. So go ahead, man, let me see you get out of this one right here. So what y'all talk about? What y'all talking about? I'm open, I'm open. It's a good way to start. She'll go ahead to Okay, he's from Mars, he's my friend, and he's been talking about how they haveing Mars quake. You know, we have earthquakes, they have Mars quakes. So it's a lot going on. This similarity to what's happening up, then what's happening down? Yeah, I mean it's how you don't have no friends? If I'm not worry about that. Where'd you see boy come out of house? Sometime? Boy come, Steve? How does he get to the house. You don't remember the friend I used to play with when I was little. Oh, I remember him, Marvin. We didn't see him either, but Marvin the market he exists. Make me show angry. I love Mark the Disney cart. Ye see, Jake, I don't you got friends? Is anybody inside? Because I are? Is that a question? Carlo? Seriously, I'm looking around the room like he's got Martian friends. That yeah, when they show up, When they show up, you're gonna need me. See, you're gonna need me because you ain't had nobody to know how to talk to him. That's your problem. You need you need to get You need somebody like me in your life. Martian friends. Heh yeah, yeah, yeah, they show up although nothing but a helmet with some sneakers helmet and so now that explains it. Okay, that's gonna be my friend. I'm done with her. That yourself? You do, Tommy, you got these shout as marshans? Do they look stick just to helmet with it? Some converse sneaking, sticking up on them and set eyes crazy. I know because I got right now, he don't want to laugh. That's how he looked in his football uniform. Okay, when we was little, Tommy got a football uniform and that's how he looked like a marsh But who's taller, you think though? Back he got quiet you you here, all right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, something funny. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, this is according to a new survey. Guys, the average American will spend about one hundred and sixty five dollars and some change on Thanksgiving dinner this year. Uh huh overall. Yeah, that sounds per person. Yeah, that sounds really low per person. Yeah, just that's average. That's the average. Yeah, they average it out. Yeah, the high and the low and the average. Overall, two point ninety eight billion, that's almost three billion will be spent in the US on Thanksgiving dinner, with fifty two million turkeys expected to be consumed. Fifty two fifty two million turkeys expected to because them them turkeys right now, so nervous pace up against that case. I got no vod you know. When he get it. No, you have got ten years. You know what Halloween turned? You think? What's a turkey? Does have an explate? So they get it, they get it. Yeah, he already know going in. What's the average what's the lifespan of a turkey? Right? Yeah, don't know? No, I don't think it is that long. But don't you feel badly talking about it right now? But you don't at Thanksgiving? Like I got a friend that's a turkey. I don't have a friend. I don't really care. I'm friends of the turkeys. I don't say that the average lifespan of a turkey is ten years. Ten years really, but that's probably a wild turkey a ten years old, but they get all their life listens. No, that's a wild turkey, wild turkey. Okay, okay, so like a turkey, got to know here, butter ball. What's what's the age of the How do you know? I think about a year and a half, about a year and a half. You know they inject them pretty good. Yeah, they fatten them up. Yeah, they'd be swollen, they'd be just big ass baby. Yeah, with y'all slowed up. So I do have some ways that people can save money on their Thanksgiving meal, and you know, of course guys jump in here. So like, if you're hosting the dinner, if you're if the dinner's at your house, you want to save money. Make it a pot luck, they're saying, so all the expenses go fall on you. Idea covered that last year. That is not a good idea. Shell, We disagree with pot luck. Somebody always got something in the pot that ain't lucky to nobody. But you look, what the hell, it's always full at the end. That's my ham hock, lime of bean castle. What it's always it's always full at the end of the night. Why doesn't that always see that? Nobody ate that up the street my boys on friendly every year sent to our house. Now, imagine the casserole dish, the ones you like corning castro ground, Yeah, right, throw back picture it full of lime of bean. Yeah the picture, and whole ball potatoes split right in half? Who the whole ball potatoes split in half? Now line them up around the outside of the cash roll dish looked like a fence made out of teeth, and then put a ham hawk in the middle of the lima beans. She sent that downy lima bean castle. Rollo and who eat lima beans with potatoes, And the potatoes is split in half and she lines the flat side up on the middle, you know, the flat side of where you cut the potatoes that's facing the middle, so the outside looked like teeth, and then a ham hawk in the middle. She sent that down the house every year. My daddy he wanted to go up there because my mama kept stopping. My dad was so bad. But but who the hell she think we are? Why she think we fitteath this? We cooked down here? She thinks we find the old dog. He was so mad at helmets given castle role days. That's when everybody think they supposed to bring a Well, you got some people that it's just easily like castro, don't do it? Why well, let me ask a cute person on the show, Tommy, what is that dish not calling up? Don't know he find that about ladies, y'all know I don't say that. Hey, hold y'all, don't hear him arguing about he follow that just blushing. Yeah, thank your uncle. Recognize what is the dish that you famous for making on things? Yeah? But it was definitely and macaronian cheek. What's your mine is Jesse yam. I don't make nothing else that thanks give it and my mother in lawdon took over. I don't even do that. No, what's shells junior? Swallowing? You know you show up for tell you something? You in La. You can't be saying that a lot. Okay, that was sad when you was in Chicago, but you don't go around people for Thanksgiving. I do. I didn't say that. You didn't see that? What did your favorite? Swallowing? You don't don't put that out there like that. I'm just telling Jay the question your jokes is gonna have to be reading. That was I don't cook nothing, carl it. What's your favorite? Dis thank you? Mac and cheese to make? But I love my mother in laws oyster dressing. She can make some dressing. My mother lost and then my father gumbo sah. I don't. I can't eat it anymore. But you can't eat what anymore? See what I'm saying. You can't say nothing wrong? Can't You gotta watch what you say? We're in La. Chicken put it in a paper bag and shake it up with the flower with it. That's how you fried chicken. Put in that bag and shake it. You can't. No, I can't friend. You can't do it. Fried chicken okay because you gave up meat. No, because I'm a diabetic that shouldn't be eating friedbets. Can't eat chicken. I didn't know do like Boomerang do Boomerang for his birthday went to Luby's and got a big hunker pink cake. He ate it in the parking lot of the emergency. So you're just not gonna ask me. Huh no, No, we already know not to ask you. A matter of fact, we'll be back talk to you. You get your own break, and the nephews run that prank back to you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Nephews here would run that prank back. What you got for us? Nap too much? Chicken can never have too much Black people, we tired? Do you chicken? Let's go capt Dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason. Please, Yes, Jason, Hi, Jason, My name is Remy. I'm calling with BPE TMC. I think going I'm doing firing, But what the BT? Whoever? That is vp E t MC. It's an organization we've been around for the last five years and we're trying to help different things in the black community and wanted to reach out and give you a call and see if you would be on board or help signing a petition that we're gonna have going around with VPE t MC if you don't mind. Okay, what is it about, well, BP E t MC Jason is uh, black people eat too much chicken, and what we're trying to do is cut back beat too much chicken. What the hell is this? My name, my name is Remy, sir. Okay, what you mean about black pe beat too much chicken? We've we've done we've we've done a test study and we realized, sir, the black people are the ones that are eating too much chicken. And what we want to do is trying to cut back because right now there's a times and ask them they eat all time, the chicken, chicken, food, young all this, yeah, chicken and white chicken, calligate all the chicken, chicken, stir fire rights with chicken and always say you want to come to me talking about a bright person eat too much damn chickens. Did you ask some white people? I bet you didn't know we're no white folks. I bet you don't go to them, y'all out of them. Uh. Well, so we're gonna we're gonna get to that. We're starting in the black community. You black people are the ones that seemed to buy the most chicken. You know, chicken. Guess what, how don't we eat chicken? And if I did, he's chicken. I' because he man, we go. Are you thinking of something? You hey, Hindu, y'all got my number in it? Yeah, well you get sir. We're actually we're getting numbers from the supermarket. Uh, and we're getting a listing of people who buy the most super gett come in in a supermarket? Sir? What right? The main thing we're trying to get you to do is cutback on eating chicken. Now what we want. I don't eat no chicken. And you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and eat something chicken. I'm gonna call him about eating too much chicken. I don't even call my phone, so you got that? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Callaway. Is this Callaway? Yeah? Yes? Who is this? How you doing? My name is Remy. I'm with BP E T MC and uh who who My name is? Remy? Sir, I'm with bp E t MC. What we're doing is we have a petition we're trying to get signed throughout the black community, uh of some things that we're trying to actually help out in the black community. Uh So, bp E t MC is actually an organization and we're trying to actually uh save some things in the black community. What's it? What's B what is that? What's that stand for? What the hell is that BT? What is that for? Uh? Bp TMC is is uh black people eat too much chicken? And what we're trying to do with Man, you gotta be kidding me, man, this is this is remy sir. We're trying to get you all to actually sign a petition. What's going on as black people are buying too much chicken? You gotta be kidding me. Man, Is this is a white man? Who is this man? I am Caucasian, sir? Yes, then why are you calling me with this? Well, what we're trying to do is we're trying to get how do you get my number? First of all, actually we're getting we're getting numbers from supermarkets that are letting us know the people. Let me look my phone with that man called chicket man, Non me get smack one of y'all. Okay, sir. What we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on buying chickens. You're talking about you guys, Well, the black community is the black community, man, You've got going with it. We can't get tableted. Then they'll be calling my phone with the man Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the valerie a vow. That's a shame. How can I help you? All right, my name is Remy. I'm with BPE TMC. How you doing. I'm doing fine, and you I'm very well. Man. Listen, what we're trying to do is, uh, if I take a little bit of your time, we're trying to actually get a survey by people in the black community. We're actually trying to help out in the black community. But the organization is BPE TMC. And what this is is black What is that? Uh? That's that's Black people eat too much chicken. So what we're doing is we're trying to get back say that woman time for me. Black people eat too much chicken. You see, there's been a shortage in chicken. So what we're trying to do is get black people in chicken, and you want to do a survey what we want? What we want you guys to do with sign a petition that you're not going to eat anymore chicken this year? Why do we then make sense? We just stn't eat chicken. You know, we eat beef, weat steak, eat fish. I don't, So you're trying to part that off the market. Now, why would you want to tell us not to eat chicken? And we eat other stuff too? Why are you getting there in front? Because this doesn't make any sense. The test study, man was over chicken, and it just seems like that this study. Who did this test study? Well we did, man, We're bpe TMC. And what we're after doing the test study, we did realize that the black people are the ones that make your chest. I don't just do after to black people. I'm gonna just use white people. But white people eat chicken too, And she says, I don't diets and stuff? Okay man, Well Asian? What about the Hispanics? Did you use them? Okay man? Listening? What the bottom line is, our first study is black people, and what we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on Eachi. Yes, study should be everybody. This is something when should get my number from man? We got you, We got numbers from the supermarkets that people that number from No supermarkets. I ain't give my number to no supermarket. This is don't making me damn sense, you calling me, interrupting me about something like this. This is this wasn't bottom line, ma'am. You don't. You don't tell me. You're not telling me put the hair and I can't. You don't last mine. You got lifing them push this out? Yes, you do, calling somebody telling them black people eat too much chicken? You and your partian. Would you like to hear what the survey is actually saying. No, I don't want to hear that the survey is actually saying because what you're saying about, but the survey is saying that. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Valerie, This is nephew Tommy baby from the Steawalker. Oh and you have too much a masterpiece? Man is the team Tommy bro bro bro bro bro Bro. You brilliant, you brilliant man. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, uh the house guest for a person coming back for Thanksgiving that you're not looking forward to? Sing? Who is it? My mother in law's sister's husband. What? Who is that dog? I don't even knowing? It's Ernest? Why the whole time here? Yeah? Your mother in laws a dream. I love her, we love her. And man, my father in law is the best. Mom and daddy. I got the best. I never had a complaint. Man, we're happy. We enjoy each other. They can't stay in my house long as they were. Ye, I love them. But her sister husband, what's wrong? I don't know, that's what. That's what's wrong. I don't know. So they come to dinner and they do what they doing. We was having a prayer one time. My mom in law said, let's all whole hands, you know, the huge kitchen. Yeah, about twenty people. Everybody go around and say what they think. Yes, okay, naw, I ain't like this here because there's too many people. And I didn't know half the people that was in the circle. So and I really don't care what you're grateful fault because dinner is ready and we can talk about this why we eat, you know, but what has all this beforehand? And it got around to everybody, and this one lady took a long time, but hers was the best. So I broke from the circle and started clapping because I wanted to try to end it with applause, right, and you're not posted a clap doing prayer. But I just tried to wrap it up and it kept going. And I'm holding this dude's hand now, I don't know nothing wrong with him until it got to him and he started talking about what he was grateful fault. He said, I'm grateful for the weather and that we had the jacket's home and that the fact that you know, everything at the grocery store is fresh, and that we can go go by there, and I thank you. I thank him for my cars too that come on in the morning and take her safe. And then I want to thank him for the freshness of the potato chips in the bag. Sometime now I'm sitting now, I'm looking upside his head, but my whole body trimming because everybody got their head down except Winting is looking up in full blown hollow mote at me face talk. I'm over here. My whole body is shaking. I'm laughing so hard, trying not to blurt it out. Gives my mother in law she holding my hand on the other side, she squeezes my hand to try to help me through it. That ain't stopping nothing. I got. Who is this man? Then my other son, Steve, he opens his eyes and he starts snickering. My son owns me and my son's is in hollow mode. Harvey boys this to us, yil yeah, and I've given him for permission that laughing stuff like that. So I looked over to the left of the circle and my wife is glaring at me with them a little green eyes. I'm talking about glaring if you don't squit, if you don't pull it together like when she said that. And then I thank the Lord. I gotta tune up the other Yeah, I had to let everybody head go and leave the circle. I got a tune up. Yeah, thank god, I gotta tune up. The other day, I went in my office. I'm holly, I'm holloing. Next thing, I look up winting in the office with me because he couldn't handle it. The I love it. That was it I love it, So you don't want him to come by this year? Man, Please don't, please, don't let him speak? All right, Steve. Time for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much everybody, and good morning. This is entered put the news. Well, let's start out with the weather, because the weather is one of the big stories. The winter storms have fouled up Thanksgiving travel plans for a lot of Americans. The snow and the ice moving east. They suck a bomb cyclone apparently from the Great Planes into the Middle East. If you Middle East, Midwest, and if you look at TV some of the TV pictures of what's going on there, you would think it's January or February, as are usual for this the biggest travel week for US residents. The roads are really heavy, the lines along at the airports. Expect some delays and cancelations. Get out early, if you haven't left yet for Grandma's house, get out early now early is the thing, and that no matter how you're going, whether you're traveling by car or by rail or by air, just get out there. And it continues. First it was the House Intelligence Committee, now the House Judiciary Committee is appearing to launch his own impeachment hearings into the president to president's actions regard in Ukraine, listed to begin next week on December fourth. The House Intelligence Committee is to issue its impeachment reports sometime after this week, and the House Oversight Committee is suing US Attorney General William Barr and Common Secretary Wilbur Ross over internal documents about the Trump administration's effort to get a citizenship question on that twenty twenty census. The administrations refused to release complete copies of emails to the Congress that indicate that the Trump that people had a real reason for pushing for it. The three federal courts had permanently blocked any citizenship question by the way from appearing on the census forms, in part because the judges said they found the administration supposed the justification for adding a census question bogus and shady. According to a new report, death rates in the US are up for people between the ages of twenty five and forty years of age. Those higher death rates due to suicide, drug overdoses, liver disease, murder, and a dozen other causes. So overall, life expectancy in the US has been driven down for three consecutive years. Study publishing a journal of American Medical Association concludes that despite spending more in healthcare than any other country, that the US has still seen really an increase of mortality and failing life expectancy for those between the ages of twenty five and sixty four. So now it's eating while black. A white cop stopped and detained a black man for eating a sandwich on the San Francisco Bay Area platform. Bart Police acclaiming that mister Steve Foster broke the state law by eating while waiting for a train on November fourth. However, his girlfriend, who filmed all of it, said that the sign say eating is prohibited on the trains, not on the platform. The white cop calls for back up, and you know how they can behave some of them. And finally, today is National Pie Interface to day. Better a pie interface today than tomorrow. That's going to be in your stomach. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show everybody given time, you're gonna be at your friends, how you're gonna be at your mama's house, you gonna be at religive house, whatever you learn to get you in the living room, outside, on the porch or whatever. Have these conversations, Shirley play Junior, Yeah, you had these conversations. Well you have none of the information, right, You can't remember Dan have him all the time asking people who even down something like this, What was that guy's name that she was with last year? You know the one that used to lounge Darneil, wasn't it dark Nail? Yeah? Yeah, I remember him. You know what I remember about him? Who you asking again? Oh? The goat to j down at the lounge, stay down at the lounge, Junior trying to say he was down at the loud. Yeah, he had one arm. He had one arm. I remember, you can mix it. He can mix it. Though he was I liked him though. He was good. He was he was He was a nice guy. He was real. They called him Red two dollars one red. One red called him one red because he had one on one. I'm red. Yeah, you're right, I can relate. How you How are you doing with your arms? I'm worried that I'm not gonna cut this turkey right on Thursday. That's gonna be my problem. If you know you can take I heard now I heard you could take to any gas station in town and they will carve your turkey for you if you buy five dollars with the gas. What's that five lottery tickets and five lotteries? Yeah, what's that boy name? They'll be out there cutting the turkeys at the gas. Yeah, he'll be outside. He'll be outside cutting up your turkey. Yea, yeah, yeah, do it? Yeah yeah, the red half red is red. It is DJ red. That's what he do. He so because he with the one all Yeah, well, you know, Tommy, that's an option. That's just saying yeah, just saying, well, everybody, dad, you have it. Those are some of the stupid conversations. Nobody nod, Yeah, I have a happy Thanksgiving. You're listening. Getting together with family for Thanksgiving can definitely be stressful, really a stressful time for some people. Some families, all those extended relatives in one place with different opinions, you know, they're bound to set off a few fights. So most people just tend to be careful of what they say. They tend to be, you know, a little leary of what's not gonna be in my house. That's what I was gonna ask you. So are there some subjects that you're told that are totally off limits, that you don't bring up or you just do whatever because no, this is my house. I say what I want to say, but I tear what. I don't allow in my house anybody to just pray, like over the food. You mean, yeah, I picks who pray like Pop Bridges, like Marjorie Daddy, he could pray over the food. I don't like other people coming to the house. That happened one time, Marjorie whole family was that do you ever pray? Yeah, I pray it'd be so short that we eat everybody my Thanksgiving prayers saying as my grace. You know what's But Steve, how do you handle that? Because if somebody's there and say, well can I can I bless the food? Steve say no. No, I say no, Pop Bridges bless it? Go head pop and he jumped right in. It's pretty simple that ain't now We had this lady. She told me, I want my husband and bless the food. He does a good Thanksgiving prayer not over here. Was he a pastor? I don't know what it was, but he ain't hind to do it up in him. You didn't give him a chance because no, I don't know what it is those people that are not pastors that but they ministers and they don't get the rid of pre see right there, ministers all that he got a really good Thanksgiving prayer? What does that mean? My cousin? Wasn't this damn Turkish names? Yeah? He was an elder at our church and he prayed too long? So long? Yes, so, I mean so long, and you couldn't. Every time you thought he was gonna stop, he kept going. All he was doing was taking a breath. You know what bothers me that hole taking food out the house at the end, just wrapping up tubs and tubs of food. People getting their little to gold plates. How am I gonna eat on Friday? Tommy? You need to cook some How am I gonna do? That's right, Tommy? How is she gonna eat? Also? You mean people that are invited to dinner, Tommy, and they get it to go plate? You know, you know, one plate, okay, cool, But when I see you loading up three or four plates a fall, and it's just come on, man, really y'all starving over there? They may be pretty much okay, well, but this high work at our house because you know, usually Marjorie know what I like, She'll put that in the other refrigerator and the other refrigerator. Oh okay, I'm now in the argument for me to get to that. Huh man, how many refrigerators at your house? The one in the kitchen, the one in the kitchen? You know, how much refrigerator? Car Man, I can't wait to be that. Let me, since you're talking about our one refrigerator, how many in your house? Wait? Hold ups, let's ask new money. Who come on, Hollywood, come on? How many? How many refrigerators? Just a simple question. Okay, I can't break it down, but I just like five, five refrigerators. Let me explain, Carl. Yeah, you got some splaining. It's three of those undercounter ones. Okay, uh huh so, and then it's two big refrigerator one one in the kitchen and went to me undercat still a lot, Tommy, so ice everywhere? Huh what does that mean under the counter like a wine refrigerator. Yeah, it's a smaller refrigerator. It's oh, beverage refrigerator. Yeah, it's a small one. You got one in nine Oh, he ain't countered. I ain't count. You didn't count. You didn't know, Steve. That was part of the time. I go five, Tommy's got five? Okay. Everything on the show is a competition. How many do you have? Steve is foe in the kitchen. I didn't know who's counting, Richard. We ain't even got out the kitchen. You y'all like Bill? Hi? All right? Listen up next, it is the nephew with the prank phone call for the day. We will be right back after this. You're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letters. Right now, though, it is the nephew. He is here with today's prank phone call. What you got given with cousin Benji? Thanks given with cousin Benji. Y'all a ready listen to it? Hello? Hello? Who is this Missus Clinton? Who is this? This Beisy? I'm colleague? Is missus Purvis there? Um? You know she's not here right now, but this is her daughter? Um? Is there a problem? Oh? No, this this this bends you. This Mama Mama Lorid's nephew. Who is this again? This Blenda Mama, Mama lod Mamma lord jo Ain't it Ain't it correct? Mama Lord's and miss Persis? Okay, I'm beings you. I'm I'm her nephew from the other side of the family. You say your name Wasna Blends. Okay, we'll tell y'all supposed to get in and we should be there by the afternoon. Okay. Uh is missus Purvis is? She is your mama making the dresses? Yeah, she's making enough for about forty five people. We actually, um, this was discussed about a month ago, right y'all on the y'all they had the um conference call, the conference good family had the conference call, right, yes, sir? Okay, Nah, listen, what reason why they got me to call? They wanted me to go in and call, and I was trying to give me this pervious she's not there. No, she's not here. What's wrong? Uh? Okay, they're not gonna they're not gonna need her to do them to do the dressing. And why wouldn't they need to do dress. She's gonna make it for ten years. We just we just discussed it. So what do you mean they say that they got somebody down here that's gonna do the dressing, especially since y'all traveling, y'all ain't got to bring it, you know, and be traveling with it. But they got somebody gonna do the dressing. Okay, Well, first of all, how are you you're you're BENI what is your name? That was not my name, Benjamin? But they called me Benji. But but but like I say, uh, I'm on the other side of a fact, I ain't on y'all side. Okay. Well, I'm still trying to kick out. Why are you calling me? Because she's been making a dressing for ten years, like I said, and I mean, it's been discussed. So I don't even know why why you're calling me. I don't even know you. Okay, Well, what I'm trying to explain to you this right here, is that they got so y'all, y'all ain't got to worry with bringing the dressing. They got somebody gonna bring They got somebody down here that's gonna cook it, so and otherwhere with you know, if you can tell Miss Prayervish ain't got to worry about the dressing this year. I'm so you want me to tell my mama after she'd been making dressing for ten years that y'all say, y'all ain't worried about she shouldn't have to make this year because we're driving there. We drs every year. So I'm not gonna do that to her. So, I mean, I don't I don't even know who you are to be calling me anyway. Why didn't somebody calling me that I don't know regarding it? Okay, okay, you're good the right, I am blended. All right. Listen, let me say this because I don't mind saying what everybody thinking, but most people don't want to say. Let me just say this right here. Really, what's going on is just right here. A lot of people in the family you know, don't really don't don't really lighten Miss prayer of his dressing Deni Benjamin hu He, So be let me bring you something there. My mama gonna make it dressing, you gonna kiss it, and we ain't bringing that home, littles, So you can tell your family that I said that because you understand me. I mean, for first of all, you got to understand that I'm bringing news that that people didn't don't voted on, and this is what everybody want to do, don't nobody, Well, why did knee holes we had a meeting dressing? She didn't making me ten years ain't nobody had been saying nothing, and a guess what when I'm up in the house, nobody had better not be walking up and through that. I'm talking about my mamma either, And you know I'm gonna eat it. Okay, we'll see right there. Why why if people don't like the dressing, Glinda, why do you want to make submit everybody to having to eat it if they don't like it? You don't eat this? I don't know. I don't know. You won't calling me no, well, I don't know, no Benjamin Benjie who out the heir? I through my mama, lord's nephew from the other side of the family exactly, and they don't know yet, Okay, and really really to the bad all that, I don't know you but I'm but but I'm but I'm man enough, I'm man enother car you and tell you what we're gonna do it whatere. We ain't gonna do what I know. I ain't. I said it, wanting I repeat it again. She gonna make that transfics. You gonna eat it and we're gonna round. Beh that name. Okay, okay, right there, listen, And I know this might be hard for you to understand what you grew up with liking. Everybody else might not like n say what you want to. I ain't gonna even remember you like. So you ain't like it because you ain't done around. But she make it dress it now. First of all, when y'all get down here, it's gonna already be some mo dressing here, okay, okay, and she gonna make country and sense and we're gonna see down and yeah, I'm gonna eat and he ain't. It's it's not even end of me discuss no friends and that I said I can say, because your name's gonna hurt my mama feeling. Okay, there ain't nobody to try. That's why I'm trying to tell you to tell her don't make it nah, so she won't even bring it down. We an't gonna get anyway. Look, I'm gonna say this here because every dealer you ain't really understanding what I'm saying to you. I'm gonna say it as clear as I can say. If y'all come down here with that dress, I'll promise you we already got dressing. Mate. We're throwing that dressing in the trash so everybody can get the dressing that we made fund him Floy Blake. That's what we're doing. Please let me find something in you. I'm gonna be undressing patrolled, and if I find out you, then tough my mama. Dressing in the trash, it's gonna be something. If we're gonna set that out, I'm not playing with you. That's what's so funny to me. I'm gonna call. Ain't tell me we're hiding it cold. Ain't knowing falling up. The callers are telling us to bull but now they're gonna set She'll stupid because when me, I don't even know she'll come. I can't. They said you you the band in the world, But Benji Bene, I don't even know you're wrapping. I'm telling you now, I'm telling that playing with you. I'm telling you ever my mama feeling, it's gonna be something. And then and I'm telling you, y'all gonna be y'all down there. You'll call me y'all have one. Let me say I say something else to you. I wish you would. Can I tell you what else they were saying. They wanted me to tell you this, Glenda, this is nephew. Tell me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your cousin Sheila got me the frank phone call. You tell me fine? You about to make me say it off? What the man? This same kidle will see it wasn't gonna be. No. He remade it because I'm gonna have my brother's warm. Then you y'all pay. But tell me, Hans, give me what's gonna be canceled? Many question before I let you go? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Show, Oh, don't play with man? Than Holiday Comedy Jam coming your way. That's Earthquake, Dandy Brown Kids, Junior Space and hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy. That's the Holiday Comedy Jam. It's Friday d Sent of the twentieth at the met in Philadelphia. That's w D A S and Live Nation all wrapped up in the one Holiday comedy Jam. I can hear the jingle bells now. So to dress for that, do you have to have your sleeves cut out of the right side of your jacket and your s because you had your shoulders. No, I'm asking suit out of nothing. I'm not doing that, especially man. All right, listen, thank you, Tommy coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. And if you need advice on dating, on relationships, on sex, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. It's the time. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got one to date, Y'allberry Letter subject looking for Love in all the Wrong Places. Hello, Shirley and Steve. I'm a twenty year old black woman who comes from a very loving and caring family that carries themselves in a very classy and respectful way. I've been taught since I was a little girl that men will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. I'm coming to you all because I need help. I can't find a man that wants to be in a serious relationship with me, and I know about ninety percent of the blame can be put on me. I have no limits when it comes to sex. I'm very sexually active. I have sex with men on first dates, hell, even first encounters. I'm a very easy woman. Nine times out of ten, I don't use protection and I've never had an STD, but I know it's going to happen one day. Nobody in my family even sees me this way. They know I'm not a virgin because of the pregnancy scares. I don't bring these men to my family to meet them. Hell, they don't even stay that long. Most of them are one night stands. I've slept with about forty men. I've had threesomes. I even let their homeboys have relations with me if they ask. And the bad part about it, I can't even tell you why I do it. I'm getting older and my parents are asking me when they are going to meet or at least see the men I'm dating, and I hate lying to them. I'm not ugly. I'm not an ugly young woman. I'm overweight, but not huge. I think I have good qualities and I'm worth settling down with. I need help bad? Can you please give me advice? There's so much in this letter. I mean, don't we don't even have time? This is so sad, you know. I mean, first of all, you're you're a twenty year old young woman. You know you think you have good qualities. I'll just start there. You said that at the end, and you're worth settling down with. But I just don't see how you can possibly believe that about yourself. I don't you know who lives a life that you do and feel this way about themselves? You know, to me, you're a classic case of someone who doesn't value themselves, even though you think you do, but you don't. You know, anyone who values themselves wouldn't do this. And you know you're living playing a dangerous game. You're not using any protection. It's almost like you're inviting this. You're waiting for this to happen. You know that's not cool anyway. I mean, you have the lowest of the low when it comes to self esteem, and you just you don't have any self esteem. You know, if you thought you had these good qualities that you talk about in your letter and you're worth settling down with, why isn't anybody settling down with you. Have you thought about that? You know, why on earth would you be giving yourself away like this if you thought you had some good qualities. What has happened to you in your life? You know? Were you abused as a child? You know, you're you're right, you definitely need help. And you've been pregnant how many times pregnancy scares? This is crazy? I mean, you're playing such You're you're playing with your life. You're playing life or death games here. It's like Russian Roulette that you're playing with your life. This is so serious, and the one true statement you made in your letter is that you need help. You absolutely lutely need help. You know, you're only twenty years old. You can fix this, you can correct this. You haven't had any STDs and you haven't had any pregnancies. I mean you carried through you know. But anyway, you need to get some professional help. You need to get some professional help. Steve Big Dog, it's sad um. I'm just gonna say this before we go to break. Here's the deal. I can't find a man. That's what this letters are about. I can't find a man. Earth Wind and Fire has a song can't hide love. And in the middle of the song it says you can't give what you never had. Now I'm saying that to say this, you can't find a man because you ain't found yourself. See, I don't know, I don't know how women think that a man is gonna complete them. You walk into a relationship complete. A man comes into your life, and a woman comes into your life to compliment. Yeah, but you have to complete yourself. Nobody can come along and complete you. You are your own work in progress. You are yourself. Can can't a body make you happy? But you you find happiness with a person, But can't abody make you happy? That's all I have time to say right now. When we come back, though, I'm getting right into the nuts and bolts of this right here. So if it's any twenty year old woman out here that's wondering about this thing called sex, I'm going to really give it to you today from the male perspective. You've got to You've got to think of yourself better than this. We'll be right back. You're listening, um um, young young lady, twenty year old, I need help. I can't find a man that wants to be in a serious relationship with me. First of all, I said, you know, you don't even know yourself yet. But here's here, let's go a little bit more. I can't find a man that wants to be in a serious relationship with me. Are you serious? You can't. You cannot possibly expect a man to take you serious? True, you're not serious about yourself. We are men. We recognize this instantly. If you don't take yourself seriously, if you don't seriously protect your body, if you don't seriously show value for yourself, if you don't seriously make a man have to consider you as valuable as you think you are. If you seriously don't have none of that working, how can you seriously expect a man to get in a serious relationship with you when you're not even serious about yourself? This Shirley has said it all about self esteem and all this here, got all that, all of that is very very true. You know, maybe I don't know. I'm not a clinical guy. I don't know how to say that. I could just talk about is right here? You know, Um, I'm I'm a very easy woman. Uh, and I use unprotected sex, but I've never had an STD. But I know it's gonna happen one day. Okay, excuse me. You know that you're going to get an STD one day, but you're continuing to have sex with no protection. There are too many stupid people in this world. You're being very naive and ignorant and playing with your life, and so is the man or boy. This is ridiculous for you to know these things. See for you to write this letter, it's just a cry for help because this is stuff that you know. I can't joke with you because, man, if you were my daughter, I would be mortified at this. Okay, now here's here's the here's the next line that I want to focus on. I have one night stands. I've slept with about four men. I've had threesomes. I even let their homeboys have relationships with me if they ask. And the bad part about it is I can't even tell you why I do it, right Yeah? Yeah, well okay, I can tell you why you do it because you don't have any value of self. You've devalued yourself. Somewhere down the line, something that's happened that makes you think you need to have sexual these men to get approval or acceptance something that's happened in your life. Maybe, like Shirley says off the Air, maybe you had have been molested in your past, or maybe you think this is the way to do it and you're not worth anything else. Why would you want to be treated rotten? Why would you want it? Why would you want a man to treat you stink? Why would you want that for yourself? And at twenty, when you've got your whole life in funny, So you know, I think I have good qualities and I'm worth settling down with. Okay, here's the bonus chapter to the book. I think I have good qualities and I'm worth settling down with. Here's a light bulb moment for your ladies that you already know, but in case you didn't hear it is men only. Men only settled down with women who are settled down themselves. Can I just tell you that about us? Wow? Men only settled down with women who are settled down themselves. We not marrying the wild pony, were not hooking up with the loose freak. You ain't fitting to get us to settle down at settled down yourself. Every man that called in that day, seventy five percent of them said they would respect a woman who was celebrate. If that's who they wanted, they'd hang in the wood. And but then you think he lying what I bet he out. Well, now he's saying it was gonna be easy. But at least they said they'll respect you because you respect yourself. But now you don't respect yourself, but you want some respect from a man. You don't take yourself serious, but you want a man to treat you seriously. You loose booty all day long, but you want a man to just respect yours, yours only. But you passing it out like they skittles on a coffee table. But now you want somebody to come along and treat you like a candy bar, an individual candy bar in its own wrapper. But you passing out tail like you skittles in a bowl on a coffee table. Please notice about men. Men only settled down with women who are settled down themselves. We're not taking you to our house to tame you. We're not introducing you to our mama as we tame. No, you are not. And so young lady, you need prayer, you need some self esteem, You need some counseling. You should go to a local church and talk to somebody and get some counseling. You need a moral change over in your life. This is simply moral right here. You need to go to church and sit down and learn about God and what God really created you for and what He wants of you and what He expects from you. And God did not create you to be of servitude to a bunch of men and be a dumping ground for sperm. That is not how God created you. I'm telling you like that, at one point in time, you got to talk to people. Really no more. Listen, post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. All right, come up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Show. Because Thanksgiving is the food focused holiday. There's a ton of food planning, food shopping, and food prep that happens before Thanksgiving rolls around, and the longer you wait to do it, the more frantic it can feel. I'm gonna do it all on winds, but I'm telling you whensday, they gonna be out of them big elbowls for macaroni. They replenish after the big weekend rush and then Monday Tuesday they replenish on Windsday. So the truck coming. Okay, I'm just I'm just just, I'm just you know, all I know of my grandmother ain't missed a Thanksgiving. Yeah, food be day. I don't know. Well, my mama shopped all year long for cranberry sauce. They have everything, they lined up in the pantry. Yes, nobody, so you know, I don't really Yeah, I kind of go. And then it's regional too. You gotta pay attention to where you go. You know, it's regional like and zip code regional is what I'm talking. Oh yeah, gotta get your zip cold. Yeah, because your resources is different. Pressure more y see out here, if you go to Bristol Farms, they gonna have uh huh, what's that a store? What is that little more? You know, scale got Yeah, they gonna, yeah, they're gonna have it because they can't telling people we ain't got no more. And it's a pretty store, you know. It's yeah. And I don't remember what I'm gonna do, man, because I don't know how I'm gonna do. My oysters do you eat oysters on Thanksgiving? A lot of oh yeah, you you eat fried oysters and eggs or in something every No anybody saying number the eggs. Anybody said no ignog which I know I won't get none where I'm going. But I can probably get the oysters, and I can probably get them fried, but I don't I don't know who I'm gonna get these, Miss Shoeberts frozen dinner rolls that bake up in the oven with extra Yeah, I know I know this country though, But if they frozen, you'll put them in your suitcase and some drives and get away. See what I'm not fitting to do? Is that right there? Anybody fit to be opening up my poe ass looking luggage? Oh? I don't had two whole turkeys in mind before, see right there? See it right there, pu see right there? Nobody does. Let me tell you this. Let me tell you this. That nephew time I know how to pack up a turkey. He packed up a turkey for me. It traveled nast circuit for me. You have to graduate, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here's the question, who should host Thanksgiving dinner? We know Thanksgiving us right around the corner. Boy, this year's fat has gone by fast. The relative with the bigger house is a question or the relative who is the better cook? The better cook? Yeah, Thanksgiving us about food. I'd rather be crowded in the food space and we're just sitting way away from each other, complain eating green bean casserole. Hey, imagine where y'all trying to drop. There's an echo of the house is so big man and MGM will lose this year. It was loose, hush one kid, quick shaw. They're just holling across the big empty house. It's big, but the food ain't good. I'd rather be in that tight sitting the elbow to elbow, watching the game, addressing whisper. They sitting right next to you. Hey, man, if you ain't gonna eat all your hand, let me hand that right there though. Hey, look, if you ain't get enough cranberry sause, I got plenty on my plate. Just reach on. Ok. Yeah, how about that potato pie? Man, we go to the project with some good food. Yeah, anywhere man, keep walking outside checking on your car. Keep coming back here, just going back here, just saying you gotta do check your car. And I'm going out here see if everything all right. Ain't earl your turn, check on the car. Man, ain't nothing like that, gibler graveing man and go over the addressing that right there? Does it? Do you know how to make that time? I don't. I don't know. I need to. I need to. I need to study that on with one of my aunties and figure that I ain't got how to do that gravy. It's an art to gray. I love dressing. Oh. Marjorie makes the dressing every year, and all her family asked for pans. Really she put dressing dope though, wow dope, and we deep fried to turkey. Your son has to build butter ball. Deep fried your son that turkey got the only thing I used to do. Everything's giving us. I did. I did the yam oh really stop doing that? Why oh you don't have to anyone? No, hell no, my mama. Oh oh yeah man man, Mama Bridges girl say to her, um banana pudding. Let me, you don't even understand. You throw you into something, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, that shirt that shirt you know that shirt. But I've heard him talk about her banana pudding before. Boy, let me tell you something banana putting her strawberry cake cake. I love strawberry cake, A blueberry cake, I said, I loveberry cake. I'm talking about ki. What did you say, I said, strawberry cake. Oh, I thought you said blueberry strawberry cake. Yeah, nuts are no outside. Oh man, yummy strawberry cake. Good? Is it just cake? A strawberry cake with strawberry icing? When you say no, you ain't no strawberries. It's just strawberry flavor. Okay, it's sweet, pink icing and pink cake. Yeah, but it's got nuts all over the outside of it. It's kind of it reminds me of German chocolate cake, but it's all pink. Okay, favorite German chocolate cake, that's Margie fake. It was my favorite. To Marjorie can make a German chocolate cake and listen to me. And I'm not saying this because I'm married to him, because she's not listening. Her German chocolate cake tastes just like my mama German chocolate cake. Oh that's that's major. And if it didn't, and if it didn't, I wouldn't say it. Would a black person make a German chocolate clake? Ain't it a black cake? It ain't. There's no nunger at that same man you got one, don't talk about a black person. I like it. I like all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. M Man boo ah cho man boot one squeet, man booth, a man boots Ah what sweet man boot And I'm talking about these man boots and boom man boo. Man, I've got these man boot see them best for in my shoes? Right? That was nigga secret needs emp. That's a man whose size eatingly don't excile and your big assay down. You know them well what they are solo? Does everybody else you'll t t needs a run? Yeah yeah, h white squeet too white squeet man boo and talking about these man boo man boo man, I've got these manoo. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody's Thanksgiving time. You're gonna be at your friend's house, You're gonna be at your mama's house. You're gonna be a relatives house. Whatever you're going to get you in the living room, outside on the porch or whatever. Have these conversations, Shirley play junior dummy. You these conversations. Well you have none of the information, right, You can't remember dad to have him all the time asking people who down something like this? What was that guy's name that she was with last year? You know, the one that used to be DJ down at that lounge, Darneil. Wasn't it dark Nail? Yeah? Oh yeah he was. I remember him. You know what I remember about him? Who you ask London again? Oh the god? She was JJ down at the lounge, Stay down at the lounge, Junior trying to say he was down at the loud. Yeah, he had one Um, he had one arm. I remember, you can mix it, he could mix it. He was. I liked him though. He was good. He was he was he was a nice guy. He was real. They called him red too though, one red, one red, call him one D because he had one on one. I'm red. Yeah, you're right, I can relate. How how are you doing with your arm? I'm worried that I'm not gonna cut this turkey right on Thurday that's gonna be my problem. If you know you can take I heard now, I heard you could take to any gas station in town and they will carve your turkey for you if you buy five dollars with the gas. What's that? Five lottery tickets and five lotteries? Yeah, what's that boy name? They'll be out there cutting the turkeys at the gas. Yeah, he'll be outside. He'll be outside cutting up your turkey. Yeah, yeah, yeah, do it? Yeah, yeah, yeah with the red half the red. It's red. It's DJ red. That's what he do. Do he up turkey? He so because he put the one on the one. Yeah. Well you don't tell me that that's an option, just saying yeah, just saying, well, everybody, jad you have it. Those are some of the stupid conversations, isn't nobody? No? Don't y'all have a happy Thanksgiving? All right? Tom When we come back, Last Break of the Day and Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss him. We'll be back at forty nine after you're listening show, Last Break of the Day. Steve Harvey take us away with some insightful closing remarks. I know you have some for us today. Well, you know, um, I think it's imperative. Yesterday we talked about how hate is so counterproductive. Um well, let's talk about something today that is productive. And that's one of the major of principles of success. I don't know if people understand the real value of dreams and visions. I don't know if people understand the real value of writing it down. You know, having dreams and visions is one thing. It's the writing it down part that solidifies it and makes it more doable and concrete. And the reason I'm saying that is because writing your visions down everything you want on a piece of paper, or creating a vision board isn't just a principle of success. Well, it is very much a principle of success. But it's a scripture. It's actually in the Bible. He God has laid out for us exactly how to have the best life possible for you. He's already laid that out. He gave us words of encouragement. He gives us wisdom, he gives us understanding. That's what Proverbs is all about, That's what the Psalms is about. He gives you an examples of people overcoming throughout the Bible. He gives you examples of what real faith can do. He has, He shows you seasons of what can happen to people. But one of the things Harbecah two and two says, write the vision and make it plain, so that he who reads it will run to it. And even though it terry, terry means take a long time, wait for it, for surely it will come at an appoint to time. It's so important man, that you as people, that we as people never forget the significance and the importance of writing our goals and our visions, our wants, our dreams, our hopes, our yearnings down. It is imperative that you write it down. It's not it's not anything that should be taken lightly. This is very, very real. It can change your life. It really really can, man, It can do so much for you. Because see where you are now, it's temporary. You've got to understand that. But you've got to have a dream and a vision to get out of that place so you can move on to your next space. All of us are being tested on some form, shape, or fashion. All of us are being tested on some level. All of us. Ain't nobody Scott free of the test of life. But man with the dream and vision that Herbeckah two and two, writing the vision and making it plain, it can get you into your season a lot sooner. Bishop Getty sent me something. Bishop gettys is minister down in the Carolinas who came on my show once and we've become friends every since. And he sent me something one day, and he told me, he said, never judge somebody based on the season. Are y'all listening? Never judge someone based on the season. He told me. He said, one season, David was a shepherd, the next season he was a king. One season, Ruth was working in the field, the next season she was owning the same feeld. One season, Mordecai was sitting outside the king's palace. The next season he was inside the palace. And what he was saying to me was, we serve a god who turns things around, and that is the God of unmerited favor. You can't judge somebody based on the season. You don't know who you talking to. You don't know what God gonna do for this person. You don't know what this person written down. You don't know what this vision this person has for herself, And you don't know what kind of grace God gonna put on this person. So like we would talk about on the radio show. We were talking about have you gotten more than you thought? Or did you get everything you ever wanted? A lot of this stuff I have, I ain't even see. I didn't know it was nothing to want. I didn't know to want certain things because I didn't know certain things existed. But he gave it to me anyway, because he has this theme called grace. But what has helped me a great deal along the way, it's writing down everything on paper, making notes in my iPhone, having vision boards. It has completely turned my life around. It'll do the same thing for you because of a scripture Rebecca two and two. Write to vision and make it play period. It can change your life. If somebody told that to me, I try that, I really would. Those are my clothes remarks to day. Drop it like it's they don't go right there. Hey, y'all have a great weekend day. You hit them straight since you've ball you golfing the damn going out today? Hit them around, got cold for all. 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