Thanksgiving Shopping Details, Sade, Chicago Security Guard, Thankgiving Family, Rockets and Rolls Royce, Bear Old Man, Toys, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Nov 14, 2018, 3:45 PM

Today we open up the show without the filter on. We have food shopping details for Thanksgiving. Sade is back with new music on the Widows Soundtrack. A security guard in Chicago was shot and killed by a police officer. There are subjects that are off limits at Thanksgiving. Big Dog won't let just anyone bless the food. The Houston Rockets might be having some problems. There is a photo of Tommy and his Rolls Royce on IG. An older gentleman survives a fight with a mama bear. Uno and pinball are going into the Toy Hall of Fame. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reminds us about the things that we are going through especially those that are hurting and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ball suit all looking back to back down, giving them more just like American buck bus things. And it's touble me true good to tetehry listening to move to other for sto hobby. Why don't you join? Yeah, well hobby joining me hunt turn yeah, very you gotta turn you to turn out, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn wan of y'all, comey, come on your thing dad, uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do. I thank God for it every day every day. I try to remember that too, you know. I try to remember to be grateful. You know. I think gratitude, um is you know, one of the things that helps keep me grounded. You can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. Well, that applies to God too, don't it. I mean you know, really, if you don't mind who gets the credit? Um, you know, I'm I'm surrounded by very competent people. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who work hard on their jobs, on their career, who are dedicated uh you know, employees, and and and also just dedicated to their families and you know, you know, dedicated to their own set of aspirations. I don't expect anybody to work for me, you know, forever, I always look at my job opportunities as stepping stones because I want everyone around me really to aspire to be more. I mean, that's that's really the way I am. I'm not any other way. I'm not trying to hold you to this position. Uh you know, tell you there's no room for growth, um any of that. But even though I'm surrounded by these people, uh, I'm grateful that God placed them in my path in my life. But in my mind, in my spirit and everything in me, the credits still be as to God. I'm sorry, the credit still belongs to God. See if you were just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself, just for a moment. I know that's hard, but just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself and realize that maybe you are who you are because God is who he is. Maybe that's the case. Have you ever considered that, you know, that's that's the strongest possibility I can give to you. You know, how do you think you know you're the one that made it through? How you think you're the one after all of the ignorant decisions we have made? And oh, my goodness, let's all be honest. Ain't we made some Ain't we made some crazy decisions I'm talking about, man, I have made decisions so adverse to my destiny and career, my my promises. I've made some decisions man to knowingly you hear me knowingly do something wrong, And in spite of all that, I'm still here. Standard Okay, come on now, really, Billy, Really, all the dirt you've been done, everybody done dirt, all the mistakes you've made, You're in the position you in today because of what cause you all that? What cause? It's about you? Because you work harder than anybody else. Look, I work hard, I'll be the I'll tell you in a minute. I work hard. But I don't think I'm the hardest working person out there. I'm pretty sure somebody didn't work way harder than I have. So okay, so you work hard? Okay, cool, I got all that, But man, what about his grace and his mercy? It what about his faith. How many times, man, you didn't rely on that, even when you ain't know you was relying on it. How many times man, God has shown you mercy? You ain't even deserve it? You know you do. You know how many things I've done wrong? I just didn't get caught at it. Look man, m you know, Um, let me see how simple I can be. You speed, you jay Walt, You cut in front of people in line. Um, you lie to police when you get pulled over that you wasn't speeding. You go to court and argue you wasn't speeding when you was. Um, you make you turns. I'm just doing traffic violations. Um. Now let's get off traffic for a second. Let's get on human violations. You talk about people when you're not supposed to. You indulge yourself in gossip even when you don't really have all the facts. You pass judgment, You lust for people that don't belong to you. You say things to people that you're not supposed to say. So look all of us, we all, we're all guilty. Now See, I'm I'm pretty sure if if you I'm not saying you do all of that, but I'm saying I'm pretty sure I hit you somewhere in there, just somewhere in there. You to lie before you know you lied recently. I mean, come on, And I'm just saying so with all that in mind, See, I'm just looking at the little things that we do that we don't it busted for not to mention the chips you stole when you was a kid and nobody caught you. Well that elevated didn't and some of y'all just didn't stop stealing. The next thing you know, you was in a car. Now you're sitting somewhere you don't want to be sitting because of a decision you made. But through his grace and mercy, couldn't it have been worse? Though? Without his grace and mercy, could not it have been worse. I know two dudes that got caught in the garage one time trying to break into somebody's house, and the person in the house they broke into just happened to have a gun and held him in the garage, caught him and held him to the garage. To the police came. That's grace and mercy right there, because they had all full right to shoot these two people. But they didn't the grace and mercy. See, all of us have benefited from his grace and mercy. All of us have done a wrong, committed a sin, broken the law, and somehow, through his grace and mercy, got by, doing drugs, buying drugs, slanging drugs, doing something, got by, jumped on somebody for no reason, got by, you know. So see how you figure with all that that can go on in your life? And then hold on, let me throw a couple more at you. You can't wake yourself up in the morning, Mr Big Shot. You don't have the ability to control the breaths that you take. Really, Mr Big Shot, Really, let's get real basic with it now. You can't wake yourself up in the morning. That's favor, that's grace, that's mercy, that's him allowing you to wake up just hoping we get it right. You know, God spared me through all the dirt I was doing just hoping one day. Man, can you just straighten up a little bit? When I finally straightened up, And I'm gonna just say it, straightened up a little bit. See, I ain't straightened up all the way. Say I ain't gonna sit here and tell you that I just straightened up a little bit. He started blessing me. So the more blessings I gotta started going, Man, maybe I'll try straighten up a little bit more. So I straightened up a little bit more. I still got a long way to go, but I'm straighter than I was now. When people judging me and as they will, and they do, cause that ain't right, but they do, and I ain't walking just the way they walk. Then here comes to criticism. I get it all the time. Stop wanting credit all the time and give out some credit where credit is due instead of getting having somebody patting you on your back all the time. Why don't you tell God, tell people it was really was God? Man that you don't really know how you made it? That really man, you have no explanation for your success or you have no explanation why you still existing today. Why don't you tell somebody was God today? Don't be ashamed. It's the truth, ain't it. I mean? Really, man, let's give God some credit. Help give God the credit and the glory and honor. And like that plaque said, you can go as far as you want in life if you don't mind who gets the credit all right you show. Ladies and gentlemen now have your undivided attention. Please, it's about to go down. It's about to be on cracking and popping. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm in Steve. You know that this is Shirley. Hello Steve. That Dare's call up? Is what's happening this? He and Jr. Over there be timing. Here's what he says. I'm no, we's all up in hill, We's all up in here and Shirley, I say that with such call. I don't even I don't even look for a way. See this is me talking without the filter own it. It's just gonna be like this hill. See if I take the filter off and just let him have it. Oh man, Lord willing before on this show, Oh man, when we were just in l A and when no phone cameras, the stuff that came out of my mouth can no longer come out of this here same mouth. Oh I wanted to say it to yourself, but due to the climate and nature of things today, you can no longer be free. This country is not freedom of speech. They can stop saying that it's freedom of speech. No it's not. It's free the only person gets freedom of speech with no consequences as the president. The rest of us would pay dearly if we made the comments that this guy has made, we would lose our jobs. They would call for if you're not one celebrity, make the statements that he's made to three African American women racist, stupid, and loser and and and make that about three women on their job, you will be out of work if you made the comments you made about the fires in l A being the fault of poor forestry management. What do that got to do with the fires? Hey, y'all, you remember the doctor that came on the show, Dr Sanji Habi. Man, he sent me a video. The fires came right up to his swimming pool. Wait, let me tell you how good god it is. He emptied his swimming pool last week because they had to do some some work on his swimming pool. He took all the water and drained it in a dried out creek in his backyard. He drained it over there. That swimming pool water stopped the fire from getting to man. This guy, I'm telling you, man, he sent a video. The fire is still burning in his backyard. They just stopped it and it just can't cross day creek that had his swimming pool water. And it's Dr habib Sadeggi Steve, by the way, not that the doctor, but oh, lou, miss Bush. I just want to get it right. Okay, I say, I know Tommy didn't know if MoMA could off the house. And look, look, we'll tell you what you shouldn't do, uh, why you shouldn't do your Thanksgiving grocery shopping the Tuesday before Thanksgiving? All right, we'll tell you that my day. Al Right, we'll tell you that right after this. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour you're listening to show. Alright, guys, believe it or not, Thanksgiving is next week, next week, and that means getting your game plan together for for Thanksgiving Day? And oh man got the Friday turkey? What's what's the issues? Well, what's wrong? Lord? Willing my family be out the country? Okay? Well, okay, I can promise you where we're going. They don't do Thanksgiving. This would be the second Thanksgiving in a row. I ain't been at home because last I was in Paris for Thanksgiving. And they don't know what Thanksgiving it is an American? So me telling them what I wanted. That was funny. We have Thanksgiving dinner, but lord ha mercy dressing and people in parents need to stop the whole country their cuisine. Can they do to give the can they do that? Never heard of the time at all? It ain't real if you ain't got okay? Well, because because Thanksgiving as a holiday, um as a holiday to food focused holiday, there's a ton of food planning, food shopping, and food prep that happens before Thanksgiving rolls around. And the longer you wait to do it, the more frantic it can feel. That's why a lot of people, um think they're so smart for going to the grocery store the Tuesday and not the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, but they're actually not that smart. You gone Tuesday? Yeah, that's what this survey says. According to this book titled Grocery The Buying and Selling of Food in America Carla, author Michael Rollman advises getting everything you need for Thanksgiving from the grocery store the weekend before the holiday, which which by the way, is this weekend. That's right. That way, you'll have the ingredients for your dinner on hand, and you can have a minimal contact with all those people at the grocery store. Why are you saying, Steve, But I'm telling you, when is it they're going to be out of them big ale bowls for macaroni we in state. When they replenish Wednesday is when they after the big weekend rush and then Monday Tuesday replenished on Wednesday. So the truck coming. Okay, I'm just I'm just just I'm just you know what I'm worried about the trucks. I'm worried about all. I know. My grandmother ain't missed a Thanksgiving. Yeah, food there. I don't know when my mama shopped all year long for cranberry sauce. They have everything, they lined up in the pantry. Yes, so you know, uh, I don't really Yeah, I kind of go. And then it's regional to you gotta pay attention to where you go. You know, it's regional like and zip code. Regional is what I'm talking. Oh, you gotta get your zip code because your resources is different. Pressure more. Ye see out here, if you go to Bristol Farms, they're gonna have it. Uh huh what's that a store? What is that little more? You know scale, Yeah, they're gonna Yeah, they're gonna have it because they can't telling people we ain't got no more. And it's a pretty store, you know. Yeah. And I don't know what I'm gonna do, man, because I don't know how I'm gonna do my oysters? Do you eat oysters? And Thanksgiving? Christmas? But a lot of oh yeah, you you eat fried oysters and eggs in something every now? Anybody seeing them? By the way, anybody said eggnog, which I know I won't get what I'm going but I can probably get the oysters, and I could probably get them fried, but I don't. I don't know who I'm gonna get these, miss Shoe. But frozen dinner rolls that bake up in the oven with extra yeah, well I noticed. But if they frozen, you put them in your suitcase and want some drives and get it away. And see what I'm not fit to do? Is that right there? Anybody fit to be opening up my poe ass looking lug at you. I don't had to whole turkeys and manoe right there? You see it right there, we'll see right there. Nobody does that. But let me tell you this. Let me tell you this that nephew time, I know how to pack up a turkey. He packed up a turkey for me. It traveled nice. You have to graduate. Get back to the eggnog for a second, because I love it eggno, but I don't drink it as much now that I'm an adult. But have you ever had homemade egg knocks? It's people be trying to make eggnog. It ain't what they do. Be loose. It takes nothing like eggnog. It's trife, it's horrible. What's the best brand? What's the good brand? Southern Comfort, Southern Comfort, Southern Comfort for the great egg. Now, I ain't gonna lie to you now. Boardings ain't no game boardings. Uh. And it's another one. Black nurse schwepps ain't bad. Sweeps. Eggnog ain't bad, I tell you. But the best eggnog ever made Old English, Old English in the silver cart. But it's hard to find that. I ain't found it in a few years. That's what I was thinking, was waggoner blacktoast. Ain't nobody got time for that. If you lactoast in tolerant, just stay away. Made coming over here with all that old lactoast conversation do you have it without milk in it? Now? Hell no, my dad said, I'm lactoast ain't tolerate. Oh, it ain't good on me though, like lactoast. Oh English in a silver card, and I don't think I haven't seen that in years. O. What is owe old English? Like a liquor? It's a court. All right. Listen, whatever you do go this weekend. If you're going to lay out your things, what you go to A big question? What you cooking? Whatever? My friends cook when I go over their house. My big concern is Friday, what are we gonna eat? Coming up next, it is the nephew would run that prank back that's coming up right after you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news guys, Rihanna, Congratulations Easter. Her re read has won her legal battle saying no to President Trump using her music. And the beautiful, very talented, shady, very mysterious Shade is back. Yeah, she's back. She goes, she goes, Yeah, she comes. And when you're gonna talk to her, I don't know, you know me and Oh, I was talking about doing something with sad and it's something when you know, and then Gail and I was trying to discuss it when we gonna try to right, right, we're working on something. Okay, right now it's time for you Mr Hollywood h to run that prank back what you got now since we was talking about Thanksgiving earlier, this is a great run back. Catering mistake, cater mistake, let's run it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jammy. Please is hey Tammy? This is uh Dexter over here. Ja. We catered your your aunt Bridget. Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. How are you doing, Decks? There is good to hear from you. Okay, good good. I'm going through the paperwork here and I know we have an invoice for you all. I wanted to reach out to you. This is not a bad time, is it. No, this is a good time. Okay. So, first of all, did everybody enjoy everything that we we put out for you guys? Yeah, we had a good all time. My auntie Bridget, she was so happy. There was no better way to bring in her sixtieth birthday party. We had a great time. The food was delicious. We are so grateful, so thank you so much. You and your team did the bomb job. Okay, good deal, Good deal. I was here when they loaded up the van and everything, and I wanted to make sure I wanted to follow back up. But listen, I'm looking at the paperwork and um, and we had a little mishap, and I wanted to let you know that we're not going to um, We're not gonna charge you guys for the chicken. Um because they made a mistake and they put the wrong pan on the van and they I noticed that the chicken was actually still here, So we want to take off take that off, and I won't that won't be on the on the envoys. So I'm taking all the entire cross. The chicken will be completely taken out. Okay, real quick, let's back up a bit, because we had a lot of people at the party. We definitely had chicken. Yeah, I know you had your order smother chicken. But like I said, the guy put the wrong pan on the on the van, you know, and actually the mother chicken was actually still here, uh you know, here here at the at the shop. So you know, like I said, we made a mistake. I'm gonna take it off and that that'll probably not your like a couple of hundred dollars off coup of you a price? Like, so what are you saying? So? What were we eating? If it was this mother chicken? What was it? Uh? Well? Ms Temmy, like I said that, you know, I got on this kid for making this mistake. You know, I got on the real bad about it from you know, putting the wrong pan on there. But like I said, this, what you guys had wasn't that was a chick? What was it? Though? That's why I'm asking you what was he actually? What he put on there? About mistake? Miss telling me that was that was rapid? What? You can't be serious right now? Are you out of your rabbits mine? Are you serious? Your car? Tell me that your team put the wrong trade on the truck and then served it to my family. And you're trying to call me about two hundred Are you serious more than that? You all me more than that? You don't know who the because allergic today and you're calling me about two hundred dollars? Are you out of your mind? Well? I wanted to credit you all that, you know what I'm saying, No, and there's gonna be no credit. There ain't gonna be no credit. It ain't no credit? You mean credit? Richard could have died, Monty could have died. We see, uh, we got kids in there. I just don't know what dietary needs? Are you crazy? I mean, would you say you liked it? Though? It don't matter If I like it, I can fall off the night. Stupid. I'm getting attorney. I'm done with this. This is stupid. And who do want to eat bugs? Bunny? Does that right to you? H? Are you stupid? I'm so annoyed right now. Seriously, we know woods people, we know country people. How you Okay? What? What? What? What? Y'all liked it? Though? Right? No, but you're gonna like my foot up yo, So that's what you're gonna like. I'm gonna be there later because y'all the stupid yo' the stupid My foot gonna be up yo, and y'all gonna be hopping around like a rabbit, the rabbit that you serve me. Okay, okay, let me ask you this here. No, a miss Avery is your mama? Right? What do ma mama got to do with this rabbit? What you gotta do with this? Okay? See, your mama got me to call you this is a nephew. Comments of the Steve Hobbing Morty Show. Dam mean your mama to you. I'm so sorry, Oh my god, this is crazy, ohking in the morning, This is crazy. Y're crazy. Y'all are gonna get it? This is crazy? Oh man? All right, Sam, and tell me this baby. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the late Steve you all right, maby yesh. I'm just so glad I didn't have rabbit. I'm so glad little rabbit. Y'all call on the rabbit, little rabbit. Don't thank you, ain't gonna do you. I'm serious. I can't just the knowledge that it's a rabbit. I can't eat it. What's the different the rabbit and the chicken? It's a rabbit. The difference between a rabbit and he needed both animals. What's he trying to say? She met? Do we meet anyway? Right? One of them is poetry, the other one is me one. I'm got fo legs when I'm got two legs and two wings, A lot of differ so you ain't gonna get you, don't getting no hawaian off that off that rabbit of a rabbit. Now we knew about the w I didn't know about these are Now what is it? Man? What do you talk to anybody at? I got? I got this are together Richmond, Virginia. The Nephew was coming this week, baby, Thursday, Friday, Saturday is sold out. I have added two shows on Sunday. Get it. While they're getting this good, I can't add no more. I got to be the work Monday. Mark, you got folk shows on Sunday. No, I got two on Sunday. I had a too. I didn't have I didn't have Sunday. Uh schedule, I put it, put it down. So there's one Thursday to Friday, three Saturdays. The man A right, all right, you better grind. Uh huh, that's good. Tommy, Yeah, you know me, Me and Old talked about it, you know, and uh all the way out as much as all right, thank you, nep you up. Next in entertainment news, Rihanna unauthorizes the president from using her music, and Shoddy is back. Say you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Attention Steve Harvey Nation. If you want to help the victims of the fires in northern and southern California, you can text the word Red Cross to nine zero and donate ten dollars. And you can also donate to the Los Angeles Fire Department. All you have to do is go to Steve Harvey f M for a list of ways to help the victims and first responders. And thank you very very much. Okay, And and we're still praying for him. We are. In today's entertainment news as we switch gears, it appears that Rihanna has won a legal battle against President Trump. This week, after the performing rights company b m I informed the president's campaign that it can no longer use her music at events. B m I removed Rihanna's music from the Blanket Political uh Entities License agreement that previously gave the campaign the right to play Rihanna's songs during his campaign events and rallies. Rihanna was not the only artist to get this done, other artists including Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, Elton John, and Prince's Estate. So that's good news, Hunt, Steve. People you know they don't want to be associated with the rhetoric comes from his camp. He could do so much more if he would just change his rhetoric and his tone. He could really accomplish some things. But he's not because he's an old rich man who got here being that way, and he sees nothing wrong. I mean, the statements he's making is because he's empowered to do it. It's it's it's the wonderful thing about money. It doesn't change you. It allows you to be more of who you really are. He has money, position and power, so this is what you get who he really is. He's not about to change. You cannot teach this old dog a new trick. He's unteachable. Oh yeah, he needs to just come out on no song and then other news is back. We love us some sho Carl. You've heard new song from the movie soundtrack Widows, which stars that looks so good Viola David's I cannot wait to see that movie. Yeah, it's nice. It was with the movie though. It's it's you know, it's shot as slow, it's deep, but it goes the lyrics. She writes it about this movie, and it's about these four women who what they set up this robbery to get to help pay off their husband's dad because their husbands died or passed away. But it's good, it's good, it's cool. Shame. Okay, well, Steve, what is what is your favorite shot a song? So many of them about the till Is it a crime that are still or come on, girl, come on, cut that thing up, Crystal, give me some knicker brown pod that was that was for cushions. This might come as a surprise to you, but I miss you. I know you probably tripping. I could see three all your life. Still, damn it, I'll miss you because of the things you did till me and fund me tasted it. Man, Man, I ain't done that in so long. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do a rip on just Roscoe does the damn James. Yeah, introduced ladies and gentlemen, Miss and true. Thank you very much. This is a trip with the news, everybody, and here we go. California is currently receiving help from around the country and battling too deadly wildfire. As a dead told dead toll now let's listens fifty with about a hundred people missing and unaccounted for, fire departs. Spokesman Steve Kaufman has other numbers. Total personnel assigned to the fire five thousand, one hundred and thirty nine total citizens evacuated two thousand, hundred eighty five people that are in shelters. So our total number of damaged structures as of right now is ninety two. Our total number of destroyed structures is seven thousand, one hundred and seventy seven. A federal judge and Georgia has ruled in favor of a Democratic gubernatorial hopeful, Stacy Abrams, ordering election officials in the Peach state to review the thousands of provisional ballots that have not been counted in the election early this month. The judge, Amy Tottenberg, is originally a New Yorker. She serves on the Atlanta Court, and she says the race cannot be officially certified until all the ballots are counted. Stacy Abrams needs an extra twenty thousand votes to force a runoff against Republican Briant Kemp. However, Pro Trump group has put out a negative commercial against the head of One County Brow Counties election chief Legal voters in Florida are outraged and Brenda snikes must be removed. When we can't trust our elections, we don't have a democracy. We will everybody can record this, We will complete the recount. There's never been a deadline that we have missed, and that's what she says. President Trump and the Republicans calling for an immediate end to all the legally mandated recounts in Florida and Georgia, with the Trump of Camp implying voted for it without a shred of evidence. Actor James Woods Twitter account has been locked since before last week's election. Woods, whose politics a very right wing, was locked out of Twitter by site managing because he tweeted a post that was a hoax meaning purported to from to be from the Democratic Party, urging Democrats not to vote the folks. That Twitter told him if he deleted the misleading phony tweet that his account would be unlocked, but James Woods refused. You may remember actor James Woods as Sharon Stone's pit boyfriend in the movie Casino. That's James Woods, by the way, Get the US. According to New York n Y one's Errol Lewis, the now x U S Attorney Jeff Sessions left what you might call a kind of legal poison pill as he made his way out of the door last week. The Political reporter says in an opinion piece that Sessions is rushed to push through and order that effectively limits the ability of federal prosecutors in this country to monitor and reform police departments shown to have engaged in brutality, racial profiling, and other illegal practices. That's what Jeff Sessions did on the way out. Finally, today is Weird Wednesday, and so for all of you weird people, feel normal today. I do. This has been answered with the news. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A suburban Chicago police officer responding to a shooting on Sunday at a bar, killed a security guard who was just doing his job. That's according to his attorney. His family is suing now. An officer from mid Lothian, Illinois, fatally shot Jamal Old Robertson, twenty six year old security guard who was working at the bar. This is according to Cook County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman uh Sophia and sorry she told this to see Ann. Law enforcement agencies responded to the shooting around four a m Sunday at Manny's Blue Room Lounge in Robin's, Illinois, about twenty miles just south of Chicago. Three people and an and an alleged shooter were injured. H Then, after Robertson had apprehended the alleged gunmen, the Mid Lothian officer shot Robertson outside the bar, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday that calls a fatal shooting excessive and unreasonable and says it violated Robertson's civil rights. Witnesses said security had asked several drunk men to leave the bar, and at least one person returned and opened fire. UM after that shooting, Robertson had someone on the ground with his knee in his back with his gun uh in his back, like, don't move. Uh, this is what a UM, A witness told UM. The local Chicago TV station and officer responding to the scene then fired at Robertson, and the witnesses said, we all yelled he's a security, he's a security, and without giving any thought, they shot him. This is what witnesses told the TV station. Uh. The vest said security as well, and they shot him in the side. The Mid Lothian Police Department has asked the Illinois State Police Public Integrity Task Force to investigate, which is department policy for an officer involved shooting the suspected gunmen in the initial bar shooting is being treated at a local hospital and has not been charged. So they killed the security guard who was helping. Yeah, he was, he was holding down the gunman, you know, and uh, they said the police officer just came in and shot him without giving it any thought. They shot. You know, they're gonna claim that their life was threatened. They felt threatened probably lines say he pointed a gun. You know, if you see somebody in that position, if they knee on somebody's back, that kind of looks like apprehension type tactics, you would think maybe this could be someone. Well, they said he had a vest on. He said the vest said security as well, and they shot him in the side, so he had something on. Yeah, this is you know what. Look, it's just it's it's it's it happens too many times to the same type of person. This doesn't happen to anybody else. It just happens to us. So what you what, So when we get furious, what's the shock? But here we go with this this bogus legal system. We got a man is innocent into proven guilty, and it's just all happens many times when on an officer is involved. And I'll say this the album with the Jordan officers are find men and women, But when an officers involved in the shooting, somehow they find a way to justify that shooting. Yeah, and he was preparing, uh to to work toward a career as a police officer. Too many times these officers go free, and it just makes it worse for the good officers out there. Just another tragedy that keeps having the black people. And when we're gonna stop this, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Getting together with family for Thanksgiving can definitely be stressful, Uh, really a stressful time for some people. Some families, all those extended relatives in one place with different opinions, you know, they're bound to set off a few fights. So most people just tend to be careful of what they say. They tend to be, you know, a little leery of what's not gonna be in my house. That's what I was gonna ask you. So are there's some subjects that you're told that are totally off limits that you don't bring up or you just do whatever, because no, this is my house. I say what I want to say, but I tell what. I don't allow in my house anybody to just pray like over the food. You mean, yeah, I picks who pray like Pop Bridges, like Marjorie Daddy, he could pray over the food. I don't like other people coming to the house. That happened one time, Marjorie whole family with that. Do you ever pray? Yeah? I pray. It'd be so short we eat everybody. My Thanksgiving prayer same as my grace. You know what's But Steve, how do you handle that? Because if somebody's there and say, well can I can I bless the food? No, I say no, Pop Bridges gonna bless? Go here? Pop And he jumped right in. And it's pretty simple that now we had this lady. She told me, I want my husband and bless your food. He does a good Thanksgiving prayer out over here. Was he a pastor? I don't know what it was, but he ain't fing to do it up in here. You didn't get my chance because I don't know what it is those people that have not pastors that but they ministers and they don't get the ride right there, miss all that he got a really good Thanksgiving prayer? What does that mean? My cousin wasn't better than this damn turkey? Yeah, he was an elder at our church and he praised so long, yes, so, I mean so long, and you couldn't. Every time you thought he was gonna stop, he kept going. All he was doing was taking a breath. You know what bothers me that hole taking food out the house at the end, just wrapping up tubs and tubs of food. People getting their little to gold plates. How am I gonna eat on Friday? Tommy? You need to cook some much on? How am I gonna do? That's right? How is she gonna eats? You mean people that are invited to enter, Tommy, and they get it to go plate? You know, you know, one plate, okay, cool, But when I see you loading up three fold plates a fall and it's just come on, man, really y'all starving over that. They may be pretty much okay, well, but this high work at our house because you know, usually Marjorie know what I like, She'll put that in the other refrigerator and the other refrigerator. Oh, Okay, I'm now the argument for me to get to that. Huh man, how many refrigerators at your house? The one in the kitchen, the one in the kitchen. You know, how much refrigerator? Car man, I can't wait to be that. Let me since you're talking about our want refrigerator, how many in your house? Wait? Hold up, Steve, let's ask new money. Who come on, Hollywood, come on? How many? How many refrigerators? Just a simple question. Okay, I can't break it down, but I just like five, five refrigerators. Let me explain. Call I'm listening to it. Yeah, you got some explaining. It's three of those under counter one okay, huh so, and then it's too big refrigerator, one in the one in the kitchen, and water to me under kids. Still a lot, Tommy, so ice everywhere. Huh what do that means under the counter like a wine refrigerator? Yea, it's a smaller refrigerator, beverage refrigerator. It's you got Oh, he ain't counted there, I ain't count you. You didn't know, Steve. That was part of the time. I mean five, Tommy's got five. Okay. Everything on this show is a competition. How many do you have, Steve in the kitchen. I didn't know who's counting, Richard. We ain't even got out the kitchen. You y'all like bal Hi? All right, listen up next, it is the nephew with the prank phone call for the day. We will be right back after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I'm not sure I can do this. I'm not sure I can do this, but right now we can do this. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got I've been in Prankville. You know everybody, Uh, you know, all couples are not able to have a child. You know what I'm saying. Everybody. You know what I'm saying. Tell yeah, So sometimes you need a little help, you know. So this prank right here is what you call on Orthodox methods. On Orthodox methods, running cat Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach trying to reach Brother Robert and speaking Hey, how you doing. I'm I'm calling you from the church. How you doing, brothers man? I'm doing super fantastic. Any day that Bob ground is a good day. That's good. That's good. Hey, hey, listen, man, we wanted to uh, being one of the brothers of the church, I wanted to give you a call. Man. You didn't make it to day, but now, well, you know, your wife stood up to day and UH asked us to keep you all and our prayers because y'all are definitely trying to bring a new child into the world. And she let us know that, you know, uh, she's she's being a little older now, forty one for the two you know, she said, it takes a little longer to try and conceive a child than you know in your earlier years. So we we definitely wanted to let you know, man that we we got you all in our prayers. Man. Man, you just don't know how much we appreciate that. Man. Yeah, we've been trying, but I know what prayers all things are possible. Yeah, well, we definitely want to definitely want to keep you out of our prayers, man, and uh, I hope that you are able to conceive this child and bring you know, brain brain brain, bringing news on a new child into this world. You know, the book says be fruitful and multiplies definitely, definitely. Who is this again? Brother, brother, Brother, I don't know if you know me directly, but my brother I wanted the brothers at the church. Okay, okay, brother, thank you not not not not not not Robert. What I want to ask you, man, was, have you considered any any alternatives methods as far as you know, maybe helping this situation? Uh? We've looked at a few Uh what what what what are you referring to as an alternative? Well, I mean I think I have a good uh thing then that that might be able to help this thing speed up the process, and and and and you guys will be expecting in no time. Man, Man, we have levels with some things like that. What what? What what you got in mine? I mean, uh, well, what I have is a little little unorthodox, man, But I think if you allow me to help you on this, man, I think that you'll be definitely satisfied. And you know, man, if nine months now you gotta be at the hospital wait looking for you, your baby boy, your paper girl, you know, well classified and orthodox. Okay, Um, see what I have in mind, man, is have you considered maybe like a Sarahu father clarify, clarified, serry, because I'm thinking the wrong thing. I don't want I want to make ship with on the same page. What do you mean by Sarah the fuck? Well? What it is man, is you know you know, of course a Saragus mother is someone that will carry a shy for those that cannot carry one. You know what I'm saying, right right? So what what? What? What? I've gone to the doctor and got myself checked out, man, good physical and everything. I'm physically sitting everything. And you, oh maybe I guess the complications are coming from uh you as far as the child not being you know, you're not being able to conceive right now? No, no, I ain't that. Ain't nothing wrong with me, man, Okay, you know what you mean? Like you physically fit? I mean, what the hell they got to do with sri. Let's see what I'm saying is if if what you know, if you if you allow me to come over and and supply my services. I mean, let's see, if you left for a weekend man, and I stayed over there by the time you get back, then what the wrong with you? Is this? What's going on at this church? Man? Am I at the wrong church that you you're telling me you try help me. I understand you're saying you want to come over and and have sex with my wife. Well, I mean, I mean, don't don't look at it like that. Don't look at it like that. Look at it up. I'm helping you what you're killing me in directicularly? Just ain't you though? What excuse me that? Okay you want to come out and say with my wife? No, no, no, I want to come over and just apply my services man and put you guys in a better position that you will be saying life. You understand what I'm saying. You understand what I'm coming from. Now. I don't like you tell me you want to have sex in my life? Man? What's wrong with you? Hold on? Hold on? No this this this brother awesome man, listen see what I'm what I'm trying to do. Man, I don't give up to you. Brother chas whose brother? Man? I don't know you. And then you're talking about the church. What kind of is this this? And don't let this church really the church. I'll have nothing to do with this. It's me calling you to leave. When you come to me, if you allow me to be the sarag and father. I have a pregnant about the end of the week. Man, you got me up as soon as I see I'm coming to Boss Staid accused to see you. You show that. Bob said, it's like you okay, okay, Gary kidd who you want to have brothers? Brothers? Like what about you keeps looking at that like that? How is we gonna get this? We're gonna get past just so we can't get you to this child. Man, we ain't gonna get pasted it. You talk about having sex with my wife. Your wife said, brother, you ain't got no way. So I have a white brother, Robert. What I'm trying to do is help you along with yours and getting this child can see you. That's what I'm trying to help. Does you can't help me talking about having sex with my wife? You said that on other doesn't I ain't thank you for going now we didn't you getting my phone number? Well you know we were people listed at the church. We have our phone numbers listed. He lifts mind. And when I get that too, I hope to see you because I'm gonna punch you head. Hey, look man, why don't I Why don't I speak to your wife when she comes to church this week and I see her, don't sell singing my wife? Oh no, I'm just gonna talk to and see how she feels about maybe maybe you know using this now you can't say, man, don't even look in the direction. Brother, Man, who don't want you? I need to see you myself? Okay? What what? What? What does all the anger though? Brother? What? What? What? What do you mean? You're the angry sitting here telling me that's the script. I'm gonna come half sex with child wife? Okay, get ain't okay, brother, I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you ready for? Can say this? Man? You better hunt for I hang up in your say Okay, are you listening, brother Robins, I'm time listen. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobbit Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Man, what do you say? Heyamy doing think that? Man? I'm about to have the rest come to tell you about it. Go straight plus pervis in the mouth. Then look for you? What did you on that? One? Man? Who'll? Hey? One more thing? Man? Tell me what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the Land Steve one of his morning show with Steve and You te y'all will over that man, you went too far. So people need help, you know, if if you if he ain't swimming Maddie. But by the end of the week time, by the end of the week, I'm gonna have help pregnant. By the end the weekend, you ain't gonna worry about. There's nothing to stick your chest out to another man for about his wife? What else you want? Hey, hey, you need to stick or something else? Now what you want me to stick? He thought? We won't keep that all right? Thank you? Nephew. Oh lord, that's so wrong with that? What did I save that for the pranksters? Back? Baby, Go to Thomas Smiles dot com. I'm doing some brand new ones. You can you can live for the prank button click something his nephew timing, he did, I'm just trying to hold on. We don't kill him. What I don't know, I'm the people in my head. No, I'm just I'm just it's nephew Tommy over so we can make the jestment because it's go to Thomas Miles. You know, he nephew Tommy on their own show. He's Tommy Miles. You know I'm gene. I just I don't know what to do. Oh I could say something right now that it would be just totally wrong. But all right, listen up next, it is today's Strawberry Letter. The subject I'm not sure. We'll find out right away what you ain't. I'm not sure I can do this. We'll get into the letter right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for today Strawberry Letter. Guys, if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Right Steve tell him yea, and we also have to tell him this. Listen. If you have young kids in the car, you may not want to hear this letter. Them to hear this letter please. It's it's a little racy, like say, but I ain't got no kids, got grand babies. Hold on tight here it is Strawberry letter. All right, thank you, nephew. Subject I'm not sure if I can do this. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am in a fairly near relationship with a great guy. Everything was going great for the first ninety days of our relationship, so we were mutually ready to advance to a sexual relationship. We talked beforehand about what we enjoyed and did not enjoy during intimacy, but he left out one important detail about what he really likes. On our second encounter, he asked me to use a toy on him. Yes, it was his toy that he pulled out of a box under his bed. Yes, it's exactly what you're thinking. I thought he was joking at first, but he was very serious, so I decided to try it and see what happened. Surely this man came to life, and he became so passionate, aggressive, and vocal. Afterwards, he said he was so happy that he could reveal the side of himself to me without judgment. The problem is wait, wait, wait, wait, okay what yes? Is there Contrius him? Yes, yes, oh, and he became excited and vocal. Yes, yes, okay, okay, you got it now okay, all right, she says. Surely this man came to life. He became so passionate, aggressive and vocal. Afterwards, he said he was so happy that he could reveal the side of himself to me without judgment. The problem is, she says, I am judging him. I am okay with the fact that he might be bisexual, but this is not something I plan to keep up. I am crazy about this guy, and I feel come to wall enough to talk to him about this. But I'm sure he will leave me and find someone else that's more open minded and adventurous in the bedroom. I've never experienced this before. Uh, we're at the point now where he can't reach his destination if I'm not driving the car. This is getting way too much for me to handle since we've only been together for nine months. Should I just break it off with him? Am I overthinking this? Please advise? All right, listen, if you're not comfortable with this, No, I'm not comfortable with it. I'm not going to be dress this anyway. You steal stay on there. I know we won't be doing People have issues, Steve, and they need help. Okay, they need help. I'm trying my four comedians. She wrote to a show with four comedians to say, we're gonna try and help you, though. I mean, she's at the point where you know this is way too much for her to handle. So if it's too much for you to handle, don't handle it, Okay, you gotta break this thing off before it does get Yeah, before it does get out of control. You're not comfortable with it. Uh. You know, you guys discussed it beforehand, but he left this part out. You said, um, you know, and and if you don't do this, uh, you put it this way. Um, if you're not driving the car. Uh, he can't reach his destination. That's what you said. Uh. And you said this is way too much for you to handle, So I say stop handling it. You know, you guys have only been together nine months, you're not married. You want to know should you break it off. I have to thank you though, first of all, for being so discreet in this letter. We definitely get what you're saying here. Uh. This is the first. I don't think we've ever gotten this kind of letter before. Um. Yeah, And and you are very open minded and you are very adventurous. Uh. But listen, if you're uncomfortable, if what you're doing makes you uncomfortable, then stop. You don't have to do this. I mean, you know this is what he wants sexually, but you know you can be out. Just say no, you're uncomfortable. You guys have been talking so far, So talk some more and tell him you know what you don't like. And yeah, he might leave you, but you know that's the chance you'll have to take. Take nor with no reward. And well, if you're talking about leaving me, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna help you. Put all this stuff back in his box. You can get hell out. Oh I am not open minded or adventurous, So this letter for me, and I don't want nobody to take this personal. Whatever you do that floats your boat, you and your boat can keep right on float. But you didn't right into somebody with a floatable boat. You rolle in, you said Sherley and Steve. Now, I don't know what's going on here. Y'all been talking for ninety days. Y'all decided to move the relationship section. Y'all even talked about what you liked and what you didn't like. Y'all have sex. It must have been okay because you got together a second time. And when you got together a second time, he bought something. He reached up in the bed. He had a toy and they asked you to use it on it. Come to find out you had to do some driving now it it got so crazy where you thought he was joking, but he would Now he can't reach his destination without you driving this toy, I who've been driving? That's not in the letter. Well, i'll tell you what. Well, you know you can't do nothing. Everything I think of I have to stop. You can't do the letter. The letters about her and how she feels about doing what he wants her to do. So you're addressing her still, okay, cool, let me do that then. See ma'am, I don't know what to tell you except if this is too much for you. It's too much for you now. He said afterwards that he was so happy that he could reveal this side of himself without judgment. The problem is you judgeing, and I'm with you. I know you judge because I'll be wondering what the hell going on my damn self, the fact that he might be bisexual. See, that's where I need to stop, go to break. Yeah she is all right, Well you want to you want to stop it right there and come back with yeah, I don't even want to come back. All right, all right, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. It's an interesting letter. We had a disclaimer at the beginning of the letter. We'll do that again when we come back. The subject I'm not sure if I can do this. That is the subject. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour with part two of today's Strawberry Letter. Denton, DNE. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, we got a recap today's letter of a recap well, and we do have to do a disclaimer. If you have children in the car, you might not want them to hear this letter. The subject is I'm not sure if I can do that. If you got all the adults in the car, they might not want hear either. This woman dating this man they finally have sex. Dating, talked about what they like and what they don't like. First time must have went okay because they got to together for the second time. Next time they got together, they was talking again about what they like and what they don't like. She told him for she liked, He said what he liked. But at the second time, homeboy reached up under the bed pool a box out it had a sexual toy. She thought he was joking at first, but he wanted hug to use it on him, and boy did he get loud, started saying things, confessing, O lord. And when it was over, when he was just so happy that what you do though something like that? Well he told us, right, he said. Afterwards, he said he was so happy he could reveal this side of himself without me judging. Now right down, Obviously something didn't get told. Now. Is he bisexual? I don't know. I would based on what you said. You said he was bisexual. He could probably be. Yea, she said. I am okay with the fact that he might be bisexual. But yeah, that's what she says. She says, she she is judging him, and she's okay with the fact that he might be bisexual, but this is not something she plans to keep up. Well, yeah, which means that in the nine months dad and done in the future. I think, lady, in my estimation, you should walk away because you're not gonna be able to keep this up. And then suppose, just suppose that he wants more, what you're gonna do then so, I don't know. If you're a heterosexual and you want to be in a monogamous relationship, then I think you gotta get yourself in that position to get what you want own out of it. You know, you're having fun. If it's what you want to do, tip real, it's up to you. But you know I yeah, she needs to walk away, Steve. I mean that's it. She said, she's not going to be able to keep this up. So and if this is what he wants, this is what he wants. It makes him come alive and all of that. She's not gonna be Let me ask you something, Tommy, No, I got a show. No, oh no, I'm not. I'm talking about women, right, Okay, all right, come on. Have you ever had a woman that did something that was a little bit outrageous for you and you had to pull back? Yeah? Yeah, yeah? How did you feel about having it? Well? I left? Okay, Well I mean did you run? Yeah? I have left with my clothes, steal at her house. I'd been in my pro caught the call up, but NIX with none butt some socks on you. Damn right. I didn't done it. I know when to leave, I know when to get out. That's what she that's what she should do if she's uncomfortable. Absolutely, I'd haven't been sitting that the right, but naked with some socks on it at the light. I've had an experience where I've had to go what you're doing? You know, i'd have seen the suitcase come out just sitting down there, just cute if she want to be just cutting stuff on? What is all this? Damn? What is all this? Damn? What? Where is the bag moving? Man? She had all counts. That's too much for me. Don't worry about that. I gotta compress them. What were you there for? A decoration switch? What what I'm talking about? Man? Just stuff down that that foot their bad hair? About selling eight things out? Serious? Yeah, I'm dead serious, man. I'm sitting there looking at this a little fun thing. I'm saying, going, man, what the hell I got myself? What am I healing for? The part about you never see it coming? Y'all? Never? But here? The crazy thing is, I ain't know what knowning that stuff did. Wait a minute, so, Junior, what are you saying? They always look like a little brand? Now? What are you saying? So you've had this experience as well? I had to leave. Why she went to the band? I left? Really? When they when they when they get that little trunk they open a little trunk all this stuff, and I say, and they got fights, some like lock did she come out cold? Did? She said? Plug that in in for me? Then they got gas They go, yeah, she's putting on creams. Man, what you're not? Jump? Do you want something on your hand? It's don't make your head hot. I don't need no hot hands hands. Bay. It looks like you know you have seen jump cape with people put to put this over there? But clap that right there? All right? To hold what you got? Try now, No, it's just too much. Man. You want to stand up? No, I don't want to stand Hey, you lay right here. Amazing things we learned about hold on this shows hold hold up? He always here? What mess me up? She said? You want one of these? You got two? That girl looked at me and said, do you want want of these? I want? Hell? You you need too of them here? Now I want the one of the What is it? Why we got hot wet wits? What? What is that? Man? Hot? What did even save? But Tommy? I looked down there she just rubbed and baby all on her face, slippery face, baby, the slipping too. I got scared? All right? Um, well, guys thank you for contributing. I think. Bottom line to this young lady, get out while you can. Okay, get out. Email is your Instagram on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M. Okay, we'll be back with more of this crazy show right after this. What you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show? Hey man, can I talk to y'all a little sports for a second? Let you ask yall Houston people, so sure you know. I don't want to bring this up to y'all, but y'all has problem with the Rockets this year because y'all's boy called Mellow. You know what's wrong? See see how how Mellow can't bleeding in them? Three of the easiest dudes in the world. Them to the easiest cast to play with, James Harden and Chris Paul. They win him. Now, now, what's wrong with uh Mellow? Y'all kill Tomas? You know, kill the sports. I'm not watching the now. You always talking sports. What I've been watching the Texas. I'm just happy to do you all done in the Texas A and M game with your family and anything. I don't know what upset he don't want to play no more huh. I think he's probably think what what what are he gonna do? I don't know what he come do? What is he doing, Julian? What is he is? He upset about something? You don't want to come off the bench. He didn't want to come off the bitch, but he ain't playing well enough to start. But see his his ego is gonna be the end of him. He's not a starter anymore. He don't play no DP. So he's the sixth man, but he don't want to be the sixth man. So I'm just asking y'all what y'all gonna do about mellow? He don't how he don't want to come off the bench. And you said he's not he's not a starter. How many money we spend on him? Too much? Really? Like double digit millions? Yeah? You lying, but you thought you were gonna get him for foe. I was gonna go to more than five. Oh you want to pay him like he's shall? Really no, I'm just asking him. He want to pay him like he's shall? You want to pay him like he Mugsy Bowls or somebody? You know, he Camelo Anthony. But he's not playing like he once played? Is that we always you know what, I'm gonna see the owner Wednesday night, and I'm a ask him. Wait a minute, excuse me, I'm going to see the on Wednesday night. You get one show. Now you think you got cloud? What is this? Since I got nothing to do with this show, Tommy the New you got everything to do with this show every since you got that show. Surely since you got that show, any man, Tommy, Hollywood? Ain't that Hollywood? What Hollywood? When he was calling Oprah? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all got okay, right right, right right? That was just having fun? Even this voice? What was that? What was that was that? After right? You pointed it out, Steve, Yeah, you might be a little Hollywood with it, y'all don't see it now he told about he gonna see that. Only I'm gonna see Tillman. I have been in Tillman. Tillman, he ain't knew nobody named who he got. Excuse me, who is Tillman. That's the owner of the Houston Rocket. And so let me ask you. So what you're gonna ask him? You know, when you when you walk up to him and you know him, what's the chances of him knowing well, let me first say this. The Rose Royce Dealership has invited people to come out and see the new Rose Royce SUV. So I the course understand, but you ain't gonna buy no new Year. I don't know what I'm gonna do that must ain't seen your rocket made better stop right now. I'm telling you what what is you going down that you ain't fist? He can't wear He donna wait till this year. I might get the newest you never know, oh man. This conversation started with what did you guys from Houston gonna do with Carmelo? And he said he was gonna talk to Tillman because he's gonna see him because they invited him to the Rose Roys Dealership to unveil the the which is late because we've already seen it, but they having a late one, uh for Houston, and he's going to it now. They've seen a picture of Tommy rod Roy probably on Instagram, and that's why they're invited, but not what they did not know that based on his history, he won't be buying that thing. You know. No, I might get it if I like it, dog, what's it not to like? I don't understand what we're gonna see. I want to see it. It's the rough dog. How you ain't gonna like it? It's a rolls Royce suv. What's not to like? The only thing you couldnot like about it is de Price? What do you have to do with Carmelo's Is he gonna be there? I told you it ain't got nothing. He just wanted to tell us about this. Come he to the owner. Now, if Carmelo was there, I would talk to Carmelo and say, you need to bring your off. Okay, this is new money. Oh okay, it's just not getting money. So now he he all down at the road. He never was saying he was invited. And you know the owner's named Tillman, and Tillman wins like like who til he is? He was Tilman own a basketball team. He ain't talked to nobody this short, and I don't all the stuff you hurt. You hurt me with that. He ain't talk to nobody this short talk nobody else? You like, look good? It's nice? Yeah? What what what did he ask you? Should? He just he showed me a picture of it, Rose Royce? Did he asked you? Did you like it better? Ask your wife, can you Yeah, you're talking to and hey, man, you're gonna wear him glasses down there so you can try to look intelligence. What's wrong with my glasses? Ain't nothing wrong with him? They make you look intelligent. I asked you what you're gonna wear the glasses down there to look in telling if I'm gonna read the price I'm gonna need for your glass. Oh, you ain't gonna read. I'll tell you what it is. What you think it's gonna be a deal? I want to know how sixty three, sixty five, three six? What's car? I thought you're talking? How many days? It isn't a year? Wait forever? You said for car three D for a car? So much for the meeting with till Man. Huhh yeah, counsel let me. Yeah, we gonna talked to him about the prices that were gonna talk to him about. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. An elderly man in North Carolina came away from a fight with only minor bruises and scratches, which is incredible because his combatant was a mama bear. Okay uh, he's seventy eight year old Sonny pomp prey Uh. He was in his driveway when a mother black bear and her two cubs approached him. The cubs were scared off and ran away, but the mama bear stuck around for a while looking for a fight, and the old man was up to it. The bear charged at him and Sonny clocked her right in the nose. The bear was able to get some punches in and and left him with some scratches, but Sonny kept on hitting her in the head until she finally retreated. This guy is from a much tougher generation. He could have simply gone back into his house, but he decided to stand his ground against a bear. Uh that that was not really a wise decision, wouldn't you guys say, Steve, I'm gonna tell you one thing. Sonny couldn't get that damn do not to be the sunny knew his seven eight year old ass couldn't get back to it though anyone understanding that fighting no bad just to be doing it. Since I ain't gonna be able to get back to this dope, well crazy, I got to fight. Put the hands up. See I saw what was that movie of the Revenue, The Revenue? Yeah yeah. Instead of getting my back toe open, I'm gonna just standing here, sucker punch. You watch the bear? What a bear? That is so crazy to be Steve, you had to run in with it. Remember you're telling us about something when he was in your car and you thought it was an animal in your car. No, that was Tommy with the squirrel. Remember now, Steve was yeah, Steve had something to Oh, yeah, I have squirrel in back seat. Came in, Okay, I came out that damn car. I got in the car. The squirrel was in my back seat. It jumps up in the rear view mirror because it saw the glass that thought it could get out. I'm getting ready to back up. I look in the rear view mill all in the middle. It's this squirrel. But this squirrel looked like a mountain like up mirror. So I looked up in the mirror. All I saw was squirrel. But I thought it because it filled the whole review mill, I thought it was a mountain lion. Stupid. The window was down on my car, the holling. I'm the first person ever done tow a seatbelt off. I didn't even unfasten it. It got out the window the door. I ain't open open the door. I didn't unsnap the seatbelt. I actually tow it getting out. I wanted a few people I've ever done that before. This seat felt hard to break, boy like dukes that has. I got out, scraped all the skin off my leaves. I fell out that damn wonder and forward rolled and got myself together and looked back in the car before I broke out running and realized, how come I don't see the mountain right the mountain? But that little squirrel jumped his ass out that car. That was so damn embarrassed. Squirrel run me out my ride like this skin stomach stomach cut up to it, and I'm looking for something to throw at the squirrel. Right, that's crazy. Tell me you had your possum story too, That was crazy. I'm here one too, greatest aspen I ever took. I gave it to myself, the greatest one I ever took, and even to myself. I beat the hell out of me. You got in the car. I got in the car. I thought the subroup was popped up, and that's possible. Would not move I got in there on the on the on the passing this side, and that seatbelt you know how to retract, came across my face, automatic my as soon as it locked into place, luckles and everything gripping with blood. Man, I beat, I beat the snot out of here because you thought the possible was on. I thought he came through that that that popped up something. Oh my god, I got the work was looking at me like, who your hand me? Me me? But this guy was older than both you got. He was seventy eight and he walked away from about He did good. He must have been in good physical shape though. Seventy eight year old man and a bear. That's what I'm saying that North Carolina and Australia. The kangaroo was messing with a dog. He's still with the king and boxing boxed it. Yeah, I don't know what people be thinking. Does that ever happen? Anything like that ever happened to you? Junior? The one time he's in the car with my dad and I thought it was a snake in the car. Oh bang, because you know, like you know, like the charge of the heads on the charge that go into the cigarette lighter. It was hanging out his glove box, but it was swirling back and forth like a snake. And my dad was sitting there telling me how much he loved me, how much he cared for me, He do anything for me, and he protect me. And the minute I said snake, he threw the car in park and he was down the road. I had to climb over the back. He had a Nissan too, for the Essex, with the hatchback. I got my head up against that hatchback, begging him to come back, and popped his lads. He wouldn't come. He just said he loved me. He just told me and another man going the other way had to come in the car. He popped the trunk and let me out. I was so disappointed, my damn daddy. I rode with the man back to that Wow. I would I could leave you left me, sir? Could you make it right? I live up here on the left. Just make it right. I'm gonna point this out one more time. This guy who had a fight with the bear was seventy eight. Good. Well, you gotta have incidences like we had in order to make it too. Send me all right, you might die, all right, that's a good point point. Well take him all right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. The Strong National Museum of Play announced the Magic eight Ball card game, Uno and Pinball are this year's inductees into the National Toy Hall of Fame. Magic eight Ball, introduced in nine, features a fortune telling experience with one of twenty answers to questions appearing at the bottom of the ball. Remember that shake Magic eight ball, Shake it and shake its question hill never be my question? Right, And then they inducted un I Love Love. Uno was invented by Ohio barbershop owner Merle Robbins. Uno continues to be a top selling game That's right, and it owes its success to its variability of play, fast pacing, and its wide age appeal. That's right. Kids can play at, adults can play. You to play with your grandparents. Yeah, I love you know skip Reverse. But now they've got a little machine and it's it's been out. Uh yeah. So what's your favorite game, your favorite toy or a toy from back in the day, Oh Trouble, I like Suble? Did you like Monopoly? Lovely? But it took long, but I still loved it. Yeah, it made you feel powerful when you got money and you could buy give me my rent, give me my money. I still love scrabble. I still love scrabble. I love scrabble. I love dice. As a kid, you couldn't tell me nothing. I thought dice was just the greatest thing. And the stuff you could do with man, like make money you don't want that made me. Man, what that damn Ruby's cute? Oh yeah, yeah, could you get color that? I've done it before. Take a long, the whole. Yeah, but take a long. I got some man. I took the stickers off and moved them so they could line up right for me. So you cheated? Yeah, yeah, this uncle he was, he was all you know, he's one of them. You know you're having the relative. This is pro black everything. We used to play with him, Uncle Bobby every time. What's the color? Ain't no black car. It's hard to beat me, it really is. You're not going out if you're on my left or we reverse, you ain't going to get skipped something. If you come to me, if you sit there and give me a minute to talk trash, you're not going out. But see. I didn't think. You know, people talk trash with you know, you don't like the trash, the trash, but I like to hear other people. I love trash docket. I played spades with Tommy's aunt one time. Boy. She renewed she was my partner. Almost flipped that the first person in the world to play cards. No dominoes Anthony Anderson's it is as soon as you sit down. She called you a beat the words sit down and that's hard and you can't call because you can't say that. I can't do that to mrs He told me, I want your drawls on the wall. She used to beat you. So yeah, oh all right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Today's Entertainment News. It appears that Rihanna has won a legal battle against President Trump this week, after the performing rites company b m I informed the press in his campaign that it can no longer use her music at events. B m I removed Rihanna's music from the Blanket Political uh Entities license agreement that previously gave a campaign the right to play Rihanna's songs during his campaign events and rallies. Rihanna was not the only artist to get this done, other artists including Aerosmith, Stephen Tyler, Elton John, and Prince's Estate. So that's good news. Unsty You know people, you know, they don't want to be associated with the rhetoric that comes from his camp. He could do so much more if he would just change his rhetoric and his tone. He could really accomplish some things. But he's not because he's an old rich man and he sees nothing wrong. I mean, the statements he's making is because he's empowered to do it. It's the wonderful thing about money. It doesn't change you. It allows you to be more of who you really are. He has money, position and power, so this is what you get who he really is. He's not about to change. You cannot teach this old dog a new trick. He's unteachable. And then other news is back. We love some sho Carlo. You've heard sad as new song from the movie soundtrack Widows, which stars that looks so good Viola Davis. I cannot wait to see that movie. Yeah, it's nice. It goes with the movie though it's it's you know, it's shod as slow as deep, but it goes the lyrics. She writes it about this movie, and it's about these four women who what they set up this robbery to get to help pay off their husband's dad because their husbands died or passed away. But it's good, it's good, it's cool. Okay, Well, Steve, what is what is your favorite shod a song? Is it a crime that are still? Or come on, girl, come on, cut that thing up, cussed down, give me some lick up brown preferred watch how good that was that was for cushions. This might come as a surprise to you, But I miss you. I know you probably tripping. I could see three all your life. Still, damn it. I'll miss you because of the things you did to me and fund me. I tasted it, man, man, I ain't done that in so long. All right, coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his clothing remarks. You don't want to miss it. At forty nine after the hour, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, last break of the day. While what a wild ride today anyway, but now it's always uh, you're here with your closing remarks. Yeah, my clothes remarks today is I want to remind everyone about the things you're going through. I want to remind you about some of the things that's happening to you, especially for those of you that are hurting. Everybody is hurting. All of us are sick with something. All of us, every living human being. Nobody is pure and clean. No one is pure and clean. No one is without hurt, no one is without pain, no one is without suffering. All of us are hurting some kind of It's because that's life. That's life, man. Now, how we handle the hurt, the pain, and the suffering that depends on how our mental state is. I've often said it before. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. If hurt, pain and suffering are a part of life, then it must be how you handle the hurt, pain and suffering that determines the outcome of a lot of it. So this today is for the hurting. This message today is for people in pain. This message today offer people who are suffering. I say this to you because I fit in all three of these categories. Oftentimes it regardless of what you do, was Steve, how you in pain, suffering, and and and you hurt, and you got this, and you got that. That ain't got nothing to do with it. I wish, I wish you could make money and that would make your life smooth. It don't, I'm telling you right now, I don't. So if you think if your money gonna make you happy, money does not make you happy, and money does not make your life right. It gives you more choices in life. It's what it does. What money actually does is it takes all emergencies and turns them into mere inconveniences. It takes most all emergencies. Your car breakdown, that could be emergency in somebody's life. That's not an emergency in my life because I can. I can straighten that out. You follow what I'm saying that as some things that money can't fix. You lose a love one, No amount of money you have eases the hurt, the pain, or the suffering. Nothing, nothing fixes that. So this message is for the hurt, the pain and the suffering. Here is what you have to understand. Everything you're going through is God preparing you for what you ask for. If you ask for big stuff, much is going to be quiet for you to do in order to attain the big stuff, to whom much is given, much is required. And in the requirements that comes some pain that comes from suffering, that comes from hurt. Nobody going through this life free and clear. You understand me so quick, tripping man, because God is processing you. So you got to deal with the tests that come, because you can't have a testimony without the test. You have to deal with the things that are confronting you. And that's how you deal with the things that's confronting you can determine the outcome. You can't stop nothing that happens to you, but you can fix your attitude when it does. Because it's coming. Life's waves and tides and willows and stone arms. They're coming. It's just what you do about it. Understand that you are in the process. And when you're being processed on what you think of your history, name me one thing that God hasn't brought you through. And if He hasn't brought you through it, he's currently pulling you through it. Right now. You have survived far more than you thought you could, ever thought you would, or ever thought you'd have to. And the reason I know is because you can hear me talking right now. God's track record with you is outstanding. He has done the unthinkable for you time and time again. God has delivered you in times when you didn't even think you could ever get delivered. He didn't delivered you so many times you forgot the delivery date. You just showed up and it was all right, and you just forgot to thank him that day. But God's track record, he's batting a thousand. So while you're being processed, know that this tool shall pass and you'll be on to something else. And he just does what he does over and over again. So God is processing you. He ain't through with you yet, So quit tripping because God ain't through with you yet. You're just being processed. You're being tested to see if what you really want you're asking him for, is what you really want. Just pass the tests, keep waking up, keep being grateful, keep thinking him, and keep on pushing. God has a great life for you if you just remember that one thing He is processing you, the things you're going through, is preparing you for what you ask for. Just keep passing the tests, don't ever give up. The reward is coming. It'll be yours. As old people used to say, victory. Victory shall be mine, It'll be yours. I've seen it happen in my life thousands of times, when it looks so bad for me, and all of a sudden I came through it and on the other side the sun was shining. Okay, same things in store for you. Just remember God is processing you, all right. Stay with it, y'all. Those are my clothes remarks today. Oh oh oh, that was good man, that was good. Well, y'all have a great weekend. On this, Glen says, I'll be working. Yeah. This is for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.