Good morning and welcome to the ride! Tommy has a question for Steve and it involves a helicopter. We have the hurtful phrases to avoid during Thanksgiving. Don't you hate it when family members overstay their welcome? Are spending limits and budgets supposed to be discussed with your significant other or nah? Fool #2 continues to talk about irrelevant conversations at Turkey Day dinner. Has anyone tried defending the girlfriend that nobody has met but heard of? How awkward can it be when you are forced to crash at your childhood home? They say old habits die hard and we all have those family members with strange habits. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about the danger of aiming too low and actually reaching it, plus more.
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Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know y'all back, don't have a suit looking back to back down, giving the move like theming bu things and its cos y'all to me, true good it. Steve har listening to movie together for steleasey, I don't join by joining me. You gotta turn you gotta turn to turnout, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby at it, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Trying to do something with it too, man. Uh you know, um, I was having a conversation the other day with a young person and they were telling me how they felt that their life was stuck, that their life was in a rut, that they didn't know what to do next. And one of the things that was causing them this sadness or this depression. I mean, they really really into something right now. One of the things that was causing it was the fact that they had made a list of things they wanted to accomplish by a certain age, and that age they just had a birthday recently and they were looking at the list and the list hadn't been fulfilled, and because that list hadn't been fulfilled, they were really really sad about it, you know. Um One of the things that they had on the list was marriage, kids, And I don't know everything else that was on the list, but that was one of them. And because she had reached a certain age and she wasn't married, and she didn't have the kids, and she had just celebrated her birthday, she's gone into this mode of sadness, whereas really really taking a toll on her and us. As I was learning about her situation, I was thinking about it, and I just wanted to share this with you all this morning that one of the things about making a list about what you want, which I happen to be a proponent of, I do it myself. I have people have dream boards, I have a gold sheet I have. I've been doing it for years. It's a it's a wonderful way to set goals and to keep it in front of you as a constant reminder. And I always go over this goal list every day, you know, I mean I go of it all the time, every day. Sometimes I miss a day here and there, but mostly every day I pulled my gold sheet out and I look at it, I read it. So I was going to these rallies and I was learning about, you know, people who were successful in how they kept their mind writing positive. And one of the things I learned was to make these dream boards, these lists, these gold sheets. And in making a gold sheet, and you make the sheet according to what you want, think about one thing when you made your gold sheet, about what you want it? Does your goal sheet have on it what God wants from you? Did you ask in any of this what was His will in your life? You know? Look, man, what we want oftentimes is not what He wants for us. And you know, if you're fighting against what you were created for, if you're fighting against his will, I mean, what do you want to happen? See? Don't be so hard on yourself when you look at your goal sheet and you look at what you've not become what you thought was a great idea. Don't be so hard on yourself because you just made a minded mistake. As do most people, we oftentimes make our goals and set our goals up without ever considering what is it that God wants from us. We keep talking about what we want without ever finding out and knowing what it is God wants for us. Well, guess what, man, Maybe you're fighting against the grain. Maybe you're just a salmon heading upstream. That's a tough fight upstream. Not all salmons get up to the spawning grounds, you know. Some of them don't make it upstream, you know. But all of them, nearly all of them, except the ones that's killed by pray. When they're spawned, they go out to the ocean. That's cool, because you're going because you're going with the grain. You're going downstream, you're going with the flow. That's but when it's time to go against the grain, it's tough. And a lot of us have just been going against the grain for all of these years. But you know what, listen, man, I did it. I know a lot of people who did it. Very few people get it right from the very beginning. Man, you got to stumble through life sometimes sometimes you got to fall through life. You gotta make a lot of mistakes, man, But these mistakes are not failures. You know, when you fail at something, don't look at it as a failure. Don't look at yourself as a failure because you're thirty and and your goals ain't reach that you had on your list, that was your list. What about the things that's going right. Stop looking at what you're not, take some time out and thank God for what you are. How about the fact that you keep waking up to be thirty. You know you get depressed about these birthdays. You really want to throw yourself in some depression. Miss a birthday, You really got a problem. Now look at where you are. You keep reaching birthdays. That's a glorious blessing. You keep waking up. You got your health, You've accomplished something. Something on your list is done. People spend too much time on the negative side, and you're just throwing yourself into depression. So what you want to be married by a certain age and you want it to have kids? Okay, cool, You could have done all that with the wrong person. There's a blessing in not being married to the wrong person. There's a blessing in not having kids and nobody to help you raise it. There's a blessing in that man. You're talking to somebody who can tell it to you. You can marry the wrong person if you want to I'm telling you you're gonna be up in some mess you can't count on. So instead of being angry because you're not married, you don't have kids, why don't you thank God demand Maybe he spared you from some misery here. Maybe you could have married the wrong person. Maybe you have kids and you're not really ready to be a mother or a father. You gotta look at the upside, man, Quit looking at what you don't have. Take some time to thank God for what you do have. When you do that, you make more room for blessings to flow into your life. I'm not saying how God thinks, because I really don't know, but I'm telling you, if a person comes to me and I always give a person something and they never appear grateful, or they never say thank you, please, no, you can quit coming to me now. I don't know that's how God works because I've gone back to him several times without being grateful of thanking him, and he's feeling my basket up again. So I really think he's not like that. But I can't make the call for sure, but I think at one point in time, me, just just me talking, i'd be a little ticked off at somebody who was always taken, taking, taking, and never showing any gratitude. At one point in time, I would just stop the flow of the take. You know, you just you can't take no more from me. That's what I would do. Now. I'm not calling it like that because I ain't him, but I know he's merciful. He's full of goodness and here and there, and he'll forgive you again. And thank God he does that because he's shown enough done it for me. But wow, man, take some time out today and be grateful for what you have. Stop complaining about where you're not, and think about where you are, and then take it from there. And then next time you make a list, make sure on that list you have God's will. What does he want for you? God create give everybody a gift and a talent. Some of us never apply gifts and talents. We head off in another direction. Then you wonder why your life ain't where its supposed to be. Have you ever thought about what God gifted you to do? Have you ever thought about doing that? And stip? Skip what you want? I wanted to play in the NBA, but I gotta tell you something at dribbling and shooting and running all at one time, throwing me off a little bit. You know. It's so I'm doing what I do. It's pretty cool. You can look at it that way. Okay, you're listening show, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. This to Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is radio unlike any other. This is not planned, rehearsed, and oftentimes not even want it. This real radio. What y'all doing today? So Shirley, Hey Steve, how are you? I'm pretty good calling good morning? Was up through so up junior morning up food? Was happy with you after the morning after. What you've bought lately? Let me hear something nothing really really well and nothing really junior body thing lately? Ah? Yeah, uncle, I bought a few suits you yeah, it went up. Used to be one I'm in then give me that one and that one love it yeah too? Yeah, yeah, at one for Friday and saying come on boy, come up and out. I can't tell you what I'm trying to get nixt though, what's that this is going to be interesting to us and our audience or just yeah this is real? Helicopter yeah what right? And just landing where I want to land? You know, skip all the traffic. Okay, let me ask you a question. Go ahead. How much? How much you got for this helicopter? Well, that's you know what type you want? Well, I've been looking. Okay, what's the number on it? You know? You know numbers on helicopters the same way you know I'm on on plane? No, okay, no, I don't. I just know how much was it? Man? Shit? That two point three? Me? That sounds reasonable, Yeah, that sounds reasonable. But what I'm trying to figure out is, come on, come on, boy, come on, say what is you gonna do with damn near two and a half million dollar helicopter? Where you going? See? Where you got to go? Require more than that? Okay, Well let me ask you this hill Houston, La a helicopter? Boy? You know what any times you got to land to gas up? We'll see. That's what I don't know. I don't know nothing about the gas but it first though, I ain't bought it. I haven't bought it. But Tommy, where would you keep the helicopter? Thank you? In my backyard? Just where my backyard? How you gonna land a helicopter in your backyard with your wives back there? O? Man? Why you stay out in the country. Y'all ain't got in ground cable Ya, stuff is on poles? And why all that money and all these drones play? Oh so you're saying that's a problem. Say there's a problem. You just right there on the h What is this? How here? Right here? All right? More of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening to show? All right, Thanksgiving? Wow did it come fast this year? It's here? Yeah, we're all gathering around the Thanksgiving table dinner conversations. It can be a little tent you know. So we just want you guys to prepare with some phrases that you should avoid at holiday dinners so we can just you know, all have a good time with our family and friends. Okay, Like for instance, yeah, okay, for instance, Steve Um, when you start a sentence with you should have you should have? You know, the words should you know can make a person feel judged or disappointed. You see where I'm going with that, Like you should have left somebody else fit? Yeah, yeah, that's hurtful. Yeah, yeah, you should have you should have left the marshmallow acting yam, that's like that. I'm with you. I'm with you on that. Feelings are not hurt. How about this? I know it's pot Look, but you should have just came the ain't no luck in your Yeah, stuff like that, Steve, you got it? Or you know a boy saying that? Yeah, avoid saying this, you know, because this is definitely this could start one right here. Um, can you believe what your president just did? You can't start yeah, yeah, it can lead to an argument and a fight. You know, politics. Everybody in agreement on my family? My family? All good with that? That's gonna get the party popping right now? Oh okay, all right, so you're not gonna avoid saying that. Oh no, no, no, you can talk politics at my house. Everybody at my house in the same political mindset you don't have. You you are Republican at the table. You need to keep it to you. You won't be Okay, let's get back to my daddy's house. Uh huh. Let's get back to the food for a minute. How about this one. You know, the best turkey I ever had was not this again, the best turkey I ever had was is my mama. You can't say that. Yeah, that'll set it off, Steve. If you don't have to always tell the truth though, No, no, no, no, see she wants again, Well, y'all need to make up, y'all, man, you all want us to be trumb or you want these lives? Did we good? We're lying on Thanksgiving? Tell the truth? It's a good time to ask that question, any b Yeah, you know, like, uh, if you start a sentence with when are you going to learn how to cook? Don't do that. When you're gonna finally let him go? Okay, that's the one. Yeah, because you don't want to make anyone feel defensive or put anyone on the spot or anything like that. When is you gonna stop using? Druth? Wow? Really? Yeah? What's gonna come out? I don't know why we set like it ain't I don't know what's wrong with you. I want to go to your house, but just come out in fifteen minutes. You ain't gona be able to take you're lying it fifteen If it starts off with that, yeah, I believe you. Was he walking the dope? When is you gonna stop using? You show up? Ever? You're looking like this? How about this right here? How about this right here? Say some woy where I could see where you going, where you going? Yeah, bathroom ain't that way? Ain't no bathroom that way? And you know, trying not to open up a conversation or start a sentence with when are you going too? Don't do that one, or remember the time you No, Yeah, that's cool. My uncle Everett Thanksgiving used to go he was drunk, yellow bowl. Ain't nobody won't I did bust out laughing, everybody laughing. But wait a minute, Wait a minute, hold up, did you hear about don't start it with that one, because that can mean yeah, you're gossiping about you know, somebody, your husband. What what did you hear about your husband? Oh, that's gonna get it started right there in the back room with coral Cora, not Cora coral. Yeah, those are just conversation starters. You don't do that. Yeah, Oh that's gonna happen Thanksgiving Thursday. Trust me, it's gonna happen. Well, I'll admit this. None of that happens at my house because I have no one at my house on Thanksgiving. As big as you create, nobody created no drama, not at mine house. Oh oh okay, I thought you were saying you had no one at your house. I was like, as big as your family is. Oh, the house gonna be packed. Yeah. I don't do druma yeah not at the house. Everybody know. Don't ask me to play. I don't do that. You know, the game night, I might come in there for a couple of minutes, but that's it. Y'all know what I'm doing. I'm gonna eat and I'm sitting in front of this TV. I'm staring at it. And sometimes you're gonna come in there and the TV gonna be staying at me. Just walk back out, don't come in here. Just in the heat. I want it. This won't keep beeping, the five places on, don't cut it off, so you don't mind them being in your house. A lot of people just don't bother you. Let you have your space. You don't know why. Yeah both. Marjorie's really good at that too, because she tells them to Steve that Steve, all don't bring your friends and your friends won't pictures. Oh yeah, I could get that. Yeah, I that ain't happen. Meanwhile, at our house, all they want to talk about is you. Yes, Steve, come on. Yeah. I just hate when they want me to tell Steve something for him. Always tell him give them. Can you just give this to Steve for me? I know this a best seller, right, we just get it to Steve. Didn't I'm not going to get your book the one kill me? Okay, I got this book of mine. I want you to read. I didn't read the foe I wrote. Ain't coming up up next? It's the nephew with run that prank back. You're listening morning show. It is the nephew with today's prank. Phone. Call what you got next? Call him? Yes, we don't need your mama dressing? Whoa my god? Oh tell me no, Mama, you know we don't need ben. We don't need your mama starting a fight right there? Yes, I actually want to run it all right? Come on? Hello? Hello? Who is this Miss Clinton? Who is this this Benjy? I'm colleague? Is miss Purvis there? Um? You know she's not here right now? But this is our daughter? Um? Is there a problem? Oh? No, this this this Benjy. This Mama, Mama Lord's nephew. Who is this again? This is Glendam Mama, Lord, Mama Lord jo ain't it? Ain't it correct? You? Mama Lord's and Miss Perosis? Okay, I'm being you. I'm I'm her nephew from the other side of the family. You say your name? Whatno blend? Okay, we'll tell y'all supposed to get in. We used to meet there by the afternoon. Okay. Uh is miss Purvis is she is your mama making the dresses? Yeah? She's making enough for about forty five people. We actually, um, this was discussed about a month ago, right y'all on the y'all they had the U conference call, the conference good family had the conference call, right, yes, sir? Okay, Nah, listen, what reason why they got me to call? They wanted me to go in and call and and I was trying to give me this pervioce. She's not there. You know, she's not here. What's wrong? Uh? Okay, they're not gonna They're not gonna need her to do them to do the dressing. And why wouldn't they need to do dress? She make it? But ken years we just we just discussed it. So what do you mean they say that they got somebody down here that's gonna do the dressing, especially since y'all traveling, y'all ain't got to bring it, you know, and be traveling with it. But they got somebody gonna do the dressing. Okay, Well, first of all, who are you? You're you're Benji? What is your name? That was not my name, Benjamin, but they called me Benji. But but but, like I say, uh, I'm on the other side of the family. I ain't on y'all side. Okay. Well, I'm still trying to kick out white. You're calling me because she's been making the dressing for ten years, like I said, and I mean it's been discussed. So I don't even know why why you're calling me. I don't even know you. Okay. Well, what I'm trying to explain to you this right here, is that they got so y'all, y'all ain't got to worry with bringing the dressing. They got somebody gonna bring They got somebody down here that's gonna cook it, so and otherwhere with you know, if you can tell Miss Prayvy she ain't got to worry about the dressing this year. I'm so you want me to tell my mom watcause she'd been making dressing for ten years that y'all say, y'all ain't worried about she shouldn't have to make this year. Because we're driving them right off every year. So I'm not gonna do that to her. So, I mean, I don't I don't even know who you are to be calling me anyway. Why didn't somebody calling me that I don't know regarding it? Okay, okay, you're good the right, I am blending? All right. Listen, let me say this because I don't mind saying what everybody thinking, but most people don't want to say. Let me just say this right here. Really, what's going on is just right here. A lot of people in the family, you know, don't really don't don't really like miss Pery of his dressing DINGI Benjamin who he was supposed to be. Let me spot something near my mama gonna make it dressing, you gonna kiss it, and we ain't bringing that home with us. So you can tell your family that I said that because you understand me. I mean, for first of all, you got to understand that I'm bringing news that that people didn't don't voted on, and this is what everybody want to do, don't nobody, Well, why didn't Knee how we had a meeting from dressing she been making me ten years? Ain't nobody had been saying nothing and against what when them up in the house, nobody bed not be walking up and through that. I'm talking about my mama either, And you know I'm gonna eat it. Okay, we'll see right there. Why why if people don't like the dress in Glinda, why you want to make submit everybody to have it to eat it? If they don't like it, you don't eat. That's how I know I don't know you want me well, I don't know Benjamin, Benjie who I want to do my mama lord's nephew from the other side of the family exactly, and they don't know you, okay, and it really really to the bad all that I don't really know you. But I'm but but I'm but I'm man enough, I'm man another car you and tell you what we're gonna do, what we ain't gonna do what I know right' I said it wanting I admitate it again. She gonna be six transfix. You gonna eat it, and we're gonna round behind my name, Okay, Okay, right there, listen, And I know this might be hard for you to understand what you grew up. We're liking everybody else might not like et me say what you want to. I ain't gonna even you been white, so you weren't like it because you aren't done around. But she make it dress it now. First of all, when y'all get down here, it's gonna already be some more dressing here, okay, okay, and she gonna make country and sense and we're gonna see down and we got I'm gonna eat and I'm it's it's not even any means discussed, no friend, and that I said, I don't I can say because your name is gonna hurt my mama feeling. Okay, there ain't nobody to try. That's why I'm trying to tell you to tell her don't make it nah, so she don't even bring it down. We aren't gonna get anyway. Hey, look, I'm gonna say this here because every dealer you ain't really understanding what I'm saying to you. I'm gonna say it as clear as I can say. If y'all come down here with that dress, I promise you we already got dressing made. We're throwing that dressing in the trash so everybody can get the dressing that we made. Fund him Floy Blake. That's what we're doing. Please let me find something in you. I'm gonna be undressing Patroll and if I find out you then to my mama dressing in the trash. It's gonna be something and we're gonna set that. I'm not playing with you. That's what's so funny to me. I'm gonna call. Ain't tell me we're hung comfort coming. Ain't no fall enough to call us. Are telling us to bull But now they're gonna set She'll stupid because I don't even know she'll come. I can't. They sound like you was a baby in the world. The Benji bene my love. I don't even know your rap. I'm telling you now that playing with you. I'm telling you if I hurt my mama feeling it, don't be so. And I'm telling you all y'all gonna be y'all fell down there. But I'm calling me, y'all out one. Let me I say something else to you. I wish you would. Can I tell you what else they were saying? They wanted me to tell you this, Glinda, this is nephew. Call me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your cousin Sheila got me the frank phone call. You call me, fine, you you're about to make me? Said off what they man? This same Kimble was say it wasn't gonna be. No, he made it because I'm gonna have my brother's warmed. Then y'all play, but call me Han't give me what the canculm before I let you go? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Huh yeah, man, I'll do something, Benji. Yeah, I don't know. No coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, this is Janet, Happy Thanksgiving for my family to yours and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Comedy Live Fast D Simmer the twenty eighth that's going down Chicago, Illinois at the Win Trust Arena, Dion Cole, Sedricty Entertainer, DL Hugly, Eddie Griffith and hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy. You hear what I said, Win Trust Arena, Chicago, Illinois. D Simmer twenty eight tickets on sale right now. All right, it is time for Junior's truth be toned. Yeah, yeah, all right, Sureley, thanksgivings coming up. Yeah, it's almost a big thing that we have discussed all of the things we discussed when people need to brain food. Yeah, what time dinners start? Time again coming. We've discussed all the one thing we have not discussed what the one thing where your ass need to leave? Oh yeah, yeah, we have discussed. Now people people don't know when to leave. There's time you need to leave. There are statements that will be made you need to adhere to and understand, like, well that's it. See when you hear that, start getting your keys in your hand. He hears some Jane something, It's time to go. You can't spend all day head dinners start at two. Treat it like a restaurant. How long are you staying there? You sit down to two by three thirty? Same way right about. I would never have because I would have out the game. Fuck, you ain't come up here for the game. You came to eat. If you full, If I see you kick off of shoot your ass got to go. Let me catch your shoe off. Yeah, you ain't staying here all day now. My mama tired. She didn't cook that thing, and she can feed that body. What else can we talk about? We discussed everything. We know Walter got out of jail. We know Hardy had a hard transplant. We know, yeah, we know, we know Melball had another baby. We got all this after we come May still having kids, Mail, we still have kids? When your name May five have mate? Come on, man, your name Meilball? You probably yeah, you probably have no, you probably through haven't been anybody that name Meilball. The what is the name? Happs to do with the Steve got a lot to do with your age. If your name is Agnes, you probably didn't have you You probably got this grazy. But we have covered everything we can talk about. No, we know Junior went back into rehab. We got that. Everything is coming. Let's just go ahead and go home. We just need you to go home. She's through having its Fatrice, Beatrice, Beatrice, beat Odetta. It's not having got out of that. I'm giving you the names where I could assure you if this is your name, you are at an age where you are beyond child bearing years. So Journal, So Journal is through having baby? You want another one? Go ahead? Henrietta, Henrietta. She through having kids. Henrietta, tudes is this yeah, you know, go ahead, Gwen through because she got a fifty two year old names see his names. Once you have an old name, you can quit having babies. If your name is Bobara, you're probably through having kids. I'm just saying, there ain't nobody named Bob. Weare still having kids, not Bob have a kid, having a bit through having kids? Throtty done. Gladys. Yeah, that's right up there with Agnes. Yeah, I'll tell you who through Jackie Els, I'll tell you that. I'm sorry. We can't always over there. We can't hand the more kids. All right, what's this sho with there? Carla already said Shirley, Betty, Shirley, Mary, Marjorie all of that. Yeah, Margaret, last night, I ain't even sleep in the bed last Oh Esther, Steve, you forgot about Esther? Yeah, because Rose slept with his last night. I took my shower. Man. I was tired of him because I fell asleep in my office. So I went up stairs. I took a shower, came into the bedroom. Out of my bathroom, put my light on on my little phone. Rose in the bed. I just turned around wound. Stay. I'm not fitting to do this. I don't have her set her damn. Heal in my eye at Winton, Steve, when Winton was a little many kids, man, they just they sleep bad. I was a bad kid. Just gonna where to go. I gotta go to work. You ain't here sleeping bad from your side, right, let them back to your room out to damn? Why are you waiting Noah in his band? Why are you got to sleep in it? Okay, well sleep with you. But it hurt it though, Yeah, Papa won't yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Papa want to get a little p and E in time. Yeah that Papa now to you and is a little something else to me? Steve? All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, here's a question, guys. We're coming up on the holidays. You know you're going to be spending money, buying gifts things like that. So here's a question. Do you have to discuss if you're in a relationship, do you have to discuss high price purchases with your significant other? A? Right, yes, Steve, Do you have to discuss purchases with Marjorie. Do you guys have a budget? I mean we do, of course, you know, we talk over the uh expensive items. You know, I'm buying this, and that's Marjorie. I love it. Decision made, Steve, I'm about this? Is that? Okay? Well, baby, I was thinking, well I ordered it. It's not here yet, so think about it. Give her what she wants. Steve. Next week is him. Did you decide it's over them? Because because yeah, because she could say, well, I could send it back, and you know, that's when she gets you. That's the Yeah, that's when it starts. You don't really want us me to have it? Okay, I just tell them it's okay. Yeah, they can come on out here and pick it up. Dan, I guess okay, sure, you gotta discuss it. Huh No, he just don't know. Yeah, that's what he found out with Shirley weighing it. He doesn't mind, though, he really doesn't mind. He doesn't care. He doesn't mind. Shirley trunk loaded, she got under her. She took us spare time out of her car. That's all that's a shopping being she has a flat Oh yeah, she took all that out the car yall that storage area. Man. At one time, I got to the car and I'm fit to go play golf, right, so I get my golf clubs. I popped the trunk open to throw the golf clubs in the trunk. It's just loaded. Herman's and Roger Vivienne just loaded. Why do we do that? Though? It is women, Carl, I don't know what. I haven't amount because they didn't ask me. But I haven't amount. I have to run stuff by my husband. I can't just be wilding out like that. I got will ring. Have you lost your mind? So the amount is a thousand dollars, I have to get permission off from the spin. Oh if it's oh, if it's a thousand dollars or over, cannot be a little heard it. Let it be a thousand or one. And he checks with you on the same thing for the same thing. Uh huh, Well that's a good that's good. Yeah, whatever works for your family. But I mean, if we have these goals that we've said, you just can't be wilding all the time. So what you're saying to me as a woman, woman to woman, Yes, you don't have any shoes hidden in your trunk or in your closet. Is that what you're saying to me? Your girl a llegit? I know better. Okay, we love shoes too much in the bag that I pull this boy right and Stephen Junior are not buying this at all, knowing that but a thousand dollars. I do have to place a phone call, Yes, I do every time though every time. Yes. Now I may charm him and get what I want, but I do have to my wife and ask me about us. Get your clothes, not one phone call or not now nothing. Just all right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening. All right, everybody, the holidays ahead. You're gonna be at your friend's house. You're gonna be at your parents' house. You're gonna be sitting around the table and living room whatever, having conversations with people and you yourself about stuff you know nothing about because your memory is shot. Okay, it'll sound something like this, Well, we went over to um, let's see, we went over to that boy's house and oh my god, you know the one with the boy with the dog, the dog with the dog, the dog dog. Yeah, he got he live over there, you know where the blue church, the blue church they painted blue is all blue. And yeah, yeah, you know what I'm doing. You know what I'm gonna. I think, I know, I think. But who were talking about? Work at the hospital. She's a nurse, yes in turn or yes because yeah, yeah, I know his mama wasn't madam. I know that's right, that's right, my god, And that's okay okay. Yeah, on the other end of um which mccaull is blocked. They live on the side exactly the block right when you go, you go, you go. I know who you're talking about because his baby's mama used to work with my cousin down on the other side, you know, the other side of the bridge. Yeah, but had that big dog. What kind of dog was that mixed breed? It was a mixed breed though it was role and something a German shepherd. His brother, His brother dropped transmissions into yard you talk about, yes, yes, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. She had a sister that was a prize fighter short period of time. Yeah yeah. Because because the people there, they are people. I think their people were from Alabama or someplace Georgia down yeah, down there. Shot. It may have been Florida, I don't know, but someplace in the east, someplace, Yeah, I remember that. And she did hair on the weekends. She did hair. She did in the kitchen, in the kitchen, in the kachen, and she could bring some hat good she I remember that, because she could braid hair and make pies at the same time. I never right, And that's why I never That's why I never bought anything from it, because I was always scared I was gonna have hair in my mind. She was friends with the Snagertooth twins. They you know, they grown with missing they both player just because they twins. Both they both yeah, they both at forty and I remember them well. Now they were snaggertooth twins, but one was an albino and one was done. They looked alike that they didn't look alike. That's what everybody said, to look alike, don't look alike exactly. Man oh man, man. Yeah. He was talking about yeah, yeah, Adam and Adam and Arnold or something like some some as Yeah, yeah Alexander or something like that. Oh no, I'm getting mixed up. I'm getting them mixed up with mister Alexander and his wife. Yes, Lord, where is he? I ain't seen you remember his wife though, because you know what I remember about them the most. They looked just the light. They looked just the light. But they didn't like a light though. The way you could tell them apart was her much ash was thicker than years. And that's how you could tell him any given Sunday, on any given Sunday. Yes, oh my god, I know. And and there you have it, ladies and gentlemen's conversations around that makes no damn we never found out. But what it goes on for hours? Yeah? Thanks Giving everybody, Every Thanksgiving? We love you. You're listening right now. It's time for you, mister Hollywood, to run that prank back what you got now. Well, since we was talking about Thanksgiving earlier, this is a great run back. Catering mistake, catering mistake. Let's run. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Tammy. Please. This is hey Tammy. This is uh Dexter over here, catering. We catered your your aunt Bridges. Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. How you doing, Dexter is good to hear from you. Okay, good good. I'm going through the paperwork here and I know we have an invoice for you all. I wanted to reach out to you. This is not a bad time, is it. No, this is a good time. Okay. So first of all, did everybody enjoy everything that we put out for you guys? Yeah, we had a good old time. My auntie Bridget she was so happy. There was no better way to bring in her sixtieth birthday party. We had a great time. The food was delicious. We are so grateful, So thank you so much. You and your team did the bomb jib Okay, good deal, good deal. I was here when they loaded up the van and everything, and I wanted to make sure. I wanted to follow back up. But listen, I'm looking at the paperwork and we had a little mishap, and I wanted to let you know that we're not going to um, We're not gonna charge you guys for the chicken because they made a mistake and they put the wrong pan on the van and they I noticed that the chicken was actually still here. So we want to take off take that off, and I won't. That won't be on the on the envoys. So I'm taking all the entire cross. The chicken will be completely taken out. Okay, real quick, let's back up a bit, because we had a lot of people at the party. We definitely had chicken walking. Yeah, I know you had you order some moother chicken. But like I said, the guy put the wrong pan on the on the van, you know, and actually this mother chicken was actually still here, uh you know, here here the at the shop. So you know, like I said, we made a mistake. I'm gonna take it off and that's probably not your like a couple hundred dollars off off of you as price. Like, So so what are you saying? So what were we eating if it wasn't this mother chicken? What was it? Uh? Well, miss Tammy, like I said, you know, I got on this kid for making this mistake. You know, I got on it real bad about it. But you know, putting the wrong pan on there. But like I said, this what you guys had was it? That was a chicken? What was it? Though? That's why I'm asking you what was it? Actually what he put on there by mistake? Miss tam Me, that was that was rabbid? What you can't be serious right now? Are you out of your rabbit mine? Are you serious? You tell me, did your team put the wrong tray on the trucks and then served it to my family? And you're trying to call me about two hundred dollars? Are just serious? Who does more than that? You owe me more than that? You don't know who the because allergic today? And you're calling me about two hundred dollars? Are you out of your fine? Well? I wanted to credit you all that, you know what I'm saying. No, And and there's gonna be no credit. There ain't gonna be no credit. It ain't no credit. Do you mean credit? Where you could have died? Monty could have died, Lucie. Uh, we got kids in there. You don't know our dietary needs? Are you crazy? Well? I mean it don't matter if I liked it, I can fall out the night. Stupid. Oh, I'm getting the attorney. I'm done with this. This is stupid. And who want to eat bugs? Bunny? Does that right to you? H? Are you stupid? I'm so annoyed right now? Seriously, le know, woods people, we no country people with you? Okay? What what y'all liked it? Though? Right? No? But you're gonna like my foot up y'all so that's what you're gonna like. I'm gonna be there later because y'all the stupid ya, the stupid my foot gonna be up, y'r and y'all, it's gonna be hopping around like a rabbit, the rabbit that you served me. Okay, okay, let me ask you this here. No Avia, miss Avery, is your mama right? What my mama got to do with this rabbit? What's she gotta do with this? Okay? See, your mama got me to call you. This is nephew. Comments from the Steve Harbin Morton Show. Damn me, your mama to break you. I'm so sorry. Oh my god, this is crazy. Oh my god, looking in good morning. This is crazy. Crazy. Y'all are gonna get it? This is crazy? Ohoa man? All right, Sam, but tell me this baby. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the late Steve har you are right, Yes, I'm just so glad I didn't have rabbit. I'm so glad you want a little rabbit. Y'all can tell a little rabbit, little rabbit ain't gonna do you. I'm serious, I can't. Just a knowledge that it's a rabbit. I can't eat it. What's the difference you gonna rabbit in a chick? It's a rabbit. The difference between a rabbit and you mean it both animals? Yes, what's the different Try trying to say she eat meat, you eat meat anyway? Right? Yeah, one of them is poetry, the other one is meat. One of them got fum legs, one of them got two legs and two wings. A lot of differences. You ain't gonna get no getting nowaif off a weapon. Now we knew about the didn't know about these rs. Now, what is it all right? Coming up next to the Strawberry Letter? This crazy show right here. Lord, you're listening to Steve Morning Show, and it's time, guys for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve Harvey, same thing she just said, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one. And boy, this is something else right here. Let me tell you buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is this strawberry. Thank you, nephew. Subject. My husband is now my kid's uncle. Dy yeah, yeah, one more time. My husband is now my kid's uncle. All right, Dear Stephen Shirley. I have a problem, and I've been praying over it for years, but I can't seem to get over it. I married a man when I was twenty six years old and he was forty one years old. We had a great married life, a nice, big home, and three lovely children. I thought our fairy tale would never end, but it did. We were married for eight years, and on his birthday, he asked me for a divorce and served me papers. I was shocked that he already had the papers drawn up. Six months after our divorce was final, my sister gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl. When I saw the baby, I noticed that the baby had the same birthmark on her foot that all three of my children do. Two months later, my sister married my ex husband. At the wedding, only two of our family members attended. My mother didn't even go wait, wait, what okay? At the what okay? Where do you want me to start? Two months This is crazy, Steve, This is so crazy. All right, I'll start here. We were married, they had a We were married for eight years, and on his birthday he asked me for a divorce and served me papers. I was shocked that he already had the papers drawn up. Six months after our divorce was final, my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. When I saw the baby, I noticed that the baby had the same birthmark on her foot that all three of my children do. Two months later, my sister married my ex husband cocked. At the wedding, only two of our family members attended. My mother didn't even go. It has now been five years, and I've heard my sister has three has had three more kids. I haven't seen my ex husband or my sister in many years, but my children have. Oh and yes, I have driven by her house several times, only to see that my ex husband has built her a huge new house. I guess she's happy now that she has everything I had. Why can't I get over this? Why do I feel like a minute I see my sister, I'm going to punch her in her face. Why am I so hurt that my children's father is also my children's uncle. I just don't know how to get past this. Please help me. Yeah, this right here, this right here is a hot stinking mess. Okay, I just have to tell you you're not wrong, and how you feel you're not wrong at all. Anyone who has gone through what you've gone through would feel the exact same way in your position. Your emotions are real, they are valid. Your ex husband is vile and so is your sister. Imagine being married to someone for eight years only to get a divorced uh paper at his birthday, at his on his birthday, at his birthday party. Of course you're shocked. Of course you know they've been doing this behind your back all this time. Six months after your divorce is final, then your sister gives birth to a beautiful baby girl. Who does this to their sister their own blood? She I mean, stole your husband. Your husband's sleeping with her behind your bag. This is awful. At the wedding, I understand if only two of your family members attended. Um. Your mother didn't even go. UM, so your kids. Let's get this straight. Your kids are their cousins, their aunt's uncles and aunts. What what is this is crazy? Yeah, this is not a good family reunion at all. Uh yeah, I probably would have driven by her house several times too to you know. Yeah, it's hard to get over something like this. I mean, I you know, I'm surprised that you even had the strength to write the letter, and it's a great letter. I'm sorry you had to go through this. This is this is awful. Who does this to their sister, to their wife? This is craziness. You're hurt because they hurt you, and you're hurt because of that they hurt you. This is terrible. You don't know how to get past it. I don't know how either. I don't know how it would. And you know, I'm all about love and forgiveness and all of this, but this right here would be a real hard one to forgive to get past. Un Yeah what yeah, yeah, I mean you know this, this is really this is just vile and crazy and ugly. Steve, I'm gonna just start with the end of the letter. I don't know how to get past this. Please help me. Somebody need to get to ask for hey man, that really I don't even know how to. That's the only way I could see me coming through this. This is this really the only way I see me coming coming through this at all. I mean for me to even begin the healing process, I'm gonna have to make several attempts to get at both y'all, the sister and the ex. You know he got all his house building money where he can build everybody big housing. I would have been shut that down. What would you have done, Steve? I would have destroyed him on social media. Lady, you was married to this man when he was twenty six, he was forty one. He had a great married life, big house, three kids, doctor fairytale. When they married eight years on his birthday, he asked you for a divorce sale papers. He already had the papers drawn up. Six months after divorce was final. Your sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. You saw the baby. The baby got the same damn birth mark on her foot that all three of your kids had. I'd have started with the baby baby get their foote Okay, I don't know how. I'm telling you somebody I gotta start paying. I deal with the rest of them when I come back. I don't know how, all right, Steve, Well, okay, we're gonna give you a moment to calm down. Okay, we'll have Part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. You're listening. All right, Steve, let's recap today. I ain't nothing. I'm just going into this twenty six years old married man. He forty one, had a great married life, big house, three beautiful kids. Thought the fairytale would never end, but he did. Married for eight years. On his birthday, he asked me for a divorce and serve me papers. You know why he did it on the birthday because he's spending the birthday with your sister. Now, I can't be over here and there at the same time. How can I not be over here? I got it drafty damned divorce papers that stop all the party atmosphere over here on go over head and had his birthday with your sister. I was shocked. He already had the papers drawn up. Six months later, after our divorce was final, my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. When I saw the baby girl, the baby had the same birthmark on her foot that all three of my children do. Now, see right here, I starts hurting people right there, right there, right here. Now, let's just say this. Right here, When I look down and I see the same birthmark on this beautiful baby girl. That so all of your children, somebody got to pay with a foot. Okay, now can't be the baby. So that right here, I'm gonna start with. I need a foot from somebody, either my sister or my damn husband, but somebody fit to give up a foot because I got to start hurting people immediately. I noticed. Two months later my sister married my ex husband two months after the baby was born. At the wedding, two of our family members attended would have been at three. I had to go because I got to start hurting some At the wedding, I'm gonna be in the balcony somewhere with something that shoots. Might not be a gun, but it's gonna be like a sling shot of pellet, right for something. At the wedding, only two of my family members attended. Okay which two was them? Because I asked, ain't speaking? I need the name or the two people that took they brought to this wedding called me and you it's through. Yeah. My mother didn't even go cause she knew go down there if you want to, Mama. It's now been five years and I heard my sister has had three more kids. I'll tell you what they've been. I had that on their feet. I know that, I know, I know, I know, I know. It better not be three more people with some birthmark, because now it's gonna be three more people some problem. Everybody with birthmark on the foot, I takes another foot. So that folk, that folk kids, right, three more and folks. So now my sister and my ex husband ain't neither one of them got no more feet. Man, man, I haven't seen my ex husband or my sister in many years. That's impossible. What do you mean? But we ain't seen each other? You know what many attempts I would have made on that? Ye? Yes, how the hell I'm gonna try to kill you and I ain't seen it. You can't get a shot off, you ain't seening. So right there, I haven't seen my ex but my children. So the children been going over that visited, uh huh, because that's their daddy, Steve, that's their daddy. Huh. So they've been over that visiting their daddy. Uncle. Yeah, who's married to your aunt? Right? Who really is your uncle? Right? And your daddy and your daddy right? So what uncle, daddy, daddy uncle, uncle, daddy, daddy. Oh, yes, I've driven by her house several times. Drive back, Nah, were talking, I've driven by. You ain't had nothing hanging out to wonder. Let's do it. You ain't had nothing. You had grenade, and you ain't dade that assault rifle. You know. Hell, they keep talking about the Second Amendment. You're right, you ain't have assault rifle. Yeah, the cocktail with your lighted like the bottling through only to see that my ex husband has built her a huge new house with what Now I got all that, I got all that money, I'm child support, alimony. Yeah, I guess she's happy now that she has everything I had. How you ain't got it no more? How you how he leaves you with the baby. You ain't got no house, no money, no child support, no alimony. If you have told this story in any court of law, he is still be paying you. Yeah. Why can't I get over this? Because you ain't hurt nobody, that's the problem. Oh oh damn. Why do I feel like the moment I see my sister, I'm gonna punch in her face because that's what you're gonna do. And how do you punch down face? You can start healing again, because look, then you can you have you can ask the Lord to forgive you. Yeah, so you can start. I just don't know how to get past this. I'm so hurt that my children's father's also my children's uncle. I just don't know. You got pray about this for real, lady, seriously, and do not hurt nobody because it ain't worth it. You're right, Steve, that is true. You're right court taking the court suing for everything he got. You should have a big house. He gonna come. Who you're a boss, sister though this is your sister, s yes, really is all right? We gotta go a stank? Is this letter is? We gotta get out of it? Email us or instagram Usure thoughts on today's strawberry letter at Steve Harvey, f M. You're listening show time for something funny? Junior? You're ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Holidays is coming. It is coming, and so you got people that's coming with somebody you've never met but you've heard about. Now. I got a cousin, got this girl who's giving him all these problems, and I just thought about it. She'll be told. The crazy they are. The more ways you try to defend them to your family. I ain't never met the girl with about to meet the old Thanksgiving like stuff like this, Like, okay, I heard all you that she tried to smother you with the pillar. Yeah don't. We started off playing and forever. Then it got serious. But then you ain't ever been you ain't never been smothered before. You ain't never been smothered before, play with and trying to smother you? Yea or this one or this one? Dog dog? I heard she raised about the back seat of your car you try to leave. Yeah, she raised about the back seat. She was concerned by where I was going. That I never had nobody that was concerned by where you be. I mean, dog love, let her love me. The crazier they are, the more they try to defend them to us, I can't to meet the girl like like, darn, that wasn't about you. She shot at you, Yeah, she shot it. She shot at me because she was concerned I was messing up. I heard that good shot I got right back in lane. I mean, ain't nobody else shot at you before? No, darning, ain't nobody else shot it up? Okay, gets about to shoot you for you speak on this subject. I ain't speak let you've been shot at. I'm just I can't wait to meet her. Just the crazier they are, are they gonna defend them to the I can't wait to see this girl. All we gonna have some fun this thing. And that's true being told. I'm just telling. That was good. That was true, Junior. Everybody got on you ain't. I mean, I was taking the bath in the tub. Then she came in and pushed my head under water. But but she left me under a little too low. I choked a little bit. But you ain't never been held under water under your No, everybody did that. We don't speak on that. Tell you walk in my shoes. There was just a cut, stabbed, I really stabbed the night, all the way in, all the way in. It's just a cut. We're just just a surface. One thirty two stitches. That's it. Oh yeah, okay, just drown me a little bit. That's a little bit. I'm good. They never been drowned before. That's what I don't like. You can't speak old all right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Going home for the holidays can be a nightmare for some people who dealing with bickering family can ruin anyone's holiday, But the real horror comes when it's time to go to sleep. Being forced to crash in either your childhood home or a relative place over Thanksgiving or Christmas, why are they staying? It can definitely get awkward, which is why it shouldn't surprise us that a new survey finds that fifty two percent of adults say they they've made up some sort of excuse specifically to avoid uncomfortable sleeping arrangements over the holidays. That's over half, so and you should. Yeah, if I can't walk to my kitchen Friday, I have to thank you in my drag. There's a problem. Hey, listen to me. Why does holidays have to be for all family? What do you what do you mean? Yeah, you know, ain't on law say all family got to come over. All family got to be together. Most of these people in your family that you don't like anymore, I'm married and have their own family. But don't you invite together? The family is coming together? Don't you invite who you want to invite over your house but you don't like them? And you're gonna have them over, yeah, where you're trying to tolerate them. But that's the problem for the occasion for the holiday. Yeah, I don't. I don't do that, and my wife honors that request to me, don't have nobody in my house on my limited time. I'm off that I don't like. Just do that for me? Is that a lot? What about people that go over their mom's house, right, or they go over their parents' house and they gotta stay and put up with people that they don't like for the sake of their parents. You know what I'm saying. That's on. I don't go no where I ain't like. I think here's the biggest problem, not you, but you may not like who's coming, but you dealing well when they get down, I'm gone, Yeah, like I'm cool with the family. It's who the family brain with them. Once again, my wife got a cousin always gonna bring somebody we don't know who the hell he is, and you got you you can't relax. I don't need I need to get him to have two spoons and keep clicking them to gel so I know where you're at. Well, when you invite them, do you say plus one, or you just invite them and they bring someone. They don't let you know. She just come over with somebody new every yeah, or they already en route. It's kind of I bring such a suf. Huh my aunt, my grandmother sister. When she come over, I leave because ain't nobody telling me about her condition? Needs on? Antybody told me? She hu her memory going yeah, see, I don't like see, I don't like that because she's surprised about everything. She don't remember nobody enough and time spent her hey and and she said, who who is that? Who is that? Who is that? Right? Yeah, you don't want to do that? Five hours of that? Here your plate? What's this on this plate? What is that? That's turkey? And dressed that you don't know? This is the reason we're here today. You don't know that? Then you go up you know what I'm saying, Like she go to the restroom, didn't come back, say hi, I get to the bathroom. You just left out of there. No, I'm not gonna do it for five hours. I'm sorry, I'm not doing that. I leave. You ain't got to come over. That's the reason. Where that is turkey? How you don't know turkey and dressing when you see it? Man? You know who else I don't like. I don't like them people that come over to the house what and take more food with them than they come on? You're saying, yes, yes, I'm telling you, man, like are you for real? Man? Yeah, you're just gonna cut out half a pan of dressing? You got a spatchlor you take it so much dressing out you're using you're using a spatching the dog. But you in that three foul time? But do they bring their own aluminum foil in their bags? Stuff being in the car? Yeah? I have to go kid. You know what? They got these new ziplock bangs just bigger than a gallon the big more of the show right after these jams you're listening to show. So what are some of the strange things? You're strange habits and Thanksgiving? I have a relative that's what's supposedly? Um is it? Which one is it? Jehoa witness or seven dead minutes? You know they don't eat meat, but this particularly is that there was meat in the greens. And she she had already been like half played in you know, yes, yes, And my mom said, and you know this meeting in greens. She went, huh and kavy eating lives, all lives because the greens were good. Right, so good. Let me tell y'all something. I got a relative. I got a cousin that would eat everything in one bowl. But but ja jay the twist to it all. He may have a dressing, a cranbar sauce, got some turkey laid across it. Everybody understand that that makes sense, right yeah? Right next to it is a scoop of vanilla ice cream, right yeah. But I'm looking at him like, you please tell me you're not gonna use my bathroom while you here? Please? Then you got that relative time and that you know they're complaining because my food is touching I don't want Oh yeah, yeah, I know some people like that. Yeah, people like that. And you know what to j A lot of kids when you're making air plates, they don't want them touch. Well, that's that's why you gotta have them paper plates called with them. Divide is in it for they? Yes, keep that gi mess over there. You're talking big money paper places. I'm not place they gotta wait with wimen on it. Coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, here's a question. Guys, we're coming up on the holidays. You know you're going to be spending money, buying gifts, things like that. So here's a question. Do you have to discuss if you're in a relationship, do you have to discuss high price purchases with your significant other? All right, Steve, do you have to discuss purchases with Marjorie? Do you guys have a budget? I mean we do, of course, you know we talk over uh expensive items. You know that conversation was very short. I'm buying this and that's Marjorie. I love it, Steve, I'm about this. Is that okay? Well baby, I was thinking, well I ordered it, it's not here yet, so think about it. Give her what she wants. Steve is him. Did you decide it's over though? Because because yeah, because she could say, well I could send it back, and you know that's when she gets you. That's the Yeah, that's when the like, you don't really want us me to have it? Okay, I just tell them it's okay, Yeah, they can come on out here and pick it up. Then I guess okay, sure you got discuss it. Huh No, he just don't know. Yeah, that's what he found out with Shirley Wayne it. He doesn't mind, though, he really doesn't mind. He doesn't care, he doesn't mind. Shirley trunk loaded. She got she took us spare time out of her car. That's all that's a shopping being. She has a flat and oh yeah, she took all that out there come all that storage area. Those in the shares. Man at one time. I got to the car and I'm fit to go play golf, right, so I get my golf clubs. I popped the trunk open to throw the golf clubs in the trunk. It's just loaded. Her Man's and Roger Vivienne just loaded. Why do we do that though? Is women? Carla, I don't know what. I haven't amount because they didn't ask me. But I haven't amount. I have to run stuff by my husband. I can't just be wilding out like that. I got ring. How much have you lost your mind? So the amount is a thousand dollars, I have to get permission on if it's Oh, if it's a thousand dollars, are over. Cannot be a little hutter it. Let it be a thousand oh one and he checks with you on the same thing for the same thing. Uh huh, Well that's a good that's good. Yeah, whatever works for your family. But I mean, if we have these goals that we've said, you just can't be wilding all the time. So what you're saying to me as a woman, woman to woman, Yes, you don't have any shoes hidden in your trunk or in your closet. Is that what you're saying to me? Your girl a llegen? Yes, I know better. Okay, we love shoes too much in the bag that I pull off this boy right and Stephen Junior are not buying this at all, knowing that, but a thousand dollars, I do have to place the phone call, Yes I do every time though every time. Yes, Now I may charm him and get what I want, but I do have to my wife stitch your clothes. Got one phone call, but not now nothing? All right, coming up next to our last break of the day, and Steve will have some closing remarks. All that's coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to last break of the day. We've had a great morning today. Yes, yes, we did. We have fun today. Steve. It's time for you now to take us home with your closing remarks. What you got for us today, Steve? Today, Um, I was thinking of something that's another jewel that has really helped me in my quest and it's about my dreams and my goals, and I was wanted to share this with you today. One of the greatest dangers, uh, for more of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is too low and we reach it. Can I say that to you again? This is actually a quote from Michael Angelo. He said, the greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is too low and we reach it. That's crazy, man. My father used to say something to me all the time, very similar. He says, son, aim for the moon, because if you miss, you'll still be amongst the stars. And that's pretty much the same thing that he's saying. That the greatest danger for most of us, it's not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is too low and we reach it. Let me explain something to you about low aspirations. And low goals. When you reach a low aspiration and a low goal and there's nothing after that, you think you've arrived, you think you that you actually get comfortable. Man, I made it, when in essence, there's so much more to life to live, so much more that you could accomplish if you would just reset your goals in aspiration. I remember, man, a long time ago, this dude in my high school. He said, Man, all, I want I know two dudes like this about a car. He said, Man, all, I won't. Man, it's this Grand Torino. Man. If I had a Grand Torino, Man, I wouldn't want nothing else for his senior graduation. This dude's father gave him a Grand Torino. It's like unbelievable. In high school, Man, nineteen seventy four Grand Torino with the two windows in the slits in the back. I was looking at this like wow. Man, he drove it to the prom just still had a brand new cars father bought it. I saw him like twenty years later. You know he had the same car. He had the same car. It happened to another dude. I knew, Man that wanted this Cadillac. Man, if I ever get to this Cadillac man, this white Cadillac, the red seats man. He got it. I saw him years later, years later, I don't really remember how many, but he still had the same car. Always beat to hell, but he had the same car because that was his aspiration and he reached it. But when he reached it, he got comfortable. I got it, and he quit wanting more, he quit reaching for higher things. You have to reassess your life constantly, man, because you are going to continue to live. You have to aspire to something that requires God's help. Quit wanting and reaching for stuff that you can do. Why would you say to yourself, man, if I could just get me a used car, if I could give me a nineteen eighty five maximum, really really get your money, save your money and go on and get it. But if that's your only goal and you get it, where you go from now? You are never too old to keep reaching your goal one more time. You are never too old to keep reaching your goal. It's goals out there, it's things that you can achieve. Get out of your comfort zone. Man, If you try to survive in your comfort zone, your comfort zone, you will fail in it. Everybody fails in the comfort zone. Because in order to be successful, you got to get uncomfortable, You got to get you got something. You got to go when you don't want to go. You gotta do when you don't want to do. That's what discipline is. It requires discipline to achieve great things. It requires discipline to reach your goals. Because discipline is simply doing everything you have to do and need to do, even if you don't want to. That's what discipline is. It's doing the things that you have to do and need to do, even when you don't want to. You go do it anyway. That's what discipline is. That's how you achieve goals. That's how you reach higher heights. Aim for the moon because if you miss, you'll still be amongst the stars. But it's real simple man. It's just like Michelangelo said, the greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is too low and we reach it. Because it's danger, man, when you ain't got nothing after that, because you get to settling and you get to thinking you there, when you ain't there, you got so much more life to live. God has so much more for you. God comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly. God ain't no mediocre God. God don't do mediocre things. God do great things. God performs miracles. God makes dreams come true. God is in the blessing business, the healing business, the saving business, the recovery business, to get your life together business. Why don't you let him do that for you? Aim high? God may take you some places you've never been. Those are my closing remarks. Y'all have a great weekend. All right now, BT expressed. Do it, Do it until you're satisfied. Come on and do it good for all. 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