Thanksgiving Cooking, Turkey Day Do's and Don'ts, Truth Be Told, JAB Roommate Issues and more.

Published Nov 24, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve gives us a mini concert. He goes from Sam Cooke to the O'Jays to Rick James. We also have advice for anyone that will be hosting a party on Turkey Day. If you have a love hate relationship with your body, here are the do's and don'ts of what to eat on Thanksgiving. J. Anthony Brown gives us rules to live by when you have a roommate. Have your ever heard conversations at Thanksgiving that made no sense at all? Holiday Truth Be Told is here and your favorite play cousin Junior has the things you would say to defend the girl that you brought to Thanksgiving dinner. Big Dog gives us a very important Thanksgiving reminder. Fool #2 points out the strangest habits ever seen during Thanksgiving. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve drops gems specifically for those who want more in their life.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stuffing me through good Steve to mother, Please I don't join me. You gotta turning, you're going, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water to the water. Got come come on your thah I show well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on digging now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I need everybody today, everybody that's listening. I need you to catch fire today. I want you to catch fire today. You want to phrase it another way, I want you to catch on fire today. But I need you to catch fire today. I need today to be today that you stop complaining and you do something. Do you know why a lot of people can't move forward in their life because they complaining about their past? They always complaining, man about something? Is that explains the reason why they are. Let me help you with this right here. If you are steady complaining about the reason you are, you know, if I hadn't have met this man, if I hadn't have been involved with this, And if I hadn't have had this baby, if I had to never went down there, if I hadn't got arrested, if I hadn't it this, if I hadn't it if I had to just finish school, if I hadn't a hey, hey, hey, stop stop all that stuff that you're complaining about, everything that you keep allowing to resonate with you as a reason to justify and explain you're not being successful. Can I share something with you about all of that? Guess what it is? You didn't got past all of it. You didn't had the baby, you got arrested, they didn't kill you, you didn't finish school, but you still standing. You met that man, he gone, He involved with two other women. Right now, I got three other kids. Guess what. You still here and the baby's here. You got over all the injustices that were done to you. You got something happened to you when you was a kid. You're an adult now. Somebody did something to you when you was a little boy. Guess what, man, Now, some thing's happened to you that you haven't found closure on. The person that you're looking for closure from has moved on. Can I tell you that everything that has happened to you, do you know you've gotten past it? So why are you steady complaining about what has happened to you that has caused you to be in this position? But do you understand that it's prohibiting you from moving forward? Stop complaining today, catch fire, Let your pass be your pass. I've told us to you a hundred times on this radio, but I'm gonna say it again. Bishop Jakes told me something man that helped me so greatly. You can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. That's why the windshield is huge. The windshield is huge. The rearview mirror is this tiny thing that sits up there. Now all is far. It's so you can see stuff that's coming up on you. All the review mirror for is so you can assure yourself or listen to this. The review mirror is impt there to assure you that you've cleared something. See. That's what the review mirrors for. So when you pass it, corn you want to switch lanes, you can glance updre and it says, okay, you're clear. Now you passed it. You can switch lanes. That's all the review mirrors for. It ain't for you to stare at and dictate your life with what you're tripping for. Man, catch fire today today, man quick complaining about everything that had happened to you? Life is ten percent of what happens to you is ninety percent. What you do about what happens to you? What are you going to do about it? So what I got all this? Look, man, your story ain't no deeper than nobody else's. I can tell you I was homeless for three years. It's people been homeless for thirty years. How long I'm gonna ride that out? Man? You know I can't nothing right now. I fell on hard times and I lost my place to stay. Why are you staying now? See the majority of people are staying somewhere right now. I was out there. I didn't have nowhere to go. I'm in a shelter. Now. You was under the bridge a week ago. You're in the shelter. Now. Why are you still crying about the bridge? You're in the shelter now. Man. You know how you find your purpose? You get in touch with who created you. Because when God made you, he had a purpose in mind. Now we've ignored it and we haven't tapped into it. But we all had a purpose. You don't, and it's sometimes it take people longer to discover the purpose. Colonel Sanders was frying chicken with a recipe that he was telling people was the best chicken in the world. Ain't nobody believe him till he turned seventy? Why you think the dude that only Kentucky fried chicken signs is old. That dude ain't twenty up there he oh, he oh, But you know what, He had been frying that chicken for forty some years. They just found out about it when he was seventy. But he didn't give up his purpose in life. This dude was just frying chicken. See, people keep looking for their gifts in all kinds of places when it's right there in you. You ain't got to go to school to find your gift. You're born with the gift to God God for you. You'll go to school to tack it on to something else. But your gift was already given to you. You were born with that. You don't have to go to college to know your guilt. Your college allows you to enhance it it to find something to attach it to and hopefully you get a degree that attaches your gift to a vehicle where it can work. The problem with college is we go to college and we attach it to what we like or what we might be passionate about. We ignore the gift we have. You know how many people and graduating from college ain't doing nothing they went to college for. Come on, man, you know why because you're discovering life, your guilt. You discover what you was born to do. I wasn't bought you know what I mean? You know what my major was in college? It was advertising. I can't be in no death, drawing, no picture for nobody. But now guess what I can wake up every day and guess what I can tell you? I advertise. I've been advertising my career. Come see me live. Come see me live at Madison Square Garden, Come see me live at Philips Arena. Come see me live at Joker's Comedy Club. Come see me live at Pursy's. Come see me live at Ellis's Tavern. Come see me live. Come. I've been advertising the whole time, but I had a different purpose in mine because I went and I talked to God. And this is how you do it, you go talk to God and say, hey God, look, okay, this is the deal. I've been struggling here. I'm over forty. I still haven't found my purpose in life. Okay, but so I can quit wasting any more time? Would you help direct me and guide me to my purpose? I know you created me to do something. I just haven't found what it is. And the reason I haven't found what it is because I've been doing things my way. I ain't been checking what you confirmed with you on anything. I ain't locked in or tried to settle it up with you. I've been just doing my thing. Well, my thing has gotten me as far as it can get me. How about you takeover and do your thing now? Can you direct me in my path? I'm an open book. Treat me like a piece of clay. I'm telling you, man, if you go to God, he'll give it to you. But see you have not because you asked not. How many times have you asked God for it? This ain't no magic trick, y'all. This is the deal. You got to catch fire today. Catch fire today, I am. I'm excited about today. I've got a lot to do. You're listening, I was born the change. Oh you're supposed to finish that, man, Come on, at least give us a by the river. At least the old jays by the river. That's all I'm gonna do. That was good enough for me because I was born by Rivers Creek down our backyard and worth for West Virginia about you don't let us shock whoa just like the river, run ahead, Morty, Shirley, you just stopped. Can't keep up. That's how I want to start today. Just ran junior man going on, Tommy, big dog, it dog. You're in a great mood today. Man in another one. Jess, Yeah, Jess, Jess, Jess, let me make you man, Just start. Tell the millennials though, you gotta let the millennial millennials know what's going on, what's happened. See, I'm just busting out, I'm just busting out hits. Yeah, these are old schools, not busting old school hits, classics that just opened up with just gut ranching sing it. But that one all that all that boy used to open for me. Oh oh what that Tina Marian. Frank keep being a Hallway Frank hall him, what a damned Frank, Love him? And leave him. Yeah, he would be by a design yea, in the hallway. He would be walking in the hallway just hitting that note in that time. Oh, that would do him in the time, the sooner he walked out on time. Leave damn. Come on, that's what they used to do us and abuse. Then late os old you it was past. Yeah. Man, wow, you went bad. You went from Sam Cook to the OJS, Eddie LeVert girl and then you've got your hooks and me yeah, will never be you bay you bay, oh baby baby. All right, oh good, you've got your hooks and me. Well we got right after this. You're listening to the Stave Morning Show. All right, this is according to a new survey. Guys, the average American will spend about one hundred and sixty five dollars and some change on Thanksgiving dinner this year. Uh huh overall. Yeah, that sounds person yeah, really low per person. Yeah, just that's average, that's the average. Yeah, they average it out, Yeah, the high and the low, and they average it overall. Overall, two point ninety eight billion, that's almost three billion will be spent in the US on Thanksgiving dinner, with fifty two million turkeys expected to be consumed fifty fifty two fifty two million turkeys expected to be them turkeys right now? So nerves that case? I got so funny. You can't really tragle nobody. You know when he get it? No, you have got ten years. I'll be out, he know one Halloween turn. It's a I think you think, what's a turkey? Does have an extra rate? Yeah? So they get it, so they get it right, Yeah, he already know going in. Man, what's the average what's the lifespan up a turkey? Right? Yeah? Probably about but they no, I don't think long. But don't you feel badly talking about it right now? But you don't at Thanksgiving? Yeah, Like I got a friend that's a turkey. I don't have a friend. I don't really care. I'm a friend of turkey. I have say that the average lifespan of a turkey is ten years. Really, but that's probably a wild turkey ten years old. But they get all their life listens, No, that's a wild turkey, wild turkey. Okay, so like a turkey, got to know he's like a ball. What's what's the age? How do you know? I think about a year and a half, about a year and a half. You know they injecting pretty good. Yeah the fat. Yeah, they'd be swowed. They'd be just big ass baby. Yeah, y'all slowed up. So I do have some ways that people can save money on their Thanksgiving meal. And you know, of course guys jump in here. So like, if you're hosting the dinner, if you're if the dinner's at your house, you want to save money, make it a pot luck, they're saying, so all the expenses don't fall on you. Idea covered that last year. That is not a good idea, sheley. We disagree with pot luck. Somebody always got something in the pot that ain't lucky to nobody. But deal the Hey, it's always full at the end. That's my ham hock lime of bean castle. What you said, it's always fall It's always full at the end of the night. Why doesn't that see that? Nobody ate that up the street? My boys a friend every year sent to house. Now, imagine the casserole dish, the ones you call like corning castle ground. Yeah, picture it full of lima beans. To the picture in potatoes, whole ball potatoes split right in half, potatoes, the whole ball potatoes split in half. Now line them up around the outside of the cast roll dish looked like a fence made out of teeth, and then put a ham hawk in the middle of the lima beans. She sent that down every famous lima bean casserole and who eats lima beans with potatoes? And the potatoes split in half, and she lines the flat side up on the middle, you know, the flat side of where you cut the potatoes that's facing the middle, so the outside looked like teeth, and then a ham hawk in the middle. She sent that down the house every year. My daddy he wanted to go up there because if my mama kept stopping, my dad was so bad. But who the hell she think we are? Why she think we fit eat this? We can cook down here, old dog. He was so mad at helmets giving castle role days. That's when everybody think they're supposed to bring away. You got some people that it's just easy to let castro. We don't do it. Why well, let me ask a cute person on the show, Tommy, what is that dish not calling on? He don't know? He find that clear, y'all know I don't say that. Hey, hold y'all, don't hear him arguing about just blushing. H thank you uncle recognizing the dish that you famous for making on things. Yeah, it was definitely and macaroni cheese. What's your Steve? Mine is Jesse Yam. I don't make nothing else that Thanksgiving and my mother in lawdon took over. I don't even do that. What's junior swallowing? You know you show up for tell you something you in la. You can't be saying that a lot. Okay, that was sad when you was in Chicago, but you don't go around to people for Thanksgiving. I do didn't say that. You didn't see that your favorite swallowing? You don't don't pick that out there like that. I'm just telling you, wow, okay, you do like that? Trying to save the question your jokes is gonna have to be reading that was I don't cook nothing, carl it. What's your favorite dish? Thank you? Mac and cheese to make? But I love my mother loss oyster dressing. She can make some dressing. My mother lost and then my papa he goes, yeah, I don't. I can't eat it anymore. But you can't eat what anymore? See what I'm saying. You can't say nothing wrong. Cake, fried chicken. Put it in a paper bag and shake it up with the flower in it. That's how you fried chicken. Put it in that bag and shake it. You can't eat can't you can't do it chicken? Oh okay, because you gave up me. No, because I'm a diabetic, I shouldn't be eating friedbets. Can't eat chicken. I didn't know do like boomerang. Dude boomerang for his birthday with the Lubi's and got a big hunker pink cake. He ate it in the parking lot of the emergency. So you're just not gonna ask me. Huh no, No, we already know not to ask. A matter of fact, we'll be back talk to you. You get your own break, and the nephews run that prank back to you're listening right now. It's time for you, mister Hollywood uh, to run that prank back. What you got na Well, you know it's time to go row what today's prophone called twenty twenty one nice on rogue. It's builtiful adventure with five different drive modes that can take you anywhere. So let's go rogue. Well, since we was talking about Thanksgiving earlier this is a great run back. Catering mistake, cater mistake, let's run it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Chammy. Please. This is hey Chammy. This is a Dexter over here catering. We catered your your aunt Bridges. Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. How are you doing, Dexter. It's good to hear from you. Okay, good good. I'm going through the paperwork here and I know we have an invoice for you all. I wanted to reach out to you. That's not a bad time, is it. No, this is a good time. Okay. So, first of all, did everybody enjoy everything that we put out for you guys? Yeah, we had a good all time. My Auntie Bridget she was so happy. There was no better way to bring in her sixtieth birthday party. We had a great time. The food was delicious. We are so grateful, so thank you so much. You and your team did the bomb job. Okay, good deal, good deal. I was here when they loaded up the van and everything, and I wanted to make sure. I wanted to follow back up. But listen, I'm looking at the paperwork and we had a little mishap and I wanted to let you know that we're not going to um, we're not gonna charge you guys for the chicken because they made a mistake and they put the wrong pan on the van and they I noticed that the chicken was actually still here. So we want to take off take that off, and I won't. That won't be on the on the envoys. So I'm taking all the entire cross the chicken will be completely taken out. Okay, real quick, let's back up a bit, because we had a lot of people at the party, we definitely had chicken walking. Yeah, I know you had you order some other chicken, but like I said, guy put the wrong pan on the on the van, you know, and actually this mother chicken was actually still here, uh you know, here here at the at the shop. So you know, like I said, we made a mistake. I'm gonna take it off and that'll probably not You're like a couple of hundred dollars off up of you as price liked. So so what are you saying? So what were we eating if it was this mother chicken? What was it? Uh? Well, miss Timmy, like I said, you know, I got on this kid for making this mistake. You know, I got on it real bad about it from you know, putting the wrong pan on there. But like I said, this, what you guys had was it? That was a chicken? What was it though? That's what I'm asking you. What was it? Actually? What he put on there by mistake? Miss? Tell me that was that was rapid? What? You can't be serious right now? Are you out of your rabbit mine? Are you serious? You're quite tell me that your team put the wrong trade on the trucks and then served it to my family, and you're trying to call me about two hundred dollars? Are just serious? Who does more than that? You owe me more than that? You don't know who the because allergic to that? And you're calling me about two hundred dollars? Are you out of your mine? Well? I wanted to credit you all that. You know what I'm saying. No, and there's gonna be no credit. There ain't gonna be no credit. It ain't no credit, do you mean credit? Richard could have died, Monty could have died, Lucia. Uh, we got kids in there. You don't know our dietary needs? Are you crazy? What I mean? What you say? Though? It don't matter. If I liked it, I can fall out to night. Stupid. Oh, I'm getting an attorney. I'm done with this. This is stupid. And who the want to eat bugs? Bunny? Does that right to you? H Are you stupid? I'm so annoyed right now. Seriously, Leo Woods people, Leeno country people, go with you? Okay? What what? What? What? Y'all liked it? Though? Right? No, but you're gonna like my foot up your stone, That's what you're gonna like. I'm gonna be there later because y'all stupid, Yo, stupid, My foot gonna be up your and y'all's gonna be hopping around like a rabbit, the rabbit that you serve me. Oh okay, okay, let me ask this here. No, ab miss Avery, is your mama right? What do my mama got to do with this rabbit? What's she gotta do with this? Okay? See, your mama got me to call you. This is nephew comment from the Steve Hobbin Morton Show. Damn me your mama to break you. I'm so sorry. Oh my god, this is crazy. Oh going in the morning, This is crazy, yo, crazy? Are gonna get it? This is crazy? Oha man. All right, cham and tell me this baby, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lake, the Steve har You are right. Yes, I'm just so glad I didn't have rabbit. I'm so glad. I'm a little rabbit. Y'all can tell a little rabbit, O, little rabbit ain't gonna do you. I'm serious. I can't just the knowledge that it's a rabbit. I can't. But back to going rogue. You like it, hunt, Tommy, I like gonna rogue. I mean, I'm you know, that's that ride, dad, that's the road like I got like mine. Ain't like callers. You know mine ain't like calling because because calling you, you got the phone call. Uh you you spoke earlier about your road, Stuart. You know Uncle Steve called you to be on the radio show and all of that to get the baddest producing the land. And here you are. No, we got we got fired. We was in the middle of a black rock. I don't know if we got fired to quit at the same time. I can't. Oh yeah, but he called me three weeks a month later. Just hold on, nephew, we'll be back. And I ain't gonna lie. About a month and a half later, we were back New York City. Baby, we were joking up in the Big Apple and that's we be calling up with Steve John Voices and we still day Rogan going rogue, playing with somebody that's a winner. Yeah, oh good, oh good. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Carl, you love going rogue. You're having fun the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Go ahead, girl, let me tell you about this. I love this. I could do this every day. Listen. So one year I went to a taping with my girlfriends to the Oprah Winfrey Show back in the day in Chicago. So we were standing in line. You know, you gotta do what they tell you to do to go inside. So the line split, so my girlfriends they went to the left and then I went to the right. I went to the other side, and they was like, get back over here, get on this side. I said, no, I'm want to go on this side. The line short of y'all come over here. Anyway, they let us in, so they had to go with you know, you gotta move with the crowd, move with the line. So they went to the left and then I went to the right. We sat down, you know, because you don't know what the show is about or anything like that. So as the show was going on, Oprah comes out into the audience and sits in the audience. You remember how like American band stands. I remember sat right in front of me around. She looked at me, she said, hey, how you doing. I turned around. I say me, oh hey, and I looked at my friends. Nah nah Rogue baby, Yes, India Ire and Alicia Keys was on that show. It was the bomb good show. Yes, yes, yes, yes. The all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is built for adventure with five different drive modes that can take you anywhere anywhere. Doling, let's go Rogue. Thanksgiving menus, Well, guys, you know it is that time of year. It's all about the food. And as much as we love eating seasonal treats and family meals, those of us who eat our feelings or struggle with body image issues may have a hard time around the holidays. And we have definitely heard through the years that that's true. So if you stick to these dudes and don't to help you make peace with your body. During the seasons, it's all about eating. Just stick to these okay. Do eat a piece of pie or Christmas dessert anytime you want to and enjoy it without feeling guilty. All right, you can do that during the holidays, all right, Yeah, a piece, that's what we said. A lot of people take that just as a piece out of time. They just go back another time until you eat the whole damn thing next time, you know, four times have the damn pi. Oh yeah, especially my mom's sweet potato pies. All right, all right, don't get on the scale the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Just don't even bother or maybe even for the rest of the year. Don't do it. Don't do it. You send yourself into something. Yeah, don't let mean comments get to you. Try to shake off the critics like you're, you know, miserable relative. Yeah, yeah, fat ass and ate four pieces of pie. Yeah, we're just we're just giving you advice so you won't have to feel bad whole holiday. Maybe looking at you. Yeah, here's here's another one too, though, Like what you have to talk to people about, you know, Listen, you know going into Thanksgiving that your ass is fat. You know, you know it's not fitting the change, not over the holidays. So if you're going into the going into the holidays already fat ride that all way through January. M okay, through the through the through twenty twenty. You're saying, okay, uh, do give yourself permission to be more relaxed about diet and exercise during the holidays. Yeah, because as you're not gonna do it. M don't forget to eat healthy foods and lighter fair to balance out all those sweets and leftovers, all right, ain't nobody to do that. No nobody ever had a sad ever ever potake a salad. That's about it, all right. Do keep moving with dancing, walking, playing with your loved one so you can do that, you know, at least move. Okay, if you're having it at your house, these are three things you need. You're gonna need a plungeon, till the paper and for breeze. Okay, listen to me. You're gonna need a plunge. You is that your house You're gonna need. Do not forget these day before you get a turkey. You need to get a plunger and some for breeze, and it needs to be in the eager restroom. Okay, turkey, before you can get a turkey, you need a plunge him and him him, and you need putting them in. You need one of them industrial type blunder black black with black with that nipple on the front of it. Yeah, you're writing your list before turkey. Yeah, you need put a special handle on that plunger that looked like a bicycle pump hit, the one with the gripping it with a put a piece sticking out where you can put your foot on it like a shove, like you're digging up the breed. Special made. Those are your holiday eating tips from the same hard and military grade toilet paper. Coming up, guys, we have more trending stories on the Sea Harvey Morning Show that'll be at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening Steve Show. All right, Steve Jay Anthony Brown, who you've asked to be ignorant today is here with phrases that will break up a friendship. Basically, these are roommate rules, and when you got on your own, you might have to get a roommate to branch out. But there's some rules you should live by it. If you get a roommate, first rulee. If you don't put it in the fridge, damn it, don't take it out the fridge. How about that? Yeah, at work, the same thing, same thing. You and your significant others should not haug the living room. Take that nasty stuff to your bedroom. Okay, all right, people live here. Yeah, the other people live here too, all right. Yeah, don't go in your roommates room for a damn thing. Okay, why are you in here? What you're doing in here? Ain't nothing here for you. If your girlfriend or your boyfriend like eggs, bacon, cheese, alcohol or whatever cereal, make sure they bring it with their ass when they come over. Okay. If if that's what they like, ain't nothing make sure make sure they got that in the bag when they come in the door. Okay, that's all I'm saying. If your boyfriend's for the lady, if your boyfriend man man likes to play video game, you need a big screen TV for his ass in your room. Okay. But this is this is a good rule right here. We all sh you to buy it. By it. Nobody who is a roommate is allowed to date anybody that's been to prison, nobody. You gotta make sure you hold in your room. You know, you gotta. You gotta check all your stuff off because he no, we can't. All right, then you got a Christian roommate and you're not a Christian. Let me tell you Christian something. Who who ever sleeps with, who who ever sleeps with? Dant your damn den? Okay, okay, the land one if the rent is due on the foast, the foist. We agreed that they paid the rental. We don't want to rent on the second, third, four, fifth, six, seven, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleven, twelve, thirteenth, fourteen, fifteenth, sixteen, seventeen, eighteenth, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty. We wanted on the FoST Okay, that's okay, thank you. Those roommate rules, alright, rule you're listening stew all right, everybody in this Thanksgiving time, you at your mama's house, you at your friend's house. You just gathered around you in the living room, kitchen or the coach, and you're having these conversations two things, you don't have all the information, and the other one is they don't make no damn sense at all. But what you're talking they sound something like this. Now, last year we was over at um that see, we was at whose house? Was we at? Last? It was Charlotte, that was we was at Kenneth Wayne house. Last Kennel Wayne, Kenneth Wayne, Kenthethwayne. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Kennewayne. Because what happened was we were trying to watch the game and they had the small last they had a small tea. Yeah yeah, you're talking about Kenneth Wayne that visiting his ring finger. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Y'all think ya, y'all think Ricky gonna get out and then be able to make it connects Thanksgiving. I don't know he's missed seven now, I don't know, I don't I don't know this call he goes off for parole every year. I heard this girl Carlicia is gonna bring just bring the turkey and addressing. But you know what about the prison. When she heard about her, she had seen somebody else and they would take her to the prison to see him. Why in the car course, she said somebody else she'd have had two babies. Why Ricky in now to stay babies. Why y'all keep back like y'all don't know this, but why she named that second baby? Why second baby? The baby dadd name is Rickett. And she told though told Ricky she would have had a slow pregnancy, and the baby is his. She said the whole two years head in there that those was his babies. Sheld it and he believed it, and he believed it. Now, the baby don't look like Rickett. The baby looked like little Richard. He ain't little rich That's what I've seen. Got the hair cutting, everything got him just like, just like and his first words were shut up, shut up. The baby that I don't know what that was. But I whip baba lue back. Yeah, it's amazing a three years old he was and wh babaua. Yeah. But what strange is the baby looked like little but have you seen the daddy. The daddy looked, yes, like Chuck Barry. That's crazy. Not that is crazy because I saw him at the walmart with him and I thought it was Myles Davis. Oh you know who that is. That's not him, that's the grandmama that looked like Miles Davis. I remember Grandma Hattie, Patty, it was Hattie, remember, just like Miles Davis. Yeah, yeah, yeah, listen, I don't want to worry y'all with that. Mama, Okay, I go ahead. We didn't ran out of cran beer sauce. I'm just telling y'all, we didn't ran out of cranbers. Well it's the cranberrys. Well that's not the sauce though, that's the actual berries. And don't know nobody like that something is anybody anybody's size? Me hungry? I guess that's why we're all here. Grandy, you ready, you're ready to at one time? I just you know it ought to be time for for uh, you know, for back your folks. Yes, we got to pray again. Who's gonna say the prayer this time? No? No, we don't, No, we don't. Don't. Don't you let me your blest still your blessed, Amen, you don't bless it twice? Surely you bless yes, ma'am. Some kind of Herbert to get his hands after potato salad, Herbert get his hands to say here, just lean it anywhere you this thanksgiving meaningless go nowhere Thanksgiving convos up it is the nephew would run that praying back right after this. You're listening Steve Harp Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry letter Boy. The subject says, thanks for having a child from my man. Okay, we're gonna get into it all right, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got, king of pranks? Everybody inside, so you know, let's give you one of them inside prank. This is thick and shutting, sick and shutting, really mean everybody inside. Ain't you think it's time do this relate to all everybody going through sick trying to be topical. Let's go. Okay, so I'm trying to you got him? How I'm doing? I ain't doing too good. You've been over praying for my wife again, right right right, yes, sir, you know came over here three times in one week. My wife had already went through the operation and all that she's gonna be pried. I don't need you over a praying three times a week, because honestly, I think it's something else on your mind. When you come over here praying for my wife. I ain't stupid, brother, kind of hold it, brother, this brody, this is well. Your wife was on the second shot. Then lift that to come by. Reverenquested that I come by. Okay, he ain't requested for you to bring your black to my house for no three times in one week, man, So you can cut that down with me. You can hold it, brother. I came with sister Georgia the first time. The second time I came by myself because she wasn't able to come by, and I only stayed fifteen min's time. So what's the problem? Because I already know what you what you doing. I know you're trying to hill my wife. I ain't stupid. How could your wife? I hear my wife? Why would I happen to your wife? She's part of already know what you already know what you're doing. Man, you up in here my white wine, whine, whine, nobody at the house. I already know what you're doing. Let me tell you something. Keep your black away from my house. If you want to pray for my wife and pray my wife, I'm gonna wait. Wait. You ain't wait, man, Oh, you can't talk to you about lay hand. That's what you're gonna now, brother, ain't gonna be none of that. Ain't gonna be none of that. You're talking to the wrong brother nine. Okay. Now, first of all, you're not gonna disrespect me and curse me out. Okay, that's not even the way brothers should be talking to brothers. Second of all, if there's any laying on the hand, it's gonna be my hand laying on you. Okay, you ain't been the lady in the lady. I know you're trying to lay all my wife. If I find that on what you know not you mess around with my wife, this is gonna be, I know, trying to do crazy. I'm just leting you. I'm gonna say it one more time. Keep your black stop around my First of all, I told you once again you can't be talking to me like that. Now, I'm trying to be cool about the situation because I know you may be just upset. Okay, I can appreciate that. Okay, I have a wife, and I'll be upset if somebody's coming back to my wife. Won't you won't you and show out with your wife. I spend my time with my wifter. I do you know what I'm saying now? I want to anybody come about your house. Maybe I need to come out your house and how let your wife? Were you welcome to but maybe come come and come lay something over their own huh? God, trying to do with my holder? Holder one man, Hold, one man? I told you before being disrespected. Now that was a very idiotic tapement for you to make. Okay, that's what's going to happen. If I catch your black drip my house again, I'm gonna play this man, and then I'm getting on the phone with you. You your plasters any more than because if anybody come by my house again and I ain't there, I'm kicking your black. That's a promise, you know, Just that's it. Look him, brother, if that's gonna be any welking going on, I gonna be kicking your I'm gonna let in my hands on you, and I'm gonna give you a good sanctified whooping, and then I'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray to heal you. Just put I'm gonna put up, okay, because I've had it with you, you know, and I only went by it to visit your wife because I was asked to go visit your wife. Now that was a problem you should have caused the pastor. Okay, but you're not going to disrespect me my wife to church on the phone's life. You want to do somebody, you can meet me any place. Well, I've been man. You know, as a matter of fact, I can go anywhere I want it in this town. If I be at your house talking to your wife, if the path asked me to go, I'm gonna be there. Okay. How you you know? You just you know it's you're like a stupid brother. Okay. You need to come to church to the one. You need to come to church more off. And that's the problem. You don't come to church more often. If you come to church more off, you wouldn't be talking to me like that. You wouldn't be worried about me and your wife because it must be something wrong at your house. You'd be worried about me fooling with your wife. Okay, So you need to check home. Okay, you need to check How about that? Why don't you do that? Why don't you why don't you just check up? Okay, Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating with my wife. That's all I know who Tommy Hammy said you, Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating around with my wife. Tommy who? Who is Tommy Tommy who? This is nephew Tommy man, But this is never your Tommy from Steve Harvey Mortan show man. Your church member got me to pryk ball, but not wrong for that. You know you're long, You're long. You know, y'all know Highway to Hell, all of y'all. You know none stop no, you know y'all just you know, y'all just go. You know, ain't gonna stop size. You know I'm punn' go. I'm gonna pay for all of y'all, all of your brothers if you Tommy, Steve Harvey brother, wrong for that. Okay, I'm gonna check him. I'm gonna check. I'm fuldn't to go. I want to talk to you out in the moment. I'm pretty I'm gonna say, brother, your man, what you gotta tell me? What's the baddest radio show with the lab Man Steve Hobby Martin Show. Now you have baby pick and shut in too much time? Wait a minute, what was the hold, what was the word golly? Last week? What was the word? Man? Everybody? Thank you? That one? Phenomenal? Yeah, phenomena, that's what I need to hear. Phenomenon. That was no now don't really apply here, but okay, right, listen to the day says, can't you be phenomenally stupid? Can't you be? That? It was phenomena? It is phenomenally stupid word and he can spell it? Spell it fol if. Oh you know last week we had problems with him fullingess with this ahenomenal? Okay if a m if he that made it better, he corrected himself. Go ahead, go ahead, man if if a n O M I n I a phenomenal? Oh nama nail, yeah, nail, nail, your nail sounded out. To spell the word is to sound it out. I get the origin of the word. Please. Phenom Yeah, hell yeah, I can spell phenomenal. Let me hear you got something helping him? Listen, you're just as SI serious. That's how I spell everything. Now, waste no damn time hurting my head. Okay, I can use it in a sentence. Go ahead, okay, sir, how many nominais would you like? I would like phone nominails please boy, how can you sir? Welcome to phenomenals? How many phenomenals would you like? I would like phone dominais please, thank you very much. Oh, heating, could you please heat those up? Heat? Didn't Jay what you've been doing at the house? Man? I have mastered piddling everything piddling, get old dog, Man. I have folded and unfolded every damn thing. Hey, man, I can't imagine house arrest dog. I could not imagine arrest man. I've washed, I've washed stuff that's already washed. I'm telling you, man, Hey, you tell me. Coming up next, it is today's Strawberry letter subject, Thanks for having a child from my man. We will be back after this. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. You know I'm always ready to go rogue in the all new, versatile twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. It's perfect for someone like me, just perfect, baby. I'm always on the go, and it has five different drive modes that fit whatever kind of mood I'm in when I'm behind the wheel. Check out the twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. And while you do that, I'll tell you about my rogue attitude. A few years ago. You might remember this, Carla, a few years ago as the Hoodies. We're backstage, all of us chilling, Okay, all of a sudden, this man comes up to me, seemingly out of nowhere, but he wasn't. Anyway. He comes up to me and he kind of whispers in my ear. Stevie Wonder would like to speak to me. Oh yeah, yeah, that was my exact reaction, Carla. I was like, ha, Stevie one of wasn't talk to me. I was nervous, nervous, nervous, But you know, I had to go rogue. I had to go and find out what Stevie wanted to say to me. All right, So this man took me by the arm, took me to Stevie Wonder. Stevie Wonder wanted me to escort him on stage. You know, Stevie always has someone escort him on the stage. He picked me that night. Yeah. Oh my god, oh my god. He didn't know who I was. He asked for me anyway, don't try to kill my dream. Uh he knew it was me, yes, yes, yes, yes, I know for sure. But yeah, that was my go rogue story. I mean, I ended up just escorting him on stage. When when I left, he gave me a kiss and he got on the piano. I think he started playing. Uh I don't. Oh my god, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, all I do. Maybe maybe that's what it was. But anyway, that that was a moment for me. It really really was. So check out this so cool? It really Oh god, I'll never forget that I had on that sharp true stress girl, I remember, girl. Anyway, go rogue, Go rogue, Go rogue with the twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Who love it? I know? I don't. I don't think Steve you knew at first, because you were you were telling me to get off the stage. What are you doing on stage with Stevie Wonder? And I was like, he asked me to come up here. I'm not just up here, oldire Stevie wondered, Let me go on stage with him? Yeah, I went rogue, all right. Today's Strawberry Letter is brought to you by the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. You're all right, nephew. It's built for families, and it's ready for all types of rogue adventures. With five drive modes. It is so versatile and can go almost anywhere. We love it. We love it around here. Now let's go rogue with today's Strawberry Letter. They're always rogue, right, all right, so listen. If you need some advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We're ready, Steve, We're ready, all right. Let's buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. It's a Strawberry letter subject thanks for having a child for my man, Dear Stephen Shirley. Let's just get right to it. Here's my dilemma. I'm a thirty eight year old woman and I've never wanted to have children. Five years ago, I was in a great relationship and we were talking about getting married. But he wanted children and I did not, so we mutually decided to end our relationship. We could not deny that we were still in love with each other, so two years after we broke up, we reconnected and have been seeing each other off and on since then. While we've been spending time together, he started a relationship with a new woman and they had a child together, and he couldn't be happier. He has told me that he wants to marry the woman so that his child will have the kind of upbringing he had with both parents present. I truly believe now that he has a son he wanted, he and I can get back together and get married. He tells me every day that he loves me, so why wouldn't he want to marry me instead of her? If I were an evil woman, I could end it all between him and this woman by telling her that I've been with him this entire time they've been together. I have lots of damaging proof that would definitely break them up. Even though I did not want to have children, I can help him raise his son. What do you think I should do? Don't I deserve to be happy too? Well? Yeah, everyone deserves to be happy, but not this way. Okay. I just gotta tell you that it looks like you're done. I mean, you're just the side piece in this relationship. He has moved on from you to the woman he wants to marry. And guess what, that woman is not you? He said he wanted to marry that woman and not you. You. You don't want to have children, He only has one child. How do you know he doesn't want to have more children? You didn't mention that in the letter? Did you you think he's one and done? Well? They're smart, she really smart. I didn't see that. Well, he may not. You know, he may want to have another one and you still don't want children. So there is no future in this relationship with him. What you have with him is as good as it's going to get with again, you being the jump off. That's it. He told you he wanted to marry this new woman. He didn't or hasn't told you that he wanted to marry you lately, has he? So I suggest you ask, you know, don't you deserve to be happy? What do you think you should do? Well, you need to get out of this situation because he wants to marry someone else and have you on the side, which is exactly what he's doing. Steve, Well, when we come back and we'll break it down a little bit further. I would really admire the point that you made though this guy may want to have other children. Oh yeah, she doesn't see this. But when I come back, don't I'm gonna tell you what's really wrong. Bring it, bring it up. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response, uh coming out. I'm gonna let him have it too. Now, don't don't nobody be tight? Okay, okay, because I see you know this, you know, thanks for having a child for my man. Yeah, show you exact exactly, you'll see that. All right. Well again, Steve, you're gonna bring it with part two of your response coming up today a subject thanks for having a child from my man. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter, thanks for having a child from my man. Well, I don't have to recap it because I didn't respond to it. But I've just done. This woman had a relationship with this guy. She's thirty years old. She never wanted to have children. Five years ago, she was in a great relationship talking about getting married, but he wanted kid she didn't. So y'all decided the end of relationship. But you still loved each other. So two years later, after y'all broke up, y'all reconnected and started seeing each other off and on. Since then, well, while we've been spending time together, he started relationship. Now see while we were spending time together, he started relationship with a new woman. That's not true. That's not true, sees. This is the first big lie in the letter. She thinks that for two years this dude was sitting somewhere sad and upset that they had broke up and wasn't involved with nobody, So she writes in the letter, because this is a self serving woman, while we were spending time together, he started a relationship with a new woman. No, he was in a relationship with the new you woman. Then y'all started spending time together. They had a child together, and he couldn't be happier. He told me he wants to marry this woman so this child can have a kind of upbringing he had with both parents. President Now she believes that since she got son, he wanted down to be able to get back together and getting married. He tells me every day he loves me. Why wouldn't want to be with me? If I were an even woman, I could end this whole thing. Blah blah blah. Even though I do not want to have children, I can help him raise his sons. What do you think I should do? I deserve to be happy to you will never be happy destroying someone else's. Let's just start there. You'll never be happy destroying someone else's. You're the most self serving person I've heard from in a long time. You, lady, you are what's the word is narcissist? Yeah, it's that the word You just like the president. It's all about you. See, So now you didn't want to have children, but you think since he has a child, you could help him raise his son. You don't even want no damn kids, right, so what's gonna make you the great mother? All of a sudden? You still don't want kids, But now you think you're gonna turn into the super mom over the woman who had the baby. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? You're very self serving. You didn't want children, so you didn't want children, so you broke up. You couldn't say, you know what, we love each other enough, we should share a child. Now it's always about you. I don't want to handle kid, So we break up. Two years later, y'all reconnect. Now Here in a relationship you can believe that ain't a man sitting on the sideline two years trying to get over No damn body, We get over women with women. Hello, we get over women with women sitting up in the house sucking the thumb, because you're gonna we'll do that for a little while, but we're gonna take this thumb sucking and turn it into something. Hello. Now he wants the family, she said, he wants to marry this girl who had the baby because he wants the baby to have the same family he had grown up, both parents present. You don't give a damn about that. You want that to split up. Damn the again, you show exactly why you don't need children, because you want to take this opportunity for this child to have a family in structure that this womanan wants to create with this woman because you want to just be here so you won't break that up, so you can help raise a child that you don't even won't you don't even want kids, but so you could be happy, you want to break it up. Now, you say you could break them up because you got some evidence, pictures, text all his Hell, yeah, you could do that. You could break them up. But let me ask you a question. You don't think that he'll remember that. You don't think that when y'all sitting around having a couple of arguments. You don't think that when y'all sitting up trying to make these bills work. You don't think when real life kicking with a honeymoon section is over. You don't think he gonna remember the fact that you sent some pictures that destroyed what he really wanted to have. Now he over there with you with a baby that you don't won't. You do not want children his. You don't even want your own. If you don't want your own children, how to hell you're supposed to want somebody else's. I'm just ask so one more time. You are the most served, self serving woman. And like Shirley said, suppose this man want to have another child. You ain't it again, you're out. Then you you deserve to be happy too. We'll go find you a man that don't wan't no kids. It's a bunch of him. But go back to chapter two, verse eighteen. We get over get over women with other women. Man, We don't hey, how we don't side, We don't go therapy. No, we don't go up in the mountains to find ourselves. Now we get another one of y'all who can do the same thing. Y'all do make me feel like you do. And we go to getting over it just like that. Man, we gotta soaking, no tub, drinking no wine, getting no good book, going to girls trust while we go to Vegas and fixed it. They don't discount the sucking in the tub and all of that. Now that's good stuff right here, me discounting for a man. If your man soaking a tub to find himself with somebody crying in our wine and all that, that's all good. My father called me soaking. He just broke up with somebody. When candles I get, is that your toes come out of baby bumble? Man, I'm trying to get over something. Man, Leave me alone. Man reading act like a lady thing like a man. I'm gonna do something. Leave me alone, dog dog, we're on the way to Vegas. We can help you get over it, all right, Guys, we gotta get out of here. Email us your Instagram, i's your thoughts on today's robbery letter and Steve Harvey at them. You're listening, Steve show time for something funny? Junior. You're ready, Yeah, I'm ready. Holidays is coming, and so you got people that's coming with somebody you've never met. What you've heard about. Now. I got a cousin, got this girl who's giving him all these problems, and I just thought about it. She'll be told. The crazy they are, the more ways you try to defend them to your family, I ain't never met the girl with about to meet the old Thanksgiving like stuff like this, like okay, I heard dog that she tried to smother you with the pillar. Yeah don't. We started them off playing and forever. Then it got serious. But then you ain't ever been you ain't ever been smothering before. You ain't never been smolling before, play with and trying to smother you? Yea? Or this one or this one dog Dog, I heard she raised about the back seat of your car you try to leave. Yeah, she raised about the back seat. She was concerned by where I was going. There ever, had nobody that was concerned by where you be? I mean, don love let her love me, miss do. The crazier they are, the more they try to defend them to us. I can't get to meet the girl like like Darne wasn't about you. She shot at you, Yeah, she shot it. She shot at me because she was concerned I was messing up. I heard that good shot. I got right back in. I mean, ain't nobody else shot at you before? No, darning, ain't nobody else shot it up? Okay, he didn't get about to shoot you for you speak on this sub shot at I'm just I can't wait to meet her. Just the crazier they are, the harder they gonna defend them to their fa I can't wait to see this girl. Alwa would have some fun this thing. And that's truth being told. I'm just that was good. That was a true junior. Yeah, defended. Everybody got on you. I mean I was taking the bath in the tub. Then she came in and pushed my head under water. But but she left me under a little too low. I choked a little bit. But you ain't never been held under water under your No, everybody did that. We don't speak on that. Then tell you walking my shoes, Ye, tell me it was just a cut. She stabbed, really stabbed the knighting all the way in all the way. It's just a cut. We're just just a surface on thirty two stitches. That's it. Yeah, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. You might have a relative at Thanksgiving. Who, um what, Yeah, I got a little something because you know Thanksgivings coming up, and I just want to remind you all to be conscious of the people that's in your house. These are just a few different types of people that you might have, and they're usually relatives. Now, these are all relatives. Some of them you've seen in a while, some recently. Some people you ain't seen anywhile. But these are relatives that you might have a Thanksgiving gathered. H. Here's the first one. You might have a relative, dad that's been done some hard times. Yeah, well so I'm familiar. Here is another one. You might have a relative. Damn that's got don't work clothes, but don't have a job. You got pepsi uniform here, got on the mill of high life driving. Got a damn post office uniform on your han't start working on post office. Yeah. Here's another relative that you might have at Thanksgiving. H gather one of them that stole from their mama. So now you gotta watch every damn move they mate. Yeah, let him go in that back room. Do not let him go in there. Here's another relative that you might have over on Thanksgiving, mister black power one hunder, but he's married to a white girl. To the People's another relative that you might have over the Thanksgiving dinner. You got one the relatives got a brand new car. But what don't nobody know is he's sleeping in the car because he ain't got place to live. Here is the relative we all got, all of us got this one. Ain't gonna bring a damn thing, but gonna pack six to go plates. Yes, I can't stand there and I can't stand he go. The other one, you one of your relatives gonna bring some kids and Thanksgiving that need their ass will, but you can't do nothing about it because they ain't chills be a whole trap. That's all of us in there, just throwing punch on each other, just dipping into punch both it on each other. Black cass. But yeah, table is dangerous. Can't read? Yeah, wait what you know? The kids? Well do all that working, but can't read. Yeah, damn show can't read. Cursed right, the show can't do that? Yeah, And you ever had the relatives come over to your house that ain't nobody invite, but somehow they found out where everybody was. Yes, wonder where y'all. Oh wow, you got the relative here, the relative to come over, swat swam them down. They don't eat pork, but just hand up the greens that got park in them. Yes, yea, that would be a hall mall parting of that, right, last one, this relative I had on one year. I made sure his ass don't come back no more. Found his ass in the guest room, fast asleep, not on top of the bed, but under the clothes. When you wake your front house up, I bet you are. Oh yeah, dog, oh dog, I would him, says in the guest room, he was in the bed. Dog under took his clothes. All right, thank you for that. Coming up next. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening Steven Show. What are some of the strange things you're strange habits some Thanksgiving. I have a relative that's supposedly um which one is it Jehovah's witness or seven ad minutes one? You know they don't eat meat. But this particularly is that there was meeting the greens and she she had already been like half played in you know, yes, yes, And my mom said, Annie, you know there's meeting in greens. She went, huh and keV eating lives, all lives because the dreams were good, right, so good. Let me tell y'all something I gotta relative. I got a cousin that will eat everything in one bowl. But but ja jay the twist to it all. He may have a dressing, a cram bear sauce, got some turkey laid across it. Everybody understand that that makes sense, right yeah? Right next to it is a scoop of vanilla ice cream, right man? All together? Yeah, But I'm looking at him like, you please tell me you're not gonna use my bathroom while you here, please? Then you got that relative time, and that you know they're complaining because my food is touching I don't want Oh yeah, yeah, I know people like that. Yeah, people like that. And you know what to j A lot of kids when you're making their plates, they don't want them to touch that. That's why you gotta have them paper places called with them dividers in it for the kid. But the kids, yes, kid, keep that. Tell me you're talking big money paper places. I'm talking about place with they gotta weight with wiming on it. Coming up, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve J. Anthony Brown, who you've asked to be ignorant today, is here with phrases that will break up a friendship. Basically, these are roommate rules, and when you got on your own, you might have to get a roommate the branch out. But there's some rules you should live by if you get a roommate. First room, If you don't put it in the fridge, damn it, don't take it out the fridge. How about that? Yeah, at work, the same thing, same thing. You and your significant others should not haug the living room. Take that nasty stuff to your bedroom. Okay, all right, people live here. Other people live here too, all right. Don't go in your roommate's room for a damn thing. Okay, why are you in here? What you're doing in here? Ain't nothing here for you. If your girlfriend or your boyfriend like eggs, bacon, cheese, alcohol or whatever, cereal, make sure they bring it with their ass when they come over. Okay. If if that's what they like, ain't room, make sure make sure they got that in the bag when they come in the door. Okay, that's all I'm saying. If your boyfriend for the lady, if your boyfriend man man likes to play video game, you need a big screen TV for his ass in your room. Okay. But this is this is a good rule right here. We all sh you to buy a body. Nobody who is a roommate is allowed to date anybody that's been to prison. Nobody. You gotta make sure your room, you know, you gotta, you gotta check all your stuff off because he no, we can't. All right, if you got a Christian roommate and you're not a Christian, let me tell you Christian something. Who ever sleeps with, who who ever sleeps with, dain't your damn benes. Okay, okay, doesn't land and judge me. If the rent is due on the foast, the foight we read and the pay the rent. We don't want to rent on the second third, four, fifth, six, seven, eight, ninth, tenth, eleven, twelve, thirteenth, fourteen, fifteenth, sixteen, seventeen, eighteenth, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty we wanted on the foet. Okay, Okay, alright, Thank you, Javi. Those roommate rules. All right, we're coming back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. As a matter of fact, this is our last break of the day. Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss it. It's been a good day. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time to go row, which is powered by the super silish Rogue. Steve, please quickly tell us about when going rogue turned out to be just right for you. I mean, look, I can point to so many incidents, but I think probably the greatest, one of the greatest moments for me was a teacher of mine, not just one, but this one in tarticulate. But I've heard just repeat it in my life several times, you ain't gonna ever be nothing. And I just think oftentimes about how many times I heard that you ain't gonna ever be nothing. Look at you. I kept people kept telling me what I wouldn't what. Nobody trying to figure out what I was, but they were so fast to tell me what I Wasn't. You ain't that smart, You ain't that good? Looking. You ain't that, you talk too slow, you country, You ain't this, You ain't got the right attitude, you got right? Whoa does anybody have any idea what I am? Though? While you telling me what I'm not, So when this teacher kept repeating, you ain't gonna ever be nothing, I did say back to him one time, this man, he said, you ain't gonna ever be nothing. I said, I know I'm gonna be something. And so then I made the decision, through several moments in my life, to always constantly be about the business of trying to be something. It may not be what you think I'm gonna be, and I may not turn out to be what you expect me to be, but I'm gonna stay faithful. I'm gonna keep working hard. I'm going roll on you, Pardner, I'm gonna go against the grain. I'm gonna make a hard left. I wouldn't right here. I am roll behind. This is live roll, I'm roking all right, Role is roll? All right, Steve, We're ready for the closing remarks. This is uh for everybody, including myself. This is for anyone who aspires to get more or to have more, to be blessed more to acquire more. How do you want to look at it. Here's a deal. All of our lives, we live our lives in bubbles, so to speak. This is just an analogy everybody. We all live our lives in the bubbles. And what I mean by bubble is not a negative thing. Instead, I'm saying, this is the space that we operate in. This is the gym we go to. This is the Starbucks that we like. This is the church that we like to go to. These are some of our favorite restaurants we like to frequent. This is where we go with relations of our relatives and all of this. These is our clubs we go to for drinks and stuff like that. This is the school we attend. This is where we got a gym membership. This is where we socialize and live. That's what I mean by bubble. Now here's the deal. If you want more, then what's in your bubble? Then what you have to do is put more air in your bubble. It don't bust, it expands, but you got to breathe more air into it. How do you breathe more air into your bubble? Steve, you gotta start dreaming bigger. You gotta start wanting bigger. You gotta start keeping hope alive. You gotta hope for more now you gotta be willing to put the work behind it. But in order to expand your bubble, you got to breathe some air into the bubble. You got to put something inny whereas not the same old church, the same old Starbucks, the same old restaurant, the same old club, the same old gym. You've got to breathe some air into that bubble. Expand your bubble. I'm talking to myself. As good as a bubble as I have. I would like to be able to do some other things. Believe it or not, there's limitations to what I can do. You may be looking at me to my wow, man, what you got a limitation on? You balling? You ain't talking about that. There are still things I want in life. There's more to this. So if I want more, including myself, I got to breathe more and to the bubble. The bubble is yours to control. That's the beauty of it. You have a say, soul in what what size bubble you got. You ain't got to keep going to the same star books. You can try to one somewhere else you can expand your bubble. You ain't just got to go to that gym and hit that and mess that train of talking. You can't go to another gym you tie to that pass something. He ain't talking about nothing. You ain't growing, he ain't feeding you spiritually, blow some air in your bubble. Go to another church. You know when you're hearing the same thing, when it ain't working for you. You ain't got to go to the same happy hour. You ain't met nobody over there since you've been going, but since it's the happy hour closest to the house and it's convenient, you keep going. You ain't met nobody. You ain't network, He ain't passed out of business, called. You ain't did nothing. You need some more and your bubble. And the only person that can add more in your bubble is you. You have got to change your attitude. You've got to put more and your bubble. You gotta dream bigger. Stop wanting just what's in your paycheck, because that's inside the bubble already. You already got what you can afford. It's already in your bubble. You need a bigger bubble. The only person can breathe and into your bubble as you you blowing this bubble. It's like if you got bubble gum men when you was a kid, used to bubble zooka bubble gum and y'all be sitting around trying to blow bubble. Who had the biggest bubble? Well, guess what. Nobody can affect your bubble but you, you the dude. You gotta put more and your bubble. If you won't more, you gotta believe more. If you won't more, you gotta imagine more. If you won't more, you gotta see more for yourself. Now, if you get through seeing and won't and believe it and tripping and hoping, you got to go to work. You got to go to work. But guess what, Your bubble will expand. And when your bubble expands, you're existence will spand you will expand. Your whole being will expand. Next thing, you know, guess what You're gonna want some more and your fault. Then you'll be living the life that God has for you. Put some more air in your bubble. Those on my clothes from your mass drop it. You have a great week here. Yeah, we fly for all. Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show