Tax Day, Nick Cannon, Breonna Taylor, Will and Jada and more.

Published Jul 15, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Strike the match, light the fire and get on up and blaze. Big Dog is committed. The Chief Love Officer helps a man understand that sex is not enough to keep a marriage together. Tamera Mowry leaves 'The Real' after 7 years. Someone from RHOA was arrested for protesting in Kentucky. Nick Cannon and 'Wild 'N' Out' part ways. Today is the extended deadline to file your taxes. You have until 11:59pm tonight. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about how big this upcoming election is and explains what has built this country and so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu things and it's not me true good Stehen to mother ste don't join jo. You gotta use that turn out. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Come come on your thing. Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on, dig me now on it only Steve Harley got a radio show man. Instead of trying to be about the business. To y'all, I'm I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make. I can do more. You know, my father used to tell me something when I was growing up. He says, son, when you've done your best, and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said. When you've done the best you can and you can done all you can think of, he say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life, always have a little more. I ain't ever just out out out come. Please, I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me, There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never completely out, man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more and that that. I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know. I was watching a documentary about people climbing Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was, and how they have on the hill something called like a death zone or killing zone, where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it's right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Everest from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's this most difficult. Now that I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more people have lost their lives in that area. I don't know what it is, but the people that make it to the top of Mount efforts, they all had to go through that same zone or that same area, but they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that, so I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned back when a host pledge in. It's called don't Quit. It goes like this, If I make a mistake, I'm just trying to drum it up, So here we go. It says, when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to side when cares are pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, But don't quit, for life is queer with its twist and turns, as every one of us must sometimes learn. And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the Victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tint of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are. It may be kneel when it seems afar, so stick to the fight when your hardest hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. I remember it because I had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then. But I remembered it at that point. My dad has kept me. You know, we often talk about scripture and everything, and then I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's heart that delivers a message man that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success or try to be the best fall and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him and a sharp little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super man. They will well below the middle of his back, I mean images long. And he kept talking to him me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. So your man kept talking to him. And I said, hey, man, you know you do you're huge self a favor in the business you're in. If you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your hair. Now, I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man, Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling with me and you sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you are to consider cutting your hair. He said, Man, mister Harbor I've been growing his hair sides a little boy. I said, how hold are you now? He said twenty eight? I said, well, how long you want to hang on to what you was when you was a little boy? You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager. I mean, you're twenty eight now. And I said, so, let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? He's a man, it's just who I am. It's I said, so you your have He said no, no, But it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging on to. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I fear that. But if I hang on ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that. What is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make sense to you? So I can't tell you how many times I've had to change. Change is necessary to grow. You can't be all you can be. If you want to keep hanging on to all you was, that don't make no sense. How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards? You can't stay here and go there. Do you understand that if you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here? Oh? I got right Here is comfortable, I got right here is safe. But over there's where the shade is over. There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is over. There is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who you was. Change this growth is necessary. Let's go. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen. It's about time for us to strike the match. Light the fire. Get on up in blaze. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Made no mistake about it. Shatstraw Bay, ain't good morning? Yes it is, baby, Yes it is Colin for real. Check baby, I am here, Good morning crew, lady gentleman. The King of Frank's nephew comment, Yeah, you ain't in the building, baby, I'm here and other than that. Damn Steve Hardy, you introduced bringing him out, bring him out? Yeah, okay, I love Yeah, yeah, Hi. Everybody doing to day good good, committed and dedicated to not having this man returned as the president of the United States. Were committed. Yeah, I'm committed to that man. I don't make no damn sense. I can't do for more years this. I just can't. Like like your grandma, you say, my nerds is bad in a marriage. I can't get out. Now, get out, don't stay in there too long. No, it's right. Ain't nobody fooling me. I'm woke. Yeah, I know everything is his fault. And the way we are handling this COVID nineteen is utterly ridiculous. We are a fourth of the cases, we are a fourth of the depths, and we are four percent of the world population. You can't tell me that ain't got nothing to do with leadership. And I don't care what he's say, ladies and gentlemen, Just Steve harpm on to show one more time. Give it to me, give, give it to me, Give it, ste You got it. And do you know he held a whole news conference yesterday and barely barely mentioned COVID nineteen barely. The crux of it was just talking about Joe Biden. Joe Biden, Joe Biden. Well, that's because he was upset. Joe Biden had delivered a speech yesterday and yeah, Wilton, Delaware, and so he was not to be outdone on campaign in the world's garden. And that's all that. He only cares about himself. Yes, be talking about COVID nineteen and what we're gonna do. And he should. He should be trying to provide leadership into COVID nineteen. He should be trying to develop some type of poor and show some type of empathy towards Black lives matter. His only response to that is white people get killed by police too. That's what he told talk about Joe mess All. This is Joe mess Everything doesn't happen since you've been in there. Let's talk about that. It's an epic fail an epic failure his leadership. But he doesn't believe that. And with everything in him, he's trying to win, he's only caring about winning this election in November. That's where and total focus is that party with those conservative values, because he says he has those values which he has none of, as convinced them that he does. And he does it. He just does it. Only values he has is self value. He has nothing else and win value. All right, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, our favorite segment. We're starting to just really really love this as much as you. Steve, get ready to ask the CLO right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show, all right, Steve Clo is so popular now, that's why we have it right here. Because everybody's talking about your relationship advice. It is time now for ask the Clo. This one is from Curtis and South Philly, Curtis Curtis Curtis is thirty three years old. He says he's been dating a woman for three years that I have nothing in common with. I stay with her because her sex is mesmerizing. She is boring beyond belief, and she is very quiet unless we're in the bedroom. I can't get her to dress sexy, wear makeup, or have a glass of wine with me. But when she's turned on, she's an entirely different woman. I agree with whatever she says, so she won't take the sex away. Now she is asking what's next for us? Meaning marriage? Uncle Steve? Can a marriage work? If all we have in common is great sex. I can promise you, y'all can't. I can promise you with everything in me. It ain't because there's too many times when you not having sex. It's way more times when you not. How about just when you sleep? How about when you at work, when you what about when y'all down at the bank. What about when y'all talking to the kids. What about on your way to school? What about when you're down at happy hour? What about when you and there having a discussion with your boss? What about all the other times? What about when you're playing sports? What about when you just want to watch TV? Because you know that's gonna happen. You know you're gonna want to just watch TV sometimes. Sometimes man, you go get sick. Sometimes man you're just gonna need some friends to come over and have a good time. Everything that ain't all that's without sex. You're asking why you was sick. You ain't. Never think he has bought me through many illnesses, has cured you don't gonna if I if I just have some sex, I feel better. Got all of that, and I understand, brother, but you have nothing in common. He's not trying to change. She don't want to wear no makeup, She don't want to do number. She get in that rack though, showtime, and he says he agrees with whatever she says, so she won't take it away all right. See this one's from Jewel in Memphis, Tennessee. She said, I was supposed to get married in June, but I call the wedding off. And here's why. My fiance has four kids by four different women. I have one child. We were attempting to blend our families, but he told me I could not reprimand his kids. He told me that each one of his kids has a mama and that's their job. But when it comes to my fourteen year old son, he's very hard on him and says he is a mama's boy and he acts too soft. I don't play about my son, and I'm not about to play with his kids either. Period. He wants to work things out. Do you think it's possible to fix this? Well, this is doomed. If that's stand that both of you are gonna take. If he's saying you can't reprimand his kids because they got mama's and you saying he can't reprimand yours he too hard. But then he calling your boy mama's boy. I mean, where y'all at? Y'all? So, y'all's marriage is doomed because of the children, y'all casey out on a very very important different, a very very important piece of issue. Now let me say this tea. They gonna be your kids forever. Hello, So at ease, this stuff don't go away even when they eighteen? Don't I know that? Now? Have we all learned that? Yeah? So this is gemmed from the beginning. Yeah, it sounds like she she wanted to blend, but he was unbendable. Wow, you know, man, and look and you know your son may be a mama's boy because you say when it comes to my son, I don't play, and you probably got him in a mama's boy position and he recognizes that. But he can't ask you to have these kids with him, and you can't say nothing to him. Exactly that's unfair because when they come to your house, you the queen, right all right? Moving on Dell in Kansas, Clo says, I'm a twenty five year old grad student and my aunt let me stay with her during the quarantine. I moved in in March, and I gave her three hundred dollars a month to help with groceries. I got laid off at the end of June. I told my aunt and asked her if I could give her a little less each month because I didn't want to use all my savings. She told me that was unacceptable and she stopped speaking to me. It's it's very tense at home, but I have nowhere to go. My mom lives in the Bahamas with her boyfriend, so I can't go there. I can't go back to the dorm yet. So how can I fix this situation with my aunt? You had to go and cut into that savings home, Oh, she child, But she only the only reason you staying for that, for that financial aid package she getting. Now, she loved you, but not that. Damn Well, you ain't nothing but the nephew. No, you ain't into my frigerator right now. You ain't. Oh, it's absolutely mean, and she did wrong. I mean, everybody getting something from the government to try to get through this tough time, and you're a student, and you're a grand student. She should understand that, but she don't she want that three hundred. Now you see why you was asked to come over there in the first place. Has three hundred? No, you're eating the same amount of groceries, using the same lights in here, and getting the same amount of sleep. And that's how she's looking at She wrong for that. I think I think you should go to and just say, Aunt, can we talk? Look? I love you and I really appreciate what you're doing from I got no place else to go, but all I could afford was a three hundred a month. And now that I'm cause of COVID, I'm not working right now. I just need a little help. I promise you when I get back, I'll make it up to you. Where's her compassion? Now? You gotta be careful next time she brings the plate to the table because she's gonna spit any food. Oh no, oh no, hell, she ain't speaking to him over three hundred. She wouldn't to ask the aunt could she give her a little less each month? Beca has she lost her job? All of that? I mean, come on, that's just I just think she lacks compassion. The aunt absolutely, yes, yes, do one to others that you would have them do one tea because one day and her aunt's old now too old to not be speaking to her, write her down, so you know she goes to the home, you ain't got to go down. Yeah, m she's going to remember that auntie. Yeah, and she's a grad student or he's a grad stude. I'm a loser, I know. All right, Thank you Cello as always for that great advice. Coming up next, nephew Tommy would run that prank back right after this you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's national news and in today's entertainment news. Did you guys hear about this? Tamara Maui Housley just kept it real and announced it she is leaving the Real the TV show. Plus another star from the TV show Empire has been arrested for serious domestic violence charges. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew in the building would run that brank back. What you got for his nephew were out of yre ice Man Productions. Ice Man product Now your uncle introduced you yesterday. He didn't do all of that. Just how did he do. Show him how you did it, Steve. This is Iceman Productions. Yeah, he did a sexy Yeah, he was gonna see. What I try to do is have different levels to it, Tommy, because all yours is angry prank introdet Ice Man Production. Get your drowls out, Steve Man. Okay, let me let me try this Ice I don't like that Ice Rice Man in front of you. Let's go cat dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Jane h career. Jake. That is Jake. Yes, how are you doing? I'm trying out good, good, good. Listen. My name is Ice Man with ice Man Productions. Uh. I got my own record label. I've stumbled up on a CD here. I'm assuming this is your demo. You have a demo that's out right now? Yes, all right, with a couple of songs on it, right, Okay, Hey listen, I am actually putting together a female group. One of my employees gave me your stuff and I've been listening to it. I liked the tune. I liked the vibe and wanted to see if there's something of interest to you, if you'd like maybe being a in a female group, what kind of female group. Four females in one group. How do you feel about that? I think that could be workable. Okay, okay, um, hold on, I want to say, Okay, who is that Diddy? Diddy? I'll call him back, tell him I'm working on this group I talked him about. Okay, Sorry about that? Hello? Okay, yeah you listening to him? Yes? Are you okay? Good deal? So listen if you don't mind, could you? Uh? And I know I'm catching you off God like this here? You know, ice man, really, I really don't normally get on the phone and call people, but I'm heavy about this group and getting it out. I got puffed atty on my butt about it. And you know, he's one of the producers on this thing, and I'm trying to really bring this thing to a head. So why don't you do me in favor if you can, If you don't mind, I take it right. Yes, could you could you possibly maybe uh seeing something for me real quick so I can just you know, I just want to hear straight from the straight from you your mouth to my ear. If you don't mind, yes, anything, Okay, there's a heel. If you're look inside your heart, you don't have to be afraid? Yeah, what do you there isn't n if you're reading to us, Yo, take this and the songs that you know. Okay, okay, Hey, hey, hey, I don't want to say who is that sight don't think I got his solo? Tell him I'm gonna listen to it. Tell them I'm working on a female group right now. Tell them I get back at it. Hello, I'll apologize for all the interruptions. That was good. That was good. Can you give me maybe give me a little something else? Real quick? Okay, I'm trying to real quick. How old are you dollars? I'm twenty nine, twenty nine? Okay, okay, good deal? And uh what what if you don't mind? What size are y'all? I don't have a picture on the on the demo about sixe three? Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, that'll work, that'll work. Okay, give me, give me, give me, give me if you can maybe maybe do something else for me. Okay, you got you got anything? Like maybe you can marry j Blige? It up for me a little bit, you know. I let's see what about kiss I'm good with that. Let's do that. Let me get that now you can wait to hold time and change what the feeling from what you spend. You may have got hardbooken a few times in the past. Never left strong as Acus too. Don't feel it's good as Acus too before and everything I used to say than I used to do went right out. Oh that's what you tell us it's on about? And you know they've heard it all before. Why nor can you say? Hey, yeah, yeah, Iceman like that. Iceman like that. Iceman likes that? All right, that's what I'm talking about. Okay, listen, um, how do you feel about flying up to New York maybe a couple of weeks so I can put all you guys together. That's cool? You like that? Yeah? All right, all right, you're excited about it? Yes I am. Okay, okay listen. Uh, let me let you know this. The name of the group is the Lingeries, and I think you guys are gonna work out well. Once we get to you lockdown. That'll be four. So we have four girls that make up the lingerais you know? Okay, they're real pretty girls. Oh you got I mean, you know they're great. I need you to send me some pictures as well, Can you do that? I gotta head shot. Yeah, I got a head shot. Okay, well listen, I'm gonna need a head shot. But like I say, the name of the group is the Lingerai. So is there where you can send me something of you in some lingerie? What is there where you can send me? You know? Wait? Wait wait wait? You want me to send a picture of me in my larger raid? Exactly? Because see this is what when you guys actually perform, you're actually gonna be going out on stage and your laerai. Oh no, wait what you're talking about. I'm trying to get you to send me a pict in your Lingeris you to be a part of your linger You know what? How do he? Are you gonna call me telling me to say is in my lingerie? And get on fade. That's what we're doing, baby, that's what the lingerais do. No hell, now what kind of you? You're crazy? Who you when you get my number? A name? Where you get my CD fund? I told you one of my people that work for me gave me your denmar check. Like I like, I like what you was doing, and hey, I'm giving you a shot. You let me tell you something. You would never be a star. I'll never be a star. You're gonna have all these obstacles in your way. You excuse me? You? Who do you think you're talking to? You? Preci You need to send me a picture in your largeri? Is what your neighbor talling me? You don't be tiring me with this. You're sending me a picture in your linseraid sending you. I want to picture you in your job. I got a problem with that. You don't want to be a star. You don't know what to take to be a star. Know you don't do If you did that, I'm glad to be a start. How you gonna do it? If you ain't part of the larger raid? Because I'm not a protographic star, idiot. I got one more thing I need to say to you, though. What is you listening? What do you want? This is nephew tire me from the Steve Harvid Morning Show. You just got franked by your boyfriend. Oh my god, I'm so mad. Oh I can't wait till you get on here. Oh Michael, I have never been pumped in my life. I try to watch my language, but you know you made me mad. I bet you he won't see me and no lingeraie for about four to five months since he got game. I got one more thing to ask you, baby, tell me this what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvey Morning Show, God About thank You, Nephew, thank You? Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening to show, all right, guys in today's entertainment news to marrow my Houseley announced yesterday that she is leaving her TV show The Reel. She plays one of the co hosts, or she is one of the co hosts, I should say. Tamara has been on the show since the beginning when it included Tamar Braxton, Lonnie Love, Adrian Baylon, and Jeanie My. But yesterday, Tamara posted an Instagram that she's been with the show for seven years and her friendships with her co hosts and the interviews that she's been blessed to be a part of will last a lifetime. But all good things, she says, must come to an end. Tamara went on to say that she is looking forward to her next opportunities and spending more time with her family. So that's good. I mean, of course, she'll be missed um, she chose family though, well because they lost a man to seals as well. What you want to be on it? No, I'm ready to love. I'm just gonna stay focused on that's your own TV show, But I mean the real Yeah, I'd like to. Yeah, And that's usually how it works. When someone leaves, they fill the slot with someone else. I'm not kany, I stay in my lane. Seven years must be the magic number. Just what I was going after seven? Well, anyway, we will miss to marry and yet to answer your question, they do you replace you with someone else as a TV man? Yeah? Enough, or they get another sitcom? Yeah, they have to feel that slot. Yeah. Well. In other news, this is a crazy story right here. Empire star but Sheer Gray better known as Hakim Lyon, that was the youngest Lion son. He was arrested. Yeah, he was a new addition he played in new addition to yes he did, he should play Mike Bibbins. He was arrested Sunday night on the domestic violence charge police in Goodyear, Arizona, that's right outside of Fiend. Nick responded to a nine one one call from his wife, who said she had been assaulted by her husband. Now, I didn't even know he was married. I never knew that. Right. When officers arrived, Gray barricaded himself inside the home for about nine hours and refused to come out and speak with police. The SWAT team and crisis negotiators were called in, and he eventually surrendered without incident. He is charged with assault and disorderly conduct. And I mean, what a bizarre, crazy story period. Man. Okay, so what do they know about the story so far? Well, so far you know that not did you need any more domestic violences? Right, it's horrific, Aron, Right, Well so far you know they were fighting. His wife ran out to a gas station nearby. She asked for help. They took her to the High hospital. Uh they then they went to arrest for year. That's when they went to arrest him, but his wife was already in the hospital. She suffered minor injuries. He suffocated. He suffocated her until she passed out. Oh my god, yeah, what I know that that is a serious I don't know. Look, let me just say this about it to all young men listening, to all grown men listening, It's just not the way to handle it. Man. Abusing a woman is wrong. On so many levels. Yes, and there is there is no correct way to do it. And then there is no justification for if you're a man. You're a man, you know now, if you're defending your life, that's a whole other thing. But anything else, man, it's it's it's it's just unacceptable. It just is man in the eyes of all of most men that I know too. Come on, man, Yeah, you're stronger, you got you got you gotta be better than that man. You can't you can't get that man and put your hands on you can't do that. All right, Steve, let's move on. Now it's time to get caught up on today's news headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trip, thank you, Steve, Thanks everybody. This is and tripped with the news the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee. That's Joe Biden. Of course, he is putting out his first TV ad for the general election, and it's being launched in the traditional red state of Texas, where recent polls suggests at least now a surprisingly tight race. Biden's add as part of a six figure multi state rollout that deals with the skyrocketing number of coronavirus I got virus cases in the country. How that's affecting the economy and everything else, especially in the mostly Republican South. In fact, Texas has become political volatile in recent weeks because of that situation, and a recent Dallas Morning News survey shows Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by five points at least again that's just now. Joe Biden also, by the way, vowing to spend two traion dollars to shift the country away from greenhouse gas emitting energy if elected, saying he'd like to see zero emission electric vehicles, the construction of more energy efficient homes, including public housing units, something Biden says would be good for the people as well as the planet. Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is hoax. When I think about climate change, the word I think of his jobs, and Biden said he would make sure that those jobs are available if he's elected President. Trump meanwhile, has signed an executive order that will end the special treatment given to Hong Kong. Trump has cited China's recent moves to clamp down on freedoms in the form of British colony. Hong Kong had been a semi autonomous business reason for years and using years. So since that's changing, Trump says, the US is going to change to it to assigned legislation and an executive order to hold China accountable for its oppressive actions against the people of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Autonomy Act passed unanimously through Congress. This law gives my administration powerful new tools to hold responsible the individuals and the entities involved in thing wishing Hong Kong's freedom. Trump says that Hong Kong will now be treated the same way as mainland China. Washington DC football team, you know, the One, has officially dropped its controversial team name, considered racist by Native Americans, even though Donald Trump says Native Americans won't like the removal of it. That's what he says. In a statement, the team says it will to retire the Moniker. As for its new name, some of the possible new ones mentioned the Red Wolves, the Warriors, even the Red Tails, which of course would be a homage to the homage to the legendary Tuskegee pilots because they call their planes and units Redtails. Some of the team's major sponsors, like FedEx and Pepsi. They also support the name change and finally, today the deadline of fire incump taxes. You gotta get it in or file your paperwork electronically by midnight tonight, or requesting extension on the IRS website. What Kisses? Now Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show justice for Brianna Taylor say her name. Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha William was arrested during a massive demonstration outside the home of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who has yet to file criminal charges against Louisville cops involved in Brianna's death. Porsche was hauled away from Cameron's home with her wrists and zip ties as protesters chan at Brianna's name. Louisville Pete tells us that Porsche was cited for criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and intimidating a participant in legal process. Porsche was one of hundreds of people arrested at the protest, along with love and hip hop star Yandy Smith and reality TV star and activists Tamika Mallory. As you know, Kentucky's ag has been under fire for quite a while now for posting pictures of his engagement party instead of drilling down on the case. With no arrests or charges in the case, protests have continued in and around Louisville. It's been more than four months since three Louisville cops served a no knock warrant at the wrong address, mind you, shooting and killing Brianna Taylor in her own home. Brianna Taylor, say her her name? Yeah? Wow? Wow? What is taking so long? The judicial system, it's doing what it always does. Look like, it's allowing the police to get their act together so when they come out, they'll all be on the same page. Oh yeah, Oh well. The objective is for no police officer to have to suffer any time for performing an act of duty. That's that's the goal. But you at the wrong house and the man and she was looking forwards in jail. But what what what? There's no answer to this. No, I mean, look, it's fouled. It's a huge debacle on the police department's part. Now a woman is dead because the state they made exactly a huge, huge mistake that they made, and now you don't get to say, oh, I'm sorry, my bad and somebody has lost their life. You don't get to do that. And you don't get to say, well, we don't know exactly who fired the fatal shot. You don't get to say that everybody was there. In real life, it don't matter who fired a shot. If you with the people that commit the crime, your ass is guilty too. It's called mandatory police sentencing. We just need to have them accountable for the same laws they are sworn and paid to uphold. You can't swear to uphold the law and then be allowed to break it. Yeah and yeah, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, while Nick Cannon, our friend, friend of the show, Nick Cannon is fired from wilding Out. We'll talk about it right after this. We'll see what happens. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Well, wow, Nick Cannon has come under fire after a conversation on his podcast. Cannon's class was deemed to contain racist and anti Semitic language. The June thirtieth episode, which was flagged by a Jewish blogger on Sunday, contained a ninety ninety minute interview between Nick and former Public Enemy member Richard Griffin, best known by a stage name Professor Griff. In the interview, Nick made comment that were said to spread views of anti Semitism. Nick was dropped by media giant Viacom CBS on Tuesday. They said in a statement, Viacom CBS condemns bigotry of any kind and we categorically denounced all forms of anti Semitism. We have spoken with Nick Cannon about an episode of his podcast, Cannon's Class on YouTube, which promoted hateful speech and spread anti Semitic conspiracy theories. Nick Is tweeted and he posted a statement as well, Wow, what did Nick say? This is? This is kind of he said, Um, anyone who knows me knows that I have no hate in my heart, nor malice intentions. I do not condone hate speech nor the spread of hateful rhetoric. We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to promote unity and understanding. That's what Nick said in part. Yeah, because he tweeted, and you know, it's it's it's tough to watch people's careers taken from him when they make cancel culture. It's what we're living and it's it's hard man one one line and trusting. Believe I don't even know what he said. I do not even know what the comment is. I'm just making a comment saying it's tough, man, to watch people's whole career get taken away when they make a mistake. And I do know Nick, I do not know him to be a hateful person in any way. He's always been one of the coolest dudes. Man. I don't I don't know what was said, but at then, we also live in a climate, man, where everybody's on their toes right now, and you have to learn in this business and any business that anti Semitic rhetoric because they have watched dog and rightfully so, I wish black people monitored our culture the same way. Come on, I'm telling you, man, because again I wish black people monitored our culture the same way if we had watched dogs. Every time somebody called one of our women out they name in song or anything. Yeah, you know, I wish. I wish we honor to our culture and cared about our women and and and and things that's important to us as our culture the way the Jewish community does. And so look in in light of this climate, man, you gotta be you gotta be smart and and I did Nick Cannon too, man, and and I hate this is happening to him. And once again I'm making this statement not knowing what he said at all. Let me ask you this, what happens to a brother that has a show like Wild and Out? What happens to his show? Because he created that show, didn't he? I think so? I think he is part of the creator and executive producers and host. Yeah, and then he also hosts a mass singer, don't forget about that, and a radio show, right, and he has a radio show that's doing very well as well. Well. I hope he can recover from this. Okay, now I just read what was said. I just read what Nick Cannon said. I'm not going to read everywhere on this show. I'm not gonna do it. Here is the dilemma that we face now. We're in a climate where we have to be careful. We're in a climate man of political correctness, when the Me too movement climate, we're in the Black Lives Matter climate, and we're the climate where we have a president who don't care nothing about black lives, who don't care nothing about the gay community, who don't care nothing about immigrants, he don't care nothing about DOCTA. This man don't care nothing about banning Muslims. This man right here, it don't care nothing about the COVID. So when you got that up coming from the top man, it don't take much, y'all, It just don't real Yeah, wow, Um, well, we're gonna switch gears here. Coming up next, nephew in the building for the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject the Cookie Lady is back in town. Oh, the Cookie Lady is back in town. Wait till you hear that. All right, But right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nef Hey, drawls at the retirement home? What drawls at the retirement I guess you couldn't say that with sexy likes Steve Hunh draws at the retirement home. I know, but even that wouldn't work. Sexy you think draws at the retirement Say it's Steve. You ain't got to say out let you know, I know he's gonna throw y'all a little bit into something. But just to prove to you that love has no limit, we're gonna be talking about drawls down at the Senior Citizen Home. Yeah. So that's sound better than me. Yes, yes, sorry, sounds sounds bigger. Yes, come on, come on, come on, hey, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be slowing it down a little bit and we're on our way to the draws. You can't do it, let's go cat doc. Oh yeah, who's this? Who is this? This is Attorney David David? Uh huh, all right, this is Anthony Anthony. I was giving you a call. You used to work at the UH Senior Center, then I right, yes, okay, we got a bit of a problem here. Uh are you familiar with miss Yes, yes, older lady. That a Caucasian lady that's here at the center. Yes, okay, Now we got a problem. I know you retired in UH in December. But they're cleaning out her room, cleaning up her room. There's been some uh men's underwear found here and she's saying that it's yours. Well, then't you got a problem called I don't know where the ladies are that no here here at the center, Sir, they're claiming that. Then at the center you find the ladies and men underwear center was man or whoever or whatever and whatever. Now, I don't waste my time with that. If you're gonna call somebody, call somebody to get the state now, but don't waste my time with you. Have a nice day. Wait just a minute, sir. I don't want to have to I don't want to have to get officials to come down there. Oh your sir, mister listen, I don't want I want to. I want to try to do this without your wife finding out. But we need. I got a few questions I need to ask you tell your wife, you puppy, you man, that'll mester meased? Wasting my time? Come on, call it back, dog, Hey, this is ours. Please enjoy the music until I answer. Hello. Doris's t boor he didn't cuss up, but he keep hanging up. So, so I need I need you to help me out. I want you to u call from your phone and put us on three way and say, hey, you need to talk to these people. Okay, Hello, Hello, this is ours. Tony's right here. Um. I told him about the situation with so I just want him to clear it up so you can stop calling him. Okay, yeah, so this is an attorney, David. Is he available? I can speak with him? Sure, Hold on the second to David. Hello, Hello, mister Tony Anthony. Could you possibly tell me what's going on? Why we would find your your underwear and miss in her room? How you underwear? I'm sorry, sir, I say, ain't underwear? Sir, I don't. I didn't work here the younger the lady is saying that it's actually your underwear that's been in her room here at the retirement home. Well you got the room. This is a bad time to be messing with me. And where is you at anyway? Sir? I'm down here at my office right now. Who are you offer that? Do you need to come and see me? Yeah? I need to come see you. Who are your offer? Is that what seems to be the situation because I'm getting I'm getting a hostile You're sounding very hostile right now, sir. Yeah, Well I'm a hostile individual. Okay, we're calling me something about some old lady. You gonna call me about somebody calling me something about when you see yo. Yeah, sir, you're gonna watch your tone and you're gonna talk to me like you got some sense. Man, I ain't got to watch nothing. I'm an old man. I ain't got to do but die. I don't even pay taxes. What you want? You want to do something, you go here and only do it, but don't be called my numa. Normal. Okay, Well I want to tell you this. Yes, this is Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You have been prank phone call by your girl that's standing right there with your daughters. I would have kicked booth, y'all. Why do you do that? Time? What's wrong with you? Man? Man? Man, you know this ain't no good time for me. Man, I don't have time. Man, you mess it with you? Man, I'm i'm I'm in the studio. I'm in New York City. Man, yak Where you get a chance when you're going back your city? You stopped through tripping. Let me I'll ask you to put your picture on your side. She wouldn't know what you look like next time I see you. Oh man, you got you got, but you myseln't noticed. Woman, you got the wrong one. You should have had somebody else ain't gonna work you couldn't get that off. Craziest hell I hate when I got yourself from Miss Darthus. Hey, I gotta ask you one more thing, mister Anthony. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know what it is? All right? Now you have it? Draw. Yeah, I wouldn't live too far. I don't worry you. Oh wait too, Yes, playing with elderly, elderly people I play with. I played with people kids. I played with the doorman at the apartment building. I don't care Church Champ, I don't here if I had Trump's nobody swear pranking, I ain't laying to y'all. Do I wish you would? Yeah, that'd be your last prank. You think that'll be my last one? I'll do it. Yeah, y'all do it, secret service, black suit, sunglasses, all a lot of things be over for you. Hey man, hey man, give me thathing to that red phone. That's why I call that red phone. I ain't I call it, yeah, because it'd be your last damn pank your ass right after that. This prank was no conlusion. It was just a fun prank or something could do. All I did was calling said we're McDonald's when we could still unimore birds. Is it my imagination or is his hair whiter now his hair was a little more definitely brows. No, he's more orange. Oh, he's more so it made his hair look whiter. I go with tangerine. Every president usually their hair turns white while they're in office, especially if they get to make it for four eight years, two terms. Well, he worried about going to jail. Oh that's a whole compared to prior presidents. They just had the stress of the job. Yes, yeah, he gotta go. As my husband will say to the ban he worried about to write a book, to write a book. Roger Stone gonna put it in the end, quir it's just yes, yes, it is real deep, which says we still have to get out and vote. Yeah, these are jokes, but yeah, the serious business is getting out to vote every time you get a chance, and especially in November for the general elect. What we used to say in Chicago that was a little vote early vote, often, vote early vote often. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next, Strawberry letters subject the cookie Lady is back in town. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read that one right here, right now. That's what we're gonna. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject the Cookie Lady is back in town. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty three year old woman and I have a small group of friends who have all known each other since high school. We've been strict about quarantining, so we agreed to meet once a week for drinks and dinner. It's really helped us feel better and maintain us sense of normalcy with all the craziness going on in the world. About a month ago, another girl who went to high school with us moved back into town. But there's just one problem. She's slept with all of our husbands, yes, all of them. This girl was very promiscuous and yeah, she was very promiscuous in high school and was known for being the girl that all the guys went to for some easy cookie. She even gave a cookie away when she was in college. So now me and the group are concerned because she reached out to us and said that she would love to be in our weekly gatherings. The problem is that we don't trust her and we don't really think she's going to fit in well with us. Yes, it was a long time ago, but some of that resentment is still there. Also, she is still single and in much better shape than the rest of us who've had several children. We are afraid that our husbands will see her and have flashbacks of how she was in high school and college. My husband saw a photo of her on Facebook and said he couldn't believe how good she still looks. I'm not sure why he was comfortable enough to tell me that, but it really put me on edge. I called my best girlfriend and told her that I don't think we should bring this woman into our close knit group. She agreed. Do you think we're being overly sensitive about this? No, nope, I don't think you're being overly sensitive At all. I think you're right on point. I think you have a reason to be concerned about girlfriend. This woman, the cookie lady as you call her, has slept with all of your husbands. They weren't your husband's then, But you know that was a long time ago. But the thought of it probably still pains you a little bit or something. You still feel some kind of way about it, and you know this woman could be trouble. She could be trouble. You don't know. Can people change, Yes, absolutely they can change. Most definitely did she change? We don't know who knows if she's changed or not. But there is a reason you don't trust her. I think I would take this as a wake up call, though I really would. I'm switching gears here a little bit. I would take this as a wake up call because your husband, you said in the letter, commented when you showed him a picture of her on Facebook that she still looks good and he felt very comfortable saying that to you. Red flag. So she's in great shape, you're saying, and you guys aren't because you've had children, you know, which means that your friends aren't in good shape either. They've had children too. And you said several So I think what you and your girls could do and maybe should do instead of meeting to drink, you know, with the whole group drink and eat, maybe just the ladies could start like a diet club, start working out together. All right now, I'm going remember that comment, right, I mean, maybe you guys him not a down and and uh you know, so I think maybe to something like this, you ladies can invite the cookie lady h you know, to join you for something like that, just the girls, just the ladies, no men, no husband. This way, I think you ladies will have a chance to meet with her, feel her out, you know, see if if she's changed, See if you guys want to take it any further with her, if you in the in the future do want to bring her around your husband. You got to see. People do change. But I think you know, if you're feeling not so good about the way you look because of what your husband said about her, that's a good time to meet up and do something about it. Steve, Well, normally I don't start at the back of the letter, but that's where Sherley you started. So I feel compelled to do the same thing. After this whole letter The question is do you think with being overly sensitive about this? No? Now, why do I think you're not being overly sensitive? Three things? I think y'all scared. I think y'all should be scared. And I think she could have changed, but your husbands ain't interested in change. Now, let us begin with the letter forty three went to college with this girl. You get together with all your friends, y'all, with the school, with doing the quarantine every friday, y'all having a good time. About a month ago, another girl went to high school with y'all, moved back into town. Here she comes, but it's just one problem. She has slept with all our husbands. Yes, all of them. Well, damn, how many of y'all listen? Because that ain't that ain't got a number, all of them, every last one of them. We need to do some testing in this little group here. What we need? We need to do some damn testing. Is this little group right here ain't child being extra frenny? Yeah, hey, lady, I know you didn't think we're gonna go like this, but I just want to throw that out. This girl was very promiscuous in high school. There's no being that girl that all the guys went to for some easy cookie. Everybody. She even gave a cookie away when she was in college. Oh so did what she do? Well? Hold on, hold on, and I blame she the stadium cons you know, concessions, Lady, cookie hal get your cook Cooka's hair. I am even calling it the cookie in the first place. With your book. Look, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hours, So don't go anywhere. Subject today of the Strawberry Letter, the Cookie Lady is back in town. Get your cookies here. We'll be right back. You're listening to show, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject the cookie Lady is back in town. Forty three year old lady got a group of friends. They went to school together. They all get together once a week doing this COVID to help but deal with the craziness day all being quarantined so everybody's safe. They feel comfortable one another. Um they got About a month ago, another girl from their school came back to town. But here's the problem. The girl is coming back to town to slept with all of the group's husbands. All of them ain't missed, no damn body clean, sweet total bow to everybody. Hey, hey cockas cockays cocka everybody. She just come out the castle and blow the trumpet. Cookcakes. Ah, you're crazy. She even gave the cookie away when she was in college. Now you and the group is concerned, and rightfully so, because she hadn't reached out and says she would love to be in on that weekly gatherers. How she finds out about the gathering. Oh for her to just come back into town for a month and find out about these weekly gatherings. Maybe one of your husbands said, you know what? They get together every Friday. Because if y'all surprised about it, where where did they get the information? Unless y'all small ass town is really really small. Now this whole group has been affiliated with one another. The first thing we need to do we need some testing done in this group. Let's just go back over there. We need some damn I'm testing going on in this right and it ain't COVID. I ain't talking about COVID. We need to get some testing done all right now the problem is that we don't trust her, and we really don't think she's gonna fit in well with us. Oh you don't think she'll fit in well with y'all, But you ain't ask y'all's husband, stiff, see what they think? Why you know? So, now here we go, people change, things change. Oh now she just slept with all y'all's men. Times have changed. It was a long time ago, but some of that resentment is there also now here we go. She's still single and in much better shape than the rest of us who've had several children. He'll go to damn problem right here, she still in Oh now, Sheirley surprised me with her answer, tombaut, since y'all get together every Friday, and y'all are a little worried because she's still fine. Shirley did what calling them won't let me ever do. I can't fashaine, nobody I get called out. Oh, but now you're talking about instead of sitting around drinking, why don't y'all's ass get together and eat the right damned foods instead of drinking, Why don't y'all have celery juice and chew on some carriage or something and try to get some of that weight off y'all's ass instead of sitting over here and there here comes this little, fine, little smoking ass thing that your husband saw on Facebook and had the nerve to tell you he couldn't believe how good she still looked. Don't let this girl in your group. She can't get in this group. It's a problem. She's a Facebook problem. Now you don't think your husband just said to the other husband, man, you've seen someone so girl, you need to see this thing right here. She still got it now, Shirley said. Now, first of all, your husband is stupid. Let me just exprass to your husband is the biggest damn idiot I've ever seen. Now, y'all gonna let her skinny ass in the group. Still fine, still banging, she's single, she ain't gave birth to no kids. Now here she comes. I don't think we have a solution to this letter except ukn't let her banging ass back in this group. You called your girlfriend and you told her you don't think that, and your girlfriend agreed because she looked her up on Facebook too and said, no, jeez, do you think we're being overly sensitive? No? I don't. Now do people change, Yes, they change, and obviously she has changed for the better, because when a woman getting in her forties and still holding it together. That's a bad chick right there. And if they get in their fifties and still holding together, that's a bad chick right there. Yeah. See, cause the chances of everybody holding it together in their forties and fifties gets slimmer and slimmer. So now you're gonna invite You're gonna invite the fat person to the to the pack eaton contest. How you think that's gonna work out? This is a sad thing, Yes it is, Yes, it is because Shirley and the cording to Shirley, it is gloom to do and all this happy hour y'all having start bringing Celery to these happy hours. As Shirley suggested, you could have had a va instead of that damn Margaret they got Scar'll picture that girl off of Facebook and bring it to the next meeting, y'all ask quit eating? All right? Thank you? Steve. Post your comments. I'm Today's Strawberry back and you sell us knowing the cookie Lady. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letters Steve RVFM on Instagram and Facebook. Steve, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. It is tax day, people. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, today is July fifteenth, tax day. Today is the extended deadline to file your taxes. The government pushed back the April fifteenth tax date due to the pandemic. So if you owe money for the twenty nineteen tax year, today is the day you must pay it back by eleven fifty nine pm tonight. Okay. However, if you're getting a tax refund, you need to get busy today filing your taxes and wait for your refund check to arrive by mail or by direct deposit. Please make sure you talk to a tax expert today if you can, and get advice on what you can do if you can't pay, or go to the IRS dot gov. Okay, if you can't pay, just go to the IRS dot gov and Steve, we have our very own expert. Yeah, if you can't pay, get your ass out the country. If you can't pay, leave now, get your ass out the country. While there's a lot of attension on COVID and stuff, Get your ass out and you got to go somewhere where where? What a ban? And travel? Go to a country where this president has banned travel. He ain't let nobody in the back in out of Mexico. You can go down, but they banning us. Nasty, Yeah, go to Canada. That's why I'm saying, Man, you're gonna really you gonna have to swim somewhere. You got to get your ass out the uninety state because listen, you pay them damn taxes. Yeah, you cannot pay maces. You ain't got cent Americans Press Day money. But who do you have? You're damn sure ain't got to pay sis because they bout damn they're going anywhere. And I used to tell people if you if your old seeds, don't wear about it because Walmart is squaling their ass, So don't even wear about that. But let me tell you something about this damn government. You has got to pay the government the damn taxes. Get your ass out of the United States, find somebody that's taken flights, and then fly from there. Nah, I don't know how this is gonna work for you. Recommend China, China, because he's starting to be pissed off with China. So you want to go somewhere where this ignorant president is pissed off, stay low on the radar, ain't behind him. Now, let me tell you, if you black, they're gonna know you that you're gonna stick out like a south I'm telling you so. And if you can't go to China, you're crazy. Suggested this Siberia because you know he liked poop. He liked poop. He's scared of poop. That's what I was just thinking about, Carlin, did he not? He he don't pay his tax he the president. But if he don't win this election, hey got his ass in New York is waiting. He gonna plane, had fly somewhere. Is to pay your taxes or get out out of get out of you. Listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of this foolishness on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right at go to Cuba. You're listening Stry Morning Show. Will and Jada are still trending big time according to People magazine. Willie Jada, Yeah, well, okay, come on here it is. They've returned to la They were on vacation together in the Bahamas. Yes, I said together in the Bahamas. People can confirm they traveled to the Caribbean Islands last week. Prior to Friday's release of you Know the bombshell Red Table Talk. We've been talking about it, the episode in which Jada revealed that she had a romance with August Alcina. She's forty eight or forty nine. He's twenty seven now while she and Will were going through a temporary separation. Of course, Jada said she didn't know it was temporary at the time. Prior to the Red Table Talk episode, August revealed his feelings for Jada in a podcast interview, and he said that I truly and really really deeply love and have a ton of love for her. I say something, yes, sure, after just a second story today, I want to send this message out to black people. Stay your ass off a podcast. I don't him a damn whose show it is. Stay your ass off of podcast, August Nick, everybody on podcast shit your damn mouth on these podcasts. Yeah, okay, now go ahead and share on that. I'm sorry, all right, Well, yeah, August Young August Alsina said he truly and really really deeply loved her and has a ton of love for her. He said he devoted himself to it. I gave my full self to it, so much to the point that I can die right now and be okay with knowing that I truly gave myself to someone. Boy, boy, listen to me. That's all that is. No, that's not. That's whipped. It sounds very romantic. No, No, it's it's it's not romantic. No, he's whipped. This is a totally whipped statement. If I die right now, if I die right now, I'm all right with that. What because I truly gave myself to somebody. You're twenty seven? What the hell are you leaving here for now? You ain't even fifty. You ain't even had the fun you gonna have, You ain't made the money you're gonna make. This is a whipped statement. I truly and really, really deeply love and have a ton of love for her love tons ton is the whip word in that ton of h I have a ton of love. So he was sprung, So sprung, that's what they're saying. No, and truly love. No, it's every man. Because he's twenty seven doesn't mean he can't feel real love. This is the ages that's the target zone for sprung whippment. I dated an older chick when I was twenty twenty years old. Lord, do to you about thirty one? I'm telling you you wasn't good. Boy. Let me tell you something. I rode a bike to her house with my You don't and the bike is supposed to be over at a body seventeen, Timmy, Timmy, I had a bike that I had, but my car went down. I rode a bike eleven miles to her house. What did she do to you? With the member's only jacket on? When I got there, everything on me was wet. That's too the Cleveland. It's what that's boy, A boy straight whipped. So it always comes from an older woman. Is that what you're saying? When you're young like that? Because you can be sprung off a woman your own, your love. It happens through the yeah, but when she older, you don't stand a chance. George Michaels wrote a song about it. Teacher, there are things that I still have to learn, all right, Coming singers out, Steve singers on out to turn us out, Coming out on Today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Look at his whole face. Okay, you want to subset it up? You ready, Holy let him lose, all right, Steve could let the song go um by George Michael. So he just do a little bit of it. Come on, see how boyd bye goodbye? And you're singing this about an older woman. This is all Sprong was twenty and she was thirty one, and he rode the bike over to her house. You don't know what this song means. I know what this boy August going through. Uh huh. I've been there. I didn't feel the danger. Now I feel the heat. You don't know how hot it is to you go over there? Wow, that look in your eyes? You the half farty. Some years I had to go crazy people looking at that damn tennis racing A hundred and fourteen dollars. Come and I will have more chips thirty three minutes after the hour. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Well wow. Nick Cannon has come under fire after a conversation on his podcast. Cannon's class was deemed to contain racist and anti Semitic language. The June thirtieth episode, which was flagged by a Jewish blogger on Sunday, contained a ninety minute ninety minute interview between Nick and former Public Enemy member Richard Griffin, best known by his stage name Professor Griff. In the interview, Nick made comment that were said to spread views of anti Semitism. Nick was dropped by media giant Viacom CBS on Tuesday. They said in a statement, Viacom CBS condemns bigotry of any kind, and we categorically denounce all forms of anti Semitism. We have spoken with Nick Cannon about an episode of his podcast, Cannon's Class on YouTube, which promoted hateful speech and spread anti Semitic conspiracy theories. Nick Is tweeted and he posted a statement as well, Wow, what did Nick say is? This is kind of He said, Um, anyone who knows me knows that I have no hate in my heart nor malice intentions. I do not condone hate speech nor the spread of hateful rhetoric. We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to promote unity and understanding. That's what Nick said in part. Yeah, because he tweeted, you know, it's it's it's tough to watch people's careers taken from him when they make cancels. It's it's hard man, one one line and trusting. Believe. I don't even know what he said. I do not even know what the comment is. I'm just making the comment saying it's tough man to watch people's whole career get taken away when they make a mistake. And I do know Nick. I do not know him to be a hateful person in any way. He's always been one of the coolest dudes. Man. I don't I don't know what was said, but at then, we also live in a climate, man, where everybody's on their toes right now, and you have to learn in this business and any business that anti Semitic rhetoric because they have watched Dog and rightfully so, I wish black people monitor our culture the same way. Come on, I'm telling you, man, because say that again, Steve, say that again. I wish black people monitored our culture the same way if we had watched dogs. Every time somebody call one of our women out, they name song or anything. Yeah, all right, coming up, it'll be our last break of the day. It's the last break of the day, and Steve Harvey will have some very enlightening closing remarks for us coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to show. Here we are last break of the day, guys on this Wednesday. Oh what a day now, this really has been a morning. Yeah. A lot of information, yes, yes, Poorsha Williams getting arrested, you know, being in Kentucky. You know Cannon Man, Yeah, Nick Cannon's story. Well, a lot of stuff going on this morning. But we'll keep you informed as we always do. We try to do that. And then there's the pandemic and then yeah, of course there's that. Then there's that with the president. Yeah, then we got to remember to vote and take it very seriously, very very seriously. This might be the most important election we've ever had. Yeah, yeah, it might be. You might be right about that. Yeah, you know, but anyway, more important, more important than Obama. And I thought that was well yeah, yeah, we thought we'd never see that, yeah, in our lifetime, because look, our parents and grandparents, a lot of them didn't get a chance to see it. Never thought it would be. I was glad my daddy saw that. Yeah, me and my mom as well. Yeah, yeah, moment of pride, all right, for sure? You ready, it's crazy. I'm sorry, No, go ahead, I don't say. My son is nine, that's the first thing he saw. Yeah, my daughter too. They don't know that it's not possible. They don't even know how big of a deal it is, which is so beautiful, which is really beautiful. And we have to continue this too because look, let me just say this, because you know, for Carler's daughter, for Tommy's son, for my grandchildren. Um, they're growing up in some different times than it was for us. We have an opportunity here to shape a different world for them than the one we had to grow up in. I didn't really grow up in great times, to be honest with you. Uh, it's it's it's been a dog fighting, a struggle the entire time for me. But guess what. It ain't just been for Steve Harvey. It's been for every other person of color that has been here. But life is a struggle for everybody, no matter what color or religion, or faith, or creed or nationality you belong to. Life is tough. Now you couple that and become victims of oppression. And racism, and boy, you gotta you gotta hell of a fight on your hands now. And that's what Black Lives Matter is saying. But we're not saying that other people's lives don't matter, because we do respect and honor that all lives matter. But what Black Lives Matters is really saying is can our lives count exactly the same way yours does? Do we not have that right as Americans? So what I'm saying with the Black Lives Matter movement is that I want to extend it to the polls, because if you go to the polls black Lives Matters, you get a chance to show the world who we are, that we are relevant, that we are significant, that we are important, that we are an integral part of the fiber of this country. Treat Listen, here is a truth at a fact. If it was not for slavery, this country you see it today, would not be the country it is today, not the greatness in it. Slavery built this country. Slavery paid the ultimate costs for this country to thrive and have the financial foothold that it had because of the millions and millions of people that were bought here for free labor. That's a fact. That's not a racial statement. That's a fact period. No one can argue that fact right there. Now that we are beyond the slavery years and we are dealing and grappling with the oppressionary measures that came behind slavery, which does exist, systemic racism, the judicial system, the laws, the red lining, all of this and all of that. Going to the polls is a way to show it. I'm just gonna keep saying this to us so we understand how really important we are. Every single politicians covets the black vote, with the exception of David Duke. That awesome. People who don't covet your vote, who don't care if you know they exist or not. And you can hear it in the rhetoric we have been hearing it for four years from the President of this United States. His newest comment that why we keep talking about this, White people are killed by police too. See once again, mister president, you keep missing what the Black Lives Matter movement is about. It's about can our live count the same way as everybody else live. We don't want to be created, we don't want to be given preferential treatment. We want to get the same treatment as everybody else. But if we go to the polls, y'all, and we show up in the numbers that we have in this country, we can affect an elation in election. We can change the outcome of election. And what greater statement could black lives matter than to show when black lives vote, you better know we matter now because we can determine whether you are in office or out of office, and that affects policy and everything else. And I just gotta tell you man, Listen to me, folks. We cannot take four more years of this because if this man is not faced with the have to get re elected part of it, you're gonna see some real damage done to this country in terms of race relations. And we may recover for that for a long long time. We have got to vote. Those are my closing remarks, and go be my closing remarks into election day. Vote votes out for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steven Show.