Tampa Bay Wins, Steve's Monologue, Junior New Poetry, The Weeknd and more.

Published Feb 8, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Tom Brady is the G.O.A.T. and UNDENIABLE is the word. Super Monday is LIVE!!! The Chief Love Officer says this to a lady, "The problem with sin. It cost you more than you want to pay and makes you stay longer than you want to stay." Steve, I mean Pastor Motown (my bad) breaks down the rules of gambling inside Church Complaints. The crew talk about The Weeknd's cinematic performance at Half-Time of the Big Game. Members of The Steve Harvey Nation called in to Ask Steve about Trump's impeachment and we get a friendly reminder from Philly. Something happened again that triggered Junior to give us another poetic gem. Big Dog is actual and factual with his thoughts about The Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Browns and Bills fans were really feeling Blue Cheese. Steve wrapped up the show with Brady, Jordan, the Black Lives Matter movement and more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like theming buck bus things. And it's true. Could it be Steve has listening to movie together for Stu Bar Please, I don't join ya joining me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turnout, turn got to turnmout to turnout to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby daddy, huh, I sure will. But good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Oh, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show, Boil Boil boy. I can't even tell you, man um. I've been doing some thinking and and one of the things that I wanted to mention today to you as one of the principles of success being grateful at all times. It's difficult to do. Being grateful at all times. It's very difficult to do. I find that to be true with myself. Now there are others that might be able to do it, but just just from talking and listening and and and living and learning, being grateful at all times is difficult to do, but it's necessary because it's such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what's going on, it's going to be all right. And it's hard to see that when things are not going in your favor, when things have turned so dramatically the other way, and it seems as though you're the only one in the situation where you're involved with other people, or someone got an accusation against you falsely, or somebody trying to do something to you unjustifiably, whatever the case may be. When it's happening to you, it does appear to you that, oh, my goodness, man, this is horribly one sided. So it is difficult. It's hard to do to be grateful at all times, but it's so necessary, and I just I just want to point out a couple of things to you. First of all, the difficult in being grateful in hard times is that number one, the present circumstances. Oftentimes it's just so pressing and so overwhelming that a lot of your energy is devoted to trying to come up with the solution for that, or trying to muster the strength to whether the storm, or trying to just brace yourself to try to get through it, and in doing that you don't it's hard to be grateful. It's hard to be grateful in pain, and I know it is. But here is the trick for me. This is what I've had to learn how to do, and I guess it takes practice to get here. It's not nothing you can just start doing right away. You got to practice it in small increments to really get it. What I've always had to say to myself and what I've learned to say to myself is this is happening to me because God is working me through something. This is happening to me because it's some form of tests that I have to pass in order to graduate to the next grade, that in order to be allowed to move to the next level. This is happening to me because there's something I need to purge my life, of my body, of my spirit, of something's purging in me. And when you purge something, it's it's painful. You know, It's like a person getting off drugs. The withdrawal is agonizing. I've been told and every documentary I've ever watched it it's an agonizing process to go cold turkey, to withdraw, to pull away after you've been doing something so long. And so I know that this process is tough when you're going through some pain, But when you're purging your system, when you're when you having to pass a test, when you're about to make when you're being made ready for the next level, that moment right in there, in realizing that that's what's happening, that's where you find the gratitude. That's where I found the gratitude. I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it, But that's where you find the gratitude. The second part of it is is that God has never left me in all the things I've done, in all the mistakes I've made, all the lies I've told, all the situations I've gotten myself into, from being greedy and wanting too much for me at the expense sometimes of other people, not doing it deliberately or in a vindictive way, because I've never had that spirit. I'm not a vindictive or mean person, but sometimes in my life, in wanting to do what I wanted to do, I didn't totally weigh out the cause and effect of the other person. I mean, can't just be real with you with that. I mean, how many times we had all done that look, it doesn't don't make you a bad person. You know, good people do bad things all the time. I just happen to have come to the realization that unknowingly and and not and not with malice intent towards a person. I've heard people looking at something I wanted to do without really looking at what the cause and effect would be on the other person. So in doing some of these things, I've created situations for myself. But God, through his grace and mercy, has allowed me to even get beyond that. So what I'm saying that God has never left me in spite of myself. He's always gotten me through. So that's the other part of it too. See that no matter what you're going through, you've got to understand that God has always gotten you through it. Now, hasn't it. Now that may not be the way you want it or the way you liked, But guess what, you can't do wrong and not pay for that. Now that that's not how this works, That's never going to be the case. But the great thing about God is he fires warning shots at us all the time. He gives us an opportunity to stop. You know, he don't fully punish us right away. Every time we do something wrong, now does it? You know eventually you're going to get caught doing whatever it is you're doing. You do understand that, don't you. But the first time, that close call, that was a warning shot for you to stop. Look, I know you're not perfect. I know we all sent us down here, so I know you're gonna make mistakes. One time. I know you was looking at her when you wasn't supposed to. I know you said something to him when you wasn't supposed I know you got with her when you know you wasn't supposed to. And I know you got with him when you know you wasn't supposed to. So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna fire warning shot and maybe you'll slow your roll this time. But we keep on though. See see see that's what happens. See we just keep on and then the next thing, you know, we get caught. Now, old Lord, have mercy, I won't out of this. Yeah. Well see you didn't dug this hole pretty deep, and he gonna get you out. But there's some things that's got to go down now because you didn't pay attention to the warning shot. See had you stopped the first time, you felt bad about it and said you wasn't gonna do it no more, the situation wouldn't be as critical. But because we don't stop, and we go again. But God always for gives, He always allows us to get back up again. He always gives us mercy, He always gives us his grace. He always does that. You're listening. One, two, three, four, five oh eight. We can stop all this conversation. We can end all the debates. Stop offering up your terms of engagement, your invalid factors of proof. It has been decided on last night that the greatest team sport athlete of our time it's Tom Brady. I know some of y'all got your finger in the back of your throat, but you gonna have to give it up, y'all of what lady and gentlemen to Steve Harvey Morning Show on the heels of History. Last night. You saw it, I saw it, A lot of people saw it. Tom Brady is the goat. The debate is open for anybody that wants to offer other things. I will listen now, I will listen. You can you can start telling me what all everybody else did, and they sport. I listen not changing my damn Ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey Morning Show dedicated to greatness, Sirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve. Happy for the goat, Happy for the goat? Yes, Collin for real, he is the goat. But you're the goat too. You're a goat too, So there we had might have to take my statement back my Tom Junior Morning up man, Thank you for a great time yesterday. Man, what a super Bowl party I had with just me up? It was packed super Bowl party. Oh my son went and showed up for about a quarter and then he left. I guess it was too dry for him. Yea obeyed? Yeah yeah, yeah, I'm watching the super Bowl with my daddy and a potential crisis. So let me get over that. Leda finish your introduction? You didn't You didn't finish well? Who else is he? Anybody else on the zoom? Oh? Oh okay, just checking make sure my zoom is okay. So your nephew, where is he? Always? Super Monday? I'm right I'm right here. Oh hey dog, what you on zoom? I'm right here? Yeah, listen to him? Are we talking to love for you? Jumping? In the air trust when people can see him. Well, all right, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about Super Bowl fifty five, and of course ask the CLLO right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show, all right, right before we get to the CLO Steve, what a game? What a game? What a game? Super Bowl fifty five in Tampa Bay, Tom Brady, Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat the Kansas City Chiefs thirty one two nine. No no, no no, no, no, what y'all talking about field goal kicker? You talking trash this morning? What was y'all? Land? We'll talk more about the Super Bowl all morning. I mean, the performances were great from Jasmine Sullivan and Eric Judge. I'm a I'm a new fan and Jasmine Sullivan jazz yes, yes, oh Lord killed it, yes she did, Yes, killed it with the country singer. Yeah, Eric Church. She was beautiful and flawed. Oh that was That was the boss performance of the night right there. It really was, It really was. So we'll talk more about it Alicia Keys and her Okay, all of that, but right now it is time to help. Someone asked the CLO is upon us are you ready, Chloe, Steve Hardy, Yeah, let's go. This one is from Clyde and Georgia. I'm forty four and I'm going through a terrible divorce because I got cheating. I got caught cheating my I've put me out and gave most of my clothing to goodwill. We live in a small town and everybody knows our business. I'm starting my life over and I'm working on co parenting for our two sons. My soon to be ex wife is still better and she's making my life hell. She'll never forgive me, But is there any way I can get her to be civil in front of our boys? Nope, Nope, to the club homing d no, no, no. Mine wasn't fun at not saying I didn't. But I ain't get caught all the time. We're keeping it one hundred dog ain't ain't nothing dog dog dog. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. She felt scorn. Here it is Pardner. Dig in, buckle up, hold on tight. This is the straw beheaded him, hey man, And it's gonna go on for years, years until she finds somebody else to make her feel good about herself. Tag you it. The problem with sin. It costs you more than you want to pay and makes you stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem with sin. Welcome to the damn clue, say welcome to sin. All right, here we go Shy in Delaware. Thank you, cello. I'm thirty three years old and I'm single. I started going to a new church in my area and I have a crush on my pastor. I damned him on the IG to tell him that he's very handsome. He said to be sure to introduced myself on Sunday, So I did or one Sunday. He dmmed me that same night and asked me to meet him across town at a restaurant in front of a hotel. He's engaged, so he's not off limits. But I think he's trying to meet up to have sex since we're going so far away. Or could it be that he's trying to get to know me? Please advise? What do you think and what do you care? And what did you DM him for? All? This is happening the way you wanted it to happen. Now you want some advice. Most restaurants just crossed the street from a hotel. Some damn well. But I'm gonna tell you right now. The little restaurant you're meeting up in front of, it ain't that swan care of a place, because the Quinta Ends is always over that by Shawnees, and Red roof Is is always over there by Waffle Housing. Now you got to make up your mind. I don't know what kind of churches is. I don't know if it's no big one than nothing like that. But most restaurants is over that by a hotel. Now, yes, he's engaged, but you summar so he's not really off limits? Then what you DM the man for? And you gotta crush on him? Eddie invited you to dinner and you gonna girls stop? What what? Right away? And I tell you one thing. He ain't no old pastor either because he got DM skills. I still don't know how to get into my DM. You get a notice and everything. No, let me tell you something. I don't know how to get into DM. I don't know how to post nothing. When you see something on my Instagram, somebody on my team has been posted, I don't even know how to post. Well that's cool. And I had to make people take stuff down yeah. I don't know half to stuff up there until I get a text from one of my old a friends. I see you boy, what all right? So you know she's in for a ride with the pastor all right? Literally all right? Donna in Vegas CLO says, I've been single for the past few years, so I took matters into my own hands, and I'm dating three men because the old way of dating didn't work. I spent four years with a man that wouldn't marry me, so I decided to have three options instead of wasting time with one. God, my brother said, I need to tell the men I'm casually dating so I don't get caught up in a situation. Men don't warn us when they're seeing a bunch of females at one time. It sounds so crazy for him to suggest that should I tell the men or not? Well, because there's double standards, and your brother knows as double standards period. So like, let's suppose you do like one of them. But let's suppose in this plan that you have of creating three options, that one of those options actually goes, Wow, that's wifey material, and then he finds out that you've been dating two other dudes. You falls off the wifie wagon right fast. So now where you at And that's why he's saying you got to be fourth, right, so you can put all out. The ones that's in it to win it are the ones that don't care who you seeing. See your brother smart now to tell you that. Or you could just play your game out. You know, he could work out for you. You could play your game out. He could work out for you, but it probably won't because it don't work out for guys either. Yeah, yeah, we do it, and but do we get away with it? No? No, you know it right? All right? Thank you, Cello. Great advice as usual. Coming up next Church Complains, Robend Motown Deacon Deaf Jam in the building. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, trending national and entertainment news, Super Bowl fifty five, the commercials. We'll talk about the tenth annual NFL Honors, hosted by a very own Chief Steve Harvey. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, But right now it is Super Monday and it is time for Church Complaints with Reverend motown and Deacon death jam we yeah, gavel old grogaciously, we motiffictonis lead posculate in the way that he would have us diconomize we are, I said, diconomize. I'm preaching now you we are here to gavel on this Monday morning to hell. The differentiation of a nunciation of complications or situation. Look at that now, don't you don't human now? And these is the church complaints I passed at the The church commercial did not add that was supposed to add. You know, we paid three hundred dollars for the commercial that air and uh, it didn't run. And they want to sue CBS, but it's that our commercial did not run. So you need to talk to the powers that be. But we paid three hundred dollars for our commercials to as we didn't or Deacon, based on the prices of the super Bowl commercial, your three hundred dollars allows you to say that you had submitted or commercial. We paid three hundred dollars path and we won't. We won't. We won't, we don't and and and and for the three hundred you get to do just what you was doing right now. You just to say you submitted for commercial They not airon or damn thing for three hundred dollars, not CBS, TBS or ups and don't do anothering for three hundred a man, Come on, all right, this this is a situation with you. Now. The J P j J booking House made a lot of money off the Big Game yesterday. We noticed you left right after the game ended and didn't pay out. Now, uh do you when do you pay playing to pay these members? Because you owe a lot of money. You oh, oh, and and and and and let me ask you something or decon, why do our old money for the booking? What? What? What was the situation exactly when we had the Super Bowl pool and you you, um, you better? I almost about a thousand dollars. You had different squares, but you didn't win. But you I also owe some people some man answer, I'm trying to figure out high is I'm betting on squares but then lose on squares. You see, am, I can't be the bet tall and the bed t See y'all don't know the rules of gambling, but I didn't see. I didn't start the pool. The pool was started by Deacon death Jam. This is his pool. Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I gonna put it on me now. See I put the thousand dollars work square? Who I give my thousand two? Did I give to you? Yeah? But hello, that's because you came to me with the square game. I bet my thousand What you didn't know was down at the boocket house. I bet fifteen hundred old a Hume braidy that, y'all problem, fifteen hundred dollars. You didn't go through me. You're supposed to go through me on that you said, I went down to the booking house professionals. Yeah, as a pastor. Well, I have it on my phone. It's an altital I didn't know you was betting you. You're not telling me everything you're doing. Now, that's a problem already, World, World, that's gonna forever beat or problem? All right, let me keep moving. Listening here Andy read the Kansas City coach is asking that y'all that we pray for time Brady to retire so they can possibly go to the Super Bowl again next year, maybe win. They want you to talk the time about not coming back. That's what they want you to do. Or maybe you didn't understand my or prior statement, I bet asked him to do anything except give me a hood the goat all right pastor looking here? The halftime was just a damn I'm sorry, was a disaster. And the Death Choir is in an outrage that they didn't get to perform, and they say, you know, the Weekend can't hold a counter to them, and they mad that they didn't get to perform. I'm gonna need you to talk to the Death Choir because they said they could really have done a lot better job than what he did. I actually thought that Death Choir was the background day you did pass. Why do you think that like on them? I thought the Death cho was in the background dancer for the Weekend. Thought they made it so I thought, you know or Deacon death Jam being a member or capa officer. You know they who they? You know they wear masks when they performed. Wait, wait, wait a minute, night, I didn't know we was bringing opportunities and we never bring ours into the wh you just well, I did cast Cappa sometimes performed with mask on, so that half opera mask of the white Man, which I've never understood why y'all would be, And sometimes the performed with they shirt South and sweating, and that's that's all. All. That's fine and good. You know, we take our share, But why we will wear a mask of a white man? That's what wonder what was going on with? You're not gonna kid can't do this to kids now, you're not gonna do it. Now. I would come out, I wouldn't say nothing wrong. I would talk about this voice and my old hand. I want you to understand the question. I was not saying anything was wrong with it. I was wondering about it. Well, I ain't never won't no half white man mask. But what you're not gonna do is come out. That's what you're not going or you as a capital y'all, I ain't nothing. Well, I've just seen it on a lot of times. I don't know what that is for y'all worth it man? Okay, Well, one most suggestion like that, ain't you're gonna get half I ass whipping that because you tell me I bought half a white man. I ain't want to know half a white man. Well, I'm not talking to a cuter half a ass. Whooping is all you're gonna be able to issue because your gonna be for you not then this is gonna be still half but don't think you can't get your behind whipped. But maybe coming out well, I'll tell you what ain't gonna go to a half man, white man that ain't name. The national news right after this, you're listening to show in today's trending news. As we all know, the Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs and Super Bowl fifty five. Yeah they did, They really did. Also, trending singer The Weekend promised he promised a cinematic experience with his Pepsi super Bowl halftime show, and he definitely delivered. That's exactly what it was. During his set, did you see, Yeah, it kind of appeared like an angel descended from the sky. Did you pay attention to that? Yeah, yeah, before revealing like, huh, what'd you say? I didn't understand a damn thing. But y'all go ahead them go here, go ahead, you can go ahead and do what you're doing. But I didn't. Weekend last week Thursday Fried, I understand a damn thing. All the young people that I talked to loved it. Yeah, okay, with an old person over here fifty three, I ain't understand a damn thing, so go here. Anyway, the angel appeared, It looked like it was an angel before revealing this wall of background singers and dancers wearing plastic masks, masks that you were talking about earlier in the show, Steve. Then he performed Steve. Steve wasn't talking about any plastic masks. Motown pastor Motown. Oh sorry, yes, Pastor said, they don't. They don't know Pastor Motown is Steve. Well, they know it, but you have to separate the two. Where you talking to professionals like me and Tommy. Oh okay, yeah, but there were there were mixed reviews Tommy on the Weekend's halftime performance. A lot of people loved it. A lot of people didn't love it so much or didn't understand it like you, But I liked it. I didn't understand the damn thing I'm saying Weekend's music though, Yeah, I like music, but half time I didn't understand the damn thing. Well, I his dancing skills is equivalent to mad and that's what I was concerned about. Our scoring. But it was it was a big show. Though it was, it was big halftime. I could have done the steps he was doing. He looked like he did all of Michael Jackson moves for a sixty five year old. We're not gonna quite moonwalk. We just gonna malwalk, all right, guys. So let's talk about the commercials. Uh, which ones were your favorite? Okay? There was a State Farm one with uh, you know, Jake from State Farm and then Drake from State at the same time. It was Yeah, that was cute. Cardie B popped up on the set of Wayne's World to promote Uber eats. Yeah, that one. That was cute. Yeah, I like that one. Yeah, sad the entertainer Steve had won the Butt night, you know, and him and post Malone. Yes, man is always in super He's always in Supervio. Yeah. My favorite, though, was Tracy Morgan appearing in those pretty sure Rocket mortgage commercials were good. Yeah, love love love those and of course the fan favorite, um uh Michael B. Jordan as Alexa. Yes, yeah, that we talked about that one last. Yeah. A lot of feel good type um bringing together, coming together type commercials too. Um. Fairly that movie looks good. Old It's called Old Yeah Old. Yeah, Yeah, that looks good. Yeah. When you go to this Island as a young person. And oh I saw that. Yeah yeah. And did you see the Coming to America too trailer? Yeah? Yeah, waite that. I can't wait for that one. I really can't. Any favorite stick out in your mind, Steve. I didn't really watch him tell you the truth, be honest with you. Oh yeah, very long, but it was good. It talked about unity. The country was a jeep ad. Yeah, yeah, I didn't. I didn't really watch him. I saw the one where where the little caption said, you know, you could have just told us it was a boy. You know, the blue the blue powder blue up on commercial. Yeah. Yeah. And finally something you did see, Steve, because you were part of it. You hosted the NFL Honors. Uh, Saturday night, Saturday Night? Blue cheese? What you were? Blue cheese? You were? I missed what you had on? Thought, Oh what, man? Come on, talk about it? Black and white? No, you talk about I want to be you know what I mean? I just had it on. Well, what was the fabric? Was it silk? Because it was beautiful? It was the black and white and white? Yeah. No, it was like a stretch. It's had a little stretch to it. It was like a. It was like a linen silk. Oh okay, it was really nice. The jacket black and white bold print. Then he had on black tuxedo pants with a white shirt and a white bow tie. Tommy, you missed. That was good? It was yeah yeah. And then and then he had on this leopard jacket, same fabric I think with I think what Monica call diamonds all over it because it was sparkling everywhere. Yeah, they weren't diamond it was beautiful, Yeah they were. They were fake glitter, but it was beautiful. Yeah. You really. Yeah, you did your thing. You did your thing. Now, how was that for you? Performing? I mean, you know, I mean it's it's hard. There's no crowd, I mean, you know. And and I thought, I'm on even doing it. Steve, Please, we've got to get your monologues. You're just famous, now, come on. Please. And so we did it, I mean, you know the reviews. Yeah, yeah, the reviews, uh, you know, we're viral. So it was good, you know, I felt I felt good about it. Not to have an audience, you know, I thought the jokes was timely, you know, I did, I did. I did some stuff I thought was funny. You know, and it was all right. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, our resident poet Junior is here. Oh wow, he's gonna bless us with a brand new poem. Right you're listening, Steve Harpy Morning Show. Well she did it again. Youth poet Laurea Amanda Gorman honored team captains and frontline COVID nineteen heroes in her poem Course of the Captains. During the last night's Super Bowl, Young Amanda was outstanding yet again. We just simply love her. We do, Yes, Shirley, I wanted to say this. I was. We had a two man Super Bowl party, Junior and I kid, y'all not. We were sitting there watching it when the young girl came out and started doing the boy junior face twisted face. Sideway said, j's you for real? Yeah, because she's dragging me. She is dragging me. She's so talented competitive, Well he said dog, he said, dog, she got me again. Well, not to be out done, our very own residence poet Junior is here with the new poem What you got, Junior? Here we goes. This is from Tom Brady. Listen from Tom Brady, and the poem is called who's too old? Here we go, not the coach or the QB. Because the coach is sixty eight and the QB is forty three. Who's too old? You say we passed our prime, but we just sold TV old beach young boys behind. They was talking about retirement, putting me in a home. Brady's name never came up. It was my homes, my homes, my homes. And here's to all the old people. Don't stand up, stay seated, because Brady gave my homes of buck whooping, the buckwhooping that he needed. So here's to the old people. Yesterday was your day. And did you know that coach of Tampa is just as old as Jay? That's Japany Brown the end. Take that, amandergord Man. Man, I'm gonna keep fighting girl. So let me tell you this. So Julia asked me doing the Super Bowl. He said, oh, you didn't tell him I did poetry. I said, yeah, I did. I submitted foulk samples from the show to the NFL. Yeah, I say that's why he asked out there right now? Yeah, because you didn't get Roger to day, none of my poets to keep fighting day. Yeah, she's dragging me right now. She's killing you. G This is old. If I see her at the Grammars, I know I'm over. Oh yeah. Her poems are always on point, and so are yours. She did a great job. Yea. She really such a talented young lady. All right, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. What's on your mind this morning? Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. You're listening, all right, Si, and time to the people. Let's go talk to us eight seven seven Steve, huh, go ahead, Shirley Lime one. Honey Graham, Honey Graham. I like that name, Honey Graham. Out of Are you hey, Honey Graham? And how you doing good? How are you, Honey Graham? I'm great. It's such a pleasure to speak to you guys. Okay, what you got, Honey? I listen to see what I have. I just want to know. Do we feel I mean, do you guys think that Donald duck? I mean, Donald Trump is going to get away with um? Is he going to be I responsible for his acsence for insight and a riot? Or is he gonna get away like he normally does? Well? In my opinion, I think because a lot of this is gonna have to be inhald in the Senate, and I don't think the Republicans are going to make a move to convict him. I think they're are mostly comprised of cowards. I think the Republican Party is more concerned with power, position and money than they are justice, equality and rights and morality or immorality. They've lost their moral compass to that party. To Donald Trump, I think that the Republican Party became the Trump Party for real. I think they're scared of him, and I think that they're not gonna do much now. He is going to pay in another way, I wish they would impeach him, because if they would impeach him, that means he would lose Secret Service protection for the rest of his life. He loses the salary, and he's unable to run again for political office. And all I want is him to not be able to surface again and in the political front. And I think these people are gonna find out how he's self centering he is once and for all, because he's gonna desert him because once he finds out he can't run for political office again, he's gonna he's gonna disappear he don't care about people, you know, he just cares about himself. Now, do I hope, Yes, I hope he does pay. But now New York gonna make him pay for all his crimes. They're not playing, They're waiting. He all this divulgion of taxes and all of this and hiding all this here. He gonna he gonna need a lot of money. So that's my opinion, and that's my hope. But he will pay on some level because I mean, just simply put, I mean, God don't like ugly, so and he has been very ugly. That's my opinion. Honeygram Let's go to line too. Steven talked to Donald out of Philly and Donald out of Philly. Two of my favorite names as my brother and my uncle's name is Donald, and I love Philly one on five point three sound like Philly to meet? Yes, sir, what's happening for that? What's happening to crew? How you're doing? Yeah? Hey, I just want to say that, this is Donald the NASCAR guy with the children's book. I haven't talked to y'all in the wild, but I just want to say, yeah, I just want to say that in the middle of all this stuff been going on, It's been one of the best years for me and my wife and my family. We got a daughter in community college. We got a new book. We got a new book, and I'm dealing with some of the people from Shark Tank with it. And I just want everybody know just to be a courage because in the middle of all this storm, God still take care of his people. Come on, boy, right now, right, Thank God does his best work in the middle of the storm, because that's when he's most needed and most sought after him. You seek him, you shall fine. Ain't no doubt about it. Boy, Twenty twenty was a rough year, but but but I have some amazing things happened in my life. All right, let's try to get one motion. Thank you, don Let's go to line three and talk to Camilla out of Michigan. Camilla, Camilla, Good morning everyone. I listened to you guys every morning driving to work. So since I got a break as an educator, here's my question, when do educators become frontline valuable that we are able to get the shot. I have friends in California, California and New York, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, some of them have not even been vaccinated, although they've been asked to register for it. Yeah, well, I agree with you. It's to my understanding that they're in the process right now doing it because in Georgia they're moving now because I just saw the news and have a lot of educators lighting up. It's been slow. It's been slow because the previous administration had no plan for administering the vaccine. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on a fast catch up pace, so it's gonna happen. But you all are very important to the call, so please don't give up. You all love our education. We do, we really do. Thank you, Camilla, appreciate all the calls today. Coming up next the nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Stry Morning Show Who stay out to water Fall? Random coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject the little Gremlin is here to stay. We'll get into that a little bit. Yeah, okay, okay, right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for a nap edible fruit? Delivery edible fruit delivery. Somebody sent you on every ninety you got into the phone. Check it out. Let's go cat Hello Storage, How can I help you? I'm trying to find a Chad. He's not in right now. How can I help you? Oh? Okay, all right, I'm sorry man. What's your name's? My name is Perkins. I actually have a delivery, uh, edible fruit delivery for Chad, and I'm trying to make sure I got the address and everything correct. Oh um, well, who's it from? I think it's from you? You? Um? Your name is? What's your name is? Devina? I didn't order any any edible arrangements? Okay, there's Fort Valentine's let me see ye. That definitely must be a mistake. Are you sure I was in? Chad ordered some edible arrangements from me? I think after that might make some sense. Oh it's for a Chad. Okay here this? Who's who? Who sent this? Miss the reader? The reader? Oh oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not me at all. I'm Devina and that is a name. Why she would send anything? Right, I'm but the name that's a totally different persons. Okay, So do you know the Reda Clark. Who is there? Oh that's not someone I associate where personally. That's Chad's ex wife And that doesn't make any sense for her to be sending us to anything. So you don't you don't even have I don't think she sent us. Did she didn't send it. She said this chance, she didn't send it to you. Okay, well, I'm just gonna let you know we don't need that delivery, So thank you. Anyway, you can go ahead and um and you could keep that for your on hold on, hold on, miss um, don't less y'all say right name, don't worry, don't don't don't worry too much about that. If I don't make my deliveries, I don't get paid. I have to deliver these of this edible fruit. Man, I doesn't make any sense. So now I'll just discard it myself if you if you need to bring it. But I'm sure I have to bring it. But let me ask you something. I mean this, lady. I mean, I'm not trying to pry into anything, but I mean, have you have you bought him anything for battle? There? No, I haven't, but I have plenty of time to get about something that don't make sense to me? Why why haven't you about it? All right? I don't think you need to worry about what I get from my man or what I don't get from my husband. All right, that's none of your concerns. Well is concerned about making sure he gets something. I'm sorry, who am I speaking to? My name is Perkins, okay, and I already told you we don't need know God delivery. I don't need you ask me questions about what I told you my married all right, Well, I'm try. I'm not gonna fight to fight with you on phone, but I canna be two fools here argument. I'm all true. We don't need anything what no I need? Women, you don't need to be questioning me about what I do or don't do for my husband. That's absolutely none of your God business. I need to know Chad is gonna be there so mister Chad might want. Don't worry so much about Chad. This is our family business, family business. I'm his wife. Do you understand what that means? I'm his wife. I understand it. But ever thenly his ex wife want him to have his fruit. If you want to be pissed me on Chad, and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna come delivering nothing to you and you're gonna throw it away. This is Chad's fruit basket and she did she sends you? Did you read to send you specifically? I just want to understand what the hell is going on because you seem really invested in in my husband's ex wife. I don't even understand why, but it's gonna piss me off. So I want some answers. And you use the right word. You're not invested in Chad? Why haven't you bought anything for Chad's why perk fruit Perkins. I'm gonna need to speak to your guy and manager because I'm getting real upset right now and you don't want no problems with me, So why don't you hand over your manager of the phone and we're gonna settle this, me and your manager And I don't want to ever see you because I don't even know what I'm gonna do. I've been so disrespected on this phone call right now? Will am I hold them in day? So why don't you pass your manager of the phone. I'm not friend to put you on the phone, manage to put me on the phone with your manage. You don't have some to me. I'm gonna call back. I'm gonna make sure you get fired. But disrespect to me. You're taking your anger out on the ex wife and you're taking it out on me. The anger that you have for her, you're taking it out on me. That's what you're doing. No, I'm taking out the disrespect that you keep laying on top of me, like like you don't know how to talk to somebody. I don't stand how you have this job, calling me disrespected me like this. All I'm saying is the lady won't chad to have this proud bask In business. None of your business. So, like I said, give you manager the phone because I'm seated it that you're fired. Okay, okay, all right, can you hold on for a minute. Yeah, I can't hold on. Go ahead any time. This is the man's wife. She don't want me to deliver the stuff because the ex wife is who sent it to him, and she don't want serious. So now she got the attitude and she's cuts in at me and I've been talking crazy to her and I haven't the boots stuff. It's fight for him, the fruit bask I need you to just give you manager the phone. If that's enough explaining, I'm gonna tell him what over. Hello much film, I speaking with Liz Hi. My name is Davina, and I need to talk to you about your your customer service delivery person, whatever he is. I have been so disrespected on the phone. I've never been met with such hostility on the phone before. At this point, I just I just want to put this behind me. I just want you to take it. Make sure you speak to him, penalized him as if he doesn't understand where he just did. But he just speaks. I will, I will, I will. I will definitely reprimand him for that. And I don't want him make no delivery, not to my not to my place, to this. I'm here on Friday all day. I don't need any delivery. I don't want him to make the delivery. But can I ask you a question? Delivery? I'm sorry, go ahead, Okay, I can't take it. I can't take it. Listen. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. All right, your husband Chad got me to prank phone call you. I'm sorry, what this is, Nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Mourning Ship. Your husband Chaid got me to playing phone cars. Oh mus dank God, I believe this. I husband got your girl. Wow, I'm so stressed. I'm gonna kill my husband. Let me ask you something. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? The Steve Harvey Morning Self for short? Who you play? You have it? I'm playing with people about fruit Devita Derita Perkins. Get that name Perkins. But you know what to do? But to get indignant though, Oh but she gonna get him something. But you ain't your opinion? She said, you know what, you seem to be really invested in the delivery of eg what you got to do with this? Right? She was a smart what excuse me? Right? I love when you talk to to the manager. Boy, I'm telling the manager I'm making a smooth for me. I'm trying not to lose my job. I don't get I love Perkins the name though, excuse me, Perkins, that's the last name you Yeah, yeah, there's Perkins. You know I'm the delivery guy. That's what I do. You know I'm not gonna lose my job because because you ain't done nothing for your man. Hey, that's a personal problem. His wife's gonna give him something, but you ain't gonna be him. You have a delivery for us, No, not for us, for him, I don't say I said for him, but not you. You have nothing to do with this. Okay, you're so wrong, way too much. Okay, do something for your husbband because you have it, lady. Ain't nothing like a good prank on a Monday morning. Ain't nothing like Superman? All right, nephew, thank you so much for the prank. H Strawberry Letter coming up next. The Little Gremlin is here to stay as the subject. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the String Show, sleeping in my bed, messing with body. I'm gonna shoot somebody, dad. Really, let's go for it right there, Yes, get your letter. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, you've come to the right place. Submit your Strawberry letters to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Hear it eves the strawberry, all right, nephew, subject the little gremlin is near to day. Here's Stephen Shirley. I'm thirty two. I'm a thirty two year old single woman, and one of my best friends recently got engaged to a man she's known for less than a year. I have a close knit group of girlfriends and we were all single before the quarantine. But one of our girlfriends got bored and started talking to a guy she met at the airport. We think she got lonely at home alone with nothing to do, and the little man filled that void. She looked forward to talking to him daily, and he would talk to her for hours, probably because he could not believe she actually wanted to talk to him. She had been single for years because she has a certain type of man she's attracted to. No man was ever good enough for her, so I was surprised when I saw this little creature she was talking to. This is the line though right here. He's the ugliest little man I have ever seen. He is short and creepy looking, with very harsh, jagged features. I sent this picture to my other girlfriends in our group. In our group text and they nicknamed him the Little Gremlin. The worst part of it is there's nothing we can do about it, because she says he has the best personality of any man she's ever dated. We try to pretend we're happy for her, but we had to ask if she's planning to have a baby with this man. She told us that she and the Little Gremlin are planning to start a family in me at least, So we're thinking we need to have a heart to heart talk with her before we have to babysit baby gremlins one day. We know the type of men she's attracted to. We think that being stuck in the house alone for four months took its told on her mentally. I know you're thinking that this is none of our business, but if we really believe this was a man for her, we would step aside. It's our place to save her. Don't you agree? No? I do not agree, and you already know that it's not your business. What you really want to know is would it be all right if you slapped some sense into her. I think that's what you're really asking at this point, And you know we don't condone violence on this show. So no, But as the saying goes, and you've heard it before, I'm sure. I'm sure beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and your friend obviously sees something in him, pandemic or not. Seriously, and have you even met the guy, because I've seen well, I won't say, but I've seen very unattractive guys get the most beautiful women, and for a whole lot of reasons, like swags ahead, I've seen it, a whole lot of reasons like swag personalities you mentioned in the letter Kindness conversation. You know, maybe they've seen him interact with their kids. They're a good dad, they're a gentleman, and of course, lots and lots of money always helps if you're very unattractive. Two of my good girlfriends have told me that they quote love ugly guys. They say ugly guys work harder to please them. They say ugly guys take care of them, and ugly guys are more appreciative of them. So maybe your friend is not crazy, you know, like you think after all, you know, you said, she may have some sort of mental problem. Maybe this little man, as you call him, this little Grimlin brings something other than looks to the table and has touched your friend's heart like no man has before. He's got to be a heck of a guy to get your friend, and looks aren't everything. They really aren't. So stay out of her business friend and just be happy for her friend. Steve. Well, you know, here we go. Now I give you my response to this letter once again. Don't email me, don't text me, don't tweet me. I don't care. I don't care. Somebody on this show has to tell the raw, uncut, edited truth. Lou Grimlin is here to stay. You got a thirty three year old single woman and your friend recently got engaged. Now she known this man for less than a year, and y'all close knit. And during the quarantine, one of your girlfriends got bored and started to talk to a guy she met in the airport. I thought y'all was quarantine, so she met this dude in the airport. We think she got lonely at home alone and nothing to do, and the little man feel avoid now right away on this show when we say little man, i'm our mind or gravitates to a certain person. But this is not him. This letter has nothing to do with him, because it's you know, they described this man as a little grimling, and you know he's not that. You know, she's been single for some years and certain type of man she's trained, and no man ever been good enough for so when they were surprised when they saw this little creature. Now, our little man has never been referred to as a little creature. So once again, less not even think that because he is not a little creature statue at all. Never nobody ever said little grimling, nor none like that. Just little man all we've ever and this is the ugliest man I've ever seen. Wow, the ugliest man you've ever seen, which once again removes our little man because he is not the ugliest man you've ever seen, because we're not attractive in our family, but we're not just flat out blue. Now, all right with you today? I deal with this when we come back. Yeah, we have coming up. That's a little gremlins here to stay as the subject. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject of the little gremlin is here to stay. Well, we got this thirty two year old single woman and one of her best friends got engaged to a man she's known less than a year. Now. They are a tight group of girlfriends and they all single. All of them is single before the quarantine. But one of their girlfriends met this guy in the airport and they say that just got tired of being alone and met this little man that feel a void. She looked forward to talking to him daily and he would talk to her for hours. Seat Now, the problem that they haven't with this is is that this is not her type of guy, and no man has ever been good enough before. And they were surprised when they saw this little creature that she was talking to. He is the ugliest man I have ever seen. Now, let me explain something to y'all. Let let me explain something to y'all. This is the ugliest man you've ever seen. He has spent hours talking to her. Let me explain something to you about ugly people when you talk back to them. They are surprised anyway, because like, like, if you're real ugly you're talking to me, I keep it briefe because I'm looking at you the whole time, and I know me so let me just keep this brief for I say something because the girl show on my face. Hey, Steve, how you doing m I saw you on NFL Honors. You looked real nice. You did a great job. Yeah, I appreciate that. All right, Hey listen, I gotta go. But wait a minute, Steve, but I wanted to ask you were those sparklies on your jacket? Were those real diamonds of rhinestone? Yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm gonna talk to you. I got to go. Baby sick, baby babies. I'm gonna say something something to get out of it. Yeah, we gotta do that. So anyway, now, he's the ugliest man you've ever seen. He's short and creepy looking, with very harsh, jagged features. I sent a picture to my other girlfriends in group tick and they nicknamed him a little Grimy. All right, now, let's just call him Little Grimly or LG. Now. LG has been talking to this woman for hours, because ugly people are shocked when people talk back. So they're good conversationalists because they have a lot of time to sit around and imagine what they would say if somebody would stop long enough to talk to him and ugly people can talk a lot longer on the phone because it ain't no uq ain't got nothing to focus on them. Yeah, and the key to being ugly is you gots to be nice. That's the key to being ugly. What you cannot do is be ugly and rude, because now, ain't nobody got no time for you. Ugly people are some of the sweetest people I've ever met, promise you not all the time that some of them has let the ugliness affect them Ugly, ugly, ugly. Well, since I'm ugly, watched this and that that's the wrong approach. If you're gonna be ugly, you want to be kind, So somebody want to be bothered with you? Now, little Grimlin that y'all called him as obviously has mastered the art of kindness, shivalry, conversation, sweet and so now the worst part of this is that there's nothing they say they can do about it, because she says he has the best personality of any man she's ever dated. He got to he got to, you developed these skills. Let me give you a personal story. I've never considered myself to be an attractive man because I was never encouraged in the attractive arena arena. When I was younger, a matter of fact, everything geared towards me was to let me know what was wrong with me. I was such a kind young guy, you know, I was always nice, but they forced me into being difficult with some of the reactions I was getting from girls. You know. I asked a girl to go to the prom, and she said knowing. Then I asked her why, and I kept pressing or why she didn't won't go to the problem with me? She said, because I don't like your facial features. That's a little shocking as a young man, you know what I mean. It was crushing to me, you know, very hurtful of me. So I had to focus, Okay, how can I what can I do to get these women to quit focusing on these obviously very large facial features. That was that was crippling my dating game. So I developed my sense of humor. Where I was, I was always smiling, and they was at least glad to see me. So when I walked into the room, they were glad to see little Stevie because he was he was he was happy, and I had a human If I had you laughing, I just you know, and all of a sudden they leaned over and touching me on my shoulder, laughing and stuff, you know, like get in touch. So if that's where to get, so get funnier. So I hold my skills as a comedian because women enjoyed it, and that's one of the things. And so what little Gremlin was doing, the little gremlin has developed the best personality and day now they try to pretend they're happy for But we asked if she was planning to have a baby with this man, and she told us that she and the Little Gremlin is gonna planning on starting the family immediately. Well, y'all gotta get ready to start making I think I'm gonna have to come back on this letter because I don't have the time to take you now. If they have this start this family immediately, there are some words that you're gonna have to learn to help you when you see this baby hold on and I had him for you. When we come back to Stay Part three right after this you're listening show. Okay, this is one of those times we rarely do this, but this is one of those times when we do. Steve felt the need to do a Part three of the Strawberry letter, for say, the subject the little Gremlin is here to stay. So here's the whole thing. I'm gonna just recapture very quickly. This young woman, she's thirty two. She's got a girlfriend and they've been in quarantine. She met a man in the airport and after just one year, she's engaged. The problem that they're very close knit group of friends have is they've labeled him the little Gremlin. They've said, this is the ugliest little creature that they have ever seen. He has very jagged fitts, so obviously to them, this boy's tore up. But the girl says, this man has the first best personality of any man she's ever dated. They are engaged. The girlfriends are concerned because they maybe they just think this is going too far, too fast. And then so they tried to pretend that they was happy for but they asked her if she's planning on having a baby with this man. She told them they're gonna start a family immediately. I don't know, this is none of our business. We think we stuck in the house alone. They don't. They scared the babysit the baby because they don't know what it's going, well, the baby gonna be tow up just off the back. You think this baby don't have a chance of being cute if this man is a little grimlin. There are some words you're gonna have to learn when you see the baby, and they have to be complimentary words, but allow you to get it out at the same time. As soon as you see the baby, first thing you should say is oh my God. That's a compliment, but it's also relief. Here's another one. Look at this little bundle of joy. See that Jesus. Sweet things you can say the people that show you ugly babies. Then here's another one that I use when I see real ugly baby. Don't you give you wing your booboo? Baby, baby talk coming? And that what I said when you union booboo, which translation me, when you look jet like somebody's ass booboo. You're gonna need to know that. Then here's another when you want to say, Lord Jesus, yeah, that's like a compliment and a prayer. And then here's the one I use. When my boy Onion showed me his baby for the first time. I looked at that little boy. He opened up that blanket. I said, boy, you look jet like your daddy, your favorite go to You need all these terms when you see this, baby, you're listening show all right, Steve, come on, let's go to the phones and talk to the people. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, let's go to line one and talk to Stephen out of Alabama. Who is it, Stephen? His name is Steven, Hey, Stephen, baby? Hey, Hey, what's going on? Man? What's on your mind today? How are you doing? Mister Harvey and Crewe? Good morning once again, I listen to y'all, Love you, shell morning, Thank you. Man. Hey, did you see the streaker that came on the field yesterday at the game? Yes? Yes, yes, wasn't that crazy? Wasn't that crazy? I'm from I'm from New I lived down here in Alabama. Now I'm from New England, Foxborough where Tom Brady is, where gold is. But he did his thing. Patrick, shouldn't never let him go? And uh I'll see him retired and ut five years old and then get another championship. Well, Steven, let me be the first, as a Cleveland Browns fan to say we don't really give a damn that the Patriots are not in the playoffs. I've hated Boston with everything in me mind, tire life ever since they flipped over that black school bus years ago. So we appreciate you moving Alabama because at least we'll take your call. My radio show don't even take call from Foxborough. So thank you for moving. Other than that, we wouldn't even be talking in the playoffs and the Browns was. We're gonna like and talk to Alvin out of Atlanta, Steve Alvin, Alvin, Alvin line too, Alvin? Hello, Hey Alvin? What's on your mind? Man? What's going on? Nothing much? Man? Thank you miss Harvard for taking my call. I'm down hard Atlanta saying so, I don't want to get in trouble with you about no football, so let me just go ahead and get to the point. Thank you so much, True for being the interractional team that you are. Love you all, my son. Attending your minnering camp sometimes though, it was absolutely amazing, And because of your advice to me about jumping and not only having faith, of stepping out on faith, I did just that, and because of that I am a very wildly successful blues artist. I got my first major record deal and allowed me to buy my home for me and my kids as a single father. It has been nothing but a great journey. Thank you, mister Harvard for investing in people. You are the voice and you you talked to us about voting and everything you said came true. Man. We just we love you and we appreciate you all and lowly lived a Steve Harvard Morning Show. Yes, Alvin, that was pretty boss, man. I appreciate ain't that man? Album took the jump. Man's got to do that. Yeah, in the morning show, Man, we were so committed last year. I'm very proud of that for that the team put forward for voting and everything that they did, Man to keep everybody informed and appreciate those words of encouragement. Album we accepted. Thank you. We got time for another with Sherlitan. Yeah, let's go to line three and talk to units out of Maryland. You and this yes seven five. I love you guys. I listened to you every mornings. Miche when were you born? I'm a DC girl. I mean I'm three generations. I mean I'm a real DC girl. Okay, DCG I'm not at a k D. Okay, you're not gonna answer the question. Okay, where he said before nineteen said anybody named Dave units after that. But I'm Timothy's mother in the Bible. Steve, Now, yeah, no, I don't know. Ain't nothing wrong with unis. It's just you know, has you know that cage to it? That's anyway, I love you anyway. Yeah, you have the president vice president here, and two things close to my heart is that education things feel they're doing. They make everything in this country like a welfare program, and I wish they would make this education thing for all kids going to college and maybe make the criteria they have to have a BOC average or whatever. The second thing close to my heart is water. If they can do legislation to make instead of us having to go out and by water all the time, the part of whoever I'm gonna make their name up, I'm sorry, but it don't make nonsense and legislation to make them bring the water up to the level they need to be, the same level that those water companies bring it up. I'm trying well, but you know, hold on, I want to address that question. Can we come back? Yeah, we have anyway, All right, the time, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after that you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so listen Steve, you are trending, okay. You know from when you hosted the NFL Honors on Saturday night, people just love your monologue. Take a listen to this. Do you know how good it feels to be a Browns fan and we make the playoffs and the Patriots don't. Do you know how good that feels? Jarvis Landry, thank you man, from the bottom of my hark from a Cleveland boy all his life, die hard clean. We're in the playoffs, man, I don't give a damn if though none of y'all cloud the Browns is in the playoffs. And if your ass ain't clapping, if you on the screen, hey, your ass ain't in the playoffs either. So let's just spread it around us. You know, they have fass clapping in Football Player, but y'all might work not getting mad at me because you're in the playoffs either. Why you're on the screen. Everybody in the playoffs in Temple, I think they were not clapping because they were in disbelief. Is he really saying this stuff? Yeah? But a lot of the clear brown fans and Buffalo Bill fans. They were retweeting that because they were happy you were saying that I thought the system was a good show. Yeah, Like Shirley said, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Listen. I mean the Super Bowl, what can you say? Great game? Would you guys consider that a great game? I thought I thought it was a great game because it's stunned everybody. First of all, Tampa Bay were underdogs. M true, Tampa Bay was underdogs and dog for them to play the way they played. But you know I was I told everybody, I said, hey, you know, I'm pulled for Patrick mahone because that's what but I say, I'm scared of Tampa Bay. When you looked at this team, this team, Tampa Bay was in the top five offensive teams in football and the top five defensive teams in football. Kansas Cities in the top offense, but their defense wasn't in the top nothing. So you got to deal with that. The top fifteen players in the NFL in the Tampa Bay and and and and um uh, Tampa Bay in Kansas City. I think I'm saying this. Rights has fifteen of the top players in the NFL. Five of them is on Kansas City. Then mother ten is over. There were on Tampa Bay, you know, and when nobody really thinking about this, and then they played in Tampa Bay. This is their home field. Like that last interception, They couldn't add what that guy said, but he said this my blanket, the blank house, and and and you know you it's hard to kicker dudes tail in his house. It's hard to whipper man in his house. Yeah. Yeah, what about the streaker though, all the way down to the one yard that's got way closer to Kansas City ever, got I think the Chiefs gonna sign him this morning. Rested yards, Yeah, yeah, more rested yards, all of the running backs for Kansas City. Everybody thought that Tampa that Kansas City had a chance. When they stopped uh, Tampa Bay on the goal line stance, that was a strong, strong stance. And I wasn't really worried about the game in the first half because my home they played such a thing. But my home was running the entire game running for a while. Yeah, So this this is history, right, Tampa Bay won the first team to win the Super Bowl in their home right city. Right, Yeah, yeah, that's his story. Right. And you know what else, what about the female referee that was the first? Ye Yeah, nobody excited about that. Whatever women were, Yeah cool, you know what, No, I really was. I mean she was a referee. Good job. I mean she did, she did a good job. She didn't make no mistakes. You know, made history. It was a super Bowl. I ain't kidding about that. I was watching the Super Bowl. I got money on this game. I'll give a damn you have ponytail all you won't sticking out the back of your head. What I kill? I'm trying to win this paper up in hill. All right, coming up, Last break of the day, closing from Steve a forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are Steve, Last break of the day on this Monday, Super Bowl yesterday. It's great super Bowl. Yeah, super Monday, that's what we're calling it, of course. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was fun. It was great. Even Um, I sat down and watched a lot of it. Yeah, oh good, you watched it. Sat down and watched a lot of it. I'm excited. Surely sat down and watched a lot of it because I was. I was cheering for Tom Brady. I was because I loved his story. I just liked his story. Seven super Bowl rings, Boy, goat, you got seven? Huh and seven out of ten. That's a pretty good one. He's the greatest team sport athlete, the greatest team sport accomplishment of any athlete. Because it's so hard to get to the super Bowl. It's so hard. Oh he made it look so easy. He posted like he's the Tom Brady just went to a team. Y'all want to go to the super Bowl? Yea? Who want to go to the super Bowl? You know? Like, and I think like in terms of sports, like you know, it's always been thought of as the greatest team sport athletes, it's been Michael Jordan and in basketball. In basketball, there's an argument now because and I've been listening to people's argument about who's the greatest basketball player of all time? Is it Jordan or is it Lebron? And um, you know, man, Jordan had six NBA titles, never went to an NBA finals and lost, and he played basketball in a different era and the young cats today don't understand what that era of basketball was. What no flagrant five house? I mean, man, them cats, and they had some dudes that stayed in the paint that made your life Russ. And it was a totally physical game of basketball. Basketball was a physical game. And he won six Lebron has won how many now, Junior Folk four? Lebron has won it on three different teams. Yeah, And it was great for me because he came back to Cleveland and one one, it was in Miami, one two. Then he went to La and LA and one another. Everywhere this guy goes, Man, he's championship material. So he is making a strong argument to be known as the greatest basketball player of all time. Has it surpassed Jordan yet? He's very very close, and an argument can be made for him right now. And if I had to pick between the two of them right now, at this particular moment, it would be very hard for me. Man, I'm gonna tell you right now, it's very hard for me because I love this cat man because he came to Cleaning and gave Cleaning the title. But he in La and he got another one. And this is a bad dude and his social consciousness is sold sold crazy man, the schools and stuff he's doing, you know. And I think Michael got a bad rap for not being socially conscious, but he was. But they took some stuff he said and they and they put it in a negative way to hold comment about, you know, Republicans by shoes too. I think a lot of people took that out of contacts as he didn't care, but Michael Dill's can. And then you know what I mean, he just gave for this new cause, Black Lives Me one hundred million. I mean, you know, not to say he didn't before, but now we're hearing about it for one hundred million, you can say you are the great. Yeah. But I do like I do like the young people today man, because I'm gonna tell you something, Black Lives Matter movement really really made a difference and it's rivaling I mean what Civil Rights movement was. I'm you know, for those of you that's not old enough to know this, you know, but I was. I was alive when they was talking about black people, Kate drink out of this water fountain. Black people had to go to this. They had colors only water fountains in West Virginia. You know what I'm standing. They had you know, colors only restrooms in West Virginia. You know, I'm old enough to have seen that. And so civil rights, that was times when blacks couldn't eat at certain lunch counters. That was times when black people had to go to the back door gas station. This was still happening down south in the eighties. Oh by the way, in eighty five, two black comedians couldn't perform on the same show in the comedy club in nineteen eighty five, the year I started, So don't it's not far removed of what we see today. But civil rights made a huge accomplishment till to bussing, to housing, to education, affirmative action, lunch counters, all types of stuff. Them boys, and civil rights was tough. But this new movement of Black Lives Matter was very, very powerful, and social media and the news coverage made it goal and they joined forces. And the reason Biden and Kamala Harrison in the White House today is because of basketball players and football players and rappers and all listen people who joined force and and made a very very active difference, you know, and the young activists out there that Tamika Maoris and the Charlemagne's and these young casts out here. There's lions that roar loud with their platforms. It's what made a big difference. So I want to say, I'm very proud of Black Lives Matter movement. I'm very very proud of the young people who stood up and made a huge difference with voting and Stay Abrams and people like that who really were foot soldiers in all of this. So yes, sir God, Yeah, like history mu yeah for all Steve Every contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.