T.I., Gorilla Hair Spray, Valentine's Day, Junior Sports Talk and more.

Published Feb 9, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We alive and well. Big Dog is grateful for every second God has given. The Chief Love Officer advises a woman with funky feet. Ray J is together with his wife and we here at The Steve Harvey Morning Show promote love! "The End!" - Junior Spates A TikToker used Gorilla Glue on her hair and has been living through a nightmare. (This is not the type that Mary Jane advocates have read about either, btw.) The CLO returns with different scenarios depending on the budget. There will be suggestions for high end, mid-range and cheap as hell! The G.O.A.T. conversation has taken a new turn with two more names being added. A topic from Facebook sparks the discussion of stupid fights between men and women in relationships. Uncle Steve wraps up the show today by warning us about not letting the need for vanity override our common sense.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on the down giving them like the million bucks things in the shuffs, star me through good it sting to the mother for STU. Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha, I shall well. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show partickling me this morning. Steve Harvey got a radio show feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than others. I wish I had arrived at this point sooner, but I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong, even I had to have all those experiences to become to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I had that I was fired from, all the shows that were canceled, all of the times I thought I was gonna get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person, and you know that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life. They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the person that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you are to sit down to an inmate that really gets it, an inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me, and they've said things like, man, coming to prison, save my life. Now, those of you have never got how can he say a thing like that? But some men, no, Man, I was so far out there that if I had stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop, spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that? Now? But here's a person who was taking an experience that could be considered a failure or a negative and turning it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Everything that happens to you that's negative or you consider failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival that I mean now, this place of peace and joy. But then guess what, I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them, is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you, He really really does, and eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are. If you just say, Okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine, mine ain't worked out. What's your plan for me? God? What do you want me to do? That's why I say every day Steve Harvey Got radio show, y'all, because man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen it. Half of the amazing things that are happened to me, I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man, asking God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker. Now because faithful, our works is there and it came. And I'll remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, and in that you can become great. You know a lot of people people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed. He said, don't ever confuse success with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. See people determined success about money and fame and all this here, but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. It's how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the cub Scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood. Who are you just one place of hope to so many people and they come back. And I used the example of lou Danzler who passed away in LA who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in LA And he wasn't a rich man at all, and if you walk by him, you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have gone on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes, that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in LA, he was a great. Trust me man prad changes things. I said all time. But when you see people come successful or great, that somebody praying somewhere may not even beat them. Maybe it's day Mama. You know, I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know they always talk about as farther than all this here, somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mama is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time. Praying for your boy, and prayer changes things. It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you, because God is giving you a gift. Now the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one, and if you start praying about it, it'll manifest itself and you can become one or two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision today Morning show, ladies and gentlemen. It is upon us glad to be here. I feel blessed today because He has given me another chance, another opportunity to move forward, another opportunity to serve him, to show gratitude for all he's done for me. If I took the time out to tell you everything he's done for me, this radio show would have to be extended to twenty twenty five and I'd still be talking because every second that he gives me is a blessing. So how could I stop the show? It would be endless gratitude. That's how I feel today, Steve Harvey, Marty show Man, It's what it is. Yeah, make no mistake about it. What you want, Heart got it for you. Shirley Strawberry, Thank you, Lord. Good morning, Steve, Colin Farrell, Good morning, Steve. Hey Kree, what's happening? Kier Junior spits woke up this morning in my right mind with all the activities of my limbs on Jay Anthony Brown. I wish I could say that, what's up everybody? Right there? No, No, Steve, Steve, it's just some things that ain't working. I mean, I'm happy for him, I'm blessed for him. I'm just saying I got some things that ain't working like they used to, and I mean that's wrong. King of Prank's nephew, Tom top Top. Everything working this morning, balls, everything working. I'm good in timing. I'm happy for him. Well, let me say go ahead, let me ask you a question. Everything ain't working, but can't you be grateful for what you got that is working? Yeah? I didn't. That's not what I said, Steve. I just was not legend. I got some things tighten it up. I got some things stiffing up. I got some things that are leaking. I got some things that won't leak. I got some things going on and some things that ain't stiffing it up. I'm not just some things that won't stiffing up. And I'm just saying, Junior has everything working. I don't phrase happy, you're happy for help, I'm I'm elated. I'm elated. I mean, things won't work, and I don't need me getting mad. They ain't working. Get mad, and I've told the people I'm with it ain't working. Hey, you don't work, Okay, you can. I'm I'm as mad as you are. I'm just as mad as you are. Okay, but they're still there. They haven't gone anywhere. So Hey, no, it's here. Ain't know what it's you know, I'll call Hey, it's it's working now, are you now? Hey? Hey, you gotta you gott a short window to get this a little late for having to learn this type of information. It's a good information because if you don't laugh at it in a damn she'll make you saying make say all right, thank you Jay for all of that. Coming up with thirty two minutes cussing it don't help, okay, coming up in thirty two minutes after ask the cello. Right after this, you're listening to the morning show. All right, guys, time now for ask the Clo. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is in the building. Are you ready, sir, Yes, let's go. Here we go. Amar and Tulsa says, I'm a forty year old professional man and i have two great Danes that are my babies. I recently started dating a new woman and she's intimidated by my dogs because of their size. When she first visited me, I put the dogs in the garage, but it's too cold for that now. I suggested to her, I let the dogs roam free in the house and we can stay in my bedroom. She didn't like that idea, and she said we're not compatible. My dogs are sweethearts, so I don't know what the problem is should I compromise with her? Well, I mean, what's you compromise? Dog? You finn lose your woman over them damn dog? Now, if that's what you prefer over this woman can keep your damn dogs. I mean, you got two big as great Danes walking around. She's scared of you know, sister is scared of dogs like that? Should I compromise with her? What's the compromise? Pardon it, ain't that cold in the garage. Put her heat in the garage. You're gonna lose his chick over the damn dogs. I don't understand if all you pet loves its Finny getting mad at this statement, right, I don't give a dog. I don't give a damn I'm not losing the chicken my dreams over no damn dog or my dream I ain't never dreamed of no dog. Seethe problem. That's all that proble to you. Everybody ain't gonna like your dog. Everybody ain't dog people. Everybody ain't camp people. Everybody didn't fish people, you know, And that's shit it. You know, my wife loves our dog bad, but she no I got rules, you know, back ain't staying here sleep in the bedroom for what man he got in the bedroom One morning, My arm was laying off the bed and he came over and was licking it, and I didn't know what it was when I walk up and it was dog like a back hand his ass saw her. I back him and pete on myself. No, no, no, not not now. What's got to happen now? Yeah, back, I got to go get up in the middle of the night. I'm going to the bathroom. I'm naked. He see me. It's pitch black. I can't see him. Next thing I know, his cold ass, his cold nose on my ass? How that feel? Damn near total doughwear out. I gotta go doughwear out. You don't want to stay because you don't the light when you wake up. I get it because I wear everything. Dog, cold ass nosed and touched my ass. So no, crazy, no man, your girl don't care about them great dames. That's you dog. So how be you're gonna lose a girl over the dog. Get a heater for the garage? All right? Amor you heard the clo moving on Chevette and Birmingham says, I'm fifty nine years old and I'm engaged to be married for the fourth time. I want everything to go right this time, so I need to know how I should handle a big secret. I have a problem with my feet, and I've hidden it from my fiance for the entire eight months we've been together. My feet sweat constantly and they smell bad. I constantly washed my feet and used powder when he was around. We will be living together soon, so my doctor said to be honest with him. Do you think it will be a deal breaker for him? Well, he'll come number five? Yeah, yeah, Well I ain't got nothing for you. No, I don't know what to tell you. You gotta keep fixed punking feet though, you got keep washing them and keep powder on them. And who wants to look down the white as feet all the time, looking like you've been kicking sex and flyer all day long? We go, we go out one night in the summer. When we come home, I look down your feet, soppy with and the stink girl a nutritionist? Maybe, no, you gotta get some injections. Yeah, yeah, I have a suggestion. What go to home depot and get some Thompson's water sealer and dip your feet down in that ceiling. If it can seal a deck, it can seal your feet. No, No, that's all I got for you. She's gonna be signing like some polished oak. It's gonna look like what you want. You want shine, and you won't stink what you want shine. I'll take shine out. So when you pour water on it, just beat up on it, because it's beat up everything. Water just roll right off. So what's the name of the Thompson Thompson's water seal. It's for decks and porches. Okay, all right, clear color. Now, don't go do that. That's a joke. Oh yes, of course, yes, please don't go do that for real. Yeah, I say, at home depot. I thought that would clear it up. But yeah, you know, just for protection purposes. Marshaun and Houston says, I'm twenty eight years old and married to a great guy that is starting his own business. His business partner is my friend from my hometown, and he has a successful business already. He might be into some kind of fail attraction because we had sex a few times before I got married for old time's sake, and about three months ago he met my husband and propositioned him about a new business idea. I may be overthinking this, but it's odd to me. What do you think does he have an ulterior motive? He propositioned your husband about a new business idea? Well, well, if the proposition got something to do with you, you may know how to worry about this old secret no more because he don't get it. An ask for him, wance a man make you his wife. He come with a different attitude. Yeah, I might want to tell the fatal attraction. Might want to tell him. You nuts tell him for what the business might be a legitimate business. You're overthinking it, so don't tell him. Y'all had a relationship in the field. Why would you do that? Nor what? Everything? Dog? All right, Jay, it ain't the time for honesty. I never is with you you Yeah, where y'all keeps getting these honest damn right say? No time to come clean? By what? And that all saying that everyone's ever in the dog come to light. That ain't true, staying in the dog? All right? Listen, thank you, feel though we're out of time coming up. The nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening String Morning show coming up at the top of the hour of Miss Sannahs standing by with National News plus An entertainment news hip hop artist Ti and Tiny. I'm sure you guys have heard about this. They're being investigated from multiple sexual abuse allegations. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. Yeah, but right now then afew is here would run that Frank back. What's you guy for his na edible fruit delivery? Edible fruit delivery? Let's go ki, Hello, Stories, How can I help you? I'm trying to find Chad. He's not in right now. How can I help you? Oh? Okay, all right, I'm sorry man. What's your name's? My name is Perkins. I actually have a delivery, edible fruit delivery for Chad, and I'm trying to make sure I got the address and everything correct. Oh um, Well, who's it from? I think it's from you? You? Um? Your name is? What's your name of kids? Davina. I didn't order any any edible arrangements? Okay, there's poort Valentine's let's see. Yeah, that's definitely must be a mistake. Are you sure I was in? Chad ordered some edible arrangements for me. I think that's for them. Might make some sense. It's for a chance, Okay, hear this. Who's who who sent this? Miss the reader? The reader? Oh oh no, no, no, no, no, no no, no, that's not me at all. I'm de Vina, and that is amazing why she would send anything. Right, I'm Chad. But the name, that's a totally different person. Okay, so do you know the reader Clark? Who is there? Oh, that's not someone I associate with personally. That's Chad's ex wife. And that doesn't make any sense for her to be sending us to anything. So you don't. You don't even have to. I don't think she sent us. She didn't send it. She said this chance, she didn't send it to you. Okay, Well, I'm just gonna let you know we don't need that delivery, so thank you. Anyway, you can go ahead and um and you could keep that for you on that. Hold on, hold on, miss um. Lets y'all say name. Don't worry, don't don't don't worry too much about that. If I don't make my deliveries, I don't get paid. I have to deliver these of this edible fruit. Man doesn't make any sense, suns And I'll just discarded myself if you if you need to bring it, but I'm sure I have to bring it. But let me ask you something. I mean this, lady. I mean, I'm not trying to pry into anything, but I mean, have you Have you bought him anything for about? No? I haven't, but I have plenty of time about something that don't make sense to me? Why why haven't you bought any all right? I don't think you need to worry about what I get from my man or what I don't get from my husband. All right, that's none of your concerns. Were concerned about making sure he gets something. I'm sorry, who am I speaking to? My name is Perkins, okay, and I already told you we don't need know God delivery. I don't need you ask me questions about I told you my mar all right. Well, I'm I'm not gonna fight to fight with you on phone. Well I canna be too fools to art and I'm all true. We don't need anything what no I need? Women, you don't need to be questioning me about what I do or don't do for my husband. That's absolutely none of your God business. I need to know when Chad is gonna be there, so mister Chad might don't worry so much about Chad. This is our family business, family business. I'm his wife. Do you understand what that means? I'm his wife. I understand it. Whatever, thenly his ex wife want him to have his fruit. And if you want piss me off Chad and I'm not, I'm not being to come delivering nothing to you and you're gonna throw it away. This is Chad's fruit basket. And did she sends you? Did you read to send you specifically? I just want to understand what the hell is going on because you seem really invested in in my husband's ex wife. I don't even understand why, but it's gonna piss me off. So I want some answers, and you use the right word. You're not invested in Chad. Why haven't you bought anything for Chad? Is why? Perk fruit perkins. I'm gonna need to speak to your god and manager because I'm getting real that right now, and you don't want no problems with me, So why don't you hand over your manager of the phone and we're gonna settle this, me and your manager. And I don't want to ever see you because I don't even know what I'm gonna do. I've been so disrespected on this phone call right now, wim I hold them in day, So why don't you pass your manager of the phone. I'm not afriend to put you on the phone. Manage to put me on the phone with your manage. You don't have some from me, I'm gonna call back. I'm gonna make sure you get fired. But disrespect to me. You're taking your anger out on the ex wife and you're taking it out on me. The anger that you have for her, you're taking it out on me. That's what you're doing. No, I'm taking out the disrespect that you keep laying on top of me, like like you don't know how to talk to somebody. I don't stand how you have this job calling you disrespected me like this. All I'm saying is the lady won't chad to have this proof bass in business. None of your business. So, like I said, give you manager the phone, because I'm see to it that you're fired. Okay, okay, all right, Can you hold on for me? Yeah? I can't hold on. Go ahead, hey time, this is the man's wife. She don't want me to do deliver the stuff because the ex wife is who sit it to him, and she don't want too serious, so she got the attitude and she's cutting at me. And I've been talking crazy to her and I haven't the boots stuff in spite for him the fruit BADG. I need you to just give you manager the phone. If that's enough explaining, I'm gonna tell him what I over. Helloa. Hi, my name is Davina, and I need to talk to you about your your customer service delivery person, whatever he is. I have been so disrespected on the phone. I've never been met with such hostility on the phone before. At this point, I just I just want to put this behind me. I just want you to take it. Make sure you speak to him, penalized him if he doesn't understand where he just did, but he just speaks. I will, I will, I will. I will definitely reprimand him for that. And I don't want him making no delivery, not to my not to my place, to this. I'm here on Friday all day. I don't need any delivery. I want him to make the delivery. But can I ask you, I'm sorry, go ahead, Okay, I can't take it. I can't take it. Listen, this is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, your husband Chad got me the prank phone call you. I'm sorry what this is? Nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Mourning Show. Your husband Chad got me the prank phone call you. Oh my god, I me husband, Chad got your girl. Wow. I'm so stressed. I'm gonna kill my husband. Let me ask you something. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane, The Steve Harvey Morning for sure? Anybody wants from fruit? Anybody feeling no? Thank you? Perkins. Valentine's coming up, fellas, y'all better get ready, get ready, to get ready, to get ready. You got a few days. You better start working on it now. Valentine's its own way. I have no idea. What my suggestion is one eight hundred flowers dot com. You can start there, we can start that. What you getting this year? Man, don't worry about me. You know what you gonna get. He wants a suggestion from you, Steve, you're the man. Last time I went shopping with him, I spent my damn their life savers. I had not because life Savers having no retirement. You're done now. Last time I went shop with him, I was calling people by my full one came in, Hey, listen, all right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Coming up at the top of the hour entertainment and national news. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, we'll last A woman named Sabrina Peterson and now several women posted allegations on social media claiming the hip hop artist Ti and his wife Tiney had drugged or coerced them into having sexual encounters. Both Ti and Tiney have denied the allegations, and they have threatened to take legal actions against Sabrina Peterson now. According to multiple outlets, Ti and Tiney have not been charged with any criminal charges, but attorney Lisa Bloom confirmed that she is representing one of the victims. Attorney Bloom said several women have come forward to speak with her as she investigates these claims, and Attorney Bloom also tweeted, good lord, so many accusers and now I represent one of them. Meanwhile, VH one and MTV have announced they have halted production on filming the first season the fourth season, I should say of Ti and Tiney, friends and family, hustle. Yeah, well, but now I don't know anything about this, just asking questions. Some people are accusing them. Yeah, yeah, okay, Now I don't, I don't, I don't. I'm okay. So please don't know abody to take this the wrong way because I don't know anything about this, and I'm not even talking about this case right now, but I'm gonna tell you what happens a lot of times, and they need to pass some laws about this. What they should do is if you approach a person and you do something to accuse them of something and it's false, and you go to court and you find out that it gets thrown out for whatever reason, you shouldn't be able to go scott free and just skip away. Oh well, I tried. Because you have any idea, and I'm not talking about this case in particular, but do you have any idea how many people see a way to make some money and then go after somebody hoping to get a settlement, and then when don't work out, they just gone well, I try that that has to be addressed. Now, I don't know anything about this TI situation. Um, I like TI. Yeah, it's all over social media, Steve. For the last couple of weeks or so, it's all over social media, or is it. I don't know anything about that, so I'm not commenting on the women anything, but social media is not the I'm just saying, if you want to, if you it's been out for a while, That's what I'm saying. And it's not just social media. I mean it's been um talking, it's been recovering now yeah the new Yeah yeah, but there are no charges brought against them just yet. But the victims, the alleged victims do they do have an attorney representing them, so they are investigating it. They are taking these allegations seriously. It's from the victims perspective. And TI has come out and of course denied the allegations. What are they saying it's happening when? When? What are the accusations? Suck sual abuse, possible drugging while having sex, and chorus them into doing things that they didn't want to do. Um, serious stuff, Yeah, serious stuff. You shouldn't check out the story, Steve. Yeah, all right, moving on. In other entertainment news, Ray J and Prince's Love are back together. Well, at least we think so. Take a listen to Ray J. Well we are together? Are we back together? I think that's just a journey that we got to take. But I think we are together, and I think we love it being together. You know what I'm saying now is just figuring out how do we keep it consistent? Okay, so there you have together? But there yeah, yeah, I hope. I actually for love. Yeah, I met both for the met to Kentucky Derby really nice. Say, I think I'm for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss a trip. Thank you very much, and good morning everybody. This is answered with the news the historic second topeachment trial of Donald Trump begins today. Trump was impeached, may not remember, for an unprecedented second time last month. This time, the Senate's going to decide whether to convict the now ex president for inciting an insurrection after hundreds of his supporters stormed the US Capitol building on January six. Five people were killed, one of the medic officer named Ryan Sicknik, and one of the suspects this morning is reportedly somebody who worked for the FBI. Trump's lawyers insisted the trial is nothing more than a political theater. However, Senate Majority Leader Charles Humor says, this is not about smoking mirrors. You must have all the truth come out and then the accountability once the truth comes out. That's what we aim to do at this trial. If he is convicted this time, Donald Trump would lose many of the privileges afforded to ex presidents. He may also be banned from ever holding federal office. Again. It does not look like he will be convicted, however, because the Democrats would need at least seventeen Republican votes to help them do that, and there does not look like they're seventeen votes that are willing to do that. Meanwhile, get this, this might be a reason. According to The Daily Beast, Donald Trump is planning a nationwide speaking tour specifically aimed at getting back at the Republicans who voted to impeach him, as well as any GOP Senate member who speaks out against him during this week's trial. Might be a reason for that. A group of black Republicans wants the Smithsonian Museum in Washington too, as they say better reflects Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's legacy. Justice Thomas was nominated to the High Court you may remember by the first President Bush to replace the legendary jurist Third Goood Marshal. The Senate has confirmed Dennis mcdonnough to head the Department of Veterans Affairs. McDonald will be the only the second non military guy to head the VA, but he says that's really a plus. He says, unlike others, his direct access to the President, for one, and his experience working with the Congress should help with issues like the VA's increased use of private healthcare and the department's handling of the pandemic. He says he knows a lot of folks on the Hill and he's able to negotiate terms with them. Sad news in the world of entertainment, actor Christopher Plumber has died. He played the father of the Van trot Van Trops in the Sound of Music, among many other roles, and also Barry Sadley, one of the original Supremes. Mary Wilson has died at age seventy six. She died in her Las Vegas home. No word on the cause of death. Mary Wilson co found the group when she was only fifteen. Her memoir dream Girls inspired the Broadway show and more again and movie. But we don't know what, help what happened, but we will miss the beautiful Mary Wilson. She's dead at age seventy six. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show a viral TikTok or. Her name is Tessica Brown. She had a Twitter verse, had the twitter verse invested in her unusual hair story. Let's start there. Okay, for those of you who haven't heard, Brown shared that her slick back ponytail was laid for a month because get this guy's She used gorilla glue gorilla glue adhesive spray after she ran out of her normal spray, which is a spray called got to Be hair spray. I'm very familiar with god to Be hair spray. Yeah, as you can imagine, Yeah, as you can imagine. It's been a nightmare ever since. Uh, Tessica Brown's followers of glue, Why do you know where you had to go to buy gorilla glue? It's hardware. Hardware story, like, gorilla glue ain't as Sally's no, right, Yeah, no, I've never seen it there. Gorilla glue ain't at Walgreen's over there by the hell, let me explain something teeth. If you buy something for your head next to some nails, well, I don't think she went out to buy it for that. I think she already had had it at the house. She was trying to slick her hair down. You know how we sisters are about our hair. We want you want to slick your head down, and you walk one row over from the plywood man anyway, Yeah, the warn They do have a warning label on there that says it do not get it into your eyes or get it on your skin. They do have that nowhere on your body. Do you want guerrilla glue? Yeah? She went to the hospital and everything, I mean, and they couldn't help her at the hospital, trying to see the hospital and little yea they have you ever seen the gorilla glue commercial? Yeah? Yeah, anybody all around attaching ate weave with it. No, you can pick up a cylinder block with gorilla glue. Yeah, I mean, I feel bad. Okay, let me ask you all the question to ask your question. Well, she can't shave her hair, course she can't. The clippers can't cut through the glue. No, yeah, I heard that's what they're saying. She can't shave it off either. Yeah, she can't shave it off. Permit people have suggested, like using tea tree oil, put a perm on it. Alcohol party. That's a dam show. Nothing has worked, nothing. Her hair has looked like this for over a month now, every hair in place because of the gorilla glove. Excuse me, m I said she can go to I said she can't go to a pool party. This is a sticky situation and she is stuck on stupid. That's I thought I hadn't say it, say that now, you know, Like I just I'm feel bad for she made a huge mistake. She can work out and going around. She could work out now shed one sister can just work. Ain't gotta worry about it him? All right? I hate them. Thirty four minutes after we'll talk, Valentine, get in shape. I can tell you that. Though. Right after this you're listening to show passing on big plans for a night on the town in favor of a quiet Valentine's day at home. Valentine's Days coming up. People lots of us are doing just that this year. But that doesn't mean it can't be romantic, right, so we called back in our chief Love Officer, our CLO, the Chloe, Steve Harvey. Yeah, we called him in to give out some tips to create val Valentine's Day romance ambiance on a budget. All right, so Steve, come on, you do do high end and mid range though. Okay, so tell me what you want. Give me dollar, mounse, go ahead, go ahead, Tommy, give me a dollar. And then and then in the situation okay, okay, first you go first. First. Okay, you're on a budget, Steve. You only got twenty dollars. That's all your young you're young. You're young. You're young. You don't have a whole lot of right, a lot of peoples. So you got his twenty What can you do for twenty? Buy a card? Go buy a Valentine's card that says as close to how you feel as possible, Memorize the words, and then recite the card to her, but acted out while holding a box of chocolates. And every time you get to a pointed line in the poem, hand her a piece of chocolate. Yeah that's nice, that's really nice. It's twenty dollars. That's the thought that counts. Girl. He got in front of me. See right here. Now, what's your next for shell? Right? I think what he wants. No, I'm not gonna mess it up. No, No, go ahead, jack, Go ahead, Jack. Okay, you bought a card. You give her the change. That's all I'm saying. Change out the candid. You ques five dollars candid. I'm go ahead, man. Come on, let's go to five hundred dollars. Five hundred dollars and and and no going out, eating at home, dinner at home, five hundred all right, ain't going out dollars? Can't go nowhere for five hundred dollars. You can't go nowhere. You could have a chef prepareing me drop it off at your house. You go down stairs, make sure it's where the kids can't come to, set up a two top table with candles, have flowers, a card, and sexy music, and have the prepared chef meal brought down and deliver it to you in the basement, dinner or up on the roof for wherever you at and have dinner. Five hundred dollars. You can get that, okay, all right, that's nice. That's a very nice okay, junior, you got okay, I was I all right, so high end end, high end budget at home. Now not at home? Then what can we go? I'm just saying, like a whole ten hundred dollars? Oh dog, I got you straight. Yeah, Yeah, you can go out COVID. You get your nice hotel room. You can get the room for about you got. You can get a thousand dollars room. You can get a little sweet somewhere, okay, and uh, and then you could have a chef bring the dinner to the sweet. Oh see that you ain't got to do none of that. Bring the food to the sweet, set it up at the table. You can have in room service full dude, come in with the little chef jacket on, lay your meal out, and you in a suite. And then after the sweet is over, you go to the music channel, cut the music on, and y'all go back in the bedroom and just start, Yeah, get to the holly. What about? What about? What about if you have oh, look at the time, ja yeah, coming up next to the nephew with the frank phone call for the day. Right, you're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show, coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my mom and my baby Daddy. Wait till you hear this when you're not gonna believe it. Right now, the nephew is here with today's Frank phone call. What you got for his nap? Valentine's gift card Valentine's Gift card let. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Bryce. Yeah, right, hey Bryan, So how you doing? Man? My name is Alvin, Bro. How are you doing today? I'm good man? What's up? Hey? Listen? Um, I know you're you're you're married Jatricia right? Ja? Yeah? Who who's this? Okay? Like I said, yeah, my name is Alvin, and I'm just trying to make sure I got the right person man, because you, um you have black half white, right from what I understand, Yeah, I'm gonna have like who who the presidents? Why? Why are you asking me questions? What's going on? Say? No, no, no, everything's cool, man, everything's cool. Um uh, Trish, So check this out, man, listen, say I'm at work, man, say what you need to say? What's happening? Okay? Listen, I actually dentally I sent I sent Trisia some flowers for Valentine's they're gonna get there on Friday, but I accidentally put a you know, I ordered the gift card along with it, and they put this gift card in Tricia's gift bag, and really that's that gift card should really be for my wife, and I was trying to see it. Maybe if you get to the gift bag before, maybe you could get it out for me so I could get that gift card. Oh okay, so you said, uh, you said my wife flowers for Valentine's Day, right, yeah? Yeah, But that that's not the key. The key is that it's a gift card in there that I need. You know, that a gift card to my wife. You just want the flowers to her, Is that what you're saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I said the flowers man. Yeah, no problem, No, yeah, no, that's cool man. This happens. Then we make mistakes all the time. How about this, How about you come on over and I will be more than happy to give you the gift card because I'm sure you know, if you send it with the flowers, all I'll just have to hand those that the gift card over to you, ain't and probably a nice huhn speeding till you stupid mother? Why enough would you ever call me about this? Hey? Man? And I didn't expect. I didn't expect all this avin is out hostility. Hey bro, all I'm trying to do with Like I said, I said, I ain't your bro. What do you mean you're doing? You didn't think this is gonna be hot? You send my good white flowers? Mother, But how do you even know my Why? How do you know trash? How do you know Tresh? I work in I work in the building with that Trish works in. How you work with her? Okay? Good? I don't work I don't work with her. I don't work for her company at all. But my my, you know, my floor is on a different floor. I work in a different company, but she works, she works the same building. So yeah, dude, I'm just trying to get the gift card. Man. I ain't even trying to trip, dude, I ain't. So let me. So you sent some flowers. When the flower's gonna be here? What time the flower's supposed to be here? The flowers getting there sometime Friday? Yea on Valentine's Say, okay, good, good, So how about you come down here on Fridays, okay, And I will give the flowers the tresh and I will give you the gift cards. And you mentioned if I was half black or half white, and I'll go ahead and let you know that both sides are gonna beat your mother, because you're gonna be the most ignorant mother I've ever met. In my guys, I don't care if you're green, blue, yellow, lavender. I don't know what the you are, but you are the dumbest piece of sh I've ever met. You come here Friday. You come here and you get your wife will get her great gift card, and my wife will get your flowers, and everybody's gonna be happy. Hey, dude, what's what's all it's about? Man? Okay? So have you gone out with tressa you guys wanting for lunch or you know, maybe a movie or I mean, how much? How much time have you spent with my wife? I ain't, I ain't. I ain't spend no time with her. Why are you set hering that? What do you mean you ain't spend no time with it? How you you seem to know all about her and you haven't gone out one time with my wife. No, I never went out with her, So you just have a crush out my wife. Is that what you're trying to saying? You just accidentally sent them your bulls that I didn't Actually I didn't actually did only send the flowers? I send him because I wanted her to have. She's a pretty she's a pretty lady. I wanted her to have the flowers, but I didn't want her to but I didn't want her to have my wife's gift card? Though? What did you think I was gonna be there? How did you think? How did it in your fucking crazy bull mine? Did you think this this was gonna be? Okay? What if I called you right now? I'm like, hey, I set your wife. Can you send it back to me? Like? How would you feel if I did the same to you? Well, I mean you're talking about something different from flowers, and that seems that sounds like a little bit offensive. Don't you think? Oh oh that's offensive? Yeah? Man, you know, I'm sorry, but you're is it Albert? It's not Albert, it's Albert. It's Alvin. Man, it's alb I don't give us what it is. Alvin, come see me on Friday I'm gonna have your gift card. I'm super excited to meet you. This is this is gonna be the best Valentine's Day of my life. Come visit me. He sent the flowers to the house, right, I got the address that Tommy gave me. Who the is Tommy? He the one gave me the address? He once told me? Tommy? Come, how about you and Tommy come over to the house. We'll have a we'll have a guys that I'll put on a game. I'm gonna have some prezel. Why don't you folk come over here? Okay? But why why? Why? Why the hostility when somebody's showing your wife's No, there's no hostility whatsoever. That did you hear hostile? I just invited you and your boy Timmy to come to my house. That's not hostiles. I'm being hospitable. That's what it is. It's hospitable. Come see me, Come see me. Okay, So let me ask you something. Man, don't you take don't you drop Trish off to work? Every morning? Yeah? I do? I do. Okay. Ain't now like when y'all when y'all riding to work. Ain't y'all listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is not to see Harry Morsha. This is nephew Timmy baby, come home, Bryce. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morn Show. Your wife Trish got me to prank phone call you home run. Oh yeah, there's no way. Oh now I'm back. I'm pissed it again and now I'm going through somebody. I'm like, who could be this? Oh? Oh man, I am boily Holy, she's gonna pay for this one. You gotta tell me, Bryce, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Show. Baby, come on, get a practice, sub I love brother, stand standing job. Yeah, you got to be the most ignorant, blanketed blank like, yeah, you know what. I loved the body he decided, let me shut all this hostilly dog. Let me just invite him over him and time. Boy, come on, man, come on, come on. He wanted come see y'all. Oh dog, it was it was. It was gonna jomp off man. Yeah, he said, both his black side and his westside. It was gonna be Yeah, okay, blue Lavender, Yeah, you guts to be the stupid Yeah, tell me how I was gonna play out in your stupid that's what? What do you mean? What what do you mean with all this hostility? How you thought this was gonna go right? Albert Alvin whatever you is, Albien Man, I don't know. This is gonna be the best balent time ever and bring common to him. Yeah, I'm super excited to meet you, super excited, superduper. Oh this is great. Keep it stupid, that's my job. What you do, that's what you do. Man, Thank you, thank you. How we roll? We roll? We When my boy murdering the hit, I'm right there with he. That's hey, hey, hey man, hey, you do good pranks? Do you need this much? Damn Adam and he do good murder he hits kill him that day. But every damn prank we don't hear from you. Enough word to old needy ass people. Thank you coming up with a strawberry letter, my mom and my baby diddy subject. We'll get into it right up to this. You're listening show. All right, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationship, sex, dating, work, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submid Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here's a strawberry letter, Thank you, nephew. Subject my mom and my baby Daddy. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have known my baby daddy since high school. When I was twenty, I got pregnant and we moved in together. But he cheated a lot, so when my son was six, we broke up and my mom offered to let him live with her temporarily. My son is sixteen now and my baby Daddy still lives with my mom. My mom has seven sisters that are very messy and there they've always joked with my mom about having a fine young man living with her. One of my aunts has said for years that she's one hundred percent sure that my mom and baby daddy are messing around. She swears that my mom got drunk at a house party and went into the bathroom with my baby daddy for close to twenty minutes and came out bragging about how good he was Over the years, I heard stuff like, how's your mama and baby daddy. One of my older aunts finally told me the truth, but I didn't want to believe it. She said that my mom told her she really likes my baby daddy and it's way more than a sugar mama thing. She said, my mom feels terrible about it, and she's not going to stop having sex with him or put him out the short A short while after to that, my baby daddy came over to see our son, and he had been drinking. They were playing video games and my baby daddy's phone rang. My son heard him say, I love you too, baby, and I'll be home after I beat your grandson in one more game. My son tried to fight his daddy and I had to get between them. My baby daddy told my son he teach him about being a man later and how stuff like this just happened. I told my son that's not what manhood is about, and how do I fix this for my son? I'm hurt too, but I'm more worried about him. This is really sad. I mean, this is a horrible, horrible situation here. I mean, your mom did the ultimate betrayal and I could see while you didn't want to hear the truth because you probably already suspected in any way, but you didn't want to hear it because this is your mother. It's unthinkable. I mean, you know you're you're beyond mad at this point. I know you want a fighter, You want to fight your and you probably would if it wasn't your mom. I mean, this is not what a mom does to her daughter this. Moms don't do this, and to her grandson for that matter. I mean, both of them are to blame. Of course, the baby daddy, oh my god, but it's just it's hard to get over this kind of hurt. It's hard. It doesn't matter if you and the baby daddy were no longer together, that doesn't even matter at this point. It's just wrong. Okay, you told your son right when you said that this is not what manhood is about. His father is a very poor example of manhood. How can he date his son's grandmother and his mother, I mean, stuff like that, It just doesn't happen. So he told him wrong. So you know, he's teaching a son that men have no control over themselves or they just you know, if it's okay, if they date their mom and their grandmother, that's okay. No, that's not okay. It's just really wrong. You you know. My suggestion is to, I don't know, get your son to a mentor, a real good mentor a good example of what a man should be in his life, so he could show them what it really is all about. It's not what his father is talking about, not this mess, but I mean that. That is my suggestion to you talk more to your son, you know, about this situation, because I'm sure he's upset, and why would his dad say that in front of him anyway, to his grandmother, you know, this is just a mess. But I would look into a mentor some man that will be a shining example to what a man should be for your son, Steve, Okay, child, I agree, I agree. I have so many problems in this matter. At first I was going to joke about it, but then it turned really seriously because they's little boy ball y'all adults. I don't care what y'all do, but I do care about what adults do in front of children, and especially men, because men, you just have to do a better job of setting examples for our sons. You know. I mean, it's for the little things. It's okay to tell your son not to cry, but you also have to inform him that it's okay to cry, you know what I mean. That has to be a balance. You know. We listen, you got pregnant when you was twenty with your high school sweetheart, and y'all moved in together. But he cheated a lot. The letter just takes a turn right away. So when my son was six, we broke up and my mom offered, and my mom offered to let him live with her temporarily. Wait a minute, hold up, I'm confused. You and your boyfriend break up and you have a baby. Your mom offers to let him come live with her. Why ain't you and the boy go live with your mama? That's normally how I go. In the normal scope of things. The daughter goes with her mom with her son, so she would have some help and you know, and let this dude fend for herself. That's all that was. So I was confused about that. Well, my son is now sixteen, and my baby daddy's still live with his mom. My mom has seven sisters. They're very messing. They've always joked with my mom about having a fine young man living with her. Excuse me, he left when he was six. Your son, sister, he been at your mama house ten years? Ten years? Who need ten years to get on their feet? Who? Yeah, anybody can pull it together in ten years. I'm confused. I have more when we come back. But this is tril Yeah, it really is bad. It's bad, all right, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. My mom and my Baby Daddy. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letters subject my mom and my baby Daddy. Well, this young lady twenty years old got pregnant by her high school sweetheart to move in together. He cheated a lot, so when a son was six, they broke up and her mother offered to let him live with her temporarily. Like I said earlier, that's backwards. Usually the girl and the baby go stay with one of their pairs so they can have some help and assistance and let the guy go feed for himself. That was backwards already. Well, my son is sixteen nine. My baby daddy's still live with his mom with with your mama. That's ten years. He'd been at your mama's house with ten is now if she was honestly trying to help him out in the beginning, she's been helping him for ten years? Has she been helping her daughter and her grandchild or she just helping him? This sucks? Man. Now, my mom has seven sisters that are very messy, and they've always joked with my mom about having a fine young man living with her. Well, let me throw this in. If your mom got seven sisters that are messy, ain't you Ain't your mamma wanted your sisters? Ain't she from a messy family? Starting to sound like the story to me? If all seven of your sisters is messy, how does she skip the messiness? She didn't? What are your aunts has saying for years? And she's one of hundred percent sure that my mom and baby daddy, I'm messing around? Well he'd been at ten years? Who living at this house for ten years? And what now? She swears that my mom got drunk the house party right there. See, we were in a family that's still throwing house party. You see where this is going? And there's no progression in this story at all. Your mama got drunk out of house party. How old are you to stop going to house parties and get drunk? Let's see this, This story ain't got no upside and came and went to the then went into the bathroom with your baby daddy for close to twenty minutes, came out bragging about how good he was. You saw Boomerang. You you saw the movie when the late grade Witherspoon came out that baring room with that jacket inside out. You saw him occasion. I heard stuff like how your mom and baby daddy. One of my older aunts finally told me the truth, but I didn't want to believe her. What is it? You didn't want to believe One of the older aunts finally told her, and you didn't even want to believe why he'd been over that ten years? She said, Your mom told her she really likes my baby daddy and it's more than a sugar mama thing. Okay, so she taking care of this boy, she said. My mom feels terrible about it, but she's not gonna stop having sexual in him or put him out. Sure. A while after that, my baby daddy came over to see our son. He'd been drinking. Okay, see there's no progression in this story. Your baby daddy is still drinking. Your baby daddy's still living home with yo mama. You'll a boy, he'd been over that ten years. He thirty four. You got pregnant at twenty, Your husband was six twenty left. He'd been over that ten years. Your husband thirty six years old, was six. No, the boy was six. The baby was six when wouldn't live with your mama. He'd been over that ten years. You was pregnant at twenty. Your man is bod Your baby's daddy boy is thirty six and live with your mama that she taken care of, and she want to have sexual in a machine, putting him out. Then your baby daddy came over to see our son. He was drinking at thirty six, still drinking, still living home with your mama. They playing vidego games. My baby daddy phone rang. Your son, who is older now heard him say I love you too, baby, and I'll be home after I beat your grandson and one more gun. Then your son tried to fight his daddy. Why because your son know that's wrong. However, all your son. Is he already know his daddy wrong? For that? I had to get between him. My baby daddy told my son he teach him about being a man, laid on. When is he gonna teach him? He don't know. So this is a trifling mama. This is a trifling baby daddy. And so Shirley is correct. You gotta get a male mentor in front of this young man. And it's a damn shame that he gonna teach him about being a man later. And how stuff like this just happens. It don't just happen. See anything that's been happening for ten years, don't just keep happening. At one point we on purpose. You can write to having sex off with your mama's your stepmama one time, But unless you've been drunk continuously for ten years, you ain't had a sober moment in ten years to rethink this. I told my son that's not what manhood is about. You are absolutely correct. How do I fix this for my son? I'm hurt too, but I'm more worried about him. Get your son around some men, Get your son to church, Let him be around some solid people. He's got to have faith in this situation, and so do you. You may need counseling and prayer, and you need to get yourself together so you and your son can move forward. And I don't know how you're going to address your mama with this, but something something gotta get bought to light wrong. Could act like this is happening right here. All right, thanks like a super glue. Here's living post. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after Junior Sports Talk right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got for it's Junior. Let's go well, Tommy Jay listen. They've probably got this misconstrued some kind of way. But now they're not saying that Tom Brady is the greatest winner ever. Now they want they get it took a pole now and they want to know. Now, you know, Tom Brady got seven Super Bowls, right, then you got Renna Williams with twenty three Grand Slam titles. You got Michael Jordan with six NBA championships, Naddy, trying to make it between these three? How do you even make this comparison? The best football playing quarterback at that right, and Michael Jordan's called Serena William got twenty three Graham Slam titles. Do you understand, man, what that is? Yeah? Twenty three. I mean she she has to win almost eighty percent of the time when she's on the court to get twenty three titles, man, And she's a bad girl. I mean, it's just hard to win seven Super Bowls. I mean some people even get to play a whole career of fifteen years and never make it to a Super Bowl. So to get there ten times, it's pretty amazing. Now he's saying because of that that Michael Jordan is better because he went to the championship and never lost a championship that's a true statement, and never went to a game seven. Why are we mixing the sports though? Because they want about the best winner winners. See, here's the deal. The number one spectator sport in the United States of America is football. M That's true. So that's that's the problem that you have. Now culturally, the biggest sport outside of that is basketball. And then you are a baseball. Tennis is not the biggest spectator sport in America. The whole damn stadium don't hold four thousand people sometimes No, So you know what I mean. Let Bill Russell, I mean, how many championship he got? Thirteen? How he not in the conversation, Dog, That's what I'm saying. See, we just we just pick who we want. Bill Russell was boy thirteen championships. That's a team. So if you want to go buy team wins now they was all with the Celtics, but that's thirteen championships. Greatness. Tiger got to be in the in the conversation, we're talking. Yeah, who talking? Dog? You know what I think, Fellas, I think we just go by sports, right, football player Tom Brady, it's the greatest football player to play the game tennis, Serena Wi And if golf Tiger, that's the best way to do. And the only one you've got any argument within any sport is Michael and Lebron And some people want to argue Kobe. Yeah all right, Uh we could argue about this forever. Coming up at the top of the hour, stupid fights. Right after this, you're listening all right, So this story is for the guys. Listen up, guys. It's a discussion we saw on Facebook. It's from a guy named Jimmy. Jimmy says, I was listening to my long time married friends fight about when the bad weather was going to start this weekend. Usually when they disagree, the husband just shut up and smiles. This time, though, the wife was very kindescending not to mention wrong that the snow was supposed to start twelve hours earlier, and that's what they were fighting about. Well, yeah, that's what they were fighting about. Just dumb, stupid arguments, little things. So yeah, so I gotta ask you, guys, Steve, Tommy Jr. Jay of course, what was the most stupid fight or the stupidest fight you guys they have ever been in? Maybe that ended your relationship? What Jay, I hear you was It didn't end It didn't end the relationship, but it was a big ass fight. It was a movie that I wanted to go see. I can't remember the name of a movie. So we go to the movie. We get there a little late. Huh, I can't remember the movie. The fight took away from the movie. Anyway, We go to the movies and we go inside. There's no seats for us to sit together. I really wanted to see this movie. I wasn't gonna see this movie with or without her. I said, you can sit up there. I'll sit down here. First of all, I like to sit up front, close to the screen. That's me. She don't like to sit I'm one of them. She don't like shit up him. So there was a seat up front, and there was a seat in the back, on the edge where we both could see the movie. Just what we came to the movies to do. We didn't come to the movies to go sit together. We came to see the damn movie. We didn't say let's go to the movies so we can sit together. We said let's go see the movie because that's what we wanted to see. We've already with past certain steps. We get it. Well, I'm not finished. Time we went. We got the tickets. At the movie, we're inside, two seats, one up front, one to the back. She said, I'm not sitting there, or I'm gonna go home. I said, we'll go home. Ahead going home. I'll see you after the movie, because I'm I'm not leaving the damn movie. It took six weeks before she spoke to me again. But damn, come on, who's the next junior drive through? McDonald's drive through? You know they got the two menus back there. We're the only ones in the drive through. I said, why you stop back here? Just pull up to the speaker and then we can tell them we walk. She said, well, I'm not ready yet. It doesn't matter. He is paid to wait. All he gonna say is let me know when you're ready to order. Na. She gonna sit there and said, we don't need to pull up. We're gonna order to pick our mind up. It's McDonald's. It's the same thing on the menu every day. What you what? What? What? Quarter pounds of Big Mac, chicken sandwich, fifth sandwich, shakes, fries. It's the same thing. How you don't know, Tommy Jake. I didn't even go upstairs to go to sleep. I slept on the couch for two weeks. I'm not going up there all right. This this is what happened during COVID. This is what happened during COVID. This we have had a knockdown drag out about paper for some reason. I think a full paper tie is a full sheet. She think that little half is enough, and she keeps bringing me that, and I hate that. I want to hold damn paper tie. So I accidentally waste something in the kitchen and I just pulled off a bottom, you know, by the aide them so I can wipe it up. Why are you using all those paper towels. I'm like, wait a minute, we got paper tower money. What is wrong? And it just it just went. I mean we speak each about three days behind him, damn paper towel. Man, I buy my own paper towels. Now, I'll do buy my own damn paper Ye. Take good, Take good. See, we're gonna come back with your story. Okay, we need all the time we can get for your story. Well, have more of the crazy fights with these guys coming up in twenty minutes after right after this. You're listening show, all right. See before we left, we were talking about crazy fights that you're having your spouse over something stupid. It wasn't a spouse. So I'm dating this girl and she's Catholic, and she invites me to church, and so I go and we're sitting there and so a bunch of songs I never heard they would dry you know him books. So they said, open up your book and they said to a page, and I opened it, and I'm expecting you know something, and it just I hadn't heard none of these songs before, and everybody reading the words and singing along, and so I ain't want to so I ain't say nothing. She said, oh, are you not on the right page. Yeah, I can count. I know the page number. I don't know this song, she said, we're just sang along. So I started humming a song that I liked, telling them what you She said, what are you doing? That's not the song? I said, that's the song I want to sing. I say, because we were blocking our church. This song we say. I won't sing the white song. These aren't white songs. These are gospel songs. This ain't black songs. Girl, don't know how long you've been going on this church. I ain't heard Jeus on the mine line, brighter day, Jesus will fix it. I don't wanta sing these songs right here, she said, just sing the songs if you're gonna date me. I shut the book up. I ain't got sang none of these songs right here. And I don't know what are you up there talking to lat fun But I don't even know. I don't even know Spanish. At thirty three minutes after, right after this, you're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show. A viral TikTok or. Her name is Tessica Brown. She had a Twitter verse, had a Twitter verse invested in her unusual hair story. Let's start there. Okay, for those of you who haven't heard, Brown shared that her slick back ponytail was laid for a month because get this guy's She used gorilla glue gorilla glue adhesive spray after she ran out of her normal spray, which is a spray called got to Be Hair spray. I'm very famili with got to be here spray. Yeah, as you can imagine. Yeah, as you can imagine. It's been a nightmare ever since. Uh, Tessica Brown's followers the glue? Why would you do that? Do you know where you have to go to buy gorilla glue? It's hardware, like gorilla glue. Ain't as Sally's No, right, No, I've never seen it there. Gorilla glue ain't that Walgreens over there by the hell, let me explain something to you if you buy something for your head next to some nails. Well, I don't think she went out to buy it for that. I think she already had it at the house that she was trying to slick her hair down. You know how we sisters are about our hair. We want you want to slick your head down and you walk one row over from the plywood man anyway. Yeah, the warn They do have a warning label on there that says it do not get it into your eyes or get it on your skin. They do have that nowhere on your body. Do you want gerrilla glue? Yeah? She went to the hospital and everything, I mean, and they couldn't help her. They trying to see the hospital and little yeah they Have you ever seen the gorilla glue commercial? Yeah? Yeah, anybody around attaching ate weave with it. No, you can pick up a cylinder block with gorilla glue. Yeah, I mean I feel bad for Okay, let me ask you all the question to ask your question. Well, she can't shave her hair because she can't the clippers can't cut through the glue. No, yeah, I heard that's what they're saying. She can't shave it off either, Yeah, she can't shave it off. Permit. People have suggested, like using tea tree oil, put a perm on it, alcohol part. Nothing has worked. Nothing. Her hair looked like this for over a month now, every hair in place because of the gorilla clubs. Excuse me, I said she can go to I said she can go to a plool party. And this is a STICKI situation and she is stuck on stupid. That's I thought. I had to say this right saying nothing now, you know, like coming up, it is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Remember, remember that is not baby hair. I've never seen babies do their hair like that. That's all I'm saying. And we'll have some closing I've never seen one baby do their hair like that. We'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine, after you're listening show. All right, guys, here we are, last break of the day on this too day, last break of the day on him. Put some gorilla glue on it on a stick. Hey man, I really do let me you know about the little girl. I feel sorry for her, but I mean, you know, I mean, folks, come on. Now, at the end of the day, we gotta really the need for Vanity cannot open ride override your common sense. I mean, come on, man, y'all, come on. She made a terrible, bad decision and yeah decision. I feel sorry for her. You know, I'm pretty sure when she first put it on, she went boards, got my head laid down like I like it forever, and you know, it's horrible. I don't know what to do. But you know, I mean that just goes to show you, man, we we saw up sense with Vanity. Man, that we that we stopped thinking and you know, and you know, I mean we gotta think away. You know, eventually she would be fine. You know, somebody would tell us something and come up with something. It's gonna be a process, you know. But I don't. You know, you know, I stuck my tongue on ice tray one time. But I just did that one time. I did that one time. I mean, we've all done done things, We've all made you know, I did that. Yeah, you know, yo, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I wouldn't have put it out there. I really wouldn't have. I wouldn't. Well, Well, she needs help, though, she needs help getting it. Yeah, she needs I would have because she she's at her WIT's end. She doesn't know what to do right now. And she put it out there to tell people not to do it too, Yeah, to help someone. Yeah, she said she didn't have to do I think I think everybody know not to do that, like they you need to put put a video out there to tell us. Now, I mean, you know, if she goes, if you run out of this, don't use this. I'm trying to figure out who ever thought of that. Yeah, what's the information. Yeah, if you run out of something for your hair, don't go down to the hardware, stow next to the plywood and pick up nothing that's in the nail section. Yeah, I mean, y'all come on now, Yeah, yeah, I mean really had this whole, these two pieces of wood together, pieces of wood together. See how that is tight? Don't don't put this in your hair. I'm right, But she could have used married. What's married? What's all them greases back in the sporting ways, just call it Burglemont pro line and boy boy? Shut up, dude, boy boy. I used boy I used to have some pretty waves in my hair. Yeah, really, Oh surely, Yeah, waves. You couldn't tell me none but brush the stocking cap dog damp a damp hot washcloth on top of them, atop, rush them, lay it on the top, and then take it off and go to school girl, and and and back in the day, a stocking cap was a real damn stocking. Okay, it was a real not stock. It was tied up with nothing. No, it was a stocking. Okay. Why are you mad they didn't sell them separate? It wasn't noting, It wasn't noting nightcap was none of that stock. It straight out the egg. Yeah, yeah, straight out of the egg of Haynes dog. And you had to know how to cut them, too, because you didn't cut them right. You go close to the foot, You go close to the foot of the stocking. It's close. Now, I could use some of my sister stockings, but one time my aunt stayed with us and I thought I could use hers, and I couldn't find no where to cut it that would fit my head. Every part of that stocking was too bad, wide dog dog. One time I cut a pair of patty holes and I wore the school was a dickie. You remember dickies. You put them over your head. It was like a turtleneck, but it wasn't a whole turtleneck. It just had a bill on the front. With the turtleneck. I used to wear her stockings as a dickie. It was ruffle up. Damn it, man, Steve, See where you get that silk dickie from? I can't tell you. I can't tell They don't know the struck. You don't know. The time you take an old stock and you put some pennies in it, just fill it with pennies down to the bottom. Tie that in a knot. Somebody's behind about dog dog, dog dog. You could take them school and get in a real fight with the penny. How do we go from her weapon? I'm just trying. I'm just trying to tell you what all these stocks the fault? Hey man, hey dog, I'm gonna tell you something else. If you couldn't find you couldn't find no rubber bands to hold your socks up when the elastic went off, you could take a stock. You could take a stocking in time around your calves in a small knot and keep your You can keep your socks up like that too. Oh you know what? You know what? Because I will shocks to the last last with me. Don't tell me, you know, with just a stocking over your face and yeah you don't. I'm a bank rock. Yeah instantly, yea. All you can do show and tell with a stocking over your face and just tell totally teach ours on earth Worm that ye y'all have. For all Steve Every contests, no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For a complete content US rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.