Supreme Court, Tiffany Haddish, Championship Sunday, Raggedy Car and more.

Published Jan 28, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Whatever you want, put it out there and get it. The CLO warns about pain and payment for transgressions. J. Anthony Brown has few things to share with a particular pocket of The Steve Harvey Nation. Joe Biden has a goal for Supreme Court. Ray J met with Trump. Pimpin' gives us his predictions for the Big Game in Inglewood. Duration and frequency on one side and then the way one golf's on the other in this round of WYR. Want a $2500 shopping spree? The comedians give us the things people say before you get in their raggedy car. The crew wrap up the week with hygiene habits before/after the pandemic.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things. And it's too good at listening together for stay I don't join join me. You gotta turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn out. You got to turn out. Then turn the water, the water go. Come come on your tha h huh. I sure, well, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me now want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o, man o man I thank God for it. I thank God for all he's done for me, for all the little things that are oftentimes failed to thank him for that I take for granted for you know, I was. I was talking the other day to a buddy of mine. We had gotten to this conversation about God and and and in the conversation we had narrowed it down and we were talking about changing the way we are as people. You know that everybody has to change. You know, nothing stays the same. Everybody changes, and a lot of these changes can be for the good, and a lot of them are just they just come with time. You know. Sometimes it's aging that changes us. But no matter how old you get, you still have the ability to improve as a person. You may not have the foot speed you used to have. You may not be as agile as you used to be. Your energy level may not be what it used to be. Your desire to do some of the things that you used to do may be gone. The thing that doesn't have to change and will not change is you. You have the ability to continue to grow as a person even when far the time and nature has taken its course. We were talking about everybody can change and everybody has the right to reinvent themselves as they get older, and I equated it to jumping out of an airplane. You know, there are some people man who get to a certain point in their life and they and they jump from the airplane is now almost a stunt of some kind. It's almost like they lifeed and got out of control. You ever seen somebody jump out of airplane and the parachute don't open and they lifestart and it seems like they start spinning and tumbling and they can't get it together. And I've seen some mid air rescues before. But then there are times when you know when it hasn't worked. You know, you jump out that airplane and and and at first it's fun. I've never skydived before, but I would imagine when you first jump out of an airplane that they people describe it as a sense of being free. And it's exhilarating when you first jump out the plane. But if you pull that cord and nothing happens. I never happened to me, But I can only imagine the panic that's got to set in, because no matter how fun it was a moment ago, the flying over to one another, holding hands in the air, the breeze, the descent of the feeling of all of a sudden, if you reach for that cord and that's not there, you're suddenly spinning out of control. And that's what happens in a lot of people's lives. When you first start your life, you jump out the plane. You're free, you're young, you ain't got nothing to where about it. But then you get to a certain point in your life when you go, okay, I'm gonna pull the cord now. And pulling the cord is an important thing because here's the analogy my friend gave me. He said, man, use your mind, like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Well, see what happens with a lot of people, is they in life. They jump out the plane and and and they and they having this free fall and it's fun for now. But they get to a certain point in their life where they got themselves in a situation, or they've had a little bit too much fun a little bit too long, or you know, they wasn't open to nothing, and they just did what they wanted to do, or they started getting involved with drugs or drinking or started running with the wrong people. So you jump out the plane. The first you're free falling. It's fun. But then after a minute, man, something happens and they realize whoa and they reach for the chord, and the chord don't work. Well, now you're in a panic stricken situation. And my suggesting is what I've learned from the analogy that my friends shared with me, is that we all the sooner we can open mind to God, the sooner we could develop that relationship with him. It's like pulling the cord and opening a parachute. If you open up your mind to God, God is like a parachute. You know, God can slow your descent. God can turn this out of control free fall into a nice ride for you. See, that's what happened to me. I was spinning out of control. I had gotten myself into a point man while I wasn't doing real good. Oh, y'all would look at me and think, man Stevie man Nam, I wasn't doing real good. I had spun out of control. I was. I was in a free fall, and I reached for the court, but I was so far away the cord didn't open. Then I went to him and I pulled the cord. When I went to God, I pulled the cord and open, and he slowed my descent. And this is what I just believe. I don't believe now that I aged as fast as I was aging, because I got that parachute open. Now, you know, I take better care of myself, eating, I work out more. Now you know, I'm not out of control. I have a direction now that when then got up under that parachute a little bit, you know, And now I'm I'm I'm going you know, I'm still getting older, you know, so, but the descent is so slow. Now I'm able to enjoy the ride. I'm guiding my parachute over. Sometimes we go over to to a vacation spot over here, we float back over to it. But you know, I'm still getting old. I'm still going down. But the descent because I've opened my mind to God, the parachute has slowed my descent. And now I'm rocking back and forth. But I ain't spending out of control no more. You know, I'm able to enjoy the view now. You know, when you jump out that plane and you and you pull that cord and it don't work, you ain't looking at the view no more. You're thinking of only one thing, How can I slow this down? Well, now I'm able to enjoy the view. I'm able to see all the beautiful things on the horizon that God has for me. I'm able to see all the beautiful things around me that He's provided for me over these years. Because I've slowed my descent. I used my mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Open your mind to God, and so you can see the view, so you can slow the descent, so you can stop the out of control freefall that you've been on. That you can get your life together and see everything out on the horizon that God has for you. You know, it turned out to be a very true statement your mind. If you use it like a parachute, it works better when it's open. Y'all. You're listening to morning show. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome again to twenty twenty two. We've passed the stage of happy new year. This new year will be a great year if you claim it. I just want to keep reminding y'all of that. Live your life with great expectations. Claim healing, Claim victory, claim prosperity, claim good health. Claim it, y'all, claim the relationships, claim it, claim peace, claim it, say it, pray about it, and claim it, and then give it. Leave it over there, give it to God and walk away and going about your business. And watch what you do, ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvin, Matter show, Junior, what's on your mind? Let me tell you something, Let me ask something I've been seeing. No, tell me nothing, No, ask something crazy? All these crazy passes out here, uncle, Like I saw a video passes whooping members. Could you be part of that? Yes? Yeah, yeah, but I have to be on the abbey, have to be on the video as a whipper doctor whippet. Well, if I'm gonna be in the video, that's the only way it's gonna be. I don't understand these ignorant people following these ignorant pastors. Listen, man, what has happened? Now? It's pastors. Now it's trying to top each other passage just like kiktok. Now they're just trying to warn up. Challenges started started. We're having the pastor challenge. You know, in a minute, they're gonna be setting up you know, milk crates in the church, seeing how high you can go up and keep the faith. They're gonna be doing all kinds of stuff. Started when that dude spit in his hand and spit on that boy face. That started not in here, not in here all not not not not in here whipping members. They do. They have took feet washing to a whole nother left. They got naked women getting body washed by pastors. That what yeah, big online to see this here. They got naked women coming in there, sitting in tubs and passes his body washing them. A woman standing in front of a preacher with a towel on, she neckd and he he's washing her for what with his hand on her hand on back of one of her thighs. Though, boy stopped. Yeah, get right here, this ain't church no more, where the churches nab then turned into an activity, didn't they bathe? For they left? The crazy part is, I don't kill what you think of. You can get somebody to go along with you, and you got to create and then listen to me. And you can't listen. Listen when Jesus spat in the man's eye, when he opened his eyes, he could see that if you spit on me, because a lot of stuff has to come out of this spit. I'm a billionaire. After I wiped the spit off, you know, gotta happen. All my fattest gone when I wiped the spit off. You know I have had now of stuff. The promise of what happens when you spit on me has to happen right here. I never had to go to the gym again. All right, Coming up, that ain't your promise when you spit on me. Coming up next, we're going to the nephew to run that prank back at thirty two minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening show, all right, guys, it is time to run that prank back with the nephew. What you got enough? I think we're gonna repossess. I think we're gonna repossess somebody's car today. That's what I think we're gonna do. Jay, You ever been repossessed the repo man, Heather. Not only was I repossessied tom and the car was parked where I had to ride the bus and I would seeing my damn car every day because I didn't have money to out. Yeah yeah, yeah, damn. So went through that pain. It was at the finance company and I'm riding the bus seeing my car and it was only sixty nine dollars to get it out. I ain't had it cussing right there, Tommy, I had a car taking calls of tickets. They told my car tickets. Three days of not getting the money, I got some boat cutters out of my daddy's garage and went out there and cut the chain on the gate one night about three o'clock in the morning, drove me right on the body. Stole your own car. No, no, no, I didn't steal. You can't steal yours signing. You can't get me on another case. Now they got me for trust pass it. That was for day. I'm sure they got me for that. But hi, all right, come on cat dog repo man. Hello, I'm trying to reach age. Please this hill. All right, y'all. My name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra two thousand and three GMC truck. Am I correct? Yep? Okay, we don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, sir. N financial With the other other thing, I don't, I don't. I don't know what's in them. Yeah, I'm playing all times directed party from our call. We're about that. Well, Uh, I'm with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with collection agency and we haven't gotten anything from I don't. I don't show any uh, any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any pay's made within the last four months. So that's why they I've been paying it all already turned it over to y'all without my permission. They can't never turn my time, is my truck over to y'all to pick y'all. I don't even know it all well, I understand that, sir. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency, and that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us UH and they've given us UH pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color UH CR two thousand and three GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Yeah, that's my truck. Okay. UM. Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in UH and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Partness learning up, y'all not coming here my truck and I'm not paying y'all for for new full months. I'm under paying my truck all time, every month. That's a deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you what the pid Look slow, no, look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and fussing and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that stuff. Truck truck, that's gonna be that? What? Hang on, Let's back up, because I'm a man, just like here, man, what do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I pay my truck note and and that's a fun I don't know, I don't know what are you. Let's get I've already stated to you before. I'm with an agency, and let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now. Hey, hey, dude, came down here on the phone. It don't make no sense. To it, you know, over the father whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck. My truck right here I work. I'm right here. You can come. You can come try to get my truck. You come on there. Sure, I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now I don't. I'm trying to be as uh card you with you as I can. Now you can clothe you're talking about conna. Get my truckle and I'll tell you. I'll be saying much so you know you should have dropped it and being like all right, I'm gonna check with somebody. I check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. It didn't call me back. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. What are you? Stupid? You? You you're waiting your press scream in the hell over the phone like that because they ain't gonna do me me? Are you no good? You ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck. What a matter of fact, you could come from my truck. I'm gonna be on my truck. I'm gonna wait on you. Which you gonna be there? It doesn't make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment, Brook, definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of. No hold on, listen, man, hold on for me. You kind of kind of serious. Put my truck and party went cursing at me. That's what's wrong. Man. You look right outside. You come over here and get it obviously that way for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him back, Kake. I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hey, I'm man, I make a bro stopped calling. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. We'll make your money to do your job, truck. I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you listening? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got you got on my teach You are all right, man, I'm not all right. I'm gonna talk this room. Man, I'm talking about cool. I'm gonna sat about she told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my own reputation. Man. Hey, man, yeah, yeah, you got you gotta good. Hey, I gotta ask. I gotta ask you. Man, tell me, brother, what is the badest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? No st alright, Tommy, all right, nephew, all right, coming up, it is asked the Cello with our chief love Officers, Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. In today's entertainment news, well, Tiffany Hatters speaks out about her recent DUI and Donald Trump and get this, Ray J had a business meeting down at Marlago. But right now we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. Yeah, let that marinate for a minute. Right now, it's time to ask, as the cellos chief Love Officer Steve Harvey ready for you, Marie, and Philly writes, I'm engaged to be married and my side dude isn't happy about it. He's going through a divorce and thought I would always be there for him. His problem is that I hit my long distance relationship from him and finally told him I was six months away from getting married. He's popping up trying to catch me with my man here and there, and it's a big problem. I didn't bother him and his wife, so why won't he give me that same respect? Oh? Come on, you know the rules, pretty tony. Well, you know you want to be real gangster about it, and you just tell your dude that this man keep popping up bothering you. That's one way to solve it. Secondly, you know, paying for what you've done it's always a little more costly than you expect it to be. So hanging there and just know that this too shall pass, but there is payment for all debts. Old you feel me? So this little side dude you had, he now he don't want to be on side, and no more. You gotta paid for that because I'm pretty sure you didn't tell your fiance you had the side, dude, So it comes to payment part of me. It's outside. I always want to be out front. I always want to be out side. Piece want to move up. They always want to move up. We're moving on Carmen and Port. Richie says, I've been married for close to twenty years and my husband's hygiene it's gotten bad lately. He used to be the man that will run my bathwater, slide in the water with me and then drive me off. Now it's a miracle if he washes up before he comes to bed. He thinks, because we work from home, there's no need to watch to waste bathwater or shower water. Is this a phase or what? Jesus well? I think don't worry about it whether it's phase. And now let's address the other problem. He don't want to waste bathwater? Right? What wh y'all being in the cave? Where do y'all live next to a hot spring where y'all getting this water from waste? He don't want to waste no bathwater where y'all stayed? How many how many gallons is y'all allocated a day? Where are you at that? It's the bigger problem. Now the next problem is if that's the excuse he's used for not washing up. Yeah, that's the worst excuse. So he just tried for he don't want to wash up, because that's the excuse. I don't want to waste bad water. That's a problem. I think the fact that he doesn't watch it. There a couple of breaks ago we talked about the church cleaning people. Won't we send him to that church? And he lined up and get cleaned too. He only does women don't do him. Nobody want to do men. They just do it the women. You can keep your tie on, sir. Oh you can't watch me, huh? All right? Moving on to Wanda in New Orleans. Wanda rights. My thirty two year old son purchased a car in my name and I found out when the bank called me. He caught me by surprise, and I didn't have any of the account information. When I was talking to the collections agent, I told him I could have him arrested if he doesn't pay the bank. Would I be wrong if I did that? Well, he was wrong for doing it and not telling you. Uh you know, I will tell you this. The only way they will do something about it is if you press charges. Other than that you owe the money. I'm just gonna tell you that I've been in that situation for someone took my name and used it for credit cards, and the only way they would move forward I had to press charges against him, and I wouldn't do it. So congratulations, you have to press charges against your own son, or you can just go to old school route and just you know, put up twenty eight dollars. Twenty eight thousand dollars ass whooping on it? You know, ask question when does grown kicking? Because I thought thirty was grown? When When is it's still your child doing childish stuff? When is grown kicking? Oh? None, no, no, autonic. This has nothing to do with it. The age has nothing to do with it. It's a level. You got two things you're working against, entitlement and ignorance, and when your children suffer from either one of those, you have a problem for quite some time. Next question, Charley h there we go, Johnny and Tennessee says, I'm in my mid sixties and my husband doesn't come home until the weekend. He has always been a truck driver, and when he had the option to retire, he wasn't ready. I wanted us to finally have quality time together. But he said, our marriage works better if we have time apart. Why doesn't he want to stay home because he he's somewhere else during the week. Ye, he come home so weekends, just on weekends. So five days he driving the truck. Where are he going for five days? And he come home just on weekends? That's it. He going somewhere else during the week. It's okay, yeah, or and nothing. And that's not necessarily with somebody else, but it's just five days away from you. You don't think someone else. I just told you, Shirley in my original answer, he's with somebody else, yeah, right, But then he don't have to be with nobody else. He could just be through with hull. I just set in the car for hours in my driveway. It wouldn't go in. I wish I had somewhere else to drive off too. I just drove around Dallas much as I could out, kind of going downtown and back out of Plato, go down and hunh yeah, driving around on six thirty five. That's when when when you hear up, when you're hearing around, Oh, just going on all down that by calling down, kept driving about the zoo looking at that big as giraffe outside. Wow, I rather drive back down the disoda again and driving used to see from she has no idea, she is clueless. Well he ain't because she wants quality time together. You can get it in there. You can get it on on Saturday and Sunday. Wow. Wow, All right, thank you, Forella. Coming up at the top of the hour, We've got entertainment news for you. Right after this, you're listening Morning show. Tiffany hattersh sat down virtually on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Tiffany explained the night she was arrested for DUI that was earlier this month, and her recent struggles with grief. She says, I've been praying to God to send me a new man, a good man, a good man. God went ahead and sent me for in a uniform. That's what Tiffany said. She said she was reeling from several hardships, including her public breakup with Common and the loss of her grandmother. She also said, I'm definitely making something out of it. My next special is going to be about grief and it's gonna be hilarious. That ought to be funny. Yeah, that's what she said, figuring out how to run with it. We can't wait. You're gonna do a grief stand up, which is about our Yeah, it's a lot of grief. That's gonna be about greed. Y're all ready, Y're already. I don't. I don't believe that it's it's something else. She did a light weed as and she I mean, just oh, that's what I shit. But but she she may have that may have been the situation, but um, she was grieving over the loss of her family member and of her breakup. That what she's saying, well, well, well she went. Well, let me just give you a professional opinion of somebody who likes Tiffany Hattit. Don't sit up and think you're fitting to do a special based around grief and it's fitting to be funny, because it's not. Trust me, don't do that to yourself. She might be laughing, But you've been. But I'm telling right now, you've been throw some people in itself. Well, the best medicine healing and all that, Yes, exactly, but now now hold on, let's let's let's just go over this. I've lost both my parents and my brother Tommy has lost a parent, Shirley Caller. Yes, Jay all lost parents, Yes we had. Yes. Now I've laughed about something that happened at my mother's funeral, but the that's that's it. I've managed one joke in twenty five years. I've managed one joke in twenty five years about my mama's funeral. Nothing was funny at my brother's funeral. Nothing was funny about about my father's that I couldn't find it. I ain't hurt. I heard Richard Pride done. I ain't heard George Colin done. I ain't heard Jonathan Winner's DNA had I ain't heard Bill Hicks do none. And he didn't went into some dog place. I've just never I ain't never seen it. I ain't seen your Pale do it? Rock do it? Kevin doo it. I ain't seen Jay Anthony do it. I ain't seen said dude. I was on tour with the Kings. I heard what boy? She well, you know what do what she does? She says, it's gonna be hilarious. Figuring out how to process it. I'm pulling that is that we that we to make you say that, that weed will make you say that. Thank you expert. Uh girl, my girl, Tiffany, who are happened to like a lot do your special handle it. I'm pulling for you. I'm a fan of your but you're not fitting to do no commedy special on Greek. So right now, but about it? All right? Okay, I just told you what I just tell you, Shirley. I'm telling you what she says. I don't care what she's saying, Shirley. Listen, listen. I want to I want, I want us to get to this story. It's about ray Je visiting and sitting down with Donald Trump. Okay, that happened earlier this week at Mara Lago to discuss a few initiatives. You know, you know, you got a lot of grief from meeting with Donald Trump and speaking of grief, and ray Jay sat down with him earlier this week, and he wanted to discuss a few initiatives that he would like to execute for entrepreneurs and young business professionals. Ray j also wants to help raise awareness for political issues that he's passionate about. He said he's always admired and respected Trump's business acumen, and he said our conversation was about job creation, encouraging small business development, and how information technology plays an important role in the future of our economy. And RAYJ said he's ready to get started now. They've already scheduled a follow up meeting to put into action many of the ideas that were discussed this week. Your thoughts, mister Harvey, Brandy Brother, I appreciate you going down there with all the best intended purposes. I went up there and asked to meet with Being Carson put me in touch with Being Carson. I gave Ben Carson his only initiative he ever had while he was in a hood. I gave him the initiative of creating the Vision Centers. I call him Vision Centers. They changed their name to Invision Centers if you go on line. They opened up three of them. That was a Steve Harvey initiative that I went to get for black people. But after they talked about me and they asked me to come stand with him at the grand opening of what was my initiative of the Invision Centers, I said, no, I'm not going up there and stand with a damn thing, because black people have already laced my ass for going up there. Never asked me what I went for, so I recommend ray Jy whatever you do. Understand, brother, appreciate you going up there. Good luck to you. Hope you're do an initiative. They don't really give a damn about you like they do me, ray J. So you probably ain't even They ain't even say nothing about your damn my front page. It's a different platform, for sure, So we'll see what happened. We've got a different platform. Many j work. My whole career, My whole career been for black people, uplifted edification. Wanted to be an example of a more complis a mentor. Hell yeah, hurt spirit didn't get off to the radio show and takes them. Coming up in twenty minutes after, we'll look into the mind of one j Anthony Brown. Right after this, you're listening to show, all right, Steve, let's go. It's time for you to introduce your friend. Ladies and gentlemen, listen into Darkness boom, all right. Being the senior member on this show, I'd like to talk to our senior members who listened to the show. You got some problems out there. You might not be aware of them, but I am, and I want to help you with the problems that you have. If you have to start a story by saying, did I tell y'all this before? You've told it before, nobody wants to hear it again. Okay, all right, if you start up, did I tell you? Yeah, we've heard it before. Okay, all right, Stop being the person who tells everybody who's dead. Don't nobody want to hear that? Okay, sir doctoring the one with all the dead news. Okay, stop calling me up telling me who did I don't even know some of these damn people. I ain't talk to him in forty years. I don't know them. You can't make it. That's what I'm talking about. That's that's it, right there, Lord Jesus Lucy, he's dead. Oh my God. To my senior members, ladies, ladies, I know you like I know you like leopard print. I know you love it. I'm seeing it. I know you love it, and I know you gotta love for it. But you can't mix it up. You can't have seven or eight leopard prints. You just can't do it it. Don't it don't flow leopard hat, leopard scarved, leopard blouse, leopard boots, and leopard there's too much leopard. You know, a real leopard is not completely covered with leopard. Yeah, a real a real leopard is not with a whole lot of leopard on. All right, and all the black people learn to use headsets or headphones or ear or earbuds. Stop holding your phone like it's a slice of pie and you talking in it to everybody. Well you talking about stop holding your damn phone like, yeah, ain't done here, I'm at I'm at them all right now. And when you come on, get you some earbuds. Damn it. Okay, tell ye buds, learn how to use them. And last, but not least, old black men, I gotta talk to you. Street shoes do not go with every damn thing. Okay, I don't know if you know that. Street All right, dog and soup, Thank you, Jay. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the same show. One of the most monumental endeavors of Joe Biden's presidency is a retirement of Stephen Brier, as it sets the stage for a very important decision by the president. Briar's seat may be the only one the Biden feels on the Supreme Court, or it may not be one he feels at all, if Republicans retake the Senate before Biden's choice for a replacement is confirmed. While on the campaign trail, Biden vowed to put a black woman on the Supreme Court amen, which would be a historic first. Of course, a short list of potential nominees has been circulating at the White House and before Briar's retirement, plans became public, and officials have built files on the various candidates all ready, so they're already looking in case this goes down, like you know, they foresee it. I say something, Yeah, I think Biden should keep his mouth closed and quit talking about what he vows to do, because I'm gonna tell you right now, if you think white men in the power structure in this country, it's fitting to sit and watch that happen without throwing the whole weight of the Senate and the party behind this one. You are set. Watch a look at what they're doing. They don't give a damn about us, man, they don't voting rights. No, no, we're not doing any of that. You're gonna put a black woman on Supreme Court? What but he said that during a campaign trail was one of his promises, and you know you gotta promise things. Yeah, we really really hope it happens. I have no faith in this judicial system we have, or political system we I have none. I wanted to happen. But boy, let me tell you something. If we don't get out of voting these mid terms and change these senatorial seats around and they not letting nothing go down, they lock Stock and barrel Man united at the Republican Party. Well, I was going to see party over the people. Democrats. They can't organize either, the Democrats because they won't stick together. But some of the Democrats ain't Democrat matching down in West Virginia, ain't no Democrat on the Democratic ticket. But here he's stopping voting rights. He's against that, against all that. Oh yeah, because he's a plane mister sticks they've ever done. That's very true. This is really sad. But we got to keep voting. Like you saying, Steve, we got to put people to look forward mention of a black woman what no, just saying it. I'm with you, Shirley. I look forward to that too, to the day a black woman observes to be on Supreme and just one let me, let me get in this Thomas. Now you have a black figurine. Yeah, yeah, you have a black figurine in that black belt class. Thomas. Mmma. So we're gonna be watching to see what happens with this story. And you know, it's a good time to remind people to get ready to vote. The mid terms are coming. The mid terms are coming. Get your minds right, seriously. Yeah, because you remember the last Supreme Court justice, well one of the last ones, Kavanaugh. Remember all that, all that he did. He's on the Supreme Court bench right now. And remember how they rushed everything through to get him on. Yeah, everything, They broke all kinds of rules to get him in. Yeah. So that's why you got to vote. That is why you got to vote. When we all vote dot org, get register, would you say, Steve, oh we are going to vote. Oh? Yes, No matter how hard they try to make it for us, they're making it hard. They're making it very hard. Yeah, voting right, something so simple as voting rights. Trying to stop democracy and freedom and right. This is great. In twenty twenty two, this is ubsecurd, But but it changed when we came out to vote, they thought our power then you know, like you say a lot of Steve. But anyway, when we all vote dot org. All right, up next the prank phone call as we change years. The nephew is here right after this. You're listening to a right coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, and the subject is a masterpiece without peace or a piece. We'll get into it, you see what. We'll break it down for you in just a little bit. Right now, it is time think about it for the nephew with today's frank phone call. What you got? What you got? I got paper clips? Shirley paper clip clip? Yeah, don't sound harmless, right, I have no idea what that means. Okay, all right, take a listen, kat doc let's go paper clips. I'm trying to reach for Ronico Hiver Ronica. How are you doing. My name is Philip, I'm from CORP. How are you doing? I'm good? Thank you? How can I help you today? You were with the company here, see you just left about what six months ago? That's correct, okay, and you left with a cheverince. I'm all right, that's right. I'm sorry. Host we do is Philip. My name is Philip, Philip. I'm actually calling on some security questions and wanted to reach out to you. Now you you own your own travel agency, now that's correct. Okay. Um, Now you actually left with a severance when you when you left the company at that right, that's right? Okay? And how long were you actually with? Uh? I was in the eight years? I'm sorry whom things are again? My name is Philip. I'm with security and what can I do for you? Philip? Uh? Well, we got we have you. You started this business? Now did you start it before you left? Philip? I started with sickness after I left there. You started it after you left there? That's correct? One month? One month after you left there. Okay. So the reason why I'm giving you a call, and I've been you know, we've gone through some security tastes and things of that nature. We're missing so many rims of paper, we're missing thousands of paper clips, we're missing so many office applies, and it's been brought to the security's attention that it's targeting that you are the person that has taken all of this This office I'm sorry. Let me let me get this right clip. You are calling my place of business asking me if I have used paper clips and paper I have customers in my establishment right now. I can't talk to you about this, Okay, ma'am listen. I know that I'm sorry for calling your place to business, but I want to say this. We're at the the point of actually picking you up behind items that have been taken from the company, so I wanted to call and see if we could get it taken care of over the phone. Now you gotta go. Then I'm gonna have to actually come out to your business, and that's something that I'm trying not to do. You know what, hold hold on? What that? If you hold that on? Who does this on my phone? Talking about the man paper clips? I have been gone from there for six months. Are you calling me now about some paper and someone paper clips? Man? We're missing at least five thousand paper clips. You'n tell you what. I have been out of that company for six months. I worked for y'all for eight years, and you won't let me go. I didn't take anything from you, Okay. Have you ever used any paper or any paper clips outside of have you done that. Of course I used paper every day I run a business. Okay, but you're using our paper for your own personal business, your travel agent or whatever it is that you have. You're using office supply. That right there is against the law. Oh no, I will go and buy you some damn paper clips. Okay, Well we don't want paper clips. Man. Now we've given you a severance play, and for my understanding, it's been a substantial amount. And right now it's gonna be filing charges and taking you to court over these paper clips and paper. I'm gonna tell you what you can do that five thousand paper clips, I paper clip them together and hang you out for by y'all, I ain't stealing the damn paperclips. You're gonna call me six months later talk about some paper and paper clips, ma'am. I don't want to go back phillips. I'm sorry, this is some fillip. So are you wanting to return all the merchants because it looks like I didn't take no merchandise. I don't have to steal nothing from y'all. I work for you for eight years. Come about for eight years, you stole paper paper clips, You stole all the supplies scissors, masking tape. You have taken markers pins. We got it down to know what video taste you got, Philip. I ain't steal nothing from y'all. I was an employee of the year you all gave me at Severn Packies. How dare you call me six months later? You can take the paper clips and shove them up. You're behind Excuse me? Are we done here? No, we're not done here. So take your videotape and your paper clips and your scissors, and you know what to do with them. No, No, I don't, man, No, listen. What we're gonna have to do is you're gonna get served right there at your travel agency. Where are you located me? You know what. I'm gonna give you my address because you come over here. I got some scissors for your Philip. I don't have time for this. You want my address, you can come on over here. Look it up Google me. We want our paper clips back, hold me, come in them then, matter of fact, give me your address, Philip. I'll bring them to you. Feel no damn paper clips. I'm a Christian woman and you got me on this phone cussing and fighting with you. I'm not paper clip, a little paperclips? What's your address, teller? We're listening over five thousand paper clips and we need those. Now, what's your address. I'm gonna bring your damn paper and paper clips to you. How about that? So you are, teller, You are guilty of using the paper aren't you? We all used paper filler. I don't feel, which means guess what. It's against the law, which means you have something. If you are taking one paper clip, it's against the law. And cum you got pens in your car phillip back but corporation. I bet you do right work for the company. I'm trying to run a business, so you're stealing too. Give me your voice this number. You're calling my damn phone talking about some pens and paper clips. Here, wash your mine, give me your address. I'll bring the pens and paper clips. You ain't got a you do thinking so many pens and so many paper clips, thousands of runs of one business? Don't call my phone within about I'm gonna play this to you now. I'm gonna go ahead and order. I'm ordering the police to come and pick you up, okay, because I'm trying to get the problem. Taking care about the phone, bring the police and you come with them. Come get it. I got something for you when you get here and bring them. You're calling me about some paper and paper clips. I've been gone from here for six months. Dam you have stolen paper clips from the company and we want our paper clips back. Bring your over here. You want to getting some damn paper clips, and I'm gonna call my man so he can kick your over here if you want to. You want to add dress, you want to address up. Come on, I'm a professional. I'm trying to run a business. I got to walk away from my customers and get about some pens and papers and paper clipps because you stole over five thousand paper face. And then you also you better be ready because you're stolen some stuff for Tommy and he's been over here. Wait a minute, won't won't wait? Tommy says you're stolen a bunch of his stuff. Listen, I don't know Nony, No, you don't know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't know him. What's the same, I say, Do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Do you know him? You gotta be kicking me. Your girlfriend dorth Theo got me to brank faulk call you, I'm gonna kick her. I'm I'm going to get her right now. I'm gonna kick her down. You you made me step in the back room on you. Hey, let me ask you something, baby, what is the badest, I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show's on that goes out to everybody that has stolen something from the job, all of you staking paper pens and of course paper clips, peer claps. It all adds up, it all adds up. Hey, it's going down to night, y'all, Friday night. Okay, ready to love Jumps off brand new season. Got a little twist for you, And as I always do, I keep them curveballs. But this twist is quality over quantity. Okay, all right, So we ain't worried about having a whole ten ten ten million ten women. No, no, no no, We're talking about quality over quantity. So get ready Ready to love Jumps off the night on the old network. That's nine eighth Central on Own, hosted by yours truly nephew timing. God has given me another season. Yes, Huntsville, Alabama. The nephew coming down that Alca dog Gonne food. Get ready, ticket's gonna see all right, now, what's that? That's Valentine's weekend as well. That's Super Bowl weekend. That's Thursday Friday. Decided it February tenth, eleventh, and twelveth huncil Ville, Alabama. Nephew, come to tell all right now? Thank you? Coming up next Strawberry Letters. Subject a masterpiece without peace or a piece. Okay, we'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Never know, it could be yours. You never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, neph you. Subject a masterpiece without peace or a piece? Okay. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm writing in for my twenty nine year old brother and hopes you can help him out. He calls his girlfriend a masterpiece, and I have to agree that she's almost perfect and the prettiest girl he's ever dated. He fell in love for superficial reasons and has not taken the time to get to know her. His girlfriend works as a model and an Instagram influencer, and she makes great money. She's got a natural body and curly red hair with big, pretty eyes. She is a stunning woman. But she's turned my brother into a different man. He's been sleeping on my couch for a week because she put him out of his own house. He's a techie, so he makes great money and that's what attracted her. He's given her money for skin and teeth enhancement, so he helped create that masterpiece here. Recently, she stopped having sex with him and told him her body is a temple for her husband, and since he won't marry her, then he can't touch her. I agreed with her on that, So I'm in the middle of something that I have no business being in. My brother said, there is no peace living with this woman. Her life is taking photos, going out to clubs and restaurants and traveling to make money. He's in love with the idea of her, and quite honestly, I think she's cheating on him. I want him to get a backbone and put her out of his house if she's that bad. Being the gentleman that he is, he said he can't just uproot her like that. He remains faithful to his masterpiece, but he can't even get a piece. One day he wants to break up with her, and another day he wants to buy a ring and ask her to marry him. I feel bad for him, but I want him off my couch. This woman has to hold on This woman has a hold on him. So how can I make him, help him make the right decision. Well, you can't, You can't. This really has nothing to do with you. But he's your brother. You care what happens to him, and he's on your couch, so you are involved by default. But he's really not being a man in this situation. And I mean, clearly you said in the letter he's in love with her. Your brother sprung on his so called masterpiece girlfriend. I mean, who is this fine that they can make you leave your own house, your own house, that you pay the mortgage for okay, So in this case, not until he's had enough and Kenny stand up to her or catches her cheating like you think she is, will he be able to break up with her. I mean, it's just as simple as that, because he's got it real bad. I mean, you said she's beautiful, she's got curves, big pretty eyes, curly hair, all of that. You know, as his sibling, you could shake things up and try putting him out of your house, which would force him to go back home. But please know that he'll be mad at you for a while, and when he should be mad at his girl the masterpiece, but again, he sprung, so I just wouldn't count on that. You know, try giving him a deadline when he has to be out of the house and see what happens. I mean, he's a grown man, he's not your responsibility. I think you should let him figure this out in his own house. Steve, this boy twenty nine years old. Twenty nine, that ain't old enough, y'all, that ain't old enough to do all the things that I'm about to tell him he needed to do, because he twenty nine and he can't believe what has happened to him. This boy is so messed up because he caused his girlfriend a masterpiece. God, I don't think if y'all know what that is. And but then this other woman says, and I damn it, got agree because she almost perfect, prettiest girl he's ever dated. She damn this said, prettiest girl she's ever seen. Damn this said that he fell in love for superficial reasons and has not taken the time to get to know her. Now, that is all true. What he fell in love with was I will share with you later on that love with the concept Oh my god, look at her. Oh ah, and she won't me. Oh, this is too much. His girlfriend works as a model Instagram influence. She makes great money. She's got a natural body, curly red hair, big pretty eye. Who ain't in who? Who? Who ain't signed enough for this? Twenty nine? All of us on this radio show is older than that. All the fellas this description right here, twenty nine we signed enough for that, were single in like fleeing. She's a stunning woman, but she's turned my brother into a different man. He's been sleeping on my couch for a week because she put him out of his own house. He's a techie, so he makes great money and that's what attracted her, Okay, So everybody's attracted for superficial reasons. He's given her money for skin and teeth enhancements, so he helped create the masterpiece. Now, she says, recently she stopped having sex with him and told him her body is a templing for her husband. And since he won't marry her, then she can't He can't touch her, and I agree with her on that. And then whose side you on? Now you're on your brother's side of the girl's side. So I'm in the middle of something that I have no business being in. Why you're in the middle of because your brother is telling you this stuff. And you know why I'm telling you that, because he got time to tell the story because he on your couch. We'll get into that when we come back. I have an answer for you, all right, not gonna do what we will. Have heard two of Stieve's response to today's Strawberry letter. The subject is a masterpiece without a piece or a piece. Steve's responds, Part two, coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject a masterpiece without peace or a piece. Well, this woman is writing for her twenty nine year old brother that's fallen in love with this masterpiece. Supermodel, influencer Instagram pretty hair, pretty eyes, read her natural body, prettiest girl he's ever dated. He didn't have some flowers, though, but this one right here top to Kate. She likes him because he's a tech and he made great money and that's where attracted her. So both of them are attracted for superficial reasons. He's given her money for skin and teeth enhancement, so he's helped create this masterpiece. Now, she didn't stop having sex with him because she said her body is a temple for her husband and since he won't marry her, he can't touch her. The lady who wrote the letter say, I agree with her on that. So I'm in the middle of something I have no business being in. Well, you're really not in the middle of it. You allowed yourself to be drugging to the middle of it. But really not your business. This your brother business. Now I'm gonna get to what if the brothers should do and you should do, but your brother not gonna do what I'm about to do it, because you gotta be a little bit older to do what I'm about to tell you to do. And he twenty nine, and he's sprung. He's not gonna be able to do it. She too fine for me, she weighed too fine. My brother said, there's no peace living with this woman. Her life is taking photos, going out to clubs, restaurants, and traveling to make money. He's in love with the idea of her. And quite honestly, see right there, she said, he's in love with the idea of her. It's the concept I got her. Everybody won't hurt, but I got her. But what you have, dog is nothing, because you don't even like your life with her, because it's taking those going to clubs and restaurants, traveling to make money. I want him to get a backbone and put her out of his house if she's that bad. Being the gentleman he is, he says he can't just uproot her like that. Now here's a problem you're saying that. And then I read departed the letter about he's been sleeping on my couch for a week because she put him out of his own house. Now that's interesting to me because it's more to this story than you let known too. She put him out the house. If y'all not sleeping together, he could just sleep on his own couch. I'm assuming that their house has a couch. That's one of the primary articles of furniture that you buy from the first moving. Everybody want to couch. I don't hear nobody talking out apartment without a couch. First thing you need is a bad. Right after that bad, you need a damn couch. You got to have somewhere to sit other than that bed. That couch normally is in front of a TV. This just in every house I've ever been here. If it's TV up on the wall, I can promise you a couch in front of him. If it ain't something wrong, ain't nobody just putting no TV on the wall. Ain't got no couch? Now? While am I saying that he got a couch at his house, why he didn't just go sleep on the couch while they worked through this. Her body's a temple thing. Why did he get put out of his own house? That was her seeing how much power she had over him, and he gave it to him. Now Here at your house, he remains faithful to his masterpiece, but he can't even get a piece. Then you say, one day wants to break up with it, the other day wants to buy a ring and ask her to marry him. I feel bad for him, but I want him off my couch. Well, put him off your couch. If you put him off the couch, what are you gonna do? You say, made good money, go back and live on your own couch. See him and her got to work this album. The woman has a hole on him, So how can I help him make the right decision? All right, here's what you can say to your brother, or you can record my voice and play this back to your brother. First of all, I would tell your brother that he sprung and he's in love with the concept of this supermodel, Instagram influencer, fine chick with the red curly hair. That's got him all messed up. He's had a taste of the forbidden fruit, and now she just snatched away from it. He wants the fruit back. That's power she handling her bids, and she controlled it. Now. I would ask him, do you really want more of this life? Because if you marry this girl, this is the life you're gonna get because she's not being to stop being who she is because she's making money and she's not gonna stop for you. She's not gonna stop now, and she's not gonna stop then. So you have to ask your brother, who one day wants to break up with it, another day wants to buy a ring? Is this the life you really want? Do you want more of it? Because I have news for you, sir. Nothing changes after marriage. You have to understand this. Nothing changes after marriage. Everything that's wrong before the marriage will be magnified after the marriage. So all these problems you have and right now this don't touch me. This you go live over your sister house. This you get out this. I like club and I like photos, I like traveling, I like money. All that's going to stay to stay, going to stay the same. So, your young brother, here's what you have to do. You're gonna have to muster the strength to play offense, because right now you're on defense. First of all, I'm not leaving my house. I'm sleeping on this couch. I'm not gonna touch you, even though I want you dearly, I'm not gonna touch you. But I'm twenty nine and I'm seeing I'm gonna touch somebody, all right, Steve, thank you. He's not gonna do none of that because he's doing love. He's run all right. Leave us your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up next. You know what time it is, Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, it is time now for sports talk. What you got? What you got? All right? Pipping, it's time championships? Said? Okay, what's up? Timmy? Jay Jay was going on? Everybody? How would you Sureley? Hey? No, Collin ain't on the screen? Nom? What's up girl? Missus? Pip Hey? Sure that something? What that is your collegue show? What that say? I didn't go to college? Baby? What is that down to? What? Oh? Pier means? Okay, that ain't got nothing to do with me. I didn't. That's a nice shirt. Pimps don't know that. But be careful now, pimps don't know no wear that one day. Go ahead, j chains on with it and be rocking that thing. All right? Hey, Mamby got the championship suddenly, Man, this is Paul Marvel's going to the Big Game, all right, decides who go to the Super Bowl? Yes, sir, can't Who we got, man, we got the Bengals. Since that the Bengals versus the Kansas City Chiefs in Kansas City and it's gonna be forty seven degrees on Sunday, it don't matter. It's cold and Cincinnati too. Man. Let me tell you something. I don't normally pull for the Bengals because they are in the same division as the Browns. But I'm pulling for the Bengals Waks City. You can believe that. I ain't going about my home and you've seen my homes thirteen seconds. He scored thirteen hundred points in thirteen seconds. Who is who's scoring middle time with thirteen seconds? Man, this dude, right here, everything, I can't pull it my home going back to the Super Bowl. Man, it is the forty ninetas versus Los Angeles Rams in Los Angeles, two Callie teams. Ain't that that's crazy? Man? I showed like old Dale Beckham, I like Stafford, I like all it boy, damn seven Francisco thold Man. Yeah, but I'm gonna tell you what that Vaughan Miller coming off that edge and that and Donald Yeah, Garoppolo gonna have to get on a horse man, So they're gonna be fuming, I think in the Super Bowl, Man, Yeah, it's gonna be the Kansas City Chief versus the Los Angeles Ram. That is that is che the Ram super Bowl. Let's see what happened. Man, all right, I don't feel good about nothing. I see Thanking Pemp coming up. On the top of the hour. We'll play a round of comedy Roulette right after this. You're listening, It's time for our comedians to shine with comedy Roulette. Jay, break it down real quick. Fourth, please, how it goes? Shelly, Take three subjects. Put them on the wheel. Splitting the wheel would stops. We'll do the damn thing. All right, here's the subject. Things people say before you get in their raggedy car. Okay, things people say when they lose a fight, and things people say about a jankie funeral. Let's go all of those. I was number one thing people before you get into their raggedy car. Jay, here we go. All right, it ain't gonna be that live. Once we drive about forty five minutes. Okay. Things people say before you get in their raggedy car. Man, let's just pray before we get in here. Things people say before you get in their raggedy car. Nephew enough, if you don't want to fall out, make sure you put your coat hanger on, that doughnall, put the cold hang on. I'm just saying that that fact you don't want to fall out of them. Things people say before you getting their car steam Harvey. Look just climb in the window, man, that's how you get in. I can't win man, comedy roulette. Things people say before you get in their raggedy car. Night leaks gas, so I need you to hold its take of gas? Do we get where we go in case we run out? Okay. Things people say before you getting their raggedy card. Listen to me, man, All I need you to do is make sure that plastics don't come off that back window while I'm driving. Position right. Things people say before you getting their raggedy car. After you listen, this car, do not make left turn? So we got to where we're gonna? Got to know where we're gonnas. We're making rights everywhere. We going right all the way. Things people say before you get in their raggedy car. Steve, we ain't gonna be able to stop at all the lights, waking stopping all the light style, just tell you that breaks ain't gonna catch you all over. Things people say before you getting their raggedy car. Jay, Okay, you can sit there and cuss all night long, or you can get your ass out and push that. We ain't going nowhere til you push. Okay, nowhere people say before you getting their raggedy car. Junior, listen to Timmy, I need you to ride backwards. You can tell me when I can get over what. I just need you to ride backwards. You see the traffic coming, let me know when I'm clearing. Things people say before you getting their raggedy car. Atter you listen. If you move that flow mat, you're gonna be looking at the street. You're gonna be looking at the street. If you move that flow mat. You hear me? Okay telling thieves people think before you getting their raggedy car, Man, I don't want you to trip, but in about five minutes, don't get real smokey in him. Gonna be real smoking. We ain't gonna be able to see a damn thing. And when you get out, man, you're gonna smell like Carr. Put this mask like car when you get out. Oh what minutes? That, ladies and gentlemen, is comedy roulette from our comedians. Thanks guys, coming up for twenty minutes after the hour, we're gonna tell you how to enter for a chance to win twenty five hundred dollars gift card. It is compliments a butt of skincare right after the boodle. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen up, Steve Harvey Nation. Drumroll please, we are doing a Butta sweepstakes this week. Okay, you can enter for a chance to win a grand prize shopping spree with a twenty five hundred dollars Macie's gift card. That's right, I said, twenty five hundred dollars Macie's gift card or one of ten first prizes of a Butta three piece customizable kit. Butter products are designed to gently cleanse, brighten, and moisturize skin daily and formulate it especially for melanine rich complexions and all skin types. Enter and get rules at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Everyone needs a little butter baby. Get all the info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. You know, earlier this week we had Butter Skincares founder and CEO. I think it was on Tuesday show. Uh. This is a black owned business that caters to the needs of our melanin rich skin tones and during the winter, guys, it is good to exfoliate those beautiful bald heads and keep them moisturized with butter. Who would make a ball head? Right? I just want you to know all you baald here is out there, put a little butt on it. Butt ah, But that's nice. All men on the show are bald, except Junior. I'm on my way there a minute. We're just waiting to pick him up and the ride. That's all. You're really there, and it is hard to take two years to face it. Coming up with thirty three minutes after, we'll play a round if would you rather bright? After this? You're listening to show time now, guys for another round of would you rather ready? Here we go. Would you rather make love for ten minutes three days a week or have a quickie every day? I want that quick every every about the same damn time. Yeah day, Yeah, I'm good every day. No, it ain't. And you know that. Y'all shut them la, what about your partner wife? But y'all can quit them on the quickiest ten minutes, y'all shut that down, y'all. No, no, no, Would you rather make love for ten minutes three days a week or just have a quickie every day? I take them three days a week, man, Please, what's a quick what's it? Quick? Right? Quick? You know what a quickie is? Ten minutes? Jay, you're awfully quiet. I'm just saying I got all of that going right now. Quickies and ten minutes in ten minutes, I'm I'm marking down both of those. So yeah, that's my life, all right. All your golfers, would you rather wear short short to play golf? Short? Short short? Or would you rather play golf shirtless? Shirtless? Would too long? Too long for sert? Would you rather short shorts? You know, like booty shorts? Like short shorts? Oh? Man, I got to play another sport. I can't go I can't go out here. You I'm not to give up golf shirt either one of them. You wanted them to the option, I got to give up golf. I'm not for sure you pick out here no damn speedos. No way in the hell. You many memes I be shirtless looking for a ball. Let me say something. You can't be. You can't be. You don't understand how you look when you're in the golfing stands. To look good in a golfing stance, you have to be in superior shape because because you're crunching, your body ain't gonna it ain't gonna look like. I don't look good in the shirt when I set up to the golf ball. I know getting here where you take this shirt off right now, I'm gonna lose. I lose my fan base, not your total. Your fans are talk all let's workout. Have been on fashion Bomb daily and all this down. All right, guys, thank you. Coming up. It is our last break of the day on this Friday, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one out only, Steve Harvey, our fearless leader, at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are on this Friday and the week, our last break right here. This is it right, yes, get it out if you have somebody hit it in February, baby one down eleven ago and this year, man, this year is flying back. Yeah yeah, yeah, man, hey buddy, Yeah, this'n for some black history. Man, time for I have a question for everybody. Do you think we're gonna get past this pandemic cor this COVID. No, it's gonna be around for other or for a while. I think it's gonna be around for a very very long time unless they come up with for the cure for it. Yeah, they're talking about I ain't heard nothing about that, but that's just therapeutic. That'll probably be if you have it, like you know, like tama flu, you take the pie, yeah, and then that doesn't stop you from ever getting the flue though, So maybe I guess everybody I don't see, you know, and they keep switching the variance and all this here. I don't know what's happening, but uh, you know. And then then you got people that don't want to get vaccinated, and just how they don't want to and don't want to wear mask. You don't want to do that? I got, man, You got people don't want to wear mask, got people don't want to get vaccinated it, you got people walking around asy symptomatic, giving it to people who are not going to be asymptomatic because of just you know, you don't want to wear masks on the freedom. I don't want to. You got all these carns in these stores and coffee shops. Fighting is standing around in there without a mask, and you gotta wear masks and stuff. This is too much ignorant, man, too much. All these Karens is getting the asswhipped there. I don't I don't know one caring at one. All of them pretty much getting the asswhopped because you asked for it. See, you've been a carrying your entire life right now you have h you had some stupidity to attach it to, and you got some people that's fed up. Yeah, like I was watching Oh surely I started watching Yellowstone right Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all love it. And this guy's getting in the fight and the guy that was threatening him, he told him, he said what I've heard many black dudes say, Hey man, today, today, today ain't the day. He told him when he first grabbed his arm, he said, hey man, today ain't the day. This dude's wife didn't left him, No, she told him he can't see your son no more and here you coming, you grab he said, today ain't the day. And that's what's happening with a lot of these cans. You run up into these people. What today and today today we're dealing with the always always wonder. I always wonder. Once you get your ass whoop from not wearing a mask, does that make you wear a mask or does it really makes you think about it? Yet you definitely get some mask. Then getting that mask, you get your ass when you start to tell other people put your mask on, put your mask on. Oh, now you're on the campaign. Move your campaign. It's a movement. Now mask, I ask which one you want? Your mask? Your man? Right, We can do that, and we still have to wash our hands and and keep all that hygiene and stuff. We have to do that all. You know, we still know how nasty we was before this. We were pretty nasty. But you out of paper towels. They have no more paper towels. People are washing their hands. Back in the day, nobody watched it. I didn't understand how we ran out a toilet tissue. What does COVID have to do with that party? Because you're gonna be at home, Yeah, and you didn't want to run now and not at work using the restroom. That's what it is. Yeah. I saw an article they were talking about buffets, and this guy said, we thinking eating food over a thing that had a sneeze guard already there. Like, why all right, are we the stuff we did before directly off the buffet? Yes? I do because you because y'all know all the times we uhould go to Vegas and everything. Somebody worked with us. Their favorite thing was buffet's. Yeah, just trying to get everybody go to buffet with it. I never went to the buffet, man, you need this buffet is great. I don't go to buffets. Man, that's something I still don't do. And when I go to restaurants, I go like golf trips and they have like buffet's servings that morning. That's not for me. Bring me a menu, bro, yeah, bring me Sorry the buffet. The buffet is only nine ninety nine. You get all this. I don't want all that, right, just be honest yourself. The buffet is dirteke okay, the buffet is dirtet. I don't want all that. I also read that plastic surgeons a lot of people are getting things done with plastics, certain plastic surgery, because they're on Zoom and they see themselves and they want to get things changed. And and honestly it's true for me anyway, because that's what made me get invisilized. These invisilized now, which I hate, by the way, but I have them because I was on Zoom and I don't know. I didn't like I didn't Yeah, I didn't like the way my teeth looked. And you know, we're all teeth people on this show. And I was like, I've been trying to figure out where to put this camera for this zoom so my nose, don't look at it. What you come up with? You, I tried. This ain't gonna right here right now, see yourself, show your side. Hey, y'all, y'all have a great day. I talk to God. He'd love to hear from you. Will see y'all Monday morning. Y'all, stay in peace now. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,