Superbowl Ads, Miami Memories, ESPN, Pimpin' and more.

Published Jan 31, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The ignorance is done at a level that almost borderlines intelligence. Steve is in Miami and that is not a place for those that are heaven bound. Is over 10k calories and 180 grams of saturated fat too much in one setting or nah? We have the different things you can bet your money on during the Big Game. We ask Steve his favorite memory from Miami and his answer will not surprise you. President Trump plans on running two ads on Superbowl Sunday. Pimpin' is in Miami! Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reflects on how the death of Kobe Bryant affected his brother Stephen A. Smith, plus more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like the milling buck things. And it's cubbing me true good it. Steve har listening to the movie to other Steve, Please, I don't join join me. You're doing me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out, turn love, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fab it h I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Varvey, I got a radio show, just trying to give God some back, just some back of what even gave me, just a portion, you know. Just I'm just trying, man to to show some type of gratitude for all his blessings. I'm just trying to man, just just get it right sometimes, you know what I mean. I mean, man, you just can't do what you want to do and just live wrong all the time. Man, you got it at one point in time, Steve, come home. Man, come on, man, you could do better. I know you can, you know saying and you know what I had to do. I had to stop saying I'm gonna try to do better, and I just had to say, hey, man, I'm going to do better. You know, trying it's just to put forth an eff and then if it don't work, well okay. But if you make up in your mind and I'm going to do something, then trying isn't enough. It's getting it done is the only thing that matters. Sin It's the difference between doing and trying. We're gonna try to win the game, or we're gonna go out here to win the game. Now, trying to win the game means that you could lose. But when you got in your mind made up, most athletes will tell you that they go out there with the full intent and purpose of winning and winning. Only see they don't put the second place finish on the cover Sports Illustrated. Second place don't get you there. You got to win. And now take it out of the scope of athletics, but keep it in that type of analogy in life. Man, you just want to you want to win in life, don't you. I mean, at the end of the day, don't you want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated the life Don't you want to be recognized for your hard work. Don't you want, you know, to be recognized within the bonus structure down at your job. Don't you want to have your plaque up on the wall down at your job. I mean most people do. Some people could care less. Some people don't care about looking good or being their best. And that's cool. But I ain't talking to them though. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to those of you who want to be the best you can be. You know, people kill me when they're getting mad at people here and he Brown knows and he hall up on an employee of them all. Man, the dude doing his job to the best of his ability, and he getting recognized for it? What they got to do? It all that you're talking about because you ain't up there. It's amazing, man, how people describe other people's success. He's so lucky, lucky? Hey man, don't they kind of get you a little bit when people call you lucky? When let me tell you what luck really is, y'all. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. Some people call that luck. But hold on, let's let's think about this. If you wasn't working hard, an opportunity presented itself, what would you call that? But see, when you've been working hard, an opportunity presents itself and it bumps up into each other. Now people want to call that luck. But hold up here, go to part though today, ain't paying no attention to Yeah, that opportunity came by, But if you had not been working hard, and the hard work had not ran up in the opportunity, what would you have? No, sir, it's not luck, it's work. It is work, because as a scripture that says, faith without works is dead. But my mama was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me enough. Though now I know different between right and wrong, just like you do. You ain't gotta you know, excuse me when people write a strawberry letter? Am I wrong for this? You know? Good? Well, look at let's read your letter? Are you wrong for this? You know? You're wrong? What you don't need that's to be telling, you know? But I'm gonna do this anyway. Well, see, go ahead, though, do what you want to do. But you know what, y'all, here's the best advice I can give you. And this is what I really came to talk about this morning. But I got sidetrack because I listened, get out of your own way. So many of us are blocking our own blessings. Were just in our own way. We are in our own way. And one of the most dangerous ways you can get in your way is to do it your way, to get it figured your way, and to lock in on your way and just the way it's got to go. Do you know how many people are blocking a blessing? Do you know how long I blocked mine with that mindset? Right there? Look, because it's the way you do it, do you think that makes it the right way? You think jazz, because you'd have thought on it long and hard, and that's what you really want. Do you really think that your way is the right way or could that be a better way? See? Until I started listening to God and started paying attention to his way, man, I was spending my wheels. Man, I was out here so determined this is how I was going to do it. But you know, I had to learn how to get out of my own way because just because I could do it my way didn't mean it was the right way. I had to get out of my own way. Just get out your way, man, Now, what what does that mean? That means see set your goals. That means have your dreams. That I'm saying, set your goals. Man, I ain't saying don't set goals. Listen to me. Set your goals. What is it you want to happen? What is it you like to have? What is it you like to be? What are you aspire to? Set your goals and set your dreams. Now take your goals and your dreams to God and ask God to show you how. Man, you can save yourself a lot of pain. Listen to somebody who did it his way for so long. And when I finally got out of my way, out of my own way. When you've heard old people say let go and let God, you've heard them say that I didn't. I didn't get it, but I got it. Now let go and let God. And it's amazing little saying. Though now you know you may not get it now. It took me a bunch of years to get it too. But when I took my goals and my dreams and my vision to God and I said, God, this is what I hope for, this is what I aspired to, this is what I want to be, this is why I would love to get to. Then I said, help me, show me how point me in the right direction. Let me follow your footsteps, guide me and give me a spirit of discernment. Show me who wrong? Because I meet people every day. Ain't up to no good with me every single day? Oh man, Man, I can't believe I run up into you. Man, the Lord told me something's gonna happen to me today. Well, see, I talked to him every day. He did not mention you to me. He ain't said nothing to me. He didn't tell me what was gonna happen in mind. Now, I don't mean it can't happen because I'm open to it. So really, man, I'm and and please know I'm listening to it as well as I've ever listened before. But but get yourself together, though, see no, your goals and your dreams, and then let God show you how to do it. He'll do it. You know. It's so important everybody, that you get focused, that you aim for something, that you dream of something, that you aspire to something. But it's the most the best thing you can do. After you do all that, Man, get God involved in it. Man, talk to him. I mean, why would you not what you got to lose? You ain't got to go down there and make no big scene and run laps around the church and run up there and throw yourself on the altar and scream and flip over and throw money in the air. You ain't got to do that. This you and God, man, This you and God. You know you got to serve and praise him the way you do it. You gotta let nobody else tell you highs done. It's a personal relationship. People kill me if you don't do it this way. If you don't come here to this church and you don't run around in this circle and you don't get flipped in the air, you don't, Hey, man, you better go have a relationship with God. See what that's about. You understand? Nobody throw you off with all that? All right, all right, y'all talk to him. He loved to hear from you. Today. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it. Your undivided attention is what's needed. It's required to get through this type of show because the ignorance is done at a at a level where it's it borderlines almost intelligence, and then it just falls off suddenly, and then it snatches you back up and The reason we do that is because we have Shirley Strawberry and Caller for Real that keeps snatching it back up on the intellectual level of well spoken, of educated and things of that. And then we have four guys who are constantly trying to drive the boat over the cliff, drive the bus over the cliff, and then they snatch the wheel back and keep it from going on, Ladies and gentlemen. One of the wheel snatchers, Shirley Strawberry, Thank God, good morning wheel snatcher number two. All up the for Real so happy to snatch that wheel now. These next intros are people who are not well balanced, who refuse to do right. And I'm constantly trying to get that bus over the cliff so we can enjoy the uncontrollable fall and tumble. Yeah, the thrill of it for us too much. And we like going down the hill in the van with no seatbelts on. We want to get slung all round, no break, Ladies and gentlemen, Junior No. Thirty two, thirty two. I see right there for the bus. He's trying to take the butt Javid and Brown. I don't want to die, but I just want to see what it's feel like to go over the cliff. I don't want us to die, feel like we just I just don't what I want. Yeah, and the food you throw it in forth and let it fly, yea, and throw the brick out. What movie was that when they drilled over the cliff? What movie was Louise? Yes, yes, yes, yeah, but we didn't see it. Yes, yes, thank you. We don't want that. No, we want talk about had all the police back then? They did? Yeah, I got a jumpsuit and my whole time in prison, I'm telling them about the time we was driving off the cliff. But I'm not gonna drive. You're gonna be saved. Yeah, you're gonna get arrested though in surrender. I'm a living, well spoken storytelling anyway. Well, it's Friday, is how we're starting it off. And I am in my emmy and let me tell you so do it, boy, go do it. Let me just tell y'all this. I am so grateful that God has changed me. What do you mean so you got to say this is not where you want to come. You are heaven bound? Sorry? Coming up with thirty two minutes after the Hour Inside something funny Americans will be eating how many calories on Super Bowl Sunday? Will tell you right after this, A lot you're listening to show Super Bowl Sunday is all about football and is all about food. Apparently people will be eating a lot of it this Sunday. This is according to a new report, people will be consuming ten thousand, eight hundred and twenty one calories and one hundred and eighty grams of saturated fats sat paper bowls Sunday and Olympic swimmers y'all said, yeah, used to consume twelve thousand calories a day to compete, y'all fat as shup, he eat ten thousand calories and they even gonna walk around the couch, you know, getting wings. That's all they done. Okay, So this is what we'll be eating this coming Sunday. Number one, we know it's what hot wings? Right? Yeah? Check? What else? What else you guys think? Nacho? Yeah? Oh yeah, nachos are in there for dogs, hamburg yeah yeah, oh yeah, that's all burgers and dogs, pizza, oh yeah, pizza, fries, a lot of tacos to Sorry, Jay, taco's not in here. Not you think about till Taco Tuesday. This Tuesday eachco fried chicken. Oh yeah, chicken, Yeah, fried chicken is on there. Oh, French fries, what about French fried Yeah, I said that, French fries. Fries. Uh chili, Oh yeah, lots of chili, lots of chili. I don't see that. I don't. I haven't hearing nothing that. Uh, everything is stopped up at this point. Anything green coming, you said burgers, but of course there will be burgers. There will also be my favorite sliders. I love sliders. Quire, we need some kind of greenery to push greens at a Super Bowl on your burger salad. You gotta have some greenries. No, you gott let us on your burgers. That's the best we can do. And maybe some um, some you know, some sellers. One piece of lets supposed to have like that. Nobody no cat sticks man, because you're talking about with the wings, you know, the cellar and carried let us on Super Bowl like that. But oh you don't like let us on burgers. You all forgot earl camera shut. We can rock that. It must bear ribs when they have ribs, you know? Oh yeah, what ris You kind of like the fourth of July jint and that applies to even people who are really really balling because in these sweets at the super Bowl. This is my second year listening to him listening to this. We don't listen. They eat the same damn thing, because man, they be in there, they be mad. If ain't know a hot dog sitting there like I was in this room stadium, can't tell you who he was. He has a lot of money. I mean he got that old lord have messive money. He was in his boot, he said, Steve, come on there, man, I went in sitting around there. He said, you're a hot dog. I said, yeah, a hot dog because whatever he's eating, I'm gonna eat because I want a billion dollars. So whatever his but man, he went over that of him U chafing dishes and got to open the lids. Wasn't no damn hot dog. He said, what the hell? He said, Hey, excuse me, man, sweetheart, Let let me tell you something. He said, there are no hot dogs in here, they said. He said, I'm sorry, sir, there were no hot dogs ordered for this. The person that called in the order ordered all this stuff. He said, who ever called in for this, sweet works for me, and don't give me their name because they won't be working for me. I knew, he said. She said, sir, I'll have to call my supervisor and put that in the order. He said, no, you don't. He reached in his pocket and gave this woman a thousand dollars and said, now, listen, I want you to come back over here. She was black too. She sipped, he's that. I want you to go back. She was out the dought. He didn't even was he to get some damn. I'm telling hey, listen, man, it wasn't five minutes. She went back with a shape and trade. He was hot dogs links. She bought a black dude with him that had a ship suit though, it saying, and he gonna make them for your serf. She didn't slid him too, honey. I gave him too, honey. He gonna stay right. I want some hot dogs. She He gave her a thousand dollars. She spun on the dime. She didn't gonna talk to no supervisor or nothing. She walked four sweets down, picked up day dish. They came back with a black dude. It said, sir, here we are. He told her she can't be told the shelf move that out. He don't want that take that down. Come on, sister man. I was so hard. So it was old and I saw the sister hall, I said, sweet, let me ask. So, I said, did you count the money when he gave it to him? She said no, he rolled it up, and she said, but it was tight. I just was on hundreds. I'm gone, she said. I got down there and saw that thousand dollars. She said, I told black ass Robert, you're coming with me. I love it. Funny and ice cream. That's the other fool people will be eating. Oh you got that Sunday, Yeah, ice cream and lots and lots and lots, lots and lots and lots of tall not with you, lots coming out back. The New would run that press right at you. You're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Jay Anthony Brown in the building with his segment you can bet your money. We'll talk about that. But what am I talking? But right now the nephew is here, would run that prank back. What you got for us? Naff case you missed it. It is a kid crazy conference call. Yeah, they've been talking about it. They've been talking about it here. It is twenty twenty. Baby, twin crazy conference call. Let's go baby. Hello, This is Hannah. Hi, this is Frank checking in. Hey, keep it here from the one. Hey, guys, how's it going fine's I think I think we're waiting for for one other person? Just Dalin in a second. Hello, Sherman. Sherman Davis, general manager's assistant. How you guys doing everybody here? Hey Sherman. Yeah, I'm doing fine. Alright, alright, guys, we got let me make sure we got everybody here. Is Hannah here? Yep, Hannah's here. How's it going all right? Frank, yep, I'm on the line. Thank you, all right? Good good good? And David I'm here all right, my man, good deal, good deal, all right, got some news for you guys. I need you guys to just bear with me for a second. I'm getting all the paperwork in. My UM assistant Cynthia is here, so you guys just give me a second. I'm gonna put you guys on whole for a second and I'll be back probably less than thirty seconds. Okay, all right, okay, we'll do. Thank you, Cynthia. Can you bring me all of them stuff on these three guys? I mean, today's supposed to be U. They're on hole right now, but today's day that we're giving them their SEVENCE packages and letting them go, and they'll be out of here probably by tomorrow morning. They're clearing their things out. They don't know it yet, but we're gonna at least giving their SEVENCE packages today. Okay. You know, they put it on my shoulders to break the bad news, and somebody's got to do it. So it's my job today, all right, So bring it to me and get it here here as soon as possible so I can heard him, get past this conference go all right? Hello, did you guys? All right? Guys? Hello Sherman. Hello, yeah, this I'm here. Guys. Yeah, uh, you never put us on hold? No, so are you about to fire us right now? What are you talking? Wait a minute? Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on, guys. What what what what's going on? What are you guys talking about? We're asking you what's going on? We just hurt you. We didn't put us on hold. We just heard all that. Yes, separate packages. What I heard. I heard you're letting us go, Oh, Sherman, maybe you were talking about some other people. Hey, hey, guys, do hang on, everybody, just calmed down. Just give me, give me a second here, hang on, just let me let me. I'll be right back. Hang on. Hello, what is going on? Did you hear that? Okay, you all heard the same thing. DA don't know what hurts that when you're talking about Cynthia. How do I up? Is this? Is this the whole button? Here? This is it? There we go? They can heard everything. No, they just they said, can ask me right now? I'm doing what he's telling me to do this. These three are supposed to be let go by the end of the day. I mean, I gotta do it. But it looks like the severances nobody can live off of this for even three freaking months. I already know that this is this is really tough. Oh all right, so look, bring me everybody's stuff. Let me at least after lunch. They all come in here and pick up their things. That's all I think. Okay, is this the right button here? Okay, hello, it's not the right button. We might have to be kidding me. I've been with us. I've been with us for five years, all right, I'm not I've not let you do for a quarter the company down for a Quarder. This is this is ridiculous. I cannot believe this. And I'm on travel right now, so how am I going to come and get my things? But this is ridiculous. This is how you're gonna let us know. This is unprofessional, this is trash. I cannot believe you. If you only need a lawyer, I have someone, I have contacts, we can talk. But honestly, Sherman, this is this is this is unaccessible. Let's not do the whole lawyer thing, guys. Okay, let's not do that all right now, people get let go from companies, People get let go all the time, and you guys know this this Let's go on a conference call with other people. What are you This is ridiculous. You're giving a personal business. Yes, yes, that's true. You're giving a personal business to another. Uh, it's exactly. It's not a Yeah, you cannot be doing this. Yeah, email me that lawyer's number for sure. Yes, I guess you want to, David, thank you. I didn't. I didn't try to for you guys to learn it this way, all right, I'm okay, let's just say I'm not good at the conference button. I don't know how to put anybody call You're not do it? Is this is not a good message. It's not it's not a public professional messaging. In fact, this is I'm mortified. I cannot believe this. I put it into my life. This company, this is the side best employees. No, it is, it is. It is absolutely right. It is illegal. This is illegal. Yep, yep, I will write in the state. Wait, wait on what do you mean you're recording it? What are you what are you recording it for? What? Yes? Can you tell me not recording? David? Listen, I don't consent on being recorded. I want that known now exactly. Okay, okay, can I can I ask you guys something? Do you? Guys? Are you familiar with your co worker named Barry Dillard? Yes, you don't have to answer this. Barry fired too. How are you gonna tell him? Let me tell you what's going on. Barry told me to call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. All three of y'all just got prank by your co worker Barry Diller kidding me. Oh my god, I have a heart attack. Oh my god, Hey, y'all, nobody has lost their job Hannah, Frank David. Nobody has lost their job, but your co worker Barry Dialer got me to prank phone call. Y'all right, so everybody's got the job. We're good. Wow, Okay, Okay, I'm good. I'm good. Now good, y'all gotta tell me this. What is the baddest radio show in the land. Let me hear it clearly, y'all gotta give to me on this one. Now, Oh, you went in there. You don't really thank you wanted us to give it to you. I just I just want my stupidity crown when it's time for me, give me my stupid Thank you, thank you, sir. Just want you to stay on board with me. This show right here, it is your crown. Comedy Laugh Fest, y'all bebywhere in fourteen fifteen sixteenth, that's Valentine's weekend. You can catch me said the entertain the D L. Hugiley, Dion Cole and Earthquake. It's the Comedy Laugh Fest. The fourteenth is in Cleveland, Ohio. The fifteenth it's in Cincinnati, Ohio, Ohio. And the sixteenth is Memphis. Tenor set tickets on said Red Now, all right, King of Pranks, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Chanthony Brown in the building with you can Bet your money. He'll explain right after this. You're listening to show, all right? Jay is here on this Friday with his segment you can bet your money? What is that about? Jay? Okay, I want the guys to act it out when I'm gonna set it up now, a lot of people can be betting money tomorrow. I mean on Sunday. It's the biggest, one of the biggest betting days. No one really knows who's gonna win. But here's some stuff you can bet money on for show. For show, bet money. Somebody gonna have a big ass super Bowl party on Sunday. But as soon as everybody get over there, his set gonna blow up. And here be able to watch a damn thing. You can bet money. I got two hundred on that. I got two hundred on that. I bet two hundred on that. That's gonna happen somewhere in this country coming to TV. That's on top of the other TV, that TV. None of them gonna work time and shut him. This house will be empty so fast right next but they're gonna make a plate though on the way out. Okay, but they are not standing there. You can bet money on this. Somebody gonna get lost trying to find his rich as friend's house and he gonna miss the whole damn game. The game five five. I'm putting five fifty on that, Yeah, five fifty. Because won't nobody answer the phone when the game? No, no, no answer the phone in the super Bowl party, the phone will not be answering why dude, these white people keep coming outside looking at me. Okay, this is another thing that's gonna in the play the Steve. There's no Steve here, Sir, Steve doesn't live here here, Steve, Steve doesn't live here. Okay, Hey, mister white man, can you tell me what the scho wheels? Though? Don't make me call the authorities because they don't call them the authorities. Oh, ain't super Bowl party gonna be going jam and having a good time. They're gonna run out a brown liquor ice and line brown liquor ice five thousand on neck, five thousand on neck. When you let them pull theirself, they'll pull you out. Yeah, run out, un up, Yeah, you're gonna run out. Oh there's another one. There's another one. But hold up, but you see glasses laying around with brown little man, you'd be just looking at people and you try to slide it over there by whoever is closest to. When it's yo, you'd be like they are pointing real hard. I mean, when it's your party. But like, that's a lot of brown gas. What is that? You head? The thing called Lewis? What's that? What's that in that? That's Louis, man, it's Louis. Do not have bottle water? No, that's just wasted money sitting around everywhere. Okay, here's something you can bet money on. It's gonna be a super Bowl party of all men. Just men, men, men, men. Some dude don't have to explain to everybody in the party why he had to bring his wife. Okay, do put a damper on the whole damn. You know how reneels? You know she wanted she didn't want me to be by myself today. I told you what was happening at halftime. She out there in the car, and I just wanted to let y'all know she's sitting out there in the car. So she hold on, but don't don't she gonna be here for halftime. She gonna she just want to sit in the car. She ain't coming in, but she gonna see the halftime people come through the front. She won't. She ain't gonna say that. She's just sitting in the car. Hell no, I can't believe this. Man. Yeah, Steve cannot get him to come to the back. Man, can they come through the back of Noble? Okay, some some black guy don't go to his all white friends super Bowl party. They're gonna get real drunk and he gonna start to feel real uncomfortable around right before halftime, they're gonna get lift it up. You know, he gonna come. You gonna you're gonna say that out look at that then run. They're gonna just fly. It's gonna be yea the party over those Yeah that that't wor should have called that. But oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry girl. I don't know. But he got to liok up to his mouth. He's looking at he looking at everybody over the glass. Okay, okay, all right, this is gonna be a many super Bowl party men and women that Now. One dude gonna get his feelings crushed because he thinks he knows more about sports than she do. But she gonna dust his ASDs. I mean everybody rushed in front of everybody. Yeah, fun of everybody. Won't you just leave her alone? You all know none everybody knows that. Okay, just say nineteen sprint out bootleg. She made you look stupid. Okay, all right, last one, somebody gonna get straight cussed out for double dipping in the blue chee. Right, Oh my god boy, if you don't get your nash ass out of here. All right, Jack, thank you as always. Coming over twenty minutes after the hour, we'll talk more about Miami and the big game coming up this Sunday. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, everybody's really excited to see Jennifer Lopez and Shakira perform at the PEPSI Super Bowl fifty four half time show. Perfect pairing, considering Miami, Aka is called the capital of Latin America, and you know we all love us in Miami. Seve is there right now? Uh, Steven got to ask you what's your favorite memory about the city of Miami. What you what you can't do? That's wrong? Can say that on that that's really my favorite real and you I'm just going to share my favorite memory of my stand. Really, ain't got nothing to do with the super Bowl. Super Bowl, there's nothing you can say. Ain't got it's not nothing to say about my heavy I'm no goodness. Heal, well, you didn't just ask me, man, matter of fact, I have no memories out he said, what what? I wasn't trying to shock you anything? That did it? Right there? This was he hangs. The comedy was down hill and and comedy was never mentioned nothing. I'm not even fit played with that question that listen. Yeah, yeah, that's the theme song boy Field College. What you're doing you hit that little dupe in the back. Yeah, that's what I was. I was drill. I was drilled in Miami. Oh, this was the jam where James almost man. Yeah, we'll just play this song so Steve can't tell us anything. That my favorite memory in Miami right there, that's coming up thirty minutes after the hour. Steve was on first take with Stephen A. Smith yesterday in Miami. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening, all right, So Steve, yesterday you were on first take in Miami with Stephen A. Smith. Uh, he crushed your dreams when you asked him when you were uh, when your beloved Cleveland Browns will be going to the super Bowl. Take a listen to this from Cleveland. We've never been to the super Bowl. They had Lebron. Lebron saved us Man Championship. We've never won anything, and I'm hanging in there been god women. In two years we could be in a super Bowl. We clean house, Do we have a chance? And no, where in hell you're going to super Bowl two years? Hey? You know where Steven? Hey, I an't got to come on this damn show. You can't give your boy no hope in two years? Two years? That's too early, just too that too early, that's too early. Four. They shouldn't have crowned he did. Yeah, but well, well listen, the kitchens was a disaster. It's the worst version of what he could have been. But I told you he's gonna be and that. Nevertheless, the Cleveland Browns now have rehired the brains and it's not like they don't have talent on the squad. In two years, you could easily be can coming here that you cannot have a quarterback that you're relying upon come off of lake Erie. That's why you take Barkley first. That's that wind off lake Erie. You can't be throwing up Cleveland expected success, but we josh out as a big country boy. But he also runs with the football Baker Mayfield standard in the pocket he got. Do you realize that Baker Mayfield got more commercials were progressive than victories. We struggling. I love o'delle, but he won't to wear watches in the game. That's a problem. That's a problem. And we got the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We suck. Why I'm just trying to hip. I was trying to hype myself, but my city. We gotta get the every day there's a new chance. They don't care about. This is only the hit. Steve Harvey, I know, don't read my motivational speech back to meet Max. You need it right now. What I really need is a is a team that's made of just dogs. We need some more dogs, man. I really enjoy getting it by getting it for four years. Yeah, so if it's four years, we really you really don't need to bring Cleveland up on this job, no move because you gotta wait for what is it? This is twenty twenty four is when you can talk about Cleveland again. Let me ask you a question. And you think we should not going didn't I coached the damn general manager. We didn't gave the head coach who lost that fire. He got promoted. We only think getting rid of him now, the GM and the coat and he called the place. Now he gonna hire more people that think like him. Yeah right, I just can. Okay, let me ask the question. Let me ask you, Steve, you're big. Did you really think Baker man if it would do better than what he did or you expected him to do exactly what it is. I hope he would be great. He's not not yet. It's got a great we know that. Would you say I love his name. I always said he got a great name. He got a name like something's happening. You know, I'm not going to announce it. Once you were hearing like Baker Mayfield, I see him blank, just kept it one hundred. He couldn't help it, Ji my head junior. Yes, you're not gonna do that to me. Okay, Well, let me ask you this, Steve. When they do go, we'll just be positive and say when they do go to the super and then you're not gonna want to be on this radio show. I had a dream. I had a dreamed over that Tom Brady left New England. Wow, came to Cleveland. Hull dream it's not gonna happen. Huh, and came to Cleveland and resurrected the Browns in one season. And then do you need to wake your ass up? Don't forget Steve Harvey will host the NFL Honors UH tomorrow Saturday night on eight pm at eight pm Eastern on Fox. Don't forget about that coming up next, nephew here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four, and it's after it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject there's no way to bless this mess. And boy, this is a mess right here. Wait till you hear right now the nephew in the building with today's praying phone call. What do you have for us today? Ness? Your super Bowl parties are too loud. Your Super Bowl parties are too loud. They're gonna tell somebody turn a party down because I'm in the neighborhood. Because I'm a neighbor and I wasn't invited. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Gerard. Yeah, this is who's called. Hey, this is this is Curtis Man. I'm I'm one of your neighbors in the neighborhood. I'm about three, I think about three streets over from you. I'm reaching out to you, man, I know the super Bowl coming up? Are you are you? Are you playing on throwing your your annual super Bowl party this year? Hey? How you get You said you in the neighborhood. Yeah, y'all live in the neighborhood. I'm I'm three streets over from you. Oh okay, Yeah, how'd you hear about the super Bowl party? Man? I mean, i mean everybody knows about it. I mean, you know, it's it's it's it's pretty big. Every year you got you know, I mean it's it's it's cars everywhere. I mean, you guys be me rocking for all through the knife on super Bowl Night. So I'm calling to see if you are you throwing it this year? Um? Yes, and you I do it every year, man, I do it every year. All the neighbors come over, everybody comes over. We have a good time. So yeah, we're gonna be doing it again this year. While what's up? Okay? So here here what I want to tell you, man, Every year your party too loud, and here's people parking all in front of other people's houses. You know, I'm three streets old. It's people parking in my driveway to get to your house. And to be honest with you, is too loud. And I'm just telling you this year if that is loud this year, I'm calling the police this year. Man, this is what you really called me for. You really called me to threaten me, to tell me you're gonna call the police shut down my party. Bro. Yeah, I mean kind of too loud. Man, you've met everybody, and everybody in the neighborhood come to my party. Man, ain't know everybody in the neighborhood don't come because I damn sh ain't been there. That's because you ain't get an invite, because you hater. That's why you ain't getting no invite. You I said, you're a hater. That's why I'm not. No, I ain't no hater. I'm just telling you. Your stuff is out of control. Man. You gotta tone it. You gotta good control. Of your party. You don't have control of it. Man, you're telling me how to control my control your mouth. Start it. Let's start right there. All right, you ain't calling no guy. Believe you ain't doing none of that. We ain't doing. Oh yeah, hold on, you ain't telling me what I'm not gonna do. All right, I just you do one? You you do want to on the loud last party, You the one got people parking and people driveway And yeah, that's right. If it happens this year, I'm calling the police. You ain't calling nobody. You ain't calling that every person. I'm gonna tell you that right now. Okay, So how are you fenn stop me? How are you fenna stop me from make so I got peace and on my street at my house. I'm gonna stop you with a size twelve right up, y'all. Okay, okay, I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you again, control your party, get the noise level where it ain't disturbing everybody in the neighborhood, and stop people from parking in people's driveway. And I'm gonna tell you again, I'm about to have a party with my size twelve right up in your Hey, dude, it is what it is. It is again, look for the police to be at your party. I look for the people to look for the police to be at your damn party because evidently you don't respect your neighbors. It's what it is. You know, you know what I do respect my neighbors because all the neighbors in the neighborhood come except for you, because we already know you're on y'ar on that list. Yet I hated that's the neighbor that'd be calling toe trucks and you know, complaining about leaves and people yard and that you I know exactly who you are. That's why you never got to invite to the party because you do not even know me. Dude, you use the idea who I am use a buster use? Okay, but I'm gonna be the buster that's calling po post to be over there on suddenly listen to snitch snitching, that's an that's not snitching. No, it's controlling the atmosphere and stopping it from being out of control. You let me ask you something, so so you think people that's going to your party ought to be able to park in my driveway? Listen, man, I'm gonna be real with you. I'm sorry if anybody man parked in your driveway, but it ain't nothing for you to just knock on the door and say, hey, excuse me. You know I'm trying to get out, you know whatever. Whatever, I make sure I put it on on the flyers that we don't want people blocking driveways. But you know, obviously it happened, and I apologize for that. But that's no reason for you to be going on extra crazy and going to extra mount talking months I'm calling the police. You what are you're calling nobody? Man? Shut up? That right there is what's wrong with black people today. Instead of coming to me like a man, you're coming to me like a coward, instead of coming to me like a man and saying listen now, because the first thing you're talking about, oh, I'm gonna call the police, and then when the police come and beat your black pass up, you're gonna be on the other line complaining, talking about to be you want to be sure and doing this and that. Don't you know that's how you get sucked up. Man. So it's black people. We gotta learn how to stick together and come together. If you want to come to the party. It sounds like you're a silent hater on the loaf for real, like you really want to come to the party, but because you're the only person in the neighborhood that hasn't been invited. Now you're talking about calling the police. I know exactly who you are. Who am I You that dude that live up two three streets over and you drive that that red pickup truck with the flannel shirts and all of that. You're the only person in the hood driving a red pickup truck and flannel. It's wrong with you, man, That's why you ain't getting no invite. And on top of that, all those dogs you got running around in your backyard, you need to clean them up. They'd be back there and everything, and then the other neighbors can't even have barbecues because your big, rusty ass dogs running around. You got a nerve to be talking about you calling the police when we need to be calling the city on you. All that trash and you got in front of your house. Man, get out of here. I'm gonna call the cops on you right now if you ain't because you're wearing a flannel shirts with red pickup truck and the dogs running around with calling the front yard and the back guard him all over the place. Who are you that tell me? Say no more. I'm gonna tell you who I am. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your next dough neighbor, Brian. That's who I am. You know what? You know what? You know what? Now I'm definitely gonna kick you in his shot. Man. You had me going, Man, I hold when I run this prank. I hope the man with the red pickup truck and in the flower shirt ain't listening to it. All right, man, I got one more thing. You gotta tell me what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, you already know it's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Bro, Now you have it. You played too much. I'm telling you that tw tw Twinji. But what hey, I ain't been invited, right you gonna call up. I know exactly who you are. You wanted to red Trump with him afrigerating the stuff on your front your nasty I know it's not who you are. Love it. Keep the stupid baby monk Gummy all about I'm coming to the Gulf Baby. That's right, March the fourteenth, Saturday night. That the Monk Government performing centing you dump want Stupidity is on the way to Montgomery, Alabama. That Gump, that Forrest Gump, that Gump, I will beat the baby. Tickets on sale right now all ticket Master outlets, or you can go to the Montgomery Performing Off Performing Arts box office and gets yourselves some tickets. All right. Finally, all right, he got some tickets for sale. Somebody know where to go get him buying tickets all at the damn Doughnut Palace, Mary Fie, some mufflers shop, you can get them big Thomas Taco stand boy, I'm so happy. Center and ticket Master. Yeah, Bernard Bagels, get your ticket. What is crazy tickets? All right? Thank you? Jobe coming out Coming up next Today's Strawberry Letters subject There's no way to bless this mess. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. Anything you want to add to that, Steve, like you did yesterday. No, not really, just you know, knowing that when you asked Shirley for advice, hers will be advice. I'm not here for that all the time. Sometime sometimes it's just tag you in. All right. Well, if you do send us a letter, we could be reading it on the air, just like we're gonna read this one live right now. That is change. Yeah, that's for you. Buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is Strawberry letter. Subject, There's no way to this mess. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been kicked out of my church and I need some advice. I attended a very messy church, and if you did not do the things the way the pastor thought you should, he would call you out. I have had a few run ins with him over stuff I post on my personal Facebook page, and I told him I could post what I want on my Facebook page and it has nothing to do with him or the church. I'm sure the real problem was the fact that I was sleeping with one of the deacons. But the pastor couldn't say anything because everybody knew he was having an affair. So the pastor and I had words, and I cursed him out, and he excommunicated me. I did not care, and I joined a new church, but I was still messing with the deacon at my old church. Then I found out the deacon was messing with two more ladies that I was real cool with that church. All of us found out about each other, and we were mad. I told them that I would handle the deacon. That's just what I did. I went through my phone and found several pictures of the deacon's male parts and texted the pictures to the pastor and the other deacons. I waited, all um. I waited a few days, and I called the pastor to see if the deacon was going to be excommunicated like I was. He told me that I was the problem, not the deacon. Because of that, I marched right back up to my old church this past Sunday, and I dared the pastor to say anything to me. The horash deacon has found a new church, but all of the other deacons were looking all scared when they saw me. After services. Pastor said he would have me arrested if I came back. Do you think he has the right to do that. I should be able to worship wherever I want to, and this is my church home, no matter how messy it is. What should I do? You want? You want advice from us? From us? You want you want advice? What can we tell you? How can we advise you? You don't even listen to your pastor. You don't even listen to him in your own home church. As you put it, I can't believe you. I mean you, you're a pastor and the deacon. You're all just just a mess that church too. Uh, it is crazy. If you're a member of a church, you should at least and you go regularly, you call that at your church home. You should at least be getting something out of it, some kind of Jesus something out of something. Uh. You're you You sound like you know you're proud and not the least bit of shame that you're sleeping with a deacon in the church, or that you cursed out the pastor of the church, or that you texted the deacon's naked pictures to the pastor and the other deacons. This what are you doing? What are you doing? You need? What would you say, Tommy, that's not godly they No, absolutely not, absolutely not. I mean you need to stop. Seriously, you need to stop. You need to get yourself together. Okay, you really need Jesus, You absolutely need Jesus. You don't need to go to any more churches if it's not helping you. Okay, Uh, you know, I gotta tell you, like I said, get yourself together. Come on, sister, repent, ask for forgiveness for what all the stuff you have done before you get kicked out of this new church. Because if you can, you know, if you keep doing the same stuff, you're gonna kicked out until you get it. And yes, the pastor can ask you not to post certain things on your Facebook page if you know, if they're not no matter what they are, but if they don't reflect who you should be as a Christian. All right, you're I agree technically with what you said, and I think you were correct in what you were saying if we were talking about a real situation. But this ain't real. There is no way to bless this mess. The whole letter screams of what the hell? Then, Stephen Sherlon, I've been kicked out of my church and I need some advice right there, when a person is kicked out of a church, you think, oh my god, what did she do? Well? Then she said it, I attend a very messy church, and if you don't do things a way to the past, I thought you should here call you out. So you're sitting up there, it's Sunday. You don't got dressed, you don't come down now. I want to bring to your attention, sister parnell Or who is disruptive fos in our congregation want so you have some running ends with him. You've had running ends with your pastor over some stuff I post on my personal Facebook page. How he knows. I told him I can post what I want on my page. It ain't got nothing to do with him or the church. And then you said, I'm sure that the real problem is it's the fact that I'm sleeping one of the deacons. Because it's crazy. Wait a minute, you diagnose the problem with your Facebook page. As I got so much to saying this letter. This whole thing is a mess, and I have a solution for it. All right, Steve, We'll hang on. We'll be back with part two of your response at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject of today's Strawberry Letter. There's no way to bless this matter, and we'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject. There's no way to bless this message. This lady is a member of a messy church here in the past and had some running in is old stuff she posted, he told she told him, I post what I want on my page. Ain't got But then she diagnosed that the reason that they having the real problem with hers because she's sleeping one of the deacons. But then she said, but the pastor couldn't say anything to you about you sleeping with the deacon because everybody knows that he's having an affair. So the pastor and I had words. Okay, now they've had several run ins about the postings. Right then she turned around and said, the pastor and I had words, and I cust him out. Wow, it really cuss your pastor out. But he's pastor that's having the affair that fronts people out in church. So as he leads, y'all followed. So see, since he fronts people in church, y'all ain't got no problem fronting him. People followed like they led. I custed him out. He excommunicated me. I ain't care. I joined the new church. I ain't care, girl, I wouldn't got a new church. But I was still messing with the deacon at my old church. Then she found out that the deacon was messing with two more ladies that she was cool with it at the church, and all y'all found out about each other were man. So didn't you, being the ring leader, had helfer? You said? I told, yeah, helper, when you messing your head, helfer, I find I told them I would handle the deacon, and that's just what I did. I went through my phone found several pictures or the deacons male parts. Wait a minute, what kind deacon is this? What church you go to? You found some pictures of male parts and text the pictures to the pastor and the other deacons. Now, hold on, let me tell you something. Just being a man, if you get a message from a woman, you go, okay, oh right, what's up and it says, you know, download or something like that or images, and you pop it up and a man thing is on. Now, oh my good lord, But we really don't know how to respond in either way, the happy position or the sad position. We don't know what to say, but we do recognize right away that it is not us. We're very familiar to us. I waited a few days and I called the pastor to see if the deacon was gonna be excommunicated like I was. So you wan't the old pastor that's having the affair. There's boys with his deacon board that you just sent a picture of your deacon lover's male parts to the pastor and the other deacons, and then you called see if he gonna get excommunicated like I would. He told me that I was the problem. God, we gotta got he is going up. You're the problem, not the deacon. Where is Jesus did? She said that, I'm marched right back up to my old church. Let's do this in this letter. Stop saying church. Yeah, this is not a church. This is a gathering spot that has a cross hanging up in it somewhere. This is not a church. This is a gathering spot that has a cross hanging in it somewhere. This is not a church. This is not the Lord's house. The Lord ain't in that shell. Is absolutely right, well, ain't o Jesus that you ain't mentioning the word. He a good preacher, he feeds us. He'll do nothing. So you went back up to my old church and dad the pastor to say anything to me saying this. The horrish deacons, the whole whole deacon he has found a new church. But all the other decons was looking all scared when they saw me. On here she come on, she tripped. After service. Pastor said he would have me arrested if I came back here all this and he'll go of course, she said, do you think he has the right to do that? A minute? Man, you're so messy you don't even worry about the mess Do you think he has the right to do that? Have you arrested? I should be then then then can he do that? I should be able to worship wherever I want to worship. Where have y'all worshiped in this entire letter? Unless the name of this church is Soldom and Gomorral this is city. Yeah, all right? Listen, post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Okay, don't forget to check out the Strawberry letter on podcast the podcast on demand and coming up at forty six after the hour, President Trump's super Bowl commercial and did you hear part of the new border wall got blown over by heavy wind? We're going to talk about all of this right after you're listening to show. President Trump's campaign plan to run to thirty second spots on Sunday. Um, the new ad will talk about the president's economic record and the country's low unemployment rate in front of the largest TV audience all year. Trump campaign spent around ten million on the national spot to air during the Super Bowl. What is it? Uh? Five million for thirty seconds? You know? Democratic candidate Mike Bloomberg will air a sixty second spot during the Super Bowl about gun violent Um. So there you have it. Oh and in other news, part of the new border wall section got blown over by wind? Uh Customs of Protection. Huh. Mike Bloomberg has real money million, He's a billionaire for real. He's looking better too, at least his commercials. Yeah, I really do part part of it. Like I was saying, part of the new border wall section got blown over by wind. Customs and Border Protection. Uh. They say a newly installed section of border wall in California fell over in the high winds. It was high winds. Uh. The wall had recently been put into a new concrete foundation. When the wind in MEXICALI blew the wall over onto the trees on the Mexican side plate. So if the wind can blow the wall down, where happened, if four people climb up, huff and out puff, she took that and put it down on that wall. Commercial. Can you imagine you're trying to cross the border and you see the wall come down. That's like a gift from God. Oh wait a minute, y'all, Wait a minute, y'all, No this way right. I do not understand how the Southern Christian Evangelicals support Donald Trump. That is the craziest thing I do. There is racist as anybody on the face of the earth. That's just my opinion. They hate gaze, blacks, anybody that's different from them, and that to me, that's racist when you hate and exactly what it is. Yeah, this is they say. Some of the most segregated places in the world are those churches on Sunday. I mean they women who are getting abortion, lesbians, They hate all that, they hate it all. Yeah. So and Trump rallies that so they're gonna vote for Trump. Yeah, I understand, I get it. That's really all right. Well, coming up at the top of the hour, Pempin is here and guess what he's in Miami too. Super Bowl countdown continues on the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, he is here's live from Old Yeah, live from Miami. All right, super Bowl fifty four San Francisco forty nine is versus the Kansas City was it was in? It was in? What's going on? Then? Handing to pimping? Oh man, Junior? Yeah, what's up with you? Boy? Man? I'm good man? You down at the super Bowl? Oh yeah, I'm down. Heah, you little one. It's only crying down here. Man. It's strong. You're strong now him? Man? Everything ain't hey, ain't something? Shirley? Hello, Pemphing, how you doing? Almost? Sure? Showing like your boys? You know, you know he's disrespectable of nothing to the Mexican dude. Man, your boys black, I'm pretty sure you thinking. Ain't was something? Chocolate? What's happening in? Pimping you down? And in my down here letting them hamp me. You know he wasn't happening. What what what? What is that you got on? Pimp? What is that? Man? My Miami though? So just a combination. Listen to me close because a lot of people you can't guess this. The coat it's made out of palm tree leads now and the pockets, the cuffs and the color one hundred percent saying hey, amen, let me Jason Man. When my sister made this, I said him, Now come on, Pip came man, my sister consoul saying on that car, I said, girl, I got to head it. So I'm down here in Miami doing it right. You know what I'm saying. See, I'm I'm I'm a situation pimp. You know what I'm saying. I've never heard of that before time. I know you ain't. That's because you just only one. What does that mean? You know? I take advantage of situations, you know, make the best out of it. You know what I'm saying, Like like, okay, like just give me a situation. I show you on the just any situation. Watch watching super Bowl. Super Bowl. I'm here at the game, but I ain't bought no ticket, but I'm getting in. See that's pimp the game. Okay, that's how do it. That's how I do it. You know. Okay, do you have reservations for a hotel? No? No, no, but I'm sleeping every night. I got no reservations from no hotel. I'm in. I'm in the room. Yeah, I don't. I don't think pimp make reservations. When I showed up in this outfit, it looked like I'm posted to being the room. And all I do is walk down the hallway and when the maid open the door, I excuse me. I got in and say, hey, can I have some privacy please? I use the bathroom when she go out? And this is my room? Are you invited to all the parties and stuff like that? I don't know. I don't know I'm inviting. I'm gonna be there tipping the game. I love. I walk up to the dope and I and I let this butter scotch come off my tongue. You got scold this, you got ain't you gotta pick the super guy pipping? I don't dunk. I don't kill killing about that. Ain't down here for that man for the nine chiefs? What I can ain't for Kansas City, Austin Francisco. That is feminine situation. Yeah, and whoever win, who being the victory party with their colors on? All right? Coming up more music March running topics and some headlines. And twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to stew All. Right. Uh so, Junior, you had a question Pep before you said you was going to the victory party whatever team? Yeah, yeah, Junior, what is your rushing for? Just saying you got to voice? You just need to get to the speed. You're too fast, slow down. J Pippin cast is hard man. No, man, you're just rushing. You got to voice. I should have said it, pimp. I'm going to say it right, shirt, I got I got what you go ahead, all right, pimp, And you're going to the victory party. You know what You're gonna wait up to the victory party. Whoever win the game? Well, see it's easy out. I didn't pilp the situation, okay. See the San Francisco colors is red and white. We gold on it. The Kansas City Chiefs is red and white. So I just got one outfit made. It's red and white. Now, if the forty nine is when it, I'm gonna wear some gold framed glasses. If the chiefs win, I don't wear no glasses. So appreciate you asked me, Julie from now and just take your time, all right, thank you. Pema. Yeah, don't run. I just get excited when you walk in Pampa. I can't help himps don't run, pimp try all right. We'll have more of the Sea Harvey Morning Show coming up and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening show. Well, everybody's really excited to see Jennifer Lopez and Shakira perform at the PEPSI Super Bowl fifty four half time show. Perfect pairing, considering Miami, Aka is called the capital of Latin America, and you know we all love us that Miami. Steve is there right now. Uh, Steven got to ask you, what's your favorite memory about the city of Miami. What what you can't do that's wrong? Say that that's really my favorite And I'm going to share my favorite memory of my Fami. Ain't got nothing doing top Bowl super Bowl. There's nothing you can say. I ain't got nothing to say about my heavy he man, I'm no good. Hell, well you didn't just ask me, man, matter have no memories out my amy? He said, what what? I wasn't trying to shock you anything? That did it? Right there? This was he hings A comedy was down hill and and comedy was never mentioned nothing. I'm not even played with. Oh yea hear that? Listen? Yeah, yeah, that's the theme song. Boy, feel colin. What you're doing, man, you hit a little dupe into Yeah, that's what I was drill. I was drilled in Miami. Oh this James almost man. Yeah, we'll just play this song so Steve can't tell us anything. All right, coming up, Last Break of the Day on this Friday before the super Bowl this Sunday, and then we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to the show, all right, here we are last break of the day. It is the last break of Yes, thank you, see job James, Jay, don't mess run and lose your job, you though, right? All right, last break of the day. It's the last break of the day. Wow, that was Come on, Jay, is something wrong we need to talk about, all right. And and it's the last Friday before the Super Bowl. Steve is already in Miami for the Big Game this Sunday, forty nine Ers and the Kansas City Chiefs. Wow here we are, yeah, all right, closing remarks. You know, this week right here for many people has been a tough week, man, It really really has. I was doing first take, and I was talking with my brother stephen A, and I just put my mom around there because I could feel that he was heavy. I said, hanging there, man, he's just been a rough week, man, because you know, he's in sports, and he's had to talk about this situation, the passing of Kobe, his daughter and all those other people on that helicopter, and he's had to talk about it and give his take on it on every interview, every show, every morning. And I could just I've known stephen A for a while and I could just feel how heavy he was. I put my arm around him. I said, hanging there, man. He says, been a rough week, brother, And he said in a tone that's not the normal stephen A Smith tone. And Molly was giving on first take A she was reading what Vanessa Bryant had issued her first statement, and Molly cried through that whole thing, and it just brought to mind that for a lot of people who knew him and just knew of him, who respected him, who he gave enjoyment to, who he entertained, who people bet on, or all of the things, it was a tough week for a lot of people. But I'm gonna say something that I understand. I'm sixty three years old. I have survived and seen in my lifetime a lot of major deaths, and they all had a certain impact. And I watched it over the years, and the first major death that I saw was when President Kennedy was killed. And I came home and I saw my mother ironing and she was crying, and I said, I asked my mama why she was crying. He said, baby, they killed President Kennedy. I'm pretty young, so I don't really understand this, and I said, down. It was on the news, and I watched it with him. It had a little impact on me. At eleven years old, I came home and I found out that they had killed Martin Luther King. This was the most impactful death of my life at the time. And it was the most impactful death for years and years and years to come. But when mar Luther King died, the the the anger and the hurt in the African American community set every major city ablaze because the people who were so oppressed had no way to project their angle, not with voting or anything. Y'all killed mar and Luther King. We're gonna burn these cities down. And then I kept living, and we lost some other people, and we lost some more people, and then some more significant people passed, and I've seen all of them. When Michael Jackson passed, I know exactly where I was when I got the news, and the reaction to his death was major. We all were together when we got the news that Prince had died, and I watched how they handled the death of Prince, and the London Bridge purple. Vic Ben Bush Khalifa in Dubai went purple, the Eiffel Tower went purple, the Empire State Building went purple. Two countries got together and shine lights on Niagara Falls. The Niagara Falls went purple. This boy was major. Mohammed Ali died, but because of his age and his illness, he was singlely the greatest and most impactful sports figure to ever pass in the history of the world to my knowledge, but in my lifetime clearly Martin Luth excuse me, Mohammed Ali's passing was that major, but he was sick, and people kind of and he was older. When Kobe passed, it was so shocking with the way he passed, the age, his daughter on the plane and all those other people. Because of social media and because this young brother was such an icon in this age of technology and everything, the impact of his passing has had a huge impact. I've never in my life gotten more calls for more men to say I love you, brother. I just wanted to call you and tell you I loved you. When God called that man home and those other people, if he intended for us to get the message that life is precious, that every time should be cherished. If that was one of the messages Mission accomplished, this was a wake up call for every pole. Those are my closer calls for all. Steve. Every contest no purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.