Stop Asian Hate, Kanye West, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Mar 18, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Big Dog promises an abundance of ignorance today and be ready for Vintage Steve! The Chief Love Officer gets a letter from a lady who can't stand her man's twin. Kanye to The is worth a whopping $6.6 billion and Sharon Osbourne mentions that she should have never dismissed Sheryl Underwood's feelings on national television. The fellas give us the phrases that old people say. Straight from the 70's. President Biden along with celebrities are all speaking out against all the acts of violence against Asian Americans. Our Queen from The Talk comes through and puts some purple on it. The IRS has extended the tax filing deadline to May 15. The focal point of Reality Update are the shows on OWN. Today the show wraps up with the discussion of the Black vote.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the subs not me through good often together for st Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turning? You are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out? Turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thing. I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. I come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. You know. I think I'll explain something to y'all. You know when I when I wake up in the morning and I say, dig me now, what I'm asking you to do is it's old school, you know, man, And you know you say old people say I did you know Dad? Never stop saying it. Sorry, but dig me now. It's just I want you to don't you really feel me? I don't you to understand what I'm saying, because really, this morning inspiration is all given in the spirit of sharing and love. It ain't about to expose me in any way. That's not the purpose of it. But I found that in my morning inspiration that it's best that I use some things about myself, because I mean, what better example can I use? Because I know me, I know what's happened to me. I knew exactly how I felt all along the way concerning almost everything, every aspect of my life. I now fully do really understand why God had my life spend the way it spun. And here's the part that I want to give to you this morning, that first of all, whatever position you find yourself in today, we kind of come to one realization that we got ourselves there. We put ourselves there by a series of thoughts and actions. Thoughts turn into things. That's very important to know. So let's look at both sides of it. For people who think negative thoughts, it turns into negative things, and the direct opposite is true for those who think positive thoughts, it turns into positive things. That's the deal. It's as simple as that, folks. I cannot break it down any cleaner, I cannot make it any clearer. Thoughts become things. So the one glaring question for all of us always is on a daily basis, what are you thinking? What are your thoughts? What are you thinking? What are your thoughts? Because I can assure you and it's not by or promise of mind. This is not a theory that Steve Harvey then came up with. This is a fact of life. This is biblical, this is spiritual, this is written, this is philosophical. This is the law of the universe. However, you need to drink this medicine to take to get it down and feel what I'm saying to you. This is just the way it is now and here the cold part, folks. It don't matter if you believe me or not. It does not matter if you have never been explained this are not And it does not matter if you think it works in your life or not. It don't matter. Listen to me. It is the way it is. It is as scriptural, it is as spiritual, it is philosophical, it's just whatever. It's the law of the universe. You call whatever you want to call. However, you got to dress this thing up to put it into phase that you can feel me. I want you to feel me now, because this all it is. So. When I say that you are where we are today because we thought ourselves here, or your best to believe that's true. You thought yourself here, no one else see. Let me explain something. I got people around me who so badly want to take credit for it, but I don't allow it. But because I keep pointing to the heavens, I keep pointing and trying to say it out loud as many times as I can without being so offensive, that my life is by design, by grace and mercy, by blessings from God. My life is because God has seen it to be so. Oh, but I got plenty of people around me want credit for it and want you to not give credit to God and give it to them. I got that. I got that, But I understand that. See, I understand what that is. That's a person whose design is to get the credit. But it's okay. It's so clear to me what my father was saying to me. Man, I get it. As I get older and older, he always said to me, son, everybody come with you, can't go with you. See, you know, I don't know how people say that in church. You know, sometimes they go people come into your life for seasons, and I guess the same thing. You know, they season up, they're gone, well, you know, and then but then hither way they try to hold you though, or you're gonna forget where you come from. Oh, you ain't gonna keep it real no more. I don't want to go back where I come from. I don't want to keep it that real no more. It was real enough for me living in a car. I had enough of that real. I don't gonna keep it real now. I don't keep it real. I want to go keep it dreamy. I want to go keep it fantasize it. I want. I want to. I want to keep it out of this world. I want to keep it off the chain. I want to keep it moving. I want to keep it ball, and I want to see what that's like. So naw, I ain't gonna forget where I come from, but you ain't gonna hold me to that though. See thoughts become things all day long? Where's your vision board? Where are the things that you wan't written down? What do you think about the most? How grateful are you for what all God has done for you? Where you at with that? See here another law? If thoughts become things, Let me ask you this. If all you thinking about is your debt, if all you're thinking about is what you ain't got, If all you thinking about or is all woe is me? If all you're thinking about is every time I turn around, I'm sick. If all you're thinking about it's the things in life that you're lacking. If that's all you're thinking about, And if thoughts become things, how much debt you think you're gonna stay in, how much, how much how much lacking you think you finn to feel your life with? How much most stuff you find to not have because you keep thinking about it all the time. When you're gonna be grateful, when you're gonna say thank you, when it's gonna come out your mouth, Man, that I may not be where I want to be, but I show am grateful for what you've given me so far, for the things I have today because I don't have to have these things? You know that does? That then opens up room for more stuff to come your way? To be grateful fall. But if you're gonna be ungrateful, man, let me ask you. So. I ain't God, I don't claim to be, But let me ask you something. Man, If you're ungrateful for the things we've got, if we can't show no gratitude for what we have, why would God give us some most stuff to be ungrateful for? Why would he do that? For tada. Anybody feel me right now? So when I say, come on, y'all, dig me, now, do you understand why I say dig me because I want you to feel me. I want you to understand and come to the understanding, not saying you ain't. Because so many people got a deeper understanding than me about this whole thing. I promise you they do, but they listen to me. I'm just trying to get you to walk up in this light, man, so you can go on with your life and quit tripping yourself out with your thoughts, because thoughts become things, all right, all day you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, your undivided attention is needed. Right now, I have a special announcement to make. It is the beginning of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, which means that will be an abundance of ignorance, some serious laughter today because I've decided that today that Steve Harvey is gonna go vintage. Steve Harvey vintage, which means all the clo questions anything directly with me, I will be delivering an answer in the form of ignorance. We're gonna get fired, which means, you know this is gonna be funny to me even if it ain't to you. And I have a high level of sense of human I happen to know what it's funny. Now you touch you probably need to turn your radio today, Touch you people, turn your radio because it's about to pop off. It's about to pop off. Tommy hit it. It's about to pop the power to pop out. Wanting doing Junior, that's what's gonna be happening. Warning Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning Steve. Thanks for the warning. Thanks, I'm ready, I guess Good morning again, Junior, Tommy one more time. We're about to pop the pop the pop out, Na what you have been worn? Welcome to d y'all. Yeah, yeah, that was at the end right there that James Thomas on again one of the best labs the world. Many on this Thursday, y'all scared y'all want to talk about No, just no, I'm not Yeah, because if I know what vintage Steve Harvey is, I know it's embarrassing. That's what it is, you know, And that's that's a good thing. Sometimes you need that in your life some embarrassing moments. My mom used to tell me that when we go to church, don't embarrass me, and I sit in my ass right over there and do it. Mouth full of candy, spit it out, laughing at the visiting past. I didn't think nobody could preach, but Bishop James l Harden anybody else was a comedy routine to me. That was just passed. He came, He snorted, I believe it God would one day come back. We would all be in the hill and we don't you know, we're right, boy Lord of the host. That was that third snort me Paul Walker and Butch boy cousin. We was leaving. I had so much candy and my mom. You know, I just trying to keep my mom crows when I chewing candy, so my mama couldn't see it. Ahead candy juice, all done it, crack a mama was driven on my soup embarrassed her. She asked you not to all right, listen, we gotta move on, Sir h Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, a CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey, like you won't believe right after this you're listening, Steven show time Upper asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from Winston and Augusta, Georgia. Winston says, I'm a huge fan of ladies basketball and my ex girlfriend as a coach of a great college team. I've been with my new girlfriend for close to two years, and when we met, she tried to keep me from going to the games. I don't make all of them, but when I do go, my girlfriend has an attitude for a few days. I invite her to go with me to every game, but she refuses to go because of who the coaches. Am I wrong for going to the game. Who's the coach his ex girlfriend? Winston, You're stupid, congretent think you're gonna go to the game because your ex girlfriend as a coach like she. Don't think that's why you enjoying the game that much. That n't be The w NBA is a great product. I love watching them sisters ball. They beginning after man, them girls be hooping. Man, I will put them girls up against a lot of boy teams out of the sea. Them girls are trouncel You understand they don't have to hops that the guys got, but but the skill set is is great. You ain't college girls. You're not going down there they see no more damn game. Joe Carroll Field with Joe stupid ass. Get a pack of Winstom cigarettes and going and just start smoking your ass and have a nice time because you're not going what you need to take off smoking wid all right, Dorenda and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, says, I'm in my early thirties and I'm about to get married, but I can't stand at my fiance's twin brother. He pranked me one day and I ended up saying some pretty bad things about his wife because I thought I was talking to my fiance. My fiance and his brother said it's all good, and they never tell his wife what I said, But I don't trust it. Should I tell his wife what happened so I won't end up in some mess with my future sister in law, Dorinda, don't be stupid. They said they're not gonna tell it. Why would they tell it? Why would you go and tell it? And I don't like talking to nobody that has the same name as one of the clock system because yeah, they asked, wouldn't be in this mess right here? So don't call your fake fake name named Renda like you wanted to clock. You should be a guy in this mess right here. I don't do fake gospel saying us over this show. All right, yeah, all right. Tanyeta Tanyetta and Jefferson, Missouri says, I'm a foster mother to a four year old boy, and my husband is on cloud nine because he's always wanted a son. We had our daughter when we were both forty, so that was it on us having children. My husband wants to adopt the boy, but we're fifty two years old now and I don't want to start over with raising another child. The boy is his cousin's baby, and she's been given a lengthy jail sentence, so someone in the family has to raise this a little boy. I just don't want it to be us. Am I being unreasonable? Well? No, because she's fifty two and I understand that it's hard taking in kids at fifty two and he's fifty two. Why didn't you get out to foster care program. See, you can't being a foster kid and then get a foster kid. Now you got a little boy. Now your husband is excited about it. Now you don't want it a little boy? What you take your men it's family. Not necessarily the system. It's family got but she really got a problem with the damn family member, probably becausin. Yeah, don't like the ass. So you know, once you don't like the ass, you do not like their children. That's awesome. Yeah, anybody I don't like have a baby and they come around me. The baby get in the hate column right with the don't bring your stupid children over here. You stupid, stupid people raise stupid children all the time. Anymore you'd like to add to that? No, Plus, her name is Tanya that I knew right away. She was old nobody name. Well, if you like Tanyetta, you're gonna love this name. Steve floor and Tuscaloosa Florie says, I need some advice. I need some advice on this guy I'm dating. He's seventy three, and I'm close to his age but a little younger. He's been a little distant lately, and he said he can't take me seriously until we take our relationship to the next level. I told myself I'd never go all the way with another man after my husband passed. I'm attracted to the new guy, but I'm just not ready mentally to lie with another man. I've reverted to my teenage years when I was unsure about having sex for the first time. What should I do in this case? Well, no, he's seventy three years now. You haven't flashbacks to when he was a team You're not the tea. You can't see. Man. This ninety day wound that I created does not apply to seventy year old people. Problem. I mean, I wish you do. I hope you live a long, healthy life. But after your husband died, you said you never sleep with another man. Well, what do you want? You dating me? Fault? And he and he want to take it to the next level. And here in a hurry, he's seventy three. What do you say? I mean, what? What? What does she want to do? I can't make her sleep with this man. She doesn't want to sleep with your man. She don't have to. But what is you saving it? Fault? I want to wait till i'm eighties. Where you're going eighty? That's so bad, that's bad. I ain't I ain't willing to take that bet. Now. I'm gonna get a land in Vegas, but I just have no desire to bet the way. Wait till Queen, he seventy three, he already know he and plus you need to check his medical record. He might know something he and he could be in a hairy for a medical reason. Well, she said, what should she do? That's what she should do. You tell her how to go for it, saving it. Yeah, all right, well, thank you, Cello, great advice. As always, as always, uh, when we come back, coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's weather and national news. Also an entertainment news Kanye West, Steve get a load of this is where six point six billion with a B dollars? Okay, whoa Kim, I want to rethink I no California. She worked three writing it. Okay the way that sounds. Yeah. Plus the daytime show starring our girl Cheryl Underwood. The talk it has extended, it's hiatus. We'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour. Oh yeah, right now, the nephew is here to run that frank back. What you got Nat, Well, you know there's conference calls all over the country. I thought I would just you know, you know, just kind of tune in and one and kind of step in a little bit and do a little something something. This is the conference call. Listen to me, watch me work. Hello, This is Hannah. Hi, this is Frank checking in. Hey, give it here from the one. Hey, guys, how's it going fine? I think I think we're waiting for for one other person. Just daling in a second. Hello Sherman. Sherman Davis, general manager's assistant. How you guys doing everybody here? Hey Sherman, Yeah, I'm doing fine. Hello Sherman. Alright, alright, guys, we got let me make sure we got everybody here. Is Hannah here, Ye, Hannah's here. How's it going all right? Frank, yep, I'm on the line. Thank you, all right, good good good. And David, I'm here all right, my man. Good deal, good deal, all right. Got some news for you guys. I need you guys to just bear with me for a second. I'm getting all the paperwork in. My UM assistant Cynthia is here, so you guys just give me a second. I'm gonna put you guys on whole for a second, and I'll be back probably less than thirty seconds. Okay, all right, okay, we'll do, thank you, Cynthia. Can you bring me all of them stuff on? These three guys. I mean today is supposed to be they're on hole right now, but today's day that we're giving them their severance packages and letting them go, and they'll be out of here probably by tomorrow morning. They're clearing their things out. They don't know it yet, but we're gonna at least giving their severance packages today. Okay. You know, they put it on my shoulders to break the bad news, and somebody's got to do it. So it's my job today, all right, So bring it to me and get it here here as soon as possible so I can heard him get past this conference call? All right? Hello, did you guys? All right? Guys? Sherman, Hello, yeah, this I'm here, guys. Yeah, uh, you never put us on hold? So are you about to fire us right now? What are you talking? Wait a minute? Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on, guys? What what what what's going on? What are you guys talking about? We're asking you what's going on? We just hurt you. We didn't put us on hold. We just heard all that. Yes, separate packages. What I heard? I heard you're letting us go. M oh, Sherman, you were talking about some other people. Hey, hey, guys, do hang on, everybody just calmed down. Just give me, give me a I can hear. Hang on, I just let me, let me. I'll be right back. Hang on. Hello, what is going on? Did you hear that? Okay, you all heard the same thing you're talking about, Cynthia, How do I it up? Is this? Is this the whole button? Here? This is it? There we go? They can heard everything. No, they just can ask me right now. I'm doing what he's telling me to do this. These three are supposed to be let go by the end of the day. I mean, I gotta do it. But it looks like the severances nobody can live off of this for even three freaking months. I already know that this is this is really tough. Oh all right, so look, bring me everybody's stuff. Let me at least after lunch they all come in here and pick up their things. That's all I can think. Okay, is this the right button here? Okay? Hello, it's not the right button we keep I hear, so we must have to be kidding me. I've been with us, I've been with us for five years. All right, I've not I've not let you down for a quarter, the company down for a quarterer. This is this is ridiculous. I cannot believe this. And I'm on travel right now, so how am I going to come and get my things? But this is ridiculous. This is how you're gonna let us know? Dude, this is unprofessional, this is trash. I cannot believe you. If you only need a lawyers, I have someone, I have contacts, we can talk. But honestly, Sherman, this is this is, this is unaccessible. Let's not do the whole lawyer thing, guys. Okay, let's not do that all right now. People get let go from companies, People get let go all the time. And you guys know this. This is let's go on a conference call with other people. What are you This is ridiculous. Are you giving a personal business? Yes, yes, that's true. You're giving personal business to another Uh, it's exactly. It's not a yeah, you cannot be doing this. Yeah, email me that lawyer's number for sure. Yes, David, thank you. I didn't I didn't try to for you guys to learn it this way. All right, I'm Okay, let's just say I'm not good at the conference button. I don't know how to put anybody. You're not do it. This is not a good message. It's not it's not a public professional messaging. In fact, this is I'm mortified. I cannot believe this. I put it into my life to this company. This is beside its employees. It is, it is, It's absolutely right. It is illegal. This is illegal. Yep, yep, I will write. Wait, wait, what do you mean you're recording it? What are you? What are you recording it for? What? Yes? Can you tell me not recording? David? Listen, I don't consent on being recorded. I want that known man exactly. Okay, okay, can I can I ask you guys something? Do you guys? Are you familiar with your co worker named Barry Dillard? Yes, you don't have to answer this. Barry fired too. How are you gonna tell him? Let me tell you what's going on. Barry told me to call you. This is nephew, tiught me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. All three of y'all just got prank by your co worker Barry Diller. Oh my god, I'm to have a heart attack. Oh my god, Hey, y'all, nobody has lost their job, Hannah, Frank David. Nobody has lost their job. But your co worker Barry Diller got me to prank phone call. Y'all. Right, sir, everybody's got the job. We're good. Wow, okay, okay, I'm good. I'm good now, I'm good. Y'all. Gotta tell me this, what is the bad radio show in the land. Let me hear it clearly on the show. Get a drama, some get a prank of some. Come on, sherman, give it to serving. I'm mortified. They got their attorneys ready for it. Oh dare you? I'm going on this ding and radio. I tell y'all I praised it. Yeah, well, I got to have it, all right, king of pranks? All right. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In the South and Southeast, severe understorms and tornadoes touchdown yesterday and overnight, causing destructive wins, tennis ball styles, hail, and tornadoes. Please pray for our neighbors in the southeast. Miss Anne is standing by with the latest weather news. But first in today's entertainment news. Multiple media publications in Bloomboard, Bloomberg report that Kanye West is worth a whopping six point six billion dollars. Now, you say, how did he get all that money? Well, part of it is thanks to his jeezy sneakers, his apparel brands, which are led by Adida Send the Gap the new apparel could hit gap stories this summer. Kanye has millions from his other assets like real estate, and don't forget his music catalog. People. Okay, he's still an artist. M So six point six billion, Steve Wow, who yeah, who won't? Yeah? Okay, Kim Yeah, going on available, missus six point six million. You know you ran for president? Go ahead, girl, go ahead. Don't get that billion, get them billions. Come with something, ud, come with something, Come with good stuff, clothes, you can be winning the slavery clothes and easy easy ever billionaire. I do feel for the kids, though, I do four kids, young kids, divorces terrible, it's really terrible kids, it is. Yeah, but yeah, six point six billion, um And other entertainment news, Well, the daytime talk show The Talk is still on hiatus. Sharon Osborne recently did an interview and Sharon claimed that she was set up by c CBS. She said she was set up by the network. She said the producers asked her to bring up the Piers Morgan topic again. She also said that she should have never dismissed Cheryl Underwood's feelings on National TV. Now that so, I mean you should have dismissed off TV? What is that? What does that mean? Look at my mouth to his mouth? Yeah, yeah, come on, come on, she's she's trying to do damage control here. Yeah. I saw the interview where she's blaming CBS and the producers and all that. I saw an interview I think it was Entertainment Tonight with Sharon Osborne. So I guess they decided to extend the hiatus. Yeah, Chyl's gonna be with us later on tonight. That's right. I was just gonna say, that's right. So the talkin' talking is what you're saying? How the talk is silent? Well, you know, Steve, She said that she should have never dismissed Cheryl's feelings on National TV. She did say that she said CBS set her up. Well, that's a whole other thing, because see now she being smart, she fighting back. Yeah, damage control, damage control. Yeah, they set her up. They asked her to bring up it when they when they released their footage of her talking about Kobe. Remember, oh yeah, yeah with Lisa Leslie. Yea, I remember that. See that's that's a new trick they use in broadcasting. I never knew that I'm gonna start using the set up, the set up. So did somebody say something about me? All right, See, let's move on and get to missing ladies and gentlemen, missaying trip, thank you, and good morning every one. Thousands of people in the Deep South are dealing with a late winter bout to rain and hail and several tornadoes leaving scattered damage in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, And like Shirley said, you know, we do pray for our neighbors in the South. In Atlanta, a white man accused of killing eight people at three massage parlors has been charged with murder and assault. However, the suspect, twenty one year old Robert Aaron Long, has told Cherokee County Police Captain Jay Barker that the shootings were not racially motivated, even though six of the victims were Asian women. This is still early but he does claim that it was not racially motivated. He apparently has an issue what he considers a sec fiction and sees these locations as something that allows him to go to these places and it's a temptation for him. Well. Captain Baker says, it looks like Robert Long was on his way to Florida to allegedly kill more people and other massage polors, seeing himself as lashing out against pornographic temptation. That's what he told the cops. However, there are many in the nation's Asian American community who not buying this in light of the harrassment of violence directed at their race in the wake of the COVID pandemic, which former President Donald Trump repeatedly referred to as the Chinese virus. However, Atlanta Mayor Kesha lance Bottom says, no matter what, she doesn't like it, whether it's sinceless balance we've seen play out in our streets or a more targeted balance, a crime against any community is a crime against us all. Robert Aaron Long is to be arraigned later this morning on murder and aggravated assault. His parents turned him in a judge here in case of Derek Chauvin, the white ex Minneapolis cop accused of murdering George Floyd, has removed two potential jurors in the case because they said the announcement of that twenty seven million dollars settlement to the family made it difficult for them to be open minded because the sun like that, a big something like that, they said, may look like city officials already knew that Derek Chauvin was guilty. A judge, Peter Cahill says he will now decide whether the postpone or move the trial to another location. But right now two other people have been put on the jury at one a black man and one a white man. This justin word is that Tina Turner has officially said goodbye to her fans. Goodbye because she says she won't be performing anymore due to ill health. In a feature length documentary called Tina, she talks about her recent health challenge like kidney failure, a transplant in twenty seventeen, cancer we know any of this on top of that the psychological drama she says she's also suffering after years of beating and suffering from Ike Turner and sad news legendary character actor Yafat Koto has died at age eighty one. Yafat Koto starred in TV shows like Homicide, Life on the Street, and movies like Alien and This One, Live and Lead Die with Jeffrey Holder and Roger Moore. Did you miss with that? That's between Solida and myself and Kananga. I'll tell him when I see him. Did you dodger? When I see Kananga? Ride? Live and Lead Die. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show Well, Entertainers, athletes, politicians, celebrities, and influencers are all speaking out on stopping the hateful, racist acts of violence against Asian Americans. President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former President Obama have all condemned the deadly Atlanta SPAS shootings. This spike and hostility toward Asian Americans coincides with the COVID nineteen pandemic, and uh, you know, we gotta say yes, please stop the Asian hate. This is terrible, you know. Donald Trump, it's the cause of the insurrection the Capitol. He's the cause of the hatred towards Muslims with the band he has lit the fuse for this hatred for Asian people. He did this with that China virus and all China, all that acting smart man, He's just a It's amazing man what he's allowed to get away with in comparison to Chris uh Andrea, yeah, Andrew Cuomo in comparison too, because did not Donald Trump have the same number of allegations, I mean, women came up on TV and saying everything he made it to the White House. It is amazing how this Republican Party has allowed this man to exhibit this type of behavior and represent their party. And it is because, as Don Lemon said the other day, these senators in the Republican Party are absolutely spineless people and they care more about their position, power and money. And I was saying this long before. They care about that more than they do anything. And they would sacrifice all their morals, their principles, they love of their wives, they love of their daddy's reputation. Put it all online. If I could stay in position, stay in power, and keep making this paper. It's a sad country we live in today. Do you know that they are now trying to change the narrative of the resurrection that I mean not in insurrection like it was. It wasn't that bad. Do you know they're trying to say that now, jovial people, but this these police officers are dead and it wasn't that bad because they're trying to stay on the good side of Donald Trump and see pack they need to. Man. I am sick of the way this country allows people to get in here and shape we're supposed to be a moral country, which we're discovering more and more that it is not right. Well we've known all alone, but yeah, it's just the face of this country's us consistently showing it. I'm absolutely ashamed. Yeah, all right, we're gonna move on. Stephen coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Show. All right, So Steve, here's a Here's funny stories. Uh. A guy on Facebook said that he heard someone call an old car a gelope, and he said he knew right away that that guy was old. So I gotta ask you. I gotta ask Tommy and Junior, what are some of your favorite old person words or phrases? Things you've been hearing all your lives. You know that old people say, like GELOPI for instances, when Steve calls somebody on drugs a junkie. You know my favorite author. I love it. Oh you're comfortable with the Steve. I was talking to my brother the other day. Brother say, man, I can't stand a job, asked Turkey, Damn, that's right out of the seventies. Turkey. My brothers still saying that. What about you, junior? When old people saying, these old players, they said, boy, if I had your hand, I cut mine off. They got that from They all say it, though, if your hand, why cut mine off? I'll tell you another, right, y'all want some hot water corn bread? Hot water corn Yeah, that's cold, hell hot? You want? You like you like red eye gravy. Y'all still doing that? These are your favorite old people's sayings or phrases. Qween me, between me and you and the fifth post. I'm gonna tell you something between what we like, make yourself the time the old people say, they said, look at that, looking at me like a new calf, standing at to go for that defense. What they're saying that what they saying, look at it looking at me like a new calf. That a new gate. I say, where did you get that from? I've never heard. I never heard a new gate down in Brenham, Texas. Let me go down that that said, that's it, and I just go down from Breno. My daddy brother, my daddy brother, Uncle Lewis. You know I've been the hell in jail. They both saint I put the jumping. I didn't put the arms jumping, the flip flop down. What yeah, you've been the head ain't jail the I'm gonna tell you something now, I'm gonna tell you something. Don't nothing, no nothing, be the whole kid cheese. You got sick with food vibe, you know, because that's old. You can't even say that. My children have no idea what that is. No, no hog head cheese, you boy, you can't beat the whole head. Cheese heads the fastest way to raise your blood pressure. My children have never had that much child them have never had chit lists never for what hell, They've never been poor. Let's just stop there you go. Damn when old people say one in the hand beat two in the bush, what does that mean? That means? Better go with what you got gonna mess with something over that year. Go with what you got. Yeah, bush. See if you let the one in your hand, go and stick your hand in that bush and birds fly off, you ain't gonna handle damn bird. I never knew nothing. Yeah, and you know what you to hear? Mark my words mark because I said to mark my words? What is that? Mark my words mean? Write this down because this has been to happen. If I can get you to use your head molding a head wreck, we're gonna be all glory. Yeah. My mom used to say something about a chicken in a pot and a window to throw it out. Up. Have you heard that thing? Ain't got a pot to pissing on the window to throw it out? Of chicken? He was boo y'allowing the chicken out. Was like, what mom? What are you saying? All right? All right? Coming up? Stop all that pidling round? Yes, the same thing as you keep seeing. Come on, sir, let's go. We got to go see a man by the horse. Thought it was a dog. Okay. Coming up next, the nephew will be here with the prank phone call right after this, What did you grow up? You're listening show? Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he jumped in feet first through wait till you hear this letter. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now this right here, y'all, this is called Jeszebel Spirit. Huh, Jeszebell Spirit. Take your time, cat dog, let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a sister, Alicia. Alright, alright, alright, you may not know my voice, but I'm sure you probably know me if you saw me. But I'm brother Greg at the church. Okay, all right, how how are you doing. I'm good, I'm good. I'm sorry to disturb you evening. I wanted to reach out to you the you know, the workers at the church. We had a meeting. A lot of the deacons and the sisters at the church. They have come to at a meeting, and I wanted to give you a call. Melanie, Melanie, that's that's that's your sister, right, yeah, that's my sister. That's my baby sister. Okay, all right, well now we got a bit of a problem, but uh uh uh. They felt that it would be best for me to call you and discuss it with you and and let you know what the uh you know what they have agreed upon. I'm just basically the messenger and I'm just calling you to give you the word of what's going on. Okay, Um, brother brig right, yeah, brother greed, brig agreed, your wife has an applier, right, uh yeah, yeah, life, yeah, okay, Okay, I know you, I think I know. Yeah, okay, okay, all right, Um, well, like I said, Sister Alicia, what the officials of the church are saying is they they're saying that they have reason to believe that your sister has been having an affair with with pastors and uh my sister, your sister Melanie. They saying she's having it and having a fan with having an affair with pastor at now I'm, like I said, I'm just the messenger. Okay, So why are y'all calling me about something Melanie doing well with the Like I say, the officials had a meeting and what they're saying is this is nothing but a jezzer bell spirit and what they are not wait wait, wait a minute now, d now come on, Oh okay, now you just hear me out now they're saying that this is a jezze Bell spirit and they would rather all of the family not be welcome at the church anymore. Okay, first of all, why are you delivering a message to me about my sister? If you have a problem with my sister, seems like you will be calling my sister. Now we two separate people. So why are you calling me about my sister about a rumor? And now you say, y'all don't want me in the church. That is that what you're saying? Brothers, fully entire family. So if you got some brothers, sisters, aunt team, they wan't because they ever deadly. All of the ladies in the comfort fact must have some type of Jezebel spirit of no no, and they don't want to wait wait, wait, wait a minute. Now, you just like I said, now, be be mindful who you're speaking to. Calling somebody or Jezebel, know you, what you can't do it is called somebody and accuse somebody and then call him a derivatory word. Come on, somebody a Jezebel and a Jezebel. Now you're being rude, sir. It's a Jezebel's spirit, is what they were saying that. Okay, they's got to be the most assinine foolishness I have ever heard in my life. Who done that? Who are you to call me? Don't ask me no like that. You're calling me all like some hoosh like whoo who to hell? Castbody got a Jezebel spire? That's gonna called somebody? Kids? I'm like, you got a bad ass kid? Does your mama have a Jezebel spit? Don't wait wait a minute, I'm just does your mama? Does your red lit sit wearing wife's out of Jezebel's spirit? I'm ask and wook your ass. That's what's gonna happen. You're gonna mess around and get your ass up and get dragged through the damn pool. Put around with the top well as a right now, the family can't come to the church. You think we want to be around a church that God people call about asking me, I shall dare Do I have us Jezebel? Still, but you never answered the question do you have one? I might have a rain had spirit? Now you know she was a good Bible. Now I've been a never this damn church for the last eight year, and I don't pay plenty tides to this damn church, and its a problem of me. Tells that have a problem with me, just Alicia, Yeah, let me say this. I'm gonna be go ahead. First of all, before you see another damn work. She needs to apologize and speak to look like you got something. Just okay? Can I say this? Go ahead? Go ahead? First, I apologize. Okay, I apologize because this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and you just got franked by your sister Melanie. I'm gonna kick that was right, I was, I was. That was a girl for you. Yeah, got Melanie asked for dad. I don't know who the lady is in the choir with the real live sticker one day. I have no idea, all right, no je a bell spirits, none of that. We all right, Maybe maybe your ray half like I did. Maybe your rayhal because you're gonna even more than one Bible. And she did good work for the kingdom, because you know I was working for the kingdom. Now I didn't. I said, I have been. I've been a long time. Now. I wait, you know what to falk? What? Oh God? I love church people, I love church people. Hey, let me ask you something. What is the baddest radio show in the land, the morning show? Say what I think she's yeah, yeah, I haven't been one in a long time. Long time. Everybody has a past, you know, everybody has your mama. Yes, well, all right, let me do it like this here. I'm gonna do a little something different to Dave y'all on man, drum roll if you would, Ladies and gentlemen. April the second Friday Night, Ready to Love his back Season four, Baby, hosted by Yours truly nephew Tommy. That's nine pm, eight Central. It's Houston once again. Twenty singles, ten ladies, ten men looking for love. I am the cupid in the middle. I'm gonna guide you through another season and I promise you you're going to love it. We are all over the city of Houston, Texas, and these people are looking for love, and I am the man to help you find love. He oka't we every season. I want the same crew to come back. But then every season I love the crew that saw you had a new cast, right. I got some surprises for you, baby, really, I got big surprise. I got big surprise. I ain't telling you nothing April again. Us just showing that. Now, this is showing that it's big and better than it's a big surprise. It's huge, huge shows coming on the show. It's big. It's big this season. He gonna be tall. April second, Ready to Love on the Own Network. You don't want to miss it, nine pm, eight Central only on Own brand new season season four, hosted by Yours true congratul Yeah, thank you, well, thank you, Tommy. Strawberry Letter up next, he jumped in feet first. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. Thank you for your subject. He jumped in feet first. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty eight year old woman and I've been having bad luck on the dating scene. Finally I met someone and I thought he was great emotionally, he fulfilled my needs and he planned the best date. We formed a bond over the fact that we were both tired of dating and being dis pointed. After dating for a couple of months, we decided to take things to the next level and we had sex. It was amazing at first. Then he stopped right in the middle of the act and asked me to put my stiletto heels back on. I did it and thought it was something new and fun. But as we continued to do the do he focused more on my feet and my shoes than he did on other essential parts of my body. The next time we were intimate, he asked me to take off my socks, and then he grabbed my foot and interlocked his fingers between my toes. The third time we were intimate, he grabbed my foot and smacked himself across the face with it. Now, that freaked me out, and I've never been so mortified, but I didn't say anything. I decided to take a break from us having sex, and it was fine with him because I soon figured out it was my feet that got him aroused, not me. Recently, we were chilling and watching TV and he took off. He took my socks off and started licking the bottom of my feet. I tried to pull away, but he had a vice grip hold, and I could see that he was very aroused. It was time to have the conversation about his foot fetish. He admitted that he was very attracted to me when we first met, primarily because of my feet and the white toenail polish. I told him he was weird, and he said he'd get back in counseling if I promised not to break up with him foot count What should I give him a chance to change or break up with him? I don't know about this guy. You said it. It's weird, and it is a foot fetish, And I guess the foot fetish is like the most common of all the fetishes out there. What he's doing does sound freaky and a little bit crazy, especially the part about him having a vice grip on your toes and you're not being able to get away. That was, you know, kind of weird, m But I guess it all depends on what you're used to, or in this case, what you're not used to, and guess what it is okay to feel the way you feel. If you don't like something or if something is uncomfortable for you and to you, then uh, you gotta tell him. I mean, you got to let him know what you don't like and that you don't like this and to stop it immediately because it's freaking you out. That's how you explained it to us in the letter. And I'm sure he's heard this before because you said he's been in counseling, So it was no surprise to him that you know it was a bit much for you. It was no surprise he would he would get back into counseling if you promise not to break up with him. So you know, you got to decide is this too much for you? Is this too freaky for you? It sounds like it is. It doesn't sound like you like it very much, and it does sound like he's locked in on your feet and and it doesn't sound like you're interested in that. So if you need to break up with him, I mean, that's what you gotta do, because it can only get worse from this point. I mean, there's no telling what might happen the next time. You know you guys are intimate, so maybe you need to stop while you're behind and while you're ahead, because you never know what what might happen with this freaky guy, Steve. It seems like this is a progressive thing. Yeah, and I'll tell you what I mean by it is. You know you're twenty eight finally met him man. Both of y'all said, y'all was tired of dating and wanted to find something real. After y'all dating for two months, everything was going, y'all decided to go to the next level. Okay, now hear why we age? We had sex. It was amazing at first. Then he stopped writing the middle of the asked me to put on my stiletto. Put my stiletto heels back on. I didn't thought it was something new and fun. I ain't got no problem with it. I like stiletto. I liked told pointing. I like all that heels up an'tor holding all that? All that is progressive. You're stands, you know. I'm just working through some things with y'all. So you put the heels back on. It was good. I wouldn't let you take them off. Let's just start right there. You wouldn't have had to go get them back home because I would have stopped you from taking them off. That's I'm just saying. It's levels to this. And then he focused more on your feet and your shoes than the rest of your body. Okay, that's what you see. The next time we was in emitting that, this one he asked me to take off my socks. He grabbed my foot. He locked his fingers between my toes. Wait up, damn minute, now, okay, if you cam your big ass heads down, tweet each one of my toes. Let me strain some teeth. My toes has never been apart before ever ever. They friends, They are package. My toes are always touching at all times. A lady grabbed my big toe one time giving me a pedicut and put her hand, her whole hands on my big toe and separated it from the other foe. I couldn't I was hyperventilating. I couldn't even breathe up. So plush, you gonna lock your fingers in between my damn toe and you got big ass heads, we're gonna break up about this. Hold up, Hold up, okay, you're who have for two teas re funds coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour of the subject. He jumped in feet first. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject. He jumped in feet first. He well. This. Later to Metri, Manty finally started dating and both decided they needed something real. He was amazing, the amazing dates and everything. After two months, they sided to go to the next level. They're having sex, and in the middle of it, he stopped to ask her to put these toilettos on once again. Nobody got no problem with that. That's fun. You know, I like all that too. You know, I'm so anyway there, you know that. But she noticed she started paying more attention to the shoes and her feet than the rest of her body parts. Ain't no problem. So they went on the has sex again. Because sex was amazing, she said. Then they did it again. She thought it was new and fun, and then he here. The next time we were intimate, he asked me to take off my sock. Now why he had to ask you take your damn socks off? It's beyond me. Do nobody want to make love your socks off? That ain't cute. Okay, So now he got to ask you to take your socks off. Don't be country. Now take your damn socks. Y'all ain't in the barn, or where y'all ain't on the field. She didn't want it in the house. Take your damn socks off. She was scared. But when she did take them socks off, this damn food grabbed her foot and interlocked his fingers tween her toes. What boy, do you know what the hell would have happened if you do that to me? Because, like I said, my feet is a buddet package. They've friends. They've never really been separated. They've been in gaithers before. They even my sandals. My feet still touch. It's no point. Well, I don't care if I'm jumping where all my toes spread out look like a hand. My feet always look like feet. They don't ever opened up. They don't have ability to grab stuff, pick up quarters and stuff off the ground. They ain't bucking feet. I can't hang from a tree by my foot, none of that. I can't write with my foot. You know people can write with their feet. I can't do that all right, And that kind of hurts you the third time. We was into me that. Here's another one that's a little shocking. He grabbed my foot and he smacked himself across the face with it. That freaked me out. That would have freaked me out too, But I bet he wouldn't grab it no more. I would have kicked his ass so hard with mother foot in his face out have dislocated his damn jaw. I bet you won't grab my big guy, I want thirteen. If you slap myself, If you slap yourself with this foot I got, you're gonna knock your mark ass out. You take this big ass thirteen and run across your face. I'm gonna put your ass to sleep. That's what you should have did. You should have if you got tired of it it freaked you out. You should have said, oh, and y'all, bump just kicked me dead in the jaw and you've never been so mortified. But I didn't say anything. I decided to take a break from having sex with this guy because I figured I was my feet of more arousement. Well, they was chilling and watching TV. He took my socks off and started licking the bottom of my feet. I'd have seen some fun. I've never met nobody, so damn fun. Well, I'm just licking the bottom. Walked in that too, the bathroom, and came back in here. I'll be damned if I sit up here and run the risk of getting pine slid lights all over. I got a little tided bowl on the bottom of your foot, so now I'm tripping. Then you tried to pull away, but he had a vice grip hole, and I could see that he was very aroused. Now this is crazy. Now he didn't grabbed your foot so hard you couldn't jerk away from it. Oh, this dude got damn problem. And he arrives. Now he's standing down with your foot in his head. It's just a lot going on to stay away from that. Still, Yes, it was time we had a conversation about this foot fetish. He admitted that he was very attracted to me when we first met, primarily because of my feet and white tonail. Pilot, need to switch that to black immediately. I told him that white polish to black immediately. Like something on your foot. Yeah, maybe it might have a different action or something. Right here. You got to get that white off your immediately, because he looked at the bottom of your toes and everything. Y'all, y'all, I know you thought that french mannque was cute, but you got to kill that. You got a very Jezebel red or something you got. I don't know what you gonna do, but you gotta try something. You gotta get this white up. I told him he was weird and he said he'd get back in counseling if I promise not to break up with WHOA, You're gonna get back income. So now you're hain't asked and been the counseling because this has been a problem before. You're just scared one of them when it's so bad. She didn't had your ass committed, so you did already been to counseling. Lady, listen to me. If he can go to counsel then fix his problem. You might have a good relationship, but they didn't have black I don't know what you need to do. It's I don't know what you need to remove your toe nails. I don't know what you're gonna have to do. I don't know what you got to do to make them start making them look like they eight feet or something, you know, like rings on your toes, make them like a hand, Put some change around your foot, Put some change around your foot and make it look like a neck. You gotta throw his ass off some kind of feet ignorant show? All right? Coming up girl from the Talk Cheryl Underwood and forty six minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right. Coming up at the top of the hour, our girl Carla with reality update. But right now, Steve, please introduced our sister, our queen from the Talk on and on Shell controversy. Underwood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm glad. I'm happy now. I'm glad. I'm happy now. I was. I was kind of hard too, yeah, I was kind of okay first, oh you okay, yeah, I'm talking about Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I don't know where you was going obviously. Oh okay, let me tell you what happened. Okay, Tommy, let me tell you what. So let me tell you what happened. So, um, you know Junior has you know he because he's feeling me. You reach out. Yeah, you told me that. Listen to me, tommyy let me tell you something. Okay, let me tell you how I went down? So I was in the shower like I usually am, and you know, I have my glass of wine calling for els and the shows I got yeah, oh yeah, because you know that's you know, the steam and the soap and everything. Right, so my phone, so my phone is blowing up, you know, and my phone, you know, because you never know, you know, what could be happening. You know, it could be a friend in need. And so I hear, hello, it's Junior. I'm sucking now, hold on, let me turn the water off, let me get the soap out my eyes and everything. And then somehow the love we had stayed on my my and then somehow I went left, and then me and Junior fight and then we broke up. But we really wasn't together, but we together. Then we had to get on the plane and go to do medical problem. But that is where we coustulated. Why y'all, what's that? Because that is the scene of the love crime Tommy when he was at saying this soul. Remember, Julia, we was in first class, Monica, you what's the witness? Because I switched seats with you to sit next to Junior up front? Am I making this up? Junior? That's right, that's wrong, So Junior, what happened? What do you are? Y'all together? Wait a minute, wait a minute? Calling up? Did you have a rinse off? SHERYLA? Did you leave all that so far? I was slipping around. I was slipping around the bathroom like Jay Brown. Baby, try to talk to my bouth, Junior, because when Junior called, ain't nothing else happening. I didn't drop my drink though, Tommy Thomas, for love, didn't drop that look. Almost bump my head on that glass shower though, But I didn't drop that look on. But Julie, are we back togain? Are we back together? Are back? Then? Yeah? Right? You back together again? When people are ready to love? Go ahead, Julian first and Jay Lo now share, Let me love, thank Let me now that looking like Lenny Kravitz. Let me love, Julian, Let me coming up when I get off? Coming up at the top of the hour, Oh, Carlin's Reality Update. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Tommy introduced that girl, she's here, she got it. What's up, Let's go, let's go, let's go. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready. It's that time for carl A Ferrow with what Reality up Date? Yea ye, I love that. Shirley coming in hot. All right, let's talk about some reality shows on the own network. Talk about it, all right, all right, Loving Marriage Huntsville. Yeah, you guys watch the show. Yes, the show so good. We love you mel Yes we do. Shout out to Melody Holt. All right, So this show, Steve is about three power couples in Huntsville, Alabama who are making moves and real estate business. Yes, they are socialites and doing things in the community, but they have a little drama, just like you know all of the reality shows. So first of all, Melody Holt and her husband Martell Um. I just love Melody. She's out there getting it building her brand, and she is married to a dog. Martell is a dog. He has cheated on his wife for years now. The woman that he allegedly cheated with, she's expecting a baby boy. So it's just heartbreaking that. Yeah, tore his family apart. Melody and Martell. They have four children together and she finally left him. Thank you, Melody. Yeah, he really am just triming she cheated on him. Yeah, he keeps saying it. Yeah, he keeps saying that, So I'm glad Melody. Yeah, we're not feeling him at all. So anyway, we are rooting for Melody if you get it together with your children, and she's just really really trying. You see my girls going through some things, all right. The next couple is Marcel and Letitia. Now they are making moves too. They ain't the real estate business. And Letitia and Melody they were very, very good friends. Their friendship is on the rocks and I don't know, they've just gotta find a way to try maybe to get their friendship back together. But Latitia's mama needs to really so one of the needs to get out of everybody's business. She really show. Do you think everybody cheat knows everybody? So that is Latitia and Marcel. And then the final couple is Kimmy and Maurice, and yeah, I like them. They're working together. They have a blended family, you know. So they're working on some things with Kimmy's oldest son who just graduated from college and he's trying to find his way and get his career together and maybe work for the family business. So it's cool. It's a really really good show. I really enjoy watching Love and Marriage Huntsville. I am rooting for Melody though, to get it together and kick Martel to the curbs. I'm serious about that. Keep it moving, keep a moving. Also on the Own party, all go down there and get a job and now yes, yes and Huntsville, Alabama, you got that right to see well. Also on the own network, we gotta shout out of the show we like to. This is a new show Bell Collective. Now another good show. They got some good ones. Yes, yes, Now this is a reality show about I think it's five beautiful successful boss women. We get to see their professional and their personal lives and what's going on as Southern Bell sound Monica. Yes, and they are all from Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi. Yes, yes, So you gotta check out Bell Collective. They got the reunion show going on. Shout out to Egypt hosting during her thing So leave. This all leads us into Nephew tell us about the new season Ready to Love on the Let me tell you about it, pleasing four. Ready to Love is coming at you. It is April to second. You do not want to miss it. It is Houston once again. You know last time Houston was you know, we were on a resort. This time we're actually in the city of Houston, so you get to actually see, you know, that fourth largest city in the country. You get out in Thoma's House a right April second, nine, eighth Central. Don't miss it on OW. Thanks all right, guys, thank you. We'll have more on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, the IRS has extended the tax filing deadline this year to May fifteenth, which is one month after the April fifteenth deadline, which is the normal deadline. We know everyone is waiting on their STEMI checks, so you're probably thinking why the extension, Well, the President President Biden asked the IRS to focus on getting those semi checks out as soon as possible, and the IRS it is focused on that and will not have enough time to process tax returns. So you gotta wait a little bit longer for your tax return. But in the meantime, if you're getting a stimulus check, then that money you have to apply for the stimulus check. How does that mean? I don't know, Well, it's a certain income. It ain't done in your mail boxing that's what if you're checking the mail, you can't check for you not get you go down there every day this week to your box. I promise you it ain't. Oh you get a check. You just ain't a stimulus check. It's one. And you hear how they're calling them stimmy checks. Now, black people are gonna shorten it. You got you stemy check. Yeah, but it's based on your incomes, her income, that's yeah, your salary, your income, households and the amount of children and amount of people. And but again, as Tommy said, you you will not. Why are you asking this question? You don't want to leave that at the table. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the show. Well, Entertainers, athletes, politicians, celebrities, and influencers are all speaking out on stopping the hateful, racist acts of violence against Asian Americans. President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former President Obama have all condemned the deadly Atlanta SPAS shootings. This spike and hostility toward Asian Americans coincides with the COVID nineteen pandemic and uh, you know we got to say, yes, please stop the Asian hate. This is terrible, you know, it's horrible. Donald Trump started it is the cause of the insurrection the Capitol. He's the cause of the hatred towards Muslims. With the band, he has lit the fuse for this hatred for Asian people. He did this with that China virus and all this that China all that acting smart man. He's just a that's amazing man, what he's allowed to get away with in comparison to Chris Uh. Yeah, Andrew Cuomo in comparison too, because did not Donald Trump have the same number of allegations. Yeah, I mean women came up on TV and saying everything. He made it to the White House. It is amazing how this Republican Party has allowed this man to exhibit this type of behavior and represent their party. And it is because, as Don Lemon said the other day, these senators in the Republican Party are absolutely spineless people and they care more about their position, power and money. And I was saying this long before. They care about that more than they do anything, and they would sacrifice all their morals, their principles they love of their wives, they love of their daddy's reputation. Put it all online. If I could stay in position, stay in power, and keep making this paper. It's a sad country we live in today. Do you know that they are now trying to change the narrative of the resurrection that I mean, not resurrection Jesus insurrection like it was. It wasn't that bad. Do you know they're trying to say that now jovial people, but these police officers are dead and it wasn't that bad because they trying to stay on the good side of Donald Trump and see pack they need to. And I am sick of the way this country allows people to get in here and shape what was supposed to be a moral country, which we're discovering more and more that it is not right. Well we've known all alone, but yeah, it's just the face of this country's us consistently showing it. I'm absolutely a shape. Yeah. Coming up, it will be our last break of the day on this Thursday, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right, here we are guys, our last break of the day. Wow, this show went fast on this Thursday, and it was a good day too. Thursday morning, March is just going by in warmer. It's a spring this Sunday, right official? All I care about? Yes? Yes, thank yeah, we did the time last weekend. Yeah. Please, let's keep it. Please, let's say that every year every year, but I really really mean it this year. I don't like it getting dark early at Oh no, I never, that's horrible, it's horrible. Let's put that on Biden's list. President Biden's list, maybe you can't get that thrown in as if he doesn't have enough goodness. And now these Republicans trying to change the law. Yeah, I mean it is amazing what they're doing. Man, I wonder we should have well, I think I think we're supposed to be having all no and to discuss this, because it's got to be something we could do to come back this. We can't just sit here and let them make it more difficult to vote. That's just oldest suppression. And they're doing a big push in Texas too, because they're really going after Harris County. Ye really which is the largest county. And that's crazy, and we know why that is. And they're just amazing they're attacking Georgia and that. But the Georgia Republicans are saying, it's no need to do a reform in Georgia. Yes, Stacy Abrams said it was Jim Crow in a suit. Is yeah, what are we in the fifties or the sixties? Come on, because your candidate didn't win, so you want to change the voting laws. So if he had won, then the voting laws were okay, you know. But I really think we learned something, like we've talked about so much steven On about the last election, we learned, as black people that are voting really really matter, that we can change things with our prove something. Yes, first of all to ourselves is the most important thing, and then we prove something to America. And so now we are permanently this way. Now we're not gonna ever go back. We will forever to be. We will forever be a formidable, formidable voting block in this country. We will determine who stays and who goes. And so this you all, you all that the Trump regime. I want I want you to hear something from me, because I think this is important. You all are riding this Trump wagon, this Trump train because you are afraid of the seventy two million votes he got, not voting for you if you do the right thing and call him out. I'm telling you right now, man, I was driving to Orlando and in Georgia, you go down right before val Dalstan. That is a huge billboard on the side of the road over in the man's field here. I've never seen a billboard, this being a picture of Donald Trump with the American flag and the words say Donald Trump keeps his promises. It's on seventy five South going down almost by Valdostan. And I've never said this is crazy. I mean, Donald Trump keeps his promises. Well, what has happened is this Republican Party is so afraid of the seventy two million votes he got and the fact that he won't officially go away, and they're scared to alienate those votes that they cower down to him now. But now what they don't understand is we got rid of him once he's not going to come back, and now that we are a formidable voting block people of color and people who are sick of this hatred and this division that's being spewed by your party. We are unifying and now we're not gonna allow this to happen anymore, and you won't be in office. You won't be in office, all of you serious, serious Donald Trump supporters. That's letting this man run, run roughshot over this country, do what he want to do. Police officers died at this capitol. People die. You don't want to blame him, You want to keep serving him. What's wrong with y'all? And the hate crimes against the Asian American community, all of this is going all, all of this hatred and because of Donald's violence and meanness and racism. I'm with dun Lemon. Though we finally see it. We finally see it. Mean when I mean I went to I went to high school with people that I had no idea that they thought like that. I thought people I played with as a kid. I just I just couldn't believe it. Once I saw their actions on social media, I was blown away, Like, come on, man, we grew up together. That's that's how you are. That's how you think. I never knew that. Yeah, racism is taught, it's taught. But but you know, it was kind of a blessing. Like Don Lemon was saying the other day, it was really kind of a blessing. Donald Trump came and pulled back the curtain or what was brewing in this country, and a lot of people didn't know it was brewing. See, we haven't always known what this country we know, yeah, but we there is. Uh. It was the way he pulled the curtain back to show you just how many groups are out there, qun whatever they called the oath Keepers, but just the all the Cairns of the world, and you know what's happening on Facebook and social media and how they're organizing and planning this stuff. It's just really mad, sad, but it really is. It's a blessing. Now we know knowledge is power. We have. Hey, y'all listen, that's our show for the day. Have a great day. Listen, y'all talk to God. He'd love to hear from you. Okay, we'll see y'all tomorrow. For all Steve Every contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show