Stevie Wonder, Junior Poetry, Cam Newton, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Feb 23, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Put your hands together in rapid succession because we deserve a round of applause. The Chief Love Officer tells a woman the truth about her so called future. Stevie Wonder speaks out about moving to Ghana because of being tired of the racial issues in the United States. A young high school kid apologizes to Cam Newton for making disrespectful remarks. Your favorite play cousin Junior has another poetic gem that talks about his family. Congratulations to Patrick Mahomes on the birth of his daughter Sterling Sky. Sean Carter turned over 50% of Ace of Spades to LVMH Moët Hennessy to increase their cool factor. We have a special edition of Reality Update and something happened on RHOA at the bachelorette party. Miss Carla reports that it was even tew much for her. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us to stick to the plan and get committed to the dream.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like a million bucks things in the stuffing me true good of listening to the movie together for Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha huh. I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do. Man, God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've lived this for a fact. And you know the majority of things I talk about in the morning before we get started with the regular show, it's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those, the good and the bad, what could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging? What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you? Unless I've had those moments myself. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it, to water down the illusion that there is a possibility that you might still have a chance to get over. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up, What circumstantial situations may arise. Don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or the appears that you've failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you want it to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes the opposite and it turns out into a negative result, and in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over, that doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, you have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another sta up closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life. To get the flowers in your life, you got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, you can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you? Dare? Dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for? Oh? I got you miss them? And I got you grieving, but I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time. Now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that's happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks the other day and somebody asked me something and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I've always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in that absence and their demise, I'm hoping just somehow man that they watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something about myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. To at my old man to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to give my life together over here. You know I'm saying I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She'd been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they ain't be proud of me. See you, you you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it all so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you dare dare dare ever? Give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now, because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't don't get deceived. The victory's coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, please spread your hands, bring them together in rapid succession. That is called applause. The Steve Harvy Morning Show deserves around of applause. Thank you, thank you. I don't know you're too kind. Come on now stop it? Oh come on now, lord Jesus, what boy? Y'all need to go ahead on now. In the words of Frankie Beverley, bless your heart now, Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning, Steve, Good morning, Colin for rel good morning. What's that crew? Hasty? Hey, what's up? Junior? Morn? Morn? Everybody got some information for you today? Okay, nephew, Timmy King of Pranks, your sir in the building, welcome back. Well, Charley, we didn't really tell Junior what happened yesterday. So while he was going, so, why don't you go ahead and tell you? Now? Why are you putting me in this air? Junior air? Junior Cheryl said, the reason you weren't here last week was because you were with her. You guys spent valid and stay together on you Yeah, yeah, you make it. You couldn't function. I couldn't function. Yeah, that's what she said, Chryl Underwood, he was laying around somewhere as a babbling idiot. Me and Sheryl Underwood. Y'all y'all really believe that? Yeah, well we did. She she was very convinced. I wasn't, Julian. How much fun did y'all have, Tommy, I wasn't with sure. I was down there with you. I was stuck on. She lying, now, yes, she lying, Come on, now I did. He said it was rose petals all over the room. You was tickling her with a feather, and you know, it was a lot going on. Man, I'm just trying to tell you. She laid it out, She laid out the whole evening, man, very romantic, Junior. How did you get all the honey off your body? Junior? All the honey remover? You said, you've got some local honey and put it all over you or something like that. Is rose petals were sticking to you. People didn't see where I was. I'm gonna do that, Steve, you have you have some more information, go ahead, brought it up, some more information. I just ain't enough. Well, there was some serious physicality going on, if that's what she's referring to. Actual, that's not my business. Thanks that happened. I didn't want to throw you in and nothing. Good morning, Junior, Good morning, but I'm gonna talk to Sharon. We can't hand this out of here, all right, listen, coming up with thirty two minutes. Hey, you're making it sound like you was trying to keep it on a low loo. We can't hand this out here. You need to watch what you say in part coming up minutes after the hour, Guys, we're gonna ask the CLO, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning show time. Now we're asked the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is in the building and ready as always. This one CLO is from Halima in Canada. She says, I'm thirty seven years old and I've been married for three months. Recently, my husband told me he has a family across town. He arranged for me to meet his other woman and her young son. She said they've been together for many years and she does not believe in marriage, so she gave him her blessing to marry me. He says he's totally in love with me and wants me to be okay with all of this, meaning I have to understand he has other obligations. Do I throw my future away with him? Or try to make this work out? What? Wait a minute? What hold long, lady? Throw your future away with him? You just got into You just got into plans. Did you not hear him say that he's had this family for quite some time now, he kept it from you until he got you to marry him. Then he wants you to meet his entire family across town. Now you saying, are you gonna throw your future away with him? What future are you referring to? A three months? I mean, I mean you, No, I understand she didn't know. Put the deception alone. It's crazy, But then you're gonna have to understand and go along with it. No, you get presented that option before you say I do you don't deceive me, marry me and then present me with this option. Hold up, dog, you could that's crazy. You know three months? You know you're in the realm of a Norman territory. You ain't got to get a divorce. This is a a Nouman Hello, Hello, never happened this marriage? No, seriously, this is a Norman territory. You should get a lawyer, sister. Don't don't put yourself up if you fight on this piece of the path right here. I promise you it's some mo path. Oh way more. I'll give you my This is the piece that he hadn't told you about. This mopading this. Once you start tasting it and then he see you can swallow that. You ain't gonna believe what the next boomful gonna have on it walks away. Helena, Yeah on the meeting. Now you don't even understand, all right. Melan Raleigh, North Carolina says, for my fiftieth birthday, my four girlfriends threw me a sleepover at a hotel. We kicked off the party with massages in the room. We had two young black male masseurs come to the room and they told us to get naked and lie face down in one bed. They got naked too. You can only imagine what went down in that bed after they rubbed us down. It was all good. This was two weeks ago, and one of the girls called me and said she feels bad about it and wants to tell her husband. We're all married, by the way, but she's the only one tripping how can we keep her quiet? Hold on, hold on, hold on, Mail, now, hold let me ask you a question. Male is a dude. No, male is a girl. Yeah, she says for her fifty mal for my fiftieth girlfriend, for my fiftieth birthday. My girlfriends threw me a sleepover. Okay, So I thought it was a dude named Male and he got four girlfriends. Okay, No, that's what threw me off. I was looking at this like, oh my god. Okay, so Mail is a girl. She got four girlfriends. They had invited over for a sleepover. They had two male massuits, told y'all get naked and lay on your stomach, and then they got naked too. That's five buttons, and you can only imagine what went down in that bed after they rubbed us down. So, now one of her girlfriends want to tell her husband. Let me ask you a question. When she tell her husband, what do she think't gonna happen? You think he gonna go looking for the Masseuse? I doubt it? Or is it your fear that she's gonna tell who all was in there and he gonna tell all y'alls. Ye if y'all girlfriends, maybe the dudes, maybe y'all do stuff together as couples. Wants to know, how can they keep her quiet? Kidnapp, you got to he up's gonna have to some do with ask. That's all I show. Y'all got to do an intervention. Y'all got to get her and set her down and go, okay, help for listen to me? Have you lost your ever loving mind? Do you understan saying what this does to yours and everybody else's that gets in jeopardy? Now, we all made a pact that we was gonna do this, and what none of the conditions was after we get through doing this less tale going around the house acting crazy and making her husband suspicious. Either close your damn mouth. All you got to do is not participate no more. Just ain't the time to confess. What if I told y'all about this thing called truth? I didn't told y'all it's overrated. I got to tell y'all quick trying to know the truth all the damn time. It ain't no time for the truth. The truth is overrated. Shut your damn mouth. That is to your grave. Me and Junior will start massusan very soon. Junior can start MASSUSI your ass can't start nothing. Next question, Sirley, Me and Junior gonna start. Go ahead, trying to humble some side money man. Okay, this is from Favor in Bradenton, Florida. I'm thirty and I met the finest woman I've ever seen at the gym. We exchange numbers and I hugged her before we walked off. I called her later that night and she said she was turned off by how musty I was. Granted, I shouldn't have tried to hug, but it was just a little sweat. She hasn't answered any of my calls since then. Is there a way to fix things with her? No? See, Favor, you left her with the wrong flavor. Favor Flavor was nasty. You stink too damn much. You need to go to hospital, get you checked out. What was on you listen? You coming up next and after you tell me he's run that prank back right after this, you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hours, some trending national news. Stevie Wonder says he's moving to Ghana. Ghana. Okay, Plus, we're gonna tell you about Lionel Richie's a young young girlfriend. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour right now. Question, yes you can, I know what you finished? How young? No? Well, when Stevie said he was moving to Ghana, my question, how shout we love you, Stevie. Steve, I can take your ass up to Harlem. I can fly you around about eighteen hours. And when I tell you you right there, shout out to my dog Stevie Wander. Somebody sending this to him too. He needs this in his date. Jj l h. Right now, the nephew's here with run that prank back? What you got for his neph We're gonna We're gonna switch it up. We're not gonna run that prank back. We're gonna run this one right here called lit litt. Let's go get Hello. Hey, I'm trying to reach Dorsey. Yeah, this is it. This cliff Man. I work at the post office with your wife. Yeah. How you doing, brother, I'm doing all right? Everything cool? Yeah, everything good man, everything good. Um. Like I say, my name is cliff Man. I wanted to reach out and holt you about a couple of things. If you if you got a minute, you gotta minute. Yeah, everything all right with my wife. IS's something wrong or something? No? No, no, no, no no, no, no, your wife good? Man, your wife good. I wanted to hit you up. Man. We've been working the post office quite a while. We've probably been in the same room a few times. Man, I don't know if you remember meeting me or not, but uh, okay, okay. But what I wanted to say, Man, is trying to do better with my life dog and you know, just just trying to do better, you know what I'm saying. So you know, for lit Man, I gave up a few things. You know what I'm saying. I just thought that would be a good thing, man, to try to do the things that matter the most that you addicted to, you know, you want to get rid of, you know what I'm saying, at least for Lent is what I'm trying to do. You feel me. Oh hey, I'm kind of confused. But what they got to do with me, well, basically, man, I'm I'm giving up for Lent. You know, I decided to give up messing around with your wife, you know, because because who hold on, Man, hold on, Man, I'm at work. I don't know what you're talking about, but back up, and rephrase everything you just said. Well, like I say, Man, for Lent, I'm trying to I'm trying to give up stuff that I'm that I'm addicted to, you know. And I decided that with what they got to do with me and my wife though, and you well, that's what I'm trying to tell you. Man, I'm trying to give up messing around with your wife for Lent. I mean, that's what I help giving up. I'm giving up messing around with your wife for Lynn. Man talking about man messing around with my wife? Man, got no time for no games? Right now? Who this man? Like? What's your name again? This is Cliff Man. I actually worked with her for the last ten twelve years. But but what I wanted to really let you know is, you know, her schedule probably gonna change because what we used to be doing we ain't doing. So she's probably gonna be coming home a little bit earlier, thing like that. But I don't I don't want you getting addicted to it, because you know, after Lena's over, then you know, we'll be back what we used to do. Man, what is you talking about? Man? Hold on it. My wife's going to be home in a minute, we're gonna talk about all the yep with me. Man, I'm about to hold on. What what are you? Are you in the city right now? Can I can I meet with you right now? Cliff? Right? Okay? But what I'm what I'm trying to say, Well, like I'm saying, I'm trying to do better, you know, I gave up trying to do better. That sound like a bunch of to me. I got something for you and my wife? True? Okay, okay, okay, man, I mean, ain't you feeling me? Don't trying to do better? Though? I ain't feeling the thing you calling me telling me my wife? Fack. We need to meet up and talk about this face to face, Cliff or what you think? I mean? We talked right now. If you want to have a conversation, na, Na, No, you just tell me your address and me and my wife's gonna just come on over there. How about that. We all said, I down and have a little power. I don't know who thank you is, man, but me and my wife have been together over fifteen years and we ain't never had no problems with no like this like the you're telling me on this phone. It sounds like a bunch of crazy to me, but somebody knick gonna today if the true. So what you need to do? You need to tell me your name, your number, and I don't know why you came from this block phone number. You hear me, man, I'm hearing you. Man, what I'm saying, the reason for the call was to let you know, you know, don't get used to her schedule because after Lint, it's gonna be back to the way it used to beat. That's all the phone can What the he's you talking about? We'll getting nuh not? What what's your what's your what's your what's your last name? Clip? I'm gonna come find you. I'm gonna come see you now. Jack. My name is Cliff. Like I say, I work at the CLIP and I work at the post I was with. So okay, well, how come you call from a block number? Cliff? What's your phone number? Man? Hey, hey man, listen, I'm not trying to have no confrontation with you. Man, it's already a confrontation. You can call my phone from a block number. I don't know you, you don't know me, and you're telling me you be my wife, So you're serious? Did you know she was married. I mean what you mean did you know he was married? Yes? Or no? I mean yeah, I know? I mean yeah, I knew she was married. Okay, what that is? You knew that from the jump, So that means you've been disrespecting me from the jump. So now I got to getting your nw. You just and told off on yourself. So here, regardless, I'm coming to see you today. Jack Hey, and my name ain't Jack Man. My name clip, but you're not. I'm not gonna look here. I don't know. I'm not trying to have no confrontation. I just wanted you to be aware of the schedule. Yeah, okay, I'm definitely aware. Not Cliff. Who the hend is you? Man? Another thing? Man, I want to like, I know I know your tattoo on your name on her lord back. I've seen that. Uh it's say Dorsey right there? Whoa whoa, whoa, whoa whoa whoa? Hold on, hold on, man, you're telling me you haven't seen the tattoo on her back? Is that what you talk? Hold her lower back? Man? Right right right right on above a telephone. Yeah, I've seen it. Dorsey, your name Dorsey? Right man? Who the kid is this? Man. What's your real name? Hey man? They calm down? Man? Are you Are you cool with you call my phone? Are you school with the schedule changing? This is what I'm asking. What are you cool with her schedule change? And you see what I'm saying, Her schedu are gonna come back to normal once Lynt is over with. I gave up messing around with her for lyn, but not for your man. I'm not cool with the thing. I'm about to be cool in your face in a minute. Now, tell me your name, tell me your number and your real address, and we're gonna talk about our living person. Okay, all right, what my name? What's your name? My name? Tommy? Man? Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Tell me what I mean. I'm mean while you need my last name because I'm gonna to come see you. What you mean why I need your last name? Hold on? Hold on, somebody get in you on the phone. Hey, hold on, don't go nowhere. We're gonna get in you on the phone right now, and we don't settle this right now. Hold on, get on the phone, color color for real? Yep, Tommy, who what you're scared up? Okay? Man? They call me nephew Tommy. Oh, who my name, nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. What he na? She didn't set me up? Man, Man, your wife got me the prank. Call you man, she tells yourself. I left. I just left the house, called him na. That's why Saint asking the phone. It was over for you. Man. Y'all come on, man, y'all wrong for this man. This needs to be against the law. Man. Man, I gotta ask you, baby, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Harvey Morning. So all right, thank you coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and nephew, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Happy Black History Month everyone, Yeah, Happy Black History Month. We're still in it. We're still in it. It's not over. We're still black. Yeah, we're still black. Three hundred and sixty five days of the year of the year, I got sixty four years of black history. Okay. Well, Stevie Wonder says he's leaving America for good. Yeah. Apparently. Stevie says he's tired of the racial injustice and he plans to live out the rest of his days in Ghana. Take a listen to Stevie wonder Toold Oprah about his decision. I promise you, if you do the right thing, I'll give you this song. I'll give it to you. You can have it because I want to see this nation smile again, and I want to see it before I leave to travel to move to Ghana. Because I'm gonna do that. You're gonna move permanently to Ghana. I am you are Why because I don't want to see my children's children's children have to say, Oh, please like me, please please respect me, Please know that I'm important, Please value me. What kind of is that? You know? On a serious note, you know Ghana. The President of Ghana has issued some special opportunities for African Americans who want to move to Ghana. They make housing provisions, they have tax allotments, they have a huge incentive package that they've created for African Americans. I've been to the President of Ghana's home. One of my good friends is very heavily involved in Willie lives there. He's one of the top businessmen over there, and it's something that it's definitely a place that Marjorie and I have looked at a home there and Botswana. Uh, those are the two places that we thought about a home. She also looked at Joe Bird and it's something that we're definitely going to do, is to own property and land in Ghana. And that that advantage of waking up in Africa for me and I wish every African American could go see it is to wake up and for the first time in your life not be a minority. I'm talking about everywhere you go you are the majority. And unless you've had that refreshing feeling that when the police pull you over in Ghana, it is to stop you from something you did and they're not gonna shoot you and you can live your life in peace. Now. I ain't saying this crime free, because it's not. But man, they got some beautiful homes over there, some beautiful land. It's amazing. It is not the picture of the propaganda picture that America has painted Africa to be. If you go to Joe Burgh, it's like New York City, smaller, the food is exquisite, the homes are amazing. And because of a partide a lot of the whites built these homes in certain districts with large walls and towers to keep the blacks out doing the change over for a partid and it just keep the blacks out period. Well, a huge number of blacks on those homes, now, huge number. I mean they live in their best life over there. Now, does the country have some problems, yes, But ain't a man. Oh yeah, yeah, I ain't ad Stevie. It's something yeah wow. Well yeah, I'm definitely working with the Tourism Board of South Africa to do a trip that I'm gonna do through this radio station, this radio show, and I'm gonna take a large constituencies of black contingents or whatever the word is, a lot of people. You know. I was trying to sound you know, you know writer, but you taking voters. Yeah, yeah, be careful. I know the word was wrong. You know. I didn't know if it was constituous or continue with sees, you know, immigrants. I ain't know what to call it. Just say people, man, That's what I said. But I'm gonna do it, you know, And I'm gonna take a lot of people over that so they can see because it's amazing, man. So I ain't mad at Stephen. Congratulations. All right, all right, Well, moving on in other entertainment news Lionel Ritchie, who is seventy years old seventy one years old Ish and his girlfriend, who was in her thirties. She speaks four languages, including French, German, and English. Day Bethday who had attracted him too. It all, we'll go ahead. According to heavy dot Com, Lionel and Lisa are not rushing to tie the knot, and she says she doesn't need a piece of paper to validate her relationship. Some of you'll remember back in the eighties during Lionel's first marriage to Miss Brenda Ritchie. Remember when she caught Lionel cheating that time, Yes, and she went to the woman's apartment, busted them, kicked I mean she'd be drawing down. She really did. She beat him down, she got rested, Yeah she did. Yeah she did. Remember that. Wow, that was all everywhere before social media. Okay, So what's the story about though with new girl that he's marrying. I mean that he's with a thirty year old woman and he's seventy forty years younger, forty year age different, forty dancing on the ceiling. He dancing on the ceiling all night. I don't know about that. At seventy. But look good, you know, yeah, it looks great. He does, he really does. Look I guess if I guess, if I ain't gonna get married, no more, I'm gonna go out swinging. But I really, I really. First of all, I don't know, no young woman won't me, So I got to stop. All right, I got old Junior with another poem coming out of all this old ass music. I like you. At twenty minutes after the hour, we'll be right back. You're listening, all right, ladies and gentlemen, get ready, our resident poem Junior is here with another new poem. Is this two days in two that poem? Whack? Yes, the worst Tom Valentine's Belated Valentine's. Yeah, but we can't go nowhere but up from here, So let's get okay, we're here it is. See this poem is about a lot of things that went on last week while we were in Houston. Um, a lot of people. You know, we was in Houston, you know, like the people in Houston. We was in Houston and the city of Houston. We were stuck with a lot of Okay, this ain't stuck with a lot of sep saying stuck with a lot of people like what she said. So you know, power out, you know how that go? Family coming over? So now you stuck with a lot of people in the house that you don't like. So he is the poem. The title of it is stuck in the house with folks I don't like. No, yeah, here it is stuck in the house when folks I don't like. My sister, my mama, and my weird cousin Mike putting stuff in the fridge, come back in. Its gone, nobody talking because they're all on the phone, toilet paper disappearing right before my damn eyes. I think my aunt Mildred because she's the biggest size fighting one the TV and where we should watch. My uncle Henry's constantly digging in his cross So maybe next year to the So maybe next year to the fight is snowed in. I'm gonna take my tickets to can Koon like Ted Cruis them dead the m I just gonna be in here with y'all, tied of going to the fridge and in a way is my sandwich yourself? Yeah, now you're in this. How we gotta argue what we're gonna watch on TV? I can't watch twelve hours a gun smoke. I don't know nobody on this damn show. Hey, Julia, my father in law come to visit, and you know he can't hear that good because Pop eighty six he watched the Western Channel. Let me tell you something, Man, did TV be up so loud? I thought, them damn Indians was coming across the backyard up. What the cold thing is? My father in law the whole time he pulled for the Indian He just like my daddy. Man, Why they used to pull for them Indians? Man? I said, Boy, the dude, they mad about some stuff that happened to them. Stuck a house with people you don't like, man, let's tell them. Hey, man, I turned my father on to the movie Shatkazulu. Huh when he was living. My daddy watched about eight times one month. A boy he killed me. He watches here they had behind the heel right there they see there all right? Thank you, Junior. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, a high school football player apologizes for trash talking Cam Newton in a viral video. We'll talk about this right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What is going on now? Listen to this. A Pennsylvania high school football player was seen on video trash talking Cam Newton, and now he's apologized to Cam after the video went viral. It happened at a charitable football camp when Cam was coaching his team. The kid, whose name is Joseth Owens, repeatedly kept saying to Cam that he was a free agent about to be poor, but Cam responded, but I'm rich. Well. The young high schooler posted a written apology to Cam Newton after that and ask for forgiveness. He wrote, my parents never taught me to be disrespectful as a football player. I let my competitive side get the best of me. So he made an apology that ain't no punk ass apology. That was nice. It was written. I read it. Oh it's more to it than that. Yeah, okay, that's the little abbreviated version because that ain't no damn. He asked for forgiveness and he said I'm sorry he did. Yeah, Okay, you don't get to come to the camp no more. I'm hard on. I'm hard on a a little bit because because I have I had him at my camp. Yeah, and man, sometimes man, I had to pull them boys to the side and go, yo, man, listen to me. Yeah, we're doing this to help you. Yeah, because you have no fathers in the house. I want to hear all these old ass men. Dog, he's grown ass men. Yeah, they were you trying to get to old is the gold pardner. Now respect the fact that they don't these as volunteers. I don't pay these man. They in't here, man, because they care about casts like you. Now you aren't here talking shoff. Ain't listening to nobody. That's what's wrong. You don't listen. Oh man, we spend more time just employing young men. Just just respect and then oh yeah, I talked to Cam today. I did it. I don't mean yesterday. I did a show yesterday. He's gotta show. You gotta sig our Lounes down and um Atlanta. You know you go and they got COVID protocol. You gotta take a rapid test. Sit in your car till it clears. Didn't he let you in? And I sit down, man, And I talked with him about a wide range of subject It's one of the best interviews I've ever done because he talked to me about stuff people don't normally talk to me about. He talked to me about how it is to be a father of children that's not your biological children, and you know how you deal with when you hear you ain't my daddy. Yeah, man, we had that deep conversation. Then we talked about social media as a father and how people judge you and your parenting skills and all like that. We're we're at a rich conversation, man, And I was able to say some stuff that you know, nobody talked about. And we both shared the same view about social media, you know, And I think what people don't understand is you got to be careful man, when you talking about somebody that somebody loves. That that's a different thing because people not people are not going to accept everything from you. You gotta walk like because you're gonna say something about the wrong person. Oh yeah, that's Sam new Yeah now now. Cam also posted a positive message about being a professional athlete, and he went on to say, people want to see me arguing with another young man, But the truth is I impact kids' lives in a positive way, make no mistake about it. I allow kids to realize their way out by using their football talents to get them to the next level and out of the hood. And Cam Newton also posted that he wanted to talk to the kid's father. Yeah yeah, and see and oh and that's the other thing. I was talking to him about it, and and Cam said yesterday he said, no, I wasn't talking to the little dude, like where your daddy at? He got some heat for saying that, right, No, but that ain't what he meant. He was just saying where your daddy? Like, let me talk to a grown up in this situation, you know, since you coming at me, and because I just said that a million times to young boys, you know, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because I mean I snapped back down, you're human, You ain't my daddy. Okay? Where he at? Though? Okay, Steve, no tell me daddy apologize. I'm glad. Where are my clothes? Were your daddy? Right? You got a no problem? I might not be your daddy, but can't point out. But that's why I believe the kids act out like they do for that very reason, because the dad is not there. But anyway, coming up next, the nephew is here with prank phone call. That's coming up right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject can get a load of this, guys, I like big butts. I cannot lie. Yes, yes, yeah, we'll get into that a little later. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, NAF Well, we're still in black history, so we're gonna shed a little light on it. This right, here's Johnson's Freedom Johnson Freedom Paper. Let's go. Okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Franklin Franklin Johnson's Leah, Yeah, this is him, Franklin. How are you doing today? My name is My name is Kyle Kyle Green. I'm with the Immigration Department of the State of Tennessee. Uh yeah, how could I help you? But you were you were born and raised in Tennessee? Am I correct? Yeah? Born and raised in Tennessee? Okay? Now, uh do you do you still live in in the Tennessee area? Now are you in a different state? I'm right in. That's still here. All my family only Johnsons, He's still here, living good. Okay, all right, So here's what's going on. Um, it's been brought to our attention here at the Immigration that anyone in the state of Tennessee who has the last name of Johnson. Um. And I don't even know how to just to you telling this to you, but it's it's been brought to our attention here at the Immigration that anyone in the state of Tennessee last named Johnson for some reason. And we're gonna fix the problem. But for some reason they're saying no Johnsons are free, you know, like there's claws or something and some paperwork or whatever. But what we need is we need all the Johnson's to come in by six, by six o'clock today so we can try to take care of the problem. If not, if all Johnson's that are not reported in by six will have to get picked up. I know this is a joke, like we we've been. I know this is Joe Baby, I'm free. What are you talking about? Like, well, you'll be talking about you're talking about the Johnsons' free. What are you what are you talking about? You saw Bumpy Johnson? God for I don't have anybody to check it Johnson then uh no, sorry, this is this is a real this is all I know. This is crazy to get a phone call like this, But like I said, we got some paperwork here. Everybody's scramming around trying to get to the bottom of this. But bottom line is, we need all the Johnson's to come in because uh right, right now, in the state of Tennessee, no person with the last name of Johnson is free right now, get the fun out in What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Are you black? Yeah? I'm black, but yeah I'm black. Are you free? Yeah? I'm free? So what are you talking about? Coming to me talking about the sins of my last name Johnsons? My family got to come down to immigration because we ain't free. Who the hell are you calling me talking about some crap like that? Man, Okay, sure the problem. We're gonna fix the problem, but we need all Johnson's to come in. We're gonna fix head of the sensus or something. I'm sorry, are you the head of the census? I know I'm not something like that, Like, why are you probably talking about Johnsons? You are some uncle? Time to asked pulling me talking about Johnsons that we ain't free and we gotta come down and you you're threatening my family, this guy, I'm not I'm sure I'm not. I'm not sure. I'm not. I'm not threatening you all right. Like I said, my name is Kyle Green, I'm with immigrations. I'm just trying to fix the problem. You know to me because your name is Green. So y'all sure, I'm not saying I'm better than you because my last name is Green. I'm saying we have you are so saying that, Kyle, mister Green, my name is Johnson. We come from a long line of Johnson's. And don't let me have to bumpee Johnson all you because you saw how he was cutting off, So don't play with me. Okay, sure then we I want to help you and I want to help all the jobs. Okay, you ain't helping nobody with yourself, mister Green, Uncle Tom, I saw y'all life in Djano the house fell. I bet you when them life get green eyed terns howard looking, most think, but it was a good head. I'm black, I'm huggany, I gotta wide nose and I'm proud to be black. And they're gonna have your life and ask for men bring my my family down there. You got some guy with nerves. It's all this tabolism amongst us. Okay, sir, can I expect you to come down the immigration. That's except for Kyle sound like a life's getting mole Kyle Gray. That sounds like this, Sir, Can I get you to come down the immigration by now? You cannot have me come there. I'm gonna come down here with my god old hole Bussie Johnsons. Are we gonna turn it up? Okay? So is your wife last name is Johnson? Too? Worry about what my wife's last name is. Don't try to set hub. Okay? Is your is your mother still living? Don't worry about my mama still living? You don't have to. I'm about to hang this guy. Uh you you you're donne across the line of life's getting bubble. Okay, Okay, sir. All I know is that you know we got you. We were trying to get as many Johnsons. Does be good to come in Tommy, Tommy is the one that told us to call you. Okay, Franklin, that's who told us to call you. Oh, Tommy said, you probably want to call Franklin Johnson and get him on the line. Because he you know a lot of the other Johnson's, and you can get him all to come in. That's what I know. What you think you think I'm not? Mother's gonna round the boardman Johnson. That's how they came over from Africa. It was one black mothers. I think I took him all the book book about it was going on vacation and it came up way over here. I'm not rounding them, no, God Johnson. Who hellen Tommy? Tommy? Man, Tommy said you would do it? Tommy said you would be cool with it. I don't know, no, God, Tommy. He sounded like when too Okay, do you know do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Do you know that mother? Oh? I got my blood bread? Hey man? Oh man, Hey Franklin, Yes, hey Franklin, take us out. Man. Your boy Jay Rob is the one that got me to brank phone. Call you man. Oh he ain't. He ain't allowed over to the barber kiss man? Was he was? He was? He? What's he taking some of that whiskey? When he calls me? Man? I don't know what he was when I called him brother, but he wanted me to make sure he Frank Franklin, Jesus Christ, oh man, and you gotta tell me this right, Frank and give it to me, baby Franklin. John you gotta tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio showing the lane the Steve Harvey showed with Nashin. Tommy, Really, Tommy, you went there on him, Tommy, But Tommy, he had you ship up a little bit though, because he sounded like he had you all balanced a little bit because he was serious with it. Yeah, okay, Oh you think I'm around up all the Johnson's. I ain't that blankety blank? See you like skin, ain't you? You probably wanted them light skin tears. Howard looking ass boy boy boy hair boy boy. He was mad, he was hot. Kyle Green sound like skin? Yeah? A man? Is your is your wife? Lad's name? John? Don't wear about my wife? Is your mother? Still? See? Man? You don't cross the line now many He was gonna come down there, and yeah, bout it all the Johnson's to come downs. We can get these papers together. But y'all, y'all not free that life. Hold on man? You black? Yeah? Oh so you didn't got your uncle Tom Mass Now you go a round or that you was on Jane Gole, He right right. All his reference was light skied Terence Howard, Jane Gole. You a house in you uncle Tom. He had Tommy, he was throw with you. He was you. Happy Black History, mom, Yeah, Happy Black History to everybody and all the Johnson's out there. Happy black all right, newew thank you. Coming up Strawberry letters. Subject I like big butts and a cannon. Lie. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, in honor of Black History Month, We've teamed up with our friends a Gold Series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders to help you discover your heritage. We've got your chance to win one thousand dollars cash plus haircare gift baskets from both Goal series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders and two African ancestry test kids for the winner and their spouse or a friend. Enter and get rules at Steve Harvey fm dot com. Discover your heritage today, get all the info at Steve harveyfm dot com. That's gonna be fun. Yeah, we had ours done. It was fun. We did ours, yes, yes, yes, So we're gonna reveal yes we are yeah yeah, and and simple and easy and we'll tell you what to do. All right, We're gonna switch gears here because it's time now for my Strawberry letter. Listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letters to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter, Thank your nephew. Subjects I like big butts and I cannot live Dear Stephen Shirley, I believe my wife is tripping for no reason. The other day, we were in the grocery store going down the aisle and there were two women shopping together in front of us. They both had carts full of groceries, so as we passed them, I noticed all of the stuff in their baskets. We turned unto the next aisle and my wife pinched me and said she saw what I was staring at. I have to admit that I noticed the women's huge butts, but I zoomed in on all of the groceries that they had piled up. These women were the typical sisters you see now, with small waists and big butts, which I see all day long in my line of work. In my defense, the women had on leggings that were thin, and I could see all of the indentions in their butts. I love the naturalness of a lump or two. I am a forty four year old man and I've seen it all. I like big butts, and I cannot lie. It is my wife's insecurity that I can't deal with. She feels disrespected if I look at something in front of me. I didn't look back at the women or anything. The butts were in front of us. She has made it such a big deal and has been ranting about it for days. I told her that God gave me two eyes, and I like to watch what's going on around me. It didn't matter if the women were fine as wine or mud dirt ugly. It's a manly instinct to look at booties. My wife has her own, very very nice booty, and I compliment her daily on her figure her hair and her beauty or her beauty. We've been married nine years and her insecurity has gotten worse. I can't walk around with my head down when i'm with her, so I need your advice. How can I get her to stop this nonsense. You're the one with the nonsense. Okay, let's be clear. You've got to be kidding me right here. You have a wondering eye. You like to look at other chicks butts. Okay, let's just call it what it is when you're when you're with your wife, and you blame this on your wife's insecurities. No, keep your wife's insecurities out of this. Okay. This has nothing to do what you're doing. Who you think has made her insecure? Okay about stuff like this, I think I've heard it all now I think I have it. It's called disrespect, as you mentioned in your letter, it's not called insecurity. You're being disrespectful. She's not being insecure. The disrespect is definitely coming from you, husband, How dare? I just can't believe you're blaming this on her, but I know why you're doing it. I just think you're out of line. She has every right to call you out on your bad behavior. You're out of line here, sir. You talked about the women's little ways, you know, and they're big behind. You talked about the intentions in their butts and how you like a little lump or two. Uh, you're doing way too much. You're doing way too much, and to justify yourself, you flip it on your wife and call her insecure. Nope, we're not drinking the kool aid on this one. This is all you. I say. You better stop looking at these big butt women, especially when you when your wife is around. Come on now, Uh, you you appreciate her beauty now while she's still with you, Okay, appreciate it every day like you do tell her every day. Uh, you know, while she's still what you're crazy behind. Uh, you never know, she might get wise and decide to leave you if you keep up this behavior because you can't stop looking at women's butts. Come on, stupid, come on, Steve, brother, brother, brother, My man is so much wrong in this letter. Yea, And I just want you to hear me. First of all, Shirley's answer spot on Dad perfect everything she said on the money on the Dot. I really can't improve on it. The only thing I can do, though, is talk to you from a male perspective, because maybe if I show you some things in yourself, you can see the reason why you're writing. This letter has a lot of air holes in it. Now, you say, I believe my wife is tripping for no reason? Right there? What do you mean? You believe she's tripping for no reason? And then you got a page full of reasons why she tripping? Damn dog? What's wrong with you? Okay, y'all? Little groceries stole Going down the aisle, two women shopping together in front of us. They both had carts full of groceries. As we passed them, I noticed all the stuff in their baskets. Now what baskets you talk? Mom? Grocery basket? What groceries you talking? Mom? Huh huh? See all that go both ways. You're stupid, man. I can't believe you I noticed all the stuff in the basket. When we come back, I'm will break this letter down and maybe you'll see what Shirley saw in this letter. All right, See, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. I like big butts, and I cannot lie, there's the subject who We'll be back right after this you're listening to? All right, come on, see, let's recap today Strawberry letters. Subjects I like, big butts I cannot lie. Well, not much of a recap because I didn't get far. I'm just can't believe this guy. He said. His opening line was I believe my wife is tripping for no reason, and then he gives me a pain full of reasons why she tripped. So I don't even know how you wrote the letter, bro, but Shirley's answer was correct. So now I'm gonna help you understand why Shirley gave you her response. Maybe if I help you out this way. We're in the grocery store, going down the aisle. There was two women shopping together in front of us. They both had carts full of groceries. So as we passed them, I noticed all the stuff in their baskets. First of all, once again, what basket you're talking about? And when you say stuff, you're referring to the groceries. What groceries you talking about? Because we know what basket mean and groceries mean in the grocery store and in women's pants. We both know what that is. Then you say, we turned into the next aisle, and my wife pinched me and says she saw what I was doing. I was staring at I have to admit that I noticed the women's huge butts. What I zoomed in on all the groceries that they had piled up. Boy boy, So you're telling me as a man that you noticed they had huge butts, but you zoomed in on the groceries they had piled up, and you stopped looking at the groceries that was in them pants. And that's what you want your wife to believe. Ain't nobody, stupid, bro Nobody everybody had a basket full of groceries, weren't that's intriguing to you. We got the cart to put stuff into. That's what the grocery cars is for. Hall of a sudden, that's fascinating. You gotta be out your rabbit ass of mind even tape this mess to me? Man, these women were the typical sisters you see now with small waisted, big butts, which I see all day long in my line of work. What line of work you're goyne of colleges? What what you do? Dog? Where in your line of work. It forces you. You got to see all these small wasting what line of work? What? You mail man? They come to the dough what what? What? In my defense, the women had on leggings that were thin, and I could see all the indentations in their butt. So that's how hard you was looking. You notice how thin they were, You notice indentations, and you're trying to tell that you was focused on the groceries piled up in the car. Boy, boy, I love the naturalness of a lump or two poy you in this way too deep. I'm a forty for year old man and I've seen it all. I like big butts, and I cannot lie. Is my wife's insecurity that I can't deal with? What? Brother? Where you getting security from? When all you're doing is talking about what you like? And then you get as the letter go on, she feels disrespected. If if I look at something in front of me, that's what disrespect is. You're not supposed to do that in front of your girl. That's disrespectful. I got you looking at women. Do I've a girl watching my whole life. But you don't even know how to do it. You don't turn it. You're stupid. You ain't got technique. You're supposed to look in the direction they walking and let them walk into your eyesight. You zoom in on it followed, you stupid. You pick ten feet ahead of way they walking and look over there and let them walk in here. As soon as they walk in you look, and you turn your head and do something else. Not choke, dumb ass. Though I didn't look back at the women or anything, that's because you've been staring at them. The butts were in front of us. She has made such a big deal and been ranting about it for days. Because, dog, you want me to tell you why she's still ranting about it, I'm gonna tell you at the end of this letter what's wrong with your whole thing. I told her that God gave me two eyes, and I like to watch what's going on around me. But what that's your explanation. That's why she's still ranting a round it, because you gave her no reason to calm down. You don't even know how to squash an argument. You're stupid. It didn't matter if the women were find his wine or mud dirt. Ugly, it's a manly instinct to look at booties. Boy, you stupid, stupid. My wife has her own very very nice booty, and I compliment her daily on her figure, her hair, all her beauty. We've been married nine years and her insecurity has gotten worse. Her insecurity has gotten worse because you're looking at women has gotten worse. I can't walk around with my head down when I'm with her, So I need your advice. How can I get her stop this nonsense? First of all, it's not her who needs to stop the nonsense. It's her. I wandering booty, staring women, gawking ass husband, you out of line, dog, You're stupid. Man. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, man, don't be sorry. He need apologize. Fix it, make her feel special and calm her and security or else. Brother, you're gonna lose the best thing ever happening right, and you can end up with one of them stupid ass big booties. Thank you. Coming up, listen poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Coming up, SportsTalk with Junior. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, get ready, Junior is here with SportsTalk. What you got, Junior. Well he didn't win the Super Bowl, but we still have to say congratulations to Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes. On Saturday, his fiance Riney gave birth to the couple's first child, a little girl. Sterling Sky Mahomes is her name. So congratulations Patrick Mahomes. Man, you're gonna feel that. I bet you. That made you feel better than winning the Super Bowl. Man, congrat your father now, man, that's awesome, dude. Um And and also this was big two over the weekend man. Other sports news, we have to say congratulations again to Naomi Osaka on winning the Australian O. It is her fourth Grand Slam title. Did that black instrument again? Yeah, showing out? And a reporter asked her if she was the new face of tennis, and she looked at him and said no, not at all. So basically what she was saying is until Serena retires, Serena Williams is the face of tennis. That is a true statement. Yeah, you know she she's you know, just looking at him. Face ain't even moved. No report on where JJ Watt wants to go. Everybody, you know, what uncle. I had read that too, and it hurt. What's going on with Cleveland? Yeah, a wealth time? It don't hold on? No, no, what's happening with Cleveland? J? J. Watt wants to play for the Cleveland Browns. That's what you would ask. You ain't heard that, You ain't got to hear. It's called reading reading fundamental. Yeah, it's a story. Yes, yeah, he ain't done no verbal interview. He didn't gave interviews. He wants to go to Cleveland. If y'all lose JJ watch to Cleveland. I can't come to work no more. My mouth man, y'all, y'all gonna want to ask that girl do she have any gorilla glue level? Right now? Yeah? You're gonna yeah, I read that story time. Man. It hurt. Man. He actually gonna leave us and go to Cleveland. Man, that because you talked. I tell him, man, we can't win. And then he talked about Trading's Deshaun Watson to my anti dude, this is not going out. Hell, yeah, he got to. He don't want to stay there. Top ain't there now. Westbrook then left hardened and left the damn baseball team. Cheat the hell going on in Houston. Everybody leave it up. That's what's after scar faced to quit writing songs about it. Everybody bush bush whack, non quick talking about the sixth Wall. Oh hey, we got nobody man man. The Lord's coming up. At the top of the hour special edition of Carla's Reality Update. We're gonna talk about those Atlanta housewives right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy, special edition introduced the girl, ladies and gentlemen. She is here with a special edition. It is called a Pharaoh with what reality Update? All right, nephew, we had to do this special report. All right, here we go Real Housewives of Atlanta. Child Child, Child, this episode this past Sunday night. I mean, Cynthia Bailey's bachelorette party was t much and I'm talking t e W two much for me. She had a bachelorette party. Ain't she married? Cynthia? This is before she got married. So this is on the show. This is on the show. So all Kenya wants to know is who has sex with the stripper? That is what she wants to know. She owns some inspected gadget. Miss Taking a line from one of your prank calls, Tommy, she is trying to figure it out who slept with the strippers. So now, according to Candy, Candy says, what happens in the dungeon stays in the dungeon. So like Kenya needs to stop running herm off. You know, it's kind of like a girl cold, like what you trying to do, but cold? Then had a cold with your girlfriend. Yeah, slept with the stripper, yeah, especially at Bachelor that party. I don't even know why the hell she bought the stripper up? Who can you? Yeah? Why she even say? I know, I know sp on TV? Yes, the stripper was on TV. Oh yeah, yeah, So who do you think slept? Who you think slept with the scripp It's narrowed down to perhaps Portia. Perhaps that's what everyone is. I don't know. It kind of leads you to believe that. So, first of all, Candy was a mistress in charge. Yes, So then Candy hired a stripper. His name is Bolo and Chi Bolo like like like the sandwich in my life over that war. Anyway, he was there, he did his thing, He entertained the women. The ladies made the brain and so the ladies wanted the camera crew to leave to leave, So they leave, They cover up all the cameras except for one outside on the porch. Next thing, I know, you kind of kind of see Porscha and another girl, a friend of the housewives, her name is LaToya. You see them kind of granding and hugging and kissing on each other. What is going on? It was really really going down, So it was all night long. They were already in Portcha asked the stripper if he wanted to come at party with them. So Kenya says that in the middle of the night or early in the morning, she heard moans and groans going on and she wants to know what was happening. She says that she recognized one of the voices as being Porta, and she doesn't know who the other voice is. Now. Now, the other lady on the show, Tanya. She is a friend of the show, and they say that after taping this particular episode, a few episodes later, she has left the show. Yeah. Yeah, she's been engaged for a very, very long time. It's gonna be even longer now. It was too much. It was just once you stopped them camera, you're doing something partner, yes, yes, but that camera out on the porch. Kennya was doing the most too, though she was Cynthia was in a sex swing at one point before Candy had one of her sex swing props. It was she that's too much, I can't swing swing through. That's hurt. Swing it back to you, swing it back to fast. All right, thank you, we go listen. We'll have twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. Wellet Hennessee is acquiring fifty seven percent steak in jay Z's Ace of Spade champagne brand. This is all in an effort to expand its distribution and it's, you know, to up its cool factor. Let's put it that way. Jay Z says this new partnership has felt familiar the entire time, and jay Z was on CNBC he talked about the trend setting that made christall that hip hop lifestyle champagne back in the day. So congratulations to jay Z. Wow, say how much you sold it for? They didn't say. No, They didn't say at the time, when they don't say, it's big on yeah, man, And then you gotta look at the percentage. I'm sorry, Shirley, I mistype that it is fifty percent okay, fifty yes, yes, Oh so he steal getting paid? Yeah, so they have half of it. It's fifty percent, yes, yes, fifty percent. They do deals like that. They usually do fifty one or something. On se NBC yesterday talking about it, Jay Z, he's a bad boy. Jesus Shore, wish I could give me a look. I don't even drink though a woman. If right now, I keep going getting old, it's gonna be pruned you. All right, Look, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Pennsylvania high school football player was seen on video trash talking Cam Newton, and now he's apologized to Cam after the video went viral. It happened at a charitable football camp when Cam was coaching his team. The kid, whose name is Joseth Owens, repeatedly kept saying to Cam that he was a free agent about to be poor, but Cam responded, but I'm rich. Well. The young high schooler posted a written apology to Cam Newton after that and ask for forgiveness. He wrote, my parents never taught me to be disrespectful as a football player. I let my competitive side get the best of me. So he made an apology. There ain't no punk ass apology. That was nice. It was written. I read it. Oh it's more to it than that. Yeah, okay, that's a little abbreviated verse because that ain't no damn. He asked for forgiveness, and he said, I'm sorry. Yeah, okay, you don't get to come to the camp no more. I'm hard on. I'm hard on a little bit because because I have I had him at my camp. Yeah, and man, sometimes man, I had to pull them boys to the side and go, yo, man, listen to me. Yeah, we're doing this to help you. Yeah, because you have no fathers in the home. I want to hear all these old ass men. Dog, he's grown ass men. Yeah, they were you trying to get it too old? Is the gold partner? Now, respect the fact that they don't these as volunteers. I don't pay these men. They in here, man, because they care about casts like you. Now, you aren't here talking shoff, ain't listening to nobody. That's what's wrong. You don't listen. Oh man, we spend more time just employing young men. Just just respect. And then oh yeah, I talked to cam today. I did it. I don't mean yesterday. I didn't show yesterday. He's got to show. You gotta sit our lounges down and um Atlanta, you know you go and they got COVID protocol. You gotta take a rapid test. Sit in your car till it clears. Didn't he let you in? And I sat down, man, and I talk with him about a wide range of subject It's one of the best interviews I've ever done because he talked to me about stuff people don't normally talk to me about. He talked to me about how it is to be a father of children that's not your biological children, and you know, how you deal with when you hear you ain't my daddy. Yeah, yeah, man. We had that deep conversation. Then we talked about social media as a father and how people judge you and your parenting skills and all like that. We're in a rich conversation, man, and I was able to say some stuff that you know, nobody talked about. And we both shared the same view about social media, you know, and I think what people don't understand is you got to be careful man, when you talking about somebody that somebody loved. That that's a different thing because people not people not going to accept everything from you. You gotta walk late because you're gonna say something about the wrong person. Oh yeah, that's like your aka Cam Newton coming up. It is our last break of the day and Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks coming up at forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening show. All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day. Good day, this tuesdays fun today. Y'all know where to get them sex swings that Candy Be Sunny from Candy's web upsite, Candy Coded Nights and let me tell you something, don't introduce that until your marriage, sir, because because the line of questionings that come with the new swing set. Where did you get that from? What's spoor? Oh so you've been watching candy? Oh so you want candy now? See it's gonna turn on your dog. I'm just wanting you can get it, but you need to You need to do it jointly together, because you just sew it with the swing you Hey, hey, you walk in the bedroom, you up on the ladder, hammering and in the seem Timmy, why did you up that doing? Putting it in a swing? Us? What kind of swing? It's a sex swing? Where did you get it from? From? Candy? What you're shaking the ladder? Folk? Baby Candy on the Housewives? Boy, tom this ain't gonna be a good I'm telling you man, it's gonna backfire, Tommy. And then you're gonna ask it to get in it. No, no, no, hold on, hold on, no, no, get in it like this? You know how Wait a minute, what you mean getting it like this? Yeah? Uncle, Now you're supposed to put your leg so they that shows you how to get in it. Not the demonstration video. Tor Okay, Now I'll tell you what gonna get it. It was just a matter of fact when she away from the house, put it up while she ain't home. Let her walk in site. Don't listen to your uncle. Do not listen to your uncle right now. An told him not to get this show. Yeah he's not listening. He's gonna get tell us you cannot bring new sex ideas to your house and you've been married for a while the line of questioning is gonna be too great. Where did you get this funk? Oh? So what what you've been getting? You don't like it? That's the one, right, they're just sprucing it up a little bit. So so when what I got needs sprucing? Yeah, yeah, it ain't been needing sprucing. Hello, it wasn't spruce when we was making these babies. Oh got And what you're gonna tell the babies when they walk into bit heah, when they see it in the room. Me and mama the exercise. Did the baby get on it? Get it out? Did you wipe that off? Get down off of there? Catch mommy, catch me, ditty. That's what pushed me, sweet me, My mom can't hold on to this boy if you don't get your ass off of that and come in there and wash your hands. He immediately he goes up to the school, tells all his little friends and the nure guess what my mommy and daddy heavens there room, Let me show you I got it. Get your face off them strapped so damn faith put the straps on round his mouth. Yeah, might not work. We're just go out and swing on the boy. Swing he got outside. Oh no, Well, at least she's familiar with that one. Yeah, nothing new, buddy, nothing new, Okay for today there my clothes and remarks ain't been in there. You've been married for a while. Oh brother, it ain't even worth it. Hey, But you know what, I want to encourage people to do one thing, uh in twenty twenty one. Get committed to the plan, y'all. Get committed to the plan. Stay to it. Don't give up so easily. Don't already resolutions is gone by the wayside, dust them off. Start again. You don't have to wait to New Year's Eve to make a resolution. You can make a commitment today. If you made a resolution to do something and then you stopped, like you stopped working out of you stopped eating right or something, go back, just start over. Success comes from failure. I don't know any successive selfial person who hasn't failed miserably. Do you understand that Benjamin Franklin had over one thousand failed inventions, but one thousand and one was light, you know, the one they talk about light. Reggie Jackson has more strikes couts than anyone in the history of baseball. They don't talk about not now one of them strikeouts. They're talking about how many times mister October knocked it over the wall in the World Series. Don't give up, keep trying, get committed to the dream. Y'all, have a great day. Talk to God. He'd loved to hear from you. I'm telling you he would. He don't even care that you ain't talk to him in a while. He loved to hear from me. He's very forgiving. Talk to God today, man, have a great one. Y'all, get your plans back out. Let's go. Twenty twenty one gonna be your year for all Steve Every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.