Stevie Wonder, 1st Black Valedictorian, Twitter, Dr. Fauci and more.

Published May 13, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Pastor Motown is here to open up the show and he then introduces Sister O'dell. The mentor of Pastor Motown talks about music legend Stevie Wonder on his 70th birthday today. Happy Birthday Stevie Wonder. Oprah calls the mother of Ahmaud Arbery. Dr. Fauci testifies and expresses concern for coronavirus rebound. The CLO deals with a scared Christian. History is made at Princeton University as Nicholas Johnson becomes the First Black Valedictorian ever. Twitter CEO has announced that his employees may work from home forever. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve suggests that we utilize this pandemic to find God and improve our relationship with Him and more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the Millian buck bus things in the sto good Steve to the mother. I don't join joining me. You gotta turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I sure will come barted. Everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you in here do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well, might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope is the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I say, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that some thing could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued. Things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when you get real dark, for your son, prad changes things. She said, when you seem like you lost and you can't find your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more, and you I don't know what to do next, she says, stop, suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, She's saying, you start believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me Now, I'm pretty sure, Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, but just from my side of it, being as real as I can be rich. See, hope helps man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here, But really an essence Man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe see? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, see it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money and now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plan at land safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity, you know. Somebody say, hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody will send me a scripture, or somebody will send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor, that's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, Once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? You have a chance to turn your life around with a relationship with God. What you're waiting on. Are you gonna just keep doing it like that? Huh? Really? Come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way He want you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, without further a dude, it is time. It's moaning time. Come on, we gather today six o'clock or so. H that's right, with uh intentions of eye lightening, intentions of uh comma comma deicalness. We come to you with intention informatization. We are healed in the moaning time. In spite of the crisis that's going on around the world, we that are here are blessed and highly favored. Right walking that walk, yes, talking that talk yeah, and jay walking when I walked. Sermons ain't gotta have no meaning. They just got to sound like his wolf. I say, look, Hill, welcome to the bad. Its moaning short you the lad I know there as others, but then his invitations. I know it. Folks with reggio shows, Yeah, but they ain't got us on it. I know of some shows. I think it's pretty good. My damn self. I had a radio and I had turned to one station. Come on, I would pick the same one that you just picked. Yeah, I know you picked it because I'm on it and you hear me. Like I said, other choices, But why make the wrong choice every day? That's right, I'm knowing that we are healed and they are there. Come on, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce him to a man with a large note, great big old lips, bring itself face has grown in with over the years, Mustache world Famous, got more more credits, uh than than Equifax. He he has told more jokes than these other race your shows have attempted. Yes, ain't nobody on any Morning Moon Funny didn't be. And when I come back, I'm gonna introduce me to you and the rest of the morning crew there standing by. But I then took off down the road of foolishness, and I didn't know how to get off. Sometime when you go down the road of foolishness, it ain't no exit. So we on the road and I'll be back at the bottom of the hour. In the name or the Steve Harvin moan and show. We'll be right back right you're listening. I passed it last break. You was, you know, introducing yourself and then you're gonna introduce the rest of the crew. And your girl is here too. It's Wednesday, Sister Dale. Let me get out the way because I don't want to hear her mouth calling for real. Good morning, good morning, pastor, junior board, good morning, nephew, Tommy, good morning, good morning. And now with our father or dude, a woman that has been at this church since the beginning of time. That's right, she is as old of a member as we have. He'll rooted, concreted, dug deep ever vest in it. Ladies and gentlemen, my personal friend, my mentor, got me into the clergy. Put your hands together for the one and owner m Sister old Dale. Yeah, here's the cop. Whoa jeez us will yes he we he he My love you better second crazy good morning everyone was good morning, Hey Carley, how's you this morning? Hey, sister out down, I'm doing good. How you how's you doing trying to control THEE three foods? I'm you know what it's doing. Okay, we're doing. Okay, you buy yourself, yes, ma'am, time off, Yes, from the from these guys, yes, ma'am. Every oh, everything all right with Shelly. She's okay, Oh, yes, ma'am. She'll be back next week. Guess me some nice of you to ask I tell her ass you know, I will. I will. So what is y'all talking about this morning? What's going on in the world? Well, sister oldale, there's a lot going on. First of all, let me tell you this. Let's put your glasses on. Let me tell you this. Today is Stevie Wonders seventy birthday. Sister. Boy, you know, did you show did you have dead boy? Right there? I knude when I when I met his daddy that little Steven was gonna be something odd, something, something, something wonderful. Boy, that's something something something when he had little Stevie ass something had birthday Steven? Some water Joe. Hope he can hear me. Happy birthday Stevie. If somebody, somebody he ain't listening to the radio and somebody to tell it, yes, ma'am, Yes, man, what's your favorite? Stevie won the song as oh as it's just as if? Yeah, that's what I said, Yes man, As around the Sundays. No, she's revolving, and the seasons no exactly, and when the change. This kindness has no shame. No, through all your joe and pain, be loving you are always be loving you to the day that eight times eight times, ain't it? Folk? That's took love right there? Of course, when there's eight times eight times eight fitting to be false, that's how long I'll be loving you always. So happy birthday, Stephen. This man I will send him something, but he can't see it, so I never I never send him anything. What would you send him though? No, you can what you're gonna send him, he can't see it. Okay. One time I boughty my dog, and I just had the dog standing out in the hallway and bark, and then I took it back to the patch stough. Okay, who who whoo who? Stephen said, what's that? I said, that's your dog? And then I took it back and sold it. Got your funny back. He ain't gonna be able to see the dog he tried to pay him one time, stuck him dead in the eye, sitting that. What you're not gonna do is be cruel to the animals. Peter, I love me. Yes, me too, me speaking a Peter you know. I had an answer then with the Peter people, Oh no, what happens, because you know what's on the past anniversary? I was a fox stove to church. Oh yeah, that them, sure. And we was traveling that we had went to a white church and some white woman walked up to me and said she was remember Peter. And I said, well, do you sell it or you know what is it? I thought it was bread, you know, Peter bred, Peter Bred. Okay, like dude, I told I don't really care for Peter Bread. I'm American, I like wonder okay. And she said, well, I'm thinking about throwing some red paint on you. I said, well, these white folks show worship different. I'd never heard that, the white paint. I've heard the feet washing. Black folk don't do that either. They have leave Washington, they had communion. But what is the red paint? Folk? She said, because you was a murderer, I should wait to me. Who was you calling the murder in the house of the Lord? You because you murdered that fox? And I didn't do no such a thing. The fox was dead in the stoke. Okay, Now what I did, was I gave it a home. It's what I did. What you want to do is you had these people kill the foxes and then you don't you leave them in the stone that there's your God for no good reason. Sister, I put him on my shoulders and bring him to the church. Throw some red paint on it, to be your last throw of your life. Okay, throw some paint on me. You might throw your life out the window. Gets risk in the parking lot. You're gonna get to Peter. Beat out you. I'll tell you that. Thank you, sister. I beat you till you Peter. Okay, nephew told me run that breakback. It's coming up right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss and is standing Bywood National News and in Trendy News. Oh for Winfrey. She called Ahmad Aubrey's mom and Miss Wanda Cooper that's her name. Aubrey's mom says that she wants the death penalty for her son's killers. Wow. Yes, So we'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it's time for the nephew. You're here to run that prank back with you got put a little put a little funny in here. Man, let's do it. Six to ten is the name of It's six good teen? Okay, thinks to teen. Anybody feel like a sandwich right now? Because that's what this is about. Thinks to teen. Let's go Hello, Hello, pase, this is Latrender. Who is this? Can you work at the turn with sharp? Yes? I do? Who is this? Okay? When you were there? Did you work last Wednesday? Like from six to I guess six to close? Yeah? I work every Wednesday? Yeah? Who who is this? Hey? My name is Ralph, and I basically, uh, you know, looked around to try and get your phone numb. I got a bit of a complaint right out. Wait wait wait, wait wait, you're calling me with a complaint on my cell phone. Who gave you my number? I've done the research to get your number, man, And what I'm calling you about is, while I was in there at getting a sandwich and eating, I'm realizing that you came out of the bathroom without washing your hands, and which, first of all, you need to be calling the corporate headquarters if you got a complaint or you got that eight hundred number on the back of your receipt. Don't be calling my cell phone. Whoever gave your gave you myself on I'm a whoop day. Hey, listen, listen. The problem is is that you're coming out not washing your hands. No, no, the problem I don't never come out and not wash my hands. First of all, I've been working out for three years. Okay, be coming to me with no books that I ain't came out and I washed my hand. I guess you ain't been washing your hands for no three years and you you're coming out, you know, unsanitizing. It's where you're treating people. Don't First of all, don't be calling my phone talking behind it. I ain't washing my hand, Like I said, I've been there three years. I've been employer of the month six times. Don't be coming to me with a none of this before. I don't like how you employ the money. You must be the nasty employer of the month because you're coming out you're not washing your heads. I saw you scratch your head there and you ain't putting on I always for gloves on my head, my gloves. We don't know who the hell you think you are, But don't be calling my phone with this. You need to be calling headquarters if you gotta complaint. I tell you what. I'm gonna call headquarters. I'm coming there the moll to see if you're gonna be up in there with some gloves on, or you're gonna come out there out of the bathroom again with the same thing. Come on up there. I'm gonna be there from sixty close, sixty close, And I bet you if you come up to the mall, I'm gonna make it sandwich. You'all. You're gonna do what I'm gonna make it sandwich out shoulder. Who's you think you're talking to? Yo? You said your name was round right. Don't be call on my phone with this. Hey, let me tell you something. All I'm saying to you is this right here. If I come up in there to morow and find out you ain't got some gloves, oh you were frond I get whoop ah, you're gonna with mine. You're gonna want sixty ten. I'm gonna be up there from six to ten. I ain't gonna call nobody. Ain't calling my brothers, my cousin, my uncle or nothing. I'm gonna whop by myself. Excuse me, you're gonna you you're gonna try to take on them. Man, I'm gonna whoop your by myself. That's what I said. You need to get to a little nan, sit behind in the bathroom and wash your hands and keep doing them on your head. So you're gonna be coming some people food like that. Bring your showing up there six to ten. You know where I work? Six to ten, and I'm gonna whoop y'all. Who do you think you're talking to? I don't even know who you aren't, but I'm gonna know ya tomorrow. I'm gonna know you tomorrow. Bring your showing up there six to ten, and I'm gonna whoop y'all. I'm coming up there to mor Come on, don't I'm going up to tomorrow. Matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you how to be sanitized. I'm gonna be what some gloves on. Do you hear me? You're gonna be mine? And you steady talking about whom? So bring you up down. We're gonna see who's gonna get there. Whoof What kind of man is you? Anyways to be talking about? Fighting to walk? You want and you want what what you called me? Um se te at you. I'm coming up to the see you tomorrow. Is you gonna is? You're gonna be ready when I get up there? What kind you anyway? Like Carla friends home about you gonna fight female y'all with some hand washing, bring your fricks and I'm gonna show you what it is. Sixty ten, I'm gonna be here. Matter of fact, I'm gonna be there at five forty five. Bring your up for five o'clock in and I'm gonna whoof y'all? Who'd you? Thirty two? I'm gonna I'm gonna talk to bring cup for tomorrow six to ten. You're gonna see You're gonna see what's up. I got one of my friend to say to you for her come up to tomorrow. I'm gonna you got to say. I don't care who yo say that I got. I got one more three nig Listen to me what you literally? What? What? Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Who you you say? Who? Hey? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your co worker? Man? You man see man, y'all got me? Man's like sixty two tomorrow I got something for her. She's gonna have to watch her back every hour, every hour on the hour. I got something for her. I ain't gonna hurt her, but I'm definitely gonna do it in tomorrow. Believe that was you, ready though I was shell. Yeah, I'm gonna man, you don't even know what you had a store for you. You're like, y'all is gonna pull me off? And that probably wouldn't have been enough either. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, baby girl, what what is the badest radio station in the land. You already know the Steve Harvey Morning Show got start right. Yeah, that's just to the temp power right there, because she said five forty five. In other words, I'm gonna whoop you over hand from five forty five to six and be right on time. I've been an employed you the most six times, right. She run off the stats again. That's that no nonsense baby, that's when you call the no nonsense people. I'm not in the hand. I'm tell you exactly right now. You've benna get your button to yes, who knows you call a complaint number on the back of the received on the back of the receipt. I don't know what you're calling me for. Yeah, and I washed my hands all the time, so I still don't know what you're talking about, right right, But I'm I'm gonna hoop your ass tomorrow though on wins five forty five. So I don't even want to interview with my hill. Yeah, that's when you come to work early to handle some business ships. About that. So I don't mess my money up right, I'm our starts making sandwiches that six with these coins, I do ladders and tomato spreads, and then I get the onions lined up. I get all everything, I get all the condiments brought out. I'm not fitting mess be here quarter to six. Don't nobody fight that long dog for real? Do Ain't ain't that on the real dog? Ain't no fifteen minute fights. The fight is if you go twenty second, that's that's kind of long. What a thirty second dog? If you're in the fight for three minutes, oh yeah, you've a fight. You don't even It's different from boxing because boxing has rules and they trained to go twelve rounds. If you get in a fight for three four minutes, you have no idea because the exertion that are no rules, So now anything go. He trying to get you in the headlock, trying to throw you, trying to stomp you, punch at the kicking. So dog, it's a lot mentally going on in that three minutes. Dog, That's that's some work right there. I've never seen a three minute fight out on the street or for fighting for three minutes. Oh no, dog, And if you do, okay, let's go. We got an entertainment and national news coming up at the top. You're listening Oprah Winfrey. She has reached out to the mother of ah Mod Aubrey and he is the Africana mail jogger who was gunned down by two men in Georgia. Miss Wanda Cooper Jones said she received a surprise phone call from Oprah on Friday, which would have been a Mod's twenty sixth birthday. We talked about that. She told Tim Z that Oprah expressed her condolences and said that she was thinking of a Mod on the days that should have been, you know, the day that he was celebrating his birthday. Oprah also said that she was sending her something in the mail but wouldn't say what. So that was really, really, really cool. Yeah, very nice of Oprah. And then other trending news A mod's mother who we was just talking about, Miss Wanda Cooper. She talked to TMZ yesterday and she wants the death penalty for her son's killers. Take a listen. What do you see as justice coming out of this? We've heard jay Z, Alicia Keys, Oprah. A lot of people come forward saying that they want to see swift justice here. What do you would your family consider swift justice? I don't like for all hands that were involved, that played the part, and my son's murdered to be prosecuted to the highest It's interesting Georgia has a death penalty. Prosecutors have discretion depending on circumstances. So with that on the table, is there anything you think is appropriate here? Coming from the mother's my point of view, my son died, so they should die as well. Yeah. If her white man gets life gets a death penity for killing the black man, that would be interesting to see. Yeah, Steve, a white man killing a black person and getting death the death penalty, that would be interesting to see. I think it's possible. What we that's just me look too, Yeah, I know, I know, I'm gonna be positive about it. I think it's possible. I mean, you know, watching that horrific videotape and what we saw, I mean, it's it seems like it should. Yeah. Ain't it amazing to you over the years, how we look at the video and we see something so evidently clear, and when they get it to a jury behind them closed doors, they don't see what we saw. No, it's alarming, It's shockingly alarming. How many times the video tells the story. Yeah, this video is cut and dry. I am still though, man, I am still waiting to see other than Chris Cuomo. I'm waiting to see that that famous, powerful non African American step forward and say something about this. Yeah. I mean, look, man, we can't keep marching for this alone ourselves because it hasn't worked. Not. The last time marches worked for us was Civil rights movement. That was the last time. Then they found a way to negate that. So now they've made that in an affect the protest, the Me too movement. Oh, we protested, that just went away, you know, you know, you know, you know, what lives matter, the the kneeling for the national hand. Now that that went away. Yeah, yeah, that's also the other day Steve that said, if your white friend won't stand up against racism, then you don't have no white friends. That's pretty simple. Come on, man, this is if your white friends don't stand won't stand up against racism, then you don't have no white preens. That's it. That's it, all right, Steve. Time to move on, Time to get to today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trull, thank you very much. Issues concerning President Trump where the subject of three cases heard by the Supreme Court yesterday and by teleconference because of the coronavirus. One case involves the House Financial Services Committee, which is looking into possible money laundering, Another involves the House Intelligence Committee, which is looking at a possible interference in the twenty sixteen election. And the third case involves Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who told Congress last year that Trump was inflating certain records and deflating others, which prompted legislator to ask for his tax returns, which you know he has never ever ever turned over. He always has an excuse for that. Infectious disease expert doctor Anthony Fauci and other top Trump administration health officials testified before a Senate committee yesterday about possible advancements in the fight against coronavirus, about treatments and testing and vaccines and planned reopenings. And they testified remotely since they were all self quarantined after coming in contact with infected White House staffers and doctor Fauci warned against sending people back too soon to work and school. The idea of having treatments available or a vaccine to facilitate the reentry of students into the fall term would be something that would be a bit of a bridge too far. Bouchie says he's worried that states that reopen everything too quickly could actually kickstart new outbreaks of the disease. And now New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says there is a new problem possibly. He's looking at about one hundred cases of a rare inflammatory disease that appears to be linked to the coronavirus, but targeting the young nine and ten year olds. Signs of it include swollen blood vessels and very red tongues. He says, a nine year old boy part of upstate New York with a relatively low COVID nineteen. Caseload is recovering from this new thing, while three other children have died. Very sad news. California congressom Maxine Water says her sister has died of COVID nineteen. As chairperson of the Financial Services Committee, she shared the news of her sister's condition last month on the House floor while holding back the tears. I'm going to take a moment to dedicate this legislation to my dear sister, who is dying in a hospital in Saint Louis, Missouri right now, infected by the corona virus. This legislation provides one hundred billion for hospitals. And the legislation she was talking about was the Healthcare Enhancement Act, and again she was holding back those tears. Maxine Water says that losing her sister was one of the hardest experiences of her life. It was not easy, but in many ways, she says, I'm glad she's out of pain. More sad news, the roy of Siegfried and Roy in Las Vegas that Tiger Training Act has also died. Authorities say also died of coronavirus related illnesses. He was seventy five. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? All right? So yesterday doctor Anthony Fauci and three other top government doctors testified before the Senate by video addressing the government's coronavirus response and the reopening of the economy. Doctor Fauci is concerned about the states, you know, reopening too quickly, particularly without seeing a fourteen day drop in new cases. Take a listen. Even if we get better control over the months, it is likely that they will be virus somewhere on this planet that will eventually get back to us. So my approach towards the possibility of a rebound in a second wave in the fall is that A it's entirely conceivable and possible that would happen. But B I would hope at between now and then, given the capability of doing the testing that you've heard from from Peneral Gerard, and the ability of us to stock up on personal protective equipment and the workforce that the CDC under doctor Redfield will be putting forth to be able to identify isolated contact trace, I hope that if we do have the threat of a second wave, we will be able to deal with it very effectively. To prevent it from becoming an outbreak not only worse than now, but much much less. I have to learn from the mistakes from before the delay with the President actually taking this seriously. And that's what some of the Democrats were saying that President Trump yesterday was more focused on fighting the truth than fighting the virus, and sadly Americans have paid the price for that. Well, there's a statistic Nepolder says eighty four percent of Republicans GOP are an approval of the way he's handling the coronavirus. He has successfully again told them that he reacted quickly, that's not true. He also is blaming the Democrats for fighting the reopening of the economy for political reasons, stating that you know, look, they don't want this economy to get back on the feet because of political reasons, meaning it would hurt him in the reelection. But isn't that the same reason He's rushing to open the country so these unemployment numbers can go down and he can tout that he's bringing the country back up, but it's at the expense of a lot of people. So now, look, I understand folks wanting to go back to work, I understand people needing to go back to work. I get it, man. And if I was in a position where I had to risk my health to save my family, I probably would too. To be honest with you, I take as many precautions as I can, but I would have to go and try to rescue my family from this speed tailspin win. So I get it, man, I get it. But we got to be smart, and we got to be careful. You got to keep washing your hands, you got to wear your mask, and you got to practice social distancing or else. Man, it can happen. Yeah, but get tested. Quare all these damn test they talking about? Yeah, that we don't have access to all? Right, coming up next, Steve, we're gonna switch gears. It's time for Ask the CLO, the Chief Love Officer. Yeah, right after this. Yeah, you're listening to time now for Ask the CLO, the Chief Love Officer. You can submit your questions if you have a question for the Cello at AM dot com. You're ready for me to ask him, Nephew, This one is from Scared Christian in Alabama. Scared Christian, Scared Christian in Alabama. So here we go, Uncle Steve. I need your help. I am a I am twenty five years old, and I am sleeping with the first lady of my church. She is thirty eight, and she loves having wild sex and weird places all around her house. We've had sex in the pastor's man cave, in the kitchen, in the laundry room, and the hot tub. I confided in my best friend, who is a musician at the church, and he said that I am as good as dead because the pastor has cameras all over his house. The first lady and I are scared as heck waiting to see if the pastor says anything. I can't believe this is happening. Is there any way to get out of this? You got to tell them cameras out the wall, all the cameras out that wall. I tell you, don't go over there. But you're twenty five. You're going back. She thirty eight. You're getting some things done you ain't never have. You got to get them cameras and to take you got to get out in the room where the brains is that. You got to tell all that out. You need the wire in everything. Then you need to get the pass code so you can get up in the clouds and get it. You got to get all that. We ain't gonna get the past goal from. I don't know she sleep with the pastor. Now let me explain something to you. Here's what you can notice. If the pastor knew it, you would know it. Okay immediately, Oh bro, ain't no man letting you sleep with his wife and then he just keep watching tape all over his house? Yeah? Yeah, all right. Now, second piece of advice to you, young man. You ever heard the term quit while you ahead? That any one that you haven't been busted yet, So now you're gonna go in him and the first lady scared at the same time the first lady know where you cameras that y'all gotta get this camera. Don you can get arrested for breaking in entering, yeah, and have a better shot then get busted for sleeping with this man wife. But I don't I don't recommend you breaking in the man's house, I said, dog, But when you should quit while you ahead, because little man, you're gonna get busted though you can't keep it up. But we got to find this footage. But dog, y'all, y'all, y'all stupid you're in the man cave. What's wrong with her? Not to mention how triphin she is as the first lady bringing another man into their house in the man cave, the kitchen, the hot tub, the laundry, the laundry room. I could see the garage, you know, I could see that. How about not doing it? You're married? How about that? All right, let's call there. I go there, three dudes. Well that ain't an option? Huh? Here? All right? There? Here we go Anonymous in Maryland. Listen to this, Steve. I am thirty one year old married man, and I'm in love with my cousin's ex girlfriend. We bonded over a seven month period, and we both can't admit that we are falling in love. I told my cousin, and he gave us his blessing. My only problem is that I'm married. I'm only I only married my wife because she got pregnant and I wanted to be in my child's life. I want out of this marriage so I can finally have true love with a woman that I love. What is wrong with that? Is that so wrong? Well, you're gonna have to get a divorce though you can't be in love with another woman. You ain't low with your wife. You have to get a divorce that it's gonna cost you. You're gonna have to pay the calls. I can't tell you to stay with it and try to work through it because you don't want to. You only married a car. Do you want to be with the family. You met this other girl, you in love? Going there and tell her the truth? Divorces happened all the time. You're not gonna stay with this woman and do right. Yeah, you're not gonna do it. You're already doing wrong. All right? Well, thank you? See Elo coming up next. The nephew was here with today's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. The subject is my life is about to be a real Strawberry letter. Okay, all right, but right now the nephew is here for today's prank phone call. What you got? What if? What got? A home run? Nor? Can I borrow your pool? Your pool? A row your pool? There's not nohing you I asked you. Normally I ask anybody, but ain't. Nevertheless, can I borrow your pool. Take a listen. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Dobba, Hey, Dova, how are you doing? This is Kendrick. I live in the neighborhood. I got got your number for one of the neighbors. What what neighbor do you know, Louise that lives I guess a couple of a couple of doors down from you. Okay, listen, I got a bit of an issue here. I'm not actually on your street, I'm the next street over, but Louise told me that you might be willing to help me out due to the whole uh you know, p yeah, all right, due to the pandemic situation. The clubhouse is actually closed and you know, nobody's able to use the gym, nobody's able to use the pool or anything like that until all of this kind of passes over. But my son's birthday was actually his birthday party is scheduled for this coming weekend, and we now don't have a pool to you, and we wanted to see if you didn't mind letting us bar your pool on Saturday and U and have my son's birthday party only a couple of hours. You know what they'd be like fifteen twenty kids nude sifteen to twenty kids, are you in the United States, you understand what's going on. I don't know why Louise told you that. I'm so part I'm just going to apologize for her. I don't know why she told you anything like that. But I'm not lending out my pool to know fifteen to twenty kids that we had a small gathering the other week, but it was only three people, and I guess she saw that and I told her that, you know, it was a birthday party. But I don't mean I'm lending out my pool to people. That's not what it be. And that was a family member and I don't even know you, So for her to even give you my number was kind of goofy, you know what I'm saying. So okay, okay, so so wait, wait, wait a minute, wait minute. We already know it's is that we're in the pandemic. I got that. What I mean, you know my son from the turn tent, you know what I mean. So I mean, I don't want to tell my son and we're not gonna have his pool part. I mean, I'm just asking you for a couple hours and it ain't but twenty kids. Yeah, but you know what I mean to do with you or your son? Baby, I'm sorry, Like you're gonna have to find Why don't you go to a hotel or something like that and maybe you can like run out there pool or something. But I'm not living my pool to anybody. And right now things aren't cleared up. I don't even know if I'm allowed to. And you talk about fifteen to twenty people in my house and I don't. I'm talking about fifteen to twenty. And is she told me you would be you know, you would be straight with me using the using your barbecue grill or whatever, so I could do some hot dogs for the kids. So well, okay, well sir, I'm sorry. I think Louise got the wrong idea. You know what, this this is what this is what's wrong with black people? Right here? This right here, this what's wrong with black people. Black people. It's about smart people who know that this virus is out here, people killing kids and going rambo on everybody. No, no, because my thing is you're not gonna put my family at risk for your little son. Now, you can go ahead, like I said, and maybe call one of these hotels or motels. We'll see if they canna let you use their pool. You're not using my pool, sir. And like I said, I don't know why Louise gave you my number, but I'm sorry that you having a part. I don't know why Louise gave me your number either. You're gonna sit here in that somebody excuse me, sir. Okay, I on this note, I'm just gonna end this call because you're taking it too far. Okay, you have you know what you know. What I'm gonna do. What I'm not gonna do is deny my son. I'm just gonna come over there I get something. I don't have nothing to do with me. I don't. I'm just gonna you don't understand I'm coming over that throwing my pool party for my son. Anyway, I'm not gonna not. Louise already told me you was cool, and now you're gonna act like you're not cool. Louise said, I'm cool because I am cool, Boo boo, but I'm not cool with you. I don't know you. Okay. So if I told you I'm Kendrick from One Street, I told you I will don't give a flying who you are, It doesn't matter. I don't know you well enough to let you use my pool. You're not using my pool. And that's the bottom line to my son, my son justin don't turn ten but one damn time. We all just turned ten one time. What are you talking about. I'm gonna do not have no pool party for my sor so bad. So how about you try to white people and see if they let you use the pool. It's other people around here. You got John across the street from me. Ask him, see if that white gonna let you use this pool. You come to me talk about this white black people, kend and all. This kind of stuff ain't about being black. It's about being safe. You're not coming in here. I don't know what kind of anybody's you got. I don't know if you had COVID. You ain't even saying no like that. You don't even tell me whether all y'all been tested, all the kids have been tested? Can you tell me? Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen, listen. This is what I'm gonna tell you. I'm near Saaday at noon, known the twenty kids to come, gonna be for two hours on there's good luck. Yeah, guess what. I'm a crack clack reach you back. You come to my house pulling up with some kids, You're gonna catch a bad one and I will have the police here. Way. What time is the party, baby, because I will have police here. Way you know I'm coming in my yard. You got people out here getting killed for dumb less than that. Look, you know what, I don't even want. I don't want to argue with you. Just give me your address so I can let everybody know where they're gonna. You know what, good luck finding my address. Get it from Louise. I can curR up. Then I'm anna you up to and I'm anna get kids up to let them, little nappy headed kids come in my yard and see what happens. Okay, okay, okay, okay, so so so what about your neighbor Patricia? Ask Patricias called Patricia. That's on. Patricia ain't got nothing to do with me, just like this party ain't got nothing to me. I don't know justin, I don't know you you calling people getting adamant and nasty about using somebody pull with all this going on, man, I'm not don't put my life at risk for you, Louise, you. Okay, now, okay, okay, hold on, ho Can I tell you something else? Thought? Can I tell you what Patricia told me? What Patricia told me to call you? This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Patricia got me to prank phone call. What Wait a minute, but this is this is nephew Tommy Steve Harvey Morning Show, your next door neighbor. Patricia got me to prank phone call. You might have fact. Patricia and Louise. I hate both of them right now. I was talking to Louisa. She kept saying, Oh, so you're just having parties. It was three little people in there. Oh my god, I love you. I love you. Oh my, I'm so confused right now. I don't go. I was like, I'm gonna get my pool covered, Like this is crazy. Oh my god, this is crazy. And You've got me, You've got I got you, baby. Twenty twenty. Baby, tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You come on get I'm coming by the anyway. That's when it clicked, I'm coming by it anyway. I'm up the game on it ain't kid, I might have been to risk a life for you. I don't give an f about you give about your son. I don't. My son's gonna turn ten wants and hit like way, my hold up, all us just turned ten wants. Just ain't nothing special? Everybody get to be ten milestone that wonder. I love the logic of madass people. Yes, boy, you the king way too much. Oh keep it straight, stupid baby, keep it straight. Super You want to prank somebody, go to Thomasmiles dot com. If you want me to prank somebody, go to Thomasmiles dot com. Click on my prank button. Submit all the information. I'm gonna call you, me and you gonna talk. We're gonna hook it up. We're gonna get the prank done. That's how it works, all right, King of Pranks, Lisa, what they say? I am. Thank you, nephew, you are the best. Coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter subject my life is about to be a real Strawberry letter. We'll get to it at the time. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Time Now for today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. You can submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. My girl, Shirley Strawberry is out. Harvey will read the letter. I'll respond, Steve will respond as usual, all right, here we go, All right, here we go. The subject is my life. It's about to be a real Strawberry letter. Man. Let me just start by saying, if you wrote in right here we are, yeah, all right, here we go this Stephen, Shirley. I can hardly believe what I'm about to tell you, and I need some advice. I've been with my girl for almost three years, and I proposed to her. Her family lives out of states, so I'm not interacted with them much, but her mom comes to visit often and we get along very well. Her father is deceased and she's an only child. And since we're getting married, we've been talking more about family dynamics and how we were raised. My fiance told me that she has a family secret that she needed to share with me. Before we walked down the aisle. My fiance told me that her great uncle is her real father. She told me that her mom's side of the family is not close. So when her mom was twenty six, she started dating an older man and had no idea was her uncle, and the uncle had no idea he was messing with his niece. She told me that when her mom got pregnant, she told her parents who her boyfriend was, and all hell broke loose. I know this is confusing, but basically, my future mother in law had a baby by her uncle. My fiance told me that her mom is the black sheep of the family. I can't believe I'm about to marry into a real Strawberry letter type family. I have a loving family, and I would love for our children to be around both sides of the family. My fiance says that families isn't all that important to her, and she wants us to start our own family traditions when we get married and have kids. I'm not sure about all of this. Is this a big red flag or should I try to work through this mess? All right, Well, you know you proposed to your girlfriend. You guys have been dating for three years. You're cool with her mom. Her dad is deceased, so now you guys are getting married. You talked about family, your fiance revealed to you that her mom's family is not close, and she told you about a family's secret that back when her mom was twenty six years old, she dated an older man. She didn't know he was her uncle. The uncle didn't know that the mom was his niece. Okay, all right. Anyway, her mom got pregnant and revealed who the father was. The family were crazy, and now the mom is a black sheep of the family. So now I don't know. You're judging your fiance's mom her past, and you're concerned about marrying into a real life Strawberry letter family. You have to start a marriage out by telling the truth, especially if you want a chance to succeed. And your fiance did just that by revealing to you her family's dark secrets. It's not easy. It's so not easy for your fiance to be known as the daughter whose father is her great uncle. That's a cloud of shame that nobody wants. Nobody wants that. However, she wants to start her own family traditions with you and when you all are married with kids. But your question to us is this, is this a big red flag or should you work through this mess? So the question back to you is can you handle the lady of being the black sheep of the family. Can you handle that with your mother in law and your daughter? And if you love this woman, then her mom's passed shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter. See um, Look, man, I'm just gonna get right to it. What you're tripping for? Dog? I don't even understand, I really, man, I mean, look, what what what any of this got to do with you? Unless you're the only concern you can have here is some genetic code has gotten passed down to your wife. She holding and y'all could have a baby with something wrong with it. But I don't know. But it don't seem like it happened, because if it didn't happen to the girl and they and they don't. I just don't know, man, y'all, I don't get what's wrong here. You you wearried, you know the mother in law, y'all get along, y'all getting married. Your fiance got a family secret, so she come and clean. She needed to share with you. Told me that her great uncle is her real father. Okay. She told me that her mom's side of the family is not close, so her mother was twenty six, she started dating an older man and had no idea. Was her uncle? Okay, that's possible. That's possible. And the uncle had no idea. He was messing with his knees. That's possible. She told me. When her mom got pregnant. Your mom even went to her parents and told her who her boyfriend was. You you really don't know this my boyfriend here a little bit older, but this my boyfriend. Wait a minute, that show damn uncle. Yeah, so all hell broke loose into the family as I would expect it would. But basically, my future mother in law had a baby by her uncle, And what the hell do that got to do with you and your fiance? What? You're making a whole lot out of this dog. You're making a whole lot out of this m How old are you? Man? You got to be young. You got to be young, man, because you trip it. If you really love this girl and you've asked her to marry you what her mother in law did her mom twenty six years ago? Man, let me I'll be back. All right, hold that thought, Steve. We'll have part two of your response at twenty three after the hour. You're listening, all right, Steve, we're back let's recap today's Strawberry letter. My life is about to be a real strawberry letter recap. I'm i'm, I'm, I'm confused. Man, Just this guy writes in this letter and said he proposed to this girl and her family lives out of state, so you ain't interacted with him much, but her mom comes to visit. Y'all get along really well. Her father's deceived. She's an only child. Since we're getting married, we've been talking more about family dynamics and how we was raised. And then she told me she had a family secret she need to tell you about. Before we went down the aisle. My fiance told me that her great uncle is her real father, but not her mother's brother. Right, her mother's parents one of her one of them's brother or sistant siblings. Yes, dog, dog dog. We're a little bit away now. And she told me that her mom's side of her family is not close. And when her mom was twenty six, she started dating an older man, had no idea was her uncle. Who would be her mother's parents brought sibley, yes, one of them, yes, And then she got pregnant. She told her parents to who her boyfriend was and all hell broke loose, and then you said, I know this is confusing, but basically, my future mother in law had a baby by her uncle and doc, do you really know what has happened in some families? Yea or or I don't know how you think this all of a sudden is the biggest Strawberry Letter We didn't head because it ain't. And I'm telling you, man, slow your roll down. My fiance told me that her mom is the black sheep of the family. Yeah, of course they gonna blame her. How could you? How could you not? That was a picture of him. Maybe maybe not Nonna. Anyway, I can't believe I'm about to marry into a real Strawberry letter type family. That what you're tripping for. You don't even see these people, you just said, they live out of state. You have very little interaction with him. You ain't never met him. You'ven't met the mother. She's a beautiful lady. Mistake, it's happening in life, partner, I got news for you to make something. You're gonna make some more. Yeah, when do people get forgiven? I have a loving family, and I would love for our children to be around both sides of the family. You ain't even around both sides of the family. Yeah, dog, you want your kids to be around both sides of the family. You ain't even around both sides of the family. So where you're going with this? You you got so much mustard on this sandwich right here, it can't taste good. You know, bro, mustard is good. But if you put all the mustard in the jaw on one sandwich, you're not gonna enjoy that sandwich. No, you can't taste it. Bro. You you ain't got number mustard on hire. My fiance sayings, family isn't all that important to her, and she wants to start our own family traditions. You know why because she comes from a slightly dysfunctional family. That's right. Her mama got banned from the family, so her mama raised her and took her off to the side. She the black sheep of the family, so she was never bought or you. Probably the fiace ain't been around him because they they probably ostracized to mama. So she want to start her own family traditions with you when we get married and have kids. I'm not sure about all this. Is this a big red flag? What is your punk ass talking about a red flag? Faulk, boy, you got the man up. Man, put your arms around this girl and embrace her and give her the life she never had. What you tripping, faul Man? Is this a red flag? You ain't no girl, We're talking about some damn red flags? What twitter is your ass talking? Boy? Boy? Or should I try to work through this mess? Dog? It's not a mess for you to have to work through. Your girl came to you and told you a family secret. Yeah, she was trying to Yes, she didn't want to get married. In that beyond the table, she told you. Should I I try to work through this mess? Hold up, partner, let me say this to you. If you get married. If you think this is a mess, you ain't seen nothing yet. Love, get married, mess boy, this is nothing, doc, This ain't you don't even see them people. Her mother nice to you. Her mother did a great job raising your fiance. The mother made a mistake, she did you know she could have got taken advantage of She might not be telling you all of it. You don't know how that's exactly right, Stephen, what you said to Junior, she made a mistake, Unknowingly, she said, she didn't know. You don't know. Boy, your family, hey man, you're loving ass family, yes, yes, no, loving ass family. Yeah. He got some skeletons too. Boy, the stuff my daddy took to his grade. I'm I don't know. Maybe your girl is twenty two, maybe her mom is fifty two, fifty three, something like that. Maybe your girl twenty six and she told you twenty six years ago my mom. I'm assuming somewhere like that. Man, Get off this, don't write this letter. What that is paper Forget on what you just heard. Ain't nothing for you to once you're fitting to solve. You can't change nothing. That's it tripping up something you can't change it. Get out of you. I love it. Good. Anybody, Steve post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on the Gram or Facebook, and you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcasts on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour today is Stevie Wonders seventy at the birthday and we're gonna say Happy bath Day. Yeah, right after this Happy Bathday, you're listening Harby Morning Show. All right, Steve, today is musical legend, genius Stevie Wonders seventieth birthday. What We Love Us from Steven the Goat, Yes, the Goat? What is you? He is one of them? Come on, I want to talk to you. What's your favorite Stevie Wonders. Let me do man? Can I do man? Come on? Okay, come on, nephew. The first forty five record I ever purchase, I Wish nineteen seventy four, seventy five songs in the Kill of Life, Double Ebele. Stevie Wonder wrote everything on it. Looking back on when I was a little nappy headed boy. Yes, then my only worry was for Christmas? What would be my toy? Yes? Boy? Lyrics, genius dog he that was the sham man. Alright, nephew, I wish for you, Steve, what you got? I got? I got too many? Give us one. The most lyrically correct written song in the history of love song, the most lyrically intense love song was as Yes, what dude, dude round the side of the up. No, she's revolved boy. Yeah he wrote this song. Yes, that is beautiful song. But here go my jam thought one of my favorite team. I got a bunch of them. Note but go ahead, off but that damn rocket love. Yes, beautiful Steve got his head out. This is a song about a dude that was having a relationship with a woman and she broke up with him, and she took him riding on a star and about a half a mile from heaven, she dropped me back down to that cold, cold ground. I wouldn't do that to a dog. Beautiful genius, right boy, your genius. He got some heaters. Let me see what else I loved? Can I tell you one of mine? Please quickly? Yeah? Do I do? Come on? Have mercy? Yeah? What we do this? Yes, that's what she was doing. That was the movie My own minds weak. Yes, we'll be back. Stephen one the birthday, Happy birthday, boy, you're listening to show. Congratulations are in order for Princeton grad Nicholas Johnson. He's the first black valedictorian in the university's two hundred and seventy four year by right there, Princeton they league school. Yes, the one and only. Yes, Yes, yes, yes, Nicholas my coat I got hot? How smart is Yes? He's the first value Victorian. I couldn't been a valve Victoria in the third grade. I wouldn't have value Victorian. None, I wouldn't. I wouldn't have valid Victorian in wood shop and I could make some stuff. Man, you said, I was saladed up dog and wood shop. Dog, I took metal, Yeah dog, I was making stuff and I made a crowbarn metal one time. Yeah dog, I made I made a ratchet wrench in metal for my bike. Uh huh know that fit a little inch nut that you tighten up on your black I'm making some stuff, don't what wouldn't have been of nothing? Due to Valvictoria of Princeton, Princeton Nicholas Johnson, let me tell you what he said. He said, being Princeton's first black valedictorian holds special significance to me, particularly giving Princeton's historical ties to the institution of slavery. I hope that this achievement motivates and inspires younger black students, particularly those interested in STEM fields and of course STEM in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Man, go ahead, brother, Nicholas Johnson here is from Canada. Yeah. Nine of nine of the past presidents or slave owner at Princeton, So congratulate Steve. Do you have any advice for graduates of twenty twenties is something you just want to say to you know, we were talking about this earlier off the year of what's happening. I mean, no, Look, it's a monumental accomplishment to graduate from any institution of how learning. I take my head off to anybody who does. I was unable to do it. I just didn't have what it took at the time, which was I didn't have goals back then. I didn't have understanding back then, I didn't have a plan back then, So I didn't make it. So I take my hat off to anybody. So monumental task. But like I told as one graduating class, when you get a diploma, it's like you now have a ticket, but the ticket allows you to get in. When you have a ticket, you can get in something. You can get in the club. If you got a ticket, you can get into dance. You can get in the party. You just have a ticket. Now, what you do once you get into dance, it's what you do after you get your degree, and the ticket lets you get into dance. Once you get out of school and you get into the work world in life, what you do in the dance has nothing to do with your ticket anymore, you got to start performing at the dance. And so I implore all graduates chase your dreams before you leave this world, even if it's not tied to your diploma. Because in your dreams, man lies what wakes you up in the middle of the night, which won't let you sleep, what you fantasize about, it's all in your imagination. It conjures up thoughts of greatness and wonderment. And never lose sight of that. Man. Don't get so locked and bogged down, because what life is is not like college. College is. We give you some information. We ask for that information back. If you recite it back to us and you have a good memory, we're gonna give you a good grade. Well you in life now that ain't high life work. Life don't give you the information. Didn't ask for it back. They just give you the damn information. Now write your answer down. Yeah, you can't study for it, the dog you can't study for it. We don't. We're gonna test you. Tom All pages nine three level Now now surprise, good advice. Steve All ain't coming up. We got more of today's trended stories on the Seve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Here's some tell me something good news. I love our second God. There you go, Steve, jay Z and Meek Mills. Reform Alliance is sending ten million surgical mask and other personal protective equipment to prisons across the US. Social distancing obviously is nearly impossible, and without enough masks for protection against the coronavirus, many inmates with underlying conditions fear for their lives. So a huge shout out too. We have to give to Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey because he donated ten million dollars for this project, So shout out to Yeah. And speaking of Jack, I'm sorry, go ahead. I wouldn't care if you got one or not. But anyway, it's side voice, outside voice. But anyway, speaking of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, he just announced that his employees at Twitter now have the option of working from home forever. They had that option, Yes, he said. The Twitter officers are not going to open reopen in September and maybe later on, and so so far they've made this new way, this new norm of working, so employees can work from home forever if they choose to hold them offices down save some money. Yeah, cool, my ass this money saying well and that way and that way, limit tar your something else. When you release people in farm, they ain't dead, all right. More of the Seve Harvey Morning Show trend what's the silver lining? You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Oprah Winfrey she has reached out to the mother of Ahmad Aubrey and he is the Africana mail jogger who was good down by two men in Georgia. Miss Wanda Cooper Jones said she received a surprise phone call from Oprah on Friday, which would have been a Mod's twenty sixth birthday. We talked about that. She told TMZ that Oprah expressed her condolences and said that she was thinking of a MOD on the days that should have been, you know, the day that he was celebrating his birthday. Oprah also said that she was sending her something in the mail but wouldn't say what. So that was really really, really cool. You have very nice of Oprah. And then other trending news. A Mod's mother who we were just talking about, Miss Wanda Cooper. She talked to TMZ yesterday and she wants the death penalty for her son's killers. Take a listen, what do you see as justice coming out of this? We've heard jay z, Alicia keys Oprah, A lot of people come forward saying that they want to see swift justice here. What do you would your family consider swift justice. I don't like all hands that were involved to play the part, and my sounds murdered to be prosecuted to the highest It's interesting Georgia has a death penalty. Prosecutors have discretion, uh, depending on circumstances. So with that on the table, is there anything you think is appropriate here? Coming from the mother's my point of view, my son died, so they should die as well. Yeah, if a white man gets life gets a death penalty for killing a black man, that would be interesting to see. Yeah, Steve, a white man killing a black person and getting death the death penalty. I think it's possible. That's just me looking as too. Yeah, I know, I know, I'm gonna be positive about it. I think it's possible. It seems like it should look cut and dried up. YEA. Yeah. Ain't it amazing to you over the years, how we look at a video and we see something so evidently clear, and when they get it to a jury behind them closed doors, they don't see what we saw. It's alarming, It's shockingly alarming. How many times the video tells the story. Yes, this video is cut and dry. I am still though, man, I am still waiting to see other than Chris Cuomo. I'm waiting to see that famous, powerful non African American step forward and say something about this. Yeah. I mean, look, man, we can't keep marching for this alone ourselves because it hasn't worked. Not. The last time marches worked for us was civil rights movement. That was the last time. Then they found a way to negate that. All right, when we come back at forty nine, after the hours, Steve Harvey's closing remarks right after this you're listening to all right, guys, it is the last break of the day right now. It was a good Wednesday week, good morning, Yeah, yeah, hurry, same same as flat day, hump and flat. You know what I'd like to Stevie wonder part A part I did? Ye? Hey, listen in closing today, let me share something with you. Listen. I understand that this quarantine lockdown virus affects people on so many levels. Worst case scenario, you've lost a loved one to this thing. I think that's at the apex of the situation. Anytime you lose a loved one, Uh, that's that's that's that's devastating. So I'm not really saying anything to those people. I'm I'm talking to people who are having to grapple with other situations. I mean, but even if you have to grapple with death, you have to come to terms with it. You have to. You have to come to terms with it. However that is for you. I'm not telling you how you should feel. The grief is rough. Man ain't no manual for it. It's just rough. But for those of us who are dealing with the other side of it, the other areas of it, the loss of employment, the sitting at home, the quarantine, the tide of being locked down a quarantine um, the having to homeschool your kids, the loss of a job and income. And you don't know how you're gonna see your way through this. Let me give you some help. This is a good time to get in touch with God. God shows some of his greatest works in the middle of a crisis. He has done some of the most miraculous things for people who are in dire situations. I mean dire situations. The Bible is filled with stories of redemption and saving and healing and fulfillment. But there's a modern day story that has a chance to be written here too, And you can be a part of this modern day story writing. But you just have to get in touch with God. You know, people, Steve, God and us, why God letting this happening? If God is all his Hey, man, Hey, I don't have answers for all of that. I know that God is the solution to every problem I've ever had when I took it to him. I do know that God never told you that life would be problem free. He's never said that. God never told you that life wasn't gonna have his ups and downs, his trials and tribulations. If the Bible is full of stories of that. What he did promise you that he would never leave you. What he did promise is that you could have a very present help in the time of trouble. What he did promise was to never leave your side. What he did promise you that he would always be there. See, faith don't make it easy. Faith makes it possible, but you have got to apply some faith, y'all. You've got to have a relationship with God. You don't know what God can do until you allow him to do it. But you have to invite him in. You have to ask God to be a part of your life. Now. Look, I know this is gonna be a little odd for some people because you don't go to him that often. And then when you do show up talking to him as always when you want something, to need something, but can let me tell you something. He understands that. He makes a lotment for that. He knows that you are that way. And God is a forgiving God. Every time I stayed away from him from periods of time, when I came back to him, he had his arms wide open and he accepted me in. He'll do the same thing for you. You don't have to handle this thing by yourself. This don't have to just be a crisis. You could be in the middle of a miracle. Some people are going to get new career opportunities out of this. Now you may be forced into the new career. But some people who have been sick of their jobs. Think of how many people are that's so sick of my job. Well, you don't have it anymore. Here's a chance for you to start to turn over a new leaf, to walk up the hallway and go through another door. Some people are finding out things about their family that they didn't know. Some people have gotten closer to their children. Some people have came to a whole new awareness of their children. Wow, I didn't know he thought like that. I didn't know he ran like that. I didn't know he talked like that. I didn't know he knew all that. Some people are now developing a new appreciation for school teachers because you at the house having to do it yourself. So now while all them complaining you was doing about them teachers, Well, now you understand the daunting tasks they have with a class with twenty five thirty people in it. You catching the blues just with this one, just one, But even that can be a blessing too. You just start appreciating people more. We're all looking at nurses and first respond is totally different. Now, how courageous must have person be to strap up in just some fabric and go in there and fight this deadly disease so it don't spread to others? And how many of them have lost their lives. That is something in this for all of us. So stop for a minute viewing all of the negativity that's happening. And I know it's some stuff that's happening that's negative, but if you take a real closer look at it and you put them you put them other colored glasses on with the positive tending. It's a lot of good too. I expect a lot of good to come out of this. It'll never be the same again. Put some faith in your life, put some God in your life. Let him help you get through it. He's available for everybody. Twenty four seven. Those are my closer remarks. Well, I would say, have a great weekend, but just have another good day, y'all. Just have a good day to day. You bless you still here, you blessed? I'm happy? Yeah, Colm it up up for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show