Steve's Olympic Report, 50 Cent Trending, Un-Cousined, Hit or Miss and more.

Published Feb 15, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Did yesterday go as planned? The CLO checks two ladies and explains something specific to another. The halftime show from The Big Game is still trending and the internet will not leave Curtis Jackson alone. LMBAO!!! Uncle Steve gives us a little peek of what he did with Mrs. H for Valentine's Day. A Black woman went viral after she got kicked out for not knowing the game of spades. SMH! Would You Rather involved Mother Nature. Big Dog wraps up today with finishing WYR and why he don't belong at no funeral home.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the stuffing good. Steve listening to the other for st Please, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn you're going to do? You are you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out to turn turn water the water go. Come come on your tha h I shall will a good morning everybody. Y'll listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I have something and it so describes how I was living. It's so captures the feelings that I had about beginning on the pathway of my dreams. It so describes how I felt when I was about to attempt something. And I have some striking news for you. It describes often how I feel still today to a degree. So let me tell you what that is. Here's an analogy that I've heard a couple of different ways, but I've kind of, you know, fixed it around to where I can drink it better, and I think it fits my personality to describe it to people best this way. I've talked often about the earth urgency of doing something with your life, of getting started today, of stopping the procrastination and putting it off, and waiting on all your ducks to line up in a row, and waiting till the stars aligned themselves. If you ain't on such a thing, you're never gonna get started. I don't know too many people who can say that all the ducks just lined up in a row. Things happen even when you get them lined up. One of the ducks get out of line, or somebody knock over the domino, or something happens. But here's the point I'm getting at. God has so many blessings available to you. You who's listening. God has so many blessings available to you from where you are right now. I don't care what you've gotten yourself into or what you've done. God has so many blessings that he can send your way. But you have to do something. See a lot of people just sit around and go man, and something always happening to you. You're always getting a break, You're always doing this. You always doing man, don't nothing come my way. Listen to me. If nothing ever comes your way. You know why that is? It's because you're not doing anything. I promise you you're not. Here's a deal. God has all these blessings he wants to send you, but you got to give him something to work with. Now, come on, God will bless you. God can touch people's hearts on your behalf. He can move situations around for you. He can align the stars. He can set the ducks up in the road. But align the stars and move people around, and touch people's hearts and set the ducks up in the road. For what have you put forth any effort? Have you made a single step in any direction to do the right thing or go the right way? That it was him something to put his finger on. Come on, man, God can only bless you according to your faith. If you have a little bit of faith, give him that. Let him work with that. You know, man, I didn't always start with these speeches you're hear in the morning now. I ain't always had these. I grew to these. I stumbled my way to these. I messed up my way to these. Hell, I got it wrong so many times to be able to sound like I got some sense, I said it often. Failure is a wonderful teacher. Do you know how many times I have had to have failed to have what I have in my head today. I'm telling you, man, it's a process. People getting mad at the process. You got to do something to give God something to work with. He'll bless you. But what you want me to bless If you ain't putting forth any effort, you can get blessed from whoever you are in your life. Wherever your starting point is, wherever you find yourself wound up, you can get it back from. Now. I've done it, man, by the grace of God, I've done it. I got over. Man. I learned some things along the way. Because here's a deal. As long as God keeps waking you up in the morning, he ain't through with you yet. When he's done, you're done. But if God still has a plan for you you wake up in the morning, He's still got some more work for you to do. You wake up in the morning. So if you keep waking up, man, it's something that God wants from you, would love to have from you, and he can work with you, man, if you just walk towards him a little bit. Here's a deal. I know it's hard for the average person to start because the fear of the unknown is incredible. What if I fail? What if I don't get picked? You know, one of the hardest things I ever did was walking in to quit my job. Oh man, let me tell you about that day when I decided that I was going to be a full time comedian after winning an amateur night one time, quitting your job, following dream, going forward despite all the nay says, it's like stepping off a cliff. It's like actually just walking off the edge of a cliff, hoping, hoping. Now not really knowing, but hoping. Hoping is the bad basis of faith. I stepped off the cliff hoping that my parachute would open and allow me to drift down. See. I've never skydived before, but I would imagine part of the thrill. And I don't know this because I'm not going to skydive to find out. I think part of the thrill for people is the danger part of throwing yourself out a plane and how it feels to be free falling, but the whole time they're free falling, having this exhilarating over the top moment. You have got to believe in your heart of hearts, you have got to hope with everything in you that when you pull this cord the shoot opens or else. This ain't a good move at all. But you've packed your shoot yourself. You've taken the lessons, so you go ahead and you make the leap. Now, the only thing about quitting your job and following your dream is you ain't really been trained all that good for this. You didn't packed your shoot, but you ain't never opened it before. So I walked off this cliff, That's what it was like. And you following your dream is like you walking off a cliff. Here's the part where people don't never make the jump. They see somebody like myself who jumped off the cliff and the pass shot don't open right away, and I hit a couple of rocks on the way down. I got my back cut up pretty bad. They see that three years living in a car man, he got his life toe down jumping off that cliff. I ain't jumping off that cliff. But see, what you don't understand is you don't know it. But eventually the shoot will open, and I'm at the parachute opening part of my life, man, where a shoot then open and I'm drifting and I'm able to guide my shoote over to Paris and glide. I've I've glided over to Africa and seen what it looked like. It's a slow ride down. When the passchute finally opened, and my back then heel too, and the cuts that I had on me, I remember now I know how to stay away from the edge. But the parish chute then opened, and I'm enjoying my life for the first time. I'm gliding, but I got hit up against the rock. I can see more. I get a chance to see more things. I get to glide and see more parts of the world. I'm living my dream. Your passhute is gone open, but I'll tell you one thing for shore, It'll never open if you don't step off that cliff. You got to step off that cliff, got to get the passchute open for you. But you got to jump, baby. That's the hard part, ain't it now? Question is the end of this story right here today when you jumping. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. It is a Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's happening right now. Welcome to it. Everybody. Please make yourself and feel as grateful as you possibly can. There is no better way to start today than to be grateful for the things that have happened in your life. Your health, your measure of health, your family, any friends, the fact that you can hear, the fact that you have food, shelter, clothing, the fact that you have means, the fact that you have the ability to seek me, seek means, whatever it is, joy, happiness, the fact that you still hear a lot of things to be grateful for. Okay, that's how we started. Junior. Oh excuse me, Shirley Strawberry Corlin for real, Mississippi Monica kill Spates better known as Junior and the young legend that is nephew Tummy. What's on your mind? Junior? Okay, you know yesterday was validie that you told them, You told him, you told them now today if you did not fulfill your assignment. What is your woman saying to you this morning? Well, I don't know specifically what your woman is saying to you. You could have avoided it by listening to Uncle Steve, but no, so that you have it is a wide range of things they can say. Women are so unpredictable. I do know one thing though. If they were mad yesterday, they are mad today. Still it's a carry over that they have. I know that about women, and they're going to forgive you for this, but they're not going to forget this. Um. You will be well documented this moment right here now, this misstep that you made yesterday is going to cost you. It will be the step that's gonna go in the wrong direction for you for several days. And then towards the week end, you have an opportunity to try to do something, but do not mention Valentine's Day. Just do something this weekend and say hey, I was thinking about you, but do not go this is for my mess up on Valentine's Day, because all you're gonna do is bring Valentine's Day right back on your ad. Don't do that. So just you know, and then you know, you know, just as the weeks go on, become a little bit more considerate, and then you know, if you can't arrange to have how overhear you say to one of your friends, Man, I can't believe how thoughtless I was on Valentine's Day. I really mess stuff, man, But I'm gonna make it up to my girl because she's the girl in my dreams. You have to arrange that some kind the way through your means of technology to get your girl over here there, Yes, Tommy, Yeah, well don't them flowers just cheaper than da though on the reel. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, I mean get all them left over rosing. Yeah, let's get there. And that's reason why they cheaper, and reason why they left over because they ain't gonna have the same effect. That's the full price ones was. That's why they have price said less. They ain't gonna meet until you can buy them if you want to, your dumb ass gonna get yourself all right, thank you for that sound advice. Steve, coming up thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show off with you heard him right there, nephew with run that with the run that frank back right after this you're listening show all right, guys, time to start off your morning with run that frank back with the nephew. What you got, nev. This is a sleeping security God, Charlotte, that's what it is. Sleeping security God. Watch me work security booth man, help you? Hey, uh uh this circus, this stuff I can barely hear is this is this a security booth down by the by the gate. Yea, sir, this security booth. Yeah, listen, man, it's some people, uh next dough to me. They they keep I'm hearing a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on, but I ain't you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know I'm hearing this lady scream or something. Man, But I I just okay, sir, you can give us the unit number that you're in. We could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, um Hello, yeah, sir, okay, yeah, uh, I gotta I gotta sleep in this auto. Man, So I'm okay, honest. People next door to me, man, and they was, I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just didn't. I ain't want nobody to, you know, start shooting or nothing, because I know they was arguing pretty pretty heavily then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting because I heard something. I understand, Sir. Sorry, what what unit are you in? Hello? Sir? Are you there? Hello? Hello? Hello? Yes, I'm here. Are you okay? You're security guy? Right? Yes, sir, you called us about ten minutes ago, and we've been trying to find out what unit you're in. Well, yeah, man, these people up here, man, they arguing, and I'll be I'm hearing more people over that night and they're fighting. Man, I know I hear too God be too mean and they're fighting. This lady over screen, I hate you, But tell me unit the unit, sir, kids over that to it, sir. We need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, hello, sir, Hello, hello, hello sir. Huh hey, hey, look I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. Could you please give me your unit number? Sir arguing? Man, I know you. Yes, you have said that they are arguing. I heard you when you said that they were arguing. Sir, just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number. You hear the no it's coming from. We could have somebody to come over there and check that out immediately. So what the unit number are you in? Again? Sir? Do you do? You do? You do? You hear them? Argent? See let me put on her snore. I need the unit number. Let me listen I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear, yes, sir, But I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just there on the conversation. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, are you there? Yoh yeah? Oh ay man, you checked on the people, No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the unit number from you. Sir, dude sleep every time he gets rid of tell me something, fall sleep? Cle you got to see it, keeps falling to sleep. Hey, man, come in, dude, this guy following a sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of him to keep falling asleep. Hello, sir, Love, Sir, Sir, hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. Keeps falling asleep. Every time I asked him something, he falls asleep. He keeps telling me that over that fight. But I don't then he won't tell me to you, I don't suck. I don't know to you, what would you wake him to sleep? Hey, I got a guy on the phone that he says that they get me here some screaming over his hyest unit, but keeps fallowing asleep. I don't can't get him on. Get him to tell me what's the unit number? Hey, dude, come in listen to this. Listen Hello, I'm gonna need you to wake up, sir. Okay, sir, could you please give me the unity? I gotta ask you something. How come, y'all all, y'all do just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door and stand of helping people that need help like you want us together? The number? You shut your housing at me. You need to do your damn job. You rent a cop. I'm a read a cop. I'm a rend the cop fall asleep. Would you just give me the you didn't number? Please? I give you the number new yo, the number? You're ready for? The unit number? Are you? Are you listening to me? Yes? Listening to you, sir. Death is a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got crank by yr co worker. Y'all crazy, y'all, ah, this is not funny, man, This is not funny. Y'all. Got me out here walking around this complex looking for people's hill is scramiting. You're sleeping every second. Put it off. Okay, let me let me ask you something man. What is what is the baddest radio show in the Landing Show. When you're looking for stupid, come high Land. I'm right here all day, every day, baby, when you're looking for stupid, high Landing. Okay, Baltimore, Maryland. You next, you already know what's up. You're about to sell me out. Die now Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Stupid is on the way. I'm sorry, go here, all right? Think enough? Coming up next, ask the CLO with chief Answer Steve Harvey in the building ready for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and trending entertainment news. Well, Drake won a million dollars on a Super Bowl bet and still trending. People are buzzing about the epic, epic Super Bowl halftime show. And we'll find out how the crews of Valentine's Day was. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time or ask the CLO. All right, here we go, CLLO. Milicent in Lithonia says, I let my younger sister stay with me for two weeks, and she's been here for two months. She started buying her own food, and she's given me cash every week. I want her gone, but she's in the way. Because she's in the way of my dating life. I don't want her or any woman around my man. Should I, I don't know, be the exception. Should I make my sister the exception in this? Should she be an exception? I mean that's up to you. You know, you single. It's blocking your dating life. That's on you. You had a two week arrangement that didn't turn into a two month arrangement. I don't know what to tell you. You You know, if your sister she trying to hold up her home, but I think you just got a kidded to the reason why she had to stay with you in the first place. And then if you don't have a hard kick out, treat her like you're not a relic. You go ahead and do that. See how that lay on your conscience with your little dating life. Put your damn sister out. She's trying to help her sheet, your younger sister. She obviously fell on some type of hard time or hardship. You took an inn for two weeks, she needed longer. She buying groceries and stuff, and now you want her gone because it's blocking your dating life. Well, put out there. How that sounds. Now, go ahead and put her out. Tell her you don't need her grocery money. They're gonna tell her gone and going down to the shelf to stay down. Now, go ahead and tell her that. Tell your sister that come on cold, you're going straight to hale. Yeah, take care of your babysits all right. Charlotte and Huntsville says, I've been dating a man for four years and he is the love of my life, but I cheat on him from time to time. My bestie holds all my secrets and she lies for me all the time. Recently she told me that I'm taking a good man for granted, and she's not lying for me anymore. Why did her loyalty shift? Does she want him? Why did her loyalty shift? Because you don't have none? I mean, I don't understand how people expect stuff from other people that they're not willing to give themselves. I just don't understand how you think her loyalty has shifted. When you exhibit none to the love of your life, you cheat on him occasionally, that's just from time to time, and your girlfriend saying, hey, you're just letting a good man throwing a good what you're doing? So now the real question is why has her loyalty shifted? The real question is why don't you have any And you want people to be loyal to you, but you're not going to be loyal to some people. Well when other people say that what she's saying to herself, if you do that to him, you'll do it to me. Yeah, there you go. So I really can't help. I don't know why I ain't shifted. You just getting who shift? I know, I know I could have easily said the other one. It could have worked interchangeable in this situation with your shifty self all right, moving that other word would have fit right in there too. Thank God for sound of likes calling so nervous, get your face out your head, baby. Moving on to Ginger and Edgewater, Ginger says, I'm a fifty seven year old divorced woman and I'm dating a man I met online. In the beginning, he'd send me photos of his bulging underwear and I thought it was disgusting, but I did not tell him. We finally had sex and it was not like the pictures. He sent me. Why would he send pictures of another man's bulge? Well, no, it was his. It was just close up, you know, yes, it was just a close up, right up right. It was a it was a right up on yourself selfie. You know, you know that right there? All all. He could have took it by his rear view mirror on his car, because clearly that signs say I'm just see in this mirror feel larger than they really are, you know, anything like that. But he what he sent you was a close up. It's called aspirational photo. That's all that is. Ginger, ginger, all right. Moving on to Honey in Arkansas, and he says, I'm twenty We're doing a lot of kitchen flavors today. I see, Uh yeah, Ginger, Honey, un go ahead, all right. I'm twenty nine and I'm dating a man at a six years older, and we lived together. He just started talking in his sleep when he's had too much to drink, and it freaks me out. It's all gibberish, but it's scary to me. I asked him to seek help, but he won't, so I sleep on the couch. He said, I'm being unreasonable. What do you think I'm talking to him? Who are you talking to It's a lot lie can happen with people that talk and they sleep, but it's gibberish. So you don't know. I don't know how to get help for that. Stop drinking. That's one. When he drinks, he talking himself. He could stop drinking and fix all of this. Uh, I don't. I don't really have an answer for you. You know, if it bothers you that much, you know, get him to stop drinking and then we the propertly. It only happens when he drinks, So get him to stop drinking before he go to bed. Yeah you know, y'all twenty nine and thirty five years old, twenty thirty, thirty four years old and twenty nine. I mean, come on, quit drinking for you go to bed? Talking back to him? You're you're working out, You pig out what he's saying on the nord? What the getting on? No? Back on? Lord? I understand you mout one time, one time? What them all the time? Going over there and helped me to myself and oh didn't fade. Don't need to sleep, he heared though she scared up. You're scaring me, honey, I'm no, no, no, I'm a hummed. You don't know what's going on? Is chanting? What with the rue due queen? What's going on? That was like a bird beak with two chicken feet in the Stewart put him down. Boil your draws? And who draws my baby? Draw baby? You don't understand that? Gibbers are you scared too? I don't touch my breast. I'm out, I'm on the couch. All right, thank you, c Hello, the gibbering cello ladies and gentlemen coming up at the top of the hour will have some entertainment news for you. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and entertainment news still trending. Super Bowl fifty six is halftime show, of course, Doctor Dre Snoop, married Ja, Kendrick Lamar fifty cent and eminem uh And wait, did you guys know that the Cincinnati Bagels place kicker Evan McPherson didn't even go into the locker room for halftime time in the show. That's when you know it's really, really, really good. Anyway, Social media is still exploding to reactions to some of the biggest moments Eminem took a knee as a nod to Colin Kaepernick, you know, his NFL protest, of course, even though the NFL asked Eminem not to do that. However, some media outlets are reporting that the NFL said that it is false and they did not try to stop Eminem from taking a knee. Also, that was a ruler. Yeah, I didn't even know. I didn't know that's what it was. I didn't know. That's why I did it. Yeah, yeah, because it just looked like the end of the performance, like, yeah, I thought it was bowed down to doctor Drake. Yeah, I mean, I say, you think you think Sugar Knight like to half Tang. I'm sure he watched it from well now that Snoop owns definitely. Yeah, I'm sure he's upset about the last He was cool with it though. But anyway, moving on now, these memes are all over the internet and they will not stop regarding fifty cents in the Club surprise performance. Uh, they're killing your boy. What they're saying about wells mainly about you know, his side, his girth. Um. Yeah, they're saying that you know that, you know, that's wealth, that's all. That's just money. That's TV shows on stars. Girls. Anyway, the dancers, Let's show some love to the dancers that were on the field. They did an outstanding job as well. I mean they really killed it. Shout out to those curvy cheerleaders. They were on fire. That's right girls, girl, you know I want I want to say to the bros. I was on the text feed with my Dirty Dozen boys. I can tell they was old cars. The dudes that had on the khakish, Yeah, out there on the field. This was his. One of my friends comments was man as they had they dancing in prison outfits. I said, Jesus up in La. You don't know none actually a fashion statement in La about that. He he was mad because he thought they was dancing in prison outfits. I said, he's in Converse. Yeah it was. The gear was their gear. And a special shout out to Kendrick Lamar, who, oh my god right there. Yeah he is, Yeah, he is theatrical man. Really really good, really good good. I loved his dancers. I love that formation. I everything about it. Man, he was. I loved all the black dudes with the blonde head they had to look stup. Yeah, it was really really good. Mary Snoop. It was all incredible. There's also a viral video of Snoop smoking before he got on stage. Is anybody surprised? Why is that viral? Every day? That's how you go to work. Yeah, they did their thing, They really really did. So congratulations again. I can't stop watching it. I just can't stop. I go over over and over. I love Mary's Crystal Leahtard with those boots I got. I went back and looked at that Leah Tard, that that that ship. Crystal. Yeah, don't want me get you one of them, y'all want one of them. Ain't gonna be the same one she had. It ain't gonna be what kind of stones? What? What are you gonna glass? I'm gonna get it from the ale in La just broke it. Pizzas of glass. We just gonna cut youaself with. Don't forgive me, don't slow lord, don't sit down, no where, don't sit down, and don't lean up against nothing. Mery shout out it was nice. Good have don't so shout out to Jay Z. His company Rock Nation produced that epic, epic, epic Super Bowl halftime show. Jay of course, was at the game on the field with his daughter Blue Ivy in full daddy mode taking selfies pictures of them. That that was really cute. I thought that was cute. Beyonce was chilling in the sweet at the game. Queen she was, she was, but she did all the work she made Blue. So you go down there, daddy, take them down pictures I produced. I produced the babies, going down and entertain them. You ain't did nothing, that's right, But Steve, you you can kind of probably see both sides of where jay Z is coming from because he's not only a performer but a businessman as well. And so are you. Oh no, the dude, he cold man, He cold with it. Jay Z cold with it. Man. Remember when everybody was dogging from meeting with the NFL. See, people don't understand. Man. You have to the big picture. Yeah, you have to sit with the enemy. It's the only way you have peace. Kings meet with kings. You have to sit with the enemy to have peace. If two countries is at war, the only way to stop waring is you got to go over there and sit with the enemy, and they got to come over here and sit with their enemy. If the enemies don't ever meet, the war continues, That's that's common sense. But people get why he over there talking to the NFL Klinkberney. We protest why whoa? Because after this we still have to continue. They still gonna have Super Bowls. He's still gonna have Super Bowls after this, and we're still gonna have black players in the NFL after this. We have to talk to these owners. Congratulations James, all right, thank you Steve for that. That's good information, good knowledge to have. Well, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening morning. Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Today is Single Awareness Day. Um so, I mean, let's check in with the crew. Steve, you're the romantic one on the show. You're the romantic one on the show. I ain't the romantic one on the show. This is single check in for a single day. That's Monica and Kim Howe. Please, y'all know, y'all know I'm player. You know what I did fires us? Well, I took my girl out to dinner, which I don't do that much of. I took her out to dinner. I rented out of space for dinner. I had the space decorated like flowers, flowers, you know, things of that nature. I had menus preset and because I know what she likes. Yeah, so I had a presetiment you and everything. And I had a private room just me and her. It's a nice size room, decorated. You know. I had a special surprises throughout the night for her. You know, no, no, no physical gifts or anything, you know, just mostly all thoughtfulness last night, you know, just you know, you don't playing stuff that you know requires thoughts, you know, notes and stuff laying around, you know, you know the planing, flowers and certain arrangements that mean certain things. You know, you know, little little music in the background. You know her favorite wine and you know you know Sessakia, you know, stuff like that. You know, and then I know how to you know, you know, I had my little drink. You know, there wasn't really nothing gone on. I don't drink for effect. That's for damn show. I'm proud to say I've never been drunk a day in my life, and that for hour. Hold true to that un till I leave this world, because I see no purpose in getting drunk. Yeah, you know, yeah, I don't understand. I know somebody was in somebody's house the other day and laid down, and he went in that she had threw up all over his house, all over his bead sheets and everyone. Wow. Yeah, oh no, he couldn't make it to No, you can't do that over someone else's home, all over the float bare, clean this up. Now, she wasn't in shape, Tommy, she couldn't. Yeah. Now, you definitely can't do that over anyone else's house. You can't come back ever, you're done. You can't ever drink over here, that's sure. No, you ain't coming back, all right, coming up, thank you? Coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour. Have you guys seen the video of the viral video of the sister not knowing how to play spade and her family put her out of her grandmother's house right after this. You're listening, there's a hilarious video going around. It's gone viral. Now. This woman is a sister, as you'll be able to tell, is venting because she didn't know how to play spades, and because of that, her family pushed her out of her own grandmother's house. Take a listen, listen if you that's serious about the spade game. Don't ask me to play now. I just got kicked out of my grandma house, my own grandma house at family game night because I didn't know I had of that. Listen, I need y'all to understand. Everybody don't know how to play that. We'll even invent at the game space. They don't even play that at the scene. No, that's not even a real game. I want to uncusin me now because I, first of all, what is even the word reneed? Like, where did that even come from? That sounds racist to me. I love must rene. She goes on in the video to explain the play she made. Oh boy, yeah boy, it was long. It was a long run. I was holly laughing. I saw that to us, I said, this creating. You're gonna uncousin me, cousin everybody gonna know how to play? No, damn space. And it ain't a real game. It ain't even after casino facts. Facts that don't matter though, facts, no dog facts. All the real hard card games is at the casino. Man. That was funny to me. Man I holly lady, when you renegue, the whole family is looking at you. Everybody. Yeah, you gotta go. You gotta go. You gotta get up first. You got your butt out in the yard somewhere. Man, you can't play. They need to partner her. I'm her because you know I can't focus that art. And you don't need to sit down that end. Don't sit down there because look at my face looking at you. Don't play with me when when it comes to car space here at all I love well, I've seen you and Tommy play space and Steve my lord and Marjorie, Marjorie has been my partner, Steve's wife space. Don't sit down over here with me because this even so serious and you can play everything, yes, if it's car Yeah yeah, real, Cary, Now you know we love I love you too, though Steve damn don't know. But it ain't know, you know. And people play it different, like like if you lay down a draw too and you next if you got a draw too, you could put that draw too on top of that person, on top of that and it go to the next person. I went, no, you got to draw too, and you lose your turn. Yeah see you can draw too and still play. I'll be going, what right If somebody put a draw two on you, you got to draw too and lose your turn. The next person play the table over. So I'm with my family. Laurdan said Uno. She next Lurida said Uno. So when it comes around to me the color green, I put a green, draw two down. Okay, that's a play. Okay, she got a draw too. Yellow was her last play. She laid it on top of that and she win. Say why and she gotta draw too. She gotta draw last card down. That's what she's talking about. No, I get a play, dad, and then go to the next person. But then she says, you know out and then what making up rules? Black people be making up rules when it comes to spades almost they. I can't stand all that switch dealing, when they're doing spades and turning over cards and all this here, Hey, this deal to damn card. That's a big joke of legion. They don't nobody won't meet a deal. Daddy, you cheat, okay, black cards. I didn't know that good with cards though, you know that could cards fifty two cards, you're going to loose. We used to play cards every morning. We got a card trick, Junior. I'm not fitling do none of this with shit, not feeling. Let's not fifty two cars. You gotta be kid, all right? Coming up next the nephew and the prank phone call right after you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, and the subject is keeping it in the family. Get into that to myself. We might need a little disclaimer on this letter as well, um, because it's hot, all right. Keeping it in the family is a title, that's the subject. We'll get into that. But right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? And never it is feb jehavior. It is Febjavi, which is Black History Month, So a Black History of Month prank call for you, like a hidg Hello, Hello, I'm trying to raise James. James please speaking, Hey James, how are you doing? This is um ad So I'm calling from the from the job. How are you tonight? I'm doing good? How are you? I'm very good, very good? Giving you a call. I'm actually the regional manager over the over your department. Okay, everything's all right now. So they suddenly I just want to make sure I'm still coming to work tomorrow. Oh, you're definitely definitely nothing like that. You're definitely come to work. Now. Who's your manager over at your office? Is it Brett Rich? Right? Okay, Well, here's what we're doing, man. We're calling everybody in the company first of all today, but more importantly, we're definitely making contact with every African American in the company. And I'm letting you know that we're paying homage and much respect to Black History Month. Outstanding. That's something that we want to definitely let you guys know that's important to us. I think that is outstanding. How can I help? Well, listen, we've got some things that we want to do for tomorrow and that's the reason why you're getting a call today. Are you up for helping us, you know, really really push Black History Month within the company? Chat? I'm a team player. Whatever it takes, let's get it done. Okay, good deal, Good deal. I tell you what. Here's what we're gonna do. We got a lot of people that we've given a call to, and everybody's gonna play different roles tomorrow at the office. So we wanted to give you a call. Do you mind if you're if you're really the team player that we think you are, and I think you you've already made mention that you you don't mind doing what it takes. I don't. You're on the right track. Okay, good deal. Here's what we're asking man. We would we would like for you tomorrow to actually if you could find these type of articles tonight, but if you could wear a burlap shirt, some cutoff pants, and no shoes tomorrow, that would really really help us out on a team that we're trying to get going for tomorrow. Well, we chat. I think I hurt you, but I'm not sure. Can you please repeat that one more terms? Leave. We want you to wear a burlap shirt, some cutoff pants, and just don't wear any shoes at all. That's the that's the attire that we would like for you to come into the office with tomorrow. Brother. Yeah, yeah, and we're gonna give it to come man. Everyone's excited about it, and we would like for you to come in tomorrow. Uh. Like I said, we're chat chat, let me let me, let me let me give you I mean, since we're gonna celebrate black sih and let me give you one fact the year sixteen nineteen was the first African American slaves arrived in Virginia. Today's Sun there's twenty. Do you think I like that you? I'm sorry I didn't. I didn't. I didn't exactly hear what you said at the beginning? What did you say? We have been over with? Ain't no where in hell happen to come into the office here? Why as some clue your mind? What's wrong with you? Why you ask me to put on a baseball too? Can come in as Jack and Robinson? Why don't ask there put on two piece suit to come in as hear it? Holder? What the hell is wrong with y'all? Well, what we want to do here? And I don't want you to get upset about this, James. What we want to do is you asking me to do to be a slave? Well you know what I will doing here, But I mean we don't come up there. I will come up there in h tend to be here and movie on your That's what I will do and show you some real black power path to movement on your Would you like that? Sir? Sir? What we want to listen, We're not here to create problems. What we want to do is we want to we want to pay will go home with a problem on the Sunday to dress as a slate. That's a problem. That's a big problem. Okay, okay, sir. If we're gonna pay homage to black history, don't you think that all of that is a part of black history? Highlight the positive, man, highlight the positive. You're paying me the day to work for you. This ain't no slave free labor. Do you understand that? No? I completely understand it. But what if we don't have where where it started from? You know, we have to have we have to have all every single area of black history. Don't you think we have to have the beginning, the middle, and the ending. Okay, well you want to highlight something them to be Frederick Dustin, Let me slick my hat back. But see the problem you got with him or his far I was a white man. See y'all like looking at our women, But y'all don't like uplifting the black man. So how about I do that? Let me be Frederick Zellers. That's how I like that? Fast. How about you, Chad, you like black women? I'm here answer the question. I like all all like all people, sir, what I'm trying to do is get a great, great environment within the company, and everyone wants is not a great environments. Now, the majority of the of the Caucasian people are gonna be masters tomorrow. Okay, what did you say masters? Did you gonna say masters? Yes, most of them are going to be masters tomorrow. I'm being there with my attorney to master EOC lawsuit on your How about that, sir? Do you have a problem with us trying to trying to uplift the black community to have a problem with that? Man? You ain't uplifting saying you know what I'm gonna do. I'm coming in the mars Barack Obama. But see you don't like to do you? Yeah, we're running around. He want to get somebody to come in to be a play You did master, Master this? Master me coming in as a black man like I've been coming into working like I'm gonna forever coming into work. We're a major farm of company and you calling me on a Sunday. What's like this? Are you watch you? Sir? Sir? What we're trying to do is uplift the black community. That we're trying to do. Saint calling by slavery lift. Can't kiss my black that's what you do, sir. I'm trying to what we're trying to do is play a homage to black history, and here you are being negative about the chire entire situation of what we're trying to do. Being negative. I'm being like, man, you I'm coming in as Barack Obama to mar like I said, and I'm like, hey, I'm like, choose on my feet? Can you uplift that? Sir? There's there's one more thing I need to say to you. Okay, there's one more more. What's more? Mind? I'm sorry you just saying all you had to say? What's your name again, Chad, Sir, Chad Billingsley? What here you got to say? Chad? All I want to say to you as this sir is I am nephew Tomment from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And you just got a planked by your co worker, Kevin. Had to be so kind of joke because y'all playing on a Sunday. Man, I'm gonna kill mar I word about my job. I was getting ready to come to the mark and whoop every white board I talk looked like a mouth and don't let me see a brother dressed like a flame. I was on whop him. Oh man, hey man, I gotta ask you. Man, you got to tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio station in the land. Man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show History. I love him? Right. I just want to burn out. No shoes, cut off shots, That's all I want. Get on in here community like we're gonna have some masters. I don't think I heard you right? Can you repeat what you said to me? Because he wanted to make sure after he got clarity. Only though once he got clarification, the prank was in full blast. Yes we go any white person looked like a master. And if I see a black person with some bird lapp about your black ants, yeah, I'm gonna beat your mind boy master. This okay right here? Well you didn't ask you put this burd lapp only come in him? Oh my god, we're gonna be just this stupid Times twenty This weekend Baltimore, Manly at the Baltimore Comedy Factor. That's Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night one on Thursday, two, Friday two, Saturday. Tickets going fast and Nephew is moving about the country. Stoopid is rolland so didn't that call a tale? Yeah yeah, to start saying you're gonna have fun, You're not gonna be stupid. Demand it ain't so no tickets to nothing, King Solomon, All right, thank you, nev. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject keeping It in the Family. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letters Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, pop hoop, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, and you never know it could be yours. You just never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here it is Strawberry Letter. First of all, nephew, let's thank you. Let's do it. Little disclaimer if you have young kids with you right now, you don't want them to hear this letter. Good being all right, all right, subject keeping It in the Family. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty two year old single female, and I had been celibate for three years until recently. I don't go out much, so the only men I see are at my job. One day, I needed help with my car, so I asked an older male coworker for his health. He came over to look at my tire and he brushed against my breast and I looked and looked at me. Our eyes locked, and I could tell he was interested. So I asked him to come by and take a look at my washing machine. He came over, and of course we have sex. He's average sized, but he's into a lot of kinky stuff, so he let me experiment on him. Then, right after Christmas, he told me he needed some time to take care of a few personal matters and he stopped calling me. The main reason I became celibate is because I'm a nymphamaniac, and once I get good sex, I wanted all the time. But he can't deliver because my messy co worker said his wife suspected he was cheating and threatened to leave him. I kept my mouth and legs close to him after that and set my sights on a new guy that works at the lunch counter downstairs. The new guy is my age and he loves to flirt, so I asked him to go to the movies. We fooled around in the movies and his package was too tiny to please me, so I faked it until it was over. The very next day, I saw my married lover talking to him at the lunch counter. I steered clear of both of them. My messy co worker sat down and started gossiping about how the man's son just got out of jail, so he got him a job downstairs. As fate would have it, I slept with the jailbird and his daddy. It's only a matter of time before my messy coworker finds out all of my dirt. Should I get a new job or just deny, deny, deny everything? Please help? WHOA Okay, wait a minute, what all right? I'm a little confused. It's a lot going on in this letter. So, okay, you were celibate for three years because you're an iniphomaniac or a female addict to sex. Not for any reasons. Were you an inphomaniac or anything like that, not for any religious reasons, just because you say once you get good sex, you want it all the time the man from work that you had sex with just brushed against your chest and looked at you. And after three years of being shut all the way down, it was on or as you said, he came over and of course you had sex. Really so he was married and didn't measure up, So you moved on to another guy at work. He has a son that you also slept with. You say, again, as fate would have it. By the way, fate had nothing, nothing, nothing to do with this. Okay you did. He didn't measure up either, But the bottom line here is you don't want them to find out about each other. And one of your gossiping coworkers is just hot on your trail to spill it all. She's gonna spill all the tea. So you're asking, should you get another job? Sure, if you can get another job, but won't you do the same thing at the new job. Okay, once you go around and sleep with all you know? Come on, this is a pattern with you right now. Why don't you fix your sex addiction issue. I think that's what you should focus on, getting therapy, getting some help, do the work to get to a better place with yourself in the meantime, steer clear like you're doing from all these people at work, Okay, all of them, because they all know Steve Well, I don't know where to go with this letter except to just well, I just got to do it my way, I guess. So here we go. This thirty two year old single female that's been celibate for three years into recently. She said, she don't go out much and the only man, she said a job. She said. One day she needed help with her car, so she asked this older coworker. So he came outside, looked at her tire, and then brushed against her breast and looked at me. Now, listen to me. These are the two things that need to occur for a successful date with this woman. Brushia gives her breast, and then look at her. That combination right there, it's about to be only cracking, she said. Our eyes locked, and I could tell he was interested. Now here's a key line that I want you to pay attention to. This how I read letters. So I asked him to come by and take a look at my washing machine. What is she referring to as her washing machine? I know that men sometimes name their private parts, but this is the first time I've actually heard a woman name hers and referred to it as the washing machine. I would be scared of that right there, because I'm not finna get over here and get put on this damn stince like and then you trump to drive me. That's not what I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna go because this sounds like a wild evening right here. Come on over here and take a look at my washing machine. I'm very scared right here, because why would you put yourself in the washing machines? Have you ever done that before? You already know your answers in trouble, you know. Come over here and get in this washing machine. No, hold on, hold on, we'll have part two dry he coming up. Steve had twenty three minutes after the hour, subject up today's strawberry letter, keeping it in the Family. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letters, subjects keeping It in the Family. We had a disclaimer with this one. If you're around small kids, you don't want them to hear this one. So this thirty two year old lady had this old man come out to the car and fix her car, and he brushed against her breast and looked at at it, and that was it. She knew he was interested. Invited over to the house to take a look at her washing machine, which we discovered was a new name for body parts. Because me and name bted cars him, she called herself the washing machine. He came over and us we had sex because he's gonna show me the washing machine. I'm gonna want to use the washing machine. That's just how I am. You know, I know how to work a washing machine. I just don't want to get worked by the washing machine. That's why I probably would have went home at this point. But he old and thought he tried, and he's average size, but he's into a lot of kinky stuff. So he let me experiment on him. See I don't I don't know what that means right there. But anybody got a washing machine, I'm not gonna you can't experiment on me. What is you fit to do with me in the washing machine? So I would be scared right here. Then right after Christmas, he told me he needed some time to take care of a few personal matters and he stopped calling me. Yeah, it's Christmas, his family time. So he's married. He got to go take care of his family. The main reason I became celibate is because I'm a nymphomaniac and once I get good sex, I want it all the time. Now, what you know you just thought after all this, you throw this information in. If you put this at the top of the letter, we could have read it different. That's why you got a washing machine. Because washing machine got several buttons on. One of them is heavy loads. So if your washing machine can handle heavy loads, then that would explain the nemphomaniac. Car I got it, but he can't deliver. Now listen to this. Because my messy co worker said his wife's suspected he was cheating and threatened to leave him. I kept my mouth and legs closed to him after that, and I set my sights on the new guy that worked after lunch counter downstairs. What lady, you throw a lot of information out, So now this is because of the messy co worker. Then my messy co worker, how did you see How does the messy coworker know that you're seeing him? How? How does the messy coworker know that his wife is talking about leaving him. How who told her this? Hello, So shut your eyes on this guy downstairs, the new guys, your agent. He loves to flirt, so I ask him to go to the movies. You need to quit talking to me in because if they fix your car or go to a movie, the washing machine is open. That washing machine got to start working. Now you're in the movie. And we fooled around in the movies and his package was too tiny to please me. And I'm just gonna say this right here, since ain't the kids listening, it's really really hard to be all you can be at the movie. Yeah, it's other people around. You know, you ain't gonna get maximum performance out of nobody at the movie. Now. I e've been to moving a long time. I heard they got seats that rumbling all this hell, But you know it's still it's just a movie seat, you know, rumbling and shaking and stuff like that. You know, Okay for sounding all like that. Anyway, The very next day I saw my married lover talking to him at the lunch counter. I still clear both of them. Here we go. My messy co workers sat down and started gossiping about how the man's son just got out of jail, so he got him a job downstairs. As fate would have it, I have slept with the jail bird and his daddy. You know why fate would have it, because you end up sleeping with any man you talked to. That's why it's only amount of time before my messy co worker finds out all my dirt. Should I get a new job? Just deny, deny, deny everything. Please help you know you keep blaming everything on the messy co worker. You theilfomania. See you, like Shirley said, you gotta get you gotta get help with your problem because you're ilfomaniac. If you weren't in ilformania, your messy co worker would have nothing to be messy about. But you're sleeping with the daddy and the sun. You didn't You didn't talk to nobody. You didn't find out their background. You know somewhere in the discussion. But you ain't spending no time. You didn't even know the man had a son that was in jail, and you didn't know that the boy that was in jail had a daddy that work up stairs. Because you don't spend no time talking. You just starts to washing clothes. Yes, you need to have some instructions at your laundry, Matt. You need to get you a sheet of paper with about thirty questions on it that can generate stuff called conversation, that can get stuff called feedback, that can give you stuff like information that can help you make a decision on who you're gonna nil fo Maniac with because you're just acting and so the real problem is you the nil from maniac now. But you know you need to do it. You can do whatever you want to do with whoever you want to, but you gotta start taking responsibility for your actions. The fact that's trud to Neil from Maniac is your whole problem that you have. That's all right, letter, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand as well. Coming up with forty six minutes after the hour, Court's talk without Junior coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior is here with sports talk. What you got Junior? All right, Shirley, A couple of things you're gonna go over this morning, Kylin Murray man down at Arizona, which is gonna be the site of the next Super Bowl for just seven, gonna be in Scotts Still, Arizona at the Cardinal Stadium. But Colin Murray has erased all signs off his social media that he is associated with the Arizona Cardinal. Yeah, he took he took all of it off off of Instagram. Yeah, he's saying. The reason is he feels like he's the scapegoat for the reason why the Cardinals failed to make it to the Super Bowl, and he feels like the team is blaming him. So now the team says, well, college is a little self centered, and that the fact that he has to find a better way of dealing with that verse, that's what they feel like. This is his problem. So he's on twenty four and this is his contract year coming up. This is last year on his contract. So we don't know if he's gonna be the quarterback for the Arizona Cars coming in the future, but he will be that next year. But he's just saying right now, I don't want having to do with Arizona. That's what he's saying right now on his Instagram, come on up to Cleveland. We can use you. You probably tied all that hot ass weather to come on. Yeah. Also, did y'all see Tommy. Did y'all see Kanye weston ab Antonio Brown at the Super Bowl? Yes? Yea, yeah? Well you know what, they got a company? Now, they just started a company. Okay, uh a b will be the president of Donda Sports Initiative for Kanye West clothing line. So he's gonna do the athletic wear. Now. I don't know how good this slavery athletic Well, I don't know what look like, Tommy, I have no idea. I just think that's that's a crazy combination. If he don't have masks because athletes came a. Yeah, I don't. I don't know what the clothes life like slavery slavery coding line for athletes. But that's it. But they're gonna be the he's gonna be the president. It's called Donda's Sports Intiation. Look Out. It's coming to the athletes anywhere. Also, man, did y'all see that Adrian Peterson was arrested on Sunday? Yeah? Man, Adrian Peters man lax airport for for domestic violence. On the plane, they got into a verbal altercation him and his wife and he tried to snatch her wearing ring off. That's what he talking about. The domestic Violet came in. He got to a verbal art the sun answer and got the arrest. It didn't it, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but she's not pressing charges. So you know, Super Bowl Sunday, Man, they had to take the plane and turn it back to the gate. But he didn't make it to the game. No, They was on their way back to Houston, and they turned the plane around. It was so loud enough. Yeah, that's not a good time to agaye on the plane strapped in um no fo you take off or after you take off. Just the bad decision on both of their parts. That's not the time. Calm down you in public, man, calm down. It might be hard, but you gotta find a way to calm down. And the rain must cost a lot, The rain must really costs a lot. You want to go, all right, juniors talk, Thank you appreciate that. Coming up at the top of the hour, Steve's Winter Olympics report right after this, you're listening, the super fall is over and we all know the La Rams are the world champs, Yes they are. But guess what, guess what? Guess what? The Winter Olympics is still going on. And it is with this Winter Olympics report a man cutting my music up. Yeah, that's the sound I love to heal. Why because you only hid once every four years? You're hid in the wintertime and you hid in the summertime. Now, what makes the Winter Olympics different than the Summer Olympics ain't hardly, no damn black people in it. What it is is we end up having the white folk report on Winter Olympics now because it is still our country, even though they act like they don't want us here. Half the time, we find ourselves chin for Americans all the time. So let's just get it on. One of the great the snowboarders of all times, Sean White, made his last run in the Olympics. And what a galleont effort Sean White put on. I remember being on a late night show with him when he was fourteen years old. Red hair I set up that next to the show. I didn't know who he was then, but for that white boys showed showed out and made snowboard in his life. At Valiant as he tried them, Japanese snowboarders were warming their ass. There was no messing with them Japanese boys. And the boy from Australia showed up. He was sixteen years old. He had a great showing and Sean White ended up taking fourth and fell on his last run. It was an emotional run. I felt for him. But congratulations to Sean White for an amazing career as a snowboarder. Now moving on to snowboarding some more. Nick bomb Gardener, which is the oldest snowboarder in the damn world, forty years old, lost in his gold medal attempt, and then they kept him on the team and put him in the mixed doubles with the oldest white woman she thirty six, with the oldest white man. He fought it and I'll be damn them old ass white people wore the gold medal cross country. It was heart woman. It was really great to see Americans win that one. So congratulations the Americans is finally getting up in the medal count What else is going wrong in the Olympics? All right? Well, the U and Ninitied States men's curling team is trying to act like they're trying to do something. I'll let you know how to work out tomorrow, but I'll get another ass whipping in curling, for I have nothing to report in the biathlon and the cross country skiing because the ten thousand meters went to the Russian Olympic Committee, second place went to Norway and third place went to the Germans. Why we came ski for a long time as white folks. I don't know y'all always running cross country. Now y'all can't find nobody that can ski long nine nine nine nine, because when you come to doing hard work, you don't really want to do that, do you. So now now we can't with nobody to ask. In the long distance skiing, in the downhill skin, we had a white boy that was in first place and had three skills left, and all them out skied his ass so he ended up in four. Damn. I was sitting there, but I liked him though. That white boy skied his ass off. He had never placed hide in six ever before in any world competition, but he took a four Ladies and Gentlemen, the first black female to ever have a gold medal in the Winter Olympics. Aaron Jackson. The young girl wanted the five D. She killed it. Yes, she get asked by landslide, which proves you cannot introduce us to your sport. We're gonna make it hours too, probably gonna keep us out of that. Next year, here we go for Netta Flowers, the first black female bob slatter to win the medal. She won the medal in model slanting, which is a new event. Congratulations to her real quick. The white girl from Russia got banned because she's fifteen years old. She took a banned subject and she got banned from the Olympics. Well, he let her skate anyway and told her forgive it now, Shakira, you remember Chicago Richardson the black girl smoke weed, which can't help you do a damn thing. We got to come back to this report. I'll be back with more Olympic report because I still got mold. All right, you heard him. We'll be back with part two of Steve's Olympic report right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, part two of your Olympics report. What do you have your Winter Olympics Report? What do you have? Yeah, I'm going back. I got to reiterate because I was rushing trying to get the black information out because it's so little. We're only talking about two people. We are not doing well in long distance skiing and by athlon. By athalon, it's where you ski and shoot. It ain't an American doing a damn thing in that. I'm just over there pulling for people I don't even know. So hopefully one day we'll find somebody that know how to do that. But not right now. We were four minutes behind. Ladies and gentlemen, real quick. Aaron John Aaron Jackson again won first black female to five hundreds. But now the flowers. Now the white girl from Russia that got took out for a band subject because she fifteen years old, hasn't been allowed to skate? Why she white? What the hell else? Now? The black girl, Chicarie Richardson, you remember, was banned from the Olympics from smoking weed. We don't even help you perform, it slows your ass down. So now she was banned from the Olympics and now don't know she indefinite. But they let this white girl right rack in the same damn Olympics. Why because she's fifteen and she white. They don't do nothing to white teenagers in this world. Nothing. They shoot black teenagers, but they kill white teenagers chance at the chance as a chance. That's the one Olympic report. I'll be back with more white people in the snow if what we're doing on the all Olympic report. Rather at thirty three minutes after and that's right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time for a round of would you rather out the gate? You want to pick it blindly? Nine? That don't work out for I loved it, It hasn't for me. That's for him, all right. Would you rather work and you're cleaning up toxic waste or would you rather work as a mortician assistant? Yeah, I'm gonna clean up the toxic on Yeah you know really yeah, people, I'm going down that, damn you. I'm not in that waste. I'm not in that waste. I'm sorry. You know. Toxic was about toxics materials. They're not talking about life. Sugar, honey, I iced tea, not that. Because I have toxic waste myself, you're familiar with it. I'm good for me with that I'm accustomed to that. I deal with toxic waste time. I'm not gonna win there. I know I'm not gonna here, well mine toxic. Yeah, so I'm not even gonna I'm not. That's not a fear of mine. I'm just been arresting the mortician though. Right now, I'm not just cutting, vacuuming and out nobody, sucking out no guts. I'm nothing to do nothing now, I'm doing that. Now, I'm just gonna throw your ass shut, putting your stick on your man clothes or nothing. No, same, the same outfit he died in. I'm gonna be the worst mortician. I'm not doing all that. He looks he looks so swollen. Yeah, how the body man, Yeah, he looks decomposed. Yeah, that's how they boughty man in his hand. That's how they bought all this mud under his thing and nails. That's how they bought him in that he was, eyes was open when they bought him in. We're not doing all that. I'm not in funeral looking at us, none of that, y'all closed casket. I told you the same which he was eating ing, go eat his head. You're crazy, all right? How I bought him that sweatshirt and thank you. Be grateful one more. We can get to it quickly. Would you rather get struck by lightning or picked up by a tornado? We know what your answer is, coming struck by lightning or picked up by a tornado? Oh, how farest tornado taking me? Yeah, yeah, I don't know what that's gonna be. But I'll tell you what. When you get hit by that lightning, you usually don't be right when you come to All right, I'll send today's round. I would you rather coming up next? Our last break of the day and Steve far closing remarks at forty nine minute after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Say Morning show. Okay, last break of the day on this Tuesday. And Steve, before we went to break, we were talking about would you rather than I asked you, would you rather uh work cleaning up toxic waste or as a mortician's assistant. And yeah, I'm gonna pick the toxic waste because I'm not gonna make a good mortician because I'm telling you I don't like I don't like working. I'm not gonna work well with bodies. And that's one of the biggest problems you know that people have when they lose love ones, it's sometimes the cost of the funeral. Now, if you're gonna force me into being a mortician, then I'm gonna be able to help pose families with the cost of the funeral because I have like an as is special package, like you know, like funerals cost four thousand and three thousand and eight thousand, all like that. Yeah, I just do as is for like seven fifty seven, seven hundred and fifty. And that's just as he is. So don't come in here asking no questions about it. You can ask after we get to the funeral. But this is as is. Yeah, Thomas, But why ain't nobody nobody cut his hat? What's going? What's up with that? That's he didn't come in here with a hair cut. See, that's what as is means. No, we're not we're not lining him up in all this hill for seven fifty that you're cutting into my profits now a hair cut now fifty seventy five dollars. You can't cut into my profit with a haircut. That's your as is price. Can you just at least close his eyes? No? No, no, no, he came in here with his eyes over. I think I think the fact that he was surprised he was dying, so to close his eyelids we would have to embalm him. And I just told you seven fifty is as is Now he was surprised he died that day. You need to know that. That's the look of shock. Yes, Carlin, what can you at least change his clothes? Man? No, No, we're not changed. We have some clothes at the house that we can bring and you can change. Well, if you bring them, we charge it. You charge. Can't change his clothes. Why can't pick his fat ass up for free? It's three fifty to put clothes on fat people got to tear my back out lifting him up trying to put a shirt on him. That's actually now you over into the eleven hundred dollars package if you want us to put clothes on it. Other than that, he catched the clothes that he came in here in the as is Christ we unzipped the body bag inside the casket. That's seven fifty. Oh, the bag is in the casket. That's your lining. That's your line. Now you ain't got being here, piz casket rental. No, we're gonna give you this this pine box. You've seen the Westerns gun smoke, the same box as we're using. Well, it looks like he's smiling. Can you at least fix his teeth? I mean that he that's that's how. That's how what happened. He was surprised. His eyes was over and he's gritting his teeth and bam right there. That's why I ain't got no teeth now. And then the other one. Y'all know he didn't have good teeth when he both brought him in here. We'll do diner work. We do not do them to work up in here. Ain't no visit line and all this here as he is. That's what we do at the budget funeral hall. Any more questions you need? Why does he have a gun? Why is it a glock in his right hand? Why I'm not prying fingers loose? Seven fifty? Okay, Rigor mortis set in his hand was gripping the gun. They brought him in here like that. That's that's the life he led you. And now I'm putting nice. I have cards and say live by the gun, die by the gun. I have stuff like that. Want me to lay that on his hand, but we're not ungripping his fingers off that gun. Okay, huh, can we do something about the smell? He kind of he kind of has a smell to him. Now for that, we have dealt with that. There's a canna for breeze by the casket, so as you come up, you can spray your area while you standing there with a candle for breeze and move on. It comes with the package. You have a candle for breeze sitting right there at the front. Open another casket. If you can't handle a smell, quick shot of for breeze. Don't do more than two back and forth, stone because we gotta have enough for everybody. It's this is the shot with the fred One forward, one back, Take a deep breath, quick look, move on, next person on the huh makeup? No, no man, not no, no, no, for as he is No, that's what morticians do for full price. We don't do that with the as he is price. No makeup. You know how he looked. What about the flowers? Flowers? Yeah, we listen. We don't dug the hole. We're gonna push the dirt on it and over time grass or grow over it, but that all no flowers in here for seven fifty. If you want any flowers, it's it's it's by OL. Bring your own flowers. You can lay them in the casket, cover his outfit up or anything you want, but it's by OL. Bring your own flowers. Thank God for real morticians. Yeah, thank you, trauma. I was just saying, who's doing the eulogy. The eulog Jesus all the same. The paperwork says you know who he will. This is how he ease. Thank you for coming. You're the worst funeral director. I'm I'm Steve Harvey. Ladies and Jim to join the show. If you were funded by that last bit, I really don't care. Y'all have a great day. Talk to God. He loved here from see you tomorrow. Bye. Shout out the funeral home directors. Yes for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.