Steve's New Deal, Happy Birthday Carla, La La, Conditional Million and more.

Published Oct 13, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Nailed it. Mr. Hightower got something to say to Miss Mobody. To us, she is Thee Program Director and the reason why we are still employed! "The End!" Happy Birthday Carla Ferrell. "Excuse me while we flex!" BIG Thank you to The Steve Harvey Nation. Would you be happy if you boss gave you $1 million or nah? Kyrie Irving is finding out just how serious this vaccination mandate really is. BMF star La La Anthony opened up about her divorce from Carmelo. Is COVID-19 changing your Turkey Day plans? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about being stuck a one particular spot.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them just like the million buck things in its cobs. Not true. Good to mother for Please don't join jo. You gotta turn you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your bad huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. What an amazing blessing. God has given me my health, my dreams, all of it. God gave it to me. I accept it. I work hard, but man on, man on, man, I work hard is something that He gave me a gift. And that's what I want to talk to you about today, because God has gifted everyone, so I can't help but believe it. You are gifted in some way something about you. It's special and unique. That doesn't mean you're the only one that can sing, or you're the only one that can write, Are you the only one that can draw, You're the only one that can decorate, or you're the only one that can network or you're the only one that that's not what it means. Or you have a great scientific mind, or you can things out, or you're good and problem solving. You're not the only one, but you are a unique individual. Nobody will travel the exact path that you own. Nobody will have everything happened in a series of circumstances in the order that you're going to have it happened to you. That's what I mean when I say that you are unique. But now because you are gifted, you know you have something you have to do. You know, there's a scripture. It's in Proverbs, Proverbs eighteen and sixteen. I've been trying to be a little bit better at that for you, you know. So when I have an idea and I know where it is, I have somebody looked the scripture up from it handed to me. So it's in Proverbs eighteen sixteen. And this is the layman's term of it. It says a man's gift make room for him and brings him before great men. It is your gift that will make room for you. Now my interpretation of this is this. Now I could be wrong. Please go to your local church, Synder God Temple, Moss. Whatever you do and go get clarification. But what my gift has done in making room for me is I've taken it almost in the literal sense. My gift has actually made room for me. It has cleared paths for me. My gift has opened up doors for me. That's what I take it as. It will make room for you. My gift has is broadened my ability to travel. My gift has opened my eyes to fashion. My gift has caused me to be able to provide for my family. My gift has caused me to be able to reach more people. That's what I'm saying in terms of it will make room for you. That it may be another interpretation. I'm just telling you how I took it, that it's worked out pretty good for me to that understanding. But I'm pretty sure Bishop Jake's, Joel Oldstein, Kenneth for Almah, you know, God, Glenn Staples, Bishop Glenn Stables, these guys give you much better understanding of it. I'm just giving it to you, you know where I know how sold you. I don't know. I just like to keep it right there. But and then it says that it brings you before great men. I mean, you know, it's gonna take you places. It's gonna take you places you never thought of going. You're gonna meet people because of your gift. I told my son, who two of them are good photographers, You'll be taking pictures of great men. And then I messed with him. You already taking pictures to say, your daddy, you know what, I'm messing with him like that. But that's just me and them just kicking it. But you know, but one day, who knows, you could be shooting the president. You know, you could be shooting some foreign dignitaries. You know, you could be shooting great sport events. You know, you never know where it could take you. But that's your gift. What you gotta do is you gotta get to move and though. See, you can't have your gift and not do nothing with it. See. You know what that reminds me of. It's something that my father used to say, get up off your butt because you're sitting on a gold mine. He say that all the time. Boy, get up off your butt and move it, because you're sitting on a gold mine. I never really quite got that when I was little, but now that I'm an adult, I got it full well. See, a lot of you are sitting You're sitting on a talent or a gift that you have. You're sitting on an ability. I don't care if it's making cakes or pies. That's a gift, man, that's a talent. I don't care. If it's the ability to do how that's a gift. Man. Half of you are gifted. A lot of us are gifted, and we're sitting on it, looking at other people wondering what can I do to make it? You already got something to make it with. If you would just get up off your behind, man, quits sitting on that gold mine. Some of you are tech savvy, just a whiz is when it comes to engineering and putting stuff together and cables and wires and computers and stuff. And now you steady looking around trying to figure out, Man, wonder what I can go do? How about you go do that? You know it ain't that hard, man, if you would just take note of what God has given you already. He has given you a gift already. He has already given you a talent. Now the fact that you ain't using it and you're sitting on your tail somewhere now who fathers what we're talking about? Well, what you're blaming God for that? Man? I tell you what. I sit around people all the time who are gifted, and I'm looking at their gifts, and they steady complaining about what they don't have, but will not get up off there behind and use the gifts that God gave them. And it's frustrating. It's gotta be frustrating for you if you're doing it, because it's frustrating for me when I see it. So when these people come to me and ask me for help, I just keep going the same thing over and over. Help yourself, man, do for you use your gift. It's a cat sitting behind the wall right now that's locked up. That's so good at artistry. It's cats in that tattoo and everybody, man, get out, do it the right way. Quit selling drugs. Man, You ain't going to West selling no drugs. You're going to jail. And if that don't do it, somebody gonna get tired of you're selling drugs because they're gonna want to sell them over and they're gonna kill you. Let's just keep this thing real for just a second here, Come on, man, get up off your butt because you're sitting on the gold mine, and you're sitting up here, somebody always looking for a shortcut to the top. Ain't no shortcut. Somebody told me this the other day. Man, the road to success is always under construction. It ain't paved, it's got detour signs on it. It's got slow men working. Sometimes they flip the stop sign. You gotta sit there and wait. Sometimes they got slow. That's traffic. That's accidents. Somebody on the road holding up things with a flat tie. It's nails, it's gravels. This spike is everything. The road to success is always under construction. It ain't getting ready to be easy just because you didn't decided to do it. But don't sit around on your behind and complain all the time about what you don't have. My daddy said it, man, get up off your butt because you're sitting on a gold mine. You got a gift, you got a talent, You got something that you can do that could make a way for you, but you won't do it. It is within you. Stop looking around. Here's where people waste the most time on the road to success, looking around at somebody else, trying to figure out man, How can I do what they did? Do what you do? You ain't jay Z, You ain't. Sorry. I got a couple of your homies told you you rap better than him. But you're not jay Z. Really you're not. You know, all of us can shot at him, but we ain't Richard Pryor a nice shot Steve, Bernie Die, all of we took some great shots at it. We're not him. Do what you can do? Do you do your gift quick complaining about what you don't have. Get up off your butt because you're sitting on a gold mine. You're listening Harpy Morning Show. Won't two want two three? Hit it? You know? I normally you can go one, two three like that you think a song fin the follow But today I just flifted on y'all said, whoa, let me do something to them today. I'm gonna do walk two who two three. I sound like I'm in the band, man, because in my heart, that's what I wanted to be in. But I was missing two key elements. I can't play a damn thing and I can't sing, so and kind of was crippling, you know, you know, but that that ain't stopped some people, though from getting in the band anyway. I had noticed in my life, and so I didn't want to be one of those. So I decided to go the path that God had created for me, that of C. O. M. E. D Y comedy. Yeah, it's a good choice, made better sense for me, so I could do it. Was a great choice. Actually nailed it. Hey, let me jay, you something that made a lot of mistakes in my life, got that right though, Yeah, surely Strawberry. Hey, good morning, Steve d. Carlin Farrell, Good morning, Steve, Hey, crew sitting up in here looking dad at killed space. Better than that June morning on the morning everybody. Oh and the one and only enoughhew tummy Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes it is, Yes it is. It doesn't happened, Yeah, top of the morning. Everybody, all right, so good? You know Central? Oh yeah yeah five Central, Okay. Yeah. It is Carlo's birthday. Yeah it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Happy birthdappy birthday. Car Thank you, fail, thank you very much, happy birthday. I know you have some stories for Paris. I know you did you always do. I want to hear about any food, your food. But wait, let's see if he's got into any fights, because you know he can't go anywhere without getting into plan. You know. I actually I ain't having no problems over him. Oh good. You know, nobody said nothing crazy. You know, it's a little little bit more sophisticated over here. I got mask on. Yeah, oh yeah, they got some mask on over here. But you got like you going the restaurants over here, Man, you got to show your fascination card. But they have a thing over here in France called a health card, and that it's you have to have it on your phone and they have to scan it or you can't sit in certain restaurants. I like I like that. Yeah whatever, man, date, let's get him gonna do this. I want to do that at my house. And dog Da ain't even trying to hear it. Yeah, keep it moving, huh yeah. Back and forth. Well, you go back and forth if you want none of just getting in no fight like in the States and all this hill. Yeah. Yeah, it's been on the ground handcuffs so fast. And in French, Genie, we didn't get it and you don't know what's going on. I got a sudo dog all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO chief Love officer with Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for asked the clo. This one is from Perry in Chicago. Perry writes, I recently moved in with my girlfriend and her two teenagers. Her son is real chilled, but her daughter has got a real one with me that we need to address. She's fourteen now, and she called her grandmother and told her that I'm a freeloader and that I talked to other women when her mom isn't home. The grandmother had the nerve to step to me with these accusations. I told her that we're looking for a house and our real churt is a female. So I let my girlfriend deal with her messy daughter. Or should I speak to her now? We can tell you feel about to Yeah, you step to her for what I mean? What you're gonna say? She fourteen? Bro? She fourteen and operating off bad man? Your ass comes be on socipeedi, Okay, keep on dog. The first the warning shot was to the grandmama. The real deal is when you'll wake up and you'll ask his own TikTok. You ain't gonna know what's happening at your job. But you find Yeah, no, man, that's that's tell your girl what happened, and then you know, I mean, let's just blend in. The family's tough, man, you gotta sing out. You gotta have a lot of family meetings. I'm just gonna tell you that I ain't had a minute, so go ah from family meetings, you know. And it's a girl. Man, she's a little girl. So you gotta be careful and you gotta handle the kids soft gloves, you know. Fourteen Man, you gotta you gotta be kind to him. You're not gonna win this fourteen year old girl over with any hostility at all. Just not gonna do it. She's gonna get with her friends and destroy you. TikTok headquarters. Here we go, all right, Moving on, Monique and Louisville says, I've been teaching for seven years and all of my students love me and call me miss Mo. The school principle calls me miss Mobody, and I tiptoed to the principal's office once a week while the office manager is at lunch. The office manager is my husband's cousin. So we've been extra careful around her. My husband called me miss Mobody, and I smirked. I was shocked, but I played it off. Do you think his cousin knows what's going on? Which she thinks, pellow, well Mobody, yeah, sound like the voice. It's not good, is it? Are they at an elementary school? All of my students love me and call me. She doesn't say, well, let me ask you something, yes, manciple. Behold, if you built, like the principal, say you build what school? Can you tippytoe to the office and don't nobody see your ass? That's the angle I'm I'm just trying to say it. If it's boy is at that school of any age? They got cameras at school now and you won't. Yeah, yeah, And we're extra careful because his You ain't that careful? First of all? How many adults is at the school? A lot? A lot? And when you tempte toe into this principal's office, who don't see that? That's right, that's right. That's got to be hard god, and that's got out of it. Got to be laying somewhere. Now, come on, that's a lot old. I not good, No, it's not good, not at all. Wait a minute. It's good when it's happening. It's good when it's happening. It shut up. This ain't good for nobody. This this this, this guy disaster road on it. Listen to me. Obeyed the warning shot. Obey the warning shot. That's all I can tell you. Every time I make I've ignored the warning shot. Yeah, the next one takes off a little ear meat. And then if that one don't get it, the third one is dead in hill damn tea and they leave fracture. Oh that's my advice to you, miss Mobody. All right, that's right. Moving on. Lronda in Columbia, South Carolina, says, I'm twenty seven, married and a new mom of a three month old. When I had the baby, my husband's mom came and stayed for us for a week. She commented about the cleanliness of my home, so I reminded her that I was on bed rest for two months and couldn't do housework, but her son could. Now she's taken it upon herself to come over every Saturday morning to clean up. I find it offensive, but my husband loves it. How do I gain control of my home again and not offend my mother? In law and husband that landstapment ship. She says, I find it offensive, but my husband loves it. How do I gain control of my home again and not offend my mother in law and husband? Excuse me, maid, Yes, yeah, she shut up. Shut up. He was on bad rest, milk. It look like I need another two months. She mentioned the cleanliness of the house. You reminded her you want bad rest. What did she do? She comes over now to clean up her husband love. Damn, that ain't nice. What kind of way? So she got the Now if you don't want to come over, you can start, you know, Boston, get under that chair. No, you gotta say stuff that's hard to do. When is she gonna get under the refrigerator? Okay, all right, thank you. Cielo is always going on with these gutters out here. Run that frank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and in entertainment news. This is national news to global news too. Steve Harvey, Ladies and gentlemen, has renewed his radio deal. We'll tell you what that means. At the top of the hour. You didn't know you didn't not right now? The nephew is here, would run that prank back, nephew, Let's get it. Let's I got it. I got it. Wet Robe. Whoa did you hear me? Yeah? Ue roquet Ro, Yes, Sir, I said up, slip. Let's let's go right back. I'm not doing it again. I'm not doing it again. W et Robe. Let's go, Kay spells what quet Robe slip? Come on, Kat, Come on Kat, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach miss Sistertanian. Sister Taniel. Oh good shit, because since Tania, this is uh Brian, I'm representing the youth. And of course you know we're already having the fundraiser on Saturday, and I would like to know are you gonna be um, are you gonna be available to come out on Saturday, because we got pretty much most of the most of the choir, you and the choire correct, Yeah, I never heard of anything about anything on Saturday though. Well, we got most of the chore members coming out on Saturday, and we'd like to know if you're gonna be available on Saturday to come out of participate in the fundraiser for the children that's going on their vacation next year. Oh you said all the other chore members. I never heard anything from there, all of the chore members. We probably have about ninety five percent of the choire members coming out. Yeah, I'm free on Saturday. Okay. Now, we're doing from five to seven on Saturday. So are you available five pm to seven pm? It's only two hours? Yeah, what's your saying? Name was Brian? I'm sorry they called me Brian, Brian, they called me Ba. I'm sorry. Okay, God, I meet you at the church. Uh well, I just joined about three weeks ago and they've already given me an assignment. So I made you in marketing in school. So they're trying to get me to take care of the children and their vacation that's coming up. Sweet. Put together some things, a great fundraiser, and you know, the choir members have been very receptive. You're the last one for me to call, and I wanted to make sure you on board with us. Okay, Yeah, I just never heard about this, So right right now, are you able to bring your choir robe on on Saturday? Uh? Yeah, we sing were singing a song? What song did you need us to to sing? Did you tell the pathword about this. No, no, no, you guys are not actually going to be singing a song. Uh. What it is is that we're having a uh and I'm glad, I'm so glad that you're you're, you're, you're ready to participate in what we're doing. So I want to, first of all, say thank you first and foremost, I want to say thank you. Okay, all right, so what all right? I'm sorry that we need the robes for I can bring my robe by, just the rode. What's gonna happen is you guys aren't singing a song, but we're having a wet robe uh contest. So what now a wet robe contest? You're talking about like a wet T shirt contest type of thing. Well, it's not a T shirt, it's a robe. So you don't have a T shirt on. What what we need you to do with? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not in the church. You're talking about the uh a wet robe contest. You said a wet robe contest. I heard of a wet T shirt contest. That's not that's not the same thing, though, right, Well, no, it's a little bit different. What it is you don't have a T shirt on, you actually have your your your choir robe on, and you don't have anything all underneath. Said, you don't wear any clothes unneath. And what we do is all ladies listen to me. We're gonna let wet all of the ladies down, and the sexiest one that's wet with their role at is gonna win five hundred dollars and half for the money is gonna go to the children's vacation. Hello, you're talking about a wet T shirt contest in the church. No, I'm talking about a wet road contest at the church. Oh No, I'm not there getting there and and and be naked under it's gonna be it's gonna be out. It's gonna be out road. We need you to be completely naked under your road and we're gonna win everybody down with the water holes. And the finest one is going to be able to uh to win five hundred dollars and two hundred and fifty of that half for that money is gonna go to the children's They can hold on, Hold on, what do you say your name was again? My name, my name is Bryan Ran. How long you've been a member of this church because I don't ever remember me. Okay, I've been a member for about three weeks now. Like I said, since I was a major in marketing. They actually threw me into no way after three weeks that they're gonna put you in charge of something. I don't understand one another problem with you trying to I don't even gave me. They're trying to create that, and you don't want to help me kids. I want to help the kids, but I'm not gonna get up there in no choir road. I'm doing my best right now not to cuss you out because I'm a woman of God. So you're too good to be naked under your role? Is that what you're saying? You're too good to look. I don't have to explain myself, but I'm not gonna be naked up to no church. Okay, So so you can't do the naked roll card. You can't do that for the kids. I know you're not about to tell me what I can and can I do for no kids. Now. I don't know who gave me my number, but I think you need to figure out who else to call for this because I'm not gonna be a part of this. We called all the other choir members and they don't have a problem with it. You if y'all all the fire members, what are they names? What are the choire members? Did you call that? What we called? We called sister Sister Bridget in the choir. Sister Bridget didn't have a problem with it. Ain't no Sister Bridget in the choir. Okay, how about Sister Rachel. Sister Rachel in a choir was fine with it. Ain't no Sister Rachel. Sister Rachel wouldn't be getting naked. Okay, okay, okay, let me ask you to something. Look, you know, I know, but I think do you know Sister Devita in the choir? Hello? Yes, Do you know Sister Divita in the choir? Yes, I know Sister Divita. Okay, So, so if Sister Divita said that Sister Bridge and Sister Rachel didn't have a problem doing it, why do you have a problem doing it. I'm not about to be naked in a church, but ken't you're not getting the naked in the church. You're gonna be in the back part of the church and we're gonna pray you down with a water holes on your robe. That's what we're not gonna be up there. This is disgusting. What Thomas said you would do it. Tommy said you didn't have no problem doing it. Who the hell it's Tommy. We don't even have a Tommy at the church. You keep making up all of these maids. Tommy is nephew tom from the Steve Harby Morning Show. That's who Tommy is. Hello, Yes, this is Tommy. Baby, this is nephew Tommy. How are you sure? Oh my god, that's not real. This is not It's not real baby, that nobody was calling you about doing a wet rope. You are you? I was gonna go out on you. You were already going off on me. The Vida got me to prank phone call you. Oh my god, I'm gonna get I was holding my time what you're saying you was about to cull. I was about to cut you out right out. Hey, maybe I gotta ask you. You You gotta tell me what's bad? Is what I mean? The badest radio show in the lake. I'm done, Shirley, take it away. That is king of break right there coming up at the top of the hour, thanking I you entertainment and National News, right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, get ready, get ready. In today's entertainment, I think we need a drum roll right here. This is big news, This is major, Okay. Premiere Networks announced yesterday a new and extended, long term contract with mister Steve Harvey. And we all know he is one of the most recognizable and sought after entertainers in the world. Well, all right, I'll read the whole thing. I want the whole thing. Sought after? What what? One of the most recognizable and sought after entertainers in the world. Just read them last two words words in the world, in the world. I told you you're global. I noticed little black stuttering country ass pick out of Welsh West Virginia. Didn't mess around and go get in ass worldwide. So let me tell you what this entails, mister global, worldwide person. Under this new contract, Steve, that is you, You'll continue your current role as host of said show, the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and the Steve Harvey Morning Show is the number one syndicated morning show in America. That's more than the world too. That's my baby, that's right. Because what did it say in the world of us and sought after entertainers in the world, This number one syndicated show in America. Well, when you gotta be you got a bigger radio show in the where else somewhere? Don't think so talk that stuff? Yes, sir. With more than fifteen years in syndication with Premiere, Steve Harvey Morning Show reaches millions of listeners and more than one hundred stations across the country. It is available on I heard radio apps. Excuse me why we flex? Someone told us we were done in radio. Someone told us that you will never ever do radio again if I got anything to do with it. The problem with the statement that this person made was she is not my God. Nothing to do with my direction in life, as does any other hater. We were told by Premiere if we were in twenty five cities in four years, that would be considered a success. Yeah, how many cities were in? Okay, Right here, it says, uh, one hundred stations across the country more than it's actually one oh three. Look at God, Yeah that's the God. I also just let me fex for just another monther. I got another all soul for everybody out there that has ever written you off and laughed at something they thought was your demise, Yes, and said that you will never rise again. But they did not know that We're on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We don't stand in front of closed doors. We walk up the hall, Yes, because there are more dolls than the one you think got closed, but your clothes. It's cause God wants you to walk up the hall and go through a big adult That's right. And in conclusion, we have to thank our beautiful loyal listeners. Thank you so much. Lady and gentlemen, thank you so very much. We need to bring this back. I wanted to say something. We will. We will, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Shrill with the rest of the news, I mean, Carner's announced an official cause of death for Gabby Patino who went missing during that cross country road trip with a boyfriend and turned up dead. In the manner of death of Gabrielle Nora Potito, we find the cause and manner to be caused death by strangulation and manner is homicide and the Carner says that Potito was killed three to four weeks before her body was found on September nineteenth. Now, Sarties are still searching for the boyfriend, Brian Laundry, who accompanied her on that cross county trip and really has disappeared. He was at his parents' house and somebody let look the other way and he got away. Meanwhile, the family of black Illinois State University grad student Gilanni Day is hoping for at least a cause of death in his case. Gilani, an aspiring doctor, was reported missing in late August, but his mother felt she had to make a plead to the national press in order to get the local cops to do any work on her son's case. Turns out that a body had been found weeks earlier in the Illinois River, which they say they just identified as the popular grad student. Day's mother says she wants her son's murderer found and prosecuted. How Speaker Nancy Pelosi says, in order to pass both a President Biden's infrastructure bills, Democrats are going to have to cut down the price tag for the mostly costly one, the one that's the three and a half trillion dollars that's a human infrastructure measure. But she has an idea on how to bring the course down by shortening the length of certain sections of the bill by still getting the work done. I'm point it that we're not going with the original three point five trillion dollars, which was very transformative. But whatever we do, we'll make decisions that will continue to be transformative. And Pelosi says that Democrats can still pour a lot of support into at least three areas of the measure, like climate change, childcare, and also into support for working people and for things like paid medical leaving stuff, So she says there's still enough gas in the tank. The La Raiders are going to have a new coach when they play Sunday at Denver, a long time coach, John Gruden. I know you've heard about this step down after emails acquired by The New York Times and by the Wall Street Journal revealed the racist, sexist, and homophobic comics he was making about NFL players, union reps, and even Commissioner Roger Goodell between twenty eleven and twenty eighteen. And finals looks like Captain James T. Kirk going into space this morning for real nine AM, Texas time actor William Shatner, who's ninety years old, scheduled to make Detective space today along with the crew of Jeff Bezos Blue Origin New Shepherd's space flight, making shot new the oldest person who's ever flown in space for real. And the whole thing will take about eleven minutes. But you're going up there, I'd be scared. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, we told you earlier. It is our girl, Carlin's birthday today, and so you know what that means. Junior is here. Whatever birthday poem for ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce it. Ladies and gentlemen. Shade rapp and stands for Junior's ragged as poe. Thank you, sir, Thank you, Carlin. It's a happy birthday. I have to think put some thought into this. And you know what, because it is your birthday and I want to just capture your essence. This is capturing your essence right here. Carlins name with the poem is a poem for Carlin. Call a birthday poem. Here we go. That's it time. They don't take much. Just call the birthday palm. I ain't got brought that. D'm happy birthday caller. We celebrate your day. You keep us on our toes and what we should not say. You put the should together with that day is no doubt. You stop us with we ain't doing that before it come out of our mouth. Every show needs someone like you to tighten up our behind because if we said what we wanted to say, we all be an unemployment line. That would be Tommy, Jay Steve, and myself and especially jay Ba Steve too if he said what he wants to say, he'd be in the line too. So celebrate, sweet lady, have a slice of cake on me. We don't care what age you are, because to us you twenty three. Happy birthday, d N I thank you Junior, my birthday. I'm not gonna come them on it about it what you said? Yeah? And then part so, Carl, what is what is the day gonna look like for you? For your birthday? My husband and I we have a lunch day and then tomorrow my husband is taking me Cabo your favorite? Yeah? Okay, Tommy, who all the little rich folk talk at? Now? What? Oh? Got some money? I got a fool in the back by the gone cool? Hey hey doing? Oh no, no, no, that's exactly what we do. Oh no, no, no yere and the white kids come over to their house this week. They don't go out the coming yeah, which unlike was no white kid to come over when I was kids, come over your house. I can come swim. Josha home. White kids come over her baby house. Man, that one. No white I never played with a white kid. I never saw white people till I went to college. No white people that I went to college. We love everybody, all right, Carla, Happy birthday, girl, Happy birthday. Thank you, You're welcome. Now coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, tips on how to land your dream job. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Steve, earlier we talked about the big exciting news. This is exciting for all of us, the announcement that the Steve Harvey Morning Show will be on the air another five years. Let's see, this is two thousand twenty one, so that's twenty twenty six. Yes, thank you unless unless unless Yeah, let's hear it. Yeah, understand, some man and God, if I get that billion, please don't out, please don't expect, don't do anything else. I'm expected. Well, if you got a billion, I'm quick. I mean, we all gonna win on this. Well, let me ask y'all a question. Yes, if I got a billion, this is across the board, is not going to change. This is Mississippi. This is caller Tommy kill and shit, if I gave you one olion dollars, m that's I'm talking. Let him talking, that's that's that's it. A little billionaire, if that's what you try to use, a fucking billionaire. If you're trysted to do that, you're gonna hand us a little funking me question. Can I ask you a course with about what what I had? What what am I supposed to give you? Grown as adult man? About ten a piece? I don't think about ten a piece to hold little ki Okay, that's not going So we back with the high bathetical millionivers. Go ahead, finish your statements. If million, would you take the million and accept it as a parting kill? Are you talking to me? Yeah? Yeah, take it. Let's take him the court. Don't go hand out baby, hand out seven your weight, not with no not shut your hands up. Speak. I tell you this much right now, I'm gonna take the million, and every day you're gonna get a thank you card, missing up for yourself mona adopted, She said, I'm reading her hill. Yeah, so Timmy, you opposed to it. I'm very posted. We're going We're going to court. You can't cheat us like this. Okay, so on what grounds you gonna I mean, I mean what let Now, I'm gonna take it, but I'm still gonna try to contest. Oh you ain't all the way crazy. Oh oh, you don't understand the piece of paper you're gonna have to sign when I handed. That's gonna ate this conversated me and you have about some loss by accepting this million dollars, I do humbly received this with the understanding that this ends our relationship, and it is agreed to that will be no further discussions of any legal matters or anything. He is there for, you know, relieved of any responsive wait wait wait, wait wait or something. You can't dog dog get dog dog for you not to even call me uncle no more. I'm gonna throw in an extra hundred dollars you get one point one. You don't call me off of No, you ca that ragged ass cousin and yours sit. Uh you know you know my boy Sydney. You could tell our cousin Sydney. He is asked, don't call Steve no Sydney, Sydney six or two years old? He gonna DM me dm on Instagram. I finally found a way to get you. No, you didn't my social media team game. Steve downs a man, sound like he threatened. It ain't nobody's my damn cousin. All right, we might have to bring this question back Steve. Coming up next, it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today and the subject is my mother and my ex are besties. My mother and my ex are besties. Will get into that in just a little bit, but right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nep What is it? You know? You know, there are some difficult times, and there's times that you have to make a phone call because there's some things that are dead to your heart. This time right here is your wife's birthday. Your wives birth day, No, not at all at this is your wife's birthday. Let's go cat dog. If you would Hello, Hello, I'll try to reach Darren. Yeah, what's up, hey, dare Man? What's going on? Brothers? Uh? My name is Chris Man. I work with UM, I work with your wife, Sharon. I think I think I might have seen you at one of them, one of the gatherings before man, like a happy hour we had after BIRTHSTO. I don't know if you remember me or not. Now I don't remember you, Okay, okay, okay, cool. Hey listen man, I know sharon birthday has come it up, so I wanted to if you didn't mind, I hope you don't mind me called. I wanted to reach out and see if you were you know, what you were getting her for a birthday. I wanted to make sure you know we're gonna pitch in and get us something at the job. Who want to make sure you know we didn't get you know, you know what you may be don't get her. You know what I'm saying kind of like something like a grab bag or something like that. Uh No, I wasn't gonna hit her with a grab bad. I was just, you know, like I said, we're gonna get something we know, we didn't really put out for all the thoughts to it or what we was gonna get. Yet I want, I personally want to see what you was getting that way. We don't do Okay, Well, she likes money, man, you can you know, give us some give up some cash or you know, Starbucks card or uh something from McDonald something. You know, Man, don't have to be too big. She she don't. You don't have to, you know, she she's not that materialistic. Okay, okay, but let me let me let me ask you this. So d uh do you know what a size is? Do I know what a size is? You know, like clothing? You know, do you know what size you were? Uh? Yeah, I know what size she's like, she's my wife. Man, What I think this is kind of like I'm getting a little bit uncomfortable with this, man? What what what do you do you think? You know? I don't even make your comfortable. Bro, Let me ask you this ship do you think she should like? Uh? Do she like stuff from Victoria's Secret? WHOA hold up? Man, stop right there. You're talking about what? No? I like, I said, I wanted what what you hey? What's your name again? Man? My name Chris. Like, like I said earlier, my name Chris. How long you've been with the company. I've only been there six months, you know. But like I said, I think I saw you at one of the happy y'all I saw maybe you just don't remember who I am though, No, no, no, man, but you way out of line talking this about the size. And I'm not comfortable with this at all. Man. You know, okay, you way out, you way out of line? Right? But what she what's what? You didn't answer? My question was what do you think she liked? Victorious Secrets? That's what I mean. You gonna answer you question? Are you talking about? Okay? Okay, what's what's what? But what's the language? Brother? What's what's right? We brothers? You know, we we know brothers. You know. Fool? How do you get off asking me about my wife's clue? Okay? Okay, all right, okay, talk about Okay. What all I'm saying is do you think she gonna likes the Victorious Secrets? I don't give up, hey, man, chuck the up with that. Do you know how long we've been together? I know this woman says high school. Don't come to me with that, Okay, so so I was just trying to get up. What what what? What time do you guys get off? I'm coming. I leave off at five thirty, but I was gonna leave earlier. Hey, we can talk about this face to face. Hey, listen, I'm trying to get listen what I ain't gotta listen to. I'm trying to get shared a panti and Bra said, man, okay, hey, you ain't buying my wife and she wouldn't even accept it anyway. Okay, hey man, how how do you get this number? How you get this number? I know she didn't give you this. Let me say you hot there? I got it from your wife, Sharon, because guess who I am? I am neew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Sharon got me to brank phone call you what there? This is nephew Tommy. Brother. Man, this is some bulls. This is some real bu some straight up bull Hey man, you ain't white man. You know you need to stop with people, you know, because you might get it. You might somebody might be waiting for you have to work one day, man, that's totally wrong. You ever heard of karma? Imbody gonna play a prank on your one day. Your uncle is right, somebody's gonna whoop your it's just out of time. Oh man, all right, all right, Darren, before I get man, when you please tell the people what is the baddest radio show in the lad Steve Harvey Show? Happy? Oh you know it gets it gets a little bit in my business. Sometimes it's a little better. But it's all right, it's all right. Progress was made a right, progress wasn't made? We got the r nah no, yes, mission accomplished. All right, nice, nice little pantic Bra said, that's what I'm thinking. You know, ho ho ho ho what you're talking about? Man, I've been with this woman since high school. Man, if he didn't sound like Ron Astley on the telephone. Hell, I don't wait a minute. Know what kind of love that is? When it's been since high school, they still together? You don't kind of love that is? That's deep blood? High school? High school? Sweetheh? What love was so brand new? Favorite cool in the game. So oh, y'all you said it too quick. I was gonna ask you said the tooth fair matter fact, matter of fact, you know what do this fun me? It's it's ready to love. We coming this Friday. Night man, I'm premen on on Network nine eight drop drop one of them love songs on me. Dog. This is a little something man, just something for Ready to Love Junior. You don't know this? Here we go? Ready, excuse me? Miss? What's your name? While you from? And? Can I come? Can I take you out to nine to the movies, to the park. I'll have your home before the star leaves? Can possibly? Can I take you out to nine? Oh? N, Junior? Who is that? Luther Van drops because Shirley said it startling? Miss up everything, man, every single thing we threw on the Ray said she couldn't wait to say it. Wait a minute because he's dead news. No, it just slipped out, just slipped out, necessarily gonna be one of the people. She gets. Oh listen. Ready to Love premuses Priday, nine eighth Central on the Own Network. It is Washington, d C. The Chocolate City. You don't know what, you don't want to miss it? Brand new episode, brand new season. Come check me out, y'all, hosted by Yours truly Thomas Miles. A few times, I'm sexy on that? Well you know what, Yep, I'm different. I'm different on that. Yeah, you're surely that's why you're not sexy. All right, coming up next Strawberry Letter. My mother and my exer besties will get in to it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Shout out to Carla. It's her birthday today. Yeah, welcome birthday, Girl's heart. Thank you guys, and it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relationships, work, dating, sex, parenting and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click Submit Strawberry Letter. That's Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. Just are going to read this one right here, right now. It could be yours. You never know, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my mother and my ex are besties. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been divorced for almost three years and I moved away after the divorce to start anew. My husband was an avid cheater, and my mother finally told me after he'd been having an affair with a woman for over six months. My mother is employed by my ex husband as his accountant. He has two businesses that do very well in a small town therein. My mother was a retired accountant when he and I met, and he fell in love with her and he hired her. When I say they fell in love, I mean it. Whenever he and I would have a disagreement, she'd always tell me to consider his point of view. When he cheated. I think she knew it all along and only told me because my ten year old daughter saw him with this woman. Excuse me. My daughter kept referencing daddy's friend at work, so I asked my mother and she spilled the teeth. Our relationship hasn't been the same since then, and she said it's because I divorced my husband. Her belief is that I should have kept my family together no matter what. The things my husband did for his girlfriend were the same things he did for me, So it wasn't the cheating that got to me. It was the time he spent with her and the trip he took her on. I asked my mother to reconsider working for him, and she said that whatever we had going on should not affect her money. Our own daughter doesn't talk to my ex right now because she figured out who Daddy's friend was. My mother called recently and said she's trying to get the family together for Thanksgiving and she wants me there. She said, my ex will be there, will be doing the turkey, and she would cook everything else. How can my own mother be so ignorant and invite him to dinner? Should I show up and curse them both out? Well, you know that sounds good on paper, it really does, but but this is bad. I mean, this situation is bad, and yes, your mom is really wrong. I don't advise you to curse your mom out. I mean, after all, she's all the way wrong. I agree with you one hundred percent, but she is your mom. She's not acting much like a mom, though. I will say that, because her loyalty should be to you at all times, and not your ex. He's cheating, he's your ex husband. She knew about it, didn't tell you. She was keeping these secrets all because of money? Is that why she was doing it? I think this had to hurt you, and this is some kind of betrayal on your mom's part. The best thing you could do is decline her crazy, thoughtless inconsiderate dinner invitation. Just don't go. Please make your own plan for you and your baby girl, your daughter, maybe some friends or whatever. But the main thing is to forget what they have going on at the mom's house and just let that go. Your mother is just oh anyway, after the holidays, I say, continue to distance yourself. This is a toxic situation. Stay away from it and let them do their thing. Let them do her if she won to stay over there with him, you know the lines across the line of the sand. It's divided. Now. Don't let her make you feel guilty for divorcing him. That was a while ago, and you should. You definitely did the wrong thing if he was doing all this stuff that your mother said, and he obviously was. This is just so wrong on so many levels, Steve, My mother and my ex are besties, don't I don't get this, especially from a male perspective. I just don't understand how this operates and functions. But when you're talking about dysfunctional people, then it's a little bit easier. You've been divorced for three years, you moved away to start new your husband has a wasn't big cheetah and your mother finally told you after having an affair with a woman for over six months. Your mother is employed by your ex husband as his accountant. Here's where the problem is right here. So he's got two beers to do very well in small town there. And my mother was a retired accountant when he and I met, and he fell in love with her and he hired her. Now here's a problem with the letter. When I say they fell in love, I mean it. There's a lot in that statement, ma'am. And I don't have the time to unpack it, but I'll just rearrange some stuff in the luggage. Whenever he told me, whenever we had a disagreement, the girl's mother would always tell her to consider his point of view. Then when the dude cheated, the lady wrote the letter, say, I think she knew it all along and only told me because my ten year old daughter saw him with this woman. So I'm assuming that she had the daughter before she married the man, because she refers to the daughter as my ten year old daughter. And then the daughter kept referencing daddy's friend at work. So you asked your mother and she spilled the tea. Our relationship has been the same since then, and she said it was because I divorced my husband. Her belief is I should have kept my family together no matter what. Now I think, ma'am, this is where you got a little bit going on. Maybe your mother tried to stay out of your business. Didn't have solid proof like the daughter didn't. She just saw him somewhere and you and your husband told her this is daddy's friend from work. That's why the daughter was referencing the woman as daddy's friend. Thank your mother's just trying to stay out of it. But I give you real school. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour of today's Strawberry Letters, subject my mother and my ex are besties. Will get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject my mother and my ex are besties. This woman's been divorced for three years from her husband, who was a big cheater on her. When she met her husband, they introduced him to her mother. Her mother fell in love with him, and the girl says, I mean fell in love with him. Like I said earlier, I think there's something behind that, but I don't have time to unpack that because you didn't mention that in the letter. Your daughter, who obviously you had before you married this man, made a reference one day to daddy's friend at work. You inquired to your mother about who daddy's friend was. Finally she spilled the tea. She didn't have to then, but she said, well, and I think your mother was trying to stay out of y'all's business because she didn't have solid proof that the man was cheating, but she had some inklings. So when you came to her, she told you she think the man is cheating. And then you all's relations and ship ain't been the same since, because you thought your mother should have told you right away, well, it ain't your mama's bien since, and I think that may have something to do with it. But then your mother says it's because you divorce your husband and her belief that you should have kept your family together no matter what. Now here's you say. Here's what you say the problem is? You say. The problem is the things your ex husband did for his girlfriend were the same things he did for me. So it wasn't the cheating that got me. It was a time he spent with her in the trip he took home. That's the cheating. See sisters, don't yeah, don't talk about he did the same thing for me. That's that's what cheating is. You seeing somebody? Why are you seeing somebody else? And what do adults do when they see each other? They spend time together. How did they spend time together? They go somewhere. So what you're sending a bit talking about this the time he's been with her in the trip, What was they supposed to do? Everybody don't have a fair at lunch in the backseat of the car. He got money, he gonna do something a little bit different. So don't talk about it's the same thing that got you. That's what cheating is, ma'am. You're just trying to find another reason to say you didn't keep the family together. But you don't have to. You don't want to stay. What to do because he cheated, that's all. Now it gets a little sticky. You came to your ass your mother to reconsider working for him, and she said that whatever we had going on should not affect her money. That's an interesting state man, but he gets even more interesting though. My own daughter doesn't talk to my ex right now. Now's our daughter, so I don't know when ya had a baby skip that. Don't talk to her my ex right now because she figured out whose daddy friend was. My mother called recently and says she's trying to get the family together for Thanksgiving. It she wants me there. Your mother is trying to repair the relationship, but she's stupid. So she said, your ex will be doing the turkey and she would cook everything. Now, now here is the thing. The a fab that the X had is probably over. He probably wants the best thing he ever had back. He don't went to the mother to get you back. So now the mother says she's trying to get the family together. Your ex is gonna be doing the turkey and she would cook everything else. How can my own mother be so ignorant and invite him to dinner because your mama ignorant? It's okay, some people have mama's that's ignorant. You got one. But now here's the danger I seeing this? Should I show up and cursing both out? Of course? Not? Why why I add energy to that? Why are you getting dressed to go over there to cut both of them out? First of all, if I were you, I would try to fix the relationship with my mother. That's what I would do. That's an important relationship. She did give you life. Now do it sound like she wrong in this case? Absolutely? Yeah yes. But now if your husband is not trying to get back with you, which I think the case is. Here is the spoiler alert. You said your husband fell in love with your mother, and I mean he fell in love them. Let me make a statement about me and ladies in case you want to know where you stay with the man. If you want to know where a man's heart is, the Holidays is where he is. If you want to know where a man's heart is, the Holidays is where he is. So he's where he loves the family, and he still loves hers. What you're saying, because he's over, he's going to be over at the mom's now. But Thanksgiving, Yeah, now you can take that one or two ways. I don't think you think your mama is seeing this man, but I do think your mother is attracted to his power. The power is money. Shoot, well, okay, he didn't provided her with a job She's told her you should have stayed with your family to hold your family together. Your mama old school, all right, to find out who really stuffed in there. Sports Talk with Junior coming up in forty six minutes after. Right after this, you're listening show time now for Junior and sports talk. What you got Junior? All right? Surely before we get to sports talk, I just gotta make an announcement for the foundation. If you in the Dallas Fort Worth area and you have somebody that needs help this Christmas with sickle cell, the entire family. I am going to take care of the family. Looking for ten families. So just right, just go to kears Hope k I E R. S h Ope dot org. That's kars Hope dot org and click on the button, fill out the information, and then Junior claud is gonna be coming to town. That's about all. Wait till November twelve. Yeah, he's gonna becoming to town for my people's Yeah, I'll try to help these people. You help my people anyway. I'm doing that. So I don't know if you know this, but I know somebody had I know John Gruden happy right now that Kyrie Irving is back in the news again. Take some of this heat off from me. You on Kyrie. Kyrie Irvin's official now that the Brooklyn Nets have said that he will not be playing until he meets the mandate for COVID nineteen in the state of New York. So that means not only were he just not playing in the home games no more, he ain't even playing on the road no more. They didn't they ain't playing him in a big bench. Now that's thirty three million. We're talking about un four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a game, man, you know, I think that to me, Kyrie is Kyrie. He's gonna do what he want to do. And look, I'm tired of saying you can take the vaccine or not. But you're in the team sport, you're in a state that has a mandate, and you want to stick to your guards. You have no scientific proof that the vaccine is bad for you. You're dealing with online theories, folks. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not fitting to blow my life. All I got to do is tell you this right here here, man. It makes four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a game. I'm asking you, how many people do you know for four hundred and thirty five thousand dollars would not go take the shot? I don't know about four hundred and thirty five. I'm telling no, this is what I think. What do you think? Just let me hear on what you think? Kyrie. Family saying to him right now, boy, listen to me if he got any uncles or anybody. Yeah, listen to me. St started. I'm trying to tell you, man, I couldn't be related to it. Brother, Come in, man, let me talk to you for a minute. You're going to regret this move right here. You you can't do anything else to make this kind of money. Nothing. You gotta talent in the scale. Your ass ain't hosting no shows, You ain't funny, you ain't you ain't finished, be no model gonna do to him. I'll tell you, I'll tell you what not doing the shot gonna do. It's gonna get your ass broke, Kyrie, Kyrie need a wife, dog? Thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour will more of a s. Harvey Morning show right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So Steve, you have one more comment to make about about Kyrie refusing you know what, some people are copycasting, and I think he wants to be a martyr. I think he wants to find a cause to attach himself to, like Colin Caper. And what Colin Kaepernick done was absolutely correct. He took a knee for injustice. But Kyrie wants to be because you remember, he wasn't He didn't want to talk about the Games last year because he wanted to talk about what was happening over in the Middle East. You ain't got nothing to do with that, though, Yeah, you you bringing up ain't fit to change a damn thing in the Middle East. You ain't got a paper you can sign. They don't even know you, don't even know you over there. Dog, you sudn't have been talking about I'm worried about They ain't worried about you. Where about Middle America? We're about that. Go ahead of money, yeah, you know, And some people will say, well, money isn't everything, you know, but no, Well I tell you what something. I tell you money is not everything, but mess around and don't have no Yeah, then it is everything. Yeah, well I bet you'll be looking for yeah right now, all right, all right, so let's talk about a girl, La La. We've been knowing La La for a long long time. Um well, Laala broke her silence on her divorce from Carmelo Anthony. They were married for eleven years, filed for divorce back in June. As we know, Laala and Carmela shared a fourteen year old son named Cayenne. Lala said that her divorce was really really hard. Take a listen. I was bad because it was public. I was bad because there were other people involved. That was bad because there were allegations. It got bad, and you know, I'm not a person to ever call my business on social media. You know, so many times you do want to say, oh, you guys really want to know what happened. You want to hear from me, but you hold it in. It's like Ohl is doing good, she looked good on a Gramm. It's like, Na, that's hit me really hard. Oh yeah, d yeah, no. I felt. I felt for Laa because we've known for a long time. That was like a little baby, yeah yeah. Like she used to come on the radio after the in La You know, it's nineteen years old, just a kid with pink hair turned into a stunning week gorgeous, yeah, and a superstar really and um, she's really a kind person. I felt really bad for him because I like both of them. I really did, you know, I was pulling for family. But people don't know what's going on, and people think because you were a celebrity, and like, you know, La La looked good on the ground. She was going through some things, but it was public. You know. They they couldn't even fix their stuff because it was so public. If there was any any repairing to do, they couldn't do it because y'all was beating people up so bad in the public that the controlls is rough. Man. I felt sorry for and I felt I felt bad for him because this decision he made, you know, and like he's not a bad dude, man, he made a badass decision. Yeah, and he heard his wife. He hurt his fane. And Lalla says she doesn't think Steve that she'll ever get married again, that she could ever marry again. She just said she could not do it again. Oh well, that's gonna be hard because they come in, they come she's concentrating on her career, her son. You know, she's acting in La La. She said that people DM her. On the DM she said he'd be cutting in paste the same messages to her and her friends. Come on down. That's whacking, So you write, Steve, they are covered for Yeah, you know, but she's still young, and you know, you know you can say that now, but things may change because she believes in love, so you know, don't give a deserving of it. She's a great person, deserving of love. She was a ring this it. Oh wow, that's how you feel though after Yeah, you feel that those are real feelings, she said. A therapist told us to stop hiring that. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. Well, it's starting to look a lot like COVID is putting a damper on a second straight Thanksgiving. In a new survey, fifty seven percent of people says that they're planning some kind of virtual holiday that includes a video call, and fifty five percent of people say they'll hit up multiple small gatherings rather than one huge party like Thanksgiving normally is. But a friends Giving is looking even more popular than ever among young people. Almost three it's some millennials and gen Zers plan to attend to holiday gathering with friends. Generation Z. Yeah, so you have you guys thought about Thanksgiving yet? I know it's kind of early, but it is next month, and you know how quickly the holidays get come upon us, They really come quickly. Yeah, Steve, you have a big family too, Well, my big family got other families now. Yeah, you know, but you know what I mean. You know my kids are grown now, so we kind of kind of freed up. But you know, I don't. I don't know what we're gonna be doing if we're traveling or something. What about your nephew. I'm testing the ass at the cover, but I'm going up gathering. I'm going up in your nose on the door. Get out of my nose. I'm sorry doing If you don't, don't br Look if you don't, if you want to eat, you got to bring your nose. I'm just telling you test right there. I'm testing the turkey too. I'm testing its coming up Marv the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we told you earlier it is our girl, Carlin's birthday today, and so you know what that means. Junior is here. What birthday poem for ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce it, ladies and gentlemen. Jay rap and stands for Junior's ragged ass poy come, thank you, sir, Thank you, Carlin. It's a happy birthday. I have to think put some thought into this. And you know what, because it is your birthday and I want to just capture your essence. This is capturing your essence right here, Carlin. Name of the poem is a poem for caring. Call a birthday pup here. That's it time. It don't take much. Just call the birthday palm. I ain't got to go that da he did. Happy birthday caller. We celebrate your day. You keep us on our toes and what we should not say. You put the show together with that day is no doubt. You stop us with we ain't doing that before it come out of our mouth. Every show needs someone like you to tighten up our behind because if we said what we want to say, we all be in an unemployment line. That would be tommyh Jay Steve and myself and especially Jay Steve too if he said what he wants to say, he'd be in the line too. So celebrate, sweet lady, have a slice of cake on me. We don't care what age you are, because to us you twenty three. Happy birthday, d end. I thank you my birthday. I'm not gonna compliment on it about it, thank you saying yeah and then part so, Carla, what is what is the day gonna look like for you? For your birthday? My husband and I we have a lunch day and then tomorrow my husband is taking me to Cabo your favorite? Yeah? Okay, Tommy who all the little rich folk talk at? Now? What? Oh? Carl got some money? I got a pool in the back by the golf corning. Hey, hey doing Oh no, no, no, that's exactly what we do. Oh no, no, no, you're and the white kids come over to their house this week they do, yeah, which unlike was no white kids to come over when I was White kids come over you, I'm cash home. White kids come over her baby house man. That was no. I never played with a white kid. I never saw white people till I went to college. No white people that I went to college. We love everybody, all right, Carla, Happy birthday girl, Happy birthday. Coming up with this our last break of the day, and Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Wednesday hump day, Carlo's birthday. Enjoy your birthday again, Carla, Thank you, Mama, a birthday, carl thank you, thank you for the million. I'm not gonna be light time. I'm just gonna thank you today for it. I'm a faith I'm gonna write it down so much more. People mated, manifested. Oh yeah, I'm talking about this morning oxid. If he got a billion dollars, he gives all a mean a piece and time me up here talking about he ain't enough. I just want to say thank you for you got a billion. None ain't enough. You got a billion? But y'alla summon. What is my obligation to you? None? But I want more key words none? Yeah, okay, let's get past that part. Though I can't. It's very generous. No problems. All right, here we go, guys. These are my gloser remarks today. I want to uh remind you all, uh that where you are now it's so temporary, and a lot of people get stuck in the where they are now, you know, listen to me. It's like, if you take an hour glass that has sand in it and you turn it upside down, Well, there's a fat piece on every hour glass, right, There's a fat piece at the top, and it's a fat piece at the bottom. There's this real skinny piece in the middle. And when you turn the hour glass upside down with the sand in it, it flows from top to bottom. And what and what that represents is all the sand that trickles down through the funnel and gets to the bottom. All of that is time that you spent, time that you had. That is the sand of the past. Now there's a lot more, hopefully a lot more sand at the top, right, But as you get older, that time lessons because as you get that sand coming down through the hour glass, the bottom feels up because your past becomes bigger and bigger, and more sand feels up your past. It's like, at sixty four, I do realize that I have spent more time on this earth than I have left. Probably, so the sand in the top of my hour glass is smaller than the sand that's in the bottom. But the sand that's in the bottom hour glass is my past. That little skinny piece in the middle where that sand is trickling through, that's all we have, folks. We just have that right there. It's called Now, there's nothing we can do with the sand that's trickled through the little skinny part of the hour glass and my creating the visual. Can you all see what I'm saying, Yes, there's nothing you can do about the sand, and at the bottom of that hour glass, that's your pass. The problem that most people do is they spend all their time discussing their past, and all it does, since that saying don't ever stop moving, all it does is lessen the amount of saying that you got left because you keep spending all your time talking about the saying that's in the bottom of the hour glass. And most people get stuck right there, taking their moments of now talking about their pass when they need to be doing something with whatever saying they got left in the top of that hour glass. Listen, y'all, don't lose patience in the process. Don't get so tired of what happened you own. You know I had a bad marriage, you know I broke up with soul and so you know I ain't in love him. Oh he did me wrong. All that's in your pass? Yeah, no idea what God has for you with that saying up in the top of that hour glass. This could that's saying in the top of that hour glass, that's coming through that little funnel part can be the best years of your life if you stop focusing on that damn saying at the bottom. I shall hope. I'm giving you the visual Are you are getting the visuals that I'm trying to give you? Look, man, whatever time you got left could be the best time of your life if you only stop talking about the saying that's gone through the hour glass already, you ain't doing nothing for yourself right there. You're accomplishing nothing. There is absolutely nothing you can do about your pass. Stop beating yourself up over the pass. I married the wrong person, I got a divorce, I flunked out of school, I was on drugs so long, I got locked up. My girl left me, my man left me, my chip origian ain't talking to me? What what? So? Can I tell you something? Everybody got a pass. Everybody got one, and stop letting people define you because of your pass. There are people who are set up in your life to only talk about the saying at the bottom of your hour glass. I remember that time you did that on it. Y'all still get people every now and then. I don't know why he thinks he left his first wife. Dog. Wait a minute, you know how long ago that was what you're talking to me about that phone. God had moved me past that, God had moved them past that. Everybody better off. But whatever you feel about me, you're not gonna hold me to my past. Oh no, no, no, no, no no no. I'm looking to my heavenly father for my future, for everything he has for me right now. Give us this day our daily bread. I'm looking for right now and preparing doing whatever I can right now today to make better decisions. So much tomorrow be better than my past. I invite you to do the same. Quit Where about that sand in the bottom of your hour glass? It's gone through the whole in all of this. Thank you, have a nice day. God willing to see y'all tomorrow. And I'm being ignorant for all. Steve every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to s