Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is the confessional Steve Harvey Morning Show. The crew confesses. Find out what Steve's confession and why. There are different reasons each gender cheats. What are the B-words people mess up? We have the things you say when you did not get what you wanted for Christmas. Black folks have a special relationship with their checks. Are you sounding like your parents? Nephew Tommy has special holiday relationship tips just for the ladies. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about starting something great right now and so much more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them more like the milking buck bus things in its tubbles. Good it, Steve har listen to movie together for Studley. I don't join ya, join me in doing me. Honey. You gotta turn, you gotta turn, turn, turn, You got to turn them out, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Wow man, how good has God been to me? You know? Today? Let me get right to it because I'm I'm kind of feeling this today, and I'm pretty sure that's just quite a few of you who go through the same things today. Today was just a little tough morning for me because I didn't want to leave home yesterday. You know, I want to stay home a little. I just gotten home, you know, I gotta go again. And sometimes, you know, just the weight of all that you have to do just gets on you sometimes and sometimes you don't feel like doing it today. Huh. You know, I'm just talking to those who feel this way every now and then, And I'm assuming that would be everybody, because I don't know nobody who can just ply through this thing without having those days. Well, what do you do when it gets hard to stay up? What do you do when it gets hard to be positive? What do you do when it seems like things aren't happening for you fast enough or in the time frame that you thought it was going. What do you do? And the reason that I guess I chose to speak about this this morning is because I'm having one of those days. Because I had one of those days yesterday. It's just a tough day. I really can't explain. It's nothing really in particular bad happened. It's just I think the weight of all that's going on started to feel heavy to me. And so what do you do when when you have days like that, when it's hard to be positive, when it's hard to stay up? Okay, here's what I had to start doing this morning. Now I haven't completed it. Can I just be real with you? Haven't completed it, but I am processing it out because I know what to do. You know, been there, done that, I didn't had that pain before. I know what to do you know if I sprain my finger, I know what to do? Now? You know the first spring I had a lord, I thought it was broke. I thought I got me handac half. But now if I spray my finger, I know what to do. So since I've been in this position, in this hole so many times before and God has always gotten me through it, I decided I've got to start the process today. Want to hear are some things Now I'm gonna get to the big one last. And one of the things I do is I remember the plan, sit down, and I consciously think about the goals I've set. I go over them. See, I've gotten mine down on an iPad so I can pull them out anywhere I am and pull them up. And I've got two lists that I've made. I've got a list of things that I know I can accomplish if I just keep working hard, and if some couple of things just fall into place that I can see. Then I got a list of things that I'm planning on accomplishing. And then I have a second list. And the heading of this list is called only God can help me now. And on this list it's things that I'm aspiring for or things that I'm hoping to that in order for them to happen, I absolutely have to have God's help. That's my favorite list. It's the list that I have of the things that I don't see no way it can happen. I'm just operating on faith and the hope that God hear me, and so sometimes, man, when you gotta when I have this list of who only God can help me, now, that list is stuff that I cannot see. I'm just operating on faith that God is so much bigger than me, that he's so much more capable than I am, that I can actually acquire some things in my life, as He's proven to me time and time again up to this point, that He's willing to do for me if I'm willing to just give him some of my life. That's the only why I can't explain my existence today. You know, I began the conversation with my wife, how do I write a book that becomes so wildly successful? That would be God? That's only God. Because if you can plan to sit down and write a wildly successful book, I'd have Benden sat down and did it, and so would you, So that would be God. How it got purchased to become a movie when that was not my intent when I wrote the book at all. Again, that would be God, right, there has to be, because if I can't explain it and it is by no doing of my own, then who did it? So when I get down in days like this, I remember the goal. I remember the plan. I remember the journey. I think about of all the things God has bought me to how did I even get to this point. Yeah? I might be having a little bummer of a day. Yeah I was a little down yesterday. Yeah, my bio rhythms is off, whatever they want to call it. Yeah, I'm just having one of those days. I feel a little bit heavy. I need a vacation real bad. I need some time off to just go and regenerate. But right now, man, I ain't got that. So guess what I do. I gotta start remembering the plan. I gotta start remembering the goals. I gotta start thinking about all the things that God has done for me and how He has bought me this far and the blessings that I have instead of what I don't have. And that's what I'm in the process of doing this morning, and on the commercial breaks, I'm gonna pull out my iPad and I'm gonna go over my two lists, and I'm gonna read my little list of what I think I can accomplish, and I'm gonna really read that only God can help Me now list, because that's the list that's big. That's the part where I've been telling y'all. I said, quit telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big your God is. See. And that's why I got to sit down and do this morning. And then sometimes, man, you got to stay still. That's the other part. You got to stay still. You gotta quit moving for a second, because sometimes it feel like you're running on a treadmill and you really ain't you going somewhere, but it feel like you're running on a treadmill. Well, when you get that feeling, sometimes you gotta stay still. And then when you stay still, sometimes you gotta fight to stay positive. Sometimes you gotta fight not to let the devil win. You're in a fight, mam. I told you this. Now you're in a fight now, So trying to get you to get on that positive train so he can get you off the faith train. So God's delivery package that's coming to you built on your faith that you can. He can shake your faith and get you to thinking negative and then he wins. See. So when you start feeling negative, just know that that's the other force trying to throw you off track. And when you get through it all that he is the key, the big When you want me tell it, you got to pray, man, You got to pray. You gotta take it to God. You gotta say, hey, God, look I'm having one of these days. I need your help. I got business to take care of. You got blessings in front of me. You got stuff you to ship to me. You got blessings and packages that's on the way. I need to be sitting on Faith streets so I can receive the delivery when you get there. What I don't want to do is be it on be on doubted Way or or lack of Understanding Parkway, or Pity Parkway or some street like that, and the package keep going by. I need to be standing and sitting on Faith Street so when you drop that package down to me, I can go on and get it. You feel me. You got to pray. You got to stay still, you gotta fight to stay positive. You gotta remember the plan. You gotta go over the goals. Come on, man, God and brought you too far, Come on, pick yourself up. Today. I'm talking to Steve Harvey this morning. Hope y'all didn't mind you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, we are here. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is alive and well on this blessed morning. Good morning world. Thank you Lord for this wonderful day. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Come on, boy, just rejoice and be glad any and that I am. Come on, thank you Lord for another opportunity, another chance to get it right. Man, Father God, I thank you. I appreciate you for forgiving me, for extending your grace and mercy to me thousands upon thousands of time. I asked you that you continue with this grason mercy because I'm probably gonna need it at least a thousand more. Ladies and gentlemen. This is the Confessional Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm want everybody confess to something they did wrong. Shechirley Strawberry, what have you done wrong lately? Oh? Well, first of all, let me say that's how you open up the show. Yeah, but I just didn't know what you've done wrong lately. Okay. I did say I was gonna cook more, you will. I said that to you guys this year, in two thousand nineteen. Well, thank god for that. Yeah, but I haven't you have a corner. What have you done wrong lately? Your morning, Steve? What have you received greatful forgiveness? You know you've done. Oh, let's see what have I done? You know, I've been kind of I don't know, kind of tired lately. I've been I don't know, kind of short your husband or the baby. My husband. I apologize, Yeah, I did apologize. I do. I do. And he's such a loving, forgiving man, so it's all good. He said, I got you, baby. I'm working hard to we in this together, we building this empire. That's right, Junior. Good morning. What do you have to confess this morning? Good morning? He don't take me long at all. I want to apologize for what I've done wrong. I have been blocking all my sisters calls. Oh, Junior, Yeah, ok, thank you, this got heavy. This is yes, it is okay. I want to confess walking through the living room all the way to the washroom naked in front of my kids. Just trying to give my wife a hint. Oh things that she overlooking around here. That's all. That's all I have been much to see. Hey, well, confession, okay, what is your His confession was stupid? Well this is good confessional. I confession. I don't like watching my grandkids. I don't you know all the people talk it's wonderful being a grandparent. I don't get it. You have beautiful grandchildren. There's a beautiful They cracked me up. I don't like watching what too much? Stop? Put that down? Where you're going? We get out off of that now. I don't know how to find pepper pig. I don't care to Joe pass look at do something else bother me? Now, you can't drank no McCallum, get put down, Scott, Scott da. You're sitting up in here, Papa smoke because he won't do quit asking me. They ask you everything, Papa, Why are you smoke? Because I'm grown? Steve, you gotta work that damn a callum down for your pass out. You have to work on your patience, sir, you do. I don't have no whole like watching my grandkids. That's my confession. Welcome to the Steve Harvard Morning Children. All right, right back, yeah, we will it thirty two after you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve. Before we went to break, we were all making confessions. I don't cook enough. Carlos snap, Tommy uh was naked. Junior doesn't take his sister's calls. And you, sir, said, you don't like watching your beautiful grandkids. And they are beautiful, they are? And why what is that about your lead? I don't like watching them? Get him. I don't have a lot of time. Should have been here. Always gotta tell him something, boy, Get out off of the stop pulling her hair? Why y'all argus? Papa Rose won't let me. Well your baby, you don't need to look hill. But I don't like Pepper Pig u Glass cartoon. I'm looking pigs sitting up in hill, Papa, Let's watch Pepper Pig. Papa don't like understand Papa like watching Sports Center and seeing it and Netflix. That's what I'm gonna watch, Brave, Papa. I want to drink of that. You can't drink McCall and don't ask me no damn the grandkid Scotch. Where is Marjorie. That's why they'd be having me watching that. Papa. We want a bad time story. Your papa don't know no day you dude, you know greater. I'm a story teller. But they don't be. They ain't done that kids post the hill? Do they lead the kids with you, like like lead the house and yeah, you know they'll go to no Booze or something they know I don't want to go. Then they're watching, okay, watching kids, so I don't put them in the movie theater room. I got the big screen. All I got cartoons, I mean little movies, you know, the Incredibles and all this hill. They're gonna talk and ask questions all damn, yeah, why are you in there? Are you? You're in there with them? Now it's next to my office, so you know, but this is wiproof room. What is I leave? And then they're coming in and prop Emily who is emminly? No, I don't know none of these right here. I don't like none. Then my kids because I'm bought all of the iPads and stuff. Dad, we don't want our children raised on iPad. Q're dropping them off over here. But they lead the iPad for they need somebody to talk to. Other things and meat and your kids. Aren't your grandkids vegan or something? Aren't there two of them vegan? That's another thing coming in here. Cary left bj Whitney one time. Yeah, well, he came in my office. I was eating some ribs and I gave it, you know, and he was just over Joe. His eyes got big. He kept looking at any. Didn't eat it a little bit more, guinny to look at it, didn't eat a little bit more. Carl came in here, Daddy, what did you give him? I said, eating the real He don't eat meat? I said, yes, he does right now. And we don't do that at our house. You ain't ask your coming in here asking me? Man and raised the kids. Watch these kids. I watched these kids like I won't to how long they've been in the water until they look like all of that. While, Hey, let me tell you some No. I put them in the swimming pool with their little raft round where they can't they can't climb out of it and they can't fall move around. That's it. So like if if the little girls stay over Rose and Ell or something, do you have to comb their hair and stuff? Oh? No, no, So you just got the babies looking crazy if they take a nap. The girls, okay, how they look, they're cute. They's nighttime, go to bed. But they're so smart, man. They vocabulists extensive. They be talking. They ask you questions, Papa. So you know I was leaving one morning, Papa, where are you going or something? Going to work? Papa? Why you always go to work? Because y'all always eating groceries, That's why I always. It's a good answer too, because y'all are wanted to ask me getting skating rinks for your damn party and ice skating rinks. We had a damn raindeer and the y'all who you think pay for this one? Oh my goodness, you're yelling. Ain't really that's we bought the black Santa Claus back here. You know how much he cost? White was way cheap because there's more of them. There's more of them. Your black Santa Clauses hack comply. Yeah, then you gotta get one that really know how to be Santa Claus. You can't hand no fat black dude. Back then, it was some blue key, you stupid bottom. Why you always working? Y'all keep eating? But They don't understand that. See, you have to talk to them, you know, on their level. White Santa Claus is way cheap. You can't how much things cost. They don't understand that they need to learn this year, just the real world. Yeah, they don't get it. They just know that young young for one to learn. Just have these life lessons. To learn those lessons. And they ain't too young to own the eight hundred dollars. They're not too young to ride in this damn Lamborghini coste. The hell we got costa designer coste. All the little grandkids got luxury automobiles plugged up in the inner garage. They got a little convertible business they drive when they come home. Steve, So they tell about so one on battery ran. I know it's battery run out because he ride every damn So, no one comes telling me Pap, Papa, my carl, don't work where it's or go do something else. Pull your damn lipp in and go do something else. Going that damn TP I spent all that money for back then, Oh my god, they do have a Lamborghini car. Sleep doesn't tell me I ain't making this hard good, ain't no to me. I got everything sitting up in here talking now like watching my that's my confession. Okay, ten minute confessions. I think we're clearly. I think we're really clear. Steve. I want to cos see you want this up? You want one for yourself? I put the Jordan one either. I mean, dude, you can fit in it though. All right, we'll be back with the nephew and run that prank. I'm gonna get you for your birthday right after that. You're listening to Day Morning show right now, it is a nephew. He's here. It's time to run that Frank back, neph what you got. Neighborhood Watch? Neighborhood watch? Get ready to getting ready to get ready to get ready to neighborhood watch. Hello, I'm trying to reach Johnny. Yeah, it's Johnny. Okay, you're the one to be doing the neighborhood watching. You'll be walking your dog doing the neighborhood watch? Is that you? Who's this is this Johnny? Who is this man? This is PREJ? Answer my question? Are you Johnny? On your road? On your road? I'm Johnny and I do the neighborhood Watch? Who is the damn PJ Man? Don't call my phone yell at me charging me up. Hey, man, only the blue streets over from you. Okay, And you're supposed to be the neighborhood watchman, but that ain't what you're doing now. I didn't caught you looking in the window at my wife. When I came outside. You was halfway down the street, you and your damn dog. So you ain't watching the neighborhood. You're looking trying to see something in the window. That's what you're doing, picking something. Please, I don't look. I'm doing my job, man, I do my I do my job, do the neighborhood watch. I make sure people ain't bringing no body houses. I gotta wife. What the hell I want to look at somebody else's wife. I got a pizza at home. I want you need to stay over looking people, to looking through people. Wonder man, you're supposed to be watching a neighborhood, not watching my wife. When you say you live against because we went, I live too strict. You know what, I'm gonna tell you what though, I'll tell you what damn people, Tom. I'm gonna show you what a damn pezpa Tom is. Now, I'm gonna show you what no, I'm gonna start looking through your window looking at your wife. See but nothing pete, mister John. But but bringing you over here, I want you to look. I want you to look at my damn window. Who the hell is this? I ain't got time for this, man. I got a job, I got a mortgage, I got kids. I ain't got time for this. Man. Don't look at a job, man, don't don't find a job. I got a head job. I got a job for when I'm at work. You gotta job, Yeah, you got a job. Cling like a damn talking by somebody looking at your Why dobody look at you? Damn white man got a job. But when I'm at home, I'm wondering if you're the back of the hour looking through the window at my wife. Please come to my damn house. Please, I'm coming later than to look through the window. Fine, Remember the hell are you talking about? Calling me? Tell my people and it's just damn white you know body, that's what you've been doing. Man's no white. You probably ain't got no wife. You're probably near to him, damn midget or something. You're talking about, man, tell about not people at your wife. You got the water wife and you were gonna wonder, and I'm yer, I'm watching the neighborhood. But that ain't work I'm doing. I'm gonna take come over here now, since you're a round the neighborhood. You three streets whatever, how many streets whatever? You are for me? Come night now. I'm stand outside with my dog pushing on your I want you to come by one. I'm coming later the night when she is at that shower the same way you were looking through my one. Please just come by, don't wait, just come by now, please, and I'll get that way with I don't talk about it right now, but I'm playing somebody with me. You won't work. I'm getting ready to slow down so I could get ready and ten of my business. Man, I'm getting ready to gold work again in the day. Man, what the hell are you talking about? Bro? I got two damn jobs. I got a job to what I'm doing to day and at night and in between I do the neighborhood. Watch. I'm doing your service. I'm helping your lazy you stop. You're watching people looking to see if they're looking at your dad. Watch. Why don't you get you a second job or something? Man, worn't you Google. Why don't you look at muster dot com or something? What the hell is wrong with you? Coming? Men? I'm peeping at your day on watch many don't you ever call me when? No? The who the hell is this anyway? Yeah? Who the hell is this? Because I'm got something for you. Who is gonna tell you who it is? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbor Morning Show. You just got prayked by your wife Tricia, and they want baby. They ain't right, baby, John, ain't baby, They ain't right. Then you got me man, because I said, ain't nobody to gonna get me on? No, Frank, Man, I don't fom that man, Damn frank. Your wife told me you do the neighborhood. Watch oh man, she said you do the neighborhood. You walk, you know, because what you gotta Rode Wall told me that's why I use niggers. I want to be safe. They just can't something happening. I just stick my rock fell on that. Then you got me bad that. You you got me bad man. You're good. I'm good. Bang. I'm gonna get her though, all right. Let me ask you this though, what else the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land made the Steve Harvey shown to Ambo to say something, you play too much, you pay to baby. We're jumping stupid off that is. But you don't want to miss the Comedy Laugh Fest Deep Center twenty night, Atlanta, GA. We will be at the State Farm Arena. That's Centric the entertainer d L. Hugly, dionco Oh Bruce Bruce in the building and hosted by yours truly nephew, Tommy. That's State Farm Arena. That's Atlanta, GA. That's Deep Center the twenty night What tickets on sale right now? Comedy Laugh Fest? What are we talking about? All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so let's talk about cheating. It's time for something funny. The age old question. Why do we cheat? We? I said we because the new report reveals that women who cheat are lonely, virile, and most of them don't work like strong, you know, like strong, um uh yeah, no, no, no, not just capable, yeah, just just strong. And you know, why wouldn't they have said that? Yeah? Body build I would have, yes, yes, yeah, yeah, good, strong, capable, they can get the job done. And most of them don't work. They're stay at home like homemakers or house ah okay, but the women that cheat, that's for women. Ain't my wife at home. She's to stay at home mom, right, she get moving all right. So that's what we're saying about women. Now, men who cheat are tall? What what the study shows the cheat? They're smart huh, and they have good jobs with money and they're or they're rich anmus because you're short, you're stupid. Well he's broke. Well he ain't broke, but his cause they say they have good jobs. You have a good job with money, or you're rich. All right. The study also finds that men who cheat because of lust, arrogance, and their ego. Oh now that's true. That's true. They they're either lustful, they're arrogant, or their ego, while women do it because they start feeling the elected by their partner. Okay, yeah, that's so good. Yeah, yeah, all right. So we'll start with you, Steve has I know you're happily married. Now this is in the Yeah we love Marjorie. We got all that. Yeah, we're talking about your past. It's all we have to draw up on now. Well, I don't know how. Only back then was tall, I was dirt. Okay, Well, has a woman ever cheated on you that you'll admit? Well oh hell yeah, oh yeah. The problem was she won't come out and say oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I know how you find out? You know how she know because the way she know empidence. Oh also you follow evidence because usually women are smarter about we're better at Yeah. Well, you know if somebody tell on you that don't really like you, so somebody just rat it on it. I hate to tell you this niched yea a girl or man? Of course it was a girl. She wanted you, yeah, yeah, and then I let her her. Then you go. She told you after she told me she had her, so you were broken up. I got to pull me back to other. I would never do you that way. I bet you would feel so bad for you bad. I'm gonna lay on my shoulder like that, no problem. What, yes, I know you hurt? Yes? Okay, yeah, some hurt. Yeah, let's hear from thee as a woman ever cheated on you? For show, I walked in and saw it. What Yes, I don't believe it, really, yeah, and and Holland and the way, I ain't never ever heard you Holly like this. You know, he must have been tall and smart. And that's how y'all gonna go back around. What did you do? Tommy? The dude ran down the hall but naked, and the girl just stood there looking at me, And I said, really, that's all you said? Was really you cock a doodle? For you never heard you cock a doodle? That did? That was stating? Man, he really hurt you. My child was cock a doodlen Wow when you was in there? All she was doing with this he just doing rooster calls in the morning, Tommy. And that's fascinated from the country, right, so you know, you know, my god, is that sexy? Is she cock line? Tommy stalling that the whole time? Got to listen, he out there crying and they kind of out there crying in the hall. Then, So then did it make you like, you know, get on your game more so you can get Yeah, it didn't seem she's still a clock all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning show. All right, these are words? Yes, yes, did you guys constantly mess up? It's just no, it's all right, I believe so, No, you're standing wrong step so that I believe, so keeping I believe? So? How is that so hard that I like that? I'm about to come? That's still wrong. It's about together, about together, that's it. You've been long enough. Now I'm about to go. What you going to do? About to go about? I'm about to go, guys, okay, all right? And and about this word about it's about by the way about it's about to go that it's about to go upside your head? Yeah about? Yeah? All right? How about this one? Bring one back for me? As in can you bring one back for me? Song? What what'd you say? Bring one back for me? As in? Can you bring one back for me? When you go to the stove? You didn't upsodom bring back one too? Yeah? Yeah, all know? That sounds all right? Can you back that up for me? Please? No? No, that is the proper way to say it. It's back up. What did you do it? Backed up? Backed up? Backed up? Right up? It sounds that's even mold like you don't let me go off? Director Okay, go teach you how to talk. How to talk? Say it didn't happen, It didn't happen, bload it not blew it missed that what I'm telling you? You flo Okay this you guys, get this mixed up all the time, messed up. Panties bloom. I know exactly what you know? That is panties. Yeah, h What wouldn't make you? I got one? What would make you? Leave a fight? Leave a club real early. So you're in the club, you're having a good time. You got to get about of Oh, let's go. They're about to fight, about fight, about to fight. I gotta get up in here because I feel like they're about to fight. Orfense to fight the fight last one. Okay, gorgeous, gorgeous. You're listening, all right, guys, it is time for comedy roulette. Please, Jay set this one up for us. Tell us. And it's so important to explain this because we get new listeners every day and we're doing a different segment that people are not aware of. So that's why I take the time to explain comedy. And it's very simple. You take force subjects and you put them on a wheel and you take them on the wheel, you spun the wheel, and which stop? We can do the damn thing because we's comedians were good, sir. All right, here we go. These are the subjects for today. Things you can do to get people to leave your house. Things you say to people who've overdecorated for the holiday. Yeah, things you say to people who have underdecorated for the holidays. And here's the last one. Things you say when you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas? Okay, yeah, yeah, you gotta page. Yeah, let's go, let's spind the wheel. I'm on over death of wage. Yeah, oh oh, I thought it was gonna stop on overdecorating, but now it stopped on. Things you say when you didn't get what you wanted for Chris. It's the same as Steve's bad acting theater. No, no, no, no, no, not at all. No. I don't even know how you got that out of that. But these are things you say when you didn't get what you want for Christmas. Yeah, let's go. The things you say when you didn't get what you say? Oh, come on, j oh, this is nice. And this one lights up? What is it with that attitude? That's how you say it? That's what you're saying. How you say it? Yeah, I'll tell you what This is something I actually said as a kid. But I didn't get what I want on huh for Christmas? And they were standing there by parents, but I was about ten. I said, you said the actual words. Yeah, yeah, when you open that box of what you're supposed to get, Oh, thank you. I'll I put this in the drawer with that ragged ass time you about la, I ain't grateful get what you want that time? This one, this is what you say at work. I knew when he pulled my name it wasn't gonna be worth for Danne. I knew you saved and you didn't give it you. Yeah, a pound cake? Huh? Thanks for a lot? Yeah to a diabetic? Thanks you say when you don't get what you want for Christmas? What happened? Check short again? Cheke shot again? Huh? Come on down? Why? Why? Why? In the hill? What I wanted to kid? I don't work on that. Come on, man, really, I don't work on guys. It's the thoughts account. Come on, Steve. Black people don't eat fruitcake. I can't stand that damn fruitcake. What is some damn green things in there? What is that cherry? Actually, h snowshovel? I live in La Thanks. These people say what they don't get what they want from Christmas? I already know the story of Jesus. I already know it. Come on, who eats this basket of cheese? Who eats that? Who eats that? This is all right, Steve, come on, close it out. That's why we're getting a divorce. This damn croc pop. This is the last thing somebody won't know. Damn croc pod. That was me who said that one. Sorry, all right. It is the nephew with the brank phone call that's coming up right after you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, guys, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter forward today. The subject is you ever heard of an old fool? That is the subject, you ever heard of an old fool? But right now the nephew's here. I don't know. I didn't mean for those two to go together right there, right now. I didn't. I didn't. It just happened like that. Right now, the nephews here with a prank funk? Is that a hot in the house tonight? Okay? The name of pan Ah. That sounds ain't ready for this? Yeah, come on, boy, second to laugh and I've five heart beat? Yeah, I got a ball saying what I don't want to stand? How I feel? That hard part is that Zarah hard in the house tonight time. Really you're not gonna outstand. But I didn't do this. My mic was like that the heart of a brother running cat. Hello. Hey, I'm trying to reach Alan. This is Alan Alan. How you doing man? My name is Bobby, Bobby bo Uh what what can I do for you? I got your number man from the from the hospital. Did you just um within the last I guess three four months? Did you get a heart transplant? But then we have yo? Yeah I did. I did three and a half months ago. Okay, how you been feeling, man? Actually good, I'm actually up and around faster than I thought it was gonna be, you know. So I'm doing well. Thank you? Are you with are you? Are you with the hospital? No? No, I'm not um. Actually you know they gave me your number. Man. I hope you Kate waited, but you you you actually? Uh the heart that you got was from from my brother d oh my god? Really yeah, that's my brother, my brother. Oh, I'm so sorry about your brother, but wow, I gotta tell you he saved my life. Man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so so I you know, I just want to call you man. I hope you on min you know, no, no, not at all. It's kind of like a little bit of my brothers. It's still living, you know what I mean, It kind of it kind of feels like my brother's still living. So that's a good thing. It's a good thing that glad. Thank you. Yeah. Let me ask you this, man. I'm just curious because your Caucasian, right yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm like, yeah, do you feel any any different having a black man's heart and your body? Dude? Cutting up? No, I don't feel any difference. Uh no. Oh. I didn't think about it though. And this, this will just make me and the rest of the family feel good that we knew what he was dedicated to and the things that matter matter to him. Would you feel all right joining the NAACP? Uh? Is that are there some people are gonna be upset that I joined. I mean it's that okay, Well, you know, I don't know about anybody being upset, man, It's just I know my brother that that's what he was a part of. And you know, you you walking around with with his heart, man, it would just feel different, feel great, you know, to have to feel like he would be back in there doing what he was doing and fighting for for us, just for the black community. Now you are Democratic a Republican? Well, you know, I mean honestly that I was Republican until Trump, and now I'm just really I'm kind of on the science. I mean, that guy's an idiot. You did vote for Trump. I did not, But I am a Republican, Okay. So and the reason why, you know, because I'm just curious man about it. What I what I would hate to see is you know when twenty twenty come around, you know, you you over there in the voting booth, you know, with my brother black Heart and you and there, you know, voting Republican. Uh, you know, and and that's something that I know my brother wouldn't be doing, you know what I'm saying. So I'm just I'm just asking, well, I mean, I'm not happy with Trump, but if someone else in the Republican party runs and I agree with them, I'm it's kind of like it's my heart. Now I can't change my point of view just because of that. I mean, yeah, but but but but what you're not gonna do, though, man, is be in there with my brother black heart, and you up in there making some decisions that I know my brother wouldn't do. You see what I'm saying. That's a long way off, man, But I can't promise you that. I mean, if somebody runs that I like, I mean, I'm gonna vote the way I feel my heart and my head tell me about hold one, don't don't say what my heart because that ain't your heart. You know, I'm saying my brother hard So you got every right to ask me what you think my brother would see in his heart? And I tell you you understand what I'm saying. I don't ask the way I see. Man, Let me ask something. Have you have you been like craving different kinds of foods that you don't know need? Have you been looking at I don't know, I mean girl like greens like my brother ate a lot of greens. Did you do you feel like you ge wounds and greens sometimes I like greens occasionally. Yeah, okay, man, have all of a sudden, do you like women who have big butts? A lot of women in general. I didn't think about specifics, but you know, if they're good looking, they're good looking. Well wait, wait a minute, what kind of calls this? Man? I mean you're ask me all these random questions. Why what I don't understand where this is coming from is coming from my brother's hart. That's where it's coming from. You got my brother's black heart inside of you, you know. Yeah, I'm asking you. I'm asking you to do what my brother would do, not what you would do. You want to do it from your heart? You then you do it from my brother's heart. When you first call me about your brother, I was excited. Now I'm saying, how much did the hospital give you just this number? And you get to call me up? That's privilege information. You shouldn't get to just call me and asking all these random questions. Man, I just got a heart test plan. Now you're starting to get me worked up. If I'm not trying to get you worked up. All I'm trying to man, Okay, okay, well let me let me just come. All I know is you got Troy hard inside of you, and I'm trying to let you know the kind of person Troy appease. Okay, so let me let me ask this. Has your music change? Are you listening to more R and B? Now? I do like R and B, but I listen to hard rock too. That hasn't changed because once in Troy's heart gone stage in Troy A you understand, So you got to have that's in your heart now Greens did butts inp That's what I'm saying. Okay, I'm trying to tell you about rub Well. Are you crying? Man, I'm trying to tell you my chrub Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, I know you mess your brother, don't damn, I'm sorry. Okay, Let let me say this saying, Okay, since you got my brother hart, I think it's only right to me and you we get together and go to go to a jay Z call sor together. I think that's the only right jay Z and be honestly, because we go together because that's what me and my brother did. We we will go see them perform. Well, I mean they are to the best of all time. So am I buying both the tickets? Oh? That up? You got trouble and you worry about who's gonna pay for some tickets. I didn't know. I thought maybe you might want to teat your brother one last time. I'm a sorry man, Yeah, no, no, okay, listen, I'm really I'm really sorry. I mean I get upset. I didn't mean yell at you. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Do you do you do you listen to black radio? Sometimes? I do listen to black radio. You never This is is Steve Harvey Morning This Show boy. Yeah, he's one of the best man I had to follow when he was on Family. Dude. He's trade what He's got a nephew on the show and he does frank phone calls. Yeah, and that would be me Alic. This is nephew Tommy, baby, Steve Harvey Morning show man out. Are you serious? Are you kidding me? I'm not kidding back. Oh my god, dude, you almost gave me a second heart attack. Jesus, Oh my god. You've been franked man by your wife Robbing and her co worker Bridget Potting. You gotta tell me us what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It's your show, baby, Steve Harvey. Come on, man, Okay, I'll stand good. That was good. All right, well, thank you, nephew. That was a good one. You're right today. The Strawberry Letters coming up next. Subject you ever heard of an old fool? Strawberry Letter? Up next right after this you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, it is time now, ladies and gentlemen for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. All right, all right, let's get it. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. Subject you ever heard of an old fool? Dear Stephen Shirley, do you think that dating rules for seen years are different than those for younger people. I need to know because I'm trying to find love again and I'm over sixty. I'd like to think that a man in age sixty five to seventy would think and act differently than he did when he was twenty five to thirty years old. But that's not the case. When I meet men my age, they are still interested in the cookie, and I need to know if I should still be using the ninety day rule at my age. Then there are other men, the other men that I meet and they voluntarily tell me that the cookie is a non issue for them. Now, I'm still a bit frisky, so I don't date men that I don't date a man that doesn't want the cookie anymore. Okay, Steve, I wish you would talk more about this subject because I have a lot of single friends that are on the dating scene. Again. My big problem is I recently met a seventy year old man that I adore, and he always tells me that I'm very attractive and youthful for my age. He's smart, funny, and nerdy, and I love spending time with him. I thought he was into me too, but I keep getting mixed signals from him. He says he wants to be in a relationship, but his actions don't match his words. I'm not willing to wait forever for him to commit to me. Excuse me. I was shocked to find out that men don't change as they get older. Or am I wrong and I just picked a bad one. He'd be a fool to lose me. Can you please give me some tips on how to keep the magic going with this man so he won't lose interest. I need some help with my love life. I have to apologize for my voice for these three days. I'm struggling. Excuse me? All right, Yeah, I know, Tennessee, Texas, Tokyo. I know that's inside. All right, here we go, you know, don't start, Steve, don't start, Oh, I know, all right, here we go. You know. Um, I was gonna say this to Steve. A lot of people, especially women, ask me to ask you to hook them up. They ask me this all the time when we have events and stuff and we go out there always ask me, Sureley, why doesn't Steve have a segment where older women are older guys, you know, we can hook up. So I'm really not surprised that this letter got through because there is you know, I've seen in firsthand. There is a void, I guess. And in this age group, I say, maybe some things change, but not all the things. The dating rules I'm talking about form for seniors than young people. I think older people know more of what they want. They know, they're more comfortable and confident with who they are, so they can weed out the bad people quicker, and they can get involved quicker So when you say you need to know because you're trying to find love again at age sixty, I think in this case, you know, maybe not the nine d day rule, but rules definitely do apply, and a ninety day rule can apply to because it still applies in other things in life. You know. That's what Steve based it on. The three month probation period, so you don't have to just jump into bed just because you're older. You know, take your time to get to know the individual you're you're with someone who's um seventy years old now, and you say you adore this man, and he's always telling you he's attractive, he's smart and funny and everything. What are these mixed signals you're getting from him? You didn't elaborate on that. He says he says he wants to be in a relationship, but his actions don't match his words. So if he wants to be in a relationship, why aren't you guys in a relationship? Why why aren't you in a relationship if that's what you want. You said you were you were shocked to find out that men don't change as they get older. Did you mean that you're trying to change him? And he won't change because we all know and you're old enough to know that we can't change any one. So did you just pick a bad one? No, he may not be a bad pick, but you didn't give us enough information to find out what's going on here, you know, except that he's giving you mixed signals. He'd be a fool to lose you. So that means, in your opinion, you're a good catch. I think maybe you should hang in there, get to know this guy a little better, and you never know where this relationship can go. Steve, anytime, y'a all ready for me to just get to the bottom line, stop me in this letter, okay and ask you that. Yeah, just Steve, can you get to the bottom to the bottom line. Oh, here's this woman who's sixty and would like to think that a man aged between sixty five and seventy would act differently than he does when he's twenty five to thirty years old. But that's not the case. So the question in the letter is the lady asked me, is do I have to adhere to the ninety day rule at my age? Well, if you don't it here, why would you adhere to the rule? Simply because you're older doesn't mean you shouldn't apply the rules. Because of these men that you keep meeting and acting like twenty five thirty years old, you got to treat him that way, and you gotta protect yourself that way. This is a real simple letter. Anybody ready? Yeah, Steve, get to the bottom line, baby, get to the bottom line. He is right here. The lady says, I recently met a seventy year old man that I doore. He always tells me, and I'm very attractive and you full looking for my age. He's smart, funny, and nerdy. I love spending time with him. I thought he was into me too, but I keep getting mixed signals from him. He says he wants to be in a relationship, but his actions don't match his words. You're ready for it, ready, I'm not willing to wait forever for him to commit to me. He's seventy. Come on with the stick. You ain't willing to wait how long he got That's what you need to know. Hang on, we'll recap and get back to part two of your response, coming up at twenty three after the hour, right after this subject today, You ever heard of an old fool you're listening to all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Get part two of your recap. Real sith this woman trying to get this man the seventy to act right. That's the recap. I'm gonna read it to you one more. TWA recently met a seventy year old man. I doore. He always tells me that I'm very attractive and you for looking for my age. He is smart, funny, and nerdy, and I love spending time with I thought he was in the me too, but I keep getting mixed signals from him. He says he wants to be in a relationship, but his actions don't match his one. I'm not willing to wait forever for him to commit to me. You ain't gonna have to quhen you say, seventy forever is not alone once you seventy forever couldn't mean any day now. Forever could mean twenty years. It can mean thirty years, but that ain't forever though. That'll be here a little while. I don't know if you've noticed it, but as you get older, the years go by so much fast. Two thousand and eighteen was a blur. Here we is into two thousand nineteen now, and you know what what two thousand nineteen gonna blow by? Two? Now? He hold it in all of us. He's seventy. How fast you think his life moved because everybody said that about two thousand and eighteen. Ain't man. I don't care how unless you want an inmate two thousand and eighteen blew back. Now, inmates. Ain't nothing blowing by for them, I understand, and that I ain't lessing with in my field. For all the brothers and sisters, it's locked away that can hear the show. God bless you. Keep your head up, makes match yourself. Now back to this letter. He's seventy. What is he waiting on if he ain't in a hurry at seventy, you're just dealing with a slow man. Okay, you sixty, I'm seventy. You're looking for a relationship. I ain't really feeling it. Here's some of the answers. Argue, just ask me some relationship or commitment questions, anything, It don't matter. Well, where do you think we're going with this relationship? Yeah, we're gonna have to get down to the doctor's office. We don't get down now full thirty, I don't get back up and ain't gonna get no appointment. Well, listen, you know I'd like to go out dancing and stuff. You told me I was cute, and you know I was really youthful looking for my age. So you know I'd like to stay young at hurt and go dancing. But I'm not you youth for looking for your age. I look a bit of sick a a matter of fact, I've never been told I don't look miney. People never always thought I was in my nineties. But when we first met, you looked good. I thought you were healthy and an attractive Yeah. I know, off real fast though, did not. I just fell off. I'm hanging there with you though I still like you. Well, I ain't got along well. I mean you're just seventy though. Yeah, but I just told you I went to the doctor. Yeah, yeah, I got fourteen chronicle. Yeah. Is that what all those pills on your nightstand in your medicine cabinet. I saw six of them is for gout and two of them ajar for breathing. We'll see if we got married, and stuff I could cook for you, you know, make you healthy. Meals and things. I can't eat that kind of food, healthy stuff like vegetables and yeah, and stuff like that. I had to eat hospital food. Oh really, really bland. I can't have nothing only no seasoning, no people, I can't held no, no hollapeno nothing. I can't have nothing only to be what about hot sauce when when oh no, the sodium on now now unless you give me some of that jazz and the brown hotfo I can't really but then out of that too, damn hot. Wow. Yeah, well I didn't think you know, you were that ill and everything when I saw Oh, girl, you don't even know the half of it. Well, well, maybe you'll go to church with me. How about that? And we can let the past to pray over you. Will we pass to pass to prayer for me? Really a matter of fact, I know the path. Oh yeah, we used to have nightclub to get you in the pastor day baby. Oh this is before you became a pastor. No, it was a week four letter recently. Well, when do you think you're going to retire? Oh, I didn't tell you that I'm already to retire. Oh you're retired, because I was thinking, you know, maybe we could travel together and you know, just living nowhere? What? Yeah, I retire, But I didn't read the paperwork right. They said if you signed up, you qualify for your pension in fifteen, and I thought they said they're gonna give you fifteen years on page I signed up, But he'd be fifteen years before I get damn quality. Well, you're gonna have to do something because, like I said in a letter, I'm not willing to wait forever for a commitment. Now, didn't you just hear me tell you I got fourteen chronicle you gonna be Well, you don't think one of these you gonna get me? I got gout. Well I'm a good catch. Now you don't want to leave me. You don't want to lose me. No, you is right about that. You're about to find this thing and come my way in a long see what you want with me? Well you got any friends? Oh? Every lay one of them? They all fake? How we got to be for you? We was in there with all the units all right, Listen, we gotta get out of here. You can email us guys, or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter. You're talking to you, miss, We'll change your mind about man. I'll be here, thank you. Mister Rogers. Ain't going no where color, ain't got no money. Okay, well I'll be sitting right here on the poach. Okay. Bye. Anyway, email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time for Junior's truth be told. I just want to just talk about the links that I know people will go to to get their check, the true to dance. No, let me jay something about black people. There's nothing we won't do to get our check. We don't leave our money at the job. Somebody we know and rebody came up because Jay had left and his check was sitting up there, and he said, Dog, before you walk out that room today, put my check in that draw. Okay. So I thought about the list that I know black people will go to to get the check. I don't care if we at court, Dog, I'm in court rule number seven. When you leave that job today, I might be in front of the judge, walk through that little swivel dog, hand me my check. Don't say nothing. I don't care what level it is. Check. Look here, dog, I'm having surgery at eight thirty. We'd rule number three. I might be open, I might be under, but place that check in my right two fingers and I'm a driffing. But what I can't do it leave my money this dog job. Hey man, they wait, Yeah, I want at the stage. Put it between them two fingers. The one's gonna lock. But what bring me my check when I wake up? When I come through in recovery, I shouldn't have my check in my hand. I don't care if you if you had a funeral. Yeah, if I'm up there at the casket at the grave, shake before you leave that office this Thursday, come back, come by the grave, y'all. But we're the second family. Call lay my check on the backseat. I just when I come back here, I should see my check that I don't care what it is. You got to bring us our check the doge where they're not gonna leave it. I don't care where you go. Hey man, Look man, I'm calling in sick. I'm going to the trail rat. We're in the third wagon. I'll be in the back cooking. Ride your called next to this horse and bring me no way we leave it our check. We're not we got to get paid with that. Nothing wrong with it. Nothing that don't change at no level. No, I don't trust can see their money. Already got money. You can't bleeding it in with nothing. I don't know if it's money. You know, seriously, man, I got so you can't cheat me out of now nickel. I want to see my check. I put it in now. Okay, but that direct deposit? No? All right, more of this hazy, ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm becoming my parents and Jay and Steve Harvey are are letting us know that they're saying things to the same thing. We haven't come up with nothing new. You got one, Steed, you got one. Scratch on that wall is scratch on your head? You better say it. That's me. Now, put a scratch on that wall. Scratch on yeah, scratch on that wall. That means you really want to scratch on you behind? If you scratch that wall, right, how about it. I don't know if it could be done, but I damn never got beat to what I thought it was gonna come up. I will beat all all the black hawk you said that I will. I will be like all the black that you standing in that refrigerator dough like you bought. So what's what's the time living? No, you gotta get in and get out. I like it. Somebody needs to tell me why all these lights is on. I need to know that. That's my husband. Yeah, I need to know why all these lights is on. Yeah, we're becoming our parents. I'm tired. Cass Juliora. Okay, this this is dedicated to Carling. This is pat boldness. Love mama. If you can humm me, you can hear men about to make me cry. If you can hum, you can't hear me. Oh, mama was a heavy, little heavy, you know, little heavy. I'm gonna stock aside. So this is her pattern. Don't make me run after you, and she couldn't run anyway, But don't make me run after you. You know you didn't want that. Let me gonna walk back and take this because it ain't gonna be nice. That's what it is dedicated to. Shirley's mama, Miss Helen, sit down. Everyone has seen you and you do it too. Yeah you So everybody put a little show here that get out of this room, looking in my mouth when I talk, because it ain't nobody talking to you. This is this is problem for yes Ja. Yes, we are becoming our parent, Steve looking down my throat wide talking to what you got, Steve, keep on, keep on acting cute. See how cute your daddy? Thank you when you get home from work? Whoa slick? Get in here, slick. Then cut out all this cute. Okay, your mama said, yeah, and your daddy hit home. Hey on, we're becoming our parents. Definitely becoming a pan all right, we'll be right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. We were talking about, you know, when the best time to break up with someone is during this holiday season. You guys said it was definitely, and even Steve agreed after Thanksgiving? What did you say? How to do it? Steve? I think you should break up. You know at Halloween. It's the best time to break up because we've missed that window. Ye, and you break up on Halloween, coach, that's the way. Hey, I'm leaving boot and then do it like that. You scared me? Yeah, and get on out. I thought you was playing no. And then if you if you're gonna see your number two on Thanksgiving, then you got to go early in the morning. Nine thirty. Just stuck my head in check on, y'all. I'm gonna come back and get a plate. Ever come back or go over there at halftime. Halftime you're making a liquor stoe run that deep in the hood or Craigs is open selling? All right? And then Tommy had some tips as well. What do you have Tommy? This is for women. If you catch your man cheating, don't leave him, keep back, show him you support what he does. You see what I'm saying. Show him you support what he does. That's that's new. I hate that. I love the stupidity that comes out of the show. That's why Dallas brought us back. I really hate that about myself. Yeah, all right, Look, we got more of the shenanigans and stupidity coming up on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. A right, Steve, you sir said you don't like watching your beautiful grandkids, and they are beautiful they are and why what is that about the lead? I don't like watching them. I don't have a lot of time. Shouldn't have been here. Always gotta tell him something, boy, get out off of them, stop pulling her half? Why y'all argut? Papa Rose won't let me? Well your baby, you don't need to look in hill. But I don't like pepper pig lass cartoons. I'm looking pig sitting up in hill, Papa, Let's watch Pepper Pig. Papa don't like people understand Papa like watching Sports Center and seeing it and Netflix. That's what I'm gonna watch. Brave, Papa. I want to drink of that. You can't drink mccallu. And don't ask me no damn Scotch. Where is Marjorie? That's why they'd be having me watching that? Papa. We want a bad time story. You're I don't know, nod you know, but they don't beat. They ain't none that kids post to him? Do they lead the kids with you, like like lead the house and just yeah, you know, they'll go to no booze or something they know I don't want to go. Then they're watching, okay, watching kids, So I don't put them in the movie theater room. I got the big screen. All I got cartoons, I mean little movies, you know, the Incredibles, and all this year they gonna talk and ask questions all damn yeah, I leave, and then they're coming here and proper Emily Dan who is Emmaly dog? I don't know none of these right here. I don't like none of the matter. And then my kids, because I'm bought all of the iPads. Dad, we don't want our children raised on iPad. Quit dropping them off over here. But they need the iPad for they need somebody to talk to other than me. And see, your kids, aren't your grandkids vegan or something? Two of them vegan. That's another thing coming in here. Cary left b J. Whitney one time. Yeah, well he came in my office. I was eating some ribs and I gave it, you know, and he was just over Joe. His eyes got big. He kept looking at any. Didn't eat it a little bit more, Dinny, look at it, didn't eat a little bit more. Carl came in here, Dadny, what did you give him? I said, eating the real He don't eat meat. I said, yes, he did right now, And we don't do that at our house. You ain't at your house coming in here asking me man and raised the kid. Watch these kids. I watched these kids like I won't to how long they've been in the water until they look like prude. You have to bathe them and all of the wild. Hey, let me tell you no. I put them in the swimming pool with their little raft round. They can't they can't climb out of it, and they can't fall. You can move around all right. Coming up next to our last break of the day, and Steve will have some closing remarks. All that's coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this you're listening here we are, last break of the day, last break of the day, with just one more thing, Steve, I'm glad for one. I think we all are that your closing remarks are back. Yeah, they're always inspirational. You always motivate us to do something. Really, I was just now I don't want to sound you know, but anyway, what I was just asking God, what what could I do more? What what could I do? And it was just put on my heart to share more, you know, start take some moment out at the beginning and the clothes of the show and just try to encourage more people. You know, I've loved learned so much over the years. You know, I've had a tough goal of it as many of you have. Mine. Ain't my story animal richer or deeper than nobody else's. So I just try to share the information that I've actually learned, because I've learned a lot. And one of the things that I've learned is about when to start. You know, whenever you come up with an idea or a thought or move you want to make, or something comes from your imagination, the thing that I find that stops people oftentimes is when do I start. Now, here's the thing with starting. What people do is they delay the start by overthinking it. And if you overthink something, guess what will eventually and you overexplain it to other people. Eventually the how it won't work is going to come up. So you have this fabulous idea that you've thought of, right, and then you shared with some people and he said, man, I'm gonna go do this, and you start talking it over and you start thinking it through and you share it with more people. The more people you shared with, and the more people and the more you think it through, you know what, you keep coming up with the mishaps, the things that can go wrong, and you end up delaying the start. The other thing that happens is people try to line all they ducks up in a row before they start so they can just go on and start knocking them down. That's a mistake because that almost never ever happens. I have yet to see any deal I've ever done, any project i've started, go just the way I thought it was gonna go. I have never seen that. I have yet to close a deal that just with smoothly, no wrinkles, no bumps, no nothing. I've never seen that. So when you're waiting to start and then the naysayers hit and you're waiting to start to get your ducks lined up in the row, you're delaying the process. You know when the best time to start is right now, because right now alleviates procrastination. If you wait on the ducks to get lined up in the role and you're listening to the naysayers, procrastination has already set in and taken place, and oftentimes it takes hold. So what I found is when I come up with the idea, I start the process. Now I start the process. Now, look, man, you can easily do that. It's simple things. What stops people is you try to figure out all the way through. You have this goal that you got and you say, okay, I'm gonna do this. Then if I do that, then if I do that, and then you get stuck because you go, well what happens after that? Because you've never been in that area before, you've never gone down that road, so the unknown strikes you. And then because you can't figure out what you do when you get to the unknown, you stop. So now you couldn't line up all your ducks in the road, so the process to success is delayed. Again, stop doing that to yourself. In twenty eighteen, y'all start now do it now. What you have to do next will be shown to you. It'll your first step will lead you to the stat second step. Now, sometimes on your journey you make a bad turn. You gotta make it. You turn and come back and cross over the other bridge instead of going that way. But until you take one step, you'll never know where the next turn is. If it's a fark in the road, if it's a you turn, if it's a been, if it's a valley, if it's a mountain, You got to start today. Stop delaying at everybody. Whatever it is you want to do, start today. You may be surprised that you can actually get yourself further than you thought you could with nobody else's help. Now, in order to be successful, you're gonna need somebody's help. But to start, oftentimes you just need yourself. Start the process. God will show you the way. He really will. He always has. I say this often to people, God will get you through. For everybody's listening right now, name one thing that God hasn't gotten you through. And if He hasn't gotten you through it, he's currently pulling you through it right now. And you know how I know because you're listening to the radio. How you listening to the radio. It's because he's pulling you through something right now. He's gotten you through all the other stuff, but he's pulling you through right now. If you start the process, God will pull you through. But you'll never know until you start. Make twenty eighteen the year starting something great in your life. Start start something great. Don't participate in no mess this year. Stay out of mess. You know what mess is. Mess looks like it ain't right, it don't feel good, it don't sound good. It's mess. Stay out of mess this year. Remove yourself from messy situations so you can move in the right direction. Start this year, man, make it happen. Okay, start today. That's the best time. Thank y'all for listening. I hope that helps you. Thank you. Right, yeah, all right, take us home. Well, y'all, have a great weekend. Close your clothes to have a good weekend. We just let him slid, yeah close, yeah, yeah yeah, we give him a pay Yeah. Happy Thursday. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.