Steve's Apology Tour, Silk Sonic Sweeps, Will's PR Team, The Gamecocks and more.

Published Apr 4, 2022, 5:56 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride!  Steve got some apologizing to do for real.  Pastor Motown recalls the day he was slapped!  The CLO tells the truth better than that Concussion movie.  Silk Sonic sweeps up at The Grammys.  Imagine a phone call between Tommy and Cory.  The Fresh Prince's PR team is working in overdrive.  SOUTH CAROLINA, RAISE UP!!!!!  How long does this round of Would You Rather go?  Eddie Murphy is rumored to be playing George Clinton in an upcoming biopic.  Mo'Nique and Lee Daniels have squashed their beef.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog shares with us a simple law of giving. 

Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the stubbings. Good string together. Please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water got me? Come come on your fad uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you're listening to the voice. Come on Digny nine one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I do, man, I thank God for it every day. You know, UM my message this morning, man's real clear. It's something that's been on me to share, and it's it's amazing. You know, um, God can do some amazing things for you. But what happens along the way is and I don't know that I mean to say, but but the fact that God can do some amazing things for you, that comes adversity along with it. Every single time it it just goes without saying. And I was having a a fairly I mean well not fairly, but a hugely successful week. I had never seen this type of hatred before I hadn't seen it. And it's it's a great trick that the devil does. You know, when when God is blessing you and giving you some some some great opportunities in your life as all of you have gone through, and it is. Isn't it amazing how some negative thing crops up and that's what you have to focus on. I found out that I don't have to, but you wind up focusing on it, and your energy goes over to that to try to deal with it. Counteract. Wonder why I was happening. You gotta make phone calls? What was this about? Blah blah blah blah blah, and and and it, and it throws you off the course you are. On the beginning of the week, I was so grateful, I was so amazed. I was really thanking God for opportunity. For the brief moment, the enemy slides this little factor in there that causes you to and it requires your attention. You have to pay an attention because you don't know what you're going. Wow, man, let me see what this could really be. How much dirt is this really that they're trying to do? And so it requires your attention. But in that attention, you lose your focus on really all the blessings and the good thing that God does for you. That the enemy has an amazing trick that he does that. And it was and it was in my head. I gotta tell y'all all week long, man, and I was doing some amazing stuff. I was having such a blessed weak man in terms of press and pr and where God was taking me. And then when I got back, I was talking with my wife, and then I was talking to a good friend of ours and they shared something that really helped me out. And they said to me, new level, new devil. You know it's it's it's something really simple, but new level new devil. Every time you go to another level, every time you go a little bit higher, every time God has a blessing in store for you, every time He moves you in position, do you understand that the enemy's job is to make you not see the blessing, make you not be grateful for it, lose your focus and focus on this that I just threw in your way, this stumbling block, this obstacle, this trickery. And man, I was, I was, I got you. I just gotta tell you, man, I mean, it was so filled with hatred that I had to I really spend some time addressing it. I you know, I got publicists on the phone. I said, what's what's happening here? Y'all not watching this? Y'all not what? What was? What was this attack? You knew that you didn't know these angles? What what was you know? Steve Chill, new level, new devil. If you get a promotion on your job, guess what. Somebody ain't happy that you got the promotion. So here come to hey. You don't even you don't even really know these people. You have no idea. Every time you make a decision to make your relationship with your spouse better, man, this is it. You know what I'm gonna start doing. I'm gonna do this, man, so me and my girl can go on and have this on. Me and my man can go on and have this. Watch what happened every single time? Here comes the new level, the new devil, the trick. You don't need to do that, what you're doing that for her? She don't appreciate it. He ain't gonna appreciate it. Look over here, man, look at that right there, ain't he nothing. You know, he missed, he didn't call you, and he said, there's gonna all types of stuff. It just happens all the time. And I was sitting here talking with this friend, really good friend, very spiritual person, and they said, you know something, Steve. You know, I was talking to Jesus and said I was having this conversation with Christ. And I said, God, for real, you mean to tell me every time that something good happens to me. You mean every time I try to go to the next level, every time you put me on the next level, you mean to tell me that I got to go through this right here? Are you for real? And then my friend said, Jesus said, they did it to me, and we just fell out laughing. They did it to me, They did it to him. They did it to him for him to go to the next level. And you know, I was just I was just going over the whole story about the crucifixion and everything that had to be amazing man of all the hate he had endured, all the prosecuting he had do it. They thought, ultimately, what we'll do is we'll nail him on the crossing, crucified, and that'll be the end of him, and we'll put him in his tune, and we'll put this big stone up there, and that'll be the end of him. But what they did not know was all you was doing was setting the tone for the next level. Because eventually the stone got rolled away and he went and got placed with his father where he was headed to. Anyway, he ultimately knew that his ultimate goal was to get to his father. So when you when you when you thought you were doing what you were doing to him, and you put him in a tune, and you put the big stone up in there, and the stone got rolled got rolled away, and he went eventually to where he was trying to get to. That story is in place for all of us to remember that when we are going through some things, could it be because we are going to a place, you know, It could be just a place in life. It could be just a different level in life. That's all it has to be. But there's going to be the adversarial challenges that come with it, and those are the moments we must expect, expect and take them head on and still not lose your focus or appreciation for what God has done for you. So in light of all of that, I'm able to say today that I thank my heavenly Father, I really do for all the blessing season bestowed upon me and all of the haters, and all of the liars, and all of the backstabbers and all those people. When you get through lying, when you get through stabbing, when you get through gossiping and doing what you do, I'm still going to the next level. I'm still going. You cannot stop what God has in store for you. No one can stop that. Com show, ladies and gentlemen. Uh. The theme of this morning showed. I decided today it's called get it. We're about to get it, that you need to get it. Call we fit to get it. And at the end of the day, I want you to say, got it. Let's get it. Oh, come on, let's get it. Get it how you want it, Let's get it. Oo look at him, say get it. Get it till you got it. I got it. Must met you went and do yourself and get it. If you're gonna say you got it, must set you getting it. Get it all. You won't get a whole bunch. Get it till you're full of it, then say got it. Ladies and gentlemen, that's how we're doing it today. Charley Strawberry, Colin Farrell, Mississippi, Monica Junior a better known as Kills Faith than the Legend. Nephew, Tommy, I'm here or what's on your mind? You up? You know it's been about a week now, and uh, I just want to ask you, I know when you got you know, if you would have got slapped up there? Just we already know this part. But how long would your apology to it be? Oh? Whoever? Because he would have went way passed the academy and the celenominees out have had them apologize to the sound engineer that the three cameramen that I turned their cameras over. I want to apologize to all stage repair and crew for having to restructure to set that they had. I want to apologize to the lightening people because I don't know how I got some up there and was hidden lights. I had to apologize to the people that were next two wheels table. What did they do? They were up because I knocked some people over into the table, which and the wine got on her gown, and then I had apologize to the roll behind table, got apologized to them. Then I got apologize to three ushers because they grabbed me. I wasn't really feeling it, so once they grabbed me, that was a whole another set of people that got some. Then I want to apologize to the paramedics because I thought they was trying to pick me up and it was them other people and I wasn't. I wasn't to be touched at that moment. I want to apologize to the LAPD because I wasn't resisting the rest. I was just clearing the room. And then I want to apologize to the prosecutor and the judge because I was in there still still clear space out from me. And then I'll apologize to uh, just everybody. Man, I want to apologize to Will you know, I'm an. I ain't mean to go that far. You know. I wish you well, you know, get way off soon. Hope you get out soon. You know, stuff like that. To be getting to sit the wheel, it just would have been a looted to apologize to out who anybody else? Governor? All right, all right, come down, wheels kids coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour. We'll have the pastors and church complaints right after this. Come You're listening to morning show. It is time now for Reverend Motown and Deacon Deaf jam Church complaints. We girl in this bostatious way as we um niflic hate the prepontiousness of what's been going on. Ye, we momentalize the gravitatiousness of all this by goings, by goings and by comings, the things of that nature that we have to reprehense and gather ourselves in a most daciously way. Gather my deacon here umpictrious, gravitatious intus gravitations or he is an implural blockable, Yes, yes, implural blockable person to me, ladies and gentlemen. Deacon death our narious jams, that's what That's what death is shot for death Fernarius. That boy know how to bring somebody else? Death Jammer is death fernarious Jamison. We shortened it for death jam Deafernarius Jamerson, go ahead, death Denarius, All right, pastor let's see here listen by. As you know, our brother Elvin Banks passed away. As you know, he was seven foot four. The family cannot afford a cast get that loan. They want to know can we help out? Seven foot foue pass and we've he don't have pastors that and they don't have cast that long. Yeah, well, we've gone through this before. We're gonna do like we've done before. Or we're gonna fold him. Oh lord, what we're gonna fold him? He's deceased. Your been his legs back, have them down there, yes, below his knuckles, and have his feet jest below his knuckles. Fool his hands on his chest and no one will know the difference. But we're not. We're gonna fool him up. Just crank his legs, but he can't feel nothing. You might have to dislocate him a little bit and get him situated. He's gonna be in there with his legs back, and he's gonna be slew footed. Who does My guy ain't got good. This feels uncomfortable. Path, it feels uncomfortable. He won't know, he don't He uncomfortable was when he got shot? Oh gosh, yeah, all right, moving right along past the ey. We got an issue here. Brother James Belton stole some gas at the gas station while driving the Church of Van Nah. He was a rested and taken to jail. The van was told away. Now here's the problem. Nobody knew that brother Vernon Lawson was in the back sleep. Uh, he's still on the church van at the impound. What do you want to do about this back locked and everything? He came go down there myself and we're gonna get him the gas back and let us have the vein. I'm gonna go down there with five gallon cane of gas. I'm gonna let him take the gas back and then I'm gonna pull the five gallons in there that are getting me to the corner and our gas to veil him and get it back with who's in the back seating up? That was brother Vernon Lawson is in the back. He would sleep back there. Okay, we'll go down there and get brother Lawson. He's all good, member hill he so that's all I could he He has a sleeping disword has a sleeping disorders almost like when it hit him, it's like horse tranquilizes. So it just it just it just rocks it right on down. Lord. Now what are we gonna do by brother James Belton? And we're gonna get him out of jail. We're gonna leave him in then we all yeah, well, well we're gonna worry about that later, because you know, the Bible says thou shalt not steal the gas, has hide on passing the gas either hide on. Now you got to give him that understood that well, you know, should have thought that out, you know. And it's not so much distilling the gas that I'm concerned with. With this motor getting caught sting the problem for us, you know, not if you know not, if you understand what I'm saying, I get what you're going right, So we're not here or new. He will. As soon as I hear that, I'm thinking that's one of the Williams brothers right there. Ah, No, he will, I know he will. And that right there, that's the male quartet. Now, ye, who is Louise? That's the sister Louise back that she didn't see. Sister Louise got a start sounding stop sounding like brother Lewis. Of course, that's where the confusion is. Just Louise is sounding like Sister Louise is sounding like brother Lewis. All right, let me let me, let me get you this passing for a week. Go I now brace yourself. Brother will and Jada want to join church, but the members are not sure if they should accept their members sip some I'm are wearing nobody, we are possibly slapping you in the middle of one of your sermons. It's your call. They don't have to wear about that. We will welcome them to the church because the amount of tize it's gonna be outstanding. Just make sure that he feels out the tide envelope and the love offering envelope. And we'll see how long he stayed. But just notice the day he slapped me. Oh there's anybody he wants to see in heaven, he'll he'll be able to check him out that evening for today. Amen. Coming up next, Ask the CLO with our Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building, ready for your love questions. Right after this com you're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour in our entertainment report, will recap last night's Grammy Awards in Vegas, and we hear that this may be the first and the last year that the Grammys will be held in Vegas. What look about what happens? No, yeah, yes, we'll talk about it. We'll talk about it. But right now it is time for Ask to CLO, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. This one is from LaDonna and Omahalla. Donna says, I'm twenty eight and I used to date one of the guys at my job when I was in high school. Guys flirt with me at work, and my ex tried to be territorial. Does he want me or is he just hating? Well, it's a little bit of both. You know, he dated you in high school. He does have a memory, so he won't you back, and it is hating, and it's being territory. It's all of that. It's it's all of it. He won't you back, he's hating and he's being ted. That's all period. So what should she do? That's i mean, what you want to do? You want to date him? That's the question. You know she's really trying to figure out, you know, is he hating? And you know she's flattered by it really and she just trying to figure out in her youth. Is that what she want to do. That's up to you. But remember there's not excess, excess for a reason. Try to remember the reason. Try to remember the reason, all the reason. All right, The new them might be the same them, just older and at work all right, Sharon and Macon. Right. I stopped by my husband's office tuesday to get his mail because he's out of town. There's a reed's jeweler's bill in my husband's name, but my husband hates credit cards. Do you think I should open the mail or ask my husband about it? First? I can't believe you ain't open it. I know that's right, I would have can't what woman ain't open it? Do you think I should open his mail? What your husband's mail a jeweler? Now, what you could do is mess up something as a surprise he got for you. Yeah, yeah, you know that's the only thing you know. Yeah, yeah, right, this ain't gonna go good? Yeah? Yeah, Well should she ask her about it? Then he ain't Why she asking me that? I don't like I'm saying. I don't know what you're waiting on you. I ain't can't believe you ain't opened it. I just don't know how you haven't opened it. So maybe she's an honest person and she doesn't that it's not just illegal to open other people's mail. What other people's mail? That's her husband? Oh, I wouldn't need anyone that doesn't have your name on it, but I would can't get arrested for that. Well, you're not supposed to open other people's mail, and you know that that's what you want to You can open your spouse as man. Surely stop. I don't know where this self righteous listing come from her. You would have opened it, read it and called him about it. Yes, girl, y'all need Hey, this is not this is not a white show. Okay, so let's stop. That's what you're gonna stop doing. You know, you know what you just on the white show? This girl, this Steve Harmore on the show. I'm back. That's maybe that's why she didn't open it. Girl, girl, I'm not saying what I would have done. This is she did? Girl? Asking should she? She? Asking you as a black person, asking you the l O? What did my black ass just say? I? Timmy, what Tommy? What is that? I just gave it? It was a black answer. What do you want? All right? So you're saying open, surely, good lord, yes, open man opening and asking about it the mession little surprise up because he didn't got you something from Mother's Day and you fit the mess that up? Now, going and ask him about it? Sitting up in here, we're gonna do know what kind of show this is. We're gonna do a segment what's called black and White with you answering. As a matter of fact, we're gonna do that on the soon we get an opening segment, We're gonna let you answering. Then I'm gonna answer the winds post to get answer if we damned it got that some of it. Sometimes it's the strawberry letter. Did you not hear me say I would have opened it? Where was that? Where's that? So? What is this illegal? What is this illegal? Part? Where that come from? It is illegal? But she's saying she would have done it's illegal to spank your children. It I didn't know that. See it's illegal. I didn't know that. No, dog, you'll get in trouble now for spanking your kids. What is y'all talking about? You didn't know that because you're black. That's why you don't know it. That's why I don't know. I'm black? Now, Okay, go ahead, Moving on to Twanna and Duval. Twanna says, I'm a forty nine year old married woman and I was at lunch with my husband when his phone rang. He looked at it and turned it over. It rang again, so I answered it, and the lady on the phone said, she is the party planner for my surprise that he had birthday party. But I don't believe her. Does this sound crazy to you too? No, she says, she's the party planner for your fiftieth birthday. And you picked up the man's phone. He trying to keep it a secret. You answered it, and she told you what she would not day him. You didn't mess that up, too? Black answer, I'm sicking you and I know you black cards. Your name is Twanam girl? Do now? All right? So she messed that up? Yeah? All right? Onika, and Mobile says, my twenty two year old cousin is staying with me while she does her spring internship. She's stinking up the place. I don't know how she can get out of the shower and still be musty, but it happens to suggest a stronger deodorant to her. Oh yeah, no, are you no good here? Where you you know what's up? Let's stop this hire. We're grown folks on this show right here. If you take them a shout black and when you're getting out and you still stink, this is not you gotta do something else. You already notice hill. Yeah, you already notice here in the wind because there's kids in the car, so we don't find to go here. You already know what's harder to hill. You're gonna stop this hill, you fling. You shouldn't find out. You shouldn't come home, be fined. Be all kind of products on the table, Summer's eve, Yo, bacon, shoulder star. You know it would be all kinds of stuff right here. Yeah, you Finn, get all this hell, You already know what's happening. She sitting up in here didn't play this game. Where do you, Finn? Get that hot water bottle that's been on the back of the dope. You fit to get to get all that. You know, sometimes you can go too far bottles. I heard you. You didn't have to be hide it, thank god, with the little vinegar in it. You didn't These kid coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment News, Come You're list show. The sixty four Annual Grammys were last night in Las Vegas, and Carla, our girl, Carla is here with the recap coming in hot Carla. What you got? Okay, Shirley, did you see the Grammys. Did you watching my friends? Did? All? Right, y'all, let's talk about it. The Grammy's hosted by Trevor Noah was in Las Vegas. Steve Uh. He did a light joke. Trevor kicked things off in his monologue. He did a light joke about the Oscar slap. He said, don't even think of this as an record show. Yes, he did, right, right right. He said, this is a concert. We're giving out awards. We're gonna be listening to music. We're gonna keep people's names out our mouths, and you know, dad, Silk Sonic rule the night. Uh, sweeping four categories they were nominated and including Record and Song of the Year first award. Kicked things off. Silk Sonic. They did an opening performance of dedication to Las Vegas seven seventh star. It's the difference between Record of the Year Solo of the Year. Child. I struggle with that every year, but they won. I don't know writers, performers, all of that, So quest love. He presented Silk Sonic with their first award. He did a joke saying for everyone to stay five hundred feet back again, a little joke, but Silk Sonic, we love them, Anderson Pack, Bruno Mars, they cleaned up. Did you see it, Junior? Did you see Anderson Pack with his I turn a wig turning and cheese and he was doing yes, yes, And when they won their award, how they got up out of their seats like yeah, yeah, just so dramatic. They are straight straight comedy. But I love how you know they're dial They took the music back to the seventies, Steve, that's what we love about Silk Sonic. Your favorite bearer, Yeah, go back and moving on every rappers favorite rapper, nas hip hop legend. Nas. He killed it last night. He's been rapping for over thirty years. He did my jam one Mike I can. He did a little metal league you know, made you look with a band behind him. So Nas he killed it. Even Luda came on afterwards and gave it up to Nas. Let's see what else. Jasmine Sullivans R and B song. Finally, Jasmine Sullivan won a Grammy. It has been a long time coming. She has been nominated over fifteen times. Really, yes, ye see, That's where I'm through going. That's what I'm doing. That's why you draw the times you ain't called me three B the three without a call. Oh oh they broke me at the image from that. You don't see me down, No no, Lord goes to the host of Cash Cab. I said, okay, okay, I ain't saying I'm all that, but I'm molding that though, so right right right. Congratulations to Jazz and the Sullivan Philly stand up. Your girl finally finally got her Grammy. She got two Grammys. Actually yes, her R and B singer her she is a bad girl. She was killing it on stage. She did her song damage and you know that has the sample of that making Love in the Rain herb Albert, Jimmy Jam Terry Lewis on stage with her while performing. Then she killed it. My girl gets behind the drums, then she performs are You Going My Way? Gonna Go My Way? With Travis Barker. You know that's Courtney Kardashians man. He played the drums and Lenny Kravitz and her who they killed it, both of them on guitar. Great, nice performance. Nice performance. Um. Justin Bieber he did his thing. President Zelinski of Ukraine. He did a video to talk about you know, music and how it is supporting the Ukrainians and the war torn nation and how people can help and how singers in Ukraine are trying to keep the morale up if you will in Ukraine, and then you know, he introduced kind of went into John Legend singing. It was a beautiful, beautiful moment. Let's see what else did we see? Kiss Me More with Sisza and Doja Cat. Actually Doja Cat. They won Best Pop Duo Group Performance and she was in the restaurant room when they actually called her name. She ran to the mic and said that was the fastest pee she ever had to do. She's another word, but I'm going to say pee. And uh, Sissa was on crutches. Yeah, what do you mean? What do you mean? Yeah? Really, I mean if you she said something other than pe, you want me to take copy shots, We're gonna let that go. We're gonna let it go. Black Guy Show to be authentic. You know, I ain't don't need to misquote nobody, you know, somebody not getting the joke or walking away now was cool? It was cool, Pete. We're gonna say anyway, Sissa was on crutches. She said she fell out the bed the day before the Grammy. Some say she twisted her ankle. She heard her leg anyway, my girl was on crutches accepting the award. She looked fabulous though. So that was pretty much the Grammys, y'all. Hambaptise, Oh what can I say? Class as he cleaned up at the end of the night. So it was a good show. It was a good show. Did I see Justin Bieber with a ski cap? On caller? He had a cap while performing cap to the back, but sitting in the audience he had on just a regular like like a skull cap. I like Justin Bieber. I like that jam teaches. Yeah, what were you saying, Steve? I didn't know who John was? My bad? I was you thought it was John? I was all, well, I wasn't John, but I was back in history. Carla's coming over. It's Tommy time with the nephew. Right after this, you're listening to show here we are, it's time for Tommy. In other words, it's Tommy time. Okay, Tommy, what's on your mind? Oh, y'all? I didn't talk to Cory or to Night. Hung up on Corey. I hung up on Corey Foe dog on times. I just I just couldn't take it no more, Junior, I couldn't take it this time? What did he say this time? Uh? We get on the phone. He philosophered. Yeah, timmy man, let me ask you something, you know, think about it, brother, because I'm you know, I'm deep, I said, okay, man? What if what if Bruno went to Mars? I said, what? What? What? What? What? What if Alicia lost her keys? What I said? I said, come on, Corey, come on, man, I ain't got time today. What if glad Is couldn't sleep at night? I said, Corey, come on, man, I ain't got time to I hung up on him. He called back. What if Snoop really was a dog? Are you see it right now? Go on? Hey? Do you what did Malcolm have X? What? Come on? Core man? This is stupid man. What if Taylor was slow and not swift? Oh? Come, I can't, I can't. I can't do this with you. Man. What if Keith sweat dehydrated? What where did that come from? I don't know? What What if Stevens started to wonder? Uh? And he just he just wondering, don't I don't get What if Hallett Burry hated but berries. What if she hated berries. You understand what I'm saying. I said, no, I understand damn thing. What if Kevin lost his heart then the last one he hit me with that one? Hung up? What if Dwayne Johnson lost his never man oh man? Yeah yeah yeah, hung up on court four five time, last name? Yeah yeah, I'm done with it. I'm done with it. What if Jane Brown was black? What? What is? What are you talking about? You stupid? What a yeah? Yeah, but he was brown and not blast man? Come on? How you keep answering? What if? What if? What if Rickett? What if Rickett didn't smile? I said, are you serious? Right now? He's asking the phone called really stupid? What if Tommy wasn't I'm just saying, what if he wasn't stupid? You pick any number? All right? Coming up in thirty four minutes, one of the Jacksons coming up in thirty four minutes after the hours. Will Smith has resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture We'll talk about it right after this. Yeah you're listening, let's say morning show, all right. So Will Smith has resigned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scientists. He did that this past Friday, In a statement, Will said, I am resigning from membership in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scientists and will accept any further consequences the Board deems appropriate. He went on to say, my actions at the ninety fourth Academy Awards presentation were shocking, painful, and inexcusable. The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all those in attendance and global audiences at home. I am heartbroken. Will vow to never again allow violence to overtake reason. All right. David Rubin, the president of the Academy, also released a statement accepting Will's resignation and saying we will continue to move forward with our disciplinary proceedings against mister Smith for violations of the academies standards of conduct, and advance of our next scheduled board meeting on April eighteenth. So that's all of it. In a nutshell. Will resigned apologized They're going to have a meeting and decide what disciplinary actions they're going to take against Will. So there you have it. Do you resign so they don't kick you out? Is that how it works? Well, He's trying to get ahead of it. He's trying to act like it can take the narrative away from them so it won't be the sting. He know that's coming. He knows that's coming. But the board don't meet into the eighteen, so he know that's coming. He know that's going to be some ramifications and repercussions and consequence. So he just getting ahead. I'm gonna resign from the Academy and any other further disciplines. He just getting ahead of it. This is him his PR department. You know, people are knowing how to handle this stuff. Control narrative, damage, control, control, mitigate the risk. You know, that's all, that's all that is. Man, could Chris Rock and his family man such a gentleman, such class such, Yeah, I will be glad we get past this, and you know, there are a lot of lessons to be learned from this um. But the dope move is Chris Rock hosting Oars next year next year. Yeah, Yeah, that's the dope move. You talk about ratings, which they care deeply about. Yeah, you know, yeah, they say the ratings were up from this episode this past Oscars, and it had nothing to do up until the slap if you will, And you know, I just really I know everybody said just a hundred times, and we keep talking about it. It's just sad that, you know, we're not talking about Wheel's first oscar. We're not talking about Samuel All's first oscar. We're not talking about the three women hosting the Oscars overaw, we're not talking about the Will Packer being the first black and then his assistant Shayla being the first female to co executive produced. We're not talking about any of that. Any of that all overshadowed by that moment. By that moment, it really sad, really really sad history making. It was history making and a pretty flawless show up until that point. And Chris is still class act. They're saying that his comedy shows that was a heckler uh saying blank. Will Smith, he shut that down. He's he's he's taking the high road in this very high, very high. He's up to almost too high. He addressed to Empire State Building. Yeah, telling you right now, we'd be we'd be at subway level. Und I'm talking about name lea sub where you need. Right after that, I'd be on the that like mole level yeah, yeah, yeah, they said that. Chris Um in his show addressed it, saying that I know you guys probably came out to hear what I was going to say, but I had written a whole show before that. He said, I'll address it at some point, but you know it's not going to be tonight. He said, It'll be funny, it'll be serious, but I'm not doing that tonight. He went on with this regular show that he had written. Yeah, he had already written sold out shows too. Yeah all right, yeah. Coming up next, it is a nephew in the praying Phone Call for today right after this you're listening show coming up about four minut it's after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject I hate all of his friends and family. Wow, we'll get into that today. Everybody hate everybody? Right now, it is time for the nephew and today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Nav? Before I get into what I got, I want to get some praise from you all that I worked all weekend in Nashville, sold out seven shows, and I'm here on Monday, and I just I just want to recognize that I am here. You supposed to be you're supposed to do. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. What I mean Sunday night, it's Monday morning. We all here. Yeah, we worked all weekend too. I get off plays from Abu Dhabi and make it on end after seventeen hour flight here. You want what you want to work? Yeah? I want to standing o for being here. Yeah. I want to praise for keep cutting your check. I want that you know what we're getting stuff? You know? Yeah, I'm here. Yeah, I never worked out for you. Better it's steel. Better put it back on. Okay, it's Charlotte, North Carolina this week. That's that's Friday said Sunday, that Monday, and we work Monday. All right, here's a prank. The prank is you ain't married. You ain't married. Let's go cat dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah, how you doing, Brian? My name is Daniel. Wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen, um you're you're Brian, um bron right, you're married to uh to Alfield. Yeah? Hello hello, yeah, yeah, that that's me. That's my wife's Yeah, okay, got a question for you. I do lotely. Have you guys been married? Going on nine years now? We've been married? Now? Who is this? My name is Daniel? Were you um? Were you guys married a Greater New Missionary Baptist Church Len the Sea. Yeah, yeah, yep, yep, that's the name of that church. Yeah. Great, bout nine years? Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? What's asking me all these questions? Fun? Okay, do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? No, uh reverend right? Yeah, okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the right person, Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery, a lot of information that reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all, he never was a minister, and every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and void. So, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you and Alphea, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not married. No, no, no, no, no, no, you gotta have the wrong person, because then that then we got we got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, you're a wedding ceremony, he had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in sin for nine years. Hold on, hold hold on that. Let me tell you something. I ain't been living. A man and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher. I'm preach land funded Sir. As of today, he has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings for children. He's not allowed to do that. And we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped at But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin, and you don't. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible. So you're not living in sin. Oh, No, doc, I have been living in no sin. I have been married for nine years. This woman should have been taking care of me and my kids for the past nine years. Wait. Wait, wait a minute, Wait a minute. Guy, you guys have children. Yeah, yeah, we got two, two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards staffords. Let me tell you something. My kids ain't no bastards. What about your kids, your kids in Bassetts? No, sir, my kids. My kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out of wedlocks. I'm telling you. Batman did my service, and he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He hasn't done everything that he comes from me and my family. He is a preacher. So I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth, but I want you to know, and I need you to be able to tell out feel that you guys are not married and not as of right now now. No, okay, so heard now, back in the olden days, but before all these, all these colleges and stuff came came about you telling me that them men baking old days, that they weren't no preachers, that they wasn't meant men after the clough? Is that what you're saying to me? What are you? What are you? What are you? What are you getting at? Sir? What I'm trying to say is back in the older days, baking the twenties and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days. That man now he was from back men and God called them and that's what they went on too. And all them people that they married back then, they did the same thing to day. You don't need to know what degree to say that the you're a preacher. You don't need no life to say you're a preacher. Man. My wife will been married for nine years. My kids have been born in wedline. We were married. We were mad by my friends and family. They was all there, sir. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids, I hate to say it, your kids are bastards. Now on now I've been told you don't say nothing else about my kids and I ain't no custom, but don't push me. My kids ain't no bad said. You're understand me. You don't getting there, sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get you married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I'm living in those sins. Look now, you don't make me whoop your ASTs. You understand. Man and my wife, we have been married for nine years. Don't shoot up here call me talking about the way. Ain't mad that man, ain't no preacher. You're understand I get out of my whale. But you that's my life. Those are my kids, they have been born and being lights. Do you understand, sir. So I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't even a gonna sin. That's what I just told you. You ain't hit me. I ain't living an no fin. Maybe you're the one that's living up some sin. Now, you ain't got nothing else said to me? That man and man that's nine years ago. They get your ass off my phone. So so I have one more thing, one more thing, I'd like to say, you ain't got nothing necess say to me. You ain't get you ass off my dam's phone. Ya, do you understand me? I ain't got time for this publicly, sir. Can I say one more thing? What you gotta say to me? Now? So? I just wanted to let you know that this is nephew Timmy from the Steve warp In Morning Show. Your wife how Field got me to brank phone call you? Oh man? Oh lord it do? Yeah? Uh yeah, I almost went in on you down you. I wouldn't let me go that. Yeah, I'm gonna good that you say, after you put you up to this, Afteria got me to prank you many? Oh man? Oh man, hey man? You all right with me? Brother? I got to ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lands, the Steve harbrom On the show Man right now? Yes, as I love him, I mean, dog he took the time. Once you spelling it out, you might will say it don't get I ain't no custom Get your ass off my d a M phone. Doggy, you're spelling it out at three times. I ain't no customer. Don't push me right right. He can win a spelling b that's the show. He can have a custom spelling me thinking that you. Coming up next, It is the Strawberry Letters. Subject I hate all of his family and friends. We'll get into that right after this. Everybody, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com by clicking submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air Pop Pop, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours. You just never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Yeah, he's at work today, Thank you, Neshew. Subject I hate all of his family and friends. Dear Stephen Shirley, my boyfriend of two years has been talking about marriage, but I hate all of his family and friends. We're both thirty three years old and we met online. I got offered a job promotion and a transfer to the city where my boyfriend grew up. We decided I'd take the job and we get married. So we relocated to the city that he grew up in. We bought a house within a week of moving, and it all happened quickly. After we got settled, he decided it was time for me to meet his parents. They don't live together, but they are married. He said, it's complicated. I thought it was strange that I'd never met them, but he always said, there's no rush. Now I know why. So here's what happened to make me hate everyone. We invited everyone out to dinner, and the only way to get his family to go was to agree to go to a buffet restaurant. I don't like eating at buffets, and it's not because I'm busgie. It's because I got very sick one time from eating at a buffet and that has scarred me for life. Two of my boyfriend, two of my boyfriend's childhood friends came to dinner with us, along with his mom, dad's sister, and his sister's four children. His homeboy smelled like they work at a weed factory and they were wrapping illicit lyrics at the table. His parents got into an argument beca as his dad called his mom a trick, and she flipped him off. I won't even mention the four little, filthy children that were running all around the restaurant. My boyfriend paid the bill for all these grown people, and he looks so embarrassed. He's whispered that he hopes this isn't a deal breaker. I don't want any of these people to ever come to our house. But how do I tell him that he's not at all like him? Like them? So do you think he will understand? If I'm honest, Well, yeah, I think he'll understand. But I don't think you should tell him that. You definitely can't tell him in that way that you don't ever want them to come to your house. You got to remember you're marrying him and not his family, and we know you hate all of them and you don't care for them. But like I said, please don't tell him that. I mean, you can think of other ways to say it, you know, or if they're or if they're coming over you know you're busy, or whatever the situation. I mean, there are still his family no matter what. The great part, you know, look at the positive He wanted you to meet them. Okay, it was about time you met his family, and that's pretty big because here's a man taking you to meet his family. A lot of times that's what we want, to meet his family and to see you know where he comes from. So that means he wants you to be a part of his family. Okay, so that's a good thing. He is embarrassed by them, though, he is embarrassed, and it doesn't sound like they'll be coming around because he's embarrassed and it took you a while to meet them in the first place. He knows how they are because he said he hoped you weren't. They weren't a deal breaker meeting them. So we can't pick our family members, we know that, but we can decide how we deal with them. So you decide. You make the decisions of you know, if and when they come to your house and how that's gonna play out and all that. I mean. Otherwise, if you love this man, you know you're gonna have to deal with his family at some point. So you know your options are to what sell your new house that you just bought in the town he grew up in. I doubt if that's gonna happen, you know, because you guys just bought it. The housing market is crazy all that. The other thing is, you know, you guys can build a life together. You know when you do get married. It sounds like you're headed in that direction. This is the man you love. Build a life together with this man, and to have minimal contact with his family. Don't invite them over, Steve, This one is interesting. Everybody got some family members, and they own family that they don't really care for. So I can only imagine that Dad's gonna be some people in their family, your spouse, mate, love or friend, fiance, whatever, in their family that you're not gonna like. Now y'all been together two years, you're moving kind of quick. Your thirty three years old. You met online. But you know this is the dude. You know. Y'all got a job, you got offered the promotion. You transferred to the city where your boyfriend grew up. You say right at the top, I hate all his family and friends, every at last one of them. We decided to take the job that you got offered the promotion in we getting married, so we relocated to the city that he grew up in. We bought a house within a week of moving. It all happened quickly, and then right after y'all got son or he decided it was time for me to meet his parents. Now hit a tricky part. They don't live together, but they're married. He said, it's complicated. We'll get into that in a minute. I thought it was strange that I never met them, but he always said, ain't no rush because he knew he loved you. He can't let you meet his other side because you ain't gonna understanding. Now he's different. He knew this was coming. Here's what happened that made me hate everyone. Wow, we invited everybody out to dinner, and the only way to get his family to go was to agree to a buffet restaurant. Now, right here we're talking about size. Now, size or sides size? Okay, when the whole family insists the only way we're going out it got to be buffet. This ain't the first time they'd have made that decision. This is a family thing. And if you go to buffets a lot, you have some size on you. We'll get into the rest of it when we come back. These are big people you're talking about. Steve Harvey's a response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour Okay, the subject of today's strawberry letter I hate all of his family and friends. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. According to research, ninety percent of employers plan to make enhancing the employee exvariance a top priority in twenty twenty two. After all, a happy workplace is key to attracting and keeping great employees. Show more empathy to them, i e. Make time to connect, allow for more flexibility in work schedules, and if you need to add more employees to your team, there's zip Recruiter. Zip recruiters technology finds the right candidates for your job and proactively presents them to you. You can easily review these candidates and invite your top choices to apply. Try it for free at zip recruiter dot com slash strawberry that zip recruiter dot com slash str a wbe r r Y. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter and finish up your response. Today's subject is I hate all of his family and friends. You know, like I said, this is going to be rough because everybody got some family members they don't care for. Once you get into a relationship with somebody else, they're gonna have some family members you don't care for. But your hatred for them came all at once. This is why you hate. You ain't met them but one time, and you have reached the conclusion that you hate all of them. You know, now, y'all to move together, y'all relocated, y'all bought a house. Y'all to moved in it. You got to settled. He told you it wasn't no rush to meet his parents. Now you thought it was a little bit strange, but he knew because this could be a deal break up. First of all, they his parents, but they don't live together. We're gonna get into that. As to why I figured this out in the letter, here's what happened to make me hate everyone. We invited everybody out to dinner. The only way to get his family to go was to agree to go into a buffet restaurant. Now, when everybody say we have to go to a buffet a restaurant, it's because they need more bought to the table and they wants to go get their own portion sizes because they are unhappy with the portions and choices of the menu. Some people like their gravy to run into their potato salad. They won't. They ham laying on top of their greens. You gotta baby to go and fix your own plate. These as big people we're talking about now, And I know they're big people because they've decided as a unit, we ain't going nowhere less. It's a damn buffet. These as big people now. And I'm just gonna tell you don't like my answer, I don't care. I've come to the conclusion in this strawberry letter. This is a place full of big people that I are proving. I don't like eating at buffet's because I'm not budget. It's just because I'm very sad. I got sick one time from eating at a buffet, and that has scarred me from life. Nothing stops big people from eating at a buffet. They had all been sick, They had all seen people pick over the food. They didn't seen people talk under the shield while they're getting their food. But big people can they as they have seen the sneezes, They have done all that they cough. They but big people don't give a damn because buffets is for big people. Two of his childhood friends came. They smell like a weed factor. That's cause they smoke weed. Thus the other reason we got to go to a buffet cause we got too munchies. Now see this buffet is all coming together now, and they were rapping explicit lyrics at the table. Hell because they high. You thirty three. All his friends is all ass wanna be rappers that ain't never made it. Now they at the table rapping explicit lyrics because they high and they're hungry. His parents got in the argument because the dad called his mama a trick and she flipped him off. Nah, we're getting into why they don't live together. Real big ass people don't like staying together because it ain't a lot of room. They after buffet. They can't stay in each other. See, the argument was a flip off, because that's all she had the energy fault. She was big. She'd got to walk around there and said what you say, But she crossed the table. She couldn't get up, so she just flipped him off because she big, She had the table and that's and he knew she wasn't gonna get up. That's why he called her a trick in front of everybody. But he got the trick from the two little rapper friends because they was probably doing a trick that it Son, this is terrible. See how this is working out right? Now together, I'll put all this together. They were doing a trick daddy rap song. That's where he got the term trick from because he didn't know it. Yeah, she didn't want to mention the full little filthy ass kids. And I know they filthy because fat people don't like bathe and other other people. The little kids are filthy, Yeah, because they don't big ass people ain't got no time be washing the kids and got being over in the bathtub, breathing, losing your breath and all this hill. So just put some calls on these little filthy ass kids and let them run around. My boyfriend paid the bill for all these grown people. He looked so embarrassed. He whispered that he hopes this isn't a deal breaker. I don't want any of these people to come over to our house. But how do I tell him that he's not at all like them? So do you think he will understand if I'm honest what Shirley said, you shouldn't be honest, And I can understand that and I respect that too, but you're gonna have to be honest. But if you don't want to be honest, there's some things you can do to keep their ass out of your house. First of all, you let it be known that none of your meals would be served buffet style. That's the first thing. We don't put no plates out where you can go around, scoop your own. No. That'll keep their big ass out of the house right there. And then secondly, when they come over, tell them that they have to select off a predetermined menu what they want to eat when they come over. That fat people don't like that, they're not coming. And you can keep them people out your house for years like that. For you look at the time or every time you have a family gathering, Kenny, big ass right back down to that buffet and deal with it and then just go home. Thank you so much. All right, Well, please get us up on Instagram and faith bus Andreas at Steve Harvey FM dot com. If you want to comment on Today's Strawberry Letter. You can also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up next to It's Junior with sports Talk right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Do you know what time it is time for Junior and sports talk? What you got junior? All right, shirty? What has a new champ in the women's division? Oh my god, U I knew you had to see this game, man boy that come on launching the Grammars Sub Carolina, raise up, take your shirt off, sitting round your head like helicopter boblooy on that hein't listen to me on that. On that interview I did with Earn Your Leisure and they asked me my top four the podcast rap albums of all time All eyes on Me, Yeah, blue Print jay Z, Yes, Sir, Yes, out Cash, speaker Box and Yeah. And I had two mold I like, I like a death certificate by ice Q. I got that and only one I ever bought with Diary ever Center Pete Pop Yeah, who, I don't know how y'all sleeping on him? He was. I was looking at them like, hey, y'all ain't him. I've here, no man, hey one man sixty four South Carolina over Yukon sixty four to forty nine and out. I'm talking about never never trailed in the game, let as many as eighteen and they didn't let him get down to six. But you know what, that girl or Leah Boston Man, the center for South Carolina, dominated that whole game like a big person. Shoot. Yeah, but I'm gonna tell you what. I was impressed with the hustle on South Carolina. Don Staley, the coach had them girls. They was playing d They averaged seventeen offensive rebounds a game, or seventeen rebounds offensive rebounds a game. In the first half, they had sixteen. They were already down. Oh, them girls was hustling. They was, yes, South a line of baby Raiso, take your shirt off, wishing around your head like a Hello Copter chip Calina rais version. It's not like a preacher s twishing around your head, spiting like a Hello Copter. Man Water with twenty six points, a career high for her cattle girl right there. Yeah, she had that on them. Yeah man, you know, and it's the first time you can has lost in the championship game. So you know they're eleven and one, you know, but you ain't winning on not over this one. That team. I was pulling for South Carolina the whole time. Congratulations to the ladies program in w You know, I don't even know what it's champions. Yeah, all right, guys, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. Oscar winning actress and comedian Monique and the Steam director Lee Daniels have rekindled their professional relationship and will work together on Netflix's movie Demon House. Precious, of course, was the last movie that Daniels and Monique worked on together, which was a huge success and led to Monique winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Following the Oscar ceremony that year, Monique alleged that Lee Daniels, Oprah Winfrey, and Tyler Perry blackballed her because she chose to spend time with her family instead of going and promoting Precious. They all denied blackballing her, but Monique and Daniels didn't speak for thirteen years because of this disagreement. The two made a men on Friday. While Monique was on stage during her Monique and Friends April Full Day with the Queen of Comedy event at Saint George Theater and on Statn Island, Lee Daniels joined Monique in front of the crowd and offered a public apology. Take a listing A long time to realize. I am so sorry for her, don't you in any way y'all? She was my best friend, my best friend. Y'all think that pressions was just that wasn't that was? That was God working through both of us. And we're gonna again. Wow. Well that's good. That's thirteen years. Yeah, squashed it. Yeah, forgiveness and all of that. That's good. Go get it, go make them moving. Yeah, you hate to hear that. You hate to hear about the beam like that last Yeah. Yeah, they've made up good. Yeah right, ain't nobody slapped nobody up there? This is good, This is really it was all live moment hugs, love and hug. Yeah. You do have to be careful now. I guess if you're if you perform on stage and somebody just walks on stage, you will get a little tight, won't you. Now we are. It's gonna be a little different now though, because the presenters is gonna be a little bit more you know, prepared guard. I mean, like they all saying to say, when I see you coming, I'm gonna get on that back leg. Yeah yeah, I don't know if Monique knew he was going to come on stage and apologize, but I'm sure she she welcomed it, and she was very happy that their beef is squashed. And now she's back, you know, she'll be back on Netflix. So good, full circle moment. Yeah, working again, fifty cents showing a love So there it is, yes, what it's all about. Good. I'll never forget when she came to the studio and I got a chance to hold her Oscar that I remember the moment for me. Yeah, that was the moment for me. Yeah. All good? Oh good. So, speaking of this past weekend, did y'all see uh Saturday Live the skit that theyre the Oscar slap? Oh my gosh, man, it was funny. We had no idea all that stuff was going on between the time that Will walked on stage and sat in his seat and everything. Yeah, Saturday Night Live just added that color. Yeah that was a pretty what was really going on behind the scenes? Fill man, I'm such a fan of yours. Oh yeah, that's crazy. It was funny. Yeah, yeah, send it to me because I missed it. Okay, you missed the whole thing. Oh you gotta see that. Yeah, And speaking of Will, Smith has resigned from the Academy and the Academy will meet on April eighteenth to decide um the disciplinary actions they're have for Will. So that's the update on that as well. You know you think that will be. What kind of disciplinary actions is that? Like, can't come to the oscars? I mean, what is that? Yeah, you don't know. I mean he already nominated again, yeah next year. Yeah, some people were calling for him to give back his oscar. I don't think they're going to do that, but I think that that was a bit extreme. Yeah, well I ain't. I ain't gonna bring it back down there. If you give it to me, I ain't bringing it back. All right, on the mantel piece, all right, we're moving on. Coming up in twenty minutes, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening show Eddie Murphy, Steve, get a load of this. Eddie Murphy could play Parliament Funkadelic leader George Clinton. Yeah, okay, don't you love that? Hey? O yea ye, come on, yes, that's a great actor. Anyway, this will be in an upcoming biopic. This is according to Deadline. Eddie is in talks to take on the role of Clinton in a movie that will tell the story of George Clinton's childhood in the nineteen forties North Carolina to the formation of Parliament and Funkadelic in the late nineteen sixties. Um Eddie and fellow producers are currently negotiating rights to Clinton's music, and the movie will also explore George Clinton's impact of the future of hip hop and hip hop artists. So there you go. I would love to see that. Hell Yale Man, I love you, George Critton, Well you don't high playoffs story, Eddie murpht be a cold ass sugar foot. I'll be up in there just crying. You're in the movie crash. Oh Lord to harass my mind. Oh all right, we'll have more of Harby Morning Show coming up thirty three minutes after. We'll play around And would you rather? You're listening show time now? For would you rather? Would you rather have a long tongue or long feet? Well, probably need to let Tommy answer this. Well, go ahead, Tommy. You got them feet long. That me your hands as long in the world. That ain't true. So with you you want the long feet I'm taking the long feet right, and it spent a pose to the long tune because he wanted to get rid of them little raccoon hands. He I ain't gonna Jesus big hands. Boy, look at his hands on the zoom. You see that's on the zoom. You got him right up against the camera. I've seen him in real life. I'm gonna pull him back right there there you're gonna see once again. Pull them back behind your head, get him up in front of your face like you hold up. Now. They started to get smaller. Now they're getting smaller. See my camera's actual size, Tommy, see my camera, my zoom, actual shot. I don't hand the same side. And man, everybody saying you about a damn like these look like was horns, So you'll take it? What will you take? Steve? Well, I don't you know I got I'm already I'm covered. So what would I need? I mean, yes, it would you rather tongue? Long tongue or long feeture? Well, I got thirteen, so I mean any longer ain't gonna be bouting no damn shoes because fourteens ain't. Then stow, I can tell you that right now. Back on shoes shot. Get this stuff made SHAQ twenty two. I know, I thought, so yeah, all right, Junior, you what tom okay, really, what are you gonna do with some long ass feet? Don't hit a little show the now? He goes out here on stage like he got on skis and stuff. All right? Would you rather moving on? Would you rather ride a horse or ride a bike your only transportation? Horse, a horse or a bike as your only transportation? He'll not give me that bike. I'm not a horse. I'm gonna go to horse. I'm gonna go I'm like you crazy, I'm not riding no horse. I ain't gonna give me that damn bite that horse. Horse out there in that traffic you rode no family? He say, what do you horse out that traffic? That horse on that damn traffic? Rush hour? On a horse? A bike all day? Bike, bike and rush hours the same thing. That's gonna be the worst I can take. Sasht go around bike, do like you want it to be? Andition of would you rather? Come up edited our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after the hour, we're closed out the show with some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, here we are on this Monday, our last break of the day. M hmm. And congratulations once again to the Grammy Award winners from last night Grammys Flapping Travel. That's a bad war yeah, man, yeah, I like him a smart, funny yeah. Yeah, I'm kind of boring compared to the Oscars Dose kry has nine of tv KI looking for somebody. You wanted some drama to jump off, you know how you just be kind of secretly looking forward maybe yeah, you know, I kept looking at the moments, waiting to see what would happen, but it did. Hey, you know what I want to do. I wanted to talk to you all about about you know. You know, I try to share principles of success whenever I can with people. I'm having a discussion, I'm gonna have to pull one of my young employees to the side. I kind of had this conversation with him in New York the other day because I see an adjustment that needs to be made. And sometimes, man, when I'm sharing this information, it's not because I know everything. It's simply because I've just been through a lot. You know. I'm I'm sixty five years old. I've seen a lot of endings to a lot of different movies I've seen. I've seen a lot of shows. I've met a lot of people. Very rarely do I meet a person that I've never met before. You know what I mean in terms of the type of person. You know, I've met all types of people, and when I meet somebody that I've never met before, it's really kind of shocking to me, you know, because I've met all types. Now, I'm not saying we're friends anything, but because I am famous, I meet more people than an average person does. Right, And so when I'm talking to people and I'm trying to share information, also have to understand that I'm being listened to by all types of people. Everybody to listen to me is not receptive. Everybody to listen to me is not positive. Everybody that listens to me is not open. Everybody that listen to me don't want to hear what I got to say. I understand that. So with that in mind, I always understand that I'm not talking to everybody. You know, I was talking off camera world. I'm never off camera. I found out because they tape everything I do. But I was on a commercial break and I was talking about God and a woman stood up and said, well, I'm an atheist. I said, okay, well that ain't got nothing to do with what I'm saying, though she said, yeah, but I'm an atheist and I'm in here and I don't believe in God. Okay, then I ain't talking to you, but I'm not gonna stop saying what I have to say because there are a lot of people in here who believe in God, and I'm just giving you a thought that I have. And she was insistent, I'm an atheist. Be an atheist, do you? But don't. I ain't got to accept your belief that there is no God, no more than you have to accept mind that there is. You know, in her argument got crazy? But what if you get there and you find out it ain't no God? Man, the bigger problem is gonna be is if you get there you find out it is one. That's gonna be the bigger problem if you're you know, if I get to the end, I find out it ain't no God, then I live the best that couldn't and had a conscious and try to treat people writing, try to go buy some rules and stuff and if it ain't no God, which it is, but okay, then cool, I okay, who who truth? Who joke on me? But now your problem is if you get there and it is a god and you've been talking talking to his whole life like it ain't one, been doing like you want to. So I don't really have time for that. But I was talking about this subject of just talking to people who I know. Everybody's not listening to me, so what I'm about to tell you is not going to affect everybody the same way. Listen to this. I'm trying to talk to this young guy and people that work for me to get them to understand because they always ask me, Steve, why do you do so much? And you do. I do a lot of stuff you don't. I don't get paid for it. But see, if you're not willing to do more than what you're being paid for, then you'll never be paid more for what you're doing. If you're not willing to do more than what you paid for, then you will never be paid more for what you're doing. It's the act of giving and I don't I don't want you to live your life and not understand that. You know, because if you give expecting for even exchange, if you're not trading, if you're just trying to trade, I'm gonna do this for exactly that, or I'm doing this if you give me that, or I'll do this only if I get this in return. Then that's not given. You trade and to order to give. To get the blessings, you got to give graciously. That's not always knowing what the comeback is gonna be. That's when you open up your life to God's grace, mercy, and favor. That's how you do it. It's by giving. It's just one of the laws of ruin. You know, it's just a law of the universe. And you have to think about that. So listen to me. If you're not willing to do more than what you're being paid to do, then you'll never be paid more for what you're doing. Understand that you're gonna have to plant some seeds in the ground and not know when they're gonna grow up. You got to put some seeds in the ground without understanding that this fruit may not do developed within the next year. You gotta put some seeds in the ground realizing that you may not bear fruit from this seed for fifteen years. But if you're in the trading business, you'll never put the seed in the ground because you want something for your efforts right now. And I can't tell you how many seeds I planned over the years that are just starting to come to fruition. But you got to be willing to do more than what you're being paid to do. If you ever expect to be paid for more than what you do, remember that it is a simple law of giving, and until you learn how to give that way, you won't receive the full benefits. I'm just telling you what I've learned over the years. Those are my closes remarks. Hey, listen, I hope you like that. When if you didn't like that, when tune in the mall, God will not have another one. But listen, here's the most important thing. Talk to God. He would love to hear from you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show