Steve VS Lori's B-Day Weekend, JRAP, Judge Steve, Jeezy's New Baby and more.

Published Jan 14, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We don't call him Our Fearless Leader for nothing. The Chief Love Officer has to explain some cultural differences and must shake the sugar honey iced tea out of a woman whose name rhymes with cafeteria. Capi season is in full effect and we have the battle of the birthday's in the Harvey household. Junior got a special JRAP just in time for Uncle Steve's birthday. What do you say when you want company to leave? Our favorite gentleman of leisure can't help but share his thoughts on the postseason. The judge, jury and Kang are here baby. Judge Steve! Would You Rather tapped on high blood pressure, diabetes, photos and relations. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us why taking inventory is so important.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things and the Cobs good it ststening to the movie together for st to please, I don't join joint. Turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting on its Steve Harvey Man oh Man got a radio show got going for you today. And it just happened to me. You know, I was going through something that I've been going through for a long long time and just weary of it all, and I was I've been talking to God about it, and I mean for years. Though. What happened was I had had to go through some more of it yesterday again in a situation. But you know what, after it was over, you know, I kind of laid in it for a little while. You know how you've been going through something for so long, and then even if it's over, appears to be over, you still kind of lay in it a little bit and you know you have a while. Man, I can't believe I've been dealing with this this long, even though even though it was over. I don't know how you do it, but this was so good for me. Have you ever counted, Steve Harvey, how many times you made it? And so that's what I started doing yesterday, And that's what I did this morning. When I woke up, I was actually taking an inventory account of how many times I made it. How many times, man, I didn't have the rent and somehow I came up with it. How many times I didn't have my house payment and somehow I came up with it. How many times I was out of money, did not have enough, didn't didn't see no way, but somehow I came up with it. How many times I got sick, thought, well, man, this one right here. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but somehow I got my health back. How many situations I have found myself in? That was I thought at the time, detrimental and diabolical and man so sinister at times. Somehow I made it. I look at all the accidents I've been in, but he kept me. I made it. I think about even the simplest times of like stepping off a curve and almost got hit, but I made it. I was just tripping the other day. I was I was thinking about the times that I've been hit by a car and it could have been worse, but it wasn't, And I made it through that too. I was thinking about, Man, when they count you out, Do you know how many times I've been counted out? He's done? He ain't gonna be nothing, He ain't nobody See what I told y'all, look at over that they counsel this, he offer that he out of here. He ain't gonna make it. He didn't got fired. Man, You know how many times I've been counted out? You know how many times they didn't wrote me off? How many times have you been written off? Man? But here you still stand? You know you've a tripped on it. Taking inventory y'all of how many times? Count the times you've made it? What about the times man, when nobody was there to encourage you? But you still here though you've tripped on that? Ain't nobody called you and told you good day? No nobody called you and told you recently, thank you. No one's called you and told you how much you meant to them, how much you've done for them, A man, that you can make it. Never give up, Keep your head up, man, keep grinding. But you still here, even when nobody have you counted the times, man, that you made it anyway? You counted the times that you felt like quitting, you felt like giving up, you kept going. How about the time this is a good one right here? How about the times man, when everybody's standing around saying, ain't no way, ain't no way. Man. I can't tell how many times I've heard this, ain't no way, and then somehow there is a way. You know why, because he make away? You understand. You know how many times I've heard this one right here, Steve, listen to me, man, Nobody ever before hasn't done that. You can't do that. How many times you'd heard no, you aren't you know anybody didn't done that. You can't do that. No one has ever done that. I made it anyway. You know they don't normally or we don't normally allow this, but in this case, for you, we gonna make an exception. How many times have you heard that, Oh, I think I'm on to something. How many times have you heard in your lifetime. We don't normally or they don't normally allow this, but we're gonna make this exception in your case. How many times you didn't heard that? Have you ever counted the times that you made it? Everybody out accept me? Oh, how can that be? You know you're the only one that got through this? Congratulations? Wow? Man, I don't I don't hardly see this too many times. But do you realize that normally this is what happened to people? But man, y'all don't know how your name came up, but here you are. Wow, it never happens like that. You ever counted those times I was doing it yesterday? I was doing it this morning. I was just taking an inventory of everybody of how many times I've made it. So what I learned yesterday was when God gets you through something, when he pulled you out on the other side, no matter how difficult or how long it took. When He gets you out on the other side, why don't you get up, dust yourself off and start trotting what you laying there for man, wallowing in it, going over it, recycling it in your mind. So many people can't move forward because we keep recycling stuff in our mind when clearly it's time to move on, it's time to let go. It's time to go and see what God has for you. Stop looking at what you lost. What you lost was probably not yours to have in the first in the first place. Do you know the things I've lost? Now, I'm not talking about losing the love one, a mother or father, nothing like that. I'm talking about innate objects or situation. Do you know the things I've lost? Man, I look back on it. I wasn't supposed to have him in the first place, or they was doing me no good. I wasn't wasn't mine to lose, but I claimed I lost it. Come on, man, taking inventory, everybody. Start looking at the things man, that God has brought you through. Start looking at how many times He allowed you to make it. And get glad about waking up in the morning. Man, Get glad about your life. Start feeling something positive about your situation. You cannot expect God to continue to bless you if you're not grateful for the things that you have. Why would God sitting down here looking at you, upset, angry, laying in the waller of what you are not grateful for. You just can't find the see find no gratitude in your heart about nothing, but you steady asking God for something. So now you think God is crazy. You think he gonna give you some most stuff to not be grateful for. Are you kidding me? Why would he do that. He's too full of too much mercy to send you through that over and over and over. The more I give my child, the more ungrateful they are, the less gratitude they show. But I'm gonna keep dumping it on them so they can keep feeling ungrateful and show like a gratitude. God's not gonna do that to you. Come on, man, have you ever counted how many times you made it? I can't count how many times God didn't gotten me through something. But when He gets you through it, you can't get up and get on about your business. Don't lay that in it. It's over, it's done, you made it, you survived it. Let's go. Let's go. You're listening every morning show, ladies and gentlemen. It is here to Steve Harvey Morning Show as arrived. I don't know how you feel about it, but man, I I feel sad to five. Hey boy, they got old school music was fast man, they had a song for everything. I don't see what's going on anyway. Man, it's twenty twenty two. Awful glad to be here. Thank you, Heavenly Father for all you've done for us today. Thank you, thank you in advance for a great day, our look, warm enthusiasm and anticipation of the great things you could do in my life today. And I received in me your name that your church say man a man a man man again. Well we got it. The ladies is here and Junior's here, Shirley Carlin Monica, Junior. Me, let's go, Junior, what's on your mind? Let me ask you someone? You know, you turning sixty five and three day. Yeah, you know you had a full life, down having having a full life. You having a full life. Okay, talking talking to me in prad past tense. Now I'm paying clothes. You get starting you right now? Yeah, yeah, you know you start hearing a little small things when you get on the go ahead though. Yeah, okay, I'm just saying, and the whole like, do you fit up with some moments that God was pranking you? Oh? Yeah I knew, I knew it was yeah, yeah, the whole, the whole homeless thing I thought was a prank. The whole time I was homeless. I would wake up in the morning, go ah, that's good man. Where my house at? That's a good one, are you? You had me use bad room last night at the gas station? What about to day? Right on back down to day? Well you cut this out? Oh god, I got it. So I had to watch TV in front of a circuit city last night. Oh that was funny. Oh that'll be good right there, that looking in the wind, that radio shack watching TV? I like that. Lord, what about tonight? You go right on back down there? Much? Hey? God? That using that he glood cool as a refrigerator. That was funny. Gotta get a regular refrigerator now. Yeah. Man, that was the biggest prank I've ever seen, and lasting long time too. Three year prank he was good at and he kept coming with creative ways. Yeah, you know, to pull the prank off, you know, Like I like, I got mad at this girl I met one time and I said, I ain't got to deal with this, I'm going home. She said, it's park right over there. You didn't really yeah, yeah, yeah, she hurt me with that. I gotta take this I'm going comb it's park right over there. Oh man, okay, you got your question answered, Junior. Yeah, yeah, I see that now. Yeah. Yeah, it's been an interesting ride. But everything everything for a reason. Man, Everything happened for a reason. I was not understanding that at the time, but I appreciate him now. Yeah, all right, all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time to run that prank back with Junior in for the nephew. What you got, Junior. Garnish your wages. Oh yeah, they're taking money. Garnish your wages. Come onky, Hello, I'm trying to reach a place. My name is h from the District Attorney's office. Yes, Hi, How are you giving you a call today? Ma'am? Trying to get some updates from you. Your husband, mister, is he uh still not working at this point? No, sir? Okay? How long has he been out of work so far? Ma'am? Could you could you give me an update on this January? Okay? All right, here's what we're having the problems that we're having you have a son. I think it's his name is as well, fourteen years old, am I right? Okay? The child support is not being paid for from mister for the for mister young and we're trying to get this thing rectified. Now. The problem that we're gonna have in the reason why we're giving you a call is considering that your your husband hasn't worked since the first of the year. And I haven't done the research yet. I'm just I'm just not pulling up your file. I haven't done the research to see how many months in the rears he is on child support. It just started once, Um, he lost a child. Okay, Well, the problem that we're going to have is they're gonna start taking uh child support actually, and I hate to give you this news out of your check until I don't understand how that so. Because I have my own kids. I understand that, I understand, But they're gonna be garnishing your check, ma'am until this until your husband can get this thing back on his feet and get it rectified and get him up to parts four of all the payments that are hurt. And when will this be taking place? Because if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working because that's not gonna happen. I have my own children, so I don't understand how it is that so I don't don't have anything to do with child for it or anything like that. And if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working as of right now. The garnishing of the check is gonna come from you. And you are at the hospital, correct now, that's not it's not where you work. I'm not gonna be working as of right now. That's what I just told you. So y'all do whatever you got to do, and I'll do whatever I have to do on my ink. Well, hold on it. You're willing to quit your job. I'm not understanding this. This you're sure white because I'm not gonna be taking care of someone else's kids and I have my own, so somebody else can take care of my eyes then because I'm not going to be doing it. You're so right? All right? Well, I mean, I'm just saying, you know, don't I don't want you to be upset with you. I don't want you to be upset with me. I can be able to contact you, Okay, you know I'm gonna I'm gonna let you know this. It's a bit of information. You're still gonna if you're quitting your job, man, you guys are still gonna be liable for the child's support. Okay, well that's fine, not you guys, because it's not my children, sir. Okay, it's not you guys. He will be liable. Okay, because I don't, I mean, can I stept you hold one moment because I need to step outside, if that's okay, or if there's a number I can contact you back. Okay, are you able to step outside right now? Um? Yes, but I'm gonna get on the elevator and it's kinda kind of so to call. Okay, let's do this. Why don't you step outside and I'll wait for you to call. Give me about forty five seconds, but I'm gonna give a call to my manager on this situation. Okay, please, sister, all right, thank you? Hello? Okay, mister, yes, sir, all right, Bregain from the District Attorney's office. Okay, you can hear me now, yes, I can can you hear me? Yes, ma'am, I'm sure can. Now, let's get to the bottom of everything. I couldn't get my manager on the phone. But I'll keep trying. I just want to know. I mean, that's I'm just a meer letting you. I know you are and I hate to be so short with you, but I don't understand because we're not even getting enough. Ain't come coming in as of right now. And you're speaking of I have three children that I'm struggling to take care of all my owner trying somebody from the district that comes. But and you're speaking of that she's going to be deducting money from gonna sha my check for his child worth. What's your something? What's your name? Man? Who's is there someone else I need to speak with? No, we're on the phone. I have that's my sister taking care of some me. We'll probably distance attorney County ma'am. Yeah, she's on the line from the Office of Child Support Service. She works with the oticive child Support. Okay, man, I speak with you. Let me speak with your sister. Man, So what do you I mean, how is this going to be done? Because that's not gonna leave me to cast a band to support my own kids. Well, John, I mean in my own home. I understand that, you know, maybe this is a problem with having a person hanging around A person's raised the seat about his kids all their life. This is a jealous mother that decided optim eighteen years that she wanted to go around on Friday, said, because that's his support order, that's our support order for me. What in the hell is going on with those people in the background this nephew time it didn't hit the fan. She wasn't no, I couldn't get to go out with her. Sister was there? Say nothing to him? Made her get off the phones. I need you to call on three ways. They was calling somebody. They probably calling downtown. Gonna get themself in MO trouble. Okay, call you back, HI, what's wrong? I called you back, houd I tell you about it. I know you want You're gonna talk to her right now? Who is this? And I told you you're gonna pay this child support, not me. Get the best way you can't. He's talking to me, called me, I'm gonna pay this saf you pay. You're gonna make me. You're gonna make me whip your behind this money. You find out who he is? You want to you want to talk to my lord? Yeah? I want to? Where is your you don't have a lawyer. You know well you don't have one because I know who. Don't tell who happen? Harvy? You got my novel behind there's something for your jobs. Who is this this nephew? Timing from Steve Harving Morning? Yo, Yo, just got a frank bob baby. I'm gonna cut call the foodie. Well you just found that. Give me a black male all out. I gotta ask all y'all, so what is the baddest radio show in the land that is gone wags? Thank you Junior? Coming up next, it has asked the cello with our Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have today's entertainment news and some new baby news. Mm. But we'll tell you all about that. But right now it is time to get some great advice from the CLO that stands for Chief Love Officer. We call him the Clothes Steve Harvey. Chateria in Memphis writes, I have been dating a younger man for four months, and he's been using my car to go to work because I worked from home. Now, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, so I told him to call his mama for a ride. His mama called me and said, I'm only four years younger than her, so I'm his mama now and I need to take care of his needs. Would I be out of line to curse her out? What? Well? First of all, let's talk about a couple of things that I noticed, m Chatria. This man you dating got to be young because your name is Shittria, and I don't know nobody named Shittria that was born in the seventies. So I'm a soul in you are a young mother yourself. Now you doing in here and rob this cradling? You're dating this little damn baby that just now got off his bicycle, so he ain't even got a car. Now you're letting him use your car. You told him you got to go to the doctor because you got some medical complications. He can't do that, and then you told him using mama's call his mama's card. And would I'd be wrong for cussing hard or kicking her tail? What are you doing? This is your fault. The fact that his mama can call you, The fact that you had him call his mama says you're in the wrong relationship shitteria that rhymes with cafeteria, and that's where we have the problem. Att right there, your name, your age, and this damn baby you've ben't picked up and moved around in here to your house that don't have a car. Bad selection. It ain't his mama, it's the boy you selected to be your man. There's your problem. Next question, all right. Moving on to Tay in Ohio. Tay says, I'm a twenty two year old student. I'm dating a black guy that is giving me grief because he's very friendly. He feels like he has to show the back black girls on campus a lot of attention or they'll hate him for dating outside of his race. One of the girls can't stand me, and she's always talking slick to me. Should I pull her aside to see what the problem is? Or do I keep ignoring her? Like he said to well, let me let me give you, let me let me say something to you. Now when you pull her to the side. I just want you to understand that ain't the end of it culturally. Once you pull them to the side and started dressing it, you fin to get way moting you bogging fall right now. The dude has told you to ignore it. You could ignore it, but I understand the position he's in. He gives them extra attention so they don't hate him. Uh, look, are you enjoying this relationship? Sounds lady, It don't sound like she is to me. You don't like the pressure, you don't like what come with it. And he's not coping with it real good either because he feel in some kind of way. But now let me explain something to you. Don't pull that black girl to the side. Don't do that. Don't do that, sister, baby girl. Listen to him, Listen to Uncle Steve. Don't pull that black girl to the side, because it ain't gonna go nothing like you think. You're not gonna believe her damn reaction. First of all, if you literally tap her on the elbow and say come over here for me, let me talk to you, you're not just don't do that, don't you. First, it's gonna be a pause and hesitation to disbelief that you're addressing her. But of all the black women you didn't point, you're gonna picked out her, it's the one you're gonna check her. I can't even tell you how this fit to go now. I don't know if you're a cheerleader. I don't know if he an athlete. I don't know if you're on a debate team. I don't know what you want. But do not grab Shterteria Junior and pull her to the side. Now. It gets is nothing him. Yeah, do not do that. It's not going to go there. Thank you, Cela Monique and Tylertown says. My husband and I had a card party over the weekend and his best buddy got drunk and slept on our floor all night. He also urinated on himself and he had on dark jeans, so my carpet is ruined in that spot. My husband didn't want to make a big deal out of it and embarrass him him, so we have to pay to have our carpet replaced. Shouldn't he make his buddy pay for this? You're just so drunk you didn't fell asleep on the floe and peed on yourself. H um. I mean he could go to him and say, hey, man, look here's a problem, and use at the house. You got drunk. I know you couldn't help it, but you laid in the floor on your peed on yourself, and then my wife got to replace the corpy man. Can't you give us a little something on it? You know he should offer at that point, Well, he not because he gonna swear him down. He gonna swear him down. He'ped on himself. Who you know if it's the volunteer that that was? That wasn't flow? Yeah, no, doud so that was some bill. You think I peeed on myself. No, that's bill. I laid in the bill. I saw the bill. I might knock the cup over. I give you a couple honey. No, hell no, hell no, it ain't no where and he ain't laying that any You can't prove he pre no, no, no, no, hold on, hold on, So you're gonna come to me with that? Yeah, we got pictures. Hold on, dog, did you see me? Pete? Yeah? Yeah, now hold on do oh oh who phone? Hold on? Don so your girl take a picture to me, pee to turn it around. It's gonna get turned. Yeah. I gotta fast about it. I mean he could mention it to him, but it's the dude gonna deny it and stop him. Card parties and stop letting people sleep on your floe overnight. Stop doing that, all right, and send his ass home pee on his own flow the smell of that house, all right. Moving on to Stephanie in LA seven, he says, I'm in my mid forties and I can't function without having sex at least four times a week. I work long day, so it's hard for me to meet a good man, to meet good men, and I end up tens up all night and can't fall asleep. My neighbor has always been an option, but I don't want to be intimate with someone in my building. What's the worst that could happen? Should I go ahead and invite him over? I don't. I don't care what you do. I really don't. This ain't a love question. This is a lust question. You're thirsty. You're in your forties. You gotta have sex full times a week. Yeah, you know what. You and your forties and you have to have sex full times a week. Okay, we'll go ahead and have it. No, No, if you have to go ahead, what you want me to tell you? Now? Your neighbor, you don't want to sleep with him because he your neighbor? Who? Who? Who? Who've been doing the full times a week for you up to now. Well that part see what I think is you gouts to have sex full times a week. Your problem is you can't find nobody want to have sex which you full times a week. That's your real problem, That's what she said. Yeah, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So tomorrow is Founders Day for the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Congratulations to those ladies. The must be this must be Founders month for the It was the Deltas, the aka A, the Cappita's. I didn't know that simas all all in the same month anywhere. Yeah, so happy Founders Day, yea, ladies? What year? What year was AKA founders for a year? Oh? Eight oh eight? What about the Deltas? Thirteen? Thirteen? In thirteen I think I'm right, wow, thirteen? Yes for the del to us As? What Thomas? This wife is a k Thomas? Wait? What what what year was a captains come nineteen eleven? Alpha L six, she accused. We waited to everybody did what they was gonna do. There we go, come on back to you, here we go. No, I mean, I mean nothing in a disrespectful wait. We didn't waited, you know everybody. Yeah, y'all, y'all good, y'all, got what you want, got your memberships, everybody lined up. Yeah, did what we fit to do, all right, and we filed to call it old makeup. We're gonna ended, okay, all right. So so Laurie's birthday, Steve, was yesterday, And uh, I know you're big on your you're on your big press tour this week, but do you and Marjorie have some special plan for Laurie's twenty fifth birthday this weekend? Out of here? We ain't ye You know what were you guys going back and forth year sixty fifth or twenty fifth? Oh, she gonna tell me how big her twenty fifth is. Dad, The twenty fifty is the biggest birthday. Okay, you think that now? You think that now because this year you're just getting here. You you thought your thirteenth was monumentis too, Then you thought your sixteenth was whoa. Then you thought your twenty firth was brand new cowbells. Ranging Now you got your twenty fifth you think that's something I told Laurie. I said, Lord, my birthday is the big birthday. Dad. How can you say that twenty five is a quarter of a century. Oh, I said, baby sixty five is a way bigger birthday. How can you say that? I say, because a whole lot less people get to mine, whole lot less people gets to mind. Lori, she had a heck on birthday. That's good, that's great. All right. So Steve, now you know you're a trend setter. You do know that you started a trend and now everyone wants to be a judge. Okay, you did it in radio, you did it in TV, now you're doing it in the courtroom. Star Jones. Star Jones is making her return to daytime television in her new role as hosting judge on Divorce Court. Okay, Star's gone. Replaced Judge Faith Jenkins, who was moving on to Oxygen to star in and serve as executive producer on her new show Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins, Star, of course we all know, is an attorney. She's a former New York City homicide prosecutor. So congratulations to Star and to Judge Faith Jenkins, and Steve, you know a Faith married to all Kenny Latimore. Kenny Lattimore. Yeah, yeah, she had been She had been working on the show for a while. She had been working on show for a while. Oh. The difference between what you know, Indian Star is a lawyer and Faith is a lawyer. I don't anyway. So the difference is they have law degrees. What you bout? Yeah, that's that's major, you know, right? Yeah, you know he ain't none of them. Judge's only in prime time. Down get your show on at night, pimp, come see me. We're gonna talk a little more in depth about Judge. Steve coming up later in the show as well. We have some interesting information that we like to share. Okay, yeah, okay, all right. In baby news, we got to say congratulations to Jez and Jenny min Uh. They had a baby. Jenny Mike of course, this co host of The Reels That's the Daytime talk Show, announced the great news on Tuesday, hosted a picture of the baby on our Instagram with the caption baby Jenkins is here, along with the baby bottle and a red heart emojid. Whether it was a boy or girl, we're asking you you reported. They haven't said the baby here. You ain't saying none. They haven't said yet. That's why I'm saying that. Well, is that's some new political correctness thing where they don't announce baby gendas no more. They just wait and see what they want to do, what the babies want to do, what the baby want to do? I mean, that's a real question. I ain't talking about their baby in particular. I'm just saying, is it a new trend where you don't because like you know they're talking about they don't put baby genders on their certificates no mo. So maybe people don't tell you what their baby is when it's born because they won't wait and see. They let the baby choose. Yeah, pick what you want to do. Yeah, I'm just that Is that not a fair question to ask? It's a very interesting question because it is happening in today's time. Yeah. Yeah, See, I'm not from these times, and I want to be clear about that. Huh. I'm not from these times and I want to be clear about that. Yeah, And neither way and choice been here. You fitting to be boy well here and learn how to barbecue, turn yourself into something my daddy thought barbecue. And need you a man, get out here and barbecue and turn yourself into something. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hours, sir, learn how to rake them damn leaves over there. Make a man out you. You're gonna rake some leaves and see what happened in we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right out out here. Wash this car like you post to you're listening to show? All right, So I have a question for you, guys, Steve. You know, we just had big holidays, Uh, big family traditional holidays like we do for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Maybe not as big as in the past, but still people over the house. So here's a question. Um, what do you say to let your company know that you're ready for them to leave the house? Yeah, without really saying that you're ready for them to leave? Who, well, I guess this's it. Yes, it's it right here. What y'all got going on to night? I do like the club, dude, I start dimmon lights last. Yeah, I start dimmon lights and cutting music off. We're going in this year. We're gonna let you know it's a difference going on. Yeah. Yeah, Steve is pretty direct. You don't have to direct. Yes, I go to colt closet saying, you know, you see me, I just got a hand full of jackets. Hey, which one of these yours? Dog? Yeah, he did go get into bed. He did that in New York when we Steve when we were at lived in New York, remember that Timmy, he was a car part then just we thought we were having a good time playing cards. He just went to the coach close and just like throwing us coach what with jackets? Okay, cool, it's the best way to do it, you know, he said, y'all finished, and he was picking up our plates and then that's going around the table just click, hey, you know hey, and then you know, once people see other people started putting their jacket on. You know, he got kind of it gets contagious. Yeah, you did have to go. That happens. I was trying to be kind to you, Sherley. Get on out now, because if you stay up in here and tell you right now, yeah, tell me what about ain't no free morning coffee up in here. So your need to get your coat. Call let's your hell and let's go, let's go over, let's get on out of here. Let's wrap this. Tell you right now, ain't no free cup to coffee in the morning up in there. This ain't comfort then they ain't what we're doing. If you're drinking coffee in the morning and here, you gonna work for it. All right, let's go pack, let's go. You ahead, hurn it. You gonna hurn it. Looks up a coffee be up in here. You're gonna eat water, all kinds of stuff in the morning. To just get out a mess. Get your coat, baby. I respect y'all too much. Come on, get your coat with you an hour. I got too much respect for you. Come on, ladies, let's get your coat. Cousin up and this apartment at one am. I'm telling you right now, there's some stuff that go down up in here. Come on, let's go. Let's get your jacket. So I respect you too much. Please get out for one am. Please please come up with alactic minutes after the hour, we're gone. Steve. Okay, Junior has a birthday poem for you. Yes, right after I shall do. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is one of my favorite parts of the show. When when you do this, Junior, uh, everyone knows that Steve's birthday is Monday. We're celebrating kicking it off with this poem, Junior, what you got hold on? She introduce you Come on, ladies and gentlemen. I found these poems to be rather alarming at time to times, and so I've created a name for this segment. This is called Jay Rapp Jay Rapp, Jay Rap Stairs with Junior's ragged Ass Poems. This is your birthday poem, Jay Rapped birthday poem that I have. I I had to put a lot of work into it. And I'm tearing up because you know, I put so much into this because it's your birthday. Unc man, You've been so good to be a great mentor and friend, and I just had to put this together for you. Man. I hope you appreciate it. And you know, Shirley called Tommy man. This is this is this is something here And the name of the proem now because it's this is touching, this is hurting, this is somebody I've been Yeah. The name of this poem is, uh, what word rhymes with sixty five? That's the title of it. Yeah, the title of the poem is what word rhymes with sixty five? What word rhymes with sixty five? What word rhymes with sixty five? When you're on top of your game and you're still alive? What word Rymes was sixty five? Two hit shows old TV? And still he rids? What word rise with sixty five? Words of wisdom? That ain't no jaz so Boss Steve Harvey, here's my salute, y'all can't keep why because he always changing his suits? But what word rise was sixty five? The end? What I love for your birthday? That ragged as you can't keep ublem there what to do? That's because he can't changing this suit? But word word Ryan was sixty five? Not that one. Your your response should be, thank you so much, Junior. That's what your response, you know, Junior? Right to birthday poem for everybody shot? Why are you folding your arms? Steve? Because he must didn't he must didn't hear you cool about it? You didn't understand it. You didn't understand. I ain't know that body language, Steve, I ain't understand what the poem? You just understand it? Yeah, but don't don't don't look like nothing. Ryan was sixty What is it that rhymes with sixty five? Yeah? When you're on top of your game, and you still a lie? What lie rhymes with sixty five? That's not deep? Yeah, that's deep. That's deep because you there, you made your fingers, so you made it to sixty five. So some people don't make it to you. That's why I'm saying what word? Because it ain't one? Ain't know many people bake it? That? Why ain't a word that around with it? Oh that's the logic, yeave logic through them. Yeah, that there are a lot of people don't make it. They ain't got a lot of words around with sixty five. So that's why I poetry. But I love your poems that junior hollow you hallo you, I'm three forty three. I let me write you a poet. How do you respond to a person just wrote you a poet to commemorate your age of sixty five, hoping you keep going on? But the person that wrote the poem is at the tender age of forty three. And when you look at him, I see a piece of meat, small in statue, big in love. He's part of them big three, but it's really not that large at all because he's only forty three. What word rimes with forty three? Hell, forty three. Why would you write a poem about being sixty five that ends up being about me? Here's a word that runs with forty three, and I said to all of y'all, forty three rimes with forty three, and that is the end. Snap my fingers and you're way better. No One right on the spot. Coming up next the nephew and the prank phone call. Right after this, nephew, you're listening to morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is my three way love affair. But right now, we'll get into that in just a bit. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, nev Well, you know we've all been there. Well, we've gone into the bathroom and didn't take time to look. Sat there at the last moment, realized we're missing something very important. Today's tidally is can you bring me some paper? Can you bring me some paper? We've all done it. Everybody on this show has done it. Everyone has screamed out that dough can you bring me yourself? Nobody? Oh, no, no, no, no, everyone has done hit. Can you bring me some? Now? How long you sat there? You probably don't want to express that, but everyone has done it. Can you bring me? Are you so serious about it? Bravery? Some paper? Everybody home? That's me, that is me. You got to make a decision. Now. I'm waiting on maintenance to knock on the dough. Maintenance. Yeah, they got a key to your part, but they come in. I said, hey, man, just gonna stop right there. Just toss that in here. You know how numb your legs waiting on maintenance? Can you bring me some paper? Let's go, cat dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to I'm looking for Charles. Yeah, this Charlotte. I'm this Juna, This Charlotte. How can I help you? Hey, listen, um, I'm you boy, I'm about speaking with I'm sorry this scotty man. I'm I'm house sitting for reader. See y'all okay, okay, yeah, yeah, she told me she was going outtown. What can I do for your brother? I fought y'all down on the way. Man. Yeah, I'm in the house. Both our houses. Yeah, I think let's see. Yeah, we four houses down. Okay, Now she loved me a number man, loved me, y'all know me, and then she loved Miss Dars. No, I try to call Miss Darks, but then nobody answer the phone. Yeah. She normally in church around this time. Ria says she was gonna be gone for a minute, so you say you down there right right? Right? Then she told me if I got an emergency anything, that I could reach out to y'all and call y'all right, right right, Okay? Are you are you busy right now? Man? Well? Actually, I'm in the middle of cooking my wife from dinner and got some meat on the grill. But other than that, you know, okay, I mean you you you are you're able to help me out with something right quick? Or you got you got time for that? Well, like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking. If there's something I can help you with, I you know, I don't mind coming down there and uh showing you or doing whatever it is that we need to do. Okay, Charlie. Would you have to have any paper, man, any paper? Yeah? I think I got some newspaper. What you're trying to No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no news. Let me some paper. You have some paper? What notebook paper? No? See. Man, listen, Charlie, I, like I said, my name is Scotty. Man. I know you don't know. Men, I didn't got myself a little situation here down here, read the house man, and I didn't. Man, I'm in a situation. I actually I'm in the bathroom, man, and it ain't no paper in here. Dog, So you're saying you won't me to bring you some toilet paper. I mean, if you're on't mind. I'm sitting here. My legs ain't got no my ten field up my whole little body. Man, from butt down, I can't feel. I'm nothing in my feet everything and went to sleep on them. Hold up by this dude out here, read the house saying he wants me to bring his paper because he didn't got numbed sitting on the truck. Man. Look at here, bro, I'm in the middle of cooking. I wish I could help you, but you know, I mean, I can't tell you about four hours of doctor. You should run down here right quickly. I'm in the back door. I to say, Man, I understand all that you're saying. But like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking for my wife. We're having a little special occasion because our kids and stuff going and I can't to leave her like that, just become bring you know paper. Now. What I can't tell you to do is if Riada got one of them tiles or something. Man, I'm not using nobody town like. That's disrespectful. Man. Okay, hey, but lawyer your voice. Man, you called me to help you, and you acting like I caused you to not have no guya all I'm asking for just and they're gonna take no more for two three minute run down here right quick and bringing the paper man, and then you get on back to your dumb well what you was like what you need to do? Bro? You said you had emergence, that's out the house of the dogs had got out of you had locked yourself out the house. But I'm not gonna come down there and bring you know paper because that don't sound like emergencies. That's sound like some personal And furthermore, you're in the bathroom just jump tout your colones, getting the shower on white. So I'm not finding the dog. That's like I said, I'm numb right now, man, I need some help it over. So you want me to come down, then bring you some tarlet papers and pick your number. You can't get up out the tarlett. If I want to help you, pers then that's why I'm trying to tell you I'm in an emergency. Man, Okay, Well that like I said, Man, that don't sound like emergency, like a little quick fix to get your drawls and in white drawns sold them. Way, go get you some moth. I mean, I'm not saying to walk full houses down there to bring you some tilet papers your legs now, I'm high. How are you gonna get up and open the gate so the backdoor is open. All you gotta do is come in here and reaching here and pass me a roll of paper. Man, That's all I'm asking you to do, Miss Charlotte, I understanding that. But I'm not say to come down and bring you know paper. I'm not saying to bring you bring me some paper down here? Man, your man say, Man, who the hell you thank you? Hiling that you need me? I don't need you? Well, won't you to do something? Man? You see, I'm sitting in a situation. The reader left y'all number that y'alla helped me while I'm down in your house watching man, just Chi's crazy baby. Man, what wrot you? You're gonna call me asking me to bring you some news paper. I told you that I was in the middle of fixing me and my wife from dinner and you come calling me talking about some paper man. I don't want to hear no sho, I know, and I ain't coming down and to bring you know paper man. Hello, Charlie, you're gonna bring this paper man? Man? Look like I told you before, I ain't going to bring you know paper down there. We don't wait no on this street like hold on, man, I can't just you can't just leave me here and I'm numb like this, but not to come bring no brong man, no toilet paper because he is responsible when he going into the restroom and sounded like a personal problem. YouTube wrong for that. This is sent you wasted, though this is an emergency man, Man, that don't sal in the urgency. That sounds like a personal problem that you got going on. I'm gone. I want to get off of here, man, you know, get me off with you. I don't give a about you being man, not a fact. As soon as you get your out of there, you so mad, you come on down here. I'm coming down by the trick. I'm coming down there the way. I am just like this hell, and I'm ana whoop for not helping me while I'm gonna sit your weight. I got one more thing I need to say to you that I'm gonna do. Is you're listening? Bring your tone? I got some snake skin shoes and fit right up, clean up on it all. I got one more thing? Is you listening? Man? What man like? I said? What you got to say? Man, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your neighbor reader. Ain't this at mother from the radio station? Is this coming from the Steve Harvey Morning Shuff? Yea, I'm gonna whoop reading got you tling? How man you had me? I was to come down there, man, and you better be glad I'm eating. I can't believe it. Hey, man, I gotta ask you bad one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Show. Y'all played practical jokes, sold folks man? Please please? Can you bring me some paper? Please? How much everybody feel good about it? Don't you hello, huh, way too much? Yeah, I'm just you know, he down the street. But come on, come on, No, I need some paper though, couple of brother Yeah, okay, nobody wants to really what you wanted to say? Do you don't want to share your time that you sat? You want to share yours? No? No, I'm gonna going on say I'm I'm gonna gonna say I'm at Chuckles tonight here in uh Jackson, Mississippi. That's all I'm gonna say. I'm not gonna share that. A matter of fact, Jackson, bring me some paper that dan't good? Jackson? Come to the show. How about that too? Tonight to Saturday to Sunday. Nephews in town, Chuckle's Comedy Club. Yay, yay, all right, thinking few coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject my three way love affair. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Save Harvey Morning Show. Well, now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve RBFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, and you never know it could be yours. Yes, yes, buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here It is the STRAWBERRYLETTA. Thank you nephew. Subject my three weight love affair. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty year old married woman and my husband and I have a sister friend that has been a major part of my life since I was seven years old. We did everything together, even went to college the same college and graduated at the same time. When I got engaged, she got engaged. Our fiances didn't get along, so my man would always take my bestie side when she was having an issue with her fiance. A few weeks after we got engaged, my man told me that my bestie's man was cheating on her. I was shocked and hurt when I saw the video of her fiance asleep naked over his side chick's house. My man and I decided not to tell her anything, but then my man got really upset with the dude and went out and went and told my bestie about the cheating. She was so devastated. Stay with us for two weeks and called off their engagement. So now that we're married, she's part of our family. She travels with my husband, hubby, and I, and she comes for weekly movie nights at her house. She's dating again, and when she meets men, she brings them to meet us so we can pass judgment on them. I've been noticing lately that my husband is more opinionated than usual, and none of the guys have been good enough for my bestie. That's a red flag for me, so I jokingly asked him if he'd like to clone himself so my bestie could be with a man just like him. He got very irritated with me, so I have been wondering if something is going on with him in my bestie. As a test, I told him that we're going on an anniversary trip alone. He said it would be weird to leave my bestie out. I asked him if we are in a three way love affair. He laughed it off and said no, but does he really care about her feelings? What's going on here? Well, yeah, he does care about her feelings, as do you. I mean, you called her your sister friend. You guys have been together since seven years old, so Yeah, he cares about her for sure, and if you ask me, he's certainly acting like a guilty, jealous man when she brings other men around. I'm very surprised it took you so long to notice a red flag. I think they've been several First, and most importantly, when you guys agree, and when you and your husband agree not to tell your bestie. He's the one who told about the cheating. That's a major rid flag. That's not really what men do. They don't snitch on each other. Now, he's so concerned about her and who she dates. You guys have movie nights together and she travels with you. What you're feeling is right. You know, it is a three way love affair. Who or what couple do you know whose husband can be let behave? Your husband is behaving about her and that there's nothing going on. Just think about that. He's doing way too much when it comes to her, and you need to check them both. You don't have to catch them in the act or anything like that to know what's going on. You already suspect them anyway, So I say you confront them and get it over with. Steve. Wow, Well, it's interesting, it's an interesting letter. I will say this about women. Most of the time, what you feel is real. Most of the time. It's because God gifted you all with this thing called intuition, and he gave it to you more than he gave it to the women are born with it. You should trust it and lean on it. So usually what you think or feel is usually real. You're forty year old married woman. Your husband and I have a sister, Fred. That's interesting. That's been a major part of my life since I was seven. We did everything together. This is very important in this whole letter. We did everything together. The pay attention. Y'all even went to the same college, graduated at the same time. When I got engaged, she got engaged. That's everything. That ass everything. Our fiances didn't get along, so my man would always take my bestie side when she was having an issue with her fiance. A few weeks after we got engaged, my man told me that my bestie's man was cheating on her. I was shocked and hurt when I saw the video of her fiance asleep naked over his side chick's house. Stop Wait a minute, what, Wait a minute, you're saying that your man told you that your besties man was cheating on her. And then right after that you said, I'm shocked and hurt when I saw the video of her fiance asleep naked over his side. Chick's house? Where your man get the video from? Where did your man get the video from? Now, let's just do some hood logic hill. One or two things was happening. Either the fiance who don't get along? Hello, the fiances that don't get along? He gave your husband the video? Like, hey, checking me out? Ah, your husband made the video, labor. Two things can happen, ain'tber Two things can happen? Hello, Steve, Hello, y'all do everything again? Hello, all that thought. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters, subject my three way love affair. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is my three way love affair. Forty you old married woman and husband. They have a sister friend. Well it's a husband now, but we're gonna take you on this journey, and the sister friend been a major part of this woman's life and to seven they do everything together. Keep that in mind, even when to the same college graduated at the same time. When I got engaged, she got engaged. Our fiances didn't get along so much. My man, which is her fiance the writer of this letter, would always take my bestie side when she was having an issue with a fiance. Now, a few weeks after everybody got engaged, my man told me that my bestie's man was cheating on her. I was shocking hurt when I saw the video of her fiance asleep naked over his side chick's house. I'm confused, Where did your man get this video from? Because they don't get along, the two fiances don't get along, and the two fiances don't like each other. He always sided with the girl. Where did he get the video? Because if I don't like a dude and we ain't cool, why would I show him a video or me asleep over another chick's house? What purpose did that, sir? Unless your man was there and took the video. You hit him? Crickets don't know? Did you hear them? Crickets? Just now I got you thinking, ain't I My man and I decided not to tell her anything. But then my man got really upset with the dude and went and told my bestie about the cheating. Like Shirley said, what man do that? What man does that? She was so devastated she stayed with us for two weeks and called off her engagement. So now that we're married, now y'all married. Now she's part of our family. She travels with my husband and I husband and I, she comes for weekly movie nights in our house. Okay, she's dating again, which means that she ain't got no problem meeting men. But check this out. And when she meets me, and she bringed them to meet us so we could pass judgment on him. So it don't take this chick long to meet me in because she ain't got no problem meeting men. So I'm assuming that your girl is attractive, and I think your girl is attractive to your husband, so attractive that he wants hurt around everywhere. So now y'all traveling together, y'all doing movie nights at the house. I've been noticing later that my husband is more opinionated than usual, and none of the guys have been good enough for my bestie. That's a red flag for me. I had a lady on my talk show one time said women should stop collecting red flags. It's a red flag for a reason. Stop collecting them. But you didn't put this one in the back seat of a car. So I jokingly asked him. I joke, you know, would you like to clone yourself so your bestie could be with a man just like him? He got irritated with me, so I've been wondering if something is going on with him and my bestie. As a test, I told him that we're going on our anniversary trip alone. He said it'd be weird to leave your best die out. I asked him if we were in a three way love affair. He laughed it off and said no, but he does really care about her feelings. What's going on here? Okay, okay, okay, you're ready. You're ready. What you think going on? Because that's what you wrote the letter? Folk usually what women thinking. Field is the deal. I've said that now. The fact that this whole letter took you this long to write, and then your last question is what's going on here? It's really amazing to me. Now when he said, when you told him, y'all was going on y'all anniversary trip alone, and he said it'd be weird to leave my best die out. Ask him if we are in the three way love affair? Yeah, that's what. Yeah, that's that's what you're here. That's what you're in. But you know you gotta be careful what you say and let come out your mouth. You did say y'all do everything together, didn't Ain't that what you said. Didn't y'all invite this third party into y'all's life and home. Don't she go on all the trips with y'all and she eager to go. She don't never say, girl, nigga, y'all do y'all, y'all need some blue time. I ain't even go out there and be no third wheel because that's what most people say. Girl. Let me sitting up having no dinner with y'all and everything, and I'm the only one. I ain't got no man. Well, she ain't saying that because she got a man. Yeah, because when he goes on there to get the coffee, where do you think he stopped? When he go to the gym and the spot on the trip? Well, who you think at the gym and the spa? His gym work getting done in that other room. Let me ask you another question. You ever noticed that the two of y'all ain't ever alone together. I'm talking about you, your girlfriend. You ever noticed that? Oh? Wow? Huh? Have you? Have you picked that game? When y'all go on the trips, it ain't ever you and your girl going down for coffee and te He always going somewhere by himself. But you don't see how she don't come girls, says he going to the gym. I'm gonna come on up now. Caught the gym work getting done in her room? Push up, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, jumping Jack's mountain climbers. Yeah, you know a lot of cardio, Yeah, a lot of cardio. Knee big big Doova's a lot of downward dogs. We're doing yoga. Leave us your comments on today Strawberry Letter on Instagram and Facebook at Steve harveysm dot com, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. Under Man coming up next. You know what it is, Junior in Sports Talk right after this you're listening to show all Right, here we go, it is time for sports Talk with Junior. What you got Junior pimpant Pippin's playoff weekend. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, what's up, Junior? What's had the pipping this? Man? Man, I don't even know how to count this, but go ahead ask me anyway. I'm going, oh, the first of all pipping? Who your favorite? For the Super Bowl? Run? Who your favorite? Man? I can't even count it, you know, Man, I was so hyped up about the Cleveland Brown they had any thinking we were going in and play on bagging team A Man, I'm so tiny, Man, I don't want to do man, So I don't really know. Man, who's gonna win that Super Bowl? I don't know. Man. It's kind of crazy though, because what's that team that's that's ball and that's got everybody top of the bagels. You ain't gonna be the bank he now, nobody saying nothing about No damn Bengo. Man, I'm gonna Cleveland. I'm about since nanny phone. Go ahead, and what you want to ask? Yeah, let's see what you gonna picked on. Let's see how we go to these games. Come on, let's go. Let's what you got Raiders versus the Bengals. Who you're going with? Oh? Man, you know, I mean, I'm just gonna have to go with the Raiders, man, because you know Joe Burrows is playing, man. But I just think you know, they ain't ready yet. That's what I'm hoping for anyway, because my boys living Cincinnati, they win out. Yeah, I had to hit his man. Come on, Raiders, here we go. Oh, it's gonna be a good game here. It's probably one of the most anticipated the Patriots versus the Bill Where are they playing. They're playing in Buffalo. They fending get their hand in Buffalo because then Buffalo fans, the Buffalo mafia, they're crazy. Man. I'm gonna go with the Bills on this anyway. That's what I'm pulling. Fod Y. Yeah, I'm killing about no Belichick. He don't pay no bills up in my house. I'm going against Belichick. Hell, he went against Tom Brady. Tom Brady want the Super Bowl without his Hell, what the hell I needed for? He never done nothing for me. Eagles versus bucking this man. This is a sad day for me, man, because I'm show pulling for Jalen Hurts and them Eagles. Man, my Fred brother in the Corona back, I'm show pulling for me. Ain't win. Hell, they being dumb Brady though, Oh wow, forty nineers versus the cowboys. Pippot, man, you know what, I'm gonna go out on the limb and just surprise everybody, uh, and pick the cow boys. Man, I'm gonna I'm gonna pick the cowboys, but I would not be surprised. And I know if they lose to the forty nine ers, they cannot watch first take. That's for them. Steves gonna hell Sigga, who Steves versus the Chiefs? Chief says back. Last pick, Pippot, Cardinals versus the Ramps. Oh Cardinals man, Colin Mary, all the wait, pimp it is playoff picks pim there he go. All right, you and your pimping. Thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna play a round of comedy Roulette. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for comedy Roulette. Steve, you want to explain it, No, it's just us. They're gonna spend the wheel, come up with a subject, and we're gonna write jokes on it. Right here we go. Here's the subjects Crazy names for a horse as they win the race and the winner is dot dot ways people spoil a movie for someone who hasn't seen it. And the last one commandments that should have been in the Bible. Here we go, spend the wheel. Oh interesting and stopped. Commandments that should have been in the Bible. What okay the Bible? Thank God? Yeah since humor? Yeah okay, Well this is something I would like the Lord have put in there. Uh, move somewhere at warm if you got sickness, sear that would have been a knighte with having it for me. Commandments that should have been in the Bible. Let's go. Nephew, thou shalt not steal unless you going through something. Unless you're going through something, Commandments that should have been in the Bible. Steve, thou shalt honor thy husband. Uh, there we go. I like that. Look at them, Look at them turning their head down. Look see that's married evil ass whatever. But I wish I would Commandments that should have been in the Bible. Come on, junior, thou shalt know when she made Why are you talking like that? Oh oh you will, don't worry. Commendments and should have been in the Bible. Nephew, thou shalt not go through my phone they had phones back then. A right commandment that should have been in the Bible. Steve, child support should be cut in half. Its commandments and should have been in the Bible. Junior, she should pay for at least one meal of year. Commendments that should have been in the Bible. Tommy, thou shalt not talk when the game is on. Thank you. Commandments that should have been Steve Harley, Thy children should repay you all money spent. Not mad at thou. One Commandments that should have been in the Bible. Junior, thou shalt always wont to have sex with me? Come on board? Ye always? Oh wait, why is these nose in here? Commandments that should have been in the Bible. Tommy, thou shalt not commit adul trick unless it's been committed on you. First, Hello, what I get write an actual commandment he supposed to stay away from supposed to be jokes. Commandments that should have been in the Bible. Steve, there shall be no alimony your marriage. Ready, thou shalt not make me like all your family. Come on, Steve, closed it out commandment do something naked now, this goes to mind. Thai family. Thou shalt keep if thy hands off my wallet. That Ladies and Gentlemen is comedy Roulette. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, we'll tell you about Judge Steve and how he's ranked. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Well, guys, numbers don't lie. We all know that, right which, you cannot lie. It's official, Steve. The premiere of your new ABC hit show, Judge Steve on Tuesday nights eight seventh Central was the most watched non football show on ABC last week. It's audience, at five point two million, was nearly two million more than the season opener of the Bachelor. And this is all based on Nielsen ratings. Congratulates, Yeah, you cannot control the numbers. And after this, the second week of the show, the numbers held the exact same as the first week. In normally, the second week of the show, the second episode is always almost always a drop off over the new shows, because everybody goes to see the premier and go, Okay, I think I'm this might be good. Then it go okay, this wasn't as good as I thought it was. Well, two weeks in the row. This show has done the best numbers and we won the night on ABC. And that is nothing but grace, because the average TV show does not last on television now like Tommy Show been on Ready for Love for all these seasons. That's not the norm, folks. Normally one two years max and they go away. So this is God's blessing to your boy again. Look at him do his thing. I give all credit, honor, glory to God. Thank you, thank you. What a nice birthday present for you, Steve. Congratulations. Coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll play around it. Would you rather right after this? You're listening to show time now for would you rather let's get right into it. Would you rather eat three containers of vanilla icing or three bags of barbecue pork rhymes? Pork run? All that ice? Just gonna say ice cream, ice cream. I but I'm not eating. I'm gonna do the pork rind to ride it on that. How many? How much pork run? Three bags? Oh yeah, it's high blood pressure. When you get through you what one you want? Diabetes? A high bloodressure? You want sugar? Which you want? The pork rhymes for nephew, I might have to go just icing. I can't. I'm gonna icing, Okay, I ain't good for sick of sales something. Just tell me you know what? You know what three is good? Ain't? What about you? See? I don't know, sugar off. I'm gonna eat this icinghail. I'm gonna work through it all right. Would you rather? Would you rather have sex in a hotel swimming pool and a hotel swimming pool or would you rather have sex in an airplane bathroom? Hotel swimming? Hotel swimming? I gotta spread out swim oh because of a space. Yeah, I don't mind being I know, I like, I know, I'm good. I know him. Excuse me, excuse me? What was that going on? What was that confession? I don't know you've been at the red roof and naked saying yeah I'm done just means and stuff. I don't done. But I don't know what the hell I was talking about them. I don't know whether the kid lost your mind moment. Have you swam through chlorine naked? I'm just asking, Yeah, what ye been a swimpool? You had sex and swimpool here? Yeah? Oh, that's why you pick the swim who on this show on your head? I'm sorry, all right? Would you rather would you rather show your spouse or your partner the last ten pictures you received your phone? Or would you rather be already be already oh b okay you guys, okay? Or would you rather run across the field at the Super Bowl naked from field, naked up in field? Then show your spouse your pictures and your phone run across this field. He's at the thirty, he's at the fault. Yeah, that's me. You're not swiping left over here, You're not doing it? All right, thank you. It's coming up. It is our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Birthday Boys this weekend, coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day on this Friday. Happy Friday, and of course, happy birthday weekend to you, Steve. You can officially start celebrating after today's show. Before we get to the celebration, though, let's say welcome to our new affiliate w d k X FM and Rochester, New York. That's one oh three point nine. W d k X. It is number one for hip hop and R and B. W dk X FM is an independent black owned station. Okay, okay, huh. Monroe County Broadcasting w dk X chose its call letters. Now check this out. This is good. Guys chose its call letters to honor black heroes. Okay. D is for Frederick Douglas, the K is for doctor Martin Luther King Jr. And X is for Malcolm X. So welcome w d k X one three point nine Steve Harvey Morning Show Family. Wow sounds nice Rochester k X. Uh huh, Douglas King and Malcolm X. And being a hip hop station. I thought of doctor j Kanye and DMA. Good thing that people own it got grown money dk X welcome aboard. Hey, he's my closing remarks today. You know something? Can I share something with you? Man? I want to remind people as we get off into twenty twenty two. Uh, taking inventor story of the people that's surrounding you. That's very important. Some people cannot figure out why they just can't move along in life, and a lot of times it's because we're stagnant, and we can't figure out why we're stagnant. Well, if you don't change the input that's going into your mind, there's no way you can change the output that's producing the outcomes. You have to change the input, and a big part of your input are the people that you associate yourself with. You gotta get rid of some people. Now, listen to me all that. Hey, listen, you know we got hood laws that we live by that are not always meant to progress you. You got to keep it real, No, you don't. You got to keep it moving. You've got to make forward progress, keeping it real. Often times that said the people that's remind that's trying to keep you in a certain place for their own purposes. You know how many times along the way I was going, hell, man, you forgot where you come from. Now I forgot where I come from. I just didn't take you with me. That's all it was. I just didn't take you, but didn't take you. Don't mean that I forgot why I come or because I don't give everybody on my block a job. Don't mean I've changed. You're not qualified. Come on, man, y'all got to get with it and understand what's going on here. You have to get rid of some people that don't make you a bad person. But I've told you home how many times on this show did everybody come with you? Can't go with you, But you better start taking a real serious look at the people around you because that could be the reason that you're staggering and you're not moving forward. Check everybody out. Listen to me. Is there some people in your life that's not calling you with good news, praying for you, wishing you where always cheering you on? Let me ask you something if you don't have that person, what do you need with the other person? Hey man, I wasn't gonna say nothing, man, But you know, man, I heard them talking about you. Man. You read this on the internet. They said this, Hey man, let me ask you something, man, How you holding you all? Right? Man? There's so many people man, be talking about you. What that person right there? You don't need that person. You don't need that person that every time the phone rang something wrong and guess what, we all got them. You don't need that person where every time the phone rang they need something from you and never have nothing to offer to you. But they put that guilt trip on you like you always got yourself together? You know? Man? If I could be more like you, well you're not. You're not. And the reason you're more like me is because you don't want to work for it. You're sitting around with a sense of entitlement and you're looking at me and your favorite, the favorite line I get it is I know you got it. That's the number one line I get from people. I know you got it? Man, saw y'all? Man, do you know man that I got a call recently? Man? Congratulations? Man? Heard about the new show? Whoa you just be doing it? Hey, let me ask you something. You think you could let me hold? Come on? Man? Really? Really? Hey man? Hey man, you think you can let me hold? Hold on? Man? What happened to the congratulations on the new show? Man? I'm happy for you, man, Just want you to know me and the wife praying for you. Good good work, man, click hang up? That would have been good, but all no a man, congratulations? Hey man, you think you can let me hold after you told me I'm successful, I'm telling you Man. As soon as he hung up, I don't know what made me not block him before, but he helped me understand because in twenty twenty two, I'm not taking those people with me because the people right there, man, they just hold you back. Taking an inventory. Go through your phone and take an inventory. People that's calling you with good news, praising you, praying for you, cheering for you. Keep them in your phone, all them sometimeing people and then people with that bad news. Block them, removed them, and move on with your life. Taking inventory of who you are associated with, because we remember association Frank's one participation, get rid of them. Those are my closing remarks. For those of you that didn't like my closing remarks, it's because you're one of the people that need to be out of somebody's life, and I know that. For all Steve I re contest, no purchase necessary, void wear Promited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.