Steve Told Us so about Stormy Daniels, Jay talks his birthday celebration, BET has a new show Man Cave, and Steve talks about the importance of Perseverance

Published Mar 22, 2018, 2:24 PM

Today's show talks about President Trump's extra curricular activities. Steve also talks about BET's new show Man Cave. Jay Anthony Brown talks about his birthday festivities, and Perseverance is highlighted in Steve's Closing Remarks and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all looking back to back down, giving them mong just like American bus things and it's tubs y'all to me true good to the hearty guy listening to me to other for stolen, Hoy, why don't you join yeah, well by joining me, honey, say you got to turn Yeah, you're going to you. You gotta turn you to turn out turns? Do you love me? Got to turn out to turn the water? The water go? Comey, come on your back at it. I sure will, Like good Martin, everybody you are listening to the voice, come on now, dig me one and only Steve Harvey Man old man, got a radio show. The only way to find your real purpose, your real mission in life. You're real what for? The thing that you got to go get it get after is you've got to connect with God. You have to connect with him because as your creator, no one knows better what you were made for than your maker. I mean not just I mean man, and just make a lot of common sense, don't it. I mean really, you know people kill me with with with the lack of belief. I mean, you know, like all of this that we have today spun out from a cosmic ball of dust in the galaxy that cooled off and and formed all these lakes and rivers and clouds and mountains and valleys and birds and animals and people from a cosmic speck of dust. And that they act like there's no connection to a higher calling or a higher reasoning. Not, that's just you know. And and they try to create for those that do believe this hocus focus ritual, this magical what is that? There's no scientific I don't august science. I think that science is very real. I think that science is very applicable. I think that science helps us learn so many things. But science ain't everything. Now you you you might as well under that's there's some unexplainable that science can't wrap their mind around. So here they go with something else. And then you've got the naysayers who who use that, the nonbelievers who use that as the proof that there is no higher calling on how I being, and I listen to me, I don't really into explaining all that a way. If that's how you feel, then gone and get the feeling how you're feeling with it. But let me explain something to you I just don't see how. I don't see how. Man, What is this? What is this conscious that eats away at you from time to time? Where does the moral barometer come from that exists in your life? What? What makes you know the difference between right and wrong? What did that come from? That cosmic spector dust that spun out of control and cool this fiery hot ball down, and then these lakes and rivers and all the clouds and mountains got what? Where did your conscious come from? What is your need to cry out from? What does the word Lord help me come from? Why when you get in a in a dark place and you whisper Jesus, where did that come from? What? What is that if you're driving on the road and your car carams off a cliff? Oh, Lord help me? You know where? What are these promises come from that we make, these deals we cut that we make with a higher power? Why why when you're at your lowest moment? Man, you you you you you turned somewhere? Okay, not for that. I've I've explained my side of it. And a matter of fact, God is really almost unexplainable to me. Okay, so this we didn't just had that moment I had to get that off my chest. I want, I want. I want to share something with you about when you strike out to find your mission, or how about when you strike out on your mission once you discover what your purpose is? Or let's let's simplify, what happens when you set a goal and you ready to strike out on that goal. What happens when you set and ambition in front of you or put something in your sights that you want to attain that you want to become successful at. What's the mind set that you have to develop? There are three things you must first ask, You must then believe, and you must then receive. Now the received part all these parts is it's gotta thing to it. You gotta ask, You just gotta ask for it. You know you've heard the scripture before, you have not because you asked, not why don't you ask? But then after you ask, here is the kick? You got to believe that it can happen for you. Stop looking at the success of other people and not thinking that that same success can happen for you. And I'm not saying that Pacific way specific way. I'm just saying that the success can happen for you just like it can happen for somebody else. Why do you think it keeps happening to other people over and over because they ask and they believe. Now here's the cold part. Receive it? Oh, oh, what you mean? Receive it? I asked for it, I believe in it. Why would I not want to receive it? Act like it, Act like it's already there. Realize that, man, it's just days away. We don't know if it's gonna happen tomorrow, next week, in thirty days. We don't know if it's gonna take a few years. But you got to receive it. Though. You gotta ask, You got to believe, and you got to receive it. You gotta act as though as that not as another part. Not to this about work. You don't please. The faith without works is dead. Don't think you're gonna just ask for something believing and then go sit down and start watching TV. Come on, now, let's get real. Let's not leave out the other jewel. You got to work here here. What I want you to know about when you strike out on that mission, that the journey that you strike out on to accomplish a goal or to set out on the mission the journey is a process. It's not an arrival date. All you're looking to do, folks, is start the process. Act like it's there and the arrival date is coming. But here is the beauty of the journey being a process. But all along the way of your journey you will find success the whole time you're on the on the journey, the whole time you're in the process of finding your mission and fulfilling your mission, uncovering your dreams, reaching your goals. The beauty of it is all along the way you're going to find success on so many levels. And people fail to look at that part. They keep thinking of themselves, Man, I ain't there yet, I ain't you know. It's like when you take a little kid on a long car tripping in the back seat. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Boy? If you just look out the window, see where we then being. Look out the window, look at the mountains, look at these trees, look at the views we got. No, we ain't there yet, But Lord ha mercy, look at what he's showing us along the way. Because the journey is a process. But man, know that in the process of arriving at your designated gold dream, ambition or mission. Understand this that the journey is a process, but all along the way you will find success. There are things that are going to happen to you along the way, man, that will be so gratifying and fulfilling. Where the journey is joyful. You don't have to be there to appreciate the ride. Appreciate the journey and the process. Stop getting mad because you ain't at the arrival data. Your dreams ain't came true yet. Look up. You might discover, man, that you're living better. You might discover that you don't have a million yet, but you'd have made a quarter of a million what you're tripping for because you ain't got the million yet. Remember when you didn't have nothing. Be grateful for the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar mark, the hundred thousand dollar mar the three hundred and twenty two thousand dollar mark. Don't you understand, man, you may not be where you want to be, But man, can't you thank God that you ain't where you was? How about that? One? Huh? All right? You're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. This is not quiet stol This is Steve Harder deserving his voice because it's leaving him and overworked, and have decided that I've got to slow it down. So, ladies and gentlemen, this show will be ran today by two foods. And I want to apologize for anything happening. And Shirley and uh, Carla, I want to say good luck to both of you because you are going to have a tough time controlling too foods normally being you know, just ignorant. I am here to provide some type of stability, but I won't be able to to my boys. Car Don't, don't don't. Don't. Don't back talk me unless you won't do these knuckles on your lips. So, ladies and gentlemen, Shirley Strawberry, good morning, Hey, Nonny, you ain't gotta get into this, don't Steve, good morning, good morning, goody, good morning? Given to me junior morning? Ain't Yeah, you can't, Jake what your donner? E? Wow? That's after birthday? Voiced birthday? Still? How you know? Birthday? Yea happy belated birthday again forty two years old? Stop that I'm going with. I'm going with eighty three eight three. And see when you tell people you eighty three, they go. You look so good. Well, y'all go ahead and take it over. You gotta help, yeah, yeah, yeah, but see still everybody go down sometimes it's all right. I gotta protect my voice. I got shows to do today, tomorrow, all this weekend. I don't get another off day. Four minutes so I'm waiting on an assistant who posted to been here with some damn throat coat. But his ain't here. Well, you know what, I ain't gonna be saying his ass sat here? Too many motis? Did you speak to the nephew, because one time it's gonna be his ass ain't here, No motive? You didn't speak to the nephew. I really didn't think its more. I got you. I got you your over work. But let's be real about it. You're not underpaid. We gotta you're not underpaid. Represent We got you today. Let your throat down and set your throat right over there. You want to take you want to take it in this bag right here? We got you. Said that years ago. We were on the radio just in l A. And Steve felt out, you have to take your throat out and look at Wow. Okay, well, how was your birthday? Oh? It was great? I'm still celebrating, still celebrating, man, I'm not supposed to have a whole lot of Uh. We had a little celebration at the comedy club, the Jay Spot. It was a hundred and eighteen comedians came no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, about three hundred and forty. Oh well, there must have been at another clue about Jay's birthday. When we come back on something funny. Had a date last night. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Show. It is time for something funny. So Jay, you gotta tell us about your birthday. It was nice, Steve. You know, do they still say off the chain? Yeah? The Carla right, Yeah, what's lit? What is that? It was lit? It was lit. It was lit, and it was lit. Yeah, man, it was lit. It was about comedians. Bit but my birthday. Um, Um, Tommy Davidson came, um, Um, Kim Whitley came, Um. Melanie Camacho was there, Darrell Derek Ellis was there. Um. A lot of comedic just came in and roasted me. It was a great night. And my my ex girlfriend gave me a cake. I didn't I didn't held up. Hold up girlfriend. Let's let's get in there. We're not together anymore, she said. The cake she brought the No, I see, that's what I'm saying. That's what that's why she's Yeah, she brought me a cake, and I just y'all enjoyed the cake, and I eat as much cake as possible. Well, okay, well, staying in that same vein, not the cake, vein, the girlfriend vein. Did you have a date last night? No, I didn't have a date. Let me to the beach. Okay, let's stay in the same veing. Okay, don't take into a beach. Did you did you get some good loving? Like? Oh my god, the best absolute date? Oh man, whow it out? How it up? Oh man? It was so great. I mean a lot. I'm like doing no more. No, you're gonna do it again? Who by myself? I was alone. I saw it comback. I didn't have nobody. Man, look at the money, I say, splendor, Daddy, I don't want to do it. Okay, you're gonna do it. Do it for the v It was yourself hit him and we went to sleep. It was so good. I blooded when you when you focus, look with you, when you focus, look with God. We get your boy. Steve Yeah, I had a great time. It was nice. Thanks for everybody who came out to the J spot and help me celebrate. It was fantastic. Had a great time. Have you and Steve, if you and Jay ever celebrated together, probably a couple of times. You have a couple of times to birth days? Uh huh, And we can't nothing we can talk about we happened on that school and this boy was there's nothing you can tell the best stories we've done and saved one another. The one grateful thing in all of this, huh was no phone cameras and wants, no social media. There's no damn internet, that's right, Yeah, yeah, pay phones. Yeah, what we did, there's no trace of it. Nothing, nothing, there's no pages, there was nothing. That's why people say, man, Steve, you should do your life story. We can't very fory none of this, but I was going to ask their work out, don't. Was a hospital that had my records in it for a city hospital, for a city hospital, burned down, records gone, some of the some of the stuff we've done together, just so according to like medical records, at being four fifteen years old, my ass ain't exist. And you know what, man, that's really crazy. There were no computers. I have no medical records beyond that because Ford City Hospital burned down. I got in a really bad accident, a lot of trouble one time. There's no record of it. Wow. So, and there's nothing you can do about it. Some of the places we performed have burned down. Don't exist. Yeah, girl, they're not here. They're not here. I don't even exist. A lot of people would love that with their credit, they could just go back clean. We had some fun. Get your credit right, How you cleaning credit? How you cleaning now? Seven years? Yeah, that's what regular people do. Yeah, I'm gonna way no seven years, get no crean credit. You try to buy a house next year. You gotta get your credit clean now, right, that's true, right right. I can tell you we can't conversation real for real, true, true. I can tell you how I got the house I'm in right now, we go off there, because if I say this, they're coming to get that house and my mom's and meet you. So so Jay, Now, a lot of people celebrate their birthdays in the entire moment. What else do you have planned? You know, I will be with someone. I have a requirement that I've not put more than a hundred years into bed at one time, so you got she would not be older. We go past a just ain't gonna work. We can't total up to a hunter. That's that's something and then very scary all at the same time. Coming up next, Oh my god, me and my wife they have to get a divorce. Coming up next, the nephew would run that brank back. You're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about being in a relationship can can be making you fat. Jay, just you can't even deal with the word relationship now, being in a relationship can be making you fat, can make you fat? Okay, huh huh. Plus, Miss Anne is gonna be here with our national news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Adoption agents. Yeah, do you ever get nervous that somebody's going Never, No, I call people that don't live and where I live, so you never afraid that's something might happen. I'm always afraid that something could happen. That's what he asks. Always. I mean, like one of the people you prank. You never Yeah, there's always an lucky It's always one, but to escape it just hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Clarence. Uh yeah, this is Clarence. How you doing, man? This is Robert Robert. We were trying to you know, schedule with you guys. Maybe we can swing through and uh pick up a little Clarance. I guess around six, if you guys are available around six? H okay, Hey, what do you mean picking up little Clarance? Well, we got the we got the call that we can come and actually pick up Clarence and and and take him with us if you guys packed the things up yet? Whoa wo man got the call from? Who? Did you can come pick him up? I don't know about this. Well, my name is Robert, Robert and my wife and I got the call that we could do. You not know about us, um adopting a little Clarence? Oh what adopting? Who? Okay, wait a minute, are you guys that are you guys that drive? Yeah that's that's my address. But what you're talking about you're gonna come take my son from you? Okay? But your your son is two years old? Right? Yeah, he's what you come to pick up my sign and what is this agency's number? What the agency told us that? What's adoption agency? They've got all our information, We've we've filled out all the paperwork, and you guys aren't aware that that we're supposed to come there today to pick him up. Well know what adoptionation? You said as well? How to get my information? I'm not sure. We've we've got pictures of Clarence and and uh, you know, my wife is actually going out and bought balloons and everything, and and we were gonna come through. They told us anytime today, so we felt maybe like around six pm we'd come get it. Now, you ain't coming here to pick up no class, tell you that right now? Okay, wait wait a minute, now this this this, I mean, this can't be happening. Okay, wait a minute. You're your your your Clarence Senior. Correct, Yes I am. And you don't know anything about us to come over there to pick the baby up. He don't know. I don't know about this. What's the up adoption ations? Who buils you my information? And how they get my information to come pick up my son? I don't know that, sir. All I know is is uh, we bought a car seat where where you know? My wife has bought balloons. Man, I don't care, y'all bought a car seat, balloons, hotchair whatever. You ain't come to get my son, Okay, sir. I mean what I'm not gonna do is tell my wife that we're not coming to get Clarence Junior today. Oh yeah, y'all, you're gonna have to tell her that because you ain't coming here to pick up sir. From with the paperwork that I have, Clarence is actually my son. Now, man, you ain't your paperwork. You ain't come in here to pick up my son. Sir, Clarence Jr. Is mine, And I'm actually gonna change his name to Robert, So I mean, like like him. You are, come on over here if you want to come on over here. I'm waiting for you. I'm standing that way right now. Okay, Well, wait a minute that the adoption agency tell us that you guys are not doing well financial? Financial? Are you working work? You're doing anything. I ain't gonna get rid of my son just because I ain't. Okay, but but but in other words, you're not you're not able to to provide for him. From what I understand. My son ain't miss no me. He got clothes on the back, he got a roof over his head. Man, I'm not you ain't coming here and pick up my son. I don't care what I gotta do. Man, I go out cut glasses. I'll make money on the side watching cars milicant. Okay, I'm say about to come here and get my son. But don't you think he deserves a better home. I don't know what the but the screw up is. I don't know, but I'm trying to at least rationalize with you so you can understand why me If I want you ain't coming to get my son. He ain't going home right now. I lear my son. You ain't taking them nowhere. I'm telling I'm right. Ain't it that way? Come on over here, sir. I don't want to go back and forth, but I al me and my wife are coming to get clearance today. Okay, come on, come on, I'm waiting for you. I'm not really third about two or three times. Come on, I'll be waiting right here. I get you, sir. I don't want any altercations when I get there. I just want Clarence to get in the car and me and my wife are gonna take him to its new When you gain it's gonna be one hell of an aftercation. So you might won't come to law. Whoever gonna come with you being my adoption ation too, so I can whoop that too. You know what, man, if you want to be able to provide for your family, wouldn't nobody to be trying to adopt your child? The problem is that you can't take care of your family. Now, I'm here, my wife coming over there, and we're coming to get Clarence telling you you ain't coming down here to get my child. Man, you get down here, you ain't your wife's up. How about wait a minute, wait, will you gonna do what to my wife? I don't hear women, but I'm gonna tell you right now, you and your wife's gonna come down here. I'm gonna help most of you. Anybody come down here and try. I took my child about, they're gonna go up. I'm coming to get it. I got to do what I got. I'm gonna tell you right now, you ain't coming down here and get my son. You your wife are telling you nobody's gonna come here and tell you I can't disappoint my wife. You got no I don't know how he got my address. I don't care what as you seeing, you got going through or whatever going on, but I'm telling right now you come down here. I'll I don't know trying to disappoint my wife. Now, just say we're coming to get I don't give him disappointed with you won't be sport. I don't get nothing right now, But you ain't gonna take my so about. I'm gonna come and get him out that I might have told my wife I was coming to get ring. I'm telling, man, you better tell your wife you come this drive away. I'm gonna sitting right whole waiting for you, the last one of y'all, every last one. I don't care who he brings. You bring the closure, the Obama, and I'm gone. You ain't been the tune now you ain't been. You ain't been trying to check my son out of your house. I'm gonna tell right now everybody, didn't I do it? Let you know this, I'm coming to get cleans, Junior. If you ain't got none to tell me or let me now, I'm letting you know. Ride Now you better come here with the corner and everybody, because I'm about you up. You're gonna leave here with come on, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. You get his clothes so he can come and have a better life. He's not living a good life there. You get here. I'm told you about six and eight times, bring you more down here, and I'm you and everybody whoever you bring down here? Up you trying to you know who else I bringing with me, cause I'm bringing somebody you better bring on and say what it better be. A'm going to come down here and get hussing on about the house. I'm bringing nephew Timmy with me. I'm bringing nephew Timmy from the Steve Arvey more so with me. Oh man, you this is Timmy. Man, this is the nephew Timy Manning. I'm not anybody out here. Man come down and taking my show. Brother name Benjamin got me to get you dog. Oh man, See that's not saying against steps. Next time I see him, it's man. That was good one Now, man, all right, Paul, tell me one more thing, Man, what's the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the lane. The stools all the morning show. You know, some people don't deserve their kids. You know what I'm saying, something don't need their kids. I'm just sorry. I'm sure you've seen people that just that. You really see a lot. I don't see you like you really need. They're safer with somebody else. Yeah, this weekend is jumping off the nephew, I am headed to Memphis, Tennessee. Chuckles, comedy club. Baby, take us running fast. We on our way to we on our way to flow out. You better get it way to get this good because to show Friday to Saturday one sun tea. Yes, ye, beat the excellent. I'm happy for you, I really am you. I don't know what the hate is for I don't get it for you. He's gotta hate. Yeah, we gotta get out of here, coming up at the top of the hour. Being in a relationship could be making you fat. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and you study out of the University of Queensland Guys, Queensland, Australia determined that being in a relationship makes people fatter. Okay. The study found that those were the long term partner weighed on average twelve point seven pounds more than single people. What what and showed an average weight gain of three point nine pounds per year. And it could be that eating with someone leads people to eat larger portions and more calories. Or it could be that since they don't have, you know, they don't have to impress anyone. Uh, couples just kind of let themselves go. Yeah, what's it? It's when you out there running them. It's actually reduces calories trying to catch Yeah, when you out there, listen to what when you out there running them? You running them, that's exercise, that's work. You gotta get over here, back in here, answering that phone right quick, dabble and knock it off the table. You gotta run down here, dry your car, hate it in the bull's around the corner, walk back over to the house. Your weight gonna stay down. Excuse me having over the table, Yeah, running the ob dove over a table to answer that phone. Got to get this phone. So you can't be picker. You can't be you know, you're constantly looking at the windows and who might show up. You don't know, you may plan you you're nervous and you hard to have you know, you can't have company over. You don't know if we're gonna come over. Yeah. He stressful, and you learn you can't eat on the tail because you gotta keep your mouth for that. And I got nines to tell I can't be sitting up in here eating and you gotta remember them. You can't. You can't eat. You gotta go over there and eat with that person. Run over that man. You can't lie and eat at the same time. It's too much. That's why single people are tremble. It's possible, though. You can't lie and I haven't done it at out of time. You can do it. It's doable. All this stuff that you're running from I run to it isn't. Don't don't. Don't accept this that you can't do. Take the challenge. Man, you know what you're doing. Take your take your phone at night, put it in your draws, and you do. You go back to the house and get your phone. Oh yeah, run over eight cars trying to get there. So wait, what are you saying? So you're on your way to work? Yeah, yeah, you half way to work, you discover you left your phone. You phone, I'm gonna be late. You gotta get that phone. I might get fine, and whoever you work for will understand. White. Hold on, let's ask, let's ask the boss. Is this true? Boss? Oh, we don't make We don't understand. We don't understand what we know, what's going on? What you have left your phone? Oh, I'm just saying it again. What stave you have left your phone? Everything? Oh you should have he had act like you go back home to hell broke. We don't worry. Steve was just calm. Everybody worried about Tommy? Oh my god. We ever heard from Tommy? Y'all stop all this, Daves. Something could have happened to him. I'm gonna call his girlfriend. Don't do that. They't happened recently with Jay. Yeah, never called anybody's girl. That's where Jack has just got here. Monica was crying Jack, y'all call it Jake. What I tell you, y'all you weren't worried at all? No, no, alright, Oh my goodness. This is a trip of the news. Okay, here we go. Authorities in and around Austin, Texas, in the suburb of Flucaville still carefully piecing together information on the man. They say it was a serial obomber who killed two innocent black men and injured five others. Texas Governor Greg abbattell's Fox News that one fear is that twenty three year old Mark Anthony Condit may have planted other bonds before he killed himself, bombs that have yet to explode. We still don't know whether or not the individual who has now deceased who is the bomber, whether or not he has sent out bombs that could be elsewhere, and Conda, of course, blew himself up as police began closing in. Now, authorities say the condent left a twenty five minutes cell phone recorded statement basically confession, offering details of the seven explosive devices that officials believed he put together. Content gives no reason for targeting the innocent people of color he killed and injured. Local police chief Brian Manley actually described the recorded message as get this the quote outcry of a very challenged young man. Well when it comes to the people, this challenge. Guy murdered was a seventeen year old guy named Draylan Mason, a well liked and talented musician who played the double bass and who attended East Austin Prep, a college prep. He was on his way to college. A condift killed another black man named Anthony stephan House, who received a degree in finance from Texas Sate University. He worked as a project manager, and he leaves a wife and a child. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, speaking out about the recent scandal over how an outside firm working for Trump's presidential campaign was able to harvest the full profiles of some fifty million Facebook users without their permission. Trust and I'm really sorry that this happened, that Zuckerberg on CNN and a statement on his own Facebook page. Zuckerberg says his company made mistakes that it will order thousands of apps and put in more safeguards to protect user data. Congressional negotiators who finalized at one point three trillion. That's trillion with a t dollar bill. That's a budget bill that has to be passed by both the House and Senate by midnight Friday to avoid a government to shut down. Okay, it's official. Black Panther has now set another record. It's the most tweeted about movie ever. People who have tweeted about the Black Panther movie more than thirty five million times. And finally, more recordings have been selected to be preserved for prosperity, including the Sound of Music Kenny Rodgers, The Gambler recordings by run dmc cheek, Fleetwood Mac and the Temps as one of the ones they want to preserve. The National Recording Register now contains five hundred songs. Today's trending topics and entertainment coming up on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, go ahead and say it. I told you so, because you definitely told us. Your school is all yeah, stuck your teeth, Suck your teeth moment, thank you? Yeah, here right on radio. Okay. As we all know, porn star Stormy Daniels and Mr Donald Trump are president are currently battling over the non disclosure agreement she signed before the two thousand sixteen election. Stormy took a polygraph test and passed. Can finish ahead? Please notice about our president. This happened over twin years. Go ahead, Yeah, and before he was even thinking about running. You said the women they're gonna come out. You said that long time before started before Yeah, okay, got made the hundred and thirty grand How they didn't have that alright, Remember his lawyer said, right, where's the lawyer that will pay your side piece? That's what that's what you want. That's the one I won't let me help you understand something. That lawyer got the money from the Yeah, that ain't hard work. You just got no record or track of it. And the dumb, the stupid as attorney did it wrong. But you said you don't know how to run them. Can I say something about lawyers out of me? But we shared us. We don't have a lot of love for some lawyers. That's all I'm saying. You know what, my lawyer gotta have something in the same background they work for you. Yeah, yeah, they're supposed to anything, right. Playmate Kate McDougall and now Apprentice reality stars Summerservo said Donald Trump made unwanted advances to them. Ain't none of this shocking to me? None of it Before he even declared he was running. You said no, and listen to me. They started coming out, but he called them all lives. Then he became president, then he started doing all this crazy stuff. So you forgot about them. Well, now we know settled in and here they it's gonna be eight moment. What that's the number you're going and we gotta go with you, Steve. That is eight more at minimum, because you're you're right, you were right so far. You've been on the cover of Playboy magazine. Rich, that's the game, that's the game. Yeah, Steve, you're saying eight more in additional to these three. Absolutely, this number is so low right now, this is nothing because he's rich and powerful and he has been that for a very doing this for a long time. Let me ask you all a question. How many seconds we got? You got any time? We have? About? All right? When we come back, I'll explaining it to all right and coming up as well, comedy roulette with the fellas. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, it is time for comedy roulette. Jake, explain it so simple. We've done this over and over and over. You give us five subjects. Five just pick five subjects, put them on a wheel. Fund the wheel where it stop. We will do the damn thing. All right, here we go, do it. You're ready? All right? Here we go. Number one. All of a sudden, everything is too loud. Just everything is too loud. Number two. My favorite snack is number three. That is not his wife. Whoa. We're not doing that. We're not doing that. We're not doing that. The wheel betting that stuff on that one alright? Number four. Some people just will wear anything. Okay, here we go. You know they've been locked up a long time when they asked questions like yes, that would not be three? Wait? Look, oh oh right there stopped the number five. You know they've been locked up a long time when they asked questions like when when TV been staying on after twelve o'clock? When you've been locked up a long time? Were you here? Question like so where mamma live? Now? You don't know what mama live with? Mama moved. You've been locked up a long time. When they're looking at you like y'all can't cut your chicken with a spoon. I don't know how to do that. They've been locked up a long time when you asked when did they turn the emails on up? Alone? Let me tell you how. You know you've been lots of a long time. I tell y'all, don't want me to make mac running with just iron, I can show you how to do it. Yeah, you know you've been locked up a long time with as good life. So you can get clothes and groceries in so I can get I can get fruits and a shirt. And you know they've been locking a long time when you who flushed the toilet and ran all my look that man that was good looking, that man. Come you locked up long term? When you go out on the date and all you want to order is roaming noodles fancy restaurants. You know you've been locked up a long time when you say stuff like so you're gonna lead lights on all night, all night. These ain't gonna go on. You know you get locked up a long time when they get pulled over. They called, you say for the police cars black and white. Now they was blue at first. We're playing comedy roulette. You know you've been locked up a long time when they started whispering meet me in the yard, in the yard, in the yard. All right, Steve, You know you've been locked up a long time when you come outside on your first day back and you got your platforms on what a baby. You know you've been locked up a long time. I'm talking about a long time. When you watch clothes in your room and hang them all over the day. Yeah, gotta line there, You gotta line alright, Steve, come on, close it up for us. You know you've been locked up a long time. Whenever you get in the shower, you take all your showers with your backup. He didn't wash his bad alright, never you tell me has a praying phone call is coming up right after this. Good guys, good you're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. The subject Wait, that's your daddy. But we were talking about the president and women and and how many and all that Steve about it's all relative to the amount of money you have when you out there. Everybody, please understand, that's far more women than this, far more women than this. With our president Trump. He was on Playboy magazine, play Girl, Playboy magazine. He was a player. Everybody knew that. So now when you're out there and you out there running them, the level of money that you have depends on, number one, the number that you can run with, because it takes money to run them, and it also should affect your quality. Now, two people have made drastic mistakes. Let me get let me tell you why it's more than three or eight. It's gonna be eight more with the president? How many? The Tiger was twelve and he had low end and don't listen to me. But that's because Tiger Woods had a low end because he had no one showing him the game. And he had dudes around him could have showed him. He wasn't here, no, no, he got he got some pro boys around him, could have showed him the game. But he didn't listen to them. He heard about the game and he went out there on his own. Now he all at the Waffer house. And who if he worked in the food he had and sex? What did you say if you worked in the food, get you? He had the one fly chick that was the lawyer. Other than that he messed up. Of course the lawyer didn't know about the other ones. Okay, Tiger signed ninety million with Nike and has made all this money playing golf. He had eleven How much money you think Donald Trump to making and making? Yeah, he's a billionaire, right, Well not really, but well that's what that's what he's been saying. We don't know, we haven't seen anywhere. I don't really be okay, but he has been on Forbes at one time. Yeah, well he can't go on that now because he won't release it. Taxes okay, but he hold him all but his taxes, his tax forms will show that he's not a billion okay this year because of the right offs and losses. But he got a plenty of money. You can't tell he's not. So how many women you think you got? Plus? He white? Okay, let's leave it right there. We'll pick this up and up. I'm sure. Yeah, stop quite there, Okay, on that note, nephew, let's get to this prank. That's just right there. Let's slide it on over to I got papers on that man. Yeah, I got papers on that day. Have heard it all? He blows to me, I got paid on that man. Here all these Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh this Phyllis, Yes, it is? Who am I speaking to? All right, Phillis? This is this is Jim down at the top. I work out here with Clem, your husband Clem? Okay, yeah, okay, how are you? I'm good? He slipped and fails today? What and he heard himself? Uh, you gotta leave a little shaken up here at the job. So what happened? What do you when? What happened? Well, I think he could. He definitely pulled something in his back, but we are not Now who is you now? I'm his wife, I'm I'm just my filling. You're you're your phyllis. That's right, that's correct. Okay, because we got listed to his wife is Janis, and we tried to call her earlier but we didn't get I'm need wife, so I'm his wife. I don't know Janis? Who the hell is Janis? Janis is who he has listed for a contact? When when uh, when it's emergency contract or something that happen. Y'all got that mixed up. Y'all must have mixed that up somehow that he wouldn't have put no, no damn, Janet says his wife. I'm his wife, feel it? So I don't know who who messed up? But that ain't right. I'm the wife. Okay, Well it has her listened as the wife and call her as a contract if something goes wrong. Well, I don't know what to tell you because I'm his wife now, I don't know. I don't know who messed up. Hold on one second. Let me let me click over one second as a call coming to one Janis on the dog on. Okay, that was Jannis. What she said. She she's gonna come out to the job, so you don't have Now I'm I'm going out to the job. I'm his wife. I don't know who know Janie is that John need to get it straight because Comed she's gonna's she says she's gonna come and take him to the doctor. Now she ain't going where So I'm his white. I'm taking it. No, you don't let you don't lease my huts and the note Nabby, I'm is freaking white. So y'all yeah, Jennis said she'll be right here in ten minutes. We right. I bet you beat the inten minutes too. And I bet y'all been not release my husband and nobody. I'm in white. I don't know who No Jennie is, but John need to get that straight. I'm all my wife, you said Janice, and she beat me there, So all that sister produce some very certificate papers or something to tell her to produce that. I got the papers on that man. Okay, Well, I'm just saying, uh, Janiss she he does have her on the list, man, so I can't What do you have on the list? So I don't give it. What's on the list? Name on the list man? Why would her name be above your name on the list? You know well, I'm not going to play this little ring around the rosie with you. I got papers on that, man, so you better make this your best hole up until I get there and catch you. I want some more problems. I'm gonna release him to Danners as soon as she gets you. Sir, you've been at release my husband another body all y'all gonna be laid out on the floor. So I'm gonna tell you right now, if my mursband knows for when I'll get there, it's gonna be some full blown going down. So your best just to make sure I get that. This is a bunch of boys, but it's gonna when I'll get down my wa on her way. I got to hung up with you. I ain't got kind to play with you either, so I'm all my way. Because you don't ask her for this, Jannis might get her beat down, And y'all don't get the goodness is my husband at there? You hears your head here, I ain't got trying to be growing, balking forth with your player, ringing around the world. I'm a going I got you to go. I don't see that. I got some business to take care of over there. Okay, Well what am I supposed to do with Jannis? Like I said, you're telling that the home of cap I'm all my way. She's trying to represent like me, trying to be me. Okay, wife, you might want to carry you what what do you what do you want me to tell? Tommy Who? Tommy? I don't even know no toy who Tommy? That's me, baby. This is Nephew comic from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your husband, Clymett got me to Frank Fall called you. Okay, y'all really okay, Yeah, I'm okay. I don't know me. You stay over there. I just trying to be saying with y'all like this, I trying to get by one. I'm gonna tick y'all. Hey, I got one more thing. Your favorite's the last radio What's the baddest radio show in the layer? That is what you think? What you think? What you think? Long as to stay stupid, That's all I wanted to be a long as I stay stupid, I will be stupid Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night at Chuckles Comedy Club, Memphis, Tennessee. Tickets on sale right now to Friday to say one Sunday and laying in the cut April five, six and seven is Lexington, Kentucky. Alright, comedy off Broadway tickets. Don't see you right now that I sold that too. And if you're on the road, all right, we'll good for you. Tell you, tell you, tell you your family members, my cousin, that's nephew about to be sold out. There will be there will be no be no com tickets whatsoever. All right, I will I will relay that message and neph you coming up at the top of the hour. It's the Strawberry Letters. So object wait, that's your daddy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, time now for the Strawberry Letter. If you're in a situation or you just need some advice about your relationship, please send us your Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM dot com. You never know, Steve and I could be reading your letter on the air just like this one this morning. Subject Wait that's your daddy. Buckle up, hold on tight here it is a strawberry letter. I don't know why I like saying this subject. Wait, that's your daddy. Dear Steven Shirley. That subject, I don't know it intrigues me. Dear Stephen Shirley. I just started dating this guy and he is great. I'm twenty eight and he is thirty one. Here's where it gets tricky. Last week, he invited me to his family's barbecue. I was excited because this would be the first time I would meet his family. We go to his parents house and he introduced me to his siblings and his step mom. Then we headed to the backyard to meet his dad, who was busy on the grill. His daddy turned around and I was sure. Turns out that his daddy is my ex sugar daddy. His father and I messed around for six months, and I broke it off because I started to have real feelings for him. And let me tell you why, Shirley. He was the best at it. He was the best at what he did, the best I've ever had. I couldn't believe that I was at his house with his son. After a very awkward pause, his dad shook my hand and said it was nice to meet me. I quickly turned to go back into the house, and my boyfriend followed me. I don't think my boyfriend noticed how awkward we were the rest of the night. Now, I feel like my boyfriend should know everything, but I don't want to cause any family problems. Should I just keep my mouth. Even though my boyfriend does not measure up to his dad, I don't want to lose him. Please help. Wow, I just gotta ask you, you know what, what are your plans? Are you and his son planning a future together? I mean, you just said you just started dating this guy, so I can't imagine you know, you're really in your mind knowing where this is going to go in the future. But having said all that, I I just don't think this is a good look for you. I really don't, because you know it's going to come out at some point. You couldn't even hold it together that night, you were being awkward. I'm sure his dad is going to be this is going to come out. It's not gonna be a good look for you being in this relationship with the son of your ex lover. So you know you did the Dad, you broke it off because it was good and the best. You're you're always going to compare them from here on out. Now, I don't think you're gonna be able to hold it together. I don't think it's gonna be a good relationship. That's always going to be looming in the back of your mind. If it comes out, it's gonna be on his son's mind. Uh, you know, if you guys are planning some kind of future together. I just I think you need to break this off and just move on to a different situation with different people. Period, Steve, Yeah, we got a problem here. Yeah, this is a full blown situation. This is a problem. Girl, girl, girl. First of all, you meet this boy twenty eight years old. He younged, he ain't at maximal capacity yet, he's yet learned all that he's going to know. I think we would agree. Let your church say, man, at eight, you are underdeveloped. But when it comes to life experience, know how, and especially when it comes to the ability to pleasure. Thank you. We want to take this off from a different angle. Appreciate Sister Shirley for wonderful rendition of and her a selection of this strawberry level. But let me drive this hill car. Of course I've driven it before. You go and you meet the mama, the step mama, the siblings, and all that is going good. But back on that grill was the g M that's the grial master. I happened to be one of these people. Yeah, I spend much time in my backyard, and I am also it I can relate to the Here we go. He turns around, and I'll be down if his daddy ain't your farmer sugar daddy. Now this is when the relationship has too much incoming, because right now, what makes this relationship wrong is y'all got the same day. That's church same man. Amen, Amen, y'all got the same daddy. Oh he his daddy, but he your sugar daddy. I'm now yeah, So now you meet. He shakes your hand, but oh lord, him missing the greatest player move I've ever seen. He turns to you and he says, nice to meet you. Yeah. Now this isn't the player move because he can't heard his son and he can't let the step mama know that he didn't had you, so he wanted to let bygones be bygones. Nice to meet you. You broke it off because you were starting to develop feelers. And why were you developed easy? Because this man in hill Lord help Mercy was breaking the walls of Gibraltar have come down. Your bacon was getting fried extra Christ. Your cookie was dumped all the way down in the middle and left in there soaking. Your oven been up on five hood. Your ass has been brought. This man has been up on five hundred. This man was brawling your way ever had. This is the best year. When they come back, I'm gonna tell you how good it was and what's going to happen after all right, we'll have part two of Oh he he's both of y'all's daddy. You need to know that, Yes, his daddy, your sugar daddy, and the sugar stealing your tape. All right, we'll have more Part two of Steve's response coming up, and we come back at twenty three after the hour. You do not want to miss it. What that's your daddy? That's the subject you're listening Dave show. All right, Steve, come on, let's go with part two of today's strawberry. What wait, that's your daddy? She didn't win in the backyard with a new boyfriend. Introduced to his father. He turned around and I'll be damned, it's her sugar daddy. Naw, it's an awkward Paul, she says in the letter. Then she broke it off because of real friend. She said. It turns out to his daddy is my ex sugar daddy. His father and I messed around for six months, and I broke it off because I started to hear a real feeling film. But he shook your hand and he said, nice to meet me. I quickly turned to go back into my house. And your boyfriend. Now here's where she talks to talk to Shirley, Like Shirley, nobody see, I'm being turned on your little girl. And let I started to hear we were feeling him. And let me tell you why. Surely he was the best at what he did. See I know this right here. First of all, was I not out on that greed you're the grill master? But here I come back in this letter again, he was the best at what he did. Right there, all this about me the master, I'm out that grill. I just relate to this letter. Yeah, turn it over. Now, he the best of what he did, the best I've ever had, I know, because once again, why because he hadn't had her up on five hunter. He'd been brawling this this girl that got bold. And see what made it so special was the inticity of the knowledge that his daddy had that as you say in the letter. Now I feel like my boyfriends, you know everything, but I don't want to cause any problems. I keep up even though my boyfriend does not measure up to his dad. He can't whoa, he can't measure up to sugar. He cannot measure up to sugar. He ain't been here long enough to do the things, know the things that sugar. No, I don't want to shugar. Put it on you. That boy got your oven at three fifty. You just regular bacon. You weren't doing muffins and cake layers and pastry. You you're doing fish, daddy. Come ony at it on fire, Honey, You in there, Syrian meat, putting the brown on top of the crim blew leg. Yeah, you in here. You're here putting that crunchy on the top layer or the yams. That's what he did with that. He got it in there. When the door open, everybody gotta step back for feet because it's just damn honey, yea big daddy, the grill master, bet in that putting that shugar in your tank. You got to break up with this ball, come on, because you can't go over there and look at sugar and then look over here at junior min jorn. You got junior mint standing over here and sugar Daddy over there. Now you want the junior min or. You want the sugar daddy who in here? We'll take a junior mint over sugar daddy. You can have sugar Daddy or sugar babies. Which one you want? You got diabetes? If she's been meaging all that damns like a true expert. And I'm just gonna say this, you gotta break up. Yeah he's doing it's too much. Let me Old player killed. Old player is what we call old people. Can't sugar tea old you. I just say it. The old player is straight old pep. She got broke off some of that old pimp pass. Oh, that's what, And that's what. It's a cologne. That's that's what. Alright, Steve, we gotta move on a girl, Steve Having and the Steve Harvey Morners Ship, Congratulations are in order. Steve Harvey, what's up a nominated for the multiple day Time e Me Son, you did, you did? We did? We did? Steve Harvey what we from? You got a family? Feld right, and your show came out yesterday the dominators came and we announced him on the Talk on CBS. So but I wouldn't get a chance to tiss you until I could congratulate you. The Talk got nominated Best Your Best House. A lot of other people got nominated by the only people that I feel is my best friend in the whole world world in Steve Harved. Do y'all think y'all gonna I let me tell you something. The only thing I asked God to do is show us favor and and order my steps in control my face if we lose control my face. Also, me and Mario Lopez gonna house. I'm hoping that's some big things popping out, and I want to come and cheer on Steve Harvey and Carline the world and we family, We family, We love each other. So congratulations, but also happy belated birthday to Jay Anthony Bryan Man. Listen to me, ME and Janey Brown been working together. When we was gonna do the Red Fox story, I was gonna play red Fox and he was gonna play slapping White back with Rudy Ray. Boss said, way down the signafied who the Singapore Monkey j Anthony Brown were down in the badass flying that's on the Signifying Monkey feat that. Look, we had to get out of here on that. Happy birthday and congratulations Steve Harper. Congratulations to you Cheryl, and we'll be watching you host. Congratulations telling having about ten minutes. Birthday boy j Anthony Brown is here with we had, they got, we had, they got. Okay, Millennials, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Fellows, are really feeling the new hit show man cave on b et. Yes, yeah, I asked to be on this show because I know the guy who is the producer and I think it'd be some kind of way I could get on this, but I ain't been on it yet. You talking about the one and only Steven Well host. The host of the show, Jeff Johnson is going to be our special guest at the top of the hour, so please stick around for that. We'll talk about that. Yesterday was that, j Anthony was your birthday yesterday? So Jay. Gotta ask you this now as you age, you were thinking about the good old days? Right, okay? And what did you come up? Came up with uh and Steve and everybody else can join in. It's just how what we had and what they got. No millennials millennials, but they don't like even like to be called millennials. They just they don't like that. They want to be called. I don't know what they want to be called. I just want to be there's one over there. Don't like it, look at it. Don't like being For instance, they've got video games. They got him. What do we have? Palm? It just get they got the micro wave oven that it's it's they using on What do we have Steve to heat up food? Damn or the oven? Damn light bulb? How about that one? Yeah, my sister, my sister's daughter had an easy bake of it on Christmas Day. We pulled the cake battle. We didn't eat the cake to East cooked that damn cake. That's funny. They got we had, They got uber Did we walk everywhere or what? Everywhere we walked? They we had albums? Yeah, I was thinking of that. Look how many ways we bought one song. We bought it on albums eight tracks, fortified eight real the real now they downloading, Yeah, yeah, digital, that's it. They got bottled water bottle. If you wanted water back in the day, how did you get water outside of the water holes? Because I was free? They're gonna make me stay in water that I just stood there dehydrated, dragging out that water hole, sister. They got ice machines on the refrigerated. If you wanted ice back in the day's, Steve, how did you get ice you make? You made it in the trade? Did you make but six cubes? Out of time? Put the little handle on it. Man, we don't even have ice. You didn't have ice. We didn't have no damn ice. How did you make your drinks? Cold? Drink? Will never cold? Who had a whole drink? They are blown? That's that's pope. Who had a cold drink? What I drink was a cold drink? Set it outside for Yeah. They got changed the things, they get punished, They get punished time out. What do we get, Steve got I'm telling you with what though? Anything? Anything we got whipped today was just out of time. They had to be somewhere else and they asked us to go get it. Yeah, you ever had this? Right here, I'm gonna beat the black off to be white man. They got Instagram. Now, how do we how do we develop pictures? Back in there? You took a picture, you dropped it off at the little booth, and you waited a month booth drug stoke. Yeah, green, you waited a month before you saw your picture. One the whole month. And then I walked down there and then the pictures wasn't ready. Yeah the picture, it's not ready yet. It's not back yet. Come back the next a week. It's not ready yet. And you got to you got the pictures in the oh yeah, remember the negative. Remember we have that case. You want to make another picture, it's not ready to come back the next a week. It's not ready yet. Who is that? Ja? Oh? The person in the booth? All right? They got smartphones. Now, if you wanted to make a call back in the day, you had a roll of quarters. You stood by the pay phone. What when I when I would call Steve, Steve would call me, and he would call me and tell me he's gonna be at such and such a number. He would drive to the next number and then call me from where I was now, But someplaces we would stay, the phone will go off at nine o'clock. What, Yeah, they cut they had like a switchboard, it be off. Yeah, the phone just be all him. Yeah, you couldn't call him to the next day. Ah, you're talking about telephone. You talk about hotel, the hotel room switchboard off, switchboard, switchboard, nobody you can get the call, but ain't nobody connected. So what happened in case it was the emergency? What you didn't happen to have a bigger didn't happen to man man? You better wait to morning if you had an emergency to keep it to you saying, don't share it? All right? Coming up in the top of the hour, Thanks guys, get ready to talk about b ET s Man Cake with a very special guest Jeff Johnson. You know him, Steve, y'all do too, you're listening to show. Hey, y'all, we got a special guests, uh, one of the hosts of a new show on b ET. Uh. It's a progressive talk show and it's called man Cave uh. And what it does, y'all features a diverse group of black men just sharing their unfiltered views on life. Listen to me, boy, they threw me into some I actually thought I was just sitting around my dudes. Uh. They talk about love, politics, sex, a whole lot more. I was on a week ago and I said, with the fellas, um and and and and and it was one of it was really one of my faith not one of It was the best time I've ever had on the television show in my career as a guest, as a guest, best time I've ever had on the TV show of any show I've ever done. I've done all of them. It was great. And we're gonna find out more about Man Cave right now because we have the host of the show and the guy who this was his brain child. He actually thought of this show. Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Mr Jeff Johnson. We're good man. Listen to me. Uh, let me just start with my visit. First of all, Man Cave is just a group of men sitting around and discussing everything and anything. The difference is they take the filter off and it comes from a very diverse group of men. You've got older, more mature, married family man, and Jeff, you got Tank who's about to be married. Fool life. There on the other side of the cross, you got Calvary, and you got that backside of the hill. Nobody's see the tank was over there. Then you got Slink, who is just seriously, man, something wrong with him for you to need medical attention. And then the young dude, what's the co sign? Just young millennial full of energy, ideas and his own thoughts, and boy, that's a collection. And then I joined that crew last time, man, and boy, I had a great time on that show. Man, Thank you John. What's funny? Steven? You've been involved in this from the beginning. But I don't think he was ready. Oh I wasn't. Okay, No, I mean because because y'all know, people say unfiltered all the time, but it don't always mean unfiltered, true true. Steve came on and I think was confused, like I forgot to even let people talk like this on TV. I didn't understand you have that look, Steve, And I didn't understand. I said, anybody hear what he just said? You got the filter? Seriously, I'm sitting going hey. I was like for a couple of times, I looked I was just waiting on somebody go cut me and I can't wait no cut and they still feeling link. Man. We were talking about something about in a relationship with the time we know, I think you died when Cosin said we're just gonna go to the strip club as a family. Yeah, said that we can all go to the striphop as a family. You got my tea, you know, man, unless she's just gonna be a lesbian. Because we were talking about how do you get rid of your how do you get rid of cat and your and your crew who can't roll with you? And Steve talked about, look, I'm married, this is where I am. I can't be going to the strip club. And I said, well, I go to the strip club with my wife, and Steve was confused, and and then Cole said, well, look we should all go to the strip club together as a family. Yeah. I'm with all this stuff. I'm with all this as a family sitting up at the strip. Yes, but you know what the beauty is. The beauty is. And we talked about this early on. Somebody asked, was it's gonna be a barbershop show? And I was like no, because at the barbershop you talk about everybody except you, like don't nobody roll up into the barbershop like y'all, I'm really dealing with something. Can y'all help me through it? Like that? Ain't never having at the bomb shop and so on man Cave. We talked about ourselves. We talked about what we've been through, how we've been through it, how it impacted us. And it's funny sometimes sometimes it gets a little bit more serious. Um, But what it does is it allows every guest to come in and know they can be their whole self. And that's what I love the most, Steve about you coming through. You've been doing this network, getting this network money for so long. I don't remember the last time you came on the show where you could be your whole self. And that that's what you proved the theory behind man Cave, that you can come on and be your whole self. Yeah, because Man, I didn't have to worry. I had laid the concern for my brand down because I was just with brothers. Man. I was with Jeff Me and Jeff Frizz We go back. I've been doing take a long time, So I was sitting there with cats that I know that I trust and on just you know, do nothing. Put you out there now sleek and co s. What's just like finding new money on the side wall and you know, and and and it was just an interesting thing. Man. I just think the show is great. And uh, what's some of the topic y'all gonna cover you? So we we were talking a little bit about fatherhood, how our fathers inspired us. We're going to relationships a little bit um and and as always, we were talking about what's happening um in the news on social media. But before we get out of Steve, I think the thing that this has been so great is that men can see themselves and all these brothers. But women have been loving this show. They're saying, look, I understand my man better. I didn't know y'all really talked like this. I appreciate being a fly on the wall. So it's been incredible to bring a show not just for brothers, but for the for the ladies as well. Hey, that's that's the whole purpose of Man Cave. Man want y'all to tune in tonight, everybody ten thirty Eastern and Pacific on b E t tell all the brothers on Man Cave, we'd send them love. Man. We appreciate you, Jeff. Keep doing a great job. Man. You working on a hit brother thing right now taking your car. It's a type of dude. I learned something today. A family that goes to the script club together together. That's that's right. All right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So, Jay, you gotta tell us about your birthday. It was nice, Steve. You know, do they still stay off the chain? You know they don't? Yea, This is lit, Carla, Right, it was lit. It was lit. Your birthday was it was lit? And it was lit. Yeah, man, it was lit. It was about comedians that keep changing the little bit on my birthday. Um, Um, Tommy Avison came, Kim Whitley came. Um, Melanie Camacho was there, Darrell Derek Ellis was there. Um, just a lot of comusic just came in and roasted me. It was a great night. And my my ex girlfriend gave me a cake. Hold up, girlfriend, let's let's get in there. We're not together anymore, she said. The cake she brought the See that's what I'm saying, That's what that's why she's Yeah, she brought me a cake, and I just y'all enjoy the cake and let everybody eat as much cake as possible. Well okay, well staying in that same vein, not the cake, vein, the girlfriend vain. Did you have a date last night? No, I didn't have a date to the beach. Did you Did you get some good loving? Like? Oh my god, the best absolute? Oh man, whow it out? Throw it up? Oh man, it was so great. I mean a lot. I'm like doing no more. No, you're gonna do it again? Who I was by myself? I saw it comback. I didn't have nobody. Man, look at the money, I say, daddy, I don't want to do it. Okay, I'm gonna do it. Do it for the vane. It was about yourself. Hit him and we went to sleep. It was so good, bloody. When you when you focus, look you, when you focus, look with God. Get your boys, Steve. Yeah, I had a great time. It was nice. Thanks for everybody who came out to the j spot and help me celebrate. It was fantastic. Had a great time. Here have you You and Stephen, you and Jay ever celebrated together on the birthday, have you guys, probably a couple of times, a couple of times birthdays and we can't nothing we can talk about this. There's nothing you can tell the best stories. We've done some things and saved one another. Yeah, yeah, what we did. There's no trace of it, nothing, nothing, there's no pages, there was nothing. That's why people say, man, Steve, you should do your life story. We came very find none of this. What I was gonna ask hospital that had my records in it for a city hospital, for city hospital, burned down records. Go, yeah, I can tell you. We can conversation. All right, we will have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and you study out of the University of Queensland Guys, Queensland, Australia determined that being in a relationship makes people fatter. Okay. The study found that those were the long term partner weighed on average twelve point seven pounds more than single people and showed an average weight gain of three point nine pounds per year. And it could be that eating with someone leads people to eat larger portions and more calories, or it could be that since they don't have you know, they don't have to impress anyone. Uh, couples just kind of let themselves go at it. It's when you out there running them, it's actually reduces calories trying to catch you running them. That's exercise, that's work. You gotta get over here, get back in here, answering that phone right quick, dab over and knock it off the table. You gotta run down here, dry your car, hide it in the bushes around the corner, walk back over to the house, running a dove over a table to answer that phone. So you can't be thicker. You can't be you're constantly looking at the windows and it might show up. You don't know, you may plan. You nervous and hard to have. You can't have company over. You don't know if we're gonna come over. Yeah, he stress, and you lie. You can't eat on the time because you gotta keep your mouth for that. And I got nine to tell. I can't be sitting up in here eating and you gotta remember them. You can't. You can't eat. You gotta go over there and eat with that person. Run over that man. You can't lie and eat at the same time. It's too much. That's why single people are tremble. It's just it's possible. Though. You can't lie and eat. I haven't done it time, it's doable. All this stuff that you're running from, I run to it. This is don't don't. Don't accept this that you can't do. Take the challenge. Man, you know what you're doing and take your take your phone at night, put it in your drawers, and you do you go back to the house and get your phone. Oh yeah, right over eight cars trying to get there. So wait, what are you saying? So you're on your way to work. Yeah, you half way to work, you discover you left your phone. Phone, I'm gonna be late. You gotta get that phone. I might get fine, and whoever you work for will understand. White. Hold on, let's ask. Let's ask the boss. Is this true? Boss? Oh, we don't make we don't understand, we don't understand what we know what's going on. But you have left your phone. Just saying again, what, Steve, you have left your phone everything? Oh you should have here, act like you go back home to get to get it. Hell broke, we were don't worry. Steve was just a calm everybody worried about. Oh my god, we ever heard from Tom y'all stop all this Steve. Something could have happened to him. I'm gonna call his girlfriend. Don't do that. Yeah, never called anybody's girl. That's where has just got here. Monica was crying Jay y'all calling Jake. What I tell y'all, you weren't worried at all? No, coming up our last break of the day with Steve Harvey and his closing remarks, You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, don't forget to check your local listing for Steve Harvey's daytime talk show, and then tonight watch Steve. He's gonna be in showtime at the Apollo. And then don't forget bats Man Cave that's climbing every week Thursday night is like, excuse me more more viewers sto Hey Cose remarks. I want to talk to you today about a very very important principle of success. Um. And look, I'm not talking to you like I'm an expert. I'm just talking to you with what I have learned in my sixty one years here, and I've learned it the hard way. One of these. None of these lessons were given to me. I bought most of these lessons that I tell people about. But here's one of the great principles of success. There's a great fraternity out there I won't mention the name of it who has cardinal principles of man who had scholarship, perseverance, and open lift. But one of those principles. All of them are critical, but one that's really really dire is perseverance. You have got to practice perseverance. You will not be successful without it. You cannot be successful without it. You can quit wonting it without it. Perseverance the ability to see it through, to continue to pursue when all hope is gone, the willingness to overcome all obstacles while still in the pursuit of something. That's how I look at perseverance. That when they tell me no and it can't be done, I'll hunker down. I get it done. I prove them wrong. I persevere. Perseverance is important, y'all. And the reason I'm talking to you is because so many millennials out there, so many young people boom have been jaded, been given some bad information. Because you live in this Google society and pressing a button and pops up Instagram. It pops up what you want in life. You cannot attain overnight. If you do and you skip any steps to get it, you have to retrace those steps. You have to step on every step to success. You can't skip them. If you get to success without those steps, life will put you back on every last one of those steps. I promise you that that's how it works. So there are no overnight sensations. If it is, those overnight sensations will not stay there unless they go back and step on every last one of those steps. There's no elevator to the top. You have to take this step if somebody, if you catch a ride to the top with somebody else, when they look around and discover that you over that acting and behaving like you don't belong uphill, life will send you back downstairs so you can take the steps so when you get there again, you will appreciate and to know how to behave Instagram and got your food got you thinking that you could just pop on Instagram and insta is the keyword, because now y'all instantly thank you own and cracking because you got forty folk likes today, forty folk likes can't make you successful, I promise you a can't. Two million likes can't make you successful. It can make you like for that moment on Instagram, But tomorrow you gotta post something else because they're gonna forget about you. You have to pursue. You have to get to old age. Why do you hear everybody talking about working for retirement. You know why people work for retirement because they understand something about retirement. The average person has to understand that you have to persevere through a lot of years of hard work to get to finally say I can relax now, because you gotta put in a lot of time in order to get that time back. Did you hear what I just said. You have to put in a lot of time to get a lot of time back. No one can just say all right without putting in the work. I'm retiring tomorrow. Retiring with what It's not instant. It requires our perseverance. That's why when you get on an airplane and you walk back to your seat and coach, just take a look. The next time you get on an airplane. People up there in first class got gray hair because it took them all their life to work to get to a point where they can be first class. Now. They might have been up there since they was forty fifty, But just look at them real close. They look a little bit more worn than everybody in the back. But they sit up kind of straight up there too. It takes time to get to the front. Your first airplane ticket can't be a first class ticket now, and let somebody buy you one or something like that. Once you get exposed first class, it's a good thing because I opened up your mind to first class treatment, and then anything less than first class treatment will become unacceptable to you mentally. But you take a long time to get in first class, y'all. You've got to persevere. You've got to start pressing, y'all. You got to never ever give up. You've got to keep hope alive. You're old. People say it's always dark as before the dawn. You know what they're doing. That means. That means it always looks like it's real bleak and dark. But in just a little while it's gonna be light. But if you give up, you won't see the light. A plaque that sits on my desk in Atlanta reminds me of one thing that a friend of mine sent me. Plaque says, if you're going through hell, just keep going. Why would you stop there? You got to persevere to get to the end. Those are my clothes. Remarks Great week, Ye keep celebrating Jay the Day Stars, Playmates, reality Stars here they come. Fine. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.