Good morning and welcome to the ride! The train is here and the locomotive engineer is sangin'. Now who could that be? Uncle Steve brings us his lounge style as he sangs his favorite Christmas songs. Here we have the different types of holiday drunks according to J. Anthony Brown. Bitterman brings to our attention the certain things that are just bound to happen over the holidays. Fool #2 gives us an original track (MTH) for Christmas. The ladies answer the question, "Who is the most difficult person to shop for and why?" Here are the things you can do to stop yourself when you have the urge to slap someone. (get that Luda song outta ya head) Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about a lifetime of abundance.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back all looking back to back, don giving them just like theming bu things and it's not good. Steve to mother for stunt joy. You gotta use that turn out arm. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn love, got to turn out. Then turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, I shall will. Good morning everybody. Ya listen to the voice. Now, come on dig me one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show one more time partner, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. How amazing is that? How good has God been to me? How good has He been to you? Just check yourself sometimes, just sit up. Just let's run a survey. Just look at your life, where it's at. It might not be where you wanted to be, but that's probably some decisions you made. But really, though, in spite of all the crazy mistakes I hadn't made. I mean, man, I look back at some of the decisions I didn't came up with, and and man, it's it's it's just amazing He let me live. I mean, it's it's and and and to exist the way I exist that's nothing but grace, mercy, favor. All that is. That's what my mama praying for me when I wasn't praying for myself. It had to be it, because, man, I can truly tell you I have made enough mistakes man, stuff you would never even know about, and recovered from them all you can too, and I don't care what you've done. Marvin Sapp has a song out that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. You know that that's an important song man, especially you know. I want to talk to men today because man, being a man is so so difficult. Please know it has been my quest ever since I was a little boy. My father had one ambition, son, I don't care what you do. Both. When I get through raising you, you will be a man. That's all I want you to be. And he never cared what I did for a living and never made a difference to him. You're going to be a man. Manhood is difficult now, ladies, just listening to this, I'm not saying womanhood ain't. I don't know what it takes to be a woman, so you know, but I do know exactly what it takes to be a man. So you know, sometimes when you talk to people on the radio, you have to preface things because people are just go he trying to make it look like womanhood. Ain't. No, That's not what I'm doing. I'm just talking to men today to explain to them, to dame by the self and struggling trying to figure this thing out, that you are not alone in your quest for manhood. That is difficult, but I gotta I gotta tell you, man manhood is that kind of difficult, and it becomes even more compounded if a young boy does not have a male role model. I've said it a thousand times. I'll say it again. A young boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. While I have a suggestion for everybody that's struggling with manhood and all of the men out there that are men, This messages for all of us, and it's for me too. You know. I was listening to George Myers the other day and she made a statement, she said, sometimes you gotta do the right thing even when it feels wrong. You know, one of the difficulties of manhood is pure pressure and the misguided principles of manhood. See what God wants us to be as men and what we believe manhood is sometimes two different things. Give you an example. I wrote this book for women, right and I was telling them the three ways that a man shows his love, and I call him three p's. We profess, we protect, and we provide. Every man who is a man, that's how he exhibits love. When I talkie key comforting with our great nurturists. But when it comes down to to it, what we all want to do, what is in our day DNA, is to profess our love for something you as a woman, to protect you as a woman, and to provide for you as a woman. That's in our DNA. Now, sometimes that gets messed up, and I'll give you an example. Sometimes when a boy doesn't have the proper, real role model in his life, he takes that principle of love that we all possessing us every man, the professing part, the protecting, and in the providing part, and we misplay it. That's why gangs exist. Gangs exist off those three principles. What's the first thing a gang member do. He professed, he claim a hood. That's the first thing you do. This is my neighborhood. I'm duces trade, I'm triple h, I'm due de duke, I'm purple, I'm red, I'm blue. The first thing they do is claim, that's professing. That's how we show our love. But it's misguided though. Now we profess and something that ain't even good for us. Your hood, your game, your click now, guess what Now we got to protect it. So now as a protection part of our love, here we go. You come down here, We're gonna do this to you. You go over there, they're gonna do that to you. You protect your hood, This your turf, this all you got. You ain't nobody coming down here with blue own. Can't nobody come over here with red on. You can't come over here with purple on. You can't come over here with black and gold on. And we and we protect that because that's in our DNA. And then what's the third thing we provide? So guess what the game need money? Guess what we do. We're selling drugs, we're selling women, we're selling guns. It go back to the same thing. Man. I don't know how God gave it to me that way when I was writing a book, But he showed it to me along the way. That's how men love well. When you don't have a role model in your life. Guess what, now that love is misplaced, it's misguided, it's off track. Ain't no man told you that. Really you're supposed to take this love and give it to a woman. You're really supposed to profess, protect and provide for a woman, not your gang set. Now you professing your hood, wrapping a color. You're protecting your territory, shooting people driving by, coming over you on your street, and then you provide. Now you are here selling drugs and guns for the same thing. When a boy does not have a male role model, he has a misguided way of looking at manhood. Here's a deal. See, God created all of us in his image. That means He's put some of our DNA in him. That's why it's in your DNA to profess, protect, and provide because guess what, that's what God do for us, because we His children. I'm just talking to men right now. I'm just telling you, man, I had to wake up about five years ago. I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do, and then he shook me. He said, Man, I'm gonna bring about some changes in your life. I'm gonna cause some things to happen, and that's gonna put you in a position in this time. You're gonna listen to me, because if you don't, you're gonna keep living in this pain you've been in. But you put yourself in this pain. I own no blame to no one else but myself. Please know. I know that. And that's how you really get to manhood, when you figure out what you hadn't done wrong. You can't blame this on none of your exes because you're a man. You can't go my ex dear this. No, No, you're a man, pardner. You got to take responsibility for yours and yours alone. If you got kids, you got to get to him some kind of way. Write him a letter, send them the money. If she won't let you see it, for the money, whatever, send them money to a mama. Do what you're supposed to do as a man. Do what God want you to do, man, because he's not letting us off the hook for what we're supposed to be just because you ain't doing it. And if you do it, you turn your life around. Just houlding at the fellas today that saw Sorry about that. You're listening show people, get read. That's a train come in. You don't need no ticket. You just get on, boy, ladies and gentlemen. The train is here. Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning to you. How you doing, Steve? Colorful morning and your morning? But never few time you're the builder, Uncle Steve. What's happening, Steve? I'm reading ready for who ever you won't Sler. Yeah, you know that's what I want to do. I'm gonna do a hard Roscoe does it? Christmas Carrol? Goodness, Yeah, I'm gonna do a few Christmas carols. Ingle Bell. We don't better do? Why Jay ain't here? That's what you better do. Come on, damn shit through the snow on a one horse, Oh Bushley? Oh what fun it too? Right in a one horse old Bushley? Oh jingle bath, oh jangle bath, oh jingle jangle all the way and old what fuck it is to ride in the water house? Old but Chaliah huh hey, hey yeah, how about joy to the world. I got jaw, I got to the world. It's about him. Oh, joy to all the boys and girls, No working jaw to the world. Oh joy. Oh the boys and girls dag the hogs a fireft falla la la la la la la la Season to be job falla la la la la la la la. Nah we reach o'all gay apparel La la da da da Okay, man, yeah, that's good. Yeah, christ back. Can you do silent nightfall? When we come back and Santa Claus is coming to town? I need yeah and let us rude yeah and rude off. All right, all right, we're coming back with uh. Steve sings Christmas Carols hard at thirty two after right after this, you're listening to Steve show. We are back, Steve singing Christmas Carols. We're all in the Christmas spirits. Steven singing but his way and you know he sings hard. We had clown singing Christmas Carol. I think we a request for silent night, Steve, Shine night, holden night on the mic. Oh, calm, messing thing it bright, run round your your mama, mama and your child. Holy so tender tender side look nah who nah, break it down? Oh calm the whoo it br route off the red nose. Okay, which what version you want? Dan dancer and press up and calm me and Cupid, Dan's done up and blitxing, yeah somebody and vixing who but who clame? Boy? Oh, if you weren't in the Christmas the most famous, that damn famous, come on that damn famous rain deal. Oh oh who whole route off? Damn and no rain deal? Come on? Boy had a very shine No, yes he did, Yes he dad, and you saw come on the thing. You wouldn't even see right now, you wouldn't even work. So you do all of the rain time with that one, all of the rain. Yeah, used to laugh and call him names. They never let Paul rude. They rud. You didn't right the game? Boy. Then one fuggy Chris Mussy Sata came to say, hey, Rudo, which damn no so bright? Why did you bring your last on over here? Got this sleepy tonight? That was the jail. Thanks so much for let me do it. That was good Robert the quintessential Christmas song This Christmas Dunny hath the way dinner dinner, dinner, dun dinner done, dun dune dun dune. Hey gone miss too, who I'm gonna to get to know who you're better? I'm on dis here christ mus and as we trimmed the tree, your ez is where I wall be? He did he do what he just did? Chris must fire side is blade Brian high? Come on and we'll caroling only. I said, we're carol ling. Come on, boy, carol, I said, we're caroling a little night. And this chrismar what you best? I said, this Chrisma, not next one. I'm talking about this damn groom right, yes, d sing boy Twitter Fields, what's the song? Well, the weather outside is right, let us know, let us let us you want to hear. Boys don't matter, it ain't gonna be the same. I just want I just want to snow. You got the boys, letty snow. How about Santa claus Is coming to town. That's the one saying o'clock to coming to town? Yeah, saying the close coming better not powder, you better not cry, you better watch out. I'm telling you. Why say a close coming time? Sa? Sa up close coming two times? One more time? Said closer coming to top? Oh yeah, said the closing coming the town, come on saying it saying it close the town? When did it coming? Saying it close? Why did you do it? Said the closing coming to town? Where is it late, said the closer coming to town. Close to said talk, Cloe is coming, Come on, come on in here, hurry, hurry, he's coming to time. Cloth brank the new you got right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, it's time for the nephew to step up and run that brank back. What you got new, Charley. This is for you and call it and it's for all the ladies out there. Ladies gather around together around this is wall. This is pop up pedicure pedicure. Take a list. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Dana. Please, Yeah, what's up? Hi, Dana? Um, I am calling. We're trying to get a um uh schedule an appointment with you. Your husband has purchased you a pedicure uh pedicure spots, so we wanted to get see what date, if Saturday would work for you. Um, My husband wanted to book a pedicure for me. I'm I'm I'm actually good right now. I'm gonna wait and till i'm ready, but thank you very much. But no, this is a this is a this is a pop up pedicure. And what we do is we actually cool. Yeah, we come to your house. We have gloves and we have mask on and you you stick your foot out the door and we're going to disinfect everything your foot. You're talking about putting my foot out the door. Yeah, so just for safety, you stick it. I'm sorry. My name is Milton with Precious Pop Up Pedicure. We do pedicure as we go around. But we know a lot of people can't get out. So you know, we're small business. We're just trying to stay afloat right now. So that's but your husband called in about you know, he called us. He wanted to get an appointment for you. And but we come to your house and when you stick your leg out, we'll do the pedicure and then you stick the other leg out and we'll do that one. Milton, honey, tweetheart. I know you've seen a lot of feet and you've done a lot of toes and hands, and let me tell you something. The I'm gonna put my feet out the window first of all, Well, whichever is convenient the window of the door, I don't care what it is. If I'm going to get my feet done, I'm gonna have my dump my feet done in a chair inside and I would be. I'd be out of my head if I put my feet out the window. People don't see my feet out the window. That is crazy. And I'm coming correct as as a businesswoman woman to a man, Milton, I suggest you just you tell her that back in maybe you can do some some buy me in advanced pettitars like that from my feet? Are you tragile? Beautiful? He's putting out there? Well, well there there's lives the problem man, And if you don't mind your your husband, Kelvin is the one that called, and he's the one that says that your feet look a mess. So that's why we're calling. He's the one that booked the appointment for you. You know what, My feet are beautiful. And again Milton, you know they are they beautiful now? Since you've been in I'm sorry, use me? Are you? Are you the person who should be telling me that? That's telling my husband, who I will have a conversation with after this conversation. So I guess my question is, man, you're seeing your feet are beautiful, But are they beautiful now since they you've been locked up for a month or so? I mean, evidently you evidently your feet are scaring your husband because he's the one called and saying, oh my god, I gotta get my wife's feet done. My feet are gorgeous, tweetheart. Okay, they're beautiful, the supple, the beautiful that got a beautiful tone of caramel to them. They shine at the sunshine. Whether they're policed or not. My husband will love them whether they're painted clip. Well, I don't think your husband loves them because he called us. Obviously, Milton, you're not thinking, and I think you need to check with your wife, Wendy. Do you know that there's no reason you should ever have this conversation with a grown woman about her feet. Is what her husband says. I don't know you, and I'm trying to be as polite as possible. You will not be stepping into my window, are you crazy? I'm not gonna come in your window. You just stick your foot out of the window of the door, whichever one is convenient for you. Okay, it's not that hard. It's gonna fifteen twenty minutes and we're done. Oh no, no, no, no, you are not getting business fifteen or twenty minutes. Do you know how much time it takes to get a pedicure done. You know this is well, this is a pop up this it's a pop up pedicure. Pop down. You're gonna be driving through with spree wos At this point, I'm not taking that. No no, no, no no. And I'm having a conversation with my husband to never call you again. And I do suggest that you have a conversation with Wendy, who I don't know, but I think she would agree with me. Twenty two minutes is not long enough. My feet are beautiful. And don't ever call me again and tell me that you think, for some reason that because my husband told you that they were bad feet or I needed to get a pedicure, that you have the right to tell me that you don't know me. And if you do ever come by my house, I swear to God I will stick my foot up yours. And don't ever ever trying to bring that up to me again. Don't call my house. This is what this is what Calvin told us. Ma'am okay, Levin told me what you are not supposed to tell a woman that. Like I said, I'm done, I'm okay. Do you want? Do you want? Don't know what else? Kelvin do you want to know what else Kelvin told us to do? Do you want to know what else Kelvin told us to do? No? I don't. Okay, okay, but can I just can I just please tell you what else Kelvin told us? Seconds then I'm hanging up. Okay, this is a moment of true Kelvin gave us a call. He gave me a call me nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More on the show. He told me the prank phone call his wife. No, I'm serious? Are you serious? Yo? You know what sweetheart? You're you are so on car right now because if this had actually been the truth, I would have been throwing my husband out the door. Excuse my frankiness. How are how are you doing? I mean not gonna have you on the phone. Can we have a heart to heart? Because I love you. We can have a heart to heart. How are you doing? How are you doing? How are you doing? Doing this this whole pandemic? How you doing? I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm you know, my feet are looking good. But I've been listening to you on the daily and thank you hear your voice. There we go. I appreciate it. I've been staying up to beating everything. You've been putting a smile on my face every day. Um, I feel like there's a new life here now. You know thinks you're great. I love me from Calvin. Let me tell you that I love you too. I appreciate Hey twenty twenty. Come on, let the nephew know. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. There's nothing better than the Seed Harvard Morning Show. The Bank, Madi showing the land. No, no, no, hay put in about the time. Are beautiful? Beautiful? Can go ahead? Go ahead? Helped footing your ass. She definitely gonna need that foot Oh you got a little scared, nephew, Man, I fear nowhere. I tried. I tried put off the door. I was just gonna say, when we come back, I have a question to ask you. All all right, coming up, thinking, nephew, coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steven Show? All right? So, um, Jay you when Steve came up, what is this all about? This this segment? Now, I was just better than There's certain things over the holidays when the holidays happened. You can pretty much bet money that some of these things are going to happen. Is that right? I mean somebody's house. It's somebody's house. All right, it's gone. This might not happen at your house. Was one of these. I promise you one of these. It's gonna happen over the holiday at your house. Okay, let's hear it. Come on, I'm ready, Come on. Dinner, dinner will get interrupted at somebody's house because we gotta go get somebody out of jake. Yeah, that's happened. That's happen. Yeah, I finished eating. I just made my place. You hear somebody in the house. I accept. Here's here's something else. The new boyfriend, somebody's new boyfriend gonna get beat up by the baby somebody house. Ain't gonna happen to your house, but you can pick the lord that's gonna go down. They shouldn't be in the same room. She never leaved me, She never leaves me. She stepped down when she got with you. Here's another, a family secret. He's gonna get told that ain't your real dad freading them should have been told. Here's another that's gonna happen if somebody's house, maybe not your, but that will be a fight over the drumstick down. Oh yeah, oh yeah, you know I told you I wanted to leave. I call that boy even left the house. You know, we mean somebody who ain't working. Grab nobody ain't brought a damn thing. He ain't got no job. One chick gonna show up at the house with the new boyfriend that's doing way better, got her old boy. Yeah, this gonna happen to somebody's house. She's gonna show up pregnant again. You make some baby, she can make them little baby. Every black house gonnahead. Somebody gonna show up dressed like they go into a Quan's apart. Yeah, and we'll be mad when you don't understand it. Ain't you hot? He got attitude? Yeah, everybody got shot up at your house. That's been eating meat their whole life, vegan Yeah, oh yeah, disgusted with all the additiones. H yeah, yeah, met me. Yes, Turkey in the greens because half of we stopped putting park we upgraded that jets happened. Come on, some of the women gonna have to circle around because he didn't bought the white girl over them. Oh, and they all gonna have to come to the conclusion she is flying. Yeah, you might be white, he might be white. And when should get out of that rump fundam a fake m a fake twiss mouth side. She can get what you're saying. Yeah, that ain't real. You know that ain't real, My sister, law I guess I take you guess. It might not happen all those things that your house, But it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. And somebody through I know and thinking right now. Yeah, I'll tell you something. Milk gonna happen. What somebody Christmas tree gonna catch on fire? You herman to change these lights here all on the tree, always herman on hair. Somebody somebody gonna put the wrong gift in the wrong box. You man, you ever wrapped up something? Man, My drunk ass uncle did this. He wrapped up his shirt and gave it to my daddy. And when my daddy opened the box, my daddy said, oh man, this night. Oh hell, no, hold on, slip, I didn't get you the wrong shit. That's mush shirt. My daddy said, we gave it to me. Now it's gonna go down. Ready, something else gonna happen to somebody. Tooth gonna fall into food. That's that's nasty. Y'all, Each slow, each slow as about it. Don't take these team out to have Americus. Okay, things that will definitely happen over the holiday. Somebody gonna knock the dressing on the floor. Coming out. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The guys are here to warm up your holiday drunk rules. You will read one off. And what I need y'all to do is demonstrate that type of drunk I'm talking about the first, the woest me crying drunk every time I come over here, y'all act like y'all mean, yeah, I'm coming every year. Fridge way and anty way. Don't you coming? And you'll never have me. I ain't coming next year. Last I don't like no. Y'all know how A right way really easy? Listened to me. You ain't we cry now? Man is your father. I didn't want to tell you that, but you fought in. I figured you at a note for your job. The next one. Here we go, Steve, you got it. Here we go the start of fight drunk talk trash. Oh that's a big one one. Yeah ahead, you got it? Yeah what who got to wh why I got to open my gar first? I will last year that Yeah, I'm not opening my gift for first for this year. First for last year. I w was the first. I don't want to be the first this year. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Get your hand off the box, gifts that box because I don't I can brush you in your eyesprea thought. I want if you can ask gift for Christmas? What was that? I I don't care if it's for the Christmas? You can fight on. They were they were, they were fighting the major what they don't never made no fence. All right, here we go again for you. This is doing, this is going the intellectual drunk. There we go. Give me that one, Give me that next. What when when the stars is lining up in the sky for the galaxy and the universe is spinning around? That's Yalla Leo ya Leo said, and then you you Sophagles and Neil was and then that's Quinn. The teacher had asked me that on you know, what's for Shakespeare? And I said, to be listen to me is to not to be all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve introduced him. He's here. Well, I don't feel like being in the Christmas beard he is. No, No, I don't. I don't write happy Christmas songs because there's enough of those happy, happy Christmas songs get lost in the shovel alling deck the halls. Who the hell want to hit that over and over right for the sad and down try grint all the way hit it. Hello, it's Christmas time again. I can't believe it, man a soul time. Just let Halloween by not having ti My damn is Christmas over friding? Friding people in sadfiding. I'd rather last week on a show. Lady, Please nobody my father love Tuesday. I can't even push the mole with my wallet, just says, no way, O damn is Christmas? Just shock Christmas? Love, fun, Christmas? Happy bro, Christmas? No hose house home? You a mean one, mister Grander singing to somebody somebody refused. If you're hearing some notes to so many happy Christmas songs out there. Every year, somebody got a Christmas album. Happy happy that I'm in. I'm in the lane all by myself. You are I want to be got a tree up, Jane? No, did he insult you? Offend j I can't imagine my house on no tree. Especially grandchildren well that they want to see tree. Go to the other granddaddy house because one ain't got one. Tell me, ain't buy them gifts? Jay, Please tell me that, yeah, gifts you happy. Don't put it under the tree. Thought that that's just sitting up on the coffee te sitting up on the competention. It ain't wrapping nut on it. YEA laptop over there, that yours. That's how Jay pass a game. It's killing the bag, Jake, want to take it back? You never know? You know who won't an iPhone? All right? Myself? So sad that bike over there that yoursn't? Man, you know, guessing nothing. You have to do better. We're gonna we're gonna have to help you working on. Yeah, celebrate Chris. I'm gonna tell you right now, I have known him way longer than all y'all. You can stop. It's deep ending have you. Have you ever invited him over to your house, Steve? For Christmas? Maybe? I don't know. Not having his unhappy ass mess my damn holiday. I'm trying to shoot his old by himself, Steve. Where's he gonna eating stuff Christmas? That's where he need unhappy as the dayhouse. He's gotta eat Christmas dinner, Steve. You don't have a Christmas tree, sad, and he got diabetes. I'm not saying, because you know he can't eat them yams. You know he over here, sad. We can't hand okake, it's too much, all right. Coming up next is the nephew. He's got the prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject your baby. Oh, this is so sad. Your baby is not cute at all. Your baby isn't cute, baby is not seated up the mom and daddy. Ain't you what you want? Oh that's sad, all right right now? Cute and she ain't cute. This is what you think is under that blanket? Yeah, this my cousin baby. I never Oh, let me see whoa okay, lot of boy, I got caught up. I apologize all right. Listen right now, nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? In Apartment three sixteen? Say? They always start off so nice? I'm real nice, don't Apartment three sixteen, What about it? Scare me? Yeah? Apartment three sixteen three, let's go cat dog. Apartment three sixteen. Hello, I'm on trying to read. Yeah, this is how you do? How you doing? My name is Vaughn dude, Uh you live in them? Trying to make sure I got the right dude, when you're living in Court right apartments? Yeah, I live in going on. Okay, you live an apartment of three sixteen, right, yeah, it is something I need to be worried. What's going on? O, no, no, no, everything cool with your apartment. Man. I got your number from lady at the at the leasing office regarding said, what what's in? What's it in regards to well, actually, what's going to happen me is I'm going to move to Court And what I wanted to do, you know, Uh, see me in every apartment I've always had, I've always lived in an apartment three sixteen, and I know you in three sixteen, so they you know the girl at the office game, you know, because I don't want to move nowhere else where. I came be in room three sixteen. I gotta be you know. It's just real superstitious, I know, but I kind of gotta helpart. You say your name Vaughn? Yeah, yeah, I'm born right. And who gave you my number? Again? One of the ladies at the leasing office when I was over there. Who was it? I can't really remember her name? Man. Uh, look, little hey, well listen, cut this and I'm gonna tell you like this, man, don't call me for nothing like that. Man, Now, I ain't moving out of my apartment. Man, I've been standing up for four years. When I moved out to the apartment, and I move in the house. You understanding all this back gone with you? Which is which? Whatever it is, it's three sixteen you one three two, that's on you. Man. It ain't an't want I gotta stay in three sixteen. Man. See, that's that's what I'm trying to say. I didn't signed the least, so I'm stuck with it. I got to get that apartment, so I'm gonna trying to tell you would you like to what's your apartment? Would you like to move to? And I don't only get them to move your stuff over. Nothing. Ain't nothing moving. I don't think's gonna move with them numbers. You can add them up, divide them, do whatever you want to them, but I ain't moving. So you're gonna have to get that to your head. Man. And really, I'm because I don't know I gave you my number was like this, I mean, working called me because I don't even know no Vaughn, No, no, you don't know me that. I asked them who was in three sixteen? They told me, none of your business going three sixteen? Man. Hey listen, man, I'm trying to do this as respectful as possible. You know, Like I said, I really can't function unless I'm living in a disrespect me then doing disrespects for then, because I'm gonna show do this you caught me with like this, I don't get a favorite now, I don't care if that was your favorite scripture. Okay, tell me with like that. Man. See, now you're gonna make this hard, okay, so let me let me tell you this to you I'm already told the lady I want to be in three sixteen. She told me I needed to deal with dale. Nah. I'm trying to deal with you in a polight weight okay, because, like I say, I can't function, man, unless I'm an apartment three sixteen, I can't. I can't get them go to work. I cannot function. Okay, I have to have that apartment. No right, it sounds like you got a problem on your hands. Man, Whatever your problem is, that's your problem. Ain't got you me? Okay? You know like that? Like I say, I've been staying in three to sixteen, I'm gonna stay in three sixteen until I moved to a house. You didn't find something else to do. And really I'm stopping that gave you my numbers to call me with is I can't believe it's like what you're talking to. You talking to me? First, you come at me with them, come at me with a number. What looked like you man three to sixteen? What excuse me? Dog? What you're say? You called me with this? I tell you what, man, come at me or come at my problem that you're gonna see it? Man, you understand what I'm saying Hey man, I'm trying to handle this respectively. Man, Okay, all right, I'm trying to listen to him. So I'm trying to tell you, honestly, dog, I cannot function outside of them three numbers. I hamp to live an apartment three sixteen. It ain't my business. Man, No, I don't want how to come move, but I do it along. What's running back? Which you say? I said I don't want to have to move? Yo, said it down? Got me what you're gonna come move? I want? Hey, matter of fact, come yeah, come on, come move three sixteen, three to sixteen I had for you. Come on, man, I'm onna come move my man, Come on two teen silence, come on, move yet. I'll kind of going on the world with number. They've got three under six to five days with this, I mean it works. You want I'm on my nine to five and you come in and you boy some three to sixteen. I'm gonna move somebody. That's all I got to say. Man, it's gonna be you for I did fo. I deal with you though, I'm gonna get at least and obviously even giving you my number the day. Hey man, I'm I'm just trying to tell you. I have to stay under them numbers, man, I have to. I'm superstitious like that. I know, I know everybody ain't like that, but I just happen to be like that. You don't say everybody ain't like that. Man, I ain't got time to be dealing it. Really, everybody ain't got time. You sit up listening like this. Ain't you look at Christian other than I've been out this job looking what a point up? The number did they give you? They gave me like three twenty nine or something like that. I don't. I can't stay there, man. That's why I'm gonna meet you. Man me seated three twenty nine, six o'clock tonight. How about them numbers? Okay, so how about these numbers right here at seven seven point in nine, Steve, I mean a seven seven pointy nine Steve eight seven seven twenty nine, se You ain't never heard that number before. It's sound for me. That's the number to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Because this is nephew Tommy, and you just got pranked by your co worker, Limbda. I mean, make that listens it sounds crazy, hell, I believes for us to at me roding got me about to take off and go to the Lisa. Now if the college height? Now who you say got me? Now? Ain't you got a co working a Limba Limbda. Ain't it about Limba covering for Linda? Right now? I wonder what else she take it? So I'm long she puts here. Man, God, y'all hadn't be going though. Man, hey, Dell, I got one more thing to ask you. Man, there you are worked for real, ain't you? Yeah? Hey, man with the bad radio show on the land, Man Steve Robert Martin show. All right, man, get back to work. Man, your phone off the hook over up, all right. I don't care three sixteen. I don't don't care if it's your favorite scripture. When he said that, I said, he Man, No, I don't care if it's your favorite scripture. For he was cussing so hard. Wait, hold on, man, I'm gonna come down and move your stuff out. Hold of running that back? Yeah, yea my apartment, move my stuff out, running that back to you six o'clock tonight. You see see you moved its two teen because I'm remember three cool? That's what meet you? What would you say? Your name is Vaughan okay, uh, go to Thomas Miles dot com, look for the prank button, click on it, and then leave me all your information. And I worked my jelly. That's how it worked. That's prank phone call from who they say the King. I don't call myself the King. I let them think we got I don't the King. I call best ever done it though, Super called me the King. But if you don't know, it's gonna be a damn problem. Man, That's what I said. Just man, you come up with we'll be working with a lot of numbers. Thank you, King of Pranks. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letters. Subject your baby is not cute at all. We will get into to it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on dating, on relationships, on sex, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. All right, let's go buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Tommy, tell me, Yes, here's what I'm gonna do today. I've never done this ever before in the history of this show. What Steve, since I've heard so much about you doing the Strawberry letter today Today only, I'm gonna sit here and see how you handle or Strawberry letter, so I know what's going on when I ain't here, Ladies and gentlemen, Nephew, Tommy will do. Yeah, you're going to do in your place? Yeah, no more work, all right, we'll prepare myself. Nephew, all right. Subject for your baby isn't cute at all. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a thirty year old married woman and my husband and I need your advice on an issue with our closest friends. Our friends, our first time parents, and their daughter is a toddler. Now, since the child was born, we've been at a group text with the couple and fifteen other people. My husband and I both hate text groups, but we humored the couple because they are really nice people. The couple started the group chat so they could send us pictures of their newborn daughter. We got pictures of the child almost daily, and the mother would send us a text message if we didn't respond. They've always bragged about how beautiful this child is, and I don't want to be rude, but she's not cute at all. When we got her newborn picture, my husband Darnier, screamed. And whenever we see this little girl in person, I have to watch my facial expressions. This little girl looks like an older woman in the face. She never smiles, and her afro is lopsided and dry all the time, and her face looks ashy. She's two years old now and we're still getting pictures. We want to kindly ask that we'd be removed from the text group. If I see one more picture of this child looking crazy, I might just have to pull them aside and suggest they fix their daughter up a bit. It's nothing to brush a little grease in her hair and add a few barettes in it, and maybe put some vasiline on her lips. Maybe they should also tickle the baby so she will smile on some of her pictures. Oh, but forget all of that. We want I know, I know, we want to. I just want to say, okay, let me finished. Maybe they should also take cool the baby, so she'll smile on some of her pictures. But forget all of that. Okay, we want to leave the texting group altogether. We just don't want to upset our friends. I'm sure we are not the only ones that want the pictures to stop. I'm embarrassed for feeling this way with an innocent child. What should we do? All? This is so sad, This is so sad. I'm with you on one thing. I do not like group text messages either. I don't. I would. I would step up and say something about that. Just leave me out, or stop responding, or just stop responding to the group text messages. Even if they text you back and say did you get it? Just stop responding. I think they'll get the message about the text texting group sooner or later. But about the baby that you say is not cute, It's not the baby's fault. It just really isn't be as sweet to the baby as you possibly can when you see hers not her fault. You said, she looks like an older woman in the face. I think maybe one day she'll grow into her face. You know, I told you guys, I think was yesterday I had really really big eyes when I was a baby. I grew into my eyes, but I grew into them, Steve, I did, I did. Um. Yeah, I'm trying all this little baby. It's not her fault. Just leave the texting group if that's really all you want to do, just leave there. Uh and you know, yeah, to feel this way about an innocent child, I mean I understand that, and it is again not the child's fault. What should you do? First and foremost, get out of the text group. Okay, if they ask you what's wrong, just say you get you're really busy and you don't have time. Okay, don't comment on the baby. Don't make any uh, you know, disparaging remarks about the baby or anything like that. It's not the baby's fault. Leave the baby out of it. Okay, yeah the baby. Yeah, leave the baby alone. Yeah, I have to. I have to. And this is a baby, you guys. I just wanted to say two things about the baby. Didn't over. Let time to take over. Now. The fact that the baby looked like an old woman ain't got nothing to do with this little Benjamin Butch looking, this little bonnet on, this little Benjamin Butch looking thing. He wants us to be all right with you. And then the second thing, Shirley and all I'm saying in time you take it over. You said that the baby is on the picture and the baby never smiles. Yeah, that's what it said. That's called she knows. He found out. She knows. She went by the mirror in the stroller in the mall. She looked over there with I know, ain't pushing me around this mall looking like I ain't got no lotion, I ain't got this damn bonnet. It's crooked my afro. Come to me. I'm sitting over here looking like a little man. If you don't take my ass to the house, Yeah, maybe your friends can keep the baby. And like my daddy, I'm a two year old girl. Hell, I look like my father. I thought you only had two things to say. Okay, I'm sorry. Tommy's gonna do the letter. Can we come back all right, Listen, we're gonna come back with part two of this letter. Steve's gonna give Tommy his chance to respond to this letter subject your baby isn't cute at all. We'll be back at twenty three minutes after the hour, right after this and two years, I ain't got a compliment. You're listening to show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Subject your baby is not cute at all? Wow, Well, time going to go this a little baby that shot years old, it's over. Shirley tried to relate to the fact that she had big ass when she was a baby. You didn't. You still got ass, and that leaves no hope for this baby growing up. The baby looked like a little man right now, she fitt, looked like a little old man, laid on, she said, a woman out of face. Go ahead, Tommy, all right. I think what we have here is a situation where I've been taught early on eye for eye or two for two, fight fire with five. You're gonna have to fight ugly with some more ugly. Does that make sense so far? But when you see these ugly pictures coming, don't just sit there and look at it and keep on bout your day. Come back with some more ugly, all right. When they sending that baby, pitch out, boom, first one, you hit back. Dennis Rodman, You're gonna You're gonna play your ugly card against the ugly card. Keep coming with it as soon as they send another picture of that baby, Oh Lord, hit them back wicked with you to east. You just keep coming with more ugly It's enough ugly people in this world that you can keep sending back via text that all these couples on this dog on text chat. I promise you they are going to be saying you've been doing what we've been wanting to be due how many people? How many ugly people do y'all know, you know, a bunch out for them, then died, then died against these ugly babies. Yes, this ain't about the baby. It's about the parents that's sending the baby. The baby don't know we're sending these ugly pictures back. Send some ugly pictures to fight these ugly uncle Steve, when you used to get baseball card, then you trade them in with other baseball card, which over ones was good against the other one. Didn't you do that with your boys? Ye? Yes, but ugly pictures, but quite ugly. More pictures, Tommy, Huh. The parents think she's beautiful, and if you're sending enough ugly pictures, they're gonna get the picture. Other people don't recognize beauty, and enough pictures and they'll get the picture your baby ugly, all right, and sometimes you might have to just blatantly come on out with it in test text back, please don't send me no more of the ugly baby pictures. Oh no, I've been trying since the baby got here, but damn it, I got to say it now. Huh, he said, thank you. So you're proud of him. You're proud of him? Yeh one of the things I've ever seen him on radio? What ugly begots ugly? Shirley, you know, but not if you don't know that they're ugly. But that's the problem, Shirley. Even the people that own the baby don't know the baby ugly, and they probably ugly too. It ought to be a sin for two people, two ugly people, to get together because you bring another the baby. Don't have two ugly people, mate, they bring in another ugly one in the world. Okay, Now, the baby don't know she ugly or he ugly yet. They don't know that yet. Okay. And what the last thing wait, wait and wait on the last thing you want to do is tickle an ugly baby. Do you know what you what you find to get some funny ass ugly? Now? That's what you find to get. You got funny, ugly falling after the dog gonna stroke? Do you hit me? Tickle her ugly baby and see what pop up? Poor baby. I understand Shirley, and don't have no mirrors and stuff in that baby room. Well let that, let let it, let it time go by, for they got to see theirselves. Don't let the baby. When they brush their tea in themorrow, don't look in the mirror. Don't do that. I don't wear it. Don't do that. Brush their teeth turned the head the other way. But comb this baby hair, get him as pretty ugly as you can comb the hair, wash their face, put some lotion on. Get I'm ready for school. That's as pretty ugly as you can keep. She said. Her afro is lopsided. And I'll put a wig on the baby. That might hear a wig a two year old? They got baby wigs. Hey what else we got? They got baby quig? Get her out baby quigs and do it like what baby? What a baby? You get a baby baby gonna look a whole lot better than way they're looking at her. You're still proud. I'm just checking uncle. Yeah, you're still happy with your nephews. Well, you know, I gotta I want to say thank you man. You made me proud. What sir baby proudly says some stuff that I would have said. Yes, yeah, yeah, sometimes you have to do it like that. That ain't our problem. We are not supporting ugly children. Give me my money, give me my donation, right back. Stand up, you guys, You're so wrong. Listen. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour, a vegan soothed burger king over impossible meatless whoppers. We will tell you about that right after this. You're listening, okay, yeah, uh let me ask y'all something caller, Sure, yes, uh, y'all, y'all plan on getting your man's gifts this year? Right? Yeah? Christmas? Give Is it gonna be something he won't Well, so yeah, I'm going to put some thought. Yeah, because that's what I think you said. The keyword, because the truth about it is, we don't give a damn about the thought that counts. We won't gifts. We can show our boys these gifts that men really won't. I know, I'm said, I know what I said. I know what I said. I know I said it don't really matter baby, but didn't do Okay, okay, I would, I know because yeah, let me tell you. We don't want bad gifts. Like bad gift is winter gloves. We don't our. Boys don't ask about when the gloves, they don't ask about get cold. We put him in our poet, we put him in our pocket. Don't care about that. Here's another gift you'll catch about a rod me o boys, roll beautiful ro We open this box up again and see a role. Okay, take we're not putting it out. We don't care about that, slipper. Excuse me. There's an exception google that that, but I ain't experienced that. I'm just gonna talk about what I want that. Okay, I'm gonna look into that. I ain't there yet, but I know the dudes I'll be dealing with. We don't care about the roads we get. Okay, you know, okay, don't want to turn cloth. No one look like a tik like a burn your neck up. So as you put it on, Steve, you know what the short one because I'm tall. Now your booty. I got that one pocket, one pocket, my two pockets one and the call and the built on the road the same thickness as the road to the collar, and built is a lighter color than the road. Yeah, mans, no road. We don't want none of that. We don't want. We show our boys. That's all that is true. We won't gills that we said, dude, man my girl, man a man, check what my girl got me? You know watch? Yeah, nice, sup. Most men won't a watch coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. Come on, Junior, you got to give it up now this this holiday for all you know you got your sickle cell foundations. Yeah, let me say this man um for real all people since you want you know, they inside till thick with because we don't come if you get a new fight. Don't ride it on Christmas because it's colds. You're ride around in the house. Don't go out there. Don't go out there. I want anybody to make it. You're listening to show all Right, here we go. This segment is called things you say to yourself to keep you from flapping the beep out of someone on your job or anywhere. Really, let me listen anywhere. See you need come on, Steve. You need to know things that can calm your nerves. Yeah, that's what a lot of people don't know. You need calm. And now all this ain't for everybody, but I'm sure out of the ten or soda that I'm gonna listen, you can come up with something that fits you. Okay, these are just I'm gonna just give you some little who saw moments that you can kind of say to yourselting sleep from slapping the sugar honey iced tea out of somebody down your damn job. You'll be wanting to down at your job. This is for those of you that work a job and you wants to really slap the sugar honey iced tea out of somebody down at your job. These are some things you can say to yourself to just keep you from slapping them and then losing your job. You're gonna just go down the list you say these to yourself. I got two kids in college. Yeah, you need that, keep your kids, keep your job. Here got another one right here, already got two strikes on for life. Here's another you can use here. I just got this job. Yeah, I just got the shot and I was got to work for eight months. I just got this job. But he got about one more time to say something more time and I'm gonna slap the sugar honey. But I just got the job. Yeah. No, oh, I'm closer to tirement. I ain't just right here. I got one more year and his right. In one year, you're gonna get a pension. Turkey. Go watch just hanging there, man, watch the turkey. Here's another one right here. Let it go yea from Frozen. Let here go another one right here for a lot of y'all. And I'm gonna just go home, sit in my car smoking joint. I'm gonna just go sit in my can smoke everywhere. I know it's not legal, but you're just trying to keep your job because I tell you what ain't legally. You slap the sugar honey. Iced tea scares me every time you say it. Every time. Yeah, come on, just sing a song to yourself, or you can just try to nothing but the blood, b amen, or just make up yourself. Hold my hand, put them deep into my pockets. O my hand, put them deep into my podcast. O my hand put them deep into my pockets for slap the sugar honey iced tea out of here's the woman to keep you from slapping the sugar honey iced tea out of Lord knows, I can't go back to jail. Ye, I can't go back to jail. I just couldn't stand it now, I just couldn't stand it down Lord, I can't go back to jail. Oh, but I want to do something. I beat and does something. I'm sorry, you know the show, but I can't go back to jail or the realization Right there, you're saying, so those are things that you can use on your job, you say to yourself, keep you from slapping the sugar honey iced tea. Are your co workers? Just use them? Let it go? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Ten's the season for people who are hard to shop for? And you know what a lot of people, you know, you look at them like, say, for instance, Steve Carla, Steve is everything. He's hard to shop for, I would think because he has everything. So I gotta ask you, who are you having trouble finding a gift for? And why? Girl? My husband it is so hard. Yes, it is so hard to shop for Tosh because he doesn't Yeah, he doesn't really want anything, but he asked for some tools. So I'm gonna go to you know, the hard store Home Deep all home improvement store, low Lows and really gets some suggestion from the guys and you know, the guys working there, and see what I can get him. That's surprise him as well, even though he told me what he wants. I want to get something that he didn't think I would get, you know what I mean, so hard to buy for. So, yes, my husband. Every year, I'm stumped as to what to get him every year? What about you, Shirley? What about you? Who's hard to pick? Four? No, one's really. I mean I just get what I like. I just get what I like, what I like for them to have from me, right, you know, I don't stress about it or anything like that. I hope they like it, and nine times that attend they do. I really put my heart into gifts because I love giving. You know, this is a season I'm giving, so yeah, so I don't stress about it. Whatever I like and I think that you might like, and usually I'm right, thank God? Right, all right, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Merry Christmas coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. The guys are here to warm up your holiday drunk rules will read one off, and what I need y'all to do is demonstrate that type of drunk I'm talking about the first on the woeest me crying drunk every time I come over here, y'all act like y'all mean. Yeah, I'm coming every year for way and anty way, don't you I'm coming and you'll never have me. I ain't coming next year. Who I don't like? No, y'all don't have a right way? Really easy, listened to me. You ain't gonna crying now. Man is not your father. I didn't want to tell you that, but you fought it. I figured you are a note on your job. The next There we go, Steve, you got it. Here we go the start of fight, drunk talk trash. Oh that's a big one. You got it? Yeah? What? Wh who got you? Wh Why I got to open my gear first? I was first last year. Yeah, I'm just opening my gift for first for this year, first for last year. I will the first. I would want to be the first this year. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Get your hand off the box, gift podcast that box, because I don't I'm brush you in your oyspread God, I don't know you can ask you for Chrismuth. What was that? I don't care if it's what the trick you can fight on? They were they were they were fighting the major what they don't never make no sense? All right, here we go for you. This is doing this is doing the intellectual drunk. There we go. Give me that, give me that lix. When when when the stars is lining up in the sky for the galaxy and the universe is spinning around, that's Leo? Leo said, and then you Usophagle and Neil was And then that's when the teacher had asked me, get on, you know what's for Shakespeare? And I said, to be listen to me. I thank you guys. Coming up next to Steve with today's closing remarks right after this you're listening to All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday. You have some closing remarks for us. I know you do you know I'm oftentimes talking about oh my success. Speeches and and and seminars that I do are usually always centered around the proper mindset. You know. I don't go to share with people or trying to teach people to put a particular thing. What I try to share with people is how to develop the proper mindset to become successful, because that's all I had. You know, I didn't have an education. You know, I didn't I didn't have a great deal of book knowledge. You know, I was just never that guy, but I was. I've always been or I consider myself a person that has a level of wisdom. And one of the things that I try to share with people is the mindset. Well, I learned something recently. I actually learned it back in March. Now I'm going to paraphrase something that I read in a daily devotional that a lady on my job gave to me named Jennifer. She's a sound tech for my talk show for years, and she also works with me on family Feud. She's what we call our Christian lady. But she's a young sister. But she really really committed. You know, when you when she feel your spirit being down, she prayed for you that's just just good people, man. So she gave me this daily devotional called Jesus Calling, and I was reading it and back and that talk me something. Because you know, in my discussions about mindset, I've always told people that one of the things that motivated me was a long time ago I heard the scripture that says He comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly. And so I used to just ask God for my abundance. I really did, but I wasn't I didn't really know exactly what they meant. I was just thinking in terms of material and you know, I need some help man with my finances and all of that. That's the abundance I've talked it's about. But I learned back in March that abundant life doesn't necessarily mean health or wealth. What it was really trying to get me to understand, and what this book has been trying to do is get me to have a closer walk, just so just to open up my heart to create more room for God, you know, so God can come in and operate a little bit better. God can come in, but you got to make room for him. You know, you can't block him out with all your business and the chaos that's in your day, you know, and everything, and then and then making him last, and then just calling on him when you get in trouble. You know, he just he's been trying to share with me how I should talk to him about everything. Whether it's my physical fitness, it's decisions I'm making in business, it's problems I'm having with my family, you know, as things you might want to discuss about your marriage. I'm talking about everything. You know, when you hear old people something else pray without season, they talking about with everything. Now, I've never really done that, to be honest with you. You know, I pray about certain things, but I just really started getting into the habit of talking to God about everything. And this abundant life was talking to me more about health and wealth. It was about staying in continual touch with God so you can have a more of a bigger presence in your life. And that right there will give you an abundant life within it self. Because what happens to a lot of people is you when you wake up in the morning, you try to fit your day into this preconceived mold that you have about how you think the day are to go. So you spend all your time trying to fit this day that God gives us. Give us this day our daily bread. That line right there, or today is the day that the Lord has maid. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That right down. We try to take that precious gift of the day and we try to fit that into a preconceived mold of what we have. So what He tries to get us to do instead of putting it into this preconceived mold that you got, what God really wants us to do is relax and be on the lookout for what He doing. See that's the thing, man, when you say the Lord's prayer, that's the part out and finally got in my head. Give us this day our daily bread. Just let me get through the day. Help me with my decisions today. Show me what you be handling today. Tell me how to look get through today. This mindset instead of trying to fit your day into this preconceived mold, this mindset of watching to see what God gonna do. Now faith with our works is dead, So I ain't just just sit on your tail and don't do nothing, but see what He got for you. When you do this mindset, it actually will free you up to enjoy your day better and actually find what God had planned for you. His plan is way better than the one you got anyway. So when you turn everything over to Him, when you stay in constant prayer with him, what it does is it frees your mind up to relax. Because half of our pressure, high blood pression and depression, and half of this stuff is because we're just wearing about stuff that we actually have no control over. That's not the sole reason for depression. I'm just saying, that's just one of the things we saw worried and caught up in what we need to be doing, that we don't focus and let Him do it. That's one of the biggest things I've learned today. And it frees your mind up. And that's one of the things I'm gonna finish this tomorrow. I'm will give you like a part two to this tomorrow. Live your life in expectation by everyone. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.