Steve Is Still Proud of The Browns, Hiring Relatives, Cardi B. Turns Herself In, President Trump, Comedy Roulette Stuff Henpecked Men Say, Breast Cancer Awareness Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 2, 2018, 2:45 PM

The Cleveland Brown are still making Big Dog proud. Would you hire relatives? Cardi B. turns herself in because of alleged fight. President Trump campaigns in Tennessee and refuses to answer specific questions. Comedy Roulette covers stuff henpecked men say. Serena Williams goes topless for Breast Cancer Awareness. Closing Remarks today covers hate and much more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving the mom just like theming buck bus things and it's touble, y'all true good to the hay one to move to other for stobarten, hoy w don't you join? Yeah? Yeah? By joining me have said go turn love to go? Yeah, you want to run, you gotta turn't to turn the turn my lovey got to turn out to turn want go? Come come on your things at it? Uh huh, I sure will come on everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on dig me now one and only Steve Harvey, Uh how a radio show? Yeah? Yeah sometimes saw all I can say? Yea, man, how far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed uh me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know, if a person comes to me and they said, man, I've been down and out. Okay, well I know what that is. Man. I didn't I didn't have any direction, Okay, got that been there man at one point in time, Man, I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay, and that done that too. So you know, um, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody's gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know, for time to time. When I'm watching TV, I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really good, really weird. What's happened to sport? To to poker? They're actually trying to call it a sport you know. And as to everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything, who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right. The best poker players in the world don't have the best hands. They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hands that's nothing, and win their hands because they knew the bluff, they knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, play the hand they dealt and it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good. And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not, because you're gonna get dealt some bad cars. Everybody ain't gonna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play a draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing, But you gotta turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life. It ain't the fact that you're getting to keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they couldnot understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you playing the same way. See, until you make a conscientious different, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See his his. Here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life. It's how you handle the disappointments that determined the outcome and who you are. Because everybody's gonna be disappointment. Everybody's gonna lose a love one, everybody's gonna make a bad decision. Everybody's gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regretted. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time. Every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That's how you play your cards when they get dealt to you. That determine who you are now, how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end when it happens to you. Oh lord, woe is me? No, everybody got your circumstances somewhere. It ain't old woe is me. It's Hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God the connected this to something else. See, as soon as a person have a setback, what's the first thing A lot of people do. They go straight negative. I can't seem to get a break. I can't see them move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? But if you take the negative position all the time, this setback could be connected to something good that's gonna happen for you in just a few days, weeks, month, or year or years. But it all works for the good. See. You got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when he takes you to the next level, when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. But if you keep handling there wrong. If you don't ever handle them, it happens correctly. If you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened, come home, man, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. You just every time something pop off. Oh here I go out to playing without the parachute. Man, stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person. I kept saying, and you know what they tried to tell me. They said, you know, I'm trying to stay positive. This is what they told me. I'm trying to stay positive. But the people around here they're just killing that. They just kill it. Whoa, whoa. Oh that's what our problem is. Oh, I see. So when you learn something and you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don'tkay who you are. You're not doing me like that. You're not doing me like that, and don't let nobody do that to you. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set right there. There are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with, who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me, he wasn't the funniest king To me, he wasn't the funny? Is that to me? Hey, excuse me, excuse me. You're irrelevant in this conversation, sir, If I really want to be truthful with you, you're irrelevant in this conversation because irregardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing, what God has done for me. I claim it and own it. Because you don't think it's so. You ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your joy. Stop letting people take what you're supposed to. Oh look, i'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man, you ain't nothing, now, you said the there going man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for You are a kind person on that. Take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil's a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid? Oh, you stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. They came in and said I was stupid. Man. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all take ownership. When God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset on it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't have with that. You're listening to morning ladies and gentlemen without further ado, let me introduce you to the Steve Harvey Morty Show, Shirley Strawberry. Good morning. How are you staying junior? Everbody? Yeah? No, Jay, your throat to tom top top top top man. It's amazing, man, I held it down. Team Tommy was here. Thank you. Ja he bore he'd be going you so now Oh he's not team time, Team Tom. Yeah, his team tell me after he says what he says and then takes it back, Oh that's just what you're doing, and say what he wants. Now he'd be doing you didn't he say I'm team Timmy thought, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We heard that a lot yesterday, like like being a lot like you and Brett having Carlo's done her way. Guys. Yeah, well that's interesting. Uh. I did pretty good with the picts, man, I only missed four. Your team actually played pretty good. Oh, Man, I was proud of the Browns. They did play good. You know, Man, we haven't had they did a thing. We haven't had forty eight points in the football game since night team. Man, I don't seriously, it's like two thousand. It's a long time since we've had forty eight points. We had one football game. It was just a lot of cheering, man, a lot of hope. Yeah, man, Man, I love that name. That is a great name. Yeah, it's a black name. It is sounds runnaways to me. Looking for about the name of Mica star Ish. You know, see Dusty Baker, dust wrestling name. That's a great wrestling name. Baseball Baseball, Dusty Road dust the Rose was a wrestling His name ain't Dusty or Roads Rhodes. Well, his name is Dusty Baker, wrestler. Yeah, I know, But what we was trying. I was trying to tell you that it was a black name, Dusty boy, Steve, don't don't just calms down black and Curtis Mayfield. That's what I'm doing. What is he talking? Scot here? Why are you still upset like that? Don't go with the jokes. The black name, not Dusty Rhodes, not hellless, there's Dusty Baker. I got you, but it's not normal to me. I'll total commercial breaks so I can tell you what I really still want you to be mad with. You got a whole day to be mad again. First of all, y'all that ain't got the same thirty and he got in, get out of it, talked to each other, all right, Steve, listen, nephew Tommy is back. We're gonna talk about the pros and cons of hiring relatives right after this. And you're listening to Steven show Well, Steve the nephew is back. He missed a couple of days from work, and uh Carlin found this great article on hiring your relatives your family members. Yeah, we're all on team Tommy for the most partner. J J is president and CEO. Yeah, but here's some information from the article. Here the pros, Steve, Okay, for hiring your relatives, you already know what you're getting. You already know. You don't have to guess. You don't even think about it, you know, because this is a member of your family, so you know this person. Here's some of the cons though, it sends the wrong signal to other employees, you know, like they're not qualified for the job. They just got the job because he was huh uh huh. Here's another con. A relative may feel the rules don't apply to in this case him. That's he just missed two days. Yeah, but he didn't get paid though. Oh okay, that's where the stains. He's gonna need it. He's gonna need it all right here. So he worked in the conversate for his chick. There's another con Steve, Well, you don't necessarily do this, but other ceo s might not hire relatives because the con is you hold back from criticism or you don't discipline him. So in this case, you did you did dock him his pay, right, man, I wish I would. I'm will not criticize him. What is we talking? We're not doing criticism. Why are we talking? But but you hired him, though staves, that was not by choice? What do you mean my system? Oh? The only reason I fired him is causing hell. I wasn't a good hide though. You don't think he does good works. You don't think I was a good hire boy. If I could replay the days you missed, the times you called in from day one though, things I can't even tell you. Yeah, you guys weren't even here on day one when Tommy used to call him from his bed leased twice a week, asking if he had to come in. I was trying to get used to the system. That's awkward, but we were all here. What else? That's about it. The article goes on to say that issues with family members who come up I don't even want to say. Yeah, just wait, I got brace brace yourself. The article goes on to say issues with family members who come up short, that you couldn't let that go, asked me. He asked me, it's his show, they come, it said, issues with family members come Look okay, do a pretty good job around here. Come, I'm short of the job. Should be addressed just as they would any other else who would have been the shortest one on? That's what pop tain right there. I didn't have some share trying to read one more time? I read it again. What's you say, President and CEO of team Tommy? You need to hit it again? Yeah? But why Holly, she got water coming out of Steve? Did you not ask me to read this against I didn't know. I didn't know what it was. You know, but you could not. You wouldn't gonna let it go. I was gonna, you know, Junior, I don't think I should we we've already heard Shirley. I bet you a thousand dollars. You can't read it without laughing? Ready said? Okay, thousand dollars on the line. Okay. The article goes on to say issues with family members. I can do it. I can do it. Come on, thousand dollars, issues with family members? Read? Come on? Issues with family that's all it is. That is so cute. You can't get it. Don't worry about it. I lost one more times. I can do it. I can Okay. The article goes on to say that issues with family members who who it all? Pretty good job it take this tissue and shall we come up short at the amusement You haven't seen anybody go to the amusement park, and that stick means so much talking about Yeah, I've cried. You haven't seen somebody get on amusement ride. They shut the safety bar down. He stepped right out. You haven't seen somebody come around it first. Heel on that roller coaster and everybody on the train gotta grab him. Yeah, yeah, in other words, and yeah, welcome back to dog. You should have said what was happening? Why you was going captain of teen Tommy with Jack? Yeah, the president. So in other words, Steve, they're saying that it might be the worst decision you can make to hire a relic. It ain't no doubt about it from me. All right, coming up, he's here, Tommy's back and he's gonna run that prank back from We'll be back in the short one. That was a bonus, right there. You get that for you're listening to show Coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment news, Cardi b in the news for fighting again. She turns herself into the NYPD and man, yeah, also in the news again, but not for fighting for some comments he made about slavery and other stuff. Again, he stopped by TMZ to clear it up. We'll talk about it, but first, the nephew is here. He went by TMZ again. Yeah, I was live yesterday. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Man, am I working too much? I don't mean knowing none of this? He went, Wait a minute. He went to TMZ again to say something about slavery. Yeah, and come on, doghe come on, come on, alright, alright, the nephew is back. He is here to run that break back. What you got, King of Frank's. I need you to wash me. It's wash I need you to wash me. Run it washes that new thing that apple came out that you weigh on your rich it's a great data nursery. This is Felicia. I'm trying to get somebody to come down here to five O one. I'm sorry, sorry, whole one. I need somebody to come down here at the five O one and and clean me up. Sir. I think you might have the wrong number. This is the nurse. I need the nurse to come down here to five old one. And clean me up. So this is a nursery, not the nurse. I think you might have dow the wrong number. Nor I need to talk to the world nurse a city, that's who's normally clean me up. I need to come down here clean me up, sir. I really do think you have the wrong number. Where are you calling from? Who? Who is this here? This is Felicia. I'm the director here at the nursery. That's what I say. I need the nurse to come down here to clean me up. I'm ain't playing and every all this stuff to clean me up because I've been sitting here a long time. I ain't nobody come, sir. I think you dialed the wrong number. If you tell me where you are, I can try to help you. But you ain't done the wrong number. I need somebody to come down here and clean me up. This ain't right. Y'all pulled the bibic, y'all pull the gudeo ever comes check on the ain't nobody come check on me again? Okay, Well, I I apologize that you have the wrong number. Try hanging up and then dialing. It's just a nurse station, sir. This is a nursery. We take care of children here. This is not the nurse station. I'm not a child, I said, it's just the nurse station. I'm sorry, you're not listening to me. This is not a nurse station. This is a nursery. We have children here. We take care of children. So I think you dialed the wrong number. No, they said, I think they pulled the come clean up every all. They pulled the come check on that be here. I been on my new three hours. They're nobody come check on me yet, and I need somebody to come clean me up in the uh bad plan a fool and and they just they they just don't come check on it like they pull the check on it. I am check on. I'm really sorry that they have not come to check on you in your your bad pants. So why would they let us sue here like they do? Okay, so just listen to what I'm saying. This is a nursery. We take care of small children. This is not the nurses station. So my grandkids I got small chilling as my grandkids, I got it. But for the two grandkids that comes in on Sunday, But soon they leave the people at the nurse stairs and that they ain't treating me bad. Leave me here like there's here two or three hours, don't know about come check on? Can you come down and check this bad plan? Sir. I can't do that. I need to get back to the kids here that if we take care of at see my kids. No, my kids don't come till they come on Sunday. They come and every sudden after church and they comes sleep, do they Okay? Okay, Well I'm glad your kids come see you. And I'm going to get off the phone now, but I hang up. You just down the number right when you get off, you're gonna come down here and come thick and clean me up. I'm not going to do that, but I'm going to let you call back and come clean me up. Well, don't do that, brother, do not so. I'm not a nurse. I'm a teacher. When when when when? When? When? When? When I was coming to be proposed to do the job? You do what the job or whatever your job or that what you do. I work father two years straight, and I did my job. Okay, I'm a teacher that come on down here and do what you're proposed to do. I don't clean bed pain, you know, go your young phone. Don't do your job the damn it. You're gonna make me man. If you don't get you down, you get uh. I'm going to ask that you're not talk to me like that. Clean and clean me up. I ain't supposed to be sitting here like this all the time. What's your name again? It's Felicia, and I have sighed really really nice to you right now. Please do not speak to me like that. I'm trying to at least you're gonna calm down and quit talking to me like that. I'm trying to help you now. That's just rude speaking to me like that. That this is a nurse er read do right now? You know I knew you. I'm talking to him, But David, you're not gonna talk to me like that. That's just rude and disrespectful. Don't speak to me like that. When you're talking about kicking, I will kick yo in the wheel chair. This seems to be the only lies you understand is me talking to you crazy. Since you're talking to me crazy, You're gonna get you is not coming down that you stay in that stink? How about that? What did you hear? You heard me? I said you stay in that stink. I'm not cleaning up. I've been trying to tell you for to pay us five minutes, but you won't shut up long enough to listen. I am not coming down there to clean your why not. I've been trying to tell you that is not my job. You dial the wrong number talking to you? Who are you talking to like that? We'll bring it out on there if you think you can get in your wheel chair and make it down here to the nursery to what my and come the hell owned listen when you were taking message from it and give it to somebody? What's your what's your message? N e uh huh? What else? Uh huh huh? What? Okay? You got you got that? Dot? Yeah? Okay, d M? What is that? What do I spell? I don't know what is it? You must spell it up. I'm not telling that. You tell me what it is? What does that say? I don't know. Nephew taught me, Nephew tim Me. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve over morning. So baby, you just got break by your sister Nita. Oh well, you were sitting up there like what in the world? Yeah, you got me? You got me very I got you, I got you. I got one question for you, though, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You got me, Shirley, you know why the prank is oval? Why it was? Sure? Y'all still on that? No mind? Man? All right, Well, thank you, nephew. We appreciated as always. The new prank. Coming up later this morning. Coming up in entertainment news, We're gonna talk about Kanye and Cardi B. That's all coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Show. Cardi B turned herself into New York police on Monday over charges simming from a fight at a strip club. According to Yeah. According to CBS News, Cardi faces charges of reckless endangerment and assault. She was involved in an altercation at Angels Gentleman's Club in Queen's Back on August twenty nine, just a few days ago. I'll tell you just hold on. According to TMZ, Cardi will be charged for allegedly ordering an attack on two bartender sisters. Their names are Jade and Batty g Uh. They say Cardi had a long standing beef with Jade, especially because Cardi believed that Jade had slept with her husband. Offset all right, this is what the stemmed from and back to Cardi is scheduled to be arraigned in October on the twenty ninth of October, to be exact. Yeah, I thought it was a strip. I thought they were naked. She just has so so she's a bartender girl. The girl, yeah yeah, yeah, she's ad So Cardi jumped on her allegedly. Yeah yeah, she threw itca hooka pipes. So okay, what happened to the hoof? Because if the girl got the chest through whatever, Yeah, oh what did Cardi do to She's got a little fiery temper, you know, man. But you know, I wish I really wish her the best because she's so talented. Man. I don't want this stuff to get in the way of her possibly doing the Super Bowl, which could throw her career into the stratosphere. And you know, man, you do you know, man, we just have to be mindful because you know, there there is a sickness out there now, you know, uh and and and and I'm being really serious, there's a real sickness out there. There. There's a there's a there's a new evil spirit and it's it's and it's the internet, man, and they just do everything to people and and they will not let it go. There is no mercy on the internet, man. I've I've never seen anything like this. People can't make mistakes because it lives on the internet. And yeah, and they by fighting and then all then the lies, you know what. That's why when um Kevin Hart was here last week, Steve, he was talking. We were asking him a lot of questions on and off the air, But off the air he kept saying, I go home. I go home. I go home, I go home. Yeah, you don't go out, Kevin. I'm in my house. I go home. And how many times have you heard me saying oh, yes, said yes? So many times? Because you can't get caught out there, because people are waiting for that moment when you fall. They're waiting for this. Man. I wish I could remember. I wish I could see the slogan that somebody put up it was so good about your rise, and it's it's just evil out there, man, And the sadness of it is. You know, I really do feel sod man. I I'm gonna make a statement when we come back. I just want to say something. Yeah, and we who know it's out there, we got to start exercising better self control. If we can't, we can't let people take us there. We just can't because that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to get you. They are, so either go home or ignore them. Something. You gotta do something, Yeah, you have to. All right, Steve, it's time for our headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss and Tripp, thank you very much, everybody. Good morning, everybody. This is a trip with the news and I have a lot of it. First of all, the nation's top immigration official is defending a White House plan to deny green cards to immigrants who take advantage of welfare benefits. Francis Sisna is the head of the U S Citizenship and Immigration Services, and he says that he wants to make sure that immigrants are quote self sufficient by enforcing a longstanding law that says that a nonsense and cannot be a public charge. The trum administration apparently wants to expand the definition of what a public charge is to include the use of a wide range of benefits like food stamps or housing vouchers. Not all public benefits would be on the no useless, they say, But just word of these proposed changes are scaring a lot of immigrants away for applying for any government assistance. Corner CNN this now, this report has not been a report elsewhere, so we have to really confirm. But it is support according to CNN, and that's how it's labeled. A Yale classmate of Supreme Court nomine Brett Kavanaugh says he lied about his drinking last Friday. Chad Luddington is identified in this story, and he says the contrary to his testimony, Kavanaugh was a frequent drinker, a heavy drinker, that it wasn't always beer. Luddington also says on many occasions he witnessed the nominee slurring his words and staggering when Kavanaugh got drunk, and that he was often belligerent and aggressive when he was President. Trump has agreed to a revamped North American Free trade agreement. He says, this one differs from the court of century old and after agreement that he campaigned against. We have negotiated this new agreement based on the principle of fairness and reciprocity to me, it's the most important word in trade. That's right, Trump says. The new agreement gives American dairy farmers new access to the Canadian market and his design, he says, to encourage new auto production in the United States. A new agreement leaves in place, for now of the U s tariffs that want imported steel and aluminum, as well as the retaliatory levies that Canada and Mexico imposed in response. Tropical Storm Rosa is sending rain down on parts of the Southwest today. In fact, there are flood watches and effect for most of Arizona, southeast California, eastern Nevada, and most of Utah and parts of Colorado. According to the numbers, President Trump is nominating white men to the federal courts that are rate not seen in nearly thirty years. Associated Press of Trump's fifty eight nominees are white, eighty one percent of mail. So far, Donald Trump has nominated the highest percentage of white men to the federal courts since Ronald Reagan. It's this trend continues, Trump will be the first Republican since Hubert Herbert Herbert Hoover. Rather to name fewer women and minorities, to the courts than his GOP predecessor. Today's both International Day of Non Violence, but it's also Guardian Angel Day. Don't we all need one? That's right? Coming back with the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Steve Harby Nation, Let's find out if Steve is smarter than his nephew. We'll be back twenty minutes after the hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right. Today in politics, the President was in Tennessee last night. He was campaigning for the Republicans, of course, as a countdown years for the mid term elections. But first, did you guys see or did you hear about CNN's Caitlin Collins. She's a journalist at CNN. She asked the President about Brett Kavanaugh's FBI investigation and the drinking issues during the president's press con friends, he had the press conference on trade, and that's what he wanted to talk about before he got into anything else. So when Caitlin Collins went to ask him a question, he shut her down, all but shut her down. Thank you, Mr President. Now that you've answered several questions on trade, I'd like to turn do you have you excuse me. Do you have a question in trade? Will do one or two more questions? Several questions? Okay, don't do that. That's not somebody before you. Excuse me, don't do that. Do you have a question on trade? You answered several questions. You have a question on trade. My question is on you said the FBI should interview whoever that they believe is appropriate. Does that include Julie sweat Nick, the third accuser? And can you promise to release the full finding? Give me a question pure they finished their report, Mr President, give me a question. Plus. I have two questions about Judge Cavanaught. First, there are now concerns that he may have lied or miscarro. If that fine that he did, do you think that bars him from being your Supreme Court nominee? Well, I've watched I watched him. I was surprised at how vocally was about the fact that he likes beer. He did a couple of more reporters like that as well. Well, you know, I wanted to ask him about For him, that wasn't mean no, for him, that was light because he mean he could have went hart, he could have been yah. Yeah, that's his polite version. Don't do please, don't don't it? Okay that that's not right? Don't do you have a question on trade? That for him? Is it mean? You gotta give her credit because her ask what's really? You know, she's so used to this. She went, yeah, okay, great, now I got two for you. Do you have anything for you know, already talked about trading. Let's get back to Kevin. And then it just broke it. Yeah. A couple of more people tried to get in there tooth Steed and asked him about that, but because he shut them down to what it was when she stood up to the bullying, and then he just dealt with it because he doesn't do well with direct confrontation, and so this woman just kept being about her business and finally he just said, well, you know, I was really I mean like he wasn't even mad no more. Okay, you win me, which means that we need to get out and vote. Okay, that's basically the message here. I hope you're registered and I hope you vote. No, really, folks, if this doesn't get you to the polls, I just don't. I don't get it. You don't you don't care anymore? All right? Coming up next at thirty four after the hour, Kanye stopped by tim Z again live yesterday. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Well, Kanye was at it again. He stopped by TMZ Live yesterday. First thing his album drops. Uh, the data has been pushed back. It was supposed to drop this path Saturday, but he said he wasn't finished with it. That's what he told Harvey Levin. So it's going to drop on Black Friday of this year. That would be the day after Thanksgiving, November twenty three. Okay, so mark that date on your calendar. He wants to travel to Africa, he says, to finish the album. It's going to be uh called Bandy Yandi. He wants, you know, like the sounds of Africa, the earth. He wants all the Africans and stuff. He just wants, you know. But when you got to go way to Africa to get that. Kanye is a visionary. Yeah, he did want to clear this up, you know, because he got a lot of heat, a lot of criticism, a lot of hate. He said he used the wrong word when he said he wanted to abolish the Thirteenth Amendment. The Thirteenth Amendment, of course abolished slavery. Uh. Kanye added that there's a better way to change our constitution and he should have used the word amend instead of abolished. Take a listen. Abolished was the wrong language. I misspoke by saying abolished. Amend is the right language and was awesome. I don't say dope because it's uh, there's power and words so lovely. What's beautiful about our constitution as we can't amend it? Right? So in eighteen sixty five, the Thirteenth Amendments stated that no man is destined to slavery or involuntary servitude unless convicted of a crime. This translates to in order to make a freedman a slave, all you have to do is convict them of a crime. He got a little deep. He was talking about prisons being the new slavery and you know, I mean he talked about a lot of stuff. Okay, now that's the true state. Yeah, he talked they found a way to control large numbers of poor people. But they've been doing this with so many ways, and it starts with economics and zoning. They can control you if they deny you opportunity, cause you to have to become in the government a system system welfare, things like that governmental system unemployment. Once they can control that amount of money, that amount of money controls where you can live. Once they can control where you can live, they can then position everybody in that zone to become so destitute and desperate that these are high crime areas. Now, high crime areas produces criminals, criminals produces inmates, inmates produces income. So now a lot of these prisons are doing work in farming, motor vehicles, furniture, bakeries, and they have found a way to get slavery paying a guy he exact thing you just said. He said that. He said, I didn't hear that, But he is correct in saying that. You know, but he is. But but my argument with Kanye is what he's saying is absolutely right, But that is not what Trump preaches. And when you support Trump, you support the opposite of what you believe. And that's what That's what Harvey. That was Harvey Levin's argument as well. That was Harvey Levin's argument as well. And here's the deal. When when you were telling me that Kanye says that he's not gonna get bullied out of wearing the hat make America great again? Here is American okay, but see make America great again for black people? When was America greata see? So when when you say make it great again, show me in pass where it was better? I just wanted, dog. I promise you, I promise you. It's not there. I was born in nineteen fifty seven. I have seen colors only restrooms and colors only water fountain. I've seen it. I've seen no in words aloud. I've seen it's posted in public places. So when you say you're gonna where I had to say, make America great again? Where was America great for black folks? I bet hed bet if you talked to me to take the day, I ain't calling. No damn, run that prank back. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, coming out at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject. I love him, but I can do bad by myself. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What's you got nov Your wife is in the limo doing way Hello. I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to read Rob Robert Robert? What's up? Boss? Hey? Hey, how you doing? Hey? Hey listen, man, my name is Fiel Dog. I know you threw some other people your brother, right, yeah, that's my brother. Yeah, what's happening? Listen, man, I'm calling you cause little something going. First of all, everything all right, my brother? Right? You mean this ain't no he ain't no trouble is it? No? No, no, no, no no no straight man, just a no. You're married to right? Yes, that's my wife's boss. Okay, we'll see. Man. What I'm trying little man? Um? I mean, what's happening about? Listen what I'm trying to explain to you? Once? Getting my name for you because for a time I drive Limo and uh I'm actually driving right now? Okay, that was up. Well, I had seen your wife, you know, I knew you were a little brother. You know. I was like, okay, this this right here ain't cool. Hold on, what do you see my wife? What do you mean my wife? How do you know? What are you talking about? Okay, we'll live. Okay, okay, Rob, let me ask you is your wife there? Right now? Was my wife been gone? Man? She was out with us something her home. Girls. Man, they've been gone. What are you trying to get at? Man? Okay, I got he Hey, I understand. Just listen to me. Man, listen, hey, man, I'd have been dog got a minute times about some ladies. You know what I'm saying. I just hate to see brothers get done wrong. I don't like where are you coming from? Dog? Listen? Dog stood out with all this reminues, Okay, I needed to get the drive. Drive, I drive limousine. And what I'm trying to say to you is what you're trying to say. Man, spit it all. Your wife is in the back of the limousine and I'm driving right now. She in the bank though, what what the goose out? And and like that was no Man, If it was a bunch of girls got I wouldn't even be calling you, bro. Your wife is in the fact that it's limousine. Were the man? What the man? What the band? My he y'all? Step about hey, y'all stop about the room from me. Man, step by the room for a minute. Step about the room, just hold on, hold on, step by the room for me to man. Step by the room. Hello, uh yeah, hey, hey, look man, you need to come correct, man, because this ain't gonna matter right here. Dog, you're saying that my wife you you got my my wife in the back of the limousin you're driving. Man, she got on the dog? What she got on? What kind of is that? She got on a black trans with white lines? And what you know? When I'm trying, I'm trying, hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm trying to make sure I got the right person. What she had on? You know, my brother, you ain't got that accomplished. And you said that you got my wife? What ship house? Were talking about? This? This look cute? Lest I wasn't starting this look cute and just hear it back for your car when you're driving that dog? When are you driving that? Man? That's all I need to know about you? You have that little who the dog? Who do you? Okay? Dogs? Listen, man, Well I'm trying to say this to you. See, so I've been around. I'm being on this road here myself. Man, you know what I'm I just tell me this man, it's it's the brong thattitting in the back. She got the curls coming down on the side. That's all I need to know. Do she got the curls just dangling on the side. You know, I adn't hear you, Boss, I hear you speak up, man, I said, yeah, Man, I can't talk. Man, they are you in the bag? I can look. Man. You're calling me though, and this some serious. You won't call it you You're trying to make it straight right, so you bring it only with the where I'm at, boss, Dog, I can't do that, man, I can't bring do that's gonna crazy. Do you gonna see I'm selling you up? See what you may me a little? You call on me? Put it on the phone. Put it on the phone. I can't put get a phone to a dog. Get a phone a bad You need to drive where I'm at, boss, find that where I'm at about because then you're gonna be hand right now. Just got to look you up, I said, I want you to go back to my whole Hold on, hold on the man. I can't hear you. Dog, you you listen, listen all this whisping is. You need to need to stop this car and say you need to you know some staying outside the car and tell me where the others I can come meet you. Whether the hell you do you need to do that around to tell huh this you gotta take a detour some dog because you go. Okay, you gotta calm calm man. You don't even know me. Man, you widn't mess with the room dog, So listen about. Here's the thing about. Look, I mean us to gonna find out what's little thas over the rother You drive and I'm gonna find y'all, or you're gonna have to come and find me. Dog. You mess with the roller. Put on the phone, ball, put on the phone, and they don't they put the phone. Man, they ain't got looking up and you appreciate the call man that the phone. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait rob rob what man? Okay, listen man, you say this is a game. Man, I'm gonna come first. Do you want to go? We don't let them know. Hey, all I know is they're gonna stop at the hotel for a minute. Man, it's chains clack heel what no, no, just playing. Hey, look you have rolled me out. I'm on my lay, I'm on wait tail, don't come on. Man, don't don't act like what do you dot all? Don't act like that? Man, Hey, look you got one more time to be trying to tell me how to act creat Okay, I'm gonna tell you man, to listen to me. I want to tell you one more things, man, what ain't got time for? No more? One more things? The one more thing you need to be telling me when you hit dog? What do you mane? This is Nephew Tomming from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prank for your wife? No man, dog? Um man? Am I a man? Dog? My bad man? You got my man? You got my man? God man? Before we go, Rob, what is man the baddest radio show man the stive in morning show with Nephew time is crazy. We ll tell you a facing each other that's like flying on somewhere. They don't have those kind of seats anymore. But he ain't been on man, so you don't know. You don't know. They don't have one time and face. The family talked to him the whole damn way I was. I was helping the lady raise her kids. Boy, get out off your mama like that. It was a Latino one with the two kids. She was struggling with that little fat a boy. Boy, get out off your mama like that. Thank you, No problem there. I'm a little chubby as one more time, step on my damn shoe. I know that, though. How stuff your little chubby ass in this window? How was Nashville? Nephew was good? Outstanding? Nine shows the Nephew Baby, Thank you Nashville for coming to see the Nephew sold out nine of them. Still my boy still in there be but I'm good. Thank you. Strawberry letter coming up next. Subject to all right, Strawberry letter coming up next. Subject I love him, but I can do bad by myself. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click on submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve, yeah you just did. But okay, but they like it when you say it too. Buggle up, held on tight. Here it is Strawberry letter. What a voice? Alright, Thank you Nephew. Subject I love him, but I can do bad by myself. Dear Stephen Shirley, my fiance and I have been together for fifteen years, and we've been engaged for the last five years. He's thirty one and I'm twenty nine, and we have four kids. I just finished nursing school and I will start a great new job next month. My fiance has been working at the same company for seven years and he still doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. He's in a job, not a career. He is in business school right now, and when I talked to him about his plans and career goals, he has none. This is driving me crazy. He is everything I want in a man. His only flaw is that he is not a good provider. His monthly wages don't even cover our rent each month, so I have to ask my dad for money to cover our bills. We both hate this, but that's just how it is right now. We overcame so many challenges in our relationship, but we just cannot seem to get on the same level financially. Uh. He has been up for promotion several times at his job and he always gets overlooked. I always encourage him to look for a better job, and I have found him in a few good I have found him a few good job leads, but he won't follow up on them. He's complacent, and this is the main reason that we have been engaged for so long. I refuse to set a wedding date because I'm terrified to marry someone who can't provide for our families. I have no choice but to continue, but to continue to work hard to make ends meet. I love this man, and I honestly don't know how to motivate him to get it together. Please help. I don't think that's your job to motivate him. Um, you know, it's his job to be motivated and to have some sort of a plan and to want to take care of his children. I mean, you guys are young and everything, and you know he may not have it all figured out yet because he is young, but with four kids already, just at thirty one years old, he's got to start figuring out something. I mean really, uh yeah, this is a flaw in his relationship that he's not a good provider, is not trying to be a good provider. Doesn't him like it's top on his list or anything. You give him leads and stuff like that, but he won't follow up on anything. What is he doing? What? What is he doing. You say, he's complacent and this is the main reason that you guys have been engaged for so long. Maybe he's not the man for you. I mean, I know he's the father of your four children, but if you want someone who's a go getter, who's you know, ambitious and things like that, this is not that guy. You guys are struggling to make ends meet. Now when you get married, it's going to be even worse. Uh. He doesn't feel some kind of way about your dad helping you guys to make ends meet every month to pay the rent. Uh. Yeah, this guy isn't motivated, and uh, you don't know how to motivate him or how to get it together. That's on him. He needs to be the one. Uh since he's a man and everything to to to figure it out, how to provide for his family and all of that. Uh. This is crazy. I mean really, I don't know how your your marriage is going to survive. Um. You know, there are a lot of times when women make more than men and all of that, but they have a plan. They have some sort of you know, survival plan and things like that. You guys need to sit down and get a plan together. If he's interested in it doesn't sound like he is, Steve, I know exactly what's wrong, and surely you hit it on the head in several points. First of all, I'm not gonna do a comedic angle on this because I'm I'm I'm gonna really just try to help a lot of people here. So here we go. I could do some comedy here, but let's let me just tell you what. Let me just start by saying this, this might be a little comedic. My fiance saying I have been together fifteen years and we've been engaged for the last five years. That this letter is wrong right at the beginning, right, Who is with somebody fifteen years but been engaged for five this letter start just like it ends. That is nothing to this letter at all. Then you're going to say, he's thirty one nine, we got four kids. I'm gonna get back to that, the four kids. I just finished nursing school. Great new job. My fiance has been working the same company seven years. He still don't know what he wants to do with his life. He's in a job, not a career. The Bible says, m a man without a dream or vision show perish and he's sitting there dying. He's sitting there dying like a grape on the vine. He's turning into a raisin. And if he don't get some dreams and visions, this grape of a man that you think is your everything, who he's really not, is going to slowly wither and turn into raising and he ain't gonna be a sweet one on top of that. See, he don't know what he gonna do, but guess what. It then carried over into y'all's relationship. He don't even know what y'all gonna do because y'all been together fifteen years and been engaged for five. It's a pattern. It's a pattern. He hasn't completed anything. He's in business school right now. When I talked to him about his plans and goals, he has none. I just told you, man without a dream of vision show Parish, this is driving me crazy. He's everything I wanted a man. Okay, now you need to rethink that statement. How is he everything you want in a man? And everything you've mentioned is wrong? So you just want a man with a lot of stuff that's wrong with him. That's what you have. That's where a lot of people do. He's every cause you a in love with him. You know, I don't know if y'all notice or not, but you can actually be in love with the wrong person. What new slash real good money. He's everything I won't. And his only flaw is that he's not a good provider. No, no, that's not his only flaw. He has several flaws. He's not a good provider because he don't have no plan, He don't have no dreams, he don't have no vision. He doesn't take care of his kids. He don't take care of you. You're going to Daddy for your money. It goes way past the provision part of it. I got more when we come back. All right, you have Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. I love him, but I can do bad by myself doing bad? Now you're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's strawberry letter. I love him, but I can do bad by myself. Then would just do fifteen years? Engaged for five years? He thirty nine, they got four kids. He ain't got no plans, no dreams, no visions. She says, he's everything I won't in a man, but everything you've said about him is wrong. You haven't listed one good quality that this man has. His only flaw is that he's not a good provider. No, it's a lot more wrong with him. You just won't look at it. His monthly wages don't even cover our reny moth. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait? Where do you work? Where you go to work all month? And if you get all damn checks, it don't cover rent? Why y'all stay damn Now? I can see I can understand if you because I've been in this situation. I can understand if you pay your rent, you have very little left. I've been there, but you don't make enough to cover the rent. I got news for you. I've been there too, and guess what became homeless? And if it wasn't for your daddy, that's where y'all would be. So I asked my dad for money to cover our bills. We both hate this. He don't hate it that much because he keeps going back over there. And you know why he hated because the where your daddy be looking upside his head. But that's just how it is. Right now. We overcame so many challenges in our relationship you have it, ma'am, but we just cannot seem to get on the same level financially. He has been up for promotion several times at his job, but he always get over a little because he got no dreams of vision. People at the job know that can't put him in charge. Man, Hey, hey, hey, hey, y'all don't feel like knowing where we're going. Y'all don't feel like no direction? Rik Bryan Earnest in here, Ernest Earnest. Now here's here's the problem. Let's let's go back to the kids. Listen, ma'am, y'all didn't plan. This is how it is when you don't plan. Y'all didn't plan to have folk kids. It just happened. Now, God blessed the kids, because God brings everybody into the world. He doesn't he won't. But y'all, y'all didn't plan on heap knees folk kids. So since you didn't plan on the folk kids, guess what. He don't have a plan to take care. I've always encouraged him to look for a better job, and I found him a few good job lease, but he won't follow up on them. What is it about this man that makes him the best man for you. I'm listening to your letter, sister, and I'm trying to find out what is it about this guy that's so special. He's everything you wanted a man. He's nothing nobody else wants. Sheriley, don't want it, call it don't wanted, Monica wanted. I ain't nobody sign enough for this dude. Butch you your daddy tired of his ass? Uh? Then then you say he's complacent and this is the reason that we've been engaged for so long. No, no, no, I hear you saying that's the reason y'all have been engaged for so long. He's not planning on marrying. He doesn't plan on taking care of the kids. He has no plan for coming up with the rent every month. He doesn't have a plan on how to get a promotion. He doesn't have a plan for looking for another job. He doesn't have a plan to stop going to ask your daddy for money. Do you understand I refused to set it. I refused to set a wedding day because I'm terrified to marry someone you can't provide our family. It's way more than that. Why would you want to marry a man without a plan, a dream or vision, no hopes for tomorrow, no get up and go, no gumption, no desire, no drill. I have no choice but to continue to work hard and makes meet. I love this man, and I honestly don't know how to motivate him to get it together. You can't make nobody won't nothing. Huh. You can't make nobody be something. You can want them to be all you want, and to they decide they're gonna be something. You're wasting your time. You're wasting your time now. He might be a fun daddy for the kids, but you're buying all the stuff because he don't even have money to to pay for rent. So if you don't have the money for rent, he ain't got no money for school supplies. He ain't got no money for school close. He ain't got no money for field trips. He ain't got no money for iPhones. I pass all this stuff. Kids we needn't sneakers, kids being kids, expensive man chase us kids custom moey. And what happens is normally when people have kids, it causes them to raise their game. You start really bearing down. You know. A many times I've heard people say man, I got these kids. I gotta get busy. He ain't said that. All of us on this show to have children. We hustle harder because of the kids, all of us. And guess what. All of our kids have needed stuff from us, and guess what they came to us and guess who had it? He'll come us still coming, dog. It is crazy. It is crazy, man. So lady, I don't know what it is you're hanging on too. You're trying to mote to vase a person who don't want nothing. He doesn't want anything. You can't motivate the person that's not looking to be motivated. He good, He right where he want to be, and he don't even like it. So let me just get to this and this. I'm closed with this. This is what Marjorie's mother tells her all the time, and told her, and she said it to me a hundred times. And man, I've heard my mama saying, Shirley, you probably heard Jorge. I know tim of you to heard George, I know calling you to heard George kill you to hendridan until you get sick and tired or being sick and tired. She go ahead and finish. Yes, until you get sick and tired or being sick and tired, nothing is going to happen. Alright, Steve, I think we'll leave it on that note. Listen, email us, Instagram US your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM. Coming up in about ten minutes. Kanye goes to t m Z Live one more time. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. Alright, guys, So yesterday Kanye stopped by t m Z again. He has some splaining to do. Yeah. First of all, he talked about his album this year already, right video out there too, Keep driving. Alright, listen what he had to say about his his album released, because it was supposed to be really Saturday, but he pushed it back. Here's why you said the album was coming out on Saturday. It didn't come out. What happened? Um, I didn't finish it a free A person, uh from my management staff, from our management staff had suggested because the album is so good, it's my you know, I've started incorporating like sounds that you've never heard before and pushing in and having like, you know, concepts that people don't you know talk about we have we have concepts talking about you know, body shaming and you know, women being looked down upon for how many people that they slept with and uh, you know it's um, it's just a full Yea album and those five albums that I dropped earlier with like Superhero Rehabilitation. Yeah, he says he wants to draw inspiration steven energy from the earth in Africa and he's going to travel to Africa. Yeah that's good. Yeah, that's good. And he was talking to Harvey Levin from TMZ of course and them, and it's yeah, he changed his name to yeah, okay, I'm not going to do that, and the name of the album is Yon Dye A little I've been calling Puffect I'm set with did he and called him Puffing and he was my favorite. I love Puffy. He cool with it. But look, man, glad he went back to you know, mappy again. Now I stayed down. Yeah, I don't do name changes. But he changed the diddy because that's what bigg he used to call him. Right, Yeah, see, I don't I don't do name changes. Let's let's let's let's go back to Kanye. Okay, So Kanye also said that he used the wrong word steve when he said he wanted to abolish the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery. He got a lot of heat for that, a lot of hate for that. He added that there's a better way to change our constitution and he should have used the word amend to take a listen, abolish was the wrong language. I misspoke by saying abolish. Amend is the right language and was awesome. I don't say dope because it's uh, there's power and words so lovely. What's beautiful about our constitution as we can amend it? Right? So, in eighteen sixty five, the Thirteenth Amendments stated that no man is destined to slavery or involuntary servitude unless convicted of a crime. This translates to in order to make a freedman a slave, all you have to do is convict them of a crime. And who has the most convictions prisons, I mean, who has a higher rated conction is disproportionately dominated by African American men. Here's the problem. The majority of crimes in this country are not committed by African Americans. Man. See and so look, look, I understand where Kanye coming from with the change in the statement from abolished to amend. I can accept that here. I accept that he's, you know what, He's trying to bring some unity. He's trying to say more about love and words and power. I got, I got all of that. The problem with it is you're applying it to a person who don't want to hear it. Our president shows no form of it, and he has opportunities to do it over and over and over again where he could be amending. You know, Nike should be ashamed of themselves for pulling car wait man, hold up dog because Nike put Colin Kaepernick. They should be ashamed. No, no, they shouldn't. That's your constitution, freedom of speech, the right as an American to protest. But because you want to use it as a political thing now you don't want Colin Kabernick to ever raise his head again. Oh did this country not forgive you when you was on that bus with Billy Buddy? That's how you. The president is beyond me. After that, Hey, Steve, not to interrupt, but he did say he was going to take Colin Kaepernick to the White House. He did say that Kanye said that he did say that Colin. Don't want to Colin, listen to me. Don't listen to me, listen to me. Don't care your ass up there with him. He's a good deal now with NIKEE. Don't looking good for you. Don't don't go up there with him. That ain't what you want to do all over. Don't drive Kanye up there if he's listening to me. If anybody can tell you not to, it's me. And I didn't even go to the damn White House. Listen to me. Don't even just on my timeline. The other day, I put a picture up of me and Dr Field. I played golf with my buddy's son to Yeah, I'm going down to comments man, two of my favorite blah blah blah blah blah. Somebody said to hateful Trump supporters, dog dog, don't support Trump. Damn showed on support Trump. If people out there, that's just crazy, man. So do not go to the White House with college. Well, he said Kanye. Kanye said he was gonna take Colin unless you get a pre guarantee. Dog, This ain't gonna work out. That's not gonna work out. How I'm gonna work out for you man not We're easy. You go up there with you can't go up there. Take it from someone who knows. Don't don't want that, don't trying to do none of it. Don't go there, don't go up there trying to do nothing. No, don't go up there with no damn, Jim, I ain't going up that try to help. No damn. All right, listen, we're gonna move from Kanye to comedy roulette. We'll play that when we come back right after this. You're listening to Steve Show. Alright, guys, it is time for a comedy roulette. J take it away. Let me set it up because we get new listeners all the time and they're not familiar with this bit. So the reason I set it up is because new people that come to the show the show, but just it's not something they normally here. So he's high. We set it up and I can't tell him intimes. I heard that. Give us four damn subjects. Put them on a wheel, spun the wheel where it's stop. Will do the damn thing, because we's comedians do it all right. No number one, not only did he not have insurance when he passed away, but number two number two. I don't know what they're doing upstairs, but it sounds like they're number three. Stuff for him. Peg Man says, okay, number four. Oh she works at the strip club, but she just works in the kitchen. Okay, yeah, wing yea, hey, spend it. Let's go, David, I strip. I want what's upstair? Yeah, you guys will be shocked on this one. Uh it stopped at number three, stuffed the npeg Man says, come to Roulette stuff for hnpec Man said, you asked it because she already told me no one time. Yeah, yeah, stuff parents sold my uncles all eaves in his laugh. Babe, baby, when you want me turn your greens on? Man said Debra say, I'm in husband training right now. That's really what I'm going. It's just hub. I've got two more weeks of this user. I'm not whipped. I'm not whipped. And my wife told me to tell you all that. I'll tell you. I'll tell you what a hand. Peck Man says, right here, what baby? Can I go outside like a kid? No, you can't go with he hear, I got the last words at my house. Okay, I got the last words at my house all right. It just happens to be. I'm sorry, but I got I know what I'm doing. Conde Man says, she don'tly want to wear pants in our house. I got to really what stuff and pac Man said, that's her seat. She don't let nobody to sit in. Don't sit in stuff an pac Man say, hey, hey, take my car. I walk. Charlie had said all of these, he's gonna kill you. I got one. She coming talk about what we sh Listen, listen. I fixed her plate because that's how she liked. I fix all the plates around. When Deborah Deborah wants something need, I fixed up plate. Don't nobody else do that. I got it to us stuff in him. Peg Man said, y'all let me out at the corner because if the cob pull up to the house, it'll wake huge pans say, put your funk down. We can't eat before her. We can't eat. I visited. I can't eat for huck my wife, mama is my best friend. Say that that's funny. They listen. I know we're in the middle of the game and everything, but y'all run me home because I got to dry her off. When you get you know, talking about the sexicond. Come, hey man, hey man, could y'all laugh a little lower because real lite laugh and she don't like really you laugh, keep it just I mean, you can laugh or just take it down just like we can't do we can't, but you can't laugh loud some a him pig man sake, babe. So you just want me just sit in the car. I can't go inside. I just gotta sit out here, all right. I'll be right here. I'm holding her purse because you don't like the hold. That is the ultimate, right, come on, Steve closing out stuff and man, he said I got two over yeah, yes, oh she gonna get you. I'm not a kid. That's a grand thank I thank my wife. Seeing somebody and don't say nothing right backy The Ignorant Show right after this. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Serena Williams, you guys here about this went topless over the weekend. Yeah, she did it for Breast cancer Awareness month. Rina Williams, Yes, yes, yes, yes, um. She shared a revealing video on Instagram and when she sings the Divine Olds, I touched myself to urge women to check themselves for lumps. Okay, I didn't know that was that's a breast cancer song. Well, no, it's not for that. To make a point, she used way somewhere else. Yeah, she wrote, Yes, this put me out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to do it because it's an issue that affects all women of color, of of all women of all colors all around the world. Early detection, of course, is the key. It saves so many lives. I just hope this helps to remind women of that. Serena added that her video was part of the I Touched Myself project, which was created in memory of the Divinyl singer Christie Amphlett, who passed away from breast cancer back in two thousand thirteen. And you guys are aware that Carl and I will be in Chicago, Carla on your birthday, October thirteen. That is a Saturday for the two thousand eighteen Cracker barrels Sisters that Breast Cancer Walk, and we want to invite everyone in the Chicago area to come on out and join us. Please. That's great, Chicago girls. Yeah, yeah, justus Oh really, yes, but that's right, Shirley. We'll be at the Salvation Army Croc Center. And that's a twelve fifty West and nineties streets our home station. Yeah in Chicago, V one or three dot com to get the V tails. So we will be there on my birthday. Oct birthday. Look good, girl, you look good? Correct, that's right, Thank you White, treat you right. Not what did I say? I said something wrong? You might have had a saying. He said, it's saying you got one tea? Hey? Can I can? I m you guys were so good in Comedy Roulette last break. I was just wondering if there are anymore. You know, comedy Roulette. We spend the wheel and you know, you guys are comedians. We come up with the subject and then you know, and the and the subject was stuff. A handpeck men says, man, you guys have more? Okay, okay, it's one one? Yeah, may here my whole check. Yeah, I love it. We like that. That was a good one. I just took a couple of dollars for my sins. Yeah, yes, yes, uh n can I can I go pee? I shut up because she said shut up. These are things. A hen pecked man says, Okay, Steve, you have one. Let's close it up here pick dude right here. Okay, I bet my wife can whoop your heir. What you're talking to a dude. I'm not embarrassed about it at all. Up, we gotta get out of here for all you handpact guys. We'll be back right after this with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Cardi b turned herself into New York police on Monday over charges simming from a fight at a strip club. According to CBS News, Cardi faces charges of reckless endangerment assault. She was involved in an altercation at Angels, Gentleman's Club and Queen's Back on August twenty nine, just a few days ago. I'll tell you just hold on. According to TMZ, Cardi will be charged for allegedly ordering an attack on two bartender sisters. Their names are Jade and Batty g Uh. They say Carti had a long standing beef with Jade, especially because Cardie believed that Jade had slept with her husband Offset all right, this is what the stemmed from. Cardi is scheduled to be arraigned in October. On the twenty ninth of October to be exact Yeah, I thought it was a strimp. I thought they were naked. She just has so so she's a bartender girl. The girl, yeah yeah, yeah, she's ader so Cardie jumped on her so allegedly yeah yeah, coca hooka pipes. So okay. It happened to the husband though, because if the girl got the chairs throw it at him, Yeah, oh what did Cardi do to He's got a little fiery temper, you know, man. But you know, I wish I really wish her the best because she's so talented. Man. I don't want this stuff to get in the way of her possibly doing the Super Bowl, which could throw her career into the stratosphere. And you know, man, you do you know what, man, we just have to be mindful because you know, there there is a sickness out there now, you know, uh and and and and I'm being really serious. There's a real sickness out there. There. There's a there's a there's a new evil spirit and it's it's and it's the Internet, man. And they just do everything to people and they will not let it go. There is no mercy on the Internet. I've never seen anything like this. People can't make mistakes because it lives on the internet and ye and there by fighting and then all then the lies. You know what. That's why whence Um Kevin Hart was here last week, Steve, he was talking. We were asking him a lot of questions on and off the air, but off the air he kept saying, I go home, I go home. I go home, I go home. Yeah, he said, you don't go out, Kevin. I'm in my house. I go home. And how many times have you heard me say that? Oh? Yes, we said yes so many times. Because you can't get caught out there, because people are waiting for that moment when you fall. They're waiting for this. Man. I wish I could remember. I wish I could see the slogan that somebody put up. It was so good about your rise, and it's it's just evil out there, man, and the sadness of it is. You know, I really do feel sod Man. I'm gonna make a statement when we come back. I just want to say something. Yeah, and we who know it's out there, we got to start exercising better self control. If we can't, we can't let these people take us there. We just can't, because that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to get you. They are, so either go home or ignore them. Something. You gotta do something, Yeah, you have to. Alright, we'll be back with the last break of the day. Uh. And Steve's closing remarks right after this at forty nine after the hour. You're listening to show. All right, Steve, if you have some closing remarks, you want to take us home with you know what? Um my closing remarks to day? Uh, I mean, you know it. This one hits hits home with me often. But this affects everybody because everybody experiences some form of hate. It is amazing though, because now hate is running rampant at an all time high. I've never seen it this way, and I'm sixty one years old. I've never seen hate at this level before. And one of the main contributors to hate it just happens to be something that was meant to share information at a rapid pace, which was the Internet. It was a way to google and research and find and spread information. And man, it has been so misused and abused. It is now created a time that I've yet seen in my life, and I suffer from it, just like everybody. Else does hate. Man, it's just people and because of the inn in net, because somebody can make a little bit of money offer eyeballs on their site. They don't care what they do to get the eyeballs. They don't care what they do. They don't care who they hurt, they don't care who they bring down. They don't care anything about damage. They don't care anything about that. It's it's such a self selfish thing that people do. But let me say this to you, if I were you, when you uh participate in the art, the skill for art of hating, when you take time to manifest yourself through the act of hatred, when you intentionally do stuff to someone in the form of hate, you have to be careful because here is one guarantee. M it's going to come back to you. You can't. Whatever you put out returns. If you put out prayer, the answer to prayer returns. If you put out love, more people of love you. If you stick out your hand to shake hands, more people will shake hands with you. If you put out hate, I promise you hate is going to come your way. The sad thing about it is people think that because if they hide behind the anonymity of a fake page or a private page that that clears them. Well, it doesn't. The sad thing young people is that when you hate, hate doesn't necessarily come back to you the exact way you put it out. It comes back to you in a negative form. Just because you talked about somebody else, don't mean somebody gonna talk about you. It could be you never hear them talking about you, but they plant something about you that stops you from moving forward. They say something about you that causes you not to get to promotion. They say something about you that causes you to have a breakup. They say something about you that causes your kids to look at you crazy. You can't spend your time hating people and think nothing's going to happen to you. Hate is such a wasted form of information. If you could take the time that it took for you to hate on a person and put it towards the uplift and edification of yourself, you actually could turn yourself into something. You really could. But you're spending so much time in the destruction of others. You think that builds you up. You think that's going to get you somewhere. It doesn't. Man, it's a sad place we're in right now. It's a very sad place. And the reason we have so much hate right now, it's because hatred begets hatred. You got so much of it going around that so much of it got to come around. You got so much of it coming around that so much more of it has to go out back around. It's called calma. It's called do unto others as you would have them do unto you. People think that scripture, You thought that was just on the back of a Sunday school class card. No, sir, read it applies to you as a full fledged adult. Do unto others. See, this is a principle of God. This is where we're really missing it about hate. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So now, if you do unto others inform of hate, that's what you're asking to be done to you. But the incredible thing of it is it comes back to you in some other form. You think, because you've hidden behind a fake page or a fake I G account or a private page, that that clears you. It doesn't clear you. It doesn't. It manifests itself in your life in so many ways. And you're all you can look. All you got to do is look at a person's position, and it oftentimes explains something about them. If you see a personator I always hating, that ain't ever happy. That just sends a signal to me that he spread a bunch of discord in his life. So now he ain't happy or she ain't happy. Young people, you would do yourself a great service if you would get out of the hate business. Because here's the other thing. You can't stop nothing that God has for somebody else. Try as you may, you will fail. Listen to me, hatred is such a useless emotion. Take hate out your life. Stop hating. And when you get hated, on handling, just handling. Stay on the wall. Those are my closing walls. Drop it, drop that. Have a great weekend for all. Steve. Every contest no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show