Steve is LIVE from Mentoring Camp Day 2 - 06.15.17

Published Jun 20, 2017, 6:13 PM

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving them mo like the mozing buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all. Do me true good at Steve ha guy listening to me together for Steve quickly to listen. Moby, why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well Moby ya joining in with me? Have same You gotta use that turn yeah, you go, you run you You got to turn to turn turnby, got to turn out to turn turn on the wanter go. Comey, come on your thack at it? Uh huh, well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey. I got a radio show, yeah, man, real grateful for that. You know, it's funny man. I remember when I um first started out in radio. A lot of my peers laughed at me. It was, you know, some of it was being mean spirited, some of it was just you know, marking me. I'm used to stuff like that. But I had as a special guest on my show, Joel Oldstein on my talk show, and you know something, man, he he said something that was I can't remember the scripture. I don't know exactly how I where. Like we were having a long conversation, but the gist of it was, don't be upset with where you are now, and don't be upset with the small things in your life. Be grateful for the small things and the small position that you have right now, because you don't know where that's going. You don't know what that's gonna be one day. You don't know what that's gonna lead to. And that was very uh warming to hear him say that, But it also reminded me of when I started in radio, how small it was. It reminded me of when I started in stand up making twenty five dollars a show. It reminded me of the cause I used to drive and the cause I didn't have. It reminds me of not having a home at a period in my life and what God has allowed me to live in now. So don't be distraught over your position now, and don't be ungrateful or unappreciative for the things you have now because you don't know what that's gonna grow into. And that's really the gist of what he got that I that I got from what he was saying. I just wanted to share that with you, that where you are now it's so temporary because now, like I've said before, now is a fleeting moment. As soon as you say now, right after you finished saying now, that moment that you claimed as now, that's gone. So the where you are now it's a very fleeting process. Now. You can change where you are now, and you can change how you feel about where you're at now, and you can change about where you're going by simply changing your mind. It is no difference. I'm telling you, folks. The thing that I've learned about successful people is not so much of what they do. It's not what they have, is not how I see them functioning. The biggest thing I've learned about successful people is how they think. That's the thing that's different. It's how they think. And I'm telling you that you can change the way you think on any subject and start becoming successful to awards that starting now, and that you have to understand that. Man, the biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and non successful people is how they think. I was reading what is God said that he was taught all wrong about money. He said that his father was very negative about money. He all throughout his life he heard his father say, you know, people who got money have walked on somebody to get it, or cheated somebody to get it. People who have money, money is the root of all evil. Money is money is this, And people who got money, you know, don't deserve it. They've done something wrong to get it. Y'ad y'all, So, he said, he grew up the whole time thinking that having money was something was wrong with that. He discovered that it wasn't you know. Now, Look, you can choose to be successful in any way you want to. I've chosen several ways to be successful. I want to be a very very successful father auther. I think that's one of the things that's paramount in my life that I really am working hard right now to become a successful father. Not a successful father in terms of money, but a successful father in terms of offering the amount of love and guidance and leadership and the example that my children need to look at. And that's what I'm really really working hard at now. I want to be successful as a father, but also I want to be successful as a husband. You know, I want Marjorie to always know that she can count on me, that to not have to wonder about me a look for me. You know. I want her to feel secure in the fact that I really have gotten it right, that I really am focused on being a good husband to her. Because it means so much to me having gone through everything I've gone through and having God to have at this stage of my life giving me such a wonderful gift. I want to want to show her how much I appreciate it. Uh, you know. So, I'm working hard on a lot of levels. I'm working hard and trying very strong to be a successful motivator of people. I want to be a share of information to people that will uplift others and give others the same things that I've learned through the trials and tribulations of my life. But at the same time, share that information and use the power this microphone to uplift people, you know, not to destroy. My show is not about guess what's going so said? Guess what's so and so did. I don't like mean spirited things about people. You know. I joke with people calling this that's another thing. But I don't like destroying people with the power to microphone. So working very hard on being successful in a lot of areas of my life now. Also, I do care about being financially successful too, because my father the one one of the gifts he gave me was very simple gift. He told me a long time ago. He said, son, the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them. And that stuck with me. And this was a hard working man who was a coal miner, who worked construction his entire life. My father didn't have an easy life man. My father didn't sit behind the microphone. My father didn't come to work and people cheered for him. My father wasn't famous. My father was just a go get it dude. That he instilled that in me. And I've taken that and applied it to my craft and I thank God for him for that. But I do try to be financially successful so that I can do some things with it to help some other people. Now, am I opposed to having nice things? No? Do I apologize for having nice things? No? And why should I I work? I work? You know, I'm done. I'm not and I'm not on the radio asking to give me money, you know, so I can go buy a car. I'm working, so I don't feel how you want to feel, and other people do feel that way about it. But if success in terms of finance it's what you're lacking, you can go about the business of doing that. I'm writing a book, and that whole book is about teaching people how to become successful. And man, I'm breaking it down in a way where everybody can get it, man, because I want the college student to get it, you know, I want I want the working mom to get it, the single mom to get it, the the the hard working father that has been trying to hold his family together can get it. The father that ain't ever got it together and feel that because of that reason, he can't be the father he needs to be. I'm writing something, man, to put it into words, to let you know that God is a forgiving God, and that God is a merciful God, and that God can get you out of any situation you find yourself in. You just can't beat yourself up every time you make a mistake. I make mistakes all the time, man, I just got to remind myself to get up. I ask God for forgiveness. I call on his mercy and his grace and I get up and I go again. But it's coming, man. And if finance success is what you want, you got to change your mind. You got to start thinking about how to produce it. You got what you gotta just this is not what you do first. The first thing you do is you gotta ask. You gotta ask ask to have a life and have a life more abundantly. That's a scripture that he comes to you to give you life and to give you life more abundantly. That's a scripture. That ain't a joke, that ain't a theory. That's a fact, and the fact that if you don't have a life of abundance, you can get that by asking. Now follow the rest of it, But it starts by asking. Then it starts by believing, and how to don't even worry about that. He takes care of that himself. He'll send the stuff your way. But you gotta be willing to put some effort in this thing now, and you can do it. Okay. I know I was a little around the place today, but that's what it was. So you know, let's go get it all right you Harvey Morning Show. Twenty one minutes after that, I Welcome to the ride, y'all. Steve the Morning Show on this beautiful, beautiful joult Your morning down here live from the mentoring camp. Yesterday was just like I thought it was gonna be, Just like it is every year after that beautiful bunch of young men trying to learn the principles of manhood, and uh, they just six of them get off the bus thinking they Johnny bad. Uh huh, you know we're dealing with it. Great of my favorite time. Your good morning, Shirley, Hey, good morning, Steve, Indiana Jones, Harvey, Yeah, call it, hey, Steve. What's going on? Hey, Shirley Crewe? What's up everybody? So Junior morning up there? But so fol what up? Man? How you doing? What's happened to miss the Harvey? Yeah, I'm down here, just mentoring camp man, changing lives, helping these boys. Man, it's really good. That is good stuff. And he's so passionate about it. I mean every year he gets hyped about it, he does. I'm gonna come down then when you didn't talk to the boys down there for the boys? Are you going down there for the the moms are there too? Right? Yeah? I just want to see, you know, modes over it to the mom's. Talk to the mom, moms, breakout groups, mom, mom, nice greeting. Hey, how you doing. It's about the sons, deeds. Got that. I don't want to crowd him. I'm gonna be in his way. Huh. I talked to the moms. So I have a session with the mom's. Three sessions with your boys, and then the boys are his sessions. A great part of today. We give him some free time in the middle of the day because they morning starts early. Oh lord Jesus, it's a shock. Oh you know it's no light it's now. Yeah, no, no, it's Oh they've been up now, Oh, no, partner, it's six twenties something, they've been up. Wow. Kids don't like And then what my program could play off of his program? Because I'll be leaving about that. I cannot many. Let me tell you something. They do not like getting up early in the morning. They don't They don't know the boys that first morning, man, this morning, man, they was tripping the gym soldiers, the military boys about that dog. They don't care nothing about that. You complained. You know me ain't know to be a jet. Well, you're standing outside with your drawls because you didn't want to get out of bed. Yeah, you might not want to, but you're coming outside. And if you don't come out of side, then the whole, your team, your ten member team, they have to pay for it. While you standing there and watch now, when we send y'all to get something neat, they're gonna talk to you because the nine boys that had to go through the drills and the discipline, because you gonna act the butthole. We teach accountability, that you are your brothers, keeping that he's not just somebody over there that you can shoot. He is your brother. You're responsible. When we come back, we're gonna do Man in the Street with Jay Will Huh. You're listening to Save Harvey Morning Show. All right, I don't know anything. I'm just pumped up, you know the boys. I'm just poked up. Yeah, alright, it's time for Jay's uh Man on the street. What do you have for Man in the street. We did this at the Apollo when Steve was up there taping talking to the people in the line, and the question was very super questions. We can talk about this later. Maybe what was the greatest concert, the greatest live concert you ever saw in your life. Check it out. J Anthony Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What's the best live concert you ever seen in your life? Temptation? You know what year and where something? One of the Kiss Kiss, that's a good one. I'm Chris Brown. That went to my Room five concert. Genuine. That's the one. Bad Boy Family Reunion. Lauren Jenny Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The question is, what is the best live concert you ever seen in your life? You don't, yes, I knew, Yes I do. First one I ever saw Harry Chapin Harry Japan alright, Oh the Lemon Blue, Oh my god, he went for the back then you he went blue Magic. Best live concert you ever seen? Bad don't even know who Bad Boys is? Name one bad Boy song? That's love Beyonce's all right, best live concert none nada, y'all went to the same concert. But you know who has the best live concert story? So, of course, yeah, Steve, Yeah, yeah one. Please l t D think that that Black album covered with one of the weak I wore. I dressed with the theme of the group. I had on my platforms, my bail bottoms, and I wore a cape a purple cape with an afro. I walked to the ear winning five concert. I wore some They wasn't real suede. There was like ultra suede pan. But I had bought some matching ultra suede fabric and cut a strip and cut them a little like shingles in it on the vest for the vest friends. I put him down the side of his leg and a pan super glue and staple got him on. Now had a Buckskin vests, no shirt. I had no shirt. I had six packs me. I had a six pack. I had no skin. I ain't no fat on me, man, I got no shirt on. It wasn't muscular though. Buckskin vessel on with my chain was all teeth, you know, like you know, like hogs teeth, big with a strange tide in the middle of the afro with one feather hanging down. I got to have that. Father and boy was late, and but I had platforms on with it right across the street. That's me running across the street because my car cut off across the street before I could get into parking lot, so I just parked it in the field and now I'm coming across the street. But I'm about to be late. I can't miss this open it. I'm rolling in the platform. I got my ticket. I ain't got no date because I didn't have money for dates back then. I got no date. I'm to concert by myself. Way of hail. The tps come down out to seal it and they're winning five steps out to tps. Do everybody Holland I'm watching real close downstairs. Shoulders started who down front ain't Then they see I spot for empty chairs, row fo. Yeah. I go downstairs and I'm coming up this out doing the earth winning five steps. I think you're part of this out like he's already got that. He's already. So when I get to row foe was too older dudes. That was with too older chicks. But they was clean though. They said, oh my man, you hit it. Come on in poker hunter, so they let me buy. I'm next to them with the foe empty seats, got my ticket in my hand, but my ticket say way out. I'm onna Rowfo. I'm jamming. I know all their winning fire songs. I'm singing with morae ye all of it. The four people never came. I sat there. Man, the dude was nice to me man a little man, little man, you want some popcorn? Yeah, I was popcorn. Everything brought me a drink. I didn't have no money. I had no money for that's when jack down dog. I wanted to see the commodores. Man. I had the same thing on the de base. I had the same thing on the the base. Player had around white sequestion pains that from no man, my sister made them from me. I have white sequence paints, had a red jacket and the white sequence player. But all I had with black shoes. I didn't really like black with the white sequens pain. So I put vastly on top of the shoes and I sprinkle silver and red glitter on the baby boy, let me tell you something, the commitment, because I know when the club it's gonna look cool. I have far for shoe for they ever coming out. Yeah, and I didn't put it all over. I just lightly like like dusted an't just a flicker and nine. Then you didn't know they wouldn't look cheat strategy. Yeah. The problem though if you rained outside when the concert was over. Raining some of the great concert moments. To Steve Harker, yeah, I love it because you dressed dress you went all the way in. Yeah, yeah, alright, coming up to nephew, you'll start hairing concert I had on the dar Chi and when you run that brankback, he's coming up from the nephew. It's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Hark Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, miss, and we'll be here with today's national news and the latest overnight developments from the White House. Okay, plus right now, Tommy's run that prank back. This one's called here we Go. It's a good one. Hooking up at the daycare. That's what you're gonna do, the hook up. Get me come on Hello, Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to reach free to this is free and you don't know me. My name is Lani Lanni. I know I wanted to call you. I've been looking for trying to get your phone number actually for like about the last about two weeks. Now, what do you need my number? Four? Baby? Can you get on weed because I'm on lunch, but I'm trying to here meet my lunch and I need you to come on with Okay, now is your um your husband is uh? What is your name again, my name is Lani. Okay, and you're asking about my husband, now what about Yes, that's my husband. See. The problem I'm having, MS Freedom is that I looked through my wife cell phone about two three weeks ago, and I have found out that this actual phone number below to your husband named and he'd been text messaging her. Stop stop stop stop wait because but see let me finish though he's been text messaging her different uh text message and stuff, but he want to meet up with her, and and how she looked the other day and stuff like this here but then but then even worse than this here is he you know done send some some some pictures of himself some some nicked pictures on the on the on the cell phone. No, sir, not, I know not because if anything, if he's texting anybody needs to be an employer about a y'all. I know that you're not saying me who who is your wife? What's your name again? What's your name? My name is Linny and my my my wife name is My wife name is Denise, Denise, Denise. M that ain't read them with me? I don't. We pretty much have an offer relationship where we kind of communicate and I don't. I don't know about Denise. Okay, do do do your husband's last fold digits on his phone in sixty two? Yeah? That would be okay. See that what I'm saying, man, I'm not trying to call you, you know, I mean, I'm I'm disappointed in my wife because of these text muses and in these pictures and stuff. You know, I'm I'm the one. That's why I said, Okay, I need to call this man wife right here and see what you know? Do she even know it? I need you to body the minute back up and required for me to look here. Okay, de Nie, it's your liney, Okay, well, ain't supposed to have man? That what you know? Because we used to go everybody again when we go to first of all, the don't work. Let's let's go there. He does not work. I don't know where it is when he got when he generally when he leaves the house, we're together. Where did they meet with? How did how did they meet two weeks ago? You say, because oh I'm listening to you now, you got I don't. I don't know if they meant two weeks ago. I'm just I just found him in the cell phone two weeks ago. That's what I'm saying. Now. You say, if you're saying he don't work, then evidently it must be doing the day while you go or something I don't do. I mean you, you say you on your lunch break right now? Yeah? Huh? And where is your wife right now? Wait a minute? When do you know where your wife is right now? Uh? Well, she's bother to be at work right now. And you know what I just kind. He told me he was gonna get in the tube and when I called back, he used it. Okay, yeah, okay, if I ain't have to go back in his housepital baby, baby, baby, Yeah, where's your wife? I need you to get We need to your wife. We'll see my wife works at a uh at, Wait a minute. Do y'all have Do y'all have kids? Hell? Yeah, we got kids. And that's my problem. That's why I'm so upset. I'm working all day. I get up at fow in the morning to make sure I got everything prepared for the whole day. You got to get the kids. And we have three kids, one, two, and three. Yeah, okay, okay, is he the one because he is do he because my wife works at a at a daycare? Do he drop him off at a daycare? Don't start you. Your baby is getting deeper if I get to this what daycare does your wife working? Baby? Because I see, don't start me. Yeah he dropping them off? Okay, uh huh. If you tell me the baby, just tell me. If I plump, I swear Linnie. Now she's been at this place called children's academy. You lie, you bet not tell me this non working. It's they're supposed to be watching our kids. See you see I'm already and see but see I'm already upset and been upset about this year is for the last I've been holding it for the lands two weeks. I've been holding it. Ain't said nothing tilting. Why are you holding it? Yea to the bag cow me, I'll just when he get Let me tell you something. I get up at Foe every morning and I go, I have to be the work for six thirty every morning. I get to that damn hospital. Our slave. They did come on his slave for him. Try to make sure he feels good as a man although he's not working. You know, it wasn't his body. Y'all laid off but hey, I want him to feel good although he's not work, because you know y'all don't feel too good when you're not work. So I wanted him to feel good. I tell the kids, you know it's gonna be okay. But I bet you this got that is my wife. Don't be you know she's my wife. Not wait a minute, not for waite a minute. See, I told you it was ignoricancy. You should have been called me long with goo. Let me tell you how you eat too. See she's a first of all, because she said she too, she said he raised that. I see, I'm not a player game and with my heart and he's spending our neked pittel. He ain't got to be sawing, No, trust me, it ain't worse on. I was just with him because he was a good man. I guess Mike just dumb to. I was gonna ask shoot here because he don't add what do you want to add? What can you ask me? You're just thought me this here, it's with your wife. Some name Denise. Yes, that's what I said. And this is the that's Watson, the twins that we have twins? Do you hear me? Can I say something else to you. I don't need you to say say one o thing. What do you need to say? This is nephew Tim and from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your husband Gerald. Let me tell you something got to there to be franking me. He needs to be talking about it. So I'm going ahead to Shi when I get kiss non working, cooking the dice, let me see it all the saying this save the situation, because first of all, I'm a woman, so I won't want information. But the special thing is we need the job, don't work. I couldn't leave work. I gotta answer something. Baby. What's badest radio show in the land? Definitely does Steve Harvey Morning, So that you're I'm gonna get right here one of these days. And I had to keep saying that they will come get him from here too, right here in the studio, and then we can help him in you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All hopes of there ever being a president or mayor or even councilwoman Winfree. Okay, so no councilwoman with Winfree, no mayor Oprah Winfrey or even president Winfrey. She insists that she will never run for public office, despite rumors that she's been considered doing so, that she's considering it herself, Oprah tells the Hollywood Reporter, I will never run for public office. That's a pretty definitive thing. Uh. There had been calls for Oprah to consider running for president, possibly against Donald Trump. Now we love our Oprah, but she says it is not going to happen. When I asked if she thinks she could beat Donald Trump, she answered, I don't know. I don't know the answer to that, but I will never have to know the answer to that because I will never run for a public office. I'm not running for never. Okay, Okay, yeah, if I ran and I beat him, yeah you would. I just say thank you all for voting. But I can't accept what why you don't think that after they voted for you and you want will help you. You don't think you could be president? You can't be president. You can't well be president. You can do yeah, let's see. Yeah, you have in your cabinets. No, no skeletons in my closet cost us the presidency. I don't want to bring him down. That's really quick. When you could be attorney general. No, I gave mean nothing, but on the radio that nephew Tommy Seed the last person give me the press secretary Sean spicy job. I won't. Yeah, I want to go out there. Read exactly what Uncle Steve see. That's what I want to go out there. You can have it. I'm not going to know what it's like a hype man. No, we can talk on the phone. I say how you doing and let him know that I support him and everything. You know, they started looking at my past. It's gonna get up. Some things have been done. A lot of things have been done. It would bring him out of the white pot. Know that he would get impeached. Pad and Apple and everything apples, get hold of some of the Wow. I can't, I can't. I'm disappointed. Talk about a checkered pass. I definitely have a checker of a chess pass passive. Yeah, it's like that. No, so I understand open. No, I don't want no pots of it. I'm good, I'm good what I'm doing right now. I don't want to wish for too much. You know what I'm saying. You're listening to show. Sorry twenty somethings. But a new survey shows that women thirties six and older have the best and most frequent orgasms. Oh that's what we're doing early this morning. Okay, one more time. Are twentysomething's millennials. But new survey shows that women who are thirty six and older have the best and they have the most frequent orgasms. That's compared to you, younger ladies. Age does have his advantages. According to this survey, women in the youngest age group, those twenty three and younger, have the least frequent orgasms. Okay, but the women who had the most regular and highly highest quality orgasms were the oldest group, ladies thirty six and older. Okay, somebody lying to me, Yeah, I'm putting work in. Okay. They're because I'm medicated up, so so it ain't that. It ain't it ain't me, but they're making somebody is lying too, Steve. You show up on the job ready to work, Yeah, because you're I'm ready because I'm medicated it so yeah, not yet, almost, don't stove, that's the tone. Why did you stop? Ye? The study shows that older women are often in long term relationships or marriages that are positive and when women are in a good place psychologically and socially, they're more in touch with their sexuality and more willing to ask for what they needed. No problems, not cheap, It's not cheap at all. No, wait, ja what Steve? What? No, no, no, no, ain't got no problem asking what they want. Grown women, there's nothing to do. Let you blow this. You're not gonna mess this opportunity up here you and uh stop stop waiting a minute, Wait a minute. Here here goes one. What you're doing when you hit it in the bedroom. But in that tone. I love the tone, little hint of don't do that? What you do? No, it's the one. You know, my knee can't be like that the older women, No fool, you know my knee can't been like that. Now, don't you know that medication and took it just didn't took right now? We back watching TV back home? All right, Well, coming up, we're going to talk about breakup. Who gets the friends, who gets the pets? All of it? How did you break up? Rules? Yeah, we'll talk about that when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, as promised. Everyone's been through this. We've all been through breakups. You know, I don't think there's any good breakup. But anyway, we've all been through and there are certain rules that were created, you know. Um, so let's talk about breakups. I mean, what are some of those rules? Who gets the friends? Steve? Come on, I know you have breakup stories and and rules stuff. I've been in seventy nine, full full blown seven seventy nine. Oh, all breakups, every level, every way, Amica Boom, you know, talked him out, you know, disappeared, ghosts. Huh yeah, everything but texting, um, phone call over the phone. Uh. Walked past a girl one time in college and just act like I didn't know. I was young, I didn't know how to do it, so I'm gonna just act like I don't know. I walked back. She said, Steve, I said, you see me? I said, c C surely called me Steve. Yesitely, I don't know you yet. That's not cool, that's not cooling On how did that work out for you? She said, Uh, it's Steve. I said, yes, But you're saying like you don't know her. That's yeah, yeah, because you didn't know what else Because in his mind he had broke up. That was the name he broke up. Oh, so he was he was doing. You broke up with her? Yeah, I'm through after the other day, I'm through. I'm not who you thought I was. You not who I thought you was. So let's just not be nothing no more. Over some coupons and Steve, it's me, Steve. I know what attitude? What's what's wrong? Nothing? I mean, I mean, I know we broke up and everything, but well you're just gonna walk by me like you don't know me. Yeah, well then I'm glad we broke up. I hate you too, exactly what I need you to be. So we were staying to the with that. So once you break up, let's say you and her were cool. Y'all have friends, So now you know what. What were some of the rules we were saying, who gets the friends? Who who had them first? Yeah? Yeah, who had them first gets the friends? Yeah, I've never had that ever. Broke up with I quit talking to all her damn. Yeah. Yeah, And that's what I want you to do. Don't call my friends, and don't call my friends either, don't call my family, none of it. Yeah. I had a guy that was still I didd a guy. He was still trying to be cool. With my mom. You know what about moms? Do you know what moms will do? Moms would tell you ex where you at? I don't know why? Well, yeah, well he lived right over there. I mean, why you why would a mom do that? Just show up and who told you? Your mother told me where you because your mom, your mom's always liked him, always, and then they don't want to be in it. They don't want to be right over there. So Steve, you never had that. You didn't go through any of that. What your mom was cool with one of your ex or anything like that from back in the day. It all said me. Now she might ask me whatever happened to Carolmon? You don't ain't that stupid mess with me. That's what you do to a young girl. My best move was, I don't know. You know? All right, prying phone call coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after the hour to be exact, Get ready for today's strawberry letter. Okay, it'll be a good one. But up next, nephew till he's prying phone call? Oh lord, can you bring me some paper? I see if I can say it like the nephew. Can you bring me some paper? Does that? Can you bring me the paper? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to Charles. I'm looking for Charles. Yeah, this shalotta this shotte How can I help you? Hey, listen, Um, I'm I'm on my finger with I'm sorry to Scotty man, I'm I'm out sitting for reader. See y'all okay, yeah, yeah, she told me she was going outtown. What can I do for your brother? I thought, y'all down on the way man, Yeah, I'm in the house folk, our house, Yeah, I think let's see. Yeah, we're four houses down. Okay. Now she loved me a number man, love me, y'all know me? And then she loved Miss Dars. No, I try to call Miss Darts, but then nobody answer the phone. Yeah she no, i'mly in church around this time. Real said she was gonna be gone for a minute. So you say you're doing there right? Right? Right? Then she told me if I got an emergency anything, that I could reach out to y'all and call y'all right, right, right, okay, are you are you busy right now? Man? Well? Actually I'm in the middle of cooking my wife from dinner and uh got some meat on the grill. But other than that, you know, okay, I mean you you are you able to help me out with something right quick? Or you got you got time for that? Well? Like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking. If there's something I can help you with, I you know, I don't mind coming down there and and uh showing you doing whatever it is that we need to do. Okay, Charlie, what you help the hell? I paper? Man? Any paper? Yeah? I think I got some newspaper. What you're trying? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no news. But let me some paper. You have some paper? What notebook? Paper? No? See man, listen, Charlie. Like I said, my name is Scotty Man. I know you don't know, man, I didn't got myself in little situation here down here read the house man, and I didn't. Man, I'm in a situation I actually and in the bathroom man, and it ain't no paper in here. Dog. So you're saying you won't me to bring you some toilet papers. I mean, if you're on mind, I'm sitting here. My legs an't got none. My my can feel my, my, my whole little body. Man from butt down, I can't feel nothing in my feet, everything and went to sleep on me. Hold up, bab this dude down here at read the house and he wants me to bring his paper because he didn't got numb sitting on the truck. Man. Look a here, bro, I'm in the middle of cooking. I wish I could help you, but you know, I mean, I can't tell you about four hours of doctor. You should have run down here right quickly. I'm at the back door open. I say, Man, I understand all that you're saying, but like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking for my wife. We're having a little special occasion because our kids and stuff going, and I can't leave her like that just to come bring you know, papers. Now, what I can't tell you to do is if reeda got one of them tis or something down. Man, I'm not using nobody town like. That's disrespectful. Man, Okay, hey, but lower your voice. Man. You called me to help you, and you acting like I caused you to not have no guys all I'm asking for just and they're gonna take you no more for two or three minutes. Run down here right quick and bring the paper man and then you get on back to your downer. Well what you was trying? Like what you need to do? But you said you had emergency. I thought the house or the dogs had got out of you had locked yourself out the house. But I'm not gonna come down and bring you know, take me because that don't sound like emergencies. That sounds like some personal And furthermore, you're in the bathroom just jump tout your clothes, getting the shower on like so I'm nothing the dog. That's like I said, I'm numb right now, man, I need some help. Is over. So you want me to come down and bring you some toilet papers and pick your number? You can't get up out the tilt. If I wasn't help you, then that's why I'm trying to tell you I'm in an emergency. Man. Okay, Well that like I said, Man, that don't sound like the emerging like a little quick fix to get your drawings and white your drawn to them? Were you go get you some moth. I mean, I'm not trying to walk full houses down there to bring you some toilet papers. Your legs now, I'm high. How are you gonna get up and open the backdoor is open. All you gotta do is come in here and reaching here and pass me a roll of paper. Man. That's all I'm asking you to do. Mr Charlotte, I understand that, but I'm not gonna come down and bring you the paper. I'm not going to bring you bring me some paper down here, man, don't get my man say man, who the hell you? Thank you? Hiling that you need me. I don't need you. We want you to do something. Man. You see, I'm sitting in a situation. You have left y'all number that y'alla helped me while I'm down to your house watching Man just here, crazy baby, Man, what wron't you? You're gonna call me asking me to bring you some new paper. I told you that I was in the middle of fixing me and my wife from dinner and you come calling me talking about some paper. Man. I don't want to hear. No, I know, and I ain't coming down and to bring you know paper man. Hello, Charlie, you're gonna bring this paper man. Man. Look like I told you before, I asking to bring you know paper down there. We don't wait. No on this street like old on, man, I can't just you can't just leave me here and I'm numb like this, but to come bring no wrong man, no toilet paper because he is responsible when he going into the restroom and sound like a presonal problem. You you too wrong for that. This is sen you're wasting though. This is an emergency man. Man, that don't salt no burgency. That sounds like a personal problem that you've got going on. Come on, I want to get off of here, man, you know me off with. I don't give a about you being man out of fact. Soon as you get your top out of there, you so, man, you come on down here. I'm coming down by the trick. I'm coming down there the way. I am just like this hell and I'm a whoop for not helping me while I'm in a situation with Brill. I got one more thing I need to say to you that I'm gonna do. Is you're listening, Brill? I got some snake skin shoes and fit right up, clean up on it. I got one more thing. Is you listening? Man? What man like I said? What you got to say? Man? That's this nephew Tommy from The Steve Harvey Morning Show you just got pranked by your neighbor. Reader. Ain't this banner at from the radio station? Is this coming from the Steve Harvey Morning? So I'm a whoop reading got you coling mom? Man? You had me hoo to come down there man and break show down? And who you better be glad I'm eating. I can't believe it. Hey man, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Show. Y'all play a practical joke, so folks, manly, oh he's good at this though. He can prank people. Oh he can prank can do though. I'm sorry that Eugene the Butterfly. Come on all right, um, are you struggling about Father's Day gifts? Yes, Steve, you have something for the guys right and for the ladies to get their guys right. Listen to me, folks, Ladies get your guys something that's for them. But you're gonna make you think it's gonna get more of you cologne. Uh. But the hot item right now is built soap in Walmart b I lt. Comes in the about five six different fragrances. I came up with this man thinking about men. How I wanted a man's soap and a men's grooming line that spoke to men. I wanted something that sounds like it's for men. Most men's stuff don't sound like it's made for men. So I eradicated that, and I came up with a price point where everybody can afford. And the sense that I got are just off the chain. African black. I need not explain that it's very and all these are natural soaps, all natural soaps, you know, so it helps you with you have allergies and stuff like that, And it's just the fragrances is out of sight because when you use it and you start lathering up, then the fragrance comes to life. Got uh you know big sky We've got you know surf. I love the beaches. Yeah, the Atlantic surf we got um. I love okay, m h it's one of them beaches right here, Yes, South Beach, Havannah Bay, Havana Bay, beautiful romas of Havana Prohibition. You know, oak barrels. You know, back in the day, man we're running little running, just maying hun manly stuff, just running the hoot stuff. When you're in the shower, you go boom. I got body wash and soaps and the bars are big too. They're not no little chinchie bars. That's pretty great built so for me and make a great fathers they get them the whole collection, ladies. Is that affordable. Get all fragrances and body washing soap. He'll love it and it's his and kids can't use strawberry letter up next, we'll be back. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Okay, the crazy strawberry letters up next. It's about that time. But first, NBC is second guessing Megan Kelly. Remember Megan Kelly, she was at Fox and the big thing about that, Yeah, well she switched networks. But this week she became the news. Kelly t's an interview with a controversial figure named Alex Jones, and among his nuttier ideas, this is crazy right here. He has said that two thousand and twelve the school shooting back at Sandy Hook Elementary Stage. Yeah, he said it was a hoax. He claimed the twenty what students, Yes, this is what he's saying. The twenty dead students were child actors. Naturally, the victims families of course, our outrage that he's been given a platform to spout his conspiracies on national TV. Advertisers have withdrawn support from Megan Kelly's primetime interview show. A source told The New York Post quote, no one wants to withstand a whole week of criticism over this. There are a number of people who want to pull the interview. Others inside at NBC believe there's no such thing as a bad publicity. So as bad publicity, so people are buzzing about this Sunday show could lose viewership Sundays with Megan Kelly. She did us. Yeah, it's clue. I mean not nothing wrong with switching networks, you know what I'm saying, nothing at all, But all the money they gave you hadn't done that. Yeah, says that Kevin Durant, a radio judge, ain't judging nobody to switching networks when you got shot, no trouble. Yeah she had Fox, Yeah, talk about yeah for a long time. Yeah. Yeah. Now she's on NBC. But this guy that she's interviewing, he's he has an internet show. He is what crazy it really is? I don't get it. I think you should interview everybody. If you think this is a hope, what makes you think there's a hope. But at the same time, you got to be respectful of the families as you go down there. Who was that feel like a re enacting? Okay, usual acting to handle this? Ask for him now because he had come alright, buckle up, hold on type Strawberry letta subject d N A praternity test. Dear Stephen Shirley, I need your advice. Nearly four years ago, I cheated on my boyfriend once with my ex. I only cheated because every man I have loved as always cheated on me and lied to me about it, even though I was always faithful, honest one in the relationship. So basically I got fed up, and I had already decided that the next man who did that to me, I was going to cheat back. Big mistake. I found out I was pregnant after I did my revenge cheating, and now my son is almost three years old. My ex is in a military but now he is married to a white girl and they have a newborn baby. I recently contacted my ex and requested that we take a d N A praternity test to find out if he is the father of my son. He refused, but when he was overseas for over a year, we communicated online regularly. He never told me that he is married now and has a new baby. I found out because I went to his my Space page. I asked him about it three times before he finally told me he lives down south and I live in New York. What should I do? I need to know the truth. Is my ex the father of my son? Legally? What are my options? Wow? You need to go on, Mari Povich. This is so much going on in this letter. It's really too much. Uh, it's just too much. There's cheating, then there's cheating for the wrong reason. Then there's cheating on this guy. You're you're taking what happened to you in past relationships out on your current relationship. Uh, you're chasing after this your ex who is now married and you said married to a white girl. We don't know what that has to do with the story. Uh, they have a newborn baby, congratulations to them. So much going on in this letter. And and then on top of all of this, when you cheat, you don't even use protection, so you get pregnant. Uh you know what, really, I don't know what to tell you. I don't know, except for, you know, try to get a praternity test from this guy, and then if he is the father, get child support for him so you can take care of the baby. The baby is three years old, however, and you've been taking care of him somehow for the three years. And then where is your man? And this happened nearly four years ago? You cheated on your boyfriend. I don't really get what's happening here. Steve Well in this letter is you know, crazy? Only mentions her boyfriend wants Then he out the letter. She mentioned that she had a boyfriend. She just said that every man she cheated on always cheated on me and then lied about it. And then she said, even though I was all always the one that was facing, faithful, honest in the relationship, Well not no more. That's just start. You ain't the faithful one in the relationship. Oh damn, she's out there now, you you wilely Now you didn't got with your ex on your boyfriend. I'm gonna assume that you thought your boyfriend cheated on your lie about it, so in order to get back at him, you cheated with your ex. You found out after your revenge cheat that you're pregnant. Now your son is three years old. Now your ex is in the military, you say, And now he's mad to a white girl and they have a new bomber. What do that have to do with any damn thing? Why somebody always getting mad because it dude didn't mad a white girl, So damn what he ain't want you? What difference do it make if he'd a mad a monkey? He an't? Won't you? Why you get to that part? But see here, see see, but I'm I'm gonna tall you some real talk. Now. See a lot of people always want to use that astuff. That's that? Ain't that go another one? Won't another one of him? Always trying to use that. No, let's just get to the truth of it. Ain't nobody won't you? See that's all this is. He just ain't. Won't you? Who is crumbling bad? He just didn't won't shoot don't It doesn't really matter who he went and got, so you try to use no, no, no, that's excuse a lot of people. You hed a white girl, He just went outside. We'll be back. The man found somebody really love it? Maybe the man in love sound like it to me. Now he in the military. You still now you the contact that you want the man take the DNA test. He to refuse. You know why because he know you a trip and he fnna get pulled into no more your schemes or your mess. Now you have found out on the internet he really is married. Okay, so damn what what is that? I have several questions when you we come back, crazy letter. You're listening to Steve Harvey coming up next to a girl. Cheryl Underwood is on deck. But come on, Steve, finished with your response to part two of the Strawberry Letters subject DNA praternity test. This lady that the decided the next man cheat on her, She's gonna get back and cheat on him. So she cheated on her boyfriend, who I'm just assuming she thought cheated on him with her ex. Well, she gets pregnant. Now her son is almost three years old, and she wants the her ex to take a DNA test. He's in the military overseas, and um he refuses because one time he figured hate Now you ain't dragging me into no more trick mess of yours. I'm out come to find out. Really what's happening is he's remarried and he's got a new born. Well she's mad now. Well, the thing of it is, ladies and gentlemen, I think that the reason she's so hell bent on him being the father, it's because I think her and the boyfriend that she only mentioned that she cheated on to get back at him. I think Adam broke up and now she wants to put this on somebody because I'm curious. If you're in a relationship with a boyfriend, you cheat on him, you get pregnant, you think by the guy you cheated with one time, which couldn't be very easily happened. Now that your baby is three, who does your baby think his daddy is? What lies have you been telling the baby? And I got another question for you. When you got pregnant in the first place, what did you tell your boyfriend because he had to think at one moment, this is my baby. So it's a really well really crazy. Well if you created hire lady, what have you told your boyfriend? Does he think is his baby? And now he ain't got nothing to do with you. You broke up. Now that's why you want to go and see if it belongs to your ex? Now you're really mad at him because he's remarried. Now you just said to the white girl and they got a new born. See what you're really mad about was you thought maybe if you tell him you had this baby, you can get him back. But now he got somebody else. He remarried. See. So this is a mess you got into yourself all because number one, you cheat it. Number two you use no protection. You cheat it for the wrong reasons. To wrongs, don't make it right. And now you want to go back into this man. He got a life. He going on about his business. Uh so what And then you want to know legally, what of my options? Now you want to turn into illegal man. I don't know what you the thing is legally, I know morally you need to fix something. Yeah, yeah, we gotta go email hel or Instagram your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girls. Surely and if you have any issues you want us to straighten out, you want our advice on, please go to Steve Harvey dot com and submit your letters today. Come on, Steve introduced our girl from the Talk Underwood. Ladies and gentlemen, my friend Sheryl Underwood. Oh my god, Oh my god, oh my god. For the first time in the history of me and Steve Harper's relationship, he caught me. It's friend. It's not a figment of my imaginations, you know, girl, I believe me and Steve his boys for real in my mind, same mustache to the same Baba shops. Fine cloned out. I asked, if she don't do the joke, you can get it. That's absolutely right, you better say, and speaking to Joe, I don't know. First, let me say that I'm getting ready to go to Nashville, Tennessee for the South Central Regional Meeting and Sata Phi Betas Soroyty Incorporated. And then I will be cracking jokes over at the Star Dome and Birmingham, Alabama tickets. I will be telling the entire story, uh, for every comedy show of how me and Monique was are getting in the car like we used to be. You gotta go see Cheryl. She is hilarious live on this show. This is the thing with everything that's going on right now, we don't know what what jokes and what's serious. Like comics go to the joke, am I right, Ja, we go to the joke. So they're shooting in Chocolate City, right, they're shooting at the Republicans while we are praying for everybody. We big ups to Capitol Police, especially the brother there was over there doing the dog on things like shaft doing the dog on things, shooting, diving injured. But then we want to say, but you didn't have no respect for the black president of the United States. Did anybody go visit this brother for help and say, you see, I don't know where to go with it. I'm just I don't know. Then you're talking about the fire in London, But is anybody talking about lack of affordable housing so we could get the homeless off the streets. So Carlin helped me out. I don't know whether I'm both to be funny, whether I'm both be you know, Bill Cosby. They deliberate. Who man, that don't look good When O. J. Simpson called it go, My trial didn't go like that said. They said, They said, you have a collect call from a correctional facility. O JA said, real fast, it ain't gonna come for your brother. Let me hang up for that. That's that's in my file of your best jokes. By man, listen, not off all that playing bar to the bar and they said, yeah, he had to be blind. Look at him. I was like, ah, too soon, too soon, too soon, too soon. Hey, don't forget to watch the Talk today. Uh we love watching you on the Talk. Please do please, okay watch you don't talk about now. No, my brother got to just watch this show. It's gonna be a very special episode special lord. Oh wait, oh wait a minute, did I miss something? I got it, I got it ready, but you got to tell you get what you need y'all. I feel like the loose talk y'all. What's talk now, nor Pa, Thank you so much. Girl. We love your sister Odell in the building. She's up next. You're listening to Steve Harp Morning showy heck Bob b blail my love, Hey, my nod just had a little Richard flashback. Just we heard Richard performed at our church one time. Turned it out, Lord Hammerson, little Richard was a Christian before it was a heat. Just say well, good mornings. Everyone's hi college. Hey sister out there, how are you doing? Brutal for brutal for brute? Hey Jr. Mornus ist day, I see you trying to work on your little base in your voice. Yes, ma'am, trying to pick it up. That's good, Junior, day is real good. I'm proud of you knowing him. She still gotta ways to go, you know. Don't want you to think cause I'm complimenting, you need to stop basing it up. Yes, ma'am. Hi ja, So how are you doing today? Beautiful, beautiful? Where is that boy you was always talking about, the one with the fat head? He wants you to name after the white man in the wheel Chack, the governor of Alabama segregation? Now, what is your black George Wallace? Yes, that's him. Yeah, boy, I don't know where you've been a little waterheaded boy. Yeah, he was. Hello Shirley, Well, hello, sister Otel. How are you? Beautiful? Beautiful hearts man in life? Well, you asked me this every time you come on, and I have the same I'm just trying to see if he's steal with you. He gets ma'am, and I have the same response before you married. Life is wonderful. Thank you. Well, that's good if you ever have another response that wants to be here for you, Yes, ma'am, I'm so happy that you're thinking of me. Were so what y'all been talking about what's going on anywhere else. Today we'll talk about breakups. You know, if you've never gone experience breakups and stuff. Now all most of my husbands have passed or that ain't real breakup when they die for hum died for heart failure for hum died for or just a stroll and you had a living altogether, right, mm hmmm. Something about the other three they're still living old bouss just as hard to kill all did you kill his hands? Around? Lord and merchant? Two of them needs to just gone and push their chips up to the window. Because he ain't looking at good cleifers don't look good no more at all. And I can't believe I haven't married him. Why I saw him at the casino here. Came up on the bus tour and he was at the casino here in a wheelchair. And then he got to get out of the wheelchair stand on a walker to put his quarters up to turn them in. Now that's just too much you and you can't walking and can't stand. You can't go nowhere, look at it. I sachade right up there in front of him so he could see this good thing was gone. Push my chips right up to the window and walked right off. Never did even look at him. I know it was I didn't even speak speak your phone your ex husband X for a reason, so you left town. Yeah, I ain't no main leave me. I live him because it wasn't no good name was in mad shape. The lord puts up moning, Oh the lord of that voodoo. I tried voodoo. I don't really care for voodoo. But my sister went to New Orleans one time. He came back with a chicken foot in lord. Next thing, I know, his whole left side had shut down. So it worked out. And then sister, otell you know what I hate to This is the hardest for me. I think when I'm talking with you, to just bring you some bad news or some unpleasant news. You don't seem to bother you that much though, you all the one alway brainy. Well, I'm the one that talks to you mostly about you know, news headlines and things. But you can't wait to tell me what is it? Shirley. No, do you remember Batman? The show Batman? Um, yes, ma'am Batman. It started Adam West of course as Batman. Uh huh. Well, um, yes, ma'am. He passed away this week. Um. Adam West passed, yes, ma'am, Adam West, Yes, let me get you. Adam Wish the man paid Batman, Yes, ma'am. Not robbing, No, no, no, not robbing, yes, ma'am. A d a m Adam wish, yes, ma'am. He died on Saturday. He was eight eight. Shirley, Sheirley is here, yo. That is Adam that's gone, yes, ma'am. Batman, the man who played Batman. Yes, okay, good Jesus. I thought you meant Alfred Lloyd Jesus, Alfred Batman kicking it with that without for the butler, bad cave, just doing that cave. All they wanted it was getting real better down. Yeah. I used to hum the theme song when I was back bad Man. I just put it on even shamet Batman the whole time he be down. They're gonna what bam b oh man. I don't want this. I thought, aren't you man out? For the butler was gonna you could add him. I didn't really can't add him whatever. I missing me and everything. I like that sound effect yet my hands on that little boy wonder though show in a little punk. All right, and I'll tell you what that boy she would have been wondered. All right. Carl's Reality update coming up next. Thank you, sister o jell Ma. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time to get ratchet ladies and gentlemen here in reality up. All right, thank you, Junr. Here we go, crew. First things first, I gotta tell you Essence First kicks off June, so hurry. I am your official host of the Essence e Experience. That's it's going down in the New Orleans Convention Center, Essence Eats Experience. It's a stage where all the celebrity chefs will be there displaying food. I'll be tasting the food. I have the perfect job. I can't wait, Oh my god, indulging amazing food. You know we can eat in New Orleans. So I want you guys to register while you still can. I want you to go to my Instagram page at Lips by Carla. That's Lips by Carla and get all the details on Essence Eats at the Essence Fest going down. Kicking things off. Nah, that's out the way. Let's go right to treat Nah. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Ja making me crazy. What's the title of this past Monday's episode. That's right, Shirley. So last week I told you about the ladies flying to Jamaica for a girls trip getaway. But then the Fellas decided to crash their trip and Rashida's husband, Kirk, told his wife that he will finally take a DNA test to see if he is, yes, the father of Jasmine's baby, but only if his lawyers are involved. Kirk said that that's the only way he will take the DNA test. Rashida. If you recall, Rashida told Kirk that Jasmine's ex boyfriend, this young man, his name is Logan, I believe, told her that he might be the father of Jasmine's baby as well. So he's gonna take a DNA test too, So that's gonna get a little messy and watch that play out. Shout out to my girl, Jessica Dome. I love Jessica don That is my girl. I love her. So here's a deal, young jock. He crashed the trip as well, and he brought his coworker friend Treasure p is her name to Jamaica to try to get revenge or to try to make Carley red jealous and that backfired. Oh yeah, backfire. So the crew was chilling, checked this out, Jay Junior, Shirley, the crew. They were chilling in Jamaica. This girl Treasure p She decides to spill the tea and just you know, talk about Kirk allegations, cheating, rumors, his side chick. He decides to Yeah, she decided to do all that while Kirk's wife, Rasheeda was sitting right there. So my girl, Jessica Dime jumped up and clocked them, period, just jumped up front, smooth every Yeah, she snatched. It really did every one till the real one show up. You know, you can never get enough of wig snatching. Yeah. Yeah, So Jessica was like, you're not gonna sit here and talk about this woman's husband and rumors and all of that in front of her. You're not gonna do that, So you can go ahead and get the step in. So walka flocker. He was sitting there. He was like, look, I don't condone violence, but old girl had to come in and uh yeah she did. And then it ended on a great note. That's this particular trip. Jessica's boyfriend, this ex basketball player Sean. He surprised her and proposed to her. So it was very, very wrong and everything. She didn't handle that though, she had to handle that. Moving on Real Housewives of Atlanta Season ten, Guess who's coming back the word right? Oh yeah, my girl, right right. Ninie Links is returning to the Real Housewives of Atlanta for its tenth season now. The reality star announced on Wednesday on Twitter, It's been a long process, but we finally reach an agreement all held to the Queen for season ten. Uh huh hashtag Real Housewives of Atlanta, hashtag the threat is back. She wrote that above a photo of herself wearing a crown. So my girl Nini is back. Ready for season ten. Let the shade begin. And um, I don't know if you guys heard about this. Production was shut down on the reality dating show The Bachelor in Paradise. You heard about this due to allegations of misconduct, which The Bachelor in Paradise If you don't know, it's a spinoff of the Bachelor and The Bachelorette. So these are people or contestants that have been on both of these reality dating shows. Well, the show was filming in Mexico and according to TMZ, one of the female cast members walked right by the pool when two cast members, one girl her name is Karen, and this guy named de Mario, they were hooking up. She saw them just making out, and she said that Karine appeared to be not drunk and very with what was going on. And her lawyer, Karine's attorney. She her lawyer said, if nothing inappropriate happened, why did production get shut down? Something seriously clearly happened. And uh, the female cast member, Karine, they said she talked about her and to Mario hooking up the next day, but she was upset that her boyfriend back home might find out. So then here comes all of these allegations. And that's what they're saying. But Warner Brothers released the statement saying they're very aware of the allegations. We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations. Once the investigation is complete, we will take the appropriate responsive action. So we will see what comes from that. He's a brother, Carl. I'm just throwing that out there. Well, you know, I I saw a picture of him then, you know with the name Damario. Yeah, camera, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he is a brother, so the car. So the problem is she they're saying that some sexual assault happened. Yeah, she's saying one version of what happened in this other cast member, I guess was a witness, and she's saying, well, hey, I walked by here they are kicking it in the pool. If I thought that she was drunk or something like that, this cast member said, I would have took action, you know, she would have stepped in. So she said, because she got busted. Yeah, brother with brother. She comes from a very wealthy family. Carla. Yeah, I saw that too. The boyfriend back home. Yeah, so it fears that this is getting ugly boyfriend. Yeah, yeah, but we don't know, you know, we got to see what the investigators. Yeah, we don't know. Now, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg, they are getting ready to serve up a second. Yes, here we are, Martha, me too. Martha. Snoop's potluck dinner party is coming back, and the dinner guests will include this time, did he L L Coo J, Queen Latifa, Jamie Fox, don Cheeto, Terrence Howard, Ussher Patty LaBelle Patty Patties. So my question for the group. I want to ask you, guys, if you could have a meal with your favorite star, who would you invite to the tape? Oh? I'm sorry? Did I did I jump the gun? Tweet? Mew whw we wasn't ready. We'll be after the hour you're listening to all right. According to okay cupid dot com, you have exactly two weeks to maximize your chances of finding a one night stand. Okay, exactly two weeks. Yeah, this is according to okay cupid dot com. If you're interested in this, if you're single out there and you're looking for a one night stand, you have exactly two weeks. Number crunchers at the dating site figured out that there's a big increase in people looking for one night stands in the months of April, May and June. And we are in June. In other words, you better get on it quick because you're running out of time to score. You know, um seventeen, Yeah, because June is you know? This is what? Yeah? Man, any day, I wonder where that comes from, though only only April, May and June. Yeah, why those days? Women? An easy year in the months or something like that. I don't know. Men. Men are always easy every month. What you say, I just think after Valentine's Day they kind of realize where they are. They'd be a little bit more loose. I'm gonna have somebody next year here, come and get it ancro may in June, but in July though you shut it down. But sometimes too hot, too hot for all that, you know, April May, you know spring and hit. Yeah. No, I was with Shirley saying that she was surprised that women still do that or met people period. Men. Men will go anywhere, man. Men have no problem but a one night stay. Yeah. Men try to make it. We'll try to make it too. One minute in the back room behind the dumpsters, one person dumpsters. Yeah, women are pretty easy. You never love him, man, Well, I never right, and are really easy. If we think it's the possibility's gonna happen, we're gonna get naked. Then you come back in what you're doing? Oh you got so hot? Musque shot my clothes. I don't know the musque, the planet. I see we up some crawling on me. I don't know what I shaking the clothes? Time up? I want you know somewhere were to read the wrong signal, I don't know obviously you way that happened to you guys. That's hope comes back in the roof. Are you your ship come over? Yeah? Yea that I want us to that yeah, cratchmarks, Yes, yes, pillar propped up on the headboard, hands locked behind my head ready, pretty yeah, y'all serious? Yeah, came back in there stretching. I was, what did you do? Read not on top of the covers, No, under the covers. I'm coming out posing, don't trying to figure out how do we get from? She said? Come over to the house. Why am I? I've been in the land on my side. They'll go on the bed, hand in my head. Look at just as cute as I. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, Steve, tell us about this soap one more time. This fact. Hey, I created this soap at Walmart. It's in Walmart. It's called Built b I lt Built for Men. I created it for the branding, the imaging and life training of men. It's a soap. I got it in soap bars of soap, and I got it in body wash, and I created some great fragrances Man for men, So you can have your own soap fellas without having to use a soap with your wife's name on it. And it's got those really unique fragrances that men really do like stuff. I picked out man because I dress up a lot, and so you know, I went my fly casual look and I like to smell, you know, like a man. But I wanted to be appealing to women. It's so good for women. Women love these fragrances that I got. And so you can go uh to uh. Is it built on Facebook? Ye? Built on Facebook and built brand on Instagram. It's built on Facebook. B I lt on Facebook. Yes, go there and check it out. But I got some great fragrances. I got prohibition oak barrels and things like that. It's really nice, rich sense for men. Havana Bay that's for my love of cigars and traveling anxietic places. Now it doesn't smell like cigars. Don't take that, but it'll remind you of the Havana Bay, like rusting. It's very manly. And then I got South Beach. Yeah, I got an Atlantic surf because of my love of the ocean and the beach and the common effective gives me this beautiful city and African black African Black is one of my favorite too. All these are all natural soaps, and big Sky Big Skies are very outdoors, and that's what I would like. I'm gonna shower in today because I'm out of the ranch. I'm gonna I'm gonna shower with my Big Sky built so I traveled with it. I'm telling you, I have it everywhere I go. It's in all the showers in my homes. I actually use. This product is not a product. It's like I eat to bake it. I don't. It's not that I don't use. Replace my very very expensive brand of soap at my house with this because I found the fragrance even more appealing. I really did. Are the bars a little bigger because man's hands are Yeah, yeah, the balls are bigger. And for the value, you know, I know how to use, Tommy, the bars are bigger and soap soap liquid soap can lose this soap jake. You know how you get the blue pieces of soap. You've seen them, A little pieces of soap you get at you know, like hotels and stuff. Yeah, and I'm that little bitty bar. I've actually washed up with it. And you can't say that Junior said, though sure, they asked like at the bar's Bigger said, don't matter. Tommy can't hold him, no way, he don't make however, he might have to cut Tommy on the road again where it's fine with the side of the hotel. Yeah, no, he he was with that. I love it, though, Steve. I'm on the Facebook page it says healthy skin is built, not bought. I love that. Alright, man, remember that healthy skin is built, not bought it. And this lap entry point and I'm gonna be doing all types of stuff with that built thing, and it's gonna be really, really good. All right, we'll come back. Gets something for a nest though, I will. He'll be down at the cap. He's coming down as well. You don't have to hand him no soap in front of them boys. Thank you due for coming. A man didn't give another man soap. You know, we'll be back, just like you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all, we're back his time for just one more thing. You're all right, man, it's so gratifying to work with these young men, and it's so it's hurtful sometime to see the space that their head is in that no one has told them to this point what man or real picture manhood looks like. So we gotta undo a lot of stuff, but we're getting there with them. Some boys have made great progress already thirteen eighteen. And what's really good is we don't have any bullying going on. We don't have instances of bullying because the older boys. You know, we mixed the groups up so it won't be just all eighteen year olds because they compete against each other, but they are responsible for each other. See, so what happens to one happens to all. So you start to teach these young boys, unlike the streets to where they just shooting each other like there's no value of life. We teach them that each of them are valuable to each other, that we're all connected. And that's one of the great teaching tools. And so the U. S. Army helps me out with that a great deal because they know a lot of exercises as team building. And then the older boys become like the big brothers to the louies. You know, they help them out and stuff. You know, they can compete. Man, we got obstacle courses, rock climbing, climbing, ropes, a lot of physical stuff basketball, football, but we've got fishing, archery, paint guns. Then we do a lot of fun activities with the boys, but it's all designed to get a boy to understand work and teamwork and that you are your brother's keeper. It's really really important what's going on down here. Man. See that's outstanding. You don't get enough credit to me for that, the work that you and your family are doing with the foundation and reaching back and constantly giving socially, because you know, that's to offset some of that cool crap that people say that don't even really know you. No, we're doing good one for a second hand. So we had a good danger dad on the show earlier. Why she just randomly started singing, Oh, I'm sorry, I'm all sweet, I'm so sorry. I thought Charlie down man more minute, oh skill, y'all on it. So we're on rad y'oll now, yes, man, yes, man, right now here? Yeah, yes, we're still here. Did you are you okay? Yeah? Yeah, I'm fine. You know, it's just back over there. Head. You had to call time is mama, Kate y'all skinned me have to death for a little while ago. What do you know when you told me that Adam Adam West had passed he played Batman. Yeah, I had asked you my father se time who you was your show man? Girl? I thought you were talking about your joker, I mean bad. I didn't you know I had I had a joker one time, joker on the villain joking. You know, I had to make up running the area with. Tell you what, I put some corners on that smile. I tell you one deal wasn't no joke because I had a couple of the criminals. Yeah, you know, I had a couple of them, The Riddler, the Riddler, you know I had you had the Riddler, the board with the green on the green little d Western sister O'Dell. Pengwin wasn't man enough. I told the penguin, you you you, you better go somewhere. All the little bit of brolla you got. Peng Win couldn't do no women but joke in the riddle? Who told her? Riddle off? Question Mark laying in the floor? What was your what was your? What? What got you into um? Batman? And you know the well, you know me and Alfred was kicking it, you know, and I just on one day we were down in the bat cave, you know, caving it in, and Adam and got a bat sitting on and it came in. I never knew that that's way it changed a oh, because after they lied to me and told me that was his man, he never mentioned it be in the bat cave soire, down in the man cave, it all Alfred guests caving it in. And I came. I thought he had a nice car with all with the wings on it. I said that never would take me out in it. So I said, you dare the bount you know down there all this kissing and grinding and all this ship I can't ride into down in the drop cop and the batmobile. Yeah, yeah, I didn't know it was a bad mobile. And then he said to me at one time, I said, what if we getting quiet for And he said, Master Wain is coming. He ain't my mans. That word master around a little bit too safe. Master Wing could come down, he'd be yo dawn Master. But it says something to me, He's gonna find out bout slavery you've been on. But Bruce Wall wasn't rich sister really rich? Bad for all? Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.