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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing buck bus things and it's couples, y'all do me true good to tea Steve hard guy listening to me to each other for stoo bar quick moby, why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by joining me have same gait. You gotta use that turn out. Yeah, you're going to run. You gotta turn to turn turn lovey, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show. I said yesterday I was trying to do something with it. Like I said, you know that the trying part is over. I'm actually doing something with it. And uh, yesterday I spoke to you about finding your mission your purpose and you know what it's all for? What's it about? And how to get at it? I so spoke to you about that yesterday now and I told you that the only way to find your real purpose, your real mission in life, you're real what for the thing that you got to go get after is you got to connect with God. You have to connect with him because as your creator, no one knows better what you were made for than your maker. I mean not just I mean, just make a lot of common sense, don't it. I mean, really, you know, people kill me with with with the lack of belief. I mean, you know, like all of this that we have today spun out from a cosmic ball of dusk in the galaxy that cooled off and and formed all these lakes and rivers and clouds and mountains and valleys and birds and animals and people from a cosmic speck of dust, And that they act like there's no connection to a higher calling or a higher reasoning. Not that's just you know, And and they try to create for those that do believe this hocus pocus ritual, this magical. What is that? There's no scientific I don't august science. I think that science is very real. I think that science is very applicable. I think that science helps us learn so many things. But science ain't everything. Now you you you might as well under that's there's some unexplainable that science can't wrap their mind around. So here they go with something else. And then you got the naysayers who who used that, the nonbelievers who use that as the proof that there is no high calling or how being. And I listen to me, I I don't really want to explain in all that a way. If that's how you feel, then gone and get the feeling how you're feeling with it. But let me explain something to you. I just don't see how. I don't see how. Man. What is this conscious that eats away at you from time to time? Where does the moral barometer come from that exists in your life? What makes you know the difference between right and wrong? What did that come from? That cosmic spector dust that spun out of control and cool this fiery hot ball down, and then these lakes and rivers and all the clouds and mountains got creel. What where did your conscience come from? What is your need to cry out from? What does the word Lord help me come from? Why when you get in a dog place and you whisper Jesus, where that come from? Hu? What is that? What is that if you're driving on the road and your car caroms off a cliff, the words that come out your mouth? Where where them come from. Oh Lord, help me, you know whether where do these promises come from? That we make these deals we cut, that we make with a higher power? Why why when you're at your lowest moment? Man, you you turned somewhere. Okay, enough for that, I've I've explained my side of it. And a matter of fact, God is really almost unexplainable to me. So really for me to sit here and try to explain, I'm really not that good of a guy, you know what I mean, I'm not that person. So let me try to give you something real here. Okay, so this we didn't just had that moment. I had to get that off my chest. I want, I want. I want to share something with you about when you strike out to find your mission, or how about when you strike out on your mission once you discover what your purpose is are Let's let's simplify what happens when you set a goal and you're ready to strike out on that goal. What happens when you set and ambition in front of you, or put something in your sights that you want to attain that you want to become successful at. What's the mind set that you have to develop? There are three things you must first ask, You must then believe, and you must then receive. Now the received part, all these parts is has gotta thing to it. You just gotta ask for it. You know you've heard the scripture before, you have not because you asked? Not why don't you ask? But then after you ask, here's the kick. You got to believe that it can happen for you. Stop looking at the success of other people and not thinking that that same success can happen for you. And I'm not saying that specific way. I'm just saying a success can happen for you, just like it can happen for somebody else. Why do you think it keeps happening to other people over and over because they ask and they believe. Now here's the cold part. Receive it? Oh, oh, what you mean? Receive it? I asked for it. I believe in it. Why would I not want to receive it? Act like it, Act like it's already there, behavior as though you have it in your hands, Smile about it. Realize that man, it's just days away, and how many other days that is? If it's days away, it's just days away. We don't know if it's gonna happen tomorrow, next week, in thirty days. We don't know if it's gonna take a few years. But you got to receive it though. You gotta ask, You got to believe, and you got to receive it. You gotta act as though as that not as another part not to this about work. You know, don't plead. The faith without works is dead. Don't think you're gonna just ask for something believing and then go sit down and start watching TV. Come on, now, let's get real. Let's not leave out the other jewel. You got to work. But now hear what I want you to know about when you strike out on that mission, That the journey that you strike out on to accomplish a goal or to set out on the mission. If you could understand this and to help you so much, the journey is a process. It's not an arrival date. It's a process. All you're looking to do, folks, is start the process. Get it started. Don't worry about the arrival date. Act like it's there and the arrival date is coming. But here is the beauty of the journey being a process. But all along the way of your journey you will find success the whole time you're in the PROD says of finding your mission, fulfilling your mission, uncovering your dreams, reaching your goals. The beauty of it is all along the way. You're going to find success on so many levels. And people fail to look at that part. They keep thinking of themselves. Man, I ain't there yet. I ain't you know. It's like when you take a little kid on a long car tripping in the back seat. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Boy? If you just look out the window, see where we've gone. Ben, look out the window, Look at the mountains, Look at these trees, look at the views we got. No, we ain't there yet. But Lord ha mercy, look at what he's showing us along the way. Smell the roses, have yourself a cup of coffee, chill every now and then, and see what he's doing for you. Because the journey is a process. But man, know that in the process of arriving at your designated gold dream, ambition, or mission. Understand this, there are things that are going to happen to you along the way, Man, that will be so gratifying and fulfilling. Where the journey is joyful, there is joy in the journey. You don't have to be there to appreciate the ride, appreciate the journey and the process. Stop getting mad because you ain't at the arrival data. Your dreams ain't came true yet. Look up. You might discover, man, that you're living better. You might discover that you don't have a million yet, but you'd have made a quarter of a million. What you're tripping for because you ain't got the million yet. Remember when you didn't have nothing. Be grateful for the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar mark, the hundred thousand dollar mall, the three hundred and twenty two thousand dollar mar Don't you understand man, you may not be where you want to be, But man, can't you thank God that you ain't where you was? How about that one you're listening money? Good morning, Good morning. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We are here. He's on his way here, he's the let it ain't me new guy. Somebody here, pretty you're just saying, I'm just saying, well, in the words of Junior morning, everybody, this is a little a little low right now, then get up there. But yeah, in the words of Junior is on his way, we are here. Yeah, Well, make it work. Yeah, so anybody want to say it before I say it? Happy birthday, Mr President Obama? Yeah, President birthday, No no, no, Junior President Obama's birthdays and not because no no, no, no no, that's what I'm wishing. Happy birthday the other new guy, that guy. Yeah, he's seventy one today, Donald Trump exactly or seventeen depends on the move. Yea, yeah, depends is the right word. I don't know what he has in store. Got just more long red ties probably, yeah, more long red ties. But he can't button that coat, not since he got in the White House. He doesn't even attempt. No, he's just going to hail with it. Usually guys, when you sit down, you on button that button. When you stand up, you know you got more now, well, wouldn't you? Yeah, I mean normally they get gray. Yeah yeah, yeah. But he's gotten heavy. Well, they say it's those late night tweets. He's up na playing in the presidential being with a bowl ice cream. You can't do that. Yeah, Well, we get up and move around, though, we really do. Fat fat. You know, Taff was the fattest president we've had. And he's on the record to beat Taff taff was so fat he got stuck in the tub. They had a special tub that they put in the White House. Wow, he had stuck in on the way there. It's a stressful job. Whatever, How is it stressful to say no to everything? And we never you're fired and you're yeah. We've seen other people, other presidents exercise. Obama play ball, George Bush. I think, yeah, whatever, but yeah, I don't know. And first Lady Michelle Obama, she was in the garden working on yeah, to get thin. She had a whole movie. Did you guys see the cabinet meeting. I don't recall. I don't remember. I don't recall the cabinet, the praise cabinet. Yeah, it got stone Wall Sessions, Yes, and yesterday just Sessions testified and he didn't remember my damn thing. Yeah, nothing, nothing came out the guns the blaze. All right, we're coming back with something funny. It's uh, it's shop Talk today. Shop Yeah, go on the shop. Yeah, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve that's right, Jr. Alright, Uh, happy Wednesday to you. Steve Harvey is on the oh Man, Wait till I tell you about his big day? Um, but you know, you gotta know that shop talk has come and upcut, mos, the fellas are going to the barbershop. It is you can talk like you want to talk like guys, like guys, you know, talk about women, whatever you guys think about last president, whatever, big lives. But before we do that, this is such an exciting day for us. It's the start of mentoring camp, mentoring week for Steve the Stephen Marjorie Harvey Foundation, and he does this every year. He takes a select group of boys down boys of single family yeah, single moms, fathers. Yeah. Because you know, um, and you guys know this as men that women can't teach you how to be a man like that. You know, you you need those skills from men. And if you don't have a father, Steve is providing that down at the mentoring camp all this week, I mean mentoring a lot, a lot of activities and for the young young boys. And I love the stories. Um. I love the young guys who just h you know all of that. My mom used to call it smelling themselves at that age. And then they come and they go down there, um yeah, and then they you know, they come back like humbler and you know, just ready to more determined to do something with themselves, to change their lives and to have a better lives life for themselves. And that's great success stories about kids have gone to college and they have programs down there for the moms as well. And it's great to hear that, especially Brandy, Steve's daughter who kind of you know, put all these programs together on site. And it's really really great for the moms because I've heard different mothers say that they're they feel like they're not alone, you know, with this single a lot of moms done in. Yeah, they provide for the mom single moms that they're down there now, lots of them, Jack, I'm just saying that knowing the LOK what they're doing. Nothing. Lots of are there. Yes, single we need to go down Jake, That's what it sounds like. Single mommy. A lot of mentoring word two word men men, let me have you with them groceries. And I love the mission of the Mentoring Foundation. It's um to provide outreach to fatherless youth like we're just talking about, by promoting educational enrichment, one on one mentoring in global service initiatives that will cultivate the next generation of responsible leaders. That is their mission. That is their mission, and you can help if you if you're uh you know, on board with that, you can definitely help with a gift, with a donation, with your support, uh to provide youth with nationwide programming and mentoring caps because Steve talked about that how he wants to explain, expand and and all of that. Put it in more cities, get more. Boy, I think this is the ninth Yeah, the ninth year. He wants to take a global So if you want to be a part of that, if you want to help with all of that, and who doesn't, Okay, it's such a worthy worthy cause. Uh, you can text nine one. That's nine one too, Steve. Okay, text nine to Steve for that's for the giving campaign for that you want to be a part of that. The number for the moms it's the same number nine and Simne three and eleven. So next year you have to go, yeah, you have to go. But anyway, so do that. We want to say thank you to the Stephen Marjorie Harvey Foundations. If we do it every year. These are not their kids, but you know they take the time to help raise help your boys, you know. Uh so, now let's mosey on over to go over there. Yeah, I mean we can't talk street the barbershop, then will can we talk stree? We can't talk stre well. You know this ain't nothing but healthy conversation. Come says, it's the bobby shop. Now here's the first roblem we got. I come down here today and the damn does wide open moin in hire cutting? No, hain't got no customers in him? Damn do wide go ahead? Ain't here, he ain't here. The nail girl ain't here, but she ain't never wide open shop girl. In time you go to a black barbershop, they have the beautician station, but don't be no beautician. The nailed nail person there, the plason do the nail is all set up nice and me but you ain't never seen shoe shine guy ain't never got down this shine none of that into the empty area. And they have black businesses go out of business. Don't nobody be at the business you damn? Don just wide damn or maybe not in the hood. That's the weird ever, blue open in the hood not not a type. We keep the though lock brown I don't think when even coming to hood. Ain't the world not here? But that's okay. We can talk anyway. We talked me and talk. We can talk stuff. That's any news. We can talk about that basketball game because if we more was it, he wouldn't let us talk about it. That's probably here today. Yeah, he didn't want to hear what we got here. We want to say, So what do you have to say? I'm telling the last game boys cut that they got off in it. It was almost like they were said, it's fifty when no, no, no, just three when it comes from so many of whatever that don't matter. That's a lot of other for loss. That's what I say. Lebron James headline back here with man. I mean he was just alright, guys, nephews run bring back coming up after this jam. You're listening Steve alright saying that we'll be here with today's national headlines, a lot of them going on today. But right now, uh, it is time for the nephew to run that prank back title. Your daughter is higher play too much? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Kimmy. Please, she's not here right now. Okay, listen, this is money beat from down at the club. I'm reaching out to her. She put an application in about working at the club, and I'm giving a call back letting her know that we, uh we selected her to be one of the employees there, and she took her physical and the physical came back. Okay, So we wanted to let her know we wanted to get us started by next Friday. Okay, okay, Um, well she ain't here right now. I mean, you give me, give me a number. I have a call you back. Okay, whom I speaking with them? This our daddy. Okay, all right, Well I'm are you and so I'm Muddy Be down at the club. She she is in college right, oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, she's Uh she's a junior. Okay. Uh but let me ask you a question. I mean, uh uh what's your waiting tables? Uh no, she's not waiting tables. We got we got we got her doing. Uh let me let me keep my number, sir, Yeah you can do that. Uh, they're gonna go ahead, all right, Okay, all right, got it. Uh, And that's Muddy Be. She knows me. She's the one she filled out the application with me, and uh, can I get you to write down the attire or what we needed to wear to make sure she has the right uniform on when she comes in. All right, we're gonna need uh definitely in the heels. She definitely gonna be in uh six inch heels. That's that's for sure, you know. Um, we also need at least three changes of bikinis. And uh, whoa, whoa, what do you mean? I mean we were we were like most of our girls wear the thumb bikinis. But I ain't wait wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, chimmick where that kind of girl? Now, she ain't gonna be in no tones and all that kind of stuff. I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said. What is your name? Bro? But like I said, I'm money beat. What is your name? Your name name? Your regular name? Bro? What do not everybody on the street called me? Mothery bet? I ain't everybody on the street. What is your name? I mean, if you don't mean my real name is is calm okay in that call because you addressed me is called I don't want to talk no money be now. Now, what's your name in this club again? Or the name of the Clara Sirs? Uh? Peaks. What hold on a minute. So what you're trying to tell me is my little chimmy it put an application in work at at club she put she put it in. Uh you know, she came in and dance for us. Was like the way she moved. What our kids to do was put her on the main stage. She's gonna have to start, you know, on the backstage before she could move up to that level. So she ain't gonna be on man, if we need to, we need to get her to come in with at least three changes Bikinnian man, most preferably thronged. But we're gonna take really care of her. You know what, whoa whoa whoa men to take care of my kimmy. You're not taking care of my Kimmy. She ain't gonna dance on the front stage, side stage, backstage, left stage, white stage. She ain't gonna dance on no stage. Now she is a junior in school, maazing the political side. She's gonna go on to be a lawyer. She's not the kind of girl, sir, Uh, you're you're, you're you're staying. She's nothing that kind of girl. She she's come down here an audition for us. We got a physical, she's still out of the application. I'm sitting ready for her to go by Friday, and and and she's gonna be up on that stage with cats On because I'm gonna break it now. I don't know what the hell is she's doing, but that that is some boy. We don't do that, and my family, we don't do that. She is not the kind of girl, Sir m ceres. Of course, sir, have you have you personally? Have you ever been to the strip club? It don't matter what I've been through. Then they've got nothing to do with my Kimmy. She is not gonna be on nobody's stage. Say god, sir, I think at this point, you know, I mean, we get a lot of college girls who want to make it some side and money, and if she wants to do it, this is this is this is legal, it's clean, and I don't get them about trying to make no money. If she want to make some money, she can come out of here and work this over time for this seatement women. But she can't finish it. I don't nobody stage. Okay, sir, I'll tell you what can you just tell Kimmy we're looking forward seven thirty on Friday, and you know what, you know it ain't nowhere in the world. You're gonna make me believe that my daughter down there shake a hot and no strip club bro, sir, like I said, she's supposed to come in. That's some thirty on on Friday. I don't want to get into it. I don't I'm money beat and I don't get into it stuff like this, man, I told you, don't be they't funny first of all. And if she was down there, you you ain't gonna hear from a noma. She won't be coming down there nor MOA. Okay, sir, you know, like I said, I've been trying to be cool and called you with you. But let me say, just see, you're starting to get in the middle of my money now, okay, not kidding me to beat up her shaking her, but Friday night and I'm gonna be looking forward all right now. I can't. You can't get in the middle of my money. Now. Let me tell you something. I don't give about your money. I don't care nothing about that. Your money ain't have nothing to do with me. If I see you around my shirt, you're curming in between me and my money. Hold on, hold on looking, let me tell you something, you and your money, and let me tell you something right now, Man, daughter ain't gonna be down the taste of that old orange to that old needle dancing like getting money be called well is if I hear back you being around U i't being around now. I'm gonna tell what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna just because she no better gonna right the mine working money be. I'm gonna I'll give about your money. Don't take your money and stick it in your all right, let me wait, tell me this? Can I just tell you this. I'm just gonna tell you this. You know, money be a call? Whoever? My daughter ain't dance? They strip? Do you understand me? She threw them with you is gonna act like this? She told me to give up what she told you, and she told you right. You know what else? She told me what she told you. She told me to tell you who I am. And you're talking to nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morty's show. You just got prick, but your daughter getting me. I don't give a what she told you. She's gonna be dancing. Oh damn clutter. You don't say hear me, sir? This is your Okay, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your daughter Kimmy got me to playing phone call you man? Are you still I'm still? I don't still. I still might get up. I still might have up. Doing this got my blood fresh up like this, mane I'm on, I'm on messing dog man? What is that? Y'all? Y'all got me, y'all got me the last day, I want to hear that he got to go down to a strip club and pull his save the girl out of that right? Hey, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Harved Morning Show? What you know? Wow? Like too much? Nephew? Whoa? That was something right there. I felt the dad's pain on that one. Whoa. Okay, alright, nephew him up one. It's not going to be pretty alright. So the question is, uh, will the NBA World champion Golden State Warriors will they make that trip to the White House? That is a question. I hope they don't. Well, I don't think they're going. I don't think they're going. Um. They reportedly made a decision when Trump got elected that they would not, I repeat, would not go to to the White House. So this was back last year when he got elected last November. Uh, if they won the championship, we're not going. Yeah yeah, yeah. Now it looks like they're sticking to their word. It doesn't look like Steve Kerr will be changing his mind. That's the coach. But at the same time, statement was released saying no decision has been made regarding a potential White House visit to celebrate their NBA title. And they also said, you know, we haven't been invited. Uh so you know, I mean nobody wants to meet him. And you know, if the Calves had one, you know Lebron, you know he wasn't going. So le ring back all right, ms and is standing by. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, lucky let me oh man, old man, old man, it's good. It's mentoring camp. Yeah it is. I just got here and pulled up. I'm broadcasting live from the camp. The boys come in today. Big day down here waiting man, Wow, this big thing. I love, I love mentoring camp, meeting the boys. You know, you know we're gonna have to work through a lot of issues this week. But man, I love I love man I love it. It's probably my favorite thing to do. It really is. Yeah. You you completely immerse yourself into everything that's going on in the camp. You change. See when you're down there, you turn into Indiana Jones. You are, That's who you are when you're down there. But I got onto plane, I had on camp gear. You know, we're at a different location this year. Uh, the Rock Ranch, I think it's what it's called the Rock Ranch down here, just outside of Making, Georgia. And we're down here with the boys, and I'm stay in the house down here somewhere on the ranch. I haven't seen it all yet. I came straight here so I could broadcast set up the broadcast stuff inside the house. And I'm sitting here, kitchen table. What do you have on? Describe your outfit? Oh? It got on prepare the loof. I ordered these pasts this year. I've been watching the commercial for the Beavil. That conversion is the Louve Trading Company, Pans. I was just looking at you, the Louse Trading Company paying and I said, wow, really, so I ordered me some of them. So I got me on. I got on the cacupati date. Of course, of course you have with all the pockets. Yeah, yeah, you gotta have that. You gotta have on the pockets and it comes with the belt. What's in the pocket. What's in the pocket? I ain't loaded up yet. It's about fishing. Gill and bullets, bullet from my gun. This is a new place. You don't know the later land yet. I'm packet. I got like this big machete. J oh, I got them there on the back of the Polaris. Boom sent him over here from it. So I bought my a t V s here my Polaris, and uh, I got my own just you know, you know just what your Yeah, well your shoe, get what's your shoe? Get? Well the shoot. I ain't got my boots on yet, but I'll be having on boots. No sneakers, boots. You have a win to protect your feet on the plane. No, no, I don't need no will two booie knives. Get your boomerang just in case, just get we can talk about this all morning. I love this part because he's so relaxed and happy. But before we do all of that, let's go to miss and Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, ms An Trimp. Thanks Steve. Morning everybody out there. This is answered with the news. Good morning, Shirley called Tommy. Everybody came Anthony Brown Jr. There's a lot going on right now in West London this morning. A big, big fire, horrific situation. A twenty seven story apartment building is on fire and it's in danger, they say now of collapse of the London Fire Commissioners Danny Cotton. She says there have been many deaths. I am very sad to confirm that there have been a number of fatalities. I cannot confirm the number at this time due to the size and complexity of this building, and it would clearly be wrong for me to speculate further. Now, there are a hundred and twenty apartments in this building, so it's a twenty seven story. A lot of folks did not get out and the fire is raging and again the building is going to collapse. So they have fifty people they were able to get to the hospital. We don't know the conditions of those people or those persons and a lot of people in the building. I hate to say, are are really dead. They figured that they're dead. Now it's a virtual towering inferno. Forty fire engines, about two hundred firefighters deployed to the scene. They got the Hazards Area Response Team there. That is in West London. Everybody a towering inferno with twenty seven story apartment building on fire. Interestingly enough, Muslims who are awake during Ramadan because you know, they can only eat after sundown, so a lot of the Muslim families were away. They may have saved a lot of lives because they were able to call the authorities and alert their neighbors because they were not asleep at Turning General Jeff Sessions appeared for the Senate Intelligence Committee Yesterday's amazing right, and it happens they are Muslims. They had to be up because they were celebrating round him. That that is how God works. Turned General Jeff Sessions appeared for the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday to defend himself against assertions that he lied about his contacts with Russians or officials while he was campaigned for Donald Trump. Sessions denied having any contact with Russian diplomats besides happening to be at the same campaign event, and he got indignant a suggestion that I participated in any collusion, that I was aware of any collusion with the Russian government to hurt this country, which I have served with honor for thirty five years, to undermine the integrity about democratic process, isn't an appalling and detestable life, of course, referring to that democratic process, the late Coloretta Scott King and others claimed that Sessions did everything he could to keep black people from voting anyway. Sessions also claims that he had no contact with the Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who's investigating the Russian cyber meddling. Seeing Sessions at MISS he did have two meetings with the Russians and asked for that. No, I didn't have any answered that he gave to the question. During his confirmation hearings, Sessions basically said he didn't fully understand the question. Democrats state the nation's chief law enforcement officers simply lied of Sessions also says he recutes himself from the Russia probe in order to be in accordance with the lawyer, wouldn't talk about any of the conversations he had a private room with the President Trump. He wouldn't say anything. By the way, happy birthday that Donald Trump? No happy birthday? Actress Marla Gibbs, star The Jeffersons and Two to seven. Everybody's saying, no, please let hole down. Back to Steven show. You're listening to Steve. No, you didn't get a chance. I'm sure to watch this. Uh focus focus, But it's as it was the show. This is a show that would have been really close to your heart, Steve. I'll tell you why w G in America has canceled Underground. Underground was it's critically acclaimed drama about Steve, a group of runaway slaves and abolitionists fighting for freedom along the underground railroad, though its creators have vowed to find a new home for it um despite solid ratings and ample social media buzz around the show, which was produced by our friend, well, i should say our former friend now thanks to Jay John Legend, Underground hopes of finding a new home following cancelation at w G in America. They it's taken a final blow. Now, well they're they're saying they canceled it because you know, it's too expensive. It's just no. People watch people watch it. They love it. It was a very good show. It was no they yeah, they told her from the Runaway Slaves perspectives and they were yeah, And they said it costs about five million an episode. I don't understand why, because it's just people running an episode. Yeah, five million and episode, because it's a period piece. That's what Oprah was saying. Because John Legend reached out to Oprah to see if she could save it, and she was going to try, but she said it costs so much. It's just too costly, cost more than clean sugar to make. So yeah, um, anyway, she said she just couldn't afford it. She just couldn't afford it. We're just cars in it. No explosion. Yeah, no wardrobe that they do have, peace wardrobes. I mean, you know, let down, oh let a you know, it's like a slave at the thrift. Stop Kanye Fashion doing that. That's what Kanye. Come in there, Come on, Kanye, you know all that stuff. You John Legend of friends, they are they really really are. Yeah, so so far that's where we are with it right now. Underground. Yeah. I hate that because it was a really good show. Yeah, you would have loved it to do. Maybe it'll find a home someplace else on another network. Well, you're not gonna find nothing until you reduce that cost. Who who's gonna buy into that? Yeah? Openkay, help you save it? Come on now, we got to reduce the call. Yeah, that's what you need. You need, you need to go on Date Parker five million episode here he shot birth and whole Moody wasn't coming up next? Uh j Anthony Brown is gonna murder another hit. Can't wait for this. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour you're listening, st take it to your boy. It's time. It's time for him to murder another time again him. Well, you know, uh, we bought him out of all. You know, we made a Durant well you know kind of you know, it's a Durant type tree. Okay, okay, you know we brought in Durant on the Golden State squad. So he is the old beat up version of do he can't jump that high? He can't do He don't know nothing about basketball. But it's time here to do what he do know about, and that's bringing older that heat man. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to murder another hit. Here we go. You know what, everybody, Sometimes you're inspired to do a song by just getting out of the shower and looking in the mirror and the song just pops into your head. Donna Summer's Bad Girls, check this out. Man boobs, well you'll sleeping man talking about this man, boy, Man, I've got these man bo see them best when my shoes is type house, relieve him the cup and the man who size eating lea, don't exercile and your biggest down you know them well what they are? Wo does everybody else your t T needs a wrong? Yeah? Yeah, man talking about this man Man I've got that had him for a while. Yeah, comes from not working out. You write the song about anything. This is forgets me about Jake. He's so in. It's like he's really in the studio, like he's really recording. Yeah, talking about man Man boo and boom, just me in it. I'm talking about all the way but background saying man, but it'd be a fire joint though. Yeah, it's but the fact that he got the time though, you know it's his young artists out here trying to acquire studio time, studio time. Damn day when he come out with manoo, somebody trying to build a career here and there. Yeah he I hear the strowing here trying to the people like here trying to build a career. He don't even want all his studio time and whatever you how you feel, man, stupid Friday. We have a new one Friday. So countdown, man, all right, Uh, we're going to this jam. We'll be back. You're listening to all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Steve, about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. And the subject is my husband's secret children. Wow. Uh yeah, it's deep. But first nephew Tommy is here with his prank phone call. Hooking up at the daycare is the name of it. Hooking up at the daycare. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to reach free to this is and you don't know me. My name is Lanni. Lanni. I know I wanted to call you. I've been looking for trying to get your phone number, actually for like about the last about two weeks nine. What do you need my number? Baby? Can you get on weed? But because I'm on lunch, but I'm trying to her meet me lunch, and I need you to come on with Okay, now is your um your husband is uh? What is your name again? My name is Lani. Okay, and you were asking about my husband, now what about Yes, that's my husband. See. The problem I'm having MS Freedom is that I looked through my wife cell phone about two three weeks ago, and I have found out that this actual phone number below to your husband named and he's been text messaging hub stop stop stop stop because but see let me finish. Though he's been text messaging hu different uh text message and stuff, but he want to meet up with her, and and how she looked the other day and stuff like this here but then but then even worse than this here is he you know done? Send some some some pictures of him, sell some some niked pictures on the on the on the cell phone. Please no, no, sir, not, I know not because anything. If he's texting anybody needs to be an employer about a dog. I know you're not telling me whole body. Who is your wife? What's your name again? What's my name is Linny? And my my my wife name is My wife name is Denise Denise, Denise, Denise, M, that ain't read sing with me. M. We pretty much have an offer relationship where we kind of communicate and I don't I don't know about Denise. Okay, do do do your husband's last fold digits on his phone in sixty two? Yeah? That would be okay? See that what I'm saying, man, I'm not trying to call you, you know, I mean, I'm I'm disappointed in my wife because of these texts, muses and inns, pictures and stuff. You know, I'm I'm the one. That's why I say, Okay, I need to call this man wife right here and see what you know? Do she even know it? I need you tobody to meet it back up and be quiet for me to look here. Okay, Denise, you're lining, Okay, well, ain't supposed that man? That what you know? Because we used to go everybody again when we're going to first about the don't work, let's let's go there. He does not work? Okay, So I don't know where it is when he got when he generally when he leaves out we're together. Where did they meet with? How did how did they meet? Two weeks ago? You say? Because oh I'm listening to you now, you got I don't. I don't know if they meant two weeks ago. I'm just I just found him in the cell phone two weeks ago. That's what I'm saying. Now. You say, if you're saying he don't work, then evidently it must be doing the day while you go or something I don't do. I mean you you say you on your lunch break right now? Yeah? Huh? And where's your wife right now? Wait minute? Do you know where your wife is right now? Uh? Well, she's bout to be at work right now. And you know what I just called. He told me he was gonna get in the tube, and when I called back taking him now, he uses it's okay, it's yeah, okay, if I don't have to go back in this hospital. Baby, baby, baby, Yeah, where's your wife? I need you to get We need to your wife. We'll see my wife works at a uh wait a minute, do y'all have do y'all have kids? Hell? Yeah, we got kids. And that's my problem. That's why I'm so upset. I'm working. I'll say, I get up a fow in the morning to make sure I got everything prepared for the whole day. You got to get the kids. And we have three kids, one, two, and three? Yeah, okay, okay, is he the one because he I do he because my wife works at a at a daycare? Do he drop him off at a daycare? Don't start you your favor. He's getting deeper. I get to this. What day kid? Does your wife working back? Because I see, don't start me. Yeah he's dropping them off. Uh huh. If you tell me to baby, just tell me poem. I sweat lining now she's been at this place called children's academy. You lie, you bet not tell me this non working. It's to be watching our kids. See you see I'm already and see but see I'm already upset and been upset about this year is for the last I've been holding it for the lads. Two weeks. I've been holding it. Ain't said nothing tipting hold. Why are you holding it to the back cound me. I'm just when he get Let me tell you something. I get up at fo every morning I go. I have to be the work for six thirty. Every morning I get to that. Damn how sill I slave? They did come on and slave for him? Try to make sure he feels good as a man although he's not working. You know, it wasn't his body, y'all laid off. But hey, I want him to feel good. All he's not working snow, y'all don't feel too good when you're not work. So I wanted him to feel good. I tell the kids, you know it's gonna be okay. But I bet you this got that's my wife. Don't be she's my wife. No, wait a minute, not for white a minute. See, I told you it was ignoricancy. You should have been calling me long ago. Let me said, y'all, you etn't to see she's a first of all, because she said she too. She said he raised that out. I'm not a player game and with my head and he's sending a neck and panther. He ain't got to be showing up. No, trust me, it ain't worse on. I was just with him because he was a good man. I guess mine just dumb too. Oh when I was gonna ask shoot here because don't add what do you want to add? What can you ask me? You're just taught me this to here. It's with white from name Denise Kis. That's what I said. And this is the that's wasting the twins that we have twins? Do you hear me? Can I say something else to you? I don't need you to say. Can I say one more thing? What do you need to say? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your husband. Gerald. Let me tell you something got the Bay to be franking me. He needs to be time about it. Joe. I'm going ahead when I get on, gets none working, cooking the dice. Let me tell you all the thing that saved the situation if the first of all my woman, So I won't want information, but the special thing is we need the job. Just don't work. I couldn't leave you work. I gotta a baby. What's the badest radio show in the land? Definitely The Wow Okay, thank you nev. People are buzzing. I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but people are really starting to buzz and be concerned, uh that Beyonce has delivered her twins. A source from Jay Z's forty forty nightclub said, Beyonce, welcome yesterday morning, A girl and a boy. All right, Yeah. DJ Kalett relayed news that the twins arrived. US Weekly quoted two sources that security around l A Theater Sinai Medical Center was tight. But this could be a false alarm. This could be a false alarm. Nothing has been confirmed by her reps, no official announcement. As a reminder, last month in Touch Weekly reported that Jay z and hired a decoy team to joy paparazzi away from Beyonce's arrival to the hospital. Jay was also demanded that medical staff signed confident reality agreements. He also doesn't want security cameras in the room or hospitals and other names. Yes, I know already rich and rich, yes, yes, coming up, everybody worried about it? How about it? An how yeah? But you know, but but you know, but lit him had a baby though, Yeah, babies they are connected, all right, Strawberry letter coming up, A subject to my husband's secret children. Speaking of babies. You're listening to Steve Show, all right, Well it's that time, Strawberry. Let a time hold on tight Shirn drop, thank you Jr. Subject my husband's secret children just even surely my husband never wanted me on Facebook, but I made an account anyway to keep in touch with family and friends. We've been married for two years, and I loved and admired him until recently. Fast forward to one of the worst days of my life. I was scrolling on Facebook and came across a picture of my husband's daughter and another little girl. The hashtags under the picture were hashtag sisters and hashtag looking like their daddy. I knew my husband had one daughter before I met him, so I waited a couple of days and I called my husband's baby mama to ask her about the picture with the two girls. To my surprise, she told me that my husband has a total of four children and that the other little girl is my husband's daughter too. I asked my husband about it, and he won't tell me everything. I'm hurt on so many levels. My husband had all of the children before we got married, but I'm still hurt. I'm his wife. I should know everything. Should I leave him because he won't come clean? Please help? Yeah, I would be hurt too in this situation. Uh, something does stink in this marriage? Um, his lying, his omission, his negligence, and telling you about something as important as having another daughter or two or three or whatever the situation is is so important. I mean, why is he keeping them a secret? Is the question? Is he ashamed of them? Uh? And I hardly think that's the answer, since they're all over Facebook with hashtags talking about looking like their daddy and all of that. So the question is how could he not want you, his wife, to know about his children. I mean, if you guys have children, if you guys, uh are you're you're married, and you decide to have children, then these secret children will be their siblings and and they definitely should know about each other. So so it just reeks of something not cool. I'm glad you do have contact with his baby mama, um, even though that might be a little crazy, because at least you were able to get the truth about the kids, even if she has ulterior motives in the situation, like you know, still wanting him or or or whatever the situation. Now you know the truth about that. Um. Yeah, he has secrets. He's not coming clean. Just something stinks. Now should you leave him because of that? Uh? It depends on what else he's lying about. Steve, who I didn't. I'm just saying it depends. Just do your answer. Well, you know, wait a minute, wait, wait a minute, just a letter. Yeah, man, I don't say nothing. Well, well, it's not like you know him personally. Just do your answer. I'm gonna do it. Okay, Well good because it's your husband and I'm gonna do it. I ain't got no ink, pin or nothing. I couldn't even take no notes. It'll be okay. Watch this though I made a Facebook account anything way and told me he didn't want me on them. Well I made one. I'm trying to stay in touch with my family. Fred it was married for two years. You love that admired him into recently. Then some happen. You say it was one of the worst days in your life. Hey, man, could you cut the music off? What is your nerves? Okay, calm down? You know rap show, Your nerves are bad. You know how they play music doing all interviews that I don't need That strawberry letter is hardly a rap song. Brothers Johnson, your come on, come on? Strolling on Facebook and came across the picture my husband's daughter. No, you knew about this one and another little girl the half tag on the picture with assistance looking like they daddy. I knew my husband had one daughter before I met him, so I waited a couple of days and I called my husband's baby mama to ask her about the picture with the two girls. To my surprise, she told me my husband gotta told the folk children, and that the other girl is my husband's daughter too. I asked my husband about it. He won't tell me everything. I'm hurt on so many levels. Now, the husband had the child before y'all got married, but I'm still hurt. I'm his wife. I shouldn't know everything. Should I leave him because he won't come clean. Now, I can assure you this is what happened. Somewhere in y'all's dating experience. You might have made some statements so somewhere to this man, I can accept one child, but I'm not gonna be doing with a whole lot of baby mama drama. He saw the fact that he could lose you, so he decided not to bring up the other baby mama drama. I'm telling you exactly, Jay, Am I right about that? It's absolutely right here? Am I right about somewhere in this conversation, And it's not your fault. I'm not blaming the wife that's writing this letter. Don't get me wrong. She's absolutely one correct and feeling what she's feeling. I'm just trying to give you why lie. And here's the other shocking part for most women. He did not lie. Uh, he just ain't tell yet we must omission and listen to me. Is not a lie? What and omission is an omission? A lie is telling a falsehood. It about a fact. But if he don't bring up the fact is it is a record of omission. Now, after years go by, you can't say, well, hell, you ain't never asked me. Oh, I forgot right. You can't forget kids. Now. The important thing in this whole letters is he taking care of the children. That is his responsibility. He has Should you have known, Yes, you should have because you you deserve the right to know exactly everything you're getting into. But the fact of losing you if you knew everything you're getting into, prohibited him from telling you everything you needed to know. I'm just giving you the insight to the working of the male species. This is how we think it may be wrong, Shirley, But that's so to us. It ain't. It ain't to us. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm apologizing for him. I mean, I'm sorry I didn't understand I feel you don't you stay out of it because you don't even have kids. But I may come back eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, if there's a man in here to know what I'm talking about. Eight seven seven, not lying, We'll be back. My Husband's Secret Children. You're listening, Steve. Alright, Steve, Part two of your response to the Strawberry Letters subject my Husband's Secret Children. I asked people to call because Shirley, You and caller in Manica, missip Monica in background appalled, appalled at this man and the response. I'm just trying to help y'all understand why he did it, Why he did it? Does that make it all right? No, no, of course not. But you need to understand the thinking behind it. Here's a man that had a child and she found out about She probably said someone in the conversation. Yeah, I could do one, but I can't do no more now he got mold. So he went with, damn, I'm gonna lose the chicken my dreams because I have made some mistakes as a younger man. Oh man, just let me not talk about this. Noe, my kids, this being my kids. But you know he didn't tell her, but he having the beers. Obviously she didn't want no relationship with him. That could be a too see, y'all don't know. I ain't gonna be putting up with a all these kids, I do this one you say something like that to Manah, he's gonna he gonna lock up somebody. Let's go to phone. All right, let's go. Let's talk in all guys, Let's talk to Adam online one out of Georgia. Adam, Hey, hi, guys, have you been listening to the Strawberry Letter? Adam? Yes, that's why do you have? Surely what I'm it's called a set up? Girl? Shee? What's wrong? Is you mad? Because it's all guys, that's why it's falling. This ain't about you. M not mad. M okay, go ahead then shift So that we've been together since two thousand and twelves, that was the first one of the first thing. She actually, do you have any kids? That has been a constant question for the past three years since we've been married, and even now she is fifteen weeks pregnant with twins and she's still asking me that question, do you have kids? I just don't know why. It's continuing to come up after I've given her a definitive note. Every time she's seen it happen to some girlfriends, she may have had it happened to herself in her past. How old is your wife, bro? She is nine? Could in her past she had been dating a man and find out that he had kids later? No? None, none, none, that Shelley she's telling me about had kids, maybe one cheating on her. But that's about it, right. But see, because she ain't told it to you, don't mean it ain't happen. And I'm not saying anything about your wife negatively, don't take it that way. I'm just saying, maybe a guy who cheated on her also had a baby somewhere she found out about it. That's what she's talking about. And that's all it is. Man. It could be just as suspicious. Have you done anything to make a thank you another kid? No? Nothing? Okay, Well then you're straight though. See one thing about it. When they're accusing you or something that ain't true, that's a good one. Yeah, that's good man. You and you and you you know, ride that one out because you're gonna need that one. Let's get out of jail free. Card, because you're gonna do something. In a minute, some lion is gonna take place. Thank you, Adam. All right, let's go to line too and talk to Kenneth out of Texas. Yeah, so you heard the letter. You got a comment on it? Yeah, I do. First of all, I want to say, hello, Steve Harvey. How are you doing. I'm good soldier. I've been uh listening to you for over thirty years. Man, I'm retired military for the five years, but I've been following you every place I've been. I've been listening to you, and I admire you, and I I praise God for you for the things that you're doing with the minorum camps and everything else. And I just pray that God continue to keep blessing you in the Morning show to grow bigger and go higher and high every day. That's a very nice what's going on these faiths? Yeah, come on, come on, what's happening? Yeah? First of all, I want to say, yeah, I was in the same situation like this, gentlemen. My wife. Uh, I was in the same situation like this. When I met my wife, uh she you know that we begin to talk and everything and he uh, she had said something to the factor where uh she didn't want any kids and uh, she wouldn't try to dat nobody with a bunch of kids and stuff like that, And so I just didn't say that about it, and then never came up and we got married, and in line, it end up coming out that I did have some children. Uh, but she hasn't accepted my children. Uh, she loved my children. And you know, we've we've moved on past that point and we have a matter of fact, we have a child of our own. Now, well, let me ask you a question, why did you Why did you not tell her about the kids? Tell tell Shirley and call it and how many? Because because at the point at that point we had all beginning taught weird. I just fell in love and I didn't want to uh lose what I had I had been in, what I had been in a previous relationship where it was violet and it wasn't violent on my animals violent on the other end, and I wasn't. I didn't want to go through that. And I finally found somebody that I loved and I admired, my appreciate and I didn't want to lose this. Jude is by in the rest of godhead that I know God. That good. That what I'm talking about. Brother. Now let me just for Shirley. Shirley wanted how many kids did you have? Uh? I had three? Yea three? You know? Want you three? Boom over with ham just like? What else was she gotta do? That? You're married? What do you think I mean? And and my kids are? My kids are grown? Oh? We we've been married, uh nine years? And or we're about to renew our viles. My kids are grown. Like I said, she she loves him, no, she Oh, she's right there for me. She encourages me though to see him and go see him and everything. So see in a minute, don't see Shirley. I don't want to date. No, man, I ain't even to have all this. Sometime we keep it to yourself until you grow up. Yeah, but you're married. What is she gonna do? They're married? Or she's going to accept it? And I've even the subject she found out. She was kind of upset, but you know, she had we even talked about. I said, well, you know, if this isn't what you want, you have the option to go. Well an hang on, man, we gotta go we'll be back. You're listening Stry Morning Show. All right? Coming up at nine a m. This morning, Miss Anne will be back. She's gonna be here with a special news report. There's been a shooting at the congressional baseball game in Virginia. Mrs Anne will have the tails on that, so stick around for that please. Yeah, coming up a j Anthony Brown's Man in the Street, of course, But first we want to get back to the calls from men only. I see on the Strawberry letter the subject she was my husband's secret children. Just trying to help you understand truly ixactly what Steve, No, hoboutly you didn't. You didn't, you didn't, you didn't lying again to get what you want? Lying to get what you want, you withheld the truth and all the facts. To not lose something, you have to have the same thing, not the same thing. Yes it is, Steve, Yes, it is. If someone doesn't divulge all the information to you in fear of losing you, are you kidding me? Same thing? Same thing? Uh huh, it's the same thing. It's the exact same thing. It's not a lie. If you haven't lied, you ain't told it. It a lie. Yet it's not a lie. You have children. You did not disclose the fact that you had children to your wife. Oh well you know now we're one big, happy family. She's accepted my kids. Well, yeah, now you're what are you in it? Commitment? Surely? The man said it. Go to the phone. I was going anyway, Line three, Darius out of Arkansas. Hey, what's up, thir I'm gonna trying to help you out a little bit. I actually told you, you're gonna get to help Shirley. I don't need it. What I actually told the truth about what I had going on, and I knew everything what was gonna be on the line. My kids was on the line, you know. If I knew if I told this woman about what I had going on, especially because we were starting to, you know, try to get our group back. But I knew if I told the truth, then I knew that my key is and everything that I worked for towards this woman was gonna be gone. So I had to decide if I was gonna tell the truth or if I was gonna lie, you know, And the first intuition was to lie, because I knew that if I told what I had to say, or if I kept it to myself, seeing you know, I wouldn't have to go through what I'm going through as we speak. You know, so I told the truth about the baby that's you know, currently here and now since I told the truth, she couldn't accept it, you know, then what she packed up left whatever. But I'm with Steve man, if you tell a woman it is especially you know, if she already throw it out there what she don't want, it's gonna change the whole mind frame of everything. Then it was hard for him to tell it to us. You don't know us. But doesn't she have the right to know? That's how painful this is. She she has the right to know what you have going on, you know. Yeah, if she's all, if she's that good, she'll be around, She'll she'll come on right, she's a good woman. No, she No, don't you put that on her? But take the risk. Yeah, that's even you won't even take the risk to find rest the case. I'm really talking at the same time, but you know, off beat, but I'm missing passionate about this one. Sure, yes, Steve, Yes, I'm right here. Are you gonna saying if she's a good woman, she'll She said what she would not tolerate, and he didn't want to be This man had some information. She said what she would not tolerate the man after finding out what she don't want to tolerate. Man, I'm in love with just I'm trying to have someone up. Well, let me keep this way from her before she leave me. Now, he told her she loves. She has the right to know if you have children. I'm sorry he didn't laugh about the kids. He divulged different voluntarily, Shirley. This man just told you. He told her, He told you, He just told Now she gones. She go messing around with the damn truth. Many girl change their minds all the time. We stop that. Stop that women lie. Women lie, and women lie just as much as men do. It's just women a much much better at it. And yes, like everything else. Yeah, yeah, now finding me here lying about yeah, yeah, you can't lie about no kids. Just just imagine if that were in reverse though, if she had all these kids and she didn't tell you, if you got a lot of kids gone, you'd be so gone. All right, let's move on, because we're never going to agree on all the time about having kids. You meet him, I had a kid and you go over there. It's like a thriller video. It's just coming up at you're trying to like you're lying. Yes, yes, Steve, Yes, there have been women who have omitted the children from the conversation. Admitted to every rule, Yeah exceptions, y'all to you meet the kid, you're the same age. All right, we'll be back with miss and up next. Okay, you're listening to show. All right, we're gonna take it over to miss And now there's been, uh boy, unfortunately, a shooting in Virginia at a congressional um uh ball game, and miss Anne has the latest. Good morning again, miss Anne. Yeah, surely it's an annual game, uh Democrats versus Republicans. It's a fun game. They raise a lot of money for charity, thousands of dollars for charity. And who have the sitting president is? He usually attends this this event. So it's a it's a good feeling event. It's not necessarily it's not like an right you know, or some sort of racist event. It's it's just you know, Republicans. They were actic sing because the game is scheduled for Thursday tomorrow, and they faced the Democrats, and it's an annual thing. It's a very very nice event. And I spoke to UM Representative Cook from Alabama. He was there on deck about the hit batting practice on the third base side of home plate, and I here, allowed am and I look around and behind third base in the third base dugout, I see a rifle and then I hear another blame and I realized that there's an actor shooter. At the same time, I hear Steve Scleze over here second base Green he was shot. Now he got Steve Scalise and apparently Scalise was shot in the hip. And he also took off his belt, he said, and he tried also to stop the bleeding there with Steve Kalise also UM, there were a number of congressmen lying on the ground. One of them was wounded in the leg. Took off my belt, applied a tourniquet, tried to slow down the bleeding. And I look up and there's a guy with a gun lasting away. Fortunately it was one of the good guy, one of our security detail who is shooting back UM and he was ordering us to stay down. Another security detail person was poster to home plate. Eventually it seems that the shooter shot both of our security detailed people. Um, and the shooter starts coming around the home plate towards we are outside the fence line, and my understanding it that's where our security detail maybe some of the ones who were wounded took him down. Yeah, so that person at suspect is in custody. Uh So, we don't have an idea on that custody, but several news organizations are confirming that they do have a suspect and custody. As for uh Majority Whip Steve Scalise, he's being treated that Apparently they got a helicopter that landed on the field and took away the most seriously wounded people, including a Steve Scalise, the Majority Whip, and they are being treated as we speak. And also those security guards apparently he said that they have not they were not killed, but they were injured. At least that's what we had now on that, But we will see what happened, how serious their injuries were. But again, a suspect is in custody. Several people Republican congress persons and their aids shot at this morning and wounded while they were simply at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia. And this has been a trip. Thank you, Missaying. Oh my god, you know wow, I mean, what a horrible story. I mean yeah, yeah, it's absolutely crazy, Steve. Wow. Uh yeah, all right, Um geez, well, we'll keep you posted. Um. You know, when we get information, of course, we'll give it to you. And um, yeah, we'll keep you posted and keep them in at your prayers. Please, your thoughts in your prayers, and people who were wounded the congressman, Uh, Steve's police and everyone anyway, man oh man, all right, Steve. Um, you're down at mentoring as we make this transition. You're struggling with your transition. Thank you. This is tough, you know. Um, you're you're done it and you're mentoring camp. It starts this week. You're excited about it. It's really my favorite thing that I'm involved in. Uh. These young men today will arrive over two hundred, two hundred single mothers will be with them. Uh. The mothers stay in hotels, will have them greeting tonight, meet everybody, tell them what to expect from the program. We'll greet the boys as they get off the bus. That's always quite an amazing event. Um, and we spot right away. Our first job is to identify who's going to require the most work. Um, you know, it's just you know, look, when you're dealing with boys, you know, they make it known right away. It's really funny, man, how they are. And what's really funny about these young men is they've got some great spirits about them. But they but they have a way that they've been doing it with their mother and their grandmother and you know, m hm, you know, use a certain bravado. And so it's you know, we we we identified early so we can give some special attention to those young men, so we can get them to conform to what the program is. And after that, they have a great time. Man, they have a great time, and they walk away having a mentor. They walk away knowing what love is from a man, and they walk away with a clear idea of what manhood is and how to build your dreams. And that's what we're gonna start doing today. We'll be talking about that all day. We'll be back show alright, Steve, you're down at the mentoring camp. It starts this week. It starts today. Actually, the boys arrive and everything yeah, I just came back in your fishing and fishing. I went out on the lake. It's right in front of the Kevin. I just walked out to him the lake. I ain't catching him, but I got me about toil casting. You're evending different now you're starting. Yeah, it's nice out here, man. I I'm a mile I gotta do cut through a mile trail, a woody trail for one mile before I get to the camp. But I got a couple of a couple had shipped over a couple of my polarises out here, so I can handle. I got my knives and a gun, so I get on off up in the woods. All right, Well, let me do so about Paul Bunyan is after David cry This is Indiana Jones. Well, if you get any mosquito bites, Steve, I know there's going to be a lot of mosquitoes around. Uh and and who doesn't get a lot mosquito bites in the summer. Here's a quick and way. Oh really, I'll tell you what you do. Okay, Well, let let me tell you this and then you we'll see. Uh if yours is like this, um A cheap way to heal them A quick and cheap way to heal them is Vicks vapor rub. Is that what you have? This is the same stuff you know, vix that you're rubbing your Yes, it said it will stop your bites from itching and make the bumps go away. Three of the main ingredients in the rub menthal camper and uh time all time all instantly cool the itch and nutmeg oil southes the inflammation. That's true statement. But if you put it on, you attract most stuff to you. Oh so what's yours? What you said you had one? I'm talking about how to keep them all for you? How to keep the best way to do it, don't get bit hell, really do what you need not to get. Let me let me man. I wish I knew how to Let me put this on Instagram. Show y'all how to do this hill? Come on, it's called deep woods deep Listen. Listen to it. Okay, that's what it sounds like, deep woods coming to dog green cans made by off don't buy all offer. Ain't what deep with deep woods got. It's got deep in it, extra deep with it. Now listen to me. When you're outside, spray it on your shoes and your ankles and then own up. That stops stuff from crawling up on you, biting you all that you want to cover the mankles. Man, you gotta hear the mankles when you're outside, because that's what the mosque do. They're sneaking. They go down low. It ain't gotten working the mosquito bike on the ankle because there ain't no meat down there. You just get it. This is a stupid question. But do you spray your butt? You spray everything that's exposed. I spread on the outside of my clothes, expose. You might have to go to the restaurant. My side. You got to have it on that. You in the wood if you squat down the boogoo in the woods. Really, really, I'm trying to help you, shell Steve, you squat down there? What's so offensive about that? What do you think I used the bad food when I was home with you? Man, I don't believe I can't with you. I'm so sick of your budget through it he bogle. Oh my god, who tells that you do every day? These jams? Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show alright looking for you. I like it because you're right, all right, Essence is coming up, guys, man, Carlo Jor you guys are going down Essence Essence. Yes, yes, what you got Junior? You want to go first? You want me to do it? Well? Essence is going down in in New Orleans. I will be hosting Essence Eats Experience. You know they picked the right person for the right job hosting. Oh what all the celebrity chefs is going down? You know it's some good eating in New Orleans anyway, right, June thirty through July two, New Orleans Convention Center, Essence Fest. Now, we're less than a month away. So if you haven't registered, because you need your register for the Essence Eats Experience, I want you to go to my Instagram page. I have all the details at Lips by Carla right now, see you in New Orleans. I will be there, Junior will be there. What you guy going on? Junior? I'm gonna be at the main stage on Friday Night with Diana Ross, John Legend Ross. Yeah, yeah, man, I'm being a Friday Night June third, the Super in the Super don't in the big stage, the big stage. God, why I'd like to really tell all my friends back in Houston. I told y'all just what I told him. They know, yeah, they know exactly what I told. I told you, I told you we just going to college. We was in college, right, Yeah? He looked at and now, yeah, what what? I ain't got to act? I'll tell you right now soon as I get off the stage. I have attitude. Just understand immediate attitude. Don't speak to me. Are you gonna be brand new? What did you got a brand new stage? I got to be Brandon? What's that? Keep moving? He think? Keep bidding everybody an ye? Are you show then speaking? Sure? I'm done letting you know now that's how he gonna be. Yeah, so you can't be mad, can't you will be funny acting junior, because a lot of people not gonna change. Yeah, well I ain't with him. I'm changing that night. I changewood. I'll change right after good night, right after that new person? You mean Hollywood hood number? You're gonna change your number? I keep saying, No, I just ain't gonna ask. Will you? Will you have people? Will you have people? You have people? I gotta entourage so big. I ain't even making no money at intance. How many people I got a classroom full, just deep and when we at least you're honest about it. I like that, so we know, get up, get it all in before he hits. Only people i'm talking to is y'all. That's it. Okay, I'm talking about but after that in brand new show out Junior. Yeah, I'm gonna do your thing, man the Clown's man. C some pointers, Steve, Like one quick pointer because you've hosted before, y energy and good times all. Yeah, we'll be back after these jams you're listening to. Alright, Steve, we're back at time for just one more thing on your mind. It is Father's Day this uh Sunday. Yeah, I know what. I know what one of my kids is getting me. Oh yeah, what are you getting? That's nice. I can't say it because it's p oh, it's a surprise. But you know they need everything because oh on the Internet and Instagram and stuff, you know, group checks in this stuff, you know, and when you got seven kids, something gonna get leaked. Yeah. I was thinking of, you know, for the fan base, and here's one like okay, Like a lady on the show asked me, Steve, what could I get my husband for Father's Day? And I asked her what her budget was and she said about two hundred. So I started thinking, okay, cool, what would be a cool gift to do around two hundred. So now here's ladies, this is how you get your man to be better for you and at the same time have him think is something in it for him? Do you understand the trick? Yeah, you want to make your man better for you, but you're gonna make him think it's something in it for him. And grooming all women like for their man to be well groomed, and most women have to remind their husbands from time today, you needs lotion on the elbows? Hey, hey, where you're going you get the hell of your neck? Okay, you know what I'm saying. You know I mean you need that. So here's what I did, ladies. There's I got a great soap that's out body washing soaps, but I made them especially for men, and they in Walmart and they're very, very affordable, and you can go to Built. It's called Built Soap for Men, but you can just go to Built on Facebook. B I LT and I wanted to create a create a men's lines with fragrances and a word that sounded like a man would want to you, because most skin care products don't say man. It's a female company who decides to get into the men's skin care business. But I just jumped into the men's grooming business on my own. So it's called Built Soaps for Men, and it comes in different fragrancy and I designed them with stuff that I like because of my travelers in the way I am as a man, and I'm a man's man. You know, if you're a man and you don't like me as usually because you don't know me, you really don't. But I'm a man's man. Most men who meet me and I get along with most men who are men who live by the honor code of men, I get along with him. So I created this soap called Built. You can get it at Walmart if you go there. It's a great gift. Now I'm gonna tell you three part gift. You want to get your man. You want to get your man a bottle of cologne your choice. Don't have to spend over sixty dollars for it. Get your man some cologne your choice. M hm. Get your man some built soap. Built soap. So you want to get though, you want to get the cologne. You want to get the built soap, and you wanna buy you man, you know some nice you know, Steve Harvey Tie, you know he League shaph somebody else's product. To be honest with you, but all of this makes your man look better, smell better, and groom better. But you're gonna tell him when you wear this, I love this man. Put this on. That will just turn me on. Here bathing this stuff and put this cologne on every damn day, so you get a better groom man. And he don't think it's so many for him that a built soap comes into different fragrances. It's really really nice. I kind of designed it around my lifestyle a little bit, you know. So I got it a big sky because I'm, you know, country boy, like being out in the woods and stuff. So I created a big sky fragrance. I got African Black, which you should familiar with. African Black soap is very very nurturing, and these are all natural, really good. It's all natural soaps. Then I got Atlantic Surf, you know, from my little of beaches. I got South Beach. But my two favorites is Havanam Bath because it has all more of all manly type tones. And I did it for you know, cigars and guys sitting around, and it doesn't smell like a cigar, don't get me wrong. It's a beautiful Havana base f And then it's prohibition, another one of my favorites. For that man that you know smokes the cigars, sit down and have a nice little cocktail, bourbon something like that, and it's called prohibition. But get it. Go to Built on Facebook, everybody and ladies. Go to Walmart and get yourself some nice man some nice soaps for Father's Day. Get them. The whole collection is very cheap, the bar and the body wash. Get the set. Got it? Thank you, sir. You know what I'm saying. And I'm dying, indeed, Marri Camp changing these boys lives. Man there be it is eating. But in the meantime, I don't get out here and do a little barbecue and the grill and waiting on them and fishing. Okay, yelling about you know, because I get you get your point across with yelling. He doesn't I'm gonna be fishing. He don't be chitching with your boys. Barbecue and chicken, real bobber that chicken don't have a good weekend, wait when they have it anyway. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Pretend sevent must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Stand Harvey Morning Show.