The CEO is back. Uncle Steve will now talk about Tommy's new behavior since his TV show premiered. The Pastors are here talking about Church Complaints. There is a synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Obama campaigns for the Democrats in Milwaukee. The midterm elections are right around the corner and Uncle Steve has some cold hard truth for you. BET also aired a midterm election special talking about voting issues in the black community. Pimpin' is here with his picks for NFL week 8. The things kids can say today that would not fly back in the day. Today in Closing Remarks, the focal point is voting plus much more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ball suit looking back to back down, giving them more like American buck bus things. And it's touble y'all. Do me true good at hardy to move to other for stoo bar handle moby. Don't you join? Yeah? Well by joining me, honey, do go turn to go? Yeah, you're going to do. You gotta turn you to turn turn to you love you got to turn out to turn want come come on your thing at it? Uh huh I sure, well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. It is Steve Harvey. Yeah, I got a radio show. Okay, this is timely for everybody. I'm sure. Um. I want to offer you all or some encouragement because everybody needed. Let me tell you something. Uh. You strike out on your goals, You strike out on your aspirations. You get headed out on the course to fulfill your dreams. You strike out on a mission to get it accomplished. You have resolutions, you decide that this is what it's going to be, and so you strike out all in it, all engines blasting full force straight ahead, and then it happens as it happens to all of us. Here it comes a setback. Here, it comes something pop up, man. Here it comes the unexpected all out of nowhere man or hater, just something that that, really, man, is undescribable to you because you're just going along, you're what you thought was your merry way, and here it comes life. Life just hits one of them bad notes, as it always does, as it always does for all of us, for everybody. Now when those bad notes happen, when it has come out of nowhere, when the setback comes up, when the when the out of nowhere appears, when now I didn't see that coming comes. Here's here's what you have to do. Here is the thing that I have been teaching myself for years that I used to not always understand. So I'm trying to give it to you. You have to be encouraged anyway. Now that's difficult, okay, Steve, what you're talking about. You just told me all this discouraging stuff that can happen, and you said you got to be encouraged anyway. Yeah, man, you have to because what's happening to you right now, the thing that you're going through right now, the thing that everybody's going through right now. Ain't nobody on smooth sailing, man. Everybody got something, and if they, if they don't smooth selling, just notice is coming. There's nothing I'm wishing on anybody. It's just that this is life. This is how it happens everybody, So please stop stop getting on the old woe is Me bandwagon? Old Lord? Why met, old lord? Something always happened to me, something always happens to everybody. But here's what you got to do. When you get in moments like this, you got to be encouraged. You got to remember in those times, in those times when it's going wrong, you got to remember all that you've been through. You got to remember all that you've come through. You have to remember those other times when you felt like this and somehow, unexplainably you don't even really stop to say nothing about it. It just changed for you. And the problem that was is no more. And the situation that seems so insurmountable, you got over it, You got around it, You got over it. Sometimes you just got to slide right under it. Sometimes you got to plow through it. But in those times when it's discouraging for you, when you feel like giving up. Those are the tests. Those are the moments that will determine whether we make it or not. I'll tell you one thing for sure. If you give up in these moments, right here here is a foreshow you'll never make it. That's that's that's that's that's unquestionably the deal. If you give up in these dark times, if you give up in these what you think is insurmountable moments, if you turn back, now here is the one thousand sent for shure, you ain't gonna make it. But there's a bright side to this situation. If you keep your head down, if you keep forging, if you keep pressing on sometimes, if you just stand there and sometimes get knocked to your knees. But if you stay in that place, if you just stay there and ride the storm out, my head is bloodied but unbowed. If you can just stay there, if you consider in that moment and ride it out, you will win. You will win, You will pass the test, and you will get to move on to the next level. But there is no next level without a test. You can't get to grade six without passing grade five. You can't be a senior without first being a junior. You can't graduate without fulfilling the hours and requirements. You see, I don't care what you do in life. Look at it. It's all set up on levels. But you've got to accomplish the thing before in order to get to the next level. And when you've made those level accomplishments, you get to graduate that you can go on to get the masters in a PhD. You can go on and become rich. You can go become wealthy, or you can go or you can go somewhere and think yourself in another set of circumstances. But you got to go through something to get to something. There ain't nothing free. So you can stop that notion about being successful that is easy. Come on, man, if it was easy, what what what we are? What we're talking about? It is not easy. Stop thinking it is. It is difficult. But I'll tell you what's even more difficult than becoming successful. You want to know what that is? Try not being successful your whole life. That's hard. You are listening to a person who has done them both been successful and really really been not successful. And I got news for you. Both of them hard, But I would rather deal with what it is to be something, to make something out of myself, to force myself to go to work when I don't feel like it. This morning was a rough get up for me, but I got up and I said thank you anyway, never give up. And I don't watch this dude too. He even mess around and got close to me because he just never gave up. You can, You can never ever give up. Never. It's not an option. Giving up cannot be an option for you. You cannot do that. You it's it's out of the question. It's ain't conceivable in your mind to quit, because to quit it's to what what you get when you quit? Nothing That is a reward for those who hang in there, who never give up, who forged through, who see it through, who get knocked down and get back up, who gets trampled but somehow gathers themselves and get back to your knees. But stay in that place, man, don't ever give up. Don't let go be encouraged. Think of all you've been through, Think of all you come through, Think of all he's done for you. Think of all the times you thought you wasn't gonna make it, But somehow, without you ever even saying thank you, he got through He got you through it anyway. That's that thing called grace. Now we kind of need that in our life. All all I need is a little more grace. You can't give God no money for grace, man. Grace is absolutely free. It's available to everybody. But you can't get none if you quit. Don't give up. I'll just tell you that flat out. Don't ever give up. You're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen. Here we are the Steve Harvey Marty Show us in full effect on this very very It's a blessed Monday morning. Glad to be here. Glad I'm alive, Glad I woke up this morning. Glad I'm safe. Glad I have a measure of health. Whatever you're healthy is if you're listening. You got some uh And I'm excited man, about the opportunities in front of me today. So let's get the started. Shirley straw Bed, Welcome back to Steve Tommy. Good morning to you guys. Callin Forrell and Junior are not here today. They're recovering from the Perry Rowt Prairie Prairie View Reunion. The full Yeah, they full, you mean the homecoming? Oh all right, let's celebrate. They could do that. Okay, it's good to sell. It's real good. Yo. What's there? Still mean? Ain't nothing changed? Still hateful? Still hate everything, Still that bitter man about a damn thing? Still nothing? Tom and Tom? Yes, so rejuvenated, baby, I'm here. Okay, So let's get this straight. You needed you needed to take some time off to rejuvenate. I'm not understand. I'm not understanding. It was one show, right, Am I wrong on that? Oh? It ain't dude show. I just needed to rejuvenate. What yeah? What that's my man, my body and soul one show? You only got one? Okay, okay, yeah that's just what? Okay? What was wrong? Why did your mind, body and soul need rejuvenating? And that's what we can just you know, just not used to this this, you know, trying to catch the rhythm of it, understand it the dudes, and don't what. I can't say no more, where I can't do, no more, where I can't go no more. I'm so I just trying to get to I can't okay, Um, questions, no, no, Just listens to Steve. I'll get back to you in a second or I probably don't have to actually um persecution. Yeah, Steve, Okay, let me get this straight. You have at least eight at least at least I don't recall a moment, a day, an hour, just a period of time in recent history, since you've had these shows that you had to take um like how many days was it? Like Tommy has been going like yeah, holds like seven eight days, juvenate stop. Yeah, he had to rejuvenate and stop that. So what happens is if you don't have the wherewithal and the capacity for it, it can be a bit overwhelming. And I just think that we could be facing something. And we'll find out throughout this morning, But is it overwhelming this newfound successful to Alright? Come when we come back, we'll continue this conversation about is this all too much for Tommy with yeah, yeah, yeah, and then we'll find out what we did over the weekend that's coming up. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Alright, So before we left off, we went to break. We're just getting here. Good morning everyone, the cruise here, Good morning Carla Junior off today, Yeah, celebrating Prairie Views home Coming. And then Carla was a guest speaker at a breast cancer awareness dinner for breast cancer survivors last night in Houston. So she has the day off. Yes, yes, and uh so Okay, before we left off, Steve, I had asked you a question, um, because Tommy is just getting back off of a week long vacation. Well not and uh well it was a few days, however long it was. It was to rejuvenate his mind speak exactly. He said he needed to do that because because he has a show own own now show Ready for Love, and between that and the radio show. Uh and I told you all while he was gone, I thought that this might be a little bit too much for him. You said it, you, you did say it. And then now I think that we just need to find out is this too much? Is this overwhelming? Does this warrant this type of behavior? You're just gonna pick wars? Does he have to wear with? Does he have to wear with? It's this overwhelming, this warrant, and that's this warrant, the type of behavior that he has. I have to where with all it ain't overwhelming, And don't nothing, I ain't got no warrants. So I don't know what you're talking about. Well, Tommy, a lot of times, man, when you have this newfound success, it's just a lot of unknown involved, and maybe you just have a lot of unknown You have any questions, man, you want to ask me anything? Because it was just one show. We got to point that out. We can't get another one. I got another one bruined though. Okay, so let me ask you this. So what can I not do anymore? Miss works? Work? About that? Take off? Everybody over here? Take off, take off. There's a lot of people that took off. Take off, you miss work, see taking off and not coming in and telling us that you ain't coming today because it's just too much. Well, I don't know. I need to be off till it's time. You don't know until they here. I mean, you don't know you're going through the where we're haul until it's time. You, I mean, don't you get that? Sometimes they hit you later and you're like, whoa, I just this, whoa? This is the where with all right here right? This is whoever? With all he was talking about, have you ever thought, man, that maybe maybe you should just push through and just go forward anyway? Oh now there's a thought that. Okay, I pushed through and called and said I wasn't coming. That's pushing through. No, that's not pushing through, that's calling in. You just push some buttons. If your behind me on this on what I'm going through, oh no, not at all. A matter of fact, I predicted this while you was gone. I knew this thing. Well, I've been ads on me. Yeah yeah, I said. They said, why do you think Tommy is not coming in? I said, because I think it's too much? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did say that. You said it. So now that you've been off Tommy, Okay, let's just deal with that. You're back with us now. Yes, So are you rejuvenated? What does that feel like? Because you have more shows, you have more in the in the TV season. I'm ready to love you own tomorrow night again. So will you be here Wednesday? Thursday? We don't know. I will be here. I'm back. I just had to thank for a minute and I'm back and I'm ready to work. So I'm good. What while you weren't here, could I ask what what did you think about? What are your thoughts? Now? You know what, sometimes, Jake, you don't have a team times, I just want them to want you to share with them what you're going through, because that's what I'm doing. We want to know this. Yeah, what were you thinking I'm going through? I don't know what. I'm afraid to do anything like what I mean, give me an example, like you said, what can't you do anymore? Like you was saying, like, it's like, it's certain things because you're in a sponsorship driven business. Now your shows have sponsors to it, and so there's certain things when you're sponsor driven that you cannot say anymore. Right, Well, that's what I've been quiet. I don't say nothing. I'm scared if I say something, I A'm gonna say the wrong thing. I don't want to mess nothing up, so I just be quiet. And then they start feeling depressing. Yeah, well you can't talking and saying whatever the hell I want to say, and I can't say you think? I mean, you can go back to that talking without thinking and stuff like that. You can go, right, you have to think. Now that's the ship you miss Let me get ready, you missed talking and not thinking. You have to think. Now, tell me, is that going to be a problem to say whatever I want? To say that. I ain't I say what I want to say. Now I'm over here, like, man, I'm I'm damned if I do. Damn if I'm wanting. You can't say nothing. What are you afraid you might say something stupid? Well that's a given. Okay, let's see. I'm trying not to and it's hard. I don't think saying stupid stuff is what's gonna be the problem. I don't think stupid I always used to be in my favor noice not. You understand when I'm coming from. It's never been in your you know what I'm saying that. I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying for twenty years. Well, Steve, just give him some advice to take him through. I mean, because it's just but he's got to talk on the show. Steve. Sure, Like I said, it's some you want to boys, let's do this. I said something. My boys just pay a weekend and I want to. You know, I'm just being Tommy. They're gonna tell me you can't say stuff like that, that's just stupid. What did you say? I say? I ain't going to nobody's funeral. Who ain't came to man. How y'all feel when y'all get that, I feel like your boys were right. They were spot one. One more time, one more time. I ain't going to nobody's funeral. Who ain't came to mind? That's coming up deck Church complaints with Pastor Motown and deconjection right after you all to say that in front of miss Old one time? Oh no, I will not do right. You're listening to Steve Harvey show. Al right, guys, coming up at the top of the hour and all morning long, we're gonna talk about voting and how it's time for this country to come together before we get too deep into it. Though. It is Monday, and it's time to make you laugh a little bit with Reverend Motown and Dick and deaf jam with today's church complaints right moves, huh, we on it about it, done it. Yes, we need realized. We we is here, Yes we church complaints. Let us begin right now, all right, past, and we got an issue here the Halloween party planner sister eyes that that's sister of that that's such a dariest face. Uh is creating a huge problem. Past. She says that the chicken wings, and this is for the Hotoween party. The chicken wings will be orange from food die. The hot dogs will be green, and the chili will be purple. We don't think this is good for the kids, she say. Only pastor can tell her what to do. All right, Pastor, I'm like, you know, I'm not eating no damn uh prepper chili. Well, she said that the hot dogs is green. Now she said, the chicken wings is orange and the hot dogs. Yeah, you're right, the hot dogs are green and the chili is purple. Well, I've had a wing before, okay, done? Or the Buffalo place they had the scary that father green hot dog that sounded like deaf and purple chili. You know, come on now, it's to Halloween pass. There's too much perfectly not a Halloween color. Neither is green. So tell her that we need all these foods put back in the regular colors, and she can do the decorative colors in the candy. All right, But but she has green hot doves. I have seen him, so I don't know how we're gonna make them go back to the regulation. Well, she's not serving them at this church, but we're about six hundred hot dove and they are Why the hair would you buy six hundred green hot dog? Deacon? Because we got that mini cherry? You you didn't understand the course out. I'm saying, if we had that be any children, why would you buy six hundred green hot dogs? If the question I didn't do it, since the Doris did it, and I'm just saying she got the money. And why are you attacking me? Path take the hot dog down there and trade them back here for regular hot dog. So we don't want time cause Halloween ain't for a corporate days, right, But what about the chili? If you ain't got the hot dogs? What if the chili? For I fixed this with sister doth hate don't even matter? All right? I we have another issue. Brother, brother Boogie Davis is back in rehab. He is now addicted to California Brownies. He keeps flying out there eating these brownies. I don't think he knows actual the pastor what's in the brownie. He's asking that the church relocate him to l A permanently. Well, no, no one this brother Buck, Brother David, right, we're not I'm concerned about somebody being addicted to weed or you can get off weed. To my understand it, I don't know much about that, but it ain't like opioids, hell and crack, cocaine, cocaine mall yeah, all painkillers. You just ran down the whole time. You can get you you you can be on weed and recover. Well, he got these brownies and he keep eating them, and that ain't doing good with his teeth either, So that we have to Are we gonna try to help the man because he in cavities with these brownies, but he had You can't help everybody, dec We got other problems with what I'm saw. Are you getting hot? Stopped getting hot? Do you want us to do? Now? We got the other thing to address him. Your junk head boy going I eat me brownie out here in California. According to Cliff, it ain't California no more. It's actually called California. That's what brother Cliff saint. That's what brother Cliff said. It ain't California's California. Alright, Well, I'm moving right along. I need you to brace yourself past it, because you know this it's gonna be a little different here. Okay, well hold only okay, you know not of college is at BECU. They're having their homecomings, but church home coming is this coming weekend. We wanted you to be aware that all your ex wives have registered and we'll be attending all the events. Oh that's seven, ain't it? Path a sick Well, I'm scheduled to preach this weekend in California as a matter, so I won't be in any of these services. They are more than welcome because God is forgiving. Even if I ain't. What do you want us to do with that? Give a damn what you do? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Well, I don't give a wretch. You can't say that either. I don't give a flying That was a big one right there. I wish you took flight with it past? How come do just can't fund the words? No invited? There? You can't without custing Huh? Are you gonna be able to deliver any message out there? No? No, So I won't even video with cord missage. No message for me to give to these x Y because I'm the first one they run to when they get here. I don't I wish Why are they coming to yoke? Wait? Wait, now, who do you know? What? Path that? That? That's all right? We got hit. Here's another issue that's been grouped in Thank you. We are asking that all the sisters whose eyelashes are sticking out father than your nose to everybody. We can't see your eyes and it puts a bad look on the church path. Sister Abigails got caught in her hat last week and she couldn't blink for the entire so just dried out. We had to get her to the hospital. All Right, all right, guys, it's time for us to come together. We'll tell you what we mean right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we gotta say it is time for Americans to come together. Last week was such an unbelievable, unbelievable week. We're a nation that is traumatized. Fourteen pipe bomb mailing sent to prominent Democrats former presidents in CNN. Thank god, the authorities arrested fifty six year old Caesar uh Sayak and he is charged with five federal crimes. The race targeted killings in Kentucky. Uh the white man who killed two black people at a Louisiana, Louisville Kroger store. Um, yeah, that was really awful. The suspect, his name was Gregory Bush, killed Mr Maurice Stallard in front of the store, in front of his twelve year old grandson. He killed him in the store in front of his twelve year old grandson, and then he killed Ms. Vicki Lee Jones in the Kroger parking lot. I mean, this is terrible. We're just also learning that the suspect, Gregory Bush, tried to enter a Kentucky predominantly black church but the doors were locked and he was unsuccessful. And the suspect told another white bystander, whites don't kill whites. What what is And then yeah, what is that? And then I mean this horrific killing on Saturday, um uh man, the deadly shooting of eleven people who were killed at a Pittsburgh synagogue, making it the deadliest anti Semitic attack in US history. I mean, just on and on and on this. You know, we're in all is this a no, it's not a race war, but we're in a you know, race has always played a part in our country, in the development of the country, in the growth of the country, and even where the country is today. The denial of it doesn't help anything. We have to deal and grapple with racism all the time. And so it's it's tragic what has happened here because, um, you know, we live in a time now man, where it's people people do things man that are so a ocious. I mean, now, America's has been filled with the atrocities. Don't get me wrong, Oh we've this country here can't be proud of the many things that they allowed to occur. And starting with slavery, lynch, just the the whole idea of slavery alone was a diabolical scheme against people from a foreign land. Uh. This antisemitic thing that's going on has been going on by white supremacist groups and quite supremacist organizations, whatever you want to call them, and and and it just goes on too far. Why this man feels that Jews should not be here, Why anybody feels that blacks shouldn't be here, anybody who feels that they can take Asian people's lives, whatever the case may be. It's just a lot, man, It's just a lot. It's a it's a horrible time. Now. This guy that delivered the bombs, this right here, I'm sorry, but this right here, this climate and who who he targeted was because of the rhetoric that our president's views. You can directly make that correlation. Everybody who's ever spoken out against Donald Trump was targeted. Anybody that he lashed out at was targeted. So it's it's it's it starts with the top. He has to change his rhetoric. Is he going to No, he's not no double down if anything, Steve, No, he's not gonna We'll come back. We'll talk about it, amore. All right, it's time for today's headlines. Let's get into that right here. Steve ms and Trip, thank you very much, and yes, of course I do have to talk about those things. The forty six year old white man and named Robert Bowers will appear before a federal judge in Pittsburgh today facing twenty nine federal criminal accounts. Could face a death penalty for what is believed to be the most deadly attack on the U S Synagogue during worship services in history. Eleven people kill, six others injured. During the course of the shootings, police say boys talked about genocide his desire to kill Jews, so U S Attorney Scott Brady says this clearly fits the definition of a hate crime. Hate crime is where an individual is animated by a hatred or certain animus towards a person of certain ethnicity or religious faith, and it becomes domestic terrorism where there is an ideology that that person is then also trying to propagate through violence. And this is all sadly reminiscent, of course, to Black Americans who remember a white man named Dylan Roof who gained entrance to a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, back in June and shot and kill nine innocent people. President Trump, by the way, says the massive could have been avoided if there was an armed guard there. However, Pittsburgh may Or William Poduto disagrees with that line. I think. I think the approach that we need to be looking at is how we take the guns, which is the common denominator of every mass shooting in America, out of the hands of those that are looking to express hatred through murder. The mayor was on NBC's Meet the Press. Meanwhile, it's already say a white man in Kentucky shot and killed two innocent black people in a crow grocery store last week outside of Louisville. Gregory Allen Bush has a history of violence, murdered sixty seven year old Vickie Lee Jones. Sixty nine year old more Restalt was killed in front of his twelve year old grandson, and the suspect, Gregory Allen Bush, being held in five million dollars bail. Witnesses say, get this, They saw a Bush trying to get into a black church nearby before heading to the store. A white man saw the suspect walking through the stores, parking lottyes and what was going on. Bush answers, don't shoot me, I won't shoot you. Whites, don't shoot whites. With all that, the local police chief says, it's too soon to say if the unprovoked killings were Rachelly motivated. Meanwhile, all this comes as a man named series just say Aak arrested in Florida last week for legedly sending incendiary packages to foreign President Obama all the other people who either criticized Donald Trump or who were criticized by him. Sayak is to appear before a judge in Miami, Florida today. He could be sent up to New York right after that and being arraigned on on charges and tried in New York and finally, I really don't think. I don't know. I don't think Americans need to be frightened anymore. But this is Halloween weekend. Finally, the Latest and the Halloween franchise slashed its way to the top of the weekend box office heap for a second week in a row, Halloween, pulling in thirty two million bucks over the weekend, bringing its two week total to one hundred million bucks. If you care about what was going on in the movies, ears up Steve Harvey Nation find out if Steve is smart and his nephew will be back twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, alright, So Steve, we said this earlier after last week. It is time for this country. We all have to stand up and say enough. Former President Obama was in Milwaukee on Friday campaigning for the Democrats. Take a listen to this. What is at stake in this way is whether we're gonna get a politics and a government and a public life that is decent and ice and lawful and tries to do the right thing for people, and it's worthy of this country that we love, and that is a set of values that transcends party, because it shouldn't be democratic or republican to say we won't lie and you don't make stuff up. It shouldn't be democratic or republican to say you don't try to punish political poems or threaten the freedom of the press just because you don't like what they say. It shouldn't be democratic or republican to say we don't target certain groups of people based on how they look like, what the last name is, or how they prayed or who they love. Still talk, man. He got what he was elected to do, and that was to govern the people. People. The problem that we had with our forty five is he was elected, but his job as the forty five president is to govern the people, and that is to understand, listen to all sides, and to say, hey, look man, here's what we need to do. Now. You may not agree with me on this, and I don't agree with you on that, but this is what we're gonna do. And what do we need to give you to make this okay with you? And that's what it always comes down to. When they passed these bills, they passed these bills. We'll get this, but we'll give you that because you gotta give the right wing something, and you gotta give the left wing something. If you want the eagle to fly right. If it's all going on one wing, it ain't gonna work. And what we have right now is the president. Here's what gave it away from me when he said when Leslie stall On sixty minutes asked him how he felt about the treatment of Dr Ford in the Kavanaugh hearing, the woman who came and a claimed assault, he said, at one point he stopped it. He said, I'm not going to get into all of that. The only thing that matters is is that we want So that's all that matters. Here is a guy who is getting his way at all costs, and any cost is all that matters. And if that's the case, that's not the person who should be in charge. I got the economy is supposedly doing better. I've got that manufacturing jobs are coming back into the country. We all know that the real recovery started back with that stimulus package. He gets to take credit for that. Okay, Coire, what have you done to unify the country? And I can tell you flat out nothing. He's been the most disruptive president we've had in our life, all right, coming up at thirty or four after the hour, well said Steve, more about voting and the gloves came off during the debate for Florida's governor's race, So we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show alright, the mid term elections are just around the corner on November six, guys and Steve, for those of you who missed it. The mayor of Tallahassee, Florida, Andrew Gillim, the Democratic candidate for governor in Florida, has been the target of racism throughout his campaign. Well. During the debate, Andrew Gillim's opponent, Republican run De Santis, got visibly angry when he was questioned about his speaking engagement engagement. At racially charged for Right conferences, Gillum said he would not call his opponent to Santis a racist. Take a listen, Mr gilm won't give you a chance to respond, though. Let me first say, my grandmother used to say, I hit dog, will holler uh, and it hollered through this room. Mr de Santis has spoken. First of all, he's got Neo Nazis helping him out in the state. Uh. He has spoken at racist conferences. He's accepted a contribution and would not return it from someone who referred to the former President of the United States as a Muslim in I G. G. E. R. When asked return that money, he said, no, he's using that money to now fund negative ads. Now I'm not calling Mr de Santas a racist. I'm simply saying the racist believe he's a racist. Mike Who Yeah, yeah, you see. You know what if you accept money from a person like that, I mean, come on, now, that speaks volume for your character because you could say, hey, look, I'm not taking money from somebody with that type of belief because that's not near at all. But if you have the same attitude that our forty five has that the only thing that matters is that we win, then we have a problem because we now have the same situation that we have in the White House. That's why it is so important that we get out to vote, because you have got to create a balance, because you're starting to see what happens when there isn't a balance, When there isn't enough left and enough right at the same time, it all goes heavily one way, and that one way is not for everybody. And so we've got to get to Florida. We've got to vote for Andrew Gillum. We've got to show up in Georgia and vote for Stacy Abem. You've got to show up in all of these places in Mississippi, Texas and and and Texas and get these candidates elected that can make a difference for you. You cannot sit out this election, y'all, and listen to me. You gotta take somebody with you. If if you're listening to my show and you're a baby boomer, then you gotta take a millennial to the pole with you. If you're in the poll and you live, you listen to this show and you're millennial, you gotta take a baby boomer to the pole with you. You gotta get your fellow U millennials and your fellow baby boomers to vote. You all are gonna set yourself up for some horrendous lifestyle changes. Let me help you understand this. The rich will be fine, I'm telling you, man, and they will be fine because these policies are are just the tilted towards them. The reason I'm screaming so loud is because the majority of my people, the majority of my relatives, my friends, my loved ones, the people who I need the most do not fit into the category of rich, and they are going to suffer. If they suffer. I have to suffer, you know why, because I got to come to the rescue. Yeah, I am telling you, man, the rich will be fine. We have got to get out and vote and create a balance here. Man, This number forty five, I'm telling you, man, is doing some stuff that's never been done before. You've got to get a balance there, man, because this guy is saying the most atrocious stuff to ever come out of the White House in our life. So he can so he can win. He set up and went to that rally after the White House asked him not to rally because of the murders at the synagogue. He going anyway because he loves that. He going on there and telling them jokes and then people just clap for every damn thing he said. When he's saying something just dead wrong, they'll be clapping the chin in the ass off so sick of him. Person, what they asked behind, that's right, your vote is your power. Up next, it is the nephew with a prank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject. It's better if people are watching us. Don't say anything. Tell me you have a show. Come on, let me come on that right there, hold your mule baby holding alright, keep your show. Here you go, Jay right now though the nephew is up with today's praying phone call. What you got you know what to Guy Tori? Get tore right now? You've been you've been stealing my jokes. Yeah, I'm trying to I'm trying to reach guy Tory. Are you listen? This ain't out of uh Decata, Georgia. Listen. I want to call you for a second. I got your number from over one of the comedians and uh down here in Georgia. I got your number through them at the clube. So I wonder how let you about this here? Man? Or you know, I've been in the game probably like or right like two years now. I've been doing standing up and here lately. You know, everybody telling me, you know that when I get out stage, saying hey, you know I've seen guy tour it do that joke, And I'm saying, what you who do? Telling you? Telling you what I'm doing your jokes? Well, I mean, I'm just telling you that's supposedly what's going. And this ain't the first time I'm hearing, you know, every time I get out I'm here, Hey God, Tory Ben, what's your name again? This ain't out of theator do I don't do? I don't even know you, man, but I know that too. But what I'm saying is, you know, I'm trying to come to you, like, come in and tell you what I'm healing. You know, well, what what Joe? What joke is it, dude? Because it's like, come on, man, It's like it was a premises or what joke. They're saying that I stole from you. Well, I'm all thirty of my minutes that I do. They're saying, you're doing out low. Well, what's all I'm doing? I got? Do I do? I do? Throw them at my sleep man, that's all you got, oh dude. But my understanding is you're doing you know, damn near my whole real team. You got, you got you got the wrong verson. First of all, you you got me considered with my names. I don't still jokes. I've been in game fifteen years. I never stole a damn jokes. So I don't know. I don't know what people you got telling you. You know, every time you get off stage, I'm doing in material. But dude, I do my own material, dou I live my life. I'll tell my own story. Dude, I don't know crap. Man. Look look man, look, I ain't trying to get into it like this. He'll. All I'm saying is if I find out you do one mode of my jokes, hold on old. First of all, first Bollo, hold on. First of all, you ain't gonna curse at me, dude, I ain't cursed it you yet, all right, So let me come at me like that. First of all, you've been the game two years doing. Come on, man, you're mine. Man. You look all I know here people telling me that that that you up there doing, and you know I already know about you your brother, and I don't left there that on. None of that there phased me. I know he brother. I'm just saying, I know he live whites, and I'll let them that be all like this, So what you want to do all right, all right, I'm doing your jokes. If I'm doing your jokes, all right, what you want to do about it? There? If I okay, so I'm doing your jokes? What now what? No? You ain't finding out? What else? What? What now? What? Hey? I don't I'm combing in. I'm coming in LA. You don't want to tell you what? You ain't gonna come to l A. You and Georgia, I father you. It'll be away game for me. I'm undefeated. I'll come in your country backyard and come on your curse about that. I don't let the Hollywood who you do these movies and TV show me? All right, I'll get it up in a minute. Do I do? Don't do counts? Manhood? Oh my act who? You think you might thank you a litt may wealth or something? You you're both getting may weather? You bout you keep talking? You accusing me of still a joke. That's that dude, That dude, that's the wors they can do to a comedian is accusing the still in your jokes in my jokes. The comedian is now, I don't look to know you, dude, any TV show, not now, how I'm doing your joke. I don't never I ain't never seen you before. Man, these little, these little penny Ace clubs. You're playing on the step foot there, dude. Say now you're trying to do this, expect my come up and on how I'm trying to get where I'm gonna whatever? Man, he said up somebody else. Okay. I all I'm gonna say is this right here when I see y'all, it's her only pop because you're messing with my lilihood, not dude, I what you have to do? Dude, dude, you you're accusing my reputation. Dude, that's worse than that. I mean, I know you got some movies and stuff and then done the deaf jons and not to do with it. They another du it. I'm still you get you get straight nothing out period. How about that. All I'm saying is I'm going to put the word. I tell that God Torry is stealing about your mouth. You're skinning Dave Wine jokes. Baby, that's what you're doing. If you want to put I be, if you want to keep my name about your mouth, didn't quit stealing my jokes. Whatever, du I ain't stolen. I ain't STNNA Live about the jokes? You got me confused? Don't put the St. Louis women telling you really quick? Okay, I'm I'm I'll tell you what then is you? And what what else have you about? This? Just done? When we see you tell them we're just going at it. Wait enough to be said and quest saying my jokes? You list shot that? Whatever? Man? All right? What do you want your place? How about that? In that sign with me? And I got one mouth thing I want to tell you you say it is you're listening. I'm listening. I mean listen a long time you've been talking. That's a few time. And God, Tori from the Steve Harvey Martin Show, you young game. I was driving then I pulled over. Man. God, dog, I know the worst thing you could tell a comedian is you didn't stole my joke? Dog? That's gunfire? Do you have me? Do? I pulled over? Man's good? What else? And you know yourself? What is the baddest radio show in the land? Come on, man, Steve show him? There's no other class. God, I got you. I'm gonna get your brother too. I got you. He good him? Man, let me know you got me because I was. Guy is so funny though Guy stole nobody jokes. Take him a jail to go from zero to sixty like that story. Brother, and don't don't get him together and make vote of the man. You really got a rob. And don't get the mad at each other because they'll go at each other too. Heart being loved. But there's but you'll been not saying nothing bout a right. Check it out. You're good, Jay. Let me drop your dates on y'all. This uh, this Friday night, the nephew is, I'm at a home coming pine Bluff, Arkansas against Alabama A and M. The nephew going to pine Bluff. That's November three, Friday night. The nephew would be at the Pine Bluff Convention Center. Get your tickets, they don't sell. If you're coming to the homecoming, come catch the nephew. I ain't never been to pine Bluff, but I'll beat there Friday night. Take us own sell red now red now back to you and you know, just being careful. You do have a show. Now when I hold hold you, keep your work. He got the home on net. Keep that show so it's on Saturdays. Now, tell me you say every Saturday. Right, it's on Saturday. Uh you know last Tuesday was was the was the big premier t PM, Eastern non Central on catch It Please catch you? Yeah? Ready to Love? Right yeah, Ready to Love. And my next show gonna be Ready to be Quiet. All right, coming up at the top of the hour. It is the Strawberry Letters. Subject. It's better if people are watching us. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve, yeah, clicking Strawberry Letter. All right, Before we get to this letter, I got put a disclaimer out here. If you're in the car at home with some young children, you may not want them to hear this particular letter. Okay, thank you, buggle up. He is thank you enough. Subject it's better if people are watching Hello, Stephen Shirley, and I might need to include Tommy too. I am a happily married, forty year old woman with grown children. I'm completely in love with my husband and We have an incredible sex life, but I have one issue. When we first started dating years ago, my husband could not get enough of me sexually. As you can imagine, that cooled down after a few years, so I wanted to spice things back up. I asked him to take me to a strip club since I had never been to one, and he did. We got a table in the back of the club and I got tipsy and started putting on a better show than the strippers. My man could not keep his hands off me, and all of the people around us were watching as we got it on. This really turned me on and ignited something within me sexually. It created a desire in me to have sex in front of others, to have someone watching us when we're together, I constantly fantasize about it. I just want someone to watch, not join in. My husband and I are totally faithful to each other and that's not changing. I hinted that we should go back to the strip club, but he told me that strip clubs aren't really his thing. I bought toys, so we did role playing and we've made some videos. We had sex and a few public public places, but none of those things gave me the same rush as that night when people were watching us. My husband admits he used to be a freak, and he goes along with whatever I want to do, but I always feel like I'm a bit too freaky for him. Is it wrong for me to have this desire? Okay, be quiet, Tommy, Okay, I'm not gonna say that. You know it's wrong what you desire. I'm not gonna say that's wrong. Because everyone fantasizes about something or someone you know, and and and they're all they're not always right or or or good or anything. I mean, if you if it's your fantasy, it's your fantasy. Uh, yours happens to be voyeurism. You want somebody to watch you and your husband when you're doing it. Okay, But it doesn't seem like your husband is into it at all. He's not there. He's not into it. Uh. He has told you the script scrip clubs are in his thing, even though you want to go back and have people watch them. So that could be a problem for you. And and if you continue to badger him, he may not like that. It could cause a problem in your marriage. He's told you he's not into it. Okay, Let me ask you you didn't get some sort of rush as you call it when you um, when when you do it in public places, or when you did it those times in public places, Because that seems to be somewhat of a compromise between actually having someone watching you in a strip club, don't you think? Um, you know, what you don't want to do is not be on the same page with your husband sexually. Um. It may be, you know, it may vary from time to time. I'll say, but you guys have to talk so you can both get some or all of uh, you know, what you wanted in a given time. So I say to you talk, you know, when you're on neutral ground, and figure out how you can both get what you want sexually. But taking him to the strip club doesn't do it for him, even though you going to the strip club and having people watch you does it for you. That's an issue. You guys gotta work that out. Steve time, the Whispers had a song out called Olivia, Oh liv and change the Way to the Grandmothers High or Wolfing Lamb's clothing came change Away. Now she's lost and turned down, lost in turn Down, you are Olivia. You are now lost and turned out. Let me start at the bottom of the left. This is what you say, Is it wrong for me to have this desire? You grown, grown people know this. If you're an adult and you have to ask somebody's opinion if this is wrong, it's because you already know it's wrong. You're just trying to find somebody tell you it's all right. Well, we can't do that for you. It's not all right. You want to have sex in front of people. That's what this is. Na. The way it happened was, you know, he couldn't keep your hands off for you when you first got married, y'all to y'alla, y'ada. Then it kind of cooled off. So one day you was trying to spice things up. You ask your husband take you to a strip club. He did. Y'all got there in that back room, you got the drinking, and strippers, got the clown and you got to show them strippers what you had. Oh man, you have climbed on your man. You and your man having full blown sex in front of some people in the back room. You see this now you wrote it in a letter. You want to do it again. Your hugs would say, strip clubs really ain't his sting, lady, I don't. I don't really know where to go with you. I can't tell y'all what's what's what's best for y'all sex? Like, yeah, you want to have sex on the floor at the mall? You know, I'll tell you what if you don't want to go back to strip when I come back. I don't have a dister place of y'all control. Yes, all right, you heard it. The name of the letter, the subject is it's better if people are watching us. We're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at about twenty three after the hour. Thank you for listening. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at te after right after this. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve up, it's time let's recap today Strawberry letters. Subject it's better if people are watching up. You know, she didn't went to the strip club with a man because they she want to spice something they love. Like she got in the back room, the strippers got a little while, she got to drink, and she got wild with him. Next thing, you know, she putting on the show that was better than the one strippers hunt, a man had sex and people was watching. That turned down. Now she won't people to watch them while they have sex. She didn't ask go back down to the strip club. He said that ain't really his thing. He don't want to go back down now, So okay, cool. So now you got a problem because you wants to do it in front of some people. He don't want to. Now, you asked us, is it wrong of you to feel this way for these designs you know good in hair? Well, it ain't right. Sex is supposed to be a personal thing. But if that's what you wanna do, if you want to have sex in front of people and he don't want to go to the strip club, I have a short list or places you could go whereas a lot of people and you can have sex. What Yeah, because that's what she wants. Yeah, let's try this November six at the polls where they vote. There's gonna be a lot of people down there. They ain't got nothing to do, they're just standing around. Y'all. Just lay a blanket down in front of that grass. It's always slow moving at the polls. Here's another place y'all can have sex and give it a shot. At the doctor's office in the waiting room. Get their magazines off that table. They're going to handle it right. Here's another place where you could be in front a lot of people, go to jail. Whoa, they're not gonna put them in at each other. Yeah, I don't give a damn. You're gone down there. Try a people. Yeah, here's where's a lot of people. A church, pew a church, acquire rehearsal, whatever you wanna do. Tried that. Here's another place down at the d m V. It's date and they do the mad They in the long ass line they got to I got another place. You do it in line at that ticket trying to win that damn Mega Jack Park. Yeah, that's always. I'll tell you another place that's crowding. Lunchtime at the crypt at the Quick Trip gas station where they got slurpy slush and hot dog. It's pack. I tell you another place you want to have sex, it's gonna be crowded from the day after the all at the Boston Red Sox. Yeah yeah, yeah, girl, there's gonna be some people up in now. You could just go and I tell you another place. And anybody's funeral, they all that crying and stuff. You can hear all that. What it would be a distraction? Yeah? Did you see up? Wow? Oh my goodness. Um, these are places you could have public sex. That's not at the strip where sports ball just in this sports ball anyone. I'll tell you what. Hell at the Laker game, I tell you a good place to have some sense and been to throw him into something at the next trup roun Oh yeah, yeah with the hat on. Yeah, make America, except you have to have make America have more people in this. Yeah, how about to move in theater? Try that? But it's dark and there though, Steve, not a lot of people won't be able to scream. Not if you're up against the screen. Let him mash you right up against that scream. Don't even weary potty everybody, huh. Can we get on a plane. It's a lot of people on the plane. You're a little crowded though, you're gonna cut your knees up. I don't care waiting on that plane. You could do it where. You can do it at a tiger Woods golf tournament. That's a good one. Yeah, do it at the Masters hard. You can do a dead line. Yeah, you can do it at a car show and go back to what Tommy said, maybe not on the airplane, but at the airport. Yeah, yeah, or any dick sporting goods. It was. I did like very clear, very clear super Bowls coming up? What you think, No, we don't want to wait that Long's gonna be the broke up by the what in two months? A couple of months? But about a home coming? Yeah, that's that's going on. You could have did it this past weekend at the preview home come. Pretty sure they were looking for something to get into bowling at. Yeah, did it down there? Something different? I knew where was a lot of people with a lot of people at the We all want to see it too. At the Beyonce and jay Z concert. Yeah, that would have been good. I got a good one. If the Universal Soul Circles come back, do it right there and they'll probably make you all I act ladies and gentlemen coming out. You've me standing right next to the little African kids that know how to step out their own age, the contortionists, that's what they call them. Say that again, I've ever seen it? Wasn't just so said? Has that been Africa? Four times? I ain't never seen it African that alright, Look, we gotta go, guys, um email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. At Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes, we'll talk about why this mid term election is too important to sit out. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Last night b et air to mid term election special guys. It was called Our Vote, Our Power, hosted by Angela Rye, had discussed issues about voting in the black community with former First Lady Michelle Obama. Democratic Senator Corey Booker from New Jersey, and he explained why this election is too important to sit out. Take a listen right now, we live in a nation where one out of every seventeen African Americans can't vote because of felony disenfranchise. In Florida, it's about one of every five African Americans can't vote, many of them for doing things the two of the last three presidents admitted to doing the consequence since we have for not having people at the table who we're going to fight for communities who know them intimately. I live in a low income area in the central world of Newer Can. I see every single day people who work full time jobs as harder, harder than my parents did, trying to catch extra shifts where they can still go to my local bodega and use food stamps. That's not the America that we believe in, where people who work hard, playlet rules will be able to get ahead. We need more people around the table. That's right. Yeah, we we have to vote. It's not an option November six early voting absentee ballots, but voting on November six. Stop whatever you're doing. Get your employer to understand. You have to vote. I'm going to mar You have to vote. Most polls are open now early voting. That's right. M A done, man, Yeah, do it early. So you want to voted already. I've already to vote. You voted already. Yeah, I went to Atlanta to vote. You best believe I voted for Stacey Abri. You bet JR. Cash money on that. Go early because anything can happen that day. Because man, you've got to be careful of the Republicans. They have an ad out that says that there's this whole thing. If you want the country destroyed, if you want immigrants overrunning as a country, if you want to lose your jobs, if you want unsafe boarders, if you want socialism, if you want all of this. If you vote for any Democrat, that's what you will get. Man, that is so not the truth. They just blatantly lies. If you vote for any Democrat, this is what you will get. That's not the truth. And it's fearmongering, making people afraid, you know, and went out and doing crazy things because of these kinds of ads. We you know, go out and vote. That's your power. November six, right around the yes, um, okay, switching gears a little bit here. Uh fifty cent uh is in the news again. I don't know this guy. He's taking his feud with jar Rule to a new level. Remember when let go, But remember when fifty came out. You know, he was talking about jar Rule was a wankster and all that. Well, apparently it's continuing. Jah Rule is playing a show in Arlington, Texas on November nine. Okay, so Fitty and a sense debated deleted Instagram post claimed to have bought two hundred front row seats to the show just for the purpose of keeping them empty. He also made fun of jaw Rule's low ticket price of fifteen dollars. I know. Fifty reportedly later commented, I just bought two hundred seats in the front row so they can be empty. L o l uh, this really come on the beef between But the stupidity is you bought the seats. Yeah, but he can afford it. I guess they're they're only fifty empty. Yeah, the first the front rows empty at a concert. Uh, this beef Huh. Well, there's just two things. It's empty and getting paid, and then it's empty and not getting paid. I've done both so but you know this, This was a decade long beat and they've been peaceful throughout the most recent years. Fifty seems to have reignited this feud though, with this latest ticket thing he's doing now to add insult to injury, fifty has been using his Instagram to taunt your role ever since the story broke. Now, come on, come on, you're grown men here. Yeah, fifty, big gu you're doing real good and let that go. Get the strap for yourself fifty this time. Yeah, I mean it makes no sense. I don't really I don't feel that roll up you get a bunch of camp people and put them on them two hundred seats free tickets. Yeah, he could turn it into some free tickets. Pardon, let's go. Yeah, but you gotta be careful man. Usually, man, when you when you set out to do something for something to somebody of ill will backfires very very quick, right back. Yeah, don't do that. What's that saying? You're saying, blowing out somebody else's canadas, blowing out my coundle, don't make yours bright? M you're talking on your coundle. Dog. I'm just saying, huh, what excuse me? What what'd you say? What's say? Man? You make it darker though? Thank you? I'm trying. Are you just getting quiet because you're mad? Or quiet because you're scared for him when he speaks, which is no, I've just given up, can't give up. He just got the show. You've given up on me. I've given up on you being intelligent. Oh oh you didn't say that. Okay, Yeah, that that right there. I've already decided that's not gonna happen, not in this life. It's too late. Yeah, So I just let him go and do what he goes and then just trying to help him when he thought crash. Yeah, I got a lot of recovery advice from you. But he's good. He took, you know, time off, like he said earlier in the show, that wasn't good. Well, I'm saying he's good. He took time off to reflect, to get himself together. And now he's thinking. Are you thinking now? Are you thinking to reflect? Well, thinking, I don't get all upset. Don't do that. You're thinking of what to say? Yeah, I don't want to say the wrong thing. You don't have to thank shut up, I'm doing that. Quiet doesn't require thought. All right, listen, it's time for today's comedy section segment, and we're gonna do that when we come back at the top of the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay, you're here to lighten things up a bit, uh with today's with today's comedy segment. Now, what does this stuff kids say today? There's a bunch of sayings that kids could say today that we never ever thought about saying when we were coming up. Just just if you just something simple as the word why yeah, why? Why? Why? That wasn't even if well, why right there, wind up crying yourself to sleep because why ryms with crap? I ain't doing that right now? What I'm gonna do it, but I'm not gonna do it right now. I couldn't say shoot shoot. I couldn't say shoot, I'd shoot put the one I couldn't say, I don't eat that. I don't know a black child alive who could say that with Steve, you you're gonna eat it. This is stuff can't say today that we just couldn't say back in the day. We couldn't what you got, Jake, Oh this one. I heard this one in the mall. I heard this one in the moment where the kids said to the mom, I know you hear me talking to you. The kids said that the kids said that it was one of my hands, like really, what this is a bread blue boy? I know you hear me talking to you To kids say today the week can stay back in Mom, I think that's we could just do a little better than the way we're living. A little better. You would think what some kids say today that we couldn't stay back in the day. Steve, what you got? Huh huh? I know he didn't you, honey, you can hear me, Steve, Oh my god. Okay, Oh, I can't say today that we couldn't say back in the day. But one I want that last week and I'm not wearing that again. I know, I know you Why you think on your bed? Don't you know it's time again? Okay, here go what I can't do. I can't call my mamabout ok yeah, you hit me. But my cousins called their dead by his person, Jesse. Boy. These are things that kids can say today that we couldn't stay back in the day. Guys, I heard a little boy tell his mama, put me in my room, put me in my room. That was deaf back in the done to do. Now they want to go to their damn room. Now they got stuff in their room, right they got computers everything. Stuff. Kids say today we could not say back in the day. Are we gonna want you in my room? Right now? Thank you to these kids. Oh I got one, I got oh, but we got money for stuff you want. We can we can't get the diaper, but you're behind the bill up. Oh that's sure death. That's sure death right there. Yeah, I got one close to that. Come on, stuff say today we couldn't stay back in the day. I want three ties for Christmas? Oh, I got a real all right, it's your turn. Stuff can't say today that we can't stay back in the day. What Jay, I don't care what Ms Johnson says? She's lying? Wow? Who ever say another adult was lying? Yeah? Yeah, And you couldn't say the word lie? Can you just drop me off at the corner until we get a new car? Just drop me off at the corner. Okay, But to embarrass me in front of all my friends, really really stuff kids today that we can't say back in the day. I'm not walking to the store. Why you're not walking to the stone? I can't say today that we couldn't say back in the day. It is And what am I gonna buy with a hundred dollars? Seriously? You're all in the sneaker store. Here you go, Here you go, here you go. I refuse to live here if we don't have wide five. Okay, I'll be at Grandma's. We got close this out. Stuff can't say today that they just couldn't say back We couldn't say these things. Okay, Mama, sneakers for two. But you're you're all the clothes for school this year. Ain't for the but I didn't have two undred fifteen dollar school in the whole twelve years. All right, listen, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we go. It is week eight for the NFL. Now, pimpen was not here on Friday, and but Steve, you're back and it's pimping here. Oh here, But it's what's sound? Sounds? Soun was something? What's up? What's so a ship? Hey? Pimping? Welcome stch you we'll see chocolate of the day. So it's just you know, like you know, one on one, you know. Oh, man, Hey, what's up Jay? What's upper? You shop again? Sure, I'm gonna describe it for you in a minute. Out. I had a problem though, man, I got to tell y'all little situation. What's up Tommy? What's up Pipper? And what's up baby? Yeah? Man, I had a break in. What Yeah, they broke in my house? Man, Man, take chatting a lot. They took a lot. Man, They tried, they tried to cripple a pimp. Yeah, they're trying to break me down. They took everything. Man, it took some many rabbits. But I had a special selection that I just went for holidays. I had a holiday collection locked up. They ain't know when they want. They're down in basement. So I'm cool. I'm still clean, don't you now? I got some rabbits downstand. But this right here, though, what if you're feeling me? You ain't seen they're in there? You see that? You didn't you look real close seeing them apples in there with your bites on them. I told her covers offer sixty two laptops. The whole coat is lying in laptop tops. That's what them seelver apples with your bite in it. Because everybody wants a piece of meat. Now the outside. Look at the outside. You ain't see. Let me feel that. That's nice? And you know what that is? Yeah, that's that film. Yea. I took some rolls that I used to have and put them all together and laying them out, let them dry. I had my sister so on together and so now this is Kodak film anything. Now she can make a code out of anything. I tell her. See, I got the imagination. She just knows how to put it together. I've been working on a special code for next week. I ain't figured out how to do it yet. Halloween. Now, I just want something real, real, fly but I can't figure out how to keep getting I keep it don't work yet, I ain't figuring out how to do it. Let's get into these games. I've been trying to make a coat out of five yeah at all. It ain't working out. I got I put it on a lord, I gotta come out of it. It was hot and I'm going out about five seconds when you came, you walk into the getting hot of the coat out of flyer. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back week eight of the NFL Pimping in the building, pimping. Yeah, alright, school's pimping. It started off Thursday, pimping Miami Dolphins. You know I picked these games even though I wasn't here. Okay, Miami against Houston, who would you pick? I picked Houston because we're own in Houston, and I know y'all love Houston, So I gotta pool to y'all. You know, go ahead quickly. Philadelphia Eagles went to the Jaguars and Philly one, and I picked that called Jas can't win no more. I want to due all. I don't know what down there, but Jayleen Ramsey crying like check people. Now, New York Jets against Chicago Chicago con Travinch. I picked that one. Okay, how about them red Skins. They played the New York James. Everybody picking the Jimes can't win a game. Come on, let's just keep going. Adrian Peterson Baltimore Ravens lost to the Carolina Panthers of thirty six to twenty one. That was my push game. Okay, that was my push game. But you know, I'm always pulling for Cam because he'd be dressing. Seattle Seahawks. They won fourteen over the Detroit line. I lost that when I picked the lines on that one. They ain't on nineteen all right here. Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat the Bengals thirty. No, no, I'm so they're gonna beat the Tampa Bay because I picked the Bengals thirty seven thirty. Yeah. I want it Tampa Bay to win cause they're in the same division at the Browns. When here we' Tony. Denver bron Ols lost to the Kansas City Chiefs. They real Kansas City, real player. Whoa oh, here go one for you. Cleveland Browns lost the Pittsburgh Steelers thirty three to eight. Yeah, I lost down when I lost down, when our Sean was pulling fun though I lost Browns, you know what I'm saying. And when the ad Apples coats forty two to twenty eight over the Raiders, I wanted the Raiders. Do you know? Green Bay Packers lost seven twenty nine against the Los Angeles ram Man. It was close to I told him the Rams was gonna win. But they can scared everybody with that one. They ate it old, they ate it up. You gotta picked them. San Francisco forty nine is lost to the Arizona Cardinals fifteen eighteen. I picked freshco. I don't know honey launched in the county. Damn. How who did you pick New Orleans Saints against to throw the bike? I picked the Saints. You ain't even to throw that ball over their head no more like you did last year. That ain't ben to him? And who you got for them for tonight? Pipping? We got New England Patriots. They're playing against the Buffalo pell Come on, man, I don't want to, but you know the Bills can't whoop the Patriots. Let's just keep it real. Buffalo listening to the show though, I appreciate Buffalo listen. I'm Buffalo fan, but they're gonna keep you one hunting now, snowball fight, poop the ass in the snowman contest, or something like that little day on football game. DA's up. I see y'all tomorrow whenever y'all asked me to come back. Okay, and remember, pimping ain't easy, but somebody got to do it and it might as well. L'll be back to close out the show after this you're listening to all Right, here we are, last break of the day. We had a good day. Yeah, I enjoyed it as usual. Time for Steve though, to leave us with some words of wisdom with his closing remarks, what you got, Steve. I want to talk about voting because I want to make sure that I take advantage of this platform and get as many people as I can to to take seriously our right to vote on November six, Um, this is really really an important election when you hear President Obama out on the trail. When you hear all these people out on the trail, you know, man, we've we've got to get out there. We have got to slow this rhetoric down somewhat. That's coming from Pennsylvania Avenue right now. Um, we have a forty five president who is not very presidential, who takes the time out to comment about things that really a president shouldn't even be concerned with. To tweet the other day about a manager's decision in the World Series, it it made absolutely no sense at all with everything that's going on in the world today. Why would you comment negatively on the manager's role that he played in the World Series And to put a negative slant on this man, You've never played sports before. You've never been in the heat of battle on a field competing with everything on the line. Or you play golf from want to understand, but you didn't. You didn't play it at the level that of these people playing at for a living. You must certainly haven't stepped on a football field, baseball field, or or basketball court. But you take the time out like you know so much about how these people think and how you would act under pressure. And it's just ridiculous what's coming from Pennsylvania Avenue. It's because he has a free reign. Now, am I surprised? Yeah, I do get surprised by some of the stuff he did that some of the stuff he does, But it's the way he is. He's not going to change. We can stop wanting it. But the reason he's so free to do what he wanted to do it is because he has the support. He has the House and the Senate, and no matter what he says, they're gonna go along with it. The reason they're going along with it is because they have a measure of power control. And once you have power and control and position, power, position control, that's their money. See, you can't really think that this guy is presidential. You really really can't. And so what the Republicans are doing is they're going along with it because it's afforded them a position, it's afforded them some power, and now they can continue making their money. So they'll go along with anything to maintain their power, their position, and their money, even if it's wrong. President Trump just says so many things that's wrong, man, just so many things to anything that he's done, as any good. He immediately negates it any statement he makes towards trying to heal America. I we we this bomber, this guy that dropped us these fourteen packages. He cannot be allowed to intimidate us in our process of America. Then he turns right around and goes, well, you know, the media is to blame for this. If the media wasn't so mean, it wouldn't stir up these people to do this, when clearly the man's van had Trump's pictures all over it. So what we have here is a person in office who now because like my father always told me, he said, when a person has undeserved power, the first thing they're gonna do with it say no. So what did he do? No to all of the Muslim countries. He could ban you from traveling. No, No to anybody trying to come into this country. No. No to the people who bought the children over here, let me take your babies from you. No, you can't see your babies. No. And he's done it over and over and over again because he has the support of the House and the Senate, And the only reason he has it is because that's their measure of control, position, power, and money and they will do anything to protect that. So we have to replace these people with people who has more of a concern with what the constituents needs, wants and desires are. That's why you have to vote. You have to vote so we can put some checks and balances in place for this administration because right now they're going along with it when they railroaded that Dr Ford woman who accused Kavanaugh sexual assault. When Leslie Small interviewed him and he says, I'm not gonna get into this. All that matters is we want we have a president who owned and what his agenda gets pushed through and he wins. We can stop some of this having his way pushing through all of these policies by getting control of the House in the Senate to slow down some of this madness that's going on. That's our responsibility. So if you're tired of the madness, and I know you've got to be, you've got to get to these polls on of him at six. We have got to vote for Stacey Abams and George Gill him down in Florida, the Boy in Mississippi, the Democrat in Texas. Man. We've got to get some of these seats back then, and you're gonna have four more unses And for all Steve Every Contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.