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Y'all know what time is y'all don't know, y'all bag all song looking back to back down, giving him just like the milking buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all to be true. Good to stay listening to me to each other for Steve Hadley, why don't you join yeah? Yeah, by join me in doing me? Honey, sat turn Yeah, you're going to do wrong you You gotta turn to turn out, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn want to go comy, come on your thing? Uh, I shall win a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harley got a radio show. I said yesterday I was trying to do something with it. Like I said, you know that the trying part is over. I'm actually doing something with it. And h yesterday I spoke to you about finding your mission, your purpose and you know what it's all for? What's it about? And how to get at it? I so spoke to you about that yesterday now, and I told you that the only way to find your real purpose, your real mission in life, you're real what for the thing that you got to go get after is you got to connect with God. You have to connect with him because as your creator, no one knows better what you were made for than your maker. I mean not just I mean it just make a lot of common sense, don't it. I mean, really, you know, people kill me with with with the lack of belief. I mean, you know, like all of this that we have today spun out from a cosmic ball of dust in the galaxy that cooled off and and formed all these lakes and rivers and clouds and mountains and valleys and birds and animals and people from a cosmic speck of dust, And that they act like there's no connection to a higher calling or a higher reasoning, that that's just you know, and and they try to create for those that do believe this hocus pocus ritual, this magical. What is that? There's no scientific I don't august science. I think that science is very real. I think that science is very applicable. I think that science helps us learn so many things. But science ain't everything. Now you you you might as well under that's there's some unexplainable that science can't wrap their mind around. So here they go with something else. And then you got the naysayers who used that, the nonbelievers who use that as the proof that there is no how calling or how being. And I listen to me, I I don't really want to explain in all that a way. If that's how you feel, then going and get the feeling how you're feeling with it. But let me explain something to you. I just don't see how. I don't see how. Man. What is this conscious that eats away at you from time to time? Where does the moral barometer come from that exists in your life? What makes you know the difference between right and wrong? What did that come from? That cosmic spector dust that spun out of control and cool this fiery hot ball down, and then these lakes and rivers and all the clouds and mountains got corel What where did your conscience come from? What is your need to cry out from? What does the word Lord help me come from? Why when you get in a dog place and you whisper Jesus, where did that come from? H? What is that? What is that? If you're driving on the road and your car caram's off a cliff? The words that come out your mouth, where where them come from? Oh? Lord help me? You know whether where do these promises come from? That we make these deals we cut, that we make with a higher power. Why why when you're at your lowest moment? Man, you you turned somewhere. Okay, not for that. I've I've explained my side of it. And a matter of fact, God is really almost unexplainable to me. So really for me to sit here and try to explain, I'm really not that good of a guy, you know what I mean, I'm not that person. So let me try to give you something real here. Okay, So this we didn't just had that moment. I had to get that off my chest. I want, I want, I wanta share something with you about when you strike out to find your mission, or how about when you strike out on your mission once you discover what your purpose is are Let's let's simplify what happens when you set a goal and you're ready to strike out on that goal. What happens when you set and ambition in front of you, or put something in your sights that you want to attain that you want to become successful at. What's the mind set that you have to develop? There are three things you must first ask. You must then believe, and you must then receive. Now the received part, all these parts has gotta thing to it. You just gotta ask for it. You know you've heard the scripture before, you have not because you asked? Not why don't you ask? But then after you ask, here is the kick? You got to believe that it can happen for you. Stop looking at the success of other people and not thinking that that same success can happen for you. And I'm not saying that specific way. I'm just saying a success can happen for you, just like it can happen for somebody else. Why do you think it keeps happening to other people over and over because they ask and they believe. Now here's the cold part. Receive it? Oh oh, what you mean? Receive it? I asked for it. I believe in it. Why would I not want to receive it? Act like it, Act like it's already there, behavior as though you have it in your hands, Smile about it. Realize that man, it's just days away, and how many other days that is. If it's days away, it's just days away. We don't know if it's gonna happen tomorrow, next week, in thirty days We don't know if it's gonna take a few years. But you got to receive it though. You gotta ask, You got to believe, and you got to receive it. You gotta act as though as that not as another part not to this about. You know, don't please The faith without works is dead. Don't think you're gonna just ask for something believing and then go sit down and start watching TV. Come on, now, let's get real. Let's not leave out the other jewel. You got to work. But now hear what I want you to know about when you strike out on that mission, That the journey that you strike out on to accomplish a goal or to set out on the mission. If you could understand this and to help you so much, the journey is a process. It's not an arrival date. It's a process. All you're looking to do, folks, is start the process. Get it started. Don't worry about the arrival date. Act like it's there and the arrival date is coming. But here is the beauty of the journey being a process. But all along the way of your journey you will find success the whole time you're in the pro says of finding your mission fulfilling your mission, uncovering your dreams, reaching your goals. The beauty of it is all along the way. You're going to find success on so many levels, and people fail to look at that part. They keep thinking of themselves. Man, I ain't there yet. I ain't you know. It's like when you take a little kid on a long car tripping in the back seat. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Boy? If you just look out the window, see where we've gone. Ben, look out the window, Look at the mountains, Look at these trees, look at the views we got. No, we ain't there yet. But Lord, ha mercy, look at what he's showing us along the way. Smell the roses, have yourself a cup of coffee, chill every now and then, and see what he's doing for you. Because the journey is a process. But man, know that in the process of arriving at your designated gold dream, ambition, or mission. Understand this, there are things that are going to happen to you along the way. Man, that will be so gratifying and fulfilling. Where the journey is joyful, there is joy in the journey. You don't have to be there to appreciate the ride. Appreciate the journey and the process. Stop getting mad because you ain't at the arrival data. Your dreams ain't came true yet. Look up. You might discover, man, that you're living better. You might discover that you don't have a million yet, but you'd have made a quarter of a million. What you're tripping for because you ain't got the million yet. Remember when you didn't have nothing. Be grateful for the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar mark, the hundred thousand dollar mall, the three hundred and twenty two thousand dollar mar Don't you understand man? You may not be where you wanna be, But man, can't you thank God that you ain't where you was? How about that one you're listening to? Two three? Let's take you back. When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. Yeah, come on, when you think of love, you gotta get it on your mind. And you Yeah, I just had to take that back. Ladies and gentlemen, boards and girls have International Player on the microphone. You don't understand in a national in a continental hotel, Global worldwide, Global Player. I just gonna just up it in a stellar I am www dot crazy player boy Boy board Planetory, Milky Way resigned wave let come home Man, Constellation player, Universe, multi lingual gradit far back down to Earth. Now, baby, how's everybody doing to day? Welcome back, baby boy, Welcome back. It's been a it's been a ride, folks. First of all, I'd like to thank God for my life. Life He's given me. I never ever imagined this nowhere in my existence, that I ever think God would give it to me this way. I shall appreciate him, to give him the glory I got reason to me. Girl, Who who am I? I just hope my mom and daddy watching all this. Man been the weekend Man, that's universe. Yeah. And let me say this, but I have nothing to do with the judging at all. I don't I don't vote host. You know, it's not a comedy show, so you know, you got to be pretty much straight laced. Allowed my personality to get in it from time to time. But man, I was so thinking Mischiemaker would have one that was so on it. Girl. Man, that girl right there, and I'm gonna ta give you some insight. All of the girls loved her, all of the girls. It was a great moment after it was over with that. When she took second runner up, all of the girls surrounded her and was hugging her and telling her, Wow, we thought you should have won. I actually walked up to a crowd of the girls and pointed at her. I said, wow, I thought you were gonna win, and all of them girls said thank you, Steve. That girl missed Jamaico. Yes, yeah, I think she thought it too, Steve, because the look on her face, Bab was priceless. She was like you at the daytime, me coming up at thirty two after the hour. Something funny Junior is back as well. He's got his truth be told? And who's your most expensive Christmas gift for? We'll talk about that when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with something funny Junior. You're yes, um, let me just say, let me just be honest with you. Can I say thank you, thank you for taking me on the journey as well? Boy, let me tell yours be told. I'm I hope we never lose miss Universe. I can tell you right now my vacations is just based on the countries I see. I promised you. I'm going to Jamaica. It ain't no doubt in my mind. Wait, wait out this straight. This's got to be boyd these what I told Miss Jamaica, she w I tried to make a crown and everything. Y'all asked one in my book. I don't care what they say. I was, Yeah, I taking flowers out the hotel. Give you. I know another country I've got I've got to go to. Now I can't go. I'm going to Columbia. Now he can't go. But I don't report you talking about South Carolina. No, I'm no, I'm talking about Columbia. Man. Went and I was the shortest thing standing next to all of them. I didn't I didn't peel over none of them. Man, it was. It was the most fabulous thing that you could ever see. And look, I'm but I whistled and screamed for miss Philippines. I'm going back. You were just there going back calling. You ain't see her like I saw her. You were tall in the Philippines. The girls were fine. It was they did speak you. We did the best we could. But but but I'll tell you right now, two thombes up is universe. You put two thombs up to anybody. They know exactly what you're saying. It didn't matter. Hey, you trying to speak the language I tried. I tried French. I try try speak in Japanese. I tried all of that. None of that work, but two thumbs up there. Still what I'm saying, you cannot retire from this gig at all. We should see you at eighty roll it out there. You had that much fun. It's beautiful. And the ladies were nice. Oh they were They were nice. They were fun and jovial. They make you feel like you're handsome. They almost made me believe it. Yeah, man, man, I'm talking today's stomach. So that really was the tallest one. She was six one with no heels. I was looking up to her and I even said it, I'm six to Yeah, you know she had to be. She was six four wow, six five wow. That's tall. That's ta Okay, what were you gonna say? I wasn't gonna say anything. Sounds like, well, Harvey Weinstein has you know, fixed off making comments. Yeah, yeah, okay, not just him congressman in d C. Yeah, there was something funny and rehearsal. What did the girl said, Mr Harvey? Oh, my god, it's such a pleasure. Why look you? Why are you looking meet this week? I said, I'm not looking at you. No candidates, you got to roll Harvey, Harvey, ste Harvey. And then I walk immediately away from her. Yeah you can't and yeah, true be told. I'm going on so now into Christmas because we are in the Christmas season. Guys here it's here, they're not ready. What do you say, man, I don't like Christmas? What do you mean you don't like Christmas birthday? I'm not having nothing wrung with his birthday. It's just that a lot of people don't like Christmas. And what don't you like? I speak to those people. It's a side people like man, it's a side piece, night man, gruff here that here on? What are you getting? I'm gonna see what you're getting? You know, I'm a blade. No, I can see you two Okay, you can't get out, but want one hour? You can't get away by one hour. You hear that a lot. But you're not even married. So how are they considered side pieces? You? So your side pieces have side pieces? I don't want to talk about that, but okay, let's talk to the person on this show who has the most sense most of the time. I won't say, oh, but most NOx not you. You don't have shoes. Yeah, keep talking about so Stevie, you for the holidays? Did you put your tree up yet? And all of that? Now I see this the first year in l A. Yeah, so I'm having a couple of all. You know, let's just say complications right now. So your tradition, tell everybody what your tradition is, Steve. You mean with my sons or just the tree? Well? Everything? Yeah, Well, here's the deal. The tree is from my childhood. You know, we had a faux foot tree and every year and it was aluminum, and you put the little sticks in the in the hole. Every year, you know, the little the little aluminum look a little bit different. It wasn't quite the same as the first year. You know, some of the four fall off the branches a little bit, but that was our treat. Some of the bulbs get broken, so every year was a little less bulbs. And then the wheel that turned around on the aluminum tree and change it colors. Yeah, a couple of them broke. So I tree went blue clear clear red clear blue clean, so you know, and then man, we will go to the mall. And I would see these incredible trees at the mall, and my mom used to call me all time. But come on. So when I became, you know, a little bit more blessed, I decided I wasn't going back down to no more malls to look at the tree. I want the mall tree at my house. My wife has one thing to get me. Wait, Steve, hang on, we gotta we gotta take a break right here, we're coming back. I want you to finish this story. You're listening to Steve Show all right, coming up at the top of the hour, miss, and it's gonna be here with today's national headlines. Of course, Uh nephew, Tommy's undecked for his run that prank back. But see if you were telling us about your your Christmas tree. Yeah, so my love of Christmas was really worn over at the mall because of the size of the tree. So now that I've become a little bit more capable, my wife has one instruction for me. I want the tree that go in the mall in my house. I'm not going down to normal malls to look at the tree. I want some my tree to come with it. And that's the deal. And uh, you know, we get to look at it for like two years before as it grows. And then and then they go and they pick out the tree, and they send us a picture of the tree before they cut it down, and then we say, yeah, that's the one, the rich people tree that's in the same for though, pick it out a year before. Oh my god, yeah. Yeah. They can't go to the nursery. Like everybody right down there in front of h B. They got some tree you can buy the one. I gotta have problem. Ain't dying now when you get your trunk a year before it as it's growing. Then they sent me a picture from the nursery of the trees and then they stand next to him and put it, you know, measuring stick up that tell me how tall it is, how wide it is, and then we picked from that. It's like a kid, what what wrong? I don't I don't never had. You're raising a tree for two years. I don't know how much damn creak car. No, it's a tree. It's not. It ain't a cow. You ain't a lot of calls you know's walking in it. You feed the tree. It's called every month ain't that hot. We're going to get into the break trees. Ain't that hot? You know what for? Gonna stop on this old you don't ask me about Chris back. It is refrigerator delivery. Refrigerator deliver and then we'll do three delivery next week. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach your Mr. Please. This is Jackson. I'm the driver, man, I'm actually the delivery guy that's bringing you refrigerator over the day. Okay, what's going on? Okay, listen, I know we had a window that was from eight to twelve. This morning's just loving thirty now. So we're running a little bit behind schedule. Man. We have some problems at the yard getting everything loaded up. Man, come on, man, you're killing me. I can't y'all y'all running behind. Were a little bit behind schedule. Man, we're gonna have we we'll beat up somewhere between twelve and four. Come on, man, you know to do better than that. Now. I understand, sir, I understand that. Actually it's it's actually I got man, I got all my food in here and and uh coolers and stuff. Man, I got it where I mean? So, I mean, what's what what's what's going on? You ain't got to refrigerator. I'm trying to figure out. No. No, we loaded up. You know, we just had some problems. I think one of the foklifts went out, and you know, it kind of pushed us back, so that four wonder we have from eight to twelve, Man, just got ruined, and now we're pushing things from our twelve to four. So between twelve and four, man, we would definitely be there. Have I spoke to yesterday? Actually the warehouse supervisor he's actually out to day. He's not here, so he's not Yeah, Man, Yeah, I work every one cause you said y'are not gonna be here until in between twelve and four. I'm gonna be work here. We want to Clark, I understand that, Man. I greatly apologize. Man, this rarely happens, and it just so happened this morning and Forkliph was down and we had a lot of stuff to load up. You know, we got I got ten refrigerators on this truck, man, and one of them is definitely yours, sir. So I'm definitely gonna be getting to tell you as soon as I can. So, Man, I'm pushing it imposed to be at work, and you know I scheduled everything, yes, around this, because I'm supposed to know, I gotta have I got all my food and stuff and in in in the kitchen and whatever the refrigerator went out? Did the refrigerator went out? Is that what happened? Yea, very so did. I mean I hadn't had it for quite some times, which you know, so it's just amount of time for we'll go out. So I started to even get a newes. You know. That's why. Well, now I can scared you. I'll scared you next week sometime if you want me to. I mean, I can't act can afford that we're gonna pave this food. Ause I got to hear all over the floor to me. Let me get the hustler. Man, see if I can move as quick as I can. But twelve the four is the window. Man. Like I said, I apologize, but we'll be that man. We're gonna we're gonna, we're gonna be that what you're refrigerated day. Okay, okay, So so when you when you on your way, how about I want you to call me and let me know that you on your way, so I know what's going on we don't know. We don't know him to call when we're on our way. We just come on in and get some things. Shut up. What do you mean you don't call? You just called me just now. Yeah, like I said, the problem is on us, man. I'll give you a call when we around. Okay, okay, I appreciate that. Now you said you said between twelventh four. Now, yes, sir, twelve and four. We definitely be there. We got your on the truck man. Okay, I don't want I don't want more, miss man. No, no, we got you, We got you. We'll see you a minute. Man, take care. Hello, Mr, this is Jackson again, the delivery guy man with refrigerator. Listen, Mr bad Man, we run into a few more problems here. Man. It looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out till tomorrow. Sometimes you you said, what we run into a few more problems, man. It looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator to the marrow in a few more problems. A few more problems like what we got some problems with some uh, some more delivers we got just with all the delivers we got, it just don't see, we're gonna make it on your side of town to be to get this thing take. You're not gonna make it on my side of town. What is that you decide you want to take my money when I paid for when I paid for it, But you're gonna tell me you don't and you ain't gonna make it on my side of town. Well, well, we can definitely get out there to morrow, man, we definitely can get out of the man. I can't hand out this way here to morrow. I got chicken and beef and uh and briskuited all over here in my smoke, and you go to him. You can't make it in here to the mart that you you ain't got no answers for me on that understand No, No, I don't. I don't think you understand. So because I got sit I got food and ice and sitting in here, and coolers, all of them a floor of my kitchen, you don't tell me that I did just you can't make it in here to the marrow with with with refrigerator. Hell, because because you you you you you yelling on the back ram yesterday the word that was I know you smoke. I told him yesterday. I had to have my work at one o'clock. I told him that I send that you gotta refrigerated your own time because I gotta grass work. Well, I don't talk to you no more, like I said, certainly not working today. He's not not into that charge. Well, actually the lady name one that's actually in charge and when lanry Lee's. But I don't even know if I saw mom. But but you you what do y'all doing over there? Now? We're gonna have it there and I don't took out my job, but y'all have had to refigerate here. I'm here there at home and now you called me back, and all I can tell you is we're gonna be there tomorrow. Okay, I'm not gonna go back and forth. You know, you know what you figerator? Sorry, y'all you took the refrigerator, so you stick there infigerator. I don't want to know more. I'm going around put this food in my neighbor refrigerator and I'm gonna go give me another from somewhere else because you playing around ain't got time for your men, sir. I don't know if I don't know if that's real funnible. You mean you know that when you got time, you're gonna take my money and you're gonna tell me that I can't have my money back you you can get my frigil the time, sir. Listen, there's one more thing I need to talk to you. Okay, But I have one more thing I need to tell you. Okay, are you listening? This will probably help everything. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Horby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Do you know what I'm gonna fix up? That's what I want to know. That is too Teaspoons are stupid right there for you always all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is here with our national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh. Some students at the University of Kentucky guys try to steal an exam for their statistics class. Okay. Uh. They tried to steal it from the instructor's office. They wanted to drop down into the office from the ceiling. You know, allah, tom cruise mission if mission impossible? Yeah, uh uh uh. They literally climbed through the building air ducks, uh to the ceiling above the office and dropped down into the room. But unfortunately for the students, that professor was working late that night. He was in there and he had stepped out to to, you know, just get a snack midnight snack. When he returned, he caught the students dead in the act, red handed. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. They were charged with third degree burglary and will be investigated by the school's Office of Student Conduct. Crazy. Yeah they were no lookout person. Yeah, it was dumb and nobody go into the building the front weight and created distraction exactly, just walked by his office and see if he in there, Well he wasn't. He went to get some yeah, see, but not get an argument down that week, we don't here, knocked the food up, what's up? Why are you boy in there? And he get the dog on on test he may test out and got hey, hey, hey, you're a different person now. Yeah, that's why the statue of limitation is gone on testing. Yeah, okay, so please report to the office. Got caught. Yeah, but I mean they planned it out so well, we're gonna drop down in the ceiling and from the ceiling and all of that. Don't you go around and see if he's there before you see. That's like this teacher accused me of plagiarism one time, really because my paper was just like somebody paper the year before. Imagine that word for word. I'm looking at this happing like she said, you're gonna fail for plagiarism. I don't if I take it. If I take the test, I write the paper, I'm gonna face what difference it making me. I had a shot. This was a I turn in. You were Evanna Trump before Evanna Trump. So first, Lady Michelle, it worked for her at a Chinese dude had got an A in economics, that's a Why do you do word for word though you're supposed to break it up and break it up? I didn't know what he was talking about. All what you're gonna break up? How I'm gonna change your words? And I don't know what you're talking about. Why would I change your A talking about? And you're gonna get an F for pleasurism. I'm don't get it if I take this test, So work with Yeah, you took your chances. That's that's all I saw that. I didn't see it. I didn't understand. I walked I had dignity. I tried. Yeah, you tried something. Lady, come telling me stuff from now and put forth your best effort. I'm doing something I know how to do. Oh Man, all right, well listen, she's here. Please introduce sir, Ladies and gentlemen. She's here, a very young voice of reason, understanding facts and non fake news. Miss trip. Okay, thanks Steve. Good morning, everybody. This is a trip with the news. President Trump is to meet with congressional leaders later on today to try and work out a deal to fund the government that worked that because the government funding actually runs out December eight. He also hopes to work on some last minute legislation and on the Republican tax overhaul with some gup. Legislators may still have problems with the Republican tax plan, with a corporate and personal income taxes by one point five trillion dollars over the next ten years, but some lawmakers feel they still need to find ways to pay for those taxes because by the way, the White House says, President Trump didn't mean to offend anybody when he joked about Pocahontas during an event meant to honor World War two's Navajo Code talkers yesterday, Trump was referring to Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren and her claims are being part Native American a few years back. You're very very special people. You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago, they call her a Pocahontas. Now that is considered a racial slur by many Native Americans. Also, there are Native Americans who considered Polkhontas to have been a traitor. Santa Warren announced Trump's comments, saying that it's unfortunate that the president can't even make it through a ceremony honoring heroes without having to throw out a racial slur. With a Thanksgiving holiday weekend over, the Congress return to work yesterday along with Senator Al Franken, who has been a co accused of groping women. He says, although he's not prepared to resign, the Democrats says he's very embarrassed and deeply sorry. I just wanna again to say I am sorry. I know there are no magic words that I can say uh to regain your trust, and I know that's going to take time. I'm ready to start that process and it starts with going back to work today, which is what he did. Three women say the former comedian grabbed their rear ends while posing for photos, and afore says Frank and kissed her without her consent. By the way, in the land of the film of a toddler named A J. Barrows very thankful on Turkey Day, you see two year old Aj, who was black, needed a life saving kidney transplant. His father was a perfect match. However, little AJ's case through national attention after the hospital Emory University sent the family a letter saying that the father would not be able to give his son a kidney. They're not going to operate because he violated his parole and it was in custody. And after that, if the father didn't break the law, they said, after three months, then the hospital would reevaluate the situation before operating. Luckily, another donor can for me. While every university hospitals claiming that the letter they sent the child's mother resulted from quote a breakdown and communication on their part. That's what we're saying. Why yesterday was supposed to be the biggest online shopping day. Cyber Monday sales figure show that people actually spent nearly eight billion dollars shopping online Thanksgiving in on Black Friday. Now today is Giving Tuesday, the day Americans I asked to remember the charity of their choice and make a lot of folks very happy. Yea Yeaws, Eugene the Butterfly coming up twenty minutes after the hour. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Steve, you introduced j J. You introduced Good morning everyone, Junior j Anthony Brown. Good morning to the beautiful Butterfly. You're talking really fast. But he needs to he need to try to get because well now I'm going to get it in today. Well, I just wanted to Steve wasn't here yesterday. I just wanted to make sure you told him about your transitioning. Yeah, Stephen, yesterday. I love everyone know I'm transitioning. Yeah, I'm transitioning, you know, changing my apartment from Thanksgiving to Christmas. So I'm transitioning. So what I'm doing today is I want everyone's undivided attention because all you need to get this I'm putting together what or you're gonna call it. You're changing your apartment from Thanksgiving transition. That's what transitioning is, firmly. Yeah, because I've been a pilgrim the last month, so I'm just, you know, transitioning to the different things. So this is what I'm doing. I want everybody's undervited attention. I am going to be throwing the office party. Were Thanksgiving though I was a Pilgrim's so nice all use a pilgroup. Oh my bad. And some of my friends were Indians, so I'm sorry Native. What do you think a fat turkey? Enough of the jokes. I'm putting together the Christmas party. Enough, I'm putting together the office Christmas party. I want everyone's participation. Okay, wait, this is he's okay to Mr Harvey, you've been the CEO. I'm gonna need about about four thousands to throw the you're throwing your party. I'm not giving you for but it's for the office, and you own the office. Need four thousand. Enough of the job of the job. Okay, enough of the jobs. I'm so serious right now. And you guys gotta have the Christmas spirit to come to the party and be festive and where the hats and all the party favors that I'm bringing the how much are you spending on this party? Four thousand? I'm gonna decorate this today. I'm none of the job. I'm serious. You're gonna make a man now. Well we don't want to do that, but I'm just telling you out one more the fan fans and I'm gonna start cussing. I mean it, don't do none of the show. Okay, Well, I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm not giving you four thousand dollars. I'm never je and the fan figure four thousand dollars. Ain't no, you know, I just don't. Damn it. I'm sick. Do not cuss on this show because the fern could be as high. We gotta go. Coming up, it's comedy Roulette with Jay, with Junior, with Tommy and with the man himself, Steve Harvey will be bad. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay, it is time for comedy Roulette. Please set it up quickly. But before we talk about comedy Roulette, it's going on tonight Headline a Taco Tuesday with My girl Sure Sherry Shepherd. Shepherd next week, George Wallace himself, George Wallace, Mama, mama will be there's you're doing park a lot of security, but anyway with anyway, and let the lady just not work. To be rude to me, not letting mama work. Jay said, y'all can't part from that. Get him Mills Wallers, get him all right, coming, Let very simple, give us five subjects. Put it on a wheel, spun the wheel were stop. We'll do the damn thing. All right, here we go. Number one, This gravy is really watering. Yeah, okay, here's a good and you will before the day. All right. Here, here's another one. We don't speak anymore since three. I wouldn't have come if I knew was coming. Uh. Four that's my stepbrother, you know, on my daddy's side. Number five, stay out of this because ain't nobody talking to you. I spend a cat. Let's see what we have wrong. Step brother on my daddy side. We don't speak anymore. Since I'm gonna tell you why we don't speak. How you don't come to Thanksgiving party? Look me in the face. No, damn well, you owe me money like it ain't nothing happening. Yeah, Now we don't speak no more. We're done with that. We don't I'll tell you we don't speak no more. Ever since you left my grandmother roll out in the driveway down in the street, we ain't talking no more. After that, how you let go of the handle and let grantit your ride down the driveway? You know we got to pay attention to h Yeah, I'm speaking. We don't speak no more. Ever since you brought my ex girlfriend tell my birthday party, we really don't speak. No. Come on, we don't speak no more. Since you got ginger fighters talking no more. Until you get that clear, you really need to stop talking to everybody. Yeah, we'll speak them up. I'm gonna tell you how we don't speak no this you told the child for paper people, Well I live. You don't let him know what he lived. Right there, we're speaking on. I'll tell you why we don't speak because you got one eye. I can't let you that I know where we talk. What you're talking to this one here? Go out for my uncle. That's my daddy. Bro. We don't speak no more since you decided to send me some church tithing on meloads to my house so I can send them. Seeing you some tiding back while I'm on the road. No, we don't speak. We don't speak no mo. Since you told my wife I wasn't at your house. Laugh, remember that partner. Yeah, I'm supposed to be your boy. Yeah here he said he was. I'm gonna tell you what. We don't speak no more. You got your little little new car right now and I smoked. Now I can't smoke in your new You got all up in it as much smoking that putting that all that time you got help you bet at you we're speaking to all right? You want to close it out stage me. You don't speak no more since you got arrested. All right, don't tell me. We'll be back. Thank you, guys. We'll be back with never you time. He's frank phone call right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. You don't want to miss today's strawberry letter. But first, here we go with the frank phone call from the nephew. What you got new? Well, certainly we're deep in the NBA right now. You know what I'm saying. We're bowling right now. So this right here is NBA party. NBA party. Okay, y'all with me on that NBA party. Watch me work too. Tea spoons are stupid? Here it is hello, hellong terms, I'm I'm looking for brand. Hey, Brad, how you doing this? Poncho? Man? I do want to Marcus his boys? How you doing? Man? Oh? Yeah? Here? What's that? Y'all talked to markets? Man? He was telling me about you know, the uh the playoff party man for for for Sunday. Man. So, uh you told me if it was cool, I would come through. Man. I just want to call it and how to see if I can if I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever. You know you took your friends of Marcus. Yeah yeah, this is puncho man, friends of market. Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah yeah, well now you either read unless of course you know you're drinking something special, but uh yeah, it's it's gonna be Marcus and uh you know other boys gonna be here and uh you know, what are you want to bringing to me while I'll be so yeah that's cool, okay, okay, we're telling me you'all starting man, He told me, like around one. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be there all day, but you know you're coming through by one one, two o'clock. You know that before the game he started with you know, slas screen going and there's to be laid out. So yeah, just come on through whenever you come through. All right, just remember man, Puncho. All right, I'll be there. I got it, all right? Cool? All right? Hello, hey hey brand yo, hey punch you again. Man, listen real quick? How much how much food? And and and and and look at do you have? Uh? I think we gotta love for for Sunday? It was right, what you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me. Man, I just want to make sure you got enough over there. Okay, who is this again? This Puncho? You know we talked about thirty minutes ago, this Puncho A man Manca's friends, right, right, Okay, uh I remember I call you about thirty minutes ago, told Marcas told me was oh yeah that's right. Yeah, I'm I'm sorry for me bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, Well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joint. Man, just you know, I know Marcus, and if you're a friend of his, then then that's cool. You can come through. It ain't be three guys, man, ain't be three guys coming with me. Man. They they they're really cool. Man. Well we we we we we were bringing something to put on your pit or whatever. You know. It'll it'll be good. Okay, yeah, yeah that's cool man. But you know, yeah, yeah, come on through, man. All right, all right, a right, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right, brat is uh wait is one of the Marcus. It is one of the guys Marcus. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, I got it's it's three guys me. I made four, you know, three other guys. Yeah. Whatever, man, that's cool. Yeah, bring him through, man, come on, it's like alight, all right, all right late hello, hey Brad, punt ya again. Man listen, Hey, I'm I'm gonna bring one more Um, I'm I'm I'm gonna bring one more person with me to hold hold pumping brakes player. Wait, hold up, hold up, now, what's up you Marcus his friend? Yeah, yeah, you're me and I'm poncho. Yeah okay, I know you parto man, but you're bringing everybody, but just go Kire and Marcus is cool with me, that's my fault. We're go way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay, you can come. You know, I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. No, Mom, ain't like that, man, man, I mean, placen't that big. You know, my wife is gonna be coming through here. And you know I got the house laid out. I told I wasn't und destroy the place. I just got up the dog house like two weeks ago. I ain't trying to put that up. So if you're coming through, you come through. You know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it. Okay, but listen to you. You wouldn't decide me. I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady from him with me. Man, if there is that cool, I'm just gonna bring a little lady friend. No news, Okay, that's cool. Now you're talking okay, because I know she ain't either, But come on through here with her and you know, be done with it. That's fine. Right right right, I'm gonna call someone nine teller and tell her that that she's coming with me. Okay, what's her name? Her name, Simone? That's that's my wife's name, okay, ok okay, but maybe they'll hook up while they while we're watching the game. That'll be here, so I send her in her girls that the nail's done, okay, okay, So check this out, man, I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let U know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one. And you say it's cool, right, yeah, yeah, it's cool man. That that's a whole lot better than being about up in there. Okay, okay, back yeah, yeah, yeah. Year now, and I check this man, mine, uh you know, my friend she she she's married, you know, and and she wanted to get away from my husband for mane man, I guess it's been going through so you know, you know, just keep you wait, wait back back up there bringing a married woman named Sman, What the eys of that? My wife's name is saman Okay, we'll do I mean, then, what's this one, Simone? Is our last name? Is that's my last name? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on, hold wait wait wait wait hold on, hold on dog. This this okay, this this Simone is is light skinning. Yeah, you keep on describing her. She life skin five gone, short hair. That's the alleys. Yeah, that's that's that's that's that's. How about you doing? My wife? They know me and Simone been friends for a minute. Man, It wasn't ntil like a couple of weeks ago she reached out to me and saying she was she was going through some some some he reached up to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well, I don't that dude. Okay, okay, I want you my wife. Hey, man, you know about a year, but who counting? You know what I'm saying? A year that's about the time we started an some issues. Yeah yeah, yeah, I come on over to this party. A man, I'm sure we can try to figure this kind of situation now, pumpy on my wife. I don't give me about you. I don't give me about her either. You know you are you know they say? You know what. I've always believed this. There are no mistakes of this. Everything happens where it's closed to be so it's funny how you call me. Okay, okay, listen, man, listen, get this number, my boy game no no, non't you get it done. You're probably calling the record from her that my body gave me this. Not leave leave simone out of this. Man, you said, tell me right now. You know I'm not call with you right now. I'm gonna call her, not to say I ain't gonna call at all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a gift this for you. I got a three eight, I gotta smith. I got a question. I got a size fourteen tiller and go right up your Oh you just come on over this part. Okay, Hey man, hey man, listen, listen. My boy, my boy gave me your number. Man, So I don't know who my boy is. Mark, I said, he don't know you. Marcus don't know me. But guess who else knows me? Though that you don't know what's say something? Hey Brad, this isn't nephew time me man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me to prank phone call you. What I don't give is this yeah, yeah, hey, Brad, what was you gonna do with the party? Man? Damn man? Uh, it's about anyway. Let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the land. It's the Harvey Morning Show. What's y'all think what I gonna happen? Yeah? Yeah, maybe before you getting real close to what I know gonna happen. Part of you have a problem with some my own's husband. I'm just sending you the boy. Someone with a showed up at that with another man but her own house. Yeah, that's when she don't get out the car. Now, now where we're going? Right? He sent her and their girls to get their nails done, or so he thought. Tonight baby, Youngstown, Ohio. The nephew is in the building. Mama's boy. He'd stay you come check if you in Youngstown, Ohio. It is tonight, that's right. Friday night, Cincinnati, Saturday night, I'm going home Leaveland, Ohio. And then some Sunday night Columbus, Ohio. It's Ohio week. That's what this is, Ohio weekoffs Jack, A lot of people you could put on that bill board get instant recognition. She got you now, hey, listen coming up at the top of the Hour right about four minutes after today's Strawberry Letter. All right, uh and it is crazy too, So Strawberry letter coming up next. This is your boy Kevin, It is Dave Chappelle. You know what's up. This is ice cube. I can't call it. This your man Cedric the entertainment. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That my doubt. You have to check blind spots to drive safely, right. Same thing goes for identity theft protection. If you just monitor your credit you might miss something like your info on sale on the dark web. Well, LifeLock detects a wide range of identity threats to help protect your identity. No one can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions at all businesses, but LifeLock offers of visibility you might not get on your own. Membership starts at a month plus applicable taxes. Go to LifeLock dot com or use promo code Harvey to save ten percent. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Strawberry Letter is up next, and it is a good one, good and crazy. But first you guys, hear about this. President Trump is back in Washington, d C. Of course, he spent the Thanksgiving weekend at his Moralago resort in Florida playing golf again. Okay, it's okay on Thanksgiving weekend, but he does it. He said he was going to do a lot of president he criticized Obama for doing the same thing. You know, yeah, did you see when the President tweeted about being Time magazines Person of the Year. The President tweeted quote. Time Magazine called to say, I was probably going to be named uh man of the year, a person of the Year like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said, probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway. Okay, the problem with this didn't what Yeah, Time didn't call you. Time said they didn't want to just out now say the president is lying. They just said he's incorrect. You're a liar, Donald Trump. They didn't say. That didn't go far. They almost got that one friend Man, Yes, Steve yes, Man, And Man, I'm gonna tell you man, I'm talking about man before I even made it. Yeah, Man, I'm going down the man. Look at that new bands to David, you think you're gonna going to get new bands. What I'm telling man, I'm just going down and get that new we are you're working. That's the that's the same friend that's been opening a business for years, the same line. But I mean, why you can check this. You can call the line and check stuff like this out. Thrill for them or something. I got a friend that got mobidiness meeting with celebrities. Didn't meet everything I'm having to meet. Yeah, yeah, man, you know man, me and me and me and Nick Van it's about to get together with Steve. Ain't meeting with this all gotta part. I got a partner, man, Hey, man, you know that fine chick man down there to work over there in the uh in the weld and office. Sherry Kimbell. Yeah, she called me last night. He most gorgeous chick at Ford Motor Company called you for what you know? Man said? She just wanted, you know, say we could get together sometimes. I said, And what did you tell? Yeah? You know, man, we're going grab was saying with your something See right there, you ain't even talking like you got we're gonna go grab saying just lunch time because they just have to lie. Chick call you, you do not say, we're gonna go get the sand with your something. What do you say? Oh, man, man, I gotta I gotta get something to wear. Can I use your car? Hey? Man? That watch you ball? Can I wear that watch? You know, give me one of them. Yeah, we're gonna go grab a sandwich. Just yeah. I had a guy say one time, he said, we were we were looking at Halleberry on television. He was on. He said, I you know, I had it one night. I had had ahead of him up in the class. I had the corner talking to her, right, but I let it get away. You let you let Hallenberry get away. He won't to be but I said, Now, he wasn't all over me, but I let it get away. You let Halliberry get away at the corner one time talking to him, Man, but I let it get away. Yeah. So Time said the editors don't comment on its choice until publication, which in this case is December six, so we'll hear about it. Yeah. Somebody said it's gonna be the ball. He's going to be the person that would be so great in time. Ball Man will be closing, of course, exactly, yes, yes, exactly, all right, nephew, Time for the letter. Let's hold, we got it for you here. This one is Corris say thank you, Tommy subject potential polygamist. Polygamist, you know more than one? I don't know A lot is this? Let us starts out great? I love it. Good morning everybody. I love this radio station and I listened to you guys every morning. Okay, here's my story. I'm a twenty eight year old black female. I'm a wife of six years and a mother of two lovely girls. I love my husband and my family, and I truly know that he is my best friend. Well, here goes. My husband is nine years my senior. That's not the problem because I love older men. The problem is my husband and is not a sexual tiger like I am. About one year ago, I found some gent sing pills and energy drinks in the trunk of his car. I asked about them, and he said he has been having a He has been having a hard time sexually keeping up with me. Now, I will admit that I love sex, and I am constantly jumping my husband's bones in the morning, afternoon, on lunch breaks, nighttime, middle of the night, whenever I can. Right now, all right, let me read on. I feel that he should have let me know that I was too sexually demanding and he was tired. Well after he told me, I tried to calm down. I only had sex with him in the morning and at night, even though even though it just about killed me in parentheses, I am really frustrated. So here comes the drama. I started college in two thousand five. While attending a ball, I kissed a fellow classmate. He had a fiance. Long story short. He and I have been sleeping together since four years. Okay, they've been sleeping together for four years. It's like I am living two different lives. My husband provides financially, mentally, and emotionally. The other guy is here physically, financially and emotionally too. Needless to say, I love this other guy, but I am still in love with my husband. I'm never going to leave my husband, but I don't want to let this other guy go. I know the situation is wrong, but it isn't it. Is it possible to love more than one person at a time, or I forgot to mention the other guy also married last year. It's not just about the sex with this other guy. We do lots of other things together. I even met his family. I feel like a polygamist because I am really living two different lives. The problem is my husband is really a good man aside from the low sex drive. The other man is a good man with a high sex drive. They both take good care of me, but my heart is heavy with guilt. Please give me your opinions, Miss Surely and Mrs Steve Harvey Cracktice, code cracker. I know you will, Thank Potential. We'll be back. You're listening to all right, Steve, come on with part two of your response. What you got alight? Here's a letter potential politically. Good morning everybody. I love this, ready, shar I listen you guys every morning. Okay, here's my story. I'm a twenty year old black female. I'm a wife for six years and a mother of two lovely girls. I love my husband and my family, and I truly know that he is my best friend. Well, here goes My husband of is nine years my senior. That's not the problem because I love older men. The problem is my husband is not is not a sexual tiger like I am. After one about a year ago, I found some gen sing peals and energy drinks in the trunk of his car. I asked about me. He said he's been having a hard time sexually keeping up with me. Now, I will admit that I love sex, and I'm constantly jumping my husband's bones in the morning, afternoon, on lunch breaks, nighttime the letter whenever I camp, I feel that he should have let me know that I was sexually that I was too sexually demanded, and he was tired. Well after he told me, I tried to calm down. I only had sex with him in the morning and at night, even though it's just about killed me. I'm really frustrated. So here goes the drama. I started college in two thousand five. While attending a ball, I kissed a fellow classmate. He had a fiance. Long story short here and I've been sleeping together since parentheses for years. It's like I'm living two different lives. My husband provides financially, mentally, and emotionally. The other guys here physically, financially, emotionally too. Needless to say, I love this other guy, but I'm still in love with my husband. I am never going to leave my husband, but I don't want to let this other guy go. I know the situation wrong. But isn't isn't it possible to love more than one person at a time. Uh oh, I forgot to mention this other guy also got married last year. It's not just about sex with this other guy. We do lots of things together. I've even met his family. I feel like a polygamist because I'm really living two different lives. The problem me is my husband is a really good man aside from the low sex drive, and the other man is a good man with a high sex drive. They both take good care of me, but my heart is heavy with guilt. Please give me your opinions, Miss Shirley and Mr Steve Harvey. Cold crack it, cold cracker. I know you will, thank potential polygamist, You know what I don't. I don't even know where to start in the trifling nous of it all. It's so much triflingness in here. Where do I start? First of all, why do we get so many letters about from women who have good men? Thank you? But because of something here they are tripping. Now you are all outside your marriage with another dude because you are a bunny rabbit. See you're just a little rabbit. You have sex in the on it in the afternoon, on lunch breaks, in the evening, at night, in the middle of the night. Your man that did the best he could do. He went out, got some gensing peels and some energy drinks to try to keep up with you. That ain't enough for you. So you go to college, you at a ball, you kiss a classmate. Then you're gonna abbreviate it. Long story short. We've been sleeping together for four years. Okay, we're supposed to not see through this right here, hunh. You want us to think it was just a kiss. Now you've been with just dude four years. You're talking about how your man provides for you financially, mentally, financially all this here, but he had a low sex drive. Your new guy provides for you financially, mentally, emotionally, but he got a high six drive. That problem is he wouldn't got mad so much for what he think. Are you? Now, let's really get down to the subject of this matter. Potential policorus. You upset because you feel like a polygamus, because I'm really living two different lives. Then you ask me, is it possible to love more than one person at one time? Yes, it is obviously that's but that is what we're talking about. We're talking about can you do two people at the same time while the two of you is married. That's see, that's different from loving two people at the same time. Can you do two people at the same time? Why are you married? The problem is my husband really good man aside from his low sex drive. Low sex drive, you don't have a high sex drive. You gotta damn problem. See. First of all, if you want sex in the morning, in the afternoon, on your lunch break, and night in the middle of the night, that ain't a high sex drive. You unemployed, You need to go to college and get a job. And she's a mother's two girls. By time you take care of your kids, go to work, and go to college, you're gonna slow your sex drive down something right there. See your problem if you ain't got enough to do, come on, it ain't your sex drive. You're trying to fill it. But I'm gonna just get to this now. That's what emails gonna come in. The subject is potential politics. You have really what's called h l T. You think we're saying hello, but h l T is you have hook like tennis. You have a disease called h L TCLO. Okay, see, if you know, we got to get out of here. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girls, surely and please don't forget this Thursday Facebook Live the Saturday After Show is back at one thirty p m. Eastern Time, and I hope to see you all there. Uh switching gears yesterday of course with cyber Monday. Did you get everyone on your list that perfect gift? Okay? I know you went shopping. Uh, here's something to consider. Though. You might think a personalized gift is the best way to show you care. You know that you put some time and energy, some thought into it, you know, But it turns out that of people would rather have guess what cash? Would you say, nephew gift card? Yeah, that's right. According to a new wallet hub survey, the most coveted gift for the holidays is a gift card. What nobody says that when you give cas yes cash, Yes, years ago, when your family used to give you a Christmas card and you tad open but without reading you just try to dump. Yes. Man I used to let man. I used to get a twenty Yes, yes, relative that give you a tw man, they hand you that car. Merry Christmas, thank you. I ain't ready to call it out, know what to call? Talking about? Coming up next, we'll do things that will happen over the holidays. I think Steve has something for us, things that's gonna that are gonna definitely happen, definitely happening over the holidays. You're listening to Steve Show. Alright, so um, Jay, you and Steve came up. What is this all about? This segment? Now, just bet there's certain things over the holidays when the holidays happen. You can pretty much bet money that some of these things are going to happen. Is that right? Mean somebody's house, somebody's house, Alight, This might not happen at your house. One of these, I promise you, one of these. It's gonna happen over the holiday at your house. Okay, let's hear it. Come on, I'm ready, come on, come on. Dinner, dinner will get interrupted at somebody's house because we gotta go get somebody out of jail. That's what happened. That's how Yeah, can I finished eating? That just made my place? You hear somebody in the house, and I'll accept. Here's here's something else. The new boyfriend, somebody's new boyfriend gonna get beat up by the baby jail somebody house. You all that's gonna happen to you, But you can pick the one that's gonna go to. They shouldn't be in the same room. She ain't never leaving me. She never leaves me. He stepped down when she got with you. Here's another a family secret. He's gonna get told. Dad fading should have been told. Here's another that's gonna happen as somebody's house. Maybe not your, but that will be a fight over the drumsticks going down. Oh yeah, oh yeah, I told you I wanted to leg I call that for even left the house. You know. Somebody who ain't working. Nobody brought a damn thing. He got no job. One chick gonna show up at the house with the new board friend that's doing way better, got her old. Yeah. Oh yeah, there's gonna happen to somebody's house. She's gonna show up pregnant again. Yeah yeah, you make some baby. This is every black house gonnahead it. Somebody's gonna show up dressed like they're going to a qualms of part. Yeah, and we'll be mad when you don't understand. Ain't you hot? He got attitude? Yeah, everybody got show up at your house that's been eating meat their whole life, not that vegan. Yeah yeah, and disgusted with all the dishes. Yeah yeah me yes, Turkey in the greens because half of we stopped putting park we upgrade that jets happened. Come on, some of the women gonna have to circle around because heating about the white girl over the oh, and they all gonna have to come to the conclusion. Yeah, he might be white. He might be white, but she and where should get all that rump fund fakenomber fakenomber fake twits myuth side? What you saying? Yeah that ain't Yeah, you know that ain't real. My sister, She fine. I guess I'll take a guess. It might not happen all those things that you have, but it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. And somebody and he's thinking right now, yeah, I'll tell you something, milk on happen. What somebody Christmas tree gonna catch on fire? Old you herman to change. These lights all on the tree always herman, her hair. Somebody somebody gonna put your wrong gift in the wrong box. You did that before. Man, you ever wrapped up something. My drunks uncle did this. He wrapped up his shirt and gave it to my daddy. And when my daddy opened the box, my daddy said, oh man, this night. Oh hell no, hold on, I didn't get you the rong shirt. That's my shirt, my daddy said, when you gave it to me. Now it's gonna go down. Something else gonna happen to somebody. Tooth gonna fall into food. That's nasty, y'all. Each slow, each slow, everybody, don't take these teeth out. There's loose like that today Americ. Okay, things that will definitely happen over the holiday. Somebody go knock to dressing Lord, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about jobs we could never ever do. Thank God for Steve, what we're doing. Thank you man, Yes, thank you Lord. We got to be you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, here we go. A new report, guys, is revealing that the jobs with the most and least danger Okay, Like, when you go to the office and sit behind a desk all day, you likely aren't risking an injury except for carpal tunnel or maybe a paper cut. Okay, But there are some people who go to work every morning facing things that could be very dangerous and could cause them injury. Al Right. Career Cast released a list of the most dangerous job out there, and while some aren't too shocking, you may be surprised. As you can imagine. A police officers are pretty dangerous. Okay, they put their yeah, their life on the line every day. Firefighter, right, emergency medical technician. Of course, they all made the list, and some of the safest jobs are accountant, paralegal, and dietitian. So I have to ask you guys this, what are some of the jobs that you would never do? Okay, jobs that you could never Yeah, that's easy to me. Okay, go ahead, prostate checken. I couldn't do it. Yeah, I can show you how to do, but I'm do it. I just won't need a blow. I'm not going to use the glow. We're not gonna use my hand. That's what I'm trying. A stick, Yeah, bring whatever stick you can do that you can't do it. But that's where I'm going alright. Hats out to the people who do that. Yeah, a lot of people would die. Doctors, Yeah, especially for you just saying we don't want to do it. You know, the one I can't do. The man at the funeral, the duty emboming man. Yeah, you're thinking at the funeral and funeral home people are so calm and night. Yeah, we got talking to him. Yeah you do you push him down and run yea. Our funeral director kept asking us, have you reached your serenity yet? It won't be long before you'll be coming to visit. And don't send me birthday. I hate that. Don't be send me birthday when the family reaches their serenity. All the time, I was like, okay, yeah I want that one. Yeah, that's the job. I couldn't do that one. Nope, nope, nope, no, no, yeah, I'll tell your job. I couldn't do one. Preacher, I could read preacher. Because you're not even me with all y'all problem. I'm not sorry y'all problems, not everybody's. I got two prayers today, who need it the most talks amongst yourself. You work it out. But everybody's not gonna get to talk to the Lord from me today. No, I'll tell you what I can't do. I can't be a kindergarten teacher. Yeah, a little kids, you do, get a little big shot. You talk to them, good reports, you get to leave, Yeah mercy with a query. Oh yeah yeah, But Steve, why couldn't you do it? Kids love you, your grandkids love you. But I can't teach you because I cussed when I talk. When you don't want your kids exposed to it, just go and get them away from me. My son Jason told me, you know roads and know his dad. He said, Dad, we don't. We don't cuss around the kids. That's okay, but they asked in my house. Okay, that's cussing in here. Now your kids out here that each one of your kids got their own electric Bentley in the garage, plugged up with our cars. You know what I'm saying. They got swimming pool, they have Halloween parties, they have Patton Zoos. Now, somebody done some cussing to make this money. But now when I'm talking at the house, I can't cussom So you need to go ahead. I'm with you. Kids need to hear cussing. You're getting ready for the real one. That's what. That's what's out there for you. Some preps. Preps. Morgan her husband are almost vegan. Carly is a vegan. Brandy is a vegan. Y'all don't even need the babies not allowed to have candy. Oh, now they come in my office to see Pap Paul. I got drawer full of candies. That's how I keep them, you know, feeling a certain kind of way about me. We're glad to see me. Yeah, yeah, let's go to the office. I gave boot to some beef jerky and Carly damn the hair hearted dad. He don't need that. And we'll look at him what he's doing. Don't look at he eating it right now? Look at him. I mean he was just loving that manning about all that. I got a I got a job. You don't want the wax all that? Howland when the hair come off the I can't be ready for that. It's worse when you get waxed though. It's ten times. You really got to be hard on the person doing the wax too. They seem to enjoy it. Yeah, there's pain for them. They seem to enjoy it. Wait, what is we doing it for? Shave your back? If I got here on my back, I don't know it because I can't see it. Jobs we could never do. Oh oh, the back end of an animal costume? You know, the last part the back when you're up under that. Yeah, I can't do that, just one but you. But I mean you had something to guy that has to do it. You know, I'm not going to hold my head here. It's for a long time. Kids. Party is over, and then you don't know what's going on. You who determines who gets the front in the back? Who's ever costume it is? If it's my front, I'm not doing. What do you want the third you'll get back? Do you want the third? Five? You know the job you don't want being the quarterback for the Cleveland Oh yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Three Nigerian women are about to make history. Guys. No African nation has ever sent a team of men or women to the Winter Olympics to compete in the sport of bob's ledding. Remember it happened in Jamaica. Yeah, but not but not African nations. Yes, absolutely in the movie. In the movie Cool Cool, Cool Running, the women who are all former track and field stars, got together when they heard there had never been a bobslet team from Africa and decided to become the first. They started training and created a crowdfunding page to raise money I love that for their trip to the Winter Olympics. They're going to be in South Korea. It happened to this February, but when Vista found out about them, the company decided to sponsor them and pay for their journey there from Africa not Nigeria. No, I don't have snow yet, but when we get some make like you have schno like no, and don't have schnooing training without right now laying then take us and oh my, but we're don't. Don't ask me about snow again. We'll see when we get You're know it when you see it. Okay, we don't have no coach got an attitude? Coach, coach, coach win willis you will never have Okay, Yeah, we won't have it. Yeah, coach, coach, how are we gonna get ready for? Tell me going listen now, I'm telling you shut your eyes and pinch no and think no, we've never let it go. There's no snow. Let it coach. What are we gonna use you? It's going to use a truck on or truck going to take the wheels, all right and push it, push it, push it, push it. Really don't ask me. We don't have snow. Okay, stop, Okay, we're under start. But remember what said with me? Now we does snow? May I continue? Please the God? Like I said, Visa found out about them, and Visa decided to sponsor them and pay for their journeys. Everyone, we get in some snow and boxes, Desson and snow Alder in bopsis going to be dropped from the air box of snow. Don't take the snow out, spread it around. But until then, but the women admitted that they didn't know anything about what's letting until they saw the movie. We just talked about cool runnings, about the Jamaican bob s led team. So, um, do you guys even watch Winter Olympics? Because I experience what's the sport? Is it curly? You're not gonna see no black people a man. Let me tell you something. I've actually on my show. I've actually tried curly. Oh it ain't easy man. All right, Coming up next, we'll tell you about the college students in Kentucky before trying to cheat mission impossible style. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh, some students at the University of Kentucky. Guys tried to steal an exam for their statistics class. Okay, uh. They tried to steal it from the instructor's office. They wanted to drop down into the office from the ceiling. You know, allah Tom cruise mission if mission impossible. Yeah uh uh. They literally climbed through the building air ducks, uh, to the ceiling above the office and dropped down into the room. But unfortunately for the students, the professor was working late that night. He was in there and he had stepped out to to, you know, just get a snack midnight snack. When he returned, he caught the students dead in the act, red handed. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah. They were charged with third degree burglary and will be investigated by the school's Office of Student Conduct. You crazy, yeah, they no lookout person. Yeah, it was dumb and nobody go into the building the front weight and created distraction. Just walked by his officers, see if he is there, Well he wasn't. He went to get some yeah see, but not getting the argument down that week, we don't he knocked the food. What's up while you boy in there? And he get the dog on test then may test out and got hey, hey you're a different person now yeah, that's why the statue of limitation is gone testing. Yeah, okay, sotes, please report to the office. Got caught. Yeah, but I mean they planned it out so well, we're gonna drop down in the ceiling and from the ceiling and all of that. Don't you go around and see if he's there before you see? That's like this teacher accused me of plagiarism one time, really because my paper was just like somebody paper the year before that, word for word. I'm looking at this like she said, you're gonna fail for plagiarism. I don't fail if I take it. If I take the test, I write the paper, I'm gonna fail. What difference it make to me? I had a shot. This was a I turn in. You were Ivana Trump before Evanna Trump. So first, Lady Michelle, it worked for her at A Chinese dude had got an a in economics. That's a why do you do word for word though you're supposed to like break it up and break it up? I didn't know what he was talking about. What you're gonna break up? I'm gonna change your words and I don't know what you're talking about. Why would I change your a talking about? And you're gonna get an F for plagiarism. I'm don't get it if I take this test, so work with you took your chances. That's that's all I saw that. I didn't see it. I didn't understand. I walked. I had dignity. I tried. Yeah, you tried something. Lady, come telling me stuff from now and put forth your best effort that I'm doing something I know how to do. Oh man, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show and we got with just one more thing, our last break of the day. Guys. Uh Steven, Tommy, how's your golf game going? Just as really played? Yeah, just before Tiger Woods is back on. Man, Please just give me Tiger just for me, Man, just give me, give me, give me just two good seasons of great run. Yeah, win three tournaments. Yeah, that's hard to do. How many jackets need one more. He needs one more to tie or win. Right, No, he needs he needs record. You gotta win some more major. It's the major. So Steve, if you could wake up and a certain part of your golf game has improved, just one part, just one part, you wake up, you know what has improved? My driving? Yes, you could get that thing off that tea box. Man, if I could just get that thing to go about to six and who I can find? I can say that you ain't gonna find Tommy. Tommy has an incredible hand speed. But it's man, I just can't. I can't. Man, I've been trying, Like y'all don't know what you're missing out there. Man, if you know the game, you know it's an enjoyable sport. I'm not a good golf shot. I'm not a good golfer by a long shot. But I can grind myself around. You know, I played with the same dudes. You know we played. You know, we out there having fun. So we get a mulligan on each side. The mulligan means a dude over, So we get one dude over on the front nine, one dude over on the back nine. That's how we I'd like a mulligan right here, ask you guys a different question. I'm really proud. But check check this out, guys. President Trump could be on track to spend as much as triple the time former President Barack Obama did on the golf course in his first year in office. Okay, and it's very first year. A couple of things. While he's doing that, he's making deals at his his place. That's where the deals are mad and it doesn't have the security of the White House, and we don't know who's getting checked in there, so you can slip people in and on it. That's why dost. Yeah, it's the methodist. The reason why Jay knows because he's done that a few times. But they go down in tweeties living in the low security. But Steve, you were saying, though, back to your story. What's story you know about? You get the muneket and everything. Well, that's all you do. You know, play with the same guys, so there's no pressure, you know what I mean. We ain't out there. Look, we're not out there trying to change the world. I don't care if I have a rated handicap nationally, that don't mean nothing to me. I'm just out there to have a good time again, go home? Is it still fun though? Playing golf, Man, it's fun. It's it's relaxing. It's one of the few places I can go with no harassment. I played with four guys. You don't see nobody else out there. It's full and a half hours. Ain't nobody in yall side. But golf courses are some of the most scenic laces. Beautiful. You should just get a golf court card and follow your friends around on the golf cart, get a cigar and just following. We've done that before and that is fun. We played in the Caymans. They found out Steve was out there. Wow, it was crazy coming up out their houses. Man, Mr Harvey, Oh yeah, it was fun. Remember man, word do get around real quick, gets out. We'll see if you're kind of famous, you went past kind of of your celebrity. You're a star, okay. The mac rib is kind of famous. Okay, you're famous in Paris for Thanksgiving? Oh yeah, a beautiful time with my family, but man, they don't do Thanksgiving over there. The turkey was excellent and the guy actually taught me a new way to carve a turkey. I've never seen it done this way. They take the turkey out. The chef comes out and he cuts the turkey right down the middle and takes the entire breast off the turkey. He just goes down the center of the bone and then he comes back for the end of the leg is at and cuts it all the way down to the to the trade. Takes the whole slab of breast off, skin, everything, and lays it on the trade. Then he goes and cuts the other half of the breast out. Because you know, if you follow that little center bone down the middle of the turkey and then comes from the leg over, you just cut the and now you got the two pieces of breast just laying, you know, glaze side up. And then when somebody want a piece of turkey, they slice off the breast that's already cut, instead of somebody destroying your turkey trying to carve it. That's why your turkey looked like trash. Look like they didn't get you know. Marjorie set the menu up for the show off, right man, This dude came out here we go with this this roasted corn, and then he had some bread. And the dude said, we have your corn bread. I looked at this, dude. It was corn on the car and some bread. Marge told to make us some corn bread. He made some corn and brought out some damn bread. The stuffing, the stuffing was just inside the chicken. And it was all meat, no breading, no sage. No, it was all meat. Look chunks and carrot, just all meat. Oh man, I said, okay, dude, corn bread. It was really really nice that it was a beautiful setup. It was gorgeous. All right, we got I'm on hell, can I have something? Can I say something really quick you guys before we go? Happy birthday to my husband, Tosh. It's his birthday today. Don't love a love for all? Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.