Steve Is Back, Diamond Story, Marjorie, Lottery Find LA, Mississippi Runoff, Comedy Roulette, Tree Off, Giving Tuesday, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Nov 27, 2018, 3:45 PM

Steve is back and is better than ever. He shares with us his experience at De Beers. A Louisiana couple makes a $1.8 million discovery while cleaning. Mississippi has a runoff election today for US Senate. Comedy Roulette today may have you looking in the mirror. Uncle Steve talks about a 3 year process for a Christmas tree. Giving Tuesday is the beginning of the charitable season and we have ways for you to help. The Closing Remarks today has Big Dog talking about we he and the crew are sick and tired of and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back the back down, giving them more like the milling buck things in its tubbs. Good it, Steve har listen to the mogether for study. I don't join join me, be doing me. Honey. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn turn, You got to turn them out. Then turn the water. The water got me. Come come on your back that I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey, man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He on one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, man, I want to share something with you today. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want? Our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together better? Yet? Let's just kill that, consume that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. You got dreams, aspirations. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now. The procrastination is only hurting you yourself. And if you and if you allow pratical excuse men, if you allow procrastination to set in, then that that allows then which is a weakness, you know, but that allows the devil then to just really do his thing. Because an idle mind is the devil's playground. So if you ain't working on your goal's, dreams, aspirations or visions, you're just waking up seeing how today gonna go? Or the devil he got plenty for you to do. See. But if you get your mind right on your goal and your focus and your purpose. Then you can go on about your business. Then when the distraction comes, you can catch yourself. Now, don't mean you ain't gonna fall privy or fall prey to some of your distractions, because you will, but you will have a goal in mind, an aspiration that makes you go hold on, man, I got to stay focused here. Of course, what I really want while I'm really trying to go the thing that I'm really after, this new little thing that's being introduced, this don't fit into the equation. Man. Let me keep it moving, or you may step off the line for a little while, you know. Like I said yesterday, the thing about God is he's so forgiving that if you get out of line, he'll hold your place. See that's the real cool thing. A lot of people to do that for you too. Like I said, if you're at the movie theater or you're an amusement park and you're in the line and you forget something, if you politely ask the person behind you, hey, man, I gotta run to my car left something, would you hold my place? Most people say, fine, you gotta go ahead, and when you come back, they don't have a problem. See. Your problem is is you want to get out the line, go do something, then come back and just get up in the line further up than you were, or cut somebody. Now you got a problem because see everybody looking at you now, like Roy Wall partner, where you come from. You know the line start back here. But see the thing with God is God don't do that. God don't say the line start back here. God holds your place. When you make a mistake and you fall off the line, God holds your place. But if you ain't got no dreams, aspiration, if you ain't got no place, what he holding for you? See, I mean he got a place for you, but you gotta come to him. See some people if well, here's what I'm saying. If you got a goal or aspiration, a dream, and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now you may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off. You can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams and in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen. All I was hanging on too, was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man. Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on a hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and okay out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See. He held on to that for me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line, then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to, but then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I said every day. See because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I haven't been through enough whereas relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me. But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy. He kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong. He forgave me. He said, because man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed up. That's what I did. I just got sick on me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today. Now see threw it me yet? Nope? Have I arrived yet? Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? And then you know what I found out. That's kind of what it's like in life. If you don't walked off the cliff in life and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, See, we all heading to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride. You guide, and you're glad, and you're softly, you enjoying your look around, smiling. You're meeting other people along the way. You're floating over here to skale a little while. You over there at the beach for a little while you mess around over here, you get to go out the country a little bit on your parachuting all and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, You steady pulling, you hauling the whole way because you to mess around with yourself and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day, than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from? I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain, it's usually him. You're listening show ladies, gentlemen, everybody, come on, it is it is he, it is high, it is me. He's blind. Say sua, uh cluche, I beg moa, say sua. That's a slow down version of paddle LaBelle. When she was with La Belle, Lady Marmala, I thought I thought I recommend. I didn't know. Oh you thought I was exactly Yeah, I thought I was a language. It is a language, but we don't know what it is. Hey, Steve, welcome back. We missed you. Happy holidays. Called it for Rell. What's up? Boss? Back in the building. Welcome back? What's up Junior? You miss me? Let's just keep going. Jay didn't think about you, Junior. I would visit Jay, and I know you didn't miss me. I ain't no doubt about it. Nephew, Tom, you ain't my uncle. Back and stride again, baby, you stride again, Oh man, welcome on home. About the world, I think the world has a lot to offer. I'm grateful that God has placed me in the position to be able to see some things I've never seen before. Um. I had a really enlightening trip. I took my two youngest to Botswana and then we went to Abu Dhabi U technically the full one race, but system I got there a little early. I just turned it into a little downtime. Um Um, I don't even know where to start any questions because I don't even know where to start. It was just why'd you go there? Any why'd you go there in the first plat Botswana is because there was a women's empowerment conference that Marjorie and I spoke at. Okay, but it was more of an impromptu. It's really for me to go there to do one thing, and when we got there, we were asked to do some other things, so it was really really impromptu. We went to took a tour when we first got in Botswanna, we took a tour of the beers uh diamond facility, not mine. Did you bring any back? Uh? If if I had something back, I on my way to prison. You ain't bringing nothing back? You ain't, You ain't. I've never been in the building so secure in my entire ever, I've never seen anything. Uh. Then we had a meeting with the president and the first Lady. Incredible people. Um, it just bought Swanna. Man, did they know you over there? Steve? Oh? Yeah, yeah, I'm three times in primetime in Boston. The feud over that doll, yeah man, yeah, nice Sam, the feud over there. All right, I'll tell you more when we come back if you like. Yeah, we'll be back at thirty two after right after this, you're listening to show. Well, as you probably have heard already, Steve Harvey is back from vacation with stories. Man, He's been to Africa everywhere they ain't bought Swanna. I'm gonna lie to you, man, I'm I'm living a life that's golden that I didn't know anything about. I really didn't. So that's called grace because I can't say I've always wanted to be and do this, because I didn't even know this existed, you know. And so it was really really let's start with the plane though, Let's start how you got there. I flew British Airways from La X to London, and then British Airways from London to Johannesburg, and then after that it turned private. Okay just then, but we had already taken care of most of the trip, so I was British Airways. Hey man, let me tell you something. It's the way to go. Uh, if you're gonna travel now, I boughn't in the back, so don't let me. And you think fit to get all this back there. So I don't know what's back there, but in the front, you ain't gonna pay with the curtain. I never look, I ain't even turned that weight. Yeah, I always know what not to do. But man, it was just so, it was it was. I mean, it was a nice flight. And then I went to U As soon as we got off the plane in Botswana, we went directly to the bills and took a two of the facility that this is where they No, it's not a diamond right, it's where all the diamonds come to after they come out of the mind. But it's not. Botswana is the number one diamond producing country in Africa. And then they also do the diamonds for Canada. So all the diamonds that are mined in Canada, they sent all of them to Botswanna. Here's what's amazing, man, What really the Bears made a concerted effort over there, with a lot of pushing and powerful people getting involved. Ninety eight percent of the employees inside of the Bears were Africans. Yes, this little girl man was twenty three years old, was in charge of this entire raw diamond division. She was handling some of the largest stones in the building. Twenty three man and knew everything about it. That was really, really amazing thing. I took a lot of pictures over there, man, you know, oh yeah, yeah, but this all in the raw form. They're not cut and polished. So what you see is the rock as it comes out of the earth or in the ground or wherever they get it from rivers or whatever. And it's amazing. It's amazing how many diamonds are there at one time. My god, I was solder. There's no way you could have taken like a small, small one. There's still nothing cut your whole hand off, so small you want like put in your ear something like that, Joe. You can't get out the building. There a lot of security. It's a most or something. You can't chew gum in there. Yeah, a little gum in the building and the building. Yeah, they take anything that the search to go in. Yeah. Uh yeah. Man, you're not going in there with nothing. You're not you're not nothing. They treat you, they treat you. If one stone is missing, the building gets shut down until the stone is found. It don't matter what size the stone is. Everything is counted at the beginning of the day. Everything is counted at the end of the day. If one small stone I held a I held a stone in my hand that was a hundred and fifty some cabins. Wow, it wasn't that heavy, man, it's not. And this is the roth for them. I saw a diamond, the largest diamond ever found in Botswana was called uh uh lads. They called it ladici, which is lighter thing. It's called lads, not lettuce. But that's Marjorie's African name. Now, yeah, they named her after that, which means light. She's light of the world because of her spirit over there. So they named her ladc And that diamond was one thousand, one hundred eleven carrots. Wows a lot. You got a picture that dog. Did you get a picture that didn't take any selfies? I'm sure no. Poor camera and taking pictures pictures. I took some pictures in that of people, you know, Steve, Steve, one more selfie for you. I didn't. I didn't, you know, I get you could have. I guess some of it could have got in the picture, but I was too scared, be honest with you. Yeah, I was scared. I didn't want to break no rules. One of the young girls that was with us took a wrong turn and when through the wrong door, it took us thirty minutes to get her out of that door. We were leaving. Yeah, this is little dumb ask I mean, excuse you. I was so mad, man, I was so mad because we were leaving. When you got back to her, girl took her that works for us went through the wrong damn dough oho, brother, they shut everything down. We was in that extra thirty minutes. How did she get away from the group? She was the first one through the door and she always doing some stupid all right, Coming up next is the nephew here would run that breakback right after this you're listening. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour Essence magazine trending article. The title Holiday Sleigh and it is about miss Marjorie Harvey living her best life holiday travel and Abu Dhabi. Yes, it's Essence magazine dot com. Yeah, right now though, we'll talk about it. We'll talk about it. Yeah, right now, it is the nephews turn to run that prank back. What you got, nef, I want to date your mama. There you mad at them, but because because because you mean that much to me, I want to date your mama. Wow, run it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach Miss Burns. This is James. This is her son. How you doing man? My name is Gordon Gordon. Just recently joined the church Man within the last month, and I was trying to get in touch with with Miss Burns. One of the numbers gave me a number, but I guess they must have gave me the wrong number. I guess it's it's a home number or what is this? Hello? Hello? Who who is this again? My name is Gordon Gordon. I'm a new member at the church. Yeah, this is just your number. Yeah, man, this is my phone number. I'm James, I'm my son. Oh that's your mom. Okay, that's your mother? Right all right? Well yeah, my bad man. I was trying to get in touch with Miss Burns. Now is did you have a sale or home number somewhere I can get in touch with Miss Burns? Wait to time? Time? Tell your name is what Gordon? Gordon Gordon? I just joined the church Man, so I might not have met you yet, Jane. Okay, what God bless you man, Thank you, man. I appreciate it, because is it anyway I could get your mom's home number from. I mean, you're just joined the church. I mean, I don't I don't see why you wouldn't be able to talk to it. I mean, is there anything there a messages I could pass on to it them? Uh? Well, yeah, I mean I'm trying to see if it's all right for uh, for me to take her out. I've been seeing them for the last Hold up, Hold up, hold up, hold hold tell about that. You You were just saying to you a new member to the church, and and somebody gave you or they were attempting to give you my mother's number, and you're asking me if you could take her out. Man. Well, I wasn't asking you. I thought I had her phone number. I guess they gave me your number by mistake. You know that's my reason for car. I thought I was gonna get her. I want to take her out, you know, maybe to dinner or something. Well, I'll be quite hotest, man, I just came back home from overseas from fighting and everything. Man, And uh, I mean you know my pops just passed away not too long ago. And I ain't you know, I ain't too keen. Or my mama going out with somebody and beside you. You don't even sound like you. Hey, she in the sixties? Man? Older you Man, I'm thirty six. The hell out of you? You How old man? I'm thirty six, I'm thirty four. What is you doing? You do realize my mom is pushing sixty? Right? You know what? Man? I look at it like James, Right, James. I look at it like it's you know heyes, ain't number the number man, It wasn't your heart man, And how you carry yourself? You know? Yeah? But my mother Hey, hey, but my mom ain't know coolga like that? And I know she ain't coming after you right now. I remember telling me that she trying some new things at this church, but going out with some thirty thirty. How do you do a baby? Man, I'm thirty. I'm thirty six. Dude, Man, you like my brother or something. Man, ain't nowhere in the world my mama gonna be dating to say okay, than Jane, let me say this man. First of all, I ain't even know I was calling you. Second of all, I'm calling and speak with her. I'm not calling trying to get permission from you. Miss Burns is a grown woman and whoa, whoa, whoa talking about now? I don't think you're every man. I just came back from fighting overseed. My pops passed away not too long ago. I am the man of the house. Let's get that straight right now, all right, I don't care if I'm still living at home or not. I'm the man of this house, all right. You calling the ass my mama on a date, you might as well just stick the church dog, because you know, as I said, be blessed, but it ain't gonna be no blessing from me to you. I tell you that right now. I'm not looking for a that's seen from you at all. Bro. You might now I bless this, but I respect the fact that you've been overseas and you've been fighting for this country. Okay, But if I decide I want to speak to Miss Burns about going out, I think Miss Burns has every right to decide if she would like to go out with Gordon's or not. And Gordon wants to take her out, I took up. Hold up, Look, bro, I don't care how old you say you are, all right, Number one, you're too young, as I already mentioned. All right, this ain't going down with you and my mama. I'm straight up, hey man. That's for your mamma to decide. No, no, that you you bringing up my mama. You letting the word your mama come out your mouth again. That's gonna get you up, all right. I don't know where you're from. I don't give how old you are. I'm pretty sick. I know what church my mamma go to and and it ain't gonna be her and you. You ain't gonna be asking her out, all right. I don't give what it takes. I would show up on Sunday, catch up in the pulpit or wherever you're gonna be sitting in the back and the choir. It don't matter something's going down. You will not gonna get with my mama like that. You got that. That's up for your mama to decide if your mamma want to go out with me down dinner. Ain't looking long with that, man, I'm deciding it right now. It ain't gonna happen. I told you before. Be blessed or get your wook. You got two choices, all right, I didn't fight. Let's see these three years to come back and also deal with my daddy did and then come back. I'm suffering from PSD. Dog, I don't know what I'm gonna do unless you want to get it like that. Suffer from one a PSD post traumatic stress syndrome, and I will release all that on you. You got that. I don't play. Hey, man, listen, I don't want no trouble. It don't matter to me. You can tellt you. Okay, look, man, listen, I ain't trying to have no trouble about you. Man. All I'm gonna say is this right here. I'm I'm gonna I talk to you mom on Sunday. Okay, you ain't gonna tell tom Are you not hearing me? Man? I'm okay, I'm crazy right now? Okay? Can I say this? Can I say one more things to you? Man? You explode? You ain't got nothing else to say. I got one more thing before you explode? Man? Is you listening? Yeah? Man? James? What hey? Man? I want to tell you this man. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your mama h got me the frank phone call you get out of here. Who hey, man, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Your mama told me. She said, my son been overseas, even in fighting. I'm glad to have him home. She said. We got back in the spirit of laughing. Man, my mama, are you Are you kidding me? Man? We got you good. We listen to this show overseas. Man. First of all, I gotta say thank you for fighting for this country. I want to ask you one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man, nothing but the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Get it overseason in the States, though, say he straight back from the military. That's how you know what I'm saying. Just you decided to push his buttons push he went a little too far. He's trained, he's trained. Yes, I went a little too Yeah, I felt it too Junior. He would not playing your behind. That's where he strained there. Want to date your mom? All right? Can I drop these dates? Can y'all? Can I do that? Go ahead? That's cool, thank you. I'm just gonna do this weekend. I'm at the Columbia Comedy House in Columbia, South Carolina. That's Thursday through Sunday. Tickets don't sale almost, so thank y'all be there soon. That's it good? And if Ready for Love is coming up Saturday? Yes, Yes, that is yes, episode number stopping. Baby, get it down to ten pm Eastern, Naser. It's getting good though. We dwindland them sisters something else. Man, But Aaron, if you're watching the show, everybody like everybody, Aaron is my knee knee leaks on my show. Okay, he just keep your tuning in, you know, Ninie, keep me tuning in when I watch it. Land all right? Up next, nephew, we gotta get out of here. We'll talk about it well, then listen to the time. Can we get to the entertainment news, which is coming up. We're gonna talk about Marjorie Harvey living her best life right after this. You're listening to show according to Essence Magazine, Steve Harvey while we're all, you know, like stuffing our faces with turkey over the Thanksgiving holiday and fighting over Black Friday deals. Well, the Queen of Vacation slays herself, missus Marjorie Harvey was living her best life in the capital city of United Arab Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, okay, and serving pure travel goals. We already know that she. I mean really, she's all over the place all the time, Paris, Milan, Italy, everywhere you can think of Africa, everywhere, New York. She'll throw New York in there, you know. I mean, you don't see Steve life. You're working, you're providing, so she can do what she did. I was watching her own the camel. How didn't you just get back from Botswana? Yeah? You were, okay, so stop. We don't talk food before the day, Shustana, which one you want to be in? Yeah? I just saw I pull it up. I saw that. And we already know that black women love you, and it looks like Marjorie is no exception. Steve. You were telling us some great stories about your vacation and how much fun you had. And we saw on Instagram you and Chris Tucker and Dave Chappelle. That must have been fun hanging out with those guys. Huh, laughing so hard at these foods? What were they doing, Stave? I can't none of this can get on. That's that's. That's that comedian. Yeah, comedian humor A little bit different, a little bit too dark for yeah, yeah, you know, it's a little bit too dark for public consumption. Okay, especially morning radio, yes, yes, night radio. No other guy. If you're not there, you can't you can't even hear about it. It's different. It's just for comedians. That's you're really not gonna think it's funny at all, but we're gonna be on the floor. So you've been all over the world, Steve. You've been on African safaris. I mean, you've been everywhere. You know, on the front row at fashion Week in Paris all that. What's your favorite vacation spot so far? You've been to the Greek Isles, the French Riviera, Italian riviera. I mean, you know, the summer vacation is the favorite because we spend it together, just me and her. We invite the kids, but only for a short time. Then they got to go back home. Y'all get a week y'all. Yeah, yeah, I tripped over the summers our absolute favorite, but our favorite places to go. I'm telling you, as a as a as a as a black person, you have got to go to Africa. It's an absolute must. I wish I would have known this before. I mean, this wasn't my first trip, but I wish I would have made it my goal in my twenties to go see Africa. Wow, it will take your breath away. Here's what you think. When when I landed in Africa the first time, it was like going back home to a place I've never been. And it's very emotional, man, very very emotional. But I think every but everybody should see the content, every human being, but for black people it would be especially moving for you, exceptionally. Movie save up. I know the ticket is expensive, but if you could put your money together, skip one of them family unions and go see where you came from. Skip one of them one one. That's a waste reunion. You get an experience in Africa, all right, Steve, miss Anne trip, Thank you very much, everybody. I totally agree with Steve. Africa is a trip to make. This is a trip with the news. Two nooses, along with some ugly racist scrawls found in the mississipp State House yesterday in advance of today's runoff election between former US Agricultural Secretary Micah eSPI, who's black, and Senator Cindy Hide Smith, a white woman who says she'd attend a public hanging if a supporter asked her to remember this is Mississippi. President Trump a personally campaign for Cindy Hyde Smith yesterday, two rallies. Meanwhile, the presidents defending the use of tear gas on the Central American migrants in Tijuana over the weekend as some of them charged the Mexican border. They had to use because they were being rushed by some very tough people, and they used Tier Garrison. Here's the bottom line, nobody's coming into our country unless they come in lately. The migrant push was a desperate effort to try and get US officials but to allow them to apply for asylum, and it resulted in the temporary shutdown of the San Ysidral border crossing between Tijuana and San Diego, California. In a tweet, Trump is urging Mexico now to send the migrants back to Central America using buses or even planes, and the administration is also suggesting that the caravan remained in Mexico until at least while their asylum claims are processed. Automaker General Motors has announced that it plants a layoff more than fifteen thousand of its workers, both white and blue collar employees, and put five plants up for possible closure. Penning the outcome of negotiations with the labor union. GM has been focusing less of late on small cars and more on stuvs and electric vehicles since their sedance have not been selling. A plink slips are expected to go out to some six thousand factory workers and about eight thousand white collar plant employees. Sad news, Oprah Winfrey has been dealt a painful blow. Apparently, her mother, missus Verneta Lee, died on Thanksgiving Day. According to People magazine, Missus Verneta Lee died in her Milwaukee, Wisconsin home at age eighty three. Besides being survived by Oprah, one of the richest women on the planet, Vernitaly also survived by a daughter she gave before adoption but reconnected with later in life, Patricia Amanda Faelei and Oprah's mom had two other children, a son, Jeoffrey, who died in nineteen eighty nine, a daughter particially Lloyd, who died in two thousand and three. Final numbers aren't in yet, but yesterday cyber Monday is on track to set a new record. Online shoppers attracted by the huge discounts and stuff are expected to bring the total spent during yesterday's one day internet shopping event to an estimate. It are you sitting down seven point eight billion with a B dollars and the top selling items have been laptops and toys. Also, Adobe Young Lake says that the biggest online spenders happened to be in Denver, followed by shoppers in San Francisco and then shoppers in New York fire Lea. Today is a Giver's Day. National Giver's Day, so please give to the charity of your choice. Is also National Electric Jet Guitar Day. Jimmy Hendricks always knows what to do. It's been answered with needing that. Back to the Steve Harvey Morrin show you're listening to, the house cleaning ends up resulting in an accidental pay day, especially for Harold and Tina Arenberg of Mandeville, Louisiana. Check this out. This couple was doing some you know, like some holiday cleaning around the house when they turned up a couple of unchecked lottery tickets. They checked the tickets online and discovered one point eight million dollars almost went in the trash. The tickets were for the June eighth drawing of the Louisiana Lottery, Steve, which has a one hundred and eighty day window. That's when you have to catch them in. And that window would have closed December second, so time was running out. Yeah, well yeah, yes, how much one point eight stop cleaning right in? Absolutely? Yes, yes, ja, yes, dirty. I don't even want this house anymore. Gonna need that other power ball. Yeah, yeah, that's outside of you know how many people were flipping over their couch right now? Yes, exactly, big Mama room. But I mean really from Junior would think it would be over, but you know, almost December second, if they didn't cash it in by December second. And this Sunday about the money that was found in the storage, Yes, seven seven million. It was a story you know how you know how those you know those stories awards, right, Yeah, the TV show Storage Road And this guy bought this story. It was a safe in it. He won, he won the whole bit or whatever as a safe in it. It's got seven million dollars. The owner, Steve, the owner wanted, said, I give you a reward for a million dollars. Well, first give me that six hundred thousand. Yeah, yeah, I got the seven point I don't need. Right, But they finally settled with what how much did he wind up giving? God him and Steve it was all in cash. Money was up. Yeah, they ended up getting one point two right, why would you give up? But the owner of the locker up? You mean the former owner because the people that found the money were the current owners and they had every right to it. So why did they give him his money back? Exactly? That's exactly. They were good people people, yeahs and everything. The original owners, they had attorneys. They couldn't have won though they couldn't. They couldn't have won this. Yeah yeah, all right, Well, so long you lose that locker, you lose it. Yeah, yeah, exactly, that's your money, that's yourself your money. All right. Coming up in thirty four after the hour. Mississippi runoff election is today, Mississippi, Steve, you gotta let the people in Mississippi know how important it is for them to get out and vote for candidate Mike Espy. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Mississippi special runoff election for US Senate is today. Democratic candidate Mike Espy is running against his opponent, Republican racist Cindy Republican. Yeah, you about said it right, And you know what, We've got to get out really in the state of Mississippi and support this man. But man, the things that this woman has said, that things this woman has condoned, the things she stands for, the fact that Trump won't say anything about except she's the candidate. It just, man, this guy just doesn't care at all, man, about the condition of the feelings of the Oh pray people in this country. Y'all get out and vote in the state of Mississippi for Mike spe today, just to run off. Man. You can do it, Mississippi, Come on, you can do it. You've overcome a lot in that state and you've got you've got a statement of your own that you get a chance to make today that we will no longer allow this type of rhetoric to be condoned by us. I mean, and it's a great statement that you all can make concerning this man. And I hope you all do, man, get out to the polls and vote. You know, I wasn't like really angry with the voter turnout this year in the midterms in Florida, in Georgia where Stacy Laws and and you know what, wasn't upset about to turn out. I think people really turned out. Um, but the other party, it's dangerously committed to keeping things as they are. Yeah, this listen to me, y'all. This make America Great Again statement has taken a bigger foothold than you can imagine. And you've you've got to be careful of this statement and make America great again because that's a reference to going back to a time going by. Yeah, hey, Steve, I wanted to let you know you weren't here yesterday, but Mike Ausby was our special guest and he had a lot to say about today's elections as well election as well. Take a listen, And I want to remind everyone on that in nineteen eighty six, I was a bridge phase thirty year old, had never run any offers in my life, and I ran for congressmund from the second district of the first black to win that seats of the war. So we've done this before. We've done this before, and we're going to do it again. We need to college kids to definitely get out though millennials. You're right, Tommy, Yeah, they've got to get out. And now they have a reason yea, be yond just my core mission and my purpose statements. They need to get out the calf. She's telling them that they're both need to be suppressed. That's right, they've got to No, it's brutal. There you have it, get outcouraging. Yeah, man, everybody in Mississippi. We got to turn out. And some great people in the state of Mississippi. You know, we're joking on this here, but on seriousness, man, it's some really really cool people in the state of the sipp and we're just not having it no more. You know. You we've been down there, man, been the bunny into the jokes and everything. But it has been rough down there too. Now that it's it's very, very real, the way that they've conducted business as usual in the state of Mississippi. It's been rough. But there's some people down there that stay home. That's where they live. That's what they love, you know, they love going down there doing and family unions and these are people and that's where we're born. You can't take people's homes from them. But what we will not stand for anymore is, you know, look, wan, but endorsing public lynch. And he has said this about any other racial group. Come on, now, come on, look, here's a duke. They wouldn't have stood for it. We shouldn't stand for it either. Well, up against a lot around this world, we're up against a lot down in Mississippi. Here's a state who refuses to remove the rebel flag from state buildings. It's been done in a lot of states, Mississippi hanging on. So you know, we got to we got to send a message to them that this this type of rhetoric this woman is viewing, she's not even a great person. She's not a good person. She's just not. Man, I'm sorry. And did she ever even apologize for saying that? Apologizing for nothing? That's that, you know, that's the thing front row after hanging Yeah, yeah, she's caught on videos. Yeah yeah, let's vote. All right, we gotta get out and vote Mississippi today, please us. And we don't get the jokes man, all right? Up next, the nephew with a spring phone call that's coming up right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry let Her Boy. The subject says, thanks for having a child from my man. Why we're gonna get into it all right, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What's your guy, King of Pranks? My daddy boats? My daddy boat? Is he crying? My daddy boat? Is he mad? I can't my daddy boat? He Hello, I'm trying to reach you, mister Wilson. Please, mister Wilson, how are you today? My name is Williams. Well, listen, We've I've been getting a few complaints, sir about some things on your property there. All right, Well are you with Actually I'm with the homeowners Association. Wanted to reach out and give you a call today. Oh well, how are you doing? Pretty good? Listen. Um, got a few things I kind of want to discuss with you here that seemed to be a problem that's taken place in the neighborhood there. Um, it's been brought to our attention down here at headquarters that you have a few things on your property that are are not functioning that really shouldn't be on the property. You have two cars supposedly in your driveway that are not being used, been sitting there for quite some time. Well, yeah, well one of them I'm currently working on. I'm almost I should have it repaired. I'm just waiting on getting wait, wait and get a little extra money and get it take care. But the other cars just function it. I just don't drive, but I have more than one car. Okay. Now you you also have a camper that seems to be has been there for at least eight months now, that's that's sitting there. Is that correct as well? Yeah, yeah, I'm I'm working on getting some storage for that is. But it ain't really been there eight months, just maybe around about six seven. And uh, you know, I'm looking at our past records and stuff. It seems like there was a complaint before about the you know, keeping the yard, uh pretty cutting all of that kind of stuff. And I'm just looking at past complaints that I have here. Now the biggest one that I have that that's concerning your property, sir, is uh, supposedly in your backyard. Now there's a you have an old boat that's in your backyard. Yeah, yeah, but I don't see that both bothered nobody. Well, well, I mean it's it's it's kind of a sore eye for the people. I think. I think you guys backyards actually bump up against each other, and you guys have a chain link fence between the two of you all, and I think the boat is must be just a sore eye for the family that's behind you. All. Well, you know, I don't see myself getting rid of that boat. So I got a cover on it. Everybody else got a boat. I don't see. What's the problem is. Well, okay, here's here's what's actually happening, mister Wilson. What's gonna take place is this. Now, we're gonna give you a fourteen day extension, fourteen days actually to move the car that is not functioning, the camper as well, and definitely the boat. We need. We're gonna need those three items. We'll get search search. I ain't got no we moved boat. I just told you I was working on so well for storage. You know, I'm a storage called Now the boat. Now the cab, I'll get that, take care. But the boat, the boat, the boat, My daddy gave me, and my daddy gave me that that that's the only thing my daddy gave me before he died. Now, now I'm not moving that boat nowhere. The boat won't just fun if I take it down that to the water. It works, sir, And I understand it wholeheartedly. You know, I'm basically I'm just a messenger I have. I'm gonna have to get the non functioning car that's not working properly. I'm gonna have to get that out within the two weeks, notice, as well as the camper and definitely the boat. Now, I gotta get that out. That's gotta be gone. I'll tell you what I ain't moving, sing, I'll tell you that plan. What you're gonna do, sir. You gotta either move the boat or I'm gonna have somebody come over and haul all of these things away. Well, i'll tell you what. I got thirteen reasons why you won't go over and touch that boat. And I got two bon or two two to thirteen twenty six. I got thirteen and then I got another twenty six added on to that why you won't bring now want me to touch my daddy boat because my daddy gave me that bowl. I'll be dad into you. You know I'm tired of you with me. It's that Cross Street eighty report because I'm not at liberty to give you the name who's reported called my bote, So you haven't live to give me something because I know down the street that boat, you know, eight months and it ain't nobody said saint to him. So why the hell y'all me about how to boat in the backyard to my daddy gave me, Sir, The language is not necessary. The bottom line is I want the camper out. I want to vote out, and I want the car that's not functioning move for them two weeks or I'm towing it out. I tell you, when I give you a personal invitation to come over him, put the vote, the campell and the car, and I I will beat you like that's what beat you, sir. Wow, I'm gonna allow one car to stay. I just want to make sure that you know that I've given you the statement over the phone, letting you know that what what has taken place here will take it. But I ain't move my daddy boat. You're gonna move your dad's thinking vote if I don't bring the loan, but you bring somebody, sir, trust me, Trust me. If we come there, we're definitely gonna be bringing authorities with us. My might will go to jail because I love my daddy. Ain't now I want you. I'm gonna touch my daddy boat. That's on me. I got one one thing I need to say to you, sir about this in a situation. Excuse me what you got to say? All I have to say is that this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Man. I got up all right, man, your brother told me, he said, Man, he'd be going eddie with the homeowner socier. He said, Man, just call him and tell him he got to move all this stiff, he said. But most of all, tell him y'all gonna haul off that boat. He said. He can't even had that dog on boat. But I love that they know, they know. I got one more question for you, though, Baby, Tell me this, what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steven My Daddy Boat. How y'all feeling? How y'all about it? I don't know you. It's still time for but who before this year is out. Just think somebody gonna whoop me. But it's fun, it's good play. It's good play for you, the people real life. You equal as whoop. What's again? It's his daddy's boat? Yeah, get a boat. All I know is you can't park that boat in the backyard. We can't have that, all right, maybehood don't want that boat back there like that. He can only man. You don't need to vote if you can't afford to slip up for the slip. Come on, where you performing? What's going on? I mean Columbia this weekend, that's thurd you through Sunday at Columbia Comedy House. Tickets almost sold out. And then the following weekend, I'm at the Fox Theater, Detroit, Michigan, and it's a star study cast Lavelle Crawford. Earthquake. Uh, John Witherspoon. You got rod Man, and you got Dominique, and you got the nephew hosting the whole damn thing. And don't get no better than this. I am the man, all right now, y'all know that I'm Steve. Did you did you not? Did you not watch me in in in Africa? You did see ready to love it Africa. You wouldn't watching me over there make me proud? Come on, that ain't all that? Ain't that's new? They not show up. Let's do it well all over here. Congratulations at internationally in Africa. Yeah, they got a show car ready little but this was ly yea. I'm gonna tell you the reason. Over there they trying to figure out who the hell he is? All right? Coming up next, it is today's Strawberry letter. Subject, thanks for having a child for my man. We will be back after the you're listening, all right. Before we get to today's Strawberry letter, we get today's Strawberry letter. This was I bought up Tommy's name and aff Oh did your nephew h nephew day Tommy. That's what the day Tommy nephew day, Tommy Tommy Day, nephew Tommy Day. Few. I was saying, no, he's my nephew Tommy Dave few old family feud. I said, no, it's nephew Tommy and I just had I just had a tough time, so I just said forget it. So they said anything, Yeah, I showed him the picture that made it worse. Yeah, yes, we are looking Who is he? I said, that's my nephew. Yes, he's a nice man. Yes he's really nice's funny too. What what does he do? I said? He got TV show called Ready for Love in the States, Ready to Love. No, I said, ready, ready for Love, Ready to Love, Ready to Love? Got it right, he got it right, You got it wrong? But keep going No, I corrected him. I told him he was wrong. He said ready to Love. I said no, no, no, Ready for Love. And then, well we did not know him. I said, what he really? Famous man? Over there? He said, well, we would pick up this show as soon as he is famous over here. Tell him we said that he love, and so I just want to tell you that. Everybody after said, what's happening? Yea waiting on you to get funny, but they're gonna pick your show up. Man, who is this? He getting their few for the Tommy stuff? That crazy? So you're oh, baby becauze is called it tommy. Did you know that? I didn't know that. No, I didn't know that. Yeah, a baby Gauzelle is called the Tommy. They're so fast and small. So I was right there with him, nephew, Tommy s no tummy all right, flat of face, But just life saves little face though. As I was saying before we get to today's Strawberry letter, Mississippi's special runoff election for US Senate is today, So please vote for Democratic Senate Democratic candidate Mike Espy and remember his opponent, Republican Cindy Hyde Smith, endorsed public hangings and lynchings. Okay, we need the entire Yeah, we need the entire that's right, Carlin. We need the entire state of Mississippi to get out and vote for Mike Espy to day. Okay today, Um, don't put it off, don't procrastinate, get on out to the polls and vote. Okay. You know, there used to be a time when you make a statement like this and would cost you the election, right, yeah, you mean his opponent. Yes, you could make a statement like that and it would just cost you the election because even even the Republicans, who have a lot of great people in it, were just considered to be the moral party. And if you made a statement like that, the Southern evangelicals and everybody went, no, that's not what we're about. Something has happened. Something has happened because the Southern evangelicals still support Donald Trump, and that's amazing. It's because of the PowerShift that they see coming from the top, and so they can quit making it about their faith because that's not what that is at this point. And some of them just won't change parties or speak against him or anything. He's a Republican. They're Republicans and that's it. And you know, and that's fine, but come on, this man, Lloyd can be a Republican and see wrong doing. Yeah, absolutely absolutely, but none of them speak out against him. Now, yeah, all right, so listen. If you need some advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit to Strawberry letter. We're ready, Steve, We're ready. All right, let's get buggle hold on tight. We got it for you. It's a Strawberry letter subject thanks for having a child for my man, Dear Stephen Shirley. Let's just get right to it. Here's my dilemma. I'm a thirty eight year old woman and I've never wanted to have children. Five years ago, I was in a great relationship and we were talking about getting married. But he wanted children and I did not, so we mutually decided to end our relationship. We could not deny that we were still in love with each other, so two years after we broke up, we reconnected and have been seeing each other off and on since then. While we've been spending time together, he started a relationship with a new woman and they had a child together, and he couldn't be happier. He has told me that he wants to marry the woman so that his child will have the kind of upbringing he had with both parents present. I truly believe now that he has a son he wanted, he and I can get back together and get married. He tells me every day that he loves me, so why wouldn't he want to marry me instead of her? If I were an evil woman, I could end it all between him and this woman by telling her that I've been with him this entire time they've been together. I have lots of damaging proof that would definitely break them up. Even though I did not want to have children, I can help him raise his son. What do you think I should do? Don't I deserve to be happy too? Well, yeah, everyone deserves to be happy, but not this way. Okay, I just gotta tell you that it looks like you're done. I mean, you're just the side piece in this relationship. He has moved on from you to the woman he wants to marry. And guess what, that woman is not you. He said he wanted to marry that woman and not you. You you don't want to have children. He only has one child. How do you know he doesn't want to have more children. You didn't mention that in the letter? Did you you think he's one and done? Well, they're smart, she really smart. I didn't see that. Well, he may not. You know, he may want to have another one, and you still don't want children, So there is no future in this relationship with him. What you have with him is as good as it's going to get with again, you being the jump off. That's it. He told you he wanted to marry this new woman. He didn't or hasn't told you that he wanted to marry you lately, has he? So I suggest you ask, you know, don't you deserve to be happy? What do you think you should do? Well? You need to get out of this situation because he wants to marry someone else and have you on the side, which is exactly what he's doing. Steve. Well, when we come back and we'll break it down a little bit further, I would really admire the point that you made though this guy may want to have other children. Oh yeah, she doesn't see this. When I come back, thought, I'm gonna tell you what's really bring it. Bring it up, all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response, uh coming out. I'm gonna let him have it too. Now, don't don't nobody be tight. Okay, okay, because I see you know this, you know, thanks for having a child for my man. Yeah, show you exactly exactly. I don't see that. All right. Well again, Steve, you're gonna bring it with part two of your response coming up today subject thanks for having a child from my man. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter, Thanks for having a child from my man. Well, I don't have to recap it because I didn't respond to it. But I've just done. This woman had a relationship with this guy. She's thirty years old. She never wanted to have children. Five years ago, she was in a great relationship, talking about getting married, but he wanted kid. She didn't, so y'all decided end of relationship. But you still loved each other. So two years later, after y'all broke up, y'all reconnected and started seeing each other off and on since then, well, while we've been spending time together, he started relationship. No, see, while we were spending time together, he started a relationship with a new woman. That's not true. That's not true, sees. This is the first big lie in the letter. She thinks that for two years this dude was sitting somewhere sad and upset that they had broke up and wasn't involved with nobody, So, she writes in the letter, because this is a self serving woman, while we were spending time together, he started relationship with a new woman. No, he was in a relationship with the new you woman. Then y'all started spending time together. They had a child together, and he couldn't be happier. He told me he wants to marry this woman so this child can have a kind of upbringing he had with both parents present. Now she believes that since she got son, he wanted down to be able to get back together and getting married. He tells me every day he loves me. Why wouldn't he want to be with me? If I were an even woman, I could end this whole thing. Blah blah blah. Even though I do not want to have children, I can help him raise his sons. What do you think I should do? I deserve to be happy to You will never be happy destroying someone else's Let's just start that. You'll never be happy destroying someone else's. You're the most self serving person I've heard from in a long time. You, lady, you are what's the word. It's narcissist. Yeah, it's that the word. You just like the president. It's all about you. See. So now you didn't want to have children, but you think since he has a child, you can help him raise his son. You don't even want no damn kids, right, So what's gonna make you the great mother? All of a sudden, you still don't want kids, but now you think you're gonna turn into the super mom over the woman who had the baby? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? You're very self serving. You didn't want children, so you didn't want children, so you broke up. You couldn't say, you know what, we love each other enough, we should share a child. Now it's always about you. I don't want to and no kids, So we break up two years. Lady, y'all reconnect now here in a relationship. You can believe that ain't a man sitting on the sideline two years trying to get over no damn body. We get over women with women. Hello, we get over women with women sitting up in the house sucking the thumb because you're gonna we'll do that for a little while, but we're gonna take this thumb sucking and turn it into something. Hello. Now he wants the family, she said. He wants to marry this girl who had the baby because he wants the baby to have the same family he had grown up, both parents present. You don't give a damn about that. You want that to split up? Damn the again, you show exactly why you don't need you, because you want to take this opportunity for this child to have a family in structure that this womanan wants to create with this woman because you want to just be so you won't break that up, so you can help raise a child that you don't even won't you don't even want kids, but so you could be happy. You want to break it up. Now you say you could break them up because you got some evidence, pictures, text all this hill. Yeah, you could do that. You could break them up. But let me ask you a question. You don't think that he'll remember that. You don't think that when y'all sitting around having a couple of arguments. You don't think that when y'all sitting up trying to make these bills work. You don't think when real life kicking, when the honeymoon section is over. You don't think he gonna remember the fact that you sent some pictures that destroyed what he really wanted to have. Now he over there with you with a baby that you don't won't you do? I want children his? You don't even want your own. If you don't want your own children, I to hell, you're supposed to want somebody else's. I'm just asking so one more time. You are the most served, self serving woman. And like Shirley said, suppose this man want to have another child. You ain't it again, You're out. Then you you deserve to be happy. To well, go find you a man that don't want no kids? It's a bunch of him. But go back to chapter two, verse eighteen. We get over get over women with other women. Man, we don't hey, how we don't side. We don't go therapy. Now, we don't go up in the mountains to find ourselves. Now we get another one of y'all who can do the same thing. Y'all do make me feel like you do, and we go to getting over it just like that. Man, we gotta soaking, no tub, drinking, no wine, getting no good book, going to girls trust while we go to Vegas and fixed it. They don't discount the sucking in the tub and all of that. Now that's good stuff right there, discounting for a man, your man soaking a tub to find himself with somebody crying in our wine and all that. That's all good. Called me, I'm soaking. He just broke up with somebody. When candle I get is that your toes coming out of baby bubble? Man, I'm trying to get over something. Man, leave me man reading act like a lady, thing like a man. Get you something, Leave me alone, dog dog. We're on the way to Vegas. We can help you get over it, all right, Guys, we gotta get out of here. Email us your Instagram, that's your thoughts something day, Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM. Coming up in ten minutes, comedy Roulette with the Fellas. Right after this you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have the real or fake Christmas tree debate. But first, as for I love this, But first as for um, how long is it safe to eat those Thanksgiving leftovers after they hit the fridge? Yeah? I threw mine away today. Yeah, man, I didn't. Can I tell you I didn't have a Thanksgiving meal? Man? I had? I had duck for Thanksgiving. Oh that's okay, to make delicious. Well, it's absolutely I had the best duck at this. I can't think restaurant. It was at the Imrige Palace. It was Chinese restaurant. That's where we had Thanksgiving DNA. Hey, all right, well the last day left is today, okay today, throw them away after all right, But that's just you know, that's a guideline. And if your food starts to stink before then, the FDA says throw it away. Yeah you need to tell that too, Yeah, gotta throw it away. But anyway, Da says four days, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. That's about Yeah, that's I threw all my way to really by Sunday if it's Thursday. If by saying that, take that's a bit much. I don't know. Well Thursday, what's what's today? Tuesday? Yes, not longer than four days and it's Thursday. Yeah, Well, that dressing can stay a little bit longer than when looks real raggedy. That's when it's down with the foils stopping with the foil right here, anything you dipping out refrigerated starting to stick to the side and the container. Yeah, let it go, let it go, let it go. Yeah. So this Christmas, someone get I told my wife, I said, baby, you got to get turkey Thanksgiving dinner for Christmas because I'm miss condition. That's rights don't usually have the same thing. All right, Steve, it's now time for comedy roulette. You guys ready, let's go, all right, let's get all right. Here's the subjects. Number one, I ain't superstitious, but uh number number two, dang is it that's his mama? Number three? Come on? Number three, things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape. And number four, dang, she used to be blank and she's let herself go. All right, let's spin it. Let's yeah, which one. It looks like it's gonna stop on the mine. No, it stopped to three. Things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape? Yeah, yourself. Things you say yourself yourself when you look in the mirror, when you look in the mirrror and you know you're out of shape, you're ready here go? Oh man, I got nine chins. This is ridiculous, man, not nine. Yeah, that's a lot. Okay, things you said yourself you look in the mirror and you out of shape? Oh man, I've been that falls leep around barbecue pills. Ain't wrote me that with seasoning on the grid. Wh what where's my neighbor? I don't even where am I missing a neighbor? I know it's hill, it's in here somewhere. Steve Harvey, let's go this this moment, My god, what have I done? I like it? I like it so serious. But it's a serious moment, naked ye look at yourself, father that whatever. I've had those moments, so yeah, Jake didn't you say to yourself when you know you? Uh, what is it when you're looking in the mirror and you're out of shape? Yeah, I'm not going to this cleaners anymore because they are shrinking. My damn, I know they are. I know they're shrinking. Yea, when you out to shape that beer, you need to build your confidence up. Let's say something like that. She like it though she likes things you say to yourself. You're in the mirror. Okay, uh oh? She and the way don't mean, ain't no way I'm having sex without this shirt on. Damn, I'm gonna tie this in and not I'm telling me like, this can't come up just a shirt though the shirt can't come up. I'm but nicked with a shirt on. I'm just telling you, staying yourself. You're standing the neckt in the mirror. Oh hell no, Here go to soap, a little piece of shower you find it? Alright, alright, I think we have time for one more round. Yeah all right? Why am I weezing just because I got out the shower. That don't make no exhausted, I'm tired, clean clean. So here's things you say right here, you put your drawers on you say I'm wearing thongs. Now that's what it ended up being. Yeah, I'm now how much, dido how much? How much? You got one more? Let's go ah hell Rick Ross cool with it, and Roulette thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, let's debate again, real or fake Christmas trees. Right after this, you're listening to Hey, it's your girl, Carla Ferrold And yes, ladies, your man does notice your hair. My husband loves my hair color, my shine, my style. So take it from me. You want gorgeous salon quality hair color where your man is saying, bait, I love, love, love your hair color, then go right now to Madison dash Red dot com. And if you're thinking, okay, Carla, I gotta match my hair color, I'm kind of worried about that. Don't worry. Madison Read gives you the tools you need so you can color your hair with confidence. Get gorgeous hair color delivered to your door for less than twenty five dollars. Just go to Madison dashread dot com. That's Madison dash Read dot com and get temperacent off plus free shipping on your first hair color kit. Use the promo code Carla c A R L A. I'd happy holiday. All right, guys, it is the annual real Christmas tree or fake Christmas tree debate. Steve, Let's start with you. What is your family Christmas tree tradition? Please? Ain't no need it? You know, I don't know why you're getting into this serious? Are you talking about the one that orders the tree? Yeah, it's getting balled in. Tell them how I go. It's getting bought in. It's already been growing three years. It's picked out, it's gonna get bought in, been growing up. I'm three years. I don't really know. I don't really know. You're tight about it though. When we talk about the Christmas tree, it's been yeah, and it's been growing for three years. Well, we picked it out three years ago. Were picking out every three when we when we pick a tree, we know in three years that's the one we want. It's a program. Listen into this. I'm not gonna get into this with y'all every year. But there hate you already know what this tree didn't look like in my house. Let's stop all bit yo tree, Yes my tree, yo tree, yo yo yo yo king size mat tree. We stay with the tree the bedroom. Stay with the tree. Come on, come on, my Christmas treat comes. It's gonna be to the ceiling. Yeah, okay, period that what you're depending on which house we put it in. Can I ask your Christmas look like it's gonna be here? That I can't say yet? Okay? Can I ask one question? Yeah? Do you so the tree is three years old? So each year do you go visit the tree? Go? No, you're about two more years. Dogs and your asses out of here. It's just a program you can get on. You can watch your tree grow. They're just sitting your reports. You don't got to go nowhere. So the tree is coming from where Oregon? What I'll tell you what, man, they got some great trees in North Carolina. Thh boy, Mine kind of like yours. Like it's come from about the same place where you come from. Mine come from Walmart. But they got one in the Oregon they got hey, Junior, just have them just them sitting your tree down from the Walmart and that, but from so Hey, mine was in a box. That's cool. You do, real tree, You have real tree. Obviously it has to be looking like the one at the mall that I wanted when I was a kid. Yeah, that's how I'm getting the kid. You not, I was poor. That was one of my requirements. Man, Why do I have to come to this mall to see the prettiest tree I've ever seen. I'm gonnahead that in my house soon as I get me some money. Feel on the field. Let's let's stop all the Hayden tree is coming. I'm happy for it. I'm gonna be. I'm there the whole time they putting it in. Well, they first of all, when they bring the tree and they bring it down, they put the lights on it first. Yeah. Yeah. Down at the company here in La they put the lights on it first, they light it. Then they put it on the flatbed and they bring it out and they build they build a stand for it out there. When when they put the lights on it, then they denigrate it at the house. You know, black folks just finding this out for the third time. We don't know nothing about this. But when you get a tree it's in Oregon, they bringing in, they put the lights on it. Margerie researched all this funny after I told her what I had to have. Oh okay, Tommy, you all right, because I'm I'm taking her back a little bit the street hate because he had to shad he'd vote some damn tree then it ain't biggest man now here. We come in every damn our calling competition about the church every year call. We can have a tree off. I got two trees. We have a tree off. You can have two three, you can put them wherever you want to. You're fitting to lose this boy. Okay, let's okay, this tree off. Okay, okay, this grown man ass mask. Now, I'm just telling you where did you come from? Tommy nameless? But let's go. We're gonna have let's go. How tall do it have to be for him to have to look up? Five right there? And how tall already? How tall is yours? Right? There's way past double digits. I ain't had a tea in my house under sixteen feet long? Wow? Hate going with this tree off? Now you have a tree off? No, I got when your wife. Y'all got nice little set up now at your house with trees. And you know what I don't like how you say that the kid and he said house and we all know it's a chateau. Okay, it's all because Tommy just said We're gonna have a tree off. It's gonna get up. That's just a little fun little thing to do. Now. I don't see nothing wrong with that. No, ain't nothing wrong with it. Get your ass is yours up? Tommy? Yeah? Both of them up? Yeah? Okay, I know you're stack You can stack them on top of each other quick to y'all could play with me. When did George go up? Tommy? When did George go up? Steve? Well, not not mine normally go up for Thanksgiving, but we wasn't here for thanks right, and we were debating on where we were gonna be. But since we got the grandkids, that's been a change of plans. It's on the way. Oh okay, wow, this this, this don't remind y'all of the race the tree crash, talking dance. Shut up. Yes, you always getting into something off. I'm just saying, all right, we're gonna have a tree off. Okay, we're gonna have a tree off. When when? When should we present our trees? Soon? As soon as mine? Get up? Okay, see a big dog tree get up. Yeah. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. The tree Office. Yeah, you're listening to show, all right, Steve. Today is Giving Tuesday. This is in response to all the consumerism of the holidays, especially Black Friday and of course Cyber Monday. The idea is to mark the beginning of the charitable season and to encourage people to give to organizations and charities that are doing good. And here are a few ways you can get involved. Can I tell everybody about what I'm doing today on Giving Tuesday? Yeah, let me tell you. I've teamed up with the Star of Hope Mission and they help homeless men, women and children get a new start. So I want you, guys to text Star of Hope to four one four four four and your donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to twenty five thousand dollars. So this is big we gotta give you know, help the homeless. They are not hopeless. So do that for me. Text Star of Hope to four one four four four. And I'm doing that all day to day hashtag Given Tuesday and went to get that out right here the show. Ye how about you guys? Oh, every year I go and pay on somebody these layaways without and knowing who it is. Just ye just pay on it. You know when they picked up this paid for maybe by four five of them. You know I didn't. That's really good, both of you guys. Yeah. Well, this year, I just want to make a note that my foundation, I'm buying ten families Christmas up to one thousand dollars a piece in Memphis, Tennessee. This year. This is my sixth year doing this, my sixth year, and this year it's in Memphis. Last year was Austin. This year's Memphis. So the houses too. I know that we're gonna have it at the National Black Museum Historical Museum, and we're going to the house. No, no, I'm going to I always got some. I'm just gonna have everybody come to one play. Yeah, yeah, hey, I don't want to say that, but here come what he's doing his ass over here? Oh you gonna eat it? What you mean? You ain't never had no supply food and everything. Let me put this out. But I don't want to say that. Yeah, I know, I know what that is. You y'all come down to the center here. He's individual house real quick, man. I did that one year. Man, long time ago, I went to some houses, got hummed up in him. You know, where you getting in. Its damn near a hostage situation. Hold on, man, always I killed you, not I killed you. This this honestly happened one year. This is about probably fifteen years ago. I go try to help these families out right. The dude need me to spend some time with his grandmama. The dude goes under the hood of my car and just loosens the battery cable. So now when I go out, I can't start the car. So he said, Man, just gonna spend a little bit of time my grandmama. Get somebody over here, just get your car straight out for you. So I go back in. Now I'm sitting there, I'm watching TV. Man, even pound cake. I'm just waiting on this triple A to comp I look out the window. Man, the dude under my hood, he just tightened the battery cable. That's all. It was true story, man, because he wanted me to spend some more time with his grandmoma. I wasn't night he killed all visits to people's high sitting up in here gonna be hotstituate your grandmama's sitting up in here eating a dry ass pound cake. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to show, all right, Steve. Mississippi's special runoff election for US Senate is today. Democratic candidate Mike Espy is running against his opponent, Republican racist sy Yeah. Republican. Yeah, you're about saying it right, And you know what, We've got to get out really in the state of Mississippi and support this man. But man, the things that this woman has said, that things this woman has condoned, the things she stands for, the fact that Trump won't say anything about except she's the candidate. It just, man, this guy just doesn't care at all, man, about the condition of the feelings of oppressed people in this country. Y'all get out in vote in the state of Mississippi for Mike spet today just to runoff. Man. You can do it, Mississippi, Come on, you can do it. You've overcome a lot in that state and you've got you've got a statement of your own that you get a chance to make today that we will no longer allow this type of rhetoric to be uh condoned by us. That's right, I mean, and it's a great statement that you all can make concerning this man, and I hope you all do. Man, get out to the polls and vote. You know, I wasn't like really angry with the voter turnout this year in the midterms in Florida, in Georgia where Stacy loss and and you know what, wasn't upset about to turn out. I think people really turned out. Um the other party, it's dangerously committed to keeping things as they are. This listen to me, y'all. This make America great against men has taken a bigger foothold than you can imagine. And you've got to be careful of this statement and make America great again because that's a reference to going back to a time gone by. Yeah, hey, Steve, I wanted to let you know you weren't here yesterday, but Mike Esby was our special guest and he had a lot to say about today's elections as well election as well. Take a listen, and I want to remind everyone on that in nineteen eighty six, I was like fresh face, thirty year old, had never run any office in my life, and I ran for Congress fund from the second district of the first black to win that Tea sence of the war. So we've done this before, we've done this before, We're going to do it again. We need to college kids to definitely get out though millennials. You're right, Tommy, Yeah, they've got to get out. And now they have a reason, you know, beyond just my core mission and my purpose statements. They need to get out because she's telling them that they're both need to be suppressed. That's right, they've got to just now it's first there you have it, Mike Espy, get out and encouraging the folks to get out vote as well. Steve, Yeah, everybody in Mississippi. We got to turn out. And some great people in the state of Mississippi. You know, we're joking on this here, but on seriousness, man, it's some really, really cool people in the state of the sipp and we're just not having it no more. You know. You we've been down there, man, been the bunny end of the jokes and everything. But it has been rough down there too. Now that it's it's very very real, the way that they've conducted business as usual in the state of Mississippi. It's been rough. But there's some people that down there that stay holed that's where they live. That's what they love, you know, they love going down that do it and family unions. And these are people and that's where we're born. You can't take people's homes from them. But what we will not stand for anymore, you know, look him a woman but endorsing public n and if she has said this about any other racial group. Come on now, come on, all right, coming up our last break of the day. I think we're gonna just let Steve have this one. Coming up. Steve's closing remarks at forty nine after the hour. You're listening here we are, last break of the day. Guys, It's been a good Tuesday, yet, Tuesday the big dog is back. Yes, Steve, we missed mixed emotion. Yeah, got a word from Mississippi. I'm back man, Yeah, Mississippi. We gotta turn out and vote today for Mike sp Uh. You know, we really got to make a statement. But we're just sick of this hateful rhetoric. Man, We are so sick of people being allowed. You know, Donald Trump, well you know what was crazy, man, The moral barometer just got lord when he ran for president. Because I really thought that when he made a couple of statements that that was gonna end it, especially when he said he would grab women by the pee. I thought for sure. I said, okay, cool, that's it. And I was out the country and the subject came up, and with a lot of different ambassadors I was sitting with, and it was just crazy, man. They all felt the same way. But something has happened in this country to where it's now okay to verbally say out loud what you've been thinking, which has given us another sneak preview of how you really feel and have been feeling all along. And so now what we've got to do is we've got to send a message that that's not allowable, that that's not how the majority of us really do feel. And we have a chance to send that message today in the state of Mississippi, which could use some good news like this. I mean, look, man, Mississippi has got some great people in it. It really really does. All jokes aside, it does. Now. It's been through some things. That state is tough, man, that's a rough place to live and grow up and have to to deal with everything. They refused to remove the Federate flag and so forth and so on. But we have a right to vote. There are enough people in the state of Mississippi, clearly who could give this guy a win and send a message to this hateful woman that joking about attending a public hanging and noose is being hung in front of the state Capitol and and all these negative remarks, and that's blatant racism. It's not acceptable. It's just not it's not. You're right, it's not. That run is over, and we have a chance to make that run over two days. Yeah, Yeah, And Steve, don't forget in Birmingham at the sixteenth Street Baptist Church down there, Attorney Benjamin Crump, family member to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Attorney Crump, the NAACP and the family of E. J. Bradford Junior will have a community town hall meeting. EJ. Bradford Junior was a young man who was gunned down by police in the mall in Alabama because he was trying to stop a shooting and the police thought he was the actual gunman gunned him down. The police department admitted they made a mistake, but of course he's still dead. EJ. Bradford Junior sad, sad situation down there they're having a town hall meeting tonight six Central admitting you made a mistake. Okay, got it, here's a deal. There are consequences with mistakes that are made. There are still consequences. Every mistake I've made came with a consequence. And I ain't never shot nobody, but all my mistakes come with consequences. You cannot live in this world and make mistakes as an adult without consequences, and especially when what you did cost the life of someone. The problem that we keep having over and over and over is the lack of consequences when an officer makes a mistake quote unquote mistake. Okay, look, you're training, whatever it is got to come into play. Now. If all your training keep allowing you to make these mistakes, to hell, we haven't training for right. But here's the ugly part of the mistakes. The mistakes keep happening to the same people that ain't a mistake caused. It's black dudes, young black men, older black men. It keeps the mistakes keep happening to that one group of people. So at one point in time, I got to ask myself, man, how many times we gotta make the same mistake? But there be no consequences, So you fire, you get to retire from the police department. To guy to kill Mike Brown, what happened to him? He just a policeman no more. Ferguson, He's not a policeman anymore. What happened to George Zimmerman? He just he free, he got off. What happened to the guy that choked out the man selling the cigarettes in New York? What happened to the man castile? What happened to him? That was a mistake. He even said, oh my god, what have I done? But he's still what happened ain't no consequences. There ain't no consequences. Man. The man that shot the black dude running eight times in the back, what happened to him? Ain't no consequences, man, It ain't no consequences for killing a black person. Now that's what. There's no consequences. I'm sorry, but excuse me. If we run a traffic light, there's consequences. Yes, sir, you may have accidentally ran the light, but you have to pay the fine. You ever just told the judge it was accident. You have a us It was a mistake. It was a mistake. I didn't mean, but you still got the consequences. So how can you kill a person and there be no consequences. Something's wrong, man, something seriously wrong. And and it ain't like we're beating a dead horse, y'all. Keep killing the horse? Whoa that was so found? I don't know what to tell y'all, and we sick and tired of it for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening tow