Steve In LA, Gucci Mane, Who Let The Dogs Out, Crew Love and more.

Published Jan 11, 2022, 2:00 PM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit all the don giving them like amazing things and it's not good. Steve hard to mother, stay, I don't joy. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby, ah ha, i's your will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and all it Steve Harvey got a radio show. Heh man, back in business too, man, Man, How good is God? I mean, really, if you think about it in spite of all that's going down in your life, First of all, it could be worse. But secondly, sometimes you have to remember. And I've just had to have this conversation with myself this morning. That's how I'm fresh on this one right here. When a challenge faces you, are you going through a difficult moment, or you didn't hit a bump in the road in the middle of that, if you could manage to be grateful, it would take you a long way. Gratitude is a powerful resource. If you can be grateful in the middle of it, Gratitude is a powerful resource when it's dim for you, it didn't got a little bumpy on the road and he ran into some obstacles, and you didn't ran up into some detooled signs and your journey ain't smooth as it was last week or last year. You gotta be grateful for the things that are going right and that have gone right, and for the thing that's wrong right now to get right? Man? Can I share that with you? Man? Is that a tough one to learn? It is for me. It has been one of my toughest challenges is to learn how to be grateful because it's a powerful resource, but how to be grateful in moments of despair when it ain't going right. See here's a mistake I would make. See when something go wrong, I want to focus on the wrong so much in an attempt to fix it. But even then, the focus ain't always in to fix it. The focus becomes, Man, this is bad, man, I can't believe this has happen. Why just keep going down? That doesn't fix anything? You know, mealing over it, going over what's wrong, explaining it, sharing it with your friends, you know, making it sound worse than it is. Tell the story for pity from other people. All of that right there, has nothing to do with the fix. Sometimes you're just mulling over it. You're just making it worse. You're just making it a bigger problem. You're manifesting it into your atmosphere, You're putting it out there in your spirit. Now, all of a sudden, it consumes your day. Next thing, you know, you're having a bad day. If you're having a bad day, it's because you've been having some bad thoughts. So what I've had to learn how to do, and what I'm working on this morning, is I'm working on this situation that's been cropped up. I was going kind of smooth here for a minute, and now I didn't got real bumpy in the road, you know, and all this here. So what I'm thinking about now, though, is even though I've hit a bump the road, and even though out and ran into a detour, and even though I've hit this love, I'm going down into a valley, I ain't up on the peak. Can I not still be grateful for all the things that God has given me, for all the things He's done for me, for all the things He's brought me through and realizing that even this that's happening to me again is going to pass too. He gonna get me through that attitude. Come home, man, God is a good god man. It's a lot to be grateful for. So while I'm tripping on this bumping the road out and hit, what I gotta remember is all the things He's done for me. And like I say, my saying is joined depression cannot reside in the same place. So instead of being down about this new bumping the road, if I'm constantly filling my mind with the thoughts of how good he's been to me, of what all he's done for me, of all the things he's brought me through, of all the blessings he's presented me with. When I go down that list, I really don't have a lot of time to mull over the situation. Now. Do I have to fix this bump in the road. Of course I do. Are There's some things I'm going to have to do the straighten it out, of course it is. But Steve just going to get the business of doing it and straighten it out. What you mulling over and wearing about it for you know, old people. I heard old people say something I was growing up in the church. They say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. But if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. That's an amazing thing. And prayer just happens to be my weapon of choice. Now, it ain't always been that way. I want you to understand that My first weapon of choice was you do it to me, I do it to you. You call me out, I call you out, you say something bad about me. I've tried to find you and say something bad about you. That was my weapon in the past. How did that work out for you, Steve? Not so good? Because you know what, I spend a lot of time fighting back, kicking back, swinging back, when I could have spent all that time climbing. See, all you're trying to do at the end of the day, folks, is have a better life than the one you got. All you're trying to do is to improve your position in life. You know, it's not my business to make sure you don't get where you're going. Ain't got no time for that. It's not my job to assure that you ain't as high as me. I ain't got no time for that. Your real mission and purpose is to have the best life that you can have, to ascend to the highest plateau that you can get to, to make your family as comfortable as you can, to provide as much as you can for your family. But legally, see, those of us are sitting up here trying to come up with sideways. You can ask a couple million men sitting in prison today how they wish they hadn't have done that, and they'll tell you, Oh, man, I wish I never had did it. I knew not to go down there. Something told me not to go down that. Man, if I could change things, I would. But they're sitting somewhere doing some time that had they made another decision they wouldn't have to do. Now that don't make them throw away people, na, man, because everybody make mistakes, and God is in the forgiving business, and some of us have done some things that really broke the law, and a whole lot of other things and deserve to do some time. But through the grace of God, we didn't. But now we set up here and we passed judgment on people who got to do something. Now I don't care, I don't care what you've done. God can't forgive anything, but our position, our motivation in life is to try to have the best life we can have and provide for those around us and make it comfortable. If that's your ambition, you don't have time to worry about or concern yourself with another person. And I wasted time doing that, and that's not the way to get it done. It's simply mine to your business taking care of you and getting yourself right and tight. It's twenty seven, so that's a full time job. So what I had to learn was and what I've the reason I've chosen prayer as as my weapon of choice now is that now prayer helps me that I don't have to fight back. Now, if I get cornered, I'm gonna fight you. I ain't even gonna lie to you. And now I'm still working on some things that trigger me. You know, you know, you know, and and and and so I'm I'm slowly getting better at that. But I've learned that my weapon of choice is prayer now. So when it happens ugly for me, I pray about it. When it gets tight and dismal for me, I pray about it. And the thing about prayer. Man is prayer changes things? Yes? It does. Now read about it and try it. That's the deal, Okay, come on, prayer as a wonderful weapon. You're listening, Ladies and gentlemen. It is upont us the Steve Harvey Morning Show, so let me have your undivided attention. Twenty twenty two is a part of us. If you're still here, you ought to be grateful. I know I am, and I represent us on the show and we are. So now let's just get it. But before we get it, excuse me the old school that we just popped out of a little where I don't know where they came from. What you did, what was very important in my life back up? That't just research the starting I'm doing that game from It felt so good and I felt like I was talking to my brother dip so man, I felt good about that. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show. Sherley, Strawberry and Colin for real, that damn Junior, Mississippi Monica and the legend Nephew Tommy. Good morning everybody today. Man, I'm telling it's about by today just because you said that up when was it like up for you? Let me dance this bad because I don't know I feel. How was it like in the se What was your daylight? If you were just like a regular sand of it in the city with pure coolst nothing nothing superseded coolness, nothing got in the way of it. That was no, there was nothing. It was just coolness. That's all I was. Man, I still am. Yeah, I don't even know. I don't even we we let cool guy. We messed around and letting this hip hop dude replaced cool with hard and that's been the damn problems, so says I. We went from being cool to hard hard. Biggest mistake we ever made. Everybody on their album cover was was just smiling and laughing because we had made it. Now everybody got shoe polish on their face trying to stand over there looking hard. Got on the bulletproof vest. I wish to hell out would pose with a damn bulletproof vest of like, shot me, you can't hurt me. I'm not feel a challenge nobody to shoot me by wearing a bulletproof vest. Cool was what the seventies was about. Mercy, mercy me that it was kebo brising. Yeah, damn wag cool cool switch. What had to be cool? Dog, you couldn't get it heat waved, you had to be cool. The floater, you had to be cool. My name is Larry, and I like a woman who looks everything and everybody. They wasn't rapping back then, they would just stop and start talking on the album right there? Who did we can be together? Soup? You know one time I was walking so and you I saw you in him walking in the rain, stop and fire off some talking man in the middle of the hook. Before the hook, I'm from the talk. Let me tell people for just a little while. I know, we get tired of talking about miss Deicison, where, religion, so forth? You dig and like everybody did it. Man, that was the seventies, straight up coolness. I'm sorry y'all got introduced to hard you miss it all right? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll start the show off with Nephew Tommy's run that prank back. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now to start your morning off with the Nephew and run that prank back. What you got for is neft today, running running, running, running back. This is the conference call the conference. Oh god, dog, if you would Hello, This is Hannah Hire. This is Frank checking in. Hey, give it here, I'm the one. Hey, guys, how's it going fine? Let's I think I think we're waiting for for one other person. Just Dalin a second. Hello, Sherman. Sherman Davis, general manager's assistant. How you guys doing everybody here? Hey Sherman, Yeah, I'm doing fine. Hello Sherman. Alright, alright, guys, we got let me make sure we got everybody here. Is Hannah here, yep, Hannah's here. How's it going all right? Frank yep, I'm on the line. Thank you, all right, good good good And David yep, Hey, I'm here, all right, my man, good deal, good deal. All right. Got some news for you guys. I need you guys to just bear with me for a second. I'm getting all the paperwork in. My UM assistant Cynthia is here, so you guys just give me a I'm gonna put you guys on hold for a second and I'll be back probably less than thirty seconds. Okay, all right, okay, we'll do. Thank you, Cynth. You can you bring me all of them stuff? On these three guys. I mean, today's supposed to be. Uh, they're on hold right now, but today's day that we're giving them their severance packages and letting them go, and they'll be out of here probably by tomorrow morning. They're clearing their things out. They don't know it yet, but we're gonna at least giving their SEVENCE packages today. Okay. You know, they put it on my shoulders to break the bad news, and somebody's got to do it. So it's my job today, all right, So bring it to me and get it here here as soon as possible so I can hurt him, get past this conference call. All right, Hello, all right, guys, Yeah, this I'm here. Guys. Yeah, uh, you never put us on hold? So are you about to fire us right now? What are you talking? Wait a minute, okay, hang on, hang on, hang on, guys. What what what what's going on? What are you guys talking about? We're asking you what's going on? We just hurt. You didn't put us on hold. We just heard all that. Yes, separate package is what I heard. I heard you're letting us go. Oh Sherman, Maybe you were talking about some other people. Hey, hey, guys, do hang on, everybody, just calmed down. Just give me, give me a second here, hang on, just let me let me. I'll be right back. Hang on, Lloyd on, what is going on? Did you did you hear that? Okay? You all heard the same thing, Dad, and know what hurts that? What you're talking about? Cynthia, how do I it up? Is this? Is this the whole button? Here? This is it? There we go? They can heard everything? No, they just they said, can you ask me right now? I'm doing what he's telling me to do this. These three are supposed to be let go by the end of the day. I mean, I gotta do it. But it looks like the severances nobody can live off of this for even three freaking months. I already know that this is this is really gough. Oh all right, so look, bring me everybody's stuff. Let me at least after lunch they all come in here and pick up their things. That's all I can do. Okay, Is this the right button here? Okay? Hello, it's not the right button. We can Sherman. We might have to be kidding me. I've been with us. I've been with us for five years, all right, I've not I've not let you down for a quarter, the company down for a quarter. This is this is ridiculous. I cannot believe this. And I'm on travel right now, so how am I going to come and get my things? But this is ridiculous. This is how you're gonna let us know? Dude, this is unprofessional, this is trash. I cannot believe you. If you only need a lawyer, I have someone, I have contacts, we can talk. But honestly, Sherman, this is this is this is unaccessible. Let's not do the whole lawyer thing. Guys. Okay, let's not do that all right now, people get let go from companies, People get let go all the time, and you guys know this. Let's go on a conference call with other people. What are you This is ridiculous. You're giving a personal business. Yes, yes, that's true. You're giving personal business to another. Uh, it's exactly. It's not a whole Yeah, you cannot be doing this. Yeah, email me that lawyer's number for sure. Yes, I guess you want to, David. Thank you. I didn't even I didn't try to for you guys to learn it this way, all right, I'm okay, let's just say I'm not good at the conference button. I don't know how to put anybody You're not do. This is not a good message. It's not it's not approblic professional messaging. In fact, this is I'm mortified. I cannot believe this I put into my life, this company, this is beside it best employees. So it is, it is. It's absolutely right. It is illegal. This is illegal. Yep, yep. I will wait, wait, come on, what do you mean you're recording it? What are you? What are you recording it for? What? Yes? You tell me not recording? David, Listen, I don't consent on being recorded. I want that known man. Okay, okay, can I can I ask you guys something? Do you? Guys? Are you familiar with your co worker named Barry Dillard? Yes, you do have to answer this. Barry fired too. How are you gonna tell him? Let me tell you what's going on. Barry told me to call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. All three of y'all just got prayed by your co worker Barry Diller kidding me. Oh my god, I have a heart attack. I oh my god, Hey, y'all, nobody has lost their job, Hannah, Frank, David, nobody has lost their job, but your co worker Barry Dillard got me the prank phone call. Y'all right, sir, everybody's got the job. We're good, We're wow. Okay, okay, I'm good. I'm good. Now good, y'all. Gotta tell me this, what is the baddest radio show in the land. Let me hear it clearly, oh man. And that is how we will start the Tuesday Morning ignorance that it's best. Hey, we've all been fired once or twice. All right, nephew, thank you, you did it again. Coming up next, it is asked to see Yello. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending national news. Miss Anne is standing by with the latest on the investigation of that horrific fire that happened in the Bronx. We got to say thank you to all the heroic New York City firefighters and we are definitely praying for the victims families. Um wow, what a tragedy. There. Also in trending Entertainment News, Steve, you're going to be in Los Angeles. You're going to be on E Daily Pop, You're going to be on the Talk, You're just doing your tour, You're going to be on Jimmy Kimmel Live. All this week, this goes down and tonight Tonight, Steve, another episode of your hit TV show, Judge Steve on ABC watching Hullo, Hulu, Hullo, Lulu ho get on it, hullo, get it right, watch it. Thank y'all for watch it. Man. It's gonna be really really funny today. Okay, all right, we'll check it really funny. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for ask the Clolo. Are Steve Harvey in the building? Ready for your love questions? This one's from Dolla and Tampa Dollar Rights. I'm a twenty eight year old single female and I worked the door at a popular club. I started dating a semi famous guy that I met at the club, and after five months of dating, he wants me to quit working at the club. I love working there at night, so my days are free to focus on my artwork. Do you think he wants me to quit so another man won't try to talk to me? Is he being controlling? No? Being a little bit jealous, and he might really really care about you. He also might think it's an opportunity for you not to have to work. He could be showing you that he's willing to help take care of you and provide for you. If he is trying to control you so you don't get scooped up by somebody else. That's what men do. It's called marking your territory. What's wrong? Do you know how many women heard this and went, wait a minute, somebody, don't come along, tell me I ain't got to go to work no more, sign me up. And all you need to do is find out is he or does he treat you really well? And he's a really really wonderful guy. That's what you want to find out. You know, you want to do yardwork, You could do yardwork full time. It could be an opportunity. I don't know, all right, Good advice, Clo. Miss Harris and Memphis writes. I work at a daycare and I offer babysitting services in the evening. One lady I babysit for is not fit to raise a child, and I want to report her. She hires me to babysit her one year old. While she has wild house parties, the baby and I are always closed up in a back bedroom. My husband thinks she's being a responsible parent by hiring me. What are your thoughts on this, Well, I mean she's hiring somebody to watch the baby. I mean the fact that she wants to have wild parties. See, that's the thing that people don't know when they have a child, that the life you had stops immediately. Whatever you used to do. You know that used to is the operative word. It used to. Now she want to keep throwing the party. So she didn't hire you. That doesn't mean she's an unfit mom. Keep my baby back here. I'm paying you to be back here with the baby. That's responsible. But she's trying to carry on as before, and that's what the problem is. I don't think you should report them. She's not leaving the baby alone. She's not in endangering the baby. Unless the weed smoke is coming up under the door and all y'all back there in that room just getting high, then we gotta problem. You got to stop putting tiles, doing some it's a little judgmental babysitter. Check I hold her, don't. I don't know if she's I don't know if you can prove that in court that she's under fitting more, if the baby's not being harmed, if the baby's looking well fed and loved and taking care of, and you're there while she's stowing these wild parties. I think that's just you know, some people don't get lucky. Everybody. Mama ain't a Sunday school teacher, so everybody don't get that one. Everybody don't get that one. Facts, all right, some of us getting miss Emma that on that after I'll joint of some of us Mama run the brothels, some of us mama that some of my mama. I'm just saying that, all right, moving on before we get too deep. Bradford and Dallas says, I'm a sixty four, sixty four you single man, and I've never wanted to be married until now I have finally retired and have my fiances and my finance, excuse me, my finances in order. So I would love to have a lady friend or a wife to travel with and just enjoy life. I need advice and what to say when I'm trying to find the right woman. I'm sad to say that I would not settle down with any of the women from my past. Please help me. Well, Broun, come on now, I don't know what to tell you. It's sixty four. If you don't know how to talk to a woman about sixty four, we're not gonna get dissolved over this. Radio shows not only one question. What do I say? Why don't you just say what you wrote in Look, I've never wanted to be married until now. I'm looking for a woman that I could settle down. We didn't share my life with and travel the world. You can just start with what you wrote, because that's it. Now. If the problem being that you haven't been married is because you don't know how I talk to women, now we have a whole another problem because see right now, I don't know where we're at Bradford. Now. I'd love to help you because I'm sixty four two, but I have convinced several women to marry me. I'm just saying, well, that's why he wrote to you. I can't get you married. I just learned how to keep one. I don't don't. I just figured that part out. So steve the first line out of his mouth when he sees a woman he's attracted to. Should be Hello, how are you? My name is Bradford. Listen. I don't want to disturb you. I hope I'm not imposing in any way, but I just wanted to introduce myself and I would I would love to know your name. In the event that I see you again, I'd like to be able to, you know, call you by name. That's an interesting way to do it. Now you sixty four, next question out your mouth is you need to ask a series of questions. Have you been married? Are you married? How many grandkids do you have? You're gonna need these big questions at sixty four because grandkids can be kids. You know, if the children have walked off and left them with Grandmama never came back. You need to know this because Bradford, you really don't strike me as father tight. You know, just as you need to find out a body grandkids and where they stay, you find go over there and be a whole lot. You ain't never being because he wants to travel. Yeah, you already ain't been nobody, man. It's just hard taking kids with your talk about we find to get a small cabin, Well, we're gonna need a bigger cabin. That's what we're gonna need security because it's black bass coming up here and one of the kids, one of the kids. These hidden costs in dating this heap. All right, well, Bradford, I hope you got something out of that. Thank you seeing thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening show. Well, well, well, mister Steve Harvey, you have a busy week, sir in La. Yes, you were on Jimmy Kimmel last night. Yeah, that was great, that was good. Yeah, I love Jimmy Man. Well, actually one of my favorite people. Man. Just a cool dude, man, Yeah, just a really cool dude. And you're going on tour to promote your show. Yeah, you know they poping out here. Oh Lord Jesus help us, father, Come on, Judge, Steve, come on, Lord brain. If I get if I get two more weeks in a row like the first one, huh what does that mean? What mean you see my Yeah? All right, well, and the audience can imagine. All right, it'll be a great it'll be a great thing. If I can get two more weeks. Probably you need three weeks of the show, so the numbers can settle and really show where they are. Okay, if I get three more weeks even in that ballpark of that number we're talking about Judge Steve of course, tonight eight seventh Central on ABC and Hulu. Now, you were on Jimmy Kimmel last night. You're going to be on Access Daily January thirteenth, Kelly and Ryan January January fourteenth, Ellen January eighteenth, The Talk January twenty first, and Nick Cannon on January twenty fourth. So your schedule, damn. You know what I'm saying, Just let you know, just being who I'm mean. You know, I mean, I ain't trying to be nothing that I ain't. You know, just who I'm is. You know, that's what he made me to be. That one. I'm a TV dude. You know what I'm saying, don't d you know I want to be don't see me. I want to be here trying and get it. All the movies in there, they you know, like on Dizzy Wheel. You know I ain't even get it. You know, I ain't even to be that indress. Oh hey, man, can I say something? If you have not seen the movie Harder They Fall with interests Elber and Regina King and that other all that dude, boy, what's the boy from from Cole from Startups? Hey, let me tell you something. Everybody should go on Netflix and watch Harder They Fall. I don't like Western, Yes you do. Let me tell you something. I've never seen one like this. He's a bat you talk about shot whale, done whale. The suspense, the surprises, the storyline. Harder Day Fall is the best movie I've seen on Netflix in five years. Okay, okay, all right, and gonna watch it again, all right? And um wow, we gotta say this, Steve, you knew him. Bob Saget Hollywood actor comedian Bob Saggat, best known, of course, for his role as Danny Tanner from the sitcom Full House Well. He passed away on Sunday at the Ritz Carlton in Orlando. The Sheriff's Department responded to the hotel around four pm Eastern after hotel security found Bob in his room unresponsive. He was pronounced dead on the scene, but the circumstances of his death are still unclear. He was sixty five years old, and um, I mean the tributes that are pouring out. Everyone said he was the kindest guy. He was so nice. I mean, man, just when I tell you, one of the coolest people. I mean, just super cool every time we saw each other. Because we want the net where, we want ABC together, so we should do a lot of promo tours and stuff. Just a great dude, man, Just a really really top notch guy. Man. Really sad, wow, really sad going out to his family of course. All right, we're gonna go now to the headlines time now, Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, miss and Tripp. Well, thank you very much, everybody, and this is a trip with the news. US and Russian diplomats met in Geneva yesterday to discuss the issue of Ukraine in Both sides described the talks as a quote serious, but they didn't say they were negotiations. They said they just talks. Moscow's top of diplomats told the US that his country has no intention of invading Ukraine, but with some one hundred thousand or so Russian tools right near the border there, the US would like to see moves away from Ukraine and not toward it. The discussions took place all day for about eight hours, and both sides are scheduled to take part in two more sit downs in Europe later on this week, again expected to be talking about Ukraine. President Biden travels to Atlanta to day to push for support for voting rights legislation. The two bills that mister Biden is expected to talk about are designed to protect americans fundamental rights to vote. It's expands access to the ballot box and ensures that every person's vote counts. And apparently, although the authorities say that every vote does count, that a lot of people in this country have been told incorrectly that their votes don't counsel, they want to make sure that, yes, when show you that they do count, they do count. The US Supreme Courts expect you to rule on a few days on two of the Biden Administration's vaccine workplace rules. The first case involves a rule issued by Workplace Safety Agency OSHA requiring an estimated eighty four a million workers to either take the shot or be tested every week. At issues whether OSHA has the authority to issue such a ruling because of the size and the scope of it, And that's what the Supreme Court's going to rule on. According to a monthly survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, consumers apparently think that inflation will most likely remain high for the rest of twenty twenty two. At the same time, though Americans apparently feeling more confident looks like about the US job market as a whole. The poll shows that people think that inflation will still be about oh six percent this year and then wind down to about four percent and a couple of years. And on the job front, the results show that Americans not only feel more positive about the prospects for work, but they also feel salaries to be going up too. But you know, they don't know if it's going to keep places with inflation. Sadly, on the heels of the passing of the great Sydney Potier and the actor Max Julian, now comes the loss of a composer, producer in jazz and R and B artists and activists and our radio colleague, James M. Twomey, who joined the ancests with Sunday at age seventy six and Toomey, a Grammy Award winning artists, scored the music for the TV show New York Undercover. He wrote hits for Stepney Mills and others worked with Mile Davis sampled this one. Why Biggie sampled Juicy. The original version, of course, was a singer Tawaffa. She actually sang the actual James m. Tuommate was seventy six. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, Well, Gucci Main just took a page from Cardie B's playbook by wrapping up a seven figure cash gift to his spouse um Keisha ke Or. It was her seventh or her thirty seventh birthday. He gave her a cool million dollars wrapped in in her Mes box. Steve, she shared the experience. Huh you do it? Who? Yeah? Okay, so she shared the experience one of the fanciest unboxing videos you'll ever see. Gucci Maine, who looked pleased to Steve's wife's reaction, shared his own tribute to her, writing, Happy birthday to my wife, the most beautiful woman in the world and the best thing that ever came into my life. I love you, Miss Davis forever, and appreciate and will never take you for granted. I love that, love that Now. The backstory, Steve is a few weeks ago Cardie b celebrated her husband offsets birthday by giving him a check for two million dollars, which you know, so I guess that's a trend. That's the thing now. So Steve, here's the question as we count down for your birthday, which is coming up this Monday. Um, we know maybe some of your friends us here on the show, your family, we're struggling with what to get you for your birthday because you seem to have everything. We're not struggling. We're struggling. Let me be here from the nephew. What struggling? Who what I'll call a birthday gift? This birthday is next month. Have you been to his half? Yes? I have. You don't mean no damn gift? Where we're going to get it? But tell me it's his birthday and this is a major So here all right? I got it? Bachelor for his outdoor kitchen. I mean I don't. I don't know where to go. Have you seen the outdoor kitchen? Have you seen it? The outdoor what outdough endose side dough, marva, every damn where have you seen it? But I came home and put my kitchen up. You close, shut it down. I don't even go out there. No more. This ain't even a nice out there. I don't even like my out there. My question was to Steve, so it helped us out. Steve. I mean, you have everything and I got it. He just gotta get it. I do think he loves cigars, don't love yeah, will where. I'll tell you what y'all could do. The dopest table lighter, torch table lighter. Oh and the ring light that's mas killing. Yeah, you know something like that. You know fay Stall looking cut on. And now if y'all just really want to do something, y'all can get together and put that million dollars in that damn her Man's back for ever and did it to you feeling some kind of way by each other, then Steve, we'll work on Matt coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. We'll check Steve's voicemail at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steven, it's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a voicemail message called eight seven seven twenty nine Steve and see if we have a couple of calls this morning for you. Uh, here's a caller from Philly. Hey, guys, say Steve's Harvey morn and show the Felicia Costelly calling. I just want to say I enjoy this show where I live at now. Um they don't have it live, however, I like to listen to the recordings on YouTube. It makes my day and makes my day go faster. I feel blessed. I feel motivated to count my day. You guys keep me laughing and keep me encouraged and keep me motivated. I hope you guys in the new year and sick up seeds, more blocks and more show for you, all right, guys, Yeah, wow, that's really nice. Thank you so much. That's good Philly. Yeah, that's more show. Ye forget Judge tonight the most Yes, more blessing, more shows. Yes, all right, let's go to Texas for our next call. Let's Army. This is that old red neck down here in the Panhandle that listen to you on ninety three points the best Army, Lease run for President. I was just watching New Thing. We need you so bad, miss Army, and you can take this America and you can change this America. Please runs for president. Thank you that your friend from the Panhandle, Manda. You know, man, that's gotta be over the past two years. That's gotta be the hundredth person easy that said to me, you should run for president. Seriously, and I'm not making this up. This at easily the one hundredth person. These people that don't understand listen to me. I can't run for president for some really basic reasons that you're not giving any thought. Number One, I don't have that kind of money, and I'm damn sure not spending the money I saved on a campaign on a campaign. But you can have campaign. You need to get all that in first. Before I had to know that it's three hundred million over there, we're gonna ask some money. Bloomberg had to get behind me or something like that. That's for stars. I don't have that kind of money. The second reason I cannot run for president because I will not do well in the debate because I'm not gonna take it. I'm not gonna stand there and watch you lie, and I don't say nothing to your body or walk over there to you. I'm walk You can't leave the pody. No, I'm in your race. You know. Called first it's gonna start with about ten on them all. Nine. I'm gonna get intimidated. That's a lawsuit in your face debate, so I can't debate. Okay. Thirdly, the background chicks, I don't know who y'all think Trump passed the President I did. You don't know that. I'm telling you. Let's not say what you did. Okay? All right? Man, if you talk about your family members, you can't bring my family. And it is my brothers did we're the first brothers? Moving on? Coming up next, it is the nephew with a prank phone call. Right after this President Steve, you're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour right about form and it's after it's my strawberry letter for it today and the subject is hump Day and Wednesdays are two different days. The writer of this letter, you'll see, we'll get into it in just a few because right now you're up, nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got? Well, this goes out Shirley to all of the members of five Beta Sigma across the country. You know, the founder's day was January ninth, and UH got a little something for you. Members of five Beta Sigma. Right, Tommy Uary ninth, Yeah, January ninth, Howard University watching, and we got a Sigma on this show that did not make He can say nothing, He didn't say nothing. I don't know if Jay, I don't know if Jay is a Sigma every day. I think it's different Blue five. This right here is you ain't no signal, You ain't no sigma. Let's go hello, Oh, I'm trying to reach a Greg please, yeah, this is he? How you doing? My name is Bernard, five Beta Sigma. I'm over pledged relations giving you a call to day man. You attended prev a m University? Am I correct? Yeah? Am I right? You attended Privy and from my understanding you pledged five Beta Sigma and fall of ninety one. That's correct, all right, that's the that's the Beta chapter. Correct, Yes, all right. Here's where we're having some problems here, going through the records, going through the records, actually looking at the records that we have here headquarters. You're not actually an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what has taken place, but it's wait a minute, what what you mean? No? Not a member? Looking at our records here at national headquarters. It's indicating that you're not an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what could have gone wrong with this? Now, Now that ain't right, man, That ain't right, because see depth data is recognized nationally, So why wouldn't I be nationally recognized. I'm not certain, sir. Maybe it's something that took place on that that actual line of Fall ninety one. We're actually going to have to do some research on everything that's going on with your line as well as the chapter. But how is that possible? If they gave if they gave me a certificate in the in the plaque and I got my pen and I mean I'm a Sigma what you mean? Okay, sir, I don't know what I'm looking at here, and and please understand, I want to try to clear this matter up. Yeah, yeah, we need to do this matter. Who else? Is there somebody there like a oversee uh maybe the head president or your branch or something I can talk to or something. Well, I'm actually I am actually over pledged relations and I wanted to give you a call personally so we can try to rectify the matter. And it's going to take us some time to hiring this thing out. But what I need you to do as at this point. Yeah, And you know what the problem is that I'm noticing is that all of the people that were on your line they are official for some reason. Mister Gregg is an official, So I want to I don't understand that because I was the line president. So how how is everybody else able to be a sigma and not me when I did all the paperwork that it takes to for the process to be right. I don't understanding. Sir. You know what, brother, I can't call you brother for the fact that right now I'm telling me brother because I'm a Sigma. So here's what we're gonna have to do. Greg. We're gonna have to get you to first of all, if you're dealing with anybody alumni wise, we're asking that you don't go to any meetings right now. We're also asking that you don't wear any five beta Sigma peral for noll you PA. At this point, we want to make sure and get clarity that you are definitely a brother. Amn, man, I am definitely a brother. Do you know what I had to go through to get where I am today? To be a signal all the dude. Y'all, y'all took y'all dudes, what happened to that? If you're taking my dudes, you should be able to tell me. Yo, Man, we got this going on, certain things that going on with your line. We need to we need to check you. You took our money, That's the thing. I'm seeing checks that have gone through for other people that are on that line. I don't play, man, and to this day, I'm like a lifetime member, So what the hell are you talking about? I have no records indicating that your lifetime. Remember, that's what I'm saying, sir. We got that dog. Somebody needs to tell me something today. We're gonna try to get to the end of this by the end of the week. It's gonna take no, no, no, but no, but no, you're not understanding what I'm saying, man, because I'm a signal to the heart. Dude. You know what I'm talking about, y'all playing with my heart right now? Man, Ain't nobody's going to do that and get away with I don't know what's going on. You know, here's what we can do. We can bring you back in and do another pledging process, pledge. Do you understand what you just said to me? No, man, that ain't happen. Dog, I'm been through this already. Man, I'm not pledging. I'm not signing my name on nothing else because I have pledged. I'm not doing it. I need to get somebody on the phone that can answer my question. I want to know what's going on, okay right now? And I understand you know the disbelief of what's going on. I really do. You obviously live them so you are, brother, brother, We're gonna try to what year did you grow across? Did you walk the fan? Let mean, tell me what's going on? Brother? I'm fall eighty nine, brother. And now what we're gonna have to do right now is, first of all, no pair of phernilia. No, you're trying to see me that I can't well what's nearest and dearest to my heart, next to my wife and my child. You're telling me that I can't grow around and proclaim what I am. That's like telling me I can't be black? What the hell is you're saying? And another thing we're going to get you to do. Understand, you have a brand, a Sigma brand that's going to have to come off until we until we get this taken care of. What then you talk about them medical procedure? What are you saying so we cannot allow you to wear a brand representing five Beta Sigma when right now you are not only you can't a lot that that brand to me? Was allowed to put the brand on me. Now I can't be allowed to wear something that I've been wearing for almost fifteen and gears. Are you crazy? Come on, man, that's some crazy. So we gotta get you to take your brand of me until all of this well brand what the hell? A y'ut man? This is some look here, brother, but not what Bernard? Is that? What your name is? You need to get somebody on this a minute. That's all right, I know the president still how about that? I will just call in and I'll figured out my bill. Right now, we need you to take the brand off off you come take the brand off of me. And you wanted that bad, come get it. That's what you do. You are not a member of five Beta Sick. Don't give up you talking about dog. I am a member. If you want something over here, I land your boy. That's what you do. You bad? Come do it. So I'm telling you for the final time, do not wear any paraphern Now you keep don't want to hear that talking about no final. Let me tell you what's final. I am a five beta sigma to the hard bodoom. All I'm telling you is no more hurt and cover that brand up until we're here. Man, I'm gonna wear everything. I got a hat, I'm ahead of a matter of fact, I'm gona wearing just to get on your lys. You're gonna pray covering up until we figured out. If you are covering up, you come get it and tell it. You better get away from me. Well I'm talking about don't none of it. Put that brand up, and don't you wear no church no more. Me tell you something I ain't covering. Come get it if you want it. I got a one man, I had many. This is brute fire. You don't want none. You don't want none, y'all. This is the man. I don't know what one more thing I need to say to you. Are you going to say what you got to say? You ain't getting this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your point. Hello, boy, y'all had me ready to kill my man. Y'all, boy, let one more thing, man, What is the baddest radio show in the land? What is it? Steve? I think I crushed him? What you think you did? Yeah? You played too much? Matter of fact? Maybe I should go for all of Go get me a queue, Go get an alpha, get him where I got the queue because I got I got one years ago. That would be my mom. Yeah I did that. Yeah, I almost lost my job that day. You could get him again. Have you done any campus yet? No? I don't. I can't step on my own I don't do that. Oh he drawed a lie? Everybody else out of everything else you do? Now you now you got? You got more of that? Talk about a matter of fact? Any campus in Jackson, Mississippi, and nephew coming down, y'all gonna hang out with you. Boy. I met Chuckle's Comedy Club Baby this coming weekend Friday, Sadday, Sunday, two shows each day. That's Chuckles Comedy Club, Jackson, Mississippi. Come see your boy. Nu. Nu helped me join your group with Ka side after gets find new Piety, wonder where the diamondside whenever we crossed beneath this guy. Yeah, Jack Smith, Sippi, I'm man. This weekend come holiday em okay weekend ya yay, all right, nephew, thank you, coming up. Strawberry Letter. Subject hump Day and Wednesdays are two different days. We'll get into that find out what that's all about. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you never know it could be yours. You never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter. Thank Enophe. Subject hump Day and Wednesday are two different days. I love that title, do Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty seven year old married woman and I've been married for twenty five years. Met when we were very young, and we got married and had our four children while we were still young. My husband was a big nerd that was slightly overweight, had bad skin, and he needed braces. I was shy and didn't have any friends, so I was eager to have a boyfriend for the first time. He made me feel like a princess and I have never been with another man in my life, but he has definitely been with other women. After we'd been married for fifteen years, a woman called my house and said she had been dating my husband for six years and she wanted me to know because she knew I was a good, god fearing woman. I started to feel guilty because I had stopped having sex with my husband after our last child, so I blamed myself for the cheating. I got my act together and we talked to our pastor to fix our marriage. I had no reason to believe he was cheating anymore because he was a model citizen after the affair. Well fast forward to last November and I'm standing in the kitchen and my husband got a text with a happy hump day message with no name listed. I got the phone and texted back, but it's Sunday. The reply was stop playing, I can't wait to see you. I texted where and the reply was the usual hump day spot. I took his phone upstairs to him and asked him, what's the hump day spot? He grabbed his phone for me and he examined the messages, and then he said somebody must have texted him by mistake. He changed his number and lead it all of his social media. Now I hate Wednesdays because I think he was using hump day as a special code. Is he still a cheater? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, Okay, your nerd of a husband is still cheating on you. And how do I know that? How does everyone know that but you the same? I mean, it's obvious. The evidence was right there in the text. The woman clearly said I can't wait to see you at the usual hump day spot. I mean, what more do you need? That means they have a special location where they have sex, or a special time day that they have sex at an appointed time. Okay, I know you're confused and don't want to believe it, but please don't lie to yourself. Please don't do that. Your husband is doing enough of that for the both of you. Okay, this time, he has no one to blame but himself, because you said you got yourself together. You said that in the letter you got your act together worked on your marriage. And you know, there's a saying once a cheater, always a cheater, and I think your husband fits that description because he was cheating on you for six years during your twenty five year marriage. You had a break when you stopped having sex with him. You know, got counseling and everything, and you thought it was all over. But nope. Once you guys went to counseling, you know, you thought he would try harder to make it work. He didn't. So now you have to decide should you stay with this cheat? Should you leave? That's on you, Steve Well, it seems to be a little bit to unpack in this letter because I feel for her, but then I feel for him, But then I'm gonna really feel for nither one of them. I'm sort of it's a lot in this tomorrow. Yeah, I'm a little bit torn. I'm gonna try to walk you through the process that I'm having in this letter because I see, of course other stuff and I'll be pointing it out. Hump Day and Wednesday are two different days. Did Stephen sherl I'm forty seven year old married woman. I've been married twenty five years. They was young. When they got married, they had four children while they was young. My husband was a big nerd. Listen to this. Now, that was slightly overweight and had a bad skin and it needed braceist. Now let's talk about diffic. The dude that you made was fat, had bad ass skin, and ragged ass teeth. Really, that's whole package. Everything bound him was jacked up and then shot. I was shy and didn't have any friends, so I was eager to have a boyfriend for the first time. So this was your pick. You picked a fat nerd with the bad skin and the ragged ass mouth. Oh my gosh, that ain't no reason to quit being shy. I'd have just stayed shine with hand no friends, because what I'm not gonna do is introduce him as it. Excuse me, everybody, I want to introduce you to somebody. He's a nerd, he's overweight, he got a lot of acne on his face. Uh, that ain't trash, but that's his skin. And when he opened his mouth, you're gonna see a lot of different angles coming at you. So now this is my boyfriend? What what the reaction that they must have had? See? I would just stayed singing and shot, all right, let's move on. But he made you feel like a princess. But he had and how he gonna mistreat somebody with his fatter glass, This fatter glass man with this ragged ass mouth, then got a girlfriend to try to stop mistreating up like he like he got choices, like the options is just wide over, like he'd agreething he want to do. He lucky she even talking to his ass. All right, all those wonderful thoughts he left her. Two of your spots coming up at twenty three minutes after the hours you're listening show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject hump day and Wednesdays are two different days. Now he is Wan was shy and didn't have friends, and so a man came along, and this is who she picked, her husband. They've been married twenty five years. They got four kids. Her husband big nerd. And the word is big nerd because she was telling us right after that he was slightly overweight. So that's what made him a big nerd. He was big nerd on both sides. He was very nerdy and large. Somehow he didn't look at himself and just stop washing his face or using cleanse or whatever. I don't know what it is. But he had bad skin, and she didn't just say it was on the face, just bad ski and everywhere. That's because he was so big. He had stretched it and stretched it so bad that his ski and had to react some kind of way. I'm not taking that out the show. I don't care what y'all say. Don't start in this me. In twenty twenty two about fat shan it, the lady wrote in No, the lady wrote in the letter, he is a big nerd and slightly overweight. You know that's being nice about it. Slight. You know, if your ass is fat, don't matter if he's way overweight. What are we talking about? Three hundred or three fifty? What is? Where is? Okay? I'm trying to go on, but you tried to. I saw Carlin in her zoom, lean in like she was gonna say something. I'm putting a stop to this head. In twenty trump, don't don't write me if you don't want the truth. And then she said up and then he needed braces. Now hold up and hedn't need a brace. Now you got teeth sitting up in your head laying down, and you overweight and got bad skin. I don't like when I'm talking to people and one of their teeth is laying down. I don't care for that, because now I got to see what your way? Is he trying to chew? Is he talking? What is he doing? Okay? Now I was shy. I didn't have any friends, so I was eager to have a boyfriend for the first time. Then she said, he made me feel like a princess. I would imagine so I can't imagine him being mistreating you in any kind of way. Why would he hitting Nobody else wants it? And then she said, and after that, I've never been with another man in my life. For hell, after you had made this choice, why would you try this again? I've never been with another man in my life. If this was my first woman, I wouldn't have picked another one either. I understand a lot of people don't know how to recover from mistakes. This was your first choice, and you decided I'm not going to try this. No, damn mode, some of our decisions can be that shock. We've been married for fifteen years. And then a woman called my house and said she'd been dating my husband for six years, and she wanted me to know because she knew I was a good, god fearing woman. She told you that's why she called. She'd been sleeping with your man for six years and said, I'm calling you to tell you this because you're a good god fearing woman. Well who is she? Then? She didn't tell you who she was? This you. She called you to break y'all up. That's what this phone call was about. I started to feel so guilty because I stopped having sex with my husband after our last child, So I blame myself for the cheat. Well, you didn't stop having sex with your husband after the last child, because I think he finally hit you because you didn't say that in these years to head lost the weight, that he had stopped becoming. To Mary, you never even said he got bracest or fixed his skin. I think one day after this last child, you looked at him and said, I'm just not doing this. I've just woke my ass up today and I'm not doing him. No, damn, mother, ain't got nothing to do with this last child or nothing. No, No, this was just the last time, just the last time. I'm pulling myself up, summoning the courage to do this with his fat, ragging and mouth ass sitting up in here with all ease bumps and stuff on his skin. I'm not going to do this no more, and then talking to me as a nerd, all this comic con conversation. We have old baby, you just Nutratron and me. What coma con He don't even know how to talk dirty and bad proton, you know, Nutri Gena. You know I had no reason to believe that he was. So we got together and we talked to our pastor to fix our marriage. Okay, so you didn't have no reason believe he was cheating anymore. He became a model citizen after the fair. Fast forward last November, I'm standing in the kitchen. My husband got a text with Humpy with a happy Hofday message and no one listed. I got the phone and text back, but it's Sunday. The reply was stopped playing I can't wait to see you. I text Square and the reply was the usual hump day spot. I took his phone upstairs, ask him what's the hump day spot? He grabbed my phone, examined the message and said somebody must have texted him by mistake. My man boy. The only good thing he's done in this damn for that, he changed his number, deleted all his social media. Na I hate Wednesdays because I think he's using hump Day as a special code. Is he still a Cheatah? First of all, lady, hump Day ain't no damn cold. If a woman text your husband and say, you know it's hump Day, you really think she told Marty Wensday. It doesn't sound get finished with this letter. That ain't no damn special code. Well, you know, I was just you know, we're going over this letter, this poone woman forty seventh Wait wait, wait, so hold up, hold that thought. We'll come back from kirk three of hump Day and Wednesday or two different days right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve. You know sometimes occasionally you have so much to say, we can't get it all in in two parts. So part three of today's Strawberry letter hump Day and Wednesday are different day. What? Well, you know, the lady that was had messed around and made the choice because she was off, you know, shy, lonely person that had no friends, were eager to have a boyfriend and pick this dude, right, here over twenty five years ago. But he was a big nerd, he was overweight, he had bracious and bad skiing. You know, just damn any good qualities. Why are we even talking into the first place. So she sat, you know, yeah, he's smart at hell, and he made her feel like a princess, which like poor, I mean, how could he not? And then you know, then she said, after that, I've never been with another man in my life. I know, after that shocking has experience because you obviously know your your picker is way off. She said, I'm not been to pick another one because obviously I don't know how to pick. Well, he went on it, he started cheating on it and had an affair because she stopped having sex with him after the fourth child. She never said why she stopped having sex with him, but I knew, and she just said, there's enough for this here. I've looked at this his fat, nerdy ass long enough with this ragged ass mouthflaw is bad ass skins, and we're just not doing this no more. I struggled for sool kid, I'd have later been had four kids. We're messing around do this. I'm not having sex with you, no damn more so for six years she didn't have sex with his ass and was fine with it. Well, he went and got him another girl on the side. Then they went to counseling and got the marriage fixing. Then she's sitting up one day and he left his phone downstairs because he's stupid and you know, cheating, and when you cheating, you can't leave your phone. His stupid and left his phone downstairs on the Sunday and text came in said happy hump Day, and she replied only said, but it's Sunday. The reply will stop playing. I can't wait to see you. And then I text swar and the reply was the usual hump day spot. She took his phone upstairs. He denied it changed everything all that and then all this is to social media. Then she said, was he using hump day as a special code? Day? Is not a special cold? That's just you stupid and he's stupid. Got to hear somebody, if you got a hump day, that's not a damn cold. That's the day we hump That's what hump day mean. If you want to have all, you know, you gotta have something like happy Easter, you know, like you know he'll come Peter Cotton tell you know, hopping down the bunnet trail from hold the hole, stuff like that. You got to have stuff like that. You got to say something like this. You know you ready for the last supper. You know these is cold words, just stuff for the last supper. You know you gotta you gotta, you got a little stuff you can go. Can't wait to Halloween. You know she probably make his ass wear a mask too, because he got that bad skin in the ragged ass. So she probably say happy Halloween because you know she even even the lady having the fan making wear a mad We'll be back with more what you should have did after that fourth baby, you're listening Morning show? All right, junior, it it's time for sports talk. What you got all? I want to say? Who let the dogs out? Big dog? About them dogs? The dogs? Let the dog out them? Damn dog? Here we go. What do it mean to the state of Georgia? I don't know what it means to the state of Georgia, but that g yes the exact logo for my high school in Clevellle Glenville to bloods of which is the only thing I have a degree. What Yeah, Georgia logo to j Yeah, it's really about Hey man, I had my Glenville High School shot on one time, and you know how firemen standing outside and they had an empty booth and you drop money into the dope, donate to the fire department. Right, I had my Glenville High School shirt on in Atlanta. I pulled up, I rolled the window down. I'm getting to do some money in the booth. He said, Oh go dog. I said, oh, what what you know about that? Because now I ain't looking at the shirt, I'm thinking he thinking talking about the queues. I'm trying to think out what wi. I said, Hey man, what you know about that? I know a lot about it. That's where I went and scared me because I'm went for me. You went to queue, you went to quete. You're a cute in the booth for a year. Was because this has to be relatively new, because I'm being show. If you'd have found out, we would have anyway anyway. Big ups to the bulldogs, Georgia bok Man. That's japions man. Do you know what right now? I believe right now that was about one hundred and eighty five fights last night in Alabama after they lost their game. Yeah, boy, it was some fights broke out. Yeah. I just they say roll tied, and you say roll your ass home. Oh yeah, that's a fight, right. I was happy for Georgia, man, because I mean they they played a heck of a football game, them boys. Because when they lost the SEC championship to Alabama, I think that Georgia played one of the worst games they had played. Yeah, and so you know, you know, the oxmakers had Georgia favorite last night by three. And boy, let me tell you something. Everybody bit that one. Old Vegas made all kinds of money because they went. You don't think Alabama gonna win, man, Vegas made so much money. But whenever Vegas lays the odds down, man, you got to pay close attention because them boys ain't They're not trying to let you win. No, you know, nah, man, they they did that for a reason. They knew something. First of all, Georgia played a much better game than they played before. And then Alabama had two injuries to their wide receiver. One dude didn't play another and got hurt. My lord, bad for that kid. But but them dudes, man, them dude, them Georgia boys. They was after the quarterback this time, man, this game, they were bringing him down. Tommy was so defensive. Man, you go in a halftime this this is this is championship and it's nine to six. Yeah, well that's the first time ever touchdown hadn't been scored in a national championship game. Never nine to six. And I was cool with it because I was hoping. But but they did good. And Nick Saban, who is the greatest college coach of all times, no time. You got to give it to him. Yeah. Yeah, his speech was a good speech to a degree. I'm just still where he was coming from, Like he felt bad for his team and he wanted to congratulate from when THEFC championship, but he just said, we just didn't finish in the fourth quarter like we supposed to it. I felt bad for them. Well, really, Georgia whipped your ass, That's what it was. You know. It's two different numbers in your hands, and two different came up. Bulldogs coach, Bulldogs coach. Yeah, he came up. Smarted him to just come on and admit that you really got warm finish the post of thirty three eighteen. Two different numbers they rolled the time back. That's what they did. They rolled it back. Go Bulldogs. Will have more of the city. Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So there's a new comedy on NBC. It proves that life is better with your crew. It's called The Grand Crew. Have you guys seen it? Grand Crew? It's yeah, huh huh, I like it too. Yeah. It's centered on a group of uh, these young professionals that are going through the ups and downs like we all have gone through ups and downs of life and love. In Los Angeles. They meet up often at their favorite bar. Um, there's a hopeless romantic. I love him, especially with all these different hairstyles. One day day every day he got a press a p There's a go getter on the show, the low key genius. There's a workaholic. Um. Oh, the married couple. I love them too, the married couple and a divorced friend. So it's just like real life. I mean, you know, everybody knows someone like these people. It's relatable, it's funny, it's light, and the friends really do love being around each other. That's the thing. That I love the most about it. You know, you could tell that they're really friends. Nothing is off limits nothing. They talk about herd thing, ok, eard thing. Right. They got my girl Nicole Buyer, who who is just brilliant at everything. And it's from creator Phil Jackson, who wrote on Insecure, Key and Peel and Brooklyn nine nine. So catching all new episode of Grand Crew tonight at eight thirty Eastern on NBC. We have coming up the Sea Barbie Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time for another round of would you rather would you jump right in? Would you rather so in a hot tub full of tied or would you rather gargle with pickle juice? I'm gonna goggle with that pickle juice. I made that mistake before on goggling stake. Somebody you remember you Because when we was little, we didn't have money for bubble bath all the time, so we used to put detergent in the bath tub, whisk it around. Yeah, and uh I didn't you know, whisk it around, swish it up good enough? Yeah? Yeah, and that oxy doll had blue bleaching crystals in it. Well, I was a little boy. I didn't know, and I didn't risk off good and walking down the hall the next day and my ass thought burning. I didn't know what the hell was going on. And as I was walking and rubbing it together, I was melting in blue bleaching crystals. Further, he started bleaching my ass, You trail, you don't really know what's going on. But I got a full situation going on right now, my ass on file, because I got some melting detergent crystal. So that's why you'd rather gargle with a pickle juice brush with y'all can rerisk, but you get to walking, to walk around that detergent melting in your ass. And I'm telling you right now, yeah, all right, would you rather be without your teeth for one week? Be or would you rather be without your you know what for one week? Teeth? Take them teeth? My bad, My bad, I changed the part. Well, if you can put it back, no damnage, no memory. First of all, I'm not gonna beble do that because first of all, I'm not gonna ever recover from you taking it all that why my ass is not gonna make Yeah, because watching you put it in a zip lock and walk away too much. Oh no, I recover from that. It's no way. And the possibility that you could mix man up with somebody else, that's an issue for me. Now I got the wrong zip lock. Come on, man, but how do you think you're leaving this room with its bigger problem? This is not Rollo, this is not him. Be quiet. That's today's Brandon. Would you rather come up out the show with some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey, our fearless leader. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are, last break of the day, Judge Steve tonight, don't forget watch it, read it eight seventh, watch it, look at it on Hulu. I don't care how you do it. Well, you know it got up. It got really good reviews. Yes, great, we love it. Yeah, it was fun though. It was fun to watch. You were in your element for sure, very very much, so very Taylor made to me, so I have fun. It's a good show, really good show. I hope y'all watch it tonight. We got you, we got you know great about this show? It's just like you on radio, but you're doing it in the courtroom now exactly. That's what I said. That's what I mean. You know, like even all the TV exects were going, this just fits so many elements of your makeup as a person. I said, Yeah, you know, we're just amazed at how this came about. Well I thought of it, um, yeah, because I know me, Yeah, and I just thought this would because this incredible. Though. Hey, I love when they'd be talking to me. They trying to be cool. It is you know, it is what it is. I'll sounds strange. And what did they say when they hear you use that voice? Oh they don't. They don't never hear that. They don't know that. I turned the black volume up half when I'm talking the tour when you talk. Yeah, so it don't be no mistake. I don't like people to think I'm Suddain a certain other kind of way. No, this high am, this high talk, and here it is what y'all want. Y'all still won't hire me. Huh, you're saying huh in the mid Huh. I remember when you first done radio in La and uh, that was one of the first things you said, don't call the radio. This is me, this is how I talk. I'm country. Don't call up here. Huh. Then people was facting talking about why he's so country. You're wasting your paper because you know it wasn't if facting was big back then, y'all which paper on the floor. I don't read this no more. Don't call up here, don't call up here, don't talk to management and loving him ain't coming back. This is who I'm in. What he would say stuff like that, this is who I'm in radio on the radio, Junior, that was, but this he is? So what is we talking about? What's what's the confusion? You have heard me before, you just say another thing. None of them was gonna get on TV or the radio. That's all it. You've heard me before. You go, yeah, yeah, I'm in your black ass family somewhow know this? So you stop all this. We don't know you know, everybody keenan them on Saturday Night Live that comedian got through Cambridge All I want to make you know Nick Cannon on his show talking about whatever when you get through this me yeah, yeah, yeah, you really want to be really you know, really all these people has imitating me and all this here. Really I really want to say, you know, I really want to have a little flex ass moment on him, But I don't, you know, go ahead and do what you want to do, you know, Yeah, but put all they damn cribs together. Hello, Now he ain't got mad? What is the world? I mean, you're you're really a testament to be yourself, to being yourself. Listen, m my first TV show, they got me, me and the boys. I'm doing these little lines. I wasn't comfortable with doing these little line of little white writers wrote. Had a show finished number twenty one for the season, highest show ever on the history of ABC that got canceled. A show finished twenty one, highest rated new show of all shows on the air, And I got canceled anyway, I said, oh okay. Well, then the next show they gave me, I said, okay, I bet I don't be nobody else, no never, no more. I'm not reading the line I don't want to read. And then I wint got said it made a shout, you got double show, double dog. I got somebody that's fitting the whole sign everything I do and add his own blackness. We're just two black ass dudes on TV. One was a music instructor, other was a coaching and either one of us qualified to be either one of them. Mister now Jude again, you're doing other stuff. How you gonna be a judge? Excuse me? Does he have a law degree? No? No, Mommy, your nephew can switch it up. He can be nephew Tommy. Then he could be Thomas Miles. You're always just Steve. The switch up is mo meat. That's dangerous, and that's then you can You could keep pushing and you're just gonna get more meat. So you you and then when you switch up you All it is is met every form on meat. That's all it is. Keep pushing. That's why I came run for president, because in the debate, you're gonna mess around and meet the formal meet, the one that accumulated charges. That one, well that's cool though, yeah, but yeah, but that was the one where they said, we know you'll never be nothing. No, that's the one that they used to tell me you'll never be nothing. That was the reason they were saying that. They weren't just throwing it out. It wasn't a threat. I had given them stuff to base it on. Actions you have actions clearly I knew why they Oh man, you are crazy. Hey, y'all watch George Steve tonight. Appreciate y'all, Love y'all, take care. Hey, listen, y'all. Talk to God the day he loved to hear from you. Okay, start your day off, start your year off with God. Put God first, and everything you do all right, see y'all them all. Every contests no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.