Steve Hustle Story, MTH, Mean Things, That's My Jam and more.

Published Mar 15, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning and Happy Friday!  Today's show starts off with erratic behavior and we get The CEO in rare form.  Steve has a story about the time he caught the office lunch thief.  We have the do's and don'ts of living with someone according to Big Dog.  Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Adele.  There are certain types of people that scare you and we have them right here.  Even though you are not allowed to say mean things to kids, Bitterman finds a way to do so.  Name the tune and Steve will sing it with his boy J. Anthony Brown.  Comedy Roulette lands on, you didn't quit, you were fired!  Today in Closing Remarks, we learn why we should never downgrade our dreams and more.  

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millican buck things in its cubbing me true good it. Steve harm to mother for ste Please, I don't join joining you doing me. You gotta turn hur You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fat it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey oh Man got a radio show. Man got a radio show, and a whole lot more to man. God is good to me. I have no other explanation, if I have no other explanation of my existence and where I stand in this thing called life, except if it was not for the goodness of God Almighty. If it was not for His grace and his mercy, There's no way I could exist the way that I do. I would not be who I am or where I am. I am who I am and where I am simply because God is who he is. If it was not for God, I would have no testimony for you, because I would have failed every single test plain, pure and simple. I consit here to day until you flat out that it is purely because of God's grace and mercy that I exist today because of His favor. See now, He shows us favor in life because of a combination of things I've discovered. And this is not the whole answer to life. I can assure you as not. But this is a combination that I've grown to understand better and better, and I wish I had gotten it earlier in my life. But here it is. If you take faith and you combine it with an incredible work ethic, then God has the greatest opportunities to show you favor. One more time. If you take faith. I said faith because in the Scripture it says you can have the faith of a musticy, the smallest of all sees. If you take faith and you combine it with an incredible work ethic, it allows the most opportunities for God to show you favor. That's the best way I can explain success to you from my standpoint. It is the combination of faith and work that produces the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See a lot of times we want God to bless us, but we ain't doing nothing for him to bless So now we sideways in the equation a little bit. But see, if you had the faith in God that God can do anything but fail, that God will get you through, that God will see you through, that that God is the God you serve as the greatest gift of all good things. If you kept that faith in tact through it all, and you produced an incredible work ethic that allows the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See, without that what you want God to do? See, you can have faith and be sitting at the house watching TV. There's nothing being produced, no opportunities for God to show you favor. And you got to do some things man, that you are uncomfortable doing, or don't feel like doing, or something that don't have the right payoff right in front of your face, with the faith that it will payoff later on. See, too many people are working for the right now reward, and the right now reward is not how it works. Sometimes the reward is coming later on up the road. But the only way you can know that is if you got to You got to apply the faith. And see the reason you don't know that that's coming like that, or you have to have faith to believe that it is coming. Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That's what faith is. Look, man, it's easy to believe in something you can see. That's it. Ain't ain't nothing? What? What what that take? You know? You're standing that Let me give you them. You're standing at the crosswalk with with a walk sign on it and the sign flashing on the corner. Don't walk then that the signs say walk. What do you think your chances are making it across that street? Is well pretty good because guess what the signs say walk. You can see the other side. There's other people in the crosswalk walking, So guess what. You strike out blindly? It don't take a lot of faith to get across that street. That's that's That's not why I'm talking to you about. I'm talking about the faith, the belief in things that you cannot see, the faith that what I'm doing today, I believe in my heart of heart that God wouldn't bring me this far to leave me. That God is a true and living God, that he keeps his promises, that later on there's things that I'm working towards right now, gonna pay off later on. See, too many people want to reward right now. They want to go to work Friday. Get to check Saturday. You know, we want to work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Get to check Friday. If somebody come to you and say, hey, man, if you do this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, then you do this Saturday, and come back and do this Monday, Thusday Friday in the long runny to pay off. And you say, man, I ain't gonna do all that. See, that's not the exhibition of faith. If it's the right thing to do, if it's a good thing to do, if it's a just thing to do. See, if it's sin in it, it ain't God. Ain't. Just clear on up right. You can stop all the wandering. If that's his voice talking to you, If it's the right thing to do, If it's sin in it, it's not God talking to you, kill it you you you can shut it down. You ain't got to wonder about it. Go down there in secret venge that ain't God. Go tell him off when you see him. That ain't God. Anything that's God's sin in it is not God's voice telling you to do it, so you can you can kill that conversation to date. That's how you know. But if you align yourself up, man, and you and what you're doing is just and right and correct and pleasing in the sight of God, it'll pay off for you later on. And see, here's here's here's the best way I can tell to it. Here's another one. When you're going somewhere, when you're when you're on the road to going somewhere, and you know the somewhere that you're trying to get to. Let's say you've set a goal or vision for yourself. You know where you want to get to. You gotta gotta go the idea, and you own your way to going there. Listen to me when it gets hard, and it is going to get hard, when it gets difficult, and it is going to get difficult, when it becomes challenging, and it is going to become challenging, when it becomes all three of those things. When it don't look like it's gonna happen, listen to me. Don't stop and complain so much. But see, I know he didn't bless me. But in the middle of it, man, I felt a little heavy, and you got to be careful when it gets hard for you, because you'll find yourself complaining. And when you're complaining, See, what you can't do is you can't complain so much that you forget that the place that you're trying to go to, you actually own your way there still. See, don't get caught up into complaining and then lose sight of your blessing that's actually happening it to you? What really, man, of all the times to register a complaint to God, to sit up and go, hey, man, I didn't want wanted to ease back into this thing. Ease back in, man, you in It's it's a tornado world around you. You ain't got time to ease back in. You got it going, and jump back in it. It is what it is. To whom much is given, much is required. Always appreciate the blessings. Don't get so caught up into complaints that you lose sight of the blessings. Man, God got a lot for you in your life, man, but you gotta have them Two things, y'all. You gotta take that faith and you got to apply a crazy work ethic to it. And that creates the most opportunities for God to show your favor. And when God starts showing your favor, man, all of them seeds you plant, all of that, all of that wheat you've been sewing, all of that hard work you've been put in God to pay it off, and he'll pay it off in ways that you don't even see coming. Okay, cool, you're listening. I was born the changement. Oh you're supposed to finish that, man, Come on, at least give us a by the river. At least the old Jaya by the river. Who That's all I'm gonna do. That was good enough for me because I was born by Rivers Creek down our backyard is worth for us, Virginia about you don't let us shock? WHOA just lied the river? Run that morty Shirley, you just stopped. Can't keep up. That's how I want to start today. Just iradic behavior, Junior, many going on, Tommy, big dog, it dog. You're in a great mood today, man, I was just in another one. Yeah j J jes let me make you man. Just start tell the millennials, though, you gotta let the millennial millennials know what's going on. What's happened. See, I'm just busting out, I'm just busting out hits. Yeah, these are old schools, not busting old school hits, classics. That just opened up with just gut ranching sing it. What that wrong? All that all that boy used to open for me? Oh oh what that Tina Marian James, Frank, Frank keep being a hallway Frank hall him? What that damned Frank? Love him and leave him. Yeah, he would be fire design in the hallway. He would be walking in the hallway just hitting that note in that time. That would him in the time. Then sooner he walked out on timele damn, come on, that's what they used to do us and abused then late oys, old you it was past n Wow, you went bad. You went from Sam Cook to the OJ's Eddie avert girl. And then you've got your hooks and me yeah no one never be you bye no you bye, oh baby babe. All right, oh good, you've got your hooks and me, well we got right after this you're listening to all right, it is time for something funny, guys. And you know people are getting ready for work right now probably and uh maybe they're making their own lunch. You know people do that at home. Well, Steve, it turns out that eighteen percent of people have a admitted to eating someone else's lunch at the office. One worker's live tweeting of the mystery of a co worker stolen shrimp fried rice was retweeted over one hundred and seventy three thousand times. Okay, uh And while you may think it's funny, and it is kind of funny, I mean when you think about it, um, you know, getting away with eating someone else's meal, it actually could have some serious consequences on the job. People don't forget stuff like this, and you see these people every single day. This is according to a human resource expert. It becomes a trust issue. So Steve, I have to ask you, I know you did it office lunches novel in my life, taking somebody's food, because I ain't that way. I don't. I don't know you. Oh so you don't know what kind of home they have at? How clean? Right now? Two things I have done I've had mine taken. Yeah, I've called a person what happened? And I've had I've seen a person taking a person's lunch. Okay, what happened when someone took both these is now situations I used to my advantage. Yeah, and see not you don't want this out, So now I need a couple of favors the mom. No, dog, I mean, look, I saw you because I'm real observing. Y'all know that about me. I'm extremely observing. So I'm watching this dude steal this dude food. And the dude food he was stealing is he's deceased. His name is James Paradise and we worked at General Lecture and this dude was taking Jared Jane paradig leca Jaka cook his ass off, and he was just eating James lunch every night and then and I caught him. Now, if I tell this to James Parady, dog, I'm talking about you've been to get drug out in the parking lot, and when you come back in, you're gonna need to show the people that they do your eyes. You know, like sandwiches. You know James cook ribs, He take his ribs. You know he made pork shoulders sandwich. You should bring it in to work for everybody. He stole his pork shoulder sandwich and James getting upset. So I saw him take James stalk. It was his young white dude that was still in the food because he was single, and you know he wouldn't bring no lunch, had to time a stupid ass boy. So I told him, I say, man, you know, if Jane find out you want taking his lunch, man, you know what's gonna happen to you? My cheese? Wait what cheez? Yeah, that's what I need. See. Once I hit that fear in your voice, then I got your ass now, because all jeez, it's not a hood turn. He said. Ah. I said, look hold on, man, this ain't got gonna wear name right. This can't stay right here. But i'ma need a couple of favors. Man. Now I'm gonna leave early Wednesday. I need you to cover my Job's not a problem with me, Steve, it's mister Harvey. Harvey. No, Now you're gonna put some spec on my name. I was the original birds many were, So you're gonna put some speck on my name. And so I had him cover cover my job like three times for that. Then I saw a dude, take my luck. This is a black dude had it just got hired, and he would hadn't completed his ninety day probation. Now if I report this, you ain't gonna get the job. Oh man, I'm so sorry. I thought it was mine. Out of hell. Your name ain't Steve Gregory, it's Gregory. Your name Frederick FREDI st e v E. Get confused with Frederick, right, So I said, so Frederick, look here, man, I'm just need a couple of faus from men. Now I'm gonna come in late. I need you to punch my time clock when you get at the gate, punch my time clock from me. Hit me in. Oh that's that's that's that's not a problem. Now listen to me. They have a camera aimed at the time clock, so you gotta put your back to the camera. So he did it the first time. How do you know all of this? Come on, no, no, no, excuse me, excuse me time Hula. I was never a thug. Hula Hulam was crime with a purpose with respect to thugs just out here doing stuff. Thus, crimes with a purpose, and it was always to better uplift one set yes at the expensive Yeah, And so that's what I had him do so I could leave early because of a little white dude, and I could come in late black causing Frederick. Wow, So I had been a nice little set up. Yeah. And then meanwhile at school he was you know hall passes with the first huzzling. Yeah, y'all need passes to be late in this hallway? Who name you put on that there? See? My name was never on a hall pass. So I ain't no't need you talking about You got it from Steve because I ain't got no hall pass because I had told her back off my locker anyway, Yeah, and so I kept my stuff. I told her back off my locker. I get that. I had people have the haller bent down and I put on my step behind. So if you owe my locking, I ain't never had enhing. Oh I okay, So Steve gave you a hap. How the hell I got hall passed? I'm in class, not learning to write. I'm here, mister days in high school two cut days all I ever did. Man. Oh, but wow, see your life has been incredible, been wonderful, it really really has really Thank you. And look at you now? Look at you now? I mean steal hustle? Are you are you still a hoodler? No? I no, I don't do crime. I had a little running had a little running in the kind of thing. Straighten me out. Coming up next, it's the nephew with run that prank back you're listening to show right now. The nephew is in the building for today's prank phone called what you got now your song? Hi, Pete in the pool for spring break. That's what you're no son, Pete in the pool, all these kids jumping in out of the pools, all those spring breaking stopt in the pool, crazy running Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach it. Can you hear me? Yes, I'm trying to reach Anastasia. This is she? How you doing? Listen, I'm Glenning the lifeguard over here at the pool here in the apartment complex. Yes, sir, do you have a you have a son named Yes, sir? Everything, Uh, yeah, yeah, everything is fine. I mean a quick question, man, we got a situation here with what's going on. We're not we're not gonna be allowed to h to let him swim here at the pool and the complex anymore. What we got him from me? Your son? I mean, he swims in pretty much every every every other day, you know, I'm always here seeing him swim. But it seemed like is you know, We've been trying to figure out who it is. Your fun keep peeing in the pool, ma'am pool, ma'am. I don't want to get into it with you. Your son. We finally narrowed it down. Your son is the one that's pining in the pool every day, and you know it's really a bad thing. Uh. We can't continue to keep letting them come over here. We gotta ban him from the pool. My son don't pool. We ain't nash it like this. Did you check that to be a He's gonna say it's my son and in the pool. Well, your son is the one to be making faces and stuff, and I know that's what he's doing here in their pin. Your son is the one that's pinned the pool making faces. He'd be making faces, so I know here in their pen they got to do. You can be making faces, come too something that you're gonna say in the pools he making face. I'm not gonna go last like that. I teach my kids better than that. He ain't been pool, Hey lady, I'm not gonna All I'm saying is he can't come over here and swim anymore. He's banned from the pool until we rectify this problem. Now you're not paying. When he gonna be in the pool and we don't pool were gonna be, then that's a maine of fact. I'm thinking, I'm kids to the pool. No, we're gonna rost, man, I'm not gonna city and go back and forth with you all. I'm trying to tell you it was this right here. Your son has been paying in the pool. My boss wants me to bear him. If he's not the one, then we will allow him to come back later. But right now, with singling people out and your son, you know, it just seems like he's the one that's doing it. What's your name? Was? My name is Glenn. I'm Glen the lifeguard. That's who i am. No, what's your real name? Then I'm supposed to be calling me. You ain't gotta be in this carl of my telling about myself, No, fool, how you everything to give? I'm not at liberty to give my lad's name. The bottom line is we can't hit him in the car hunt in the bottom. What but you don't let me call? Don't but you can't give me your all them? Nay, okay, listen, I'm not all. I'm supposed to do is call you and let you know that we're banned in your son from getting in the pool. Once you're talking about you can't ban my father dreading the life guard. Get a real job, a summer job. Did you got a job? And I calling my fall? You said you don't want you ain't abody and you can't stop nobody. Who's come next pool? And we're gonna be damn though tomorrow again. And if you did do your job and clean that man, let me say this to you. If your son comes to the pool tomorrow and get in the pool, I'm snatching your son out of the pool. I'm bless you. Run. I wish you would because you don't need a lifeguard, you said, trying out the pool. I wish you would. What kind of problem open at ten o'clock, we're gonna be there nine Saturday. You got me up, come about. You're gonna snatch my son out of pool? You know? Mind nobody pool? Yeah? Mine, lady. The problem is what ever heard has been single out all the other kids, appointing us and saying he's the one that's doing it. Your son is the one that's being your humble. He's clearing whatever whatever for right now, all I'm asking is is keep your son away from the pool for the next two weeks. If we fell, not that, that's not him. Will allow him to come back. Okay, ain't me. He ain't saying over the pool for two weeks. If he do, he's gonna come back and do some motion pool. I'm saving the whole two weeks with it, and go back to that talking about my son to pool. You can tell about his face. You said what you said, he life. You watch then the pool. You know myself? Fine, you must not know what you're talking to I will be there and that's a model. Me and I don't fight my kids and they don't the pool too. Don't do a little kids go without getting him in the pool. Let me tell you something. Don't you bring them kids over there and bring them in the pool. No, none of your children. I don't give it. And what you say, you don't run life. God get rid John, Lady. Listen, lady, I'm not gonna go continue to go back and forth. I got one more thing I need to say to you what I'm done. Okay, one more thing that I'm done. You ain't got to say to me. I do have one thing I do need to say to you what you have to say to me. I need to say this. This is left you Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got Frank from your homeboard. You Hello, we kid, look man, look it up Timmy, doctor man. You WoT to get this k this. Y'all play too much? Yeall know y'all to play too black place for nothing. I'm walking towards now. I thought you was coming to the pool tomorrow. I was coming to the office today they stay. It was opening the piecot ill to tell me. I don't call my files by myself in the pool. I was for the common Now take care of them kids, baby. I got one more thing. I got to ask you. What is the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve. You gonna have to do something about the kids, and we have to do something about you. You know what I'm saying. We gotta do somethingbody. Now. We need that that thing they put in the underwater Leo they head it in that movie, or with the water turn blue and peeing the pool one time they need to use the bathroom for they get in the pool. Tommy, that that yeah, Yeah, yeah, I'd like to see that deep blue spot didn't look like the Atlantic Atlantic over there. Everyone, you get grown. You gotta get your butt out of the food. You gotta get up and get out. Yeah, y'all got y'all, y'all you got salt water, you got it, the chlorine saltwater. I love. I didn't do the saldn't And I make a love kids that come on my house, you need to use bathroom. Yeah, So, how's your CD coming along? I'm gonna get I'm I'm I'm trying to do twenty tracks. That's I got a lot of work to do. I think I told you that my girlfriend, her husband listens to your CD every single night. She cannot wait. Every single night. She tells me. Ever see her every two weeks. Every time I see her, she tells me the same thing. And she wants you to hurry up and put out the new CD. Really, she knows all your receive. That's loyal. That's he listens. He just on headphones and all that he has headphones. But I mean, I didn't ask her all that. She just said he listens. I didn't say, well, what is he listen? I didn't say that I just said, I'll tell Tommy to rush down. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. A report by Zillo finds it nearly twenty two and a half percent twenty two point five percent of US millennials, that's age, it's twenty four to thirty six they are living with their mom, which is about twelve million young adults. And why haven't millennials moved out on their own? Well, according to the report, twelve percent of them are currently unemployed. Now he got a job. Does he live with you? Yes? He does? Well, what do you live with your mom? And you passed millennia? What range is that? Well, since he has the most kids, I think we should defer to Steve on this one. Steve, you have some rules for when you live with someone until you get on your feet. Now, this is not for millennial any don't see anybody, Okay, So I don't want to make that I don't want millennials to feel that way. This is for anybody. You've had people stare at your how I had people come live with me, college, h college roommates, stuff like that, it's some stuff like that. These are Steve Harvey's rules for living with someone until you get on your feet. These are dudes and dotes. Okay, some things you need to keep in mind. Here's one right here. Your goal every day is to make it seem like you there, but you not that. Yeah, that's your goal. That's when you wake up, get it in your mind, out the bill, but look like because you get asked to me. Now you don't want that. Here's another one. This is very important. Your car h should never block me in I can't want to go out and I go out there and your car in the day where you were in that sleep. Yeah, in fact, I got news for you. Your car shouldn't even be in front of the house up the street and walk down to where you live, rent free round the corner, park at the up the street, at the parking lot, at the grocery store. That man. Try to make it look like you've got no car. If you're watching TV in the other room. Yeah, your laugh should not be where I can hear lay down the just good bucketing. This should be learned how to laugh like this hit. Let me show you how you laugh from your other people. You can't be enjoying their TV and all. This is how you laugh? What is real funny? That's gonna be hard me out. That's it. I don't give a damn what you want. Here's another one. Don't let me walk in the house and have to tell you to get out of my chair. Ye, you should only sit. I'm gonna tell you the areas you are to sit there, kitchen your bad ruler and occasionally in the band. Don't be taking read material in there? What you focus? Focus? Focus, stare at the toilet tissue role? How do your business? Get up, get out, get out? You count little preparation holes on the toilet like that? All right? See this time for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, Thanks guys, and good morning everybody out there. This is answered, but the news a horror. In New Zealand, authorities say that there were separate attacks at two mosques in the christ Church area as scores of Muslims attended Friday prayers. Forty nine people have been killed, dozens of others have been hospitalized, twenty of those in serious condition, and what officials say was a well planned terrorist attack and four suspects three men and one woman have been arrested. They say that one of the attackers actually live stream the carnage on Facebook Live. They've since taken that mess down. The police presence has been stepped up at mosques around the world today, and one of the suspects describes himself as a twenty year old white Australian and he left an anti immigrant manifesto that was in New Zealand, a GOP dominate. A US Senate yesterday issued a bipartisan rebuke of President Trump's declaration of that national emergency just to get eight billion dollars for the border wall. About a dozen Republicans show their disapproval of the President's declaration, voting with the Democrats. Fifty nine Senators voted against the president compared to forty one who voted with him. The measure already passed in the House, or it now goes to the President where he's expected to veto it, which he says is his right. The legal scholars will say it's totally constitutional, it's very important. It's really a border security vote. By the way, opponents is still challenging Trump's border wall in court as well. Meanwhile, an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote again, this one yesterday, and the House of Representatives approving a resolution calling for the results of the probe into the possible collusion between Trump's presidential campaign and the Russians. They want that those results made public. A federal law requires a special prosecutor, Robert Muller, to present the Attorney General will even Bar with a confidential report, and then it's up to the Age to decide how much of that report the American people will hear about well. Also, far Mulla's probe has resulted in criminal charges against more than thirty individuals and entities, including a number of aids and associates of the president. Trump has continued to describe the investigation as a witch hunt. Former Texas congress and Beat O'Rourke became the latest Democrat to announce his intention to run for president yesterday, a Wark beginning his campaign with a three day tour of Iowa, talking about support for many things, including universal healthcare, dimonds that we receive on the investment that we make in the healthcare of one another will more than pay for the cost of the investment upfront, and Empire's Jessie smallertt pled not guilty yesterday and lying to law enforcement about being a victim of a hate crime and of staging a phony attack. The actor, facing sixteen counts of disorderly conduct a smaller is currently free on bail and due back of the court again next month. By the way, outside the court, there were a number of his fans, some wearing Empire T shirts, others with his justice name on the T shirt. Finally, today is We're all sleep day, And boy do I need a couple of weeks. I need to be in the eyelid theater right now, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are. Jay is here to murder another hit, ladies and gentlemen, the hit murderer himself, Jay Anthony Brown. All right, here's my hit for every man who's been annoyed by a breakup. Check it out. Hit it. Wait a minute, the phone's ringing. That's a hello, Hello, Hello, it's me. I know who it is. I'm aware. I was wondering the old these years we like and then we already went over We already went over this everything. We went over everything. They say the time, But I am um much. Okay, well, you know it's trying to move on. He Hello, I'm here, can you yeah? Second here, I'm talking on the phone. I'm Californe. Your dream about who are you? Okay? Well that's over. We moved younger, we moved on, and it's time to move on. Let it go. I mean you forgoten how it felt before the world fell. Okay, it's such a deal. You know, we move on. It's just I forgotten. Can you just let it go? I mean Jesus gad Okay, hello, Hello, you don't have to scream. I'm right here. Yeah, you called more than I should report your band. Yeah, I'm okay, it's good, I'm old with it. Yes, let it go. That's what now? How I'm fine? I mean, what didn't let it go? Adele? Please? It really is answering. I love. You must have gotten that um that idea from your own answering service, because when you call Jay and he's not there, yeah, that's what you got. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Jay is here with a segment called people who Scare Me? Jay? What that list Steve Tommy Junior. Yall can comment on. This list is a list I put together. People who just frighten me when you see them. They haven't done anything you, but you see him. They're scared. People who wear gloves for no reason. Card the other day? Just how do you know it was for no reason? I mean, why do you have? I mean like inside the building and there's a hundred degrees outside. You got a lot of jack. Here's another one that's give me. Men who have tied backpacks. What's in that where you're going? Dog? I got one for you, jake. People that talk to theirselfs while they pumping gay make it just talking. I can do that. You got the wrong one, now you ever seen it? One? It look like they're talking to two people at one time, the back and for Yeah. Are you sure they're not on their phone? Nah? You don't have little hidden device on them at all. You know who scared one? You got one time? Come you scaring me? People that be driving but got them big shades on it. Didn't they go down the side of the face too, und block block. I don't think they posed to be driving, I really don't. You got nervous people who take a lot of medication. Just stay to just stay popping pills every time. They always taken. What going on? I saw on your nightstand, man, I got one. Got one. People who rocked back and forth while they're sitting down. Up, yeah they get up. People who come on. People who eat their food real slow, right, one thing I show my food. I do not swallowing and hug I inhale much. People that don't see nothing wrong with Donald Trump? Scared, nothing very scary. You he's great. I got one people who dressed they pits up just like them. Oh you still you go to to get the suit and then the dog got a suit too. I don't that's scary right now, you're right, you're right. I got anybody you seeing hugging a box, just hugging it like it's got a string around it. And they hugging it real closer to the ship. Yeah yeah up. People who don't who don't mind walking outside with no shoes on all the time. Hated dog. The bottom of their feet be so hard that don't make you there. I got one, stephen you closed up. I got one. Real people who walk, but when they walk, their arms don't swing back and forth. They're just coming at you like children in the corn are walking over towards me. MS ain't swinging at all. Once you got up, people should scare me. That's been sitting there watching their dog for an hour. Lay on that mat. The dog ain't sleep, He buses, then lick everything he got. Didn he get up, he gonna let him lick him in his mouth. Scary happens every day. Be afraid, but we gotta we gotta go back to your steve. People who think nothing that Donald Trump does. Yeah, all right, coming up, it is the nephew with the frank phone call for today. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. Get ready for today's strawberry letter. Of course. Up next, Tommy, what you got? He loved his draws? Oh this, you're right, this is going to be stupid. I the only one ever left, mind, I don't know some people on this shoulder left, they draw. Excuse you. I ain't never left. Mine had him all back getting out and I came home one league, one league, but did yeah? I had one league one time. Oh that's all. Got your jeans on them too, Adam in my pocket? That was hard to explain. Why are your draws in your pocket? I got I got one? Why your drawls around your ankle? Oh? We got to talk about this when we come down. Hello, yes, mister, yes, hey, this is the doorman mark your building. Okay, I have a mistress in here who is trying to get buzzed up to your unit? Are you Are you at home right now? Sir? No? No, no, sir, I'm not a who Yeah, he mister, um, let's just say I'm sorry, you say, mister? And he was? He buzzed up? Supposedly he left some articles in the room or in your unit a couple of days ago, and that was out of count a couple of days ago. What day are we talking about? Uh so? Actually he stad Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He was there all three days. You guys let him into my apartment for three days. He was in my place, Missip. We an't let anybody in and let someone in the unit allows them to be buzzed up. That's the rules here of the building. So we definitely didn't do anything. So who let him in? Who buzzed him? Monday? Sir? I hate to say it, but I'm assuming your wife wants to bust him up. You mean my wife was not there three days ago. She was on a business trip. She was not at the apartment three days ago. No, sir, your wife was here. I've actually seen your wife come in and out. Okay, to dude is there right now? He's downstairs. He's here right now with me, Sir. What did he leave him? Okay, one second, miss hang on? What actually leave part? Fair pants and what else? He says he left a pair of pants, an underwear and a toothprush shirt. Sir, still kill hill. He's there right now. Let me talk to him. Put him on the phone. Let me talk some guards, you know, and miss coming right now. We're listening to you, and I'll rate the way you're saying. I don't want to put this car on the phone. Mark. If you want to keep your job at the building, you gonna put him on the phone now, is sir? Sorry, missus, he's actually leaving out of the building now he's leave, he's walking out. Should put him on the phone. It's your problem. You got videos to veilings, right, you got video footage. If everybody that comes in and out of the building right, Um, yes, sir, but you know, if if nothing occurs, we I think we should have footage that goes back at least two weeks, so we should be able to pull some things out for you. Sir. Yeah, I'm gonna need you to get that. And I need to hit over to me right now. I'm at my work email. I need it to day because this is some shall let some my partner and this is it's like, what kind of income poop are you? What kind of in before are you? Sir? Missus missus day a second? All right, well, let please hear me out, sir, hear me out. I have We haven't just let someone in. Someone in your unit buzz someone up. We didn't just let anyone up. Now, I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm assuming your wife buzz this guy just turns up. We didn't do that. You shall put up and get me what I asked for and then we're done. Okay. Well, well, you know you're saying I have a problem. Maybe you have a problem pleasing your wife and that's why she's buzzing other people up. You go talking to me like that, you're being You're respectful to me as well, sir. No, no, no, no. The disrespectful is you coming and letting people come up to my building that you know now. I haven't let anybody up here. I can't stop your wife from doing what she's doing. You're like, okay, in what you're thinking, it might packing out on me. What you should be saying to your wife. Somebody has gotta dress up all the time and always buzzing somebody up to the room on your guard. That's what you want of me. To the door man, missus? You you you know what. I'm the only round here busting my head kiss dawn. Man. I want you're working right now to pay for that. So they check job where you might be handling you man, but other dender you're not. You're not handling your business at home. That's why she keeps buzzing people up. Sir. You know what? What the business I'm a handle when I get home today is showing my man your your wife has been Sir, You're gonna quit calling me the doorman. Okay? You want woman? What's your mother position? What you do for a living? I'm a doorman, door and thank you, missus. Door man. By fact I'm gonna stop calling you miss the doorman, because that's giving you too much respect. Okay, if you know, if you if you stop calling me from going up to your room, you'll be fine. Who the Tommy Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife got me the prank phone? Call you? You're crazy? Yea about to get man's cool? Man, You don't know that was going through my head and that she was about to get it, y'a. Always everybody was about the get it. Hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, gotta be the Steve Harvey Morning Something Never I mean you know you know what I'm saying. Sometimes you're leading time you get caught up. You know, you don't think about until you pull out down. I left my drugs, but you can't go back get home though you cain't undressed in front of nobody. But you ain't got no drums. Don't come home with new drug fit. When you start wearing new drugs, new change your behavior. We know that's the clue. We know you know about a round your ankles. I was just in the rush to get them on, trying to get back to the house. Next thing, you know, I just had it in one leg in the kitchen, trying to look innocent and look down, and it was sticking out under my pants. Oh you should have seen me putting that leg. Okay, so I get the visual. Your draws are down, but your pants is up. Yeah. Yeah, like you got it together and she she was on tied up, Yeah, tied up, draws just sticking out from around You feel that big lump of cloth going down your leg? What color? Team? What color? Were they real obvious? Yeah? You know I had these green and yellow ones the Yeah, they were very noticeable. Where they real obvious? Yeah? My socks? Hear the funny thing the leg that the draws were sticking out of. I didn't have a sock on that foot. How do you real? Hated? How did you get out of it? That's what I wanted. Now. I stuck my legs hand the stove. I'm telling you, I'm just stuck it on the side of stove, just stood there because I couldn't walk. Yeah, because usually there's no room behind. I'm just doing it in the kitchen talking. I was concerned coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right now, it is time for the Strawberry Letter for today. And if you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter write Steve Show. Is you know it? Buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter subject. I am so sick of my daughter. There's Stephen Shirley. I'm tired of motherhood. Sorry, but I am no longer interested in being a mother. I'm a twenty I am twenty eight years old, and I have a five year old daughter that is disrespectful, obnoxious, and a constant source of embarrassment in public. She is out of control on a daily basis. Beating her behind does not help, and I don't know what else to do. I have tried many ways of disciplining her. Reverse psychology and time out don't work on her. I can't seem to get through to her without yelling and arguing. Why am I arguing with a five year old? I recently got divorced, and my daughter and I live with my parents. My child never had a great relationship with her dad because he can't control her either. My parents see that I have no control over her, and they try to stay out of it as much as possible, but it's hard to overlook her behavior. We have been to counseling and the doctor suggested that I put her on medication. I don't want to take that route yet. She will start school soon and I want her to get it together before then. I don't want her labeled as a problem child or be medicated daily. I do have faith in God, and I am hopeful that God will fix it for me. What should I do? Help me? There's a lot going on in this letter with a five year old that's disrespectful, obnoxious, in a constant source of embarrassment in public. You said you just got divorced. That could be a lot of why she's acting out, because you know she misses her home situation with her dad being there and all of that. But I do get what you're saying. A lot of parents, every parent gets tired at some point. It is understandable. What I don't understand is why after you after your ex. You said, your ex husband and even your parents couldn't control her. So why don't you listen to the doctor. You took her to a therapist, you took her to counseling, and they suggested medication. He's a professional. I'm not discounting the fact you say in your letter that you do have faith in God and you're hopeful that God will fix it for me. Well, of course, there's nothing too hard for God. God can do anything. Nothing is impossible. Yes, absolutely, God can fix everything. But please please know that there are people on this earth that are working in their God appointed gifts, their purpose. That means lawyers, that means pastors, teachers, journalists, and yes, doctors, okay, doctors. So what should you do? You ask at the end of your letter. I think you should listen to your doctors in this instance. I mean, you don't know what's going on with your daughter. She may have some sort of chemical and balance you don't know. But the doctor is a professional. If you don't like what he said, get a second opinion, get a third opinion. You do want your daughter to go to school and have a productive life and have a great life, so you know she's going to start school soon. Don't just leave this up to chance. Continue this quest to get your get your daughter the help that she so rightfully needs and deserves. Steve, I don't know. I don't know I can talk about this that like this. First of all, let me say this, Shirley Strawberry. Yeah, I think that everything you said was absolutely one spot on. I could not have given a most dignified ends. Therefore, I'm not gonna try. So I want to just say before I start talking that everything Shirley Strawberry just said I concur one thousand percent that are professional people that can help with this. You should go to therapy. You should get all them doctors. God la la la la la la la finish. He is the key to this whole thing. She is out of control on a daily basis. Beat team hubby behind does not help, and I don't know what else to do. Well, let me introduce you to something. See that beaten hubby behind. I bet this five year old has not had an ill. Vera Harvey asked, woman, See I've had and it lost. Vera Harvey asked, Whipping that cured all my eels. Every time I produce one hardheadedness talking back. I rolled it. Humh what all that stuff got it? All that got cuted? I only said hump one time. Guess what he lost, Very Harvey did gave me an I lost Very Harvey a whopper. I ain't saying hunting. My mama says, what I'm outside playing, Steve? What I was playing basketball? I got caught him soon as I said it. I tried to swallow that basketball, the basketball. I tried to push it in my mouth that big I don't. I tried to swallow that damn basketball. Guess what happened to me? Ill lost Vera Harvey A whipping Yeah, yeah, uh, I ain't say that. Another ass whooping. Be home when the street light come on? Street light, come on. I'm still down the street talking to a Janette Hawkins. Another Ill lost Vera Harvey ass. I can't tell you how many times, how many times I've had to take one. So this fact that you have beat your child and it ain't help. I disagree. I disagree. Now, all this counselor Shirley want to send you to and all this other stuff, all that's good, but don't write me in talking about a five you old. You can't control how you can't control the five years. Don't you feel eat her? What she stayed? Who bought her clothes? Who do her hair? M? What if I control all that? I control you? Timehouse don't work? How about you ain't eating today? Damn what food? Hard to fight when you're humble? Fine, I don't give a damn it. She is five. She acts like she fought it. She disrespectful. She ain't got no relationship with this woman's father. She disrespecting him, disrespecting her. She don't know what to do. She fittning. Send this fool up to school. Now, you gotta teach her fit to deal with this ignorant five year old. Ain't nobody fitting to do all this with this five year old? Five? Take this thirty year old ass whip, and I'll bet you will be five. Hum. Okay, Steve Real, let's stop it right there and come back with part two. If you're in to today's letter the subject I am so sick of my daughter, we'll be back in twenty three after the hour you're listening to. All right, Steve, here we are part two of the Strawberry Letter for It. I really don't know how we got a part two. You got a five year old that can't nobody control. You got a five year old that the mama can't control. The daddy of the baby can't controller. The parents see that the baby out of control. They're trying to stay out of it. But the girls behavior crazy. The doctors want to put your baby on medication. You don't want to go there. Well, what can we do instead of medication? I have told you the lst vera Harvey ash poop and academy hass openings in it. I can share with you the things my mama has done to me that turned me into the man that I am today. So what we have is, Junior, is there's a re enactment. Junior is the five year old. I wonder why, why why do you ask? Okay, so Shirley, Yeah, you're gonna be the mama. I'm the grandfather. Oh because he lived in my house. So I'm the grandfather. Shirley, You the mama, Junior, you the baby. Shirley asked the baby to do so, all right, come on in here, sweetie, Breakfast is ready. Come on in here so we can eat. I ain't humbry, Look you are hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal. Of the day. Mama, I'm not hum Hey, who are you raising your hand? That little girl holding wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. The boy said he ain't humble. It's the girl. I'm not junior for real. Yeah, the baby sounds just like like okay. Take two. All right, Keisha comes to Chapman. Keisha coming in here in the eat breakfast. I ain't Keisha. Breakfast is the most important. Say I ain't hungry. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, Yeah, let me talk to him. Oh with the baby names, Keisha, h you ain't hungry, I said I would. Okay, cool, I bet you be hungry to morrow. Why why I'm gonna be hungry to morrow because you ain't gonna get a damn thing today. You don't run the food in here. What did you just say to me? You old man, don't run the food in here. We we cook for you, We bring your food. You need to sit back. This ain't even your house, Kisha. Know you stop that. You don't talk to your granddad. I talk to him, and you like that? Oh my god? What what? What? Two? It's a couple of things you don't know. First of all, I make all the money in this house. And that's real. That's playing in this skit and in real life. You understand that town. Now what I'm trying to tell you, little Keisha, if you want to continue to grow any taller, you're gonna watch your mouth and get respectful of your mama out and bought everything in this house. You ain't getting another damn bite to eat till tomorrow. Well, I tell you what, it might not be that long because you ain't gonna be here. What Keisha, don't talk to your papa like that and take your hands off your head. I ain't gotta do nothing. You tell me. This is what I want to do. Keisha, I am your mother. Talk to me. That's under speculation. We ain't show about that. I carried you for nine months. You are mine. I ain't seen it. What, Daddy, You're gonna just stand there and let her talk to me like this? No, I'm not let me madge something shitty? Yes, Daddy, No, I'm just asking, Yes, Daddy, I need your present permission. What is it? Daddy just asked me and I stop. You're gonna end up going to jail. Well, I'll tell you what that may be very well. The case, I may go to jail, but I bet your ass gonna be real respectful for our go dad. You know we've tried whipping her behind nothing worse, no, no, no, see, I was listening to the radio show. Yes, Steve said, daddy, Dad, we need to take him, this little evil health for Keisha to their lost, very hardy ass whipping the cattle. I've never heard of that. What is that? Oh? Oh, I'm know you ain't see that's why you're talking back to everybody. Because your mama been putting you in time out and spank you. But you ain't never had what you really needed because because daddy, I didn't want to raise her like you know we were raised. I just wanted to try something new. Well you see what you got you don't you? Yes? I didn't want to beat her and I got you you doing once? Kisha? You stop that right had five ain't got nothing to TWERKU. I can't do what I wanted. Why behind you? Because I don't believe in beating her. Miss Carr Sherley, You're gonna have to take matt Okay, don't beat the baby. Let let me Keisha. Hi, Kisha, you know what I'm gonna do no serious of things. This is what you ain't heard rule number one. If the vir Harvey ask hoping a cat me, do you want to get slapped into? Next week? We booked me for thirsty. That's the same, ain't Tommy said? And I'm glad you bought it up because your aunt's gonna wake up to fry. You stopped that twerking. You stopped that? Where'd you learn that? Or from you? I've learned from watching you. Okay, here we go, Shirley, Yes, daddy, let me talk to a Keisha huh No. Item number two at the las Via Harvey a whooping Academy? You ready for this? What is you're about to get a not snatched in you? M Oh, I ain't never heard of I know you ain't see all this is stuff? Are not? It's when I jerk you so hard, you standing there looking like a presser. I like my mama, just pen me this now. I know you like your mama did. But were you going to the Harvey Whooping Academy? Now we snatch and knock, send people right here and we send the kids off in the next week. Did they tork at the l Verry Harvest? If you want to, you're gonna get your ass bone broke. We gotta get out of here. Listen, Email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM or at My Girls Shirley. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Jay is here with another one of his crazy segments. This one's called mean things you can say to kids? Know what, Jake, ain't nobody fitting to do that. I didn't do it. You ain't never done it. No, I can't do that. I'm fitna go. I'm hosting a little big shots got no shut up. Yeah, there's that because I didn't care for you don't want none of this? I mean you want to. No, I'm not gonna y'all do it. Don't have it. Old Jake ain't got nothing to do with this. Tommy, you let me on this. I'm wich these are mean things. So he's not hurtful things. I would never heard a job. I don't think by saying me. It's just just I'm not gonna just cause physical harm to the little purse. Just tough love. But if you do some of these things. It's just just to see that look on their faith, especially if they're really small, act like they're invisible. When you can't see him, you go, I go hear me. Look, hey, hey, billy, hear me. Billy, where are you? Hear me? Reilly? Where you go hear me? I was like, damn it, you see me? Oh? I got it so much fun, Jake, take him to take him to the park. Put him on that merry go round spin. It is fashion. I'm talking about. What is it? Just kicking and stroke a high speed when days go stop, stop, everybody getting the car. We're going to McDonald We're going to have me hit and keep driving passing. They can sit. Oh, we can't go to that one. We're going to one down the street. One right now, A little fun down the street. This this Thanksgiving when Thanksgiving come? Man, you one that's by five years old and whispering is ear That ain't your dad never told right before he said that little table that's so fun because he don't want to eat. I'll tell you what I've done. This pillar kid go hide in the cloth. I when they're getting that lean on the it's not bodily harmed. You would never got it going right here, right before going to sleep. This is what I heard. Now, I'm just telling you to so you can sleep comfortable. I just want you to be comfortable on the night. But I'm giving you this information. You gotta say it like this the bookman Net, he's coming, took this all night. Leap tight. Don't let him get you. I got a good go ahead. You go home with a dog, lee straight and lovely. She said, I bought you a body. But he got away at right away. I don't know how I had him. Just as we pulled up, he jumped that time ran away. I know this is not right. Okay, here go one. Put him on that swing set and swing them as high scary you know, man, when you drew the line a little while ago. Now, I got a little one to take them to the ice cream. Let them get what is ice get? Three scoops is always good? Yeah, I want jiggling Manila and I won't growberry and just a day walking bump them so and fall on the ground. They see the little faith and you a lone of money. We can't go back. We can't go back, man, That is if I'll tell you what Jake, if you got a six or seven. I don't even know why I got it, but I'm in the You gotta when they have breathle make some pack, get some pa, but put hot salt up under the serve. You won't believe the looking. They not a lot because you don't want to hurt. Yeah, but when they feel like when out that serruve is not sweet? Okay, here here on d simber de simbo. First, uh huh. Sit them down and say, listen, Santa ain't coming this year because we ain't paid the Russia US. I got one to go out with it one. Tell them the TV completely off and tell them hardtoons ain't coming home today. They don't have them no more. We can't get can't get car TV, don't even get cartoons nor more. I'm sorry. I wish you could. Wish we could get something happened, but we can't get can't get number football. Really, Steve, I'm not doing. We'll be watching little big Shots now, we will, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening Steve Show. All right, guys, it is time for something funny. I know you got it. I know I'm ready. Man, I was listening to l some old LTD Steve Man boy, who you know you fo me? I forgot how bad they were man, bad dog dog. Oh your feeling fair, your touch, your touch has grown cold seeing someone else controls your very soul. I'm fooled, down hearted. As long as I can, I can feel the present or another man taking my feet. You would stay just to watch me do drift away from lives with the can't stop the hurting, leaving on the run, taking awful grahamy like you, the only one I know why. I can turn anything, be prepared any time to carry all so minute by minute by minute by I keep holding on man who else? Somebody? Oh James Shure anyway, anyway, just say it man, sag blas show baby begins, So let us side meeting. Pass it by Gavi to make you cry. See the man with the bru huh You see that he is sad, Oh so sad, so bad, so bad, so bad. Come on, Shirley, oh intruders. I always Mamma, She's my favorite girl. Only get one, you only get one. Yeah, I always love my Mama. She brought me in this world they talk about my mama. Come on, come on, I want to know your name? Yeah? Who stay one old over bab man, I really want to be with you about waiting got verse two? Come remember me, Benbauch. I know if you don't you another? Nope, if another, that's the way you go. Don love thing a down name now with down name now taking the right Carol Melbourne and the Blue Nose. Come on see, Oh lord, you don't know me by now you know me. I'm in here all the things. Yeah, it is that we've been really thrue baby, I've gotten mine and woman, you know you got your shoe? Boy? What about this right here? Oh the greatest? Yes, miss miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you, miss you baby. That's Harold Melvin. Girl, I shoot the body that I just can't live without you. And that's why I'm confessing my love to you. Baby. Who else? Who else? You didn't do the dramatics? Oh yeah, right now you gave you roll it all nobody knows. And he wasn't true. He tried and listen to this sweeter than you never sweet up my shot set him on the wacos chain. Always know what the girl could never So now he's trying hard to get you back. But you know the fool's hearts maid of cellphone, you can see through that when he had your loves and the palms of his hand, he just wasn't sent this mad. I show him jobbed and con I'm that he hand that have another go right that by yourself. Oh, let's give a toe, give to give her toes to the food who lets you go? Who lets you go? You can't hurt you no more no no no to the fo to the food who lets you go? Who lets you go? Now we're together. He can't at your no. Let's have another one. Ye. Make you drive that music, make you drive across country when you got good music, let me tell you it'll make you drive a cross cut your or reason. Yes, listen, that's what we gotta keep that in the show that's coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for comedy Roulette. Jay, comedy roulette. It's very simple. Give us five subject. Put him on the wheel, been the wheel, whiched up, would do the damn thing. It's number one. Your mama's show. Got a lot of uncles. Yeah, number two, you know why you didn't graduate. Number three, Just because I like to take a break, don't mean I'm an alcoholic. Okay, Number four, you didn't quit. They fired you behind. Okay, I didn't quit. They fired your behind. Number five, You ain't the only one going through something. Yeah him, good, mama, Mama, she's strong, all right. Okay, it landed on You didn't quit their damn well, you didn't quit that good a job. Don't nobody quit a job at the post off? They fired you. I saw police escort drive your ass. Don't nobody quit what the police escort? You's fired from that job? When you got junior, I'll tell you what you know they got fired. When you hear a righteous speech, when you hear a righteous being, let's talk about. You know what what I refused to do, my brother is I refused to work for the white man. I'm not gonna be in there now. You didn't quit, they fired You. Tell me when you show up at the job with your key card and it don't work, don't you just keep swiping it and swiping You didn't Yeah, you got five? Ye you're sitting down the Starbucks with your laptop open all damn day, you on your fourth grand day. There's so many people that came in there, people that went to work and got off working. The student you're talking about out and quit because you know, I'm trying to find myself at the Starbucks. Don't let me do something when you use the phrase see I don't go over them money because they tripping over there, you know, the with it tripping. They tripping over them, and they tripped on me, and then I'm tripped on the wrong person. The fi. I tell you what. When you walking the barber shop on a Wednesday and see Curtis in there was a flip flops. You got flip flops on it on a Wednesday? Dog do why you ain't that work? Curtains? Why you hire? You gonna come in here? Till said, oh doscie, man, I was they tripping over that dome? I called it? They fired. When you get to working, everybody whispering and looking at you from over they kill me and just keep whispering, and somebody just come by and say, man, it's gonna be all right. You didn't you didn't get fired. You down after? Why playing ball? At all the lunch time. Yeah, she ain't man, you ain't working now? Man? They racist, they down racist dog Racism has existed since we got here. It ain't just start on your job. Somebody don't like black people to get out of here? All right? More of this crazy is the ignorant show Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. A report by Zillo finds it nearly twenty two and a half percent twenty two point five percent of you as millennials. That's age, it's twenty four to thirty six. They are living with their mom, which is about twelve million young adults. And why haven't millennials moved out on their own? Well, according to the report, twelve percent of them are currently unemployed. Now he got a job. Does he live with you? Yes? He does? Well, what do you live with your mom? And you pass Millennis? What range is that? Well, since he has the most kids, I think we should defer to Steve on this one. Steve, you have some rules for when you live with someone until you get on your feet. Now, this is not for millennials any anybody. Okay, So I don't want to make that I don't want millennials or field that way. This is forbody. You've had people stay at your how I had people come live with mellege college roommates and stuff like that. It's some stuff. Now, these are Steve Harvey's rules for living with someone until you get on your feet. These are dudes and don'ts. Some things you need to keep in mind. Here's one right here. Your goal every day is to make it seem like you there, but you not that. Yeah, that's your goal. That's when you wake up get it in your mind him, but look like I ain't because you get asked to me you don't want that. Here's another one. This is very important. Your car should never block me in what I know, I can't want to go out and I go out there and your car in the day where you in that sleep. Yeah, in fact, I got news for you. Your car shouldn't even be in front of the house up the street and walk down to where you live, rent free round the corner, park at the up the street, at the parking lot, at the grocery store. That man. Try to make it look like you ain't even got no car. If you're watching TV in the other room, Yeah, your laugh should not be where I can hear, but I lay down. Just good bucket. This should be your learn how to laugh like this. Let me show you how you laugh from your people. You can't be enjoying their TV and all. This is how you let what it is real funny. That's gonna be hard. Yeah, Steve, put me out. I don't give a damn what you want. Here's another one. Don't let me walk in the house and have to tell you to get out of my chair. Yeah, you should only sit. I'm gonna tell you the areas you want to sit here, kitchen, your bed room, and occasionally in the band. Don't be taking read material in there. What you focus? Focus? Focus? All right? Tub When we come back, last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss him. We'll be back at forty nine after you're listening. All right, Steve, Here we are back, last break of the day, and you're gonna leave us with some closing remarks. Yeah, you know. I want to share something with you that I came across when I was meditating. Me and a friend of mine, Bishop Gettis, down in the Carolinas, who I met on my talk show one time. We formed a relationship. Very very helpful. Bishop gettys he sends me inspiration all the time. He just I mean, just a good dude man, just care about me. He always sends me something timely. And one of the things he sent me I was thinking about on the when I was meditating this summer, and it's something that I'm guilty of even myself. And I was explaining it to a couple of people that work around him, and they would come on, you say that you feel that way. Yeah, man, it's all relative. You know, it doesn't matter how you think my life is the fact that I might be still short in myself is a very very real reality. And there is a possibility moving forward that you could also be short in your life for what it could truly be. Have you ever thought about that you could be making one mistake that's cutting you off from the life that you could really have. You're actually short circuit in your blessings because of a very simple thing that we do. And I'm guilty of this myself. And I had to catch myself this summer and one of the things I came away with I said, Man, I got to dream bigger. I have got to dream bigger because I've exposed myself with people who have so much more. Now, do you need so much more? No? But God said he will give you the desires of your heart. He'll even put some stuff on your heart to desire. You ain't even know what's really there, but he wants you to see that too. So look, I'm out of the need business. I just need him. He's all I need. Of course, I need love and people that care about me and friendship. I'm not saying I don't need nothing, But as far as material stuff, I don't need anything. It's just stuff I want. But it's nothing wrong we want anymore as long as you're grateful for where you at. But here's what happens, and it happens to me, and it may be happening to you. And I don't want you to shortcircuit your blessings. I don't want you to knock yourself out of something that you could have. Listen to me, don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. I'm gonna repeat that, but I got some or don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. One more time, y'all listen to this. This is so good. Man. Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. Oh man, this is so good. Do you know how many times we reshape what we want based on where we're at right now? Do you know how many times you've bought a car based on how much you made? Well, now you saying, well, of course, Steve, you got to fit it in the budget. But hold up, though, but did you really want something else? Did you really see yourself driving a different model, the upscale model. Did you see you with that car but it was fully loaded? I'm just saying, well, you know what you shouldn't do. You shouldn't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. See so you make a purchase based on where you're at right now, when if you kept the faith continue to work. Do you know that God, there's a strong possibility that he was gonna give you the car your dream. But you quit operating on faith, you started functioning on your reality, and so you end up blocking what God could do for you because you made a move too fast based on where you were with what you should have did you should have buckled down and upgraded your conviction, got most serious about it, got more funky with it, got a little bit more determined to get what you saw in your dreams and your visions. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny because where God gonna take you and what it really got for you, you gotta get your conviction to match that. Stop knocking your dreams down because it don't and fitting it into your reality. To date, you gotta try something else because I had to force myself to do it. I got to upgrade my conviction to match your destiny. God has a bigger life for me, and that I know for sure. And many of you feel the same way. You keep saying, Man, there's got to be more than my life than this. Man, I really see God working on my behalf. Just gotta hang in there. You just gotta hanging there. Man. Now, you gotta keep working, but you got to hang in there. When I say hanging there, do not lose faith. That's the hanging in now I'm talking about. Don't give up because it didn't got funky for you. Hanging there, be strong. Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destined Those are my clothesing removed? Well, you better drop the mic on that one for real though? Did he fall? No? He drops? Okay, I don't know. I don't know how the mic on lane? Yeah, I have learned that I really did. I was making this mistake, man, All right, take us home, Steve, y'all have a great week. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.