Steve Harvey's Birthday Shout Outs

Published Jan 17, 2017, 6:27 PM

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Oh hey, Hey, it's my birthday, Stevie. It's your birthday, Stevie. Come on, all right, let's go. More birthday shouts out. It's time Steve, from your friends and your family. Let's go. Hey, Steve is D L. Hugle. I just want to wish you a very happy sixtieth birthday, Steve. It's me D. L. Hugle. I'm talking slowly and repeating myself because I know you're sixty and you're inclined to forget things. Now. Your name is Steve Harvey and it's your sixtieth birthday. Somebody got into his chair. Happy birthday and love you. My brothers have many, many more. I'm happy birthday, by love it. What do you have, Steven? He wanted to know if you were depressed. Now, dear, that's funny. I'm talking slowly and repeating my son. You've got that night is touch. Everything you touch you turned to gold. Happy birthday, Happy freaking mother freaking birthday with Steve hard It's so good to wish you a sixties birthday. Wow. That means I've known you almost thirty years. God is good, and throughout all that time you've been an incredible man. And inspiration, a motivation, a big brother, a shoulder to cry on, and an ear to listen to. And I thank you for that, and I thank God for the blessing of giving you sixty years. So no matter what you do, I know you're gonna turn it up because everything you do you turn to gold and you touch it, and uh, that's your girl. It's going to Raquel, Piggy Graham jump. I just finished reading it in and Coon and yes I did jump over at Cliff into the war. Thank you for that. And keep on motivating us. And I mean you continually be inspired as well. And God bless you, my brother, and I wish you sixty more years and made today tomorrow and you're forever, be forever blast. I love you, got to see you soon. I love you. You've got that money. That's that's mad love. Yeah, that's good man. That's why appreciate y'all. I'm out here bawling. Happy birthday, Steve. This is your boy, Bill Bellamy. I'm telling you right now you are bless man. You got eighteen thousand jobs at sixty, most trusts at sixty. Ain't got one job you run over. You the best. You're crazy you're funny, and you're rich. You would, brother, and just the thing, just thing, bro, you can always get free pancakes. And for real, you're happy, you're mad, you're happy, your own depressed it. That's a good brother, man, that's a good brother. You're listening to show see. Let's go to the phone. What's up, Steve the boy earthquake man, Happy sixties birthday, my brother. Words can express what you mean to me and what you have done for me and my family and for my career. Man, you taught me the most valuable I said, I did and learned in a long time how to love yourself. Man, are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thing you showed me. And listen, Mac, I know it's your sixty, but you're gonna be around here at the eighty nineties, and I hope I'm there to do the same video again. You ain't going nowhere making too much money, brother, And even if your dad leave, if he a hearse with you all taking a man. I love you, man, I love you to death. Express you have a happier sixty birthday. Man, wherever you're doing it and then somewhere being gonna know it. Yeah, all right, I appreciate that quake. No man, you know how a man and man you know how? I met quake in Mobile, Alabama. I was standing in the hotel where the rooms were like facing the parking lot. And uh, he came and knocked on my door. He knocked on my door. And course I kept a chain on my door and a fishing knife on the knife stand. So I opened the fishing knife. I had a fishing knife. It was about foot long and the blade made it about two feet long. Hey, hey, hey, hey, you know this in the eighties and now I come on, what y'all want? Everybody got no fishing knife. Well, one side of the knife scales the fish and the other side of the knife for later fish. And so I kept a fishing knife on myself and about a foot long too. And then when you open it up, the damn the two ft long. So I clicked the blade, I opened it, and I go over there. The people who you know, was in the rag room. So the people whole was like covered up. So I had a chain on the door. So I said, who is it? Uh? He said, uh, my name is something something, And so I opened the door and I saw him. I said, yeah, I canna help you, brother, He said, Man, I saw you at the comedy club last night. I just want to come by and meet you. I say, how you know i'm here? Said because you got on HI tags in front of your dog. I said, okay. He said, hey man, I'm I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm. I'm gonna be a comedian. I just need some advice. And he looks straight. So open up to dough and I quite came into my hotel room and mobile Alabama off Airport Boulevard. That's how I met Earthquake and sat down in the chair man. We started talking and we've been friends ever since. Well didn't use the fishing night scale him because I'm a scared year if you get I was quick back then I was in my body, so it made no difference. Though you do this, however, you won't do it, himp. We do this however you want to do it. Sid I ain't got no problem. I'm gonna let you in, but I'm gonna have if I gotta cut your asses, just gonna be on it. Crack. You can't with me with this knife. I bet you can't. You know, and back then, you know what want Nobody shooting each other back then we're in gang banging, but he just seemed like some straight up dude. So hopen they're doing. We talked and we've been We talked for hours, and we've been crazed every since. Man, good friends every since. Yeah, very funny. All right, here's one more call. Let's go to the phones. Hello everybody. Hello, Shirley Strawberry, Hello caller, Good morning, Junior, Good morning, nephew, johnnas and sixty read the right, sixty sixty when I met him, This is crazy, George, the fool. When I wish you are great, Happy sixty birthday, Happy birthday to happy birthday six years old. Yeah, I want to be like you when I turned sixty. George Wallace. I love you in this Absolutely nothing you can do about it. You understand you're not fit to be sixty again. I can tell you that you can quit wishing to be sixty. Yea, this is ain't a Benjamin Butts moment we have in It's Benjamin Butts. If you think you're gonna be sixty already, George Wallace, man first black headliner I ever saw in a comedy club, George Wallace. George sent me down for an hour after that show at Hilarity's Comedy Club and taught me so much more. Him and Jathany Brown were directly responsible for me staying in the business early. J George Wallace man first black headliner I had ever seen in a comedy club in my life. Nineteen eight six. Wow, yeo man, Yeah, all right, it's Steve sixtieth. We'll be back. You're listening, all let's go to the phones for the birthday. Boy, who's on the phone. I just wanted to just say happy birthday to your baby, just your ex girlfriend. I was a little older than you, and boy, I just want to say I taught you some things. Sugar blog, Happy birthday, Happy birthday, I remember. Oh haste, Kim Wedley, Happy birthday. I love you. Yes, Sugar, you put it on me, but I got scared though, stupid. She had me full for a minute. Yeah, had you food had me? God? Who is this? We have another fun? See it's crazy Cleveland though, Kim Whitley, Yes, right girl, yeah, Cleveland. It's all good. Well, all right, all right, let's keep it going. I'm gonna going back out here in ball y'as go ahead. Well are you? Boy? Boy? Boy, go on somewhere Bora, Bora, Are you in boor born again? Hawaii? Man? Uh? Paris? No, Paris is kind of coolest time. Goodbye, No, Tim, it's sixty. You ain't thinking abby? Are you on earth? Get up to here Mars? But on this mic thought gravity at all? Right? Right? Man? He didn't take that through this board went the albat some of your brain just a little bit Africa, Africa, All right, Well, Tommy tries to figure it out. We have more phone calls. Let's go, Hey, what's up? This goes out to my man Steve Harvey. Yes, this is the slim but still this hilarious. Leville Crawford wishing you a happy birthday. I heard you sixty. I don't know which one you sixty because you got like ten jobs. You hosted the Family Feud, you also got your own talk show, then you got the little kids show that you do, and then you're doing something else. I mean, he's crazy. It gotta be five, Steve Harvey. So I don't know which one safety. So happy sixty birthday, y'all. And you know what, thanks for all the love you show me in the past. Put me on the hoodie one. Let me put pump up my shows. But you know, I just want to wish you a happy birthday. Brother. You're living strong, You're you're doing more than anybody I knowing sixty shelf play golf with Happy birthday, Steve. They all sound different now that he didn't long. Yeah, I like him. When he sounded heavy, it ain't heavy. Hum. Yeah, well, were trying to get it. You know, when he had that pressure on his chest. I put my round Lavelle man, my hands could touch. I was amazed. You're doing good, gratulations and doing real good, doing good, getting healthy, doing this thing. Hell yeah, trying to be here. He says it's five of you. He doesn't know which one is sixty all your jobs, fun show, that's going good man? Yeah? This sick all good too. M hmm, all right, I gotta figure that out. Where he in the Netherlands? Yeah, you wouldn't shoot Game of Thrones you out there? Huh? Tom? Let me, but do you know where that is? No? I don't know where the Netherlands is. You know what stop talking in? Stop is you? Is you in Greece? Where is man? How would I go there on my sixtiest birthday? Food? What Tokyo. Is you in Tokyo? Man, you would know if he was in Tokyo. All that technology they got over the man. I'm gonna take y'all to food off the app so we could stay on that. Before you do it, I'm gonna go down stairs, man, get a different view. Are you upstairs? Hold on? Hold on? You upstairs? What does that mean? That don't yeah? Wait a minute, Wait a minute, you upstairs? You ain't downstairs? Whoa Let me think why that could be? He's going downstaying. Huh, you're in a building, Betty, in a building. He in a building, he's been to go downstairs? Ugoslavina. What else y'all got? Y'all got? We have some more phone calls. Let's talk to it. Let's go to the phone. Steve, alright, man, look, I really appreciate all this love. I really do. Man, Thank you all so much. Man going out y'all way calling all these people, have them call in like that. It's not over, Steve, it is not over. We have more. Let's go to the phone. Hey, it's some more calling to wish you a happy happy birthday at sixty. Don't count the wrinkles, don't count the gray hair. Don't even count the candles, just count the blessings. Wishing you a great and happy birthday. I was sweet, that was nice. I like that. Just count the blessings. Yeah, I'm counting caundles too, because hell, there is blessings to me. Well you're looking that it ain't but fifty nine. That mean I'm I'm died and I was wishing down there on the birthday. But you have such a unique way of looking at age, you really do. Oh no, man, old is the goal. Yeah, old you can. You can. You can sit up and despise them if you want to. But there's gonna come a day when you're gonna miss one and it ain't gonna be good. Yeah. So every time I can get up and have another birthday, I'm all forward, man, I'm looking forward to this year. Sixty gonna be the best year I've ever had to this point. And then when I turned sixty that will be better than sixty. It now, man, I I live my life with the expectations of great things. I'm Ephesians three twenty all day long, all day. What does Oh, it's about expectation, man, It's about always looking for the right things. A matter of fact it e Fesians three twenty. I read this every morning. Um, I declare Ephesians three twenty. Over my life, God will do exceedingly, abundantly over all that I think I ask. Because I honor Him, his blessings would chase me down and overtake me. I will be in the right place at the right time. People will go out of their way to be good to me. I am surrounded by God's favor. This is my declaration. Read that this morning when I got it all right now. So I expect two thousands seventeen to be better than any year I've had before. Business wise, could real wise, projection wise, health wise, family wise. I'm gonna getting closer to God. I'm just gonna be a stronger person, stronger man. You're listening to show h