The Big Dog gets another Emmy. Dennis Rodman takes credit for the change of heart in North Korea. A first time mother utilizes YouTube to deliver her baby. Sports Talk with Tommy talks about LBJ and The Cavs. There are three keys to success in the Closing Remarks and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving the mother just like themaking buck bus things and it's toubles y'all do me true good at Steve hardy guy listening to me together for stoo bar quickly to listen money don't you join? Yeah by joining being men sat turning Yeah you go very you got to turn the turn tibby got the turn out to turn water water go? Comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. Are you are listening to the voice? Come on dieg me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. Uh. This is something that I've really been focusing on for the past uh a couple of months, to be honest with you, and uh, I want to share it with you today because I want to encourage you, because that's something that's available to you that I've rarely spoke on before, and it's something that I've been really really discovering for the past couple of months. And I can't even tell you the difference is made in my life. Um, I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace. You know, when I was a little you see, hear my mother singer song all the time. All I need is a little more grace, a little more grace. All I want is a little more grace, a little more grace. And I you know, I sang it with her, you know, of course, you know, walking around the house and stuff, and that we had devotion service. I would sing it with the church people. But I ain't repay it no attention. I really really didn't. Now that I've gotten older and I've come into a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know, Grace is this thing that that God provides for us, and grace it's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today, you know a little. I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't. I don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set, and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think how he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do? How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of Earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind. We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you, if, if you, if you want some of it now. But now here's the thing about grace. It can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you, I would pull all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God's shines on you simply as a reward of some type for His love for you and for you attempting for you attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us would be doomed because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time, nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. I'm not talking to you like I know everything, because I'm telling you I just got hip to this a couple of months ago. I just really started focusing on this a couple of months ago, and I'm bringing it to you because I know to help you if you just benefit from His grace what you already have. But if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get the job. How you end up where you are all the education you thought you went and God and hey, how you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten. You. That's that's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this, Man, If I could have planned my life the way it is, don't you know how to done it when I was living in that car, if I knew how to do it. No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness Man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know? You hear songs like my soul, looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace, That's all I can call it now. Like I said, you can go with church or somewherever you want to, and ministers that the wind, the school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace? Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? Would it not st Now? Check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought. Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try, why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick, tr mind, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you're not You do that every year, you know the vers at the new year, we eat better at the new year. I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, you're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now right now today. What you're weighting on, all you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now? If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you starting out now? You're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming, But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today, you could, you could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace, what He has done for you and provided for you that you don't even see coming that you know, you keep calling them blessings, And I got that a lot of it now, it's all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that wants. So next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people all around the world. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Colex, get this thing started. Shouldn't straw? Hey, good morning Steve, call it for real. Good morning, Steve, crew. What's up the Junior Morning? Let me see how I'm gonna do these last two guys. Let's try this old fool, old fool. Uh that would be me. I guess, yeah, older fool. Okay, that would be me. Because these two fools right here they actually are actually like, you know, freaking fract They're just buddies. You know. They paired that to help him. I'm team Tommy Championships Team, Tommy Championship team. I'm on a championship team, but I'm yeah inside grow Was it a championship team before you came? Was always a championship, championship, championship. I just want to say that I'm happy as a Cleveland Brown fan. Light at the end of the tunnel. The draft is over. We've made substantial strides. I'm looking forward to this upcoming football season and their first win. You like the quarterback, they too, Yeah I do. I like Baker Mayfield. Well I thought you wanted that running back? Oh yeah, yeah, oh oh, I wanted what I wanted to Browns to do was pick sa Kwan Barkley at number one. The Giants and the Jets had the next two picks. I don't care who they picked. They could have picked Baker Mayfield and Donaldson. Yeah, we could have picked big Josh Allen or Josh Rosen. Don't make me no difference. We'd have had a quarterback that's better had one we got, and we had baddest dude in draft. Shekan Parkway. That's what Steve Harvey would have did it. Coach, I don't know how he's still there. I just I just don't. I've never seen this happening. No coach wins one basketball game in two years and continues to coach. I just I just one game in two years. I don't know how many games has he lost. Steve thirty thirty, He lost thirty games. You can't do any job and still keep your job times. You can't be late thirty one time. I know, Temmy, if I'm talking about since we count, what are you talking about bothers me? But come on, let's be real. I've been later you sometime. I'm going all the way back to when you used to be in bed and call in, Well you're going back to the dog two thousand and one. What she's absolutely criz no this wait a minute, Tummy. What Shirley is saying is actually this of the total team, your number of late and absentees is more than all of ours. Coming find, come find. Wow, that's Tommy. All right, listen, it's time for something funny. Funny. Yeah, we'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time for something funny, guys. You know, yesterday was the annual Daytime Emmy Awards. It was streamed live on YouTube. It was hosted by our friend Mario Lopez and her very own Cheryl Underwood. We love her. Congratulations girl, Steve, you were nominated for Best Game Show Host for Family Feud, Family Feud, for Best Game Show, Best Informative Talk Show Steve Harvey, and Best Informative Talk Show. Okay, uh, Steve, you couldn't make it, but Jay and Junior were there. So how did it go? Guys? How did it go? How did you mean? Oh my god? Why that's so close? All right? So, so when Steve won, you guys want to be h We brought home the girl baby, but you had a speech. I'm gonna my life gonna change right now and then y'all know I'm gonna be different, so you made it about you. I'm gonna be different for real. How different? Y'all gonna see the statue everywhere? I'm taking the statue everywhere. Group that won the Oscar for the sound track to Hustle Me three six, they had their Oscar in a bag and go out to the party was out hard. H Right, I'm gonna do the same thing I'm doing, saying that I'm putting a hole in the head and win around my neck that when I'm we're gonna have to take this back to the flavor or I might make a ring out of it. Yeah, go ahead, Carl. I was gonna ask what did y'all do yesterday? How did the day go? Because you know, the stars get ready for the Wars show. We get to see you know that all day long? That's it and everyone. Yeah, I called it, but I told him turn turn on all of us over and over a Look where I come from, there's nobody I know has ever been to anything like this. You know what I'm saying. So you know my name now has changed. Award winning Junior, don't I have to remember that you addressed me as Mr Jake, but Mr ja it is a really big thing. Though he's no longer here, he's kai ear and I won't hear as much. And can I point out something? Can I point out something? They are more hyped than the man. And he didn't even go. I'm just sitting here listening to these two things, going, oh man, they that's to be action. You won't though, That's why they don't have me go no, But yeah, you can't. You can't make it. So you're sending your representative Junior and Jay and my daughter, your daughter Laurie and accepted for me. He was a little embarrassed of the way we acted. But but Steven, are you sure it wasn't because when you didn't win that time, the face that you had on with my family asked me not to go to no more because when you don't win dead, They was texting me, let me pick your face. When you didn't win, you did not need close to understand his lips. After he told everyone what not to do, he went and did it. She not winning, it's not what I do. So when the award go to other way. Just I don't need to be in the room. I'm not gonnaunderstand it. I don't know nobody who should get it over me. I'm not accepting of defeating it's it's it's all wrong, just so many levels for me. So I stay away from those things anymore because I just can't. Man, you are the Westbrook of entertainment. When you leave, he was not. He had a little he needed a time out. Man, we understand. So here's my deal. I'm grateful either way. Really at the end of the nomination, right yeah, because I just had to come to the terms of all. I've just come to the realization. I had to realize two things quickly. You're in it for the awards or you in it for the rewards. And my life has become so rewarding that that's why I look at it right now. I win, you know, whether they give me the trophy are not a win. You know. I'm grateful for the for the victories, but I'm also a lot more accepting of the non victories because it ain't about wins and losses. See I said this before. When life ain't a game, this is a contest and you could get your blue ribbon. All you gotta do is go to the fair. I'm after fair and I got blue ribbons, so I'm fine with go ahead. So ain't no more wins and losses in my life. This is a contest, and I'm a blue ribbon winner in one of these categories, and so can you be. You just got to pick the right category. Everybody's gonna have the biggest pig. Somebody got going on there with the ripers tomato. Somebody got to show up with the orange just pumking. Somebody got to show up there with the strongest chicken. Just get in your category and go get your heard. Shirley's Bush got chicken, strongest, best chickless basket of apples? Who do that? People? Sure? Whatever? The best apple sad and I'm just looking normal, Okay, to get all these strong chickens out of here. Coming up, we're gonna have changed church complaints. You know this is Monday. You know something went down at the church. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're going to announce our big winners and our huge Essence Festival trip giveaway. But of course it is Monday, and it's time for church complaints. Yes, beat, oh lord, yeah, Monday moaning to be exactly that's right. What other ways to start your day? Dann to have people that you ship with? Yeah, give your time and grace, dimity that's right, strong jevity strong gevit and hollow peciousness and hollow peciousness. What is hallo peciousness? Look it up? Get yourself a thisaurus these words at the don't try to spell it, oh, deacon pas is holopecious. It's when you hope you don't have bad breath, and if you do get halopecias, it might have a little bit to do with your hell. So that's bad breath and hair. You know you're cutting into your complaint. Turn right right now? I am not complained. You you want to do complaints or you want to question your leadership, Well, when my leadership makes it, go ahead, old with the complaints, right, Sister Delorius Kavanaugh pastor, as you know, she just had knee surgery. She couldn't afford the part that allows you allows her to be in so she stands the entire service. He's asking if if we could buy her a stand up bathroom. He's been going out of her window at the house and she lives on the third floor. People below have been really catching it. We're not really understanding what you're seeing. Me say that one more time. The lord, it's Calvin. Now, don't be in. Now, what's she doing in the bathroom? What I'm saying. She's asking. She stands the entire time. She can't see that. He can't being passed. He's asking if we could buy her a stand up bathroom. He's been going out of the window at high apartment. He lives on the third floor, and the people below I catch hit it. Pay I'm not understanding. Everybody else is getting it out. That's gotta get it. I'm your partner in criming this hill, and she got of needed. Don't be in. She got him bath. She in the bathtube and she can't sit. I didn't say she was in the bath tub. Bath What do you say? I said that she he's asking for us to buy her a bath I stand up bathroom, That's what I said. Or stand up bad fruit TARLTT so she can go to the She didn't say that. He didn't want to say that, was not wanting to say or stand to be graphics that graphic boy. All right, well, a stand up, Tarlett Path. She's been going out the window on the third flout the window. You need to using the bathroom, her water the room. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't think it gonna go like, okay, we we need you help or no, we need videos in order to see exactly what now you want to see how going out the window for me to believe this the whole thing's even true? Do you need these complaints on Friday so you can all you got? I'm thinking it would have been real simple to just instole the trine in the world and hull, but you obviously ain't. Hadn't daughter yet you can't solve nothing. And the train is for number one? What about number two? It's number two? If you if that's all we're putting in there now you've been number two and out the window. Now you got probably putting in Sharlette, Sister, Shirlette, get out of the complaints. You're not gonna do with ug your way out of him now. He's right about that, tested Sharley, you're gonna have to be crying with these Jesus. We can't even write a joke. It's some sugar hunter, I iced t joke. Deal with it. Your nerves are bad. Let's move right along, pastor. The iced tea lemonade competition is this Saturday? Uh? There thirty entriests. The problem is we need six hundred pounds of sugar to pull that's out. Do you give the green light for the church to spend money on this six hundred pounds of No, we can't do that, Deacon coach. Just last week, we have a kool aid contest, right and pretty much all the sugar in the city is gone. It's on the back order. We trouble with sugar, the black photo, sugar cold. But we have thirty interests past and in order for thirty interests to do the iced tea lemonade competition, we need at least six hundred pounds of sugar. Yeah, and and and just what I said, Deacond, we're gonna have to postpone the iced t lemonade competition. You're going to well, I'm sorry, but we is gonna have to move this back to after fourth of July, after the fourth of year line. And he put that in my books. After a lot of sugar gonna get sold and now making barbe q, you know, punch things like that. So we're gonna have to wait till after all. Right, I'm moving along here. Our brother Raymond Perkins, who UH was six hundred and twenty two pounds if you can remember passing, just got the lap UH surregery lap band surgery, and he is now a hundred and seventy pounds. Can you please talk to him and ask him to stop robbing the candle lad after church? He is on his way back up to then UH at six twenty two. He's a hundred and seventy nine pastor. But you're gonna have to talk to him because he has been robbing the candle lad everything signing. I didn't know who he was or he had come to service because you know he was bed ridden ye when he was six they could the head to bring his ass out through the roof. He was on the sick. So I saw the boy robin and candid. Later, I didn't recognize him because last time I saw it wild and I went to have a prayer to hout for and he was six two, so I didn't know that was him. He down to one seventy. You see he's down through a hundred and seventy pounds and he he's yeah, his skin and we're not. Yeah, it's just hanging on him. That's the one. That's what I didn't want to say that. I didn't want to see that. I thought it was a job and suit on him. I'm so sorry. He's gonna be all right. We won't get him some more we need. Is there anything that can tighten the skin? Well, if we can use our sister Peril or Bailey's granddaughter, or she does alterations on the quality, we can sew summon that together. I'm sure. Walk up to steps, he looked like a damn jello. All right, thanks guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're going to announce our big Essence Festival trip giveaway winners and Steve Harvey. Check this out, guys, Steve Harvey is trending on Essence dot Com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, we told you, guys to register for our big Essence Festival trip giveaway. Well, now it is time. We want to give a shout out in a big congratulations to our four two thousand, eighteen Essence Festival present Winners presented by Coca Cola Winners. Okay, drumroll, please, we gotta say congratulations going up to Joann T from southernd in Pennsylvania, Courtney H. From Houston, Texas. Yeah, Tayanna H. From Woodford, Virginia. Cassandra D. From Compton, California. Congratulations guy for two? Yeah, congratulations. They each want a trip for two to Essence Festival, presented by Coca Cola in New Orleans July five to the eighth. If you want tickets, um talent updates and more information, go to Essence Festival dot com. Okay, you do not want to miss the excitement. Will tell you it is such great fun at the end, great time. And speaking of the Essence Festival, here's a story trending on Essence dot com. Okay, see that connection right there. All right, there's no question that Steve and Marjorie Harvey just might be the coolest, most stylish, and best travel set of grandparents ever. Okay. Mar Jorie took to Instagram on Friday to announce that not only are her son Jason and his wife Amanda expecting their third trial child, congratulations, Yeah, that's grandchild number. This is Jason and Marjorie's son Jason Stephen. Marjorie's son Jason and his wife Amanda. They're expecting their third child, and it's a boy, right, Steve, yes? A little more Yeah, Marjorie said, our family is growing. Jason and Amanda are preparing to welcome their new baby in September, she explained in a video caption they shared that the couple is having a little boy again. Congratulations Steve. Do you and Marjorie for another grandchild? Wow? Man, yeah, say something. I don't know what. Big Daddy isn't stop till they get him. Uh, you know, well you've had practice now, Well you know I wanna you know, I'm man to hell. Is something? It's something else. I got to back that. It's just something I'm gonna have to buy. I don't know what. I'm tired of forwarding. What is money for? It ain't for them. You worked its hard. I'm working hard for me and Margree. This is not the Papa speech. What are you doing? Hear the truth about it, y'all. Y'all want to just do the Oh oh my god, we're so happy. Yeah, it's wonderful. You need to hear the truth it's somebody else thing to come over here. Be scared ad of me. See that's a problem I had my grandkids, all of my grandkids, it's scared of me at first. Well, yeah, because they see me on TV all the time. They pass me. That's Papa and they'd be clapping for Papa. But when they see Papa step out that damn p So some must go by before they understand. Huh man, he stepped out that TV. Anyway. Congratulations Steve, you and Marjorie and your whole family and your fourth grandchild and it's a boy. Congratulations all right, ladies and gentlemen, she's here the loveliness and trip. Thank you very much, everybody. Congratulations Steve, this is and put the news okay, A new secretary of a state, Mom Pompeo and Mike Pompeio is in a Mom Jordan's after King stops in Israel and Saudi Arabia on a trip aimed building support for new sanctions against Iran to get them to end their nuclear weapons program. Meanwhile, National Security Advisor John Bolton says that he's skeptical that North Korea would actually give up his nuclear weapons if the US formally promised not to attack them. South Korean president says that's what North Korea is that Kim John told him on Friday in a private meeting. However, Bolton says that may just be part of what he describes Yong Yang's propaganda playbook, and we have to wait and see. The reluctant hero of the Nashville waffle House mass murders is now raised close to two hundred thousand dollars for the victims families. On his go fund me page, James Seorge Jr. Hailed as a hero for wrestling the gun from Travis Ryan King, the alleged shooter. However, Shaw, who works for a T and T and has a four year old daughter, continues to deflect attention away from himself and towards the victims. A wonderful young man. Team Mobile and Sprint have announced plans to emerge into one company. They're currently fourth and third largest wireless companies in the US. If the mergers okay by regulators, their combined resources, they say would help create a nationwide five gene network worth more than one hundred and forty billion with a b dollars sad News, the founder of so called Black Liberation theology has died. Reverend James H. Cone toward the Union Theological Seminary, New York City until his death on Saturday at age seventy nine. The Reverend Cone challenged the white dominant theological paradigm in nineteen sixty nine with his book Black Theology, Black Power. The Christian task is to reveil against all masters, the strong, their pretensions to authority and ridicule in the symbols of power. However, pressors never take candid to those who question their authority, and they will try to balance them in a way they can. But if we believe that our humanity is not depended upon their good wheels, then we can fight against them. Even thus it may mean death once again. The Reverend James Cohen, born and raised in Arkansas, was seventy nine tops of the weekend box office. No real surprise. The Avengers Infinity War to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if we could become something more so when they needed us, we could fight the battles that they never could. The enormous numbers for the Avengers of Any War and Black Panther have made Disney the fastest studio to gross one billion dollars domestically and only one seventeen days. We'll be back with more entertainment and today's trending topics twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Warning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Warning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, the Cleveland Cavaliers have advance. No, it is all about the communication now. This is according to t MZ. Dennis Rodman is ecstatic that his friend Kim John Un and Donald Trump, they're both his friends, have this newfound friendliness him so much. Come on over play basketball him. I don't give a rat. I see him give me to me and and take a shot at one time. Can't we get in trouble for this? I say, get that the way, then take it to the hood, playing best best. What is what is it doing? Hey? Your friend you hired? You hired? I love it? And they got too distinctive hairstyle to oh yeah one has a fade. Yeah we got a hard faid. Yeah, well you know he cuts his hair himself. You can't. You can't be over there and do all that and trust the barber. Yeah all that you over when you write, you can not sitting in the barber chair over there. Man. Yeah, so you remember last year June of two thousand and seventeen, during Rodman's visit to North Korea, he supplied Kim John Un with some of Trump's books as a catalyst for the dictator's change of heart about the president and the American people. Now, Dennis is clear he doesn't want to take credit for the good vibes happening here, but he can't hide his joy in the role he played a lot of could go over there, I mean, you gotta get him. Yeah, he doesn't want a lot of I think he does want a little So he went over there win King of two thousand seventeen and took some other players with him, right, yeah, yeah. Remember, so he's saying he took some books over there about Trump. Y'all believe that that's what he's saying. Yeah, Dennis Rodman took some books about Trump over to North Korea that time, the last time they played basket. Yeah, that's what he says, saying. I mean, he's a lie, he told it. Yeah, because anybody seemed have you seen you ju Jim with the book? Anybody name Jungle Jim? All right, we gotta get j Jim do you know coming up in about ten minutes at thirty four after the hour. Daytime Emmy nominated writer J. M. Brown Murder a hit. That's right, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Steve, the daytime Emmy's were yesterday, as you well know. And can you please introduce our daytime Emmy nominated writer for the Steve Harvey Talk Show. Of course I will. Folks, you have no idea the next voice you're about to hear there, it's actually that of a Daytime in Me Nominated writer. I'm not saying what stops saying Championship team. Boy, it ain't the time for that. Just old you get stuck on stuff Junior told me about you. I mean, I'm team Jay, not we are the chance. You don't say that when you're about to do Murder the head ladies and Jimmy chan what up? Everybody can't say Championship Team. Emmy nominated Youth Brown. It's all about me. It's going down. See. There is no meting team. Yeah, but but you don't transpose letters there. It's all about am. There's no iron team, but there's me. The song, right, here is from I think it's from the CEO of Motown himself. His song is called good Man. Why leave it at that? Why let that just sit there? My song is called Tommy, Do you love it? The other man? Come on? The other man or the man or the good I won't me okay, and I get from me baby, cause I didn't get from me baby. I don't want to be the other man other man. I won't be baby. It's all you get from me, babe bad it's ain't get from me. Let it. I don't have to pick my phone up every time I see you call. It don't matter wham man read on it and the drama showing up at my mama said, hold up all in my kids? Do you know him? Right time? I only gotta let it tell you many man at the jello, I'm saying, who I want to feel it? I do everything by myself because I free my patience. Day some baby and a nursing really working by we man have promised to know against heard, and now he's getting mad. You said I hid and desert you. You don't seem to understand. I don't want to be the other man or the man or the good it's all I want me. Okay, you get from me, babe, back I ain't get from me, Babe. I don't want to be a man. Man, it's gonna be. That's how we do. Want to be the other man. Nothing like being the other man. Man, Man saying from my soul, Sing from my soul. That's the song you play the clothes out of concert. Man, Man, Thank y'all for coming night. We enjoy your dinners. Just say it. We made a promise not to hurt one enough. Come on, man, you know what. You know what I'm thinking about. Man, And this is a question for you. Just you, Jake, if your side, peace, Guy, Hold up, hold up, okay, I want the sing audience to know. And what you're about to listen to is two fools talking. Now. He immediately pulled us out, y'all. It's just a big enough question to bring it back to me. We could bring it back. Yeah, let's bring this back, ladies and gentlemen. When we come back, you're gonna hear two fools who should not be advising anyone, ask one another question and get some advice from another damn fool. Right after this, that's what you're about to see. Right here, dammit, don't go nowhere. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right before we get to the nephews praying phone call, Nephew, you had a question you only wanted to ask Jake if you if your side piece died? What? And yeah, if your side piece dies and you're running around your house cry uncontrollably and then your wife wants to know why you are crying? What do you think? Here's what you do? Think? You gotta be you gotta little full boat up. I lost my cat. You don't even have a cat, yes that I've had it for a year. Ain't never met never. I gotta Frank for you. This right here is fp C. Yeah, f PC running that thing? Man. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach you Darwin. Darwin is Darwin? How you doing? This? Is Frank with FPC. We're trying to come down and um see about making an appointment with you within the next weeks. That's possible. Fun for what uh we're supposed to come by. I'm with FPC. We wanted to uh we have what what what is that? What is FPC? Uh? Sir, your name was left with us and you're you're you're on on our file to actually come out and make an appointment with you so we can so we can get your picture taken. You must have their own number. I'm not I'm not signed up to take no picture anything. So okay, well you are you're doing correct? Yes, yes, I am done. And you called Darwin and that's what you call it. But anything about a picture? What what's up with a picture? We've got you on our schedule here, FPC. We have you on our schedule too, uh to actually for us to come out to your home and take your picture? Okay, FPC? What's company is that? What's what's your what type of picture? And would I be taking I'm not taking no picture? But what what is FPC? Okay, you don't know anything about photo being taking a view? Need to need taking? Okay, uh sir, f PC is uh we are this is a Funeral Picture Company, Funeral Picture company, and what we do is we come out and take your picture and we actually keep it on file. That way when you do pass away, we have your picture for your programming. We have a nice picture for you. Dude. Look I'm not did right and hell, you're not taking no picture me who is this again? My name is Frank. Frank. Okay, Frank, you mean to tell me y'all taking pictures of people before they that just so you could have them picture. Oh ful, we're keeping on file and then you have a good picture on your program. And that's what that's what, that's what we do. Ain't signed up for nothing like that. Who the hell signed me up for something like that? I'm not quite sure, but we're trying to schedule where we can come out beginning of next week so we can get your picture taken next week week after you get picture when I'm dead, you're not taking no picture me? Bed that that that don't sound right, sir? Don't you want to have a good picture on your program? So you're not taking the picture of me for no funeral arrangements? That I'm not dead yet? I don't understand that. What the hell is this about? Nobody who signed me up for it? Then tell me that much? Uh? So, I don't have the actual person listed here on who signs you up, but I do have the number, and you are Darwin, Mr Darwin. So I didn't sign up for that. I'm not taking the pictures. Uh. You guys running around taking pictures of people before they die, just to have a good picture on fail that sun man. I ain't never heard of the like that, sir. Okay, sir, are you? I mean we have your address here? Are are you? Are you available? No? I'm not available. I'm not available at all to taking the picture for funeral that I'm not even dead yet. I don't. I don't get that. That that sounds like a much of and I who the hell gave you my number? That's what I want to know, sir. I'm not quite sure. But one thing we have to do is we have to follow through with our jobs. So what we're gonna have to do is we have to come out there and take a picture. So I don't wanna, you know, create a problem, but I have to get a picture of you by next week. Oh it's gonna be problem because you're not getting up picture me for no funeral arrangement, Mr Darwin. I have to come by your house at least by Friday, at around twelve noon. I'll come by and get a picture to you. Ain't come by my guy house no Friday, you lie. You gotta me come over here to try to get my picture. I got plenty of pitching in my house to put on the money funeral program. I'm not taking the getch you that mean I'm claiming to be dead. I'm not dead. That's some more bad look dead. I don't know. We don't. You work for Frank, but I worked. I worked for l PC, Sir, I worked for f PC, FCC. Mike, you're not taking no picture of me. Don't come over here Friday talking about no guy. Piston. You get pistol and you and I hope they got Jill got pitt your on file. That's a stupid company you worked for. I ain't never heard of nobody taking a picture before they die. I got millions of pictures in here for that program. And when I'm growing, I care about what a picture looked like. Or who has my guy funeral? That's a nickna. You tell whoever you work for, they need to go find another my occupation. That don't make no guy just you're not coming over here, Friday, buddy. You come over here if you want to. Okay, Mrs Darwin, yes, are you familiar with with Glinda? That that's my wife? What what you're about to say? Now? I want all I wanna do is say this, man, I just want to say, Glinda, the one that got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy Baby from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Huh, I'll be up boy, Yeah, a little shay little. I ain't never heard of it. It's like there's some FDC funeral kicking. Man. I said my New year resolution. I was gonna cut back on drinking. But you got me over here about the tip a bottle right now? Are you crazy? Man? And come over here to day before get a picture of Clinton. Y'all got me? Baby, you got me. I ain't never heard of no talk to me like that. You wine putting me up to it bad. You're gonna I'll tell you what you're tuned in tomorrow morning. Man, you're gonna catch yourself on national radio and I'm gonna tell everybody. Boy, they're had me hot over here. I'm like, don't tell Clina, but I'm gonna have me a drink anywhere. I was looking for an excuse to funeral fit your thicking. You'll put off foul boy, y'all. You gotta have lost half a million, y'all head with that a here, buddy, I gotta ask you something, man, dum and tell me this here, man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Wick up show, buddy, what y'all thinking? Don't don't you think it should be a funeral? Haven't you go on the funerals and you're like, I don't think they would have liked that hit. You know what I'm saying, that's true you're talking about on the program. On the program, just pick out that got your own. I'm with you when you're writing, is this the business? It's a business, you know. I haven't started it yet. But there's just other Like if radio goals bad, I could be making funeral pictons. I'm just saying it's the one we're gonna go with. Back up career, you know what I'm saying. I got other things I got to do. I got to get the f PC all right. I like it a lot, Steve. See, why why do y'all do all this ignorant stuff? And then waiting this Steve asked me to say that y'all let this on you what dog your program for your funeral? I don't care what's on it. You don't do you want the one from Kings of Comedy? Which one do you want? You know what I think they all to do comed mind. I want them to put your picture on. No. That means we vote gone. No, no, no, you still here, but that will be the most famous you ever being. Alright. Coming up next is the Strawberry Letters. Subject this is tearing my heart apart. All right, look like them Calves are still in it. Them homeboys came through a little a little scary, but we in it. You're listening to Steve show Lebron one of the greatest games seven players to live. Go cal baby. All right, we want to say congratulations Steve. Daytime Emmy Awards were yesterday. We're so so proud of you. You were doing your thing. Best informative talk show host Steve Harvey is what winning all. That's all it does, is win. Right now, it's time for the Today's Strawberry Letter. If you do need advice and relationships on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more. And they could have both had a crisis at the same wow, because that was pop ting worthy. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter, subject this is tearing my heart apart. Here's Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty seven year old wife and mother. I have been married for fourteen years, and my husband and I have four children, and we are raising a fifth child, which is my sister's child. Here's my issue. Three years ago, my younger sister called me and said she was pregnant and she wanted to terminate her pregnancy because she already had two children and this pregnancy was unplanned. I talked her into having the baby, and I told her that my husband and I would raise the baby for her. My husband and I were not in the best place financially, but we were committed to raising the baby. When the baby was four days old, she came to live with us. She will be three years old next month. Well, now my sister has decided that she wants her daughter back. My husband and I are devastated. We never really, we never legally adopted her, but we are the only family that she knows. My sister even put our last name on the baby's birth certificate when she was born. My sister is a great mom. I won't i that, but I know that my husband and I are a little more stable than she is. Me, my husband, and our kids have all adapted our lives to care for and nurture this baby. And this is tearing my heart apart. What should I do? How can I get my sister to leave well enough alone and let the child stay with us? Please advise, this is major right here. I think this is a really tough one because I'm gonna tell you, I see both sides here. I empathize with you the sister. Uh. You and your husband and your family have made great sacrifices to help your sister UH raise this child and be there for your sister. Uh. The child You're the only parents she knows, I'm assuming since you got her when she was four days old. UM, But I also see your sister side. Who is her birth mother, who gave birth to this baby, who is feeling that maternal and that maternal pull uh to get her baby? You yourself said in the letter that your sister is a great mom. You're not going to deny that. I understand that. UM. You know you have an attachment to this kid as well, But you already have four children. I don't know how many children your sister has, but I will say this, Um, it's going to be tough, but you have to think of the child. You have to think of the child, what would be best for the child, and if it's going to be best for that child to be with his mom, be with her mother. Children make adjustments very quickly, they adapt very quickly. Um. You know, I say, stay in her life as her aunt and let the the your children, and her dad stay in the family. I mean, you're not going anywhere because you are her aunt. So I would say, since you didn't illegally adopt her and the sister wants her, I guess, give the sister, give the baby back to the mom. This this is really tough because no, no, no, no, no, no, it's not tough. It's nothing here, there's no adoption. It's her baby. Um, she wants the baby back, and the baby gotta go back to the mom. It's it's it's tough with because of her feelings for the child. But the decision, it's it's a no brainer. This is not gonna hold up in a court of law or anywhere. You're not even talking about taking it to the court of law. I got you all, Thank you all the more stable it's her baby. Too bad. She gave it up, but you talked her into keeping the baby. So now she kept her baby. Now she wants the baby back. Man, I said this Strawberry letters over really really quickly, because there's nothing we can say, any damn thing we can say. Yeah, give the back. But but to me, it's tough because I can see both sides, and I know of situations like this. It's tough for the people that raise the baby as their own to the baby as well. You know, I mean, how are you not gonna give it back? What's she gonna come over there and you're gonna what d you give? You give the baby back? They didn't even legally adopt her, as she noted in the letter. But you know, and like I said, you have to think of the child, and the baby will make those adjustments I'm not talking about. Did y'all see me get on this letter and just be directing blunt. This ain't the time to play because this lady don't want to give up this child. Now. You two foods have done enough this morning. That's what happens when you happens if your side piece died and you at the house crying un controlling. That's a legitimate. That's that's why we give y'all. Y'all's moments the straw pat let us stay your ass out. That is just born. I want my baby back. I'm not all right. Damn foods every gets in your name. He didn't know everything is them too saying that. Steve, she's saying, give me bad. Not on the move, Ja not now, Emmy nominated JA for that. You gotta play for everything, Jay. These people are in a precarious positions. It's messed up for everybody on every angle. They've grown adopted to the little girl the other kids love and they want maybe back. Say time your damn real, so say no murder. Say what you're saying again, give me my bad. They had to get up? Are you saying they had to get her from some all? She's saying, he didn't. You've made your point. He stopped, Steve, he might fire all three. You don't want to give me the baby back. Maybe you might understand this doing in a song. You gotta be at least hungry, all right, Listen Steve saying this, it's just that simple giver of the baby back. So we'll wrap Part two coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are with part two of this strawberry letter. Uh, this is tearing my heart apart, but we really don't need a part two. Um, you know, we both agree. I think it's tough. Steve doesn't think it's so tough. We've both agree though, that she should give the baby back. Um, God, why did I say that? I don't know it, but thank you, but we gotta get out of here. Listen. Uh, email us your strawberry letters, your issues, your parenting issues, just like this young lady did to Steve Harvey. F M and click submit strawberry letter. Okay, we're gonna switch gears now, Jay, so you won't sing that song. You can get on. Steve nerves some big headlines from the NFL draft. Steve, we have to say congratulations to one handed Oh oh, to the guy that's one hand, to the one handed lines board that's to really get on this championship team. He said, the man drafted. I said a big hand for hell. No, I said, we have to say congratulations to one handed linebacker Shakin Griffin. And then you said a hand for him. He'll join his twin brother Shaquille and play for the Seattle Seahawks. Yeah. Man, yeah, if you recall Shaquille Shakim ran the forty yard dash, uh in four point thirty eight seconds. That four point three four point eight seconds, girl, Well that's that's what he ran it in four seconds, the forty yard dash. That's the same thing that you and Tommy did, right, same point thirty eight seconds is what you see. Well, I'm just looked like I was running at four point three eight six, No idea. I don't know what Tommy looked like. What should I say? Hanna say it? Yeah? What should have four point three eight? Oh not fourt Do you know this boy would still be out there four point thirty eight seconds. If you run a full forty yard dash with thirty eight seconds attached to it, you you won't be in the NFL, you won't be playing you can't play table tennis. Oh my mad and I really care? Okay, alright, so four point three that's how you say it ran the forty yard dash and four point three seconds at the combine, the fastest time by a linebacker in more than a decade. Yeah, yeah, so congratulations, Yeah, it's running backs that don't have that time. Yeah, he's fast. A lot of players don't have that. Now, do you think he'll do good Steve, Yeah, I think he does. Yeah, he will. In Coge he did real good. He has a determination. I mean, I understand the shortcoming to people are thinking he's missing his left hand. It's a left hand is missing. So if a play goes to the left and the ball goes just over his outstretched hand to the left, we got a problem. So a lot of people passed on that. Oh yeah, I mean you just gotta look at it. You're don't fool a lot of people. I mean, I mean, I mean you know, I mean you could tip a ball, bat a ball down. You know, shoe string tackles somebody with your left hand. He doesn't have that, so he has to make up for that. And I think his speed compensates for that. That's fantastic. And his heart determination, He's been unstoppable since then. I just think this kid has it many and to the physically challenged everywhere. I mean, you know what a booth, this is great, this is great. I like what Pete Carroll said, though Pete Carroll said he drafted him because he said well, what he hasn't shown me what he couldn't do. Right, we take a coach of he hadn't shown us nothing he couldn't do. Wow, m that means a lot, because because you have all your limbs and everything. Yeah, but you only got half a bread and I took a real chance, you know, and he might have his whole hand. But I tell you what, in the one, the two he got ain't the size of one. So we got we got that little racco hand boy on this radio trying to hold this grad big old MI great, big old Mike. Yeah, Tommy put his hand on that Mike man like he holds the rain barrel for you. So, Tommy, you and your kin got something in common. Got both challenged. Shut up, Julie, you bought it up and in the same area every since they got nomine yesterday. Make you see things differently when you're not really I see it differently. Player. What makes him amazing is he doesn't have a hand. What makes you amazing is it looked like you ain't. Guy. Really, you're just not gonna let it go. He just can't go move and go on. He can't. Okay, I'll move on. Let's go well we got times. Did you want to talk about Cleveland in the draft? You talked about it earlier in the ship. Yeah, we have a chance here. We got a really really good quarterback. We actually got a great running back in uh Nick Chill. Yeah, we got it. That boy is a running back. Everything sorts many nomination. You know. Let me ask you this, so you know you had a problem with man Zille because he had he had plenty of drama. Does this Quarterback hour drama had some drama. Yeah, he's had some drama. He's good. He just did a couple of mistakes, you know. Talking about Baker Mayfield, the number one draft choice for the Browns. They got mad at because he planned to hold you flag in the middle House state thing. They targeted that and then he ran from the police one time and got tased. He lucky wasn't black. Yeah, I was just thinking, yeah, all right. Coming up in ten minutes, we're gonna talk about the White House Correspondence Dinner the House comedian Michelle Wolf. She drew some laughs, she drew some gas, but did she go too far? We'll talk about you're listening to the string show. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys, we're gonna have sports talk with Tommy uh, the NBA A playoffs, and Steve is gonna talk about the NFL Draft some more because he's pretty happy right now. But also, for the second straight year, President Trump declined to attend the White House Correspondent Dinner. Uh. You know, they have their annual event, and he declined for the second time in a row. UM A charitable dinner, that's what it is to celebrate journalists and the First Amendment. The President was in Michigan campaigning for upcoming midterm elections. Anyway, Comedian Michelle Wolf from UM Yeah, she's an alumni from the Daily Show. She ripped into the Trump administration. We are graced with Sarah's presents tonight. I have to say I'm a little starstruck. I love you as aunt Lydia and The Handmaid's Tale my pen. If you haven't seen it, you would love it. Every time Sarah steps up to the podium, I get excited because I'm not really sure what we're gonna get, you know, a press bree thing, a bunch of lies or divided into softball teams at shirts and skins, and this time, don't be such a little Jim across stop. And I'm not really sure what to call Sarah Huckaby Sanders. You know, is it Sarah Sanders, Is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Is it cousin Huckabee? Is it anti Huckabee Sanders? Like what's uncle Tom? But for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I aunt culter. I actually really like Sarah. I think she's very resourceful, Like she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey I like, maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's lies, it's probably life. Maybe it's miss mccollun. She said, Miss mccollun couldn't be hit a nice he swigging he win. Oh yeah, do you think you good host that? Steve? Of course you can, but I mean we could want to. Yeah. Now I couldn't do that because I don't know enough about the people. Well, it's what even nominated writers, Yeah, she had writers. I'm sure I can't do it though, it's not I want you to do. I want that's what I want you to do. You mean you don't, No, it's nothing in it. How do you win? How do you you can't win? Well, I don't care. I don't All all they do is talk about everybody ain't gonna change nothing. He's steal a president and stuff. But I want to say that ain't on me. It's like a roast. Yeah, yeah, it is how you roasting? Yeah, and you know what, some people are saying that, you know, Sarah Sander, she took it. She sat there and took all of that. She didn't walk out. I mean yeah, she took it. And she you know, live TV so to speak, on c SPAN, and so people are saying, did she go too far? You know? Or some are saying, because administration, you can't go there. But don't they say that every time they have one of these every year they say that. Every year they say that, but they know what it is. They invited and then they sit there and go, she went too far. It's no such things. This is a roast. Every year people get roasted. Stop having the damn dinner if you don't want to get talked about. But the monk fish, she said, it's like a plawn star having sex with Let's just get over you know that. Yea. Why, I'm just get tell you what. You can't be scared though, you can't you gotta say it. Yeah, you gotta. And that's why, Steve, that's why I thought about you, Steve, because you're never here. It's no way I could do it, though, because what I would say coming out of my mouth, I shut the room. Do worse than this, worse than what she said, because she went in first song. I would first open it with the song. And what would that song read? Jay is stupid? What would that? What would that song be? Stupid? I can't do you could do it, You could do it. I'm not going to Oh, I know what song he's talking about. Yes, yes, you can do that. That would set the mood right there. We don't know what y'all talking about. You're gonna have to get the album. I would open the song with Celo Grave, so forget you, fool for you, forget you as you walking out waiting for gets you as the clean version, the radio version, definitely you could lay that out all right. Listen, Michelle Wolf shocked Washington and like, that's it, go ahead that you had to get out coming up at the top of the hour. This is for youth sports fans. It is sports talk with the nephew, uh Tommy, we'll talk about the NBA playoffs and the NFL Draft. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy, this is on you. Your uncle gave you this segment Sports Talk with Tommy. Cleveland Cavaliers go to the next phase. Baby, Yeah, here come to Toronto. Let's go. Lebroad and New Cals. Were need a full strip, but we in day draw, Tommy, we did. Boy, I gotta give it up. Lebron James did it again Game seven babies, Yes, he did in Cleveland yesterday did the dog? How do you feel like? You ought to feel pretty good? Then you got to your first round draft pick. Man, you got out of I think it's gonna be hard for the Camps this year. He ain't got enough supporting cash right now. So I'm just waiting on the end right now. Okay, y'all celebrate that victory. But you know, for us in the calms Round one playoffs is not what we're here for. We're championship quality. Oh I like that, man, You know we don't do that in Cleeve Championship. You think if your quarterback, if your quarterback don't work out, maybe Lebron can go overe No, No, Lebron's not a football player on school. No, no, no, no, that boy played football at school. Player. You didn't miss all these highlights you need. You need to google that you need if he was a football player, time and he'd be playing football. He's the greatest basketball player on the plas athlete. He's an athlete. Boy, can go he could play football? No he couldn't. You didn't see that he could play football in high school. That don't mean you can play in college in the pro. Everybody in the pros, all right, he just said thing' got man? Huh no, no, no, no, no, stop saying that. Man. Have you ever heard anybody say lebron ja when football player? Isn't this food right here? Lebron James played football? And guess whoever Allen Ivason played? Was a quote the back in high school. I'm telling you these boys with ballers, y'all boat sound man. But junior and junior, surely let me ask you this because you know nothing about sports. No me, I'm with you, both of you. But question if ellenor Oveson and Lebron James was such great football players? Were they not really known for being the best basketball players at their position, as that's why they met they chose that Lebron James was the number one basketball player in the country when he was in high schooling against that the number one could he wasn't number one football player? No, they could not have no. Okay, all right, okay, this is sports talk. Yeah, this is anger. Okay, all right, this is anger. Sports talk. This is and then you know what, it's not gonna steal my joy because my Rockets beat the damn you taught jazz just today. So let me tell you some baby, what the ship is here in the lamb? The sheep you like? Your name is shepherd to I love it his name, he looks it's the shepherd boy, yep man? What is your man about the shepherd? He's the shepherd and those are his sheep up there? What are you talking about? Thank you? And and just to make you a little bit more angry, junior, I brobed boy, lost you about Golden State on the side you did? Come on? Tell you I got around boy, sat there and lost by beyond. Boy sounds like a marmal superhero man. His name is Anthony Davis in New Orleans. I prowed boy is listening and we need to get it together. If you're gonna be going I Browed Boy, I need you to win this one. You're the dude. You you want to go fishing because guys who went fishing Greeky Greeky win fishing greeking from milwalking the boy fishing other things. I gotta ask you, man, tonight is Philly against Boston. Tell me what you think, big dog. I'm really really surprised at Philadelphia. I thought their lack of experiencing youth would slow them up. I just found out that them young boys don't care. They do not care. I was thinking that without Kyrie irving, Philadelphia has a chance to beat the great Boston Celtic franchise Philly. And I am pulling for Philly in this series because I understand that we're on in Philly on one oh five point three w D A S And we own in New Orleans and we ate all. So you need to keep that in the consideration as your comedy career progresses around the world. What are you saying, I brow Boy won't come to one of my shows when I go to and you know he's in the audience. You can't wait for you to meet Ebrowed Boy because he gonna make yours touched too, and it will be because his belt bucer gonna scrape cross now. All right, So basically you're saying, you're saying out of the out of the East, it's definitely gonna be Philadelphia. I can't see anybody beating Philly right now. If the Cavaliers had their supporting cast, if everybody was healthy, I would pick the Cavaliers. But they're not. George Hill keeps getting hurt, Kevin Love ain't. The other boys is out that they got on the trades. It's just it's it's it's it's just tough for them right now. J R. Smith came by. I don't know what's happening with him. Come on, and a lot of time getting tattoos, hit the three ball every night and wants every one out the three happened, I could hit it. I can't hit the three point every now and then, I promise you I can't. Yeah, I can't hit one. And that's not what he's there for, paying me to hit him or not. And then you're right once you're doing something, and then you ain't winning. All right. Thank you Temmy for sports Talk. Thank you everyone coming up and twenty after, we're gonna talk about do it yourself these millennials. A twenty two year old woman delivered her baby by watching a video where on YouTube you can do anything by watching YouTube. Right after this, yeah, yeah, I see your faces. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well listen, talk about d I y do it yourself. A twenty two year old first time mom. Her name is Tia Friedman. She's from Tennessee. Uh got a got on a flight to Istanbul, Turkey. Is Simbul, Turkey. She had a seventeen hour layover before her connecting flight to Germany. Well, while on the plane, she started to feel some cramping, but assumed it was the airplane food not agreeing with her. But when she got to her hotel, she realized that the worsening cramps were actually contractions. Guys, Um, yeah, this is crazy right here, done, done, done. I was waiting for you tell me since she was in a foreign country and didn't know if she would make it to a hospital on time. Uh So, in true millennial form, I mean, this is what the millennials do. They have social media at their disposal and they will utilize it. Um. She looked up how to deliver a baby on YouTube? Crazy was getting it done right there though, Well everything else, anything you want to know, it's on YouTube. Anything, Carlor, you go to how to make a baby on YouTube, you know that that's everywhere alright. So miss Freeman, Miss Freeman ran a bath. She had a water birth, uh, for her son. So there you go. She found out how to do it on YouTube. She went and to the hotel bathroom. She ran a bath. She had a water bath for her son. She even delivered her placenta. Looked up how to cut the umbilical cord without tools, she sterilized shoelaces. Uh. Who knew you could learn to deliver your own baby on YouTube? I mean this is crazy. This is crazy, right, I mean, yeah, you're right, Steve, You're absolutely right. I cannot tell human of the Yeah. An if this boy ever talks back, do you know what he's gonna hit? Steve? What is he going to hear? What wouldn't know? When I'm what are you? Who? You? Who are you talking to like that? Do you know that I ran water in another country and out some shoe strings set up in prop my lags up one on the TV and the other one on the head board on the video to brand your stupid. If you don't take that trash out, I will wear your man. This kid can knough down the toilet. You keep talking to me on the handle. It's boy talk bad at all. For some reason, you don't like to take bath. YouTube is a beast man. That's his name. That YouTube Freedman or Freeman to Freeman you can find subscribe. Subscribe is his middle name. Have you ever learned anything anything on on the internet, and you let me tell you what anything you buy? An electronic thing you buy, you don't know how to work it? Go to YouTube. There's a I cannot say that tutorial anything. Somebody, somebody will show you how. You can't say it right now because your blush. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. You know yesterday was annual Daytime Emmy Awards. It was dreamed live on YouTube. It was hosted by our friend Mario Lopez and her very own Sheryl Underwood. We love her. Congratulations girl, Steve. You were nominated for Best Game Show Host for Family Feud, Family Feud for Best Game Show, Best Informative Talk Show. Steve Harvey and best informative talk show. Okay, uh, Steve, you couldn't make it, but Jay and Junior were there. So how did it go? Guys? How did it go? How did me? Oh, that's so close. What did y'all do yesterday? How did the day go? Because you know, when the stars get ready for the war show, we get to see you know, all day long and everyone I called it, but I told him turn on all of us over and over look where I come from, there's nobody I know has ever been anything like this, you know, I'm saying. So it is a really big thing. Though it is he's no longer key or he's kai ear and I won't hear as much and can point out something? Can I point out something? They are more hyped than the man. I'm listening and he didn't even go. I'm just sitting here listening to these two things going, Oh man, they just that's to be action. You won't though, that's why they don't have me going. But yeah, you can't. You can't make it. So you're sending your representatives Junior and Jay daughter, your daughter, Laurie. He was a little embarrassed of the way we acted. But but Steve, are you sure it wasn't because when you didn't win that time, the face that you had, my family asked me not to go to no more because when you don't win, debt, they was texting me, let me pick your face. When you didn't win, you did not need to close to understand. He told everyone what not to do. He went and did it. See not winning, it's not what I do. So when the award go to other way, just I don't need to be in the room. I'm not gonna understand it. I don't know nobody who should get it over me. I'm not accepting of defeat. It's it's it's all wrong or just so many levels for me. So I stay away from those things and the boy because I just can't. Man, you are the Westbrook of entertainment. When you leave, he was not. He had a little fitty You needed a time out, man, all right? Coming up our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here are our last break of the day, Steve's closing remarks. What you got for Steve? Yeah, you know, uh always hopefully what these closing remarks are doing a kind of um, you know, just encouraging people. Really, that's the whole thing. I've got a new thing that I'm going to release. Uh it's called brain drops. I'm releasing a new thing that you can get online called brain drops. And what brain drops are an abbreviated version uh of my closing remarks. But I'm gonna be releasing them every single day, uh for people just out and about sometimes you know, you just you just need a little bit of some type of encouragement, some type of uplift throughout your day. And that's all it's intended to be. So be looking out for brain drops because I'm gonna be releasing those shortly. And so, um, today it's just about success. You know, we talked about it a lot because those are the two things that I know that everybody wants. Everybody wants to be happy and everybody wants to be successful. Those two things. Most people I know want those things right there. And so with that in mind, you know, I just, uh, I want to just share this something really really brief with you about success. Three things I want you to keep in mind on your road to success. There are a lot more, but I pulled out these three poignant things that I want people to really expect when it comes to success, because I think some people go about success the wrong way. They go about success expecting the journey to be successful. That's not the way to go about it. The journey is gonna be challenging, The journey is gonna have setbacks, the journey is gonna have disappointments. The goal is to become successful, but please don't expect the journey to be successful. Understand what the journey is. So let me give you three things. Number one, adversity. The road to success is filled with adversity. The entire time. You will be having to deal of adversity the entire time. There will be some smooth days for you, but the bulk of the days will have a challenge of adversity in front of you, hands down, without a doubt, no mistaking it. The second part of success that I want you all to understand is rejection. Rejection is a part of success. See when you go about success with the wrong attitude, thinking that all your steps are gonna be successful, it's gonna be very disappointing and disheartening for you. And in those disappointments and hardships and setbacks. You'll think, wow, I'm not successful when you actually are. It's just the process of becoming successful. So rejection is a huge part of it. You're going to be told no on your way to yes. It's very rare that you just get yes, yes, yes, yes, no. You're going to be told no along the road to your yes, So expect to be rejected. I know that it's not going to go your way, Know that everyone's not gonna see your point, know that everyone's not going to agree with you, and know that everybody is not gonna give it to you when you want it or even when you need it. Rejection is a huge part. So we got adversity and we got rejection. The third thing I want you to keep in mind to becoming successful are the sacrifices that are necessary. This is a hard one for a lot of people because sacrificing it's difficult. But in order to get what you want, you're gonna have to give up some things. That that is the exchange. Anytime you want something, you're going to have to give something to get it. There is nothing that you can want in life and you just go get without giving something. If you want more people to shake your hand, let's say that's what you want, Guess what you're gonna have to do. You're gonna have to extend your hand to more people in life. You're going to have to give up something to get something. It's sacrifices. You've got to be very very aware of the fact that something will always be required of you. You've all heard the scripture, to who much has given, much is required. Well, listen to this. The requirements are ongoing. If you want the giving to continue, if you don't want the giving part that God has for you, you're gonna have to give up the requirements because to who much has given, much is required. So you're gonna have to get real comfortable with the requirements because guess what, You've been given so many things. So every time you want something, that's gonna be a requirement on your partner. Those are the three things I want you to focus on and think about. And I don't want you to take it negatively, but just understand that's on your way to success. That's what it is. That's exactly what it is. Adversity, rejection, sacrifice. If you can get those three things mastered, you'll be successful. Most people are who are successful, they've mastered that. Those are my closing remarks. Drop it, baby, drop it, drop it, drop it. I like it quiet when I know I like it. You keep on, You're gonna be something one day. I promise you. I'm gonna try. Okay, you just keep at it. Pray my stres no I will. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.