Steve Does Hollywood 2.24.17

Published Feb 24, 2017, 3:40 PM

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all bag all sung looking back the back down, giving them just like the milan buck things. And it's tough y'all to me, true good at the hay guy and listening to me to each other. For Stuart By, why don't you join yea, yeah, ya joining me? Honey, sat down, turn Yeah, you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn the time to lovely, got to turn out to turn water wan go comy, come on your things. Uh huh, I show well a good mone and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show man doing something with it too. You know, I'm gonna quit saying I'm trying. My wife told me the other day. She says, Steve, stop saying you trying. She said, you're doing it. Son. She told it to me just like that. She says, sir, you are absolutely doing it. Stop saying you're trying. Uh. You know what. I was talking to somebody the other day and they said, trying. It's a noble way of explaining your failure, trying to say I tried or I'm trying. It's a very noble way of explaining your failure of not getting it done. And that's the true statement. You ever heard somebody say well I tried. Well, then people go, well, long as you tried, well, you know, you know, man, you're not getting it done, and you say, well, I'm trying, but but you ain't quite getting it done. But it's a It sounds noble, though, don't it. I mean, it's such a true statement. It's just noble. Is a noble trying is a noble way of saying you ain't getting it done or you failed. It's very noble to say I tried, I tried. I tried to do my best, but that wasn't good enough. I tried to make it, but I just didn't get there. What good does that do the person that was waiting on you to get there? What good does that do? The group of people that was counting on you? What good does that do? Your child sitting at the door expecting daddy to show up and daddy was somewhere trying. What good does that do? Nothing? So I'm Chris saying it Steve Albay got radio show, and I'm doing something with it. Yes, sir, Okay, now here's the deal today. I got a good one for you because I was thinking of my own life, which I use oftentimes in my messaging because I think that God has given me the trials and tribulations that he has set for me, so that when I start running my mouth and talking that I have a clear cut understanding of what I'm talking about. So here it is. This is what I want you to do with your life, and this is what I want you to start to considering about your life today. And this is for all of us. Get a mission, Get a mission, man, get a purpose, get a higher calling. Be about it. What's this all for? What you're waking up in the morning? For Get at it today one more time? Get a mission, get a purpose in your life, find that higher calling of why you're here? Be about it? What's it all for? Get at it today? Now, Steve, you're making some some some some big statements here. Uh huh yeah. But oh you know I'm gonna clean it up for you, don't you Because you know I don't just throw it out there without the without the how to part. See, the how to part is usually where most people stop. They tell you this, what you gotta do is what you gotta do, is what you gotta do. Then they don't tell you how to That's why I don't. I don't get off the boat right there now. If you're trying to figure out if you're trying to get your life a mission and trying to figure out the purpose and what the higher calling is it, and you want to be about something, and you're trying to figure out what's it all for, and you want to go get at it today, here's the trick. God knows. God knows the answer to all those questions. He knows what your mission in life is. He already know what your purpose is. He already know what the higher calling is. He already know what you got to be about. He already know what it's all for. He already know what you need to go get at. God knows, you know why. He knows because He created you. And God created all of us with the purpose in mind. Irregardless as to how we were created, we were all created with the purpose in mind. He got a mission for us, He got some thing he wants from us, he got something he expects of us. He has a life of abundance prepared for each and every one of us that will lay claim to it. Now, if you don't want that, then go on and start making decisions on your own, possibly like you have. Now, let me ask you something, since you've been making all the decisions on your own, where you're at, well you're at with it? How you feel about it every day? How locked in on your mission are you? What? Are you on a good purpose? Plan? You know? Do you feel like your life is in a higher calling? Do you know what you about? Do you have an understanding of what it's all for? Are you up every day going and getting at it? See? Come on now, So now I'm asking you if you've done this without talking to God or without checking in with your creator? Can you answer all those questions? I can flat out tell you you can't. I know for a fact, you kate, because you can't know how good your life can be, and you won't have a life as good as you wanted to be until you have connected with the one that created you. You bet you better understand this one now. Please understand this ain't Steve just over here rant and Raven. This is Steve after having years of figuring this one out. But it's it's all in the Bible. It's all in holy writings. But you know I ain't got time for that. Don't go church like I'm post to. Don't read the Bible or or the scrolls or the Koran or whatever your faith is. You don't read all that it's in there though it's in now. But we're humans, so we we go get at it the way we see it. Let me tell you what happened to me. See while I was getting at it the way I saw it ought to be got at. You understand me. When I was defining my purpose, when I was creating my own mission, who when I was laying claim to what my calling is in life? Let me tell you what I was doing. I was deferring. I was deferring the abundance that He really had for me. I'm just now listen to me. I'm just now getting at it for real. Oh. I've been working towards it all my life. I didn't know it though, But see, because God is so merciful and so full of grace, he allowed me to make all the mistakes I made. And then and then when I finally came to him, he said, all right, now I'm gonna take all of me to tell you how cold I am. Now this this God. Now I'm gonna tell you how cold God is. He takes all the mistakes you made, all the failures you made while you was making your own decisions. He takes all of that and uses them as valuable gained and learned experiences. And he takes that and allows you to be who you are today. See God, God ain't gonna let you forget what you did. But here's something cold too. He ain't gonna let what you did go for not Oh, what's your safety? Uh, let's see, that's what's cold. See all the mistakes I made, every lie I told, every traumatic experience I went through, I put anybody through any time. Man, I was out there tripping trying to justify Thats right, He said, all right, okay, But now, because of my mercy and my grace, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna allow all this to happen. You're gonna waste a lot of time, You're gonna forfeit a life of abundance that you could have been in head. But I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take all of that and I'm gonna turn it into some good. So I'm gonna let all of these lessons that you've learned, all of these hardships, all of these moments are despabed, come back and you'll use them and you'll wear them on your head like a crown. You're gonna it's gonna be jewels in your head. Man. I'm gonna take all of that stuff and make you knowledgeable. I'm gonna take all that stuff and make you wise. Man. I'm gonna take all of that stuff and I'm gonna put it in your mission. I'm gonna take all that stuff and make that a part of your purpose. I'm gonna take all that stuff and create that to be a part of your higher call it. I'm gonna take all that and let you be about that right there. I'm gonna take all of that, and i'm gonna let you find out what it has all been for. I'm gonna take all of that, and with all of that mess you've made of your life, I'm gonna let you not take all that and go get at it. See, but that only happens when you come to God. Because God is the only one that knows what you've been through and how to take what you've been through and turn it into something to help you get through what you're going through. Hey, the only one can do that. Ain't nobody else like him? There's nothing like him on this world available to you. Man, So quit tripping yourself out, get over there and talk to God. Man, quit waste in your life like I was doing. Stop. I'm telling you He'll let you get at it, and can't nobody lets you get at it like him. All right, that's right, you're listening to eighteen minutes after the hour. Eighteen minutes after the hour. We're here, Yeah, we we is him your side on this Friday? Man, can I tell you something? I'm off? You are? Man, say the hand, because I want you to convince me that you I'm off. Yes, I have today as soon as I get through with this. I'm off. What are you gonna do? I'm off, sad, I'm off Sunday. I got a meeting Sunday night and Monday morning. But guess why the meeting that though? What's your house? Who? I ain't mad at that meeting? That's better than your nice? Yeah? So does this over with Vegas? I'm here, not of here. I'm gonna laying down there and get that thing started. Will you be able to do any gambling their, sir, since you have all the meetings, Since you have all these meetings, The meeting is at the table. Come on time around black. I don't know if you have time. You're so busy when you get to Vegas with your meetings and everything. I don't know if you'll be able to meet it in meeting in between spins. I'll be right there with him, meet and get can get hot. No, no, no dog. If I'm hot, I'm not coming off because he gambles during lunch, breakfast breakfast time. You remember when we was out there broadcasting from the casino, was right next to the bar, and I would take y'all's money and go win it, go win at the video poking and bring y'all y'all winnings back. Remember still here. Take a hunt, all right? Cool? I go up there and then whatever I want to bring it back. You give me a hunter, I bring you back to thirty. Give me a hunt. I bring five hunter. I came back with three fifty foe hunted. Yeah, and your patients are bad. When you gamble stick he get mad. If you just gamble a little money. He takes a stack of my chips. One time, I put it on the number because I was getting on this, like what you'd win? Yeah, Junior, he said, what is this light being money? Let's go? Yeah, you're trying to hit, You're trying to come up. You can't come up? Yeah, then put a dollar on the number and split the number on going to be trying to do this? Man? What is playing machines and painting machines? Dollars out here? Get He got fifty dollars on all his numbers. Yeah. Yeah, we're at the quarter machines bawling out and it does hit. Yeah, huh you always seem to hit. Yeah, called I get him. I'm gonna hit gamblet. It's called gambling. Taking a chance? Yeah? What killed me? A boomerang? He always waiting, dog, you gonna give me some money to gamble with im? Like, why is that's not gambling? If you're not using your money, it would come on. It's more fun when he used someone else's money, though, because it doesn't hurt as much when you lose. Huh, it hurt, though, it don't hurt. What I said, it's more fun using someone else's money because it doesn't hurt as much when you lose. Sure that that's not right. When do you get to use somebody else money? Where would she's referring to, Do you have Boom ask you for money to gamble with money? And I said, it's more fun when you use someone else's money. Nah, because he wants I get to me, No, Boom, I'll tell you what. Man Boom cannot lose. Oh, when he winning, he's friendly with the dealer. After when he started losing, did he stopped calling the dealer name? I see the dealer shriveling, and I had to build and structure back on talking crater to the daily. I mean, man like the dealer going, and we'll still be at the table when the dealer come back. Here comes this blanket and blank bought your blank over here? Now this blank Finn start going all blanked up again? Now what you call your blank somewhere? And get to take another blank? Break. The dude be just looking Boom six six, so he looking at him like, oh my god, this man hates But this one little dude man wasn't scared of Boom. Some man so he was like Puerto Rican or something the toughler to food kept on. He said, maybe you don't need to play. He knew how to get them off of him. I play if I want to. Well, good long, good lucky for you, my friend. Yeah, maybe you don't need to play. Yeah, so then he got real stronger. We was at tables on there for three days. So they would rake booms chips off the rule that wheel and pull them in a buck and look at boom and man, I was hollering, boom hated the slip. Dude, Well he has some that dude table man. So are you going for the meetings or you're going for the gambling. I'm going for the meetings. Oh okay, you're just you're really going for the meeting? Who decided where? The meeting until Sunday night and Monday? What's it about it? You know, I don't want to miss nothing. So you know I'm gonna go out there today. I cannot start for the meeting. What do you pack when you go to Vegas? All Vegas? Gilt? Like what Texas? Okay? You know? I like yeah, you know, I don't hand no boatie, don't know to be lose. But you're not going you know, vegus out, shiny shoes, the whole nine. Oh, sparkle everything. I got, Sparkler, I got watch his own and got that. You know, I ain't. I don't don't out there playing. I don't. I ain't. Yeah, I ain't gonna be at the table, look like I don't belong that. It's not gonna happen when I stick mom out the place to bet. They say, Okay, I can't afford this. Tell you what, I'll go back. You will be the last one leader table. Yeah, I do. But you know what not. I'm a smart gambler though, because I know what I have to lose. I'm not gonna go beyond that. You know, whatever I take out there to gamble with, that's it. I'm gonna bring three fourths of that. You know. I'm gonna try to bring half of that back. Okay, the most loses three fourth So all right, we gotta go to break. When we come back from the break, Steve something for. It's a way to cut us off, you know, it ain't that hat ain't had. All right, Coming up next, it's Black History Month back, Okay, so get ready for Steve's little known Black History Month facts. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to string. All right, y'all we back thirty four minutes after the hour, right after this song. We got a nephew, you got one. I got one on little known black history fact? Junior. Do you have yes? I do? Okay, we'll be back. This is the last week for this. Don't don't rush this shirt. Yes we are smart first, don't hurry, don't need to be proud of y'all's culture. And man, did y'all like that? Now later when you tweets about that? Good? All right, so that's what you're getting. Well, come back some morning that fact. Hi, everybody here, I'm in no ray for Jackson. I am the first first black commentator. It would be loud, touching microphone, the microphones back there, No, they got him now to yo yo, Yeah, I used the bullholding back then. Yeah. I created all the signal for slaves. That's some history right there. Yeah. So you didn't know that she watches here. See you ain't know where it's coming from. No, that would me. You started that call when the slave owner was coming and we were doing that, we had on being and doing I couldn't go Hey, hold out here it come. So I just went and that was our first person to start doing piss sounds. Uh not very first. I started doing yeah, pits sounds. That got everybody's think that where that comes from? White folk? And handle read to be quiet. They owned every damn thing that came from me. And then and then like you know, when then I created another famous or African America or tone. You know, like when white folks was talking, I'd be in the back. I was the first one to do this hill you know that man, she they thought that was in agreement, but all the slaves knew I was saying. They lying cold cold. She like say something, but Tommy, see say something as a slave owner that you think is factual. Okay, y'all gonna get out there and work. Come Monday morning, we'll see that that actually was. But what I'm trying to get he don't play good, you know, I know, want you to say something that you're trying to say all that factual. But I'm gonna let y'all have cake on Sunday. Yes I am. You see that where that coming? Yeah, but really he meant you got to get out there and work good us cake? What the hell we got we got to bake the cake from scratch. Your damn wife can't cool? All right? Am I saying it naturally though? Because you don't see that where that comes from? Tommy what you think? Let me tell you what I got here A little know in Black history facts here, Mr Ray is this is a Donald Ray Fleming. Uh went to jail at nineteen seventy two for steal in bacon and hands out the stow. Now, his daddy j. C. Fleming would always go and bail him out. Na. It was nineteen seven a seven, Donna Ree got in trouble again. The boy stole a trans am in nineteen seventy seven and went to jail. Now he called his daddy. Now j C. Fleming had told him, if you go down there again, I'm not coming down there to get you and I'm not building your out. J C put his foot down and let Donna Rey know that Donna Ray stole that car. And they call his daddy and kept calling and Donna j C. Fleming finally picked up the phone and that's when he said, we you accept a collect call from the penitentiary. And J. C. Fleming had tears running down his face. And that's when he said, I will not accept the call. J C. Fleming is the first person to deny a collect callow. He is the first person, and it hurt him to his heart because this bar was on the other end. But he had to teach him a lesson. This right here is little known black history facts. To deny the call. It's run that prankback time. That's coming up, y'all, y'all calls ain't never been denying. I'm sorry. I want to thank j C. What's the frank nephew. You ain't married? Okay, you ain't. Man, you think y'all been married? Y'all ain't been. You're listening, all right? For that minutes after that, our for that minutes after I welcome back. Coming up at the top of the hour. I won't be doing anymore or you can't wait for man, I'd be glading with Marget talking about this damn basketball top of out the Academy Awards and Sunday night coming up. We're gonna play some movie trivia with the morning crew. They're gonna ask me some stuff. The least movie person in the world. And we're still taking your calls. If you worked on the job with somebody that was so fine that it was a distraction. Right after this, nephew, gonna run that prank back. You ain't married, Okay, let's just go. You are not married. Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah. How are you doing, Brian? My name is Daniel. Uh. Wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen, Um you're you're Brian, Um Brian, right, you're married to uh to Alpea. Yeah. Hello hello, yeah, yeah, that's that's me. That's my wife's Yeah. Okay, I got a question for you. I love you guys, been married going on nine years now, we've been married. Now. Who is this? My name is Daniel. Were you um? Were you guys married a Greater New Missionary Baptist Church? Uh let me see yeah yeah, yep, yep, that's the name of that church. Yeah, great by nine years? Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? What's asked me all these questions? Okay? Do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? Uh right, yeah, okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the person Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery, a lot of information that reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all, he never was a minister, and every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and void. So, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you and Alphea, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not married. No, no, no, no, no, not that that. You gotta have the wrong person, because then then we got we got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, your wedding sea money, he had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in sin for nine years. Hold on, hold hold on that. Let me tell you something. I ain't been living. Man and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man, he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher. I heard him preach land Sunday, Sir. As of today, he has he has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings for children. He's not allowed to do that. And we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped that. But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin and you don't you get that. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible, so you're not living in sin. Oh no, doc, I ain't been living in no sin. I have been married for nine years. This woman ship have been taking care of me and my kids for the past nine an. You guys, have you guys have children? Yeah? Yeah, we we got to two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards, statis. Hold on, let me tell you something. My kids ain't no bastard. What about your kids? Your kids on baskets? No, sir, my kids, my kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out I'm telling you that man did my service, and he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He hasn't done everything that that he comes for me and my family. He is a preacher, Sir, I don't. I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth, but I want you to know and I need you to be able to tell outfea that you guys are not married and not as of right now now now, okay, so hard a herd of hunt. Now back in the olden days, but before all these all these colleges and stuff came came about. You're telling me that their men making old days, that they weren't no preachers, that they weren't meant men after the cloth? Is that what you're saying to me? What? What? What are you? What are you? What do you? What are you getting? Answer? What I'm trying to say is back in the older day, baking the twitters and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days. That man now he was from back then, and God called them and that's what they went on to. And all the people that they married back then they did the same thing to day. You don't need no degree to say that that you're a preacher. You don't need no lights to say you're a preacher. Man, My wife would be married for nine years. My kids have been born in wedlocks. We were married, we were mad. I've read my friends and family. Day was all there, sir. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids, I hate to say it, your kids are bastards. Now o. Now I've told you, don't say nothing else about my kids. Said, I ain't no cuss up, but don't push me. My kids ain't no bad said. You understand me. You don't getting me up, Sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get your married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I am living in no sin. Look, now, you don't make me whoop your a s s You understand man, my wife we are been married for nine years. Don't shoot up here a till me talking about the wa ain't mat that that man, ain't an You're understand, but get out of my phone. You that's my life. Those are my kids. They have been born in red lines. You're understand sir. So, I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't living in no sin. That's what I just told you. You ain't hear me. I ain't living in no sin. Maybe you're the one that's living a pist of sin. Now. You ain't got nothing else said to me? That man if Nevers nine years ago, they get your a ss on my phone. So I so I have one more thing, one more thing I'd like to say. You ain't gone nothing else to say to me. You ain't get your ass off my d am phone. Now, do you understand me? I ain't got time for this for bluey, Sir? Can I say one more thing? What you gotta say on me? Now? So? I just wanted to let you know that this is nephew tim Me from the Steve wob Morning Show, your wife, and I feel you got me to prank phone call you. Oh man, oh lord it dot you uh dot. I almost went in on your dot you. I'm gonna let me go down. Yeah, I'm gonna good a put you up to this, got me to prank you. Man, Wow, man, oh man, hey man, you all right with me? Brother? I gotta adk you something. Man. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harper morn the show Man. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? The eighty the eighty nine Annual Academy Awards are this coming Sunday, Wow and ABC. They're on ABC. ABC is going to um air it and it's going to be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. We are so excited that Denzel Davis, Naomi Harris, Herschela Ali we know him as Remy from the House and car So Octavia, Spencer, Hidden Figures, Moonlight, Fences, and more are nominated. So today we decided to play a little movie trivia with the person who watches the least movies on this show, our fearless leader, our boss, Mr Steve Harvey. I'm gonna surprise y'all today. Okay, Steve, We're gonna play a sound bite. You tell us the name of the movie. Nobody, Nobody make share of you for deejustice look like a bottom. What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law. But yes, yes, one of your one of your faves stopped. I could I could have stopped you all a long time ago. Okay, all right, so I warned that one. Okay, good, okay, okay, okay before we played the natural. Who's betting on me? Who's betting against me? M Okay on this one, I'm a bet against you, Steve. You know I always go with you, all of them. Okay, all right, let's go, come on, all right, get a cat. I'll answer the question you want answer. I think I'm titled. You want to stop now? Uh, that's Jack Nicholson in the movie um about Antnamo Bay. The Marines killed that dude in the in the thing and the two dudes you can't handle the truth? What is the name of the movie? Okay? Now, now that I got that out, let me try to figure out. Okay, Uh, it's either a few good men or men of honor. I'm gonna go with a few good men. I see you did keep on. Okay, that's two fisty. That is too yeah to show y'all something let's go one. I'm in this room by my damn self, so you can't say I'm getting no help. That's true, and don't cheat, cheat, no, no, no, can't help me. What does my sellus Wallace look like? What count are you from? Why ain't no country I ever heard of? The speak English? And what English? Mother do you speaking? That's Samuel al Jackson. That's that movie where they was in that jungle and he was dropping the men off at that helicopter. Right, okay, now let me think what that is? That movie? What that movie? It was? It was the black dude that he hated that he wants to run out the core right he wanted man the movie you're thinking about. Shut up, it's basically, but that's not what the clip was. I ain't talking to know, damn. Basically, I don't even know what that Just shut down. Don't cat mad. We don't want to. That's why we didn't want to do this, because you always get mad. And okay, but I know the movie, but let me think of what it is. I'm trying to find the movie cover in my head. That's how I know the movie. Some about enemies, Okay, okay, it's enemy in the time it is not okay, So now okay, then I don't know what is it? Man? It was pulp fiction. Yeah it was pulp fiction. Yeah, yeah, fiction. My happy right now. He's in his feelings right downstairs. Come on. Yeah, that was that other movie in the whole where God. Alright, Steve, two out of three. That's not bad. You did pretty good. Just don't get mad. Hold your temper. Coming up in eight ten to the hour, The Butterflies in the Building. He's gonna be here with this butterfly blog. Coming up in eight hair after the hour, The Butterflies in the Building. He's gonna be here with this butterfly blog. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alight, y'all? Coming up eighteen minutes after that, the most depressing part of the show, Eugene, the butterflies tell him about it dogs. He's so damn try I don't say that. You know that's gonna hurt it feel so damn. I believe it. All right, I'm not going to deal a doing all right, And good morning everyone, the even Timmy, Shirley, Carl, you get one of all of you all. It's a beautiful Friday. Good morning, Good morning. Sounds so excited today. Good morning. But you all just y'all are playing the movie games and stuff. You know, I love to playing the movie games. So that's um Stephen, Yeah, man, will you play with me because I'm I'm gonna give you Okay, let me just see if you're now this movie? Um here it is, yeah, because I don't have no clips. I'm not that half. You know, I had all the technology s So here it is. Say, baby, can I be your slave? I got to admit, girl, you're the girl and I'm thinking you're like a grave, you know? Yeah? Yeah? Now do they call you daughter to the spinning pulseide? Maybe Queen of Queen of Tendosar moves sister to the distance? What is it? Village people? Now? Movie now? Top that top, hunting walk that walk, money, hind legs on Spike Tohoa. Who am I? It's not important? But they called me brother to the night and right now I'm the blues and your left trying to be the funk in your right. You know a year he doesn't I can answer for him. Leave it? Do you know that my movie? Yet? What movie? The one I'm doing? Why are you not co operating with me. This is a very good movie. Down do that, Okay, I'm sure I do it again. I pictured five four three two one. I'm just gonna start right here. Um top that top, hunting walk, that walk, money hid on legs, that spiked tower. Who am I? It's not important, but they call me brother to the night and right now I'm the blues in your left eye trying to become the funk in your right. No better blues now now, and I just want to give you injections to blind erections and get you the cruise. Tell them was that patriot? Patriot? It's Love Jones Blues for Nina with Lorenz Tate. How could you not know that? I never saw it? A great movie? Yeah, yeah, you gotta put that's class. Put that in your Yeah, truly hurry my feeling Ni long lorenz Tate. Yah, they step and everything in that movie. You would love it. How about h I know why you got out the call it. It's not because you ain't need to be there in that way. Turned down the TV this morning and they talked my living in the Bilt word all about cryin't say nothing about my brother. I think they don't now don't show. I don't care about what's going out in the hood. Hey, down, you still got one brother? Laughed me. Do you know that with Stephen Soldier story? All Right, we gotta go to break this is it boys in the hood? That was dough Boy the Carol? All right, how you don't tell nobody the classic? See this is what this that's why people get come out. I don't know in the nineties. Okay, listen, we're having but we're having a lot of fun. At least are you having fun? Steve? Playing movie trivia? Killing it? I'm doing good with the regular game, this game for the Oscars this Sunday. And we're gonna go to the phones as well. You all are still calling us who have worked with people who are so hot that their fineness, their hotness is a distraction, So give us a call. Eight seven Steve Show started four minutes after that. Hey, when we come back, we're gonna go to the phone. The call is, uh, are you working with anybody so fine that it's a distraction? Huh, We'll be back. Let's go. Geraldine, Geraldine, Geraldine. Morning. How's everybody doing this beautiful day? God bless you all, God bless you too, Lord him Mercy Born before nineteen sent me, I know that's Geraldine. If you ever work with somebody that was so fun, it was a distraction. Well I called the say I'm the one that that was the fine distraction, the fine distraction. Still, I said, Still, I was. I was groomed. I'm from Chicago, for my mother always trained as you don't walk out the house looking in your kind of way. And I'm a little on the season side, and I still hold true to that. But I'm in corporate America. I've been in corporate America over thirty years, and I really believe that it was my responsibility to represent that we as African Americans, we can be just as beautiful people, just as professor, you know, just as you know. And I always felt that it was being in corporated me. It was my responsibility just to represent. And I always you know, I get people jealous all the time, you know, but I go in and get the job done, and I'm very you know. I just I just carry myself like like I think black people would. Clyde Ship, There's nothing wrong with that. No, No, Jeraldine said, I was the damn distraction. Let me distraction. You still is a distraction, jerdjerny, hold on, hold on, go ahead and time and take over there what you do j I don't know how forever? I don't know? Geraldin is? How mean? How fine are you? Miss Geraldine? Well, let's put it like this. I'm seasoned, but a lot of people can't even guess my age. So they'd be like, okay, well, let me ask you something. My kids don't even know how old I am. Okay, they stupid, Okay, okay, all the years, all them kids, and ain't nobody figured it out? Come on all right now, Miss gerald d No, I know, I know you probably don't look at your age, but let me ask you this, though, Miss Sheld, what celebrity do you closest resemble? I looked like glad, it's to night. I've been told that my whole life. But I like her too, and I had a chance to meet her and she looked at me and she said, yeah, you do look like somebody could be in my family. So you're saving is something the in sid not nothing? I was trying to I was trying to guess. I was trying to guess your age, Miss gerald ain't well, I don't think. I don't I don't think Tommy, I don't think it's no seventy year old women in corporate man. I don't think she doesn't look her age so well. We can look at a couple of her friends. Everybody got to get this is this is a kid. We can look at a couple of everybody who got it together. I don't think we should know each other. I admire your confidence, Geraldy. All right, Tommy thinks he's fine. Gerald So you know he thinks he's a distraction at the job, and it's just a thought whatever, because clearly we can work. I ain't missed the day glancing over there at him, and I know, call. I ain't you see how busy I am even when you're not. You are all right, thank you, miss Geraldine. I try to come back after the breaking for day after that. Tommy got to preak phone call. We'll be right back. You're listening, ste be back coming up at the top of the all we got strawberry letter, But fool what you got Dr Petrie? I need some help. Okay, let's just leave it at that. Junior, don't Junior stop asking him what it is about? Dr Petri I need we heard you just played the down plank. It's enough with the plank. Yeah, but he's don't need to set up and we need you for a movie, a trip movie trivia. I'm a dog. I'm two out of three on the regular game. Nobody do nothing with ignorance, Eugene. Yeah, I can't get talking about it. And then you know you're don't sound nothing like no movie. I'm trying to dr Patrick please this R dr P. My name is a Jared Jered and I was hoping you can help me. I would have would have would have would a problem that I have? Okay, hello Jared, um, I would love to help you out with a problem. Unfortunately, the right I am, but this is my personal number. How did you get this number? If somebody gave me this number so I could call you and and and try to get some counseling from you, because I gotta I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm I'm really in a bad situation right now. Okay, I can I can recognize that that you're in a bad situation. But how did you get my number? This is my personal line. Who gave you my number? Are you you the doctor? You're the counselor to help people with with with with with situations and problems and stuff. Right, yes, I am Jared. What can I do for you? Jared? Uh, I got a problem that I just seemed like I'm just you know, I've been married to my wife for six years. Okay, wait, wait, wait Jared, Now this what you're what you're about to get into. You're about to you want to go into a counseling session, and so in order to do that, I do that through making an appointment. I understand all of that, but you you you don't understand I'm trying. What I'm trying to tell you is that I gotta sit away. And I know it's gonna happen again to night because it's been happening all the time. I'm just I just need to if you could just give me a little bit of help and then I'll come in next week. But I mean, I just need you to tell me how to handle my problem and then I'll come in next week. I just I just I need this bad right now, Jared, Jared, I need you to focus. Okay. I don't do this over the phone, However, it sounds to me like you really need I need you. Can you can you be there for me? Just for me? Yeah, I'm here like you guys for calling you and disrupting your weekend, but can you help me out? Give me back. I don't know what's going on. Someone Hello, I'll call him back. Hello. I'm here, Jared, Dr Patriot, I'm here. Tell me telling what's going on? Jared. I'm here to listen to you. Okay, listen, I've been I've been married to my wife for like six years now, and and I don't know what it is whenever whenever we intimate, you know, I guess scared, and I'm going to the closet. And I got a TV in then and I watched old TV shows because I'm scared. I'm scared of the intimacy between me and huh. Okay, Jared, This this sounds like a particular case. Um, it's different from anything that I've experienced thus far. And I want to make sure that I address your were up in the big league. Get not turning it back? What Lord? Will we live? You will leave baby here? Nothing long with that? Okay, Jared's focus. You called me and you need I'll be going. I'll be going through it to be part of me, Okay, Jared. What I need to do is I need to make sure three o'clock, four o'clock rock, five, six something o'clock and o'clock rock, Norm o'clock's rock. We're going to rock rock the clock. Can like win the clock right through, you can win the then go down to tonight. Oh how did you get my number? How did you get my personal number? They gave me your number and said you you would be the one that would that would that would that would that would take care of me. I'm here, Okay, let's take a difference. And you knew where you were then girls were girls and men were men, wishing we could use a man like her. But Hugh, but right again, let's help together. I want to help you. I want to help you, and I want to help your situation. I want to help you with your wife. But you you called me, and I mean, if you're looking for a lifeline for an anchor, I'm trying to do that. I mean to help me, do help me. I know my wife is gonna leave me if I don't quit doing this. Here's this story of a lovely lady enough to barely lovely girl, Jared, my technique is a little bit different and maybe a little unorthodox. Fearless grou The minto would be lost, the mood would be lost. Then look here, look here, I need you to help me. I need to get you into my office. I need to schedule appointment with you. You need to erase my personal number from your cell phone, because God he knows your name. Jared. Focus, Focus, focus, Jared Focus. There's a lot more going on here. But why you're making with me and all the game learning from each other? Why we do our thin gonna have a good time? You let Jared? My patience is fed up. I have no more patience with you now. I need you to face suckers and get it together. Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you? How did you get my number? You know why? You supposed to be the doctor. You're supposed to be the doctor, and my doctor. Don't question my credential. Show man you called me. I want to help you, but this has gone on too far. This is Tommy. Tommy gave me your number to Steve. You know Steve, don't you? Now? Look, I want to help you, but you are not allowing me to do so. So who is Tommy? Who is Stephen? And how did you get my number? On the RAINO know, I'm Stephen on the Steven on the radio, as in d as in Tommy Matthew, Tommy Dott. You have been you know you didn't go? Oh my god, do you have a colleague named Charles? You know what I'm gonna kill? Oh that. I can't believe Charlie did this to me? God, do you know you got me blustered? I was recording you. How do you know that? I gotta ask you something though? What is the badest and I mean the badest radio show in the land. That's Stevey? My goodness. If you like my prank, you're gonna like me. March four, Saturday night, Baby Lake, Charles, Louisiana at the Civic Center of the Nephew coming to town me and everybody in my head. You don't want to miss me. Tickets on sale right now, Saturday, March four. What we're talking about? Come on late, Charles. That's giddy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's a time let's buckle up and hold on tight. Here it is strawberry letter. Subject. Online social sites are ruining my relationship just Shirley and Steve. I know this may not seem like a huge issue to everyone, but it's killing me. Okay, So my boyfriend and I have been together for three years and we have a really good relationship. We love each other and plan to get married and start a family one day. But I have one major problem with him in the trust department. He feels the need to get on Facebook and talk to girls all the time. The latest thing I saw was him commenting on a girl's photo saying, darn, look at that. That discussed me. And I know that maybe he couldn't help but see the picture, but did he have to comment on it for everyone to see. It's so embarrassing and hurtful, and he can't seem to understand this. Now he has broken my trust again. We almost break We almost broke up over this and he knows I'm not having it. He wants me to trust him, but every time I let my guard down, he breaks my heart again over the same stupid thing. It's so oh stupid. Please help me. I love this man, but I will not let him embarrass me and hurt my feelings. Well there's your answer, if it's embarrassing, hurtful to you. And this has been going on for three years now, why are you still putting up with it? He's not changing obviously, he's been doing this for three years. Uh, So it's time for you to step up. And why would you want to marry him and be in this family environment with him? You said him doing this the Facebook thing. Discuss you, discuss you, those are your words, Those are your words, and he keeps breaking your heart. You know what, when you have a relationship and you don't have any trust in it, or you have trust in it, if you break it and then you have to rebuild, that's a hard, hard, hard thing to do. So you're gonna be in a relationship with this man or you're considering marrying this man, but you don't trust him, and when you do, he breaks your heart again. So you need to ask yourself why are you even still in this relationship. You can't change him, but you can change yourself and get out if that's what you want to do. It doesn't sound like that because you say you love him, but you probably need to because he keeps doing the same thing. Steve, you know this is this is real easy for me. Um so, ladies listening up on a lot of issues here, I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna share something with you about men. In case you haven't already heard me say this four hundred times, I'm gonna just share something with you about men in this weekup you. You see, what you're doing is what a lot of women do. And I understand why you do it because it's what you want. Most women want to be in love. You know, you you have this guy you've met. You love each other, He loves you, and you all love each other. You've planned to get married and start a family one day. This is all you're talking. You don't have your ages on here, but you know, obviously you in this new technological society, so you all are participating in it. The only way for you to know that he's doing the things on Facebook is you gotta be on Facebook with him. So you're involved in the technological aspect. And now you're trying to say that online social sites are ruining my relationship. No, it's not. No, it's not. Online things have started some cool relationships. It's not ruining your relationship. It's exposing your relationship. What do you really have with this guy. I know you're planning on getting married, you're talking about starting the family one day. But in the meantime, though, let's just take a look at what's going on. He likes talking to girls on Facebook, he likes that, he likes looking at pictures, and he likes commenting on the pictures. These are the things you know about. These are the things you've discovered. This is what you know about. The social online dating is not ruining your relationship. It's merely exposing your relationship. So what do you really have now? If this really disgust you, and and and and and he knows this, but but did he have to comment on it? Damn? Look at that. Okay, But when we come back, I'm explained to you what's really happening here. You can accept this or not. And I wish I had the time to do it right now, but I waited. I come back, and I'm gonna really give it to your sister, and I hope you're taking it. If you don't, then it's gonna con do response. And you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I talked We're back eighteen minutes after the coming up next we ust to this. Learn this about men, Ladies, learn this about men. This is a fact you can ask any man out there. Men, stop, we stopped. When you stop, you say go here we come, you say stop, we stopped. We stop it when you put a stop to it. That's manhood. And we're talking about most men. Most men are respectful now of of women, and and the ones that are disrespectful. We were talking about the principles of manhood they carry throughout this. Listen to me, ma'am, you are doing this to yourself. See he does this because you allow it to be done, because you you don't have a commitment. He knows this disgust me and and okay, here we go. It's so bassing and hurtful to me. He can't seem to understand this. He understands it. He just gonna keep doing it because you let him keep doing it. Now he has broken my trust. Again. We almost broke up over this, see right there, almost broke up. But you didn't break up. So see you didn't stop it. So he ain't got to stop it because he knows I'm not having it. No, he don't. He knows that you are having it because you keep taking it. See men don't care what you say. We watch what you do, so he knows I'm not having it. Yes you do. You're having it because you keep accepting it over how many times has he got to betray your trust before you stop allowing him? See, he wants me to trust him, but every time I let my guard down, he breaks my heart again over the same stupid thing. It's so stupid. No, no, no, no, you're so stupid. See it's not that to say you. You blame it everybody but yourself. You blame it online dating. You know he couldn't help, but see this picture. It was on there, But did he have to comment you? You're doing everything wrong. When you stop allowing him to come back in after he's done you wrong, then that's when we stopped doing you wrong. If we know coming back in is the most difficult process we can face, But you keep letting him back because you're afraid if you let him go, he won't come back. At one point in time, ladies, you're gonna have to put your love to the test to see if it's really love or if you're just getting played. God. See, now that's all to it. You might as well go on and put it to the test, because why keep walking this dog If you ain't gonna ever buy you can't keep going to the pets store walking the dog. Eventually you gotta take the dog home. Put your love to the test. That's it, And see if you really got See if this talks about getting mad and having a family, if this is serious, or if this just a whole you in place conversation. Because we know what y'all want to hear, we'll gladly tell it to you, all right, Steve. Today's strawberry letter, of course, is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweeter, instagram me your thoughts at my girl surely now coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour, we'll have some more calls. Who at your job is so fine that their hotness is a distraction? Eight seven seven twenty nine Steve is the number to call. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in about fifteen minutes. We are still playing movie trivia with Steve as we get rid of for the Oscars this Sunday. I love it. But up next we're gonna go to the phone. Who wis your job is so fine that their hotness is a distraction's me, No, it's not. We haven't called, have we? No fine When they referring to distraction, Tommy, they're not talking about you're nothing to get. Let's go to six and talk to Canny out of camp. Hello, it's Canny Cammy. Hi, Steve Harber. You're gonna get me fired. First of all, I supped to be in local calm out geeked up about being on the radio station I worked for Parks in Seattle. Yeah, they're gonna good thing. They geeked with me about me being on here. Okay, well tell me this right here. You ever had a job where somebody was so fine that it was a distraction. Yeah, it was a couple of years back. Um, I had moved it. I'm from car City, Missouri, so I had went to Jester City, Missouri and was working for Cholassic brook It was my supervisor. He was a little fine young black tendor can keeping one man. He was married. He was married, but you know he used to flirt with me and stuff. So we can wear like I look. It was like a wound. But it wasn't on heavy machinery. We did Brooks. We used to get brick orders ready for the schools and ship them mountain. But so we could wear like a little tag cops because he was hiding their tegtops, you know, just stuff. So he used to be like, I see them legs and he was trying to work close to me. I was like, boy, he don't know he's long legs gonna have around? I never tell can your co workers are listening, cammy cam? So I did looking at himcause he had a nice fat body too. I was like the most money at that time because I didn't miss that year me. I love you see listen, I'll be your seat. Don't I'll be seeing for yourself because they all have no ready up stations up here, and I forget see the Massouri, so I have to log into one on seven point three, you know, Kansas City shout out, throwing my people back home, a wan sick, you know, love y'all begin when you at Yeah, I'm see how to watch it it. I've been for seven years of loving it. God. Parks and recreation, Yeah, they got parks up man. Y'all just don't know. Ye listen, we through the conservation cause I just don't know where we gotta go through. We get the hard dirty word right like love your spirit can Camy, thank you? Let take and see. I'm trying to come and see you somewhere. I'm I'm know I ain't never made it to the early Awards. My mama even with look my mom will be. I'm gonna try to see you somewhere. You you you inter national. I can't keep up with you girls, ain't I don't you? Hey, Cam and listen to this though. You can come out this year to the Sand and Sole event. It's in October October six through the ninth. Go go to my website and look what I'm saying this soul and come on out to the Bahamas Goose. We're gonna have a nice time out to this year. Man. Yeah. And if you don't catch him now here, be at the White House probably tomorrow evening you Camy, thank you, kill you. Wow. These are some great calls. I love them. We come back from the break at forty eight after movie Trivia with Mr Steve Harvey. You're listening, Steve, all right, We're back. It's Oscar Sunday. Uh. The morning crew wanted to test my movie knowledge since I watched the least amount of movies of them all. You know they're trying to stop me. I'm two. I'm two out of three so far not bad, not bad. Really stunned them. We're more coming. All right, all right, you're a good one. Shirt. Okay, let's do this one. Cat see if you're ready, Here we go. Don't nobody know nothing? What with this? Somebody got to know songs going to stop New Jack City. Yeah stop. I'm killing y'all. Man, I'm killing y'all. I'm killing y'all. Kill you. You know who's really pissed about this? That damn time. Better to be glad I didn't picked a movie. That's what you better be. Glad you were Did you helped us? I'm still I mean, I can't I know all right now money too? Surely keep going? Yeah, okay, once a more, here we go. Okay, how about this one? Why did you call me? I called your name? The hell you did? I ain't damn mother? You called me and you go, No, come on, I can't call you in. I called you your name. Come on, no, you didn't mother. You called me and you go. I can't ever leave. You would have the undacity to call me by your other woman's name. I do was that damsay a Washington voice? Yeah? Okay? Cool? Better today? Where you Steve Harvey point? No, you ain't made it no easy man. Shut up. You act like you know because I'm all off in your wale now than you damn me that way. Come on, what else y'all got? Five? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay? Play a white movie here? Okay, I don't know if this is gonna make it. Would you be willing the train all the days from this day each other for one chot stop stop? Greatest movie of all time? Mail braveheart Tommy said, play a white movie. I did. I knew he was gonna get that one train one day. Good chop, you've only missed one so far. Five? Let me can I hear that whole sound I've never heard, I've never seen that. You need to hear that. You need to hit that again? Please? Would you be willing the train all the days from this day each other for one chot just one chotch until all they may take on? Come on, that's your favorite party. I love when he does that. They pulled him dresses up here across that jails is made with rocks and spikes in their hand. You had to go over there and whoop somebody as good. Good job, Steve. I'm very impressed. Yea, very impressive. We have a few more. But before we get to that, free for me one more time, he would go, before we we're gonna close out, We're gonna come back. She got you got something about DNA knocked a couple of these movies out. Looking at say freedom. Though I love when you say that. I don't think that you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right now, Denzel steed to come then double a CP Image Award a couple of weekends ago for Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture for his role as Troy Maxon in the August Wilson adapted film Fences. And Denzel, of course has nominated this Sunday for an Oscar for Best Actor. Uh and we want to play Denzel's speech from the Image Awards. Take a listen. This was phenomenal Tennessee Williams, author Miller, Eugene O'Neill, Edward Albe, August Wilson. August Wilson is one of the greatest playwrights in the history of American Old World theater. It is a privilege and honor, a responsibility, a duty, and a joy to bring his brilliance to the screen. I am particularly proud and happy about the young filmmakers, actors, singers, writers, producers that are coming up behind my generation, in particular Barry Jenkins. Young people understand this young man made ten, fifteen, twenty short films before he got the opportunity to make Moonlight. So never give up. Without commitment, you'll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish. It's not easy. If it was easy, there'd be no Carry Washington. If it was easy, there'd be no to Roger Henson p Henson. If it were easy, there'd be no tv A Spencer. But not only that. If it were easy, there'd be no Biola Davis. If we're easy, there'd be no Michael T. Williamson, no Stephen McKinley Henderson, no Russell Hornsby. If we're easy, there'd be no Denzel Washington. So keep working, keep striving, never give up. Fall down seven times, get up eight. Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. So keep moving, keep growing, keep learning. So ye at work? What a speech? That speech? Ye? Yes, but that was him at the a CP Image Awards. Hopefully he'll get a chance to make another great each at the Oscars this Sunday when he wins for me. Yeah, that was a great movie, great, great part for him. All right, Steve, you're ready, you motivated now since you heard Dinzel. I'm just I'm just so tickled to del Tommy together. This was a shot of his uncle attempt to bring me down. Yeah, next too, But it's all right, don't let me just go over my glory mind. You might get the next thing you're gonna try to slam and go ahead. I'm ready to whatever. There's certain things you just have no control of, all right, Like love? Love? You know, what do you know about love? What do you possibly think you know about love? You know? I'm sick and tired men using love like some kind of disease. You just catch. Love should have brought your ass home last night. Yes, come on, dog, come on, come on, let come on man, dig D don't you tell him kid? Yeah, you're gonna saying it out. That helps him understand you're doing all that cousin on that. Would you recognize the actor voices? Right? You don't recognize no voice voice. I'll run that again from here. Okay, one more time, number two. There's certain things you just have no control of, all right, really like love? Love? You know, what do you know about love? What do you possibly think you know about love? You know? I'm sick and tired of men using love like it's some kind of disease. You just catch love. Should have brought your ass home last night. N know the actor and actress? I don't know they voice. Let me get your hint. Yeah, okay, that is the finest actress, one of the drop dead fan You absolutely come home. Boy. You gotta be kidding me, all right, I'm completely spoils him. Okay, go ahead, and Nephew, you can tell him. Ah. This is Boomerang Dog Eddie Murphy and the beautiful gorgeous I couldn't pick up Eddie voicing. Yeah, like Eddie at all. If I could have picked his voice up, I have got the movie. Alright, you say, Boomerang, you're doing well, I'd probably said him. And Jaden, you know, alright, we got another one for you. Steve, probably get this one in nineteen six to six, and to do Frame Escape Shop Playing Again Stop in nineteen sixty six, and to do Frame Stop You shall Shank Redemption that's up there with Braveheart right there, Buddy Nao in nineteen six to six, and escaped from shaw Shank Prison. I know you guessed it's Steve. I just wanted to hear Morgan's Okay, went to jail win you Okay, you got that one. That was good Steve. If you're you're still doing well, right you got no? Yeah, okay, let's do number eight cat on the police stop stop. Of course, teen cold ain't got nothing on me. I trained to day. I'm all over. You're doing great, you know your denzels. I'll give you that one. Yes, because well we'll be back then. Uh, stopping Steve ain't working out so good because it looks to me like Steve is stomping back. Yes, yeah, hard to stop somebody when his foot hide in yours. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after the hour, we're gonna go to the phone. The phone called day was did you work with somebody that's so fun that they are distraction to you tell me things. It's him. Yeah, that's just like you know, I'm way off the mark here. You just wala hollow. Yeah she did walla hollow. What do you work with somebody who is so fine their distraction? Y'all gonna quit this, y'all gonna quit this. I'm telling me that part right there, that part wala hollo, tell me crazy. I look, it's just so deep in your eyes, just shown more more every time when I leave. I'm begging you not to go call your name two three times in the blow. Such a funny thing for me to try to explain. I'm feeling in my pride is the one to blame because no one don't understand, just not your loving doing, no one else game. He's look, it's a crazy right now your last coming. Look it's a crazy right now. Look it's a crazy right now coming. It's a crazy right now. I'm gonna be a prazy right now. And kiss, I'm not gone saying it right now. It's so crazy and los coming looking com and look, it's so crazy. Talk about when I talk to my friends, Oh body, who were look at what you did to me. The shoes don't even leave a buy new dress if you ain't that ain't nobody else in bread like the way that the knows like a not a new to beat them up. Just love with you, but the STOs only shane just taking to do no one and shame. It's a crazy riding the last coming. It's a crazy right now come in. It's a crazy way. I'm face saying it right and it's crazy and last so crazy and look it's so crazy the last time. They're no crazy. Love y'all. Hope y'all know when the flow is slow, you'll be you know, oh thing home you the one and don't stick bony but the plant to stray, to pray the rock handle like bring next soon, I shake boonies. Man, you can't get next moon to change you want article do not sing though I swing do anything. I blame yo star like go like breck crazy, bring your say and the range crazy in the range. The can't sho amout be like cassy insane. Yes, sir, I'm cut from a differul My texture is the best birthday. I've been a little change covertising. I've got the pain over, I've been rid of the games over, go back young It was since they can change over the breath on the games in the rap one looking crazy, come baby, my bay, do this. I don't care. Don't go back to me. And maybe you made a hole on me. You got just wrong it don't get hole. See maybe you got your coming and you got me so crazy day right crazy right now, right now. He's a crazy right now, I be right now, ye ain't right now crazy and lost was so crazy and the summing crazy right now. Pray right now, summon right right now, right now, summon the common. So fay the okay, all right, let's go to the phone. Let's go to list three and talk to Anna. Good morning, get mining, Get mining. Anna. Have you ever had a job where somebody on it was so fine? It was a distraction. I was a trainer at my job and hooked up with my trainee and you mess around it you got trained, Yes, I sure did. No where he was nine years younger? Yes? Was it at the job somewhere else? No, we ended up moving together for years. That's good training. Yeah, ship more than just a look, that's that's how you train. Yeah, that's how you can. Okay, And so what happened? Yeah, we're just still apart. We just screw apart. But it was good. Well it lasted. Oh, still keep in touch, Hannah. He always said I taught him how to be a man. You still teach him how to be a man everything. Oh no, it's open. No, he's a married man now, okay, okay, And you want to train me? You got three Hey, you don't keeping she got a nice voice, jor, jor say he needs training, be honest. The bottle have to do it. And and uh Anna, junior make good money, Junior, make more money. You do. I will promise you that. Oh I I hope you taken away his money one day. Yeah, but not for not coming to work on Friday the thirt That was always I wouldn't recommend tim. I didn't know that he's married anyway, I wasn't. Damn if you wouldn't, man, I still that you ever seen? I tried to stop the man, so please you. I tried to call it off, all right, Anna. I tried to call out to the place where they had a reception and get the money back, but he had wasn't my money. So I forgot paid to refund and he had paid for I got a head. You tried to buy the date back. Yeah. Ya, try to block it with money, but he had put his own money. All right, Anna, thank you so much. We appreciate your call. Hey, y'all, well come back. Get ready for the back to back jail you're listening started four minutes after that. We're back. Man. Shirley has recovered from his cuteness barely. She's not distracted at working, right and you thank you that. Oh man, I've been killing with the movie. Man. That hurt you too, Man, that hurt Tell me right there back today. We got a few more to play the first person. Let's get to these back to back jails. Come on the fact. All right, we come back. They're gonna try to get me one more time. I know they're gonna try hard. We'll be back. Movie trivia has been shocking, overwhelming for the boss Man. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Forty eight minutes after that, let's go and play this song. So we're gonna get to this last one. Just one more thing. They shall need to get a Google. I know you're all gonna play song crazy go ahead, alright, So alright, uh, this is movie trivia, of course, in honor of the oscars, which are this Sunday Steve Harvey shop the nation. I've only missed two out of what eleven? Well, it will be eleven once we play these last two. All right, let's go number five cats. They're gonna stop me on so Hoppo to beat stop call the purple. But he never watches so you don't know. But ain't never seen color purpose? Why are you not? Because I see clips instead? All right, you ain't ever seen color purple? No, that's why people think you ain't black dog. You gotta quit it, you gotta catch up. Who the hell don't think I ain't all right? One more? Okay, come on, you're so Hoppo to beat me? It was that mute old joy, the old joy, the mule I t I was to try to apply the northfield, and the mule just went crazy. He started kicking and hitting it right there. Bust my eyes, bust my lip, Oh my life. I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my uncle's I had to fight my brother's girl. Child. Ain't safe in the family nets, But I never thought I had to fight in my own house. I love horple, come on, I do, but I can't did for let you. That's what got that nominace actress back in the day. Baby, But we know that Dave Harvey is killing this man. That's all he cares about. I just can't believe that's that's nine out of all. Right, last one, let me go and try to hope you get a win, Tom, Tom, I might let you win whatever, save your little career. Come on number number number seven. Cats, if feels so lovely to be here, and what a beautiful I give yourselfs around the fall? You still love? Everyone's so lovely and that clapping move? What is? Hold on? Don't you can't stop it from me? That's enough that you should know it. Hold on, don't you don't tell me what to do? You know what? Oh, now you're just trying to cheat your way whatever, to shock your ass anyway, Just hold on, let me think hold which one? Now you ain't got running again? Let me think of which one it is? Yeah, you're doing the line. That's what he does. He'll sing something that will you know? Okay, professor, No, no, hold on, hold on, it ain't nothing, professor, it's hold on plate the line again. Feels so lovely to be here, and what a beautiful, giving your shouse around the fall, You're so love cut the movie coming to America. That's it, let's write it, let's run it. We gotta if he has so lovely to be here, and what a beautiful I give your shous around the fall. You're so lovely. Everyone's so lovely and m why are you in the clapping move? I'd like to give a big round falls to my band sexual chocolate. If it's so fine, don't you agree? I believe the children I future. Thank you teach him with hand letting the show them all the beauty day he puts that inside high, give them a sense of make it easier. I decided long never long yet a long shadow, yet my failing eyes and cheese. You can't take away my Dunn cheese. You're gonna read that sprove of all inside fee Come on, man, thank you and nobody clapped, mestanding you know what I just you know you get you to give your oscar speaking? You know? You know? First of all, I want to people out there who have supported I just you know, did you get you to give your oscar? Speaking? You know? You know? First of all, I want to people out there who have supported my knowledge of theater. I thank your nephew, Timmy for only throwing up sick times during the entire day. I know what this means to you. I want to thank l Roy Smith for discovering my talent. Back in ninety four. L Roy Smith launched my radio career, recognizing and telling me that I was compelling on the radio. I want to thank uh. You can play the music as you want to, but I got something else. I wouldn't chance now here. No, I ain't gonna win another one. Let me go and get this in. I just want to say, you know, for all y'all haters out there that ever you know doubted me in the past, you know, uh, haters make you greater doubt. When cast, it's just a shadow of a cloud making room for sunlight. I want to thank uh Donald Trump. Ha ha ha, oh God, we gotta go on that note. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show