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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know. Y'all back all, suit all looking back to back down, giving them both just like theming buck bus things and it's cub y'all be true. Good to tea. Steve Hay listening to other for Stu barn Moby, why don't you joy yeah by joining me? Honey said you gotta use that turn out. Yeah you run, you gotta turn to turn the love turn to love. You got to turn out to turn turn want of comfy? Come on your things? Got it? I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Somebody sent me an email one day that, you know, kind of a nasty little email, you know, I think I said it wants to before Steve Harvey trying to be a preacher. Man. I'm so far from being a preacher. Man. I can't even tell you. But what I am trying to do is share information. I understand how haters work, and I understand how the devil works. Believe me, I do you know sometimes even heat, the devil surprises me at the level and the angles of attack they use, you know which, I go, Wow, man, I didn't I didn't see that one. Oh that was pretty slick. I got I gotta get her credit on that. We try to get me, But every time you try to get me, I get saved. I get saved every time, man, because because God got me, God got some angels camped around me. That's what my mom used to always say as Sunday school teacher. Never really understood it, but you know when I was growing up as a kid, but I got it. Now, you got some angels around me. And angels come into form sometimes with people, people who pull your coat to this, or introduce you to that, or reveals some information to you like this. He got them all around me. So see, having a relationship with God has been beneficial to me, y'all. It's not just that what he gives to me, but what he protects me from. And you know, some some people wonder, what if you were God? Why he letting people do that to you? Now, that's not how it works. See, there's two forces in this world, as good and as evil, and if you succumb to good, that's what you become. That's what you do. But everybody don't succumb to good. Some people succumb to evil. Some people's mission is to hate, to destroy, to tear down, And so that forces at work in this world too. And when that force comes up against me. What God never promised me that I wouldn't see none of that, that I wouldn't see the attacks, that I would not come under fire, that I would not be falsely accused. He didn't say that. A matter of fact, he for warned me that it would happen. But what He does give me in those moments, on moments of comfort and peace, knowing that He's with me, and no, no matter what my enemy does to bring me down, it ain't gonna work. It ain't gonna work. So come if you want to fight, if you will. I have a man that has been attacking me since I owned the comedy club in Dallas. He has been on a mission. Every job I get, he send out all he's he's send them the people that I'm with. He didn't send it to the w B. He just sent these notifications falsely claiming that he has some information that can destroy me, that he has some audio clips of me saying things on stage that could destroy me, and that if I don't give him five million dollars, he gonna do it. You know how long this man been doing this? I mean he didn't call NBC right on up to NBC where I am now. He didn't done everything, man, He has done everything now even messed around and got itself now claiming in his letters physically ill and his illnesses and what was to befalling his family. He's blaming that on me too, as Steve Harvey not stressed me out and paid me this money he owe me? What? What? What? What? What? Where you get this figure from? Man? Where we were you coming with this? But every time, man, even when I tried to talk with the man to say, man, look man, what is it? What is you really trying to do? This is what? This is? How much I want? I'm not paying you that, man, You know I'm not. I'm not giving you that. He just has kept on and on and on, and you know what, he the messed around, got itself sick. He'd messed around, man, got himself in some situation. And can I tell you something. It's been going on since nine team h maybe nineties seven. He started the attack when I first went on, No before that probably he started the attacks in it's two thousand thirty every nine. And he didn't got six lawyers. All the lawyers didn't drop the case after they come in and they discovered the fact. But he steady trying. But it's the angels that's around. And I foll warned him several times. Man, and man, if I was you, I go a head on because what I'm not gonna do is being because you cannot break me. Because I happened to be a soldier for Christ. I happened to be an imperfect soldier for Christ as nothing, man as nothing. And oh, oh it ain't like a bunch of people and tried. Now, Oh y'all been on YouTube, y'all been on the internet. Oh they didn't try. Oh they didn't put some dirt on me. Man, that ain't true. But if you keep looking at me, though, and I'm not the prize, but if you put your eyes on God, as where you go. But if you look at me, He's covered me through it all. And that's been the importance of the relationship I formed with God, is that I know that I'm under his wings, that I'm never under his ever loving protection, that he got me and I just wanted to share that with you that if you got If you're looking for some protection, if you're looking for a way to have the stript to get through what you're going through, get some god man. If if if, if, if you want to weigh out, get some god man. If you've been gangbanging and you're sick of gangbanging, get you some god man. If you're tired of being on drugs and you're tired of drinking, get you some god Man. If you're tire to bed, if you're sick of tired of being sick of tired, get you some god Man. I'm just telling you now. If you're trying to make your dreams come true and it looked like you ain't gonna make it, and you still believe that that's for you, get you some god man. If you're setting a new gold dream of aspiration and you're trying to get there and you're gonna start out today, get you some god Man. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you it's real. What I'm saying. Man, I ain't on faith, Dude, with it, you understand. I'm just telling you real. Get you some god man, and be patient, have faith believe, don't doubt, but Lord have mercy. Get ready to work your tail off. Did you hear me? Get you some faith, Believe, don't doubt, and get ready to work your tail off. God can't blessing you See a lot of times we go to God asking for prayers and stuff, but we go to him and we don't give nothing. God nothing to bless. We won't blessing, but we don't give him nothing to bless. You make one step, he'll make two. You start, he'll finish you come, He'll go you dream it, He'll build you started, he'll finish. See you see you're trying everything your way. I'm gonna go to court of conversation with him. Man. Yesterday just sitting and just call me man, and was just talking about but Steve. You know, man, I've just dude been on me for four years. I just asked him, have you survived the folk without the three hunter? Yeah? Man, how much you think you have spent trying to get to just a few hundred? Now, let me ask you something. Do you have a few hundred more to try to get this twenty three hundred that you've been trying to get for four years? Yeah? I could do that, But do you want to Man, do you have the time to dedicate foe more or your years to try to get twenty three hundred? But Steve am out of work right now to fell on some hard times. I could use that money. And I've been praying to God to help me. Yeah, you've been praying to God to help you, but you've been telling God how to do to help. See. You keep telling God that if he gives you the twenty one three hundred, you'll be all right, when in essence, God probably got something way greater for you. But you gotta let go of your own thinking and let God have his way. You understand, you feel me find yourself some God. Today you're listening with one minutes after the hour haply More show over radio. Yesterday I did Vinscent Price. Today I'm gonna do uh pimping. Pimping is gonna introduce the radio show this morning's ready, let's go keep mother, what's up? And everybody, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is my man, I'm pimping sitting there about to bring you the greasy show on. You know, we got only characters, Yeah, and we got Shirley straw Bay, that's my girl. I shown feeling little chocolate columns around like that thing like damn you understanding? Got junior union with the pimperage voice of them all? He is my p I T pimp and training. Then we got timing. I don't know where he is this money ain't had he out of him? He differently Tommy Tommy my man, don't you know? Spaying up with Tommy? I called Tommy t te? What's t t Tommy? And then my main man out of the caroline some Anthony Brown? What pimping? What's happening? Man? Going good? Junior? What's happing? Pimping? My ero? Nona? If I had your voice out of started pimping that tears really man cholate t excuse me? Fellas back out? What's up? Chocolate? What's happen to? How you doing? Like it? Like that? I like chocolate? Chocolate one of my favorite things? Right? What's happen? Put that chocolate on top one strawberry? We got z happy? Speaking of that? What's up? Shelley? Hey, good morning, pimp? And how you doing out? You know everything and everything? Timmy ain't here today, No, No, he's off he's off. Oh that's right, yeah, oh, yesterday was his birthday? Yes, at my confused? No, should I not be saying anything I wouldn't hear in front of briefing, not that I would come, but you don't do briefings. I don't do briefing, baby, No, No, pimps don't briefe. They don't. What do they do? Communicate? I talk you into it and I'm trying to talk you out of And that's all. It's just going on. What's handing at the White House? Anything? I need to comment everything? Hey, tell Steve, let me tell yall something. Tell Steve keep his head up with all these haters. Don't king him. We tell him every day. Yeah, ain't you know, y'all? And you know I'll be following Twitter and social media stuff, y'all. Don't be saying nothing on Twitter? A huh? Pimps on Twitter? Yeah? Pt what the president is on Twitter? The President on Twitter? Yn't keep pimping the game for real. And it's just on that. I can't pimp pimps on Twitters called catchy title. I just wanted to stop in and say something y'all. Y'all my love and support and let y'all know, y'all stay too. Steve Harvest TV back next third is something funny? What y'all doing? I don't know if we'll be back. You're listening, Steve Harp. Alright, it's time for something funny. Alright. It's not looking good. I mean, we can all agree on this. It is not looking good for the president right now. Yeah. So our question for everyone is, have you ever been fired? Because there is talk of impeachment, firing him, all of that. Have you ever been fired? And what did you do? Let's start with you, Mr Harvey. Have I ever been fired? Yeah? Have I ever been? By the hell I had to get into comedy, I can't. I know. I got fired man, because I just couldn't. No. I never you know, I don't take orders good. I've never been the guy that wanted the boss. Every time I had an employer, I was looking at him and in two weeks I never understood why this person was in charge of me. I just never got it. I've been fine. I've been fired for a lot of reasons. One time I got fired because I had a giant to cleaning John. You know, I was vacuuming and you know, shampoo and carp is on floors right before up my carp and cleaning cover and the cleaning company to the lady came in and ran it and handed me some gloves and see you're doing toilets tonight, I said, doing doing toilets were? And she said here at this office complex. And I went in the bathroom and it's about you know about foe toilets in them, and I don't. I don't do toilets, even even back then. I'm not. I'm not cleaning the tarlet. It's nothing wrong with it. Nothing. I'm not not that I'm gonna blovet. I just got a thing. I don't want to clean no toilet. People that do that, I ain't got no problem. And some great people out to earn a living. I'm not knocking that, but I'm not. I'm not cleaning toilets. I don't want to. And so I just stood in there. I washed out the face bowl, you know, I mopped it everything, and I sprayed some spray on everything, and I came out. So it was her company, you know. So she went in there to check everything after it, and she said, I don't believe these toilets have been cleaned did you clean them? I said, to the best of my ability, And she said, well, maybe your abilities wasn't good enough. I said, well, how would you like it? Don She said, well, it just doesn't seem like anything. But now I think you just sprinkle the uh the uh uh disinfecting it because it phamed up, and I think that's all you did. I said, well, yes, ma'am, but you know I did the best. She said. You take a brush, you scrubble into the rim and you scrubbed down the side. That's when it's cleaning. You take that scrub bush and going up. That's why you had these rubber gloves. Then you take these disinfecting cloths and you wipe them off down and get all up under the seat. I said, right there, right there, all up under the seat. You're talking about what people ask me, she said, And what is wrong with that? I said, ma'am, I did the best I could. She said, well, you don't need to be working here because you're gonna be on toilets from now. I took the rubber gloves off. I said, thank you for the opportunity, ma'am. She said, no, no, no, no, no, don't quit. You're fired. I said, well, I take it either way. Ain't doing any damn told that was it? Man? That was That was my first job. I got fired from, well, second job, second second job A bunch of times, A lot of times. I didn't mind having people over me, but I always trying to find a slick way to deal with it. So I'm working in this clothing store. I wasn't a tailor at that time. It was my job to make sure they're putting new suits up. And Steve would tell you suits coming big boxes, huge boxes, big enough that if you need a break, you could get in a box and go to sleep and nobody would know you were in the box unless they heard you snoring in the box and the boom, here we go. I was in there, I was sleep, I was out top over it, and somebody came back and said, there's a neat bro not on. One of these boxers is snoring, so you can look and see me in the box, right, And that's when I had to clean up my my loptop because I was in the box sleep with the lead. So I lost that. Y'all right, man, Uh, you've never been fine, not that I know. Maybe one time one time, but it's not funny or good. They just go ahead. I worked at a pick and pay. I was a stock clerk. And then you know when he got crowded on Mother's Day, on Mother's weekend, which is the first of the month, that's what they called it, Mother's Day weekend, That's what all the checks came out. That's the most crowded grocery store in the hood. Right, So I had to go up and I had to bag. I started off as a bag I was really good. I could bag. I'm a double bag. Everything that's that real neat package is right weight everything. So every now and then we're going there. So I became a stoker, so I would stock the shelves and it's white guy named Leo worked in the dairy department. I just go over there and ask him questions because I wanted to work and produce more than anything man. And so this dude named Leo worked in uh dairy and I was in produced talking to this old black guy who's been running produced for twenty some years. How I got the job? How could I get it? You know, I'm about he's seventeen years old. And the dude Leo came up and started talking. He said, so, what do you want to get in produced for? And I just said, well, you know, man, I've always been interested in him. He said, look, dairy's where you want to be. Come back here and I'll show you. You know, we're just going back there and we're talking. He's showing me all the dairy stuff. And I ain't, like, I don't want to work at that now, I said, matter of really like produce. We're going back and forth. So he got a little irritated. It not that I was knocking the dairy department. It's just that I wanted to work in produce, man. I didn't really want to be there putting cards of milk on the shelf. I wanted to work with vegetables and stuff. And so then he kept on and then final him and he said, oh, so what is it you just all of you just enjoy picking things? Oh I was a holder, man. What's what you mean by that? I said? He said, I guess it's just inherent though, you know, I just want to pick something. What And when I started right there, I didn't punch him with nothing, but I was choking it. Yeah, And then assistant Stoe manager was coming down the back that we was in the store room and I was had as they had been over some boxes choking. That was its day, last day of the job. Inherent y'all like picking stuff. Yeah, I mean the nerve. Yeah, you don't do that joke? Normal coming up, run that prank back Steve with the nephew. Right after this jam. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, y'all. Welcome back. Hey, stay with us, y'all, because at the top of the hour, this and got everything you need to know on the latest national news. We've got an update coming from a White House like we do every day. It's the first administration that we got to talk about every damn. Yeah, you know, I really wished the administration could just get a break man, just get a day off from controversial with Yeah, a friend to lose this job, damn talking about getting fired. Yeah, we're gonna run that break back. Hello, it's just as a cleaner. It's just the cleaner cleaner. Okay, I ain't listen. I'll be bringing my clothes to y'all all the time. Somebody to mess up a pair of my plans? Oh did you depend you want to see the things? So what Yeah, depends don't fit you there? We fit me for you? No, no, no, Now, y'all have already messed up or not. What I'm trying to say right here is is that whoever did the plans took the belt loop off the pans? But who whoo whoo do who that? Who do? Who do? What? Who do? Who do? Washton? You can y'all the people. I told y'all, I want to start in my jeans, you know, I told y'all I want to make sure my James stand up by the self. Okay, y'all put the start any But the problem is y'all took the belt loops off the pins? Do you you pay already? Do you pay? So? What do you pay? Yeah? Prays you' all the day on money, y'all game me the prayer. I ain't know the belt loose wasn't on there util I at all? What? What? What's your name? What's your name? Washington? What? Washington? What question? What's your name? Your name? I don't never leave my first name. I'm always had to find a re seat to see what you are? What's wrong with your pants? Did you let your letting me? What? What? Hington? Why you can't understand what I'm trying to say to you. Why would who? Who? Who? Who to help you with your clothes? Who the person to help you with your clothes? The lady that I way be in the front is the one that helped me. That the older lady, she's the one always helped me. Let me here. Okay, you did, You're the way for coming and I myself, I see the lighting that you need. WI my girl, I need What is he saying that she's not here? What I need? You to speak English? This is an English said to waste? Okay, okay, she she knows speaking? She not speaking? Okay, so I I trans play for her? Okay, she she not here? You want to call count tomorrow? Did we help you with the clothes? Okay? But you ain't understand me. My belt loops is of my parents. We know that we know to take it. It's not if we don't have to here, we just walk it along. We don't take the job. Did do that y'all? Did take the bell loops out? Do you wait? Okay? Okay, I work wait? Okay, yeah? Water and I learned then? Who can't go to I'm talking? You need? Look, nickey, McKey. I tell you, I'll tell you endless do what what do you we? We try to help the problem. Okay, I understand you try to help the problem. But this is an English problem. And then so we're I speak in the English to you you I don't understand what you say. I'll tell you. I need you to speak English. You're not speaking. I just speak the English to you. Why you're not? You're not? Look, you don't worry old Look all I'm saying it is right here. Somebody got my damn bill losing it took him out playing, and somebody been put back out day. You don't when when you can tell you that we have fixed the pan? Okay, and you you'll bring it in and you know they're not. I can do for you on the phone. Okay. You want to let to fix the pan, you have to bring in another day? Okay, Okay, what do you want me to do on the phone? Okay? If I don't have to pan. How you're going to fix it? You have to bring at you tomorrow okay, but that the father would be here tomorrow. You bring in okay, tomorrow. It's very busy today. I don't have time to do this. On the phone. Okay, Okay, y'all gonna pick money? No, you don't. You you pay not? Okay, I always say I just think that. Okay, you stay on the phone and you squee him and you yell, and then nothing I can do for you. No, you're here when you gonna fix my thing on prayer? Y'all? I don't have to see anything. Okay. We we need to help you. But if you don't want to work with us, you know we cannot help you. Okay. Let me tell yourself, y'all gonna make me come out with there? Walter, you come here, okay, you come here and you talk to us, okay, and I at the police here, at the police here, and then you take it with him. Okay, where's somebody gonna put my damn bird loose back on my praying thing? That's all I'm afraid, right, Okay. You you don't yeh at me? Okay, well you don't ye at me? Okay, you want do you want to succee him? He tak you? Okay? From you're talking, you're gonna take care of me the fine that he's got here, and you talk to him, and you ma, you max with him didn't he think I don't do with you? Okay, that would he better? Now he don't have to do nothing, okay, because we're not we're not we're not met up your pat. We tried to help you. You had the problem. You're talking younaki, you're gonna do work? Kick You're gonna kick my? Do that? What you're just saying? Oh? How how love? Did you just say? Yo? Dad? It was gonna kick my. Yeah, he couldn't care you and you were gonna go to police. Okay, you go to jail. Okay, okay, look I got something else I need to say to y'all. Is you're listening, I say, did you list what you what the problem? Do you have a man that worked for you? And your cleaner's name John? You want to talk? You know my name is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got Frank phone called by John that works in your cleaners? What John? John? You to call me? What did you want? Did John call me? Is this? So? What What is your name? Sue? Yeah, that's my name. You always get mad at John for listening to the radio in the morning round Under on the radio. Don't got me to point phone call you. I work at the radio show that that's done not funny. John Lama don't favor radio til super funny. So I gotta ask you, what what is the best radio show in the land. Oh that Steed Seed Hardy Show. Yeah, you can get watch and watching cant him. But this is my favorite one though, Asian Clay is my favorite. I love it. I love this one. Can you laugh about nothing? Oh yeah, yeah, you just sit over there and know nothing. Well, you know who needs to be quiet as well? That's our president. He addressed graduating cadets as a U. S. Coast Guard Academy on Wednesday. He said that no politician in history has been treated as poorly as he has. This is what President Trump said, adding that you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight, never ever give up. Things work out just fine. The President delivered the speech to a crowd of about four thousand people, and despite his optimistic message, things haven't been going well for him at all this week. Following the ouster of FBI Director James Comey, came the revelation that Comey said in a memo the President asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn, who had a short stint as Trump's National security advisor. We know that, so the sight never ever ever give up a class when you're doing the right thing. Though exactly junior, when you saw it in a miss You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, Mr ann is coming up next. But first graduating from college we all know as an exciting time, right, but it can also be very, very stressful, especially when you consider that about sevent of those earning a bachelor's degree have to deal with paying back student loans, always a major problem. And while getting extra education can help you achieve a better career, college is in a perfect solution for everyone. With that in mind, here's a rundown of things colleges does not. College does not teach you here we go uh to pursue your dreams between classes, to be able to talk, being able to make your dream between classes. College is not to pursue your dream They don't discuss your dreams in college. You have to provide that yourself. That's the first mistake of the educational. Being able to make personal connections with people is vital, like networking. They is like that, Okay, they don't teach you that, right, Nope. Uh, they don't teach you that success is a marathon and that you don't need to make a big splash. Okay, it's about the journey. College doesn't teach your success. College teaches you how to memorize and recall during test time. That's not success. They just teach you recall. It's important, you know, if your dream is to be a doctor, of course you got to get an education. Will be a lawyer, you gotta have an education. Engineer got to have an education. There's nothing to do with your dreams, don't they don't. They don't teach. Instead acquire dreams. This is what they should do. Instead, acquire skills and build your network a little each day. Now, Steve, if you could go back in time, I know we've been discussing it already and talk to yourself as a recent college grad or high school grad, what would you tell yourself what we've just been talking about. Right, Well, out of telling myself I should never took my stupid and down, don't waste your time, I mean you never want in college? Is that what you're talking about? Yeah? I shouldn't know, because what I wanted to do and be was not there. Yeah, the college taught me. The most valuable lesson I learned from college was people, how to deal with people, with people, and that's what that was my greatest takeaway from college. Social skills, how people are. And I learned valuable lessons in that living with people. I didn't know how to get along with people from different cultures. That was to take away from me in college. And nothing else came out of college for me. Nothing, And that's what they say that they don't teach you that networking. And I really wished I had gone to college. My sister went. I didn't go, but trade school I did pretty good, pretty damn good. And I was a tailor. I didn't owe anybody any money when I got out. I steal to this date on college and no students owned or nothing like that. And I worked right away as soon as I got out of trade school. Him assistant was still little. She owe me mine in now do you still makes that? Still going there? Hucket pockets pockets Okay, lady and gentlemen, MS and trip the lovely one, good morning, thank you very much, Steve, and this is a trip everybody. Okay, President Trump still insist that he never tried to get the FBI to abandon his investigation into former nationalist curity advisor Mike Flint's ties to Russia or into the agency's probe and to weather members of his presidential campaign were involved with Moscow's alleged efforts to control the outcome of the election. The entire thing has been a witch hunt, and there is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign. I think it divides the country. I think we have a very divided country because of that and many other things. We have to get back to running this country really, really well. We've made tremendous progress in the last hundred and some days, tremendous progress, and that's what I want to be focused on, because, believe me, there's no collusion. Russia is fine. But whether it's Russia or anybody else, my total priority, believe me, is the United States of America. Yeah. Well, the allegations surface after Trump abruptly fired FBI Director of James Comey, and the contents of one of call Me's memos became public. Was a memo where he stayed that Trump told him that he wished the investigation would quote go away, in Oklahoma, the family of a non armed black man shot and killed by a white police officer last September are now acquitted. White police officer say they intend to drop a wrongful death suite on the city of Tulsa. The victim, Terrence Cutcher, was having truck car trouble. He stopped his vehicle and got out. His family cried when they heard. The jurors found officer Betty Joe Shelby not guilty of first degree mass slaughter. Shelby claims she fired her weapon because she thought Mr. Crutcher had a weapon and she was fearful of her life, but prosecuted say Crutcher was no threat to her. In fact, he was clearly seen holding his hands in the air when she killed him, a scene captured on dass board video and by a helicopter. The family lawyer is Benjamin Crump on the heels of Eric Gardner in New York, Michael Brown and Ferguson. Then lest just goes on and on and African American man being killed by white police officers and they get away with it. I really thought that TUSA would be the example that said all American citizens are granted their due process of the law, and it does not matter if you are a young African American man. Unfortunately I was wrong. White collar works at the Ford Motor Company facing layoffs this year. Today is Boys Club Day, Celebrate your Elected Officials Day and Armed Forces Day. And this has been a triple We back Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, alright, Solange. She wrote a letter to her teenage self for teen Vogue. She says, when you go out into the world feeling really confident in who you are, young people will call you names, and grown folks will call you names as well. She says, It's okay. One day you'll name yourself and that name will belong to you. Will not be the ones they ordained crazy, ugly, attention seeking weirdo. Sometimes you will still get call these things as an adult, except you will actually embrace some of them. You will learn that these are just words, and every once in a while they will hurt, but you will choose to turn those words into a symbol of beauty. Solange also writes about losing a best friend to gun violence, about becoming a mother at seventeen, and about the time when she wanted to marry Brandon Boyd from Incubus Incombus. Does he get is that like a rock group or something? Well, no, I'm just saying, you mean, you know, through everybody off with that name, who is he? I don't know who he is. He's a it's a group. Incubacy gets behind his name. He does. Well. I was just saying, because of all the things that Shalan talked about, it did sounds like nail. Did you know the things that can trouble you as a teen and bother you and you know you can carry that into an adult. But she says, you know what's going to happen, and don't worry. I was called fat as. Sit your fat as? Were you overweight? Yeah? I want husky Jeane. Remember husky Jeane with the word husky back that that did not help yourself esteem. You stand over that and cutter rouge because they made so made noise. The most faithful thing is teacher told me one time in class, sit your fat ass down in the front of Okay, Salon says, you will learn that these are just words. Every once in a while they will hurt. Well, no, it's funny. Back then he said, you will learn, but you will choose to turn those words into a symbol of beauty. And you have done that now. I just did that back then in the seventh grade. You crying on the inside. Ain't hurt right now? You were crushed. You hurt right now. At I can't believe the teachers said it. Yes, she had enough, she had had enough. But didn't your teacher tell you something similar site in front of everyone? You could sit out back there, little Stevie. At then the food you ain't gonna emp up, make no money after the food. In the words of Solange, you will learn that these are just words. Every once in a while, they will hurt, but you will chat turn those I had a girl tell me I'm not going to the junior proem with you because I don't like your facial pictures. Oh yeah, you know like nothing. All right, we gotta go. Jay is up next to murder another kid morning show. All right, draw me back. It's time to get it done. It's time to do what your boy came over here to do. He doing way moding that, but you know, bought for one v he the muscle his way in on half cut out all this day I'm talking on this. I'm sorry, Uh alright, uh we got a fresh one for you today, Steve. I don't think surely if it's coming up with the concept of this Shirley, this Charlie Wilson song, that this song is blessed. It's about blessed. It's about being thankful for what you got. My song a little different. It's about being stressed. There's a lot of stressful situations out there. You just got out of one, just got out of one. So here we go, stress, not blessed. Steve Harvey money show man. I'm just a bundle of bad nerves. Man, I'm saying all the time, if you give me a glass of milk, man, hu give you butter back. That's how much I'm saying. They want to go nowhere, standing house all the time. I didn't take packages in mail. You know, you don't know, and people it's scary. I don't stand and in the yard ain't a way, but I might do it someday. It's laying by my side. Damn. I just people fighting on the freeway, crazy me and the dream. I don't bother him. My God, enough on my place. I'm afraid to glad mat No, I might give a better so I get how to get by drinking, and I can't get a night. And so we'll be looking my eyes. You see me crying because I ain't got nothing but by love. Yes, I want to know. And I'm stressed. Yes, I put the letter D in the word deep. Yes, always have a dropping in my home. Yes, I'm stressing. Yes, I'm stressed. Yes, don't ask me how I'm doing. I'm a mess on yes, my side piece best to pretend you never sees her on my face. Yes, I'm stressed. Yes I'm stressed. Yes, it's me I'm doing and I'm stressed. Yes, i'm doing at a d in door. Yes, i always have a throbbing in my home. Yes I'm stressed. Yes I'm stressed. Yes, don't ask me how I'm doing. I'm a mess. Yes, the side bees past to pretend any smell up on my face. Yes, I'm baby. How we do it, that's how we do it. I'm stressed, I'm stressed. Is that a car wreck? Car crack? Keep a throbbing in my hip? And it was Give me a glass of milk. I'm singing so hard. I'm gonna give you back. But I love it. That was great. That was good. That's the reason what you say, you show us a positive Yeah, check it again. I am all right, check me out. Yay comedy Pep shell Underwood the first of the fourth. Uh, and I should be there. We're gonna Rochelle on the fourth alright, Hollyrood would Los Angeles, California. Man, I'm stressed about that, Wow, Jay, about everything, Steve, I mean, things seem to be going well with you lately. Stressed about anything? Yeah, a good week. Yeah, last week I can understand. But this week, I mean, it's mo coming. But you know I ain't. Oh, it's more coming already. I already know what commission to some people is. But I ain't very stressed. I'm sick of some mess. I'm a little sick of summer. It is messy. Starting to look like I'm stressed, but all little sick of this mess. I wish they would give a life. Prying phone calls coming up. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up? Next, you got Strawberry Letter that's coming up. And then we talk about some things that's happened, Shelley. Yeah, and then the nephew, of course, is coming up with his prank phone called it's called naked yoga. See right there, that sounds stressfulsitions. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Uh is it Gordon? Right, it's Gordon. How you doing? Mr Gordon? Just and my name is Let me let me turn down the TVD you call them about the apartment? Yes, yes, I was trying to see about maybe coming over to take a look at it or and then uh, if it's still available. Man, I got a newspaper, but I didn't know if just still available or what? No, no, no still form rent. Um, let me be straight with you. Um uh you know, no pets and uh no no smoking of any kind. Understand. Okay, we'm understanding the listening. Here's like eight on the fifty dollars of mine, right, you got a parking spot, um in your private bathroom with a shower and uh a fifty I'm gonna need first last month and uh really, um, what's your name? My name is Darnell Don Okay, um so yeah, um, first last month and uh so security number I can do a background check. Ok okay, uh let me ask this. You guys got out like a back backyard area. I teach classes in the mornings, and I don't want to know if you have that that that's pretty much what kind of locked me in. If you got If you guys got a backyard, I can use. We got a backyard, What do you teach? I teach yoga. I teach yoking the mornings from from six to eight. Hopefully I won't be a problem. You're making make money doing yoga, yes, sir, I definitely do. I make enough, definitely to cover the red that's for sure. That shouldn't be a problem. I know I know a little bit about yoga. That's that. I mean, really, if it's y'all, you know you're not making no noise as yoga. That's that's not a problem. A good deal. Well, how quick can I actually get moved in? Man? I'm trying to get something. I just moved in from the from the East coast. I jumped on my yoga pretty quick, and I got quite a bit of clientele built up, and you know, I'm just just ready to get started, get moved in man. Something something that I can actually call home. You know, Uh yeah, Well you know we're looking at rent, rent it out pretty quick, um, you know, because we want to try and get it filled as soon as possible. Because if you said, we are you are you? You got a roommate, you're you're it would be me and my wife and uh we just a three bedroom home. You would have the room in the back with the bathroom and uh yeah, like a fifty do a credit check, you know we meet, Um, I can do the background check and uh no, no, what what what? What? What? What? What? What do you necessarily need to do that for? Well, you gotta know who you're into, and then you want to know what the credit they got, so if they can afford the rent or not. You know, I got I got real good credit. Man, My credit is fine. I'm not I'm on my credit scores. Oh damn. All right when you get here is how you feel. Lot of application. But do you know if you if you're ready to get it cracking, I can do I can do a background check and you right not give me a SOB security number. Okay, but let me let me go ahead and just do this. Man on that background check, because you know that what I want to say about that is this it might be something on there about like when I was on the East Coast. You know, I was actually teaching, uh, naked yoga. You know what I mean, naked yo. Uh. You know you might see something on there about me being a nick whole naked yoga. Yo. What that's what that's kind of yoga. I was teaching on the East Coast, naked yoga, you know what I'm saying. And everybody might yoga here. What it's in the backyard. It's closed in you know, the back yard. And you what what what other glitz you got? You said, there's some glitches, Michael, Well what is it glit you got? Well, you might do that. I'm in the far Mania. But see, but I took some I took clash for what. I took counseling for that thought, what do you need to take some counseling over somewhere else? You ain't taking no counseling and doing no naked yoga in my backyard. Not all that behind me? Now that's on the East coast, man, that that's that's all behind me. Now. I didn't put that thing down. Man, I don't care if it's behind you, front of you, on the side you're doing yoga in my backyard. That ain't happening, man. Matter of fact, man, listens that qualified to move in there. And now you're gonna sit here and tell me. I can't tell about doing some naked yoga in my backyard with no people and my wife being on man, look you friend your wife. Man, just scratch that one off your list and just move on to the next one, because ain't no naked yoga is going down. I'm back here with no niple maniac. I don't know what else y'all might be doing. I don't know what. I don't know who does that? You? We all, we it's just it's just it's just a serene moment, man. Where you find yourself. That's all this really is about. Were you better find yourself somewhere else? That's what I know. You ain't doing. No nickt y'all get my backyard. I'm surprised you even called somebody with that. Hey, man, I'm gonna come over that to this actress and start looking at this place because I want to set up shop right here in my backyard. I don't even know you talking about you got some lynches in your past. You're gonna have a foot in your How do you know that this isn't something that your wife might really want to get into? My wife, I don't even miss my wife's name. Man, you don't know me, don't know you know my wife. Take my up your listen, you come out there. You don't have another glitch. I'm coming out of what you just sad through and you're gonna show it to me. Thanks showing you. You come come out of here. I'm gonna show you something else, my fact that I am. I am a recovered from maniac. I'm recovered to have a covered nipple. Minia. You're about to get your buying maniac. I'm the maniac. Please believe darn now, gonna come over that right now over here, when they come over that now, man, so we can say the fifth I ain't having that. Do not come over there. You could just matter like, man, look this. You can do whatever you want somewhere else, but this right here, this takes the place for you. I'm gonna tell you that right now, darn now, to your wife. Your wife, you don't talk about this ain't the place for you. Go somewheld. Take this to your wife. Man, Please let me talk to your wife. Do not even trying me, darn now, talk to your name that kind of dude. Member, you're about to bring this out of me. Do not bring this over here, darnel So so as far as your wife, man, let me here. Why this right here is over for real? You're gonna come out here and catch your case. Okay? Can I can I say one more thing that you just can't say, darknew because this is this conversation is over. Man, Okay, how about that? Hey? Man? Can I say one more thing? Man? Man? What this is? Nephew, timt me from the Steve Hobby more want to show you just got pranked by your brother. Oh, stuff out of here, man, this is nothing Tommy who told you to do this to me? Many brother? My brother? Oh I'm gona good, Oh my god, man, my heart is all beating off fast man out of here. Man to man, all right, man, Man, I was gonna whoop your butt naked if you came around here. Man. You just don't know. Man, I'm so glad this is a joke. You have no idea. I'm so glad it's a joke. Man. Okay, one of these days you are going to see the hooky it was a gloomy day. This is an interesting, interesting story here. Boy, wish it was me. It was a gloomy day when day Brenton Brantley pulled into minute shop in his hometown, but not for very long. He bought two jumbo buck stratch scratch off lottery tickets. While he was rubbing it with a coin, he couldn't believe his eyes. He's sixty eight years old. He won seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Yes, that was after tax had turned out to five and some thousand dollars and some change. It's gonna go toward buying his first ever new car, new vehicle. He's gonna buy a Ford pickup. If I ever win a lot of like a lot, a real lot, my message would be the following people can kiss. Listen for your name. I'm starting with the a alphabetic how much it gazillion? Yes? Okay? Is this son? Yeah? The following people listen for your name, kiss in alcabetical order. And I like what Jorge said. He's gonna keep his job, but he's coming in late money, all right. The Strawberry letter is coming up next. But Steven Steve has my story and leave early. I love it. Oh my goodness. Yeah. But anyway, this guy is gonna buy a Ford pickup. He's gonna buy a new house, and it's gonna have to have a garage, you know that, so he can put his brand new, first ever new car, new Ford pickup in this garage. Yeah. He has four grandchildren, ten great grandchildren. He won seven hundred and fifty after taxes, seven hundred fifty dollars. Yeah, after taxes, it's five dollars and some change. So he's going to buy a new car and a new and get that brand new pickup board, yeah, first ever, and a house and with a garage so we can put the truck in there. He's sixty eight years as mentioned, Strawberry Letter coming up next, and Steve has a crazy story, my favorite. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Strawberry Letter coming up next. It's gonna be another crazy one. But speaking of crazy, what is the story you have for us? My favorite story? I never heard this from. I had this partner man we was at this dance. Name was k Doug kidded Wig. And then you know how back in the day, though nastic would come out the top of your socks. Oh yeah, and they would fall down round you know, all of us did, did it? You know, we put rubber bands on, but Kenneth had rubber band in his socks up. He was dealing with all day. So we put a bunch of mon in. So he's out of this dance. And we were just dancing, man all night, And so I kept looking over there. Kidney kind of kept reaching down right below his cash just you know a little just a little rubbed his leg. But he get back up and he started dancing some more. And then and then I look over there and Kindeth down there just rubbing right below his count on both legs, and he looked at us, started looking a little stressful getting at paying on chinching we out here, dann Literally he would knew it like it was a part of the dance though, So I ain't really paying right And so finally, man, I looked over there and Kenneth had dropped down on both knaves and then just collapsed. What happened? Face forward and everybody to dance stopping, damn d J cutting musical. And they went over there and they rolled Kenneth over and I would consid and people were starting to just press on his chest. They were trying to give them CPR. They was trying to, you know, if they were trying to act like they had defibrillated, you know, just trying to clear you know, just pressing on his chest and beating on his chest. And Kenneth came to and just started fighting to make it off it off of me, Stop pushing. And they said, Kenneth, Kenneth, what's what's hurting? He said, brow my socks down? Kind of socks had cut the damn blood so bad that his ass had fighting. They pulled nag up, They rolled the socks down. He had so many rubble bands they had cut so deep into the cut. Kenneth below his cast was wrong, is just cutting tool mylf and everybody was confused so tight, you know. All right, take us to the Strawberry letter. The Strawberry letter subject was I right or wrong? He Stephen the family. I am twenty four year old female that is well established for my age. I have my own house, car, and I am a registered nurse. Anyway, I met this guy a couple of months ago, and I was interested in him. We would hang out from time to time and I really enjoyed his company, but it seemed like the only thing that would become of this is friends would benefit benefits. One day, out of a blue, he said his birthday is coming up, and what am I going to get him. I quickly mentioned the friends with benefits and he said, no, it's not like that. I want more. I want to get to know you as a person. In the whole time, I'm thinking he's just saying this to continue to get the goods. So the next time he came over, he ended up trying and getting the goods. And after it was over, I got upset, left the room and came back and told him it was time for him to go. He had gotten what he wanted and there was no reason for him to still be there. Uh to be here? He looked confused and didn't know where the attitude came from. But he got up and I got his stuff, and before he left, he said, I'll talk to you later, and I said, I don't think I will be communicating with you anymore. I feel bad now, was I wrong? I mean, I don't know, were you where You're wrong? I mean, what do you want out of this? You know? Do you want a relationship where someone cares about you and loves you, or do you just want to be some man's boo, you know, with benefits, his friend with benefits. So maybe you know, since you feel bad now now that he's gone, maybe you'll take the time to consider him. Um, you know, he said he wanted to get to know you better, and uh, you know, sounds like he wants something with you to me. Maybe you'll realize now that it is you and your attitude and your fears and your insecurities that are holding you back from possibly having a good relationship with the man. Stop tripping, you know, Steve, Well, I mean, I don't know, Shirley. I think this is a classic case of not getting a clear understanding of what everybody's in it for. See, you can't create new terms and then become unhappy with the terms. Are you twenty four? Your female that's well established for your agent? II? You really are? You got your own house, a car, and you're a nurse. Okay, sister, you're doing really, really well, extremely well. You met a guy a couple of months ago. You're interested in it. We would hang out from time to time, and I really enjoyed his company. But it seemed like the only thing that would become of this is friends with benefits. Okay, see, hold on, see you hung out from time to time. You really enjoyed this company. But it seemed like the only thing that would come out of this would be friends with benefits. So what that means is that hanging out was more than really hanging out. Y'all were sleeping together. Okay, now you've discovered that it looks like all this is gonna be is some friends with benefits. Well, you're using the term benefits because you're obviously taking the term out the book. And I have explain to women the reason you hang on to your cookie because it's a great benefit. Now you got a friend end of yours, you called a friend, which everybody's definition of friendship is different. And now you're saying that they have benefits with it. And then one after day, one day after blue, he said his birthday was coming up and what am I gonna get him? Uh? And then I quickly mentioned the friends with benefits and he said, no, it's not like that. I want more. I want to get to know you as a person. The whole time I'm thinking this, he's just saying it continue to continue to get the goods. So, in essence, lady, let's just tell the truth. You were passing out the goods to a person who didn't know you, and you didn't know him. That's really what this is about. Man. I hate to keep doing this and hammering this message home, but my goodness, I want more. I want to get to know you as a person. You're sleeping with a dude you don't know because you passed out the benefits before he proved himself worthy of the benefit package. No other way to explain this to you except you have done this to yourself without having any standards as to what a friend is to you on him and any standards for when you pass out your cookie. Everybody, come in and get a handful part too, of Steve's response at twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Come on, Steve, finish with your your response to part two of this crazy letter. Ain't it Yeah? Ain't it y'all? This this letter right here, hey, Steve, Fay for your female is established from my age, got her own house called resident. Anyway, I met this guy a couple of months ago. I was interested in and we were hanging out from time to time. I really enjoyed the company, but it seemed like the only thing that would become of this is friends with benefits. One day, out of the blue, he said his birthday is coming up and one am I gonna get him? I quickly mentioned a friend with benefits and he said, no, it's not like that. I want more. I want to get to know you as a person. The whole time, I'm thinking he's just saying it to continue to get the goods. So the next time he came over, he ended up trying to get the good After it was over, I got upset and left the room, came back and told him it was time for him to go, and he had he had gotten what he wanted, there was no reason for him to still be here. He looked confused and didn't know where the attitude came from, but he got him, got the stuff, and before he left, he said, I talked to you later. I said, I don't think I'd be communicating with you anymore. I feel bad now, was I wrong? Sureley's absolutely correct and saying, well, you're wrong. I don't know what do you want? Okay, let's say you ain't read the bo Let's say, the friends with benefits is a common term. I must admit I've heard that many times before friends would benefit. But you didn't discuss any of that. You know now you know? Then at the end of the letter, you wrote, I feel bad? Now? Was I wrong? You feel bad? Now? No? No letdy no no no no see see seen. Let me back up a little bit, a little, a little twenty for you all. Let me help you understand something. You felt bad when you was writing this letter. You felt bad for what caused you to wrote to write the letter? You fed? You felt bad after he asked you what he was getting for his birthday. Uh. Then you got mad because you had to remind him, hey, we're just friends with benefits. Then you got mad because he said, no, I want more than that. You got mad because you're thinking the whole time he's talking that he's saying all it is just to continue to get the goods. Then you got mad because the next time he came over he was trying to get the goods. Then you really got mad because after it was over, which means he got the goods. Now, who are you mad at? You mad at him because because you gave it to him. It's all y'all do. See, that's all y'all do. Y'all ain't been talking, getting to know each other, learning each other. Y'all been getting together, passing out benefits. Now you're mad. Now you don't came back in the room with you're crazy self, because this crazy you sleep with the man you give in. You got upset and left the room, came back, told him it's time for him to go, that he had gotten what he wanted and that was no reason for him to steal be there. Did you not give what you want? See? Women amazed me with that statement. You got what you wanted? But did you not get what you wanted? So you keep dumping this on the dude? It takes two to do that thing. So now you got what you wanted, you could leave. Now, did not you get what you want? Tell get out? Now you get out? He looked confused. You're damn right, he confused. Every man on earth would be confused. You mean get out. We were just doing what we always do. When I come over here, I'll talk to you later. Now I don't think I'll be communicating with you anymore. Yeah, he's confused. But guess what you confused? You confused, ma'am. You have to get yourself some standards. See you have none. Now you want a guy to respect what you have? No standards, But you want the respect of a woman with standards. A man will only give you the respect that you command. All right, we gotta get out of here, Steve. Let's go, uh emails or Instagram? That's your thoughts at my girl? Surely that's for today's strawberry letter. Well, Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner, people, And yeah, you can officially wear white. Officially we're white now after memorials. I don't know about that. I don't know about that at the memorial What can't I tell it? Ain't at the memorial we can walk around. Well. According to Triple A, thirty nine point three million people will travel fifty miles or more away from home next weekend, which translates to the highest volume of travel since two thousand five. Thirty four point six million Americans will drive to their destinations and increase of two point four per cent, while another two point nine million will be flying, which is a five point five percent increase over last year. Now, Orlando Florida is the most popular destination for Memorial Day travel, followed by I didn't know this Rome and London? Okay really yeah? So yeah, I know from Orlando to Rome and Mondon. Yes, all right, So anybody traveling on Memorial Day weekend? Yes, Junior, where you going, Jr? I'm going. I'm going to Houston. Man. My Grandma's a great way to sell. It's gonna be old people over there for brown like what like fourties and fifty? No, no, no, my grandmother got a she got a group of friends. Friends is old. So you know, a bunch of them. You know they're gonna be hitting on me too, So I got to do. Ain't nothing like what do they say when you pull up? That? Is that your fine little grass, right? Miss Herbie lap and everything? Now? Thank you? But don't get some of that will money and stuff? What do they do they? Yeah, you don't got the music out there and everything in the backyard. You don't have to pick up, you know, but yet they touch you on. Yeah, I'm blessing my old woman before the ain't nothing wrong with she too old, go to jail. I can't report it now, I can't report her. So you're sitting on her lap, pull you right on down? She wrong? Yeah, because her two? Yeah, does she touched places? She touched places? No, you know they grabbed like you behind. They're gonna don't do that. I'll be at I'll be that granch, I'll be that smelling like white diamond. You can tell who pulled up at the part about the smell. Oh, that's just Henry Henry Hill were smelling? Who like being gay? Are there any of them there that are you know, like kind of cute? Yeah? She has ms gladys, ms gladys. You could tell she used to be nice back in the day. She had a shape. She's the only one that's old, still got her shape. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up right now, may Day. Now, what is this exactly, Steve? Steve, you said it? If you know me and j Man we met each other back eighties six man, you know Whatno, you know cell phones, right, So what we had to do was like whenever we wanted to talk to each other, he had an answer machine and I had so we have to call each other answer because you know, comedians, you know you check your answer machine. Three photons work because it's probably give so you always call it, you know, and the back of the day, you could punch in the code and hear your message, play it back, go to the next one, skill, you know, with your little touchtone phone. And so Jay and I developed a system where if we really needed to talk to each other and it was a hordon, we go may day, may day, then we say the number we was gonna be at between four hours. It could be a pay phone at a gas station, pay phone on the corner, you know, just wherever we knew, and then the other person, wherever he was, would find the time during that window to get to the phone and call him at that number. Okay, And so that's what I had some of the worst may days probably Well, yeah, I had this habit of writing down where I played, you know, and writing about you know the show how the show wind and I write my jokes and who I was weird. Yeah, that was not good. That was not good. I used to keep this book close to me, real close to me, like where is my book? I gotta have my book? Well, does the other person found the book? Is this other person female? She found the book? And even though the spelling was bad. She decifer all of the soul. The next thing for me to do was to call Steve maybe, and you had to wait for him to call you back, because I mean, it's back. I'm going through it right, I mean talking to my point right now. So I meant to pay phone waiting. I'm waiting you don't call, I will go by to then I go to the next phone call him again. He got a call and check his messages to call me back. So when he finally called me, all I said when he knew about the book, all I said was she found the book and I heard click. I can't help you nothing, there's nothing she found the book. She found the book. Man, oh my god. Uh made you know the worst man. So that's what it was about. That's how we did it back in the day. You know. So these comics talk to day about you know, the Internet and getting busted like that, tweeting and stuff like. Man, we paid our dudes in the day. We paid our dudes. I know who we pave the way. Seriously, she eating wasn't easy back in the day. That somebody had to do with somebody had you have you have more may days in school oh, I have way more may days, you answered the phone. Yeah, Steve had a couple may days. Oh yeah, I want to hear it. That's so come on, I was about dating this girl. Man, there's like, yes, you remember that. I didn't know it because I was just going in town. I leave, she got it, she got boyfriend, and uh, the dude called me. I mean I mean, I mean, I mean he didn't call me. He saw me somewhere and he left a note on my car and he said, uh, when I see you, I'm whooping your age. Well, you know, look man, that's fine and good. You know, I'm twenty eight. I'm in nice shape. I'm twenty eight, still had my fighting skills, real shop. But if I don't know who you are, I you could surprise me and I could lose. Because I'm speaking to you. Why he's throwing punches. Yea, So I said, I didn't want to get in the clock because I thought the dude was somewhere watching me. We're gonna So I went over to the payphone bay day. So I had to stand that pay phone for six hours to Jane called this machine. So I'm hastening back and potato chips. I mean, you know, a little budget items that laught a lot of chewing. Like, I'm busy, but I'm standing scanning, talking lot looking for somebody that's gonna walk upon me. I just needed Jay to know where I was going case something happened, man, and I had to tell him the whole story. Some Jay finally called me. He's a man. What's up? I said, And Jay, I gotta dude, Man, you know the girl I was seeing? He said yeah. I said, she got a boyfriend. He said, what that got to do with us? Man? Right? I said, he put? He said he gonna so he know the car I got. Jay said, what're your next gig? I said, he said, started driving? Now, all right, thanks, dog got in the car and the Mississippi. Now I told him what I was going to Mississippi. I said, dogge to take me about seven hours to get that. You don't hear from me? And seven hours he got that girl and this her boyfriend. We're gonna way back like Cadillac seats. Man made dame, and I was hoping that the guy would get him and then I could get that gigs. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, a new survey has asked people what age should they be expecting to pay their expenses on their own? Okay, and it turns out millennials feel that they should take responsibility at a much younger age than we expect. Yeah, I'm a parent of a millennial. A new survey is asked folks what age people should be expected to pay their expenses on their own, and it turns out that millennials feel they should take responsibility at a much younger age than we expect. Millennials. Millennials feel people should be able to afford their own housing by age twenty two, while yeah right, baby boomers and Gen xers actually think it should be older. Definitely. Millennials also think that people should be able to pay for their cars a little over. They should pay for their cell phones by eighteen, which also is younger than all other generations. And at what age do you guys think how experience? None of mine did all of that cars. Yeah, I mean, first of all, they're talking about something they don't know, because if they knew, they wouldn't have to say we should be able to You're not right, you're not doing it. You're not going to your parents for a house are exceptions to the route, but for the most part, most twenty three year olds are just putting themselves out of college. How you think you save money for a house. It's hard to save for a house because you've out to live. And the problem with your first job is you got to buy everything. You don't have m M. You don't have a car, you don't have them right amount of clothes to go to work. You don't have money for lunch. You gotta produce that yourself. Then you're starting to realize how much you really take to take care of yourself. Now you're trying to save for a house. Something went wrong? Oh you forgot about that? Yeah, things go wrong, It's called life. Now you look up in the mirror and you decided that you can't live with them teeth stacked on each other. No more so. Now you gotta go to the damn bunis. Wait, what say that again? You don't look that fund out that you can't leave stack don't have each other? Now you smile. Ain't working for you no more so? You got another bill? Yeah, another bill? Yeah, and and and getting that tooth took off on top of that all the truth, that's how Yeah, now you thirty five with races. Yeah. Yeah, So now you don't jump in the thirty five or forty with braces trying to get that drunks that push you more behind. And we should calling people that had teeth stacked on top of each other from nine t were with two on each side. We should call it jack pot jack because you look like a jack o lanning with jack pot. You got extra in your mouth. That's my grandmother said, got enough teeth for another mouth, give him some. Yeah, so that goes your plan. The next thing, you know, you're trying to buy money for mom and daddy or daddy or daddy. You're buying it from daddy. You're calling daddy phone. That's Daddy for money. Yeah, it's daddy. They think that you should be at that. But the reality at that age, yeah, but it's it's definitely not true. It's but when I graduated from college, I'm moved back home with my mother. I lived with her for a while, because you're right, Steve, the job, I had the money, It just I couldn't afford to live on my own right away. Never. But so many kids moved back. So many kids are in the basement or in killed me to go back and live with my mom. Really, no way. I just couldn't do it. Maybe that's a man thing. Yeah, I just was not going back home. Yeah, I was determined, and I was doing pretty bad. I was doing real bad, you know what. I wasn't gonna go back home. Just wasn't gonna go back. Things weren't bad at home, you just know. I just didn't want to go back home. Then I lived in the why you were just used to being your own? Yeah? Under my roof? Yeah, T seven years old? You tell me I can't stand in front of the refrigerator door. Let's you gotta be off the phone about midnight. I never cut the TV down. I'm twenty seven right out. You didn't eat about my Vanilla Wavers and I can't say it. Damn like parents are? They do not play that my room. You don't mean vanilla Wavers in what I told you about leaving that to set up. I'm so glad on my own. No, I couldn't do it. Man, you will always bells. They don't care that they want to come back. They want to. Aren't they entitled? Think they are? They think they are entitled. What I'm saying that's how they act. Millennias act very entitled. I know. My son told me as lonely as you got money, I got what I remember. I told my my daughter she could pick out her own bedroom set. She was at the highest price store. You don't start out, No, I slept on a palette for a long time. You have a job. They have plans of life with your money. Yeah, they're planning their life with your money. I know you've experienced that. Suburban kids, none of brand and call it the only one knew what a little hard times all the rest of them a little suburban kids. Man. Is it our fault though? Because we wanted to give them a better life than we had it. Yeah, each generation wants to do that our parents want for us. I think that's how it goes. But but I think they want to be top of the food chain. You're right, Shirley, But I think social media. Of course, we talked about this a lot, but I think that social media added to we want to give them a better life. You know, that's what has the them feeling entitled in all of that. I mean just little simple things, but like your own television, Yeah, that your own your cell phone in your room. I had a bed and a dress mad he be quiet. I had a draw I had a draw cuter sale were nothing was sitting there, not a window, all your clothes in one draw Yeah, and the bottom drawer was missing. Alright, Uh, let me back. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. My hero in yours to lady gentleman Roscoe, whiles we're going on with your breen. Ain't nothing going over the ridd Ain't nothing going over the ridd? Hey, Roscoe, how are you love you baby? Show? How your marriage going? It's going well, thank you. I'm still happy. Yeah, well, let me know where you ain't doing well? Doing well? Thank you? What are you making it easy for the clean up man? Jammy Brown went up? Why what Rasco man? Are you doing? Man? Ain't nothing you glad? You're over on the right side now you damn showing the grass look greener? And it is greener. That's funny, you know what over that you're there and we feel the radio show you're drying up? Ain't you the one they got rid of? They replayed with five people who do that? Five? You take five people to make one who do that? That wasn't the stupidest thing out of the old damn jege groups you up like dog dude got it right on the Hey, Roscoe, how are you? J You ever know what? I'm trying to call him? My boy drop on? I seen man? Yeah, but she hated. She don't believe you don't believe fed me greed whatever, Ja, I just don't believe that Roscoe wrote all these songs like you heard when Friends came one thing where ye look look at we know for you? Who the hell a wrote you? Ever? So, hey, Roscoe? You know Jay has a segment on the show called Murder the Hits, and what he does is take people songs and you know, flip them so to speak and change the words and uh, wait a minute, how are you selling, Ruscoe? You you're okay? Oh no, I'm good, Jay telling y'all number I'm a ghost right on all Yeah, I wrote here and murdered him. But so Jay is just taking all the credit for anything in our drag A able mission is that JA just keep coming whatever he says, I'm going with. How did you guys, Ruscoe? How did you How did you and Jay meet? How did you guys meet? Oh? We met long time ago. I knew his daddy. Oh you knew? What was his name? Willie Brown? Yeah, that's my daddy's name. Yes, Oh that what he told you exactly exactly, Okay, I go long with yeah well Brown. Yeah. When we call him something Milo his nickname with do Do Brown, that boy something boys because we called him do to Brown coach. He stayed in sugar honey, ice tea, my mantle, will will I just took on quite necklack. I just took a tone under my way on one second activating. What are you doing? Roscoe Jay rock? Rocking that curl? That? How much activated? He still need a lot? You need lot? That's too much? Roo? Pull up? What did you do? Fresh? I get fresh in the curl? Baby. That's all all right? Ros go, thank you. We gotta go for what y'all get ready to next. I'm gonna come back for that and holl at you about something. All right, you're listening, Steve, show y'all we're here for just time for just one more thing. I want to invite all of you out to the Lovely and it's filling up to man, it's some nice people gonna be out there. Ladies, get your girls together, come out in the group. Have yourself for ladies, I'm saying in sould festivals, fellas, get yourself for boys weekend. Come on out there and smoke cigars and gamble sitting around at a dope pool and look at them waitresses and going out to the casino man and start gambling a little bit. Place yourself some golf man. Just lay on the beach with the fellas, talking trash, getting yourself some you know, quality drinks in and quality food and making the boys we can, making the girls weekend you never know would be nice out there. It's called the Sanding Soul Festival. Salt and Pepper keeps wet. The one and only new edition will be performing a comedy show with Kia an earthquake in it. Sheryl Underwood gonna be there. It's just gonna be all fool time right there. That will be no seminar on just getting ready to ask from the pool on the beach to drink, walk the beach, can roast party, go to sleep, wake up, do it again. You have a couple of people following your footsteps. Did you know that a couple of entertainers, one as an Oscar winner. I'm talking about Jamie Fox. He has a game show coming out called Shazam. Yeah it looks fun. Yeah, it looks like it should be a lot of fun because it has music. And as Jamie FOXX like he says, and me and I'm taking you back, didn't go my pound used to say that Shazam Yeah, yeah, yeah, I could go on that show. Surely shows am I will win you know, you know songs. I know him by a note, I will win. And that's what you do. You play the note and you know if you can guess and see if you can guess it. And I think the winnings are up to a million dollars or something. You could, Yeah, you can win like a million dollars, So you need to go on the show. Girl speaking to Jamie Fox, Well, let me tell you this too. Yeah, okay, I told you game show Snoop Dogg is getting a game show as well. He's gonna be the host of Joker's Wild, the new Joker's Wild. It's a classic casino style game show. It aired back in the seventies and eighties. Yeah, they say it. I remember it. It was a card game. Uh huh. One had that funny sounding. Uh joker, joker, Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they're gonna bring back the show with Snoop as the host. He says it's a no brainer for him. That was his favorite game back in the day. So there you go. And I mentioned Jamie Fox, he and Katie Holmes. Their relationship is heating up. It's eating up. Jamie Fox and Katie Holmes. Katie Holmes used to be married to Tom Cruise. Remember Tom Cruise and Jamie Fox played in that movie Collateral Damage together. Now it's a good movie. That was a really good movie. Huh yeah. Yeah, they're all over Paris going to dinner. So you do it? Do it? What? Yeah? Go White man that it's yeah yeah. I don't look at me and say that. Sam had one the statements. Man, Jamie Fox is a friend of mine. I'm proud of I'm proud of it. Say that power to him. White Are you kidding me? You like dating white women? Wrong? Man, Steve, I need to talk to you after that. Love you fine, love your love and love of course we believe in that. On this show, I'm talking about him talking about Jamie Girl Like I don't say anything wrong. I'm saying that was great snapshot a picture of a so I can know who she is. She looked good. The main thing, she's white. That's the main all you need to know, right, all I need to know? So fine, make me Itch. Why did you hire him, Stevens? Who was the point? What was you trying to make? Anyway, Katie and Jamie have really been keeping their relationship on the low low step that would love. They're getting ready to step out there. They really are, They really are. They're planning to do some more public appearances, you know, together, whether it's just going out to dinner or whatever, the doing that, so when they get back to the U S it will probably be more of their congratulations yeah money, Oh she's a white woman, a white woman. Now you're on board with understanding here, Steve. You know he's a champion for black women everywhere. You know, I'm not saying I'm not putting down white black women. I'm doing that at all. No, no, no, no, I would never do that. No no, I'm not. No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, that's good that she's white. That's all I'm saying. Saying. That's all I'm saying. She find so j do you date black women too? Though? He said, got me three the horses, I'm done, I'm done, have a wonderful weekend, and on Monday morning we back out of ignorant again evolved in the morning show on fire Fire Love for All Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.