Steve and JAB Reenactment, Ask Steve, MTH, Comedy Quartet and more.

Published Dec 30, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We bring to The Steve Harvey Nation The Bad Choir Tabernacle Sangers. The two comedians do their ever famous reenactment and this time they got something for the fellas when they are trying to end a conversation with the other half. In Ask Steve, Big Dog addresses weight loss and getting rich. The crew spun the wheel and it landed on "If blank tells me that story one more time............." in Comedy Roulette. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Donna Summer. Steve talks to us about what he has given up for love. Fool #2 brings us the Comedy Quartet and we get an original track about 45's exit. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog's message revolves around making a million dollars.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not true. Good Steve to mother for st joy. You gotta use that turn out. You got to turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your bad uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey oh Man got a radio show. Man got a radio show, and a whole lot mold to man. God is good to me. I have no other explanation, if I have no other explanation of my existence and where I stand in this thing called life, except if it was not for the goodness of God Almighty. If it was not for His grace and his mercy, There's no way I could exist the way that I do. I would not be who I am or where I am. I am who I am and where I am simply because God is who he is. If it was not for God, I would have no testimony for you, because I would have failed every single test plain, pure and simple. I can sit here today until you flat out that it is purely because of God's grace and mercy that I exist today because of His favor. See now He shows us favor in life because of a combination of things I've discovered. And this is not the whole answer to life. I can assure you as not. But this is a combination that I've grown to understand better and better, and I wish I had gotten it earlier in my life. But here it is. If you take faith and you combine it with an incredible work ethic, then God has the greatest opportunities to show you favor. That's the best way I can explain success to you from my standpoint. It is the combination of faith and work that produces the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See a lot of times we want God to bless us, but we ain't doing nothing for him to bless So now we sideways in the equation a little bit. But see if you had the faith in God that God can do anything but fail, that God will get you through, that God will see you through, that that God is the God you serve as the greatest gift of all good things if you kept that faith intact through it all, and you produced an incredible work ethic that allows the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See without that what you want God to do? See, you can have faith and be sitting at the house watching TV. There's nothing being produced, no opportunities for God to show your favor. And you got to do some things man, that you are uncomfortable doing or don't feel like doing, or something that don't have the right payoff right in front of your face, with the faith that it will payoff later on. See, too many people are working for the right now reward, and the right now reward is not how it works. Sometimes the reward is coming later on up the road. But the only way you can know that is if you got to You got to apply the faith and see the reason you don't know that that's coming like that, or you have to have faith to believe that it is coming. Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That's what faith is. You know you're standing at let me give you them. You're standing at the cross walk with a walk sign on it and the sign flashing on the corner. Don't walk then that the signs say walk, What do you think your chances are making it across that street? Is well, pretty good because guess what the signs say walk. You can see the other side. There's other people in the cross walk walking, So guess what you strike out blindly? It don't take a lot of faith to get across that street. That's that's That's not why I'm talking to you about. I'm talking about the faith, the belief in things that you cannot see, the faith that what I'm doing today, I believe in my heart of heart that God wouldn't bring me this far to leave me. That God is a true and living God, that he keeps his promises, that later on, there's things that I'm working towards right now gonna pay off later on. See, too many people want the reward right now. See, that's not the exhibition of faith. If it's the right thing to do, if it's if it's a good thing to do, if it's a just thing to do, see if it's seeing in it it ain't God. You can just clear it on up right there. You can stop all the wondering. If that's his voice talking to you, if it's the right thing to do. If it's sin in it, it's not God talking to you. Kill it. You you can shut it down. You ain't got to wonder about it. Go down there in secret venge that ain't God. Go tell him off when you see him. That ain't God. Anything. That's God's sin in it, is not God's voice telling you to do it, So you can you can kill that conversation to date. That's how you know. But if you align yourself up man and you and what you're doing is just and right and correct and pleasing in the sight of God, it'll pay off for you later on. And see here's here's here's the best way I can tell to it. Here's another one. When you're going somewhere, when you're when you're on the road to going somewhere, and you know the somewhere that you're trying to get to. Let's say you've set a goal of vision for yourself, you know where you want to get to, You got a good idea, and you own your way to going there. Listen to me when it gets hard, and it is going to get hard, when it gets difficult, and it is going to get difficult, when it becomes challenging and it is going to become challenging when it becomes all three of those things. When it don't look like it's gonna happen, don't stop and complain so much. But see, I know he didn't bless me. But in the middle of it, man, I felt a little heavy. And you got to be careful when it gets hard for you, because you'll find yourself complaining. And when you're complaining. See, what you can't do is you can't complain so much that you forget that the place that you're trying to go to you actually own your way there still. See, don't get caught up into complaining and then lose sight of your blessing that's actually happening to you. What really, man, of all the times to register a complaint to God, to sit up and go, hey, man, I didn't want wanted to ease back into this thing. Ease back in, man, you d it's it's a tornado world around you. You ain't got time to ease back in. You got it going and jump back in it. It is what it is. To whom much is given, much is required. Always appreciate the blessings. Don't get so caught up into complaints that you lose sight of the blessings. Man. God got a lot for you in your life, man, but you gotta have them two things, y'all. You gotta take that faith and you got to apply a crazy work ethic to it. And that creates the most opportunities for God to show your favor. And when God starts showing your favor, man, all of them seeds you plant, all of that, all of that wheat you've been sewing, all of that hard work you've been put in God to pay it off. And He'll pay it off in ways that you don't even see coming. Okay, cool, you're listening Morning show. Yes, a gentlemen, now have your attention please, we are starting this show off quite different today. We are about to have an a selection from the BCT Singers. BCT sting Singers is the Bad Choir Tabernacle Singers. We're gonna have a selection from the BCT singers better known as the Bad Choir Tabernacle Singers. Hit it. I believe I can fly. I believe I can fly. Almost touched this guy. Well up down, help me launch day up down? Hi, I believe it. I believe what you believe. I believe I can't fly what you believe my good fly Hallelujah. I'm flying, flying, flying, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Selection from the bc T Singers better known as the Bad Choir Tabernacle Singers and from now whenever you want a selection, just ask for a selection and they will be joining us. It's a new feature on the Steve Alving Morning Show, just to start your day off the correct what good morning, chilling, stod morning, Steve Harvey. That's my quiet and I like it better a bad choir where you just sitting there going Jesus, who caller? Good morning? What's up? Crew? She said, what's up? Crewe? She says that every day? Okay, okay, what's up? What's happening right here? What's going on? What's we feel out this? This? This this less conversation right now? What's happening? I know because would happened? Tommy? I started to show different and the response is taking everybody or back, ladies and gentlemen. Batman head, Robbie Green horned head, Cato, who we got the boy wonder himself Junior morning, everybody, bct QUI. I can't nobody even sway the same way. I love they don't and the Jefe Tommy, Yeah, you ain't in the building, baby, I'm here, I'm here. Yeah, Yeah, let's day. Well, let's get the humping then happen when I get off? Are you go? Junior, you're gonna do just in a ConA by myself, some humping by yourself, just in a ConA, just in public? You said, humming or humping? Humping in public? Humming? He said humming. No, he said humping. But that's good, June. You got to practice how you gonna know how to do it. You don't work on it by yourself. It's called humping, air humping. Do it, Junior? Yeah, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to Steven Show. All right, it is time for something funny. Steven. I'm just gonna let you take it away right here. You and Jay with your reenactment listening. This is for all me and listening. Today. We're going to give you how it works when you're trying to end the conversation with your wife or girlfriend and you're trying to find a way to end it or not have it at all, or not have this conversation. You're gonna have it, but somehow it just goes on it. You don't want to talk. Basically, you don't want to talk. You been at work, Oh damn day quiet? You just want to come in and not talk to nobody. You don't understand that every man? How come you don't want to talk? What I'm saying, he's had go? What's wrong with how it goes? You just walked in the house. Hey baby, how are you doing? I'm done good. How would your day to day? I'm tired, I'm beat up. Man. It was rough out there to day's rough go into it and then it was just long day. Baby. You know I get sometimes I just gonna sit down at chill, get my thoughts a minute to myself. Well what happened? It was? It was just a long day, you know, just long, long like long like what I mean long like how I've been down there all day? No, I just been there all day. If it been that all day working I got two jobs and just got home. It's just a long day. I'm just tired, That's all. What happen on the first job. Just tell me that ain't ain't nothing in particular happened you know, it just was so you were that all day and you're telling me nothing happened, no particular, No, I ain't no nothing, nothing meaningful happened. So something did happen? No, baby, listen, listen. What I'm saying is it just it was just a long day, was just you know, you know, just a day to day got in the way, and it's just tired of something happened that you don't want to tell me about. I ain't nothing happening to it that I ain't gonna tell you about. I'm just trying to tell you ain't nothing really happened, but just what I'm just I'm tired. Well, you know you sound like you're yelling. I mean you listen to him, right, Look, I ain't. I ain't trying to. Look, I'm not yelling. If I did, okay, then forget just what happened to the second job? What happened? Hey, I'm tired, I didn't have a good day. I'm just gonna go on in hell. I'm watching a little TV and he so you don't want to talk to that. Basically, what you're saying, you don't want to talk. So I ain't seen you all day and you come home and now I want to talk. You want to talk to me? Is that? Is that basically what you're saying. You don't You've been talking to all other people all day when I bounds at work though I'm at work. Oh well I just want to check. No, baby, just want to work at the house. There's no talking. Well, no, I just want to cheer. No, I just want to cheer for a little while. Don't you have a talk show? You have two shows. Just talk if you come home and just no talking, that's well. I got a radio show too. I do radio show, dinner dude to talk show, and I got a brief in and I do meeting. You're talking to meeting. Y'all talking to meeting. You're talking the show. Yeah, you're talking to radio show. Yeah, but you can't talk home. But I'm trying to talking loud. Okay, now you're getting loud. I see you getting loud. Now. Yeah, well you ain't listening. I'm listening. I'm trying to talk. Now, you ain't woring me. I'm my voice raising because you're not listening. You know what, forget it, just forget it, just forget the whole thing. To get ass get it all right. Now, I don't want to talk to no more. Okay, cool, I'm going in here. Ever, I'm going I'm not talking to you no more. You don't have to worry about me talking to you. Okay, when you're coming in from now, I will not be talking. Okay. Let's see how you like that. You don't want to talk, then I don't want to talk. No no, no, no no no. I tried to talk, but you didn't want to talk. Now you want to talk. We're talking about okay, now we can talk. Baby. I'm going in here and just sit down the chill because you can't talk to me, all right, baby, just just look look look just whatever you're said. I didn't even know are we talking. I was going to hear you said you want to talk to me? No more. Can't forget it now without to talk. Okay, let's stop out. You don't talk to men, I won't talk to you, all right, that's good, it works fine for me. Ever, now he walks away under his bro and he so he thinks and he said, the husband answers crazy, And then she follows him in the room. Oh yeah, she said, I just have one question. I just I just have one more question. I ask you, why don't you want to talk to me? Yeah? What did I do? Because I didn't do anything to you? Now you ain't did nothing. I just told your hand long thing and you said you didn't want to talk. I said, I'm gonna hit the chill and you to follow me and ask me again. No, no, no, one more thing. I got one more thing to edge you, Columbo. Yeah, come on, well okay, so one more time under my breath, and I don't think she can hear it. So I said to myself, this helpful crazy. I Oh, I'm crazy. I'm crazy now I'm ready. I want that one telling you ain't crazy, but I'm crazy. No, I ain't say he's crazy. I an't say he was crazy. I'm crazy now I'm crazy. No, I said what I'm gonna shay you craziest. I'm gonna show you crazy. No, I don't know what I said what. I ain't taking you this crazy now. I'm sure you know I said this crazy you you want to see it. I'm sure to you what I'm looking at? Wait what he's already looking at? Every man who's winning? Win? Good friend? Laugh when you get at work. Okay, Oh my god, that's it right there. Nah, we pretty much covering it. High Yes, good job, Jay. Yeah, you played Wifie very well, very well. We are coming up. We gotta go, coming up, Nephew, Tommy's run that prank back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. The nephew is here with the today's prank phone call. What do you have today, Tommy? Tombstone, that's what I got, Tombstone. Gotta get these names right on these tombstone naw okay, spelling name right. That's a that's a big problem right there, Tombstone. Let's go. We got a problem with John and miss Arona put the Rome name on my anti tumb so as well as to date, and we gotta problem. We gotta get rectified. Man, y'all got her hold hold on man, calm down. First of all, what is your name? My name is Ritchie Man. But y'all, y'all, I can't understand a funeral home making these kind of mistakes, you know what? That that don't make no sense. I'm wrong to y'all. Even't been in the business to be doing something like this. So this is a family business. We've been doing this forty plus years. Well, y'all making mistakes like this, man, what's what? What's the problem? What's the mistakes? What's what mistake do you think we made? Okay, sook man, we're being my anti. Two weeks ago. Her name is Rosetta. Okay, all right, where you spare. Our name is r O s e t t eight. Y'all got r O z e t t an. She was born tune to eight nineteen forty eight. Y'all got August the pix nineteen forty y'all got the date's mix it up, and y'all got her name mixed up? And what we ain't going to do. That's how my anti uh rifted in peace with the wrong stuff on her thombstall dot com. Down where you can geting that? Men? I can't. It's no way I can help you to getting that me now. I mean we'll fix the problem then, man, I could check the paperwork. I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now, if you gave me the wrong information, your family gave me wrong information, then we just put down where we would give it. And if we got to change something, we gonna change it. But it's gonna cause you some more money. We're we're not paying another damn damn to that funeral all, not another damn damn. The stuff gonna get changed from this damn thoombs sto. Then we're not paying for none. I'm gonna paying this. I'm on. I'm decided. I'm saying we can help you out. I can help you, but if you gave me the wrong information, that's only I didn't do that, that's only you. We didn't give you the wrong information. I'm gonna tell you this. Try you put it your name, get along. What is your name? My name is Kendrick. Okay, Kendrick. Let me tell you something. If this don't get your bird and money, me or some of my cousin's gonna come out there and start digging up a body. Y'all. Not coming over here and digging up nothing, y'all's my play. He would disrespect my family and come over here, and you're gonna get up what We're gonna dig up some birds if they're gonna get the rick tomsto, there's not gonna be none of that. I'm not having you coming over here. We're gonna fix the problem. I'm gon check the paperwork. And I can get back to you. That's why I can do. But you ain't digging up nothing. If if if you're Toomston, but if even me and my cousin is coming out there digging up some of them, damn bad butter. Until y'a'll get this damn thing fix, I'm gonna be nobody coming over there. Hold on, see what now I'm getting excited to come. Man, Let me just talk to you like a man. Listen what I'm saying. That you that the family seals out the paperwork puts the name in the first date on there. If it is incorrect, it has to be fix. I have to call the man out here to fix it. And that's gonna call some money. I have to pay him. All I'm saying is if that is the case, if the paperwork is incorrect, it's not owners and I might have to charge you a little extra money just so I can get it taken care of. Nothing to get charge nothing. We ain't got no more money, man, we ain't got no mama chargers arm in to bear in my honey. We ain't got no more I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you one more time, mister, Kendrew. If Fred don't see a ChIL I'm coming after this evening, and look at my handy tom So I'm coming out there now. If the date and the name ain't fixed, I promise you so help me. But I'm gonna store digging up but it and if your answers out there, I'm gonna put you in one of them home and I'll tell you what Vegan. You're not gonna put me in no home man, like I say it, I try to. I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what the deal is and how we will get the six. Ain't nobody coming out here and dig it up nothing? I got you here. I bet you. I'm digging up a hole and I'll put you if you don't fix my hand, then we're both going in the damn hole. That's what's gonna happen. We're both going in that because somebody you want to fix this around and put the room, you want to put the spell. My head ring everything, I don't even answer the damn phone, and my uncle get Expliciens region resid fix nothing. Me and you yelling at each other, we mean we don't do this. Yelling at each other is not gonna fix the problems. I still have to do a step here. I have to look at this paperwork. But when are you gonna look at it? Then? Rether you keep yelling. I don't even have time to gold with its paperwork every time. If you're really look at something, you're yelling in my head me time, I'm coming at mother fucker. I'm gonna come out there right now. That's what I'm gonna do. You know what we're to come on end. I try to talk nice to your tell you what to I told you that this is a fan of business. You're just respecting me. You come out here, you ain't no because when we're both going to whole days. That's what I'm trying to tell you. What that just what you're not listening. But well your shoes you need. You need to know the moss on my way because they're guarantee you y'all gonna chance. I'm gonna bring you man, bring no, you ain't no cause laugh big the bull seting hold. I'll be when they get rid of the sailor Kendrick on the tombstone I met you, they're gonna saying it wrong. All women come off you ain't gonna cuss. Why I can't. I got some miss I need to take. Yes, you got to say, I'm saying that you're listening to me. Kendrick, you wrap the civil reside. I'm going to play. This is miss you. Tommy, you just got break by your secretary with no you Man you Tommy, I'm damn man. He got you man man Old he was looting to be a here today. I knew something was funny. Oh man, you got me. But I was gonna do the whole for you to day trying to get all right, Hey, man, I gotta ask you one more thing, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Hardy Morning Show. I turned to figure out. I won't liph Timmy, I do, I won't tell me set up your minds the second and then in quotations, Nephew, Timmy, Oh dude, I want what is this fall for my tombstone? I don't know what I want on man, I was thinking like something like dumb or dumber. I have purchased two plots so that me and you can be sad by sad. I know you want to be next we'll look at that fa hey man, put your family next to you that care about you. You don't want to lie next to me through eatanity. Listen to me. Put you somebody next to you that care about you, your wife, but on that other side, because I don't care nothing about you. You don't have a long time behind you. Portrayal one of them when they come. I need you next me, something I hand. We might get up. You never know who might get up. I don't want to be next to you because you might. You might. I'm not saying you will, but you might go to hell. You don't know where he goes. I don't don't really show right now, so I don't want to be over there. No, no, just Neil. All right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after you're listening to show. It's time for ask Steve your favorite segments. Steve, We're gonna ask you questions. I'm going to ask you to please keep your answer short so we can get more questions in. Thank you. Here we go. You're ready. What becomes more difficult, not easier, more difficult the more you do it, Steve? What becomes more difficult the more you do it, what becomes more difficult the more you do it. The more you do it. Weight loss, Yeah, don't bring that up. The more you try to lose weight, the longer you've been doing it, the harder it gets. My stomach. Right now that I've actually just laid and adjustment with it, I quit looking at it. You request, though, Oh no, the six pack is the quest. I already know I'm not gonna get a six pack. I know that, but I've tried to do things to offset it. So what did you do during the shirts off tour? Remember that? Yeah? While, yeah, I was, I was, I was twelve years younger. Yeah, everything I did then is not working now. I'm I did all that. I know exactly what I did. I wouldn't done it for four months, and I don't have that look yet. You don't do cardio seems like you just wait, wait, left, That's so not true. Okay, you haven't been to one workout, so I'll ignore that. You said that. Next question, you don't do it. It was a question, all right, I got one for you, Steve. What's the best way to get rich? What's the best way? What do you think make more money? Oh? No, the best way to get rich is to identify your gift and then take that gift and give it your undivided attention, and you're all out massive effort, m your full make mounds. I agree with that. I do, and that that's and if you can, if your gift is the thing that'll make room for you, identify the gift, focus only one hundred and twent and never give up. Yeah, and I love you're. One of your favorite things that you say, Steve is when people say that's so hard, and then you say, yeah, it is hard to be successful, but ain't it hard to be poor? Paul is Yeah, yeah, Paul has some difficulties and challenges to it. So since it's going to be hard to be successful and it's hard to be not successful, I might as will go on and get this hard to be successful journey started. Yeah. Yeah, I love that. I agree with that because we've all seen the movie on How to Be Poor? We know how that ends. Oh yeah, start, yeah, yes, show start, co star directed. Produced. Did all of that all right? Steve? Here we go. I like that. I got one. Oh yeah, what are some foods that you hesitated to eat? But later your love it a scar Gold question, Oh cavea, yeah, Oh what's cargoes? Snails? Sam? Yeah, I'll try. It's not a favorite of mine, but you know it's some stuff I'd never do that. Sushi. I swow sushi off as a young boy. Raoul Man, you gotta put some fish, yeah, some grease. Those three things I remember. I didn't understand fish. Yeah, yeah, you do part. Good question, good rich answer. All right, Um, here's one. What screams? Steve, listen to this carefully. What screams I have a crush on you? What screams I have a crush on you if I'm looking at you and my mouth is opening, I'm slobbing, screaming, screaming. That's screaming I have a crush on How do you know someone? Okay, that's how you have a crush on someone, But how do you know someone has a crush on you if they're looking at me, mouth was hanging open and they slobbling. Yeah yeah now that Yeah, now that has never happened to me. Not even that doesn't happen. Come on, well, I've seen other ways, not that extreme, okay, man. At an event I was speaking to a group, Yeah, and it was mostly women, and this woman had a mini skirt on and was kind of working it towards me. I was doing the speaking, but then got up left after the event was open over, put on a skin tight cat suit with heels, and came right back in the room because I was man, the skirt wouldn't winning. I mean, I don't even know how. I didn't even know why, and changed into a cat suit yeah, and came in front and I mean skin tight and right in front of your eye lines to make sure you can see her, to the point where it pissed the other women off that it was that obvious. Oh women, what you can't You can't slide nothing pad flirting on the woman. Now, man can miss it, but women women ain't gonna miss it. And all the time, because we know what he fin thet I didn't. The answer was in his silence. If you didn't pick that up. Yeah, come on, Carla, all right quickly, what warning label do you consistently ignore? And why the surgeon general has to determine I can cause birthday? And right there I quit reading cause I ain't been hand no babies. All right, we gotta get out of here. That concludes our segment. Asked Steve. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay is in the building. Steve. Time to murder another hit. Please introduce him, give him a good one. I'm scared ladies in general. Murder good The song right here dedicated to all the ladies. What we're going through it I don't know hit it holdes hell has got then we wind dos open and it's got the ceiling thing on thirty eight it greed. She wakes up sweating and it has the cool all she having a hot flash wedding and reading I want a hot flash all the route night and in a hot flash wedding and reading it didn't she has a hot last ain't no made you love Nash, I mean a hot flashing blue that hot flash random my heart, last hot time, last hot hot hot hot hot hot blast hat she having a heart as wind and read it. I want the heart lass Son been in the heart Lass Wind and read it. You shall have a heart when you love. I mean a heart Lass the ruler hearts as random hearts hot hot hot time, Lass hot hot hot Your genius boy. No he's not. No, he's Carlo Carlo. Yeah? Are you? Are you? Ladies? Did y'all enjoy that? You? No? I didn't say. And you know what the problem is, Steve, me and Jay. You know we talk on the phone. And did you have a hot flame when you was on the phone inspiration? Yes, I did, Tommy, but the whole world knows. Now, No, you're not. And turn the air. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show, it's time for comedy roulette. Comedy roulette, is that we do it. We take four subjects, We put them on the wheel. We spun the wheel. Yeah, whit stop spend the wheel? Jay? Not you really No, I'm shocked anybody you were the wheel? Stop? We dous comedians. We can do right? All right, here we go. H Number one, things people talk to you about but you don't really care. Man can do that, okay, every day all day. Number two, here's one. Number two. If Blank tells me that story one more time about Blank, I'm gonna kill myself. I'm just gonna kill myself. Number three didn't sound like she was playing to me. It didn't sound like she was playing to me. Yeah, number four. Things you say when your team loses? Oh, cowboys? What's what he hasn't had to say that lately? Huh? All right? Him? One number three? Five something? Number two? If blank tells me that story one more time about my blank, Oh, I'm gonna kill myself. I'm calling real names from my real friends. I'm doing the same up. First up. If my buddy James House tell me one more damn time about how he used to jump out of the airplane, Dame jump out of the airplanes, No more doom, nobody jump out of here. If I hit one more damn time, I'm killing myself. I'm gonna tell I'm gonna tell you right now, names, real names. If my uncle Julia tell me one more time how he coming to California to hang out with me, but I gotta wait to get his money, right, I'm gonna kill my damn self. I swear to God, I can't keep hearing this. I gotta push it back. Nephew names, let me go, don't do this right. He's probably listening. If my mom would tell me one more time about the fifty five pounds catfish that got away. If she tell me this story one more time, I'm gonna kill myself. She can't get you going. If my cousin but tell me one more damn time, Yeah, about that time he saw Denzil, I'm gonna kill myself. He can't hit that. He didn't meet him because he saw me. Keep it going, keep it going. Come on, my buddy's smoke from Columbia, South Carolina. Tell me one more damn time about him being retired and he don't have to do a damn bang while I'm working day. How much money he gets into mail? I want to hear that he let me tell you so. If Chris Murphy when willow Ridge High School helped me one damn time by how he used to date beyond say hey man, hey man, hey man, the girl married. Now she didn't move on. Ain't aware where your unlass stated. If Monica Bonds Mississippi MoMA, tell me one more damn time. How many degrees she got man shooting met degrees? I got one. Close it out, Steve. If Donald Trump tell the story one more time how he won the elections, square it kill all over. Yes, thank you guys for that comedy roulette. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my man is too gentle and loving. H Okay, right now it is time for the prank phone call, which you've gotten, Carl. Yes, this goes out to all the chill leader Mammas Bottom Bottom. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, can you hear me? I'm trying to reach Angela. Angela? Hi, on just a second, let me count it down. Okay, Hi, how are you trying to reach I'm trying to reach Angela. This is Angela. Oh yeah, this see Hi Angela. This is Chip. Chip. I'm the new camp director for the cheerleading camp for the summer. Oh hi, Chip, what can I do for you? I just wanted to give you a courtesy call. Your daughter. You've got her signed up for four weeks with the camp, right yeah, but Joe, Yeah, this is your guys third year being a part of the camp. Yep. And she's really excited. She loved coming to the camp and we think it's a great thing for how to be involved in what's up. Okay, you guys just finished the whole cheerleading season two? Am I right? The competition season? Yes, just coming off of that, right right? Okay, Well we're getting ready for the summer, you know where everybody's excited about it, coming out and being a part of what's going on. So here's what I wanted to give you a little bit. Like I said, I'm the new camp director. I was just starting at this job. I got a few notes that that we're giving to me about about, so I wanted to give you a call and see if I could talk to you about it. A few notes giving to you about Yeah, just a couple of notes. I don't think it's anything that we can make sure it's okay. What kind of note, Well, it's been brought from my attention that some of the parents whose daughters are out there as well, there's gonna be there this summer a little concerned about her being on top of the pyramid, that she's uh is getting a little heavy, should she uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ho ho ho you calling me about some some other parents and said about how big my child is or how much my child. Ways, what I wanted to let you know was we're gonna put as a base or oh no, you ain't gonna put no base. I don't already pay my money. And what you say your name is Chip? And um, how long have you been the director? Because I was just up there two weeks ago and they told me that she was gonna be the same position that she was last year because that is what worked, that's the formation that works. So I don't even know what the word. Supposedly that some of the girls are complaining that she's too heavy to hold up. So that's what it seems to be the problem in there. They're not getting a strong enough pier men. And I'm now, wait a minute, wait a way to a minute. I know, well, she ain't the biggest one I fell. Have you been myself? My child is not the biggest chowl. I fell when it because I would say, you have not seen these chimleys and is some baby solmost I felt? Okay, hang on, say Angela, I want you to calm down a bit. Now, anybody's gonna calm down because I have not already paid my money, and this that I'll be talking about what parents what Harrison said. Something? Is it? Uh? Is it Carrie Man? I'm not. I'm not gonna state who it is, but let's just say it was several oh these Harris has got something to say about my child and her position on the chimleying squad. Because if you ain't gonna fuck up no names, then I'm gonna listen what you're calling me about. I'll tell you one thing. When she get out fell I didn't pay my money, she bet not be on no base she that'll be in the hour. I guarantee you that, right. Nah, I've been hanging with these ain't nobody said nothing to me about in my way and all this? Okay, Angela, can you hear me? I just wanted you to hear me clearly. I haven't seen these young ladies yet. Once I see them, I will critique what I think. And you don't even need to be calling me because you ain't even seen nothing. So you calling me with something. He says, she's from some other parents. That's been skinny and gritted in my face, and they now wanted them and nothing to me. They have been in my house. We didn't have parties. Always him with the competition every weekend, every other day, and they couldn't say nothing to me about my baby. I tell you what, why don't you call your girls on the three way? Miss the Chip? If you can't call him on the three I got them norms. I call him on the three way. Okay, Okay, Look man, all I wanted to do is make you aware of the possibility that she may be a Thank you you have made me aware. And I guarantee you that if I bring my big yell lacks up there and come to the practice, I guarantee you she won't be in a base. How much you want to bet on that, Miss Chip, Look, you're gonna quit holler. I mean, I told you I would try to take a look at these girls. But I tell you what your thought is gonna be a base or she's gonna be a back support, whichever I decide. She's started to do. Who enough do you think you're holler that? Mister Chill? No, that's not how it's gonna go down. As a matter of fact. As a matter of fact, mister Chip, are you at the registration table to day? I'm here now while people are registering your Sorry that matern it around. I'll tell you what. I'm on my way up there. Why don't you and the parents has been complaining. Why don't all y'all come to the table, and we're gonna have come to Jesus meeting about whether it's gonna be. But it's coming up season because I'm not going to tolerate this. I've been told you, I haven't paid my money and this high is going down? Game weight? What what is it? Think you? We game way to night? What do they have to do with her chip meeting? Do you agree that probably bigger than most of the girls on the team. Not bigger than most of the girls on the team. Mom Nick daughter's visited and she wasn't no base last ship they hiked up up something you don't get up to. We all just gonna be biging pump up in the air. I don't turn the round, and I'm here to tell you little tray table, so let's be with it before you get here. There's something else I need to tell you. Ain't gotta tell me something. All you gotta do is men, have you and the pairs around that table when I get there, because I'm on my way up there right now. Then y'all can say all y'all gotta say in my face. Well, before you get here, I just want to let you know, man, what this is nephew timing from the sea. Who this is on this phone? What did you just say? This is a nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Be god, Oh lord, Rochelle, there's another pair named Rochelle. She thought for y'all a good friends out there. Oh she got so she want to break out? Huh all right, we're gonna see the season start hig the uniform to perform when we look at hers? How am I want to break out? Me? Oh? Man? Let me ask some baby. What is the fattest, I mean, the baddest radio show in the leag lot other than the show? Why my Money got to be down? Why my Baby? Yeah it happens, Ja. My baby's the backspot. Why am my baby? And Chilly the daddy kill? You want them to your dads? Their job is to clap and write the check. Yes, we do write the check, tommy. And what is the cheer mom's job to be at all the competitions? Care to make ass and to cheer them on? We gotta be right down. Let me tell you something when they say cheering. When when my when my wife telling me, listen, she cheers at three twelve. You can't slide in the three thirty you miss, You're gonna miss the hole that because there's three minutes. There's three minutes long. My little girl said, yeah, their parents who take it too far? Why I don't know many parents that do that. Because Shirley said, I'm taking it too far, and I don't agree, you love, she's taking it too far. She does go a little overboard. You've seen the movies Callers one in the stands screaming. Let me tell you, I don't know caller gonna lead Hill Friday, You're gonna go to a chill competition. Missen to caller's voice on money who Every kid should have a mom like, yeah, yeah, shouldn't. My mama wasn't like that. Now I turn, I have a T shirt. This is real mom of cheer up. Next, it is the Strawberry Letter subject. Get a load of this subject. My man is too gentle and loving. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please, babe, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. All right, all right, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the Strawberry Letter with my good print shirty strong beer. Thank you, junior. Subject my man is too gentle and loving. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty six year old female in a long distance relationship with a man and his early forties. Things are good between us, and honestly, I am ready to take things to the next level. I only have one problem, and I'm hesitant to move on to move to his hometown if he can't fix the problem. We have been in a committed relationship for two years and when we are intimate, he is very gentle and loving. In the bedroom, he has kept his same routine the entire time. He does not do anything freaky or exotic, and he's very passionate. At first, it was okay, he was clearly taking his time to please me, but now I need him to do more. My sexual desires have changed in my late thirties, and I became more in sync with my body. I want to have sex and other places besides the bed, and I needed to be a little kinky at times. How do I tell him he is not giving me enough sex and that he is pretty boring in the bedroom. Oh, this is a conversation that I must have with him, but I am honestly unsure how to tell him this. I don't want to turn him off and appear to be a little freak to him. But I am tired of straight love making every time. I have a good thing going with this man, and I don't want to ruin it. I'm also scared that this may be all he has to offer, or all he knows how to do. I am not the type to cheat, but I am craving satisfaction. Can you guys relate? Please give me some pointers. What do you mean can we relate? Well? Yes, of course I can relate it. Yeah, if this is your concern, that's what we're here for. We'll try to help you for sure. You know, I just know that there are so many people, especially women, who would love to be in your shoes right now. You have a man who is gentle and loving, and you say he's very passionate. I mean some people would just stop right there, but know not you. That would be cool with them. But that's not what you want. And you want what you want and guess what that is okay too? So you ask, how do you tell him? How do you tell him? You're gonna have to tell him, you do know that, because you don't want to cheat, like you say, and you want other things to go down. You want it to happen other places. I suggest that you tell him nicely. I suggest that you tell him away from the bedroom, like maybe you know, when you guys are just having a conversation, you can just bring it up in a nice way, or you know, if that doesn't work, you can start showing him or you know, I like it this way or I like it that way or something like that. You know, will you take the risk of him judging you? You? Maybe you maybe will, who knows? But you want what you want. You know you want to do it, where you want to do it, and how you want to do it, and you have that right. So you gotta be woman enough and strong enough to tell him. I just say tell him in a nice way. And if you can't tell him, then you have to show him. But I would take it. Maybe if you want to tell him in a conversation away from the bedroom and of just a regular normal conversation, maybe at dinner. Steve, Well, yeah, YadA, YadA YadA, Shelley, that's nice answer. All that's good. My man is too gentle and love it. Thirty six year old woman in this long distant relationship with a man in his early forties. Things is good and she ready to take things to the next level. Only got one problem. She's hesitant to move to the man's hometown if he can't fix this problem. Well, they're in this committing relationship, y'all for two years, and when they intimate, he's very gentle and loving. Into bed, he's kept the same routine every time. That means she's getting bored. He does not do anything freaky or exotic, but he's very passionate and at first it was okay, clearly taking his time to please me, But now I need him to do more. This woman says her sexual desires are change in her late thirties and she became more in sync with her body. I want to have sex in other places beside the bedroom, and I need to be a little kinky at times. How do I tell him he ain't giving me enough sex and that he born in this bed room? No, I gotta have this conversation. I don't want to train him off. I don't want to ruin it. I'm also be scared that this has to be his best offer. That's all he knows. And you know I ain't to type the cheat, but I need from him down here. I come. You want to have sex in different places and you want it to be a little kinky. Sometimes you can't tell me. You just have to do it like y'all going to the bedroom in the same place, same bed He walk in the What does she do? You know? You gotta just create opportunity. He walk in the bed room, he neked. He don't see you in that baby? What where are you at? Then? You hollow? I'm out of him. You're out here? Well, look out the window and your answer that naked in the tree. You got to get him out of his comfort zone. Baby, Baby, where you at? I'm got here in the kitchen. Half for me is in the refrigerator, and that will cause him to know that we want. When we come back, I'll have several scenarios and you can create to get him out the bedroom and put most spice in your love. Like all right, listen, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, Today's Strawberry Letters subject my man is too Gentle and Loving. We'll get back into it right after this you're listening show, Come on, Steve, Let's recap Today's Strawberry Letters subject to my man is too gentle and loving. I think when we left off, she was in the refrigerator. Well, see what we've found is this woman's having this boring sexual relationship with this man and she won't more. She wanted in morning one place, and she wanted to be more exotic, and she wanted to be a little caking. She don't know how to tell the man because she don't want to hurt it. She's afraid that this may be more. Well, you gotta elevate the man's thinking. Like I said before, you gotta do some stuff outside. You in a tree. I'm down here. Half of me is in the refrigerator. I ain't saying one hand. You need to halm sitting in refrigerator. But I'm trying to get him the baby, where are you at? I'm loud here, been overlooking for changing the cushions, So you gotta give him out the bed room? Yeah right right, baby, I'm naked. I'm looking for you. You ain't in the bedroom. I'm in a living room, paul dancing. See you gonna get him stand up? You know, baby, Baby, I just got out the shower. Where you're at, I'm in the basement spanking myself, not yourself down. Yeah, you gotta get his mind. Yeah, yeah, yeah, baby, baby, where you at? I'm looking for you. I'm up in the attic swacking. So you gotta get it. You got to get it to win. He wants you know, baby, Maybe I've been laying here where you ut. I'm tied up in the garage to the tool cabinet. What she doing down? Now? Let me go find out, though, baby, Baby, I'm ready where you're at. I'm in the den choking myself your You're trying to get it to be a little more kinky. You got to start. You got to introduce him now. Now he can't find you at all, not because you didn't advanced. Now he can't even find you in the house no more. You're on the cell phone looking for you. Baby. Where you're at? I'm down at the YCM. I'm down at the y m C. A in the food waiting on the bedroom. Baby, Where are you at? I'm down in the kitchen putting flower on myself and the oven's own about myself a cake. Yeah, I'm about to do where I'm out there. I'm in the backyard, digging the old. Yeah, Baby, I'm trying to find you. I'm in the garage in the hood. Ain't only van up open? Whoa? Yeah, that's really kinky. Baby. I'm I can't say any house well yet. I know it's gonna sound crazy, but they clothes. I'm down in chucken Cheese. I'm laying in the ball you know the balls. Yeah yeah, yeah, game yeah, the games. It sounded funny. And that's what you gotta do. You gotta introduce him any ideas, Jay, I'm gonna ask for a reenacting Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm in I'm baby. Where you at? Baby, I'm in the pool and I let all the water out. I don't give in, don't not don't just in your dot, don't die food. Don't don't die fool, baby, way yet, I'm in and then holding on to the ceiling fan. Tell me when I come around around the old times, I'm gonna be a little busy and you catch me. Okay, by where are you at? Hold on, I'm sliding down the banister's naked back with ready. I'm ready? Baby. Where are you at? Six Flags? When the pockets closed? Sitting on the roller coaster waiting on you? They want to do a different place. I think that will open his mind. Baby, Where you're at? The baby strolling with both feet on the ground. Yeah, yeah, all right, baby, where you at? I'm down at the car wash. I'm all sent you come on down, okay without I'm a dude, baby, Baby, Where are you're at? They were? Where's all that? We are out here? I'm coming around in the corner. I'm hanging on the back of a garbage Trumpett. Itsday? All right? Listen, Thank you guys. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, so here's the question, the office topic of the day. What have you given up for love? What? What officers doing there? Pretend like ask these questions and no jel Yeah, why are you guys so touchy? Is this so hard? Question? Y'all? Me? We're asking you, guys what it is? I ain't. I ain't gave up nothing I lost. It's a difference. I didn't give up nothing. I lost what was tooking away from you for love? Yeah? Yeah, most everything I've ever done for love was I lost. I lost my p y'all wanted to go. I lost my ability to thank for my damn self. I lost my ability to eat what I want to eat, where I want to eat. I lost my ability to all who the hell I want to come? Man? I lost my lost your freedom I gave a lost freedom, my ability to have multiple people's phone number. I lost my ability to lay my phone around. I lost. But you're not dinner about it, because you certainly don't sound like that. Well, now, it's a different love I have. But in the past those loves were lost. Lost the fact of being right. I ain't been righting thirteen years. You were being right all right. Oh no, we had to get that up immediately. So you gave you gave up that? Okay, Tommy, Tommy, what have you given up? I ain't well, I supposed stop doing what I would do? What it was? What is wrong? What what you ain't stopping? Yes, you're supposed to stop what you're doing for love, Tommy. Yes you are gave them reasoning. I reason. I just said, I reason. I'm just saying what I'm supposed to give up. I think I gave up. I want to hear what you gave about? What mean? Yes, damn man, gave it up, pulling up knowing that peace of mind is gone. A minute I come in the house. It starts, piece of damn man. All right, coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Morning Show. All right, So here we are, guys, and we have to congratulate our very own nephew, Tommy. He's been in the recording studio recording to you. Yeah, well are you doing songs and that? Huh? Well not solo like you, Chase. I'm just asking. He's saying it. Now. Let's just hear a Trump is gone on Trub is gone. Trump is gone, Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Trump is gone, Trump is gone. I don't need no other words to this song. But Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Yes, he Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Trump is gone. Trub is gone, Trump is gone, Trub is gone. I don't need no other words to this song, but Trump is gone, is gone. My tell is gone. He is gone. A hint is gone. He it is gone, This is gone, is gone, This is gone, this is I don't need the world to this song. Now he's gone' ben this is gone, is gone, This is gone, It is gone, gone, It's gone. I don't need no words to song. No, no, no, no goose pass is good. Now we'll have our announcement. I bring you greetings from the White House. Say it word time is said. Word kill paula White. Trump is gone. Free Tell by Johnson who Trump is gonne? Somebody tell Kanye all the Trump is gonna tell Diamond and Silk that Trump is gonne. She is have been causing Trump is google That's because I'm on here. Way watch your voice stop. Trump is down. Yeah here, but he's gone gone. Yeah, we by ye can't. Trump is gone. Trumps to the way go yeah is gone. I don't need no other word that is soon saying the Trump is gone. This is gonna tell dollar Trump. Then Trump is gonna give me his true tell them by is gone. Trump is gone. Somebody go ahead and peel that on you about the door no more. I don't need no one the word Trump isn't gone, Bye bye bye with nobody. The Comedy Quartet, Baby, that's my boys. That's the comedy Quartet. That's Billy D. Washington, Sean mc lamore, Field Wade and yours truly nephew Tommy the Comedy Quartet. Yes, over a million he hits over the past week. We appreciate that the Comedy Quartet got more coming. So y'all stay tuned. That was real cute. I love that. I posted on my Instagram on viral man own viral. You gonna lay thank you, nephew. Coming up more. That was great, Coming up more in today's training stories on a Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steven show. You know what twenty twenty has been a rough year for everyone. I mean we're still here, of course, we're still here, but it had some moments, it really did, and we got to talk about um just you know, how we turned negatives into positives. Junior, you had you had some How did you go rogue in twenty twenty? Tell us about you know one thing I did? You know, I was in the house most of the year since March, you know, and that lonely feeling and stuff, you know, you get all that stuff. I would just really literally get in my truck and just drive around listen to some good music. It changed a whole mood. I mean, you don't have to just be in the house. You could be isolated, right man. You know, I throned some Eyes and Brothers, then I jump over to some jay Z. Then I would go back and forth. You know, didn't put my Joe to see on a whole Jose album. You're supposed to start off with Jodas. Well, let me tell you something. This is what I learned the whole Jodas album, the first album it is. If you just get on twenty five, it is exactly all seventeen songs. Do you understand me? Just go around exactly all seventeen songs go row Baby. Yeah, that's how you can take a negative and make it a podcast. A lot of my rogue moments, I was like, yeah, I did this and I'm back in the house, you know. Okay, Jude, I'm gonna have i'mnna make me a rogue moment to do. I mean, Houston, I'm gonna do Beltway eight and see what I what? What album? Can I go? Get a long album for the album? Man, you don't need a series and yeah, an anthology. You're right, I'm gonna need a double album around the full five because it's as long around. Yeah, it is all right, Thank you guys. Coming up more of the Steve Hardum Morning Show, Hold on Row right after this all you're listening show. All right, Jay is in the building, Steve. Time to murder another hit, please introduce him. Jim A good one. I'm scared, ladies in Jim, I can't heard that murder. Don't the song right here? Dedicated to all the ladies what we're going through it. I don't know hit it hold his head has got them win gold and it's got the ceiling than old thirty eight degrees. She wakes up swearing and it has the cool all. She's having a high slain and reading I want a hot flash hot room night, been in the hot blass when and read it. She has a hot let love thehints, I mean a hot last the ruler hot slash random a heart la hottime last hot hot hot hot hot hot blast hot hot hot. She having a hotslass wind and read it. I want the hot last hon been in the hot last wind and reading it she have a hot h your genius boy your No, he's not. No, he's Carlo doctor Ray Carlow Are you ladies? Did y'all enjoy that? You? No? I didn't say. And you know what the problem is, Steve, me and Jay. You know we talk on the phone and did you have a hot fla when you was on the phone inspiration? Yes, I did, Tommy, but the whole world knows now No, you're not and turned the au. All right, coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, we'll be back at forty nine. After you're listening to Steve Harvey. You've brought your fabulous and very insightful, very informal, very motivating. Closing remarks, back is something that you started years ago when you first started the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and people have grown to love them and and you know to live by them and be inspired by them. So what do you have for us here today? A real good piece of motivation and makes your quest to become successful a little bit simpler. You know, oftentimes people are stuck in a rut because they can't think, they way clear to see the end result. What I mean by is, some people make such lofty goals and then they sit there without a plan of attack to achieve that lofty goal, until they've created a goal that seems so daunting that they don't even start the process of a trying to accomplish. For example, And this doesn't have to be the case. I'm just using this as an example. Let's say you want to be a millionaire and you say, wow, I want to make a million dollars, and then you start thinking of how to make the million dollars, and because you can't, it becomes so daunting. Making a million dollars is difficult. If it were easy, wouldn't you do it? By Friday? Wouldn't you. Of course you would, but it's a little more difficult than that. So here's what I had to learn in my life. Everybody listening to this was born with a gift. It's inside of you. Because God is very fair. He didn't put it on a mountaintop, he didn't hide it under a rock. It's in you, and your gift is the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort. In that lies your greatest chance for success. There's a scripture that says your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of great men. Let's just look at the first part of that, your gift will make room for you. My interpretation of that has meant what my gift has done for me. It has allowed me to spread out, It has taken me places I never dreamed got gold. Your gift will do the same thing for you. So now let's just talk about your ability to get to the million. I think it's what your gift because if that's what that He gave you and instill that you at birth, was to make room for you, here's your chance. Now how do I do that? Steve? I call it to maximize your effort by ten theory. It's just something I came up with driving when I was home listening, coming up without to make it, and I discovered something. All of you have something that some would pay you ten dollars to do. Some of you paint, some of you teach, some of you babysit tutors. Some of you work with your hands. Some of you can sing, some of you can choreograph. Some of you there's so many things. Cut grass, I play the piano, some of you do something. Some of y'all work on cars, some of y'all dry. But all of you have something that you will do that someone will give you ten dollars to do. All of you have something that someone will pay you ten dollars to because you do something that someone else can't do. So now all you gotta do instead of trying to figure out how to make a million dollars, it's go make the ten dollars that you're able to make. Once you make that ten dollars, I want you to do it ten more times. When you do it ten more times, you now have one hundred dollars. Once you have a hundred dollars, it's very simple do the same thing you did to make thee hundred dollars ten more times. You now have one thousand dollars. So you don't have to keep thinking of something else to do. Just keep doing the same thing that you've been doing. Just do it. Multiply the effort. It's the effort that maximizes and brings about the fruition of what your life be. So, if you make a thousand dollars and you do that ten more times, I have news for you. Now have ten thousand dollars. Now. Now, in order to make a one hundred thousand, you might need a little bit of help. You might need to hire somebody and help you do the thing that you do. But if you make ten thousand dollars and you do what you did to make ten thousand dollars, which is the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, you now have a hundred thousand dollars. Now listen to me, my friends. Once you have one hundred thousand dollars, I could assure you you are going to need help because in order to maximize one hundred thousand dollars, you have to have some like minded people around you. Nobody gets to the top alone. Nobody becomes successful and wealthy by themselves. They form partnerships, relationships, they get employees. But once you make a hundred thousand dollars doing the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, I have news for you, my friends. Congratulations, you have just made one million dollars with a ten dollar idea. Stop trying to figure out how to make the million. What all you gotta do is take your ten dollars gift that God has put in you. It's a million dollar gift that you have. You just haven't broken it down inch by inch, anything that sinch, and maximize the efforts. That's how you become successful. These jokes that pay me what I make now, it's the same jokes that pay me twenty five dollars a night. They the same jokes. It's all English. This is not in another language. I don't know no more words now than I knew then. I've taken these twenty five dollars jokes and I maximize them over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It's the same jokes I was telling babysitters who charge fifty dollars to watch kids. Babysitters end up opening up daycast centers, daycaret senters turned into franchises, crim dollar crime, monastory schools. These are no franchises. Somebody was just babysitting. My partner used to cut grass, fust three dollars in the front, three dollars in the back. He got a landscape coming in Cleveland. He made four million dollars a year. You know what he do, He cut grass, same six dollars grass cutting he's been doing. You check out some trucks. Now, what is it that you do that somebody will pay you ten dollars that you can maximize your effort for and turn it into your million. But trying to figure out how to make the million. Take your ten dollars skills set and start hammering it and beating it and working it and grinding and hustling and multiplying and magnifying it, and you will make a million dollars. That's my closing remarks. Thank y'all very much. Thanks all right now talk boy, Yeah, y'all have a great weekend for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.