Steve Addresses the "Leaked" Email situation on the internet. - 05.12.17

Published May 15, 2017, 10:34 AM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag looking back to back down, giving them just like the Milican buck buck things. And it's tough y'all to me, true good to tea the hardy guy and listening to me toach other for stoop to handley. Why don't you join yeah by joining me? Honey, sat down? Turn yeah, you go do you You gotta turn to turn out turn you love you got to turn out to turn water, want to go comy, come on your thad. But it only Steve Harvey got a ready of the show man instead of trying to be about the business. To y'all, I'm i'm, I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make, I can do more. And my father used to tell me something when I was growing up. He says, son, when you've done your best and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said. When you've done the best you can and you can done all you can think of, he say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life always have a little more. I ain't ever just out out out completely. I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me, There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never completely out, man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more. And that that. I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know. I was watching a documentary about people climbing Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was and how they have on the hill, uh something called like a death zone or killing zone where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it is right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Efforts from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's this most difficult. Now that I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more people have lost their lives in that area. I don't know what it is, but the people that make it to the top of Mount Efforts, they all had to go through that same zone or that same area, but they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that, so I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned, uh back when I host pledge in. It's called don't Quit. The authors are unknown, but the poem was called don't Quit, and I had to memorize it. I memorize this poem when I was eighteen nineteen, but the poem stayed in my head. I'm gonna try to remember it right now. I'm say it for you. But there's a stanza in it that talks about how many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he suck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. You know. That's a stanza that always sticks out in my mind. I'm gonna say I can memorize one whole of right, Okay, this is the point. There's the author is unknown. The name of the pointment is don't quit. It goes like this, if I make a mistake, I'm just trying to drump it up. So here we go, it says when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to sigh when cares are pressing you down. A bit, rest if you must, but don't quit, for life is queer with his twist and turns, as every one of us must sometimes learn. And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow. You may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tent of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are. It. Maybe kneel when it seems afar, So stick to the fight when your hardest hits, When things seem worse that you mustn't quit. Okay, I remember that cool. I remember it because I had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then, but I remembered it at that point. Him right there has kept me a lot of times. You know, if we often talk about scripture and everything, and I don't, I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's hard that delivers a message. Man, that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success or try to be the best father and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him, and a sharp little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super long, man, they will well below the middle of his back. I mean it was just long. And he kept talking to me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. Now, I know somebody's gonna take this the wrong way. But this is my story, so you know, feel how you want to feel. Already know the emails is coming. You're talking about it. So your man kept talking to him, and I said, hey, man, you know you do your here a huge self of favor in the business you and if you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, Man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your hair, and I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man, Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling me with me, and you're sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you are to consider cutting your hair. He said, mad Mr Harve, I've been growing his hair sounds a little boy. I said, how old are you now? He said? I said, well, how long you want to hang on to what you was when you was a little bored. You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager. I mean you're twenty eight now what we and I said, so let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? He say, it's just who I am. It's I said, so you your have He said no, no, But it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging onto. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I feed that. But if I hang on ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that. What is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make sense to you? So I'm I can't tell you how many times I've had to change. Change is necessary to grow. You can't be all you can be if you want to keep hanging on to all you was. That don't make no sense. How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards. You can't stay here and go there. Do you understand that if you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here? Oh? I got right here is comfortable. I got right here is safe. But over there's where the shade is. Over There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is. Over there is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who you was. Changes. Growth is necessary. Let's go. You're listening minutes to that our twenty one minutes after that hour to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, man, Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Happy Friday, Steve, call it for real? Hello, crew, how are you doing with Julie? Morning up? Man? Same time? Tommy? What's going on? My dog? What's up on? Food? Brow? What up? Steve? What up? All day? All day and all day all ignorant and uh, just a little taste of what the day is gonna be back, j Did you just call me Steve? Yes, sir, Well it's gonna be Mr Harvey from that from now we're gonna address you a little bit later. Where that's what you like? No, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. We're gonna address it later, but we're gonna start now, Mr Harvey. Is that just for Jay? Excuse me, Steve? I would saying, Man, you just called me. I was saying, we'll see what I was saying. Is that just for you? Whoa oh that memo? Okay, okay, Mr Harvey, Okay, all right now wow Mr Harvey, hunh we just hurt you an allowed at you've been off of all my life. At eight forty one, be listening to this show. At eight forty one, Mr Harvey will be issuing a statement, Steve, I mean, Mr Harvey, wait to go? Oh y'all Steve us Harvey us So at one, what's going to happen? Oh no, A little surprised. I don't even want to say a statement because you really don't deserve addressing. Book says, everybody like to talk lie, mixed, confused the truth. You know, the internet is an amazing place right now, So any little coward can just put aloud there and then just make it and then just bleeding story. We're gonna unbleed something at eight for the unblending had So are you? Are you uncle? Mr? Harvey? How do I do? Mr? Uncle? Ruster? Alcoholvey? You Mr Uncle? You know what? Like that? But it's taken too much, so I'm gonna go with on. Yeah, let me stay with Jay. You can find another way to call me something. You're gonna have to get a little bit more formal. All this frett ship we have say something like my no oh, I got a name for you, Mrs. A lot of syllables, but it got missed in the front. I'll take what I bet it might not be another he there. Alright, coming up, we got something funny Mother's Days this weekend. We'll talk about that when we come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back because Mother's Day weekend this weekend. Just the one right here, just the one who counts. Yeah, yeah, got my mama son, where'd you get her? She got a lot? Spend your money on MoMA? Mama laid always you always do my money go out mom. Yeah. Now let me ask you all, this is my first time with it. Can you overdo mama and not give wife the same? I mean, does that does that create a problem. You don't. Don't let them know that you did that. Yeah, but my mamma gonna let her. No, MoMA gonna tell it. Mama gonna stunt you equal the same? How do you do that? You're gonna get your mama and your wife the same thing? No, no, no, no, I didn't say that. I say but you always spend a lot on my mom. This, you know. So I'm trying to figure out. Am I supposed to spend the same amount or even more on your wife? How? How are you supposed to do that? You gotta come correct them both. But yeah, you can't change your wife and just a load on your mom. You can't do that by your mama house. Yeah, and your wife. Yeah, change your wife. See what happened to you? Yeah, you can't. You cannot get your wife a something that's not personal. It has to be personal or vacuuming like that. Oh no, no, you cannot get I wish you would some even if you need one. You can't get it. What am I gonna do with some pots? Well? You yeah? But you yeah, you'ohing with no pots? Taking the graduation and bringing together with somebody walking. Yeah, no appliances you're right, Steve. Now the rule iss with my mom because my mom loved hats. She really loved hats, and she loved ugly hat soulders. I would ever went to the shore, I would pick the ugliest hat there she and I would give it to her. She loved it. She was like, oh my god, that's so great. So I had it's got to be personal something. Okay, So I bought my mom with some diamond ear rings. That's good. But I haven't bought my wife nothing yet. I'm still trying to fix. So do I have to match or go beyond that? I got it easier fixed on me. Go ahead, give him one one hear ring each king to him. That's idiotic, Jay, listen to your sep one the right here and the other ones that left here and a B and a blender. See what happened to you? It's just the right here, baby. I like it though, I like it. I like it. Yeah. That might work and they can call each other one that they they need the other one. If you're really going somewhere, this brings them together. Are you going anyway? As we get? No? Can I get the left? That's it? Tom, No, that's time timming. That's a great idea. Go ahead and do that, Go ahead and do that. No, no, that's perfect, man, that's real smart. I thought so too. I actually that's the sick man, the fact that we agreeing on something. Man, you don't know how that made me feel. Man, And don't stop there. Gloves you gotta give him less so white gloves? What one glove of place? I love it, Jake, Steve, Please come on, you're the king of gift giving. No no, no, no, no, no no no. I won't tell me to do this begging him to do it at ring call that you're gonna get on money? Got one more, one more six roses six right? Gave the other six to your mom? Right? So six right? Yeah? Half? Does I like that? Man? You're gonna be so damn homeless, so divorced. What read you gonna be at times like grease? That's what you gonna be at meals? Let me know, spread a love around. I like it. I can't believe she's not saying anything because he is an expert JA and giving gifts. He really I'm agree with this because I'm gonna break this team and up these two things. Everything Jay say, he agree with everything, Tommy say, he agree. I'm gonna go on. Let this would happen. Everything you say, Junior agrees with because it makes make sense. One ring, a piece, one glove and six rows. It's just going this movie. We're gonna go with that. Are you busy tonight? No? What can I grow? All right? That's all I'm going out, that's all thinking. The closes. He ain't even married. You taking Yes, this is crazy, That's what I don't understandiculous, It was ridiculous. What kind of gifts did you give in the man? Just going and just use this for everything? What do you mean Christmas? I mean like everything, handy work, Oh, I don't care what it is. Your mama wanted dog, give her the dog, Give your wife the dog. Know everything. I like it. Use that logic. See if you're taking him to the one the television, the other one the stand. Yeah, I like itote the one of them. You one of them, some sneakers, you know, other one to sho strange. Just watch them have to work together. But it just it just brings them closer. Man, make the family. I'm saying, keep doing it. But I want on the car. Get the car. Hey, you know like I like, don't listen to them. Tommy, Carl and I are mothers, do not live. And you give him a brawl, give one on the right cup and get the cup. Let me tell yourself, I'm seeing your mama and your wife said my mama. Strong to them your wife. When your wife get the other cup, it's gonna be you happy mother's dad this happy mother mama. You got to meet my mama. Man, you don't remember I love Mom's I love mom all right? Coming up the nephews, new bit. Who are you mad at now? It's coming up right after this. They're gonna be mad at you. We'll be back, all right, We're back y'all. Coming up at the top of that I missaying, gonna get us all caught up on today's national news. What's the latest from the White House saying that because ladies White House, I don't know why to hell, I don't know why to heal my letter to some staff members, some damn White House. It's digging Russia and come on me here on this hill because I wanted some peaceush dog, I just asked for some You can't walk up on them. I'm just anyway. They're gonna do a story. I don't even know what the hell going on. They want to Kevin Fraser want to help me out there because he understand it. But don't you're gonna We're at eight forty one, don't yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah by the from not on this year radio. Yeah. But you know what, we actually start now because this is the new segment. Call who you mad at? Now? You can actually start now. You can call in and get it off your chests because you seem to be really hot right now. You're saving yours, you're saving one building up. Let's go to the phone. Let's find out who they're mad at now? Now you time me? Who is this? How are you doing this? Cory from Buffalo? What's up? Corey? Who you're mad at? Now? Man? Hey, I'm mad at the Rock. Every time you turn around, he on TV doing something. He's selling truck. It wasn't all kind of commercials. You can't get no movie without him being in it, and get no he's Samuel Jackson. Can't even get a job because of Rock. It ain't the Rockert you ain't in it. He canna beat up there anybody and wrestling man got bad. I can't beat me up without the Rock. I think he's my pastor coming up this week. Yeah, we don't, that's what you're mad at. I don't. I don't even think he has to wear a shirt because his body just climate control. I don't never see the Rock where you don't never see him in any curious situation. You don't care about him in the news. That's why I'm mad. The Rock needs to get some real life situations on. Hey, man, you ain't been hearing about me. He got some real life situation in the news. I don't even know what I'm in the new. When I read it, I'll be going, what the hell am I news? I'm scared to talk to Corn because hell, I got five TV shows. I know he's sick of mind all the muscles. Well, I really got seven shows. They're really gonna be pished off in a minute. I think he's gonna be my past to come secon Yeah, man, let's take Yeah, I gotta come on. Never you tell me who's this? This is l from Chicago. How are you telling me? I'm good? Baby? Tell me who you mad at? Now? Baby? Man? I am living with CPS. How in the fudging fraend? I mean, yeah, they told me not to swear. I'm trying my best. But in the budding, Frank, the NBA game you a million, chance, gave you a million, the road game you a million, But three million extra, unfunded, unbudgeted dollars you made you simple, not going to school getting educated in the system that you're trying to corrupt. You can't find three more weeks of education for his kids, and didn't come out the other day and say we're six hundred million dollars in the educational deposits. What the heavens? You know what, I'm really I'm really more interested in how you cuss. Really, I like your style of cussing. What the heaven? Okay, so you're mad, you're mad at the at the at the Chicago school system, schools, public school, they came budgets. They don't value the cheering. You six hundred million dollars in educational but you drive around in Cadillacs and dens and the doggon president wife get escorts. What's the fudge where though? So I need you to really express that g in that just go ahead and cuss, because this is can be done, Jack, It can be done. Thank you all I'm found, I sailed, said, we can't spell. Thank you for calling baby. I just want to know who you're mad at now, that's all? What the fund? What the heaven? Let's take another one a few times. Who was with Carolina? Great on South Carolina? Man? What's going on? Who you're mad at night? I'm mad at Trump man, brother, that Trump get loudly, roads get thrown up, good roads, and you know these roads. But the tax, the tax is going up on these roads that don't that I haven't gotten ship, you know, and they allowed they're allowing the good road car up, but the bad road it's just it's just going like the normal. Then they're not fixing the bad roads. Okay, they're fixing the good road already fixed, and they're fixing it even more. Yeah, okay, what the hell are you talking about. He's mad at the trucks for messing up the roads, that's right. He mad in Donald Trump, Donald Trump, he's a Trump, Donald Trump, not fixing instructure. Yeah, the state level. I thought you're not mad at the state Edward. Yeah, I'm mad at them too, and you at Steve Harmy too, and at now that you mentioned it, I'm mad at that too. What do you say by Steve Edward? Now, my man, that's my man cool. I like I like this down the shop, you know what, I'm man? All right, thank you. Me and my wife watched that all the time. Man, night when I can. When I can't watch it, that night, i'd be on the road. I'd be a I'm a truck stopper and I'll be on the road, you know. The Sometimes I can't watch it, but I'm at home. I watched you hit that horn. F hit the horn in the head. Now on you're on the bad road or a good road right now, I'm on all right road. It's not good, all bad? You know, it's all right, you know, but I can't to count. I think the government. I talked to you, Lona, you don't talk to these people about these roads, man. And you know, and then we got to pay more gags Texas fight should be Lord. But you know that they're allowing that to go up. Now, so everybody's talking, gonna be seeing a lot more money than game. And that's the top of us taking a trip, all right. He was educating me. Yeah, yeah, Jay, you from South Carolina. Yeah, I don't put me in that Okay, I'm about report New York. Huh okay, well you got more in South Carolina and your voice to New York and your boys, you really did, probably been down there a long time, A long time, a long time. Anybody else you made that? Therefore we go, oh that's ship. But hey, how I want time to get to the prank to mom mom motive on my wife though, man, and then she's gonna be mad at you. We can work out the prank. Car I can definitely do that. And there it is Uncle Steve who you mad at now? Yeah, like the rock and the rock his body climate control. I'm mad because he's in shape over the hell. I don't know. I don't look like that. But I put the time in, but I don't know the time I could get like, I won't it. And when I'm gonna put jokes together, I don't know where you can time to write. If you're on curls, you're listening to show all right, You guys have any Mother's Days this weekend? Um? You know a big day, big day, Mother's Day where we celebrate mom's Um. You guys have any good childhood memories? Yes? Or any memories period? I always tried to outdo my sister every year. It was that was my goal to make sure I gave my mom a bigger gift than mysters, even when I didn't have money. I'm gonna get you this. But when you give my mother color television set and I know, the big screen, the biggest one that they had, and my sister like this first time I had my sister cousion and damn all I got as a card. So that year you won. You know, that's an old story with somebody to say a color television set like you had an option of buying the black and white. That scene in Johnson's Family Vacation with you and said, and y'all were trying to do each other. Uh. Yeah, I never had to compete. When I was the youngest one in my family. So my brothers eleven years older than me, my younger mother eleven years older than me, so they had money. I didn't you know, I got my mama evening in past man every year. What's that perfume? Yeah, I didn't know what the evening the past that better than white diamonds. Hey, I don't know, he said, dog, I was so parted. Get my mama the perfume for Mother's Day and that Christmas I got to the powder. Oh you didn't break it up. Yeah, you couldn't be the whole set. Boy, one time came out here that set man for eight dollars. I saved all year long. Man got down there that had bought the last gift set eight dollars, the powder, the perfume, the body washed baths. Oh man, I gave her that man. I cried doglar. Hell yeah, man, my mom wore that even the past. But when white Diamonds came out Liz Taylor, my mama wanted that white diamond hor if I could give me some white diamond sleep, my daddy went on and bought her that white diamonds. Boy, my mama wore that wolf. So then I said, okay, okay, okay, he gonna sit over here and try to ship out because he's working. I'm gonna save all my damn money. This year I was hustling, and my mama's some white diamond for Christmas. Yeah yeah, boy, that's so nice that you You had a goal, you worked for it, you worked hard. You you know you mom's appreciate that. They just love that you give him something your kid. I picked a flowers one day. Boy, my mama said, that's so beautiful. She didn't know. I took him out the people's yards on the way. Just stop man. Then that damn miss pain come over. Your son took folk tulips out of my yard. I said, are you old, bitter health for me? You steal the dog though I had a nice bouquet. Man I went, I wrent around on a couple of the blocks, had my bike, put them down in my little satchel I had across my little banana seat. Man had a little saddle bag and collected out a nice to me. You know some lilies. All that lilies, tulips, some dandelions. That nice bouquet. Man create a new dude fixed it all up. Man took it in the house. Then this health are gonna come over later telling about your son. Looking at you. You're supposed to steal on your street, though, at least go to streets. Everybody have knife flyer bed. I had to go streets over nice y'all. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, don't worry about that. Here she is with the days National headline. He stole folk and so damn what ms A and trill. Thank you. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do anyway. Good morning, everybody. This is a trip of the news morning see shirty call everybody out there, Junior uh sad news for a lot of people in Florida. Former Florida Representative of Corrinne Brown. After an historic twenty five year career in Congress, she's been found guilty of taking money from a charity that was purported to be giving scholarships to poor students. Correne Brown is seventy years old. During the trial, prosecutors outlined a pattern of fraud by prown by Brown and her top Aid that they say included using hundreds of thousands of dollars from this charity, called the One Door for Education Foundation for lavish parties and trips and shopping incursions. Coin Brown convictive eighteen of the twenty two charges against her, including lying on her taxes and on her congressional financial disclosure forms. Cormin Brown faces a stiff prison term when sentenced, as she may be appealing Trump. White House still handling questions over the President's firing of FBI Director James Comey because it seems a story keeps changing First, the official reason was that because of the way Comey handled the Clinton email, it's stuff, but lawmakers on both sides doubted that one, since even Clinton says she felt Comey's eleventh hour announcement of a new probe at least partially derailed her White House chances. Then the President claimed it was because Comey was ruining the agency and its morale. And then that charge was a few to by acting FBI Director Andrew McKay before Congressional committee. He's a show boat, he's a grandstander of the FBI has been in turmoil. You know that. I know that. Everybody knows that. I can tell you that Director Comy enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does to this day. By the way, it's not now known how long Andrew McKay is going to have that acting director position. Then Trump spoke to NBC's Lester Holt and brought out the Russia election meddling pro Actually, I said, if it's possible, would you let me know, am I under investigation? And said, you are not under investigation. So that was that. Then the Vice President Pence said the President was merely following the recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. But Trump told NBC he intended to fire call me no matter what the Justice Department said. So it's kind of keeps changing, and I guess it had to happen or maybe not. Anyway, just in time for Mother's Day, you can choose to give Mommy some KFC Chicken plus KFC's new romance novel called KFC's Wings a desire. Called her a fair passionate was an understatement. Sometimes it seemed as though Madeline and Colonel Sanders had been made to love each other, and they tried to do so. Really, anyway, comes with any chicken order. It's ninety six page You can download it free from Amazon. One of you said it was like eating a bucket of the colonel's chicken. Okay, I'm done. You're eating the butterfly. Twenty minutes after the out stay tuned De Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go, y'all know what it is, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning, good morning, Good morning everyone. Stephen Tommy Shirley College junior j Anthony Brown. Let me say this to all of you all. Okay, you're not gonna you're not ready for this. Wednesday night, of course, is the opening night for the play in Dallas, Texas, Mama's Boy that I'm still you know, I'm one of the stars. Anyway, there was a special guest in the audience on Thursday night who came to see the show and guess what they are going to tell you exactly who was the greatest one in this show? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, all of my crew here, Jay Anthony Brown, came to the show on Thursday night. A ja ja let me say this because for years, Jay, I've been telling you who is the greatest one in this body that represents this show, that represents a body. And he was able to see Tommy do his part, and he was able to see me do my part. South hands down here it is. He's gonna let y'all know he' been to set the record straight up in this piece and let y'all know who's the greatest about go here. Jay. First of all, the play was wonderful. Everybody did a great job. It was really good, funny. The hands down a person who's who just stole the show come out whenever whenever they came out took over. Come out when they came out. Oh my, oh my, was just crazy. Come come out. With no doubt in my mind it was definitely were Yeah, because I was sitting right there. Nephew toimmy stole the shop? What go ahead? Side me? Go ahead? Yeah, that boy got shot. He got that man. He did the damn thing. James Anthony Brown. Yes, you did not just sit here and do this. I set this up. You didn't told the truth. You came backstage and told me I did an excellent job. You can't doing that, not saying you did an excellent job. Why would you stay here in front of my peers, in front of my coworkers, in front of all of my friends that I listened. Why would just sit You don't know what you've died, and you're supposed to be on my side. I think he meant you were good. I'm butterfly, you did great. You just see here all the time. He stole the show. That's what you're out here and totally speedball. My friend Felix is listening to this. How come Felix, weren't this Felix? This comed me Saturday night. But now I guess he's gonna be coming to look at the time because he don't want to see what Jay talking about. Why would you do this? He didn't say you weren't good, but he didn't say I was not great either, And I thought I was great. And he came back to told me I didn't wind up a job. Why you thought you was great? He told you he did a good job. Always thank you great. No, I was good, Steve, I was really, really, really great. Why would you? J? J. Brown? I'm sorry. I just you asked me to tell the truth and I did. I'm sorry. Are you sure Stone the show? Anthony Brown, It's only in your life. Watch yourself, watch yourself? All right, Jay is gonna murder another hit when we come back. Come down, Butterfly. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, but it's trying to murder hit JR. Sir Mr Harvey, Yes, Mr Harvey. One, We're gonna settle it, uh forty one Eastern on this show, y'all? Oh man, yeah, man, gonna get it set that's right, Mr Harvey. What he said? All right, here we go. This song is by Uma is that her name? Humor's just you know, you know well, you know, you know you know, you know. The song was called crushed, but this song has what we did a little different. Is about men who have a little problem in the bedroom. Check it out. He on this sh he reached Mr hard Rock. It's the hard rocks all right now, I'm not doing hard rock things. Believe a message and I'll call you back, and that will be hard to do, get it. I'm calling just to give you, guys to you right. You had trouble last time, so get those pills. That's blue. Keeps going down, down down down down down down down down, keep going down. You keep letting me down down down, down, down down down down. You are not the man you see. Ah yeah, stop telling ladies that you'll drop them crazy two minutes in your rustling. May you keep letting me down down, down, down down down done? We don't know. I'll stop coming around round round round right. You'll keep going down down down. I'll stop coming a round round right. You keep that temn down down down, down down down, then I'll stop coming round round round right. She might have a wrong, no, but ain't not at me. She looked at Mr Softy. What problems? I don't have the problems? You can check me out every Thursday to Jay Spot, Los Angeles, California's sixteenth and seventeen Laugh Comedy Lounge and I Clean Texas and May twenty seventh, Jam Box, Dallas, Texas. And you think Eugena could come see me? And you didn't know? Joe, you're cutting pretty deep today, man with you that dude right there, he don't come, but he don't STI I mean, did he in something before he wanted? Yeah? He called name, Yeah, tell me na we were friends? Yeah? Yeah, well man, no, no. As soon as you go guess him, he turned Yeah. I think it rhymes with hunk. Chunk didn't go good. Ja tell you nothing. He asked me to tell the truth. He bet a j h oh. Really he doesn't let stuff go, does he? Not at all? And now he's upset because I said Tommy was a better actor in the play. He did better and that really upset it. Well, he thought you were going to say it was him because you went backstage after the play and told him he was really good. Well he was really good, but he wasn't the best. Tommy was the best. Well that's I have problems. Yeah, I think Yeah misled him into thinking he's my life living him the whole year here because he does not let stuff going down. Already got a church lady man. Oh boy, yeah, well maybe if you go see it again, you have a different perspective. Who knows different perspective? You never know Jay and you know he and Steve they speak, but not on great terms. Yeah. So you don't like Steve. Yeah, I don't care if you don't like me, but I need friends. Hey, coming up, it's the nephew and it's prank phone call. We'll be back. You're listening to the string show at the top of the hour. About five minutes after that we got Strawberry letter. But you know what we got right now though? What's that? The food? Prank phone called time? You already know what it is? No, you don't, so let me tell you. I want to date your mama Mother's Day weekend. I want to date your mama. Happy Mother's Day. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach miss Burns. James. This is our son. How you doing man? My name is Gordon. Gordon just recently joined the church Man within the last month, and I was trying to get in touch with with Miss Burns. One of the members gave me a number, but I guess they must gave me the wrong number. I guess it's is this a home number or what is this? Hell of hello? Who is this again? My name is Gordon Gordon. I'm a new member at the church. Yeah, uh, this is this your number? Yeah? Man, this is my phone number. I'm James, I'm my son. Oh that's your mom. Okay, that's your mother? Right? All right? Well yeah, my bad man. I was trying to get in touch with miss Burns. Now is did you have a sale or home number? Something I can get in touch with Burns? Wait to time, I tell you your name is what Gordon? Gordon Gordon not just joined the church, man, so I might not have met you yet. James. Okay, Well, God bless you man, Thank you man. I appreciate it, because is there any way I could get your mom home number from? I mean, you're just joined the church. I mean I don't I don't see why you wouldn't be able to talk to it. I mean, is there anything that there message I could pass some to it? Those? Uh? Well yeah, I mean I'm I'm trying to see if it's all right for uh for me to take her out. I've been seeing them for the last Hold up, Hold up, Hold up, Hold on, hold to tell about that you You were just sending to you a new member to the church, and somebody gave you or they were attempting to give you my mother's number, and you're asking me if you could take her out. Man, I wasn't asking you. I thought I had her phone numb. I guess they give me your number. Bout mistake, you know, that's my reason for car I thought I was gonna get her. I want to take her out, you know, maybe to dinner or something. But well, I'll be quite honest, man, I just came back home from overseas, from fighting and everything. Man, And uh, I mean you know my post just passed away not too long ago. And I ain't you know, I ain't too keen or my mama going out with somebody and beside you, you don't even sound like you. Hey, she in the sixties? Man, older you man, I'm thirty six. The hell out of you? You how old man? I'm thirty six. I'm thirty four. What is you doing? You do realize my mom is pushing sixty right? You know what? Man? I look at it like James, right, James, I look at it like it's you know, heyes, ain't hing, but the number, man, it's it wasn't your heart, man, And how you care yourself? You know? Yeah? But my hey, hey, but my mama ain't no cougar like that. And I know she ain't coming after you right now. I remember telling me that she trying some new things of this church, but going out with some this thirties thirty How do you you do a baby, man, I'm thirty. I'm thirty six. Dude. Man, you like my brother. Something man ain't nowhere in the world. My mom gonna be dating to say, okay, okay, sans James. Let me say this man. First of all, I ain't know I was calling you. Second of all, I'm calling and speak with her. I'm not calling trying to get permission from you. Miss Burns is a grown woman. And whoa, whoa, whoa talking about that. I don't think you every man. I just came back from fighting overseeds. My pops passed away not too long ago. I am the man of the out. Let's get that straight right now, all right, I don't care if I'm still living at home and now I'm the man of this house. All right. You calling the ass my mama on a date, you might as well just stick the church dog, because you know, as I said, be blessed, But it ain't gonna be no blessing for me to you. I tell you that right now. Okay, I'm not looking for a blessing from you at all. Bro. You might no blessing, but I respect the fact that you've been overseas and you've been fighting for this country. Okay, But if I decide I wanna speak to miss Burns about going out, I think Miss Burns has every right to decide if she would like to go out with Gordon's or not, and Gordon wants to take her up. Holding up, Look, bro, I don't care how old you say you are, all right, Number one, you're too young. As I already mentioned. All right, this ain't going down with you and my mom. I'm straight up, hey, man, that's for your mama to decide. So that you you're bringing up my mama. You're letting the word your mama come out your mouth again. That's gonna get you up, all right. I don't know where you're from. I don't get how old you are. I'm pretty sick. I know what church my mama go to and and it ain't gonna be her and you you ain't gonna be asking her out, all right. I don't give what it takes. I would show up on Sunday, catch up in the pulfeit or wherever you're gonna be sitting in the back of the choir. It's don't matter something's going down. You are not gonna get with my mama like that. You got that. That's up for your mama to decide if your mama want to go out with me down dinner. I ain't looking long with that, man, I'm I'm deciding it right now. It ain't gonna happen. I told you before, be blessed or get your whoop. You got two choice, all right. I didn't fight. Let's see three years to come back and also deal with my daddy died and then come back. I'm suffering from PSD. Dog. I don't know what I'm gonna do unless you want to get it like that from one PSD post traumatic stress syndrome, and I will release all that on you got that. I don't play, But hey, man, listen, I don't want no trouble. It don't matter to me. You can tell you. Okay, Look, man, listen, I ain't trying to have no trouble about you. Man. All I'm gonna say is this right here. I'm I'm gonna I talk to you mom on Sunday. Okay, you ain't gonna tell them? Are you not hearing me? Man? I'm okay, I'm crazy right now? Okay? Can I say this? Can I say one more things? Because you man, so you explode, you ain't got nothing else to say. I got one more thing before you explode. Man, If you're listening, Yeah, Man, James, what hey man, I want to tell you this. Man. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More On to show your mama. H need to break phone call you get them out of here. Hey man, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Your mama told me. She said, my son been overseas, he've been fighting. I'm glad to have him home. She said, we gotta get him back in the spirit of laughing, Man, my mama, are you are you kidding me? Man? We got you good. We listened to this show overseas. Man. First of all, I gotta say thank you for fighting for this country. I want to ask you one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, man, Nothing but the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Get it over season in the States though, Thanks man. That is Happy Mother's Day. Okay. I want to date you mama, all right, I want to date your mom. No, nice way to say that is gonna be very stern when you say I want to date your mama. Mama Tonight, I'm actually in Austin, Texas with the play Mama's Boy tonight. It is Austin, Texas. And then thank you sir. And then back to Dallas with Saturday and Sunday. There's two shows on Saturday, two shows on Sunday. Tonight Austin Texas, and then Saturday and Sunday back in Dallas. Tickets on say all right now doing good too? Oh that's great, Tommy, congratulations. It's getting real crowded at the top. According to Forbes, Sean Diddy Combs maintained the top spot in this year's list of richest people in Hip Hop. I didn't know that, but jay Z is right there. I would have thought it would be jay Z. Jay Z is right there. Bad Boy Entertainment founder Puffy once again top Forbes list. He has a net worth of anybody want to get Steve. You want to guess how much did he's worth? Nope, just concerned with my own eight hundred and twenty million dollars. Yes, eight know money always because always somebody's from your spirit. Right, jay Z's right behind him with eight hundred and ten million. That's a thirty percent increase from two thousand sixteen. Dr Dre slid into number three with a still impressive seven hundred and forty million dollars. Steve seven hundred change. I thought he had some money. Yeah, yeah, but anyway, Jay uh, I mean Dr Dre has seven hundred forty million thanks to mostly to his share of his beat sale to Apples back in two thousand fourteen. Some savvy investments. All right, coming up next, straw Very letter. Yeah two and three. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, The Strawberry Letter is coming up next. But first, Steve, Now you're a grandfather, so I have to come to you. You don't want to come it on that so you know, we turned to our grandparents, Like I said, your grandfather, we turned to our grandparents for parenting advice. We turned to them for knowledge. But according to a new study, their expertise might not be as helpful as we think. Grandparents baby raising practices could be a bit dated. Okay, Almost a quarter of nana's and pop paus didn't know that babies should be put to sleep on their backs, not their tummies, not their sides. They should put me put to sleep on their backs. And almost half of them, that's like of them believed ice bats are way to lower high fever, but they can actually lower body temperature too much, leading to a risk for hypothermia. Okay, Steve, I gotta ask you, are you doing some you know, some dated practices in your grandfathering. I don't do nothing. I know how to put the baby to sleep, That's all I can. I played with you for a little while. I put my little grandson Noah in the in the little life round, you know the ring that fit under the kids on They sit in the seat, but the water ring fits under their arm, and then I push him out to the middle of the pool. He loves that being he gotta kick about a thousand times to get back over to the side. As soon as you get out there, I just push his hands back out there again. His little answer is exhausted. Yeah, I gotta. I got a picture of him sleep in the pool. Everybody mad at me when they come home. Why's the grand baby sleep in the pool? That's why he fell a sleep? You want me to wake his ass up? The baby sleep in the water. Water. We gotta heat it pool. That water warm like bad water. Sleepy, were comfortable? Alright, Time to a letter to get back to the side. Times done, Papa Harvey. All right, let's gen to the strawberry letter. Alright, bu hold on time. Supposedly it's a good one strawberry letter. Well it's really short too. Subject living hell. Okay, I've been there, dear Stephen Shirley, every since, That's what the letter says, every since I got married. My mother in law is such a black you know what. One time my husband took me to her house to see her, and she slammed the door right in my face, took a knife and pointed it at me. She called the police and said I tried to hit her over the head with a Rock Stephen Shirley. I want to throw her over a bridge or push her in front of a car. Help me, please, just like throw mama. That's it. That's the letter. That's the letter, all right. Uh to me, you don't have a mother in law problem. You have a husband issue here. Um. You know his mom is crazy, obviously. Um. You know she's rude. Who would slam the door in someone's face, who would take a knife and pointed at them and then call the police. You don't mention if anything happened, Why you guys don't like each other. You don't mention any of that. So I'm just going to assume that she just doesn't think you're good enough for her precious son, and that you took her son away from her. But again, her son. Your husband needs to step in here. I mean, he certainly cannot let his mom treat you this way, disrespect you this way. You are his wife. You know he has to leave and cleave. He's got to leave and his parents and his family and cleave to you. You are his wife. Again. I don't know what happened to make her think this way or feel this way about you. Uh. It sounds to me like she's just crazy and he's a mama's boy and he needs to step in and do something. Steve, Well, well, so short, so sweet, so little time. Your mom in law is the mom in law from hell. Yes, okay, get in line. A lot of people got that problem. I happen to have a really really cool setting in law, my father in law and my mother in laws to the nicest people everyway. Just mentioned that. I mean really, they're just really really sweetheart of people. Know you, wasn't that lucky. You're right up into this bat out of hell. Now your husban standing there obviously ain't doing nothing about it because either one or two things is happening here. Your husband scared of his mama too, or your husband don't like you either. Now, sometimes you just gotta face it. Sometimes you have to face it. What what is it again? See? Either either your husband it's scared or his mama too, yeah, or your husband don't like you either. And him and his mama the tagged up and decided this is how we're gonna get rid of you. Get a mama, get her stab with mama. Hit in ahead. He's so crazy, the police off. Yeahs ain't doing another I'm on this assuming he don't like you either. See, you didn't say nothing about your husband in the letter, but you ain't saying nothing about how to hate started. It started somewhere. I'm thinking, I'm just gonna take a different approblem. Maybe this letter got something to do with you. I got your mom and lost bat out of hell, help her helth Forging Wild. You know it's a new video, Health was Wild? You know I got the girl going wild video. We're gonna start a video. We're gonna take Mama law Help was Gold. But maybe you didn't done something to mom in law that's making you wanna push your in front of car. Because I'm trying to figure out what's stopping you from pushing her in front of the car. She walked on prison. Well you know, ef she don't walk in a wheelchair, I don't right off the curtain, deal with it. Or if she don't want to, if she if she got the brakes on a wheelchair, just push it forward, make a fall forward out the wheelchair into the traffic, and a lot of ways you can do. But I think what's really wrong what your husband don't care how you mama, how Mama talk to you? Because he pretty much agreed with his mama. Maybe it could be that, now, if you're a sweetheart of a person, I could be wrong. I could be wrong. Maybe you're just a perfect little angel and you really are dealing with this helper from hell. Either way, when we come back, what you wanna know is you want to throw her over bridge or push your in front of a car. What are some of the other things you could do that could get you less jail time. I have a list of those things when we come back. Stuff you can do to your mom in law that it gets you less jail time, to throwing over the bridge you're pushing up. Okay, you're listening to st all right, come on see with your response to part two of the Strawberry Letter. Right now, let's have it bye. You got a mother in law that's giving you the blues, the helper from hell, and you want to push out in front of a car, throw off a brick. Don't do that. That's a lot of time. She ain't worth that. Now are things you can do the old women, Oh oh, battle axes, help us from Hell. Ain't gonna get you no jail time. Hid all her wigs, just hid him can't where you put them. Just hid him, they got alper Just haul off, slapper and run that really piss old people off when you run. What they're gonna do? Now any chase to come on? Now you can start a room about it at your church, like prostitution an old lady. Yeah, I don't ever go croster because then m come who want that? They coughs? You know, that's when people can really talk about how she decided to sell all that. Whoo who who who? Won't it? But old man, why do fool see? You got? This is how you hurt. You sell a cock keys to a crackhead for twenty off. Crackhead, don't have logic nowhere, I get the cocky. I don't sell the con down down, I ain't cracks summer sell cockys to a crackhead for twing it off. He'll find all he sees the outside. Go into basement when she sleeps late at night and keep saying that her name in the avent Gray. Just go into them and say, horn, I'm just telling you stuff you can do to your mom and get it right here. Get over take her teeth when she put him on the side of the bed and the job, and just take your whole job. Just put him on top refrigeration. She never fake to look on top or the refrigerator. Here's a go sprnk up, grind up some ex lax frankly and all her food. And then just put a chair in the hard way where the bathroom and just sit down and just watch her and her back and form all day and that time she shut out. Just talk to him. I have I'm your crazy Steeve. We have to go. Come on, you can email us our Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girl Shirley? All right, thank you? All right? So hey, hey, hey, we just let let me let me ask you something. What do y'all want for Mother's Day? Speaking to mother's college. Just walked in here. She's brand new mama. She's gonna get j as. Don't know how to shop. Does her husband knows? Oh yeah, oh he don't even know. He owned him. What's up? B J J? He seen me? He started crying, Paul, Yeah, yeah, well I'm at the studio and the kids just stopped there. As soon as he see me, he started crying. And then did you yeah? Man? And then I gotta yoke him up, take him and squeeze him and hold him down everything. He looked at the head, says, I don't know what's wrong with him. He'd be all right now. I think he's excited maybe to see I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna choke him up though out all that. Don't worry about that, sherl. It just ain't your grand baby's fine it prep all. You won't hear a boy he gonna get yoked up, make him tough. Yeah, I don't know. Is he one? Is he too? He's just big. That's all I need to do. Stand up by yourself right now? That's good? Yeah? I mean four now, man, two boys and two girls. Wow, that's perfect. That is That's a lot of perfect if you get involved with all them. B J see me, he started crying. Nowhere seeing me, he busts out, laughing. That's the one I love you. Huh yeah, roll see me, she come to me, l see me? She go the other way. So you got to that are crazy about you? Yeah? No one as the one I put in the swimming pool and pushed him out. That made him do a thousand kicks. Oh god, but I bet it would be fun having you as as papa because you're funny. They're gonna understand that. They're gonna all understand who got the damn money around here? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, but but but you know, like when I'm at home in Atlanta, they all know them because they're coming office. I got ain't got number candy and cookies in my dead I controlled my kids with sweets like our parents did us. Yeah, because not like Carly and Morgan are like really conscientious moms. Like the little baby, he'd be drinking tumeric milk and stuff, just trifling as miss You know, I slip up a little can of Carnation condensed milk, but without fitting it out. Just let him straight. Boy man, they'll be trying to put their tongue down in the cannon. Everything I got the wrapper your mind sneer on their gums, like that's what brand? Dad? Do you shut up calling oh Man for Steve. Yeah, I don't get all that. They get Oreo cookies. Everything was just coming in, come in. They need to back out. Is a new mom. But they're doing all that new stuff. You know. They drank goats milk and seary and here he ain't having no damn food, his little ass having nutritional snacks stuff like that. This boy over here got a handful of wheat grass trying to make it work. I put the boy on to jump. I turned them out. I got slim gems in the office and that's a dump food and it's wrong. So you know, is wrong for kids. You give a baby a slim jim and the rest of his life because they can hold the skinny and the flag. But you gotta get that mild or you get that spicy that throw the ass in there, so Steve, they can't digest that their belly. Oh my god, they ain't got the digested. They colons ain't even that long yet. You know how long colons are. They just go in and come out. Oh my goodness, way too much. All right, coming up, we've been promising it all morning, all morning long, forty one easter, and Steve Harvey has something to say to you. Yeah, well to you whatever, you know who you are. You're listening to Steve Harvey show. Alright, Steve, we all know about it because of course we read the internet and we know you. There's this email floating around that you put out and it's been grossly misunderstood. We just wanted to for you to have an opportunity to speak about it to us. And we're really not supposed to be here because according to the um Internet, you fired all of us anyway, But yeah, yeah, I mean, but you know, it's sort of crazy because the Internet is just a space where people can a lot of cowards can just take a keyboard and just write what they want to write without any context to it. And so what happened at the beginning of the year in August, the beginning of season five four TV seasons has gone by here in Chicago, and you know, we taped our last show yesterday, okay, and you know the show. The show is moving to Los Angeles, and you know it's a business decision. But this is a business decision I can make by myself. You know, Look, you can't move a TV show by yourself because you say we're moving. Because number one, I don't put up the money as the production company. I'm in a partnership with i MG end the Mall and NBC. I'm in a partnership. I happened to be the star of the show and it's called The Steve Harvey Show and I have a say so, but I'm in a partnership. It's a business that I'm in, and people who put up the money have a say so and who gets hired and where it goes and how much we have to spend for a budget. So the decision was made in March finally to move the show to l A. The day after the decision was made, the president of ind the Mall flew to Chicago to inform all the people on the show, all the employees who have a contract with in the mall. The president, Christo Brego, great guy, came up to Chicago and told everybody that the show was moving back in March. That was the day after it was finalized with me. It was in the works for a while, but it got finalized in March. The next day the president came up and talked to everybody. Now, prior to that, I had written a letter to some staff members in August because for four years I tried to have an open door policy, a very approachable policy. Hey, look, just come up to me, talk to me whatever you need. But so many people just took advantage of it. Man. I mean if I if I come out my door. People were at my door if I come off the set, people waiting on me in the hallway I get to my office door, people being my office door. You know, I just felt like I was getting ambushed, just over and over and over, and I didn't have a space. I would be sitting in the makeup chair. People walk in the dressing room without knocking. I mean, and and everything. Didn't have a moment to yourself, which I just felt like I was. All of my time was occupied. So I said at the beginning of season five, I've got a carve out some me time. I got so many jobs, and all my jobs, I'm very approachable. People can come up to me. So beginning to season five on the talk show, I sent out a letter to staff saying stuff like, I didn't want to be bombarded in the hallway. I don't want to be ambushed. I don't want you waiting outside my dress room. No meetings in my dressing room, no stopping by or popping in. No one people just stopped buying popping. Don't come in my dressing room unless you're invited. Do you understand what it's like to be a celebrity. You already don't have much of your time and people walk in your dressing room without knocking. Let let let me tell you something. Try to walk in Oprah's dressing room. Just just see if you can get in there. Go to Ellen, go to dr Field, go to anybody. But because I'm a comedian and I'm in a happy business, people just took advantage of it for four years. So I decided to stop. Stop opening my dress room door. If you opened my door, expect to be removed. I had to write it out like that, and I wrote it myself. But you know, the couple of times I was on your show, Steve, I was amazed because just walking to your dressing room, there are people lined up on the way, yeah, to to get to you when you're in your dressing room. They're coming in while you're getting dressed. There in they have papers in their hand, they're asking you questions, they want you to sign stuff. I mean, it was just ridiculous. While you're eating there talking to you. I mean, I can't even have lunch. And so it became absolutely unbearable for me. Because I had this policy where I allowed people to approach me. I decided on year five to stop that. It wasn't mean spirited I just sent it to everybody, and at the end of I said, if you're reading this, I mean you mean you. And that's what I put out there. I put everything I wanted either knock or you the doorbell. I even installed the doorbell this year so you can ring the doorbell. I mean, people would just walk into my dressing room. But I got three sections in it, so I got a private area. I got a little area walk and get some rest if I needed. But people just walk in and it became just unbearable for me, and so I issued this letter. Now the show moves gets find out that we're moving. In March. The man who sized all the contract came up. Chris and break O, great guy, very smart, came up the next day and straightened everybody told him we were moving. Now all of a sudden, is Steve Ain't told us we're moving. Hey, man, do you know how many TV shows I've been on where they come in and they tell me your show was canceled. Ain't, no, we're moving, your show was canceled. You know how many times I've come to work and find out we don't have no work. You know how many times they took our radio show offer stations with no warning. We've lost markets, game markets, gotten markets back. It's the business we're in. I wish everybody nothing but the best, you know, man, and I've I've constantly told my staff members, none of this is forever for all of us. You know, one day, you know we're gonna be a position where we're gonna have to move on. None of you will work with me forever. I've always said this. Now little do I know, even to me how God would move this thing around and change it. It's really gotten to the point where I'm just really tired of people, man, just saying what they want to say about me without knowing the truth. It's been a great run in Chicago, but I'm in too many cities too many times, and it's a very difficult life I have, and I gotta condense all this to make it a better lifestyle for me. I wish everybody the best. I'm sorry they felt that way. But meanwhile, we will not look you in the eye. We will not walk with you and look at TV. I bet you if you see me in that bathroom, I bet you not being that, We'll be back with You're listening, Steve alright top of I'll be back. You know, thank you Shirley for asking me about the stuff that's about me. You know, and look, and you know, once again, appreciate y'all hearing me out. You know. Look, I normally don't address stuff on the internet, but this went out in a real paper, and now this is going out on real TV. I don't know why. I'm a news story our country and a will of damn trouble. We got North Korea trying to launch Mitchells on our ask and y'all sitting up here worrying about because I don't want nobody just walking in my damn dressing. Ah wait, let me ask you something. Can people just walk in your house if you come home? Can a person be sitting on your porch when you come out your back door to get your car? Do people come up to you before you get in your comba? No, man, What I asked for was just can you just respect my space? But it just comes from four years of people just taking advantage of my kindness because I'm a comedian. See, Opra ain't no comedian. You can't do that. To open Oprah walks with a group of people around here and there you run upon Ms Winfrey if you want to, it'll be your last time. And not that she's a mean person, because opens a sweetheart, but Oprah has that respect. You can't do that the time. Yes, you can't speak, Mr Yah asking him to speak? Yes, I'm asking me. I speak. Mr Harvey, Man, you can, but just a little what is day? Yeah, it's just a little bit. It's called being new on the Jim. What's the end of your third week? And three weeks? He still stealing? And and Timmy, you need to learn this. I've been with you all my life. I'm not going to ask you when to speed. No, you ain't gotta ask me to speak. But when you see me blinking, you stop. Gives me? Are you looking at him telling me? Not in the looking at more like waist level? But it's close. You know already spoke what you want to say? No, can you let me know when you're thinking so I will not think that's what we're talking about. Never spank Junior. Yeah, Mr Harvey, I will say this. Ain't nobody talking to you, sir? Thank you. I wish I would see what you're gonna do is you're gonna be what your name is Julie yep y s yeah, bang down all these seniors up in here. I knew you when you ain't had no money. I wish I were gonna be a ting now. I can't blink when you blink, can't go to bathrood. We used to p outside together. What is you talking about? Man? I speak again, Mr Hun, I knew I knew you when you ain't had no money. I know you're not get caught in there. You know it's no money. But that just for the he though, and what do you want? Jay um Tommy, this is a good job for me, okay, and I don't want to mess up. So he asked you nicely, do not look at him. So the best thing for you to do so that we don't all lose our good jobs is don't do that. Okay. I'm looking at him. Were already like he's already fired up. According to the story, we're looking at my chest stop And according to the other end of the story, I find y'all anything yea, yeah, kept hitting us up. Are you still working with Steve? Are you still working? Yes? Father in law called Steve. Okay. One of my partners called me and said, man, you lost your job and said no. He said, man, I think you better check again. How are you gonna story? Waite? Steve Jr. Called me And said, how does it feel to be fired? That's it? What are you talking about? Somebody said, damn, you just got it when your coworker call what j What are you talking about? He said, was going to the internet? Steve fired, that's all. Let me say this about that. I can I say that. I think it was a great note you wrote. It was so great I copied and paid it and send it to thirty people I didn't want talking to me. They got today. But I think when people read the letters Steve, they completely overlooked the word ambush. Ambush, do not ambush me. I'm feeling ambushed, Okay. It means that when you walk out of the room, that's a group of people just converge upon you with questions like the paparazzi or something. Yeah, but you know what, But but you know what it was was in the letter. I just told them what they had to do. I said, all y'all you do was make an appointment. Yeah, I'm still to talk to me. Man, I talked to all my employees. But you have to make an appointment now, No more just stopping me when you got every whin you have no idea what people will stop me with. I got fifteen minutes before we turn this thing around at people bringing bringing stuff up to the office that they read, letters, proposals, ideas. I mean, man, it was just crazy man, not not being mean or anything, but taking advantage of the fact that I just allow people to step up to me because I'm out here doing a happy show. I'm in the fun business. I'm on family a little bit. Let me proof read Joe Nick letter. Don't just be sending stuff back. I'm my old man. I sent it out. I do not apologize for the letter. No, no, man, I asked for the same respect y'all give everybody else. Let me tell you something they can't. Let me explain something to you. The president of this building, the president of this NBC station, you can't walk up to his office without an appointment. You don't even know his ass to attack someone or something by surprise from a hidden place, that's what and I just and for four years I allowed people to do it. In year five, I said, man, what is it that's getting me down about coming here? And that was one of the problems. I have no free moments to myself. I mean, Monica sits here with me every morning. She would tell you. People used to just walk in here. Man, So I had to put special locks on the doors because I don't like locking the door so when I go in and out. But man, people just walking in your dressing room? Who does that? If you're at your house, do you let anybody just walk into your home? No? Man. And when I'm at work, my dressing room is my home because I'm here more and more than I am at home. Yeah, Steve, it's always some negative stuff. It's still fun. People still your your staff still enjoy working with you. And I think that's just an image that was put out there that you know, is this so much misery going on? Music? Let's go, come o cat, you're listening all right if you're gonna love this story. Beyonce's publicists checks gossip site for spreading rumors. Beyonce and her team are not here for anyone trying to say she had lip injections while pregnant. Really, uh, beys publicists Yvette Noel Sure fired back at a gossip site that recently claimed the singer had Kylie Jenner lips injection. Her publicists released the following statement. Check it out. It says, what do you know about the effects of pregnancy on a woman's entire body? Do you know that in an addition to weight gain, there's often a dramatic change in the blood flow in the system and increased fluid causing swelling. Hello, the sacrifice to our faces, our feet, oh my God, and our entire bodies is something we welcome because we bring beautiful humans into the world who will one day combat your hate and your negativity. I stood silent during Beyonce's first pregnancy when you thought it was okay to bully her like the cowards you are when you accuse her of never being pregnant, But I simply cannot this time. You are the saddest individuals and picking on a pregnant lady. It's tannamant too, possessing the coldest, despicable heart. We love it. Do not come for the queen. Okay, it's a place overseas, but she's things swell up when you're pregnant. Your lips nifty, I mean, yeah, everything you know. You just gotta come on now, Why would she get lip injections wild well, pregnant, Yeah, while pregnant, it makes you want to be famous, but not that fame. Y'all go through too much, mate, that's just mean, don't do it. It's on top of that. According to a new study, smiling can make you look up to two years older than you really are. Well, you can blame it on the wrinkles that form around your eyes when you're smiling. On the other hand, a shocked or surprised look makes you look younger because because it smooths out those wrinkles. You don't know people who smiling a lot, do you trust them? Just smile for no reason, just for no reason. Yeah, smile on it. Yeah, for no reason. That's such fact. I'm trusting trust him at all? Smiling, smiling so happy? What's so funny? I'm a comedian. Tell me I can't stand smiling too much. As fast talkers, I can't stand on You're always like, what are you saying? What's going on with? Yeah? Exactly, forget having an any or an OUTI talking about the belly. Belly now. Yeah, people are going to plastic surgeons. This is the next big craze in pursuit of the perfect belly button. Who cares I have? I have a nunny. I don't even have. You don't have a belly button. You can't see it? No more. I don't have it. I was there, everybody. I don't have If you just ate it, I didn't birth. It's in my back. It's a back button. Wow. Yeah. This This doctor who's in who's a plastic surgeon in New York City, says his patients are requesting a belly button that is oval with a bit of a hood on the top. Whatever that whatever. That looks like. Happy Mother's Day, by the way, everybody. Yeah's day? Yeah, happy mothers. When we come back, I need to say something about, hey, man, are you gonna buy me something for Mother's Day? Yeah? You look forward. Yeah. You called me a mother something every week, SoSE elease, we'll be back. Former FBI Director James Comey has finally responded to his firing in a letter written to his colleagues at the bureau. Something got to contain two words, isn't it. In the farewell letter, which he sent Wednesday night, he wrote, I have long believed that a president can fire an FBI director for any reason or for no reason. At all. I'm not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you won't either. It is done and I will be fine, although I will miss you and the mission deeply does. Does he leave with money, get paid or maybe fired? In boys they get they listen to me, he has a tenure deal. It's almost like a deal. He gonna get a nice package for leaving. And don't you know, he's gonna land somewhere real, He's gonna get a really nice job. He won't be out of work long. Come on, man, you you're the director of the FBI and all of a sudden you available. He'll probably be working for your TV show in l A now. Yeah. But he can't speak to me though, or ambush, ambush? What job? You know? You get fired on you leaving the privacy? I want to want. I want to say to my man, stephen A. Smith fought that man, appreciate the little boy. He reached out to me today, asked me, was I okay? But I'm gonna let me say this to everybody. I'm absolutely okay. I had a great staff here in Chicago. The ninety nine point nine percent of the people were absolutely wonderful and great, hard working people. You take a disgruntled person who ain't happy with where they lie at now because this you're moving to l A and obviously they're not going, so they're gonna take a letter that I sent way back in August, and everybody understood why they got it that. Everybody came up to me to agree. While Mr Harvey, I can't believe you allowed it to go on this long. You've been more than cordial and congenial with people, but people have just taken advantage of you. So the letter I read was to stop them from doing it to me, and I just write playing. I didn't have my publicists put it together. I didn't have no legal term read over, legal team read over. That's how I write to people. I needed to be playing because I don't need nobody to misunderstand it. Now, if you want to talk to me, make an appointment. I even said at the end of the letter. That's what the cold part. At the end of the letter, I said something to the effect of, you know, please don't take offense. I said, everyone, do not take offense to the new way of doing business. It is for the good of my personal life and enjoyment. Thank you all. Steve hard I just you know, I know I type kind of crazy, but don't take offense to it because I need some space for me. And I'm just saying to the everyday man that reads this, here's the deal. And to my staff here on the radio show, who probably wanted you to address us as well. Yes, cause you're real, you're real, cleaning, you're needy, and you know yes you are. Because I wanted you to address us. You have us address you. Yeah, I ain't got the job. I didn't write y'all, no damn letter. I talked to y'all. Well, thank you fired us. You already well they thank you fire. That's my chance at work every day. I just came in out of habit time. Junior stuff. It's not gonna be pretty. I just got here. I'm going it's will it turner. I'm telling you you're listening. All right, We're back everybody. We got time for just one more thing I want. I wanted to say this. Let me say this, thank you to my staff here at the radio show for always being supported. Shirley called the Tommy Julie new Man. J mean you you know y'all support is is. It means a lot to me. It matters because it gives me a balance point because when I feel like I'm under attack, you know, it's always good to know people who know you and know your heart. You know, I'm not a mean spirited, personal, vindictive person at all, so you know it comes out that way. Yesterday was my last show for the TV show in Chicago. That news was passed out to the staff in March by the president of in the Mall, great guy, Chris Abrego. He came and informed everybody in March that the show was moving. That was the day after it was confirmed with me. We have been working on moving the show for two years, but it couldn't because financially. He couldn't go to Los Angeles financially, so guess what I get my check from in them all too. So I just had to sit it out with everybody else. When we finally got it together in March from two thousand seventeen, he came in the next day and he made the announcement to the staff. Everybody handled it well. It's been a great group up here. The staff members up here in Chicago have been some of the finest people I've worked with in all of my television shows. And you know, at the end of this season, when this year's up, I'll have seven shows on the air. It's such an amazing from God. But you know, that's that God. I served that that he would do exceedingly and abundantly over all that I think I asked. I read that Bible verse almost every single day, and I lived by that fees in three twenty because it's just the way God really is. I hate that people are so bitter sometimes in their own space and in their own life that they can't see the good in what happens to them. But this show leaving Chicago is a new begin inning for all of us everybody. People whose job ended, they have an opportunity to become something else, and people whose jobs will continue, they get to go and be somewhere else. It'll just be in another city. The staff here has been fabulous, the cameraman, the crew, great guys to produces, the young people who got a start in writing here and producing. So many people came over from Oprah's Oh Show. On my show, I have a lot of staff members from from oprah Show. Now this show is leaving again, and you know that that's what it is. I wished that Mr Feeder had had asked me, you know what I thought, but maybe he didn't think that was necessary. But you know it's it's it's not a one sided thing. You know. The letter wrote to my staff at the beginning of the year was after four years of allowing people to have just complete and total access to me. And after four years, I had to write a note myself to say, hey, look, y'all gotta stop doing me this way. Y'all gotta stop ambushing me in the hallways, stop walking in my dressing room without knocking. Who does that? And so when I wrote the note, now they send a note out like I'm some ogre variety magazine who really has always done positive thing about me. Those of you waiting on Steve Harder to come to l A, don't look for warm and open arm. This is the letter he wrote to his staff because I had to get myself some personal space. I make no apologies about the letter. I'm a cool guy. But you can't walk up on Dr Phield Oprah Ellett. I wish you would. You can't walk up on Meredith v Era. You can't just walk up on Kelly all these people on daytime TV. Just try to set I'll tell you what, walk upon Matt Loard and let me know how they work out for you. Not that he's a bad guy, it's just that he They don't allow you around these people. I don't have security walking with me except when I'm walking to the stage and these dudes is already told leave everybody lowe man. Just let them take the pictures, do what they want to do. Four years that and people taking advantage of it. I wrote a note to the staff back in August. Now it's all in the paper like I'm some evil ass tyrants. Well I'm not. I'm not. And I enjoyed my stay here in Chicago. I will miss the city of Chicago. I think the people was the best audiences I could have ever hoped for was in Chicago. The restaurants is banging, the employees were outstanding. It's been just a great experience. I hate at the end that somebody would try to tarnish it with some negativity like this, but I'm not gonna let you do it. I'm not going to let you do it. You cannot beat me that way. The God I served won't allow it. I'm gonna just tell you who wrote the letter and and and released it and put it out with the negative thing Isaiah fifty folk, seventeen. I keep living by that no weapon formed against me shall posser every time they come to get me. What you don't understand when you come to get Steve har I'm not by myself. I'm his soldier. I'm one of his imperfect soldiers. That's all I am. I ain't perfect, and you can't follow me and make it to heaven none of that. But I'm miss dude though, So when you come forward, dude, are he gonna cover me? So? I wish everybody well. Man, Thank you all again. Thank you to my staff here at the radio show for always being supporter. Shirley calling Tommy Julian man, Jay, I know you, Jay. I really do understand why tom kept you from talking so much. I do understand that because I don't know how. I don't know no other transition you like like you got a better one with your right back? Do transition how? I want to ask another question, just a little one. Do I come Monday, let's start that fourth weekday, all right, Steve dedicate this last thirty seconds to the mothers out there that love you and that listen to you, all of the mothers out there, to all of us who miss our mothers, Thank you all. Thank you all so much for making us who we were, forgiving us life. With our mothers, this world would be nothing. As a matter of fact, there would be no world. Happy Mother's Day out there. God bless you all and keep you. We'll see your Monday. You're listening to the String Show.