Stephen A. Smith-Kamala, Roscoe Wallace, Skrippa Tendancies, DNC and more.

Published Aug 16, 2024, 6:19 PM
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Today show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all.

All at all? Soon given them.

Back A bus busy listening to show.

I don't joy, Yeah, Joy show.

You gotta do you love, Turn, you gotta turn.

I can't.

Go to turn the mouth the turn.

You've probably got to turn the mouth, turn out turn then a look, come.

Come out you think that, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now.

One and only.

Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I do, man, I thank God for it every day. You know, my message this morning, man, is real clear. It's something that's been on me to share, and it's it's amazing. You know, God can do some amazing things for you. But what happens along the way is and I don't know that I mean to say, but but the fact that God can do some amazing things for you, that comes adversity along with it. Every single time, it just goes without saying. And I've uh I was having a a faily. I mean, well, not fairly, but a hugely successful week. I had never seen this type of hatred before. I hadn't seen it, and it was It's a great trick that the devil does, you know, when when God is blessing you and giving you some some some great opportunities in your life, as all of you have gone through, and it is. Isn't it amazing how some negative thing crops up and that's what you have to focus on. I found out that I don't have to, but you wind up focusing on it, and your energy goes over to that to try to deal with it counteract. Wonder why it was happening. You got to make phone calls, what was this about? Blah blah blah blah blah, and and it and it, and it throws you off the course you are on the beginning of the week. I was so grateful, I was so amazed. I was really thanking God for opportunity for this brief moment. The enemy slides this little factor in that it causes you and it requires your attention. You have to pay it attention because you don't know what you're going. Wow, man, let me see what this could really be. How much dirt is this really that they're trying to do? And so it requires your attention, but in that attention, you lose your focus on really all the blessings and the good thing that God does for you. The enemy has an amazing trick that he does that. And it was in my head. I gotta tell y'all all week long, man, and I was doing some amazing stuff. I was having such a blessed week, man, in terms of press and pr and where God was taking me. And then when I got back, I was talking with my wife, and then I was talking to a good friend of ours and they shared something that really helped me out. And they said to me, new level, new devil. You know it's it's it's something really simple, but new level new devil. Every time you go to another level, every time you go a little bit higher, every time God has a blessing in store for you, every time He moves you in position, do you understand that the enemy's job is to make you not see the blessing, make you not be grateful for it, lose your focus and focus on this that I just threw in your way, this stumbling block, this obstacle, this trickery.

And man, I was, I was, I got you.

I just got to tell you man, I mean, it was so filled with hatred that I had to I really spend some time addressing it.

I you know, I got publicists on the phone. I said, what's what's happening here?


Not watching this? Y'all not?

What was?

What was this attack? You knew that you didn't know these angles?

What was?

And you know, Steve Chill, new level, new devil.

If you get a promotion on your job, guess what, somebody ain't happy that you got the promotion.

So here come the hay. You don't even really know these people. You have no idea.

Every time you make a decision to make your relationship with your spouse better, man, this is it. You know what I'm gonna start doing. I'm gonna do this, man, so me and my girl can go on and have this, or me and my man can go on and have this. Watch what happened every single time? Here comes the new level, the new devil, the trick. You don't need to do that. What you're doing that for hers? She don't appreciate it. He ain't gonn appreciate it. Look over here, man, look at that right there. Ain't he no? You know he missed he ain't call you, And he said, it's gonna all types of stuff. It just happens all the time. And I was sitting here talking with this friend, really good friend, very spiritual person, and they said, you know something, Steve. You know, I was talking to Jesus and said I was having this conversation with Christ. And I said, God, for real, you mean to tell me every time that something good happens to me? You mean every time I try to go to the next level, every time you put me on the next level.

You mean to tell me that I got to go through this right here? Are you for real?

And then my friend said, Jesus said to her, they did it to me, and we just fell out laughing.

They did it to me.

They did it to him. They did it to him for him to go to the next level. And you know, I was just I was just going over the whole story about the crucifixion and everything that had to be amazing man of all the hate he had endured, all the prosecuting he had do it. They thought, ultimately, what we'll do is we'll nail him on a cross in cruise fine, and that'll be the end of him. And we'll put him in this tune, and we'll put this big stone up there and that'll be the end of him. But what they did not know was all you was doing was setting the tone for the next level. Because eventually the stone got rolled away and he went and got placed with his father where he was headed to. Anyway, he ultimately knew that his ultimate goal was to get to his father. So when you when you when you thought you were doing what you were doing to him, and you put him in the tune, and you put the big stone up in there, and the stone got rolls, got rolled away, and he went eventually to where he was trying to get to. That story is in place for all of us to remember that when we are going through some things. Could it be because we're going to a place, you know, It could be just a place in life. It could be just a a different level in life. That's all it has to be. But there's going to be the adversarial challenges that come with it, and those are the moments we must expect, expect and take them head on and still not lose your focus or appreciation for what God has done for you. So in light of all of that, I'm able to say today that I thank my heavenly Father, I really do for all the blessing seeds to bestowed upon me and all of the haters, and all of the liars, and all of the backstabers and all those people.

When you get through lyon, when you get through.

Stabbing, when you get through gossiping and doing what you do, I'm still going to the next level. I'm still going. You cannot stop what God has in store for you. No one can stop that.

Morning show.

Ladies and gentlemen. It's here.

It has arrived, this wonderful gift called the present, it's here.

We got it.

Another shot another day. Oh man, what a great opportunity. Man, y'all listen, this is such such a blessing to be alive awaken, you know, even for those of you that's getting off work today on your way home, what a blessing.


You may not have the job you want, but man, ain't you glad you working? It's some people, man, that would love to have that job you got. It's some people who would love to be able to sit and rush hour traffic and go to work. It's some people who would love to get your pay check. It's some people man, that's you. You blessed if you got it going on. It's some people who would love to have your measure of health. Yeah, or you might have some issues, but it's somebody man would trade issues with you in a heartbeat. Ought to be grateful man, Steve Harvey, Morty Show, Shirley Strawberry calling Forrell missing Monica. Junior ain't here again today. We'll find out how he said his alarm clock this time? Uh, you know he gets the A, M and P. I'm confused and I just think, you know, will Junior going through something. I'm gonna talking with him when he gets here. We'll find out what's going on and the legend that is leftew Tommy. Normally I will say, Junior, what's on your mind?

But now well.

Asking yeah, that's that's that's that's.


The hesitation is real. Well nehing yo, what's on what's on your mind today?


I know? It is?

Uh no, nothing I can really ask you over the air. I can't do that.

Well, let me ask you question if we wasn't over the air, what would you ask That's interesting?

He can't say it.

M h no, I don't let me ask.

You a question.

I have.

Is it's gonna be interested sometime. Let me ask you where you are right now financially? Two part questions, had you ever saw yourself getting there? And where do you see yourself going? Two part questions. I'm where a place I would never thought I would be. I'll be honest about that. I never thought I would be at this position.

None of us did.

Well, I agree, we agree, but but I'm not where now?

You know.

I guess when you get to a certain level, then your goals go a little higher. So you get you get to a certain spot. And now I'm trying to I'm trying to reach where you're at now?

Is that?

Is that too far for me to reach for?


No, it ain't too far. Ain't too far at off? Yeah, where you're sitting at? You about what you're about? Thirty mili thirty four? Where are you at it right now? I'm way off.

You need to place my wine.

Though you know, you know words of my granddaddy and the words of my granddaddy.

You can catch me.

It's hard to catch somebody still running though.

You know, ready to love check different from family few, that's a different kind of check. That's different.


Well, you know, but you know, look, Tommy, how long you've been How long you've been on Ready to Love? How many years?


Eight? Oh yeah? Eight?

About eleven seasons? I'm only I'm on season eleven.

Yeah, this, I got sixteen years in.

All right, guys, coming over thirty two minutes after the hour, right, we're going to run that prank back with a nephew right after this.

You're listening Hardy Morning Show.

It is time now to run that prank back with the nephew. What you got, nef.

I hate to run it back because it's right here, and you know what, it is very seldom what I tell y'all that I'm wrong.

I was wrong for this.

This right here was just wrong, just just just bad. And you know, but but it's one. It's a great moment. It's called relationship departure. I'm calling this yad, this man and it sounds like I'm at the airport with his wife and were about to take off because she with me now, you know, and it's we're just breaking the news to him. This is relationship departure.

You know, you're helping.

Yeah, I'm dead wrong, but but it will help a man tighten up at the house. You know what I mean, you go, you're gonna You're gonna tighten up around the house when you hear something like that. Let's go check off relationship, relationship departure.

Let's go Hello, Hey, Brian, Hey, baby, I was I was calling to tell you baby.

Look, I just I just can't do.

What Well, Hello, Brian, Brian, Hey.

This is Greg. I know I know you was just talking to Valve, but this is this is Greg talking to you, Brian, Greg.

Yeah, this is Brian, little Greg. I was just talking to my wife.

Did you put it back on the phone.

Uh No, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna be able to do that.

Why can't you do that? Man?

Hey, let me explain something to you. Uh all right, there's some things, you know, long conversations about this.

Well, how you know my wife on the first man basis like that?


How you who are you?

Like I said, man, my name is Greg.

Uh all right?

At the airport?

Okay airport?

What the airport? And why when you got the airport with my wife? Boy?


Let me hey, dog, all of this is complicated, Okay, it's really it is.

Make it simple for me.

Okay, So what I want to explain to you. Let me explain to you.


We've had a lot of long conversations about this. It's something that you when.

Where was this?

Why are you about to have put with my wife.

With me?

And why is leaving with me?



And what do you mean leaving? Leaving me?


Hell no, put on the phone. And I don't even want to talk to you, man. Put her on the phone. Put her on the phone, man, and you need to put her on the phone right now, leaving.

I don't believe that.

Now I want to hear her say that. Oh here, you're staying. Let me talk to my wife, man, because you.

Feed the boy?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up?

What's this dude?

Talking down.

To tell you this for a while?

See you think everything, but it hasn't been okay.

Why are you telling me the phone? Why can't you just come home and tell me? Can't you just tell me? It's my face?


Hey, hey brother, come on man, oh man, my wife? Hey, hey hey bro, I know this is painful. Man.

Now you don't know, you don't know nothing. Okay, ladies, just put my wife on the did you if you got any ounce of a man? And you just put my wife back on the phone.

All right, bro, let me, let me, let me say, let me let me. Can I say something to you?


Say, man, what is it? Less?

Is my wife on theek?

You ain't got nothing.

I'm gonna put it on in the second. But let me say this to you.


I can say the same man and wrap it up because I need to talk to my wife.

I just want you to know this, Brian, this is This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbin Morning Show.

Got me the prank phone call?


What hold on? So so okay, if you're pranking me, what's up with the airport and stuff and the back? Then y'all at the airport?

No, bro, your wife is here at the studio.

Man, Ain't nothing happening, man, You're wife? Hold on imna.

Let you tell me you al right? First of all, are you alright?





It was about to be a murdercy man.

Look at you now, who's a big christ?

I got you? Finally you could have been a little bit more.

You and y'all your brother.

You think you're the only ones can prank people.

You said you and your brother be pranking all the time.

Man, man, this is light stuff girl.

Happy birthday.

Oh you got a birthday coming up? Happy birthday, Brian.

This yeah, man, great gifts, great gifts.


Let me talk to my wife.

Man, I got I ain't got no do wife?

Hold on?

Please what you got me? All right?

Don't don't You ain't got to go this far?

Supposed to be funny. I did, but you kind of start tearing up. But I'm glad to know you fight for.

Me like that fight. It was gonna be some just a bring your black.

Don't even stop at red.

Like the ignorance that I have is so uh, that's too much.

That was a lot.

That was a lot, and I must admit I was wrong and to the brother that I did it to, let me apologize once again.

We're hitting you that hard, and you know.

I put the sound effects in there, made it sound like we was at the airport.

All that. You know, just hits you hard with you.

You're good at what you do.

King of Prank, Thank you, Thank you so kindly.

And the King, the King is coming to h We've been talking about it. Buffalo, New York. Get ready, get ready to take her own sale right now. Excuse correction, No, no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're not what's that the King? The King is on the radio in the mornings only the King, ain't.

The King of Frank is on the radio. That's oh clear? That up? Oh clear?

Oh yeah, yeah yeah, you're not just finn to slap the King of Comedy on your own.

Hey, if the King.

Of Comedy want a old moup for me and Buffalo, come on.

Be there, come on, I got you, Kang and King, come on. Ain't nobody escape?


And you you.

He can't let them fight this out. Coming up next as the CLO or Chief Love Officer Steve Harries in the building. Right after this, you're listening Hard Morning show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news. The World Health Organization identified impots as a global health emergency. Jymnast Simone Files clapped back at Hater's over her new ermez bag and will tell you which airline allows you to now tip its flight attendants. That is all coming up at the top of the hour.

Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, it's happening.

It's happening right now. It is time to ask the COLO, our Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. This is from Katanya in Chesterfield. Katanya writes, my husband went on a three day work trip and he came back with his undies clean and nicely folded. I don't fold his undies like that. If he washes them himself, he never folds them, I mean never. So who washed and folded them?

And why? Well?

The hotel has that certain it's called laundry. It's in most hotel rooms. There's a little plastic bagslip on the hangar in your closet with a little sheet on it that tells you that.

And so then you could send your draws down there or.

Anything else, and you could request crease draws you could send, You could request they on the way that you you can request to day on your sick They have that service at the hotel, bring it back in a little basket. Huh.

She didn't ask him.

Obviously she going it the wrong way. She's she's looking for something to be wrong.

And if he was on a three day business trip, he was staying at a hotel, so they have that service.

What's wrong?

All right? You don't fold you know?

Some woman folded them draws?

No woman folded them draw.

You don't think so.

He didn't.

He didn't Rent who runs out of draws when you got to get them cleaned on the road for three days.

He just couldn't pack them his dirty clothes up and come on back.

For three days here. That's what you're saying.

How dirty was them drawl? They could make it back in that babe.

Just throwing them away. I'm standing on mine right now. That alibis y'all ain't punched a hole in nothing.

Not just saying, hotel, provide that service going down next time you check in and look in that calls and see if they ain't got that plastic bag with that little sheet on it.

That's all I got to say, all right.

Next one is Aaron in Southfield. Aaron says, I'm a nail tech and I did a house call for a guy that needed a manicure. I put the video of the man's hands on my TikTok. My husband said that working at a man's house makes him look bad. I'm a professional. Why would he play me like that?

Well, it's a little it's a little unnerving, you must admit, with a man's wife going to a single man's home alone, It just it looked crazy. Yeah, and ain't nobody saying you not a professional. But now you got the man's hands on video and all this here. Now you're over the single man's house. It's just not a good look for a married woman. I got you performed the service. It's just not a good look. That's all enough, what your husband's saying. And I wouldn't want my wife going over some single man's house alone, because now, first of all, not you know, well, we will heat you.

We'll need that money right there, you do somebody out here, okay, all right, all right?

Moving on to Duwyane and Biloxi, Dwayne writes, my wife's grown son came to stay with us for a weekend, and she said I made him feel unwelcome. I didn't like him going into the fridge without asking, or getting too cozy on the sofa. He's thirty two and never lived with us, so shouldn't he act like a visitor?

Well, bruh, bruh.

You know it's her son, yeah, your and if her and if your son a son always won't feel like he can go to.

His mama's house and beep home at home, right, you know.

So he gonna he walking in refrigerator, sitting on the sofa. What was he supposed to ask you? Can he sit on the sofa? And it's just so he got to ask you for something to eat. And I understand what you're saying.

As a man.

If he was a stranger, I got you. But this happens to be her son. Yeah, it's her son. Had six brits in there. It's folks, it's foss sprites in that now, I know. Damn Will you ain't hear no spright if you have a spr.

Yeah you know.

See, I know you don't know him because he didn't live with y'all. But she had him, and you got it, and you got and and she and she just he just visited for a week a weekend.

Man, dog man.

Now he gone.

And all you had to do is hey, you know what I mean. Could have gave you a chance to get to know the young man. He might be a cool dude. Yeah, he wasn't over there smoking weed, having people over at the house. He didn't tell none. He just opened the refrigerator, sat on the cop That was wrong with your old lass.

Yeah, you're at your mom's house. She can't go in the refrigerator.

What right, better be better behind something?

Yeah, he's crazy, all right. Last one, Steve Filo, Felicia in Morristown writes, my partner drinks brown liquor and I drink vodka. She's on a diet, so she drank most of my vodka because it because it has less sugar. She replaced my vodka with a cheap brand that I hate. Am I supposed to accept this or make her buy what I drink?

Okay, let me go back to the very beginning.

It is okay, this is her partner, Yeah, my partner. This is from Felicia in Morristown. She says, my partner drinks brown liquor and I drink vodka.

So there's two women and they see it. Well, you know, that's life. That's how it goes. Sometimes sometimes your girl, sometimes your girl take liberty cause she your girl. Yeah, you know if Margie going there and and and and and drink my favorite coffee cream or something like that, what hell, I can't say nothing.

See what y'all can't.

Do now is getting these relationships and then want to change the rules to These are relationship rules, and they apply across the board. Those women can pretty much do the hell like she want to. Now you got one? She doing like she want to? Anybody fins place your exact foka and all this hell. Maybe y'all don't need to be together. How hot y'all y'all got separate vodkas?

You drank brown, I drank clear what what?


Man, y'all need to break up for this go any further?

Yeah, this is a small thing to get into all open some liquor.

Wow, you know crown is expensive and Tito.

Boy, well the reason I know where he don't know cost that much because that's what Monica drank Mississippi. I knew it Mississippi. She buy everything she buy down at Target, so I know.


Hell, well it can't be that damn. But because you see it at monica house, she done researched it because you know she got must for degrees, so she done researched it. And then Tito's is made from fresher potatoes or something she said, and you have less tatories and all this hill and like Monica drank Tito because Tino Tito grow your half looking hair back. Yeah, women, if y'all want to get longer hair like Monica got in all natural that's gonna probably have started drinking Tito's.

It's crazy that going on for it too.

I'm just trying to help people.

So yeah, her question is is she's supposed to accept this or make her.

Biyr girl Girl, it don't change.

Coming at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you. Thank you, Celo.

Right after this, you're listening hard Morning Show.

The World Health Organization has declared a global health emergency. This is all due to the rapid spread of impacts, formerly known as monkey pox. More than fifteen thousand cases of impots have been reported in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Africa, and there have been five hundred and thirty seven deaths in relation to impocs. So far, IMPOS has spread to thirteen countries in Africa, prompting the World Health Organization to classify the outbreak as a public health emergency of international concerns. Impots have spread through close contact and contamin NATed materials, so be careful. Wow, And once again moving on to this story, Simone buys his clap back at her haters, uh, this time over an ermez bag. Simone went shopping at hermez in Paris and posted on Instagram a wall of cream and tan colored burken bags and a photo of Irme's signature orange gift box. Negative comments began flooding in, saying she should not buy such an expensive purse and she was.

Just showing off.

Simone jumped in to set the record straight by responding, quote, my parents bought me my irmez bag. Don't be mad at me, be mad at your parents.

She can't buy what she wants.

She's the goat of Yahnastics, NFL football players.

She got a husband, yeah, as she got a career. This woman gets paid nice endorsement money. This woman gets paid when she went a gold You know she can do what she want to do.

How come people?

Look, man, I don't know why we in this world now, but ar ain't nobody happy for nobody no more?

And the hater voices are so loud.

Man, congratulations on being able to buy such a crime. Because I'm gonna tell you right now, when you get the money, all this stuff you're saying you will never buy, You're going to buy it because I did the exact same thing. Case in points, Habbi gave me a pair of seven hundred and fifty dollars Alligator Maury Gators back in the late eighties. I told him when he gave me them shoes as a gift and I put him on, they felt like no other shoe I wore. I said, I will never, no matter how much money I make, spend seven hundred and fifty dollars on the shoe.

He said, you are going to become my biggest customer.

You did.

I used to walk in there and be up on that whole wall of gators, whatever color, every color I had, pink and white gating. What did you talking about? He got land line, green gat.

But but do you think, though, I mean, is there a way that she should deal with the haters because they're always coming for her no matter what she does.

Well, I'm enjoying her clapback. Yeah, yeah, that's your part.

You know.

I almost I almost want to clap back something, almost because I could type some real strong stuff.

But I'm I done.

Just got at the age now well, yeah, I just didn't crossed that line, that that that I could give less than a line. Yes, And I'm just on the other side. I'm sixty seven years old. Man, o'ty what you say about me?

Bro, when y'all.

Threw'all say something about I have y'all say somebody because they're always criticized girl always for her the best gymnast in the world on the period. Ever, and y'all got something to say about the bad reward herself.

Yeah, it's just a handbag.

Come on, she got a husband that play in the NFL.

Yes, Oh my good sponsorship dollars this girl, y'all understand that bag.

That bag ain't hurting her.

No, no, live your life.

If y'all knew what some people was buying.

For real.

Is explicit, all right.

See this next story is not for you. Okay, this question, Uh, have you ever tipped a flight attendant? Okay, it's not for you because we know you feel like private we're talking about commercial flights.

I bought it.

Well, well, I will say that is for me because back in the day I bought a flight attendant a car.

We have asked you not to share every thought.

You know, I like it.

I like it, all right.

Well, you know when you're on a flight then and you get great service from your flight attendant, and naturally you want to show your appreciation, maybe not like but with some sort of tip, right, Yeah, airlines don't take tips. Yeah, but that's not true. Though, Frontier Airlines does allow you to tip their flight crew when you purchase food and beverages. They do allow you to do that. A Frontier Airlines flight attendant will hand you a tablet for your payment and for your tip.

So there fighting people, and that's why you should tip them.

Yeah, you're back.

Wait a minute, ain't Ain't Frontier the airline to charge you for an overweight bag and an oversize all.

Of all, and then more than one bag. Oh you remember, girl, I caught a plane because I had emergency.

I had to I had to go to Dallas one time, and I couldn't get a plane, and so I ended up flying.

It was either Frontier or Animal Spirit. The spirit.

Hey man, let me tell you something about the time I paid for the size of my bag, the weight of my bag, and the number of bags I could have bought another person an airline ticket.

Oh that was air tran air show was after air.

Train, right, God, God, I see that picture.

You're gonna a train.

Coming up in twenty minutes after. We will highlight next week's Scratic National Convention going down in Chicago. Baby. Right after this you're listening.

Morning show.

The Democratic National Convention kicks off Monday, August nineteenth in Chicago. This is where Democrats come together to discuss what's at stake in this year's election and to rally around Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz, the Democratic nominees for President and Vice President of the US. John Legend is set to headline the party that's being thrown by Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker, and it's expected to be one of DMC's biggest events. There is a four day DNC schedule available online for the thousands of people that plan to be in Chicago next week, and the excitement behind this year's DNC is amazing. So I got to ask you, what are you expecting from next week's convention? Just a lot of I mean, speeches, great knowings.

You know what I love?

When I watched the DNC, it looks like America. It's people from all walks of life. You see all races, delegates on the floor versus the RINC.

You don't see yourself, you don't see yourself.

Yeah, yeah, that's what I love.

Just the delegates, the voters out there on the floor, just all wanting, you know, the best for our families in this country.

Yeah, and that's what I think.

Yeah, And I think this is going to solidify the party and the movement because I'm telling you right now, I watch Fox religiously because I have to know what the enemy is doing.

Yeah, and they are horrible people.

Forget that Fox News lost a billion dollar lawsuit for proven to not be a news channel, that they were an entertainment company and for lying to all these people, and they brush that under the rug and see an inn or None of the other networks have blown it up to give full light to this situation. Now, if CNN had been accused of being not truthful and entertainment network or Fox would be running that in the ground. But I think what this will do is solidify because I'm watching the tide turn Madame Vice President Kamala Harris because I like to give her respect when she runs. If we do our part, we'll be the next president of the United States. All we got to do is do our part. And I'm telling you who we are. We are the deciding factors. And for those of you that have always been talking about our vote don't count. I'm gonna explain to you how much your vote counts. It counts in a great way because the Republicans are trying to find every way they can to get it. They position these people behind Trump at all, they rallies. Those are hand picked people to put back there Blacks for Trump, black for Trump, and they put money organization black.

It's easy with a pay check, Yeah, I can.

They're not hiding.

It's easy to find. Oh well, let me not say that.

Yeah, you was about to go there, all right, Yeah, ain't where it is.

It starts one day in Chicago, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. We got Roscoe Wallace in the building up next right after this.

You're listening morning show.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, as promised, he is here.

You here, Mosco. Oh day baby, We're going on everybody, lady, Hey, ron it we're going on.

What up?


All right?

What y'all you We're going on get his talk? Well, Roscoe, I mean we just talk about started here.

Yeah, we just.

Started Democratic National Convention next week. Igo. Have you been out on the campaign trail? We would show up.

Well, yeah, I mean Harma love song? Hell real, Yeah, I'm a rough selling song, you.

Know, oh for the campaign.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The biggest song I wrote I wrote for the Holly brother And We're gonna fight the power.

Truly, wat ain't no guaranteed smiling in the making. We are to fight the power.

That ben I don't understand it. The huge people don't want to say. Yeah, those they got their hair, sir, look at it?

What is it?

Red tape in the way. Yeah, I said, this ain't get so easy, not just after fun. Now we see good manufactur and it keep me on the run. Try to play my music, they say my music too loud. I tried talking about I took the big run up around. Hey, fight the problem.

Where do you think that song should be placed at the convention? Where do you think they should should they started with that?

Or no?


Right there, folks, she walk out?

Okay, okay, because you know she played Beyonce to Freedom.

That's a jam too.

I wrote that one too, either way, you win. Okay, that one right there?

You wrote Beyonce's Freedom.

Hold up, hold up, we're not gonna glet so you're gonna get to be Roscombe.

Hold no, just joking.

I play too much.

You don fix it? Yeah, I don't even know why you said. I didn't say that. I said I wrote freedom. I didn't write that for Beyonce.

I wrote, oh okay, freedom, freedom, Freedom, I wrote that one.

Oh okay, okay, all right. What about what's going on?


What about that?



Or mom?

Have too many of you cry?


Brother, brother?

Uh huh?

Far too many?

Or you die?

You don't know.

We got to find the week mmm to.

Bring some loving here today. Yeah, father, father, oh boy.

Boy, I love them family name, mother, mother, brother, brother, father, I put everybody in there.

What's going on?

You got some great campaign songs though, Roscoe. As we get ready for the d m C.

Yeah, the d n C. You're going to Chicago. Yeah, I'm be up there. Don't be up there. You know they let John Legend headline. I said, go ahead. You don't let him go because he's young, you know, you know, you know I gotta step aside.

Sometimes you don't let the young Fox Hell shot John letting Cole, you know, but I be understand by case he gets sick or something.

You know, I got all the old hits that I can play, you know, you know, like what what Credy main Field.

You know what I'm saying.

I'm pushing man at the d n C. Tell yeah, I'm pushing that. I'm pushing people to the pole.

I'm your daddy in all, got your doctor, got some weed, got some coke?

What you need?

You know me.

I'm your friend, your main boy, thick. I'm your push, your man.

Listen to the polls.

Yeah, I'm your push your man.


I got everything.

You are right?

The other one to do?

Oh well, sing us out, Rusco, sing us out.

Money, money, money, monk phone call, we need donations right down.

You're listening Hard Morning show coming up at about four minutes after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter for today, and the subject is why would she keep telling the same live. We'll get into that find out what that's all about in just a few because right now it is time for the nephew to take center stage with today's prank phone call.

Nephew, what you got this right here is called law and order. Law and order.

Okay, we're gonna we're gonna call the law office to talk to the paralegal and let her know that I want to sue my girlfriend's husband because he messing up our relationship. You follow what I'm saying. Yeah, you know what I'm saying with what but I mean, you know, but but I'm you know, I'm dedicated to it. Though, colleg We're gonna sue my girlfriend's husband for messing up me and my girlfriend relationship.

He just wants he's just doing way too much.

He just make too much of us.

Yeah, you know, you you you can over husband.


You know what I'm saying, you can't. You can't, So yeah, you can, you can, just just too much. So anyway, called this is law and order. Let's go catch up. You can't have nothing these days.

Good mornings, lawn Associates office, How you doing.

I'm trying to speak to the lawyer. He's not in, sir, but.

I can help you. I can get all information and also get your actual complaint at hand, and then I could get your scheduled.

Okay, what's your name?

My name is Joel.

What's your name, Joel? My name is Dwight. Dwight Turner. I'm trying to file file a lawsuit on somebody. I ain't never done this before, but I'm trying to file a lawsuit on somebody, and I don't know, you know, everybody tell me beensit a good attorney or whatever. So I wanted to talk and talk to him and see how I'm supposed to go about this right here?

Okay, Well, can I get all your information and then I can get your scheduled. He's not in the.

Office right now, okay, but I is. He's coming back to day though. Am I gonna be able to talk to him?

I'm not sure? He's in court all day and I'm pretty much his everything.

So when am I gonna get to talk to him?

Then he's pretty good on getting back to you. He would get back to you probably tomorrow, but actually better to schedule as the only way you can meet with him, and you will actually meet with him face to face. The connotation is free. You could sit down with him and have that one on one and explain everything that's going on.

So what you need?

What you need for me?

Because I want to come see you in tomorrow if I can get on his schedule tomorrow.

I need your full name, the day of birth, and your name.

My name is the wife, okay, my birth, my day of birth? Okay, hold on, let me ask it. Let's get for all that. Can you just take down what's going on with the whole situation that can we get Well, I'll give you all all that other stuff later. I want you to write down what's going on first, because that's what's bothered me. I didn't get this all.

My chest And what is the actual point? What is what's going on?

I want to file a laws suit on my girlfriend's hus Excuse me, I want to file a lawsuit on my girlfriend's husband.

Are they still together? They're still married?

Yeah? Trying to understand they now they're still married, day together and everything. You know that don't bother me right there, But I want to file a lawsuit on him though.

So you're her boyfriend, she's still married, they live together, they're not legally separated nothing.

No, they live together, they got kids and all that. You know. I ain't tripping on that part right there.

But i'm your boyfriends yeah, okay, And you want to sue.

Her husband for what for a missing up our relationship, for getting in the middle of what me and her got going on.

So that's not a crime, that's not ground for a lawsuit.

Hello, he messed up everything we got going on, you know. Now he's taking the phone from up he taking my name out of it. You know, he's okay, And why I sell a text message? He answering the text message, I'm.

Sorry to hear that. I'm sorry that you I'm sorry that's all going on, but that's not suitable for our type of law. We don't handle any cases like that, infidelity, which it sounds like what's going on, that's not ground for a lawsuit. We don't address that type of thing.

Okay, So what you're talking about infidelity.

Look, you're sleeping with the marry you're sleeping with the married woman, and you have a relationship with her, and you want to sue her current legal Yes, your relationship. Actually, you're the actual outside You're the actual person that's in the wrong. If you want to make.

What's your man?

I told you it's Joel, Sir, Joel.

Ain't nobody to ask you for your phone opinion.

I called this a cursing. Hello, Hello, there's no need for cursing. I cannot help you, That's what I'm trying to tell you. I don't even know how to cause you to lawyer nowhere, sir, I don't even know how to give you to the lawyer. There's no lawyer it's not gonna do this. Please don't call me with this. You're trying to tear it out of my pocket. Man about somebody you called me by somebody husband.

Your job is to take down.

My job is to have some drama sense.

My job.

You are the old last man, the Mary marriage one man. You need to have common sense. I know, Joel, that's who you're talking to. Non cursing means do not I heard me? How can I take this call?



I don't want to hang up on you, and I don't want to misrepresent this law office. Okay, let me tell you what. No, let me have some morals and know what lawsuits are. Don't call me with this, dumb sir.

You know you know what office? You lucky.

Anybody in the office got me cursed off the languages and.

I don't even know you.

Okay, let me tell you.

I'm about to hang I'm about to hang up.

You're gonna make me come to that law office and to a poet.

Seven brothers they will q up off just seven one through seven.


Okay, what yo, sir, go take king your kids. Go find some woman who are gonna take yo.

You need counseling, Sir, my relationship. That's what I'm trying to do.

You got me cursing, mention the pastor or the ones. Please do not call here ever.

I ain't gonna stop till I talked to Benjamin.

Mister. Benjamin was in here because people, let you know, you do not take cases like that. Oh yo, sir, you cannot sue for infidelity. You cannot sue.

You can't.

You can't.

Joey been working nothing at me?

How long you been cheating with a woman? Know you're mad with your old lady. Now, I've been working here for ten years.

Keep a job.

Welcome to get black?

Okay, okay, I know what this damn law officer.

You're wasting your time. You are completely You're wasting your time and you're wasting my time.

You know what. That's what I already know about you, joy, I already know about you.

How you know me?

You don't know about me?

About me?

You know rag me?

You are people and women who got their husband.

I know you go to boo men, he said, whoop you up?

I don't aware excuse me?

You go to boot camp every morning? Don't you excuse me? Don't you go to the workout. Don't you work out with a boot camp group every morning?

Who is this your Times?


Who is this going up to boot camp?

Do you know? Veda?

Excuse me?

This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your girlfriends got me the bank?

Call you.

Old man, a long man? You sho have you long? No, I'm not good.

You was like, I love you, yo, hight that you Tommy.

Your law?

What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in.

The land, Tommy nephew, nephew Tommy, Steve Harvey in the Morning Show.

I love y'all for the last.

Forty years of my life.

I love show, y'all.

I can't believe it.

Law and on play too much?

Come on now, play all right, I'm gonna do the rundown real, real quick Buffalo. That's the thirty first of all, because y'all already know does not the shape performing on center laying in the cut is Augusta Georgger the Miller Theater. That's Friday, Step ten to Stake. Tickets are on sale right now. Laying way back in the cut. October twenty sixth, Lafayette Louisiana at the Hymen Sener nephew time your friends tickets on seal right now, right now, right now, all right, the nephew is moving about the country.

Thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letters subject why would she keep telling the same live? We'll get into it find out why right after this, because it works. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, and it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com by clicking submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours.

It could be yours.

Buchel love and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawbery Letter.

Thank you for your subject, Why would she keep telling the same lie? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm forty two and my boyfriend is forty seven. When we met, he was going through a divorce and he lived with his brother. He would go missing on weekends and his wife started calling me with lies, saying that when he wasn't with me, he was back at home with his family. I have no idea where their house is, so I could not ride by the house to see if my boyfriend was there. And the last time he disappeared, he said that he and his brother were gambling all night and his phone died. His brother confirmed it. I trust that he's being honest. I asked how his wife got my number, and he said he gave it to her in case of emergency with the kids. He had to know that wasn't a good idea because she calls me a home wrecker. A year into our relationship, he had to move back home because his brother's girlfriend was moving in. I asked why he couldn't get his own place, and he said he has bad credits, so he's moving back to the house that he still pays for. His wife called me again to say that her husband was back at home and I should give up hope that he'll ever leave again. I always record our conversation so I could play it back to my boyfriend. He heard the last conversation and he said that she keeps telling me the same lie because she wants their marriage to work out. I know he's trying to get out of the marriage because I've heard him talking to his lawyer. I would never believe his crazy wife, and I'm tired of her feeding me all of her lies. I got my number change so I can live in peace with my boyfriend. I've talked to him and facetimed face timed him, so I know he's not in the bed with her. What other proof do I need that she's a liar? She's a liar. Okay, this is not about her, let's start the letter there. This is not about her his ex wife and the lies you think she's telling you. This is about you and the lies you're telling yourself. You've got to see through some of this stuff. You just got to because he's always, for some crazy reason, at his wife's house. Have you figured that out? Either he was m i A on the weekends, or he has bad credit and can't get his own place, or he had to move back to his wife because his brother's girlfriend was moving in where he was staying. Well, what does it matter the reason? Anyway? Right now he's back in the house, okay, with his wife, with his family, keyword wife, because he is still married to this woman. So instead of talking about living in peace with your boyfriend and all that, or recording your conversations with his wife. Why don't you just leave him alone until he's divorced, completely officially divorced. Then you won't have all this drama to worry about in your life. It's simple, Steve.

Here's a letter, Here's a whole letter. Why would she keep telling the same lie? The reason we all tell the same lie is because you keep believing it. That's it in a nutshell. Let's quit playing around. If I told you that the reason I didn't come home that weekend because I was out gambling with my brother and my phone died, and you said, oh okay. Then the next time you asked me, why were you that weekend? You know what I'm gonna say. I was with my brother gambling at the casino and the phone died.

Do you know what that is?

That's the same lie. And why would I keep telling it? Because you keep believing it? You know what I love about this letter? I love the lady that wrote it. I wish I could meet women like you.

Where are they? I've never had these before? You really you.

Believe everything he says, and your whole one goal in life is to justify everything.

He says. You don't, you don't. It doesn't create a moment of pause for you. Of nothing.

He'll go missing on the weekends, and his wife started calling me with lies, saying that he wasn't with me, he was back home with his family.

You don't know that.

So you believed it when he said he wasn't. But well, where was he then? If he wasn't back home with this lady, where was he? I have no idea where that house is, so I couldn't ride by the house to see if my boyfriend was there.


The last time he disappeared, he said him and his brother was gambling all night and his phone died. You believe that, So that's good. His brother confirmed it. What he supposed to do.

My brother go along with whatever.


If I called my brother and said, hey, man, look, if you get a call from so and so, this is why I would all right, I got you player, he hang up, ain't no where was you?

And all this here?

That's my brother.

I trust that he's being honest. Okay, Well there you have it. What you write me and Shirley for if you trust he's being honest, I asked how his wife got my number. He said he gave it to in case of emergency with the kid. What boy, the emergency with the kids?

She called you.

Let me explain to you how she got his number.

He left the phone laying down at the house when he was sleep back over there, and she got your number. Look, I'm not divorced, and I'm gonna give my wife my current girlfriend's number.


They ain't a man on planet Earth gonna do that. But if you want to, you want to believe that he's honest, and you're gonna justify it, then I'm here for you when I come back, let's just go along with all the rest of the livest When we come back, we'll be Let's just go along with the rest though.

All right, Steve, we'll have part two of your response.

But you know what, don't Shirley Huh.

Here's the deal, though, If you tell somebody the truth and they don't believe you, that ain't your fault. Yeah, true, My daddy taught that to me. If you tell somebody the truth and they don't believe you, that ain't your fault.

That's right, all right.

Subject of today's Strawberry Letter, why would she keep telling the same lie? We'll get back into it right after this.

You're listening.

Morning show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject why would she keep telling the same lie?

Well, but very quickly, let me sow him up this letter for you? Why would she keep telling the same lie? Because you keep belie even you forty two? Your husb boyfriend forty seven. When y'all met, he was going through a divorce. He was living with his brother. He would disappear on the weekends. You couldn't find him. The wife would call you on your phone and tell you she's back with his family. He would disappear on other week ends. He told you he was with his brother at a casino gambling and his phone died. You called his brother, His brother confirmed it. That's what brothers? Do you believe that one right there? You don't know how his wife got your phone number. He told you he gave it to her in case that was an emergency with the kids. What do you got to give you her number? She got his number? You the daddy, And let me ask you, and let me tell you something else. What man gives his wife his current girlfriend in number.

Who'll do that? What he stayed?

Who do these people?

This is so perfect man, so beautiful?

Uh? And he had to know that wasn't a good idea because she calls me a home record. Okay, a year entire relationship. He had to move back home because his brother's girlfriend was moving in. His brother's girlfriend was moving in. Yeah, so I asked why he couldn't get his own place. He say he got bad credits. So he moving back to the house where he still pay for. Mmm, he didn't want to come stay with you? Yeah, yeah, he went back home. Then guess what his wife called me back to say their husband was back at home and I should give up hope that he'll ever leave again. Always record our conversation so I could play it back for the boyfriend. What you got to play that back forth? Didn't she say he back home? Didn't he say he went back home? He told you it's for bad credit. She said he back home, and you should give up hope he ain't ever leaving again. You recorded that. He heard the last conversation and says, she keeps telling me the same lie because she won'ts they marriage to work out. No, she keeps telling you the truth that you refuse to believe. She does want their marriage to work out, so.

And he do too. But guess what though.

He I know he trying to get out the marriage because I've heard him talking to his lawyer. Oh you thought that was the lawyer on his brother, that's what you're talking about. You thought that was his lawyer. Girl, girl, I'm tired of her feeding me all her lies. I got my number change so I can live in peace with my boyfriend. You're not living in peace with your boyfriend. He lived back with his family.

Yes, yes, you're not in peace.

She just can't call you no more. I've talked to him and FaceTime him, so I know he's not in bed with her. You don't think when that phone rang he know how to get ghosts and get somewhere and FaceTime. What other proof that I do I need that she's a liar? Okay, now, I know this is gonna come as a shocker to you. Ready hold yourself. What other proof do.

I need that she's a liar?

Could it be that it ain't her that's the liar? Could it possibly be that your boyfriend is a liar? I don't want to complicate things because you do out this letter tried to justify everything as he's saying. And I just want to offer you a counter thought, since you're having a hard time proving that she's a liar. Could it be and I don't want to say this, Could it be she telling the truth?

Imagine that?

Sorry, newsflash, and you so tired of hearing the truth, You've changed your number so you ain't got to face the truth no more. But guess what, You've changed your numbers so you can live in peace with your boyfriend. But your boyfriend to move back.

In that house, lady, his wife.

I don't know how many more. You know what Judge lenn told her said on my talk show one time.

What women?

She said, two things. Don't let a man have to tell you twice. He don't want you. And women should stop collecting red flags. Yes, stop picking them up, putting them in the trunk of your car, driving around with them. Red flags should stay in the ground. When you see the red flag, turn your car around. Quit picking them up, putting them in the trunk. Come on, don't wan't see no damn red flag here? Congratulations? Any questions anybody? I just want to know where this woman is man? And does she have a sister? Because what are these women?

I have a question. Yes, who's the lawyer?

Who's he talking to?

Oh that's his brother. That's his brother, for sure, that's what his brother is, the lawyer. But his brother is also proof that he was at the casino and his brother don't get And his brother is also the one that's got the girlfriend moving in m.

M because I love you, my brother, but boy, I sleep with her.

So yeah, everybody facing the obvious except the lady that wrote the letter except thank you for writing us, ma'am.

You don't have a boyfriend though?

No, no, All right, listen, leave your comments on today's Strawberry Her on Instagram and Steve Harvey FM, and check us out on the Strawberry Letter podcast on the free iHeartRadio app. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Steve, I don't know if you've heard the latest from Stephen A. Smith. He's calling out Vice President Kamala Harris for not giving interviews. I hope he knows that she's's been running a campaign and picking a vice president and she only had a few days to.

Do it, you know.

So he's saying that she just got the nod. There's a lot of organization that has to be gone.

Yeah, so this is what he said. I'm talking to my sister here. Come on now, you're running for the presidency of the United States of America. You got my vote. What are you hiding for? And I mean hiding in playing side? Oh yeah, somebody got to say it. Somebody got to say it.

Stephen A.

Smith said that this week on his up Hot.

Ain't ain't NFL getting ready to start? Ain't ain't sports happening? I mean they playing baseball? Ain't they playing baseball? They just got the Olympics? Uh, lower lip? Ain't it a lot to talk about in sports?

Saying he's saying, somebody's got to say it. It just can't be the conservatives, right, is right? So he's asking her what.


Yes, that's that's exactly the problem. First of all, let me pre mupt this back.

And I love Steve.

Steven A and I are friends.

We talk about everything, personal stuff, kids, family, everything.

I love the brother. Here here is the problem.

You can't issue a compliment and then with the backhand negative statement. And the unfairness of this statement is he said it himself. Come on, somebody's got to say this. It can't just be the conservatives, because I'm telling you it is the number one thing they running up the flag pole on Fox. She won't do an interview, she won't do an interview. Well, when Donald Trump does an interview, do you hear him never answering the questions.

He did an interview with the NABJ National Association.

Of Black Journeys, and all he did was insult his sister the entire time he was on that every black woman that asked him a question, he has something insulting to say.

He's such a.

One sided, simple minded candidate. The picture of Millennia and Madifie President Kamala Harris comparing them that they look alike and then she's a beautiful woman. Hey man, how simple are you? You running for president? Are you hosting another damn pageant? Make up your mind. We have got to stop being so damn smart that we stoopid. Look this machine that we have called the Steve rby More on the show is one hundred percent behind the future president of United States, Kamala Harris, that's the motion, Steven A. Smith, as my boy, we got to be careful what we say. We got to be conscious of.

Who we are.


If she got your vote, she got your vote. Let's just stay that.

Don't coming up at the top of the hour, man needs your help, Steve to figure out if his wife used to be a stripper. We'll talk about that right after this.

You're listening hard morning show.

All right, Steve, This is from TJ in South Georgia. He says, my girlfriend and I have been dating for three years. I'm ready to ask her to marry me. But a week ago we went to her hometown to visit her family. Her brothers and her male cousins took me out on the town and we ended up at a strip club. The security guard asked, where's Bertie. Two of the dancers and even the DJ asked us where's Bertie when they came to speak to us, Steve, Birdie is my girlfriend's nickname. Whenever they asked about Bertie, her brothers got tense and they cut their eyes over at me. Does my Birdie have a pass that I don't know about? Birdie stripper?

Yes, a birdie is not a nickname Birdie is a stage. Let's be clear, because that's why everybody at the club knew Bertie.

Okay, now that's under the.


How would you know if your wife is a former stripper? I have a couple of ways, did you?


If every time she enters a room she grabs the edge of the doorway and swings into the that's a damn dead giveaway. She grabbed the edge of that doorway and swing in, that's a damn dead gibble.

Okay, y'all. Walking down the street and she up all the money.

She see on the sidewalk, even if it's a quarter nickel of dime. If she know how to pick up money off the ground, this is a dead giveaway that your wife could have been a stripper. If she's standing at the stove cooking and for no reason at all, she just squatted to the floor and bounced.

Back up, drop it like it's hot, for no reason, no reason, man, what happened? If her favorite song come on, no matter where she at, and she.

Got to stand up and bounce in a little circle.

Clap, clap, cloud, bounce.

Bounce it every time one of her songs come up, she and if she can make it clap and you can hear it clapping.

Jesus, all strip of skill.

I love that door. If she had a lot of shoes that she can't wear.

The church.

One more time with the door, that's my face.

If she got to grab the edge of the doorway and swing into the room, Yeah, that's a dead giveaways, crazy swing.

Around all corners in the past by the fall.

If she pairs by the playground and just get them monket balls.

Hell that girl talent?

Oh yeah, oh that girl coat.

Where's Bertie coming to you?

If she says some mong biles ain't got nothing on me. If she say that you're flexible coat?

All right?

T J in South Georgia.

All right, Bertie?

Where is Birdie?

I wish we had time to do another one, but I don't think we do squeeze it in. But all right, here we go. From Marquita in Long Island says I'm a part of a settlement that came from my dad's death. I usually get small checks under one hundred dollars and I deposit them into my personal account. This week's check with seven hundred and eighty five dollars, my husband wants me to deposit, deposit it in our savings. The money is from a big lawsuit my mom filed after my dad died. Is my husband entitled to any of it?

Well, let me ask you something. Your daddy died and the checks is normally one hundred.

Dollars under it.

Death, it's death, you know what.

But to them, I'm really trying to figure out what happened to him.

All right, coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning.

My daddy died. We get a monthly check on the hunted right after this.

You're listening Harvey Morning Show.

All right, guys, So here's an interesting dilemma as soon to be married couple doesn't drink alcohol at all and they're annoyed to have to pay for an open bar at their upcoming wedding. The bride to be vented about it on x and she wrote, neither my partner nor I drink. We don't care if other people do, but we must pay for it question mark. She got mixed responses. More commenters agreed with the bride that they didn't have to have an open bar, but others said it's called having a party. And not about the bride and groom's personal preferences. So what should this couple do?

What should they This wedding is about the couple owned.

You don't.

It is her day, it is their marriage. You don't owe in people, No damn party. It's a red ship. They're they're they're the ones that's supposed to be getting gifts. And if I got to get you drunk in order for you to bring me a gift and put it on to the gift table empty but the bar four see.

How that looks?

Make it makes sense?


Yeah, they packed around the bar. And let me tell you something, man, you don't have to do that. You're not obligated to have an open box. People over react at open bond.

I didn't have no my wedding.

Sure didn't.

No, I damn shopped it my friends, though I wasn't rich. You want to drink.

That cost way too much.

No, we didn't have open bond. That's too much on people. I ain't never had a reception.

All right, guys, we'll have more of the Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after we will play around it. Would you rather right after this? You're listening time, Guys for a round it would you rather? Would you rather make love only on Saturdays? Only on Saturdays, or every night at nine pm? Shark, that's that weird night every night. Give me that Saturday only on Saturday. Okay, give me that Saturday every night at nine.

I'm going with.

Yeah, I'm going on. I can't do it any night at nine.


You have.

That's they got new episodes starting tonight. I came back. They got new episodes right here.

Saturday it is, guys. Would you rather? Would you rather moderate the September debate or would you rather be a panelist Unfox?


Hey, I rather moderate? That'd be one Saturday. Hey man, when you answering the damn question? Anybody asked you that? Donald, I want to the question.

I want to be on Fox because everybody out, everybody, they sit there and trade.

The most ignorant so crazy lying state that line. But but even you know, man, they've said something.

They said something about Madame Vice President one time that was so negative towards women that even the women at Fox went, wait.

A minute, Yeah that was a little harsh.

Yeah, but see they know they know, man, and so we're just hoping. Look, if we get out and vote, we ain't gonna have this problem.

I'm telling you that's this.

Man, If we get out and vote, and you got to pay attention to these new rules they got, your I D must match up with one that's coordinated at the thing. So we're gonna give out the website tomorrow that you can double check. Starting right now, you can go online and double check and call everybody. We'll have this information for you tomorrow. What website to go to where you can double check your voter registration to make sure everything.

Coincides with what it needs to be.

And you can just have a passport, and you have to have some type of legal government I D and all.

You can have a driver's but it has got to match up. They try and every day.

Yeah, yeah, okay. Would you rather have the same undies for one month or would you rather have the same toothbrush for two years?

Man, that's a tough one, Yes it is.

I can't it can't beat them, bro, it can. I pretty much think I've had the same pe check working as long as they got.


I tell you right now, you can't even walk past me if I got your draws on them for a month.

You're listening morning show.

All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Friday. It's been a good interesting week. Yes, yep, you know.

Hey, y'all.

Before I give you my closes remarks, let's uh, let's get behind uh Vice President Kamala Harris. Let's give her the full support. Let's give her the full measure of our power at the polls. Because we have power at the polls. Black people, stop thinking your vote don't count. It does count. That's why everybody is lobbying for it. They put money behind blacks for Trump. Even if Trump ain't for blacks, He's always positioning blacks at himself behind the rally. Those people are placed back there. Everybody is placed in the background. They got to go find these black people to put behind Trump because they're far and few between.

But they do that.

Listen to me, get behind this woman, because I'm telling you right now, I sit around rich people all the time. They are voting for Donald Trump because they are voting for their pocket. They don't care about what you're going through. They don't care about your Medicare because they don't use it. They don't care about your social Security check because they don't have one. They ain't putting no money in that system in years. Because these people sign the front of the check, not the back of the check. That's a different person you're talking to.

Listen to me. I have learned a lot from them, and they care about their money. First.

It's very few rich people that care about the common man. Now, there are a lot of them. Now, I want you to understand something. There are some gates out there, There are some jeff Bezos. There are some people out there who care about the common man. They give to common causes, they give to black colleges, stuff like that. They actually care. They have a heart for this. There are rich people who care. There are rich people who understand that without the common man, they couldn't be rich anyway. Who would I be, who God has blessed tremendously, who God has shown so much favor to.

Who would I be to forget where I come from?

How could I forget the young men that don't have fathers When I was fortunate enough to have mine all the way until I was forty three. And on the day I buried him, when I got on that plane afterwards, I was crying so hard because I was thinking to myself, many I could have got where I am because my father died when I was famous. That's no way I could have been who I am without that man. So I began to think, how in the what do these young men do who don't have no slick Harveys? What do young men do that don't have Jesse Harvey?

What do they do?

How do they get there? And that's what started the Steve Harvey minnering Camp. I bought a ranch in Texas and dedicated to that. I bought another one in south of Atlanta. I bought the rock ranch for them kids, because I understood clearly without my father, I wouldn't be here. Listen, man, there are some people who are well off. They care about the common man. That's why we have the foundation. That's why we give scholarships, That's why we pull for people. That's why we care about young boys and young girls. There are some, but I'm telling you right now, the ones that are making contributions to Donald Trump's campaign, they care about they pocket because they know that the moment he gets in office, they know that he is going to pass policies that is going to benefit them. You all don't know it, man, but he did so much for rich people as soon as he got in office, and they all benefited the tax loopholes that they don't tell y'all about.

That they hid behind bills and stuff like that.

I'm telling you, man, they'll give a Democrat something, but they'll hide another little thing in the bill that you don't know nothing about. All these different propositions and everything. Donald Trump man was never ever gonna make Mexico pay for a wall, and he didn't. Donald Trump never ever intended to increase the infrastructure in America, and he didn't. Donald Trump never ever intended to build a wall, and he didn't. You know why they can't build a wall, y'all because if they build that wall and they stopped the illegals for coming, then they money gonna change. Because guess who picks the fruits at all these farms. Guess who are the are the very skilled undocumented people who work on these construction sites. Okay, I give you an example. Do you know in California that you just have to have a general contractor license to build a house. So if you have the general contractor license, all you got to do is get a skilled person to know how to do roofing, that do plumbing, that have to do framing, and they all work under your thing. Well, these are rich people, and guess who working on them, Those people that they trying to say they want to stop across the border. Who do you think picks all these strawberries and these fruits and all this stuff in these orchids or orchards down in Florida and all like this. Who do you think works at all of those Donald Trump golf courses. I don't play golf on them. Before I speak to them people. Hey now, Steve Harvey, Hey man, how you doing very little English?

I know who they are. They don't care. Listen to me Donald Trump.

Y'all can stop all this blacks for Trump's because Trump ain't for no blacks. Trump Trump ain't for pole nobody, white, black, yellow, blue, green or orange. He don't care. We have to get to the poles. We have to show up. We gotta be careful. The Southern evangelicals are voting for Trump simply because he's anti abortion. But he's on anti abortionit he done stopped all women's rights who and he put those people in place on the Supreme Court y'all need to be careful, man, This dude's a dictator. Get to the polls and vote for Kamala Harris so we can continue to live some freedom because you're gonna mess around and he gonna make America great again, just like it used to be. So now what was gonna be my clothes remarks? Turned out to be that? Right there, we get into the poles. I had enough of this foolishness. See y'all of them all God willing. Hey, y'all do yourself a favorite talk to God. He'd absolutely love to hear from me.


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