Big Dog was on First Take with Stephen A. Smith. Uncle Steve's first born stops by to talk about health and wellness. Beyonce and Jay-Z show off pictures of their family. J. Anthony Brown murders another one on a Drizzy beat. Tiger Woods is still going strong with his $20 million dollar yacht. Steve talks about positive people in his Closing Remarks and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them mong just like American buck bus things. And it's toubles y'all to me true good to tea the hearty listening to me toach other for stoar hand clean hobby. Don't you join Yeah, Webby loved to join me in doing me? Honey do turn? Yeah you go. You gotta turn. You can't turn out turn you love? You got to turn out to turn water wanter go, comey, come on your thaat uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me not want and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show man, Yeah I do. Man. God been good to me. Man, He's been so good to me. Wow. You know why I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've gotten myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with all of the stupid decisions I've made. Put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate, and he's still been good to me. Man. That's amazing, man. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no came in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you so if you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh, we've all done it. So with all that's said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, Still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child. And it's and it's willing is willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man, that's an amazing god right there, because I don't I know, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him, you know. Today Man, I want to encourage brothers out there. And when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day a matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing races, I just get tired of it sometimes and I just wish, you know, some some days I just want to wake up, just do me. You know, I I got what what what the skin tone is? I got that. But I just want to wake up some days and just going by my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with something. I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away. But sometimes I get tired. So the damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your your process and your journey. And you know what, I'm saying by that, if there's a part of you just missing as a man, and and now, man, i'm talking to you so you know, some ladies listening, but you know what I'm talking about. It's it's some part of you that's missing as a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you're supposed to now, for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man to want to do something. But because you ain't got this or you ain't doing this thing, I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, Fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of the deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it, because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you to do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy. I'm your man. And I've been in the same predicament, in the same hole myself. Why I couldn't get to them, where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see him, you don't come on, okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, Hey got all that. If if, if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, Tell him you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you ignoring him, are you acting like they ain't over there, or you don't back him out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that, I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherless. You got to write a letter. You gotta send the money. If she talking about If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna sen send what you got. If she if taking it over there is too much drama, send it through a relative, give it to her mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby. Because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you have to deal with that, because clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman's going. Please know. I know that. Please no, And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying, Steve got That's that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this apology you before. Hey man, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling and I wasn't paying attention to you and I should have been. And I apologize. And I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologize for sending you through that. But now, man, I tell you what. I made some mistakes and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what, I know a lot, because if you're a man and you're a father, please know you know something that child don't know. You have information, you have experience. That's all they need. Sometimes they have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy, how should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's come from the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man and met your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something, man, Get your thinking caps on, fellas, but stand up and be fathers. Man, make the step to be fathers. Do you know that if every man that was a father would just stand up and be a father's that would be no need for half the mentoring programs. We're trying to start out here, but we have mentoring programs because there's such a lack of fathers out there. But guess what, it really ain't no lack of fathers out there because y'all have made these babies and you got these kids, and it was you and it's your seed. So it's your job. It ain't my job. It ain't my job to raise your kids. It's your job. Now, Fellas, like I say, I ain't coming down on you, but I'm telling you the truth. Now, why is it that I'm lying in this hill. You made a baby, that's your baby, that's you'll see. They look just like you. That's your job. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the menory and camp down. Now. I will say I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We all men. There is no excuses. You you don't get you don't get cut a brake on that one. Sorry, you're listening to ladies and gentlemen, man, have your undivided attention please, this is Listen to this to Steve Harvey Morning Show. The following people I'm about to introduce to you are the culprits. They are culprins. I'm just telling you culpris. They are the reason for a lot of this stuff that go wrong. All right. They are culpriss. They are They are accessory. They harbor and obeyed or bade whatever it is. I'd have been in court for all this. That's sad, ladies and gentlemen, surely strong. Hey, good morning, happy to be an accomplished and now carl it for real, me too? What's up crew? Happy Friday. Soon we'll be pulling for Junior to get back. I'm just gonna say, we miss you, Junior. Get your ass back hill. It's time to go. People that Junior is okay because they really think I got another text message every day I get him in. Wouldn't they know it? With with us? I don't know what they think. What they may have missed it on what's going on? An update? So that's fair for people to enquire about him. How you doing, Steve Happit watch you out there now? If there ever was a level of ignorance that you thought was unattainable, You've seen it from him a few times. He just proves you're right. Comm Do you know what, Man, you're the worst leader of a fan club, and then you two the most disloyal go out today. I'll turn on you about later. Yeah, you're right. Well, I ain't got a lot of Yeah, I ain't got a lot of faith. You don't about the game that's tonight. Games. I don't know if y'all saw the other night, but I was on I saw you, man, Yeah, I had on the Colors. I'm like, yeah, I had the playing ready. I had predicted that the Calves would take the next two at home. None of that went right out there and play in all? Jay, I saw what he said. But Jay, not right now, not right now. None of that went right, Not right now. JA. So let me ask you this, has any team ever in the history of the Finals come back after think? Well, not three zero three one? The Cols did that, but not three zero and not against this this team. Well, you asked for a sweep, but you meant for the Calves to do the sweeping. No, I didn't know. No, I know you're not sweeping golden good Damn who you are? They just got too much. But somebody asked me, is it over? I said, it ain't over to the fat lady sing, Well, if fat lady is in the hallway drinking tea, it's over. You're really standing at you, Mike. Yeah, all right, listen, We'll continue with sports talk with something funny. I'm sure you guys have something to add. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Well, we talked about it. The Warriors defeated the Cavaliers one ten, one oh two in Game three of the NBA Finals on Wednesday night at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. Step to take a commanding three point oh serious should have got a loan. You should have got alone. And tonight is game four. Did you see when Lebron James compared the Warriors to the NBA powerhouse, Uh, to the New England Patriots who routinely dominate the NFL thanks to their discipline and attention to detail. So, Steve, you were on a couple of nights ago with Stephen A. Smith on First Take Right, So, Let's take a listen. The native of Cleveland, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, one of the stars with the Kings of Comedy, and of course, the host of Family Feud, the one and Onlie. Steve Harvey is alive with yours truly. What's going on, Steve? How you doing man? How you feeling man? I'm doing all right. I'm smiling because you're here with me, and I deeply appreciate it. I'm wondering why you're smiling so much because your cabs are down old too. In these NBA finals, How are you feeling about them? We had a chance to steal one with Mr. Great opportunity, but we cleave. So here's what's gonna happen. We're gonna go back to Golden State, Golden State, go get us out there. Then we're gonna come back to Cleveland and we're gonna get him in Cleveland, and then we're gonna go back out the Golden State and we're gonna unleash the cracking that is Lebron James. Steve Harvey, what did you have to give some advice to, Let's say, hey, j R. Smith prior to that in light of the blunder that took place in Game one, how did you feel when you watched it? What type of advice would you give it? Right now, I said the wrong name at the mission universe page, and it happens. You understand, people make big mistake. JR. Gotta suck it up. What JR. Need to do is ride down to A hundred and twelve and Sapphire while I grew up at spend some time on that block, get some guts and come on back and let's play this game. And let's go. We need some help with Lebron now I'm hurt. We hit it just It's just look, Lebron ain't got enough. It ain't got enough. Not for this team here. Golden State got everything. If you look, if, if, if, if Steph Curry doesn't have a good game, they can still win. If Clay Thompson doesn't have a good game, they can still win. If the Rent wouldn't have a good game, they could still win. We don't have none of it. If Kevin Love don't have a good game, we can't win. If JR don't have a good game, which I don't even know, if he can have a damn good game. No more. We can't win if the if the role players don't have good games, we can't win. And you already know if Lebron don't have a good game, Lebron cannot not have a good game. He cannot not be there. No, but are you hopeful, Steve? No, hell no, ain't hopeful. Well, well let me take that back. There's always hope. That's what I'm never a hopeless person. You know, it could be the first time it happened. They can't beat this team though, the way we were structured, we don't have anybody. Yeah, we can depend on other than Lebron. Nobody is dependable. You know what I think. I think you should really just going on and call this out and get ready for your next bots just some of your other sports. You know, bad meeting, you know the football star right in there that you're talking about, you are You're talking about the same thing Houston doing. But you Yeah, no, I'm just as is that what you're talking about? There? Didn't lose less. I put some camp over Nick on my feelings. Yeah, I'm good, I'm heal. You're not he No, you're man. You and your little other ignorant food. You're talking to your wrong man with this here. Now, y'all ain't heal y'all, Steve Man, remind you we are all on the same team. Just may I throw that out there on the same tea. We are all on the same time. Morning were not. The Morning Show is a championship a fractured tea. Your ass is Ja Schmell jun I put that ball right back? Janthy is he Tristan jjther boy, James Hood? You're J Tristan? Yeah, he's yeah white, yes, yes, But you did look good though, man, I'm like, damn what, let's check out the picture. Go to Steve Harvey FM. What you rocket? Let me see what rock? What y'all talking about? Dog se a dog? All the hood were watching watching Man. I had to give him nothing but the hope. I'm a Cleveland boy boy. But at the end of it, y'all ain't see what I did. What I reached over on my table and picked up Miami and the calf. Don't win one. I got six of these. You're just gonna group it out together. You've won something. Do you think that Lebron is out? Do you think this is it? Oh? Yeah, it's coming to l A, I'm not coming to l A man. L A say, I bet you five? Hunt coming to l A stick you bet five? Yeah, yeah, he got some old a little bit and he's bet in five. I'd like to bet fifth. That damn stripping of my money though, Yeah, so I'm he's no buddy A damn like that cheap ass p don't take now, listen to they. You know you're making Aim mad. You do know that they gotta get. They gotta get what George Lebron and George is not enough. It's not enough for Golden Stay. It's not enough. All right, I'm sure this conversation will continue all morning, but coming up next, it's the Nephew and run that frank back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news. The Kardashians will be on Celebrity Family Few this Sunday night. But right now it is time for the King of Pranks to run that prank back corporal punishment. Time to start whooping that at all these kids and Cleveland too. Let's we got all right, We're gonna start with j. I. Go whoop that Ji, because you don't know how to take a ball back up and do it? Lay up you two love. You can't hear the three to say your corporal punishmen on the court. Here we go. Man talking about the at the house, I don't say already like I got knocked out the first fride here, y'all go house already? You know you know your folk fishing? Hello? Hello him um trying to reach the Mr Cotton, MS. Can you turn your radio or TV down? I can't really hear you. UM. My name is Mr Lanson. I'm actually the new principal here at middle school. Your your son, he attends middle school here? Am I correct? Okay? Good listen, Um. I'm the new principle here. We've just replaced the last principle and I'm actually calling around. What I've done is when I before I got here, I asked for a list of students that were you know, I'm not gonna say problem with kids, but you know that kind of get themselves in a little trouble here and there. And your son's name happens to be on the list. Yes, I got about I got about thirty five kids that are actually on this list, and your son is actually on the list and you are Mr Cotton? Correct, I am Mr Cotton. I mean are we are you show you speaking about my son though, um yeah, I mean there's only there's only one on the list, sir. I'm it's it's it's what's been given to me. And what what I'm doing is calling around to all of the parents of the kids that are on this list and letting you guys know that I'm gonna be keeping a close eye on them as well as uh, letting you know that I'm gonna be reinstating corporal punishment here in the school. So so understand what was that. That's actually where if your son gets sent to the office, which is my office, then there will be paddling going on. And opposed to I don't believe in I don't believe in detention. I don't believe in suspension. I believe in you know, if we spank these kids, we can get them back in order. So, sir, here's my thing. I really truly believe that we get back to to you know, and I don't mean what I'm about to say to be harsh, but if we're getting back to beating, we'll get these kids back in order. I mean, but I I know he had trouble in English, but I don't think that. No, no, no, this has nothing to do with great, sir. This has to do with punishment. And what I'm understanding is if your son is on my list, and if your son comes down to my office, I'm going to take care of it right then, and then if my son come your offer, you're gonna be on It's sir, I'm trying to get these kids back in order, and that's the reason why I've been brought in and I've replaced the last principle you understand. So what I need from you was to get a get a great understanding that if your child comes to my office, corporal punishment will be what he's going to deal with. Okay, I'll tell you what. Let my son come home and tell me he got some damn corporal punishment, and the next morning me and You're gonna do some corporal punishment. Sir, Do you want your child in order or do you want to be bill in his butt out of jail at the age of Eight's gonna be bailing me out of jail if you put your damn hands on my son. Okay, are you taking care of your son, punishment wise at home. You need to my son. Don't get no damn trouble. Okay, here's the problem. Parents not believing that their children get in any trouble. That's the first brother, I got email, I got phone called. So the first phone call, I get this going straight. It ain't no let us at home, ain't no email s at home saying day it's a problem. I don't, I don't. I don't, sir, I'll you know, I'm gonna come down here. I'm gonna tell you once again, I am not going to have send your son to detention. I'm not gonna call you. I'm gonna take care of my job. My job is to make I'm gonna take care of mine when you take care of your, I'm gonna take care of mine. And that protect my son and you put your hands on him, and we got a problem. We're gonna have a problem because nine times I'm telling you right now I'm calling you and giving you the warning, your son will be dealt with and you're gonna be dead with. We'll be dealt with on a regular basis if needs to be, You're gonna get deal with on a regular but you're gonna get tired of seeing me. Okay, sir, do I need to actually have corporal punishment with you? I'll tell you what when you when you bring the corporal punishment to me, you better had the police there because they're gonna need corporal punishment. They're gonna need whatever hell they're gonna need to you. When I get down and you put your hands with my son, I know that all. I'm you know what, sir, Maybe maybe maybe the swooping needs to start with you. It has a matter of fact. What time do you go to lunch? We can do this in front of capital and let all the kids see the damn principle. Get your damn corporal punishment, sir, sir. I'm not. I'm not. I don't. I don't fear you personally want you to stand in and take your like man. I don't want to chase your aun like no little school sir, Sir sir. The bottom line is corporal punishment is being in stated. Your son is gonna by by. You're gonna have to accept it, or maybe maybe you need to tell you what you said. You got thirty five names on your list, it better be thirty cut name but not being on the corporal punishment list. I know that, sir. Listen, He's not on a corporal punishment list. He's on a list of kids of kids that act up from time to time. My damn son don't act up. My son is a model stude. He got a little trouble with English, you know, because his mom a little slow. But that's my I did that. You know what I'm saying. You know what, Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the child right now. You're talking to a grown man. And if you put your hands on my son, you're gonna see that I'm a grown man. When I come down, man, I put my hands on my bam son, then I guess it's gonna be a lot of kicking circuit. It's gonna be something kicking, and you line them up a system, principal principle. I kicked the cat lady, So I come down. Man. If you got something to say, you're gonna watch your tone. You understand me, and you're gonna you're gonna take what I'm telling you. I don't care what you're saying. Everybody's gonna bide. I put chains on the door. I make sure I'm Mr. Lanson and these kids are gonna bide by what I want, and so are the parents, And damn it you, Mr Cotton, You're gonna have to toughen up and let me do my damn job. I'll tell you what. Then you're gonna do what you got to do today. But when I get down there, better head of police. When I get there, I tell you who else I'm gonna have here. If you do that, I'm gonna have nephew timming from the Steve Harvey Mornings Show, because that's who I am. Your co workers, Silver, You've got me to pray phone call you. I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna break. Get laid down at the job is man lends, I'm looking for my damn kids. Don't even talk. Hey, listen, I got one more thing to ask you, Mr Ca. What's that man? What's the baddest radio show in the LA Man? They show I love y'all? Man, what's y'all? What's y'all face? What's your face? One of these days get a practice of the body's going to whoop your last who One of these days the bad bad as who wanted Somebody's gonna get them talk Talles and Tuesday and spare the Wednesday move. Don't forget to put the name of the club in the South, the club that he hadn't a got on morning show, it would be gone. Yeah, yeah, the show wouldn't lie to mention it. Coming up next entertainment news, we're gonna talk about Kim Kardashian West. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alice Marie Johnson walked out of an Alabama prison Wednesday night, just hours after receiving word that Kim Kardashian West had convinced President Trump to commute her life sentence. Kim tell us a little bit about this woman's centers. What it was, Shirley. It was for drug trafficking, uh and possession and she was part, she said, of a conspiracy the first. It was her first defense. She has a lot of time for the first a lot of time. That's why they're working to change a lot of these problems. She's been in anybody know twenty years. She had been in for twenty Yeah, she got a life sentence. Yeah, wow, that's a lot of time. Ye, trafficking, money laundering, Steve, all of that. So did you hear who were the radio. He was on radio the other day, Steve talking about how things have changed that the technology and television and you know, the phones were even, you know, like cell phones went out when she went in. She's been in, she's been so long. One of the reporters had asked her about Kardashian and the President tweeting, and she didn't know what Twitter was. You know, he tweeted about he's glad she was out, and he hoped she has a great life and all of that. You know, you gotta give him that. Yes, and Kim kimb dignity move man, I mean like wow. And now Beacon wasn't across the board on prison prison reform doing doing that? That would be great for doing. Uh. Some members of the press were there, and Johnson expressed her thanks and gratitude to the President. And in a few days she'll get to thank Kim in person when the two meet face to face. This is according to t MZ. Now Kim is arranging a trip to visit Miss Johnson and her family in the coming days. Johnson to answer your question. Steve was convicted in drug trafficking and money laundering and was sentenced to life in prison. Kardashian says there are other people in prison that she hopes to free as well, and don't forget um, yes, Tommy, you know what if she would have ordered a taco from Taco two when she went in, they probably read about you know what I'm saying. I'm just saying if she don't order it was pretty good. And I'm so not wrong. But I really thought he was gonna say something. I always know, I'm the president. I'm just saying the taco would be ready by that I'm talking about, yeah, from Taco you know from you know they has Taco two at his club. And you know, I'm just saying that the lady would have ordered it twenty years ago this tun that she could have slid through and got that taco would have been ready. But can I just say that those tacos are so good when you do get them. They're so good when you ever did you you ever get them and forgot what your order all the time, Steve all the time. Well that's definitely what I forgot. I ordered that years ago from Jack. But they're so good, They're so good, all right. Just a reminder, speaking of Kim Kardashian, West This Sunday, you'll get to see all the Kardashians and Kanye West family. Uh, they'll have some fun on the season premiere of Celebrity Family Feud. It is hosted by our very own fearless leader, Steve Harvey. Take a listen, guys, apologize about this first question, jall, I have nothing to do with the questions. Top five answers on the board. Here we go. We asked one hundred women name the reason you think Steve Harvey is a good kisser lips. I'm here to win, bro, I'm here to win that obvious. All right, So there you go. Celebrity Family Feud this Sunday on ABC at eight p m. Seven pm Central. Miss Anna is here today, Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss and trip Right. Born and raised in New York City, his middle name was Gronzoni. Considered one of the most romantic balladeers, song stylists and arrangers ever, his name Luther van Dross Ruth van Dross began as a session vocalist, singing behind the likes of David Bowie, Bette Midler, Carly Simon, Aretha Franklin, Ashford and Simpson. ROBERTA. Flax Shaka Khan, among many others, as well as singing on TV and radio commercials. In the late nineteen seventies, he put his own group together and called it Luther, which first hit the charts in nineteen seventy six. Van Dross then joined the group Change, but he first grabbed attention singing alone with his version of Dion Warwick's House Is Not a Home. After that, Van Dross became the dominant blackmail vocalist of the nineteen eighties, racking up scores of hits. He even redid some famous show tunes like this one. Van Dross produced Aretha Franklin's Jumped to It, Dion Warwicks How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye? And he gave us one of the most popular wedding songs ever. Van Dross was perhaps most adored by his fans for his ability to put his own stamp on classical R and B favorites. Over his career, Van Draws Soul more than twenty five million albums, won eight Grammys, including Song of the Year for this one, penned after the death of his dad. On that two thousand four Grammy show. Luther appeared briefly by video and repeated the lyrics of one of his most popular songs. And I quote, whenever I say goodbye, it's never for long, because I believe in the power of love. Luther Vandross remembering the great ones for Black Music Month, This is an trip. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, this story is really really cute from Steve Harvey f m U dot com. Beyonce and jay Z showed out photos of their family, including the cute little twins Roomy and Sir. This was on the first stop of their On the Run tour too in Cardiff, Wales. The tour kicked off in Europe and the first US stop is Cleveland, Steve Cleveland on July. How about that you're running around and looking for some people to play. Look, I just had to tell you guys, well, I couldn't go to Houston right away because they still cleaning up from that ash. But the picture of the twins, if you get a chance, go check them out because they're so adorable. They're so adorable. And this entertainment report is brought to you by an all new ole a whip Okay with SPF twenty five Now Carla checked this out. This is for the ladies. Okay, um, you know, we we all need no matter what skin type, what's what your hue is or anything like that, we all need, uh, protection from the sun. Summer is coming. You don't, right, you don't want to go out without your protection. But most of us don't like to put it on because most creams are so thick and gooey, you know, and again all of that. So finally there's an SPF protection that feels light as air. Hashtag feel the whip with ol a whips. Okay, it feels so light, you're not gonna believe it's an SPF. Uh. It's fast absorbing. You put it absorbing, You put it on your skin and it just like your skin just drinks at It feels so good. It's light, it's um an air finish, it's powerful skincare, breathable. Feel. Finally, SPF protection that feels light as air. And that's what we've been waiting on. Yeah, yeah, really nice. Yeah, you're not gonna believe it's an SPF. You can put it on under your makeup, all of that. It's it works great. Yeah, absolutely protection. I hate going out without putting it on. But I hate feeling you know when you put the Yeah, you don't know what it's greasy. You don't want to have that greasy look. But but you need the protection because some damage, you know, to your skin. That is not a good look for you to have as you age. Important because a lot of black people think, well, we don't need it, you know, we think that, so we don't put it on. We absolutely do. Yeah, it's called a whip and even guys can use it. You guys can use it to So go to Steve Harvey FM again on all social media for details on hashtag feel the Whip. It's in a cute little jar. You can put it right up on your dresser, on your you know, with the rest of your makeup. It's really cute. You're gonna love it, all right. So coming up next in about ten minutes at thirty four after the hour, j Anthony Brown is here to murder yet another hit on Time Too. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve j Anthony Brown is here, introduced him away and gentlemen, j Anthony Brown to murder the very good something wrong. It's very good man. Now somebody's gonna hit me in the head or something nervous man. Okay, Drake's song is God's plan. That's the song, that's the hit that's out. I didn't do that. This is the story of Drake who's been going at it would push your t I have it all in the song, so you'll understand. Yes, the whole thing hit it the trip in the trip and the trip and the trip and the tripping on me. I've been battle rapping with the one push your teeth and I don't like the trash dad he said about me, I'll point your ipen smashing had a baby. He got turned out on that booty because she put it on me. Now they got my name on TMZ. They're talking bout about me, trying to make me crazy and trying to hide the fact that I have a baby. It's not on me two moments, So stop damping Renee Drakeman, paying Drakeman pain. He like them freaky think he don't and he didn't be with who he won't. So gomorrow povid show. If you're the dad, he'll let you know next time getting rubbers from the stone. Stop that way, you'll save a lot of dope, a lot of don't no for real because Draxman pain, Drakeslan pain Drakeman pain, because drakeson pain Drake's and pain Drakes and pain Drake's and pain Drake's and pain. I love it well. I ain't gonna lose no friends. No, you're without new No just thatt the rectors rate. Drake's been paying. He's been paying. He with a porn start, she had a baby, and Drakes been paining Drakes and pain He've been paying. I'm for you. Put at the door for me from for why? Who? Who is it? Who's there? Pay somebody getting the slipping us for Tommy. Now you gotta take your own by yourself and lose a friend or whatever. That was good. Yeah, that was really nobody. I went out Jay too. He wrote a song on stage. You just wrote a song right there, say don't say good boys writing this song right now and then the DJ bring the music in. J just up write in it and writing that song. Pain tools the baby. I won't be there now, get your orders in now, j don't jail. Are you're about to be released? I want to shoot us a little email if they left you in the computer room. I don't do that because Steve doesn't want to laugh at They have it ready when you get out, Hey, Jack, yes, ma'am. The next murder to hit. What you guys, Well, we have to wait and see what happens in the news. We have to have a little baby and little Wayne. They didn't suthing. Yeah yeah, little Wayne lawsuit. So what you think you know? But a million according to the Shade million? So who did he win? Again? The man shove on your job. I don't. I don't think I want to. Man, you put some spec on that man take it personally. You do have a line? Yeah, line and ask who you can work for you ps he rolled up, puts respect on my boxes? You when you bring my boxes to my dough you put respect on my box. I mean the old baby. I'm gonna have to let that one go next. Don't want you to write one good job though, job is always Yeah, be right on that. That a little bit of jack respect on my tacos. I know that, all right? Listen, coming up next, it's the King of Pranks. He is here with a prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour about four minutes after. To be exact, it is the Strawberry letter, the subject closer than close best friends. Yeah, right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got, king of praying? You know, you know, you know, you know, you know. I want a small faith. That's all I want to want a small faith. That's the title of the prank today, Folks. Small you just want a small face. You're not gonna small steve you all of that? No, no, no, no, no, no no, You've got a lot going on. What else he going on? He ain't got the hands for say anything. So I was letting him go in there. You gotta let's been looking at that? Your hands ain't big, Jay? What are you talking about? Looking at man? Jay? Hands is little now? His index finger friend alone like our city hall. He couldn't be my doctor, I tell you that. Right now. My favorite running it is to you. Hello, I'm trying to reach Vicky. Vicky, Hey, Vicky, how are you doing? Are you the Are you the niece of of uh uh? I think it's ain't ain't your aunt? Yes? Okay? And you you know you aren't passed away? I mean I mean years ago y'all passed. It was about five years ago. Okay, listen, I'm over here at the funeral home. Uh, my sister just passed away, and they gave me your phone number. Were went through a little bit of a situation here, did you guys? Aren't you know your aunt was a heavy set woman? Is that right? Okay? Now they had to did they have to put her in a in a Did they have a bill of a special casket for her? Yeah? Okay, that's what we're kind of going through with my sister. We ordered a special casket for for for my sister, and uh, I'm assuming this is the same thing that you guys went through. I've called several of her her children, but I wasn't able to get in touch with anybody. But the funeral home actually had your name on file as well, so they gave me your number where I would be able to talk to you. Is that is that? Okay? Yeah, that's okay. You can speak to me, but you know, lets things to be a problem. Well listen, uh we we The funeral is actually in two days and we ordered one of those special caskets, but it doesn't look like it's gonna be in for another week, so you know, it's almost like we're gonna, we're gonna we're not gonna have a casket for her um, you know, for the funeral. And you know that, like I said, the funeral home told us about you know that you guys were the last ones that ordered a casket of that size, and you know, me and the rest of the family has been you know, we're trying to figure out what to do and what to do. Do you think it's any way possible we can borrow the casket that your Ain't is in and then when the casket comes in and we ordered, we can put her in that casket and put her back down to rest like she's always been. Do you think that's? Excuse me? Hello, Hello, you think could you repeat yourself? What exactly are you asking me? Well, what I'm saying is, do you think we can borrow your ain't casket? Because you know, the funerals in two days and the casket is not gonna be in in order for us to be able to bury her in a in a casket for you know, to accommodate her size. When I'm asked what kind of this you're talking about? First of all, who is this. Okay, No, my name is Larry. Like I said, my name is Larry. I got you, I got you guys. Like I said, I tried to call some of her kids, but nobody ever picked up when I called her nieces number all file to you. You are her knees Vicky, right, Yes, I am. Okay, That's what I'm saying. Do you think that maybe you can talk to the children and see if we can maybe used that particular casket? Okay, wait a minute, what the talking about this? The first of all, who who is this? You? You gotta be losing your mind if you think I'm gonna let you dig up my any so just to bury yourself stuff. But I understand what you're coming from. But what I'm trying to say is that we don't have a cask. It's big enough. And they were they they let us know that you guys were the last ones that had a casket that you know you're gonna do with us dash You don't truck stuff out, have you not? No? No? Well, okay, first of all, what I'm trying to do is this The family been grieving pretty hard, and I just wanted to make sure that the funeral will be right, and it ain't gonna be right, and we don't have that. We don't bring my family gonna feel dig in my amy and I'll show they don't call me because who is the the funeral home that gave you my number to ask me to use the casket so you can bury your sister. Who is the name of that person? I can't remember, but it was it was. It was the guy the funeral director let me know that you guys had went through a situation where you have to bury your your your your aunt. Like I said, I to call what's your name again? My name is Larry, Okay, Larry, this is this is I don't know what give you my phone number to call me asking you just done? Can you believe they called her asking me so they can bury they don't have a casset. Hello, No, no, what fault? No, I understand it's not your fault. What I'm trying to say is what y'all show some sympathy and some love for me and my family going through because we don't have a cask. Like I say, my sister, my souster wasn't was you know? Was that if the heaven was a heavenshe time good. You know, my condulecens go out to you and your family. You know I'm trying to be as reserved as I can with this whole situation. But do you understand what kind of stupid you're asking me right now to actually dig up my un whose arms who's been a world for fun yees? Because bury your sister couldn't let me let me answer this? Oh like this, if we you you ain't ain't gonna know. She don't know who you for you to say to me, that's what I don't stupid, you're smoking on smoking crack what I don't know? First of all, you know what I First, I appreciate you trying to work with me, but I want to say this. You don't even have the authority to make that decision if you give me one of the numbers to one of your cousins. Because I was really trying to be nice and be calm. But guess what, we're not doing this stupid. I'm trying to be nice to you and tell and trying to help you out, but no, you want me to get ignorant and ask stupid with you. I was trying to be nice and sympathetic but we're not doing it. I'm not giving you the nother I got the authority to tell you right now. We're not digging up, so you can bury yourselufstuff. Okay, so so so so so that's just it. I can't talk to now that now you weren't talking to but you're talking to me. Okay, I got, I got, I got something else. I need to tell you though, I need, I need to tell you something else or you listen, but tell me. I want to tell you this. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harbing morn it's your VICKI. Your sister Sheila got me to prank phone called hub. Who is this again? This isn't nephew tell me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister Sheila got me to plant phone call you. Oh oh yeah, you got me over y'all worked up? I be I'm gonna played at much. She ain't got. I got one more thing as what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Show for y'all and now and then you need to cast get you know, a different size. You know, it's just a small face. It's a very small face, that's all it is. Let me put this out there, nephew till me along with blazers and bow ties. A night in the city as a party celebrating women. It's Saturday, July seven. The A k A is a coming to town and my beautiful wife is a member of Alphacaba Ala Serrity Incorporated. Where is the party? The party is at the Health Museum fifteen fifteen Herman Drive. Guess what I got for you, Lavish Boy, faith Red Copet event live band. I got a d J. This is Blazes and boat Outs along with Nephew Tommy and the Big thing you need to know open. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up today's Strawberry Letter, the subject closer than close best friends. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, thank you. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships on dating and work, on sex, unparenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him, Steve, you know what to ask me every day to repeat what this woman has been telling y'all, it's starting to get on my nerves. But if you can send the letter in, if you want to, you can keep your damn problems to yourself. Were trying to figure that out. We try. We don't like keep begging nobody, let me have, let me here, let me here? Man? What elf? But we're here to help you, though we are, and but by this woman, I guess I'm I'm this woman. Hold on tight. We gotta put you here. It is the Strawberry letter, Thank you enough you subjects closer than close best friends. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a male best friend that I want to be more than friends with. I was taught that the man is supposed to pursue the woman, so I've never attempted to tell him how I feel about him. We have been friends for ten years, and although we have strictly have a strictly platonic relationship, our friends and family make jokes about us already being a couple. My mom even refers to him as her son in law. He lives four hundred miles away, but we see each other several times a month. He always pays for my fly hotel rooms, meals, whenever I go to visit him. When he comes to see me, he spends time with my mom, and he makes plans for us to see movies, concerts, plays, et cetera. I have even been on his family vacation. I know that our friendship is not normal, and we do everything a couple does except for have sex. He has never shown any interest in dating me, but it's so obvious that he likes me. Every time he gets a new girlfriend, he shares everything with me about their relationship. He even had a child a few years ago, and I was there for him when things didn't work out with him and the child's mom. He's perfect for me, and I can't imagine my future with any other man but him, with any man but him. I want to let him know how I feel, but the thought of rejection terrifies me. Stephen Shirley, what do you think can a man be close friends with a woman and not have any feelings for her? This is driving me crazy. I want him and only him. Should I tell him? Well? Yeah, I think you should tell him. I really do. I don't think you have anything to lose. I think you have everything to gain. I think you should definitely take a risk. Uh. Plus, I think he likes you to like you said in the letter, because he spends so much of his time and his money with you. Okay, those things are important, so he does that a lot with you, And that's what makes me thinks he likes you. Not just you, but he spends time with your family and you spend time with his family. I mean ten years. Come on, that's a long time. I mean there should be nothing that you can't share with this man, especially your feelings. After all, you've certainly been there for him, I mean with his girlfriends and his son and all of that. I really think, I really hope that your friendships can and will withstand it if you guys do decide to take this uh to the love level. You know, but you you gotta tell him first. Somebody has to break the ice. Even if you you you try it and it fails. I think I hope that you guys can can be friends and come through it. People all ways say that you should be friends first, and you guys are definitely that, and you've been friends for ten years. That should mean something. Steve, that's goodnute, it's cute. Come on so much? Got scared to leave out of this damn letter. That's why we have You know I'm here for it. You know this woman right here is in a dilemma. Ten years flying in the town, live four hundred miles away, pay for all your tickets to come see him, y'all, go on family vacations, y'all sitting up here doing everything as a couple. Are you flying in see each other several times a month? He paid for your flight, hotel room meals whenever you go to visit. Then he comes, see you, spend time with your mama, makes playing for y'all, gonna see movies, concerts, plays, all this's right here? Okay, what's the here wrong there? Well, let's go get to it. Something is wrong because he's doing all this, and didn't you tell her how you've been there for him? And he he had other girlfriends, He tell you all about him, and he had a son a couple of years ago, and you was there for him when he didn't work out, to the mom and the baby, the boys sleeping with somebody. It ain't you. Why has he not made a move on you? And why you want him so bad? And he's so perfect for you, but he can't see that easy. It could be one of two things only with the man. Number one, he is afraid that if he makes a move to you that it will destroy the friendship. And he's just hanging around because there's something stupid about him where he has not figured out that you have a physical and a mental, spiritual attraction to him. That's the first option. That's the one that you hope it is. Now. That's second reason he ain't saying nothing. It cause he ain't attracted to you. Now is gonna be a definite blow to your ego. So now what you gotta do is he's told you about all his other girlfriends. Look him up on Facebook and get a picture of them. Now, if you ain't in the same arena, ask them girlfriends, you have your answer. He's not attracted to you. That's going to be hard. Now. Chances are I don't think that's the case because we don't spend money, n we do not spend time with people. We are not attracted. We just dudes, man, And I'm sorry, but we are just dudes. So I'm hoping it's the first one. That he's afraid that he would lose your friendship before he's had the courage and the nerve to make the move. Is something about you that's so special that he don't want to say nothing. I let a girl get by with me for years like that. Her name was Michelle Pierce h all through high school, even through college. My god, man, because you didn't say anything. I just wouldn't say. We'll have part two of Steve's coming up after the hour Strawberry Letters, subject today closer than close best friends. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to it. Part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter, Closer than close best Friends is the subject. Yeah here, this woman been friends with this man for ten years. They've done everything together. Vacations, flying four hundred miles away, he taking a place, concerts, going take a mama out. They do everything together. Even if Amy didn't joked about him, y'all in a couple that he didn't have a relationship with other women. Tell you all about him. Y'all ain't never talked about this. I find this so difficult to believe. You mean, y'all ain't said I mean, but this ain't hell Your hand in the moving nothing man, what's up, y'all? Just friends? Men don't do this. But he had a baby with another girl a couple of years that obviously broke your heart. That didn't working out. Now you're going, well, what about me? What about me? Where? What about you? Like I said, it's only two things could be stopping this. He is so afraid of losing your friendship that he's hanging on the outskirts thinking you don't really see him that way, and he's just hoping you come around one day. Men can do that because men don't spend money on women that we're not attracted to. We just don't do that. I don't that's funny. I know, it's just funny. I'm just telling you in a crude way of putting I just want you to understand what it is now. The other thing is he's not attractive to you, and that would be the most devastated reason because nothing you can do can make him attracted to you after two years. But I seriously doubt that that's the case because he keeps flying to you. Man, you mean something to this dude, And I got news for you. He loves you. I have news for you. Ain't no dude doing nothing for no woman for ten years. He don't love him. He might be onto something, sir, I got it. He loves you and he wants to be in love with you, but he don't want to lose the love parts, so he's scared of mentioning in love part. It's time to walk past his ass naked, what drastic? Come on, you gotta do something and you're sitting, Yeah, put some heels on it right in front of that damn TV. And that's like you're doing something else. A cup of coffee in your hand, some eyeglasses and like you read, and just walk your way right across that TV straight nicket that we find to find out right after that, because I would if his comment is this right here did when you got pluck baby? Baby? You forgot to put your clothes on? Problem? But if you walk past, then you go and you don't hear nothing, But then you look back and he's staying at it. Yeah, then you walk over there and set your neck as right next to him and act like y'all friends and keep watching that game and see how long that damn games and basket would. Yeah, naked is when you just take your clothes but she bought and walk around in front the side to see you naked. Two but as you walk in there so they can see with them. Yeah, not just naked, but it's two different things. And quick coming to bed barefoot all the time, some damn heels on and up to antie. Yeah, yeah, come in there bad foot. You know you look better with you with you up on your toes. Lift that up, I'm with you. St put that in the air. Hoisted the look better in the air. You ain't. You'll find something real quick. He's got to let him know you agree with that for sure. She needs to do something. They need to break the ice. You're talking about ninety day rude, They didn't win ten years. Yeah, and he spent a lot of time and money with her. Okay, he has never shown any interest in dating me. Who That's what she says in the letter. He has never shown any interest in dating me. But it's so obvious that he likes. If it's so obvious, let's yeah, then take the risks. Look, you got litmus tests, you got pregnancy tests, you got they got cancer tests out there. You can take an HIV test, you can take a diabetes test. You gotta take the butt ass naked. I got to take the test. It's a test. Everybody got tests for everything. It's so obviously, but we gotta way to find out. But you know you thank you obviously pregnant, but we gotta way to find out you thank you obviously sick. We gotta way to find out. Man, you ain't got to do that. I'm killing up. I I'm trying to tell you one more time. It's the difference between ned is when you come out the show. Neck it is when you're taking a bath. Neck it is when you change and clothes for me, get dressing. You just nick it. But when you walk out in front of somebody for them to see you come over here, that not become. But that's what we're talking about this morning. And a couple of suggestions. The next time you naked and you really want to get it, put a necklace on. What is that gonna do? That's girl, So he did you just ask me what that's gonna do? Ye fellows, fellaws, she come to bed niked with just a necklace. Songkay back up on them, alight said. We gotta go, thank you, Steve. We gotta go email us or instag We don't have any time, Jake, we gotta go email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts to my girls? Shirley? Okay, thank you so very much. I appreciate you guys for journing me yesterday for the Strawberry Letter Live after Show. All right, and we'll be there again next Thursday. Thank you. Coming up in ten minutes, Steve's Health and Wellness segment featuring your very own, beautiful daughter, Brandy. It's a family affair. Brandy's up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey morning. We're back and continuing with my Health and Wellness segment. This week, I have a very very special guest. This one right here, it's very special. This is what turned me into a man. This one here grew me up faster than anything that's ever happened in my life. This is my firstborn child. Our special guest is a family member, and I mean for real, this is my oldest child, first born. She reminds her sister of it all the time. Uh. My daughter, Brandy has always been about health and wellness. She started a fitness journey back when she was nineteen, when she was a little just I think I said something to him one time. They threw him into something I didn't know no better. Back then, I was a younger father, and uh, I said they was fluffy? Man? Did it right? Yeah? That turned into something right there and threw her in their path of wellness and fitness. She's a fitness instructor. She's competed in bodybuilding challenges. She now lives a plant based lifestyle, has a health and fitness initiative called Beyond Her, and she's joining us today to tell about it. Please welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen. The one and only the reason I'm here, Ladies and gentlemen, Brandy Harvey money that that's the best intro I've ever got. Dad. Don't nobody bring nobody out like your daddy. Girl. Better notice right here you're the host of our host. I mean, come on now, I just got the best intro in all of radio. But I'm so glad to be here this morning. And you you set it up perfectly when you said that, you know, you started me on my fitness journey at nineteen I was. I came to visit you spring break from Hampton University and you told Carl and I that we were fluffy, and I spent the whole spring break trying to figure out what this fluffy mean? Do you think that means bad? Like? What what what this fluty mean? And then finally click like, oh, oh, I probably need to, you know, lose some weight. And I don't want people to like call in or like put on the blog Steve Harvey fat shames his daughter because you totally did not. I think what you did in nineteen you really woke up the sleeping giant that was within me to get my health and wellness and make it a priority in my life. And I think that we all need somebody in our lives at some point to push the giant, wake the giant within us to say you, I hope you want better for yourself because I see better for you, and you saw better for me. And that led me on a path to being a fitness instructor, a group fitness trainer, you know, a personal trainer. UM. I competed in UM n PC and it really just sparked this this fire in me to not only get myself on this on this path of health and wellness, but to make sure I taught other people how to do it too, because in my heart, I'm just a teacher. You know, I was a high school teacher at one point as well too, And so my whole life has been about how do I change my life? But how do I change other people's lives as well? And that's really how Beyond Her was born. Out of all those different stages and now living a plant based lifestyle and understanding the whole mind, body, soul connection that it wasn't just me working out, and it wasn't just me eating good food. It was about what I was putting in my mind, in my spirits, how I was taking care of my emotional and mental health as well. Okay, so I got this way of site called beyond her dot dot co c O not dot com, y'all, do not do that. It's a new way they do it. Not. It's called beyond her dot co CEO. You don't have to put the em on it. You're ruined it beyond her dot co. This is a website so women can take the time to get to know themselves better and get the lives. Tell us about this this and you have an e book also, But tell us about the site and the e book. Well, the site is really about our Our motto is, you know, eat well, give a damn move your body. And it's really we put content out on the site that is how to eat, how to move and live and be well as a woman of color. That we provide content not just on fitness and health, but on self care. And you know, I have other contributors to the site as well. We are a content based site. We're not a blog. You can't do comments on our site. We produced um content of strong articles that you can use as references, as well as provide recipes and my sister Carly, um my point. Sister Carly provides all the plant based recipes for the site. Her food is just beautifully done and so um. That really sparked. I do a newsletter every Tuesday that comes out for my subscribers, and people can subscribe on the website as well. But that launched me into writing this e book, which is a four week program on how to really go beyond that. It's about setting intentions for your life. It's about making room for God's abundance to come through. It's also about mastering your emotions because we carry so much weight with us. That isn't really about the physical way, it's the emotional and mental weight that we're carrying them around with us. That makes us heavier and laying down with with all the all the drama and trauma, and they'll really just do it. And so this four week program has recipes, has um journal plants, has a gratitude log. It also has a plant based recipe guide and and grocery guide. Um, this is really a jump start. This is not a fact. Okay, listen to me. Yeah, why is it that you recommend a plant based diet. I recommend a plant based diet because what goes in is what comes out. But we're living beings. I just choose to put living food into my living body. Oh, plants are living food. Oh you you're not talking about like stuff that have lived like a cow, so they not living. No, I don't eat anything that had parents. I don't eat that. Okay, your daddy been doing plant based This is day five. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. Meat stuff tooth are good when you want to start this journey of not eating you know, actual meat. But the more you get into this lifestyle of plant based you will understand that you really don't need those fake meat products because it's so processed. They really have to take these plants through such a process to get them to mimic that type of flavor and that type of food. But if you're eating whole food, you don't need that. You won't miss it. But I think it's good when you're first starting out, you know, you want something that makes you feel like you're eating meat. But we'll be back with more coming apart two of Steve's health and wellness segment with his daughter, fitness expert Brandy Harvey. That's coming up at the top of the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back my special guest. Our special guest is Brandy Harvey, who happens to be my oldest child. She threw me in the manhood an accelerated Pacey. I'm not here trying to fin why they still Steve that now. Yeah, we know he man, But the good news is that you stepped up, you did your thing. You're a good father. Yeah you're you're a good dad. But we got to ask you about this, Brandy. You're also doing coaching classes on beyond her dot co your first group class. Let's talk about that. My first my book UM. You can purchase the e book on beyond her dot co as well as my coaching classes. UM. The group webinar classes begin June the fourteenth, and my master class, which is a very intimate course. That class is not gonna be any more than ten women. That's gonna be a very intimate course. And once you get on the website you'll see why. UM. But it's the intimate look. But the book is for somebody who's really looking to get started. The group classes is for that next level, any intermediate, and then the master classes for somebody who's really ready to go beyond to the next level and transform their life. M Yeah, I mean I'm I mean you are what he meant to say. He is the master class. You definitely are the master class. That you are the master classes here brand, and I've been trying to turn it'll just take you. You are. You definitely are. I've learned so much from you. I think your work ethic, I think everything about hard working person, dance and determination is everything that you've given me. I think you you've told me along the way, but taught me in your actions of how you really go out here and make a life of your own. And I think that, um, this journey has has taught me so much. But you have just been such a wonderful teacher and guy, you really are a master teacher. So I'm very appreciate to you, appreciative of you. It's every five I would that, do you understand? I would definitely, I would give my life. Wow, thank god, you don't have to, but I would. Yeah, I'm talking about that. You got you got to ukn't heard of. You're gonna have to take me out part please understand. But for big fellaw gonna be coming with all his meeting him and everything, I'm coming in. I'm coming at you with a carnivorous ass attitude. Brandy, has he always been this crazy? He has always been as crazy, But I think people don't understand how as much as crazy as he is, he's such as softy. His heart is so big, it's so bad, and he really just wants to change people lives. And I think that that's what I've really latched onto and learned from my dad is that, um, we've all been in the business of changing people's lives, and at every stage of it is really to impact people and to teach people a better way to live their lives. And that's what we all try to do each and every day. Yeah, I mean, that's what it's about. Because you can't. God blesses you to become a blessing. You can get a big house up on the hill, and then don't try to tell nobody else how to get up on the hill. You're gonna be up there by yourself. It ain't so listen to everybody. The website is beyond her dot Co. Beyond her dot Co. Now you can go beyond Instagram, Instagram, Beyond her dot com. Instagram is our same website. Beyond her dot Com is beyond her dot com Instagram as well. Okay, so that's Instagram. Follow her at beyond her dot Co on Instagram for more tips, videos and inspirational messages. You can register for the group class. It's June fourteen. Space is limited. Where is it that in Atlanta? Well, that's our group webinar class. It's a webinar class. Can be anywhere in the world. Class, So it's a webinar class. You could go and register. Space is limited. It's that's at Beyond her dot Co. Beyond her dot Com. Hey good, you don't never want to on a piece of camfish, you know, just yeah, and just a piece of camfie. Nothing. He's eating to live. He's living and he's eating to live. Now, we're very proud of him for that. Now, let me play you when I go to camp next week. All that's out barbecue, I'm gonna throw my ass in the south, Brandy. I'm gonna bring you some good food down to camp. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make it and listen to me. Don't waste your betters. Some meat in it, Brandy, not wrat your trip down. The best thing you can do for me is bring me some gluten free bread because I'm fitting to pack some casting Jennik has meat in it, all right? Once again, go to Beyond her dot co to register for the group class. It is June four teeth and space is limited. Brandy Harvey. You know we love you. Brandy. I'm proud of your teeth doing your thing. Thank you so much. Make him feel your girl, make them feel you. You should be very proud of Yeah, what if that's what I want all my kids to do. What she's doing, Get out on your own low do you? Thank you so much right, thank you, Jesus. I love you too, baby, have a great brand. All right, what I'm Steve, Please register for this class man. This gots to it. That's so cool. Yeah, that is your children and your dreams. Well, you know, they're trying to do something positive. Code. We got rid of the tail. I'm so old, I know, I know. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, Tiger Woods, guys, Tiger Woods is bawling out of control. That's what we want to say about that. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tiger Woods, as we all know, has not one the US Open in nearly a decade, but he's been playing well enough this year to give many of his fans some hope that he can pull it off when the tournament gets underway next Yeah. I do too. Someone may want to open it all. Yeah, but this is Tiger and you know, and that's what they come into sea. And it looks like he'll be able to relax and style between rounds in his twenty million dollar you heard me, twenty million dollar, one hundred and fifty five ft yacht. Steve, Steve Harvey, it's called privacy that he just docked in the Hamptons. What the dock is, um? Just about an hour drive away from Yeah, yeah, an hour drive from the from the golf course. So Tiger can kick back at his own place instead of messing around with at a hotel. So, Steve, what does that look like? A hundred fifty five foot yacht. A little more than twenty million. Well that's how much um Tiger paid for it. It's called privacy. Well he didn't buy it. No, it's a million dollars per meter to build a yacht. Okay, sixty yacht is sixty million dollar boat. Surprise, the operator yacht is ten percent of the cost per year. Top sixty million dollar yacht. Six million dollars a year to operate the yacht if it doesn't move. What's the name of it again, privacy? Why aren't you name a waffle? I like that, I like that a lot. Privacy requires a crew of nine to operate it. Its sleeps seventeen. It costs two million dollars a year, like you were saying, Steve, to run it has a theater in it, a gym and eight person jacuzzi a large bar and it usually Harry's three c sea dudes. What is that like? Sea dudes? A little playthings like jet skied, okay, like a water motor sports a jet ski okay, like okay, jet boat. Now freaks would have yeah. Us so back to old Tiger. You're thinking, what that's the old tiger? Yeah, oh, scatter smother and cover, waffle house, huddling house, pancake house, cracker barrel, cracker bar I'd have him in there, bore yeah, pack cracker barrel to the mezzanine deck. Please. Well, Steve, you guys were saying that if Tiger got back to his old ways, maybe he could win more games. Because you don't even get married right now, that ain't what he do. He got two kids, got to get it out of system because he never had it in his system. Gotta understand him. Tiger been playing golf his whole life to get that good. The majority of his days were spent on a golf course. Yeah, like the Williams sisters in tennis. Yeah, you know. So now that he he got older and then his moral compass died his father, he went out there and he started dabbling in experiencing what he had never experienced before he started getting out of him. He was very famous, very rich. He had never seen what he could do. He went out there and experienced it. Well, now I got married. He couldn't stay strong, he lost his moral compass. His father passed. So now he went out there. Now it's over, and now he bat blow that. Y'all do you don't? All? Right? Coming up next, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Show. Alice Marie Johnson walked out of an Alabama prison Wednesday night, just hours after receiving word that Kim Kardashian West had convinced President Trump to commute her life sentence. Kim tell us a little bit about this woman's sentence. What it was, Shirley. It was for drug trafficking and possession, and she was part, she said, of a conspiracy. It was her first offense. She has a lot of time for the first a lot of time. That's why they're working to change a lot of these problems. She's been in twenty years. She had been in for twenty yeah, she'd been in for twenty yeah. Now she got a life sentence. Yeah, wow that time. Yeah, for drug trafficking, money laundering, Steve. She was on radio the other day, Steve talking about how things have changed that technology and television and you know, the phones were even you know, like cell phones going out when she went in, she's and in for you know, it was different. You gotta start over. Yeah. One of the reporters had asked her about Kim Kardashian and the president tweeting, and she didn't know what Twitter was, you know, And he tweeted today about he's glad she was out and he hoped she has a great life and all of that shed You got to give him that, yes, and Kim, oh, kimb diggity move man, I mean like and now he can wasn't across the board in prison performing doing doing that. That would be great, but they're all doing. Uh. Some members of the press were there and Johnson expressed her thanks and gratitude to the president And in a few days she'll get to thank Kim in person when the two meet face to face. This is according to TMZ. Now Kim is arranging a trip to visit Miss Johnson and her family in the coming days. Johnson, to answer your question Steve was convicted in nineteen six of drug trafficking and money laundering and was sentenced to life in prison. Kardashian says there are other people in prison that she hopes to free as well. You know what, she would have ordered a taco from Taco two and when she went in, they probably ready. But you know what I'm saying, I'm just saying, if she ordered I don't want to laugh. That was pretty good. But I really thought he was gonna say something I always know, but there's I'm the president, respect this tune. And she could leave it through and got that taco would have been ready. But can I just say this, those tacos are so good when you do get them. They're so good when you ever did you you ever get them and forgot what you ordered? Yes, all the time, Steve. All right, just a reminder, speaking of Kim Kardashian West, this Sunday, you'll get to see all the Kardashians and Kanye West family. Uh, they'll have some fun on the season premiere of Celebrity Family Feud. It is hosted by our very own fearless leader, Steve Harvey. Take a listen, guys. Top five verses on the board. Here we go. We asked one hundred women name the reason you think Steve Harvey is a good kisser lips. I'm here to win, brom here to win obvious. All right, So there you go. Celebrity family Feud this Sunday on ABC at eight pm, seven pm Central. Alright, Steve coming up closing remarks right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are, Steve. Last break of the day, last break of the week. It's been a great week, a quick week too. Huh. As we get into your closing remarks, we talked about millionaires and uh, how they live their lives and they surround themselves with positivity and positive people. And I think you definitely agreed with that in your life and how you live your you know, it's it's it's hard to do for us as people sometimes because we suffered from guilt. But you've got to cultivate the garden, you've got to prune the tree, you've got to extract the bad energy around you. And sometimes sometimes this is family and friends, and I'm sorry, but that's the way it works. Just because they're your family member does not mean they're good for you just because this person is your so called friend. These so called friends are friends when the sun is shining. These so called friends are sometimes good in certain situations, they're not good for you as a whole. You got to cultivate to God and you've got to prune the tree. You've got it. You've got it. Rid yourself of people who are not like minded. And that's a big part of it. The like mindedness helps you with surrounding yourself with the same attitude. Does that help, Shirley? Absolutely? That helps. I mean, you know, there's an old saying, birds of a feather flock together all of that, you know, yeah, I mean, and and this world you need that because there's so much hate out there, you know, and people don't understand. And we get stuck with our relatives sometimes, and we get stuck with our so called friends because you're paying loyalty to the term of friendship when actually the friendship it's supposed to mean something. But how many times have you found that your your friends do not honor the code of friendship? How many? So now you've got to recognize that that loyalty has an expiration date, and oftentimes it's the people around you have stopped being loyal to you long before you ever considered not being loyal to them. Yeah. And I just want my friend Steve to be as happy for me when good things happen. Is I am genuinely for them when and if they're not in their life. And if they're not, you need some new friends. And it's okay because I have friends in my life that were just for a season of time. Oh man, we was cool back then when we was doing this that night. But at this level right here, man, some of them I can't exposed. And I still got some friends I grew up with. Man, I can bring around me. We can go places, we can chop it up. But I got some friends, man, I had to let go with him. Two wasn't they wasn't ready for this. Hell. Yeah. And you know what you mentioned something earlier, Steve about guilt. You know a lot of times that holds us back because we feel guilty, you know, letting them go, and guilty when we don't help them. You know what I'm saying, because you can't help them on with the Other thing that Steve says a lot is that sometimes we take stuff off of our friends and families that we would normally take from a stranger, and we just let it go on and on and on, and you just have to get in that mindset that it's time to go. Is in the hood, there's a saying you gotta keep it real. Yeah, you gotta keep it real. You man, don't forget where you come from. You know all this right here? Hey man, don't don't don't forget about us now, you know now you thank you all that. No, no, listen to me. You're supposed to keep it moving, but you know what, I'm supposed to keep it moving. I'm guilty of making my friends and family problem my problem. You know we all are. We all do that. Everybody does that. We take on way too much. And it's not your responsibility. You are not responsible for another man who is responsible for his family. That's not your job. Man. You are in charge of your family, your wife and your kids. That's your number one priority. Everybody else is a distant, third and fourth a distant and me helping you can't take away from my family and something they gotta have. I can't deny my children access to great programming. Trying to help your child to get out of jail. No hold up now, who woa whoa whoa whoa whoa partner. I can't help you make your house note. If it's gonna cause my house note to be delinquent, it doesn't make it. It doesn't make any sense. But people use manipulation and guilt to hold you to a set of things that's only been official to them. And it's amazing how they how they change the narrative to get you to feel guilty about what the decision that you made. It's ridiculous, man, Stop allowing people to do that to you. If you're constantly finding yourself having to explain yourself to your friends, excuse them for something they said, always aiding them. You need some new friends, and it's okay to get some new friends. You just gotta stop being their friends. Pull back. You ain't gotta you ain't gotta snatch your head out the line's mouth. Sometimes you just gotta ease it out slowly, stime. Let a couple of phone calls come through that you don't return. Just try the message starts getting there. Just don't answer a couple of texts I got bettering for you, change your number and then send it to just who you wanta have. Okay, man, I'm telling you that takes care of that. We did the closing remarks that way the day we did the closing remarks, and like a question period kind of helps me get some thoughts, thought starters. Maybe that to help somebody. Pretty sure a lot of you out there dealing with some of these same things. So keep your head up. God loves you, don't forget talk to God. He love here from you and uh, y'all have a great weekend and watch family Huge, Yeah, watch celebrity watch. Oh that's right, this Sunday, kill West and go Cleveland. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.