Stephen A. Smith, A.D. Dolphin Interview, Pastor Overload, TikTok Hazard and more.

Published Jan 19, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve answers the question. The Chief Love Officer addresses elderly dog issues and The Bowling Alley Predator. Our family A.D. Dolphin explains the difference between Dherbs and the competition right on time for Wellness Wednesday. Cardi B. strikes back and Stephen A. Smith is good. Junior points out a fact in his Sports report. A pastor in OK is trippin'! TikTok has become hazardous to your health. BE CAREFUL!!!! Would You Rather touched upon obsession with physical features and more. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve made it a point to remind us about the source of his blessings.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like theming buck bus things and it's not good. Steve Harp to mother for Stey, don't joy. You gotta use that turn out. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn my love, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your bad uh huh I show, well, come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. God, God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have I man and see that. That's why I'm so adamant about it, because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. But I've been I've I've had some low moments, man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next, I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well, might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, Hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued, Things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned it my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when it get real, dog for your son, prayd changes things, she said, When you seem like you lost and you can't find your way, stop and pray, she said, because prayd changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, so pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said, if you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, She's saying, you started believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, that's that's the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see see hoping a little bit different from me now, I'm pretty sure. Like I say, oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you hope. It's just kind of I don't know how to I don't know how to say it. But I'm just telling you hope. You're just hoping it worked out right. You just have a thought in your mind that you know, man, whoever you are, or whoever you are, whatever you are, to me, God, I show hope something change. Hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing it's something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here. And not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? See? Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, See it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money. And now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God. Once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on? Why why would you not change? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life? God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. It is here another day, another gift, another piece of grace. I'm so glad I made it. I don't know about y'all. But whoa thank you, Steve Harmer, Martin Show, Sherley Strawberry, Colin Ferrell, that dog on Junior, Legend, Nephew Tommy, all of us here in mississip Monica in the back, we all being ready to do this thing. Junior. What you got man? Uh, I'm just looking at your background. I know you've been out here balling this hard. Let me just know how hard are you? But just tell the people how hard you got here? Ball at sixty five? How hard is this? Well? First of all, I must say before I began to describe any of this, all of this, you have to be a recipient or some grace and favor. That's for starter. Don't think that you have the ability to accomplish things on your own. You First, I first got to tell you the truth, Junior. I am the recipient of a great deal of grace and favor, and I know it. I know it because this ain't regular a man again and again, no no, no, no, no, not normal at all. But I'll tell you what though, Come on, come now that I've given honor and credit to where credit and honor is due, when you do get to be the recipient, also grace and faithful. Yes, you got to let them happy. In the words of one of my greatest friends, Biggie Wigs straight out of Cleveland, you got to tell a mouthfoule. You got to tell a mouthfoule. My favorite saying, yeah, man, it's all good. Um. I celebrating the birthday with the wife and a couple of months kids. My kids have grown now, so they have lives, you know, they have famils and responsibility, got kids, got to go to school and all this health and so you know, just a couple of kids came out. You know, everybody called. I got so many. First of all, man, let me thank everybody that sent me a birthday message. You know, trying to return every birthday message. You can't. Oh yeah, but you know it's like a lot of important people, you know, significant people you got, you got it. So I pretty much I responded to just about everybody. Now, if I look in, the last time you said something to me was on my last birthday. And you ain't gonna worried about me. You want the people just show up for the big events. Ain't checked on me all year, just now yet now you damn, I can't believe you made it. You sent you five birthday man. That type of person. I don't have to wear a problem everybody else. Man. I enjoyed it. Man, just birthday wishes and everything, you know. Just can I'm working, you know, but just in a different setting. You know, you do. Thank God for that. Yeah, as you ball and telling you will you ask me how hard I'm rolling down this heel as a ball avalanche. Heys, go, hey, baby, what they're gonna do? I have a message for haters when we come back on my next break when I'm talking I got a messon for haters in twenty twenty two. I'm sixty five now I have a message for them. All right, all right, all right, well, thank you balling birthday boy. Coming up next it is the nephew, and run that frank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for the nephew to run that frank back. What you got for us now? Elf? Hee hee? I just stretched it out a little bit to stay with you, elf, PC. Yeah, I don't sound good, y see. Let's go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a R. Darwin Darwin. This is he Hey Darwin, how are you doing. This is Frank with FPC. We're trying to come down and UM see about making an appointment with you within the next weeks. That's possible funding for what uh we're supposed to come by. I'm with FPC. We wanted to uh we have PC. What what what is that? What is FPC? Uh? Sir? Your name was left with us and you're you're you're on on our file to actually come out and make an appointment with you so we can UM so we can get your picture taken. You must have their own number. I'm not I'm not signed up to take no picture anything. So okay, well you are you're Darling correct? Yeah, yes, I am darning and you called Darwin and that's what you call it. But anything about a picture? What what's up with a picture? We've got you on our schedule here, FPC. We have you on our schedule to UM to actually for us to come out to your home and take your picture. Okay, FPC, what's company is that? What's what's y'all? What type of picture? And would I be taking I'm not taking no picture? But what what is FPC? Okay, you don't know anything about photo being taken of you no, okay, uh sir, FPC is uh we are. This is a funeral picture company, Funeral picture company. And what we do is we come out and take your picture and we actually keep it on file. That way, when you do pass away, we have your picture for your programming. We have a nice picture for you. Dude, Look, I'm not did it right now? You're not taking no picture me. Who is this again? My name is Frank? Frank. Oh okay, Frank, you mean to tell me y'all taking pictures of people before they did just so you could have them picture. Oh file. So we're keeping on file and then you have a good picture on your program And that's what that's what that's what we do. That ain't signed up for nothing like that. Who the hell signed me up for something like that? I'm quite sure. But we're trying to schedule where we can come out beginning of next week so we can get your picture taken next week week after you get picture when I'm dead, you're not taking no picture of me before that that. That don't sound right, sir. Don't you want to have a good picture on your program? Good? You're not taking the picture of me for no humor? Arrangements that I'm not dead yet. I don't understand that. What the hell is this about? Nobody who signed me up for it? Then tell me that much, Sir, I don't have the actual person listen here on who signs you up? But I do have the number, and you are Darwin, mister Darwin, So I didn't sign up for that. I'm not taking the picture. You guys running around taking pictures of people before they die just to have a good picture on fail. That's salon man. I ain't never heard of like that, sir. Okay, sir, are you? I mean we have your address, serio are you? Are you available? No, I'm not available. I'm not available at all to take no pitch you for a funeral that I'm not even dead yet. I don't. I don't get that that. That sounds like a bunch of more and ill. Where the hell gave you my number? That's what I want to know. So I'm not quite sure. But one thing we have to do is we have to follow through with our job. So what we're gonna have to do is we I have to come out there and take a picture now. So I don't want to, you know, create a problem but I have to get a picture of you by next week. Oh it's gonna be problem because you're not getting a picture me for no funeral arrangement. Mister Darwin. I have to come by your house at least by Friday, at around twelve now, and I'll come by and get a picture of it. You ain't come by my gout house, no, rid youven Lie gotta me come over here to try to get my mother pitching. I got plenty of got pitching in my house to put on the mother funeral program. I'm not taking the pitching. That mean I'm claiming to be digging. I'm not dead. That's a more bad got then. I don't know who you worked for, Frank, but you you got word I word for l PC, Sir. I worked for f PC, FCC. Mike, you're not taking no picture me. Don't come over here Friday. Come about no guy piston okay, before you got pistol and you and I hope they got Joe got pitch your own file. But that's a stupid got. The company you worked for. I ain't never heard of nobody taking no picture before they died. I got medias A pictures in here for that program. And when I'm thrown with them, God care about what a picture looked like or who hadn't my gout? You know this a ligna. You tell whoever you worked for any to go find another occupation. I don't make no guy, just you're not coming over here Friday, buddy. You come over here if you want to. Okay? Uh? Missus Darwin? Yes, are you familiar with with Glinda? That's my wife? What do you about to say? Now? I want all I want to do is say this, man. I just want to say Glinda to one that got me the prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy baby from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Huh, I'll beat up boy yet. I ain't never heard a business like this, some FTC funeral by man. I said my New year resolution. I was gonna cut back on drinking. But you got me over here about the tip a bottle right now? Crazy? Are you crazy? Man? And come over here to day before get a picture of Clintic. Y'all got me? Baby, you got me. I ain't never heard no company like that. You ain't putting me up to it, but you're gonna. I'll tell you what you're tune in tomorrow morning. Man, you're gonna catch yourself on national radio. And I'm gonna tell everybody. Boy, they had me hot over here. I'm gonna don't tell Clinda, but I'm gonna have me a drink anywhere. I was looking for an excuse to dra you little picture thinking don't put on foulat lot to have him out of your head with a hit. Buddy, I gotta ask you something, man, dam and tell me this here. Man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Wick Up Show, Buddy, thick it away? If you would Charley up buying with you? I mean, do y'all know what picture y'all want on y'all program for your funeral? Do you know which one you want? Haven't given us these kind of things out? Don't picking this out? You don't want to have a bad pitch out there. You want a good funeral pitch? Well, you ain't got Oh no, I'm sexial. You know that that all right? Next, ask CLLO, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show at the top of the hour, and entertainment news Cardie B takes an online blogger to court. We'll talk about that, but right now it is time to ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building. Here we go with Kara Karen in Columbia, South Carolina. Karen says, I've been dating a man for one month and on our first date, he gave an alias for our dinner reservation. Then he scheduled us a couple's massage and he used an alias again. I asked why he doesn't use his name, and he said because he likes to be incognito. He stays at my house and I visited his house. He swears he's not seeing anyone else. But who's he hiding from? Well, listen to me. He likes to be incognito. Those words came from his mouth. Your question is who is he hiding from? Answer is somebody is here. What do you mean he likes to be incognito? He got an alias out of spa, an alias at dinner. Who do that? Unless he's hiding from someone? That's what you said. Who's he hiding from? While he's hiding from somebody when you stay at his place? Is that his apartment? Is he seeing someone? If you weren't seeing nobody, why would you need an alis? See? Let me help you. Three of us on this show, four of us, well, all of us to a degree, have a level of fame. All of us. We can go somewhere and people go, whoa an't you on the morning show? All of us can run up into that. Okay, that's a level of fame. Now he ain't on no radio show and nobody's nothing. You don't know him, You don't even know his name. So now why is he have in trouble? Being spotted somewhere? And you know why a person uses an alias because they've used a real name before and it didn't work out for them, so now they get an alias. That's my answer. You see where you fit in? I think you fit into all of the next question shows, all right, Toya and Arlington says, my mother had surgery in December, so I've been taking care of her elderly dog who's blind and incontinent. I got dog's bed in my bedroom. And then and then what's intent he himself? You know he can't I'm incontinent. Come on, come on, let's go. That's more than I needed to know right then and all right, I put the dogs bed in my bedroom so I can keep an eye on her at night. My husband of eleven years has no patience with the dog in our room, so he sleeps in another room. He can't tolerate anyone that is sick. Is this how he's going to do me when I'm old and feeble? No, no, this is how he doing the damn dog that ain't his. Now, for all you dog lovers out there, I have a dog too. I treat our treat our dog like his family and is very well. But let me explain something to you. His ass better not to go blind and start just peeing everywhere. He bet not. I'm gonna just tell you right now. I'm gonna just tell you right now. Bad I'm telling you right now, big ass starts walking in the stuff and peeing in this flow in this house right here, baffing to find out something. She said you treated that because he was part of the family. But he's blind. Oh if he's okay, bay, my day, Let's just move on. Please. That is the dog is a dog, not do like you know like this. My dude, dog like Tommy my dog Junior, my dog a dog? All right? Moving onto, Bird, go blind in my house and start peeing on stuff. If you want to, you'd be telling you be somewhere else. Moving on to Bird and down is called a kinnel. Why did he have to bark them behind at the kinnel? That was for me? He misses, you missed, Harvey. Bird in Nashville says I opened a restaurant with my husband and my hometown. He's from a neighboring city. Most of our customers know me, and that bothers him. If I'm lingering too long with an old friend that happens to be a man, he has a problem. He calls me a flirt and I argue that it's good customer service. I can't help it that I am friendly and he's all about business. How can we resolve this? How well? You know, I don't know. You know you call it good customer service. I mean you're doing too much ha ha he he you know, yeah, yeah, you know, y'all. Y'all got too long? Nothing in here about kicking? Well? What what? What? What is he lingering doing? Because he didn't eat? You ain't your food we served it didn't you got your food? Wasn't hot? You play? You got any complaints? Everything delicious? You're here for what? Good customer service? That's all it is. And get home. That's what you better do. Yeah, you mess up the business. It's good for the customers. Yeah, yeah, that's all that's good for You got your barbecue? Why are you still here? What as we talk? He he You need to go home, honey, let me handle business. Yeah. Well okay, all we need to close one or the two, all right. Moving on to Mark and Sanford. Mark says, I met a very attractive female at a bow bowling party and she ended up coming home with me that same night. We had amazing sex and I continued to see her. She recently told me that she is seeing other people because one night stands never work. I'm feeling her, but she just wants a friendship. Is she right about this? What you you don't? You don't want to believe her? She just told you what she do. She do one nice stands and they don't work. And the reason she said that because she This ain't the first time when you meet a woman at a bowling that and she come home with you and y'all have amazing said that ain't the first time leaving a place. She's comfortable with that, And she didn't told you it don't work out. And the reason it don't work out because this is what she do and she right about it. Of course she's right about it. It's wrong with you gonna far forth if you want to. She didn't told you she's seeing other people, and she's been to see some more people too. What say, Tim, you're gonna get on the bowling team or something. I don't know what. You might not because you might have then you might have to meet a lot of people. She could be doing the whole team. She didn't told the whole bowling with the team and some of you didn't strike you get a shot? Yeah, goodness? All right, all right, Clo, thank you? Coming up a nickname like ten nines split or something like that. Entertainment right after this, you're listening to morning show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have our wellness Wednesday check in with the herbs. You don't want to miss that, and then entertainment news. Cardi B took to the witness stand and broke out in tears. In a federal courtroom last week. This happened in Atlanta. She told Jewry she suffered extreme mental anguish over a gossip blogger, Tasha K, her false and defamatory statements. The testimony comes amid a liable and defamation lawsuit that Cardi B filed back in twenty nineteen. Why are you clapping, Steers? Yes, brang her down, card A card Yeah. Well, she filed this lawsuit, Steve back in twenty nineteen against Tasha K for defaming her in blogs and on her YouTube videos. Uh. Tasha K confessed to creating false rumors about Carty to create buzz on her personal blog and to make her more money. In repeated posts, Tasha K falsely claimed that Carty was a prostitute with her pies and she abused her drugs while pregnant. Wow Wow, wow, Wow, you're just gonna make up Yeah, come on, what Yeah, But for y'all, a lot of blogs make up stuff. Yeah yeah, you say that, Steve all the time. The majority of the stuff owned blogs getting made up a lot of it. There's some truths, right, but they sprinkling in truth and then they put that little pepper on it, the little they juice it up. A lot of blogs do that a lot. If all these statements you see about these people not true, what happened to the blog? Did she win well? Cardi B said on the Witness Standard she wanted to commit suicide over these things. She said, I felt defeated and depressed, I didn't want to sleep with my husband, and I felt extremely suicidal. Carti B produced her medical records which proves she attended therapy and she does not have herpies. Social media trolls, trolls and bloggers do go too far with their scandalous lies. Like you're saying, stick so far. The case isn't over, but we'll let you know. We'll keep you posted. Oh we still ye yeah, Because you know what, man, you need to have a way, because it's unfair. It's unfair for you to say what you want to say about a person, and even if it's not true, and you just get away with it, and you just right and and you leave a string of damage that you've done to people. And then when people do a cease and desist and make you pull it down, you pull it down, and you start up a website somewhere else, another blog and you just hurt these people and then these people have no recourse. Right. No, I think it's great what she's doing, and you've got I'll tell you something else they got to start doing. If you sue a person falsely, sue a person just to try to get a settlement and it turns out nothing behind it, something should happen to the person that bought that false salt, false lawsuit. That would stop a lot of this, because a lot of people sue celebrities just so they can get a settlements. Horrible things, but they need to stop this. Hill Man, I hope CARDI at that answer. That goes against journalism. You're supposed when you talk about all of that she on a blog that the mainstream media has entered into that. And that's the problem that we have because remember l story had to be fact checked to make the newspaper, and then all of a sudden when CNN found out that bloggers were eyeballs. Now, all of a sudden, CNN, Fox, ABC, they they have a blog site where you can just come in and blog your opinion and you can introduce a new lie into the story because I heard, and you can put that on your blog and people start commenting on that, and you just go, wait a minute, but now the mainstream America lies for blogging. That's what makes it hard, right. Moving on to um ESPN host and Our Friend family member stephen A smith Well, stephen A says that COVID nineteen almost took him out of here. He returned to his show first take this week after being out with COVID nineteen for several weeks. Stephen A said he had pneumonia and both of his lungs and he had a one hundred and three degree fever every night. He said things got so bad that he was forced to spend New Year's Day in the hospital. He said, I can't tell you how lucky and sincerely blessed I am to be sitting here with you guys today, because two and a half three weeks ago, I didn't know if I was going to make it. Uh. Stephen Ay said his doctors told him if he hadn't been vaccinated, he would likely be dead. Oh wow, we're so glad he recovered and that he's back. And yeah, I talked to stephen Ay about it too, and he told him, because I didn't know, a lot of people were saying where where time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He had been in the hospital a few times. Man, he said, man, this thing rough team. Yeah that's shot manful. Well he got his and that's what saved his life. He said that. Yeah, thank god he recovered. Yeah he's okay now, Steve humh when you talk to him, oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah back he back on first take. I was watching after the Cowboys started to everybody, man, the Dallas Cowboy fans. Man, I you know, I feel sorry for him because man, I'm from Cleveland and I've been bleeding like this internally for a long time, so I don't I would really laugh. Yeah, I've been internally bleeding since sixty four, So I feel for y'all. Man, But you know, the hurt hard on. We can about it. If they don't care, that's too quick. Can more about them winning than they do. That's what I do, all right, all right, thank you, Steve. Coming up in twenty minutes after our Wellness Wednesday segment, we'll tell you how to have a healthier twenty twenty two. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Okay, So, how many of us made that New Year's resolution to start being a little healthier, lose some weight, eat better, or get back into shape. I think we all don has made that last lot of I think we all say that at the beginning of the year, right, and to be honest, most of us have already slipped up a little bit, a little bit. Well, we have someone to help us that has an ideal way for you to kickstart your goals toward a healthier lifestyle. It's with the Derbs full body cleans, of course. And joining us now is the CEO of D Herbs and our friend and family member to tell us more. Please, welcome to the show, mister A D. Dolphins right. We live for your cheeriness, for your for your energy, all of that. Add the sound cleaned out, don't it. Don't he sound clean? Tommy, You're stupid. Sound like he ain't full of nothing, That's what it sounds like. Sound empty? What did he sound empty? A D initials A D stand for ad duc flash coming through it all time, time, all time? All right, So a D. I'm sure you've seen some surprising New Year's resolutions statistics. People start out with good intentions, but then of course they fall short. So I got to ask you what percentage of people actually actually keep their New Year's resolutions. By check this out. By February first, eighty percent of the people that have made a commitment to their New Year's resolution has actually quin. And the number one resolution every single year is I want to lose weight. And that's where the dar full Body plins can truly come into play because you're talking about results that are like weight loss between ten to thirty pounds, a huge boots the energy, stronger immune system, clearer skin. You'll be able to focus and concentrate a lot better. The Dear Full Body Cleans can help people accomplish that number one goal to lose weight. All right, I love that. And you can tell us how there are a lot of cleanses out there, but tell us how the d Earth's Full Body Cleanse is different from all those other programs. Please. Ninety nine percent of all the programs that are out there just focus on your cold list, but that can just give you the losion of planting. The de Earth Full Body Clans focuses on your entire body. That's your gallblut of your heart, you're livering, you're colding, your spleen, your lunch, your kidneys, you're a dreen of glass, your blood in your skin. It's going to help you flush out the impurity in all of those parts of your body. And I would probably say lastly, those ingredients we are one natural down to the capitals themselves, which are vegetarian capitals, so it's easy for your body to consume and get those results that you're after. All right, well, hang on, I D. We'll come back and talk more about the Derbs Full Body Cleans and we'll be right back right after this. You're listening to the same Harvey Morning Show. All right, we are back with our friend and family member, the president and CEO of De Herbs. De Herb's Full Body Cleans. A D. Dolphin is our special guests this morning. We've just been talking about New Year's resolutions and how to keep them, how to get healthy this year. We make that resolution every year, A D that we're going to lose weight. You say, that's the number one resolution, number one, and you know, help us stick to that, Help give us some help us stick to that. And we also know I wanted to talk about this too before we run out of time, that the Deerbs Full Body Cleans has amazing health benefits for people with diabetes and high blood pressure. Absolutely. Look, so many people have been on medication for years. You know, people that's on diabetes medication, hypertension medication for ten twenty years. You literally take your way into thickness, and the full body cleans is actually going to help you change those eating habits, so you can learn how to eat your weight out of thickness and get rid of those medications. So therefore you can live a healthier life. Okay, you have the goal, but you know what, you know you said, you made a true statement. People don't understand how important it is to be very conscious of what you put in your mouth. Process fried all of that stuff. Man, Oh sugar, and there's a way to get sweet without eating processed sugars all the time, you know. But man, it's so important this year that people focus on what they're putting in their mouth. Man, you really got to pay attention. If you want to look healthy, live longer, if you want to be healthy, you've got to watch what you put in your mouth. And that's the thing about your program, man, it starts you off the correct way with all natural ingredients. They say the best food to eat its foods that have single ingredient. If you eat foods with one ingredient, that's the best food. Eat beans beans, what's in beans? Beans? Let us? Let us it's sink. Fish's fish. Ain't nothing else in it. It's fish. Ain't no ingredients, ain't no. When you buy fish, ain't no open it up and see what's in it. It's most fish, single ingredient foods. In order to live longer. If you turn over the label and you cannot pronounce a word on that package, you're not supposed to eat it. And the thing about the Dervice Body cleans is that you can eat on the cleans. You have to eat certain and it starts you the right way, single ingredient foods and now to get you off to a nice jump start. Yeah, and then you can sustain it. Live on seeds and you a vegans do, but you know, really don't know how to eat these days. And the one thing that Steve always talks about that I love. He say, look, you want to when you go in the grocery store, you want to stay alive, Stay to the outside of those high offs and where the vegetivals, the fruit, the natural ingredient foods are the foods with those one ingredients. That's what you really truly need to do, and that's what's going to keep you on this planet a whole lot longer then walking through those vials. If you go down their miles. Doctor told me you're going to get sick and you're going to die. Damn. Just like that, like that message. You're going to get sick and you're going to die. Damn. You say the outside of the grocery store, fruits, vegetables, the very meat. If you're gonna eat you know, eggs, you know, if you're gonna eat drawn nuts, you know so meat, you know produced so Steve Harvey Nation, You've heard it here. If you want to be your best in twenty twenty two, you need to start by cleansing your body from the inside. The de Herb's full body cleanse will flush out those toxins that are dragging you down. Felt have you looking and feeling better than you felt in a very long time. Trust me, I've done it, and many people on the show have done it. De Herbs helps you lose that toxic waste, so you can lose that toxic weight. Go to derbs dot com right now and get a nice discount at check out only for our audience by using promo code radio. That's a letter D herbs dot com promo code radio, or you can call eight sixty six four D Herbs. That's eight sixty six four D Herbs a D. As always, we want to thank you for keeping us healthy absolutely, and you guys have a wonderful morning. Thank you too. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and the Nephew's Prank Phone Call right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about four minutes after the hour. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject he won't honor my husband's memory. He won't. We'll get into that and find out why in just a little bit. For right now, it is time for the Nephew and Today's Prank Phone Call. What you got for us? Naff I need a reference. I need a reference, so let's see it. Let's get to it. Come okay, Hello, Yeah, I'm trying to I'm trying to reach Scotty please. Yeah. Yeah, what's up, hey, Scotty? How you doing? Man? I'm trying to actually get a reference for for Monica Monica or you're talking about Monica my ex wife. Yeah, I'm trying to get a reference on her if possible. Okay, so what's he applying for a job? He trying to go to work? Now? Uh no, this reference is actually for like a relationship, a relationship that's a whole whole of ow boy, Wayne, relationship with you. You're talking about a job relationship? No, no, no, no. See what this here is is that I'm find to actually start dating Monica on the regular, and I'm calling you for a reference. Wold, Wold, Wold, whoa whole way many? Who did you say? This is? And how do you get my name? Philip Man? My name Philip? I got your number the Monica phone check this. I feel you don't need to call me with whatever you and Monica got going on. Y'all need to go on and deal with that. No no, no, no, no, no no, got that, brother, But he ain't y'all to throw hear me out. What I'm trying to say is is that I figured if I get a reference and figure out what kind of person she is and get to get a you know, kind of get a background, so you can kind of tell me what kind of person her good points so bad qualities the whole night. See, it might save me sometime from being in a long relationship if I know what to look for. What's good? Man? Say say home boy, oh boy, I know, I know I'm not listening to this. I was mad for all you ain't nobody to give me no refer so don't call me asking for no like that. If you got number for Monica, you and Monica need to forget my okay for holda hola bro Like I say, Man, I'm just trying to figure out hold up, I'm trying to figure out the good qualities in bad white like you know, do she want to cool? You know? Is she good in the big room? You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to know. I'm trying to just know what to look for. Dog gus all man, I ain't trying to come an you main look. Oh but I just can't believe calling another about some I don't have a no more. The only thing I have to deal with is my child. You know what I'm saying, And you most definitely don't need to be a robber out say dude, I got to go okay, okay, Okay, but can you give me a good reference owner? That's all I'm trying to get out. The references don't die number ever again. And when I talked to Monica being heard. But hey, you ain't gonna have to worry about the relationship with Monaca. You know what I'm saying. Okay, okay, okay, hold on, man, let me gonna break this to you. First of all, me and Monica then dated for the lands year, off and on we just finn get hold on, hold up, dude, the last year. Man, This woman just got divorce a few months ago. I don't so you that who must have messed up? Ain't look look, I ain't call not the reason why y'all broke up. I don't have nothing to do with that. Look here, Oh, so you that slick? Say, mate, why don't you slide your a little slick back under that rock that you slipped from under a dog? I can slide right on back under the rock you're talking about. But what I'm trying to ask you is just right here, man, Hey, doc, can you just give her brothers from references? Man, somebody can look out for some signs that ship reference. I'm gonna give you is when you don't have enough money when she want that twelve hundred dollars, man, don't call me for that. When she needs some more money for this? Oh well, baby, I just gave you my check. What don't mean nothing? Or you pull up your bing account? Ain't no money or that that's the reference shop needs. Ain't. So I need to hear from you, especially if you who was around with my why while we was married? Talking about married? Hold up the reference here, I'm gonna find your I'm gonna call Monica and I'm gonna track down. Then yeah, give you a reference. Then yeah, yeah, I give your reference then face to face. Ain't trying to have no oblication with you? Man? You must have been trying to have some of you doll in my Okay, do let me Okay, one more question man, and then I'm gonna be out your how I just like I said, I just wanted a few things and know some background on him. This man? You you out of questions on boy, you out of questions. Okay, but this this, I just need to know this because I want everything a man. I want everything to run smooth, Dobin. I want us to have a good understanding. Do you have a problem, man, with with your little girl calling me daddy? What did you just say? You asked me about money? Do I hate? Calmed down, dude, Come, I'm calming. I'm gonna pete. You asked about money? This about money? Hey, I'm just asking it. Here you are around me. Time I will come and oh boy, look, I'm gonna find you because you're bad. You missed the bad you dog. No, but not only you got that. But man, you're talking about time. I'm just asking, do you manic? She called me? Oh boy? Look at man at child there? Then cannot come out your mouth. You know what I'm saying. Say man, Mann, I don't have time, but I'm gonna call that Monica and I'm gonna get your Yeah, I'm gonna get you. I'm out of here. You want Why are you calling me back? Scotty, Scotty gotty. I'm trying, man, you're looking. Why are you tying? You know? I just try to man you something? You don't have nothing to tell me home, I want to say, Scott Scotty, look, just listen to me, man. I want to say this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your brother Brian got me the plank phone. Call you, Hey, man, It's who Scotty. Scotty. This is Tommy Man left you, Tommy from the Steve Arby Morning Show. Your brother Brian got me the plank pahone call you say man, Man, Oh, I'm about to go. Man, Hey, dude, I'm about to go to listen over here. Man, Hey, Brian got one coming though. Oh man, you are right, man, Yeah, yeah, say man man, Tommy. Man, But hey, I'm glad you were playing man because talk about my little girl. Brian. No, it's it's gonna be on in his world. Man, Brian got you, man, he got you. Good dog. Hey man, one more thing, Man, What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yes, as stupid as possible. Scotty was not playing. I Love Scottie. You call me daddy. That changed everything. Yeah, pushed that button for Scotty when he said that, that was it right here? Can I ask you one more thing? Can your little girl call me that boy boy? I know he probably looked at the phone, Tommy that was in. You had to hear him, but you had to hear him call him back because he was to go over there. You damn let him make another call. All right, let me put these dates out there, the nephew of lining them up. February eleventh and twelfth, I mean Huntsville, Alabama at the Stand Up Live Comedy Club, Huntsville, Alabama. Nephew, coming to town, febrywhere eighteen through the twentieth, Baltimore, Maryland. That's Baltimore Comedy Factory. Nephew coming through the upold Saint Louis, Missouri, Febrywhere twenty six y'all, Sheldon Theater. It's called the Sheldon Theater. February twenty sixth to nephew, coming to town and already told you laying in the cut. March nineteenth, Beaumont, Texas, Nephew, Come Julie Rogers Theater. Tickets available all box offices all you can go to ticketmaster dot com. That's March nineteen, old month. The calendar is getting heavy. Boy, did you say ticketmaster dot com? Yes? Up boy. If you don't look at God, what God do? When when you tell us selling tickets at the Doughnut Palace in Washington as lawnmost service won't he do it will stop this boy at Ticketmaster looking thank you, nephew. Congratulations. Coming up next Strawberry Letter, he won't honor my husband's memory. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sexing and moore, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEFM dot com and just click submit Strawberry Letter. And you never know, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one right here, right now. This one could be yours. H Buckle, hold on tight. We got for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject he won't honor my husband's memory. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty seven year old woman and I've been dating my soul mate for the past eight years. We cannot be more perfect for each other, and we have blended our children and lives together in preparation for marriage. I have two children from my husband, who died ten years ago. He has one daughter from a previous relationship. He's forty nine and has never been married, so he can't wait for us to make it official. There's one thing that's holding us back. He wants me to erase my husband's memory from my mind. I have a family picture in my living room on a bookshelf. He says it's not appropriate for it to be there if he moves in with me. He also doesn't like that my son, who's twenty one, kept a good amount of his dad's clothes and his coats to feel close to him. My boyfriend thinks all memories should be raced. My daughter is seventeen, and for her eighteenth birthday, I plan to give her my diamond wedding ring from her father, along with a few other trinkets I was holding on too. I sent the jewelry to be cleaned, and my boyfriend picked it up for me. He found out what the items were and he had a fit, saying, I keep holding on to memorabilia from a man that's long gone. My heart was broken because the man I'm with now is my everything. But he's stressing out about a man that poses no threat to him or our relationship. I have suggested we start fresh with a new home. But my home has acreage, a pool, and it's on a lake, so he doesn't want to sell my home. He's really upset now because my former sister in law came to town and stayed with me for two days so she could spend time with my children. He hasn't spoken to me in a week, and I can't live like this. What am I doing? That's so wrong? Funny you should ask that, what are you doing so wrong? My response to that is about to marry him. That's what you're doing wrong, and I'm asking you please don't do it. I think this man is immature, This man is controlling. This man is just mean. I mean, you said it best. Why is he so threatened by a man who's been dead for ten years? And why should you forget the father of your children and the man you shared so much else with. If your new man wanted to erase your ex's memories altogether, why doesn't he, like you suggested, put you in a brand new house. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what he does bring to the table, and what's so great about this guy other than him being jealous of a dead man? So um, I don't know. I don't think he's your soulmate. I don't think a soulmate would bully you into erasing memories of your late husband. And you guys are not, like you said in this letter, perfect for each other. You're you're not the Every line in the letter proves that, you know. I please take a good heart, look at this man and remember, you know what. He doesn't have to. He doesn't have to honor your husband's memory. He doesn't, but he should absolutely be respectful of the fact and respect the fact that you honor your husband's memory and your kids honor his memory. I mean, it's not like you have an urn in the bedroom on the headboard or anything, you know, with your husband's dead ashes. I just think that any decent human being wouldn't have a problem with the fact that you remember your late husband in some way. It's okay, and it's quite normal, you know, for him to be scared of a dead man that can't do anything. That's what's not right. So I just say, please, don't waste any more of your time with this guy, Steve, girl, girl, give me this letter. Let me talk to this lady. See, listen to me. He won't honor my husband's memory. He ain't got to. He don't know him. Now, there are some things he's doing in the letter that I agree with, and in some things he's doing in a letter that I disagree with. All right, so now let's start. I'm a forty seven year old woman and I've been dating my soul mate for the past eight years. Okay, if he's your soul mate. If this is your soul mate, who was the other dude? Talk about the dead dude now, because this is your soul mate, who was the other man? Okay, So now let's just start with that information. We could not be more perfect for each other. We blended our family lives together in preparation for marriage. I got two children from my husband who died ten years ago. He's one daughter from a previous relationship. Now, your guys forty nine never been married, so he can't wait for us to make an official That's one thing that's holding us back. He wants me to erase my husband's memory from my mind. But let's talk about this for a minute. I have a family picture in my living room on the bookshelf. He says it's not appropriate for to be there if he moves in with me. That's true, don't mean wrong. I want to watch your dad ass ex husband. I'm not fit to walk past the living room. Cut TV on. He over there any time I look over there. There y'all are in the family photo, and no man fit to do that. So he's absolutely right about wanting the photo removed. And you got to understand this man ain't move into this house with this mess right here, this damn pitching his dead dude up hill. So I agree with him right there. He doesn't like to my son, who's twenty one, kept in amount of my dad's closing his coach and feel close to him. My boyfriend thinks all memories should be raised, and my daughters seventeen. Okay, first of all, let's deal with soun keep your day coach. Okay, Now he wronged for that. It was still his father. Hold that thought. All right. We'll let part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Stabberry letters not crazy, he won't honor my husband's memory. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject he won't honor my husband's memory. And based on that title, he don't have to so that a couple of things in this letter I agree with him, but it's some things I don't agree, And I have a solution for you at the end. Forty seven year old lady been dating her soul mate for eight years now. If this is her soul mate, that she'd been dating the dead husband obviously was not it, Okay, So let's just deal with that. So your new soul made is hell and y'all got a blended family, y'all trying to put together. But and he wants to make an official because he's never been married. But the only thing holding you back is he wants to erase my husband's memory from my mind. Okay, and you don't. Obviously I have a family picture in my living room on a bookshelf. He says it's not appropriate for it to be there if he moves in with me. That's a true statement. Don't nobody want to do that? How would you like it if he had an ex wife of his picture up in the house and you moved in there with him. Don't nobody like that? What's the picture fall? And he did? If he live, it'd be worse. But he did. Let's come on now, if to walk past this every day, damn day in my house, I'm fenna going here watch sports Center now, clan sitting up there just looking on and he can't watch sports center? He did? He not my friend. Now, he doesn't like that. Your son, who's twenty one, kept a good amount of his dad's closing coats to feel close to him. The boy, shoot, it was his father. The boy died. The boy he twenty one, that me and he died and he was eleven years old, that little boy, that was his father. That's all he knew. He got to leave that part alone. It's still his father. Now. My daughter is seventeen, and for her eighteenth birthday, I planned to give up my diamond wed and ring from her father, along with a few other trinkets. I don't know who wants this. What do the eighteen year old girl want? What your damn wedding ring? I don't know what that's fault. I don't what she want that fault? I don't know, but God guess you made it up anyway. I was holding on to that, and you've been holding up. See, you keep holding on the stuff, and you knew soul mate for him to be your soul mate. You keep holding on this stuff, seeing that you wrong. Right here, I sent the julry to be clean that my boyfriend picked it up from me. He found out what the items were and he had a fit, saying I kept holding onto memorabilia from a man that's long gone. And that's true. You can't say this man as your soul mate. You holding onto the wedding ring you got from a dead dude that died ten years ago. Man, lady, you gotta let this go. My heart was broken because the man I'm with now is my everything. Well, if he's your everything, you know both of them can't be everything. This show knew everything. You gotta let your wars, everything go. Got to let his ass go. He gone. A lot of people can't dry the car because they keep looking in the rear view mirror. You have a windshield to look out of. That's your future with your new man. You're bringing some of this on yourself now. He wrong about the son, but that's all I can see him wrong for. He little upset about the daughter. But the daughter part is on you because you're trying to give your daughter for her eighteenth birthday, the little ragged ass ring. She probably ain't even asked for it. You thought it was a good ass ideal when you should I called it a ragged ass ring, because that's what the soul maker has called it. Y'all can take you close your mouths on the zoom like you can't believe I said it. I told you twenty twenty two what I was doing. Points it, close your mouth. The little girl ain't asked this little ragged ass ring. You thought it would be good to give it to her because your father gave it to me on my wedding day. Now he didn't went out there to pick it up like a fool, I'd have lost it. Oh God, failed down the sewer when I made a left turn on the card fell out the window. Now my heart was broke because the man I'm with, Niles, my everything. But he's stressing about a man that poses no threat to him or our relationship. But he's in it. Though I have suggested we started freshening Hippart where I suggested we wish with a new home. But my home has acreage, a pool, and it on the lake. So he don't want to sell my home. Oh, Okay, nah, Now, so he wants the assets, but he don't want the ass that's set down. Huh yeah, I did that. Damn, that's what I just said. He wants the assets, but he don't want the ass that's set down. So now that's really weird. All of a sudden, he'll take the assets that the man created, the acreage, the land, the pool, the equity in the house, but he don't want nothing. Now that's odd. He's really upset now because my former sister in law came to town and stay with me for two days so she could spend time with our children. Now, come on, dogs, you got it. That don't mean her relationship with her sisters, don't. He hasn't spoken to me in the week, and I can't live like says one, am I doing? That's so wrong? All right, If he can be accepting another house, he gonna have to be accepting of the coat to clothes that the boy kelp. He gonna have to be accepting of the fact that you're gonna give the ring to the daughter because there was still their father and the love to the great and he was obviously a great father. So he's kind of good that he can't love the assets and the house and all his help but hate everything else. So I see right now. So he loves anything that he can benefit from, but anything that he can't benefit from he got a problem with. So he can benefit from the house. See what I'm saying. That's the problem. Y'all need therapy. Pick the hell of a soul mate, though. I'll tell you what, but you better get all these dead ass pictures and get these rings about this house. We burn the coat, but we're gonna keep this pool in this land, in this house. Yeah, let him go. All right, You guys can leave us your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Instagram, on Steve Harvey FM, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up next, Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this you're listening show. All right, it is time for Junior and Sports Talk. What you got Junior? All right? First off, Shot, I just want to say, welcome back to the NBA. C J McCullum came back to the night. Uncle. I know you on vacation. You ain't seen none of this, but he back up. He had to collapse. Long came back. They played against the Orlando Magic. He hit sixteen points on his first game back. Man, I'm just glad to see that point back. Man. I love c J. Yeah, man, he came on way back from that. Also, I got to talk about my own team. And I don't even know understanding this, but the Houston Texas to fire David Culley, our head coach. He is out of there. So it didn't really matter when we have a four games. What was the department of times? You means don't have a quarterback back? Yeah? Yeah, he didn't get a fast shot, Junior, I know he did. He didn't. He didn't. He didn't get a fair shot, which makes Mike Tomlin the only black head coach in the NFL. That's that's sad. Yeah. Also the owners, m h. Also, we got it here. It is the favorites right now to win the Super Bowl in this order, Green Bay Packers, Kansas City Chiefs, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Buffalo Bills coming forth, Tennessee Titans, Los Angeles Rams, Cincinnati Bengals, San Francisco for to nine Packers out of favor. Oh you want to are you with Dada? You just you just think that's fine. I'll argue with that. I argue with that, I think Tampa Bay is the favorites. Man. I think Tampa Bay they got their defense back. They got all twelve the players back since week one. Yeah, I'm telling you man, at Tampa Bay Buccaneers. To me, they rough They jumped some rough cats. Man. Yeah, I'm some rough boards. Who would be the dark horse? And then Kansas City got the swagger? Who you what? Dog? Who like with Tennessee title number one? Seed? Boy boy boy boy? Nothing to win? No damn super Bowl? Who's note super Bowl? Ben's running back in the league? Boy? Hell yeah they do. Yeah, but he not for to take them pretty uniforms too. Do you do you the quarterbacks you're talking about getting passed. Yeah, you're talking about getting passed Rob Yeah, Brady, Yeah. My home wasn't name Tannehill, Tannehill Hill. Right, you say their names, You tell me how he gonna whoop either one of them. I just lay boys, stop, you gott have badass quarterback? All right? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, a Tulsa, Oklahoma pastor is trending because he rubbed spit on someone's face. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show tell Us to Oklahoma pastor went viral after rubbing fit on a churchgoer space. This was during service on Sunday. Mike Todd is the lead pastor Transformer Transformation Church. He's seemed spitting in his hand then rubbing it all over a man's face during his sermon. In the video located on the church's YouTube page's w oh yeah, he's flat. Oh it's completely out lied right here, go ahead and finished store. The pastor Todd is demonstrating. This is this is the message he was trying to get across. He's demonstrating the idea that receiving a vision from God might get nasty, okay, And when he did it, you know, of course many parishioners were like ooh and oh my gosh. You know that could all be heard on the video. The pastor explained, and this is where most people would not face Jesus anymore. What most people would do is turn away. The pastor continued. How you just reacted is how the people in your life will react when God is doing what it takes for a miracle. There you go. So we're in the middle of COVID and you're gonna spit all in my face. Yeah, it was disgusting. I saw it. Let me get the analogy again. He said, what, Shirley, He said, this is what let me hit the analogy. Okay, the pastor said, this is where most people would not face Jesus anymore. What most people would do is turn away. You know. This was after in the end, because we scared Jesus might spit on us. After. That's what I'm here. Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, keep reading. The pastor continued, How you just reacted when the people were going ooh and oh my gosh. How you just reacted is how people in your life will react when God is doing what it takes for the miracle. This ain't no good First of all, yeah, no, it's not a good example at all that I'm out to church right now. First of all, you just lost a member because I'm out to church. First of all, you bet you can praise your heavenly Father that you didn't spit on me, yecause now we viral for a whole another reason and we all. But yeah, you can't use that because God is not a disgusting god. God is not a vile god that that's not God's way that that's not how God does it. Man, that's just a poor analogy. If that's your analogy for what that's why people don't turn away from the Lord Wow, because they might spit on him. Sometimes a vision comes nasty? What that? When? When did that happen? That's not a vision? Dog, that's a nightmare, y'all show this ain't no, it was horrid. You show these people was black or maybe it was just a dog the past and maybe it was just a dog video wasn't enough like you show these was black pack. Yes, So wait a minute, how old was it? Dude? He put his fit on young young looking guy? Yeah, I don't know. And what no fight? No fight broke out. He in his forties, thirties and forties. Okay, you think he told they dude that that's what he was gonna do during the sermon. Nope, his reaction didn't look like he knew. He looked shot. He didn't spit back on him, He didn't. He didn't look past his ass is what we had. No dog, I'm not spitting back on you, you know, And Jesus did this in the Bible. You're not Jesus what are you doing, Jesus. Jesus spit in the man's eyes and and um oh yeah, he spit on the ground and clay over the clay clay. He spit in his eyes and he could see again. He already had vision. So what did this dude win? Win? But but the past apology on social media. By the way, the pastor issued an apology, he did so obviously that analogy wasn't from God, because you don't have to apologize for God. Good point. All right, we'll have we'll have more the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So doctors guys are advising people to avoid the latest TikTok trend. Yes, this is a TikTok trend. It's a trend on TikTok because it's so very very dangerous. It's called sleepy chicken or ni quill chicken. It's the latest trend. Like I said, it involves cooking chicken and cold and flu medication syrup. The food is then soaked in the cold and flu medication and then cooked. Doctor Aaron Hartman, a clinical professor at Virginia Commonwealth University explained. He said, when you cook cough medicine like niquil, you boil off the water and alcohol in it, leaving the chicken saturated with a concentrated amount of drugs in the meat. And it would be as if you're actually consuming a half bottle of niquil. But this is what people are doing night. I don't I don't know who's doing. But you know what gets on my nerves, challenges and trends. Why they let it get so bad and then they come out and do the warning. Why don't you stop it before? But well, but this, don't nobody know that had many dumb ass people in the world, the beaten my mama would have gave me for messing up this chicken. Yes, expensive night quick, I got scared some good night quill mess up a whole pack away? Yes, all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll play around if would you rather? Right after this you're listening show, it is time for would you rather? Let's get to it. Would you rather have a body like Michael B. Jordan or a face like Chris Cuomo. Boy after it? Hell, I want Chris Cuomo faulty. You must have came up with this yourself. You got your own ignity ass fantasies and this around Chris Cuomo. Yes, who the hell look like Chris? He ain't working look like Michael Michael B. Jordan never wanted to look like a white man in my life ever. I ain't never been. I ain't even been a black dude. I wanted to look like because I knew I couldn't. So you rather have a body like Michael B. Jordan? This zoom right here would be so interesting work. You ain't got no shirt on? Is he sitting up in here with it? It's not a it's that blue and pink jockey strap you're wearing. No, I'm not wearing speed on. I'm jockey straps. All right? Would you rather be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars or a contestant on Jeopardy? I'm losing both of it. Well, yeah, it don't matter. The most fun is gonna be watching me on Jeopardy. Got the fun. I'll be way more entertaining on Jeopardy because you're not gonna leave the stuff I don't know, and I'll be talking about boy the look I'm gonna be first one in. Yeah, if I said, but it looks on my face? Oh, ain't nobody got fast the hands to me on, Jackey, I'm gonna get in. What is on me? Any question? Anybody just asked me a question? Okay? How many ounces are in a cup? And what is enough to drink? No, I'm sorry that would be eight ounces? Well, depending on how thirsty you is though, Yeah, oh the meat. The rationale of me playing jeopardy, Yeah, boy, you'd be entertainment. Try to try one, alright. Rather have sex in a kiddie pool full of chocolate pudding? Or would you rather have sex in a kiddie pool full of banana pudding? As long as we have a second, I'd rather be in that banana pudding, cause that chocolate gonna get confused. Yeah, we'll be back with our last break of the day, and we'll close out the show with some closing remarks from our fearless leader, Steve Harvey. And forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, here we are Judge Steve. We saw you last night last break, Judge. I appreciate the support. Thank you. It really we tuned it in every week. I love it. You know, we got you try and stop us. Okay, Hey, you know I got some closing remarks today. Okay, and it's this, uh, in light of my sixty fifth birthday to God so wondrously has allowed me to live to see it's and I didn't I didn't think i'd make it to sixty five. I was just so busy trying to survive some of them other birthdays that I didn't really look at sixty five because I've been in a dog fight just trying to get through the thirties and the twenties and figure out my life at twenty one. And I've been busy. But I looked up and God gave me sixty five years. And on this special closing remark, I have a special closing remark that I would like to send out to all of my haters. I have a message for my haters, and I have a message for your haters. And today, to my haters, sincerely, I wanted to thank you. I wanted to thank each and every one of you for inspiring me. I wanted to stop and take this time to thank you all for sharpening me. I want to thank you all for strengthening me in your own way. And you didn't even know it, or I'm pretty sure it wasn't your intent, but you did it, and today I want to stop. Steve Harvey wants to stop and thank all of his haters. I want to thank you for pushing me, for making me want to just do better. I want to thank you most of all for pushing me closer to God. Thank you, haters, from the bottom of my heart. I thank you for that more than I thank you for anything. I thank you for for making me have to call on Him. I want to thank you for making me have to trust anymore. I want to thank all my haters for causing me to seek God more. I want to thank you. I want to thank my haters for causing me to lean on scriptures more. Man, thank y'all so much. Without you it, I just wouldn't have been doing it, I don't think. I want to thank y'all for helping me to realize who is the source of all my blessings, because you know, for a minute, you all actually thought it was you. You actually thought it was you who was the source of all my blessings, that you could wish them into existence or talk them out of existence. I want to thank you for making me realize who the real source of all my blessings work. I didn't need it, but I thank you for reminding me. I wanted you to help me realize that man has no power over my destiny or my future. Thank you, haters. Without you, I would have been putting stuff on you. I actually some of you all actually thought that you had that power over me, And just by seeing you do it to me over the years time and time again, I just realized that you help me to understand that you don't. You have no power over my destiny or my future. Oh. I want to thank you most of all because I heard you laughing at me. I heard a lot of you laughing at me. Thank you so much, haters. I want you to know because I heard you gloating. I heard a lot of you gloating too, and some of you, who I thought were actually friends of mine, I want to thank you for laughing at me because I heard you gloating, and I know you was gloating of what you perceived as my demise. Every time something happened to me. I heard you laughing and gloating or he lost this show or he lost that show. Oh it bothered me a little bit, but I didn't know it. But you were there for me the whole time, strengthening me, making me realize who my resource was, who the source was. So I want to thank y'all for that to you. I want to thank you all for fortifying my favorite scripture, which is Isaiah fifty four seventeen. No weapon formed against me, your prosper Thank you for that. I got that from my haters. If it wasn't for y'all, y'all wouldn't have pushed me to so deep into that scripture, the understanding man of what it truly meant in my life. Because I know I'm a child of God and I know he loves me, but I needed y'all to remind me just how much he loved me. I want to thank you for allowing me to bear witness to God's power and God's plan. Finally, man, it has sunk in. After all these years, you finally taught it to me that what God has for me, no man can stop, no matter what they say. And man, y'all said it all about me, didn't you. I want to thank you for that. Very rarely do you get a chance to stop and thank hate us because you think they they are what, they're so evil, But I can't tell you the goodness that they've done for me, all the things that haters have done for me. I want to thank you. Haters. Are you still there, well, if you are, I want to thank you for allowing me to see my enemies become my footstool, because that's a scripture too. I thank you. I thank you for the people who took away my shows, who laughed at me when they did it, who had it in for me, only to create the ability to walk up the hall and go through another door that had a better show. Oh man, thank you. I want to thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I want to stop and say I'm so much better now that I just wanted to stop and thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I mean this with everything this in it, And if no closing remark of mine has ever gone viral, I hope this one does. Thank you to all my haters, please continue to do your things and watch God continue to do his thing. Man that God, I serve as a mighty god. It ain't nothing you could do about it, and I'm his his A loan prohibited. Participants must to be legally US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.