Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union speech last night. 21 Savage is facing deportation. Big Boi and PETA may have an issue with one another regarding the fur coat used in Halftime Show of the Big Game. Liam Neeson is in hot water over some racial comments. Tom Brady is hands down the greatest of all time! The Governor of Virginia is being pressured to resign because of KKK and blackface photos from his past. In Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about being able to move on and not looking back plus more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the million buck things in its tubbs. Stop doing me, true good it, Steve har to move to other stelesey, I don't join joining you doing me. You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got the turnout, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha, uh I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man. You know what y'all. I mean, really, the goodness of God is overwhelming if you think about it, I mean really really think about it, even even when your circumstance doesn't look so bright, even when you're going through something that's causing you discomfort, pain, Even even in that, God's goodness is actually overwhelming because don't forget why you're going through this moment. This first of all, this too shall pass. But also secondly, remember man, ain't everything else that you've gone through that seems so insurmountable at the time, didn't you get past that too? I mean, it's amazing if you really think about it, If you really don't, you don't get stuck on any one issue your whole life. The only people that get stuck on an issue they whole life is people who won't let it go. That's really all it is. That are people who exist, and you may be one of them. Oh please, No, I've been guilty of it myself before. But I learned something that are things in my past that I just would not let go of. It was done, it was over with, I was past it, but I would not let go of it. It was over. The dude that did it to me didn't exist no more. The problem that it created didn't exist no more. The only problem that kept hanging on was I would not let it go. And man, you can't go forward if you're gonna keep looking in the past. It's an impossible thing. It's like driving a car. If you keep looking only in the rearview mirror while you're driving, you're going to crash pretty soon. And a lot of people just keep crashing over and over and over and over because you won't drive your car you keep looking in the rearview mirror at to pass. Oh woe is me? Oh? You know they did me like that. You know, I ain't been the same since he cheated on me. Oh man, ever since she stole my money, I ain't been the same man. She played me and ever since that out and treated women differently. My father used to beat me. Okay, you know now, look, you may have some deeper stuff going on, like you're abused or molested as a child, But eventually, guess what, do you understand that when you have relationship God, with God, you can take that to him too and drop it off and leave it there. Do you know that he can fix and heal that. Maybe it's something serious like that that you need fixing or healing from, a relationship with God can fix and heal that. But man, come on, y'all, whatever it is, and I'm not trying to downplay it or make it act like it wasn't traumatic in your life, because oh god, you don't want to you know, you don't want nobody do that to you because you want to be the you know, the post to child for misery. So please don't let me take that from you. You know, if that's your position, that's your that's your you know, hall of Fame card. You hanging on too. I'm the post to child for misery. Oh, no one is more woe than me. Then please don't let Steve try to take that from you. Go ahead and hang on to that. But let me tell you something though. If that's what you're gonna hang on to, that's what you're gonna always be the poster child for missy at one point in time, you're gonna have to get on the move past it. You can sometimes, man, It's merely a simple thing of taking it to God and leaving it there. You know, some people don't have money for therapy. Some people don't even know who to call for therapy. God is the best psychologist in the world. He can fix it for you. There is nothing too hard for God. You know when something seems impossible, y'all, God does the impossible all the time every day. You don't know how I know. I just look at a couple of basic things. Do you know that that sun comes up every day in the morning. It comes up in the east and it sets in the west. You can't do nothing about that. All you can you can wish. Because you plant your flowers on a certain side of your house, you can wish ya all you want. Then maybe one day he would bring it up out the northwest, so those flowers would Now, now it's gonna come up about these. It's gonna come about these. And it's set in the west. And once the sun hits the horizon, when you look in the water, like if you are out in la and you see the sun going down. Once the sun once you can visually see the sun touching the horizon, you have three minutes. You have exactly three minutes. You can sit there with your watch. You can time you're three minutes and it's gone. Three minutes, it's gone. It's man. I read that somewhere and then I went and tried it. It's gone every day if if it's clear enough, not cloudy, once the sun touches the horizon on water, you got three minutes. I don't care who you are. You can want it to be different. That's what he does. When the wind blows, you can't do nothing about it. He can bring it from the northeast, he can bring it from the west, he can bring from the south. He can bring it hard, he can bring it cool, he can bring it hot. It's certain things that God, God does the impossible. All the time. You can't explain him. You know how those stars sitting up there, how how can you find these constellations? The Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, Ryan the Hunter. All that's God, that's Goin't nothing you can do about it. You can't reach them stars, you can't shoot at them, you can't move them out the way, you know, or Ryan the Hunter's belt is gonna beat them three stars out of angle. You can, you can, You can call it what you wanna call. It's still that's what it is. See, He does the impossible all the time. He created heaven and Earth. You're saying that God can't get you through your pass Somebody did this to me. It's the worst thing I had, the worst childhood of anybody. God can't get you passed at. He can move Heaven, mountains, Earth, he can form the Grand Canyon, he can make the water come over Niagara Falls twenty four seven. He can't fix your little bit of pass yours. You you insignificant and being as we are. It's amazing how people make their problems bigger than God. Somebody told me one time, stop telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big God is and go on with your life. Quit driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Ain't nothing back there but your pass. And if it was hurtful or painful, or something you just felt like you can't get over, take your problems to God and leave them there. You hear the old spiritual all you've heard it. Take your problems to the Lord, Take your burdens to the Lord, leave them yet all time. But you think that applies to everyone. But you come on, man, and a lot of people out there going through much worse than you have and have overcome it all. Why won't you take the step to overcome your pass so you can get on with driving your can see what God trying to take you. But it's the trick of the enemy. The enemy tricks you from seeing your future by having you constantly looking in your pass. Man, it's a trick of the devil. If the man, If the devil just lets you quit, if he would just let you get to drive in your car and look out into your future, your future shows hopefulness. You have hope when you see the future. But he can keep you in misery if he keep you looking at your miserable pass. He created you, He got a plan for you. God looking for you. Man, God would love to hear from you. Let's spend some time talking to God today. Hey, God was having it. It's me. I know I ain't talk to you in a while, but feel bad about that. But I need you. He know that. Everybody should say that prayer all the time. It's cool, all right, well, all right, you're listening to show, ladies, a gentleman, I have an announcement to make. This is the morning after the State of the Union address. We are here, we are tired, we are drained, ladies and gentlemen. It is a Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sherley Straw. Uh no, because we stayed up late, just because it was so boring. Good morning, Steve. I had I had two rough, I had two bold night is boring things in a row? Man, it was too long. Nothing else? Call it for real? Hello? Yes? Yes? Is he still talking? Yes? Still, big doggy dog. I think we got the same producers from the super Bowl last night, same producer of dead That's what we got one. You know, man, I guess I would have you know. Just let me say this from the way he talks and the way he reads. It's so damned distinct. I know this shocking, man, there's no passion when he's reading. You don't you don't believe what he's saying. No, because you you can't believe it because he doesn't believe it, because you know, somebody wrote that. It's almost like this is what he's like, this is what this is what it is. And I want you to stay with me, Shirley, because you're gonna say, but I want you to imagine that there's a camera. What Donald Trump looks like when he's reading is that he's sitting on the toilet and there's a camera on his face. Strained, he looks he looks strained. That No, seriously, man, he looks like he's strained, like he's just not comfortable with this camera on me. While I'm saying this, Well, isn't he a TV guys and all that? Yeah, But on the princess, he was doing what he does. You're fired, your loser. Oh he does that really well. Yeah. You know, you know when he's speaking his mind is when you hear the real help. This speech was so read, so written for him, because when you hear him talk at his rallies and he's going on, or when you talk or when you see him getting on the plane and the reporters ask him questions. He never says anything positive, anything, anything unifying, anything trying to bring the country together, anything loving. He never says any of that. That speech last night had so much love in it. I didn't know who was talking. He looked constipated. Thank you, Tommy. Somebody had to say, if I could have started that instead of the toilet analogy and really what I was trying to sing? Yeah, well, well, I mean, you know, we'll we'll get into it a little more later. I guess his goal was to try to unify, get some bipartisanship going. All right, coming up at thirty two after the hour. As you mentioned, Steve, last night was the State of the Union addressed by our president. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to, all right. Last night, the President delivered his State of the Union address. His theme was choosing greatness. That was the president's theme as he addressed the nation after the longest government shut down ever since the last State of the Union. As Democrats have taken control of the House. So did you see the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sitting right behind the President in a rightful place. Now. The President talked about immigration and the border wall, of course, and then he had a call for bar partisanship. Some Democrats believe the President is setting up for another government shutdown, though, which may be looming when a temporary spending measure expires in just a few days on February fifteenth. Here are some of the moments from the President's speech. And my fellow Americans, we meet tonight at a moment of unlimited potential as we begin a new Congress. I stand here ready to work with you to achieve historic breakthroughs for all Americans. Millions of our fellow citizens are watching us now, gathered in this great Chamber, hoping that we will govern not as two parties, but as one nation. Meanwhile, Democrat Stacy Abrams made history as a first black woman to give a response to the State of the Union address. She countered the President's message and blasted him for the government shut down. Talked about a vision for our nation that embraces diversity, equality, justice, and opportunity for all. Take a listen. We may come from different sides of the political aisle, but our joint commitment to the ideals of this nation cannot be negotiable. Our most urgent work is to realize American streams of today and tomorrow, to carve a path to independence and prosperity that can last a lifetime. Children deserve an excellent education from cradle to career. We owe them safe schools and the highest standards, regardless of zip code. Yet this White House responds timidly while first graders practice active shooter drills and the price of higher education grows ever steeper. And Steve Democrats think that Stacy Abrams is someone who represents a lot of what the party is looking for right now. And the Democrats are also keenly aware of the power of mobilizing African American voters, and they certainly think Stacy Abrams is one who can do that, since she had such a great showing in Georgia. She lost, But you know, I think, I think that African Americans are gonna be engaged moving forward. They were very engaged in the mid terms. For the first time. I saw an involvement I hadn't seen in the past, even from myself. In the mid terms, I was a lot more active than I normally am myself. We were as a radio show, and so I think that African Americans will be very engaged in twenty twenty. I think it's gonna be let me tell you something, twenty twenty will probably be the highest voter turnout in the history. Because this is why I say this. I think that everybody is so galvanized right now. We are so polyticized in this country. Every Republican right wing is gonna show up for Trump and the three million more votes that he got beat by Hillary. They come in black and back and they bring in some mode. Yeah, I think we better get ready so we won't have to get ready. I am concerned, and I will tell you why because and I'm right about this. A lot of times I could be wrong, but I've been right about it. I've called a lot of stuff that I watched. The Democrats are doing the exact same thing that the Republicans did to Obama. We're doing the same thing to Trump. Now. It happens to be deservedly so, because Donald Trump is making a lot of policy and statements that are very divisive to our country. So I understand what Democrats are trying to do. But we're so focused on stopping him, so focused on not giving any ground to him, that we're not preparing the candidates. Our field is so crowded already. Yeah. And when you looked up there on that stage at the Republican debate and it was some sixteen people standing up there and Donald Trump won. The Democrats can't afford to have sixteen people standing up there because we don't play politics like Republicans. Student. Yeah, we need to be more unified. We definitely need to have some organization and some unification, and our party prepare you know, a couple of good candidates, someone that we know that can beat this man, and prepare the leader of the party. Yeah, right, and prepare them. And then we need to do our part. We need to register, we need to educate ourselves, we need to do all the things that we need to do. So come November of next year, we're going to the polls massive numbers. Like you say, Steve, you know what, we need to be honest. Now you go, if you know you don't have a shot in Healey, if you know that, don't buddy the water and create dissension in the party and have everybody thinking we we because right now no two people are similar. You know, he has a chance, but he if he runs at an independent, it's gonna split the Democratic vot and Trump gonna be back in exactly. So he got to come on and play the game, right. You know he's talking about the Democrats are moving too far to the left. Man, Have you noticed how far to the right the Republican Party is going. He used the example last night about this abortion that this woman was having super late, and to use that as a rallying cry, We've got to protect all of God's children. Here's the hypocrisy of that statement. Republicans and Conservatives, no good and damn well they get abortions. They know, good and damn well they get abortions, but they all jumped to their feet. We gotta protect life. That's not y'all so wrong about that, man, that's not true. They get abortions at the same rate as everybody else. But here's the hypocrisy. We love all God's children. If you did, if you really did, you wouldn't separate them from their parents at the border, if you really did. All right, moving on, Steve, coming up next. It is enough for you here to run that prank back right, after this you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour in National News, an update on twenty one Savage and of course Steve Peter upsetted Big Boy for rocking his fur coat at halftime and the Super Bowl right now though, Yeah, we'll talk about it right now. We'll run that prank back. What you got next, Aquil book at current and then get what when I come back with the next brank? Got a brand new one for you out the park? Okay, Aqui here go? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Quincy. Please. This is Hey. How are you? My name is Maurice. Maurice calling you from the power company. How are you doing today? I'm all right? What's up? Well, listen, we're doing some testing in your neighborhood. We're trying to make sure we don't have to actually shut the power down out there, and we're calling around quite a few people in your neighborhood, running some tests on individual homes and making sure the electricity is running correctly. Can I get you to do a few things swarm and see the quicker we get through with this, sir, and it's possibility we won't have to turn your power off at all. I know you don't want us to have to come out and turn power off. And you got stuff in your refrigerator that can spoil and things like that. So we want to try to get this done and hopefully the power with the with the test that we run, it'll it'll run correctly and we won't have to do anything. Okay, I don't know about an electricity though, you know what I'm saying, So no, no, no, I understand that. Don't worry about that. All right, here's what I need you to do. Now, how big is your house? Well? Do you how many bedrooms? You got? Rooms? Four bedrooms? Now you have upstairs downstairs? It's too short, okay, all right, so here's what we need to do. Um, if you can't, ain't gonna take loan though, right I got because I'm in a hurry. Man, ain't gonna have a lot of time. No, no, no, this this, this, this, this won't take long at all. So can I get you to take your breaker and shut down everything upstairs and we're gonna run a test on the stuff downstairs right now. It'll be real quick. All right, everything's shut everything's down. Okay, you you turned off theything I just turned off all the switches. Okay, here's what I need you to do. I need you to turn on your television and then turn it off downstairs downstairs. How many TVs you got downstairs? I got two TVs downstairs. Let's turn them both on. You just turn them on. Just turn them on. You got them on? I got one on. Let's try to turn that other one on. All right, they both on. Okay. Now, you got a microwave in your kitchen. Yeah, a microwave. Okay, turn that on. It's already on. Man, I can see the light zone. It's got the clock on it, that's got that double hron thing that's going through there. It's a whole different type of current. I just want to down on them by what you're talking about. But I gotta get to work, man. So the microwaves on, it's running. No, no, no, I want you to actually turn it on. I want you to actually push like a minute or two on that thing. Do with anything, man, Come on, now, let me what you gotta do. No, this is a test, sir. What I don't want to have to do is come out there and turn your power off. And I don't want to do that. You got a lot of food in your fridge. I'm sure right, all right, all right, the look it's on microwaves zone TV zones. Okay, now open your refreds man. The electricity works downstairs. Okay, but listen now, I know, but what we gotta do is we gotta make sure that this stuff isn't overpower. Now, can you open your refrigerator? Yeah? Yeah, man, do you see the button that actually has you can turn on? You can push it in the lighter go out. You know what I'm talking about. Come on, man, you ain't got nobody to just be able to check something outside. Man, I mean I'm in the fridge. I understand. But push that button five times for him and see what it does. What the light button? Yeah, push that light button five times? Come on, man, it did it go off and on? Every day it's going on. Man. The actually they wrong with the refrigerate reficuate plug in man. Okay, now here's what I want you to do. Right there, And if you're in the kitchen, turn your slink on for me. Turn sink on. They got through electricity. Many say that's a nitral current. That's a nitral current. You wouldn't understand that, but I need you to turn that on for me too. Just turn it on full blast. Got it on, I got it on. Okay, now go in your master bedroom. I can turn it off. Let that water run. Go on your master bedroom and go on the bath for me. I appreciate you helping me out on this. Man. Come on, man Quincy, I apprecient, a Mary, I mean everything. It's everything I'm in. I'm in the baths. Plush that toilet for me, Quincy, see where plush that toilet for me? Plush the toilet. Yeah, plush that toilet. It isn't even electrical what it is. It's a it's a it's an awkward book and heard you need to get somebody. Um okay, I'm gonna plush the toilet. It ain't no electrical plugs in that in this area, man, right. I understand that you don't see what it is. This is an awkward booky current that flows through that water. Plush that thing for me one time. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, all right, toilet Worse, man, you ain't got nobody in the area that could come out here and just check it out. Man Quincy. I'm trying my best not to come out and and and and and turn your power off. And I know you got someone to go turn my power off. Man, you're supposed to be making you the power of stay on, right, I understand that. Now do you have quincy? Do you have a blender? Yeah, got a blender, man, I got a blender. I got a TV, I got a refrigerator and they all work the toid it works, Everything worked, all right. What I want you to do is get this blender and well just throw you a few cues the eyes and something there and turn that thing on for him. Come on, man, we're almost done. I got to get to work. Man, this work women who was comprecated? Man, this is just a blunder. Come on, man, it's some bull. I said, I have to mention your curago to be walking this house. Man. You need to check the niche house. You don't have no problems with no smoothies or nothing in that thing. Do you see? Man? With the world, I got to do anything. Man, I gotta get to work. Understand, listen to a minute. Minute got too far to come out here or do this because I need to get to my job. And I understand that. Well, I could just call and had people go through the damn house playing scavenger hunt. I gotta get to work. Okay, now listen, Quincy, one last thing. Are you able to shut that breaker? Put that breaker back on and then shut off downstairs, and then go upstairs and check some stuff for me? Shut up? What shut off the breaker downstairs? Go ahead and turn it. I'm not shutting off no breaker downstairs. I shut off the water upstairs. We didn't turn on every damn thing down here. You didn't have me. I got the blender, I didn't turn on the microwave to from Fritz lay cool man fresh and told us I gotta get to work. Quis it. I needs you to lose this attitude you got. I need you to get somebody down here to do my electricity in my house work. It worked for you calling me on thing ain't work. It's my ain't at work because I'm here doing this book playing off and all. Get somebody in here, worth, I don't piss me off and make me turn it all the way off. Well my work and when I get back from work, way this should be on. I got one more thing I need to say to you, Quinny. It's better be the last thing that his nephew Timmy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got preaked by your sister gown Gil Better being a witness protection program. Man, let me turn it, man, Hey man, let me ask youself. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land as guy, Steve Harvey Morning Show and Tommy Uh you call me again. They're gonna be the show used to have Tommy on. It's way down in there. Sharley's an awkward book at current. Get ready, the nephew is coming to town fourteen fifteen sixteen. I am in Kaleen, Texas twice. It's Funny Comedy Club. Tickets on sale right now. Valentine's Night, Baby, I don't know. All right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment News, Peter is mad at Big Boy. We'll have an update on twenty one Savage right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys. In today's entertainment news, twenty one Savage, the Atlanta based rapper, was arrested in a targeted operation US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. You know, we know it as ICE. That happened early Sunday in Atlanta. He is currently on a deportation proceedings in Federal Immigration Court. According to ICE, twenty one, Savage is a British citizen who overstayed his visa after he entered the US legally in July of two thousand and six. However, his attorney said in a statement, as a minor, his family overstayed their work visas, and he, like almost two million other children, was left without legal status through no fall of his own. Twenty one Savages on lockdown right now with no TV and barely any communication. Wow, man, I mean, man, the kid wasn't doing nothing wrong, was he? No? Now, they said it he's been in trouble before, but that all that has been expunged right before. But they say twenty six and they and they said ICE doesn't recognize his expungement. They still look at it as breaking the law as a crime. Well, you know, um, you can get your record expunge. But that I think I'm not well, yeah, but it really don't. Okay, I'm sorry, I know a little bit about this. No it doesn't. But you're talking immigration. They said that they don't recognize expungement. They still hold it into account. They don't recognize it at the Canadian board either. So you heard you read a lot and clear all right and other energy. I was at customs in in Uh Canada for almost six hours. Wow, that's a long term. Almost six hours. Dough damn out of kid man. They cut my coach open all the line and we had finished the Kings of Comedy in Buffalo at the Arco Arena. We had a lot of cash. We was in a limo to go over to over the Canada to Camble. That's what we was going. They saw them coach we had on and big hats. They had us all get out and boy they got started. All that expunge stuff was on a table. Wow. So I understand that, But I don't think this kid has done anything. You know, we got a lot of stuff to deal with. A song out too where he was kind of condemning, you know, according to TMZ the behavior of immigration officials for their detention of children at the border. So now folks are wondering, is that does that play a part of it? You know, it's just so much just it seems like he's being targeted. Yeah, and isn't he under DACA as well. Yeah, he's only twenty six. Yeah, so he came over here right when he was a kid, thirteen or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Well we also have other entertainment news. This is a According to TMZ, Peter, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is mad at Big Boy for rocking his fur during the Super Bowl when he performed at halftime. Peter fired off a stern letter to Big Boy, addressing him by his real name, Antoine. Dear Antoine, our heart sank when you took the stage during the Super Bowl wearing your fur coat. The animal rights group. Peter tries to convience a Big Boy to retire all of his furs and switch switched to foe. Okay, that's what they're saying, switch to fain on it. Yeah yeah, no, not the super Bowl. Yeah, and Peter says they're going to send him a gorgeous faux first so he can flaunt that. All right, Steve, let's get to the news, please, gentlemen, miss trip, thanks guys, and good horning everybody. This is a trip with the news. Okay. President Trump addressed both chambers of the Congress last night in delivering his State of the Union speech after an unprecedented thirty five day partial government shutdown. In it, he referred to the February fifteenth deadline in the effort hopefully to craft a deal. Congress has ten days left to pass a bill that will fund our government, protect our homeland, and secure our very dangerous southern border. As we speak, large organized caravans are on the march to the United States. This is a moral issue. The lawless state of our southern border is a threat to the safety, security, and financial well being of all America. Democrats, by the way, say there's no caravan. Bunch of caravans coming here. Democratic parties who buttle Stacy Abrams says the issue is being misunderstood. Compassionate treatment at the border is not the same as open borders. Reagan understood this. President Obama understood this. Americans understand this. Democrats stand ready to effectively secure our ports and borders. But we must all embrace that from agriculture to healthcare to entrepreneurship, America is made stronger by the presence of immigrants, not Walls and Abrahams, who verily nearly you may remember one the Georgia governorship. I mean just by a few points. Says that this country's hypocrisy over voter suppression is a huge problem, along with the racism that contributes to it. The foundation of our moral leadership around the globe is free and fair elections where voters pick their leaders, not where politicians pick their voters. We fought Jim Crowe with the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, Yet who we continue to confront racism from our past and in our present, Which is why we must hold everyone from the highest offices to our own families accountable for racist words and deeds called racism what it is wrong. By the way, Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer was prepared to be unimpressed, he said with Trump's speech even before he gave the thing. It seems every year the president wakes up and discovers the desire for unity on the morning of the State of the Union. Then the president spends the other three hundred and sixty four days of the year dividing us. I guess we'll see. In Wisconsin, number labor unions have joined forces who file a lawsuit against legislation passed by the lame duck Republican governor there, and the GOP dominated state legislature, hamstringing the new Democratic governor. And finally, the late CBS sulfstar Christoph Saint John, will be seen for the last time today, everybody on the Young and the Restless. This is the last time, and the show will present a special tribute to his character Neil Winters on Friday. Christophe Saint John found dead of an apparent suicide on Sunday. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, All right, did you guys see last night's State of a Union address from the President? He had a lot of special guests in the building. He had, Yes, it was. His guests included the survivor of the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue synagogue massacre and also Alice Marie Johnson, the first time drug traffic offender, who um you know the President granted clemency to after he met with Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian played a big role in uh, Miss Alice Marie Johnson's release. Yeah, yeah, and he acknowledged her in front of the house and everything she stood up and took about. She was sitting right next to Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka. Well, according to the Whitings, if she had a stand in jail, she would have met either way. It was about they were gonna be sitting because it's coming. It's coming. I love it when you're brilliant. See, I'm so glad this sister got out. Yeah she could. Maybe she can return to favor somebody. You got me out, I'll get you out about that. Yeah, this investigation, man, now they're into the campaign stuff. You saw that, Steve, Oh yeah, yeah, Now they're looking at the campaign committee. It's going down. No colusion, Okay, what about all these stolen ass campaign somebody, somebody did something. All these people ain't going to jail for nothing, right because they're coming. You know. I just what did you think about the state of the Union. We talked about it. I didn't, you know. I'm just it's just too obvious when he's reading and when he's saying what he really thinks. Yeah, it's just too obvious of a difference. You know. I'll give Bush credit. When Bush read the tele promptly, it was very much like he spoke. When Obama spoke and read the teleprompter, it was very because he was including the speech they have to write his speech because he can't right, because they're gonna write things about unity, love of our country, where all God's children, we're gonna do this. This dude don't have no causes. And so when he's reading Man, it sounds nothing like he sounds when he's talking getting on the plane, getting on the helicopter, when he's outside the White House, when he's talking to reporters, when he's on Fox, he sounds like two different people. And that's why I couldn't sit there and take the heart anything he was saying, because the writers intentionally try to make it sound like he was about unity and bipartisan and reach across to Alan Grin, when in essence, he's not gonna do that. That ain't to do that. Coming up at thirty four after the Hour, actor Liam Neeson is in a bit of hot water as he admits he once wanted to kill a black person for revenge. We'll talk about that when we come back right after this very special set of skews. You're listening to all right, Actor Liam Neeson? Uh, you know this guy. We love this guy. Start of taking one of our favorite movies. Yeah, Liam Neeson is speaking out about some controversial comments he made in which he admitted to wanting to kill a black person, any black person at this time, to avenge the rape of one of his very very close friends. During an interview, Neeson attempted to explain how we learned the primal needs of violence and revenge, just how he learned that, and that they just lead to more revenge and more killing. He said it started when an unnamed loved one told him she was raped. This happened to him in real life. And then he said when she admitted that she didn't know who it was, he asked her, Liam asked her what color this person was, and she said black. Take a listen, she said it was a black person. I haven't up and done in the areas with a cash, hoping i'd be approached by someone. I'm ashamed to say that. And I did it for maybe a week, hoping something black bastard would come out of a pub and I have a good at me about something, you know, so I could kill him. Wow. Wow. He shut down the room with that comment. He really did mean, well, look when you hear it like that, that's not a movie script. You said it. I was hoping some black bastard would come at me for a reason so I could kill him. I felt that way for a week. Okay, well dog, you know as a black man. Yeah, no, I just get the feeling you talking about me. Now, I probably wouldn't get into no scrap with you, but it wouldn't take much if that's your attitude. Just wanted you know what I mean. Well, at that time, that's what he said he was feeling. He didn't care who it was. He just wanted to get somebody back for you can't. That's so ignorant. Yeah, I'm just saying, that's so ignorant. If you do something to one of my friends. Now, if I see you and you black or white, if I see your white tail or your black tail, I'm gonna do something to you. But any white person, see, I've never done that. Yeah, and let me tell you something, man, I've been exposed to racism at some levels man that we can't even talk about. But I never turned around and said I'm gonna do something to any white person. No, I want the person that did that to me, But I would never ever just go out That's not even my thought process that I'm going to attack a person to simply because they white because something some other white person did. That's not any man, right. Can they fight like that? I mean he can fight like he fight on TV. He can do that. He that good. But he didn't though he had you know, he didn't act on it and the thoughts. That's his point that he didn't do it right. He didn't do it. Okay, let me ask you a question. And it happened over forty years ago. Okay, let me ask you a questions. But see people losing their jobs over forty years ago. Yeah, I don't think right you rightly. I don't think he should lose his job, career be gone. I don't. I don't think that. But let me ask you all a question. When it hurt when you heard him say that, how did you feel? Oh? That is racist person. I felt sick just now. And this is a dude. I've been liking it all his like, yeah, I liked the dog on taking one, two, three two me. He has that special set of skills. He's very special set of skills. But he's he's insisting that he's not a racist. He's not backing down from the story. He's insisting that he's not he's saying that that's how he felt. H he could have kept it to himself. That is what's the ignorance of some people. And that's what he see. Here's a deal some There are a lot of people who make racist statements but then don't want to be labeled a racist. As you know. Yeah, he said that it's rage never turned into violence, and he would have acted the same way if the rapist was white. Critics say he is a racist for not only in would you have wanted to kill any white person? He said a Good Morning America. He would have if the person he said that white person. Yep, that's what he said. That's what he said. Yeah, all right, keep those comments coming. It's Steve Harvey. F m up. Next, it is a nephew with the prank phone call. That's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, guys, about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject, Oh, this one's for you, Tommy. My husband and I want our girlfriend back. That's what I'm talking about. That's how you married like that. The nephew is here with the prank. What you got for is enugh brand spanking new baby. Helper brother, helper brother with this child? Support? What helper brother with this child? Help? You don't running cat? Hello, Hello, my tweek to Darius. This is me. Why. My name is Lewis Man. Lewis I work as check up there with you. We've looked you first your first week at the job we met. Man. My name is Louis. I work on the third floor. You'll know me when you see Louis. Yeah, Louis, I don't remember, no Lewis Man. You know, I've had a lot of people in last you know, that first day, the first week, because I'm just really getting acclimatized, because it's to the whole situation where I don't I'm trying to remember. It's all good, it's all good. I don't even worry about it. Man, let me answer this hit though I don't even been with us now, man, Man about a strong muff Man. I really enjoying it, man, just really getting the swing and getting the hangar everything. So man, I'm just really enjoyed. This's a great company. Man. Just happy to be a part of something bigger than myself. You know what I mean so yeah, man, you know what, Man, we got to get you out, man, because you know, all the brothers, Man, we get together hang out on certain nights. You know, we like wance them up. We might we might get out on the thirty minutes. You got you gotta come hang out with him, then we gotta get you out. Yeah, man, Okay, yeah, yeah, I friends you know, push a show man. But I called you know, I called you know there because I'm in a little bit of a jam though, man, and I was trying to get somebody to help me out. Man, and boy, you being U you know, just came into the company. Man. You know it might be something you can actually help me out with. Man, I just you know, I hate to come in and lean on the friendship before we even get started and hang out yet. But I just I just need a little bit of help. Man. I'm just hoping the maybe you'd be opened and maybe helping me out on something. I'm always willing to help a fut out bro just to fit on what's talking about, you know what I'm saying. But okay, check this out, man, I ain't really really want to tell nobody at the job, you know, I don't. I ain't really trying to let nobody know my business or whatever. But but here's the deal, man, dude, I ain't got myself in a serious jam. Man. I got, I got a baby on the way, man, and huh and uh, I got that's that's great, man, that's a great No no no, no, no, no, no no no. Listen, man, listen, this hit me out though. There, I got, I got a baby on the way. But this ain't this, ain't this, ain't this. Ain't this ain't from my wife. Man. You said, oh yeah, oh so I'm in a dog and the baby dude, like in the Knicks, you know, six weeks, the baby probably gonna be here. But but it's but check is out here. Here's what I'm trying to get. Chip. You can do for me, man? Is it because anyway, because I know you just now you probably you probably you probably don't even got your second check yet, you know what I'm saying. So wait, but but is there any way man that you might maybe like clean this baby for me on your on your uh you know, when they take the child support out of your out of your check if they take the child support out of your checkout. But no, let's listen to me. They take the child support out of your check, but I'm gonna give it back to you. I'm gonna give it back to you. I just don't want my wife to find out. You see what I'm saying? Man? What wait? Wait? You mean? I mean you're asking me about money out of mind, out my check, dub. But I'm gonna give it back to you every two weeks when you get your check. I man, man, you gotta be out of your damn man. Man. I don't even know you. Man. What's the man? Man? I can cut back on the wife and kids of my own. You're like you man, Thank God? But dare listen to the man? Damn fool man? Human read who you gotta hum? Reach up and take some money on my mother check? How was somebody I got my mother? I got a friend and human resource. Just damn man, man some money out of my check? But you you man, I got my own kids to take care. There's money coming out. How dare check from my old kids? You're talking wrong with you, dude? I hey you with my damn another anyway? Man? Oh no, I got your number from one of the one of the guys at the job man, we're one of the run the guys man. No, no, the man one guys man. As you have the phone talking man, talk about we got it, ain't got and then we got it. Ain't got No, man, I ain't enough of the foot you can hit me with this book. Talk about that, man, I ain't. I thought this. I thought somebody now red mother sick. It's gonna come out of my damn check. Man. Oh we're gonna have somepot. What's what's your name again? Who you? I name? My name Lewis Lewis? Who Lewis? Who my name Lewis Lewis, don't no, No, Lewis Spano Lewis. That's where I worked at. Man who out we met? We met the first couple of days you got there, man Lewis. Man, who is about take with money on my check? Man? And no, all I'm saying, dog, I'm gonna give you the money back. I don't understand. All I'm saying is dog not touch my money. I'm telling you that right now we're gonna have rob. Hey, Louis, Louis, I how you spelling Lewis? Man? L o U l o U I N dog I'm anna hey, hey, let's take something. I bet not seeing the lewis in the morning. I bet you that. I bet I bet that you don't do it in the morning. And who cut a human resources playing played with my But then you're crazy man, trying to hurt my wife, killed men, trying to get I'm just trying to get you to look out for me. I don't want my wife to find this stuff out down. That's all I'm trying to let try to look out look out for me, then look I look out for me and my kids. They take your money, I'm a check dog. Just just just can you at least maybe take twenty four hour just think about it, man, It ain't noth ingenough think comes out man when it comes to my money. Many damn man. But I'll tell you what, lou, you're gonna be that tomorrow morning. Yeah I'm not. I'm not tomorrow, But I mean what for me? You about to have these white folks see me for full? You're gonna have them seasons I gavertee you these white folks, I wuna feel on the damn news. I'll playing with my damn money. Ain' You're gonna have to me show my and I hain't been on the job to take long. But I tell you what, I tell you what, I'm gonna lose that monbody play with my money. I guarantee you that I cat I don't put hey. Let me ask you this man, Do you think Duwayne would have done this for me? Do you think your cousin Duwayanne, do you think he would have you Sai? He would have cut for me? For cousins? What what what my cousin got to do with this dog? Let me tell you what your cousin. Let me tell you what Duayne got to do with this The one is the one that put me up to call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin Dwayne. Man. What do you say? This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your cousin Duayanne got me to prank phone call you brother, I mean man and man, damn early man. You know I ain't I ain't got myself to check. Ain't trying to get money out of this man. I mean boy, you keep playing to somebody gonna wo yo for this man? Before we go tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane, The Steve Harvey Lorn Show. I can't brother, get some help around here. Everybody need a little help sometime. Get your next Steve. That's all. Thanks to much must thank you. Nothing to help you do none. You ain't ask me coming to help you make them? What? Right? All right? Thank you guys. We gotta get out of here. Up next, it is the Strawberry Letters. Subject Tommy, it's for you. My husband and I want a girlfriend bag. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you you you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter just like we're reading this one. And this is a response to a letter we read a few weeks ago. And just like I did that letter, I gotta do this one. I got to do a disclaimer. Okay, please get the kids out of the way. You don't want the kids hearing this, I ain't going nowhere. Y'all ready, Marchel Lapman, Hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter, subject my husband and I want our girlfriend back here Stephen Shirley, I am a thirty seven year old married woman, and I've found out that my husband was sleeping with my girlfriend when Shirley read my girlfriend Strawberry letter on the radio. Oops. I've been married to a man for seven years and I had a girlfriend on the side for most of our marriage. My husband and I had some financial issues, so my female friend, who was actually my lover, moved in with us to help out with the bills. My husband had no idea we were lovers, and I hope you can remember that letter. Oh yes, we remember the letter quite well. Anyway, the arrangement was perfect for me because my girl and I would have fun together while my husband was gone and my husband had no idea what was going on. Then, my girl and my husband ended up having sex all the time, and they did a great job at hiding it from me. We were all busted when you read my girl's Strawberry letter. At the time, I had no idea that my girl was even interested in having sex with men, and certainly not my husband. Not my husband. And the biggest shocker was as she was pregnant. I was furious because they had played me. I forced my girl to move out of our house and I didn't talk to my husband for nearly a month. Now I realized that breaking up with my girl was a big mistake. I miss our friendship and intimacy. I talked to my husband about letting my girl move back in, and he is all for it if she and I can work out our differences. But my girl is still angry with me, and she said that she doesn't want to move back in to a messy situation. I just want to put our family back together, especially since she's pregnant. Am I asking for too much? How can I fix this? Please? Help? Can you believe this letter? Right? Jesus kid? Well, first, I want to thank you for listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We love all our listeners. We appreciate them. Okay, and aren't you and you know a bit of a pickle with all this mess going on? This is what happens. You know, when you set out to someone, you usually are the one that gets played. And in this case, it was your husband who ended up turning the tables on you. But did he have to get the girl pregnant too? That is my question? Did he have to do that? Couldn't they use protection? I mean, how disrespectful all of this. First of all, you're bringing her in, you doing her behind your husband's back, then her and your husband doing each other behind your back, and then getting pregnant on top of that. A mess, A mess, a mess. But in any event, it looks like the perfect situation for all involved, especially your hobby who's so Slicktly. I know Steve is gonna get into this more. But who's so Slicktly said he's all for your girlfriend slash his baby mama to move in, right. I knew you were yeah to move in if you guys can work out your differences. Okay, So get on that. Talk to her. She's your girlfriend too. I'm sure you can talk her into it, and you can't have one big happy family. What I feel the most for it, who I feel the most for in this situation will be the baby. All right, this innocent baby you guys are bringing into this mess. You gotta think about that. The baby doesn't need to be seeing this. You're so you You're so right about this. Uh you you You not only have to fix your relationship with your husband and this girl, you got to think about the future, this baby and all of that. This is a mess. This is really, really, really a mess, and you started it. Steve. Let's just get to this right away. This the dumbest mess. Just don't make no damn sense. First of all, you had a lover the whole time you was married. Why your husband at work? You and Hudgens in here just doing each other? Now? Then why are you gonna tricky? Will recover refer to her as tricky? Tricky start doing your hus So now Tricky in that douding you when he gone and him when she gon. She got to be time, she got to be Time's exacted. Right as soon as the cross start up in the dry she got to go, oh love, why where is day going? Now? I'm in here trying to get some rest. As soon as that car pull out the dryway, Trick ain't trick, not tricky though, But I love Tricky. Here the next time, Tricky kid, the next time Tricky. Okay, okay, I'm gonna show you how Tricker is day? Go Tricky he going to work? All right, let me give myself together. Trick had just came home for lunch. I love the change in voices. Tricky he going back to work after Trick a home for letter purposes. Six o'clock. Tricky he went to play poker with his friend. Trick ad back from playing poker. I change. That's Tricky's day. Wow, Tricky. Tricky is exhausted, and I know why she pregnant. They didn't have time for Yeah, she doesn't have time for much. You're right, So after this, I'm gonna share with you the rest of the better how I feel about it. All right, we're gonna recap this whole thing, Steve. This is crazy, crazy crazy. That's two thirty in the morning. He wants to take his MoMA to the hospital. What what, what do you want? Don't play with me? All right, Look, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up to Tricky the letter called Tricky at twenty three after subject my husband and I want our girlfriend Tricky back. Right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, let's recap today's letter. My husband and I want our girlfriend back. Yea, she want a girlfriend back, called she had a girlfrid moved to him because they were having find just a difficult with her and her husband. Not her husband don't know that her girlfriend is actually her lover. So every time he leave the house, they're going at it. Now her husband didn't start looking around and Tricky, who is the girl, start liking the man, and so now every time she goes she getting it on with to dude. The woman finds out because we read the strawberry letter. She said she had no idea her girl was even interested in having sex with men, and certainly not my husband. The biggest shocker was she pregnant because she confused she having sex so many times with y'all too, She don't know. Just do I need protection? If this one wasn't all official? Is this the real thing was happening? Nigger? Yeah? So I was furious because they had played to me. Wait a minute, wasn't you playing him? How about you? Mad at? I forced my girl to move out of our house and I didn't talk to my husband for nearly a month. Now I realized that breaking up with Tricky was a big mistake. I miss our friendship and intimates. So I talked to my husband about letting my girl move back in. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, got some of this print. I talked to my husband about letting our girl moved back in, and he was all, far you damn right he was, He said, if she and I can work out our differences. But my girl is angry with me, and she says she don't want to move back into a messy situation. What what? When did you think this was messing? Let let me tell you when he got messing. When she asked you to move in and you was her girlfriend, slash lover, that was messy. But now you don't she don't want to move back into this messy situation. I just want to put our family back together. What what when you say dysfunctional family, you had a whole new lever like Lear, he said, Like Shirley say she feels sorry for the baby because the baby's mama is pregnant by her brother in law so to speak, which is would make him his the baby uncle and the baby daddy. The the woman that's had tricky having the baby is that mama? But then you is supposed to be her friend like her sister. So you the baby's aunt, but you really hust the baby's step mother because you're married to the daddy out the baby. So when this baby go to school, his first day is gonna be so confusing. What is your mother's name? I'm not sure. Excuse me, I'm not sure who is your father? Or I know who my father is. So he's your father? Well he's my father and my uncle. Why is he your uncle because my mama's sister is married to him. Well, then that's your uncle. How is he your father? Well he became my father because his wife went to work too much. Yeah, and that's how it happened. And he just gonna start sliding on the sliding boy, baby, I didn't work through it no more. It's confusing him. This is the worst letter. I don't see how the dude wants h it's a whole family. This is dysfunctional. Man, I thought we were dysfunction and you didn't speak to him for a month. Oh girl, you finn throw yourself into something and she come back in the house because you're gonna try to eyeball the situation. Now if you ain't worked out that, we y'all all seeing each other. Then don't worry about it. But I think she don't walk back, not cause it's messing. I don't think she walked back because she just tied. Now, Uncle tis So when when when they hadn't talked in a month on her husband had he seen her the other? Oh yeah he'd been something. Oh yeah he been. He's been seeing her the whole time and one more times? Do you who the tricky is the girl? Tricky is the girl that's sleeping with the husband and the wife who is pregnant by the husband but to him and her and the girl is best friend. So they like sisters. So the baby is gonna be aunt, gonna have her aunt that's married to her father to the baby father. But it's really gonna be the baby mother in law. Yeah, the lady that invited the lady in that's really her lover and girlfriend. So the girlfriends like sisters. So she gonna have to tell the baby this your aunt. Wow, you know when the baby get here. But really, what the baby don't know is sister. The husband is the daddy that his her the baby, and aunt is really her mother love, So she gonna have two mothers in the house and her Daddy Anna uncle Anna letter. Are you excited? Yeah, because I want them to get back together so they can write us the next letter. Yeah. Yeah, at least they listen. I love the fact that they listen to us. It's true, right, y'all crazy, man, I don't know what y'all doing. Man, let's talk to him. Oh, y'all going to hell? Wow? Wow? Well, I hope they worked this out. I hope they call us, call us, don't and you can't talk to him. He's way too excited. I'm going over there, boy, you ain't going nowhere. All right, Listen, you can email us, you can instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM dot com. And coming up in ten minutes, we'll talk more about last night's State of the Union addressed Steve you wanted to talk about it, also Stacy April response for the Democrats. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show pays off big. We give away big prizes. We had a big sand and Soul giveaway at the end of the year, and we are happy to announce Steve that Selina Jay from Lake Charles, Louisiana will join us in Pouta Kana this year. Charles Selina Jay Baby he was a lucky winner. Selena Jay was of an all expense paid trip to this year's twenty nineteen Steve Harvey's Sand and Soul trip. Okay, so now if you want to kick him with us, if you do, you can book your trip to join us for Sand and Soul. All you have to do is go to Steve Harvey sand and Soul dot com right now that we're gonna have fun, like more fun this year than last year. Right, start up start, Yes, all right, Steve, no switching gears. Today's big headline. Of course, his last night State of the Union at speech by our President, his theme was choosing greatness. The President talked about immigration. He talked to huh would you say really? Yes? The President also talked about immigration. He talked about the border wall. Of course, he called for this is great news though, a call for bipartisanship, and then he wanted to try and pull it together and make it appear that he was trying to reach across the room. You know, to the Democrats. Yeah, I wasn't buying any of you don't like what he was reading. He was mad about it. He don't like none of that speech they put in there. Well, I mean some of the Democrats do believe that the President is setting up for another government shut down. Um that could happen on February fifteenth. Uh, temporary spinning mend your expires, you know, on February fifteenth. So here's some moments from the President's speech. Take a listen, and my fellow Americans, we meet tonight at a moment of unlimited potential as we begin a new Congress. I stand here ready to work with you to achieve historic breakthroughs for all Americans. Millions of our fellow citizens are watching us now, gathered in this great Chamber, hoping that we will govern not as two parties, but as one nation. All right, And you remember our girl from Georgia. She was running for the governor of Georgia, Democrat Stacy Abrams. She made history as the first black woman to give the response to the State of the Union. So congratulations to her. She countered the President's message and blasted him for the government shutdown. She also talked about a vision for our nation that embraces diversity, equality, justice, and opportunity for all. We may come from different sides of the political aisle, but our joint commitment to the ideals of this nation cannot be negotiable. Our most urgent work is to realize Americans' dreams of today and tomorrow, to carve a path to independence and prosperity that can last a lifetime. Children deserve an excellent education from cradle to career. We owe them safe schools and the highest standards, regardless of zip code. Yet this White House responds timidly while first graders practice active shooter drills, and the price of higher education grows ever steeper. He said that in his speech last night, and it sounded so unbelievable because it's from life anything he's ever saying, right, yeah, right. You know I was sitting there going, wow, man, is anybody and you know the Republicans jump up and clap. They got to know, man, this is so hypocritical. This was this is not the guy who's been governing for the past two years. Yeah, and he didn't believe the speech. It wasn't convincing. It was already you know when he looks down over the top of his nose like he got on reading glasses. You know, he puts his nose up in there like he just nailing it. I just didn't look. Man, if he was sincere about that, and I could detect that in his voice or believe it by any of his actions, yeah, I would say, man, pretty good speech, but it wasn't wasn't his words. And you know what, Steve, he also took a lot of credit for the economy and job growth and Mama's credit. Yeah. Yeah, there was a lot of fact checking saying that, you know, he cannot have all the credit for that. Some of that happened under the Obama administration, so you know, but you know, yes, Fox won't do that though, So his base is being fed several untruths and they're gonna go to the polls. Look what he's done, Look what's happened since he's been president, and Fox is not gonna fact check him. They don't ever fact they don't ever talk about the number of lives ever. So you know, yeah, don't say untrue, say lie, say that, I like my granddad said, can say that, say something like telling the story, remember that story we could not say lie. Oh no, that was like a cursed word in our house. Yeah, yeah, we had to say why. I don't know why I did question it. Yeah, like I got beat down, pushed through the back of your vote, no idea? But because you said why, why I can't say lie? How was that a bad word? I just didn't understand it. Listen, my mom said, I guess I'm lying. I guess I'm lying. He said, no, it's just a it's a man statement. You got knocked out. When I looked up, it was two white people standing open but smelling salt. This one I got that. Why can't you couldn't even finish the six Why can't These millennials don't even know they can say no idea, they can say whatever whatever said to get the rest of it up? Question? Yeah, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Tom Brady says he does not like to be called the goats. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show well New England Patriots super Bowl winning quarterback for the sixth time. Tom Brady says being called the goat greatest of all times. It's just a title that makes him cringe. He says because he handles criticism way better than he deals with compliments. I mean a lot of people feel that way. I get it. Brady was was on Good Morning America with Michael Strahan. He told he Strayhand told Tom Brady that he considers him the best quarterback who ever played the game. But Tom Brady said he doesn't like that. Take a listen. A lot of people, myself included, call you the goat, greatest of all time. I don't even like that. I don't even like it. It makes me cringe. Really, it makes me cringe. I guess I take compliments worse than I take I wish you would say you're trash or two or you're too slow, you can't get it done no more, and I would say, thank you very much of me. You're driven by criticism more than you're driven by success. Yeah. Absolutely, Yeah. But he is the greatest. Yeah yeah, Well if you ain't, who are you? Yeah, I'm gonna turn it on you like criticism. If you ain't, who are Okay? UH picked the picked the greatest of all times in every sport boxing, football, basketboxing, Muhammad Ali, basketball, Michael Jordan, baseball, UH greatest baseball player. I would have to give that to Jackie Robinson to play and do what he did in the time. He did it. To me, it's just, you know, hands down, what else you want? Golf? Golf, tiger Woods, Tennis, uh, tennis for boys and girls. Yeah, let's let's break it up. For the dudes, I think it's Roger Fetter. Okay, that makes sense. For the girls, I think is Serena. Yes, she's the greatest female player I've ever seen. Hockey. Wayne Gretzky, Yes, you didn't do foa football. You have to go buy positions. Okay, So quarterback, greatest quarterback I've ever seen is Tom Brady. Okay, running back Jim Brown. Cornerback Dion Sanders, you better say you gave him love at the NFL. That boy at the corner wicked anymore positions, Wide receiver, wide receiver Jerry Rice, kicker. I don't like kickers because I like position. I don't coach. The greatest partner I've ever seen. Its Gray guy. That's the greatest punner. The kickers. I can't say their name. Coach, greatest coach of all time. I like Walsh. I like Walsh, but I gotta tell you The best coach I've ever seen for setting up schemes is Bill Belichi. Did we do running back? Running back? Is Jim Brown? The second greatest running back I ever saw with sweetness Walter Okay, okay, all right, all right, man, I I know, I know what I know. You have you watched soccer on pile after pile? I like that boy, niem, but there MESSI is bad boy too. What about Arthur Ashley? Where does he fall? Oh? Greatness, greatness and tennis for men for so many reasons. Yeah, he was a bad boy. Yeah. The goats, baby, the goats swimming? Swimming? Yeah? Felt? How many calories did you say he ate yesterday? Twelve thousand? Fat? You wouldn't be but he's swimming that off so fast. I'd be sitting in here looking like Carton. I'll be fat out. We wouldn't be to make one lap in a pull like that? Twelve thousand celories of food? That's so much. Did I miss anything cycling? Did I miss anything? How a cycling? Oh? Yeah? Well I'm strong? Yeahs in there? What about uh? You know those cage sports like um email May Silvil, Yeah, silver out of Brazil. Oh, light heavyweight boxing, and all of that. Oh the greatest light heavyweight Sugar, Now he wasn't light heavyweight Sugar Ray with water weight, I don't never know. I never knew the weight at all. Sugar Ray Lennar probably the baddest walter weight Sugar Ray Robinson was legendary h sugar Rate Lennar, though in the water weight division he was a bad boy man. Now how heavy is Walter weight him seven one seventh? It's well, what is now a twelve to weight is the same thing as Walter Walter. Don't get caught up with what Mayweather is, what's boxing or what one but see but see to me, Sugar Ray Leonard would have got Mayweather. Really Oh yeah, man, what about marvelous Marvel? Sugar Ray Leonard would have found the way, sugar. But see that's when when when he fought Marvelous, they went up, Okay, they went up. He went up to fight Marvel Marvelous hack Nine Did Walter wake come from a somebody's name? Aren't thought somebody name was Walter and they measured the why he get a weight by himself? But it Bill Ahead weight like that, you know, turn Walter Wake came from a guy named Walter Dennison, who kept trying to get into the ring before it was his time, and somebody kept going, well to wait answered, wait on, and that's how they came. Walter Dennison. That's a black history moment. That's the black history that you didn't know yet, very little known. And you heard it right, Oh lord, you guys. All right, Look, we'll be back with more of this ignorant show right after this. You're listening to, all right, Steve, We've talked a lot today. We've talked about the State of the Union address from the President, and we've talked about um Liam Neeson who talked about a racist incident he had in his life back forty years ago. And then, uh, you know, earlier well over the weekend, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam talked about something that happened in his life thirty some five years ago, a racial incident. Here's a there's a picture of him in black faith or there's a picture on his page in his medical yearbook from eighty four I think it is, And there's a picture of three pictures of him, and then there's one picture of two people, one of them in complete black face, and the other one completely in a klu Klux Klan outfit. At first, he apologized for being in the picture. He is insensitive, he's hurt people. He didn't. Then he came back and said, I went home and looked at the picture, and that's not me in the picture. Even though when they kept asking him which one he was, he would never say it. I was so confused. But then he went back and said, after looking at and talk with my family and some classmates, that's not me in the picture. I thought it was the most cunning, cunning to save his job. Then he came back he said, I never bought to your book, so I never saw it. Okay, that could happen. Uh. But then he said, the only time I know I was in black face. What's when I did that same year in San Antonio or Michael Jackson comes to him. I was in a dance contest and I put dark shoe polish under my eyes because I think we all know how hard it is to get black shoe polish off your face. I was sitting there going, I ain't nobody hit this. No, I don't have any idea how hard you get. I ain't, but for you to make that statement. And we all know how hard it is to get black shoe polish off your face. I went, really, how hard is Yeah? Now everybody's calling for his resignation, every Democrat, every Republican. Here's my honest opinion. This happened thirty five years ago. We're getting into an era now of political correctness where he was twenty five years old when this decision was made by him. But he swears up and down is not him. He's asking for more time. He's got some facial recognition experts on this. But we went back thirty five years to find this, and this guy to lose his job from something he did at twenty five, what's gonna happen if they set the president? But see the presidents. Now, here's what's crazy. Kavanaugh, who is a Supreme Court justice now, was accused of doing something when he was seventeen. They had public kings about it, almost did and he still got in. Now, Donald Trump said some stuff on a bus to Billy Bush and his asses to all this, and Billy Bush is gone and Billy Bush is gone, and he didn't say nothing. He just lad, that's kind of jet though. We've got a lot of double standards here. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys. In today's Entertainment news, twenty one Savage, the Atlanta based rapper, was arrested in a targeted operation by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. You know, we know it as ICE. That happened early Sunday in Atlanta. He is currently on a deportation proceedings in federal Immigration Court. According to ICE twenty one, Savage is a British citizen who overstayed his visa after he entered the US legally in July of two and six. However, his attorney said in a statement, as a minor, his family overstayed their work visas, and he, like almost two million other children, was left without legal status through no faull of his own. Twenty one Savages on lockdown right now with no TV and barely any communication. Man, I mean, man, the kid wasn't doing nothing wrong, was he? No? No, they said he's been in trouble before, but that all that has been expunged right before. And but they say twenty six and they and they said the ICE doesn't recognize his expungement. They still look at it as breaking the law as a crime. Well you know, um, you can get your record expunge. But that I think I'm not. Well, yeah, but it's really okay. I'm sorry. I know a little bit about this. No it doesn't, but it burns me gone. You're talking immigration, they said they don't recognize expungement. They still hold it into account. They don't recognize it at the Canadian board either. So you heard you read a lot of loud and clear all right and other energy. I was at customs in in uh Canada for almost six hours. Wow, that's a long time. Almost six hours. Dog dam out of man. They cut my coat open, all the line and sything they saw them coach we had on the big hats. They had us all get out and boy they got started. Wow. So I understand that, but I don't think this kid has done anything. Um, you know, we got a lot of stuff to deal with. A song out too where he was kind of condemning, you know, according to TMZ the behavior of immigration officials for the detention of children at the border. So now folks are wondering, is that does that play a part of it? You know, it's just so much just seems like he's being targeting. Yeah, and isn't he UNDERDOCA as well? Yeah, I mean he's only twenty six. Yeah, so he came over here right when he was a kid thirteen or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well we also have other entertainment news. This is a According to TMZ, Peter, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is mad at Big Boy for rocking his fur during the Super Bowl when he performed at halftime. Peter fired off a stern letter to Big Boy, addressing him by his real name, Antoine. Dear Antoine, our heart sank when you took the stage during the Super Bowl wearing your fur coat the animal rights group. Peter tries to confence a Big Boy to retire all of his furs and swim switch to foe. Okay, that's what they're saying. Switch ain't throw no pain on it. Yeah yeah, not not in the Super Bowl. And Peter says they're gonna send him a gorgeous faux first so he can flaunt that. All right, So there you have it. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Steve's closing remarks at forty nine after right after this, you're listening to show. All right, Steve, we are back. It is time to close out of the show, our last break of the day. You have some closing remarks for it. Yeah. I want to talk about something Tommy sent me the other day, and it caused me to think about how some people get stuck in their life. And I want to say to everybody, you don't have to stay stuck. You don't have to allow a situation to be so daunting that you can't see moving beyond, because you have to. You have to move beyond things in life. I was having a conversation with somebody and I was telling them that it's imperative that you understand the things that you cannot change. Uh, there's a scripture that tells that so eloquently. Of course I don't know it. I can't tell you where it is, as often is the case with me. But I do have it in my heart and I do understand it. But there are there's a scripture that talks about moving on and being in a position of accepting the things you cannot change. And you know, if if if prayer doesn't change a thing or will not change a thing. Even though we all know prayer changes things. It's some things that you don't even have to pray for because God told us he wouldn't change it. For example, time and tide weights on no man. Well that's he told you that. So ain't no need of a group of y'all getting together holding hands. Told my Lord stopped the clock at eleven o'clock so we can finish this task in your name heavily, Father, Now stop, he said, Time and tide weights on, no man. So the things that pray ain't gonna change because he told us some things won't won't change like that, You got to accept and move on, and accepting the things that happened in your life are a big part of it. You get stuck when you lose the ability to move on, and staying stuck don't help you at all. And I'll give you an example. What he sent me was this. He said, This plaque says, stop looking for happiness in the same place that you lost it. It has moved on. You know, happiness moves on every relationship. Don't stay a healthy relationship. Every situation you win that was happy at one time, it can turn sad. You gonna keep looking for happiness in the same place that you lost it. You have got to move on and stop feeling sad for yourself. You're not the first person somebody that left. You ain't the first person that to lost somebody you love. You're not the first person who someone has disappointed. You're not the first person being cheated on. You're not the first person who has lost faith in another person. You ain't the first person been lied to. You're not not the only one I got that things in life are hurt for him. We've all been hurt before. I think I don't know a person that ain't been hurt. I don't think I know a person ain't been disappointed. I don't know anybody that ain't suffered a setback. I don't know anyone who hasn't found something difficult to get over, including myself. But I tell you right now, like the plaques say, you can stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it. Sometimes it's gone. He ain't the one for you, but you want him back. He wasn't good for you when you had him, but I want him back. Why would you want back something that wasn't good for you in the first place. Man Can we move on? Give God a chance to put something real in your life by stop wanting something that wasn't good in your life. Stop. Man, people don't even know how to accept a blessing. We block more blessings wanting something that ain't good or write for us, stopping something that would be good for us. Stop when we're gonna get that through our head. You know how many times I've had to learn this lesson. Stop Stop wanting something that ain't good for you. Stop wanting something back that wasn't right for you. Stop move on. Give something new a chance in your life. When one door closes in your life, could that possibly mean God got something better for you? Couldn't it possibly be that? Do you think just because the door closes, that that means it's finally over and ain't no more nothing gonna happen for you Because a door shut don't mean your life is done. You didn't die, You suffer a disappointment, You got fined, you got laid off. She texts you and told you she won't you no more. He show up no more, he quick calling. You thought it was good, it wasn't. Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it. It's probably time to move on. Those are my clothing remarks. Sir, yr, sir, your sir. All right, Steve bush Man not bad. Sometimes sometimes be talking to myself. Why you want that back? It's all right. The priest to yourself and Chris asking God for stuff that he not fit to do. We gotta go, all right. Takes it out a big dog, y'all. Have a good week for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits thee Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.