Stacey Abrams Interview, RiRi, Happy Jackie Robinson Day, New Verzuz Battle and more.

Published Apr 14, 2022, 4:28 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride!  Steve gives us the signs that the stage ain't yours.  The Chief Love Officer had a lot of weirdness to deal with today.  Rihanna's style has not suffered since her pregnancy to say the least.  Stacey Abrams from Georgia stopped by to talk to the crew.  Junior asks Steve a question and Big Dog gets hella hot!  Steve helps a lady who is fed up with her man and drops a gem for a young listener in NC.  BeBe & CeCe Winans Verzuz Mary Mary on April 17 @ 6pm.  Would You Rather involves Prince.  Today in Closing Remarks, Steve and Junior go at it because of Jackie Robinson Day.

Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things and its good. Start listening to mother. Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta turn you're going. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water got me? Come come on your thing? Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice? Come on dig me now? I wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do, man, God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind, and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've lived this for a fact. And you know the majority of things I talk about in the morning before we get started with the regular show, it's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those, the good and the bad, what could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging? What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you? Unless I've had those moments myself. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it, to water down the illusion that there is a possibility that you might still have a chance to get over. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up, What circumstantial situations may arise. Don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or appears that you failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you want it to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes there will opposite and it turns out into a negative result. And in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over, that doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, you have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another step closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life to get the flowers in your life. You got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, you can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you? Dare? Dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for? Oh? I got you? Miss them? And I got you grieving, but I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time. Now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that's happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks the other day and somebody asked me something and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in that absence and their demise, I'm hoping, just somehow man that they watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something about myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. Just at my old man to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to give my life together over here, you know, saying I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She'd been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they ain't be proud of me. See you, you you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it all so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you dare dare dare ever? Give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now, because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't don't get deceived. The victory's coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, this is it to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Us here again. Man, ain't God good? I don't know if you've been thinking about it, but Man, when he waked me up, I'm just glad about it. However did today go, I'm just glad I'm here for it to watch it go. Now. With that said, though, I do expect great things to happen today, even if they come at me in the form of a delay. See denial, delayed does not mean deny. It just ain't God's timing. So I've even learned how to live my life like that. Man. I wish I knew this a long time ago. I would have saved myself a lot of headache and wary man, but this show is good. To live your life understanding in God's timing and God's will save yourself a lot of pain. Man, who he's hooking me up? Ladies and gentlemen, Sherley Strawberry callin for real the Mouth of the South, Mississippi Monica, which you all don't get to hell, but you don't know why we call her the Mouth of the South, the old Lord as we gave her. Mike, who you'd understand, Junior better known as kills faiths the legend that is nephew Timmy and yours truly, junior. What's on your mind? I can't tell you what. Let me ask you something. You know, man, you you know audiences better than anybody. You know how to operate. You can tell ye you know, some people know, they don't. Some people just don't know when you up on that stage, when you back when it's going bad, like, what's the signs when it's gonna go bad? Like with black people and white people are going back? Well, the first dead giveaway in silence. That's that's a shocking realization, seeing as how they's supposed to be none. Yeah, because either you talking or they laughing. That's the only exchange we are into. Here's the next mistake. If you ask the comedian ask a question of the audience and the response is all smart, alec Ash remarks, that's another sign that it's not going right. Yeah all man, So how y'all doing tonight? No, how the hell are you doing? That's not That's why I always tell young comedians, right your set, stay out that crowd, because you go out in that crowd could be somebody out there that's better at this than you. Let me get this right, just so I'm clear. Booing is not a good thing. Right, it's not right. I don't care what no comedians tell you. Booing is not a good thing at any time. In case you don't know what booing is. Booing is the ultimate form of dissatisfaction and find person. That's the ultimate when a person. I have spent my money, let me show you how I feel about this money out to spend and return. I'm getting all this money. Boom. When the audience is booing, they can't hear nothing. What about get off the stage. That's an invite. That's an invite for you to step out of our life and stop harmiting us the damn stage and thank you for breaking that down. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, nephew, tell me to run that brank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time to start your morning off with the nephew and run that prank back. What you got for us enough? Surely as time that we catch you uber. Everybody does that uber lift, you know, everybody catching it, but but look different when you catch your uber hers uber Hers. You understand, scary Hers. Okay, as long as you get where you need to go, that's all that shit matter. Uber Hers cat Dog. If you would hello, Hello, I'm trying to read Sean. Please yeah, it means up. Hey Sean, how are you doing this? My name is Brian. Um. I got you on schedule. Um. You you ordered the uber for tomorrow morning. I'm I think you're okay? You are? You are your schedule go to the airport? Correct? Absolutely? Yeah? Okay, all right, and I want to make sure you you wanted to suv. Yeah, I wanted the suv okay, and that's ninety two eleven west. Um, what is that, holman? I need two eleven went the Roman drive. That's correct? Okay, all right, all right, so I'll be outside tomorrow morning. You were talking about seven p seven am pickup. Correct, that's it, you got it. Everything's on point, okay, all right, so listen, I wanted to let you know this man. You order the suv, I'll be there tomorrow. Um, I'll be there probably a little bit before seven am. You know, when you guys order uber way in advance, you know, we try to get there almost like a car service and make sure we get you where you gotta go. And I know the traff is gonna be a little crazy, so um, you know I'll be there on time. I'll be downstairs waiting on you. All right, I'd appreciate it. Now listen, I'm I'm I'm an suv. But it's a kind of a little different. So that's why I kind of the reason for the call. I wanted to kind of give your heads up that I am an suv. So I just want you to look for the black Hurst that'll be outside Hers. Yeah, I'll be in a black Hurst tomorrow morning at seven am. Uh okay, okay, the sub or hers. No, No, it's a hurch. It's a hurch. Actually, what's happening is is I have another drop off at the airport as well. You know there's a I mean, it's it's it won't affect you at all. There'll there'll be a body in the back, but that has to we're trying to get that to the airport too. But you know, like I said, and a matter of fact, it is like body waiting the hella man. No, no, I ain't try riding the body. Well, there's a I mean, there'll be a body. But actually it's just causing you less. You know what I'm saying. So you don't have to man, well I'm supposed to lay down and lift the So what you're talking about, Man, dude, ain't ride with the body? Hang on, man, listen, you wanted to uv. I'm not ride with the body. Dude. You tripping? Cancel this trip? I get another over. I'm not riding with a body, dude. Okay, if you cancel, that's gonna cause you fifty dollars. Fifty dollars, man, Yeah, like you just downloaded the here's a deal. I know for a fact. When you cancel over five hours, I'm canceling, that's gonna be five hours. I'm gonna be no fifty dollars. It's gonna be fifty dollars, sir. It's a different one. You have my man, you can pay me a thousand dollars. I'm not riding with them. You feel me the understanding. You understand you now, But do you want to get to the airport or not? Look, why don't you lay down next to the body and you drive yourself there with the flighty like in the past, to just see I'm not doing it. Tell me what the problem is. I mean, obviously you're used to driving around with bodies and that's not my thing. You know what I'm saying. What's the problem. I mean, you're gonna be in the front of the hurts. You're not gonna be in the back. We'll put my bodies in the back with your luggage in the back. I mean, that'll be fine, right, you're my man. You're tripping, man, this is crazy. You're calling wrong with this crazy book. Dude. I'm not doing none of that. What part of that? Don't you understand. I'm going to get you there on time, sir, but it's going to be in a hurt that's all the difference is. Man, you'll be riding the hurt. Well, I'm supposed to be laid out. And you understand right now you got me up. What kind of phone call is this? Well? I mean, when you what's what's the problem. Obviously you're used to rolling with with dead bodies and hearses and all that. Since when it over start rolling with hearses to pick up regular love more, because to get them from place to place. This is some crazy I want you to think when when did you think that it would just be cool or as a regular picking up a body and just driving around in the street. I don't know, man, I mean, you know, I got two jobs, you know what I'm saying, I do, you know, And I also, you know, work for a mortuary to you know what I'm saying. So you know, but my vehicle is is certified and approved it so I'm able to use it as an SUV. So you you calling is and you gave it ride to love More and they don't have no reaction, no reaction to riding around with them embodying the back well you know, uh, sometimes there's a people acting a little, you know, a little it's a little different for them. I get at it, you know. But like I said, the only reason why I'm calling you obviously you don't get that because you're trying to hit me with a fifty dollars in charge that I'm not I'm not going for and you're trying to get me to ride with him that body. Dude, I'm not doing that. So I'll tell you what, Broun. I'm gonna tell you this right here. I'm gonna get off the phone tomorrow and seven in the morning, me and Tommy gonna be there, so be looking forwards here. Who's Timmy the body? No, no, Me and Tommy gonna be there tomorrow morning at seven mayhem. You know what I'm saying. Just be ready for that. Then you're Timmy gonna have a problem. Okay, okay, all right. Tell it to Tommy though, because see Tommy, don't Tommy. Don't take this too Kmmy, So tell it to him in the morning. Who's Timmy? Now? Okay, you don't know who Tommy is? No, I don't what it's Tommy? Okay, do you know Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning So do you know nephew Tommy? Come on, man, hey, oh man, oh man, that's hey hey man, and no man, your boy. You got a boy named Chase that you worked with. Chase gave me your number, told me to get your call. Oh man, yeo, I'm gonna put that one in a hearset. Man. Oh hey man, you gotta give me one more thing. Man, What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey man, I pick you up a set right beat there? All right, give it to me, nephew to me dead body. Thank you. Coming up next, it's time for As the Cello, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions. Right after this you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne, we'll have the latest on the horrific subway shooting investigation. We'll talk about that, of course, plus in entertainment news. Rihanna has nothing to hide, baby, nothing and not that we care. But Kanye was right. There could be another Kim Kardashian and Ray j a sex tape out there. We'll talk about these stories at the top of the hour. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, stop it, Kanye, leave her alone. She has moved on. Right now, it is time for As the Cello with the Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. This one's from Kim and Virginia. Kim writes, I'm dating a man that is very spiritual and he loves to pray before we have sex, which is an abomination. He yells for the Lord during sex and it ruins my mood. How do I make it stop? You need to leave him? Yes, yeah, this is weird and just you know, you know, you know, I've called him, you know at a certain point in it, but it was big about over there. Uh and uh. Other than that, you know that that really ain't no, No, you need you need to what? No, you need to leave him? Y'all ain't even married. Oh the gods, what you're doing? This ain't even first of all? What what's the prayer? You know? If he all that spiritual, he would consider it a sin. Yeah you know. Now, I ain't saying you know you can't or you shouldn't. I you can do what you want to do. I ain't making a judgment call un done all of it. But I'm just saying, now, what's the prayer? Fall Father? Forgive me for I'm about to do wrong? But I'm gonna go ahead anyhow. Then let me do the best. Stop caring while I mean, if I'm gonna do wrong, let me do the best in wrong? Or what is the prower? You need to leave him? Go ahead sight in my wrongness? All right? MICHAELA and Detroit says, My husband and I fuss and fight over dumb stuff all the time, and it's getting on my nerves. Nothing affects him and he can sleep like a baby after we've cursed each other out for hours does this mean there's no emotional connection for him, No, no, no, no, It just means that men have the ability to compartmentalize. We are gotting. We didn't cuss. I got to go to sleep because I got to go work to him all So now let me go on and get some sleep. Now, you, on the other hand, can't hardly sleep. And when you do go to sleep, you're gonna wake up just as mad as you was last night. He ain't gonna he ain't gonna remember nothing, body, because men have the ability to compartmentalize. Because we've got to move on now. I would love to tell you to develop that, but you're not develop the ability to part compartmentalize. Shut your ass up, sick of this man. You don't know when you talk about funky thing sitting up in here, blanket and blank and blank blank blank. Huh, I like fat, he got his mouth wider. Good night. That's too crazy, all right, all right, So you're telling her she needs to get more like him in that instance, it's not not can help you with because men compartmentalize and women don't a lot of times, and so that's the difference in us. You know, we wake up, can be mad. Yeah, So that's the difference in men and women. That's nothing to change. You can't pray that away, all right. Moving on to Johnny and Laurel. Johnny says, I'm a thirty three year old female boxer and I'm dating a guy that is a trainer at the boxing gym. He loves to joke and say he can beat me if he had to. So I don't get the big head after I win a match. Is this a sign of his insecurity? Is it a sign of his insecurity? Or should I take it as a joke. Well, we can find out. Knock his ass out. So all you got to do a cock backam busting dad in this, John, Let's see where you know, all is talking about what you can do and all this here, let's see you know. But now he ain't posted hit you back, so you know you're probably gonna win. So but why is that bothering you? Don't if someone, if a man tells you, oh, I could beat you, don't get the big head bringing that up. But see, well here's a problem, dude, I can beat you, okay, Anne, I mean, bro, why why is the dude saying that you know you're dating her, But you're a trainer. But why are you saying it though I could beat you? Are you sure? Are you just saying that so you could just keep in a suppressed position. I don't understand. It just sounds like a little bit of insecurity to me. You know, yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean absolutely, you know, but you know you got no way of proving it. Y'all. Don't need the box, you know. But I know a lot of women can whip a lot of me. And in that ring though, I've seen it, Yeah, I've seen it. I've seen it. I know something m I watch mmma, there's some girls. I cannot get in that ring with it because I'm as soon as I get her in the head like, because she's been to beat the hell out of me, I can't have this on TV or I got to get up in that cage as soon as that in the rad corner and just faint, just faint. Han't cast me out, you know, tell him I had a seizure. Yeah, Steve punk Ass tried to get out. Yeah, she was gonna. That's a scary situation though for him to keep saying that, I don't I don't like that, all right, Moving on, to Serena in Kansas City. Serena says, I walked in on my husband taking a bath in my tub in the dark while talking on the phone. Say that again, okay? She said. Serena is her name. She says that she walked in on her husband taking a bath in the tub, in her tub in the dark, while he was talking on the phone. She said, it scared the mess out of me. He said he was talking to He said he was talking to his mom. I know you're trying to think quick, but that you hit the wrong one player, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And she's she's asking, is she to believe he was on the phone with his mom, naked in the dark taking a bubble bath? First of all, do you have other concerns? Your man? Just in the dog taking a bubble bath just right down? It screams something's wrong. It just it reeks with you something wrong. That's not what we do. We don't take bubble baths in the dog. We just don't. Period. Now you know, I got soaking you soil, you've been working out, you got some epps and salt. The bubble bath in the dog and talking on the phone. See more. If you go soak in the bath tub because because you're hurting or something. You were, you were, you know, that's a quiet time for you. They're talking on the phone with them bubbles. Someone else was going on in that damn water to keep that suge as suggy as it was. You know how you switch your hand around in the water, make more bubbles. All right, Okay, he's talking to that's the lie Iver talked to my MoMA nicked dry always too much. Yeah, definitely hold on, mmm, let me clothes over. At the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and some national news for you right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve Harvey Nation coming up in about twenty minutes. We will have leader Stacy Abrams. That's right, I said. Stacy Abrams will be our very special guest. Can't wait to talk to her and entertainment news right now. Rihanna says that pregnancy has changed a lot of things in her life, but not the way she dresses. Rey, who has raised some eyebrows with her barely there outfits, tells Vogue Magazine that she won't be toning it down for the rest of her pregnancy. She says. When I found out I was pregnant, I thought to myself, there's no way I'm going to go shopping in no maternity aisle. I'm sorry, it's too much fun to get dressed up. My body is doing incredible things right now, and I'm not going to be ashamed of that. And we're seeing me because she's out everywhere. She's straight killing it, beautiful Honor is ripping them with her pregnices. Yes, she letting them have it. You know, you know, you know, you know. Look now she gained in the weight because she's pregnant. You know, a face getting a little fool and everything. But that girl right there, she first, she's letting them have it. She is. She is stomach five face booting everything. Yes, he'll makeup on Rihanna, letting them have it all. Her fish got her stomach out, every last one, every k a look like a cake. She had a waist chain on one day. I said, where she Yeah, yeah, arranging a game for sure, as she always does. She messing around. How many months is she? How much more it is we got? I don't even know. I don't know. I don't even know, because when we found out she was she was quite a way along, So yeah, I have no idea. It looks like yeah, it looks like it's coming up soon though. No, she's killing it though, Man, I ain't she killing it? Yes? She is all right. And other entertainment news, Kanye back in the news. Kanye was right. He's saying there could be a second sex tape between ray J and Kim Kardashian. On the New Kardashian series on Hulu, Kim reacts to the rumors that there is a second tape of her and ray Ja. Kim says, over my dead body, as this happening again, I know the right attorneys this time, and I'm not going to let this happen to me again. I have all the time, all the money, and all of the resources resources to burn them all to the effing ground. So I'm trying to tell you, well, he's the one trying that. He tried to help her get the sex tape. Yeah, yeah, he he tried to help her with that. Yeah. Hey, let me tell you something, ray J better take his little money somewhere and go sit down. Well, well, listen to this, though, Steve. According to Hollywood, Unrocked, Unlocked, Unrocked, unlocked. Kanye claimed he flew to Los Angeles to pick up the tape and deliver it to Kim. He said, I went and got the laptop from Ray J myself that night. I met this man at the airport, then got on a red eye, came back and delivered it to her at eight a m. In the morning. But that's where he's where we're away. I don't know a lot about technology, but you think on a computer that that's the only copy, right that copy get on that computer. I don't know, but I know she wants to shut that down for her yet. But you know, look, man, I don't I don't blame her. Look, man, and let's see. Let's see from that from the very beginning. Note, you know, I don't like these punk ass dudes out here. You know, if you do something with a woman, man, then it's done. You know what you you know, trying to brag show tapes and all this hire and man, So what go sit your little weak ass down somewhere. You ain't did nothing, all right, We got to move on. Introduce missan lady and gentleman. Miss and trip. Okay, thank you, and good morning everybody. This is a trip for the news. A suspect in tuesday's frightening smoke bomb a gun attack on the New York City subway car, was arrested in Lower Manhattan yesterday without incident, after cops in a local presincrecy, calls from people in the neighborhood, and even a call from the guy himself. Ten people was shot, thirteen others injured, but luckily none of the victims has died. Authorities say. Frank James, who has a long arrest record and relationships in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York City, posted videos on YouTube where he called himself profit of Truth eighty eight and called about the country being racist and about New York City's Mayor Eric Adams's stated goal of bringing down subway crime. I told you so about New York and it's only going to get worse. He can't stop timing no sub ways. He may slow it down, but he ain't stop. I wanted to kill people. I wanted to watch people that right in front of my face, meeting me. But I thought about the fact that, hey man, I don't want to go prison. Well he may not want to go, but Frank James is expected to be a rained later on this morning on a serious charge of committing a violent or terrorist act on a public transit on public transit, which after conviction calls for a sentence of up to life in prison. Actor Kuba Gooden Junior was in the Manhattan courtroom yesterday admitting that he kissed a waitress in a nightclub in the mouth without her consent back in twenty eighteen. Yes she took him the court. Fifty seven year old Jerry McGuire actor agreed to a plea deal which does not call for any jail time. Two black coaches have joined Brian Flores's lawsuit against the National Football League Still. Steve Wilkes says he was discriminated against by the Arizona Cardinals in twenty eighteen when he was hired as a bridge coach. He says for one season. He says he was given no meaningful chance to succeed and replaced by the current coach, Cliff Kingsbury, a white man from college ranks with no NFL experience. And Ray Horton says his twenty sixteen interview with the Tennessee Titans was humiliating because the man who got the job Mike mcillary said later in a podcast that he'd already been given the job before anybody was interviewed. Remember Ambert Geiber Geiger, that's the white former Dallas police officer who shot an innocent black man named Botham Jean to death, claiming that she mistakenly entered his apartment instead of her own. And will Geiger has been denied her request for an appeal for the third time. Staveley comedian Gilbert Gottfried has died after a long illness. And if you don't recognize the name, Bet, you canize the voice to night. We are a monster in the entertainment industry here they used him a lot. This publicist of his says that Godfrey Dodd from muscular dystrophe, a form of it. He was sixty seven years old. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show everybody, as promise, we got a very very special guest on this morning. She's the former Democratic leader in the Georgia House of Representatives. She's an attorney, she's a voting right activist, she's an author, but most importantly she's now our Democratic candidate for governor in Georgia. Listen to me. She is running as a Democratic candidate for governor in Georgia, and she's joining us to share insights on her candidacy. Excuse me on her candidacy. So let's get to it. Please, Welcome to the show leader, Stacy Abrams. Yes, welcome back. Thank you, Thank you for having me well, thank you for coming. You know, look after your groundbreaking twenty eighteen campaign for governor, you just didn't quit. You got right back to work for the people of Georgia and you entered the governor's race again. Now we're behind you one hundred percent. How do you plan to help Georgians thrive once you are elected? First of all, thank you so much for having me back. I did spen in the last four years not just thinking about what I wanted to do, but working on it. I launched three organizations, Parasites focus on democracy and protecting our right to vote, their accounts to use civic engagements to make certain that people were getting the resources they deserve from the Census and the Southern Economic Advancement Project, and we use that to do a lot of work helping people to vaccines, making sure that during the pandemic community's got the resources they needed. But the reality is that's the governor's job. It's the work of a governor to serve people. And when I become the next governor, my first business is going to be to banned Medicaid in Georgia. That's going to put money in people's pockets and save lives. Medicaid expansion won't give health insurance the half a million people in Georgia. It will bring three point five billion dollars into the state every year. It will create sixty four thousand jobs. So every time you hear about a jobs program or a new factory coming, imagine if we could create sixty four thousand jobs by bringing our own money back. Because that's what Medicaid expansion does. It makes certain that childless adults as well as folks who make just a little two lifts two little money to qualify for the Affordable Care Act. It gives them all health insurance and that left everybody. It saves hospitals, it saves lives, and it creates jobs. And I believe in this. I actually during my time, during the last four years, I've paid off the medical debt of sixty eight thousand Georges because I know what it means when there is healthcare costs, it stops you from doing what you need, you from getting the help you need, and it stops you from creating your opportunity for yourself and your family. I'm going to stoke us on education and I'm going to make certain that across the state we don't have Atlanta and everywhere else. I'm focusing on making sure we have one Georgia. That's my mission and that's why i want to show see that, not that I wasn't aware. That's really eye opening to me about the medical cost and putting that money back into people's pockets and creating jobs. Oh, we got a lot more to learn this morning from our candidate, Stay Sabrans, So stay with us. We'll be right back. Hang on with us one second, miss Abens, we'll be right back Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening, show a light everybody. We're back in our special guests this morning is our Democratic leader in the Georgia House, who representative still for us. She is, and more importantly, she's now our Democratic candidate for governor in Georgia, and she's joining us this morning sharing her insights on her candidacy candidacy wh I cannot say that, missus Abels, I'm saying. I try not to use words with folk syllables. I just can't keep up that long. I'm little. We're just here to talk about her campaign and I could do. And this morning, you've been brilliant to us here in Georgia. You've inspired us here in Georgia. You led the voting registration causes here and really made some changes. So it's time for us to pay all of this back. Y'all listen to me. This woman is a hard worker, she's dedicated and above all else, she's super qualified and she's got the right ideas for Georgia. And one of the things I wanted to talk to you about was the was the One Georgia tour that you created. Tell us about the One Georgia Tour and the concerns that Georgian shared with you while you were out there on that tour. We want the One Georgia Tour back in March to start going across the states talking to folks about what they need. When I was in export Georgia, we talked about Medicaid expansion, and that was a nurse whose aunt died because the hospital that could have saved her life was shut down by Brian Kemp during this pandemic. And when I say by Brian Kemp, he didn't physically go down and shut down the hospital, but he refused to expand Medicaid and accept the money that could have kept that hospital open, could have saved those jobs, could have saved her life. When I went to Warner Robins, Georgia, I talked about what we need to do for our veterans. Our veterans need help when they come home. We've got too many veterans who are living under bridges instead of lizbing under roof. We have too many veterans who cannot get jobs. And this is a state that should CONSENTI by those who sacrifice to protect our freedom. When I was in a guest I talked about public education, the fact that unfortunately this governor does not have a plan for how we help our children recover from the pandemic but also succeed going forward. He's doing these one offimic giving a little bit of money here, a little bit of money there. We need someone who's going to guarantee that he will fully fund education. And I would say it's been. Instead of waiting for him to do it, I can get it done as the next governor of Georgia. And I bring this to the state because I have been a small business owner, as been a nonprofit leader. I'm a Yale educated tax attorney. But more than anything, I've always put the people of Georgia first, and I want to do that again as the next governor of the state. Yes, ma'am, Wow, she's so brilliant. Yeah, let me ask you this explained to my listening audience what it is that sets you apart from the other candidates in Georgia's race for the governorship. Right now, the Republican side has five candidates. The two leading candidates are Bryan Kemp and David Purdue. David Perdue as a former senator who was outsted by John Astok, who's doing an amazing job along with the Senator Raphael Warnock making certain that the money that Georgia deserves is coming home for the first time and so years. But the reality is the difference between me and Brian Keimp Frian Kimp doesn't seem to care. He doesn't care about our healthcare. He won't take action even though Mike Pence, the former Republican Vice president, expanded Medica when he was governor of Indiana. Brian Kemp will not do right by our people. Yesterday he find a bill that allows criminals to buy pass the permitting process and get done. And we know that this is going to make us less safe. I call it criminal carey. We know it makes us less safe because the permitting process is one of the one way we close the background. We poll in the state of Georgia, five thousand, two hundred people applied for this permit in twenty twenty and we're told no because of felony conviction, because of domestic abuse charges, because of mental hospitalization. And Brian Keimp yesterday said come on in it's open season. We know that he does not care about Georgia. He cares about power. He cares about the people he likes, and he cares about the people who can give him more power. I'm I care about all Georgians, even the ones who don't like me. I campaigned in Deluse. I don't campaign where they fell deliverance. I will go everywhere in Georgia because I want people to have the same opportunity iPad. I've been poor. I'm not there anymore, and I want more people to have the opportunity to thrive, to climb the ladder of success. We can't guarantee it for anyone, but everyone should be guaranteed access. And that's my mission. Miss Abras, hold on one second, we go. We're gonna take a quick break, and we're gonna come right back because I don't want anybody missed this important information. We'll be right back with more to Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to, Hey, we're back. Everybody in our special guests is our leader, Stacy Abrams, who's running for governor of the state of Georgia, who we are going to ensure replaces, uh, the current governor anybody running against her. We were talking this morning about several things. You know, I want to say this about the current governor. You know, when you pass a bill like this that allows people who have traditionally been denied access to weapons. When she says that she's working for people who like her and who don't like her, he works for people who like him, who he likes and can help make him powerful. And that's people who contribute. Now I'm just gonna tell y'all the NR A nothing is bigger than the NR And they are the hugest lobbyists in this country when it comes to Republican Party and that's selling who's selling guns. They don't care who it hurts. They're gonna keep that Second Amendment alive so everybody can purchase guns and make money. Period. That's what this is about. To stop playing this game, y'all, that's what this is. We've got to get out and vote again and did and do what we did last year or year before to make things right in this state of Georgia. Georgia has turned the election around the president and turn to the election around in the Senate, and we're gonna do it for the governor this time. Since Abrams, thank you so much. We're gonna take care of you. Well. I just want to say thank you, Stephen. And if I can add one piece, I believe in the Second Amendment. My father was to hunt. My great grandmother taught me how to shoot. I don't have an issue with the Second Amendment. I have issue with people not being responsible. Gun safety is what we are responsible for doing, and we should not put weapons into the hands of people who refused to take that seriously. And for every person who says, oh, you know, every person who has the second amendment of a law by in citizen, I remind you of the two men or three men who murdered from mott Aubrey. I remind you of the people who use vigil auntie justice because they can stand because of the standard ground laws. I remind you of the fact that george is one of the top states for moving weapons into the hands of criminals. Georgia should be leading the way protecting our people, not making us less safe by subanding who has it. And to learn more about my campaign and more about how you can help so the Stacy Abrams dot com. You can learn about my policy, you can learn more about me and my story, and you can learn how you can help us. Meet everybody in the chimpaign with us, and you got it, Ladies and gentlemen. Stacy Abrams dot com, everybody, Stacy Abrams dot com. Since Abrams, thank you so much. We're gonna take care of you. We wish you the best. Thank you so much. Thank you to everyone. I appreciate you guys having me all right. We want to thank leader Stacy Abrams once again. Go to Stacy Abrams dot com for more information. Nephew, it is your turn to step up to the mic and give us today's phone call. We're going from that to stupid ye know, sorry transition, Let's go. Then? Are your lights on? Fad dog? If you hood? Hello? Hello? Is I'm trying to reach us? Who's calling this? I love? I think I actually live in the apartment behind you. I think my apartments are up against each other for you? Are you in Uni? Who want to know? Actually? I want to know. I'm calling y'all got at a bit of a problem. I actually live in, uh which is the apartment that? That's our apartments are back to back with each other. And I don't know, man, but you are right, yes, okay, here's here's what's going on. It took me a long time to figure this out. But when you come home in the evening and you turn your life down, my my oven and stove come on, and I'm talking about every out on my stove is on and burning hot. How do you know? That's because when I turned my life home, I just I mean, I didn't figure it out. It just seemed like every time I mean, I hear you when you close your door and every evening, I'm like, why it is my oven and my stove coming home and I'm talking about my whole kitchen just hunting degrees in there. But I under stove being on like that. Okay, did you call maintenance? From my understanding, I'm only listening. They're not gonna get to me for a couple of days now, so I'm not I'm asking you, if you're on mind, to not how your lights on until they come get this fix. Okay. So you asking me not to turn on my lights for three or four days, and you know, to sit in the dark. Well, I'm just saying it's it's only gonna be for a couple of days. I know it's a little bit of an inconvenience, but I mean, I can't be over here in the house. You know they're about to burn down. Are you listening to what you're saying? You're asking me to sit in the dark. You know I got a baby. I can't sit in the dark. Okay. I mean, y'all have any camels or something y'all can work with or something like that. Um, I have to give my baby food milk. I mean, really, you want me to sit in the dark, and you don't want me to turn anything on. You know, I gotta feed my baby. I understand, and and and much respect to you in your child, much respect. But what I'm trying to explain to you is, I mean, we have to look at the big hazard here. The bigger hazard is is that I'm over here with fire on. Okay, First of all, where are you getting this wee? I am I involved in your situation. I am nothing the one that's going on your license catched in some kind of way to my ovens and stove. Okay, but I still I don't have anything to do with that. You know, you need to call management whatever. But I don't have anything to do with that. And I want to know, how do you know when I get home and turn on my life? I mean, like, are you looking at my window or something? Are you a peeping tongs? Do I need to call nine one one? You don't need to call nobody on me. Now what we need to get somebody over and fix this other in the stove. That's what we got to get done. But until then, right now, you can't turn them lights off. Oh I'm turning on my life. I mean I know you ain't trying to regulate what I do in my house. For listen, I'm gonna tell you just like this here, I'm gonna need you to keep them lights off until meeting this get over here in two days. Now. If if I see this stove come on and all these our eyes on this stove come on, that, I'm gonna come over there and we're gonna have directify the problem. But I cannot have just coming on. So are you threatening me now? I'm not. No, I'm not, No, I am not. I'm telling you not to turn the lights off. That's what I'm asking you to do. Well, I can't sit in the dark and I'm gonna turn on my lights. So you know you're gonna have to deal with it. No, I'm not gonna deal with it. You're gonna have to actually turn the lights off. Now, I understand. Do you have somewhere you can go stay? To me? Do you have somewhere you can go stay? I'm not leaving my house. I don't have a problem, you know. One of the problem. I'm not going to leave here and then you turn it on and then over here and knock on my door. You think you see firing your solve. You're gonna see some fire. I can show you some five Okay, listen, I'm turning with as calmly as I can. Okay, I'm trying to work with me, calmly. Okay. The only thing you're doing right now is you're trying to tell me what to do and run my household. Okay. If you're not gonna work with me, then this is what I'm gonna do. I already found out where the breaker is. I just go and just turn all the power off so you don't have your powwall at all. Wait a minute, what, No, you can't turn my break off? Are you crazy? I got to do what I got to do. I can't start no fire. Right you get my phone up? But anyway, I mean, how you know my name, my number? Artist? You know what? I'm about to come home and he's gonna put the foot up your I don't care if he put your in the of it and we set you on fire. What you're talking about, You're gonna damn turn the break off. Let me. I'm trying to tell me and prevent a fire for the whole complex. And you're up and you're trying to commit Uh, this is like arsen for you to turn that on. I don't give a you don't want you already got a problem. So I'm just gonna ask field to the fire. You called me and again, I want to know how you got my numb Look, I'm not going to city go on in this little small timers, is that we got a problem with your switch when you turn it on. I don't have a problem on the stove. The problem it's about to be a bigger problem when my man come over there and put a foot up your I don't know who you think you with, but it's about to be on tired home. I don't know how you got my number, but you call the wrong today. Okay, Fie, I got oneman else I need to say you listen you got to say because I'm tired of listening to you. Oh you you ain't saying I want to hear today you calling me with all this. It's nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband? Are you wait a minute? Hold up? This is who this is, Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your husband got me the prank phone call you. Are you serious? It's for real. I don't believe it. I can't believe it. You are. I'm know I was ready to put a foot up in somebody. I don't believe. I just got pumped like this. Okay, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You got it coming up next, Strawberry Letter. The subject my boyfriend is a show off. We'll get into that right after this. Listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one. You hear that pop pop right here, right now, and it could be yours. You never know, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is draw up Verry letter. Thank you, nephew. My boyfriend is a show off. Dear Stephen Shirley I've been married for almost nine years to a man that would rather buy me things than talk to me and spend time with me. We have a boat and other water toys. That's how he spends his time. I can only imagine how women must flock to him when he's at the lake, because I can smell their scents on him. Whenever he does come home, it's all finding good because I've got a maintenance man on the side, and he keeps me occupied if I need company. I am growing really fond of this guy, but I've had to pull back from him a little bit. He calls himself my boyfriend, and I'll always correct him. He has hinted that my husband is probably a cheater and hopes that it will make us closer. I can see through the bs, and I don't like when men gossip, but this guy is special to me, so I overlooked it. What I can't deal with is how he tries to one up my husband and everything he does for me. It became obvious over the Christmas holidays when my husband sent me to the spot for an entire day. I was unable to I was unavailable to my maintenance man for hours, and he was losing his mind, so a week later, he sent a massage therapist to my house while my husband was there. My husband gave me a diamond pinky ring for Christmas, so he turned around and got me a bigger diamond band for Valentine's Day. I can't tell my husband where the gifts come from, and I can't explain to my coworkers why my office is always full of fresh flowers. I've asked my maintenance man to stop being a show off and stay in his lane, and that really hurts his feelings. I think he's hoping he can woo me away from my fabulous lifestyle and marriage, but that will never happen. How can I tell him he's ruining the fun in our relationship? What are you doing? Seriously, what are you doing? You have a husband, you have a boyfriend, and you need help from us with what. I'm trying to figure that out. It's not like you're trying to fix your marriage or anything, because you're already set. In your letter. You can smell other women's sense on him talking about your husband, and it's fine and good. It must be, because why aren't you out on the boat with him? You never mentioned that you left that part up. Why you aren't spending time. I know you said he doesn't talk to you and all that, but something must be going on. Why you know, besides that, why you don't go out there or anything. You just let him go. I think you love the attention you're getting from both of these men. I think you love the gifts, and I think you're playing a dangerous game here and listen, Please don't be stupid for one second and think that the grass is greener on the other side with your side piece. I think he'll continue his generous gift giving until you decide. If you do to leave your husband, then all that's probably going to stop. He's in competition with your husband. He's trying to woo you. Like you said in the letter, you're the pawn here, not the prize. This game won't be as exciting if you leave your husband. Okay, so please don't give up what you're already calling your fabulous lifestyle and marriage. I hope you mean that when you say it, that it will never happen. I do hope you mean that. And you ask, how do you tell that he's ruining the fun in your relationship? How do you tell him that. Well, you won't have to if you leave him alone and talk to your husband about your marriage. That's what you need to do at this point. Figure out what's going on there, Steve, this letter is just a bunch of bas less. I don't care. I don't got other things to do. Man trying to be a good grandfather now and all is here trying to talk sense into my kids and dogs. I ain't got time for this lady, and this mess sheet and created. My boyfriend is a show off. Why do you have a boyfriend? Let's just start there. We got a whole letter that don't even have to be a damn letter if you would just fix the problem. You can't upset it a thousand times. You can't vix what's wrong in your house outside your house. You've been married nine years to a man who would rather buy you things than talk to you and spend time with you. We got a boat, other water toys, and he spends his time. I can't. I can only imagine how women flock to him when he at the lake, because I can smell they sent on him whenever he does come home. Okay, right there, right there is where we need to address Shirley said it. Why you ain't on the boat, Why you ain't at the lake, Why you ain't on the water toys. Everybody else down there on the boat wouldn't mar everybody else down there on the water toys except you. He come home and he got the scent of women on him. And it's all fining good because I got a maintenance man on the side that keeps me occupied. Well, y'all, even case case close case, aw he doing you, you doing him? He do wrong? You do wrong? Case end of letter? What what what you're inviting us in this phone? Your correction to the problem is to get a maintenance man on the side. And I'm going really fond of this guy, but I've had to pull back from him a little bit because he calls himself my boyfriend, and I got always got to correct him. He's hinted that my husband is probably a Cheatah. What you need his hint? He ain't. He ain't smelling the scent of other women on your man. You are. He's hinted that your husband is a Cheatah. He and he knows Jeff like you ass letter. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response to today's strawberry letter coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. The subject is my boyfriend is a show off. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right? Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter with the subject of my boyfriend is a show off. Okay, This married woman has a boyfrid problem already. Her husband spends money and things on her instead of time and talking to her. They got a boat, they got water toys. He always at the lake when he come home. She can smell a center of the women on her, but that don't bother her because she has a maintenance man on the side and he keeps me occupied. Okay, cool, He down at the lake tripping, and you didn't decide to get you a maintenance man to help keep you occupied. We even where what's on us in a letter? Folk? I don't know what we even by? Bye bye? My boyfriend is a show off. But you got nerve to call this man to call you. He's hinted. And then first of all, you've gotten fond of this guy. But you got to pull it back a little bit because he calls himself my boyfriend. And all he's had to correct. But that's what he is. He your boyfriend. Yeah, that's what it is. You might not care for the title. You know you do this several titles going on in here. He's hinted that my husband is probably a Cheatah, in hopes that it will make us closer. I can see through the BS. This ain't BS. This is facts. This is not BS. You can see through the BS. It's not BS. He telling you the truth. Your husband. He's hinted your husband to Cheatah, you think your husband cheating? That's why you're cheating. Where we at with this hill? I don't like it with me and gossip, but this guy is special to me, so I'll overlooked it. Why what I can't deal with this? How he tries to one up my husband and everything he does for me. It becomes obvious over the Christmas holidays when my husband sent me to the spot for the entire day. I was unavailable to my maintenance man for hours and he was losing his mind. So a week later, he sent a massage therapist to my house while my husband was there. He ain't one up in he doing you. You don't sent the therapist to the damn house while your husband is dead. That ain't one up in your husband. That's putting you in a precarious position. And here you go again. You know, but but you know what. The old ladies see this the game you playing though, See you playing this game with your little maintenance man. So he's he's doing maintenance work. He doing upkeep. That's what the maintenance men do. We come and keep up the property. See we maintain property. You property, So he's maintaining it. You got tapists at the house. Here go another one right here. My husband gave me a diamond pinky for Christmas, so he turned around and got me a bigger diamond band for Valentine's Day. Okay, what enjoy the gifts? You like things because your marriage is being held together by things instead of talking in time. So he didn't found out you like things, right, So he didn't got your big diamond bracelet for Valentine's Day. I can't tell my husband where the gifts come from. Leave them down at your job in your desk like everybody else. Do that, cheat, What are you wearing this bracelet around your husband? Fault? You're stupid, You're stupid, Dao, My damn nerd. I don't know. I can't explain him where I got this big diamond band from. Where are you wearing it at the house fault? Keep it down at your job? And I can't tell my co workers why my office is always full of fresh flowers because it's two men sending them. Yeah, she likes the attention. I've asked my maintenance man to stop being a show off and stay in his lane, and that really hurt his feeling. Stay in his lane? How you gonna tell the man what the lane is? See, I think he's hoping he can whoo me away from my fabulous lifestyle and marriage, but that will never happen. How do I tell him he's ruined in the fun in our relationship? Well, let me explain something to you. Your marriage is things you really don't care. You care about things. You want to have a boyfriend, but you want to tell him how to be the boyfriend. You want to have a side piece. You want to tell him how to be a side piece, but you really the side piece, and you don't even understand that. And so now you can't write the rules to this because let me explain the rules too. You've heard the term pimper ain't easy, but somebody got to do it. Well, let me tell you the real rule. Pimper ain't easy and everybody can't do it. See that's the real rule of pimping. Pimper ain't easy and everybody can't do it, and you ain't a pimple. I'm gonna just gonna tell your facts. You ain't a pimper, but you're trying to play like you a pimper. You're trying to pimp your husband for things, and you pimper this man for things, and you like the attention. But pimper ain't easy, but somebody got to do it. Problem is, you ain't the one that could do it. Pimper ain't easy, and everybody can't do it, and you, lady, can't do it. You ain't a pimp. You need to get out the pimp business because you don't even know how to do it. You're taking the gifts to the house. Y'a ought to have that down him. You ought to let him call you your boyfriend. What difference that may? He ain't talking to nobody but you, you stupid. You gotta let him call you something. He want to be your boyfriend. Let him do that. I tell him quick calling me your boyfriend. Why he ain't talking nobody but you. Now, if he posted on Instagram, we have a problem. So he got the title of boyfriend. So it's pimping. That's what it do. So so you want to be the girlfriend you're telling it to me. Go ahead, you. I don't like this letter. I'm sorry. I don't apologize to everybody listening, because don't nobody listening driving the work, at work, at the house, or nobody give a damn. We don't care what happened to you all your little ragged ass marriage. I hope you get a divorce. I hope both of them spot you. I hope the therapists tell on you all this here. I hope the flowers gets sent to the Ronge house, all of it all right, Listen, we're gonna wrap this one up. Steve. Thank you. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter. It's today Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, It's Junior and Sports Talk. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for Junior and sports talk. What you got Junior? All right? Sure it was the big day in sports today. Happy Jackie Robinson Day. It's his seventy fifth anniversary of Jackie Robinson's breaking the color line in Major League Baseball, happen on April fifteenth, nineteen forty seven. Man, can you believe what it was like for Jackie Robinson to have teammates not even support you, to be called it in word every stadium you walk in, to be told you can't stay at this hotel, and to be the first to do it. Now, he was a National League MVP in nineteen fifty four. He played ten years. Uh, he was Rookie of the Year in nineteen forty seven. Also, Jackie Robinson used use of non violence, and his talents changed the traditional basis of segregation. Uncle, what do you know some about Jackie Robinson? Uh? Have you ever met him? What? Jackie Robins? He met everybody? Timmy met Jackie Robinson. Ain't me Frederick Douglas. I ain't met sat a Page. I didn't mean hard. Timmy, let me Jackie Robins. Boy, I just ain't met Joe Lewis. I'm the whole. I ain't met jack Johnson who you're asking me on this show? I ain't met no day everybody you're talking about. I just was as the old show he doing sports? Why did you only walk back down civil rights movements? Jackie Robinson? Dame? Only Jackie Robinson dame? I don't know Jackie's hid no jacket Robins? But why is you offended? Like I caught hid? No you you ever met Marcus Garvin? No know the hells you're taking me brock all back down memory Lane? Like I started civil rights? Lest th only one on the show that we're born doing segregation. That's why I asked, did you mean me Mat Turney either? But I heard nobody? You mean you met Paul Roberson? Did you mean Paul rob who? I didn't even know? These people? Quit ask around these questions. Well you just sports? Is what you do? This sister sports? Top of just spot you all dawn memory Lane? Did you meet doctor King? Boy? You can't kill them sixty eight hours? Let him saw the funeral on TV? Now I meant, no, doctor King, What are you gonna meet me? Faul Parkwood Elementary? See little Steve, I sir, I do I just if I Harriet's up man, you probably know Malcolm X. Nope, don't. I'm sorry man, I didn't know Jackie Rob I just watch I could breathe to Sojourner truth, No, No, I haven't. Just do sports. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll check Steve voicemail at eight seven seven twenty nine. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time to check Steve voicemail and if you would like to leave Steve a voicemail yourself, call Umn at eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steed, you can hear your messages on the heir with us. Steve. We are ready to go. Let's go. This caller is from New Jersey. Her name is Hollie. I mister Harvey, Miss Shirley, Tommy and the rest of the truth. I really didn't love listening to you guys. My name is Hollie. I'm calling all the way from New Jersey. I have a question for you, mister Harvey. I know you have a blended family, and I'm supposed to have a blended family, but I don't. And the reason I'm saying that is because my husband of ten years have kept his children away from our home or relationship, and it has gotten to a stage where it's so very toxic. In a nutshell, my husband have moved to the sofa since February of this year, and it's a lot of tension and what comes with that. Anyway, my question for you, how should I handle this? I'm actually thinking of going south because I've tried getting him too counseling and he bluntly refused. And at this stage in my life, I need my mental health. I have two adults boys, they just graduated from college, and I don't think I want to put up with living like this. I would great to appreciate your advice. Thank you have a great things. Well, I mean, ma'am, you got me in a precarious position, But I would have to go along with your initial thoughts on this thing right here, I personally don't understand. Look, you're not gonna blend this family. He keeps them apart. You're working for something that he ain't trying to make happen. You got tension in your life. Life is too short to live like this. Your children are grown. You never mentioned how his were, but you know they might be grown too. So I'm just going about your business. You want to go south, go south, but you ain't got to keep you ain't gotta You can't make nobody do something they don't want to do. You can't get a person in therapy that won't go to therapy. You can't make a person do right the dot that wants to do wrong. You can't make nobody love you. So take your fine self on south. You ain't got to worry about it. You know you've done your job raising your kids. If he don't want to include his kids in the process, I'm kind of be inclined to agree with you without knowing any more about the situation. But I'm not a proponent of living in unhappiness. I'm not a proponent of living in misery. I get out in a heartbeat, well more than a heartbeat. I really do think it out quite thoroughly. But once I think it out, theoly I'm gone. You might think it's a heartbeat, but there's a lot of years, take years for me to come to the comp Well, I just want her to know the process. If it's been a long time, I'd probably just go on a walk. You'll be a lot happier sitting in the room by yourself. So man, all right, next caller, thank you, Next caller. This color is a Keisha. She's a young young lady from North Carolina. Steve Hey, Steve Harvey. This Issa Collar from Charlotte or Carolina. I was just calling. I'm young, um, But I listened to your radio station all the time in the morning and I keep it on all day. I love y'all radio show in the morning. Like y'all have me rolling in the morning, like I can't even stop laughing sometimes. But I just want to say thank y'all for the last because someone is I wake up, I feel bad and down and out, but when I get in the car and listen to y'all, I just my joy just come out just listening to y'all and y'all just made me laughing. Sometimes I just need that throughout the day. But thank you so much for that, and keep doing what y'all doing. All right. Well, I mean we appreciate that, Keysha, And that's what we try to do on this show. We try to provide up lift and entertainment. But listen to this though, when you wake up in the morning. To offset waking up on the wrong side of the bed, wake up and go down a list of everything you have to be thankful for, and that will help you get your mornings off to a much better start. I know it does mine all the time, every day usually, So that's my suggestion. But we on the Morning show, this is what we do. Thank you to every component of the Morning Show, all the players on the show. It's what we do. All right. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we got Carla with Music News. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carla is here with music News. What you got Carla coming in hot? Well, you know this time last year, you know we talked about this last month, but this time last year Easter Sunday, Steve Harvey hosted the Versus Battle. It was the Asley Brothers versus Win and Fire. It's been a year, right, can you believe it? Yesterday? So get ready this Easter Sunday. It is a gospel if you will, Versus Battle bb NCC Winan's versus Mary Mary. It is going down Sunday, yep. So we'll be watching this chat up in your life, Versus Battle. So I like that. I like that. That's a difference spend on it. Yeah, see if you had a warning to people about the comments, you know, because we go all in when we watch versus battles of what people should say and type. Be careful. This is gospel of music. This These EO comments get you sent straight to hell. Comments. Don't nobody want to hear that? You know, all that little stuff right here? Hey man, maybe maybe this ain't the versus for you. You ain't been to church in a while and you don't really you know, understand what that is. You know, might not be a good versus for you. I'm just saying the time to troll right all right? Thank you, Carl Girl coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll play around it. Would you rather right after this? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, It is time now for a round of would you rather? Right off the bat? Would you rather sing your favorite song on stage? You know how you like to sing, Steve. Would you rather sing your favorite song on stage all by yourself in front of an arena full of people? Or would you rather sing it just in front of the original artist and singer alone? Which I'm done both of them? What y'all tell me I bust out from an arena full of damn Pepe sang in my asshall say I didn't hand Artists on the radio sang a Nate song in front of you. Don't sound noteless? Yes, which one you won't? Dog? I sang a dog at the Apollo Theater and especially vitt huh. I remember Glad suppose her Gail Gail King was sitting in the middle just looking at me like, I know he ain't sing, just saying a door christ So. But but the emotion I had, and it moved the crowd. I know I don't sound like it, but the emotion of it, the way I know the words, man, come on, you killed it? One ing over, Yeah, convinced yourself. Steve Crawsyro, all right, would you rather have the hiccups for the rest of your life? Have the hiccups for the rest of your life? Are always feel like you're about to sneeze, but you can't me I think that hiccup right in the middle of everything. I kenet hiccup. Come on, man, let me hiccus. Especially as an adult, they're still annoying. But see that you walk, Yeah, see that sneeze feeling. I ain't gonna about that. I ain't finish sneeze or whatever, but that hiccup all the dayntown, I ain't gonna be able to work or nothing. Might be so mad at myself in the middle of a joke, hiccuped off hiccom this. Yeah, all right? Would you rather sell all your possessions and hit the road in an RV? Or would you rather have everything you want at your fingertips and never be able to travel? By you? Rather? Again? Okay? Would you rather sell all your possessions and hit the road in an RV? Sell everything, hit the road in an RV? Or would you rather have everything you want at your fingertips but never be able to travel? Well, let me explain something to you. Just let this LP so nobody got again. I've done eight. I didn't sell all things. I everything. I hit the road in a car out of Harvey, so I've been there. I do not recommend that get everything you want with your frank and tips and don't travel. Hell yeah, I got traveled. Well, I just stay around Atlanta. I'll be all right. All right, that's today's round up. Would you rather thank you? Guys? Coming up next, our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after the hour, some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, it is time for closing remarks. You know that. How we do it? This is our last break of the day. Well, we do that. I want to talk to Junior just see you know that damn sports segment. You know what you was doing. It was Jackie Robinson day, and and you asked me, did I ever meet Jackie Robertson? I was good school. I didn't get into the eighties. I didn't know. I just I just figured, you know what, are you just picking all old ass people that I I you think cause you think because I just met every damn body? Yeah, because I've been aliuned. I've seen you meet all these people like you. Did you ever meet Cal Callaway, many the Mooch? I ain't meet Elephants Jerald either. Yeah? Shocking, But you know what, when are you picking all these old ass people I'm gonna meet? Actor? I can't tell you the people I ain't met, you know, might be a little might might might be a little shocking to you, but I wasn't at the last supper. I know that probably voting you a little me. I wasn't there either. Look close after picture and see if you see me. Don't ask me about every critically vet in history and then putting me in it. But why is you upset? Though? Why is I'm upset? The oldest on the show. I just asked just a question. You ain't gotta take it like that. I respect you taking it the wrong way, Junior, Yeah, he taking it wrong. It just so you didn't know you didn't know Christopher Columbia at all? What man I know him? I mean, you know, man just t me going down all through black history and just marking me down like I was there. I bet Hunk knows him. He got to. I just thought about it. So Mark's garfing. No, you know, Mark, you had to. I had to, okay, you know, just just simply because you don't know nobody but Jeudice. Let's just try to stop making me know everybody. It ain't got to be that way, okay, So you you so let me ask you. I know you was at the Million Man march, right, I was at the Million Man okay, So that's why I asked you, did you know Jacket because it's a civil rights movement and stuff like that. I just ask him you was there for it? Hey, let me tell you something else. I know this gonna throw y'all. I was not on the bus that day. Rosa Park refused to get up. I wasn't on that damn bus. I wasn't waiting at the bus stop. I wasn't going, man, we're taking that bust. So damn man, she better get up and let that white man sit down. I wasn't over that making none of them damn remarks. Right, Yeah, I wasn't down there for none of that. I missed that too, Junior. I know you think you know because I tell you why I thought you knew Jackie Robert, because you're the most famous person. I know. That's it, most person. Hey, the speech, the greatest speech of all times. I have a dream speech. Yeah, nineteen sixty four at the mall on Washington. I was alive then. But you know why I wasn't that, Junior, because my mom and dadd wouldn't let me ride my bike all the way to Washington. That's why. Because it was child, because I was seven. What you're gonna do is stop marking me down all these great black moments, like I was there, I was okay, I didn't know. I just you know, no, no, no, no, no no, I knew every time. I know. You've been a grown up the whole time. I'm yeah, I didn't even think about you. When Will Chamberlain this is sport. You like sports? You know, when Will Chamberlain scored a hundred points, I wasn't there for that. I don't know, air damn body. I appreciate you thinking a lot of me, but I just don't know. Air damn body every day that all events, you do. Appreciate that I do. I'm sorry. I ain't gonna make a mistake. I learned something today. That's what I learned. I learn you don't know, Steve doesn't know everyone. But you didn't walk over the bridge though, right uh bridge? Yeah? Yeah, after after after listen to people walk over the damn bridge, because I'm telling you right now, I'm throwing white folks off the bridge if you run upon me at Paris Bridge, because you show ain't throwing me off because I can't swim it. It was all kind of hell on that bridge like that, because I don't do peaceful protests. That ain't what I do. I do not do peaceful protests. Love mar Luther King, but that ain't really what I do. Once you, once you kick me, I got to kick you back. That's how I was raised. I don't feel what man, he said, Steve Junior made a mistake, so you know you really are mad at him? Break damn mistake And I always think it out un un did you mean Jacket Robinson the first black person played Stop breathing? God? Man, Now you did you went to a Joe Lewis fight? Though, right? You did do that? What look at his face? But Joe Lewis yo, Oh my god, Junior said. I was just asking. I ain't never seen the rocket Massaiano fight. Case you want to know that I didn't do that right there, they're just going down a couple of days or that I wouldn't. I wasn't a PA or working on the film Crouiving a Shooting Color Purple, wasn't in that. I wasn't a right on the Flip Wilson show. Just case you want to know that I wasn't involved in that. None of that. Never talked to moms, maybe lip backstage that we gotta go. Steve. Hey man, y'all have a great day and listen to me. Stop talking to Junior, but do talk to God because he loved to hear from you. You do know him and God was there for all the events Junior. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.