St. Patrick's Day 3.17.16

Published Mar 17, 2017, 2:40 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit looking back to back dog getting the ball just like the amazing buck things and it's Toby True good to study listening to me together for Stu bar quickly Moby, why don't you joy Yeah by joining me said you got to use that turn Yeah you ya. You gotta turn to turn love, turn love. You got to turn out to turn the wan of y. Comey, come on your thing at it. Uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me naw one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah, I got one. I got a message for you today to something I was thinking about that might help you along the way. Um the thing I appreciate about so many uh people that I learned from Bishop Jake's, Kenneth Omer, Donnie McClerkin, Kirk Franklin, Um, Joel Oldstein. I can't tell you and and and and many more than that. I mean, you know, I'm I'm naming you know, famous people because because I know you know these names. But my father, who you never met, was so great in my development as a man. But my mother thought her mercy. My mother was um. She taught me about faith. She gave me the things I needed to know about. What I speak about every day, that basis was given to me by her. So there's so many great people. But here's here's here's the thing that I've had to learn, and that is that if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. See, I can't tell you how many people don't really pay attention to that close enough. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. How many times have we as people allowed God to get us through something, get us beyond something, get us over something, get us through something, and then even after it's completion, we sit there and we dwell on it, and we dwell all on it to the point where it becomes an anchor around our neck and we can't move on. We can't move on because we just won't let it go. It's done. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. Stop harboring on the pass. Stop hanging on to every time you fail, Stop hanging on to every time you slipped up and messed up. Stop hanging on to every time you didn't get it right. So what Everybody makes mistakes, everybody messes up. Everybody don't get it right. Everybody is struggling with something. You ain't thought. Only one but my god. Man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You're hanging on to it, for that's why he got it, got you through it, so you can move on from it. See a lot of things that happened to us that we think are negative or bad experience. These are lessons and what and what not to do. This is a this uh, this is a this is a way to have a now or bearing on. Look out for it the next time. You know you you you you you. You got me once, you can't get me again. I'm telling you, man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You have got to move on. I use this analogy all the time. I'm gonna add a little bit to it. Bishop Jake's told me you cannot drive your car looking in the rear view mirror. I was talking to a young singer yesterday who I ran up into and man, let me tell you something. This this this analogy or I told him. We had about twenty minute conversation on see you know what your rear view mirror is actually for in your car. I was just tripping on this one day. Actually, your rear view mirror is designed and this is what I use it for. After I pass a car and I want to emerge into that lane or I want to make another move, I look up in the rear view mirror, and all I use it for it shows me that I've gotten past it. I've gotten past the vehicle I was passing, and I got enough room now clear to make my next move. That's what I used my rear view mirror for. I used my rear view mirror to just glance up every now and then to see what's coming up on me. That's all I use it for. The rear view mirror when your pa assing through something. Listen to me real close. Now. Your rear view mirror on your car is after you're passing something or you're passing by something, you can look up in the rear view mirror and it lets you know you're past it, You're beyond it. It's clear. Now it's in the past. You no longer have to deal with it as the car that was in front of you blocking your way. You have passed it. You look up in the mirror. You've cleared it. Now if you want to switch lanes, could slide on over. You got room. But that rear view mirror also lets you see if anything is coming up on you and you just need to glance, because if you're moving forward, ain't a whole lot can come up on you. You just glancing every now and then, and it reminds you that you got through something and you got beyond something. That's what the rear view mirror for. Now, let's talk about that wind shield. Why you think that windshield so big on your car? That's the biggest window on your car. You know why the wind shield so big because it's where you're going. Because even the automobile makers want you to have a wide view of where you're going so you can see what's up ahead. They put lights on the car night so you can have night vision and see what's up ahead. But you can oh man, uh see not? Why is that? Look? Think about that now? For I move forward with this one. Think about that wind shield, man, why is that wind shields so big so you can see where you're going. It's way more important where you're going than where you're being, Don't you see that That's why the rear view mirror is so small, because it is nowhere there as important as it is as to where you're going, why you're being. Just allows you to take a glance so you can make sure you clear it, so you can see if it's room enough for you to make your next move, so you can know that you've gone through it and go head on about your business. But that windshield, that windshield is for vision a man without a dream of visions your parish. That windshield is for somebody going somewhere. That windshielding for somebody else there trying to make another move. I'm gonna go right, I'm on left. I'm gonna get off on this exit. I'm gonna take this d too. I'm gonna handle it signed as a new route. There's only so many miles left to go. That's what the windshield got. Let me tell you something, man, when you see a mile signed, you're driving on the freeway, you're on the interstate, and you let's say you're driving too a particular city and you see a sign that says that city is thirty eight hunting thirty eight miles away. That lets you know where you're going and You're on the right path now. If you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you'll never know how close you are. You'll never know because you're driving your car. Look in the riverview mirror. You all on the shoulder. You hear them rocks up under your car. You have scared yourself to death because you know why, because you keep looking in the rear view mirror. Get out the rear view mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Move on. So what he so what? He don't love you know more? And it was probably the best thing could have happened to him. But guess what, he wasn't the best thing that happened to you. So what you're sitting there man, beating yourself up, self up fall like that's the end all. Let me ask you a question. Who did God create? Let me ask you this, Who has God created on the faith of this earth, on the face of this earth, that He has given power over you? What that in description? Tell me the name of the person that was created over on this earth that shall have domain over you. Show me in the scripture any writing, a person that God created that should be the control of your destiny and your happiness. Other than you, and God, please show that to me, man, so I can go sit down somewhere and quit talking. He don't exist. Now, if that person don't exist, why do you keep creating this person? Why you keep giving the power to somebody that God didn't even give it to? So what he gone? You wanted him? He was your world. You wasn't he though? Man, Let's move on. If God got you through, it is done. Move on. God got something for you. If you get out your rear view mirror and get up in that windshield. God's got something for your upperhead. But you can't see what's up ahead because you're in that rear view mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Let's move on. Come on, y'all, don't let the past beat you up. That's the ingredients in the cake. You didn't made that already. That's done. Let's go. God, look in the wind sheheld, See what God mobil got something new for you if you get out the rear view mirror and look, opening up your eyes and see. All right, let's go. Today. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after that hour, here we go, y'all. Welcome to the right on this beautiful what's today, y'all? Friday, baby Friday. I didn't want to eat it the week and I just got paid. You might see me on the east side, the west side, So I'm coming across the bridge, y'all. Well wow, wow, well, well, well weekend, run boy. I got so many hits in my heart for almost every occasion. Man, soul music, R and B has been the core of my life and lifestyle. I'm so happy to know and be Ain't no music like it, real, amb Come on the way it makes you feel? Yes, well, good morning everyone. Yes, y'all need you the same excitement I did that? Just tone my happy behind down. You know I'm done, y'all feel no, No, we're good, beautiful, don't even don't even go there. Sound I was laughing too much. I was with you. Didn't sound like how y'all today? Good? Good? Stop top it, don't go there, just go along with it, no, Shirley, because you slipped all nothing. Then come on back with the rest of we over here. I'm right here. It's all good. We're gonna have a good time today. It's Friday. Don't do this. Why are you finding me out? Why are you singling me out. I've done nothing. I was with you sometimes going to stop. Don't no, no, just don't know. Boy? What's up? Good? You're right Colin, Hey, Steve, what's going on? Happy Friday? Crew? It's St. Patrick's today. We'll have on my green Yes, man, I ain't in Chicago, Mr Green riverl I know, right, milkshakes at McDonald's. Hey, but watch my talk show today because I actually show you how they make the river green. And you, Cargo, I never knew. I have the guy on my show whose family has been making the river green for over forty years. Cool. I love that, dude. Yeah. So the river in Chicago that turns green every year for St. Patty's Day, you're gonna know it's gonna be cold of hell up there to day, the Chicago River. Well, yeah, it's gonna be cold. Man's great day to day, though, Man, I feel rejuvenated. My spirit is in the right place. Something soul is covered and protected. I'm under his wings of protection and love, and I'm feeling good about it. Out. I woke up today realizing that today everybody is another chance to get it right. Hey, man, every day, man, So let me go around the table Shirley, what are you working on currently that you think has a real shot of happening because you've been giving this wonderful blessing of waking up today. Tell me, you know, I'm involved in the woman's website, Sugar Bash. Uh huh, yeah, the the lifestyle website for women. So I'm working diligently on that. We do our live uh Facebook chats on Friday, we do our unboxing with all the products and stuff that we have for the ladies. So I'm just really involved with that. And each day we get closer and closer. You know, we're getting ready to launch our app all of that. So I'm excited about that. Sugar Sugar Bash, Sugar Sugar Bash, lifestyle. Anything exciting on the horizon, Well on the horizon, I could just tell you what I'm gonna do this weekend right now, Come on, mom, you know about life, scheer, mom dance, mom my daughters, getting reading spring break, So we're gonna go somewhere warm. We're gonna go to Texas to hang out at the carnival and rodeo and just have a good time this weekend. That's what mommy stuff, mommy duty. On the back of one of them put on the back of one of them sheets and the cows and uh yeah, yeah, she was going to Houston. So yeah, I'm doing that. That's on the horizon for me, for me, Mommy, right, Carla, Yeah, let's go. It's hard, Steve, cute wife, mom, it's hard. Thank you, Shirley. We need a working man. Yeah, I need a wife. May I've been to Hollywood. Uh, I've been in Hollywood three times. Brother, I gotta sitcom on the table and I am pushing hard for us. So just pray for your boy. I'm grinding in it. Come be good, you'd be good and the ship come. You're a really good comedian guy. Yeah, that's awesome. Sure here away better active in me. I can't ask at all if it ain't me. If I ain't playing me, you can gonna kill. I can't hold nobody else together. You want me to be me, I'm your man. Your character name got to be huh, your character name got to be Steve Hard Yeah. So on the Steve Harvey Show, Steve hot Tower, the teacher, that was you, Steve hot Tower. Yeah. You know, I had me and the boys. I was Steve Tower because see what I can't do it's when you can't call me something else. And they asked me to think I'm Finn turned around my first TV show, they named me Darren Darren Tower and hearst and lady go, well, Darren, what are your thoughts? I'll just be looking at it. The director Mr Harvey at you talking to you? Hey man, y'all? Man? Can my name be Steve? And I ain't even to play like this with your uh? Anybody want to ask me what I'm working on? Yeah, well, we know you're working on everything all the time. But what but I am working on something so major that it will change thousands and thousands of people's lives. I've even come up with a plan that can start with children as soon as they go to school. M hm. How we can start developing their minds from the time they enter school all the way through to change your attitude and direction in life. And people who grew up in the same conditions that I grew up in these inner cities will have opportunities in front of them that can be of change and hopefully to other developments and other ideas and projects. And started Landstorm, and we started knocking down the problem in our inner city communities. That's all right, Steve great, Yeah, very very Now when we come back from the break at thirty four, after the hour, during Steve something funny. We're gonna see if Roscoe Wallace, that's a character you can do, Steve, if he has any performances scheduled for tonight, you know at St. Patrick's Day, people are going to be partying, drinking. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve har right after this, Roscoe will be here. Okay for saying Roscoe and about Patty's Day, don't be good. You got him green. Everything you're going on right, I didn't really have more you have me go on in a day? Yeah, it's early. It was going right, y'all feeling out day to day. Everybody good. Yeap, Hey, thank you, thank you, thank you having saying pretty one all the time. What's our big man? Hey? That pur just gotta going on. You know what I was see, I'm wearing my money green to day, don't you. Yeah. I was gonna ask you about your outfit all green, baby money green. You know what I'm about. You know about that money we're going We're going on. Hey, Roscoe, I like I like your outfit. Ye, done it all you like, But we're gonna go and let that go. Yeah, go on and let that girl. I'm gonna try to keep your marriage going. You know what I'm done because I put some on your mind. Thank you, Roscoe. Hey, Roscoe, I see you. Are you rocking the green from head to always baby? Always green green? Dance with mache That what I am like? Now we're going over. What's y'all doing? Would you say? What y'all doing? Oh, we're celebrating probably going out tonight. I have on my green as well as you can see. It's army green though it's still green, but it's great. Yeah, it's not money green, like Roscoe. I was. That's why I said that you supposed you're supposed to pitch people to day on our green? Yeah? Thank anybody there? What leave that? Stay working black people? They didn't know that one. Hey Roscoe, are you performing tonight? You know big night average people? Me? Oh yeah, yeah for tonight. The tips of my curl, I's gonna be green. Oh I like it. I like just the tim TIMPs, just the tips call it what you' I was gonna ask you, have you ever been to Ireland? Because you said over there, been over there been quite a few times for me. No was over there. I used to work over there, you know, and fell on a hard time for a little bit. I got a job over there there. You know, are you working at all? I was working at the Lucky Chumps played after I was making SI Magically I'm no one came up with the slogan you know that the seal was just in island. And then I said, well, you know, if you call it lucky Chump, you order say it's magically delicious. And and it came to the stage and the chilling bed, you talking that was your magic lead delicious with mine. I don't believe that I'm sitting here when my arms folded, I do not believe that you came up with magically delicious from the Lucky charm cereal about it. We know who ain't come up with ain't a damn thing. So now when I'm trying to tell you, when I tell you the truth and my dady a doing me, if it tells one about the truth and they don't believe it, that ain't your fault. That I know. You ain't gotta be where I come from. The cereal. Someone created that, not you. I just told you. I was working at the luck of Chard plant in Ireland and I came the seal came over here, girl, Well here was this? What year was nineteen? Yeah, that's that's about right. I believe you, Roscoe. Why would they lie the I'm on the internet. I'm on the internet, Rosco, and it doesn't say that was created in nineteen sixty two in the United States. I told you. We've been eating to see all over the island for a long time. Y'all just got over here and see the fourth matter of fact, I bought the first box over here. Wow, got it through and everything h and and so then you you you you got you know, everything was fine. You got yourself back together after you went over to Ireland to work. So so what are you doing tonight? You're performing and because of that, the Irish people who are already had affection affinity for me and every Irish holiday sat Patna you have me. I'm performing at o'malage tonight. Change. I'm at the triple threat tool shock, oh, hennessy, Okay, I'm all three of them. O'manan's, o'shan shack o hennessy. You're listening Steve Harvey morning. Coming up at the top of the hour, we got h story. Secret Service is aware of Snoop Dogg's video. We'll talk about it. But in the meantime, nephew Tommy running that prank back side job clean Slater talkie. Help you? Uh, Robbie, I'm trying to get a order in for some construction Uh supplies I need to pick up. That's fine. What's your what's your company? Uh? Roof and company? You think come here? Okay, have we have We've done listening to get before. No, no, you have, and this is my first time called. I heard you guys were pretty good. I appreciate the compliment. Okay, I know. Listen. Uh. I need to get this as soon as possible. Man, can I possibly pick up these supplies like in the next couple of hours? Uh? Well, you know, normally don't work that facts kind of a quick turnaround. We got a little bit of a backup, but I can. I can get my bastics to depends on what you need. Okay, here's here's what I need. Man. I need five rolls of duct tape. Okay, that's no problem, that's quick. Okay, I need plastic man, listen, if you was gonna wrap up something in plastic that's like about uh six ft two in height and two hundred pounds, how much plastic you think I would need to wrap to wrap that up? In? This is the second You're you're asking for plastic, like a roll of plastics. Yeah, but I'm telling I need to wrap up something that's six ft two and like two hundred and ten pounds. Uh, I probably wouldn't get about three yards four yards of plastic. Okay, okay, I need to get that. Then let me ask you this here. If you was gonna try to put some siement on that to hold it down, how much seamen you think I hold that down? I'm more confused you you're running the roofing company, right, Yeah, I'm a roof of company, but I'm doing a little side work for some PRIs of mine. Oh okay, Okay, I just got a little confused because you told me if the college's an company, no problem, no problem. You've got some man. Waitny, you're you're you're trying to hold from I'm trying to I'm gonna hold something down. So how many bags to see? Men? Do you think I need to hold out of something that's two hundred and twenty pounds. Wow, I don't know. Eight bags, eight bags, eight bags that would recommend at least. Okay, okay, give me eight bags and seement. Now just something else. I want to ask you. Do you have anything any type of cleaner, man, that can get h that can get blood, I mean a paint off the floor. Yeah, we got industrial cleaners, all kinds, industrial cleaners that well, you said, paint the paint of blood. Uh, paint, pray, pray. Okay, I mean I've got industrial cleaners all kinds, and you have the preference. No, just whatever you could throw in there. I need that. Now, let me ask you this here. Do you have anything that can like just kill a smell? You know what I'm saying? If you know, if you don't want something to smell, you've got anything for that means something something, something die in your place? Is this is this something? Something? Did? You're like, yeah, there's an animal or something you found. I mean, I'm kind of confused. You're talking about smell and cleaning up. Did you find some sort of animal on a construction A rabbi, listen, man, just take the harder. That's all I need you to do. Okay, Okay, I'm sorry. I wasn't asking your business. I just it was a little concerned. What are we getting? What are we cleaning up? And what do we I mean I guess that are we clean up a pile ford you clean up carpet? I mean, what's the what's the cleaner form? What's what? Where's the odor? Sir? I'm asking you? Do you ask something strong enough? Like do you think, amman, you can can keep a smell down? What do I need to keep a smell down? You're definitely gonna need ammonia. I mean you you gotta get something. Just scrub that right down, because you whoever that sense is, if it's in your if it's in the walls, if you've got fabriched in that place, I mean whatever, whatever you got it, you probably have a different type of the odorize or something for the carpet, something for the walls. I mean, I don't I guess. I guess it's kind of confused as to as to where the sins coming from. And don't worry about all that many man, listen, just just right down what the order is. Okay, I got it? You, I got the five holds of duck tap. I got to the four yards of plastic, at the eight bath of cement, I got the industrial clean, I got the ammonia. I'm i'm, I'm, I'm typing it all in. I got I've got your order. Okay, let me a man, do y'all? Hell uh? Any type of machete, anything that's real shop that can cut? What? Okay? Hold on a second, and now now you're completely off base. You do realize you call the hardware store, right, I'm calling the hardware stalking about. I need some supplies, man, I'm doing the job on the side. I need some supplies. I get that you said there already, but I'm confused about it is now you're asking for a weapon? What what? What would you use the macheting for? I mean that you're you're talking about what you're gonna chop down some some some brush. I don't, I don't, I don't get it. What's on the shedding for? Hey? Man, listen, listen, your job is to take the order, man, that's your job. Robbie, don't tell me my my job is. I know what my job is. This is my store, man, Okay, I've been work. Can hear a lot longer than you even can imagine. And people don't call up asking for ammonia and and cleaner and and and trying to get a smell out. I mean what I just I'm trying to think about how best to help you. I'm sorry, I'm trying. I'm doing Robbie, is you be a nosy? You be a nosy. All you gotta do is field order And I haven't haven't done in two hours when I get there. That's all you gotta do. I can't do that in two hours. I can't even I I will back dun at this point, I'm not even sure I can get this done. Maybe tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, work for yees mane. I got to get rid of this body. I got to get rid of this kind today. Who whow whoa, whoa whoa. I need to call listen, I need to call the policeman. You just hit body. But really, that right there, that's about white people always want to call the police when they've got nothing to do with them. Listen. All you need to do is field or order. Okay, okay, you're listen. I need to tell you something, okay, And I don't know if you if you found a body. I don't know if you're respondful for the body either way. I don't want to be any part of this business. Okay. I don't know why you're planning or where you're trying to bury this thing, but you're basically asked me to be an accomplice to something that's none of my business. Hey, I need your name right now. Okay, when I'm not giving you my name, you say also proofing. Hey, hey, listen to me. You said your call from roof and company? Are you I'm not? I'm not? Hey man, let me tell you something. Why are your wife folks always trying to be a thought? Tell you like that? Why are you are always acting like? Why do folks what your problem? Some somethbout white folks talking about purple green, black, blue woman they're talking about. Why it's about you asking for that? Sounds was trying to bury your body. Okay, that's what I'm trying to figure out. Are you and you're not? What is your name? I need your name and your name right now? Hey man? What First of all, you an't work? You're not? You can't you a pill be talking to me like this. I don't care if I'm swearing at work. My my co workers, the people here, they all know who I am, and they know if I was talking to someone you, I'd be talking like this too. Okay, I'm gonna trace this call. Do you hear me? I'm gonna trace this call. I'm gonna get the cops on your and figure out who the you are. Okay, Okay, well, let me let me ask you this. Since you want to know who I am? Do you know Marcus? I don't Mark, No, Marcus, he works here. I know him. Okay, Marcus is who got me to call you? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Robbie, you just got pragged by your co worker, Marcus. You have got to be kidding me. Marcus marcut I see you over there, I see you. I can't believe that. Who son of a Marcus? Why don't you tell me this Steve Harvey Morning I gotta ask you, Robbit, you gotta tell me this man. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land as easy Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Snoop has a video out. I'm sure most of us have seen it. Some of you may have not, but anyway, it's called Lavender. It features Snoop pointing a gun at a clown version of Donald Trump, so we all know. Earlier in the week, Trump took to Twitter to fire back at Snoop, specifically for the use of a gun against the fake president in the clip. President tweeted, can you imagine what the outcry would be if at Snoop Dogg failing career and all had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama jail time? Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen said, Snoop owes the president and apology. Take a listen. It's totally disgraceful. Snoop posed the president an apology. There's absolutely nothing funny about an assassination attempt on a president. And I'm shocked that he's I'm really shocked at him because I thought he was better than that. You have a protest, that's fine, make your point, but it should never be. He has to learn that they need to respect the office of the president. You know, there are many things that the people could have done that would be offensive if in fact it was still President Obama and I think we can all think of what those would be. And just because you want to hide behind the dice of artistic capabilities or our freedom of speech doesn't make it right. And Snoop knows that, and he played very close to the line here. It's also being reported that the Secret Service is aware of the clip, though it's unclear whether the agency will actually investigate to see if Snoop poses a real threat. Wow. Yeah, so this is this is a story that's gaining you know some legs. People are talking about it. Uh, you know, and and and they're right. We would be upset and have been upset, you know if they talked about President Obama in the same vein, you know, all the stuff that was out there about the president, we didn't like it. I'm certain that Snoop doesn't pose a real threat at all. But where we have to be smart about this, uh, young brothers and uh the people who are are the truth tellers. Where we have to be smart about his is the way that they will bend it and twisted. And here's the problem. Uh, we run into the route of if something happens, then do you get brought in as the copycat version. The reason that spurred and action because there's some idiots sitting at the house who's willing to really carry this out. There is an idiot sitting at his house who's willing to carry this out. You don't want to be tied to that. You know, he's an artist. He has a right as an artist to do his art in any form or way that he has. The problem with this is that is an office in this country called the president. And you have to respect the office. You really do, whether you want to or not, at least you should to respect the office. I mean, they got laws. Look I'm telling you, man, and so you know, I would hate for anything to come down. And everybody that's coming to Snoop's defense or understand, but just be smart with what you say. See, don't don't compound the problem here, you know, attacking the first lady. Let me tell you the danger of this, young brothers. Listen to me. When they called our first lady, Michelle Obama aping heels the mayor of that small country hit town in West Virginia. Ain't the mayor no more? And neither is her girl that she was on the phone with. That's over that you start messing around with this man's wife, and you start making disparaging comments about this man's wife, who ain't in this at all. Now, the hell that come down behind messing with these people's family is great. Man, y'all got to be smart. Now, y'all got to be smart because they got other ways of getting you. I'm telling you all days. Start flipping through your tax returns. They can find something, they can make it. They can make it real funky for you, man. So you gotta be smart. Man. You gotta be smart. You can't just fall off in this world no more like this. All this stuff is recorded, traced. We have to be smart. It's not that you're scared or that makes you a punk or nothing like that. But you gotta be smart. Man. These cats is business man their business on a whole another level. And like it or love it, he's the president. Even if you don't like him, you gotta respect the highest office in the land. You know, Just have some respect for them, because look, I've had a relationship with Snoop. I love Snoop. That's my dude. Man. We all cordial and respectful one by by, always cordial and respect for one another. Me and t I ain't handle problem with t I you know what, I stand a lot of dude. But I'm just saying, brothers, be smart. Now, be smart because if we're gonna start pulling back out, boring out and shooting it, remember they got one too, their shots gonna come a little bit different. Now, you ain't gonna be scared of nothing, and that don't make you a punk. But you've got to be smart because all y'all talking got money. You got money, man, You got money, and they know how to go out there that money. Just be smart handle your business. But let's just be smart. But I'm let me tell you just man, lead the first lady out of this. I'm telling y'all you're going down another path for these cats. Now you start messing with their wives. Man, I'm telling you I just knew because I'm telling you, man, you go after a lot of stuff. A dude, let you do what you wanna do to him. But once you get off into is wife and his family, think about your own, think about you. If somebody come at you, that's one thing, but when they come at your kids and your wife, you're different, man. And that go for most men. So I just want everybody to just be a little bit. Just be smart, man. I ain't saying you gotta be scared of you know, punk, I ain't saying that to you. Man. But man, I didn't stepped out there and made a lot of mistakes in my life. I have said a lot of stuff I wish I hadn't said. Really, just a few thousands ain't been that much. It's been how many I can't imagine you're saying anything crazy, Steve, Wow, a few thousand? What just a few thousands? Not much? Who's counting at the end of time. I can't tell you how many times I wish I wish I could get Being a man, I stand on what I said. I ain't scared and not come for me. Okay, well, no, that's not what you want. That's really not what you want. So you know, I already come under a little bit of attack, but I got attacked on social media. But you don't want that attack to come from It's from up there, because it's different. They different. They're gonna protect their money. They're gonna nobody get it that money. Okay, just telling you they feel different about money. Man, think I'm lying to you. Go and mess with that money. He's smart they turn. That's great advice, Steve, and I hope they're listening. I really do be smart. Uh. Coming up at eighteen after the hour, the Butterfly in the building with his Butterfly blog. You're listening to Steve har whoa the whole how it's butterfly time. It's flood of flood. Hey man, he's been getting gangster by olmeal lately, really old meal. That just came out man and just said, you know, because whoo, so I don't know what's gonna happen today, lady and gentlemen, something gonna happen. Well, that's the nicest intro you've ever given him, Steve. I'm proud of you. You know, yesterday was the nicest intro I've ever given him. Open meal came with your mission. Well, who's here this? Good? Good morning everyone? Good morning, Stephen, Tommy, Shirley, Carl Jr. Butterfly's flutter Patrick's day? What's up? I'm up in here too. I ready? What's Shirley corner? Stay you you tam it with sup down? Did this? This is my segment? And they want to hear me because it's ain't Trick's day. Good morning to offer and a happy St. Patrick's day. But we don't mind. Oh man, we like him too, Dann would I doubt I already I look at happy sight sight pages. There you gonna great some of that drink that great Yago micter you everybody, I'm gonna site is hell. If you celebrate sight pitches, dight get you some green jays, put them out, put you out a night and ottle grade. Uh. Bishop Dunbland would fur through that up out there, but that grilled up in your boat and go down and about to your filed I already you God listen today, I'm wearing um. He's overpowering me. I'm wearing a green butterfly butterfly jacket. Do you think he has over pound you mean, do you think it's a stronger personality? And he's just doing He's doing more. He's just doing more. And it seems like y'all like him better. And I don't like that. This is my segment and I'm like, I don't like the fact that he's not empowering. It's still a grassive like m better on the real though, Dog, you just got a man up. That man up. He doesn't like it when you call him dog. Don't no matter, want to the man up. Even that's just too match. It's still a grassive. So I'm having a Saint Patrick's That's what I've been saying. I'm having I'm having a Saint Patrick's Day part down. Don't know about to give a damn about your him in the board's corner, corner cold on the real, colder you sweet, not only little light or whatever you cool. I know you'll be doing a hug. I only kill leading. Look at you don't know what I go through. You're on the real, but you be nice though it doesn't matter. Still understand it here. I don't need height clothes. He wins out just just too you know what I'm saying. Up, it's too don't nobody won't say Jane that tight. Really well, let's hear about this party because you know, Eugene, I always trying to throw apart. Thank you, Carl. I'm having my party and it's it's everything is decorated and green. We're gonna have green drinks, We're gonna have green food. The chicken wings are going to be green. This is great. Everything is color. I tell y'all, don't nobody want to do this right here. Look at this the real though, who want to be? Who wants some green chicken white? Who won't be? Yeah, come on you feel me out, Jill, You don't. Nobody won't know. Damn green chicken way down, don't nobody won't there. Let's see that what I'm talking that what I'm don't run nothing by nobody though, just the idea of France and greed take away when really great green tick away. So it tat to say that none of you I want to come to my party at all. I'm going over the old Mills house. Ah god, my weez is bro Hey, look at you to say you can I take you that? Yeah? Man, go ahead, look at you everybody and little ope me a little bit baby? When when we come back and gonna be like right around thirty four minutes. I don't know why we beginning the time thirty four If you why are you listening to us? If you lay for work, you need to get on in the third. But we'll be back. You're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show coming up next? Uh, you're sick of winner out there? And then got to y'all. This cold front is affecting a lot of people. Time to start playing your vacation and time to kick it up. Not I have a suggestion, tell us suggestion, ladies and gentlemen. After this song, the news of the hot new event presented by the Steve Harvey Morning showed the saying that Soul Festival it's coming and get yes, here we go. Listen up, ladies, you're excited about this. Oh my god, I love soul and I love the moments. Listen to me. October six through the ninth. It is going to be an exciting time. It is going to be an exciting time because man, okay, let me explain something. People asking me about the Neighborhood Awards. Listen to me. We're doing something different, but the Neighborhood Awards is gonna change and grow into something even bigger. Instead of recognizing thirteen businesses around the community, we're going to recognize one hundred. That's so huge that the heart the Harvey one Harvey one hundred. So stay tuned. That information is coming your way. The other part of the Hoodie Awards was a party. Well we're even the party to the October six through the night. That's President's weekend this year. You have time We've got five hotels you can stay in over there, all surrounding the beautiful Atlantis Hotel, the Cove, the Reef, and to other selections for you. We got all types of price point packages are We have an available on the Sand and So Sand and Soul Festival dot Com. All you gotta do is go online pick the package you like. All of the events are included in the package. Salt and Pepper's gonna be that, Keith Sweat's gonna be there, and all the headliners, the one and only new additions. You saw the movie comes, Let's stop playing all the hits and these boys put on the show man they what he may? You know what I'm excited about it though. It's an event where we thought of to create where people can go and just have a good time. What do you mean, a little seminars and all that We ain't got none of that, man, were encouraging foolishness. Dog white sand beaches, the water is blue. I mean, man, you can go shopping, you know, you can go. Let that marinate a right, you can go shop shopping. Yeah, yeah, I mean just the restaurant's outstanding favorite sushi restaurant in the world. Is no booze. It's there. But they got restaurants you like for people that got had the stuff well done and that at we got it coming from you. But you know it's a yeah, I want picking up women all weekend. What's your turned around? They got outdoe balls, indoe balls. They got casino. You can gambling the day you gamble at night, bottle pool. Let's pickup line Junior at the Bahamas, best pickup line at the bar. They got the bar at the outside, the pool, at the adult pool, at the home. They come on your best pickup line. A couple of things I want to hear. Junior's best pickup line. You're at the Standing Soul Bahamas, go Junior. Yeah, yeah, you found paradise to you look at me right there. That's all. But I got my chess to sir oh because that helps. Yea. I'm doing all this the whole package, total package. Man. I'm out here all day. Sand and Soul. I love that. And also coming up, folks, stay tuned because we are going to be giving away a lot of trips to Sand and Soul. We'll tell you about that coming soon. Talk to your local affiliates. See if they're offering anything for you to go, any discounts, prize packages. But here's the deal. Go to Saying and Soul Festival dot com today, y'all. It is more affordable than you think because we have incorporated and I asked the people that our partner with we need a lay aweight plan. We need a layawaight and we have a layoweight plan. But you can put some money down on. You can pay monthly, you could pay quarter, you can make payments until your trip is paid for. And buddy, let's go. Let's come over here. We're gonna have a good as standing soul Steve October six through the ninth. I love it in the Bahamas. Yes, go to Saying and Soul Festival dot com sand and Soul Festival dot com and get your mind right alright. When we come back from the break. At forty eight after the hour, the Nephews prank phone call what you got uh? The postman always rings twice. You're listening to Steve har Hey coming up. At top of the hour. We got Strawberry letter on Shirley does and I do. But next we got prank phone called come on full and the postman always rings okay, dude. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Carlos. Uh. My name Benny Man, Benny Phipps. Hey you. I want to make sure I got the right person you You you work for a post office, right? Uh? Yeah? Okay. Do you deliver mail off of Murphy Road? Uh? Sometimes? Yeah? Yeah, okay, I live it. First of all, I wanted to make sure I had the right postman. Nah. It's been brought to my attention that there's a postman that has been stopping by my house. And I'm what I'm not understanding is why are you bringing mail to my door? The post to just putting mail in the mail boxes on the street where everybody got their mailboxes at. What do you say? He's there again? I live in Murphy Road, perfect road. Yeah, I deliver over there. Uh, but you sain't delivering package at your house? No, I said, you've been bringing mail to my house in the polls. Here's what I'm trying to tell you, Carlod. My wife is at home all days, she don't work. And my understanding is you've been stopping by there on more than one occasion, on a on a daily basis. You're coming by there two or three times, you know. But what I'm understanding it ain't no male being brought over that. I'm trying to figure out, what are you doing at my house? Now? What really didn't then brought all this to a head because you already know what's going on. Let me go on, let you know that, car Od, I do know what's going on. I picked up the clothes from the cleaner's this morning, and to my attention, it's a man's post office shirt in my packet. What color was it? It's blue? Light blue? Okay, explain this to to me? How your shirt get in my house? Do you have my name on it? Because that could be anybody's shirt. So so hold on what you're trying to say, it's some it's mo post me and stopping by my hunt? Yeah man, sometimes sometimes you know, uh, we do have different guys in that in that neighborhood, you know, because I here's my problem, man. My problem is this is that my wife is at home all day every day. And my understanding is is that you stopping body bringing more. First of all, uh, you can call you can cause the one a hundred numbers, because how do you get my number that I don't worry about that. I find ways. It's how you how you get my address that you're stopping by that every morning. I just deliver what they give me to deliver, and do I put another in a box. And this is a package. I don't get out. Excuse me, I don't do that. That That wasn't me, dude. I just this morning and pick up clothes. And it is a post office shirt in there that below ever done. It belonged to a man. That's got to be it must be yours. That's none of mine. Man, that's not mine. I have all mine. Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you what. This is what we're gonna do. Call those cause Carlos, see see what Let me tell you something. I know you're lying, see, and what you're doing is you're delivering more than mail at my house. And I know it. Carlos. You understand me. So let's not excuse me. That's not me. It can't do me. Let me let me tell you something. When you come on Murphy Road tomorrow, okay, I'm gonna be out there at them at the mail boxes waiting on you for what? For what? Because me? Are you gonna have this problem that we got tomorrow morning, when you bring the mail. So when you bring the mail, bring you to. Okay, Carlos, held hold on? Can you threatening me? I'm telling you, when you bring the mail, bring you to. Dude, Dude, I didn't come at you like that. You ain't gonna come to me like that. Hey man, you came up in my house and I know you said of the shirt in my house. Dude, that was not me. I don't know where you live, I don't know who you are, but you threatened me. Dude, Hey man, I'll see you in the morning at the mail boxing. Bring you, Carlos. I'm off to morrow, but would come to your house with playing clothes on it? Whoop? You'all what you want for me? Hey you? It's on the road. I don't bring you because what you're not gonna keep doing. It's running up in my house while I'm out at work trying to earn a living for my family. Are you up in my house laying up and you're leaving your clothes? I found some amazing now. I guess that's what you use when you spray on them dogs. I found that too. I'm gonna bring some extra maaze. I'm gonna spray you with that maze. You will not killing out, So I'm gonna be at I can't wait till the morrow. Excuse me, it's them. I told you I wasn't the one. But if you want to put me for real, okay, cool, don't get on when I see you, when I see you tomorrow, it's old. It's whatever, Hey, you send to me all that. I tell you what, I will come over there some playing clothes and because you're not gonna make me lose my job, dogs job. But whatever you've got to be. I don't care if you if you're in the post office uniform, I don't give a damn off you and your pot Jamas card. But when you come to that mail box and I find you out there by the mail boxes, that show man, because I know you've been in my house, Carlos, I'm telling you I'm there, okay, so be it there, so be it. I got I got one more thing else I want to tell you when you before you get there, tell me what you know I recalled me as you listening to me. Yeah, his nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your co workers. You You ain't This ain't my right, Carlose you all right, man, dude, I'm driving to the side of the road. I'm hanging out the trip. I'm about to go, cray. I don't want my way to your house right now? Hold on my way to your house. I took go for work. Da man, I got one more thing, ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvey Morning Radio Show? No doubt all the way you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's some time and some time. Buckle up and hold on time. Strawberry letter, Yeah okay A subject teenage love affair. Hello Stephen Shirley. My problem is a bit complicated. I've been married for five years unhappily, but I do have three beautiful children with my husband. My problem is that I am in love with another man, a friend I've known since before my husband and I even got together. Problem is he's married too. I have cheated on my husband with this man one time before, and I don't regret it. Because my husband is always talking online trying to find other people to have relations with. I love this other man with all my heart. And all. Oh, I am unhappy. I love my husband too. My husband just plays video games all day and neglects the children and myself. I know this other man is a good father, but as I said, I am married. We were high school sweethearts, but we just went down separate paths. Recently, this other guy said that he is in love with me, the first time he's ever said that in the many years that we fooled around. My sister says he's just playing me, but I really do think he loves me. The problem really is that we both love each other, but we aren't ready to leave our spouses yet because we don't want to hurt them. Should I cut this other guy off, stay friends with him, or just try to pursue him romantically? Wow? Okay, definitely don't do the last one. Pursue him romantically. Okay, let's start there. I really don't know what you want from us. I don't know. You're in an unhappy marriage. You still love your husband, but you're in love with another man whom you say you've cheated with aly once. But then you mentioned about the many years that you fooled around together. Uh teenage love affair. Yeah, you are sounding very much like a teenager. But uh, you have to be a grown up with three children and being married for five years. I'm thinking you're an adult here, but you are thinking and sounding and acting like a teenager. Um, You've got to make up your mind. You have to make up your mind. Are you gonna stay with your husband in this unhappy marriage with all this stuff you say your husband's doing. You never said that he didn't cheat on you, You never said that he doesn't love you. Um, the man that you're cheating with, I'm inclined to believe what your sister says. Yeah, he's just playing you. Uh. He hasn't left his wife or even talked about that to get with you. So this is just an affair with him, and you are acting like a teenager and you need to grow up. Steve. Well, lady, I gotta tell you, man, all right, just once again into my opinion. If you have a different opinion, you're free to it. It should just mine. Let her does say hello, Steve, So here we go. Here's the problems you have. Um, you say, my problem is no, no, no, no, no, this is not a problem. This is a big problem. My problem is that I'm in love with another man. Now you're married, unhappy, been married for five years, and you've got three kids. Okay, the problem is I'm in love with another problem with with another man. Okay, that's a big problem. The second problem, you say is the problem is he's married too. Okay. Now the problem just got it a little bit bigger. Okay, I want I want you to see your letter growing. Then the next one says, I cheated on my husband with this man one time before. The problem is swelling now starting to get big. Then you ther next deal is my husband is always talking online trying to find other people to have relations with. Okay, this is starting to appear huge to me. This letter is growing in. Oh my god, the should be o MG all over this letter. Then you says, here's your next problem. I love this other man with all my heart, and although I'm unhappy, I love my husband too. Well, ain't you just a little lovely, debby thing. You love the other man with all your heart and you love your husband too. You just you just a barrel of monkeys, baker. Then your next problem is my husband just plays video games all day and neglects the children and myself. Okay. Then your next problem is recently the other guy said that he's in love with me, the first time he's ever said that into many years, that we fooled around. Well, I wanta see. Hold on now, you just said you only cheated what he wants. Now you said in all the years you fooled around when you were teenagers. That's not fooling around. You thought you really had something. You only fool around when you're getting married. Make up your mind something this that ain't right. I know you got a bigger problem than you. Thank you God, though, And when we come back, we're just finished talking about your problem. All right after the break at eighteen after the hour, part two of Steve Harvey's response to a Day Strawberry letter, You do not want to miss it. Please come back. I know you will. You're listening, Steve Harvey, alright, eighteen minutes after that, you know, um, whatever will be back. It's not a teenage love affair, lady. You're in a full blown affairs an adult woman. You didn't love this boy when y'all were teenagers. You're trying to turn it into something cute, and so it has so you can so you can say I've known him for all these years, and this has nothing to do with it. You got married. Look, when you cheat, you cheat, be like a man. You know, when a man cheat, you know he got he gotta end up own it up. So, lady, it's your chance to own up. I'm sorry that you're a lady and you cheat. It. If this was a dude cheating, y'all would be through with him. But you're you're right. Men don't try to roman No. Yeah, lady, you're you're trying to turn it into something it's been. I've known him even before. Let me say a friend i've known since before my husband and I even got together. What damn it? You got together with your husband and now you're look crazy. Tale is cheat. You are a cheat. Dog now that saw to it. Look, that's what happened to us when we cheat. You cheat, you're no good. You're a dog. Okay, now you're the dog. Now okay, my sister, now listen to this. Recently, the other guy said that he's in love with me, the first time he's ever said that in the many years that we fooled around. Okay, he can say that to you. You ain't got nothing loose, my sister, says he's just playing me, but I really do think he loves me. The problem really is that we both love each other. At cheats lady, cheta c H E E T A H A S S cheetah as. Okay, look at Cheatah. You are sitting up in here listening to this married man tell you that he loves you all married me and say that they ain't happy at home. You you, you make a difference. That's the deal, Okay, now here, now here is a good part. Though, here's a good part. But we aren't ready to leave our spouses just yet because we don't want to hurt them. Okay, when you say we're not ready to leave our spouses just yet because we don't want to hurt them, when y'all gonna be ready to hurt it? Every right? See when is jes yet gonna be Now it's time. He's convinced you that he don't want to hurt her, and now he's got you say it. You don't want to hurt him? Should I cut this other guy off, stay friends with him, or try to pursue him romantically? You know what every everything you're doing. If you don't cut the guy off, you're gonna stay friends with him, or you're gonna pursue him romantically. If you stay in touch with the guy, both of the above are gonna happy, all right. Today's Strawberry letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my girl. Surely okay? Coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour, taking your vacation calls as we get ready for the Sand and Soul Festival in the Bahamas. Baby, whoa you're listening to Steve Harvey. We're gonna take these phone calls when we come back. Do you take your vacations? Why don't you take your vacation? Do you feel guilty? How do you handle that? All that? Right after this? Eight seven or seven twenty nast st gotta nay. You know, people don't always use their vacation days, and guilt is usually the reason. Why do you use all your vacation days? If not, what do you use them for? And here's part two. Do you feel pressure to check in with the job while you're on vacation? Why or why not? Call us? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, Let's go to the phone. Steve let's go to line one and talk to Dabanna out of Tennessee. Dobanna, Hey, hey, Debonna, do you feel guilty when you take vacation? Do you take all your vacation? Do you call me? And when you're on vacation? Are you scared to take vacation. I'm not scared. I'm not calling. I'll check amorrow. I'll take my birthday. I take my first birthday. I'm just taking day. Okay, take it. She's making you proud. Kind of job I worked for my dad. Oh, come on, Devanna, real job. My dame's on his own construction company for like thirty some years. That is a real job. But you can take vacation. Yeah, but he ain't got fired you. Yeah yeah, he will fire me, fire me, but my mama will retire me. Come on, Tvanna, I love it like he don't even know you. Yeah yeah, well you didn't do that estimate, right, I'm gonna have to let you go. I'll say he's mart of mama, Mama, baby, that's all right, come back in their baby. But that's not what I want to do. Like, I want to own my own business. That is what I want to do. I want my own daycare. I want my own before and after school care. Like I just want to work with kids. Just what I've done, I'm starting and that's what I want to do. Like this one. My passion is, well, that would be good. Going to save your money, get it right, all right, appreciate it. Hanging there. Always good to work for your daddy. Okay, you'll fire me, but my mom will rehire me, all right. Coming up next, we found a survey that finds that most people don't use their vacation days. They don't use all of them, and guilt is the number one reason. So do you use all of your vacation days? That is the question of the week. If not, what do you use them for? What'd you say, Steve? You que ask what you did? Because you don't feel guilty at all. And and how about this question, Steve, do you feel any pressure to check in with your job while you're on vacation? He doesn't waiting for Sometimes turn it off. Sometimes I just turn it upside down, just flip it over. Soon you see the light, call us and let us know what you think. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all, this is about vacations. We're talking about vacations. We keep coming up. That's saying the Soul Festival Baby saying in Soul Festival dot Com. Y'all make sure you are you're, you're, you're, you're playing to be with us to party out there with the Steve Arvey Morning Show in the Lovely Hot Bahamas who we need some heat right now October six through the nine, playing now and early. Y'all get your money in, just put it down payment on it. We got landweight playing. Steve. You know what's happening out there. But how do you feel? Eight seven seven Steve, I don't feel. Hey. You know, people don't always use their vacation days, and guilt is usually the reason. Why do you use all your vacation days? If not, what do you use them for? And here's part two? Do you feel pressure to check in with the job while you're on vacation? Why or why not? Call us? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, let's go. I want to talk to Brittany Police out of Chicago. Hey, Brittany, Hello, what about it? Dollar? Um, I'm that person. I guess I'm not included in that forty seven percent if I remember those numbers correctly, Um, it's won. In my calendar opens for PCO, I get to schedule and so no guilt sell, no guilt sell none at all. I'm using all. I'm using all of my vacation days, Honey. I might use it to sleep, because sometimes you just need a break. You know, you just don't want to see cybody every day because people. I mean, I love people, but people get on my nerves of working customer service, Honey, I get all different types of a and sometime I just need a break. I got time my partner sick day. I just said, you out a sick day. That's why I used you don't want to I'm with him in good faith, honey. I'm with you, though, Brittany, who who did they survey guilt? Exactly? Who did they start to kill? Honney, I'm not thinking about y'all. I love y'all. I hope you don't have a wonderful work day, but I'm not thinking about you. Don't call it that. I'm not, she said, I swear it doesn't take all of her time. I think the question is, surely why don't you Uh, it's the person asking me the question. It's because, yeah, because you take so much of yours, someone has to be here, Steve. We can't all take off. Hello, Monday off Steve, and you had a fit. Yeah, hello. You couldn't believe I took one day. He was like, what and why did you do that? Nobody I did tell Yeah, yeah, we knew. Okay, had nobody to tell. You could tell us, so we'll know you could tell us, Steve, so we'll know. It's not like you're checking with us or asking us. Just let us know. Well, that's why we tell my boss, and then I'm done with it, Brittany. This is what we need. Yeah, this is why Say it again, Junior, Say it again, Junior. That's right. So you told him, hey, man, I ain't coming in the mall. So there is your answer, Steve. That's why we can't take vacation because you have a hundred million jobs and we you know it's hard anyway. But thank you, Brittany. We appreciate. Are you welcome to thank you? Oh Steve to huh because I'm gonta say this right here because he's not here right now? Are going to go along with this and agree and stop being cowards, y'all know, good and wale cowards. Tommy wants to be me. I know he wants to be like Carl. What I'm just asking as he does try to act like you? Okay? Yes, yes, isn't that a problem? Everything you see me? Do? He do the baby very you know? But Steve, that's flattery. That's the most sincereous form of a person in love with you and loving you. You think, docause he wants he's trying to compete his mind. He's trying to compete with you. See what you'll be doing the same what you do to him. That's how he do to me. To put Junior gotta in your please asked what he do? Something ball or something like that? What he's thinking like? You know, like, yeah, they can see this room right here, this room right here, eight hundred the night right here. Um, he throws out prices. You know, he's famous except to me. Yeah, I was grateful. Now I don't thought I know numbers with I'll be looking at it. Ye hey man, but y'all remember that time told me he said, man, why are you jealous of me? Yes? And almost threw up. You've been going through it, tummy, what do you have? And then he got mad. I think you guys have a healthy competition and is family. I think you guys play around a lot. I don't think you mean anything for him. No, s I don't think you guys meant you say to stay sick, You stay sick and take it off. You know, he had the family you and talking about I'm gonna catch your uncle. Oh he told that uncle Lester he should not. Uncle Lester was drinking. Mm hmm, catch your uncle, Steve, I'm gonna catch him in pass him. He said, well, you're gonnahead to be dead right now. That boy running fast and you how to hear you're gonna catch somebody fasting you. I just think it's what I was trying to say earlier. Imitation is a sincerest form of flattery. He just he admires you. Yeah, he just really admires you. And he does want to be like you. I mean we all aspired to be like you to some degree. You know, you said a great example, Steve of how to get it, how to how to be Christian. She'll only thank you so much? Are you looking at it? But because Steve Man, he just his nephew just hating on him. That's I don't think that. Hey, y'all, listen to this. Close your eyes. Imagine that instead of wind, rain and snow, you see white saying clear blue water, palm trees. Yes, ain't nobody asking you about getting them up from school. Ain't no boss on your nerves. It's just you, your girls or your man, some good music and a good drake. Say that, Say that part again, still close. Sad So Festival at the Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Good lord, Jesus, I'm the state weekend October six, through the knife. Be there. I'm already gone. I'm in the water, Steve, I am floating in the water right now. You're there. It's not cool walk outside with no shirt. Don't stand on your balcony. Suck your stomach in cause somebody may be watching it, might be on the ground with their camera phone. Look downstairs, and every woman laying down there looks way better from up on your bow. Of course, when you get down there, it ain't gonna be the same. What'll be the reaction when you get down to I'm there, though, I really am. You took me there, see sand I love walking on the beach barefoot, you know, and just letting the saying because you can get it. Exfoliates your feet in great exercise. Yeah, it is this work. You gotta get your mind right. Yep, yep, yep. Go to sand and Sold Festival dot com for more information and to book your package today. Hurry up, get it going right now. We'll see you there. October six through the ninth. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, can you give me? On the field, Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott makes all the right moves and is nearly impossible to catch. But off the field is a completely different story. Um. He is constantly making poor decisions and getting caught in this week's case on camera, boy, oh boy, By now you've heard that a TMC video surfst of Elliott at a St. Patrick's Day parade pulling down a lady's shirt and exposing her breast. What let's go on now, making an already bad situation worse. Elliott remains under under NFL investigation for allegations of abuse by an ex girlfriend last year. So these shenanigans have got to stop. Geez, come on, Steve, you just said last hour to some of the hip hop stars about being smart. Now here go, what is going on? This is so dumb. He got the biggest head in the league, Like nobody gonna recognize him he does. This is the first time hearing of the story. So I'm just really, but there's no reason for you to do that. Put a moment's topped down and never done in my life. Less. We was in the room, okay, behind closed doors. Yeah, I pulled it up over your head. I didn't beat the buttons off. Is that where we're going? I mean, I'm sorry, please really in But it was warrant. Yeah, it was who it is? Right here? Shut? What was that? All the buttons that I got, spit them on the bed. So when we find, we can find. I didn't had to help sew one back on. I don't had a call downstairs. Get some three and negles. Yeah, I'll got some kick because I don't ran out of thread out of the morning to bath. But wait, it's a white blouse with white thread. All they have is black thread. Or buttons are sewing on the white shirt with black thread. You gotta make it work, like oh man, okay, yeah, get it together, Ezekiel, You've got a biblical name. Come on, man, and he's under investigations. So this is not yeah, not a good look at look. You know you're young. Young, then boy do you have to learn when you you know, the lessons not done? Some stupid stuff I'm trying to Yeah, but I didn't break the law, and you know, alright, so please Ezekiel, be smart, like Steve said, be smart. All right, let's switch gears now and go to the phones. We want to talk about vacation guilt. Vacation guilt. A lot of people don't take their vacations because they feel guilty, and then a lot of people take vacations, but they still feel compelled to call the job while they're on vacation. How do you feel eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, I don't feel anything when I'm on I spent my whole vacation dreading the day I gotta go back, exactly after you have picked it for that long you're dreading to come back. But the best and the best day of vacation to me is that first day. No, not for me, because it seems like it seems like it's gonna be forever that first day. Yeah, I mean you still have not the big day for me because it takes me a while. The unwanted to wind down. It does the work mode, you know. Yeah, and then by the time you get out of it, about the third day is when I just go, Okay, man, I'm gonna cheer. I don't think that. All right, let's go back to the phones. Let's go to line to cat Sandra out of Florida. Sandra, Hi, the question do you take all your vacations? If you do, how do you feel about it? If you don't, why don't you take all your vacations? Are you guilty? Do you call in? Do you worry? No? I don't worry. I take on my vacation and I don't even call in to all of the books. Yes, and I just love y'all. So hey to everybody there, sweet, we love you too, girl, Go ahead and take your vacation. You have a crazy boss like us, You have a crazy boss like we have. Well, I had one one before. Okay, this one is nice, but I had one before. Yes, I mean I definitely did. Don't do good with Boston. Well, you're our boss. I just say no, I don't know. I found nobody I thought should be in charge of me. That's been my whole damn brom Why is he in charge of me? Clearly I can run my damn soon. Hey, stand, you're speaking of vacations while we have you on the line. Don't forget about the Sand and Soul Festival. It's coming up in October in the Bahamas. Okay, So get your vacation time right, get your mind right, because we want you to join us. Okay, Yes, I would love to. Um, I am going to be working on that. They wanted to go to Jamaica, but we're gonna work on that, go to the Bahamas, Bahamas already, but I would love to just go to Coach Steve probably gonna be there. That's right. You give me a chance to end up meet him. I tried two years ago to go on his talk show because my birthday is the same day Steve, probably January seventeen. But I didn't make it. They put me on the FIFTHEA and I said, no, I wan't go on to seventeen. So I'm gonna keep trying. We'll go to UM go to Sand and Soul Festival dot com, Sandra, okay for information and to you know, see all the packages. And everything because we would love to have you there. You said you love the show. We want people that love the show to come on out and join us and have fun and kick it. Yeah, so you can meet yeah Steve, all right, unless you play golf and smoke, let's go. Well, you have time to learn. You have time to learn. Sandra. All right, thank you, Sandra. You're in Florida. To Sandra. You can make it, girl, We want to see you. Okay, speak to Sandra, Steve she said, said, come on, girl, Okay, I still with Steve. I'm gonna try. Girl. Don't try to hint crazy about Steve too. Hey mama, Hey mama, I'm so girl. What's up girl? Room? Oh my god, Oh my god? Husband on your daytime? So is she in the front? Rooms? Are really? I won't back in the bay, but I still didn't put it on speaker, right, Okay, good morning, Good morning mom? How are you today? Girl? I'm hanging Will you hang on in there because if you don't hang you know what happened, right, I know that it's so good to talk to you. You got you around. No really, save as young and vibrant as she sounds, I got a birthday coming up next month to how about that? Sound fantastic? You sound fantastic. I want you all every day. Let'sten tell you in the morning when I wake up. That's so I won't be healthy too. That's what I'm shooting for, real healthy and humor. All well, God bless you, mam, and have a great birthday. Okay, God bless you too, and I will do alright. Bye, Dolly. She sounds so sweet. So you made her day, Steve. She'll tell go and tell her girlfriends about that. Oh my goodness, everybody at the church. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, Roscoe will be here. Okay for saying Roscoe coming in and talking about Patty's day. Don't be good? You got green everything? Are you going from here at the dome? Okay, let's see. Let's see Stan you've been going all that. It left us a band go. I never free to pray that as I rested. Hold van of gold. You know, a little short, little midget fellow be over there by the part of gold on the little person, a little person. Yeah, no, lepri corn midget. Do you believe that you believe in lepricaans? Hell? Yeah? I believe there were see them all time? Really, you don't even again, you don't go hid and see she right there, y'all ain't been nowhere? Is there over there? Okay? I put that on my bucket list. I gotta put it. You see you see see a real line Lebril carn Are you going to Chicago? You're going to Boston? Where are you going on your touring? Shades in Boston? Yeah? Doing manage in Chicago and I'm doing shack Ole Hennises in New Yak. Okay, what about your entourage? How are you traveling? I don't have a drop baby alone. I thought you had a band and all that. I'm the band ship Waite band. You know, I got everything on track? Now you know I got a little nephew put all on track. Oh all the time people hit the button. He know he ain't got but one instrument? Yeah, just you and a microphone, huh me? Microphone keyboard, got my own drumming and track after because you're the all that's in track background, all that. Keep all the money to myself. All right, give us a song on the way out or what y'alling something you're gonna sing tonight at oshas o'malice, give us a little hennon, Yeah, I go. You know band the gold is show heavily the question. I had to do that at least six times throughout tonight. I gotta do it again. Here go try to sing some of my old hits that I wrote. You know, but I just get I just get pulled back in. I probably do. Oh girl, something I wrote back in All sixty sixty nine, big hit I wrote called poising. I like to do poising. Okay, we'll do that on the way out, pausing, pausing, pausing, No pausing, pausing, pausing, pausing, never trust running a smile. That girl is pausing right that. Let's go. And they weren't even born in sixty nine, wasn't around in sixty nine? Because you yeah, you didn't write that. We thought a new edition movie. Who in the movie did they say wrote that? Who did they say wrote it? I don't remember because it wouldn't me. They always leave me out. I wrote that cut like an afro all that okay, and you know they' from Boston. So you're right there. I tell you were going to night come together. Yeah, every time you're trying to prove me calling you just further prove the fact I'm right, I'm here. What I say? You know, did I have to give it to you? Did say you're going to trust a big button? A smile that girl in Pausa. We come back from the break at thirty four after the hour. What's up next, Steve? I think the back to back jail. Think you're right, we'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thirty four minutes after the hour. Here we go, got these back to back jams. Come on, cat, let's get it. We'll be back, Ladies and gentlemen with just one more thing, don't go do well? Who is that you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, coming up next, We got time for just one more thing. Right after this song? Right here, we almost out of here this side to say, read on. You know how many people don't be drunk tonight? Yeah, I ain't got to go to work tomorrow. The bars ain't gonna spill out into the street in Chicago tonight. When I say that, because this coal is hail. Oh yeah, yeah, it's called all right. Today is St. Patrick's Day. Uh, it's no big shock to find out that a lot of people will be drinking a lot, as we've been talking about all morning for St. Patrick's Day and it's Friday. Yes, what a combo? Right? In fact, St. Patrick's Day is normally the fourth most popular drinking day of the year. That's behind New Year's Eve, Christmas, and the fourth of July. Who knew that? I thought it was number one? Actually on the fourth, Yeah, on the fourth. What's more, fifty one two percent of Americans say they planned to celebrate St. Patty's Day this year. That's over half. Over half. Yeah, I'm working, and I think people are looking for a reason to celebrate, you know, after the election and everything. Let's just celebrate. Let's get drunk, yeah, Patty mill Oh yeah, Hey, and you guys the hit horror film get Out by Jordan Peel of Key and Peel, that comedy duo. It's made history, film history. It is no joke. I'm not kidding around with this story. Peel has become the first African American writer director Steve to have a one hundred million dollar movie day. Beut, that is big. That is big. Yeah, He's become the first African American writer and director to have a hundred million dollar movie debut. Congratulations to you, Jordan Peel. Horror movies usually bank most of their money during opening weekend before sales fall off, but Get Out grows ten million dollars over the projective projected budget in its first week and the and the film still remains competitive against blockbuster films like King Kong with Samuel L. Jackson and Logan. Uh So, this is great news. This. According to the Rap, not only did Jordan Peele reach this milestone with only Steve you always ask about this a four million dollar budget, but the fact that he also did it with relatively unknown cast, and that's true makes this win even more impressive. Yeah. I think the most famous person in the movie was a little rail right on, a comedian, little l Yeah, a little rel and he was funny as heck, he is funny anyway. Yeah, it was funny in that movie. So congratulations to George and feel hopefully more and more movies will come from him. On a four million dollar budget, profit profit profit profit chit ching man, All I gotta do is all I gotta do is just follow Blacks everywhere with a camera and just go is go sitting hill, We're so scary, goes well, because when I saw the trailers Forget Out in the movies, when I was going to see something else, I think Fences or something, I was like, Oh, this looks too scary. I'm not going. But I had to go and support the brother. I had to. I'm glad. I'm so glad. I did you know, because the movie was fun. It was scary, a little bit scary, but not evil scary. You know, it's a message if you can say that, a message horror movie. You know, we always black films, always have to have a message in their movies. But anyway, it was. It was good and I encourage you guys to go out and see it. But some congratulations. Yeah, and that's why I don't like horror movies. But I went because I wanted to support him. I hear Steve. I could just see him right now. He is just thinking of how he can make a horror movie and get a hundred million dollars. You can follow me because I am scary of everything. Yeah, surely, scared of dogs, everything. I told you, I'm gonna get a hypnotize. I'm gonna get hypnotize. That's junior. What are you scared of? What do you fool me. Uh most I already ain't scared too much. You know, dogs, I don't really food with dogs. Ain't scared. I just don't fool with like you don't like stuff that don't have the klus. Now a Yorkie. I have a Yorkie, a little bit of Yorkie. He got teeth. And then the dude when the dog beat me, the guy gonna tell me what he never did that before? What he never did that? But you know my problem. Dogs always come up to me because I don't really fool with them. I'll speak to them and say they're cute, but then I sit down and expect, you know, just to not be bothered. But they always come up to me. They want me to pick them up, they want me to pad them all the time. Probably gun fire gun fire my head right, I could be having a good day, but gun fire just really makes dog things on my body open up and release. Ye I'm gonna put something in the floor, especially gunning fire close. I'm gonna put something in the flow while gun fires. What I'm scared to single shot matic any time that Yeah, oh man, I know what is, but don't let her tell you that. And one more thing tire screeching? What I hear that? My ass takes flight? Something going on right there? Well, Uh, have a great weekend. St. Patty's Day. Please drink responsibly, try to get home, Yes, please try. And if you're drinking and driving, ub you'll be careful like that. God bless y'all. M for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.