Social Media Defense, Shaq Fu, Nicki Minaj $11 Million and more.

Published Mar 9, 2022, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! God bless the Harvey household. Man The CLO is off the chain! Mr. 4 Rings celebrated his 50th in the 305. Since the ladies are being honored all month long, we got the things you shouldn't say to them EVER! What happens when Martha Stewart and The Kardashians get together? Junior's Sports Report turns into cautionary tales. Somebody's ass is showing in this round of Would You Rather! Anyone get the food coma after Thanksgiving Dinner? Nicki Minaj has something to say about the fakers out there. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve hits us with this. "There is no winning in giving up." In order to get to it, you must go through it.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things in the stubs, not me, th good Steve together, Please, I don't join join me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out. Turn the water. The water got Come Come on your tha, I sure will the good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Oh man, Steve Harvey got a radio show because God. Because God is simply amazing, because God is off the chain, because God is over the top, because God is all that in a bag of chips. God will take you places that you never ever thought you would go. Oh you know what. It Sometimes it amazes me when I'm watching all people talk about themselves and their careers and where they're adding life and things and they and I hear people say, you know, always dreamed of being him. I can understand when a person says that I've always dreamed of something like this would happen to me. But I want you to think about that for a second, did you really see it just like that though? Did you really I know that God was gonna bring you through all he bought you through to get you to this place? Did you know that in spite of the losses along the way that would crumble the average person, that somehow He kept you through it all and that's how you got here? Have you forgotten all the times He was bringing you through when you didn't see no way that you was gonna get through? Do you remember that? So when you sit there and you say, I dreamed of this, this is what I always saw happening, I don't really think. So, I don't really think. If you take inventory, or real close inventory of your life and you look back on it all, stop looking at the moment right now, remember where you come from. See, that's what gets me emotional sometimes, that's what makes me tear up, because when something is happening to me in the moment, it ain't the moment for me. It's the memory of how I got there. And it's kind of for young people today, you know, because I work with a lot of young people and and so many times, man, young people just don't understand what all it takes. And I know and if you're a full grown adult, if you're forty, you you really understanding where I'm coming from, because you know it's listen to me, young people or anybody that don't understand this, that you got to do some things that you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. You have to understand this principle of success or else you are not going to become successful. I got what you want to do. I got your ultimate goal, is this, that, and the other? I got all of that. But in the meantime, though, there are some necessary steps that you have to take in order to become successful. And you cannot skip these steps. You can't jump over these steps just because you want to be rich Friday, I got that, I got that. Everybody got that. But if you want this, whatever you're talking about, whether it's money or success or fame or climbing the corporate letter or this is the position or you all, that's fine and then it. Please hold on to your dreams. Dreams come true. But in the meantime, let me remind you of something that you gotta do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. You must get this in your head. That are some survival things that you have to master in order to do what you want to do. Let's take it down. Let's say you want to be rich and famous. Let's just say that's it for you. Let's it. It's a lot of other ways of being successful. Please don't think that's the only one. But I'm just saying, let's just say yours is rich and famous, and let's say some miraculous way God made you rich and famous. Next Friday, Ta ya you rich and you famous? Next Friday? Can I share something with you? This is not going to last for you. You know why because you have not done the things necessary. You have not done the things that you have to do in order to do the things you want. So now you're rich and famous, How you gonna know how to budget money? How are you gonna know how to get up and keep clawing towards the top when you fall off your pedestal? How are you gonna know how to reinvent yourself if you didn't even invent yourself in the first place. See, it's so many things. You got to know about something, and you think because it's what you want right now, it's supposed to happen just now. It's a process. When you ask God for something. Please know God know the process. He knows the necessary steps to take you through. Don't lose your patience with God because your dreams ain't coming true right now? Man? You know you know I think the best way y'all is for me. I just used myself as an example. I really do understand why God has given me the life he's giving me so far. I understand that being homeless part. Now, I get the not being successful when I want it to part. Now I get it. I got the delayed entry into the field of choice for myself. I got it now. I've been wanting to be on TV and a little comedian since I was nine years old. But guess what, I didn't get there until I was twenty eight. But see, I didn't get it then I was mad at God. You know what, I won't knop sent it here here. I got exactly what you want. But I got this process. I want you to go through to get here too, because see, I'm fit to take you somewhere. You don't know nothing, but one day you're gonna have a radio show with You're a little stupid behind. You don't know this yet. I'm gonna bless you with a radio show. You don't even know it. That's why I say every more than Steve Harvey got a radio show because see I didn't I didn't see this one coming. But see, God had a plan for me. Was in the blueprint of my life. So God said, what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna make your life a little rough for you. I'm gonna toss you up a little bit. I'm I'm gonna let you make some of these stupid decisions you wanna make, and I'm gonna make you learn from them. I'm I'm gonna let you be homeless for a little while. I'm gonna let you not get into your field a choice until you're twenty eight. I'm gonna have people talking about if we had only seen him when he was younger. I ain't gonna let you get your first can your name till your thirty eight. I'm gonna make you go through some things because one day I'm gonna put a microphone in front of your mouth and I want you to honor me. I want you to talk about me. I want you to tell people what I bought you through. I want you to give people inspirational moments where they can see that your life was jacked up for a minute and I turned your life around for you. That's God dealing with me. See so now I finally understand why I went through the life I went through, so I can have something to say. See, I ain't over here telling you about what I think are happened. I'm telling you what I know can happen. That God does make dreams come true, but sometime it take a minute. Sometimes you're gonna have to do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. Yeah, I finally got on TV, but I had to learn some things along the way. See maybe He waited for me to get some of these messages for He gave me this gift that I want so I would appreciate it more. See when you don't get into comedy, when you to you twenty eight and you've been wanting it since you nine, Now when you get into it, you appreciate it more. Then. Guess what I've been through so many struggles and a divorce and life had turned me around. So when I became homeless, I still didn't give up because I had appreciated the fact that it took me so long to get here that nothing was gonna deter me, and he gave me the fortitude and the strength to hang on in there. Just don't leave him out the mix, okay, because you're trying to do this by yourself and it ain't working for you. All right, I'll that you. I'm gonna be tripping a day you're listening morning show, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sitting here behind the microphone as I do morning after morning after morning, realizing that I have an obligation, a duty to fulfill. Michael Padres are well aware of their role to play. We are in to wake you up. Business. We are here to get you off to a great start of your day. Ladies and gentlemen. It has big gun. In the words of my uncle, who did not care how he sounds whenever he talked, this hill that day about to go down, Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley Strawberry Colin for real and Mississippi Monica A Junior kill spates A nephew, Tommy Junior, what's on your mind? Let me just say we all been through this. You know this is something that's kind of bothering me when people just get to say what they want to say to you and we can't say nothing back. Like somebody just told me a couple of days that I don't do enough. Okay, now where everything you got going on? Is it okay to say how you feel since they've expressed how they feel. Oh yeah, I've learned how to do it even with bloggers. Yeah. Yeah, you know, my kids taught me something that I didn't know because I was building up a level of frustration because you know, I hear people talk about me and they don't even know me. They ain't in my face and not normally. This is how I really handle the junior. I give less than a I can't about really what you're talking about being called most people who talk behind my back is because they behind me. Let's be clear about that. Yeah, okay, so I'm over that, but there are times I must admit for the human side of me takes over and I want to say something back. Yeah, I have found a way to create a dummy account. Wait a minute, a fake screen name, and I come to my old damn rescue whenever I feel like, yeah, I don't says some stuff that's tissing people. I've actually said I know Steve, I know him. Yeah, and what you're saying is a lie. And the page and see a pitch of him, and I do something very descriptive about the way you chip Bubba knows, big little harsh looking shrigger name. Okay, yeah, yeah, I throw something violent like that and I get it off my chest. Feel better. You can go on with your day, all right. I don't want the question. I don't know, but it was a really really great saying something back. That's what I asked. Never mind the question Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, will you're from the nephew? You wouldn't run that brank back right after this you're listening to Steven show. It's time now for the nephew to run that frank back? What you got for us? Nav, I'm about to be stupid up in here. This right here is doctor Petrie. Hello, I'm trying to reach doctor Petrie. Please, this is doctor Petrie, Doctor Petrie. I'm my name is a Jared Jared, and I was hoping you can help me. I would have would would have a problem that I have Okay, hello Jared, um, I would love to help you out with a problem. Unfortunately, doctor Petrie, right, I am, but this is my personal number. How did you get this number? Somebody gave me this number so I could call you and and and try to get some counseling from you, because I gotta I mean, I'm I'm, I'm, I'm I'm really in a bad situation right now. Okay, I can. I can recognize that that you're in a bad situation. But how did you get my number? This is my personal line? Who gave you my number? Are you you? You're the doctor, You're the counselor to help people with with with with with situations and problems and stuff. Right, yes, I am Jared. What can I do for you? Jared? Uh? I got a problem that it seemed like I'm just you know, I've been married to my wife for six years. Okay, wait wait wait Jared, Now this what you're what you're about to get into. You're about to you want to go into a counseling session. And so in order to do that, I do that through making an appointment all of that. But to you, you all understand, I'm trying to what I'm trying to tell you is that I gotta sit away. And I know it's gonna happen again to night because it's been happening all the time. I'm just I just needing if you could just give me a little bit of help and then I'll come in next week. But I mean, I just need you to tell me how to handle my problem and then I'll come in next week. I just I just I need this bad right now. Jar, Jared, Jerry, I need you to focus, Okay. I don't do this over the phone. However, it founds to me like you really need I need you. Can you? Can you beat there for me? Just for me? Yeah, I'm here right now for calling you and disrupting your weekend, But can you help me out? Give me hell? Calling back? I don't know what's going on. Someone'll hell. I'll call him back. Hello. I'm here, Jerry, doctor patriot, I'm here. Tell me. Tell what's going on, Jared. I'm here to listen to you. Okay, listen. I've been I've been married to my wife for like six years now, and I don't know what it is. But whenever, whenever we intimate, you know, I guess scared, and I'm going to the closet and I got a TV in then and I watched old TV shows because I'm scared. I'm scared of the intimacy between me and huh. Okay, Jared, this this sounds like a particular case. Um, it's different from anything that I've experienced thus far. And I want to make sure that I address your were up in the big league, get not turning it back? What Lord we live? You will leave baby? He ain't nothing long with that? Okay, Jared's focus. You called me and you need to me. I'll be going I'll be going through it to be bothering me. Okay, Jared. What I need to do is I need to make sure we have three o'plot, four o'plot rock five six up a plot the clock, rock clock Rock. We're going to rock rock the clock to night, whin the clock right through you all win the band down her too to breathe, breathe, Oh how did you get my number? How did you get my personal number? They gave me your number and said you you would be the one that would that would that would that would that would take care of me. I'm here, Okay, Let's take a difference, and you knew where you were. Then girls were girls and men were men, wishing we could use a man like Herbert Hubert. Right again, let's step together. I want to help you. I want to help you, and I want to help your situation. I want to help you with your wife. But you you called me, and I mean, if you're looking for a lifeline for an anchor, I'm trying to do that. I mean to help me. I knew help me more. I know my wife is gonna leave me if I don't quit doing this. Here's this story of a lovely lady, not three barely lovely girl. Jared. My technique is a little bit different, isn't and maybe a little unorthodox. Not the fearless grew, the mino would be lost, the mood would be lost, the mina okay, look here, look here, I needs you needs you to help me. I need to get you into my office. I need to schedule an appointment with you. You need to erase my personal number from your cell phone because Goody knows your name. Jared. Focus, Focus, Focus, Jared focus. There's a lot more going on here, but once you're making out of fun now with me and all the game, learning from each other. Why we do our thing? Gonna have a good time, Jared, My patience is fed up. I have no more patience with you now. I need you to face uckers and get it together back. Why didn't you call me? Why don't you? How did you get my number? At me? Whyn't you supposed to be the doctor? You're supposed to be the doctor and my doctor. Don't question my credential. Show Man, you called me. I want to help you, but this has gone on too far. This is Tommy. Tommy gave me your number too, Steve? You know Steve, don't you? Now? Look, I want to help you, but you are not allowing me to do so. So who is Tommy? Who is Steven? And how did you get my number? Seven? Is on the radio? No? No, it's Stephen on the Steven on the radio as in see it on the radio, as in Tommy, Matthew, Tommy, doctor, pat you have been pranked? Oh you know you didn't go? Oh my god, do you have a colleague named Charles? You know what I'm gonna ki? Oh Lord that I can't believe Charlie do this to me? My gosh, do you know what time you got what you got me flustered, I was recording you. I hope you know that. Oh. I gotta ask you something though. What is the badest and I mean the badest radio show in the land. That's Steve Baby, My goodness, How was that? Y'all? Good? Oh? That was stupid. That was thank you nephew. Coming up next, it has asked the CLO. With the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building, ready for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Shaquille O'Neil turned fifty on Sunday. Happy Birthday. Back Chack had a big celebration in Miami, and former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo blames cancel culture for the loss of his job. But right now it is time. We'll get into all that. But right now it's time to ask the CLO a few questions. Jenna and Richmond writes, I'm about to turn sixty and I ask my husband for an intimate dinner with my closest friend. He wants to have a big party and invite all of our friends. He has hinted that he might have a surprise for me. But I don't like surprises. Should I let him do whatever he wants? Or do I insist that he respect my worship? Well, I mean, sister, come on now, it's the big sixty. He's at least honored that. I mean, you want to intimate dinner with your closest friends. He want to bring in a lot of people. He is to compromise. Say, listen, if they haven't been to this house in the past year, talk to them on the phone in the past year. Could you not invite them and then just let him go with the list like that? But you might. You might not like surprising, but you might like this man. A man wants to throw you something, really celebrate you, show off. I'd go for it. You don't like surprise? A big? Stop acting old? Control issue? Right? Damn you sixty? Ain't that enough? You already the number is big. Don't act old too. Just let it happen? Yeah, what else can shock you at sixty? All right? Tyranny in a Memphis says, I'm forty four and I'm dating a guy that has eight kids. He's got two ex wives and four baby mamas. We met a Bible study, so he has a strong spiritual background. He told me that he sees us man married one day, but warned me that it takes a special woman to deal with him. Is he too much to deal with? Or sure? I give it? Should I give it? Time? Let me let me here he hit here. See I got some of what he got. He got eight kids, I got seven each other. Okay, he got two exes, I got two x. You know what I'm saying. He and he de bible, steady, take that out. Take that out because he didn't have a lot of very unspiritual moments. Yeah, when you got two exes, I'm here to tell you you have some unspiritual moment. You had way more non spiritual moments and you had spiritual. Now he heavy into the Bible. He got to be Now he got two exes, eight damned kids, child supported. Hell, yeah, you're talking about God every day. Now, they have nothing to say to God when you're making all them kids and baby mamas and all this him two exes, faul baby mamas. So now let me give you the math. A lot of people, eight kids, faux baby mamas. That's twitter. Two of them are exes. That's sixteen plus payments now that are sixteen people that are already in line and have debs on you. It takes a special woman to deal with me. It's what he said, and he can't find one. Tag you it, girl, Listen to me. Don't get caught up in this one because he has a four. It takes a special woman to deal with him. Now, you might be special, but you ain't that damn special. Yeah, just trying to tell you all right, Thank you. Celo Zaria and Fayetteville says, my friend is cheating on his wife and Friday night he has to park at my house and get an UBER. His car was in the driveway. Started again, I'm missing Okay. Zaria in Fayetteville, Okay says my friend is cheating on his wife and Friday night he asked to park at my house and get an UBER. His car was in my driveway when his wife popped up at my door saying she had a GPS on his car. She sat outside waiting for him to come for his car. Should I snitch so she won't think I want her husband. Well, if she's come to your house and says she has a GPS over house, she's assuming rightfully. So that's where the car park, that's where he going. I know she didn't come up and say listen, I know he came over here and use your driveway just to parkers. Call y'all had that conversation. She came up to let you know she know. Now she's plotting the murder. This is listen to me, Fellas. This is how you have to start thinking once you get busted cheating. No, no, you got to start assume that she's gonna kill you. Pray she done it, but assumed that she's gonna try to kill you, and then work it down from there so you understand the severity of the case. See that's the problem with these when they get called cheating, it ain't ever as severe because you don't understand the severity she is going to have a thought of murdering you. Now she just gets up. Everybody's making the case? Or who are you say it again, Carlin facts the body's there, she's making the case? Or who all gonna be in the plot? Yeah, if you don't get yourself out of this plot because the plan is in place. Okay, so what can he say? What can who says? Yeah? Oh that wasn't a question. It wasn't from him. See the guy he got he gonna get out of this is going to get out of. Well, he's not gonna get out. He's going to attempt to get out of he gonna that's what he say. What is he going to get out? Sure, he's not gonna get out, but he gonna lie. Well, that's what I want to know. What's the lie? My car broke down in her driveway. I went in to ask her to get an uber so I could get home to you, because I know you was worried about being Yeah, you go yeah. I went in here and asked my friend y'all, you know, I know, huh. Why would I go over her house here? And and then, let me tell you something. Already know you got GPS on the car, that's how you did. So why would I park at somebody the house? I'm cheap and this girl ain't got nothing going on? My car was I have a trouble and it was breaking down. I pulled up in her driveway, got me Uben came right home. So you just broke down. It broke down right in front of her house though, in her drive I got it up in that driveway. I don't want to be out in the street getting this car hit. You know I got to go to work in this car. I'm a go ahead and kill you, all right, But notice how y'all had several questions before you try to kill me. Watch some dope coming up at the top of the hour. Thank you, Cello Entertainment News. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Shaquille O'Neill shut down Prime one twelve on South Beach Sunday night in Miami. He's celebrating the Big five. Oh Shack turn fifty. His epic fiftieth birthday party had Shack themed decorations and a video tribute that featured celebrities like Kevin Hart, Steph Curry, Charles Barkley, Ludacris, and many others. Shaq got on the mic to thank his friends and family for celebrating with him in a very big way. I think everything Shack does big because he's big, So everything he does big. Okay, Shack, Hello, Happy birthday, Shack. Yep? All right? Mary J. Blige and PEPSI get this. Guys have teamed up for a music festival for women. This was created by women. It's called Strength of a Woman Festival and Summit. Strength of a Woman Festival and Summit is a three days festival. It will feature activities centered around music, comedy, and community building. This event will take place in Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia. It's happening. It's going down Mother's Day weekend, May sixth through May eight. Shaka Khan, Escape, City Girls and more are all slated to hit the stage. And of course, of course the Queen of Hips. Yeah, the City Girls, I know. Yeah, well this is Atlanta, now come on. That's an empowerment right there. Oh yeah, okay girl. Well anyway, Mary J. Blige will of course grace the stage as well. You know how she goes down. Yes, com on the lineup paper. Yep, all right, And haven't heard from him in a minute. Steve but Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo spoke at a church on Sunday and stated that he feels everybody wants the law. Oj was at church too. Well. Anyway, Cuomo said that he feels resentful he wants to make a political comeback. He also stated that he deplores canceled culture for driving him out of his position as governor of New York and he feels badly. Uh. They did the same thing for his brother, Chris Pomo when he got fired from CNN. What pool pit does he get to say this here, ain't a black one. I'm this one. You got up in the law's house and this is what you said. It ain't mio zion. I tell you that it wom had to have been in the auxiliary facility with this type of the ain't no way in the world you Okay, and pastor Pastor Motown's up pool pick. Well, it sounds like he's making his round. Maybe he's gonna do this again, but at least he was honest. He said he feels resentful and uh yeah, yeah, I mean that's those are his true feelings. He wants to make a political comeback, Yeah yeah he can. Yeah, it ain't gonna be in New York kill I think so. Well, Chris, Chris spoke up for his brother, Yeah he did. He offered aid and assist to his brother attorney. Right, Yeah, that's now how I ain't mad at that? How come on, man, my brother right that that's his duty as far as the governorship goes. Look, here's a deal. Sexual harassment is real. It's to have these cases and things like this, right, there has to be a way to work through whatever this is, you know, because like in his case that the charges were dropped, so was the mission accomplished at that point? You know? I mean now I'm just going wait a minute, hold up, man. So I think there has to be a way for people who commit acts like this. There has to be some form of punishment, and there has to be a way for victims to feel, you know, like they were taken care of. It's justice, yeah, yeah, and they were heard and they were seeing. Yeah, I don't know that. It's always the loss of your livelihood and your career. I don't know that. I don't know that, but I don't I don't understand when people start down the road and then go I'm gonna drop the charges, but then the punish or whatever just goes to the extreme for the other person. Something in there. Yeah, we need a lot of work on, you know, the justice system and all that. We all know that anyway, But yeah, it just seems like something isn't quite right about this situation. It's especially Chris. Yeah, the brother losing his job. That's crazy. Yeah, Chris got the bad of all of it. Yeah, yeah, because you're saying over moral and ethics the person that terminated him, and then you had it in appropriate relationship and then and then you end up having to leave, right the president of CNN, Yeah left he was having an affair, Yeah, after he fired Chris Clomo. Now I don't know that even what he did was wrong, because nobody press charges it gives him. It just came out that he was having an affair, yeah, for with someone on the job. And because he was, he did disclose it. Yeah. Yeah, he didn't talk about it. And and is that I don't know what that is anymore? Is that I mean, is it illegal to have a relationship with the person you work with? It against company if the person is the supervisor over you, right, that could be a power move, right, So you can't like nobody, So that ain't got equal or more power than you. No, you can like them. But I think his issue was they didn't tell anyone, They didn't disclose it. I think you were business all right, Look, we gotta move on. Coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, we all know yesterday was International Women's Day. We need to bring you guys on the show and guys in our listening audience up to speed on the questions that you should never ask a woman. Okay, we'll get into that right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So this entire month of March is Women's History Month. We celebrate women in the month of March. And in case you guys were wondering, I mean, sometimes you know, you want to know what's appropriate and inappropriate to ask a woman. So we wanted to help you guys out. So if you have questions you want to ask a woman, just put them out there and we'll just let you know if it's appropriate or not. Absolutely, I would like to ask his wife, you know, like why I can't ask like how old you are? If I'm missing a woman she like sixty and I'm fortunes, I need to know because I know what gifts to get up. You know what I'm saying, Cause I got to know her age. Ain't that fair? But Miss Dars, a woman that I'm dating, Miss Dars, Miss DARSI sixty five plus. I need to know what to get Miss Dars. I can't. I can't get a No City Girl album. You don't know that we can I ask the name Julia. Well, hey, miss Doris, you gotta get her scarf. Yeah, everybody, this is why we're having this this discussion. All right, Can I ask what size are you im? But if I'm gonna buy you something, give me the gift card. Yeah, we just thank you. Okay, I can't Okay, what if I show up with something that's a little smaller. At least I played it with you. That's the only way you could do it. Needy, come in there with a six what I'm gonna try to get in there? You can take it back, but don't you come in there with a photine though, Like you know, I'm coming there with double digits. Don't do it. Yeah, okay, don't come in here, come out girl. I passed by Lyne Lane Bryan and I thought about you over. It's over. These are questions that ask a woman trying to educate you. Guys just got to be a quick We can ask are those real? Yeah? Is that your ass? No? Do your mama have an ass? Isn't a problem? No? You can't, you idiot? Is your mama's real? You know you're gonna get something like that? Yeah, yeah, especially from me. Please, I'm gonna ask so your foot really that be? Can't ask this at I don't know, No, what do you say, Junior? Your feet really that be? I mean I need to know we were the loser. What's your favorite spanks? Okay? Down stupid? All right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the are we're going to talk about Chris Jenner and Martha Stewart's recent dinner party. Okay, what went down? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Martha Stewart recently dined with Chloe Kardashian and Chris Jenner at their home. Chloe referred to her as Queen Martha and didn't hold back with the compliments, calling her ambitious, motivated, kind, and funniest. Heck, Chris Jenner called Martha Stewart an inspiration, and she posted a selfie of her with Martha and Chloe, stating she admired Martha Stewart not only for her homemaking skills, but also for her kindness and legacy in the entertainment business. So the question is, if you guys could have a meal at dinner party, sit down and talk to someone dead or alive, who would it be be a celebrity. Snoop did it? Why not Snoop pangs out with her? Who would y'all pick? Come on, man, eat eat with you know, have a dinner party, be at a dinner party. I really would like to sit down to eat with Richard Pryor. I would like to see what that was like. Uh huh, Richard Pryor. That's good. That's a good one. Yeah, it's gonna be. Oh you said dead or a lot. That's why your face. I don't want to eat with no dead people. I want to eat. I don't they just sitting there not saying nothing. I don't want to do that. Our lashes is on their cheek weekend at Bernie people. You know what I would say? I would say, mister Barack Obama, that would be a good one. I'd like to just soake up, soake up some wisdom and knowledge from that brother. Right, there's good. I really would like to sit up have dinner with Tiger Woods. Oh yeah, Tiger Woods. And why about Golf? I mean I've always wanted to talk to him man, and just you know, say some real stuff to him, talk about our dads, because I think what happened to Tiger was when he lost his father, he lost his moral barometer, he lost the dude that he wanted to make proud of him. And so when that happens, man, you kind of you do a little bit of stuff now, stories about all this and all that, but don't nobody really know. But I think that the loss of his father affected him so greatly, and now you see him pouring that into his son, Charlie. I just think it would build great conversation. I don't want to play golf with him because there's just no need of me. You know, him down there waiting on me to come up. Dog, I ain't even learn No, I ain't even learned damn thing. He's ain't way too fast. I can't fast. I can't hear it that fall, I can't shape my ball, and all this here and then his little boy out there kicking my ass. I'm not gonna go out of home, baby, No challenge is whooping my ass. Everyone's good. No, Tiger Woods is a dude. I love to sit down. Okay, And you have said that before, that you really want to sit down with Tiger Wood? Yeah, yeah, what about a young person that you can know? But I am surprised. I want to said Kanye, that's who I was, gone, I sit down and talk to enough damn Kanye, But the dinner party would be off the chair I have been. I would have been the chicken for LA with Kanye. That wasn't enough. We just ain't the chicken saying when I was ready to go, you had a number one and we got four people that I fail than like Kanye, so that wouldn't even be new. Let me easy, yeah whatever they call your happy Yeah yeah, yeas, yeah, yeah, y'all, y'all. Hey, what you don't say these slave clothes off? What is you wear? What would you say to him? He's fashion a party at the dinner party? Who to Kanye? Yeah? I mean really man. If I if I could sit down with Kanye first, I'd give him some advice because this is his first divorce I've had too. I would tell him get off social media with your personal life, dog, because all you're doing is providing entertainment stuff for people to talk about that it's not going to benefit you in the long run. Go get Kim, sit down so you can have an amicable relationship with the raising of your children. Send that money, don't be late and quit posting all these girls online that look like Kim that ain't Kim's concerned. He having Kim, He having Kim auditions. I don't know what you're talking about. He got him lined up. It's yeah, yeah, it's it's it's it's it's harmful, mostly to the children because it's cyberspace. This last. So this is not a good look. And I would just turn him to calm it down. Man, Yeah, you know, most definitely. All right, thank you guys. Coming up next, it is a nephew in the prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, coming up in four minutes after the hour, it's today's Strawberry letter. This is a good one. The subject is they don't see what I see. We'll get into that in just a bit, but right now it is time for the nephew and today's prank phone call. What you got for us, nef, Well, we're gonna turn to the Book of Calvin, the Book of Calvin. You know they're not not men of Calvin's left the Book of Calvin, and in verse see chapter two, verse three, Calvin done lost his mind Calvin done lost his mind? All right, all mind's clear, cat dog. If you hood hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Bree Please. This is hi Bree. This is officer from the Dallas Police Department. Yes, okay, wanted to give you a call. Man. We have your husband, mister Calvin. Is there any way you can actually come down to the police station today? Calvin? Is he Calvin? Okay? We have Calvin. He's been picked up for a Class C mister demeanor, and I wanted to see if you're able to pick him up. We're not going to press charges. There is a two hundred and fifty dollars fine that needs to be paid, but well, I'm giving you a call. He asked me to call his wife to see if you would actually come and pick him up. So as a two hundred and fifty dollars fine, do somethings I get there? Yes, we do need two hundred fifty dollars five Oh heay, lord, because I don't I don't have it. I'm not to call his mom and get it. What is he there for? Uh? He was in decent exposure, ma'am. He was in a park. Are you familiar with Lakeside Park. Yeah, okay, he was out at Lakeside Park and he was in decent exposure. He had no clothes on. He was with another person, another female, out there, and they had no clothes on. Wait a minute, hole, the hell up? You naked? A big mistake because Calvin supposed to be hid work. That's what hell Calvin's supposed to be. It's not a car, So you saying that you saw him, it's not a detective. That was actually police officer man that actually brought them in. They're both were brought in here, um about two hours ago. He's been processed. He has been processed, but we need somebody to actually come pick him up. Now they just get okay, well tell me what are the tool of the female? What's the female name? Jo him? She has been arrested. She's actually on the other side of the jail. She's on the woman women's side. Okay, can you get that name. I do not have her name in front of me. I will be able to have that a little later or um. But right now, I think more importantly, he's actually sitting in a holding tank with with no clothes on. So I wait a minute, I mean Calvin then lost his gout nine com not coming to pick him up on that. Let me tell you what you need to be killing Calvin. You need to tell Calvin that he need to come up with two hundred and fifty dollars to get his cothing. You just gotta sit up here, and then you need to come up with some more money to take for this divorce because I'm handing him these papers and you tell him, y'all, y'all do this all. I'm gonna calling his mama and she can come get this. I know, well, Calvin, ever walk this closes down the way he gets this one, speak bro, if guy to see that, you know that's what they're taken now, you know what. Yeah, we'll call this mama and I'm gonna tell she's gonna believe me because I wanted to bring her down that she always on his side, you see, she always on his side, So I want to take her on up there seeing her from with his up that naked and then and then and then she hit him explaining that, yeah, but he gotta come you kill cam turkey and make sure you tell him are you getting something about the situation. I'm not coming to get him and he ain't thank you? Okay, Uh, miss miss Bree, all right, I just got some paperwork in here about who the actual female he he was arrested with. She was also out there at Lakeside Park and uh, let's see here. It seems like we got a miss Francis Francis. Uh who Francis? You shure you found a Francis Ni? Yes, ma'am? Are you? I'm sorry? Do you know a Francis? Yes, I'm a Francis. That's my sister. Okay, well can I say something else about your sister? Can I tell you this? Go ahead? Francis has got me to prank phone call you, baby. This is Nephew you till me from the Steve Harvey Morny Show. Brie, you just got pranked by your sister Francis. Oh lord Jesus, if I tell you what I just haven't done on this, I can't tell you. Francis, I was getting ready to come up and all four and I know, damn well, Cavin wasn't up there naked. He's not doing it like that. I mean, they don't even really get along. I mean, I'm like, is that what I'm all about? Really? I ain't got time to follow this. I'm gonna get thank you though. Can I ask you something, Brie, Baby, What's what's the baddest radio show in the land? O? The Steve Harvey Morning Show? How about this for us applies Francis. If you listen, I'm gonna whop your ass. Okay, boys, man, you know his mama, His mama always on his side. You know that, right right, He's supposed to be at work. I know Calvin ain't know where his fat behind with someone with his clothes all down. Man, A poor friends. I love black people. When your wife saying Calvin, no, he ain't got it like that. You ain't got that extra information in the prank, right right right. We don't even need to know they've been coming you man. Do you know, Frances, that's my sister. What I love? Yeah? Yeah, not thing beats being stupid. I don't know anything better. I just I don't see anything better. Listen to so many people. They want to be so serious, they want to be so uh. It's just it's it's so much they want to be and want to do, and I want to want us make these famous quotes and just but but stupid. I'm really, really happy that you feel that way, because most people don't embrace what it is, and you've taken it, and you've actually embraced the fact that you ain't gonna never be nothing but this. Now, I could be better than I could be about won't. No, No, no, see that that statement you're trying to make, I could be better than this if I wanted to, I'm hitting it. Tell you you can't. It's been it's been fifty five years all but I'm I'm, I'm, I'm. I'm brilliant with what I do except that that's that's that's what you're throwing us at, Timmy. I don't I don't know if you understand what you're actually saying. You don't think I'm brilliantly stupid? See, listen to me, listen to me. Kanye is don't you put me in no box with Kanye? Now, don't you do that. I'm not putting you in a box because there's no room for you. Kanye is a genius. But what am I what? You've heard him say that? Right? Okay, do you think he's a genius? No? No, I don't think kan when you say you're brilliantly stupid? Yeah, and you could be more. Does everybody on this morning show believe that? Well? I am more. I just choose to do this. No, no, you, No matter how hard you tried, you've you've topped out. All right, Well look on that. We got it. Where are you going in life? There's more right now? You don't have next Strawberry Letters. Subject they don't see, but I see. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com. All you have to do is go and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live pop Pop on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. We need your letters. We want to help you, okay, never know, this letter could be yours, all right, it could be buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject they don't see what I see. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm dating a wealthy, handsome and very powerful man. He is a popular motivational speaker and life coach online and in our small community. We've been together for close to five years, and he gave me an engagement ring last month to stall me out as his popularity grew his personality group. I don't know the man that I live with now, and his followers don't see what I see. He's gained a little weight over the years, so recently he had his body done. He had liposuction and injections in his pecks to look a look a lot more buff in his dress shirts. He's had his hairline restored, and he's gotten his teeth fixed, which was a must for me when we first met. He uses a text urizer in his hair now so it appears curly. The changes have all happened gradually, and I'm trying to encourage him to grow old gracefully. We're both fifty four, and his constant need to look better has me wondering if I measure up to his standard, then there's the other part of him that I have to live with. He has this newfound sexual prowess, and he started being demanding when we're intimate, like I'm there only for his pleasure. It makes me think he's cheating, and the side pieces catering to him, trying to impress him. There's a lot swirling in my head, and I don't know if I should even pursue marriage with him. He's a drinker, and the other day I saw a tinge of red around his scotch glass and he told me it was his lip bomb. He showed it to me, and I was appalled to see my man wearing tinted lip bomb. I do know he wears makeup for video appearances and he washes it off right afterwards. Do I let him be who he really wants to be? Or do I fight for the man I fell in love with? Is it a phase or will his fame continue to control him? There's a lot going on in this letter. I don't even know if you're asking the right question. I'm not quite exactly sure what you're upset about, though. I mean, you've been with this man, like you said in the letter, for close to five years now, you're engaged, and one would think you know that you'd be heading toward marriage, But you say he put a ring on it to stall you out. Well, there's one way to find that out, and that's to just set a date and start planning the wedding. If he doesn't, If he did it just to stall you out, and he doesn't, you know, have anything to say about a date or anything like that, then you know that may answer that question for you. But is that really what's got you tripping? I mean, you say, this man is wealthy, handsome, powerful, very popular motivational speaker online and in your small town, which means sounds like he's got the money to make himself look better. I mean, if that's what he wants to do, women do it all the time. Breast lifts, reductions, enhancements, base fillers. You know, women do all that kind of stuff. Booty injections, Tommy tuck, we've extensions, lasses, lashes, the list goes on and on. You get the picture. So what's wrong with him tweaking a few of his flaws to make himself feel better? If that's why he's doing it. I think you're worried about the wrong things. I really do. I mean, you're mad because he texturized his hair and now it's curly. Girls love curls. I mean, maybe I don't know, Maybe that's what growing older gracefully means to him, and you said he's doing it gradually. I think you should be careful because it sounds like your insecurities are showing. You said you don't measure up. I think you do measure up. I mean, since he proposed to you, that means he wants to marry you. And I think instead of getting your guest list together and all of that, you're talking about, you know, all these things that are swirling in your head, Well, they're negative thoughts about your fiance, and you need to stop because you're about to talk yourself out of marrying him altogether. And you know you want to be his wife. You do. I just think you gotta stop this. I don't I don't think you have too much to complain about Steve Well. As usual, Sherley's correct in some of the things she said. I don't agree a hundred percent, But to me, I gotta take a different approach to this because lady, lady, lady, the words of this food on our show, Ladies, ladies, ladies, they don't see what I see. Where hell they see? Now? When I read this letter, I thought they was talking about us. For a minute. Yeah, I know you were gonna think that, and I'm I'm gonna point out the three of us that's on this show, but three men on this show. How I was getting a little concerned about this letter because I thought they was talking about us. I'm dating that takes me out. Then they said, a wealthy, handsome and very powerful man. Well they bought me right back. Yeah, he's a popular motivational speaker. Once again, I'm thinking, yeah, I go yeah, and a life coach take me out. I don't really give a damn what you do with your life. You in out? What are you? We were ended out this letter and in our small community. That's Tommy. That's where I come here. We've been together for close to five years. He gave me an engagement reading last month. That's Junior. Something Junior need to look into doing to start me out as his popularity grew. Once again, that's Junior. Hang on, Steve, hang on, Yeah. Coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour of the subject. They don't see what I see. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is they don't see what I see. I really don't have response to this lady until I get to the end. But I'm gonna tell you how I thought the letter was about me, Tommy and Julie. So let's just walk down through this letter. Hi, Shelley, Steve, and Shelley. I'm dating not that took me out, okay, A wealthy, handsome and very powerful man that drugged me right back in it. He's a popular motivational speaker. I'm very nervous at this point, and a life coach. I got back out because it once again, I don't give a damn what you do with your life online and in our small community. Now we're talking Tommy small community. I'm thinking a tiny house developed me. We've been together for close to five years, and he gave me an engagement ring last month. That's his junior now, because this is a move that Junior needs to make. Okay, Tommy and I can't participating now. As his popularity group, that's Junior again. Okay, his personality group, that's junior again. I don't know the man that I live with now, and his followers don't see what I see. That's all of us, Okay, because don't none of our follows know what everything there is to see. He gained a little weight over the years now that's me and Tommy. Yeah, yeah, I'm gained more than him. So I'm feeling like his back on me now. So recently had his body done. I'm out of that. You scared us with that. He had liposuction and injections in his pets to look a lot more buffed than his dress shirts. I am willing to look into that injections Hill. He's had his headline restored now, Junior, Yeah, I need to look into that. Yeah, when you fire out, well, I can tell you when it's time when your head sets is on your head and just even with your headlines. Yeah, had his hairline restored, and he gotten his teeth fixed. We all know that, which is a must for me. When we first met. He uses a text arizer in his hair. Now that ain't nobody but Julie having his little curly ass hair. That's the text zing so it appears curly and me and Tommy out of this now. And the changes of all happened gradually. I'm trying to encourage him to grow old gracefully. We both fifty four I'll be damn. We're back on Tommy and his constant need to look better. Has we back on Tommy? Well, we're back on all of us. To be honest, I constant need to look better has me wondering if I measure up to his standards. Then there's another party that have to live with. He has his new found sexual prowress, and he started being demanded. And when we're intimate, I don't know the brother's intimate lives, so I can't speak on that. I'm there only for his pleasure, and it makes me think he's cheating and his side piece is catered to him. Now we're gonna leave us from Alan. There's a lot swirling in my head, and I don't know if I should even pursue marriage with him. What are you? Who are you married? You're trying to convince this man to grow gracefully. Gracefully he's not. Now you didn't found a tenser red around his Scotch glass. Now he didn't told me it was his lip balmb. He showed it to me and I was appalled to see my man wearing tinted lip balmb. Well, now we have another problem. He'd had breasting plants. He'd had liposus and now he wearing lipstick, then breasting plants. You know what that's he didn't got his body done and he got lace front. He got a lace front. They call it hair restoration. So now who you fitting the man? Hello? You don't see the letter? I see this is starting to look like a sex change. I'm just pointing out what I saw in the lot of them. I ain't knocking it. I don't. I do know he wears makeup, but you wear makeup for television. Yeah, well, but we didn't get breast in plants, got a lace front, and got his body done with some light bulbs such it probably got new booty put on two shi know that? Yeah? So now he didn't got all that. Man, How do I fight for the man I'm in love with? I got news for you, your man? No more? He is not anybody's man right now. He's having some other thoughts. Please leave us your comments done today's letter. And oh, by the way, man, he's gone on Instagram and what do you mean? Steve Harvey FM dot com and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast under Man, Thank you Steve. Coming up next it is Sports Talk with Junior at forty six minutes after. We'll be right back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time for junior and sports talk. What you got junior? All right, Shirley, But first, let me just let everybody know. Texas Trust Theater, Dallas Fort Worth Area, get your tickets, ticketmaster dot com. April First Comedy Jam is April Foods Comedy Jam, Matter of Fact, Bruce, Bruce, myself, Earthquake, rod Hart Davis, and Chantey Wains. Go get your tickets, come check us out. We can be in there, la all right now. Calvin Ridley was a wide receiver for the Atlanta Falcons last season. He has been suspended for the entire twenty twenty two NFL season for betting on games. He is, oh, yeah, yeah, man. He stepped away last season, man, to just focus on his mental health. But he would focus it because he was over there bidding on the Falcons games. So you can't even do that, man. So he can't be reinstated by fifteenth of twenty twenty three. Now, this is the crazy part for them bets. He was just making. He was set to make eleven million dollars next season of lost that million man. So the problem is was he betting for the Falcons or against the found and this season they had he wasn't playing last year. No, he stepped away from the game, so he wanted to focus on his mental health. He bade the bets over five day period and then he did twet out something said, I would have no gamling problem. I only made bets of fifteen hundred dollars. Now that's even that's even worse because now that ain't that ain't now you have lost eleven million for fifteen hundred. Why did he tweet? I don't know that they're crazy him you even put that out there. Also, we also know that Britney Grinder is still detained in Russia. They did release a picture of her mug shot of Britney is over there. She's now that's why I did find. She does play basketball overseas in Russia in the off seas of the w NBA. So she's been going over there for years. Yeah, she's been going for years. So there's not nothing new for her. She's just been held on having How she's oil in evape, that's what they call it. How she now junior that jail jail New Yeah. But now now she's facing ten years. Yeah years, Americans, people that travel, take these American freedoms and put them in a box and put them up in your attic when it's time to travel, because the rest of the world ain't doing this here with y'all. I'm telling you right now, don't come over here with your cannabis, your edibles, all this here. It's countries that don't play that, and they don't serious. And you can't give people a pan to stick you with. You can't be that caught up with getting high or that wanting to show your willingness to be free that you're got here. Now you're in a situation. There's a lesson to be learned in this. Man. Just because you can do something don't mean you should take all this cannabis ass mess y'all got this legalized and congratulation and smoke it in Denver. Don't get your ass on the plane. Yeah, I said that's true. Steve. All right, thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, here's the question. Think about this. Have you ever faked it? We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Nicki Minaj has gone on record for saying that she can't understand why some women fake it to keep their partners happy. Nicki was scrolling through Twitter and came across a tweet that said, I think so many orgasms it's not even funny. So nick He responded saying, I have and never will never understand why women do this. How will your partner learn how to make you feel good if you aren't honest with him? I be like me, used to give a grace period. After that, you're getting cussed out every time. They figure it out real quick. And a follow up tweet, Nikki wrote, I wish I would I wish I would be sitting there moaning and groaning when I actually want to punch this dummy right in his eff and head. Wow, how do you really feel about it? Nikki? So so can guys? Can you tell when a woman is faking it? And do men fake it? Or can you men fake it? Anybody can fake it. I'm not faking, So you're with Nikki on this one. I'm not faking that. If she's faking it, I have no idea, but I know I'm not If I try to fake it, start happening right out right, Yeah, immediately, because once I started hauling, that's the signal. Yeah, the oscar goes. I'm thanking you right now if I do try to fake it right somewhere in the middle of that faking the real Okay, you know I'm not faking it. The way I'm locked up, I'm not faking. My big toe is away from the rest of the toe. I'm out here, not faking at all. I'm gonna I don't know if I women hard to fake taking the bite of wood out the headboard. That's a real last moment right there. So you all agree with nik I don't you know. I don't agree with with punching somebody in the head though. When it ain't it ain't working. She says she actually wants to do that. She didn't say she did it, okay, he just says she cuts them out. I don't. I don't see why she felt it necessary to tweet, but because I guess it means something to her. She she she does not believe that women should fake it at all. She believed that the man should be taught how to treat the woman, how to make the woman feel good. As she said, well, do y'all fake it? Y'all always asking us question? Do y'all fake it? Well, we're asking you guys questions because if the woman spoke up, I mean you can't. You can't answer the question always. I'll tell you right now, I think every woman has faked it at some point. This over with. I really did ask you the game. Yes, Oh my god, oh lord god, oh my god, you the best? Oh? Who all stop? Oh that's too much? You all? Remember Harry met Sally. Remember that scene in the restaurant when Harry met Sally with Meg Ryan and the woman next to her said, I don't have when the waiter came to take her order, and that was the same discussion. He said that he didn't believe be able to tell if his yeah, we could take was faking it. She said, I only this one girl caller was faking it. When she told me to score the game. She said, the rockets up fire. What happened? Huh? I told you? I said this one girl was faking it when she told me to score the game, said the rockets lp fire. She had time to watch the game. She's watching the games and said, what am I doing? Then? Nothing? I'm not even moving you off the game. But at least your team was up by five. Look at rocket, stay focused, God, don't last long? Oh listen at him? Really? So how do women facing scene? How did they do? Oh? My god, look at you? The bad everything? Oh oh oh, I'll have what he's having. All right here, here we go coming up in twenty minutes after food might be the answer to getting a good night's sleep. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the show. So, according to nutritionists, certain boots guys contain natural sleep promoting compounds like tripp to fain and turkey that makes you sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. Also, carbohydrates raise your blood sugar and serotonin levels, which then converts into melatonin, a natural sleep Eight. Here are some foods that can add to your evening diet that you can add to your evening diet to help you fall asleep faster and get some quality sleep. Before I get you the list, what do you think they might be? Punkin pie blue? No, not on the list because it's a bowing ass piece of pie. They put me to sleep every time I try. You know, bananas bananas on the list. You eat banana it'll help you get some quality sleep. Really, maybe I better quity me bananas on this damns golf corn comes in because you start to get sleepy around n bananas, any other s not pumpkin pie, almond. They make you sleep, They help you get a good night's sleep. Cherries or cherry juice. I love oh oh oh that chip. Yeah, I damn the mill or lavender tea. Who I love that mouth? Wide open eggs, Steve, you love eggs. And those are the plots that help you get a good night's sleep, something my favorite. All right, coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and at thirty three minutes after we'll play a round of would you rather? Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for another round of would you rather? Would you rather? Never tell another lie in your life? Be or never drink water again? I'm gonna be dehydrated, is gonna be white? I'm still with me. You're just living name. We got options water, we got de beate a lito, I got to lie. There's no way, it's no way you can exist at you go one day without a line, one day phase Yeah, that's twenty four hours. Nine. That's a long old day. You sleep eight. I don't remember last time. I ain't like you will like your famous words when the truth will do? All right, I'm moving on. Would you rather go to work in your underwear or go to a restaurant without a shirt? Don't go to work? Huh? Don't go to work without the underwear. You're gonna go to work in your underwear? Now you're out it? You thing this zoom from the waist up. Yeah, a lot of people have done that on you your underwear. Or go to a restaurant shirtlet I go to a restaurant shirt but check out, like your confidence confidence, but if you were work like we at work now and we can our draws on? Yeah yeah. Or go to a restaurants shirtless? Yeah, look on your face. Your ass is out from Do I want it on this zoom and open myself to all these trolls? Or do I just go on in this restaurant? Deal with it. I'm gonna do zoom and ride it out. I'm gonna wear the shirt to the restaurant because they're gonna put me out because there's no shirt, no shoes. Yeah no, servant and then just send my ass home. Cool. Yeah, yeah, didn't go to work in your underwear? All right? Would you rather hear your partner's explanation or would you rather just skip to the makeup sec So what? Yeah, let's get to us for what I can. So you don't care? Tells me? Obviously I didn't know what the hell they did? See. Yeah, it could be something big, Yeah, this could be something really major here. Now I need to know that I might not want to have sex with Joe ass at all out of this here, No, I need, no you no grudge. Alright, coming back with the last break of the day that's around him, would you rather for today? Some closing remarks in forty nine minutes after the hour from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day. Come on, Steve, you got it. I ain't even got to waste ties. These are my closing remarks today. Here's the subject. That is no winning in giving up. None. There is no winning in giving up. You have got to see it through. You have got to stick to it. You have got to finish. That is the only option you have when it gets dark and tough for you. You have got to see it through. You have got to survive it. You've got to finish. There is no other option. There is no winning in giving up nothing. Let me explain something to you. In order to get to it, you must go through it. That's a fact. Anything you want in life is on the other side of something you have to go through. In order to get to it, you have to go through it. Stop complaining about that. I'm going through it part of your life because everybody got that. You're not the only one that's going through it. Stop complaining. Look, I know sometimes you want to stop and go man, I'm sick of this. I get it. I do too. I know there are times you want to go, man, this is hard, and you are absolutely right, it is hard. I know there are days where you go, man, I just I ain't feeling this today. I got it. But in order to get to it, you got to go through it. I name something you want that's just sitting right there, and you can just reach over this your name it. Name what what? Now? I'm talking about something that's really worth having. I'm talking about something you dream about. I'm talking about that thing that keeps you up at night. I'm talking about that thing that burns on the inside of you. The deaths won't let it go. Those things right there on the other side of something you got to go through. If you are unwilling to go through, you are not going to get to You Gotta get this in your head now. I know when I say stop complaining about what you're going through, I know that's hard. But let me what does the complaining accomplish? Nothing? It accomplishes nothing. Every time I complain about how tired I am, I'm still tired. Every time I complain about it. I'm sicker than people talking about me. They're gonna still be talking about you. Ain't gonna talk about you some more. I'm tired of people talking about me that don't know me. What difference do it make what they say? I mean, really, y'all, if you think about people who are talking about you behind your back, do you really understand that they don't matter? I said it earlier today. People that talk about you behind your back is because they behind you. Who in front of you talks about you behind your back? Name the person, no man, everybody that talks about you behind your back is behind you. You've passed them. That's what they mad about. Everything you want is on the other side of something you got to go through. In order to get to it, you got to go through it. This is the way life is set up for every living one of us. None of us are exempt from this. Quit trying to figure out how you can get around that part of it. It ain't happening. Man. I can't tell you the situation I'm in right now, and all of it's predicated on some other people doing what they're supposed to do. But you know what I did. I prayed about it. I turned it over to God because it was out of my hands. But see, the majority of what I want is out of my hands. My dreams are so big and so illustrious that in order for me to attain them, I absolutely have to have God's health. I don't want nothing I can accomplish on my own. I'm in that. I need my Heavenly Father business. I'm in that I need you Lord business. So what I'm going through right now is solely God moving a lot of pieces into place to fix the prayer request that I put in. And you know what it's causing me to do. It's causing me to go through something. But I've learned that God is always working on my behalf because I'm a believer, I'm a child of his. I honor him, I give him the glory, credit and the praise. So he working on my behalf. So as I sit here and try to practice the patience that I need to allow him to move the pieces into place. It's causing me to go through something, but guess what if I want to get to it, I got to go through it. And I believe with everything in me he's working it out. Quit tripping, y'all. It's happening to everybody, including talk to God. He loved to hear from. He's in the blessing business. He's in the forgiving business. He's in to get your life together. He's in the fixed business. Those are my closing remarks. Have a great thing. Talk to God. For all purchases ary void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.