Snow White and the Seven Workers, NCAA Men's Tournament, Depressing Places and more

Published Mar 13, 2018, 2:16 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show discusses the NCAA Men's Tournament, what dwarf each crew member resembles, depressing places, Nick Gordon's arrest and more. Plus a new Comedy Roulette.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving the mong like the milking buck bus things and it's Toby True good to the hardy. Yeah to move to other for sto quickly, hobby, Why don't you join? Yeah by joy into honey. Say you got to turn Yeah, you gotta turn won't you to turn out? Turn to you love? You got to turn out to turn water wanter go, comey, come on your thing at it I show will come on and everybody you'll listening to the voice. Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, man boy, God has been good to me. Yeah. I can't really count it all. You can't either, You know, it's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable the things He's done for us. How many times you know we we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay. The fact that you know may be struggling out here, but guess what, you're still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know, it's hard. You got a lot of plate spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now I near one break, but he put to more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works um. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to uh, you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but don't want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to me. You know, so many people are here. Well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here and I could have been there. And this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that, I could have been here and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me because of so and so or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on that? But I learned a valuable lesson. Man. See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop T. D. Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rear view mirror. You go outside and try that, Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rear view mirror. All you're looking at it's where you're being. All you're looking at in that rear view mirror, it's where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rear view mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rear view mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rear view mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched the show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what. Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and gotten forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. M Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struck on You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went wild. You're drinking the poison waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poison to you. You know, if hatred is poising to you unforgivingness when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life now. You make adjustments every time you see And it takes energy. Man, It takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too. If that ain't coming to room, you got to avoid them. Stay over here, um, oh here they come. Now you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh, here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going to be on the third floor. I want to go ahead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue staying, Oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just need to take this out. People man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life, if you would let just let it go. May be you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you, because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies, Let's say you've been in a situation with him man for years. It didn't work out. For whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got I got what you said he did. I got what he did. I got he all of that. Y'ada, YadA, YadA. When you get through did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it. I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole another family over that somewhere. He not. Now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he's trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now, instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you, you create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you. Bishop Jake's got a book out man called Let It Go. I'm telling you read this book. It will help youself. It's not just for people who who are angry. This is for people, man, who don't even know the little things you holding on too. You don't even know the name of the book is Let it Go? Man. I had to read it and go, wow, man, I had really had to check myself all that I know about this thing called life and trying to succeed. I still need refreshing courses and remind us every now and then, maybe hold on, man, Maybe you've been sometimes Man, it's just you holding on to a business practice too long. You know. I had to catch myself. You know, I said a thousand times, if you keep doing what you've been doing, you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. Maybe you need to change your business practice. Maybe it's the way you've been doing a certain thing. You just got to let that go, because if you let it go, it frees you up to go. It's hard to get to the next level with all that baggage. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ye, you're listening to show ladies, ladies, ladies. I would say gentlemen, but I don't care. So ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, not boys and girls. How about the girls, because that's what makes the world go around girls and ladies. It's a woman's world, yes, it is. It's a woman's world. Yeah, James Brown said it was a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or girl a true statement, which means it's really a woman's world. Welcome to the show. Here are two of them now, Good morning, Shirley, Good morning, Steve, thank you and Carla Morning crew. Hey, Steve Junior, Morning up, jaf Anthony, why don't watch your dner? Steve Thomas smile? How about the money and Steve Hall? We're all here? Yeah, thank the los here? Yeah, well, march madness his opponents. Have you feel about your brackets yet? Who you think gonna win it all? Tommy h I hate to say it. I don't know if it's heal for Duke. I think you know what I think. I think Duke gotta shot it. They got a shot, he looked. Think Duke got a shot at it. Uh yeah, I've been watching a little bit of it. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Duke Duke is nice. Um. I think a shocker could come out of Florida, though, what school? I get all the Florida school, Florida. You got Mammy down there there, you got to the Gang Gators, you got to seminars, you got Florida ULC. Well, I just want to be in the conversation. Steve, how about Arizona. If you say that, you're just throwing in. I don't think they have enough. I'm just throwing it out there. They got a bad boy over the Arizona big Yeah, they got a bad boy out there. He strong. Everybody was excited about that. Ta Young or Tie Young, whatever his name is. They didn't figure out how to shut him down. How about that big boy from Kansas. He always used that they got one, but Kansas could be there. I think Kansas will make the final four because they got some players. Malik Newman is coming around over that Kansas. Huh. You know a white Malik? Malik? Is he black? You know Millie White? You ever name? It's culturally? I don't himself. Boy, but saying like, excuse, well, whatever it is, I don't want your mom name you that Malick? Stop it. It's Malik. What your name is? You don't be Mack if I wanted to be how film? Al Right, guys, you guys are just back from Disney World. Now, Steve, you're gonna break down the fairy Tale of Snow White. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for something funny? Uh, Steve, I know you guys just got back from Disney World. So now you're gonna break down the fairy Tale of snow White a little different twists to it. Little yeah, and they're very familiar, really yeah they are. Yeah. Well, I'll be more than happy to point that if that's what you want to do anytime. You already let us go. Let's get it well, Junior, Junior, you one of the doors. I consider you happy. Junior, You're happy, You're happy. Everybody who on this show is happier than Junior. He has the best attitude of anybody. Ain't nobody on this show happy? He got the best attitude on the show. I think Jay would be sneezy, like sneezy s because he's sick. He got that his sugar on, he got low blood pressure, high blood pressure, got ingrown toe nails, he got out, probably got ring one breathe real heavy. That's why I call it sneeze. Okay, that sir, huh right here, you're the dwarf named band. We've been trying to get you the Customs show started. Why do I have to well that you ain't gonna grow into who you really could be until you learn because you're too tight. Release. Yes, you're that little named doc because you to fix them. It's what doctors. Doctors do. They fixed up. She's going to consultation. She go up there with the white folks at our hard and then she come back. Don't say this, don't say that. Remember the brand. You ain't saying that on this showf kids, Mike out right? Oh then you tom me? Oh yeah you got happy, You got happy, you got Tommy? Okay, you go ahead, Dopey the hell, I'm dope. How you ain't gonna be going if you ain't doping? Who he is? Who the hell are here? Could be more doping and you you dope it. You say the stupidest stuff on the radio show. You claim to be stupid. You can't be nobody but dope. Okay, okay, okay, okay, cool, cool. What's left though? All right, well, yeah that's me. I'm in charge. I think we all know you ain't no white Oh yes the hell I am white dress now black hell headband on everything, white white letter. All right, what one is Steve, guys? Three to one grouping? That be you yep, y'all gonna get together, y'all gonna get together and say grumpy, Yeah, we know you groping because you're sleeping and you got nine jobs. That's the problem. That's your problem. End. Okay, okay, so we we we threw with the snow white in the door, right well yeah yeah, so let's just let's let's let's let's shut up, let's do superhero. Let's do that. Okay, let's see where we fit in there? Can we do that? You want me to do it? Oh god, yeah, I guess, go ahead? Who are you? Who are Just give me mine? Who am I? No? No, we don't have a lot of time. Come on, no, no, no, no, let's go down the list. Junior Junior one. Okay, Junior has a superhero? Who could I see you as you flash scoring? Knowing about Tommy's you set yourself up for that one. You're referring to the race. They did a couple of what it was about a month ago? Now right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, Sorry, Jay Anthony Brown, we had to go mo Batman and Jay would have to be the joker laughing, always playing yet panther, always play it. Oh Calor you you you superhero, stormy cloud raining, you just storm, You're just coming here like a thunderstorm. You come you can't say that. You ain't can do that on this show. Yeah, all yeah, I love her who certainly well you might as well love because that's what she is now, sherl. I got to come up with somebody for you, all right, surely somebody, wonder Woman, I love her. Okay, wonder Woman, you go ahead, clothes out, wonder Bom. I'm gonna tell you that right now, you're nothing to do. You say you wonder woman coming in here with all the clothes. That's not what you're gonna be in. You're not be wonder Woman coming up. You're gonna be in a lot of people. You're gonna have to be somebody else. Let me think, Okay, think, and we'll be back coming up next. Let's do damn that snakes were I did not say that, No matter of fact, we'll be back. Let's stop just like that. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show, all right? Uh, coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here with today's national news. But right now it is time for Steve. You were gonna tell me which super hero I was going to be, and then that's right before we get to the Nephew and run that frank back. All right, let's go. Did you think of something? You know? Not? Just sure? Why could I be wonder Woman? What is wrong with that? Are we all sure? Yes? Sure? I have it? Okay, I know who you are. I just saw you the other day at Disney. If it's many, I'll be honored. Ladies and gentlemen. Miss Incredible told the wom with the body that head. So why what Miss Incredible would bring it? Nah? You don't want to be the butt lady. You don't want to be the butt lady. I'm going with wonder Woman. You all can go with whoever you want. You got one, Tommy, Tommy, I got you boy, come on over here, boar already, no Reddy superhero on boy. Got my chest out, boy, come on now, represent man, got it? Keep your chest out? Oh y'all not Tommy. Listen. The suit might be a little bit too big from my aunt, but we're gonna down the prank today. We're running back is uh, y'all ain't married. Let's just run that here. Y'all ain't married? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah, how are you doing? Brian? My name is Daniel H. Wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen. Um, you're you're Brian, um, Brian right, you're married to uh althea. Yeah. Hello, Hello, yeah, yeah, that that's that's me. That's my wife's Yeah, okay, I got a question for you. Hello. Have you guys been married? Going on nine years? Now? We've been married? Now? Who is this? My name is Daniel? Were you um? Were you guys married a Greater New Missionary Baptist Church? Uh let me see yeah, yeah, yep, yep, that's the name of that church. Yeah, great by nine years? Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? What's asked me all these questions? Okay, do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? Uh reverend right, Okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the right person, Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery a lot of information that Reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all, he never was a minister, and every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and void. So and I hate to be the bear of bad news, but you and Alphea, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not married. No, no, no, no, not that you gotta have the wrong person, because then that then we got we got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he's he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, you're a wedding ceremony. He had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in sin for nine years. Hold on, hold hold on that. Let me tell you something. I ain't been living. Man and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher. Sunday Sir, as of today, he has he has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings for children. He's not allowed to do that, and we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under UH as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped that. But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin and you don't you get that. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible, so you're not living in sin. Oh No, I ain't been living in no sin. I have been married for nine years. This woman ship been taking care of me and my kids for the past nine Wait, wait a minute, you guys. Have you guys have children? Yeah, yeah, we we got to two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards, statis. Let me tell you something. My kids ain't no bastard. What about your kids, your kids on basketts? No, sir, my kid My kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out. I'm telling you that man did my service and he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He hasn't done everything that he could for me and my family. He is a preacher, sir. I don't. I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth, but I want you to know and I need you to be able to tell out fia that you guys are not married, not as of right now now. No, okay, so I heard of hun now back in olden days. But before all these all these colleges and stuff came came about. You telling me that them men making old days, that they weren't no placers, that they weren't meant men after the call? Is that what you're saying to me? Uh? What what? What are you? What are you? What are you? What are you getting at? Sir? What I'm trying to say is back in the older day making the twitters and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days that man now he was from back then, and God called them and that's what they went on too. And all the people that they married back then they did the same thing to day. You don't need no degree to say that that you're a preacher. You don't need no life to say you're a preacher. Man. My wife would be married for nine years. My kids have been born in wedlocks. We were married, we were mad, My friends and family day was all there, sir. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids, I hate to say it, your kids are bastards. Now O now I've told you, don't say nothing else about my kids, said, I ain't no cuss up, but don't push me. My kids ain't no bad I said. You're understand me. You don't get me up, Sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get you married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I am living in no sins. Look, now, you don't make me whoop your a. S s You're understand me and my wife we have been married for nine years. Don't shoot up here called me talking about the way. Ain't man that that man ain't fature. You're understand I get off my phone. You that's my life. Those are my kids. They have been born in red life. Do you understand, sir? So I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't living in no sin, That's what I just told you. You ain't hear me. I ain't living a no sin. Maybe you're the one that's living up some sin. Now. You ain't got nothing, el said to me that man that never nine years ago they get your a ss on my phone, sir. So I have one more thing, one more thing I'd like to say. You ain't done nothing else to say to me. You ain't get your ass off my d am phone. Now do you understand me? I ain't got time for this, sir. Could I say one more thing? What you gotta say on me now? Because I just wanted to let you know that This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harping Morning Show. Your wife and I feel got me to prank phone call you. Oh man? Oh lord, it dot you uh dot y. I almost went in on your dot you. I'm gonna let me go down. Yeah, I'm gonna good at think put you up to this? Got me to prank you, man, Wow man, oh man, hey man, you all right with me? Brother? I got to ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harper Morning Show. Man stupid? Okay okay. Coming up at the top of the hour, MS and me here with today's national news. And guess what, guys, Tiger Woods is what you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Guys, in the world of college basketball, the selection Sunday, which means the schedule is set for March Madness. The play in games are today and Wednesday, and the full sixty four team tournament games start Thursday. So Junior and Steve, I gotta ask you, guys, Tommy j especially you J any predictions for the final four? D okay, that's one. Yeah, Duke, I got to see the whole bracket. We're some boys out there. A lot of people think, but d got a chance. I don't. But what how come you don't think? Well, I just don't like the players. I don't like your players. I don't care. Look good. BA ain't going nowhere. They look good, though, You're all right about that. They got a good squad. They're gonna get that little bracket a little breeze. But I don't know if they can get all the way, it's gonna be a you know, it's always gonna be a Cinderella. Yeah, you know. I don't know, But I gotta see a game or two I gotta see somebody, you know, I gotta when did when does it start? Today? Today? Starts today? Today? Yeah? Today? Choose? Yeah? What's that school? I always show up to start with a V. What's that school? No? Not Villanova? And I'm gonna tell you a minute. Yeah, I gotta, I gotta ask a question just to get in common goes. I don't really know what about the team with all the white guys on there. Yeah, that's HEMI let me tell you so. I watched the basketball game between St. Mary's and B y U. Uh. St Mary's and B y U. I looked on the floor and it was ten white dudes, And it was so strange to see a televised basketball game with ten white guys on the floor. It just looked strange. Oh they was hoping. Oh them boys was bawling. Man. But it was just strange to look out there and see ten white guys on the floor. I thought something had happened. I didn't know what it was, no sious Like I was flipping through and I hit the channel. I went, what happened? And I looked on the bench and some suspensions come out. What happened? What is the bros? Sitting at this game they knelt. I thought, I thought something that happened. So I watched about five six minutes and then they bought this big tall brother in from b y U. And if it wasn't for his hair, I wouldn't have knew that. But I said, okay, they go abroad. Then saw a couple more come out there later. I thought, yeah, I thought we were protesting something I need to know because I gotta tell her everybody. Hey, man, Brauns from St. Mary's and b while you set out. Hey, speaking of brothers, what what about Tiger Woods back? He was looking good at one game? What he did? No, No, a couple of tournaments. He must be back on the dad. Wait wait, I'll do it boy. White women get wait wait wait, white women to get your game back together? Women, your game come up? And why do you say that day because he's crazy to get your game bag. Somebody somebody telling him that your gaming. They'll be ready. No, like like the angle whe women, you're right and jay game right. Let me get the game right there. You'd say, look all right on that note, we're gonna please take us to the news. Steve, I think, I said a black woman ladies and gentlemen, MS and trip, I'm sil thank you very much, and yes black, I am and proud. This is a trip with the news. Alright. Somebody's been making bombs in Austin, Texas and there have been three blasts just over the last ten days. Authorities say the latest explosion critically injured a seventy five year old Hispanic woman that came on the heels of two other bombings, one which killed the seventeen year old boy, seriously injured a woman in her forties, and then there was another bomb blast on March second, the left of thirty nine year old man dead. Austin's police chief is Brian Manley. This is the third in what we believe to be related incidents that have occurred over the past ten days, and similar to what we have said in the earlier instances, we want the community to be aware of what is going on because, again, based on evidence that we have at this scene as well as at the other two scenes where we've had these explosions, this evidence makes us believe that these incidents are related. Officials say the bombs were placed on the victims front porches, they went off when they were picked up. So far, all of the victims have been either black or Latino. President Trump goes to California today. He's schedule who for a big fundraiser in Beverly Hills later tonight. He's also going to stop, they say, in San Diego, to check out the eight prototypes for his promised border wall. Trump's announced his school safety proposals. By the way, they call for allowing states to arm teachers, identify people who could be threats to themselves or others, and make the current background check system more efficient. However, it does not does not include raising the age to buy a gun to twenty one. That's something the President told the students, had Florida's Stoneman Douglas High that he was in favor of. However, the n r A is against it. The porn actress who claims that she had an affair with Trump and was paid on the thirty grand not to talk about it poorly offering to pay the money back in order to speak for me about everything. Right now, Stormy Daniels not legally allowed to talk about her alleged as two thousand and six affair with Trump because of the nondisclosure agreement. She says she signed, but now her lawyer has sent a letter to the President's attorney making an offer to get Daniels out of the agreement. Trump continues to deny he had an affair. Students all over the country, by the way, planned to leave school for seventeen minutes tomorrow, one month anniversary of the Parkland, Florida shooting. It will be seventeen minutes for the seventeen students and faculty killed on Valentine's Day. Voters going to the polls today in Pennsylvania, a closely watched race for US House seat. Democrats and Republicans had poured millions into Donald's into the eighteen congressional district race. And today is National ear Muff Day and National Donald Duck Day. Oh, Donaldale, not in the snow. Well, we'll be back with more entertainer. It's an entertainment at today's trending topics as well. Turnaments after the hour on a Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So we gotta ask, as we always do. It seems like every day or every other day, what is wrong with our president, President Trump, the President of the United States called Congressman Maxine Waters a very low i Q individual, And you know what, that's some utmost disrespect. He doesn't I'm telling you, man, he's just non presidential because she disagrees with him, doesn't like his policies, and really best quite honestly, just doesn't like him as a person. And it's wait, one of the brightest women, absolutely low i Q. Just take the test at the same time we get the resilves. Watch who finished first. Trump started the exchange at Pennsylvania rally. He was there on Saturday night for a Republican House candidate Rick Cone. Take a listen to this. Please, we have to defeat Nancy Pelosi. And Maxine Water is a very low i Q individual. Never see it? Have you ever seen and you ever see it. We will impeach him. We will impeach the press. But he hasn't done anything wrong. It doesn't matter. We will impeach him. She's a low i Q individual. You can't help him, she really will. We will impeach him. But you have Maxine Waters, and you have plenty of others, and I mean Nancy Pelosi, you can't have that. You know what amazes me at the Trump rallies. I was watching the one he did in Pennsylvania one year, and like, when he makes these statements, they have these people that they positioned behind him because they try to show a mix of all from people, so they're very consciously placed people there. They do it at everybody, do it for Hillary, they do it for everybody. That's common practice. But they but they find the one black person that they can. They found this black lady with this big black feathery church hat on and stuck over there. If this woman did not look so out of place, so she didn't know when the cloud, she didn't know what to happen, She didn't know. Nobody acted rally. They just set her up there. But I watched the three teenage kids behind Trump everything he said. Their reaction was whoa. And I mean he was saying stuff that really it's there's no way you could share that hard for some of the statements, but that was their job and their place there to do that. And whenever he wants to feel good about himself, he goes to one of his and they cheer for him and he just talks to him. All right, listen, coming up at thirty four after the hour, the guys are here with comedy roulette. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for comedy roulette. Please, Jay, do us the honest, gonna explain we are just good on the show. Give us five subjects. Put them on the wheel, spun the wheel, which stop, We will do the damn thing. Here come championship team. All right, here we go. Number one, How come they don't know when it's time to go home? Okay, Jay, this one's for you. I know. Can can a brother be with a white woman without all of these looks? That's for you. J Okay. Number three, trust me, dude, them long suits, they are not coming back in style. Okay, we see him at the show all the time. No. Number four, you don't remember because you got knocked out. Number five, big buff dude, you know the big ones with this little bitty little dogies. Yeah, all right, let's spend. Let's go on. They don't know when you lad at home. Let's do okay, Number one, Oh, here we we Number four, you don't remember because you got knocked out. You don't remember because you was knocked out. And here's how I know you was knocked out when you wake up and you got a hospital robe on, and your clothes is folded on the other side. They got your stuff folded up over there. You was knocked out, dude, that's why you don't remember. You're gonna be there. Yeah, she had been telling me. My mom had been telling me, picked them hangers about. I don't really know how I got in the hospital, but I think it was because I knocked out. I gonna tell you them gonna picked them damn hangars up right, we're playing comedy Roulette. It stopped, and you don't remember because you got knocked out. In nephew, we left the house party and went to Chiless afterwards. You was in the car, but you don't remember that because you got knocked out. Yeah, you got it at the house part, all right, You don't remember because you got knocked out. You in church. It's four thirty eight l in the morning on a Monday. You don't know how you sleep under that pew at thirty. Well, I'm telling you why you under that puke at thirty because you leaned over and told sister Shirley wine Rob and she sh your hand some nice breath. She knocked your ass out, didn't nobody pick you up. It's four thirty Mondy, Marty, you in the dog church to do that one because Tommy stole j what what you don't remember because you was knocked out. You said to the short white guy, bring it. You said to him, damn it. You said, damn it, bring it. He brought it. Yeah, you don't remember what you said. Well, Da didn't bring it, all right, Steve closed it out for us. You unconscious at the circus. You know they're taking the tent down and everything. Uh huh. You don't know what happened because you told the midgets, ain't a midget note whacking with me, fatty, I'm clammed out of a vose wagon. You didn't know that man him in there, and that's what you said. That's why you was knocked that. You was knocked out. They're taking We have told you with little people. We have told you that's called you said, midget made have told you. Look, you ain't listening. You said, ain't a midget notewacking me? All right? Never beat climbed out that never you tell me it's a prank phone call coming up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry letter. But up next it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got now? Right here? That's the other one, Tommy, what's that? That's what's up? You woke up with the phone next to you. You had pranked somebody and they had had that iPhone LOCATD. He woke up and realized, yeah, that's my wife. Tho oh hell, what I got knocked out? That's what he's saying. Yeah, that's part you got knocked This is when he is workman's cop. Workman's cop right here. Yeah, hello, hello, I'm trying to reach you, Vincent place. Who's calling? My name is uh ed from the human resources Oh yeah yeah yeah, definitely what's up? What's up? Well? Vinc one of the first of all check on you. We know you're got injured here at the job. How are you doing so far? Yeah? Man, I'm I'm making that man. You know, everything's cool and uh, you know, I don't know how long. The therapy going pretty good though, but I'm not right. I'm okay. Therapy is going pretty well. Yeah, it's they say I'm doing all right. The pain level is about maybe a fix still, but it's getting done it though. Okay, listen, have you been getting your your check on time? Yeah, I've been getting a man, and I appreciate it. But it really helps, man, because you know, I ain't able to work right now. They say it's gonna be a little while, so I appreciate that. Y'all the one defending the check, yes, sir, yes, sir. We all want to getting the checks out and want to make sure that that's definitely getting there, so you're yeah, it's good, it's all good, man. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Okay, let me we've got a bit of a problem that we wanted to check out. Now. You haven't been doing any any strainings? Uh? No, no, no, no, I ain't been. I ain't. I ain't been working at all, man. I just you know, I've just been taking it either. I can't do nothing really right now, and they told me I could do nothing, all right, And then you do know the rules are that you're not supposed to do anything that to jeopardize your back. Correct. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm straight. I'm afraid I ain't been doing nothing, man, Okay, well, let me let me say this to you. We do have some um surveillance cameras that are showing us that you've you've been doing something straining with I ain't even been going nowhere. Come about surveillance cameras. I don't know how they go nowhere? Well, No, the the straining was work that you're doing is actually at home. At home. I'll be inside. I don't I don't do nothing outside. I don't way, I don't even boby cue man, what you know what you're talking about? Streaming? Okay, have you uh, vincent, have you have you've been having have you been having sex at home? What's the kind of question? Who is this is? This is a supervisor or something we're kind of Let me talk to supervil. I ain't know your day. I'm with human resources. I don't know a man. Excuse me, dog, But I don't mean disrespect you that because you're paying me, you know, looking out for me. Do I mean you can call me and and just say any cop like that, man about have you been having you having sex at home? Save that ain't under your business. I don't have have I been having sex or not? In it? What kind of mean, let me talk. Who are your supervisor? Man, sir, I'm the supervisor here to human well being, frous with my attention, and we actually have you on surveillance. You've been you've been having sex. Now you can don't know I know not you know hambers in my house? I know that much. And who author like that anyhow surveillance for me? You're not supposed to be having said if your back is hurting, okay, you you have a man you've been you've been not having no damn camera and my what you're talking about? Uh, you've been surbata for me and having saying that's a damn lie, sir. What's your name? What? What? What's your name? Man? Un sir? And who ad because I'm look, I'm trying to be nice and you're picking me off A and her sir, sir, here it is and find out. I'm gonna I'm giving you a warning. No I don't need them. I'm giving me your warning. You let me find a damn camera my house telling me I can't hand no sex and all that I have sexts. If you're that is straining with work and you're putting it on your back and we're paying you. We're paying you a dam about what you're paying me and what you ain't paying me. You're gonna call my damn phone tell me talking about you got some names, cameras and my house. That's okay. Well, let's sir, sir ben sit, let me say this to you. Don't want, you don't need, You don't need to say nothing to me, but but your last name and then your supervisor name. That was okay, and you don't need to worry who the supervisor is. You need to make sure that there's no more sex going on until your back is healed. Look, you don't have to cut you out and hang up for you. Man. I don't have time for this, man, y'all because y'all tell what y'all do, because y'all doing some people. Y'all think y'all can do illegal to talk to people. Crazy man, when y'all coming them, I don't appreciate that that all. Man, this is I don't know who y'all think. Y'all ears down there, y'all just do something for them. I think y'all can just call them and say anything. Man. I don't like that, and I ain't trying to be disrespectful, but you got me heated right now, man, that not be no cameras in my house? Did you understand that I'm gonna tell you once and one time only, no more sex what you do put your talking about? I'm sorry man, because I tell you one day that you think you're giving up some money. Now I'm gonna see y'all, I catch the camera up in my house. You ain't my to never pay uh pay me no more. You're gonna pay me one big check that I'm shooting out of y'all. And now you understand that I understand I need I need you to understand one more thing. Are you listening to me? Man? You go ahead, Man, I'm y'all got me easy, man. And then after this, don't even call me. No more telling you because this ridiculous. Okay? Are you familiar with Letard Man? Familiar with what? Literally? Do you know? Literally you're coworking letter? Yeah? What about him? Literally got me to pray phone call you. This is nephew tom Me from the Steve arp and Maud, it's your filson. But you been playing man out of here. Man, y'all about to have me the lord talk about my check and man, Man, what's up? Man? This is y'all have me going out? Man, y'all have me heed it. But I'm gonna well, I'm gonna kicking, not you calling that he on the phone. No, he ain't on the phone. Man, I'm sweating like a so I'm still I'm still getting my damn checked that. That's what that beans. Y'all hare be heated? Boy, I thought, what's up? Man? Nice and here from y'all. Man, y'all got me though, Man, y'all got me. I got one more question, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, of course, no doubt, man, if the Steve Harvey Morning Show always will be especially y'all don't got me like this here I did that? Yeah you did that? What Wow? Taking a man's money away. It's pranking. It's it's gangster pranking, is what it is. I want to be there when it happened. I want to see it. If I'm somewhere getting my butt whoop. And you ain't happy you are you are no longer on the championship team from ain't gonna be on the side giving instruction. Step back to step back, use your right, working, working, stay off the ropes, working not to play by play Jack Tuckles Comedy Club, Mars through the twenty fifth Friday through Sunday. The Nephew coming to town to be that dog grown food that you know he is March three through Tuckles Comedy Club. Prescott you quick calling now I am on my way. It's sick about the ticket already. Yes, he's funny, Prescott, love him Prescott. Prescotts says he can't eat. He can't eat spicy food. No, when you eat the tick Away and he's just gone on and sit on the tarlet when he eat, Prescott really, so you're gonna be down there laying in the cut. Is Lexington, Kentucky, April fifth, six, and seventh, Comedy All Broadway. Back out there on the comedy al right, well, thank you nephew coming up at the top of the hour. The Strawberry Letter. Get ready, Steve, you're listening to the Steve Show. Well recently, guys, the l a Lakers beat the Cleveland Cavalier. Steve seems like Lebron scores more points when certain celebrities show up at his games to watch him play. Uh huh, he's at Uh, he's at his best when Diddy's in the crowd, because when did he's there, he averages about thirty two point seven points. In front of Beyonce and jay Z, he gets about thirty one point seven points per game. And when Rihanna Drake and Jack Nicholson are there, he's rocking about thirty and a half point average. Okay, not bad. So Steve, what do you think Cleveland? Uh is going all the way? What do you think is Cleveland going all the way? We all right, you know we're gonna come out to East. We got Lebron. We we're gonna find a way to come out to East. We got some injuries right now. But the New Boys, they got his real athletic and they're playing good together. So I'm not That's not a concern of mine. The West will get challenged this year by the Houston Rockets. Yeah, make no mistakes. They will get challenged by the Houston Rockets. It will not be stand Antonio this year. It will not be Oklahoma City. The challenge will be coming from them damn Rockets. And if Chris Paul stayed healthy, they got a chance they beast um. If Golden State is healthy no one can be Golden State. If they're healthy and they play in their game, they can't best Houston. Gonna get him a run, Steph Cary if he healthy, though it's gonna be close. They're gonna lose some games to Houston. There will be no sweeping, but Houston is in their back right. Go to State and this one. I just want to talk about this though I do know this. Go ahead, let me hear you. Golden State shoot threes that take your heart out. It's absolutely the more. Absolutely you've done everything. Now I want to say something though, what what just changed or something? I want to talk about the Cleveland Brown, the Rue Bad football game in two years. I want to make the announcement that some changes have occurred. We have given up some of these draft picks. We have now gotten the boy. And I told him on celebrity family Feud, the quarterback for the Bills, Tyrod Taylor. I told him on family Feud, I said, man, you ought to come to the Brown. It's man, I you know I play what You're gonna come to the Brown. We got Tyrod Taylor, who has to can best quarterback efficiency rating in all of football. We got him as the quarterback, we had to give up a couple of picks. We also got the start in cornerback from the Green Bay Packers. We gave up a couple of picks for that because we still got the top four picks in the first sixty five. So now we now we got the number one pick. I think we should pick Kwan Barkley out of Penn State at number one, and then whatever quarterback left at fourth. We could take a quarterback, but I think we're gonna be fine with Tyrod. So what I think we want to do is get that boy out of Alabama to play quarterback, or get that other defensive end and put him next to Miles and in this thing, the Browns will be competitive next year and we're gonna step all over Houston. I'm making that predict more games in Houston. We'll hold up to Sean. But it up subject subject pregnant, single and raising a thirteen year old boy. Good morning to all, Steve. I have been waiting for the chance to speak to you and Shirley, or have you speaken to my life. I'm a single parent of a thirteen year old boy. My son is very intelligent, a straight a student. My concern with my son is that I feel he lacks common sense. It is very frustrating. I try the best way I know how to help him in this area of his life, but it seems as if I've made it worse. How do you teach a child common sense? We really need your help. Because of the situation, we have limited conversation. He is scared to talk to me. I know it's because I made him feel like that, But what am I supposed to do? I just want to know when he is out in the world he can and will make the best decisions on his own. Feel so bad to the point that I cry and ask God to help me. I don't see what I am doing wrong, but it's obvious that I am doing something wrong. For the record, let me just put it out there. It's not the pregnancy. He has been like this before I even thought of having another baby. Here are a few examples of his behavior. Keep in mind he is thirteen. Number one, I have to remind him to eat. If you don't ask him, he won't get up and feed himself. Number two, I have to remind him to Bathe days go by and he won't think on his own to take a shower. Sometimes I won't say anything, just to see how long it would take for him to take a shower on his own. Number Three, all he wants to do in the houses lay around. I mean he balls his whole body up and we'll just lay there. I mean, he balls his whole body up and we'll just lay there. Even when we go out, he would lay his head on a table or ball his legs up in a chair. I don't understand. I used to be light with my words, but lately I have been hard on him because I can't take it anymore. Number Four, he will not groom himself. I am the complete opposite, So I don't know where he gets this from. I tell him how to groom as a man, but I can't show him like. He can't stay in the room with me when I'm getting dressed anyway, He can't do everything I do. He's a boy. Our communication is fading because he feels scared to talk to me. Please help us, Steve. I am open to any suggestions to develop a healthy relationship with my son. I have to be honest with you and the public. I feel I am to blame for this situation escalating because now it's hard for me to talk to him with already being without already being frustrated. What approach should I take with him? He asked, No, he does not have a male role model in his life, not even the guy I am pregnant by. That is a whole another letter. Sincerely, frustrated Mom. Dear frustrated mom. You know, and I'll go through my answer quickly. UM, as a mom, you know, I do feel your pain because parenting, uh is the hardest job in the world. I can say the good news is that he has straight a's. You know. That's a start. UM, But I agree with you. You need book sense and you need common sense. And after that, I say, he needs what you say he doesn't have in his life, and that's a father or some sort of male role model, you know. And I really wish that men and fathers would get and and realize how important it is that. UM. You know, they are involved in the development of their child. And Steve, I know that. UM, you know you do this all the time, your mentor you know, this is what we talk about a lot on the show. And she really wants to hear from you. You have sons, so you know twelve after when you come back. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's get to it. Part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. I think I have something right up here reality. Steve already know a deal on this right. Pregnant, single and raising the thirteen year old boy. Good morning to all, Steve. I've been waiting for the chance to speak to you in Shirley or have you speaking to my life. I'm a single parent of a thirteen year old boy. My son is very intelligent or straight a student. My concern with my son is that I feel that he lacks common sense. It's very frustrated. I tried the best way I know how to help him in this area of his life, but it seems as it's as if I've made it worse. How do you teach a child common sense? We really need your help because of the situation, we have limited conversation. He's scared to talk to me. I know it's because I made him feel like that, But what am I supposed to do? I just wanted don't know when he's when he's out in the world, that he will make the best decisions on its own. I feel so bad to the point that I cry and ask God to help me. I don't see what I am doing wrong, but it's obviously I'm doing something wrong. For the record, let me put it out. There's not the pregnancy. He has been like this before I even thought of having another baby. Here are a few examples of his behavior. Keep in mind, here is thirteen. Number one, I have to remind him to eat it. You don't wanna ask him. He won't get up and feed himself. Number two, I have to remind him to bathe days go by and he won't think on his own to take a shower. Sometimes I won't say anything to see how long it would take him to take a shower on his own. Number Three. All he wants to do in the houses lay around, how many balls his whole body up and we'll just lay there, even when we go out, when he would just lay his head on the table and ball his legs up in a chair, I don't understand. I used to be light with my words, but lastly I have our guests Lately. I don't know what I've been hard on him, because I can't take it anymore. He will not groom himself. I am the complete opposite, So I don't know where he gets this from. I tell him how to groom as a man, but I can't show him like He can't stay in the room with me when I'm getting dressed anyway, he can't do everything I do. He is a boy. Our communication is fading because he feels scared to talk to me. Please help us, Steve, I'm open to any suggestive developer help relationship with my son. I have to be honest with you in the public. I feel that I'm to blame for this situation because of how it's hard for me to talk to him without already being frustrated. What approach would I take with him? PS? No, he does not have a man role model in his life, not even the guy I'm pregnant by. That's a whole another letter. Sincerely, frustrated Mom. Well, frustrated mom. Uh, you have every right to be frustrated. You have a lot to do with this. But I want to tell you something. The examples you're using as a boy, I just want you to understand. So here are a few examples of him be his behavior. You say that your son doesn't have common sense. I have to remind him to eat. If you don't ask him, he won't get up to feed himself. Slow down a little bit. When your son is watching TV or playing, do you know I have to stop. All of my kids have always said have you eaten anything yet? Because once they get involved with that TV, on that computer, in them games, having fun. You got to remind your child to eat all the time. You're not the only one that's having to do that. But hear me, trust me on this one. When he gets hungry, he gonna go get something to eat. When your child gets hungry, he will go and get something. To the moment, he's not any longer preoccupied. So no that that's happening in every household across the country, or you have the other experience. You gotta tell these some of these kids to quit eating because all they're doing is he okay, So I don't know if that's so bad. Number one. Number two, I have to remind him to Bathe days go by and he won't think on his own to take a shower. Sometimes I won't say anything. See how long will take him to take a shower? You have a boy, You have a boy. Majority of the boys have to be reminded to take a shower until they get up. Around sixteen, they might start getting in there on their own because they're on them girls dead. But at thirteen, the girls ain't really clicked in yet. He filthy, and he ain't got no problem being filthy. Their funk is only bothering you. It's on your nerves that he won't just get up in there and gonna take a shower. My mama had to almost beat me to get me to go in there and take a bath. Man, I was a boy in every sense of the world. I reveled in the dirt, and the more dirt, the cooler I was. Man, I had dirt in my pockets. I bought dirt inside in my pocket to play within my room with dirt. You know, we didn't have know video games back then. You had to go outside to have a good time. When I was a kid, that was no video games, no computers, no inn and I couldn't email nobody. I couldn't even talk on my damn phone. Your phone is for me and your dad CAS's job call. So what was I doing? I was outside playing in the dirt, all right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. Email us or Instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girls, Shirley and don't forget to Please join me this coming Thursday at one thirty p m. Eastern Time for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Okay, okay, now switching gears. According to the Daily Mail, millennials are not feeling social media. Uh it's social media waste of time some uh seems some millennials think so. And you study found that a third of millennials are quitting social media. Uh. That includes Facebook, that includes Twitter, that includes that includes Instagram and even tender. Why are you say? Why are they quitting? Most respondents said that they were quitting because they felt it was a waste of time and social media was making them think negatively. Wow. Wow, how insightful. Yeah, the millennials. What do you think about social media? Steve? I know you have an opinion here. The only reason I'm doing it is called they told me I have to by they you mean, you know, people that pay me. Yeah, I don't. I don't really care for social media. I don't. I don't like it, I mean at all, I mean I do it. I got followers almost four million on Instagram, and but you know, I don't like it because haters that troll the internet. I don't care what you put up. They got something negative to say about it. Dog. I posted a picture of my grandson walking with me to the set and he was running. I thought it was a durable Somebody said, is that your real grandson? Hold up? Don't you can't read that stuff? You can't read. I read it and wanted to say something. I go to his page, his pride. Yeah, they always are. They always are. What I've learned how to delete and block you, so you you want to get another account. Though long as Halbary on social media, I'm on social I'm just all right. We're gonna live on Yeah. Coming up in about ten minutes. Depressing places. These are places you don't want to go unless you're you know, you want to be depressed. Yeah, you're listening. She's Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, here we go, Steve is here with some depressing places. Steve, I was thinking of some depressing places you can be. There's places that get depressing. Like it's depressing if you're in the car with somebody and they got the ready on playing some music you can't stand. But you can't say nothing because it ain't your car. Man, you can be depressed. You'll just be looking out the one. Let your face be up just a glass. You gona man like like this. I tell you something. But you ever throw a house party with three people show up? Man, you're just in there. Man, the sandwich is just drying out with your two picks. Inn. That's pretty bad. You know. I tell you something else depressing, because I gotta go tomorrow in Atlanta. If you go to the DMV and you number one, foe two six and they only on number eight seventy one, it's six hundred more peoples. Yeah, I tell you something to depressing. This was me at Winton one time, watching your child play sports. But they ain't work for damn. Winton was on the basketball team. I've never been so ambassed in my whole life. You know, sup to say that take off piano? So no, I was. I took him off the team. You take him, y'all take him off team. Wenna. Keep just what you do. I can tell right now you can't play bad. I've been working with you and this is that's a team just having these little white kids shaking and baking you. I'm watching. You're crazy. Now, You're not gonna do that to me. You're not gonna do that to me. He just out here shaking it, baking y'all tweet his league breaking your wrists, chance up by your horby. Now. I took him right on office to winter eight on killing killing three twenty one, still came step back and knock out. I took him off. He got other gifts only I said, it's right here, and I'm sitting next to the white board. Father, Uh what you mean? Hey, great move Caleb. He took about a white boy name came right now. You're coming out of basketball. Ain't the white boy ever been in the NBA named Callan? I'll tell you another place that's depressing. What's good if you go to a Sandals couple resort by yourself, everybody bowed up. That's eating you over there, eating your night everybody woman. Fine, I'll tell you another depressing plate right church. If you know you're going to hell, didn't. This is a hard place to sit in here. Fire is stoop about me. He'll fire in a way you're gonna make it. To tell you another dea, is this about me? Pastor here's another depressing place. Tender if you ugly? If you don't tender, and you ugly, it's so many white you ain't never you've been on that three weeks. Ain't nobody to swipe you and kept you yet? And everybody you swipe don't swipe back. Depressing. That's pretty bad. You don't tender and you just ugly? Yas Yeah, that's depressing. That's bad. It's depressing. When the male man show up, you think he got your income tact return he hand you smoke? Damn big, you think I'm gonna paid? Ease talk? You ain't seen nothing in your bad check your bag? Feeling depressed right now? Depressed? You know something that could be pretty depressing. You get that pregnancy test kit from the drug store and pee on it and it ain't the color you want. Brother, that's pretty depressed. Yeah, Lord, that mess up your whole day. You go right on there and get another one, don't you. You bought three of them. Damn it, I'm paying fun. Don't worry. I had them lined up one time, about eight on the same color. Try it again, Try it now? Try wow? See will you really manage to bring the show down. Yeah, just remember if you've been on Tinder two weeks, ain't nobody swipe you yet? I need to check yourself. Take that photo off. I put a new one. It's time to catfish somebody. First point, you need to get into check two weeks on, ain't nobody swipe not a one? Yeah, you keep checking busted? Are you really depressed? Now? I believe you thought of this, Steve. Al Right, Well we'll try to bring the mood up a little bit. Coming up in the top of the hour, Spring is almost here. The only way your mood and messed up as you want to eat? Uh, Like I was saying, coming up at the top of the hour, Spring is almost here. And Steve, you're gonna help us flip our closets. You love doing that. You're listening to the Steve, Steve Shirley, Tommy Jr. Jay. Some sad and shocking news from the world to hip hop at this time. Multiple media outlets are reporting that Craig mac held, as part of the starting foundation of Bad Boy Entertainment, has died at the age of forty six due to heart failure. This is so sad and shocking. A Craig Mac. He rose to fame in the nineties with a platinum summer hip Flavor in your ear. It was the summer of Man. If you were a hip hop fan in that era, that was our jam flavor in your ear. Then the remix. Oh man, But I really think that hip hop fans we can also agree that Craig really not. He never really got that fame. That Biggie God you know um did. He has declared that Biggie Smalls and Craig Mac where the foundation of bad boy entertainment. True? That true, That and our thoughts and prayers are with Craig Max, friends and family, his wife and children, fans Man, rest in peace, Craig Mac, Rest in peace. Yo, Mac, I don't even understand how they didn't understand you and that marriage joy. Take that old robotic futuristic George Jetson just like you and the blab nobody kicking flab but flame a bit a battle to the chatter batter than the mad hat. I make your mind, come my batter, I got the data turn your body into just like a pizza says, and you're finding inside my stomach with the excuse between the king is what I mean, I mean my man getting cup and change inside your hand. Hold up. Let's make it sufficient everybody. Let's agreed with them. Need a tissue with the folks more only issue. I bet your mama, Missue, and I bet the mactic golf like Mr no More. You're winding on the just climbing as I make the bulk, get it out longer than a line of that. And if it didn't know who's writing, I guess I'm gonna say Trek Mac with perfect time, you won't fig around that ship. My rapsco to Ben kicking math flavor and comes the Rand new flavor, and yeah time for new flavor, and yeah I'm kick get new flavor and yeah Rand new flavor and yeah creg Mac one thousand degrees. He'll be on your knees and you'll be burning bagon leaves, brother threes mansputed in deep rooted for smoke leaves and brains booting. It's bad m she was stammina like bus shut off the win. Take some mcs for then you're crazy like that glue. I think that you could out do my one too. That sick like the blue shoy I flip boy all the time. And but by eight worth the time seem like the slow competition in this back where expedition you come around and knockout position, knock them out. No flavuld ever dig a grave with the back I were back in black making see man graphic and it comes the brand new flavor and your hair back to brand new flavor, and yeah, the brand new flavor, and yeah, time for new flavor, and yeah, I'm kicking new flavor and your Max brand new flavor, and yeah, then comes the brand new flavor, and yeah, time for flavor, and yeah, I'm kicking new flavor and your Max bran new flavor and yeah, hi, Max door with more than for EMC is more knots than room. I'd like to break it down down, breaking my staking lords and empty shaking with this track that my land's making. And see so run like a bomb threat. I bet better. Yeah, make your sweat getting hudder than the sun. Get break mackets the flame that dumps from here to to that. I break all rules with my action that the Max in to EMC stopped relaxing the brand new sheriff that's some time getting down, leaving bodies buried in the ground. I set up ROMs for a league going down the flavor. Yeah, I'm kicking flavor flavor I'd favor ye. Okay, Well, we all know the Northeast is getting another heavy snow storm. They've already had what too, now they're they're they're bracing for another one. Yeah, we know you all are so sick of winter, You're so sick of all the snow. But hang in there. Spring is almost here. That means it's time once again for that life chore that is called spring cleaning. We all do it. We all do it once. You know what you're trying to accomplish. Start by taking everything out of your closet and group it all together by category, right, Steve, Is that how you do it? Yeah? Yeah, you got. I don't. I don't do it that way. It's just a real simple flip for me. You know, I go winter and spring. It's been a little bit easier for me because I live out in l A. Now. Oh yeah, so you ain't really got to flip. I can't even really well. Too much winter stuff, you know, jackets and stuff like that beautiful. You know, do you throw away, Steve or giveaway? Giveaway? I never, Oh no, I never throw away giveaway. Oh yeah, because there a list of giveaway and how you get on the give away. Like, first of all, he's right there. The shoes is every two years. This is a giveaway year. It's a giveaway year for shoes. I already got my dudes. You got everybody on the list. Well you're what side shoe you wear? What's that? You don't make it work? If I got to kind of toe, I'm gonna make it work. No, I don't think. I think we were like eleven thirteen. Yeah, okay, you can wear some Oh okay, I just give him away. We'll we'll wear some of my stuff. But ain't none of my stuff raggedy because I don't. I don't wear nothing that looked like it's been woke. No, I don't have like pants, ain't shining sweaters? I don't. I don't. Yeah, hoops and no, I don't got none of that. Dog you bet not hang my sweater up on the hoop. You let me tell you something like your job. Most of them it's not sideways when they had the cree go to the side. All my pants are on clips and on the waist, so they hang straight. Because when I get dressed, I if you want to go get dressed. I don't want to code a print in my right right. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Uh you guys. Nick Gordon was arrested for domestic incident over the weekend. The man found legally responsible. In case that name sounds vaguely familiar to you, he was the man found legally responsible for the death of the daughter of Whitten Houston and Bobby Brown. Uh. He's now in trouble, big trouble in Florida. This was a man that was found responsible for Bobby Christina's death. Yeah, and he's her former boyfriend. He was arrested on Saturday at a home in Seminole County for domestic violence. This involves his living girlfriend, the one he has now. Deputy say the woman told them that Nick Gordon could hurt I'm confused. Okay, okay, Well, Nick Gordon has been accused or was he charged and found guilty? Accused civil suits being responsible for Bobby China Christina's death. Uh he got a new girlfriend, yeah, living Uh huh okay what k read? Oh? In other words, how do yeah? I know what you mean? Just like just like O J. Had a girlfriend after the fact, you know, I mean he had a girlfriend. Um, okay, well anyway, um. Nick Gordon was arrested Saturday at his home for domestic violence involving his live in girlfriend. Deputy say the woman told them that Gordon hit her in the face several times, which left her with a swollen lip. While she refused to press charges, Deputies arrested Gordon based on her statement and the physical evidence. I wonder why she refused to press charges. Oh, you ain't got the personal charge because they'll get you. Ain't got the personal charges. But once you make a call like that, it's not your head. Your prosecutor can bring the case. Yeah, that's been arrested before. You shouldn't do nothing. If he's on probation, it ain't nothing he can do. The prosecutor to pick them charges up. There's it. If you violate probation, you can just go sit down. Up to a year. Now he's already responsible, um for for Bobby Christina's death. Now you're doing this. You're doing this again to someone? Yeah, I hope not. Oh my gosh. Yeah, okay, we'll turn to some brighter news now, Yeah, Carlo, you say, jay Z and Beyonce you get up again for two. Yeah. They are going on the road. They announced it yesterday, the tour part two. Yeah yeah. And they have to charge. Oh yeah, it's the only way you can put on the show. Well, they have to, they have to, they have to what Steve Well, they have to charge because this new generation steals the music. So the only way to make money now you have to tour. They're probably two of the top touring acts right now. Only people are thinking Rihanna. If she goes, she'll make big bait. Drake, he can go. Bruno is mopping him. Yeah yeah, J and B. They'll start there tour July in Cleveland. I love that love. Why don't You lie twenty five. I won't be in the States caring about who touring I talking about. Man, don't care if you got Bruno mars Alright, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Guys. In the world of college basketball, the selection Sunday, which means the schedule is set for March Madness. The play in games are today and Wednesday, and the full sixty four team tournament games start Thursday. So junior and Steve. I gotta ask you guys, Tommy J especially you j any predictions for the final four. Duke, Okay, that's one, Yeah, Duke, I got to see the whole bracket. We're some boys out there. A lot of people think Duke got a chance. I don't. But what how come you don't think? Well? I just don't like the players, you know who? I don't like your players. I don't care. But A look good. A baile ain't going nowhere. They look good, though, You're all right about that. They got a good squad. They're gonna get that little bracket a little breeze. But I don't know if they can get all the way. It's gonna be a you know, it's always gonna be a Cinderella. Yeah, you know. I don't know, but I gotta see a game or two. I gotta see somebody, you know. I got when did? When? Does it start? Today? Today? Starts today? Today? Yeah? Today? To Yeah? What's that school? Always show up? Start with a V? What's that school? No? Not billing nova? And I'm gonna tell you a minute me. Yeah, I got I gotta ask a question just to get incompass. I don't really know what about the team with all them white guys on there. Yeah, that's hem HEMI let me tell you something. I watched the basketball game between St. Mary's and B y U. H St Mary's and B y U. I looked on the floor and it was ten white dudes, and it was so strange to see a televised basketball game with ten white guys on the floor. It just looked strange. Oh they was hooping. Oh them boys was bawling. Man. But it was just strange to look out there and see ten white guys on the floor. I thought something had happened. I didn't know what it was, no serious like I was flipping through and I hit the channel. I went, what happened? And I looked on the bench. Some suspensions come out. What happened? What is the brothers sitting out this game? Are they kneeling? I thought, I thought something that happened. So I watched about five six minutes. And then they bought this big tall brother in from B y U. And if it wasn't for his hat, I wouldn't have knew that. But I said, okay, that go abroad. Then saw a couple more come out there. Later. I thought the brother say yeah, I thought we was protesting something. I need to know because I gotta tell everybody. Hey, man Brauns from St. Mary's and b why you set out? Hey, we're speaking of brothers. What what about Tiger Woods back he was looking good at one game? What he did? No, No, a couple of tournaments. He must be back on the away for you boy. White women to get wait wait wait, white women to get your game back together? Women, dad, your game come up? And why do you say that day? Because he's crazy to get your game bag getting the women? Somebody somebody telling him that your game an they'll be ready. No like that a women, You're right all right. We will be back with our last break of the day, Steve Harvey's closing remarks. You're listening to the Steve al right here we are last break of the day. You know what time it is. It is time for Steve's very insightful closing remarks. They are back. Uh you know today. I want to just this is real simple. This is probably gonna be my most my most just grassroots attack of a situation that I've ever used because I'm not gonna put it into story form. I'm not gonna put it into centers form. I'm gonna just let you pick how you want to look at it. Um. Procrastination. It's one of the big killers of the dream. Procrastination is one of the great killers of the goal. Procrastination it's one of the great killers of success as because you never ever start, you cannot a sure failure. More so than by not starting. Procrastination, everybody won't it. Wanna pick the perfect time to start. I want to make sure all the dux is lined up in a row. I want to make sure, man, that everybody is in order. You got it all laid out before you start. You're never gonna start, You're never gonna win, You're never gonna be successful. Here's a list of words that's meant to encourage you so you can stop procrastinating. Attack. If you want to succeed, you have to attack. Kill it. You gotta go after it out there. You got to kill it. You got to be about it. Man. Here's another one. Get at it. Pick whichever one of these floats your boat. Get at it. I'm trying to get you all to stop procrastinating. Now is the time. Don't delay, get at it, kill it, attack, knock it out to part knock it out the park. Let's go. Let's go, man, let's go. Come on now, just come on now, what you're waiting on? What you're waiting on? Man? Stop tripping, because when you trip, you cause yourself to delay. You tripping, Stop tripping what you're waiting for? Get at it? Attack, kill it, don't delay. Knock it out the park. What you're waiting for? Stop tripping. Come on now, let's go attack, get at it. Pick any one of them you want, but stop procrastinate. The best time is right now. Started today. You're tripping. Man, you trip it, you can't. It won't come to you unless you go get it. It's not gonna happen unless you get with it. It's it's nothing is gonna happen unless you started. Please do not tie your success to somebody else showing up. Oh man, because suppose they procrastinate, suppose they have still, suppose something happening. The suppose they give you that unacceptable excuse. Because excuses are only good for the person that provides it does you no good, So why would you give them to yourself? What is your reason for not going after what it is you want to go for today? What's stopping you from starting the process today. Oh oh, you don't have all your ducks lined up in the road. You don't see how you can get to the finished labe, you have them figured out each and every step. So you think that you can sit there and map out success from start to finish and it will happen. I have news for you. You can't. You just gotta get started. Stop procrastinating, y'all, Get at it, Attack it, kill it, don't delay, knock it out the park. What you're waiting for? Stop tripping? Come on, man, let's go do something now. That's the best thing I can give you. Now. You pick whatever one of those you need that floats your boat today and get at it. But if you don't start today, you're gonna have that same am excuse for not starting tomorrow. And once you get comfortable making excuses, you become really good at it. And then after a while the excuses just become justification and once you can justify, oh, it's all makes sense, now do it. That's the danger of procrastination. It allows you to justify why you haven't done it, and if you can justify it sounds a lot better, don it. It's raining today. I ain't going down there to day. Man, it's raining. I'm gonna start working out tomorrow. I'm gonna start eating better next week. You know how many times next week ain't gonna get him? How about now that's my clothing remarks. That's it, all right, get at it. I'm going to get that something today soon as soon we get off the air. Yeah, I just I talked myself into something else just right now. I'm going to go get at it. Man, what you're waiting for? You're tripping? Come on, you trip, take us out. She picked the one you like. A Yaya, have a great weekend. Okay, Hey, why White? Why put off for this weekend? You could do it right now. That's right, Sharley, you just heard it. I just heard it. I got it on this weekend, and have yourself a good weekend. Do it right now, right, do it right now. It's Friday. At it for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.