Snoop Dogg, R. Kelly, Ash Wednesday and more.

Published Mar 6, 2019, 3:00 PM

Today is Ash Wednesday and the show opens with storytelling with Uncle Steve.  Big Dog shares stories of his parents and his days at Ford Motor Company.  Kylie Jenner, Will Smith and King Richard are in Entertainment News.  R. Kelly gets angry during his interview with Gayle King on CBS This Morning.  The crew talk about the dynamic of cheating relationships and who is to blame.  Diddy reflects on not marrying his late girlfriend Kim Porter.  Snoop goes on a rant about his dissatisfaction with The Lakers.  Today in Closing Remarks, Steve gives you a seven figure formula and more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back all suit looking back to back down, giving them move like theming buck bus things and its Cubley good it. Steve listening to movie together for ste Barby, I don't joy by joining me. You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out, turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it, h I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me nah one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man. You know what y'all? I mean, really, the goodness of God is overwhelming if you think about it, I mean really really think about it, even even when your circumstance doesn't look so bright, even when you're going through something that's causing you discomfort, pain, Even even in that, God's goodness is actually overwhelming because don't forget why you're going through this moment. This first of all, this too shall pass. But also secondly, remember man, ain't everything else that you've gone through that seems so insurmountable at the time, didn't you get past that too? I mean, it's amazing if you really think about it, If you really don't, you don't get stuck on any one issue your whole life. The only people that get stuck on an issue they whole life is people who won't let it go. That's really all it is. That are people who exist, and you may be one of them. Oh please, No, I've been guilty of it myself before. But I learned something that are things in my past that I just would not let go of. It was done, it was over with, I was past it, but I I would not let go of it. It was over. The dude that did it to me didn't exist no more. The problem that it created didn't exist no more. The only problem that kept hanging on was I would not let it go. And man, you can't go forward if you're gonna keep looking in the past. It's an impossible thing. It's like driving a car. If you keep looking only in the rearview mirror while you're driving, you're going to crash pretty soon. And a lot of people just keep crashing over and over and over and over because you won't drive your car. You keep looking in the rearview mirror at to pass. Oh woe is me? Oh you know they did me like that. You know, I ain't been the same since he cheated on me. Oh man, ever since she stole my money, I ain't been the same man. She played me and ever since that out and treated women differently. My father used to beat me. Okay, you know now, look, you may have some deeper stuff going on, like you're abused or molested as a child, But eventually, guess what, do you understand that when you have relationship God, with God, you can take that to him too and drop it off and leave it there. Do you know that he can fix and heal that. Maybe it's something serious like that that you need fixing or healing from, a relationship with God can fix and heal that. But man, come on, y'all, whatever it is, and I'm not trying to downplay it or make it act like it wasn't traumatic in your life, because oh god, you don't want to you know, you don't want nobody do that to you because you want to be the you know, the post to child for misery. So please don't let me take that from you. You know, if that's your position, that's your that's your you know, hall of Fame card, you hanging on too. I'm the post to child for misery. Oh, no one is more woe than me. Then please don't let Steve try to take that from you. Go ahead and hang on to that. But let me tell you something though. If that's what you're gonna hang on to, that's what you're gonna always be the poster child for mysery. At one point in time, you're gonna have to get on the move past it. And you can sometimes, Man, it's merely a simple thing of taking it to God and leaving it there. You know, some people don't have money for therapy. Some people don't even know who to call for therapy. God is the best psychologist in the world. He can fix it for you. There is nothing too hard for God. You know when something seems impossible, y'all, God does the impossible all the time every day. You don't know how I know. I just look at a couple of basic things. Do you know that that sun comes up every day in the morning. It comes up in the east and it sets in the west. You can't do nothing about that. All you can you can wish. Because you plant your flowers on a certain side of your house. You can wish y'all all you want. Then maybe one day he would bring it up out the northwest, so those flowers would now, now it's gonna come up out the east. It's gonna come about you, and it's gonna set in the west. And once the sun hits the horizon, when you look in the water, like if you are out in la and you see the sun going down. Once the sun, once you can visually see the sun touching the horizon, you have three minutes. You have exactly three minutes. You can sit there with your watch. You can time you're three minutes and it's gone. Three minutes, it's gone. It's man. I read that somewhere and then I went and tried it. It's gone every day if if it's clear enough, not cloudy, once the sun touches the horizon on water, you got three minutes. I don't care who you are. You can want it to be different. That's what he does. When the wind blows, you can't do nothing about it. He can bring it from the northeast, he can bring it from the west, he can bring it from the south. He can bring it hard, he can bring it cool, he can bring it hot. It's certain things that God, God does the impossible all the time. You can't explain him. You know how those stars sitting up there, How how can you find these constellations? The Big Dipper, the little dip of Ryan the Hunter. Oh, that's God, that's God. Nothing you can do about it. You can't reach them stars, you can't shoot at them, you can't move them out the way, you know, or Ryan the Hunter's belt is gonna beat them three stars out of angle. You can, you can, You can call it what you want to call. It's still that's what it is. See, He does the impossible all the time. He created heaven and Earth. You're saying that God can't get you through your pass Somebody did just to me. It's the worst thing I had, the worst childhood of anybody. God can't get you pass at He can move Heaven mountains, Earth, he can form the Grand Canyon. He can make the water come over Niagara Falls twenty four seven. He can't fix your little bit of past yos. You you significant being as we are. It's amazing how people make their problems bigger than God. Somebody told me one time, stop telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big God is, and go on with your life. Quit driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Ain't nothing back there but your pass. And if it was hurtful or painful, or something you just felt like you can't get over, take your problems to God and leave them there. You hear the old spiritual all you've heard it. Take your problems to the Lord, Take your burdens to the Lord, leave them yet all time. But you think that applies to everyone. But you come on, man, and a lot of people out there going through much worse than you have and have overcome it all. Why won't you take the step to overcome your pass so you can get on with driving your car and see what God trying to take you. But it's the trick of the enemy. The enemy tricks you from seeing your future by having you constantly looking in your pass. Man, it's a trick of the devil if the man, If the devil just lets you quit, if he would just let you get to drive in your car and look out into your future, your future shows hopefulness. You have hope when you see the future. But he can keep you in misery if he keep you looking at your miserable pass. He created you, He got a plan for you. God looking for you. Man. God would love to hear from you. Let's spend some time talking to God today. Hey, God was having It's me. I know I ain't talked to you in a while, but feel bad about that. But I need you. He know that. Everybody should say that prayer all the time. It's cool. All right, well, all right, you're listening to morning show. Ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please? This is a Steve Harvey morning show. This show right here is live. This show is in color. About color and anybody else. All of us are colored anyway, some shade of something that's true. That's right, all right. Shirley straw period, good morning and colored man blonde color call it for real? Good morning? What's up? Chrom kill spakes Morning up? Hey Tommy, they dug it dog up, pimps holding it together? Baby, y'all doing it? You who came in health and the change? You know. I bus at the HR meeting, so I have we have to do things different. I do all my stuff loud. Now. This is reality radio. You. Yeah, I'm going to change. You have to step out ma'am you create I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah, according to my HR meetings only family members. Let's go because you know, man, I you know I have to for every show I do, I have to go to an HR meeting. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good thing. No it ain't. But I'm going. It's so hard. Well, how you feel today? You know what, I'm pretty good today. You don't got a lot of energy filling up? You know what I'm saying? Bouncing good? You got it working all right? Do it? Do it? You don't shake it, shake it, bake it, bake it. You're feeling good? An ain't. I've been niggering my whole life. I mean, not just it's just you know, you ever think about changing? I probably can't now. My mama asked me that when I was ten, you ever think about getting yourself together? At ten? That's my mom ten, it was it's it's heading in the wrong direction. But your mom was able to see you when you made it and got famous in everything. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. They had all them jets. They had Jet magazine, me and and we was on the cover Jet. She didn't know how it made it until I got on jet. That's when you death. Yeah, she bought about fifty of them and had them fanned out like a deck of card. But you couldn't touch them though. Yeah, you have to invite people over so they can see. People would touch your jet. Excuse me, that's my baby to the jets. What did she say to you, though, Steve, when you have made it? What does she say? She sent my daddy out to La to see why I was getting this money from. Sure, she thought I was selling dope boy, no dog. My mother, she didn't know what I was doing, but she did not see how jokes could allow me to send them that much money every week. So she said, get on the plane and go out there and see what that boy into. Because she knew my daddy could figure it out, because my daddy was a hustle, So she sent him out here. Boy, your mom would think, some where's you getting on his money from? I had an apartment. He can't, well, how big is the thing right here? Who stay here? I said, just you and who You ain't got a roommates? You paid it by yourself. They didn't get to see me make it, though. They tried to be too short. All right, we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. It ain't that funny right after this, it's petty funny. You're listening, all right, Steve. It is ash Wednesday, okay, the day of course after a fat Tuesday and Monty Grand everything, and you are you gotta do it? Yeah, you know, this is tradition with this years my yearly as Winds story. And for those I've never heard it before, we got new Field. But this is like there was a night before Crystal. You got that. Well, it was an ash winsty I never had heard of it. Yeah, at first we told you to put the H on ash. Yeah he did did, Yeah, we had to do that. He said, it took It's taken seven years. He got it. Now y'all want the story or y'all want to correct pronunciation? So it as Winds weird all. I was working at Ford Motor Company and I was working in the all pits and I shared this job with this white dude. You're picking up all pumps and they had already been tested. It was like one of the most un nobody wanted to put on oil pumps, you know, because we're just message message. You know, you could wear your street clothes on the semi line. It worked back in the day without getting messed up. But the oil pump you had to wear cover ross, so I had to cover rolls on it. Me and my dude that was switching off. We would switch off like every half hour so we could go to have little breaks instead of standing there and doing each one of us doing them. Put the pump on the other and put the two screws on. We would stay gone for an hour. You put the pump on and the screws on, that your other guy, and we just wrote to a half hour on half our own. So my dude said that he needed to go somewhere for lunch, so could I do an hour? So I said, yeah, man, but I'm gonna get the hour when you come back. He said yeah. So he goes and he comes back. I'm working. I'm putting the oil pumps on. I turned around. Now he got this cross on his forehead. Now I don't know it's a cross because it's not clear that it's across. It just looked like some soot was on his head. So we're talking and I'm trying to play it off, but I just couldn't take it no more. So I took that old rag out of my back pocket. Damned it on my tongue like your mama used to do, yea and white. That shot off his forehead. He said, oh my god, what you do? What have you done? Now? I'm sitting here going damn man, relaxed. Yeah, I'm your boy. I'm looking out for you. I just get that you had some sick in the middle of your forehead on the girls standing around him. I took it off. So are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? And this dude is holing it white? Dude? Man, slow down? We cool, but we ain't really there yet. We're just co workers. I don't really you know, we're just holing a me. We put an all puff together. Yeah, that's all we do. We're on socialized So hey, man, you just slow it up. You got me kidding me? This is carmel. Do you know what you've done? I said no. He said, it's ash wednsteak. I said, that's cool, man, but you had to sit on your fore hidden, so it wasn't suck. It was ash ash so fire wood what you wanna call it? Oh, I'm just wiping it off. He was teariot kidding me. I felt he was ungrateful. You're ungrateful. I am looking out for you how to smull this thing off your head? You're white? It showing up really ain't like it was on my boy. Hat over that hat. Dog looked like he could have had ash on when nobody knew it but you and I just felt he was ungrateful. He said, you don't get it, do you? I say, man, get what who you holding that? I'm Catholic? No, I'm Pentecostal. Well where we act? With the hell you got to do? He said, it's ash Winston. I asked you for an hour. You gave me the hour. I went down, I took, I twent down to the cathedral and a priest put this on me. I said, put one on you dog, the ash. You're so stupid because Ash Winsor I got all that. Man, why as you still hoting me? You took that was it was the shape of a cross. Lord Steve, what was a cross? Dog finally got me to understand religious silk that the ash was put on as a cross. I've never unknown why, but he was so hurt. Well, yeah, that's just reviodion, you think. So then what happened after that? So I tried to step my fingers on oil and put it back right there the same thing. Worse, that's not the same thing. It's black, is all. You can get it right back on. Tell me what the pre said when he did that? I repeat, man, Man, So after that, were you guys like no longer friends anymore? Really? Yeah? Yeah? You never really got over that. Yeah, yeah, that's different. I didn't understand that, man, damn. Yeah, well, thank you for that. Steve ash Wednesday, Yeah, it is ash Wednesday. Today. It's also National Dentist Day, National what Dentists Day? We dinnis freaks. We know you not you got you got to help dope. You guys like going to the We like yeah, dinners freaks. Yeah. It's National Dress Day, National Dressing Day, National Dress Day, and National Oreo Cookie Day. Have you seen that with Khalifa cookie commercial? It's really cute with the sun cut, that's really cute. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, so all those things. Steve Missy Wednesday. Yeah, hump day, baby, I'm eating the Germans. I'm meeting chocolate kill cookie right now. Okay, in the morning, you do it right now? You want me saving for night. As we mentioned today, it's ash Wednesday. Coming up next more fun, run that brank back with the nephew. Right after this, you're listening to Day Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment News, and the next hour we'll talk about r Kelly's first interview, his very first interview with Gail King. He says he is fighting for his life. Plus move over Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Kylie Jenner is the youngest self made billionaire now but right now, yeah, yeah, it only twenty one anyway, Right now, the nephew is here to run that prank back. What I'm your wife's gonna college. Oh no, you're just saying like that, I'm your wife gotta college. I'm your wife gotta college. I heard you. Yeah, Well, let's rent a peae. Hello Hello, I'm trying to get uh Andrea please? Who's calling? This is doctor Hendricks. Oh yeah, yeah, God, how are you doing? Doc? How are you doing? I'm all right, she's not Andrew that she's not in right now. It's I won't leave a message something, Yeah, Libra messages that you know, she came in. She had an appointment this morning, right, right, right, right, right? Anything? Okay? Oh, everything's good. Everything's good. You know, I've been Andrew's gonna college just for quite some time now, so yeah, yeah, I know, right right right, Okay, well, listen, can see if she's able to get back in tomorrow. I need to get one more good look at her, one more good looks everything. Okay, I just want to check a few things. You know. If I get one more good look, good look at her, I think I'll be fine. One. Don't y'all do this like once, uh, once or twice a year and you wanted to come right back to everything? Okay? Now he could tell me nice? Everything all right with my wife? Uh yeah, Gregg, right, yeah, what's up? Tell to me? You know, I'm not I'm not proud to tell tell anyone what's going on with her. And there's nothing really serious going on. Okay, so you can relax on that part. But I just want to get one more good look at her, just to be sure. One more good looks for what doctor? Nothing serious going on? Well, I think uh uh, I think what, Well, she'll be fine, she'll be fine, she'll be fine. Great. Uh hey, man, awful the record. I'll tell you something man that uh and I don't really you know, talk like this, but off the record, man, you, you and I? Man, we've the Uh we're the only ones, aren't we? What what? You and I? We're the only ones? Aren't we the only ones? What they're talking about? What are you saying? Well, you know, we're the only one that's seen it, you know. Oh whoa, whoa, whoa? What? What? What are you saying? Though? Uh? Just just stating that, you know, off the record, you, you and I, we're there, We're the only ones. We know, we're the only ones. What what? What do you? What are you saying? I'm not understanding. What are you saying? We are the only ones? What? Well, well, we we have you and I have something in common. I mean you and I are the only one that that's uh, you know, basically seen Andrea? What you know? Wait a minute, that's not a topic of discussion, doc, What what are you trying to say? What are you saying about my wife? I mean she's amazing, man, I mean, uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't need you to tell me about my wife being an amazing doctor. You lost your damn man. Well, I'm just saying she looks she looks amazing. She looks amazing. I don't mean any harm. Whoa, whoa. You ain't supposed to be looking at her and that type fashion? Doc? What the hell is wrong with you? What type of unprofessional is this here? You're telling my wife is amazing? You lost your damn man. I can't believe I'm getting a phone call like this. Just the most unprofessionally I've ever heard. But let's keep in mind, Greg, I wasn't really calling you. I was calling her, you know, and you ain't talking to her. You're talking to me, and you're gonna bring that type on the phone to me. Have you lost your mind? Professor? Is there a way you can pass the message that I, oh, I ain't passing nothing to her. Do you hear me? You're gonna make me do something crazy to you. I don't believe you called me with that type talking about my wife. Well, you and I got something in common. She's amazing. Have you lost your damn mind? Sure? I didn't mean that. I didn't think you did. Don't matter, just little no, no no. I was being a little playful with you. I didn't think that was gonna. This ain't gonna because they don't play what's wrong with you? We're playing? I'm not playing? Don't you ever? A matter of fact? Do I need to see you? I need to I need to see the have a session with you. We can talk about this year I lost your dog on man told about my wife. Amazing to you. You're the most unprofessional. How shoudn't even go to you all these years? Or was there anywhere you can get her to come in so I can get one good look at of the ball? Hey, non no, she ain't coming down to that little ragged I'm coming down there. When I come down there, we oh, no, matter of fact, I'm on my way down there. How long are you gonna be there? We we get straight down. I've left the office for today. I just wanted to call and see if I could get one good look at her for the b No, then you're gonna here with that? Wasn't more good gonna look? No, No, let me tell you one thing. She ain't coming out of you no more, no more? No mo is she coming back to see? Wait? I don't want to lose a customer, not not like it. You ain't gonna you ain't gonna lose a customer. I'm coming there to mom. Make me an appointment. You could check my out to mom. You see how you like that? Sir? That's what That's not possible. Okay, I'm definitely gonna Oh. I don't want to lose her if you like, it's gonna hurt me if I lose her as a clock, I don't want to miss seeing her. Don't hurt you. It ain'tnna hurt you that you lose them. It's gonna hurt you when I get there. Don't you worry about her? Greg, you gotta calm down. Okay, I'm being I was being playful, and I an we too. Were you too old to be playful? Play I'm seeing you in the morning, first thing in the morning. Okay, what time you can ten o'clock? Can I ask you something? Greg? Do you have a brother named Tyring? What they got to do with any saying? What they gotta do with my brother? What they got to do with you? Okay? What I wanted to tell you is this is not doctor Hendrix. This is nephew Timmy from Steve Harby More the show. Your brother Tyring got me the prank phone call you. I don't give us who you I'm coming to see you. What what's just like your brother Tyrant? This is this is nephew Timmy Man from the Steve Alway Morning Show. Your brother Tyring got me the prank phone call you. That's what I thought you said. Man, hold on, man, oh oh man, let me stop for a minute. Man, Oh my goodness, well you lost your damn hold on. You don't do he don't do like that? Man got my wife, y'all? What's my brother? I would be telling him first. You're gonna see Tyring tomorrow. I'm gonna see him first day in the morning. Man, this morning, I'm ready to kill everybody. Hell no, hey, I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Hammy? Oh man, you claim to say it? We're playing. I'm waiting waiting play too much? Yeah, well you know what she waiting for? Color? You do know what she waiting on? Oh? Your location, my location, your next concert. Okay, I'm scared to say something right now, Junior, don't say I love you, I love you. I'm scared to say something. I will be there Friday March fifteen. Friday March fifteen, I got two shows, seven and ten o'clock. But there's the Blues and Jazz Supper Club. I'm not through, but there's the Blues and Jazz supper Club. What was it, Shirley Jazz eating supper Blue? Do make me for my monocrap? What you're doing there? All right? Listen, we love you to thank you. Coming up next at the top of the hour, entertainment news. We'll talk about R Kelly right after this you're listening to show. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, guys, R Kelly's first interview with Gail King. We'll talk about that because R Kelly says he is fighting for his effing life. All right, but yeah, But first in entertainment news, Kylie Jenner. Congratulations to her. You know her as a reality star in the Dashians, keeping Up with the Kardashians, But she's also an entrepreneur and in her own right and now the world's youngest self made billionaire with a B billionaire. This is according to Forbes magazine. Forbes reported on Tuesday that Kylie has reached the one billion dollars in net worth and at only twenty one years old, She's reached that mark faster than Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who was twenty three when he did it. Kylie Cosmetics was created back in twenty fifteen, and it was an instant success, netting three oh seven, three hundred and seven million dollars in its very first year. Okay, uh yeah, Kylie's man, Travis Scott deactivated his Instagram account because he wanted to prove his loyalty to Kylie. But now his account is back on because you know, she had accused him of cheating and everything with some Instagram girls or something, so he deleted it, but now it's back. Travis was in the doghouse, I guess you can say on the Gram there were some overly friendly messages. That's how we'll put it. In his DM. They had slid into his DM, you know, uh, they slid in there. Uh. Travis canceled a concert last minute to get some quality time with Kylie and things seem to be all good now. So that's good. That's good news. Yeah. Yeah, because when y'all baby mama is a billionnaire, n even me. Yeah, make it right her a little stormy uh. Okay, now you get down there and a cell phone tower. I'm not Tristan. I'm not to do this and they have a baby together, Yeah, a little stormy. Yeah, she's she's a dorps dorps. Yeah. So anyway, so that's what's going on with them. They're back together now, back together again. You know, hopefully all that drama that was with the U, the Kardashians and the Genners, it has died down. You know. Jordan Woods went on Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith and Will came on to offer offer her some encouraging words, and uh, I thought that was pretty cool, you know, Will, because they've known Jordan for so long. And speaking of Will Smith, um, he's going to play Richard Williams. Now, you guys know who that is. He He is the father of Venus and Serena Williams. Well oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. So Will is set to start as a Venus and Serena's dad. This is according to Deadline magazine. Uh, He's poised to play Richard Williams. It's a new movie that's going to chronicle the life of his life. Okay, because he was so controversial, you know, they they they maligned him, they talked about him, how mean he was probable passed probable, all of that but he led those girls to superstardom in the tennis field. I mean, they're they're the best in the world. So you know, I would love to hear King Richards. Yeah, King Richard, that is a movie. It's going to center on him. He's seventy seven years old. Now how he overcame tremendous hardship. Now Will gotta walk around with a camera lot, he got to use a camera, right, Yeah, that girl. But I'm glad. I look, that's a movie I would watch definitely, not only because of of Will Smith, but because I'm interested in their dad's life, because he's a person I respect. All Right, And finally, I wanted to get to this, guys, we gotta say congratulations to our girl, Tamaron Hall. Remember Tamaron she's a former Today Show host. Yeah, anyway, she's forty eight years old and gets this. She is expecting her first child, her first child with husband Stephen. Congratulations. What did you say? I said she's expecting her first child with her husband, Stephen? Not you? How I don't I knew. I ain't made no basement, and me and Taman don't even talk to who name you scared? It is the only stay in the world. The only one on this show. Baby, this has been on CNN. Okay, you'd have been oh god, but she she said she's been using other things like a talk show and things like that, and and she said that she had to wait to get clearance from her doctor to make sure it was okay to make the announcement that she was pregnant. You know, now she's out of the danger zone. So congratulations, Very happy for regret. Yeah, yes, very happy for Cameron. Not your baby. I'll get tight but quick though, who you're saying, I need to mention baby step I got to get myself this right now. You need take that baby. You got a man in camp. We won't take his own. He got a new baby. Wow, that is crazy. Yeah, but yeah, she looked beautiful. She made her announcement on social media and yeah, just look beautiful, glowing, right, very glowing and just happy. She just looked happy and forty eight. I mean that could be inteed, you are not the father. But you know something, man, You know a couple of years ago when she had that thing where she was taken off of the Jday Show for Megan, you know what, man, see you never know what The plan is God just made a way for her to be free and clear because He was fitting to give her a bigger blessing than a TV show. Absolutely, see how that works, man. So when the NBC thought they was doing her doggish, which they would that, they have no idea what God was really doing, y'all think y'all stopping something. I'm fit to make a way for her that she didn't think it was possible. That's all that is, man. It's always some good behind it. Congratulations, Tarry. Absolutely, all right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening. R Kelly has been charged with ten counts of act revated sexual abuse, and the Angrily Angrily Yeah denied the accusations. In his brand new interview with Gail King from CBS this morning, r Kelly insisted the rumors are not true. Take a listen to this. Do you still sit here and say you have never been with underage girls? Can you really say that I sit here and say this. I had two cases back then that I said in the beginning of the interview that I would not talk about because of my own going case. Now, okay, okay, fair enough, but I will tell you this. People are going back to my pass. Okay, that's exactly what they're doing there, going back to the pass, and they're trying to add all of this stuff now to that to make all of the stuff that's going on now feels real to people. But the past is relevant with you with underage girl. Absolutely no, it's not why because, for one, I beat my case. When you beat something you created quick, you can't double jevity me like that. You can't. It's not fair. It's not fair to nobody. When you beat your case, you beat your case. But I'm not talking about the one case in which you were quitted. I'm talking about the other cases where women have come forward and said R. Kelly had sex with me when I was under the age of eighteen. R Kelly was abusive to me emotionally and physically and verbally. Okay, R Kelly took me in a black room where unspeakable things happen. This is what they're saying about you. These are these aren't old rumors or not true. Whether they're old rumors us, why would they say about you not true? Say beat yeah, yeah, that's come on, that's a tough one, man, that's a tough one. Man, that wasn't there. I've I've made the wrong choice of words. I know how you can do it. But what he that that right there absolutely ain't not true. Yeah, you know I beat the case. Yeah, you know, beat the case sounds a lot different from I was innocent. I was innocent of the charges. Now I beat the case, ain't yeh. You know, it just don't sound right. Well, I can understand under the heat, you can you can misspeak, you can say something out of turn. I'm surprised, I really yeah, but you know, uh what, But she had a valid point though, Like he said, you're taking all that stuff in my past. That's exactly what this is. These are women from the past who they are claiming was underage at the time. Right. That's that's what you pay. You pay for pass transgressions all the time. That's the same thing causby cause me got pass transgression. That that's what they do. Man, unless there's some type of statute of limitation that I don't know nothing about. Well, when you in anytime you're talking about kids, man, you start striking a chord with people. Yeah, well, Steve coming up at thirty four after the hour, we're gonna have more on this Gail King interview with R Kelly right after this. You're listening. So R Kelly did an interview with Gail King from CBS this morning. During the interview, R Kelly denied the allegations against him. He became very emotional while defending himself. He broke down in tears. Take a listen and correct me. If I'm wrong that you have never held anybody against their will? I don't need to. Why would I? Well, I'm how stupid? Would never help any Mark Kelly, with all I've been through in my way way pass to hold somebody, let alone four or five six fifth? You say it? Why? How stupid would I be to do that? I didn't say that? Stupid Guys, is this camera on me? Yes, that's stupid. Use your common sense. Don't forget the blots, but get how you feel about me. Hate me if you want to love me if you want, but just use your common sense. How stupid would it be for me to with my crazy passing what I've been through? Oh right now, I just think I need to be a monster and whole girls against the wheel, chain them up in my basement and and don't let them eat, and don't let them out unless they need some shoes down the street from the uncle ro y'all, quit plan, Quit plan. I didn't do this stuff. This is not me, y'all fighting for my life? WHOA? Okay, call it. I'm not whoa? What's the shoes down the street story? I don't know that part. I don't. I don't know. I didn't. I don't know what this is. Yeah, this is tragic, man, for everyone concerned, and mostly the victims. This is a huge tragedy for everybody, especially the victim. You know, I don't like to see somebody fall. I get no enjoyment from it. I just I've never been that person. I just hate to see people fall. And hear me clearly, I hate to see people fall because I wish they had made other decisions that would have prevented this in their life, because now what they got to suffer through is because of a decision they made. And then if you leave victims along the wayside, oh my god, man, the scar tissue that could be on these young people. But you know, I'm fighting for my life. I understand. I understand that statement, you know I do, And I hate that some decisions got made and some accusations got made and some deeds got done. But now, man, see when this thing go to court. See, we're talking about evidence now and it's going to court Steve on March twenty second, and we talking evidence, yes, and we can, we can. We can take whatever plea we want if they come in there. Whateverdence man, we got a whole other monster. We got to deal with it, right. Yeah, he's been accused of sexually abusing four victims. Three of them were underage girls. The abuse goes back twenty years, from nineteen ninety eight to twenty ten. Our Kelly right now is out unbond. That's how he's able to do the interview with Gail King. And again he's due back in court on March twenty second. Oh, this is just I mean, there are no winners in this situation. They're just this is horrible. This is just it's hard, it's unspeakable. Yeah, you know what he allegedly did, and we've been hearing about this for a very long time, and you know he has to go to court now. But you know he said in the interview, he said, it's so stupid. Why would I I mean, you know, I'm all Kelly, and why would I? And then what you can't have is no evidence that shows that, because then the why would I becomes You're gonna have to hear it again, well why would you? And you know, I wonder why he did this interview because blinking life, Well, well, now listen to me, Shirley. He's you know, he did the interview because public public opinion is already yeah, and it's it's doing a number on his family damage control. And you know he's trying. He got he got to get some side of it out instead of sitting there and letting him just say they side. But man, all right, wow, okay, yeah, yeah, I didn't look good, not at all. Not. This is awful, all right. Up next it is the nephew We're gonna switch gears here. Get to the prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. Let me tell you something. You don't want to miss this letter. Okay, this is one of my favorite letter. This you do not want to miss, all right, And and they mentioned you in the letter as well. I'm in a little subject Thundercat is on the prowl. That is of the letter. All right, right now, though, here's a nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Net? Come on? Your wife? Huh is cheating on both of us? Man? Great play? Your wife is cheating running from me. Hello, I'm trying to reach Terrence. Please who's calling? Hey? My name is Mark. My name is Mark. How you doing, bro? I work with um with your wife, Veronica. We're on the same sales floor together. I think I met you before, but I don't know if you remember meeting me. But um, I work at the job with Veronica. Everything is everything on right there? Or what's going on? No? No, no, everything is straight here at the job. Not a problem at all at the job. But I wanted to yea, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she's all right, She's perfectly fine. Man. Um, I just I just you know, I actually, like I said, my name is Mark. Man, you don't remember me, Terrence, But I just wanted to talk to you, Like I say, Um, you know, I got some things on it that's been bothered me for a minute, and I you know, I just I just kind of wanted to reach out to you, and you know just kind of have like a little a little hard to hard talk with you. Man, so maybe you know, uh, you know, we can get things in a in a better position. But I just wanted I just wanted me and you to have a conversation. Wait, man, how did you get my Veronica? Give you my number? Or how did you get my number? That's what I'm trying to like, what's going on? I mean, I had I had, I've had your number. I just I just I just had never reached out to you before. But like I say, though, man, this this, this has been bothering me for a minute and I wanted to get it off my chest so you and I can try to, I guess, fix this whole issue. But I just want us to see if we can fix it, you know, well fix the issue. What's the issue? I don't understand. I'm not following you. I don't understand what like what is the issue. So but now you know, like I said, I went on to talk to me, what's going on? Okay? Yeah, your wife, man is cheating on both of us. We gotta do something about this, man, all right, I mean, did you say she's eating on the both of us. What cheating? She is cheating on the both of us, bron, It sounds like you said cheating. I don't know what you Veronica. Listen to me, tears. Veronica is cheating on both of us. You say, Vernica is cheating on me and me, you know, and we gotta, we gotta figure out what we're gonna do. Man. But as a husband, I gotta you gotta. I'm gonna need you to step up and get this thing in order. What you're talking about. You say Veronica is cheating I mean with you. No, No, she cheating on both of us with somebody else. I know. I've been noticing her going out with this, you know, going to lunch with this other cat. So I'm like, I got pissed off about it. So I said, you know what, I can't take you no more. I'm calling Terence. You're saying to me that my wife has been cheating around a job with somebody else. She cheating on both of us. Dude, I don't get what you mean if my wife has cheated on I mean, you calling me to tell me that she's cheating on me. I appreciate that, but I don't get what you're saying. You know both of us say, I don't get that part. I don't understand what you mean. Me and Veronica has been you know, kind of cool. You know, last eight months to a year, we've been you know, pretty tight here at the job. You know what I'm saying. So listen what you mean y'all been cool? That's what I don't understand. Like, what do you mean y'all being cool? Because that's my wife. Tell me what you're talking about. Okay. All I'm saying is me and me and me and her been real cool. We've been real tight. You know. Sometimes we take lunch and then you know, don't come back. That's our thing though. But you know now, you know, I'm noticing. You know, she she didn't want out, you know, she didn't want to lunch a couple of time with his brother named Alan, And I'm like, okay, no, no, it ain't gonna go down like this here. You know what I'm saying. Are you my wife? Man? Hey, that's that's not why I called you. I called you to my wife. That's what I want to know. I'm telling you about this dude named Alan. I need you to step up as the husband and fix this. But you're telling me that my wife is cheating on both of us, know, cheating on the both of us. If she's she's cheating on me, you're telling me that you're with my wife too, that you've been messing around with my wife. That's not That's not the part I'm trying to tell about. I'm trying to talk about this dude named Alan. Man, That's what I'm trying to get out. I'm gone to Alan. We're gonna get to Alan. You saying that my wife plan It's come crazy, yo. You know what, man, I'm about to put my foot right up your because play those games with her. She's with me, were messing around, We're doing this and doing that. It don't work like that. Do you understand what I'm saying? Do I hear what you're saying? But the beef ain't with me. The beef is with Alan. No, she messing over, She messing over both of us with Alan. Dog. I'm about to call her because right here I'm telling Okay, hold on, bro, I just want you to deal with Alan about now. I'm at I'm at the job. Yeah, but I'm about to come up my foot. Do you understand me? No? I hear you, man, Alan is the one that then blew this thing out of proportion. Dog, She messing over me and you with this here. There ain't no me and you. I don't share you, see what I'm saying. Yeah, I hear you. You don't. You don't hear me. I don't know shit shit that goes on over here? Okay, I do, I do. I'm just saying, you know, what are you saying? Right? Leave me right now? I'm about to come up with where you at? Right now? Where are you at? I'm at the job where what Ronnie? I caller Ronnie? I'm at the job where Ronnie at? What caller Ronnie? I called the ronnicka Ronnie? I mean that's my little nickname too. It all right? But well hold on, hold on, hold on Ronnie Ronnie Nie right here, she's right where see right here? Right here? You want to huh? Okay, cool man here cool? But can I tell you what she's saying. I don't want to hear what she's saying. I'm run the phone right now, okay, but can I tell you what she's telling me? To tell you? She ain't telling you to tell me damn thing, because the only thing that you is myot. Okay, okay, but but but Ronnie wants me to tell you this man. Just listen to me, Terrence. She wants me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife, Veronica. You know what, I don't play this fall y'all up, ball, y'all up. I'm gonna give your old school woman. You are No, I'm not all right. I'm in the coms. I was on my way over there about to go to jail, mess to the round with y'all. Hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You already now that is too much time. You got to bring everything to the table at some point. Okay, now understand what we were doing. What you're not gonna do or do? Both? Up? Wow? Where the last conditions? And what were you doing stepping out? You checking the don't do me like this. Mann't hurt my feelings. Man, you know what I'm saying. March fifteenth, and our nephew will be Where will I be, truly? Oh, You'll be at the bar and jazz Club, the Stuffy Blues and Jazz Supper clubs at the Blues and Chair, telling jokes and having supper about the bluest two shows. Get it right now, I think we need to do a road trip. Carla girl money to see Tommy do the y y'all ain't loyal? All right, nephew, thank you up. Next, it is the Strawberry Letter. Subject Please, you don't want to miss this one. Thundercat is on the prowl. You're listening to the stew all right, Happy ash Wednesday everyone, and we gotta tell you today it is time for the Strawberry Letter. If you need some advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter just this one right here, right here, right here. J Anthony Brown would say, is crazy? Okay, real, yes, yes, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject Thundercat is on the prowl. That is the Subderundercat. Thundercat is on the prowl. My car too. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a divorced, forty four year old single mom as an attractive, curvy and educated woman. I have no problems meeting men. It's keeping them that's the issue. The last man that I dated, we were together for almost three months before we had sex. I made him wait for a reason, and here's why. When we had sex for the first time, he passed out afterwards. He was only out for it. Fell off the aged bust my head on nice name. All right, Well, this may be you, this may be for you about him. I know I'm very relatable. I've had Maybe it's not as this letter's not as crazy as I thought. It's crazy, all right, So I'm gonna read that line again. She she the first. The last mandated. They were together for three months, almost three months before they had sex. She made him wait for a reason, and here's why. When they had sex for the first time, he passed out afterwards. He was only out for a short time, and when he came to, he said his blood sugar was low. But I think he was lying because this has happened to me before with another man. The next time we made love, I toned down the intensity and I cut out the extra stuff that I normally do. He told me it was too much for him, and he ended up breaking up with me. My crazy ex husband was the same way. Whenever I would try to do something new with him, he got mad and accused me of cheating on him, which was one of the reasons we got divorced. So lately, I had been dating a nice Southern gentleman, and two nights ago we had sex for the first time. I warned him that I was about to put it on him, but he must have thought I was just playing well Shirley during the act, see right there, well Shirley during the act, he started screaming like a little girl, and he was begging me to stop, so I did. He just he just stared at me for a while. He just stared at me for a while, and then he told me that I was way too much for him. He accused me of being some kind of loose woman because of my skill set. I was so offended that I left his house and we have not communicated since Saturday. I can't help but think there's a man out there that can handle me, that can handle me. My friend's nicknamed me Thundercat, and they told me, I should teach a sex class for women. I like to keep it tight and right, and I really do enjoy sex. So what should I do? Tommy? You hush? I want to hear from Stephen Shirley. Please advise, Okay, I first let me know. I will see I will because I know you think this letter is about you, right, No, but I just gotta ask you. I mean, what are you doing? Really? Not not what are you doing to the guys? Just what are you doing? From from a thinking position? Okay, you cannot put all this stuff that you're doing on someone that you're having sex with for the first time, especially a man. You can't do this. You can't pull all the tricks out of your bag on the first you can't. All right, you gotta slowly roll the stuff out, if you know, so they can get used to it. You gotta spoon feed them, so to speak, because I mean you, I mean, and look at your track records. You got a man who passed out, a man who is screaming like a girl, a man who broke up with you, your husband accused you of cheating. I mean, you gotta look at what's going on here and realise that maybe just maybe you know, slow it down a little bit. Uh, come on, you you just you're forty four years old. You you enjoy sex, you like it. Perhaps you should teach a class. But listen, you gotta take it easy. You know, you tell somebody I'm gonna put it on you. I mean, come on, just relax, okay, relax a little bit, and and and ease into these I mean, have you lost your entire mind? Yeah, I'm just trying to help. Yeah, we're gonna take that out. Don't even worry. Yeah. But when I first read the letter, I thought you were saying you you were you waited for three months to have sex because you know, like in Steve's book, act like a lady, think like a man. He's telling you, you know, to wait for ninety days. So you but that's to get to know the person and all of that. You know, you waited because what you didn't want to kill the man on the first time. But I just say, you need to take your time, ease into this stuff. Lighting up a little bit. I mean, you know, I get you. You like it in your serious This other man his blood sugar was love. You're gonna kill somebody, Relax, Steve it's your turn about it. I am there's a lot of key stuff in here. I'm gonna point it out to you all through the damn letter opening line. I am a divorce. This means this, this's been over with. Somebody said enough, forty four year old single woman, good and grown. I am an attractive that's what she's said. Curvy, Yeah, that could be anything, you know. That's what they call him of other words for heaven. So you could be curvy and educated. I have no problems meeting me in it's keeping them that's an issue. Last man I dated, we asked. We was together for three months before we had sex. I made him wait for a reason. Here why When we had sex for the first time, he passed out. He was only out for a short time, and when he came to, he said he had his blood sugar was low. He know what the hell happened? And you Yeah, but he when he woke up, he woke up as a diabetic. She gave him diabeting. He didn't know what was wrong, so he invented a disease. Ye. She told his ass up. Yeah, yeah, we come back. You're gonna want to hear this. Hang on, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up the letter, though the subject Thundercat is on the prow right after this at twenty three after We'll be back. You're listening, all right, Steve. Let's go. Let's recap today's Strawberry letters. There's a woman that's been sleeping with men and can't keep them, and it's all because of her sexual acts. First man she told us about. They had been waiting three months. When she finally gave him something. He passed out, and when he came to, he said his blood sugar was low. He had never said that before ever in his life, but she gave him diabetes. He woke up with diabetes. He didn't have it for that. It just something happened to him and he didn't know what it was. But I think he was lying because that happened to me before with another man. Because next time we made love, I toned down the intensity and cut out the extra stuff I normally do. What the hell is you in here doing? You toned? When a woman tells you I toned down the intensity and cut out some of the normal stuff I do. Do you know what the hell happened in here? What's going on? This happened to the intensity is the pherocity, the pherocity. She in here this hell for too much for any damn body. Let me tell you what's going on. Let me read a little bit more left and she cut out the extra stuff she normally do. Okay, let me tell some if you cut out the extra stuff that you normally I'm told down the intensity and he still fell out the hell is you do stuff regular? I'm gonna tell you what she's doing in a minute, though. He told me it was too much for him, and he ended up breaking up with me. Then my crazy ex husband now seeing now people crazy now naw now to men crazy with her crazy that he was the same way. Whenever I would try to do something new with him, he got mad, accused me of cheating, which one of the reasons we got divorced. So layl, I've been dating the nice Southern gentleman. Two nights ago we had sex. He had a lot of sex. How many men were already over the three limit? He told y'all to talk about it. We way over the three limit. I told y'all your max number three? She way out to three bars. She just had sex for the first time another night a southern gentleman. I warned him, told him before we went in, I'm about to put it on you see you in here? You you your cage match. You're in that mmmit mixed, marshal, You must say. He must have thought I was playing with Sirley doing the app He started screaming. You took a grown ass man, got him screaming like a white girl. He was begging me to stop. I was too much for him. He accused me of being some kind of a loose woman because of my skills set. I was so fit that I left his house and wind communicate. He glanced you left, and you reason you ain't called communicating society because he ain't calling your ass. He don't wan't no more what you got. It's too damn much. Let me tell you. First of all, she's doing it way too hot, and she making no voices, and and she's slamming into men, she climbing on me back, she making her voice change. Yeah, sound like a man. Huh ma, ch you hitting I'm talking about man. It ain't even supposed to be doing this right here. It's getting slung around neck. Damn. But huh, choke your shut them. Take this, take it. Take can't talking the whole time, voice changing. She come up and here, I told you what happened. You thought I was playing, But I'm the prisoners up in here in the park. You bring up paras. These men is in here going scared? What the hell have I got myself into? I'm gonna tell you something else too. She she don't even do normal stuff. She do it. It's some apparatuss. Okay, that's it's a swaying. She just swaying, crossed the bed. Listen to me. She using her teeth. It's some teeth involved here, Okay, he said, he begged me to stop. It's some teeth. Yeah, yeah, it's what I do. This do what I do because of her skill set. Yeah, but her skill set is painful. Yeah her skin. Yeah, she turned me. Yeah, it's to me and walking out there need medical attention. What happened to that point where she spent this one dude his punk as passed. He said he had died beat But Steve, is it like she's threatening them because she said I warned him that I was about to put it on. I'm fitting to do something to you. You ain't ever had dumb before. Yeah, and in the middle of all of it, I'm gonna sucker punch your pocket. She hit. It's a riffing, moved like she on top of a man and she putting. She punched him in the thoat. But she founds up and down and punching his punk. I asked, he's doing way too love it. Listen, we gotta get out of here. If you want to instagram us, your email us, your thoughts. So today's crazy Strawberry lay. This is my favorite one though from this year. Email us or instagram us and Steve Harvey FM now coming up in ten minutes. Should we really ever blame the other woman or the other man? Uh huh or the other man? Let the men get some of this blame. She come to bed with the thunder Cats superhero Shoot. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, So here's a question, guys, Should we really ever blame the other woman or the other man? Now, every time we hear that someone was left, they were cheated on with another man or woman, folks, always we always blame the person. We always blame that person first, then they blame the significant other, the spouse. We always blame the woman first. I mean, and that's down down through history. We saw this happen most recently with the Jordan Woods, Chloe Kardashian, and Trip Thompson's situation. So so the question is who really should get the blame? I think there's enough blame to go around, quite frank, Yeah, but you know this is crazy, but normally the woman is always the blame Toriian, Well, just on that case. Yeah, on this particular case. But I mean when you think about it, down through history, people mostly blame the woman. Yeah, yeah, so the so then the question is like, okay, so if you're in a relationship and you leave that relationship to get with someone else, whole's fault? Is it? Is it the new person's fault, you know, the woman's fault, or is it the man's fault for leaving and hurting his significant other? You mean, but you know what I mean, But he had to have had you're saying, a relationship with this other person before he left his significant other, right yeah yeah, yeah, so he was cheating. Yeah yeah, they see. Well, you know, look, whoever is in the supposed committed relationship is to blame for breaking their commitment. That's you know, Look, you're not you're not. You can't blame the other person. The other person ain't promised you nothing. The other other person didn't take no vows. The other person didn't promise you nothing. Your directed anger should be at the person who broke the commitment to who broke your trust. That's your problem now, you can feel now if you see her, you're gonna have problem with her. Because she knew that you were in a relationship. Why didn't she leave you alone? That that's the other argument, you know what I'm saying, that's the argument on the other side, Well, she knew we were in a relationship. Why was she in it and she already knew he had a girl? Or why did he pursue? It's the bigger question. But because see, if it wasn't her, it would have been somebody else. Because if he's in to pursue other women business, it doesn't matter that it's her. If it's not her, it's gonna be somebody else he pursued, right, yeah, because he in the pursue game. But the women so most of the time, gets blamed, get blamed for that women do she knew we were in a relationship that women don't usually blame the men if the men cheat, I mean after the fact. Yeah, but and and they go so far as to take the man back that is cheated on. Yeah. Yeah, but the woman is outcast. Yeah, they threw with her. Yeah, they're done. So you said, blame the person that with the commitment. I agree with it. Yeah, I do too. That's how it should That's how it should go. But it doesn't often go that way. You're right though, Yeah, Well, I blame my best friend for breaking out, breaking up what he dated. He ended up messing around with my girlfriend long long time ago. But I've blamed his ass at the junior is Well, don't don't say that, Timmy. You know is everything gets so personal on this show. I know I'm trying. He know who it is to see we comedian, that's how we we we that jumps come from this therapy, jumps that come from that j Yeah. I come back and then I catch them kissing on the cap like oh dog. But they looked at me like you're gonna put that in the kitchen. No, I'm not gonna put that in the kitchen. You had time, you know, you know, he looking like tim looking like, are you gonna put that down right there? No? I just caught you kissing my girl. Yeah, you went to the store and something. Yeah, and you left them alone in the house. Yeah, and you come but this is your boy, Yeah, you come back over. Do you know that? Say? Oh, man, you got to be kidding me. But he looked at me and allays something, Man, what's up? Man? You're gonna put that in the kitchen like you're living like you gonna put that in the kitchen, like the drace is going in the kitchen right now. Cocacafs back in, Like I said, we wouldn't be in time about everything. That's how you get paid. If I walk in to my house and my pardner kissing my girl on the couch, yeah, it's gonna be some hell up in him. It's gonna be some real hell up in him, because dog, my house dog, and you think less of me. You don't even have enough respect for me. You already disrespecting me with my girl, and so was she disrespecting me with you. But you're gonna come in my house like I ain't nothing. Oh gnaw, dog, I promise you me and your asses at wall. But see and that's normally what happens, Steve, that's normally what happens. That's that's normally what happens. What you just said. But earlier you said it's the responsibility of the one who's in the commitment. Yeah, but see now if here you see it and see exception, it's a double standard. No, I get it, but I'm saying it ain't no double standards. This is what. Okay, go ahead, finish your thought. Now I'm listening to me. Now we're in this here. But now if you might, dude, yeah, and I know you see now we got to go into man code. Man code is you don't do your boys. Girl. There's too many women out here that's available. So now you over here in mind. Then you in my house. Yeah, that's what happened to care same thing. Why wasn't that in my house? It was her house? Yeah? Well, oh, I was a comedian, you know, I just thought I handed over to I went just for shelf. But it was your friend, though I don't understand. We had to stay at plate with fush that this is yeah, you where you were told four places, but I was homeless. Man. I probably told about six girls and they believed you in lease, I had let me stay that I love you nice. So they come home, I'll be cooking everything, You'll be doing everything. Yeah, and just just just noted Junior. We can steal for his age. He's still around, all right, all right, we gotta go all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Diddy is admitting that he's heartbroken for not marrying kim Porter. We're gonna talk about the fear of commitment issues at the top of the hour round right after this. You're listening, all right? So did He admits that he played himself by not marrying kim Porter. Uh? Did? He is still mourning the loss of the late kim Porter and seems like he's having some regrets on what could have been. Did. He shared an old picture of himself cuddled up with his late ex girlfriend on the Graham and the caption the post was shaking my head a SMH with a broken heart emoji. The tribute prompted a response from one follower who questioned why he never married the mother of his three children. They said, when she was alive, you didn't want to marry her. Confused snegro gt f oh h gets the blank out of here? What that means? That's that's so foul of people. But did he agreed, though, Steve, No, I mean, you know, but I mean, he's your grief. People don't understand grief. Grief put you in a place. Man. You don't know how to do this. This ain't no book on this hill. So he he went wild. I blew it And that's what he said. Basically, he blew it. He got that. But here on the other thing, but you know, people telling about get out of here, knee growing all that, you know, damn people really really demand crushed. Yeah, he crushed. You can make a mistake. You can make a mistake that you can't get back. Not on the ground, but look at me on the social media. Yeah you're right about that. But see, I hate to tell you this, but there are mistakes that you can make that you can't get back. That's right. And I love what he said though, because this, this to me came from a real honest place. Did he agreed and replied, I know, I played myself. Wow wow wow, So that he heard no, so many levels. Yeah. So it brings up the question about the fear of commitments. That see what kind of advice can you give people that I mean, going through that they're afraid to commit, or how to over look I understand. You know, the fear of commitment comes from the fear of failure. It comes from the field of getting hurt. That comes from the field rejection. When you don't want to commit, there's a fear phobia attached to it, commitment to action, feel of getting hurt, and just the fear of man, I might not be able to keep my promise. It's a it's a lot that can go into that. But you know, at one point in time, as men, we all got to come to the conclusion that we got to find somebody to make it to the take with. You can't be an old player. They don't look good. Old players don't look good. Now you know, you sixty, You still at the club? You fit this still at the club, don't It ain't a good look. You gotta take the step. Hey, man, let me tell you something. I gotta tell you something. I went to Jay Z's Gold party, what really really nice class event. But I was in there, man, and for a while I was the oldest person, and then of course it came in there and I feel so much man. Right, I went over there, set Renny Man hug took picture with you. Ain't gonna take no picture, but seriously, see if you were feeling some kind of way. Seriously, No, I wasn't really feeling no kind of way because there was a lot of people. I knew a lot of industry people. But you know, man, but do you know what I realized the whole time I was walking around, This really ain't what I do. So you age checking room dog when you're in it. I mean, you know, I realized, you know, I'm old enough if my daughters in the damn room. Wise I'm here. Yeah, you know, really, I mean really, man, and I just it's not But it wasn't one of those like a club. It was an invite only party, so it was different. But and it was a lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time, so it was cool. But if that were a club setting, I'm a fish out of water. I don't even belong any Yeah. It was people coming up to me, man telling me man stories about how we met, what I did for him, how I meant something to him. Something. Body said, Hi, inspider Man, you mean a lot man. I watched you. I grew up with this, I mean, had some great stories coming from people, but I realized, yo, man, I'm gonna go to old fences. So at one point time to the point I'm making is as a man, we gotta get to a point man where we grow up and it's time to find somebody's daughter to make it to the tape with, because it's just not a little good. I used the analogy all the time. If you ever drive and on a field and you see an old horse in the field and he got that sway in his back and his stomach is damn the touching the grass, you know, and he standing there just looking over the fence. You know, he ain't active in the stallions behind him, they high stepping, bucking, kicking, running, chasing each other. That old horse just looking whatever. Because you know what, he don't look good in the field. That horse looks his absolute best back in the barn. See, because you don't don't look good in the field. And when you're an old dude and you got your little stomach on your knowledge, you ain't what you was. You don't look good out there playing the field. You look good in the barn. They bring hay in the bomb. They wash you in the bomb. They got a little tread meal in the bar. You ain't got to go out there in the field, mess with all the big black ass stallions standing up. Man, just they didn't heat, they ran back. Fight. They ain't what you're doing. And so every man has to come to that point. And I just think, man that you know, Puffy is at that point and he gets it and he's hurt. But man, the brother's hurt though many see I hear the hurt. But he better than me because I don't like responding to people, you know, But get out of here, Negro, you all this right here? Yeah, man, I should have did that. You right, I should have did that. Yeah, I was. I was sure. I was. It was a heartfelt response, you know, from from him. But you know, man, it's some mistakes. You can't ever get that. And that's one of the brands. It's some stakes. Or have you ever wish you ever saying something somebody in they pass that's okay? Don't you can't You can't get that back, a man, Yeah, until you get to heaven. Yeah, the things we say different. If we knew that the last time we was gonna see absolutely, it'd be something totally different being said. Yeah, but but seriously, that's really how we should be living our lives anyway. But we don't, you know what I mean, we don't. But Steve, back to the party and you being the oldest one there, I think it's a reason they invited you because you're You're an icon and an idle to them. They look up you, a legend. They look up to you. You know, you've done so much in entertainment. You still look great. Yeah, you still look great. You still have advice for them. They love having you around, you know what I mean? Yeah, Rihanna said something to me, and I've never had a conversation with Rihanna in life. She loves my wife and she loves my daughter. Hang on, hang on with that thought. Okay, we gotta take a quick break. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show, all right? So Snoop Dogg has completely, when I say completely, lost faith in the Lakers. He has, really, really, really he's done all right. He's a lifelong Laker fan, of course, and he's a sports fan too. He went on a rant on social media while Some found his commentary funny. Others were left, you know, it's just Smahan shaking their heads and saying Snoop across the line with some inappropriate and inflammatory remarks during his rent Somebody gotta go a matter of fact, A lot of gotta go, starting with the coach. Well, this ain't gonna work. This is not the la Way ship all of the time. Get a slave ship and ship all and saw him up the out of here. Snoop, tell us how you really feel, Dug? Really, oh man, we couldn't. They got to be on the ship came. We sent him to the dog with slave ships. Though, how have you seen Junior can think? Snoop? Man, I think he really. I think he's upset because he said they had to get on the slave They just couldn't just go home. Yeah you know, I god, yeah, but he a fan though, this is his team. So you talked about your team like you want. I said stuff about the Texas So I ain't gonna really judge Snoop. That's this thing, that's his thing. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was a bit much. Sources close to Snoop tried to downplay it. They were saying it was racially insensitive. Uh. You know when he mentioned slave ship, if he had just said chosen another phrase, I guess it would have been okay. But slave ship. They were saying that Snoop doesn't have a racist bone in his body. Um, but standing behind the claims that the team is trash. Now they said that part was true. He went a little far with the slave ship. Ye no, no, no, no, but uh, the team is trash though even when Lebron, they got Lebron. Come on, guy, it's just just Lebron. He has no support, just Lebron, though he needs fourteen other players that's gonna play Wow, And it's a it's a real tricky situation. But they got some people playing. Don't kill you. But I got a question in Junior, So I got a question. So is this the first year that Lebron may not be in the playoffs? It'd be a second, a second his second. The only other times Lebron did not make the playoffs was his second year in the NBA, about fifteen years and about he finished. I bet he finishing vacations so fast. It's so many places he wanted to see in the month of June. Junior, they're not going to the playoffs. They're gonna make the playoffs. What they're still in number of ten spot right now? Yeah, they're still number ten spots and you gotta be you gotta be in number eight. Yeah, they probably not. What is the issue? Seriously, what you mean I know that? No, sure, that's the issue. They number is always lower than the other team they play, which is a loss. I'm saying they need some more forwards, some more guards, some fairly. Stop. You sound like you're putting together a puzzle or something. I mean, seriously, Okay, we gotta go. All right, We'll be back with more of the sea. So forward, Look, we gotta go. You're listening to show. So. R Kelly did an interview with Gail King from CDs this morning. During the interview, R Kelly denied the allegations against him. He became very emotional while defending himself. He broke down in tears. Take a listen and correct me if I'm wrong that you have never held anybody against their will. I don't need to. Why would I, well, how stupid would never help Mark Kelly with all I've been through in my way, way pass to hold somebody, let alone four or five six fifth. You say it? Why, how stupid would I be to do that? I didn't say that's stupid. Guys, is this camera on me? Yes, that's stupid. Use your common sense. Don't forget the blots, but get how you feel about me. Hate me if you want, to love me if you want, but just use your common sense. How stupid would it be for me took with my crazy passing what I've been through? Oh right now, I just think I need to be a monster and whole girls against the wheel, chain them up in my basement and and don't let them eat, and don't let them out unless they need some shoes down the street from their uncle Rob. Y'all, quit plan, Quit plan. I didn't do this stuff. This is not me, y'all, fight for my life? Whoa, Okay call it. I'm not whoa? What's the shoes down the street story? I don't know that part. I don't know. I don't know. I didn't know. I don't know what this is. Yeah, this is tragic, man, for everyone. This is mostly the victims. Yeah, this is a huge tragedy for everybody, especially the victim. You know, Um, I don't like to see someth body fall I get no enjoyment from it. I just I've never been that person. I just hate to see people fall. And hear me clearly, I hate to see people fall because I wish they had made other decisions that would have prevented this in their life, because now what they got to suffer through is because of a decision they made. And then if you leave victims along the wayside, oh my god, man, the scar tissue that's that that could be on these young people. But you know, I'm fighting for my life. I understand. I understand that statement, you know, I do. And I hate that some decisions got made or some accusations got made, and some deeds got done. But now, man, see when this thing go to court. See we're talking about evidence now, Steve on March twenty second, and we talk it Everdence, Yes, and we can, we can. We can take whatever plea we want if they come in there, whatever, dance man, we got a whole other moss that we got to deal with it, right. Yeah. He's been accused of sexually abusing four victims, three of them were underage girls. The abuse goes back twenty years, from nineteen ninety eight to twenty ten. Our Kelly right now is out unbond. That's how he's able to do the interview with Kale King and again he's due back in court on March twenty second. Ah, this is just I mean, there are no winners in this situation. They're just this is horrible, This is just it's it's unspeakable. Yeah, you know what he allegedly did. And we've been hearing about this for a very long time and you know he has to go to court now. All right, coming up, we're gonna do our last break of the day and Steve will have his closing remarks right after this. You're listening show, Steve Harvey. You've brought your fabulous and very insightful, very informal, very motivating closing remarks. Back is something that you started years ago when you first started the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and people have grown to love them and you know, to live by them and be inspired by them. So what do you have for us yesterday? A real good piece of motivation and makes your quest to become successful a little bit simpler. You know, oftentimes people are stuck in a rut because they can't think they way clear to see the end result. What I mean by is some people make such lofty goals and then they sit there without a plan of attack to achieve that lofty goal, until they've created a goal that seems so daunting that they don't even start the process of a trying to accomplish it. For example. And this doesn't have to be the case. I'm just using this as an example. Let's say you want to be a millionaire and you say, wow, I want to make a million dollars, and then you start thinking of how to make the million dollars, and because you can't, it becomes so daunted. Making a million dollars is difficult. If it were easy, wouldn't you do it by Friday? Wouldn't you? Of course you would. But it's a little more difficult than that. So here's what I had to learn in my life. Everybody listening to this was born with a gift. It's inside of you. Because God is very fair. He didn't put it on a mountaintop, he didn't hide it under a rock. It's in you. And your gift is the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort. In that lies your greatest chance for success. There's a scripture that says your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of great men. Let's just look at the first part of that, your gift will make room for you. My interpretation of that has meant what my gift has done for me. It has allowed me to spread out, It has taken me places I never dreamed got gold. Your gift will do the same thing for you. So now let's just talk about your ability to get to the million. I think it's what your gift because if that's what that He gave you and instill that you at birth, was to make room for you, here's your chance. Now how do I do that? Steve? I call it to maximize your effort by ten theory. It's just something I came up with driving when I was home listening, coming up without to make it, and I discovered something. All of you have something that some would pay you ten dollars to do. Some of you paint, some of you teach, some of you babysitting tutors. Some of you work with your hands. Some of you can sing, some of you can choreograph. Some of you there's so many things. Cut grass, play the piano, some of you do something. Some of y'all work on cards, some of y'all dry, but all of you have something that you will do that someone will give you ten dollars to do. All of you have something that someone will pay you ten dollars to because you do something that someone else can't do. So now all you gotta do instead of trying to figure out how to make a million dollars, it's go make the ten dollars that you're able to make. Once you make that ten dollars, I want you to do it ten more times. When you do it ten more times, you now have one hundred dollars. Once you have a hundred dollars, it's very simple. Do the same thing you did to make one hundred dollars ten more times. You now have one thousand dollars. So you don't have to keep thinking of something else to do. Just keep doing the same thing that you've been doing. Just do it. Multiply the effort. It's the effort that maximizes and brings about the fruition of what your life can be. So if you make a thousand dollars and you do that ten more times, I have news for you. Now have ten thousand dollars. Now, in order to make a one hundred thousand, you might need a little bit of help. You might need to hire somebody and help you do the thing that you do. But if you make ten thousand dollars and you do what you did to make ten thousand dollars, which is the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, you now have a hundred thousand dollars. Now listen to me, my friends. Once you have a hundred thousand dollars, I could assure you you're going to need help because in order to maximize one hundred thousand dollars, you have to have some like minded people around you. Nobody gets to the top alone. Nobody becomes successful and wealthy by themselves. They formed partnerships, relationships, they get employees. But once you make a hundred thousand dollars doing the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, I have news for you, my friends. Congratulations, you have just made one million dollars with a ten dollar idea. Stop trying to figure out how to make the million. What all you gotta do is take your ten dollars gift that God has put in you. It's a million dollars gift that you have. You just haven't broken it down inch by inch anything that sinch and maximize the efforts. That's how you become successful. These jokes that pay me what I make now, it's the same jokes that pay me twenty five dollars a night. They the same jokes. It's all English. This is not in another language. I don't know no more words now than I knew them. I've taken these twenty five dollars jokes and I maximize them over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It's the same jokes I was telling. Babysitters who charge fifty dollars to watch kids. Babysitters end up opening up daycare centers. Daycare centers turned into franchises, crim Dela, crim Monastory schools. These are national franchises. Somebody was just babysitting. My partner used to cut grass. First three dollars in the front, three dollars in their back. He got a lasscape coming in Cleveland. He made four million dollars a year. You know what he do? He cut grass, same six dollar grass cutting he's been doing. You check out some trucks. Now, what is it that you do that somebody will pay you ten dollars that you can maximize your effort for and turn it into your million. But trying to figure out how to make the million. Take your ten dollars skills set and start hammering it and beating it and working it and grinding and hustling and multiplying and magnifying it, and you will make a million dollars. That's my clothing remarks. Thank y'all very much for all Steve every contests. No purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening stain Hardy Morning Showing