Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is in Africa and he is ready. Somehow someway the conversation becomes about getting served. Sister O'dell is with Steve in Africa. Yung Joc teaches humility. Junior talks about the things that he has never seen. Family Feud in Canada involves Popeye and fried chicken. What are the dirtiest place in the gym? Happy Founders Day to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about always being able to count on God, plus more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milling buck things in the Cubby good it. Steve listening to the movie together for study, I don't join join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn, got the turnout, then turn the water the water go, come come on your back. Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. How good is God? Hum think about it? Just take a slight inventory of your own life and say it to yourself when you get through, how good is God? Think of all the small things, all this because that's him. You breathe, that's him. You steal him. That's him. You got another chance? That's him. You ain't out of him. That's him. You got any measure of health, that's him. You think it's more to it than it really is. That it already showed up to be. That's him. All of that. You got any dreams of aspirations, you dream of other things, that's him. All that, that's him. That's him him close you got, that's him every time you eat. That's why they had this thing called you say your grace. That's him. That's him, man, that's him. It's amazing when you take a small inventory how you find out how big God really is in your life. Now, the more you turn yourself over to him, the bigger he can be. For you. See, he'll only be as big as you let him. It's one thing about God. Now, he's a gentleman. He can make you do anything. You know. You get too big for him, you know you you you, you lose your humbleness. He can humble you. Now. God created man with the power of choice. We're the only creature he created that. He gave us the total power of choice when we mate, who we mate with. You know everything, all of it. Man. It's the choice what we want to be, how much we want to make, where we want to live, with climate we want to live in. We can live in cold climates, hot climates. You know, we speak different languages. You can go learn another language. A bear can't do nothing but be a bear. Is he can't go learn how to be a fox. He can't go learn how to be an otter. He just can't. An ostrich is an ostrich man. He can't come out of here and fight like a lion. A lion is a lion. A lion eat meat. He can't eat vegetables. I don't care how much meat ain't around. He'll lay down and pull up out of here and die because he can't eat grass. He's just a lion man. You understand this that God gave us. We are the one creature he created that has total power of choice. You can make every decision in your life. What kind of watch you like? That's the one you can buy. You want to live in Switzerland? Go ahead. You don't like Switzerland, you move to Miami. You want to live your life a crime, Go ahead, that's you. He gave you the power of choice. You want to do right? Come on, So now look at this thing. We are all the results of a series of decision that we have made. If we could just identify that the problem is us, we could began the solution. See that's the problem, y'all, it's us. It's what we do. I threw my life down the hill. I can't tell you how many years based on some decisions that I was making. Now I can justify my decision with I wasn't happy and I was doing this and I was in miserying y'all on that ye yes to you when you get through. You made the decisions though, and you can look at this anywhere you want to, y'all. But at the end of the day, I'm just talking to people that's really really wanting to improve their position in life. And how do you do that? You got to have a solution. How do you come up with a solution? You got to identify the problem to even began to solve it. But if the problem ain't ever you, how are you gonna solve something that ain't you? See? Okay, let me look at this one. If somebody said, like I got a child of mine, man, I just do right here. Man, I don't even want to get into it this morning. Or I'm struggling with this this boy. But man, you go to people, you're asking why they do so? I just I just wasn't taking care of business. Why I just didn't take care of business? Boy, do you understand that your life is gonna be filled with you got to take care of business. So when you're gonna start, you know what I mean you can't. You can't. You can't go through life blaming everybody. It's got to be you. See, you can fix you. You can't fix nobody else if you keep getting married and the marriages don't work. Hello, Hello, Hello, could it be you? South finally had to sit down and just make that decision. They don't need to be coming on the radio talking about nobody else and what they did to me and y'all just don't no, no, no, man, what about the part you played in it? Because see, if you got a good marriage, you got a part to play in that. If you got a bad one, you got a part to play in that. Even if it just get down to you the one pick them, how about that? Mister? Mister, I made a decision. The problem is usually within yourself. Do you know That's the quickest, an easy way to fix your life. That way, you ain't got to check with nobody. Here's the beauty of going on and admitting that is you. You don't have to check or clear it with nobody to start the repair process. You don't need anybody's permission. You ain't got to put it before the review board to see if it'll pass. It ain't got to go through Congress. You ain't got to hope that your local politician get their hands on it to make a phone call for you. You ain't got to ask any counselors to come in and sit with you. You don't have to check it in the rehab. All you got to do is decide the problem is me. I'm gonna start changing me. Identify the problem, and start with the part that you can own up to. Once you identify the problem, you can start planning on how to fix it or how to get to accomplishing something. But remember this planning is important. If you fail to plan, then please plan to fail. If you don't know how to make a plan, let's just start with the basics. Just make a list of what you want. Make this list and then go to God in prayer with an open mind and open your mind up to all the clean opportunities that are available here. Why a lot of people won't succeed because certain opportunities come along you don't want to do them. That kills me. Man, when I hear here, I ain't doing that. I know young comedians that come to me all time talking about Man, what you're not saying. Man, Just take every gig you can, no matter what they pay. Well, listen to me, son, you can go make that money that they pay, or you can make the decision to sit at home and make nobody. It's a comedy, a hard business. They ain't paying but one hundred dollars. You gotta drive, drive fifty miles. But if you drive fifty miles and you make the hundred and you stand on that stage for thirty minutes, you are now thirty minutes better than you was the last time you went on stage. Oh, man, you ain't man, they don't pay me. I ain't coming. You ain't gonna be a comedian, man, not not, not like this hill. A lot of people just don't want to do what's necessary to do. So when the opportunity presents itself and you open up your mind to it, man, then get ready to go on and do it. Man, identify your problem today, start with the part dash you ladies and gentlemen, man, have your attention, please. I have no idea what you think is about to happen, but it's about to go down. Steve Harvey Morning Show Live, Living Color Broadcasting again. Are you boys in Africa? I'm over here hitting it over the wall. Man. God is good to me, Yes he is. How about you, Sherley Strawberry. I'm doing the dog on thing right here in America, Steve, good morning to you. Thank you. Huh Well call is out today, so let's move on, Ladies and gentlemen, A star in the making, potential limitless ladies and gentlemen. I'm gonna change your name today, Boy Junior, Wait a minute, now, I got a new name. Ye may blessed and over favored boy. I think that's all that's been missing. It's the right nickname. You know, a lot of people may have tried to make their names make them famous. You look at some names over the years. They just thought their name would just do it. So I'm gonna go with boy Junior instead of Junior Boy. Who who thought of that? Guy? Just real clover, nephew Tommy. Yes, top of the moaning, I love my name. Yes side, you don't think he needs a new name, stupid, Uh, I'm struggling with the one he guy mainly used. There's people listening to him going, why do I cut this show on? We're so glad you do though, thank you, I appreciate. Cannot really be that stupid. Can't see you. I'm abody gotta do it, can't you? Side piece? Right? Yeah, I'll be going this this dude really just dumb man. Really? Oh this married guy? You forgot married man? You know you can't act this dude, I'm married in Texas. We're talking to people across the country. Okay, yeah, well the paper, the papers have come directly to your house. I don't give a damn. Let tell you something, man, I don't had the papers at the Magic Show before. You don't even want to stay quick? They brought him at the Magic Show. Yeah, the Magic Show selling suits. Yeah, I got something now in Vegas. Yeah, I've had all I've had papers handed to me at the golf range. Wow. Yeah, they get creative, nephew, that's what. Oh. I've had papers handed to me coming out of the apartment in New York. Oh, they've come to the radio station hand and meet pay with I've I've been serviced everywhere. What do you feel like when you get served? Is it Steve Harvey? You're Steve Harvey? Yeah, sorry, man, got do my job. Most of the guys are apologettic and in their hand because they know it's bad New Most of them are apologettic, but I know I know how to spot him. Now, Hey, you're Steve Harvey. Do I look like Steve Harvey? Sure? Due to me? Well, good dude, and I keep it moving, all right. We gotta go Seeve. We're gonna keep it moving inside something funny. It's coming up with Sister Odell in the building at thirty two minutes to the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Stow. Well, it is time now for something funny. And you know what that means on this Wednesday. You can hear, can't She's in the building, Yes, she is. She here to day where every day it's Sunday to Sister Odell. You start from the back. Yeah, jeez, all the way up to the nice straighten it up. I am hello the mornings everyone distance this morning a long distance. Oh you are where are you? I'm in Africa with Steve na I came separate. Oh you didn't fly on his you didn't go Come on, I don't fly. How don't know how you get the Africa? Yeah? How you get that. I've been on the cruise ship since thanks forgiving long since. I'll tell you been on the cruise ship since things give it. He just made it just I said, day ibblin. Yeah, I trying to give him a sea LANs, you know, yeah, but you know you get your sea lings a little quicker when you gotta walk. Oh, yes, many, ma'am. Uh huh, Well I met a white man on the trail. Oh did you now? Okay, Well you mean like a romantic interest or well he tried you know, yes, ma'am. We got to talking, uh huh about you know, just our passing lies and where we would being. And he was old, and you know, and I knew some people he knew, and then you know, it kind of ended abruptly. Well wait a minute, who who did you guys have in coming? Who did you know? Well? Do you know we knew some people, but the people we knew was in a different positions. What do you mean, Well, I knew somebody that was a slave, and he knew somebody on us leg I push push one of the legs of that walk up in his pants, bad pants, and I heard a pop. I didn't know what it was, but I just sw it and she did like it. I had to walk and I pushed you in his pants and I heard Then I pull it out now, but he had a pants on shore. We dry okay, So that conversation ended abruptly, like he said, you know, quick as it boy, he you want to hit nothing about your family history. If you're gonna go that route, you're stupid. Must didn't know who you was talking to. I don't know. I'm old, down baby old. D you meet anyone else interesting on the trip over? Well, I met an old white woman and we got a long good We was both taking the scoff time class together. Scoff Time. Tell your star you did? Oh, I know how to do it. Ain't nothing to do on the cruise ships. So I didn't win and took the class with the wife woman. Oh well, how did it go? Did you? Oh? You know, she kept tying hers in the knot, and I have good to go get a state night down at the down at the restaurant and come cut it off. But she choking herself to some She wasn't choking, she was just tying. Her bowl was in the knot. She can't see good. She got glock home and you know she ruined a bunch of scarf because I had to cut him off. You know, steak like it. Yeah, okay, so you were just kind of helping out in the scarf tying class. Yeah, you know, she didn't have it together. So I went on him. Oh, okay, did you save any souls? That's what I want to get to on the way over. Oh, you know I did. That was the hope that the first I went up there and saved the captain. What yep, say the captain? You got in the captain's quarters, went up that way, they dried, yes, ma'am. Uh huh today a five minute not when I didn't wasn't looking for it. I got a lof Oh. I just stumbled on it. I was trying to find the being gonna haul And the next thing I know what, I was up there and I said, whatever down there, he's usually black people playing being gonna somewhere all these white men. Uh huh. I just sat out the star whistling. You know. Witnesses told him he needs Jesus. You know he believes me though he was a music Christian. Anyway, he was good mate. Oh okay, all right, well that was a good thing. So I saved him, and then I saved the cook. You know, I didn't want to save the cook, but I like blessed food. So I went on and got him saved. Well, why don't you want to save him? Though, I mean, it seems like you would want to. I didn't know. I don't really know if he saved. He was from another country. I didn't know the language he was speaking, Oh, Peru or something. He was a Peruba Peruba people Peruvian from Peru. I don't know if he's from Peru. I just was a perof of people. I couldn't understand that he was shot. He was just up under my breast the whole time we were caught. So I was in the kitchen working with him and I just stood behind him. I just kept him up under my breast the whole time. That's kind of like having on the extra support, bro. You know, I just laid him on top of his head. He was cooking the little lass. Did you have some delicious meals while you were on the cruise? Yeah? You know, cro cruise food ain't that good. It's just a bunch of it. Oh. You know, they have all their lines and every time trying to make you think it's a lot of food. It's the same thing in all the lambs. You know, they're gonna have some fried chicken. They have a little bees, a little bit of fishing. They got all them jello moles that they make for old people. Yeah, I ain't jellying the jello moles, you know, decoratives. Some of them look like a dolphin. It was cute. Oh okay, all right, so I mean sounds like the cruise. It was pretty good. You met a few people, You lost a couple of people. Yes, saved a couple of souls. Yeah that's good. Yeah, we lost a couple of you know, people down cruise ships. Now, you know, they don't try not to you know, relating information. Oh I thought you were talking about other man. Oh well, I saw the man you killed him, and the woman was aging and she throw his ass overboard, and I ain't feel like canning roussel. We went on to the next part. She ain't say no name, saying ship introduced your own pump hand Frank good I heard coming up next the nephew would run that prank back right after. We're enabling him and let him do it hisself. Shall enabling man. You're listening hard Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and then entertainment news. Rapper and love and hip hop Atlanta star Young Uh has been shamed for his driving riot chair. Why it's a job, right, but he has responded, you know, young jock, he's not gonna sit by and be quiet. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour, but right now nephew is here with run that prank pack. What you got for his nast bad pot luck band pot luck? Okay, let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to fly on helper. Excuse me what you say? I'm trying to reach a Heather. Heather, how are you? Okay? Listen? I got your number from from Lois. Look, that's my mama. I'm my reach. I'm Lowis oldest son. Now wait wait excuse me, Lois. Who's Lowis? Okaways? Yes? Yes, yes, Hi, how are you? I'm good? You you you? You? You was at Mama themes house on New Year's Day? Yes? Yes, he was? Okay? What I got? What I got there? You was gone. But what I'm what I'm calling about it is you don't want made the black eyed peas? Right? I did you enjoy them? No? I enjoy them up. That's why I'm calling. Let me say this here, let me say this. No, no, no, come at work. You can't talk to me like this. Don't do that. Don't do that. Hey, whatever you gotta say, but please don't curse at me. Don't tek no, no, go to deal. You're my things. Got my checked up and I didn't have to go down to the doctor, get my stomach pump. I ain't got no damn insurance none. This you know this, this, this didn't have me messed up for the last week. Number for the loaness to tell you exactly, you know how up your damn peas is. Okay, first the fall, Okay, I told you I'm at work, I'm around all these white people. I can't talk to you the way I want to talk to you. But let me just tell you that. Don't call me what the dumb. First of all, it was a whole bunch of food there. How do you know how can you single out my damn beans that made you sit with all that got food there? You're not gonna blame me, get the fat of here. Mama beans said, you are the one to make the place. You don't give us your mama being said, it was all this food there and you're gonna single out my beans. Nobody else complained, you know what the day's date is, okay, and not one other person called me about them beans, And as a matter of fact, other people were complimenting me. So for you to call me with the dumb all late and wrong, you're gonna blame me high because you need a doctor's appointment. You should have got Obamacare when it was available to you. And how you want to call me with no no, no, no, no no, So you could tell somebody you're trying to blame somebody else's food, Joe things, mama's stummack up. And that's where that's where it falls down to. And at the end of the day, your friends about know the hell I ain't what doctor bill you said you want having shurance, So how does the hell is you Sean had to play out my pocket to get my stomach pumped? Okay, well taking care of if you paid off your pocket, that means the bill is playing so you can get you gonna reimburse me one No, I'm not going to reimburse you with okay. In fact, I got more beans for you since you got a problem with them. I got a whole bowl for you. Okay, how about because you're foolished, so if it made you, that's good for you. Hey, look look, I'm gonna tell you this here right now. Uh the bill was four hundred and seventy two dollars. I need four four hundred and sent me two dollars for your bulls things. No, no, no, no, you're not getting no money from me. And I need to go because I got work to do. I don't know what you got to do. Spend it all this time? Want to come pone and talk about something beings with all that food? So the rice didn't do it, the meat didn't do it. They had some other gravy. Gravy always people up that didn't do it. You want to sing about my beans? Out of here? Don't be calling me with this dumb you know what? Now? Company who gave me your number? Because I don't even know you. I do know your mom. I was little momaand mom Adan gave me your number. I called Mamma Dan passing out numbers. Well, I'm gonna call Mama Dean, and I'm gonna see if anybody else got sick, which I know they didn't because your ass is fullish so I'm gonna call her see if anybody got sick. How about we do it that way. And I also, I'm gonna call your mother. Okay, I'm gonna call Miss Louis and see why her dad son is calling me on the phone. Because this is something broke. I'm sick inside of this phone call. And nothing was wrong with my beans. If anything something wrong with you, and so take alcce of this, clear your ass out and keep it the moving. If you're gonna get off my phone, Okay, okay, okay, they say they say Tommy has some problem with the bees through. First of all, I don't even know no Tommy. I barely know your mom. I just know her by face. I don't even know her know her. So Tommy, you I'm calling Mama Deane. She ain't got no bodiness getting my mother number to nobody. This is what you what you want me to I've just told you I don't know anybody named Tommy. You can tell him whatever you want to tell him. And when you're trying to gain other people who want to jump on your side, it's not going to happen because nobody complained about the thing. Give me, give me another names because Tommy wasn't there. I know just about everybody that was there. What nobody named Tommy there? Okay, okay, so you're gonna say nephew nephew Tommy wasn't then what nephew tom Me is nephew from the Steve Harvey Martin Show and hever? You are you crazy? Your cover got me to break pak called at people walking by me looking at me because I'm about to get enough proble with you? Tommy? Are you crazy? As are good? I? Oh man, you got me? You got me want to take your black eyed peas back? Okay, good? Nobody can play. I'm sitting here like I knowing't get these people fat. You aren't gonna get no money. Tell me, tell me this is the badest, the baddest radio show in the land. Oh but you know it, but you know it's Steve Harvey Morning Sow. Oh my god, this is great. After twenty twenty two, you hell to keep cooking your beans. You are all right, thank you? Having a new year. All right, new year? And next year I probably pop up in Mamma Dean house here. You are welcome to come. You have to be careful, you know when you come to a pod luck, you need to make sure your food is legit. You understand you need to be careful this year. Okay, she said her beans is good. But I'm just saying, everybody out there, make sure your food is right when you go to a pod. Wow. That's real talk, sir. Okay, all right, just be careful, saying, ain't you gotta show you're gonna be at this? We get we'll be in public. Okay. Charlotte, North Carolina, the nephew coming baby to comedy zone. They sell him pass. I got one show Thursday, two, Friday to two, said to one Sunday, might add one. Just thinking about it, kind of you know, doing that Steve Harvey thing. I'm thinking about it. I might do it. It's possible, but the rest of them by gone, got a few. I'm scattered here. Might as well got nothing else to do, you dare, Yeah, might as well. And I'm all phone Monty, might as well do it. Why does that depend on whether you come to work the next day or night? Steve? You know what my mom said? Yeah, he worked a weekend. I end up passing, all right, dy working on Sunday night and then coming in here what is who don't understanding? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National news. Right after this, you're listening show and Entertainment news Loving Him Pop Atlanta star Young Jack was spotted driving well, not for Uber, not for Lift, but for a new ride share app called Pull Up and Go. Jock was a recently job pull Up and Go. Uh huh Job was recently job shamed for working as a ride share driver and recorded by a passenger who joined his ride. So the rider is trying to figure out if it was indeed Jock who was their driver, since he was wearing a pink hoodie that was hiding his face. Take a listen. You sound like somebody. ILL know, you sound like somebody I know. I mean, do you know? I don't know what's the name are you? I just want to ask a question, are you younger? Can you sound around? I mean, I think y'all put that point to go up. You must have felled off or something like yeah. I mean, I'm trying to figund like you're driving for pull Up and Go like rapping. I mean, I just felt like it's an easy way to get some easy money right here downside. I mean people. Okay, I think that's what? What what that? Ain't mad at him for working though? How is that your business? What you're tripping with him? For you in the car. At least he got a car to come get you. You don't have a car. People, Man, you must have fell off. Wow, that was straight disrespectful right there. Man, Man, Yeah, that was really crazy. But you know sometimes man, look, pull up and get out. Set back. It's just to set up for a comeback, That's all it is. People. People watch your scenes of your life and they see you having a bad scene, and here come all the movie critics to talk about your scene in the movie. Where that when you graduate? Where that when you get your job promotion? Where the movie critics at when y'all have your baby? Where y'all at when they see when you buy your new house? And the movie critics ad none of that. They only have the scenes in the movies where they get to be the critic. But hass sitting up in the ride share sharing a ride because she ain't got a car. Yeah, but but I love how how young Jock took it. After the story broke, Jock responded to the video and said, it's a fun way to make cash and then to show your kids how to make an honest living. Now what's wrong with that? Take a listen. So I'm a part of this organization around twenty five years, big brother, Big sisters, and a lot of times when we're talking to these kids and you you gotta lead by example, and sometimes like you have to show people you're not too big. You know what I'm saying. You have to show them what humility is and you're not too big too, you know, do the right thing about making an undersliving. I think a lot of times that's why our kids and even going straight, because they're too a shame, too prideful man to do something. It was one of those things. But you know how you just be You started challenging yourself to do something you ain't never did for folks. So it's kind of like a blacker list thing. But I mean, for anybody who really wants to do this, I think it's a dope ideal. I mean, I'm gonna tell you the most phenomenal part of this whole experience, from least going viral is the amount of support that I'm like, WHOA like because I just knew I was like oh man, they're gonna want to see it go. But I mean a lot a lot of celebrities that reached out people and hit my phone. I mean, Shoop said something. He's like Hustler's hustle, you know what I mean. Um, I just realized that maybe people are beginning to be a little more mature. I love it, Like, yeah, I really do. If you want to see Jock's response, to go to Steve OBFM or the Graham or Facebook. Okay, that's the I want to see the person that was in the car. That's who they're And you know what, a lot of times people don't do things things like this because they're afraid of what people will say and they don't want to be talked about and things like that. Come on. Yeah, anyway, all right, Steve, let's move on. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp very very much. As it is about eating, okay, and there's nothing wrong with that. Okay. Then there was six six Democratic presidential candidates took to the debate stage in Iowa last night. This latest group included Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, p boudhajj Amy Klobucher and STM. Sire. The topics range from who can beat Donald Trump to North Korea and especially what's going on in the Middle East. Warren we should stop asking our military to solve problems that cannot be solved militarily. We need to work with our allies. We need to use our economic tools, We need to use our diplomatic tools. Vice President, there's a difference between combat troops and leaving special forces in a position. I was part of the coalition to put together sixty eight countries to deal with stateless terror as well as failed states, not US alone, sixty eight countries. That's how we were able to defeat and end the Kala fight for Isis, they'll come back if we do not deal with them, and we do not have someone who can bring together the rest of the world to go with us to organize the effort to take them down. We can continue to remain engaged without having an endless commitment of ground troops. The very president who said he was going to end endless war, who pretended to have been against the war in Iraq all along, but we know that's not true, now has more troops going to the Middle East. Centator centers got five hundred thousand people sleeping out on the streets tonight. The American people are sick and tired of endless wars which have cost us trillions of dollars. By the way, Bernie Sanders denied telling Elizabeth Warren that a woman couldn't beat Trump. He says he didn't say it. She says he did. Not only did he did, but she pointed out later on that not only did Hillary Clinton actually beat Trump in the popular vote, that history has always been made. Back in the nineteen sixties, people asked could a Catholic win. Back in two thousand and eight, people asked if an African American could win. In both times, the Democratic Party stepped up and said yes, got behind their candidate, and we changed America. That's who we are the House folks today, on sending the articles of impeachment against Trump to the Senate California, thuarsay sixty people, including twenty children, stuff in minor injuries after a jet flying overhead dump gallons of fuel on them. The delta fly was heading back to Elix to make an emergency landing, and finally, had he lived today, would have been doctor Martin Luther King Junior's ninety first birthday. Now we celebrate the holiday on this coming Monday, but today would have actually been his ninety first had he still lived. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Sta Harvey Mourning Show. All right, time for a comedy break. Right here, Junior is here with things I've never seen? What is this, Junior? Yeah, you know, Tommy, this is a lot of things that you have never seen in your life. I mean it's some things like I know you old and everybody you probably have, but it's some things I know I ain't never seen. Like, for instance, I've never seen a shade treat mechanic with a car that's running in perfect condition. You ain't never seen it. So he gonna tell me everything wrong with my car, but with his back door missing, all is all running out the car from him and his hat. But he gonna tell me I need a new TRANSMITTI well, I've never seen it. I just ain't never seen it. Hear another thing I ain't never seen. I ain't never seen people in the South eat a meal without rice. If it's chicken and rice, beans and rice, why is rice on every plate. Rice, jes Rice, you know who I've never met. I've never met this person. I've never met a well rested African America. I've never met one. I ain't never seen it. Dog, I ain't never seen a well rested African American. Not just like that. How you doing? Man? Oh man? Job getting on my nerves? Wife, talking crazy to my kids. Won't live man, I'm tired. I'm just tired. You ain't never seen that. I've never seen a big person eat a meal without a diet beverage. I ain't never seen. Yeah, ham hock, you know, but then a diet coke on the side, As if that's gonna change something. I have never seen it. I hear you, Steve, I don't I know. I ain't. I ain't gonna do it. I ain't gonna getting done. No. Look, i've never seen a black funeral. What it is? No clowning going on? Yeah? No, not one. Not when you ain't ever seeing that. Somebody gonna get cussed out in front of the cast every time. These just things we've never seen. We ain't never seen anything. I've never seen Christmas, Valentine's and Halloween declaration being put up in the drug store. You just show up one day and they all hanking. That's true. You ain't never seen who hang this up. We don't know who that e. I ain't never seen a white person still a bike out of black neighborhood. I ain't never seen, never seen because they already all right, Thank you guys. Coming up in trending viral news, Popeyees gives Canadian family Canadian Family Feud contestants Steve ten thousand dollars in big prize something. We'll talk about it right after this. Was it money money money, We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show in trending viral video news, Steve, let's just you gotta hear this. A contestant from Family Feud Canada. You know they have family feud going on in Canada too. Eva du Bois may have messed up her family's chances at ten thousand dollars, but at least she's gonna have some good old Popeye's chicken. Take a listen to this. There's one question, only one answer. Whoever gets it you're playing for ten thousand dollars. That's it. Whoever guesses this wins the game. Here we go name Popeye's favorite food show me Chicken spine Jerry. She was confident with her changed. Well, mister family feud host, what do you have to say to that? That was actually pretty good? It was pretty good. It's funny. That was actually pretty good. That's funny. She thought he meant Popeyes Chicken as you can hear in the clip, but obviously he meant Popeye the Sailor Man. Well listen to this though. Popeyes Chicken, Popeyes Louisiana Chicken saw the video online. They tweeted the contestant. Her name was Eva. They told her they loved her answer and they would rewarding her ten thousand dollars worth of chicken. What nobody wants chicken? Hey, hey, watch your mouth, watch your mouth, Watch your mouth because one of the prizes over here in South Africa Family Feud, the family that loses, yeah, gets ten thousand dollars ten thousand ran worth of Kentucky Fried chicken for a year. No, yeah, so watch your mouth parting. Can you eat that much chicken any year? No? I don't know, but they're one of the top sponsors, so it's absolutely delicious over there. Wow. Well, congratulations, Yeah, just so you know, yeah, go ahead, go ahead. How many countries is family feud in? That was Canada right there? They all over, but most of it did they licensed to show we do? Oh alright, because I mean most most of the license our show. And then they are dubbed it, oh okay, especially in foreign language countries, and yeah, a lot of them do that. They tried, they couldn't quite get it, but they Canada said we have to have our own host, and you know, they couldn't quite cut the deal they wanted, so they got their own host. You know. Yeah, he sounded pretty cool. His name though his voice change that. But I didn't know you meant I would have took that right there. Yeah, I would have took that right there. We still be listening to that kid. Dog gay. I can't even tell you where we go on this Chicken Joe. You would dance and everything. I'd have been thinking the law. She wasn't black all of that, oh man. And she said the answer before the buzzer, really, I mean, you know, before it was complete. That was funny. Yeah, Chi ran chicken? How you how you chicken? Breakfast? Lunch? And what's going on in the wood y'all? Know what we had. What's for breakfast? Chicken? Chicken? Chicken? What's for lunch? Y'all come over. We're cooking out. What ya get that turkey off the table? Thanksgiving? Where we're not cooking out, we're just warming up this ship open. You're freezing nothing but chicken. Wow, chicken. Mama has just chicken on the grilla. Wise it fried cause it fried? Well look at it. If you want to see the video, go to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram or Facebook. Now, coming up next, the nephew in the building with the prank phone call. Right after this chicken. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for to day. This subject, Wow, this letter right here is painful, you guys. The subject he stole my wife from right up under me. Wow. But right now, nephew, if you're gonna do it, though, if you're gonna do it, that's how you do it. Right up Monday, somebody go, He's okay, right, Steve, Statements like that that gets your stone. Yeah, I'm just saying, get your hey, hey man, you can do your little prank statement right now. The nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today, nephew? Cough control, control, Yes, cough control, Let's go, let's go three two one. Come on, Kat, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Carl please, yeah, speaking, I call it mersul j Games over in human resources. Honey, how you doing. I'm good, I'm good. How are you doing today? Not bad? Is it? Okay? I'm sorry? What is this call about? Well, I gotta complaint that's been sent to us that we want to try to address and see if we can handle this in a in an orderly fashion. You've been over in the client services department for what last three four years? Now almost five years? Okay, we're getting some complaints Carla about you. I don't know if you're sick, but you're You seem to be coughing quite a bit, and there's people on that floor that are starting to complain about it is. Do we need to like give you some time off? Tell me what's going on with you? Oh? No, no, no, no, no, there must be a mistake. I mean I had a cold for a couple of days. That's sick. Yeah, I can't I can't imagine. Have you had a extension that's been going on longer than the week or two. Have you been coughing a lot? I don't. I don't. I don't count when I how many times I coughed, you know, I don't. I don't really understand. Well, let me let me, let me, let me tell you what we're gonna do, because you know, you've been with a long time, and we understand that, you know, the weather has been bananas, and you know, we want to make sure that everybody's accommodated. Now, what we've come up with just to try to accommodate everybody, We're gonna move you right now. I know you on the fourth floor, So we're gonna move you to the seventh floor in the next and the next couple of weeks where and you know there's that's kind of where um it's kind of like an area where there's more coughing people up there. No, no, no, oh no, no, no, that that won't be necessary. I'm I'm feeling much better. I've been at the same spot the entire time I've been with the company. I don't need to be moved to the seventh floor. I don't need to be moved for any health reasons. I'm doing fine and I'm good. You don't have to worry about hey, hey, let's slow down a minute, carlin um, and I understand where you're coming from. I know what. You don't want to be moved because you've been there and you're probably comfortable where you are. But they're asking that you wear one of the uh you know, surgical mask for two weeks until we get you up to the to the next what you got? You? You guys can't just move me? Are you gonna just moved me without asking me my side of the story. Well, if you're coughing out of control, you know you got, well listen to me. You got you know there's people and I complaining about me, Well, it must be the people that are actually right around you. I mean, I'm hearing she's spreading germs. They think you have the flu that some people are saying that's disgusting. You keep coughing and coughing, which was not That doesn't last for months. Like, I'm good, I'm all set. I had a little cold, but not enough to be moving me. Okay, Well let me tell you what it's doing. It's it's creating a real hostile environment, is what it's doing. No one said anything said maybe a god bless you once when I sneeze. I don't understand why any when we take this human resources. Are you saying, you guys want me to wear a mask? You we're gonna need as a tomorrow, starting tomorrow, tomorrow, it'll be we'll have that at your cubical tomorrow. No, that's not you guys can't just have me wearing a mask. It's the night before. I've never said it's a. It's a it's a it's a surgical man. You'll wear that for two weeks until until I can get you upstairs to where that's the coughing floor. We'll have you up there when people are coughing and nobody's gonna be complaining about you. That doesn't sound very hygienic to me. You're gonna it's not. It's but it's not hygienic of what's going on on your floor, your coffee and the people are complaining. Let me tell you something right now, I'm gonna appeal this decision. I'm not going to those seventh floor. I'm not wearing a mask. I'm feel good. If you guys want some health records, I can provide that for you. But shan ain't gonna have me moving an accent looking crazy just because somebody said I don't like that I caught we all cough in the winter. Okay, Carla, let's let's let's let's let's slow down. Okay. I want to try to help use. I want to help you want me to slow down, But you're the one to talking about moving me, making me wear a mask on in the in the morning, like, that's not right. No, okay, Carla, if you can't put the mask on tomorrow, I'm gonna have to ask you to not come in tomorrow. Now that decision is up to you. No, that decision is not up to me, because I want to appeal the decision for you. Who else can I talk to? Because this, this is this conversation is not this. We'll have this meeting next week. I will let you know when it is, but you can't come in until we have the meeting. At this point, all right, Oh, so, am I gonna get paid days off? You're not getting pay days off? You can come out. I can't talk to you anymore. You're not talking surgical matter and not thinking any sense. I can't talk to you, all right, you can piss me off. It is not right. None of this sounds legal right now. I need to talk to somebody else because because I can't right now. Do you want to wear the surgical that is the way I'm gonna allow you to work tomorrow. No, I'm not wearing the mask. Stop talking to me about a mask. I'm not sick. Well i'll do tomarts. I'm gonna go talk with them lawyer and my doctor and give y'all, give y'all something else to think about. Okay, Well, here's what we'll do. I will schedule you of meeting at eleven o'clock. It looks like we have something available on Wednesday of next week. No, no, no, no problem. Listen, you keep your damn meeting. You're the meeting. Will habits with the lawyer because I'm sure this is civil rights. A violation is something you can't do this, Okay. Would you like our lawyer to call your lawyer. I'm getting on to fall with you. I need to go get some legal advice. I can't be doing this with you right now. Okay, Well before you go, before you go, now, would you like to know who's complaining about you? Yeah, a matter of fact, I would like to know. I want to know exactly who complaining about Okay, Tommy is the one that's saying that you're calling all over the place. You don't put your hand over your mouth, you stit here. You who do you say, Tommy? There's no Tommy on my floor? You have the wrong person? Like, no, I don't. That's not complain about you, Tommy. Is that it's you? That doesn't make any sense because there is no Tommy on my floor. I don't even know it. Tommy, do you know a nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show? Do you know him? Oh, Cola, you just got pranked by your co worker de Vito. Baby. Oh my god, I'm sitting here having hot slashes struts out about the fry and looking on the internet for a lawyer. I can't. Oh my god, oh my god. Like I'm mad at you. Why did you take it that far? Though? You wait so far? You got to tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Listen? It's to Steve Harvey on his show that's for sure. Con control by Yeah, keep it stupid, man, got to keep it stupid, stupid, stupid. I'll be stupid all weekend long Thursday through Sunday in Charlotte, North Carolina. Take its own sale Saturday, Go on Sunday, gone, Got got some left for thirds, maybe a few on Friday. That nephew know how to do? What set it out? Coming up next Strawberry Letter. Subject he stole my wife right from under me. Wow. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships on sex, on work, on parenting, on dating, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We'll do our best to help you. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here right now. Book he love, hold on tight. We got a coint you here it is Strawberry Letter. This letter makes me sad right here. Subject he stole my wife from right up under me. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a hard working, faithful man. I was married for fifteen years to my college sweetheart. I never had any problems in my marriage until I tried to help out a friend. Here's what happened. My wife had a best friend and the friend was married to a big time cheater. We were always there for her if she was going through drama with her husband. Their marriage finally ended when her husband her cousin pregnant. She put him out of the house and he didn't have anywhere to go. So I talked my wife into letting him stay with us for a while so he could sort things out. The first week, he kept to himself, and he slept a whole lot when he wasn't at work. The second week, he started talking more. I came home from work one day and he and my wife had cooked together and we all sat and ate. Going into the third week, I sat down with him to see if he'd made other living arrangements. He informed me that he was very comfortable in my house, and he said my wife loved having him there. He told me that he could tell my wife needed to be loved properly, so he seduced her and he's been making love to her almost daily for the past two weeks. You can guess what happened next. I grabbed him and I slung him to the ground, and wife rushed in and yelled for me to stop. She said it was all true, and she apologized to me. Fast forward to the present. I have a new house. He's in my old house with my wife, and they are getting married when our divorce is final. He took my kindness for weakness and stole my wife from right up under me. I still want to put yeah, I still want to put hands on him, but there's no use in it because he already got my wife. It's going to be hard for me to trust another female. How could I move past this and find happiness again? Wow? Now you see why this letter makes me sad? This, I mean, just when you think you've heard it all, I'm just really sorry because you sound like a truly nice man. You sound like a nice guy. You know women ask all the time, we're the nice guys. You know there are no more nice guys. Well, this was truly a nice guy. These weren't even your friends. These were your wife's friends. She was your wife's best friend. You weren't even come on. You stepped in to help your wife's best friend's husband out. You didn't have to do any of this. You didn't have to do it, and I know you're probably asking yourself why you did. Now this loser and man, I'm being kind when I use that word. He stabbed you in your back so hard. Then he twisted that knife. Okay, but I can't blame him entirely because your wife played a big role. What is wrong with her? What is wrong with your wife? You guys have been college sweethearts and you've been married for fifteen years. So she lets this guy come in here, and after two weeks, she's sleeping with a guy and defending him, trying to pull you off him when he clearly deserved a beat down. He was very comfortable and not only living in your house, but you know, taking liberties with your wife and everything else. And now he's staying in your house. This is terrible. I blame your wife for allowing this to go down, but more than that, I blame him because you were just showing kindness to another man who needed it at the time. I think he overstayed. You allowed him to overstay. Three weeks is too long. He should have gotten it together by then and if he didn't, he should have moved on. How do you move on? One way is to hopefully, you know, get some female companionship in your life. That's one way you can do it, move forward and have happiness again. You say it's hard for you to trust females. All females aren't like that. I hope you know that. But you know, start slowly with friendship from a female and take it from there. You can move on and get past this. And you're gonna have to try and forget Steve. I don't see nothing about no moving only in this letter. This just about this letter. Yeah, I don't see them moving around. Started with my head. You married fifteen years to you, Kylas, sweetheart, got it, never had problems in marriage till I tried to help out a friend. Uh definition of friend. Here's what happened. My wife had a best friend. So this is your wife best friend, and the friend was married to a big time cheetah. Now nowhere in this letter really was you saying that this man was your friend, your wife's best friend, and the friend was married to a big time cheetah. We were always there for her when she was going through drama with her husband. Y'all were always there for her. Ya, you ain't mentioning this guy yet. Then the marriage finally ended when her husband got her cousin pregnant. Okay, understood, She put him out the house. He didn't have nowhere to go. So then you talk to your wife to let him stay with y'all for a while. When did he become your friend? But y'all was with the lady to help her through all the tru Then she put the man out. Now, y'all take him into what is y'all a shelter? You have to side now you got home, Oh damn shelter. Now. The first week he kept to himself, and he slept a lot when he wasn't at work. In the second week he started talking. Here the letter change. I come home from work one day here and my wife had cooked together, and we all sat down at eight this wet the letter in for me exactly this cooking together fall. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject of today's letter. He stole my wife from right up under me right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject he stole my wife right from under me, right from up under me this letter. Leave well, dude, be married to college sweetheart. They ain't have no problems. Her her best friend had and her friend her best friend her wife. Excuse me. His wife had a best friend who was married to a big time cheetah. Then y'all was always there for going through the drama with her husband. Then the marriage ended when her husband got her cousin pregnant. She put him out of the house. He didn't have anywhere to go, so I talked my wife and letting him stay with us so he could sort things out. First week to himself, slept a whole lot. Then he wasn't at work. The second week he started talking more. I come home from work one day he and my wife had cooked together, and we all sat down at eight cooking together for what. Ain't nobody here but me, you that I invited and my wife. Why it's two people cooking this damn meal. Three people don't require help in the kitchen. If your wife been cooking, it's just a little bit extra for one more half a cup more rice in the bowl uncooked that blows up to two damn cups of eight rice. Okay, now that's where we start having the problem with right now. Man. Going into the third week, I sat down with the man to see if he'd made other living arrangements. He informed me that he was very comfortable in my house right there. But see, I don't know, I don't even know how we have this conversation. There's nobody that Tommy, there's nobody that knows me. We can make this statement to me that I'm very comfortable in your house. And he said my wife loved having him that. Wow. See, I don't know nobody that really know me, that's can open open their mouth and say these damns says this ain't disrespectful. You who you think you're talking to? He told me he could tell my wife needed to be loved properly. Now, because the dude that's writing this letter is a little weak ass dude. I'm sorry man, this little weak ass dude. Because first of all, I can't write the letter into the type because he had to send it an email. You can't email from jail, so I couldn't even sent this letter. See there's no way I can send this because my ass in jail doc, What did you say to me? He told me he could tell my wife needed to be loved properly. What so he seduced her and he's been making love to her almost daily for the past two weeks. Hold that human can't say these words to me live and I sit down and type it. Dog, what I could tell your wife needed to be loved probly? That was it. I could tell your wife needed to be loved. That's it. That's it. All after that is asked for me all this hill. First of all, you you can tell my wife needed to be loved probably, That's when I stand up. I could tell your wife need Okay. Then he said he'd been making love to her for daily for the past You then told me you screwing my what you thought you could said? And then then then't now this this way? He tried to sound like a man. But I'm gonna tell you what. This didn't happen, y'all. He just didn't Yeah, no, no, no, no, he didn't do this right here, you can guess what happened next. No, no, see next, no, cat, I grabbed him and slung him to the ground. That ain't even how we fight. No. First, dog, I grabbed him and slung him to the ground, and he let you, this is a dude that's bold enough to tell you he can slept with your wife. I grabbed him and slung him to the ground, and my wife rushed in and yelled for me to stop. She said it was all true, and she apologized to me. What, yeah, you don't know how long it would have took her to get me off him. You know how many police cars would have been outside. He'd been all behind the refrigerator hiding. You know, I'm trying to kill this dude. Do you know what kitchen talk? I'm using everything, And fast forward to the present. She said it was all true, and she apologized to me. Fast forward to the president. I have a new house. He's in my old house with my wife, and they are getting married when our divorces final. What hey, dog, you living? You living in my house to one I'm paying for no man with her? No, no man, that's not happening. This, none of this is happening. This is unthinkable. And ain't no real man reading this letter going, well, you know, Steve, what could he do? We all be cause we all sitting there going the question would be what did not do. Yes, that's a short house on fire and kill everybody in here. We got yellow tape round to build chalk marks on the ground. We he didn't hiding the weapons. He got DNA everywhere. The man ain't got no frighten nails. Steve lead that's Steven A Comma and everybody else in the damn Cooma because that's what would have happened. Do you want to continue your Yes, we gotta take we gotta take a break. Read here, I see. You can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and see Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour, we're gonna have part three of today's Strawberry Letters, subject he stole my wife from right up under me. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening well, Steve, we were talking about this Strawberry Letter. You had a lot more to say on its subject he stole my wife from right up under me? Um, and just a quick recap recap he ended up sleeping with his wife, told him I was good, look at your wife until she needed to be loved properly. I'm in sleeping with her every day for the past two weeks. So you know what happened next. I grabbed him and slung him to the ground. What hello, Yeah, Ain't nobody gets stayed at nobody. We're in the kitchen talking. You told me you've been sleeping my wife for two weeks. Ain't nobody gets damned. Ain't nobody's head split open with a front. Ain't nobody got his face held down on the on, the on, the on, the eye with the gas on. Everybody got all the ligaments. I didn't. I didn't reach behind the stove and snatch the gas line out and stick it in your butt. I didn't. Now you go, now you're talking. Now. I didn't slam your head in the freezer, though nine times I ain't do that. I slung him to the ground. I grabbed him and slung him to the ground. Slung him to the ground. So you don't believe that, because that's not how you guys are, Shirley. You cannot tell no living man that I know that's marriage and put in time with a wife and a dude sitting in his house and say these words to him, and his reaction is I grabbed him and slung him to the ground. My wife yelled it and yelled for me to stop. So then he stopped. I so bad I can't even hear her. Yeah, ok, she need to get out the way while I'm throwing the blows in it. Damn. Yeah. Then he said, fast forward to the president. I got a new house. So you moved out your house, and there's a man that they moved in your house that's screwing your wife in that house. This house, ain't this house don't have no soot damage from the fire you sat. Yeah, you can actually live in this house. It ain't no water damage when the fire department comes. But ain't you ain't said nothing on fire. He's sleeping in the house, screwing your wife. You then win't got a new house, and they getting married when I divorced, and y'all ain't even divorced, so now you're still paying for this house. That he ain't sleeping with your wife. Pardner, I'm gonna tell you right now, and none of this happening with no dudes. I know. Okay, one of my best friend, Biggie Week, if you sit in and tell him you've been sleeping with his white man. This is not even a new story. We're all forty yeah, the greatest episode. Everybody on that block at their houses in jem the whole block. All right, this is an episode of Forensic five. The greatest wonder we gotta got coming up at the top of the hour. Some of the dirtiest places in the gym that can make you sick. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening, all right? Uh, well, you guys are really on this strawberry letter today as just the worst letter. Let me tell you what's the last I thought we heard it all? Steve, No, this right here, this because as men, I just don't know no man like this and him be type. And when this man said to this man he could tell, he told me he could tell my wife needed to be loved properly. So he seduced to us. He's been making love to her almost daily for two weeks. So if you're so you have, if you're so intuitive, if you got all this esp where you know how somebody thinking it feeling, you didn't know when you said this to me, what I was spending to do to you. You mean to tell me you didn't you didn't use all these powers you got. You thought that when you told me this, you didn't see none of this something to do to you. You didn't see your ass getting tied to the back of my bumper and drug down to the liquor stove so I can buy philth and bring your drag your hands back up to the house and finish whooping your hand. You didn't see Why are you Why are you sitting up in here being miss cleo. You ain't see this? Never helped me, steve nothing you and then you're you're sitting in my house. That's another impossible Tommy. How's he sitting in the man's house. You can't be in my house, I tell you. But though when I leave that house, I'm leaving with your private part in a zip. You won't ever use it again. No ice, Shirley, and with no ice, Yeah, we're not. This ain't fun repair. Now, everybody in this house sit down, use bad room. This This ain't gonna be for repair. You ain't putting this back on this. This is memorabili Now you're gonna be in the jaw coacher, pickle juice, Oh my metal piece? All right? Are you guys? Have you gotten it? All out. Now, don't you drink that. Don't touch it, Reggie, that's Reggie. Well. I don't want the wife to get off scott free either though I don't she was wrong. Why is it all jacket on one side? Cause I tow it out? Or we're gonna try to move on from the Strawberry Letter today. Listen to the podcast on demand, or you can go to Instagram and Facebook and check it out today. Okay, all right, we're gonna try and move on and talk about your gym. Now. Your gym is probably going to be a bit more crowded this month, you know, because everybody makes those New Year's resolutions to get in shape, you know, summer's coming, all of that. They want to get healthy. But while working out is definitely healthy for you, there's a at least one problem about the gym that's not so great for your health. And that's all the germs that you're going to be exposed to that can make you sick. Now, Wall Street has come out with a list of the dirtiest places in the gym that can make you sick. Number one, yoga mats. It's probably a good chance no one down. Yeah, Why while you say that that's good because I don't use Yeah, you guys, damn yoga. All right, well here's something you do, strength training equipment, dumb bails and stone. Yeah yeah, no, I'm good. I'm you know why she why I wear batters gloves whenever? Jim, alright? Not not not weightlifting? You don't have your fingers out. No, I wear batters gloves. I buy the gloves that football players catch footballs with. Oh okay, I wear them to the gym, so my hand is completely covered. Okay, you're safe because one report claims that weights have three hundred and sixty two times more bacteria than a toilet seat. What why now, I'm done, I'm done, yeah, part okay, right, yeah, so you just don't let all your muscles just wilk away because you don't want no toilet seat on your damn you know. Okay. Cardio machines, you know, the screens, the handles, all that, they're the they're yeah, they're among the most used machines, probably the least likely to be wiped down. Just feel all right? Coming up, MARM Today's trending stories of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back to filthy after this you're listening day morning show. Well it's Founders Week, guys, and today we want to shout out the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Ink. Uh, Tommy, your wife is an AKA, Yes she is. They called it J fifteen. They just then took our live J five. They called it J fifteen. So uh, Happy Founders Day to all the ladies of Alpha Capa, Alvis, Sarady and Corporady. We love you. You're pink and green, You're sweet, you're sexy, you look so smooth. And my baby is she ain't gonna be home tonight. I already know and already told y'all with my baby my latest tonight. You got these kids, make sure they get something to eat. Oh wow, So shout out to the pink and green today. That's Alpha Kappa, Alpha Incorporated. Where to go a kid? So Tommy, Yeah, Steve, what do you guys love most about being a part of a fraternity, Shirley were famous? Nothing. We have friendship. So the dudes that I've been friends with for forty years, man that we all got together in kan Koon. The one the ones I was closest to is twelve of us. That's really really close. And being with them twice this past in two thoy nineteen as Sad and Soul and at the Big Reunion that was my best I loved him boys right there. And then there's some other cues that I didn't pledge with, like like Ricky Lewis and Big co Quit and I missed my boy Grad Calhoun. There was my dudes. Man. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up to thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to this show and entertainment news, Love and hip hop Atlanta star Young Jack was spotted driving well not for Uber, not for Lift, but for a new ride share app called Pull Up and Go. Jock was a recently job pull Up and Go uh huh Job was recently job shamed for working as a ride share driver and recorded by a passenger who joined his ride. So the rider is trying to figure out if it was indeed Jock who was their driver, since he was wearing a pink hoodie that was hiding his face. Take a listen. You sound like somebody I know. You sound like somebody I know. I mean, why do you know? I don't know. What's the name are you. I just want to ask a question, are you younger? Can you come around? I mean I think you'll put that part together up. You must have fell off or something like. Yeah. I mean I'm trying to pretty wrong, like you're driving for pull up and go like lapping. I mean, I just felt like it's an easy way to get some easy money right here down time. I mean, people, you know what I'm saying. I really think that. Okay, I think that's what? What what that? Ain't mad at him from working? Thought him from working? Yeah? How is that your business? D don't know what you're tripping with him? For you in the car. At least he got a car to come get you. You don't have a car. People, Man, you must have fell off. That was straight disrespectful right there. Man, Yeah, that was really crazy. But you know, sometimes man, pull up and get out, set back. It's just to set up for a comeback, That's all it is. People. People watch your scenes of your life and they see you having a bad scene, and here come all the movie critics to talk about your scene in the movie where Dad, when you graduate, Where Dad, when you get your job promotion? Where the movie critics at when y'all have your baby where y'all at when they see when you buy your new house? And the movie critics at none of that. They only have the scenes in the movies where they get to be the critic. But ass sitting up in the ride share shar' a ride because she ain't got a car. Yeah that's so yeah, But but I love how how young Jock took it. After the story broke, Jack responded to the video and said, it's a fun way to make cash and then to show your kids how to make an honest living. Now, what's wrong with that? Take a listen. So I'm a part of this this organization around twenty five years, Big Brother BIS System, and a lot of times when we're talking to these kids and you you gotta lead by example, and sometimes like you have to show people you're not too big, you know what I'm saying. You have to show them what humility is and you're not too big too, you know, do the right thing by making an undersliving. I think a lot of times that's why our kids and even adults going straight because they're too a shame and too prideful man to do something. It was one of those things. But you know how you just be you started challenging yourself to do something you ain't never did a folk I love it, I love it, Yeah, I really. Coming up next is our last break of today and Steve of course, is going to have some closing remarks for us. That's coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, here we go, last break of the day. It's been a good days the last breakdown. Thank you, Jay, Anthony brown Boy, Yeah, you're miss Terry back Jay, definitely, Carlos out today. Carl will be back tomorrow though, and uh yeah, it's been a good day though, thank you guys. Yeah, it's always fun starting off a good year so far. I'm in love with twenty twenty. Yeah, that's going good. Yes, got some great projects coming up. Really, man, it's so it's so much on the horizon if you look at it, man, and it's it's just it's it's amazing how some people don't view the things the right way. And I think that's probably going to be more my closing remarks. It's kind of talk about you. Okay, well let's get it. Let's go. Steve. No time like the present. I um wanted to just go on and talk about this subject for a minute because I think it's an important thing for us to talk about, because so many people view things not the right way. They just take the wrong approach to it, and mostly it's just negative. Mostly it's just negative. And I want to offer you a couple of things, man, that I've learned over the years, and people have sent me quotes and messages and plaques, and I've had a lot of really cool people. May give me some great jewels, some pearls of wisdom that have helped me out and have a lot of situations. I don't care what you do. We are all going to experience life. Life touches, all of us. None of us are exempt. We are going to experience grief, high moments, victories, defeats, wins, losses, hurdles that we've overcome, hurdles that will knock us completely down. We will fall into trenches and ditches. We will be not square dead on our back. We will be jumped from behind, we will will be sideswiped, we will be sucker punched. We're gonna get snuck. We're going to soar. We're going to win. We're going to thrive, We're gonna fly, We're gonna crash, We're gonna burn, I said, burned, but not burned up though this is life. But let me tell you something that I think Lee Haney gave me this. One time I was going through something and he was telling me he was gonna pray for me. And then he always he said something to me. One time. He says, Steve, pain always leaves a gift. I said what, and he said it again, he said, pain always leaves a gift, and I said, woe. And so I started thinking about it, and I said, Wow, you know something that's true every painful moment I've had in my life that God has brought me through, when I look back on it, when he pulled me through the other side of it, when I got beyond it, I learned something so valuable that when that same pain happened again, it didn't affect me the same way it did the first time, because that pain that I had had left me a wonderful gift. And you know what that gift usually is experience. Experience is a wonderful teacher, it really is, man, and failure is an even better teacher. Failure teaches you lessons that you never forget because ain't no lesson and like a vault lesson. So remember, everybody, you are going to experience life, and there's heaven flows to life. But when you get in some pain and God bring you on the other side, get you through it, and you able to balance yourself after this over with, it leaves you a gift. Always. See, a lot of people are suffering from anxiety. And you know, and I was kind of reading this today a little bit like this, and you gotta watch anxiety, man, because anxiety usually happens when you peer into the future and you don't take God with you. Boy, this would laid me out today. Anxiety, the leading one of the leading cause of anxiety is when you peer into the future and you don't take God with you. See, if you don't count God into the future, and you think about the future that you can't control, that you can't bring about, that you can't we all are wishing to existence. If you just go out into the future, well what if he do this? And what if they say that? And I don't think I don't be a man if I don't get this in time, I ain't gonna have that. Man, they gotta have all this money in by the sixteenth of June. It's January. If I don't get this money in June. Wait a minute, you're tripping today. You're going to have an anxiety today over something that's happening in June. Don't you know that God or be there with you in June. Don't you know that God is probably already there waiting on you. He see all this stuff down the road. All you want for you to do is turn around and have relationship with him so he can give you the stripped wisdom, an understanding to cope with what's happening to you. Stop looking into the future tripping, and don't take God on the futuristic trip with you. It's okay to fant aside, but man, put God in your fantasy. Lord. Man, if we do this, Lord and I get there and you wouldn't, and it'll change your perspective. So y'all remember, paint always leaves a wonderful gift and anxiety. Usually it's bought about. When you peer into the future and you don't take God with you, take him everywhere, it'll change your perspective. Always SPI marks trop it about to go home. There you go. God just wants us to count on him, that's all. I'll have a great weekend. Man. I'm done for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.