Sister O'dell, The Carters, Junior Poetry, State of the Union and more.

Published Feb 5, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The crew discuss last night's State of the Union Address. Sister O'dell gives us her opinion on what happened last night. Rihanna has been named President's Award Recipient for the NAACP Image Awards. The Carters are making headlines for sitting down during the National Anthem. Junior has some V-Day poetry just for the ladies. The crew point out the obvious from the State of the Union Address. Donald Trump may need a refresher course in geography. Do you have a hiding spot in your house that is for me time? Megan Thee Stallion has a photo that has people talking. Today in Closing Remarks, we take a trip down memory lane, plus more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the mother just like theming buck bus things and its cubs me true good Steve har listening to movie together for ste Please by, I don't join by joined me to be doing me? Have you gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn turn, got to turn out to turn the water the water come come on your back that it h huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice come off dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Wow man, how good has God been to me? You know? Today? Let me get right to it because I'm I'm kind of feeling this today, and I'm pretty sure that's just quite a few of you who go through the same things today. Today was just a little tough morning for me because I didn't want to leave home yesterday. You don't want to stay home a little I'd just gotten home, you know, I gotta go again, and sometimes, you know, just the weight of all that you have to do just gets on you sometimes and sometimes you don't feel like doing it today. Huh. You know, I'm just talking to those who feel this way every now and then, and I'm assuming that would be everybody, because I don't know nobody who can just ply through this thing without having those days. Well, what do you do when it gets hard to stay up? What do you do when it gets hard to be positive? What do you do when it seems like things aren't happening for you fast enough or in the time frame that you thought it was going. What do you do? And the reason that I guess I chose to speak about this this morning is because I'm having one of those days. Because I had one of those days yesterday. It's just a tough day. I really can't explain. It's nothing really in particular bad happened. It's just I think the weight of all that's going on started to feel heavy to me. And so what do you do when you when you have days like that, when it's hard to be positive, when it's hard to stay up? Okay, here's what I had to start doing this morning. Now I haven't completed it. Can I just be real with you. Haven't completed it, but I am processing it out because I know what to do. You know, been there done that I didn't had that pain before, I know what to do. You know, if I sprain my finger, I know what to do. Now. You know the first sprain I had, O Lord, I thought it was broke. I thought I got me handac half. But now if I spray my finger, I know what to do. So since I've been in this position, in this hole so many times before, and God has always gotten me through it, I decided I've got to start the process today. Want to hear are some things now I'm gonna get to the big one last. And one of the things I do is I remember the plan, sit down, and I consciously think about the goals I've set. I go over see. I've gotten mine down on an iPad so I can pull them out anywhere I am and pull them up. And I've got two lists that I've made. I've got a list of things that I know I can accomplish if I just keep working hard, and if some couple of things just fall into place that I can see. Then I got a list of things that I'm planning on accomplishing. And then I have a second list. And the heading of this list is called only God can help me Now. And on this list it's things that I'm aspiring for or things that I'm hoping to that in order for them to happen, I absolutely have to have God's help. That's my favorite list. It's the list that I have of the things that I don't see no way it can happen. I'm just operating on faith and the hope that God hear me, and so sometimes, man, when you gotta when I have this list of who only God can help me, now that list is stuff that I cannot see. I'm just operating on faith that God is so much bigger than me, that he's so much more capable than I am, that I can actually acquire some things in my life, as he's proven to me time and time again up to this point, that He's willing to do for me. If I'm willing to just give him some of my life. That's only why I can't explain my existence today. You know, I began the conversation with my wife, how do I write a book that becomes so wildly successful? That would be God. That's only God. Because if you can plan to sit down and write a wildly successful book, I'd have Benden sat down and did it, and so would you. So That would be God. How it got purchased to become a movie when that was not my intent when I wrote the book at all. Again, that would be God. Right, there has to be, because if I can't explain it and it is by no doing of my own, then who did it? So when I get down in days like this, I remember the goal. I remember the plan. I remember the journey. I think about of all the things God has bought me to how did I even get to this point? Yeah? I might be having a little bummer of a day. Yeah I was a little down yesterday. Yeah, my bio rhythms is off, whatever they want to call it. Yeah, I'm just having one of those days. I feel a little bit heavy. I need a vacation real bad. I need some time off to just go and regenerate. But right now, man, I ain't got that. So guess what I do. I gotta start remembering the plan. I gotta start remembering the goals. I gotta start thinking about all the things that God has done for me and he he has bought me this far, and the blessings that I have instead of what I don't have. And that's what I'm in the process of doing. This morning, and on the commercial breaks, I'm gonna pull out my iPad and I'm gonna go over my two lists, and I'm gonna read my little list of what I think I can accomplish, and I'm gonna really read that only God can help Me now list, because that's the list that's big. That's the part where I've been telling y'all, I said, quit telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big your God is. See. And that's why I got to sit down and do this morning. And then sometimes, man, you got to stay still. That's the other part. You got to stay still. You gotta quit moving for a second, because sometimes it feel like you're running on a treadmill and you really ain't you going somewhere, but it feel like you're running on a treadmill. Well, when you get that feeling, sometimes you got to stay still. And then when you stay still, sometimes you gotta fight to stay positive. Sometimes you gotta fight not to let the devil win. You're in a fight, mam. I told you this. Now you're in a fight now, So trying to get you to get on that positive train so he can get you off the faith train. So God's delivery package that's coming to you built on your faith that you can. He can shake your faith and get you to thinking negative and then he wins. See. So when you start feeling negative, just know that that's the other force trying to throw your off track. And when you get through it all that He is the key, the big one. You want me tell it. You gots to pray, man, You got to pray. You gotta take it to God. You gotta say, hey, God, look I'm having one of these days. I need your help. I got business to take care of. You got blessings in front of me. You got stuff you to ship to me. You got blessings and packages that's on the way. I need to be sitting on Faith streets so I can receive the delivery when you get there. What I don't want to do is be it on be on doubted Way or or lack of Understanding Parkway, or Pity Parkway or some street like that, and the package keep going by. I need to be standing and sitting on Faith Street so when you drop that package down to me, I can go on and get it. You feel me, You gots to pray, You got to stay still, you gotta fight to stay positive. You gotta remember the plan. You gotta go over the goals. Come on, man, God and brought you too far, Come on, pick yourself up today. I'm talking to Steve Harvey this morning. Hope y'all didn't mind you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, might have your undivided attention. Please, This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We are live, we are vivid, we are well. I am the leader of a group of inherently talented people. For various reasons, I must say, ladies and gentlemen, Shirley strong Berry, good morning, Steve Harvey, Ladies and gentlemen, the boy junior boy, morning up, morning everybody. And now ladies and gentlemen with our father Adude again without father Adu, nephew tump y'r sid Ya sid side, top of the moaning. This Wednesday, Baby, big day, Big day to day every now. Last night on the State of the Union, every time Donald Trump opened his mouth and completed the sentence, they stood. And it's the motion humiliating thing, right that I know some of the people got to go, don't we really standing up again? Hello? Yeah? But what's funny is one side be standing the other side be sitting down. Yeah, so it's so lopside. They stood up again. I don't care what he says. Yeah, he's making his case for his reelection. This is the night he will do that, or that was the night now the Democrats was sitting there like his ass wasn't even talking. The impeachment is not gonna work. We'd have tried everything. He's deal Hill. I don't think Nancay ever looked up at it. Yeah, she was sitting right behind him, right behind you. I don't know what she was doing with that paperwork though. Did she have his? He looked like she had homeworkers. Yeah, she was like, we're doing her bills him. Yeah, she hasn't gone yet. No, she doing her bills and she's helping her grandkids with their homework. You know where you're gonna carry the one in this house where he wants to put it, stupid ass people gonna change math and don't carry the one where you're gonna have. You're gonna have too much money. It's what you're gonna have. Pence be having a stern look on histat Yeah, yeah he's different. We are never going back. He said that they stood up the Democrats. Yeah, boy, they they They flipped over the Kamala hats one time. She looked like, I wish I would clap. I ain't even men to run it? No, damn, Why am I clap? Why am I here? And the Iowa Caucus, man, you know, the Democrats, we are messing up so bad. We can't get nothing right. But remember when Obama was in office, you were saying the same thing about the Republicans. This is crazy politics. What do the caucus do? All right? Listen? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna move on here some inside of something funny. Sister O'Dell will be in the building. I think she can break a lot of things down for us. That's coming up right after this. You're listening, all right, So guys, before we get to sister Odell, we want to remind you that coming up next hour, we're going to talk about again. You don't cut into my time. You know, you don't do that. A Shwedi was and trying. Now you said when you went on the break that he was sitting to be sister old dad coming up. Then, the first thing you want to say is you know, talking about you know before we brain was? She him, Well, okay, I just wanted to say, we're gonna we were gonna talk a little bit more about President Trump's third State of the Union. The girl I saw that, what is we talking? Girl? It was just it was one of the craziest things I ever seen. You know, white folks is evil towards one an up what he means. You know, half of him was sitting there like he wasn't talking. The other half was standing up like he said the most brilliant I'd ever heard. And then Donald Trump his isn't And he don't even look at the other side. He kept his eyes on the Republicans the whole time. You got Democrats over hill. But she that's the whole reason, that's the whole problem with him being the president in the first place, because he want to be inclusive. He never looked over that at him. That's true. That's true that he said because of all of this, it would be hard to work with them moving forward. Now that he did say that, to look at him, he just looked out over that at a whole time. But I did like the way to military, they don't stand up claud for a damn what you think of happening today? Though? Is he gonna get him? Peach nor Jesus Now, they're not fitting to do that. White men's ain't fitting to lose their power and money that's caused another white man is ignorant. Ain't nobody fitting to do that? You must ain't been in America alone with the white white man. He's gonna let her know that white man foolishness mess upday paper. No, No, it ain't fitting to happen, sweeten? What else is going on? Whoa remember Herman came, sister O'Dell, he was at the thing last night. He was he was at the State of the Union address. I was uh huh, well, you know he ran at one time, he was vying for the presidency of the United States as well. But he dropped out, and I was just wondering, did you know him or I knew he was daddy? Oh really, Herman Kane's daddy? Who was Herman Kane? Daddy? Hug him? Look you got me with mister mister sugar Kane. Yeah, how did you meet him, sister Odell? Mister sugar Yane. Well, you know he was all working at a at a club. You know, we had a jig joint that we would go too late at night some time, and he was an all performer after our performer. Oh okay, and his name, his name was Herman Cane singing oh oh so sugar wasn't like a nickname. I gave that to him. Oh oh, you gave it to You gave him that nickname. Well, sugar Cane with the sweet thing. It is amazing the people, you know, I know some of everyone. Did you see Nancy Pelosi sitting right behind them? You know, I likes Nancy. She'd be shop you know, she's a shop old kid. I likes Nancy. Nancy sitting up there, you know, it's sort of weird though. She just kind of looked like she wanted to stab him. No, the whole time, she was just looking take her ice pick and probably that in your neck that, you know. But then you know she was he's a proff fashiona right. Yeah, she's a politician. Yeah, there's kept it going. She kept on, you know, dog on shame. I was waiting on him to say somewhere everybody would stand up. He never did. That did not happen. Yeah, yeah, if he said uh, I won't be running in November, and maybe everybody everybody on it. All the people were shaking their head on that other side, the women's in white and everything. Yeah yeah, you know, yeah, so um. I like the women in whites because they look like the missionaries at I thought I had recognized two of them, but oh you wasn't them. What's ceter O'Dell? Do you have any idea of who you might give your vote to this November? Well, as soon as one of them say something that means makes some sense, I'm gonna start thinking about it. Right now, I don't really know because the Democrats is kind of you know, they're stupid now because they got First of all, they had too many people's running. I told y'all long time ago, who need to come on out of that? Everybody I said, need to come out and come out of anything. Corey got out. Didn't say that. Comla got out. Because they're not fitting to have a president named comic Obama. They're not fit to have a woman named Kamala. That's what they're not gonna do. Shit. Well, if there is, it won't be this year. Okay, Well, let's get off politics for a minute. Since tell huh happy Black History Month? Who? Yes, I love this month here because I've been such a part of it. Ask me anything and I tell you something property that you don't know about Black Here. Let's go ahead. Uh, we need to carry this overcause this is interesting now that we is in the early part of h the other black history monk. Well you know what, sister, since you mentioned, I just saw it something. Yesterday was the late Rosa Parks birthday. Oh that's my girl, Rose. Oh you knew my girl. I knew Rosa really, he doubt I never made it into history books. But I was sitting next to her when the white man totally get up and I said, we ain't moving. No, damn where you was next to Rosa sitting right down? Oh that took me off to jail because I pulled a pistol out of my purse. I said, make me move back. Then supposed to be non violence, yea, mar Louver King hadn't done none yet. Okay, yeah, he ain't come on after that, and time to do the prank, right and Nephew, tell me we'll do run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and also inside of entertainment news. Rihanna will be honored with the NAACP President's Award. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour. Uh. Nephew Tommy is also here to run that prank back. But our special guest, sister Odell, our family member, the mother of my lord. So any other black history monks you want to ask me about questions? Okay, ego wants h were you around when the Tuskegee Airman first thought? M hell was he was? I used to cook for him. I used to make a special soup made him fly high. What kind of soupsp Okay? Everybody drinking? Yes, just the most well so much. Now you know it's you know it's leap years. That's twenty nine days this year. Oh yeah, this show is what do you suggest people that's born on the twenty nine because they don't really get the birthday off time every four years, Well, you don't need one. If birthdays only twenty nine, kiss sit the next year out? Would you please introduce the next the canon the pranks Nephew the timey uber herst Uber herst Let's go Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read Shawan please yeah up, Hey Sean, how are you doing this? My name is Brian. Um, I got you on schedule. Um, you you ordered the Uber for tomorrow morning. I'm I think you're okay? You are you? Are you schedule go to the airport? Correct? Absolutely? Yeah? Okay, And I want to make sure you you wanted an suv. Yeah, I wanted the suv okay, and that's ninety two eleven West when that's correct? Okay, all right, all right, So I'll be outside tomorrow morning. You were talking about seven p seven am pickup. Correct, that's it, you got it. Everything's on point, okay, all right, so listen, I wanted to let you know this man, you ordered the suv. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there probably a little bit before seven am. You know, when you guys order Uber way in advance, you know, we try to get there almost like a car service, and make sure we get you where you gotta go. And I know the traffic is gonna be a little crazy, so um, you know I'll be there on time. I'll be downstairs waiting on you. All right, I'd appreciate it now, listen. I'm I'm I'm an SUV, but it's a kind of a little different. So that's why I kind of the reason for the call. I wanted to kind of give your heads up that I am an SUV. So I just want want you to look for the h the black hurse that'll be outside hurts. Yeah, I'll be in a black hurse tomorrow morning. Seven ms uh Okay, okay, it's a suv or hurts. No, No, it's a hurt. It's a hurse. Actually, what's happening is is I have another drop off at the airport as well. You know, there's a I mean, it's it's it won't affect you at all. There'll there'll be a body in the back, but that has to we're trying to get that to the airport too. But you know, like I said, and a matter of fact, it is like body waiting the whole man, No, I ain't body. Well, there's a I mean, there'll be a body, but actually it's just causing you less, you know what I'm saying. So you don't have to man, Well I'm supposed to lay down and so what what you're talking about? Man, dude, it'll ain't ride when the body. Hang on. Man, listen, you wanted to suv. I'm not ride when the body. Dude, you're tripping, cancel the trip. I'll get another over. I'm not riding with a body. Dude, Okay, if you cancel, that's gonna cause you fifty dollars. Fifty dollars, oh man, yeah, like you. I just downloaded the here's the deal. I know for a fact. When you cancel over just five dollars, I'm canceling, that's gonna be five hours. I's gonna be no fifty dollars. It's gonna be fifty dollars, sir, it's a different one. You have, my man, you can pay me a thousand dollars. I'm not riding with a quo You feel me the understanding, You understand you now. But do you want to get to the airport or not? Look, why don't you lay down next to the body and you drive yourself there with the quoity like in the path to just see I'm not doing it. Tell me what the problem is. I mean, obviously you're used to driving around with bodies and that's not my thing. You know what I'm saying. What's the problem. I mean, you're gonna be in the front of the hurst, You're not gonna be in the back. We'll put my bodies in the back, put your luggage in the back. I mean, that'll be fine, right, you're my man. You're tripping, man, this is crazy. You're calling wrong with this crazy book. Dude. I'm not doing none of that. What part of that? Don't you understand. I'm going to get you there on time, sir, but it's going to be in a hurse. That's all the difference is. Man, You'll be riding and hurs when I'm supposed to be laid out. And you understand right now you got me fucked up? What kind of phone call? Is this? What I mean, what's what's the problem. Obviously you're used to rolling with with dead bodies or hearses and all that. Since when it over start rolling with hearses to pick up regular lot more, because to get them from place to place. This is some crazy I want you to think. When when did you think that it would just be cool or as a regular picking up a body and just driving around in the street. I don't know, man, I mean, you know I got two jobs. You know what I'm saying, I do you know, and also you know, work for a mortuary to you know what I'm saying, so you know, but my vehicle is is certified and approved it so I'm able to use it as an suv. So you you calling him is and you gave him ride a lot more and they don't have no reaction, no reaction to riding around with them embodying the back. Well, you know, sometimes there's a few people acting a little, you know, a little. It's a little different for him. I get it, you know, But like I said, the only reason why I'm calling you obviously you don't get that because you're trying to hit me with a fifty dollars in charge that I'm not I'm not going for and you're trying to get me to ride with him and that body. Dude, I'm not doing that. So I'll tell you what, brou I'm gonna tell you this right here. I'm gonna get all the phone tomorrow and seven in the morning, me and Tommy gonna be here. So be looking forward here. Who's Timmy the body? No, No, Me and Tommy gonna be there tomorrow morning at seven mayhem. You know what I'm saying, just be ready for that. Then you're Timmy gonna have a problem. Okay, okay, all right, tell it to Tommy though, because see Tommy, don't Tommy don't take this too kindly, So tell it to him in the morning. Who's Timmy? He's now? Okay, you don't know who Tommy is? No, don't what the it's Tommy? Okay, dude. You know Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Do you know, nephew Tommy? Oh, come on, man, hey, oh man, oh man. That's hey hey man, I no, man, your boy. You got a boy named Chase that you work with. Chase gave me your number, told me to get your call. Oh man, Yeah, I'm gonna put that one in a herse. Man. Oh hey man, you gotta give me one more thing. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey man, I pick you up at seth my right, be there, all right, nephew going up at the top of the hour. Yeah, Entertainment and National. She's stood here right at her. He crushed you out about it. You're listening to show well in today's entertainment news. Rihanna will be honored with the NAACP President's Award this year. NAACP President Derek Johnson will give the award to re at the fifty first This will be the fifty first in ACP Image Awards. The award goes to individuals who are highly accomplished and have a history of distinguished public service. Mister Johnson says Rihanna has not only enjoyed a groundbreaking career as an artist and musician, but has also distinguished herself as a stellar public servant. From her business achievements through fenty to her tremendous record as an activist and phil philanthropist. Rihanna Epitomiz is the type of character, grace, and devotion to justice that we seek to highlight in our President's Award. That is great news for Rihanna and her camp, I'm sure and so deserving, you know. The awards air of February twenty second on b ET. Yeah all right, So in other news, I'm sure you guys have heard about this and other entertainment news, Colin Kaepernick is scratching his head over Jay Z's and Beyonce's display of solidarity at the Super Bowl, jay Z and Beyonce chose to remain seated during the national anthem, though they didn't speak on the gesture at first, and everybody was speculating that they were protesting in all of this, but it comes to come to find out that is not the case. Jay Z has responded anyway. Colin Kaepernick, you know, said he shared a picture of the story about Jay and Beyonce sit out with the caption reading, I thought we were past kneeling. Though that's a reference. Remember when jay Z made those comments on September of last year, he did a press conference and say we're past that, We're moving on. So anyway, jay Z has responded, Okay, He says he and Beyonce sitting through the Star Spangled banner at the Super Bowl on Sunday was absolutely not a protest of any sort. It was simply two moguls hard at work. Jay was at Columbia University Tuesday. He addressed the video that TMZ Sports first posted on Sunday showing Jay B and Blue Ivy seated as Demilovado sang the national anthem. But let's make this clear as well, they weren't the only people seated. There were a lot of people. Yeah, but they're the most famous. Columbia professor asked him if he remained seated to convey a signal, and Jay quickly replied it actually wasn't. Sorry, you know he and Beyonce, He said, Beyonce told him he was thinking what Demi must have been going through in the seconds before starting the national anthem, and as Jay put it, Beyonce's performed at the at the super Bowl before and I haven't. So there you have it. His response to why Ian Bay were sitting by were sitting down, Okay, it wasn't a big protest against the national anthem. They weren't trying to start anything, nothing like that. It's nothing. Yeah, it's nothing like he said. It actually wasn't sorry nothing. Yeah, they just blowing up something. Yeah, you guys want to make something out of it, but yeah, he does, he does. A lot of people were saying, if you don't like the country, yea, you can I tell y'all something. Do you know how many people in them sweets sit down when the national anthem come up? They'd be talking. Most people don't even know it's playing any I'm telling y'all right, now, man, there's so many people in them sweets sitting down because they don't even know what's going on. Ye talk right. Yeah, it took me a minute before I realized that they was doing a national anthem. I just happened to be standing because I was over there making a hot thought. Yeah, so you turned around, got right then. I just waited till it was over for I eat it. Yeah, all right, Steve, Time to get caught up on today's headlines. Please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trip and here we go with the news. Good morning, everybody. President Trump delivered to Stay the Union's speech to a joint session of the Congress last night. Yeah, you all know that it was mostly upbeat. He stuck to his script. He made no reference to his impeachment and trial. He peppered his presentation with talk about what he feels he's done for African Americans. But he did bestow a well earned honor on a black American hero, Charles McGee, one of the last surviving Tuskegee airman, the first black fighter pilots. After more than one hundred and thirty combat missions in World Two, he came back home to a country still struggling for civil rights, and went on to serve America in Korea and Vietnam. A few weeks ago, assigned a bill promoting Charles McGee to Brigadier General General McGee. Our nation salutes you, Thank you, sir, and Charles McGee turned one hundred. By the way, just a few days ago. However, Trump did sound some familiar themes, like he called Obamacare socialism and call for an end to healthcare for people who are here illegally in California and other states. Their systems are totally out of control, costing taxpayers vast and unaffordable amounts of money. If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal alien sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left. But if you believe that we should defend American patients and American seniors, then stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free government health care for illegal aliens. By the way, everybody's talking about the fact that Trump refused to cordially shake how speaking Nancy Pelosi's hand as per tradition, and begin when he came in and she ripped up her copy of his speech as he delivered it. The Senate's vital vote and impeachment, by the way, takes place this afternoon at scheduled for four pm. The vote scheduled to be a formal acquittal of the president. And now about seventy one percent of the precincts counted in Iowa. The top two vote getters or Bernie Sanders, who led the popular vote, and far Meya Buddha Jedge, who got more delegates. Buddha Jedge, of course, clearly elated campaign that some said should have no business even making this attempt, has taken its place at the front of this race to replace the current president. After that was Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Amy Klobucher, and Andrew Yang in that order. For years, the Iowa vote has been considered indicative of the way the nation would vote. However, in recent years many others point out that the mostly white state is out of step with the rest of this increasingly diverse country. Finally, today's national sack of mailman day. Oh yeah, not back to the Steve Robbie Morning Show. You're listening show? Well, well, well, our resident poet Junior is here with the poet for today, a poem for it today? What you got for Yeah? Yeah, you know. I was up late last night. It hit me about two thirty a m. Four. I came in this morning sound and I'm saying I was like, oh my gosh, thanks Giving. Thanks you mean the holiday? Yeah, yeah, it's in November, right, but Valentine's Yes, it is next week. Okay. Yeah, So I thought about I said, oh my god, I need something to write to be thankful for these women. They don't they don't hand nobody writing this type of stuff for that. This this up and see where you're going. Yeah, sure this is like this, like right next to Prince. It's like same type of love. Okay, come on, yeah time, I mean, don't this is just hit me. You know when Lord used you, he just gotta let him us, Okay the Lord. Yeah, okay, you tell me when you find I'm gonna like it. Valentine's Day poem from Jim Okay, here it is. Valentine's Day is coming up. It's around the corner. You need to get a special one, a gift so your buddy won't be a loner. Now. It could be flowers, candy or bad and even some cash is always nice. Even a six pack of beer if it's just kept cold and on ice. Bud light anyone. Now they say it's not the gift, it's the thought that always counts. Show up empty handed on Valentine's Day and they'll ask your ass to bounce we out? God, I can't believe I came up with that. Lord that Julie me either? Who? What is you blowing for? What? This woo? Fuck? Catch your bro? Who? When when the spirit come upon you? On a board? Boy? Who? You better blame that on this spear? What was that? Last? The last two last? None of his poems had any rhythm. Show up empty handed on Valentine's Day and they'll ask your ass to bounce we out? Who? Who? Who? You bud light anyone? I don't know how he does? Wow? Ok? All I can say is wow. I know stop crying, sir something. Hallmark will take any of these poems. Now, your rhythm is off, like read the full lines again, watch this here. Valentine's Day is coming up. In fact, it's around the coma. You need to get that special one a gift so your bob won't be alone? Who understand name? You gotta go? We gotta go, please, junior. No, mo, We'll be back. You're listening to show well. Last night was President Trump's third State of the Union address, and it took place in front of a joint session of Congress in the House Chamber. The President's speech was a day after the Iowa Democratic Caucus hot mess. What was that? Okay? The President was introduced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. That was awkward, to say the least, because we know they don't particularly care for each other, at least in public. Anyway, quite a few House Democrats boycott at the President's State of the Union address, including Representative Alexandria Occasio Cortez from New York, also the president of First Lady Milania. Trump had a list of invited guests from working leaders to single moms, to a student from Philly for the school choice initiative, and brave military families. Uh. Like he said, Steve, he could barely get a word out of or a sentence before the Senate. Those Republicans, I've never seen anybody getting that man standing ovations. You know what? Uh didn't they? Uh there's one of the military men they had stand up from Cleveland, Ohio. UM, one of the surviving Tuskegee admin, first black fighter pilot. He also happens to be this young man's great grandfather that he stood up there, wants to be a astronaut. When he's um, you know, they pulled. They had about five black people stand up. You know, ain't hardly no white people. He had no white people stand up. He had mostly black people standing up, you know, blacks for Trump. No, No, they wasn't. It was just you know, he had picked up a survivor from a post post you know, post war syndrome whatever they call it pd PTSD. He was black, had a young dude that was wanted to be a astronaut. He was black, had the one hundred years servicemen from Tuskegee. But that's what they want you to think. Black for Trump. Well that that he cares. Yeah, I got And he doesn't know any No, there are there are no black cabinet members, with the exception of Ben Carson. Yeah, but yeah, her director. And he don't think he black, No, he black, he'd just be sleep. Yeah, he doesn't know. He's actually a cool dude, what he does with surgery and everything. Yeah, he's great, great, great great. Yeah. Well, while the Democratic party's official response to the president's address was given by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders delivered his own rebuttal last night. And speaking of Congress, the Senate is expected to vote today and we know they're probably going to acquit Trump on two articles of impeachment that were passed by the House in December that accused the president of abusing his power and obstructing Congress in his pursuit to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate his political opponents. So there you go. Yeah, yeah, man, Well, I mean when they acquit him, because we know what's going to happen, then that clears the way for him to really go at the Democrats. Now, you know, either that will start asking more countries for money. Yeah, and you know his official campaign will kick off with that. You know, what a way to start it. Yeah, yeah, what a way to start it. But we have to do our due diligence as well. And we have to get out there and vote. We have to do you know. I mean, even if he wins, at least you can say it wasn't because I didn't cast my vote. Yeah, And you have to vote. Yeah, and look and look, y'all. I understand the frustration with the political system. I get it. I agree with what a lot of people are saying about it. But uh, listen, you know, we have to cast our vote. Too many people paid the price for us to be able to do this. We have to vote. I don't care who you vote for, but we got to get out here and vote. But if you do not vote in this election, you are handing it to him. Yeah, you cannot sit this one out, are handing it? I care? Yeah, yeah, Well, I mean it's up to us now. It is just up to us, and we have to cast our votes, you know. Anyway, all right, you can go to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram or Facebook to comment on the State of the Union speech. Coming up next the Nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. I think we'll have Sister O'Dell in on this one. The subject is should I just hush and stay on the main line wait till you hear this one? Right now? Though the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call? What do you have for us today? Next to some of these kids just don't learn? What do you mean? Okay, your baby going back to pre k? Your baby going back to pre k. That's right, and flunked out. Yes, back, that's right. Let's go. Come one. Yes, I'm trying to reach miss Thomas. Please. My name is mister Stapleton. I'm actually the principle over at elementary school. You're I'm looking at my records indicating that your son, Thomas is going to be starting his first grade. Ready, right, listen, miss Thomas. Um, I've been going through actually all of the children's records that will be starting school, and I'm looking at your son's grades from his kindergarten. Well, no, not exactly. I mean there's been a few. Uh. I actually spoke with the teacher who he was under in kindergarten, and it seems like he just really wasn't up to par as the rest of the children. Now, his conduct now, he talked, but he gets his work. So what else is she saying on that that ain't right? Well, what's what it seems to be, ma'am is that his grades weren't up to par as the rest of the other children. She did tell me he was a disobedient child. No, disobedient and talking two different things. Come on, okay, well man, listen. What we've decided here is we're gonna let a little actually do another year of kindergarten. No, y'all ain't gonna let him do another year of kindergarten. No, sir man, that's that's the only choice I have. No. We got our letter in the mail with our report card the week after school started, and it said on the back promoted. And if I got to get about this couch and go get it, I'm gonna be dot because I'm telling you right now we will be in the first grade. Kindergarten won that hard. I'm not sure what they told you about him, but it must be the wrong. Well, I understanding. He's he doesn't color as well as arrested kids. He's all he's out of the lines when he color. He doesn't know his numbers completely. And that's kind of what we need when you first come into into the first grade. When I can show you on this paper he did satisfactory all the way through. Now you about the mai off and I'm already sick calling me with some about my son blank and kender garden. He ain't that kind of does not color well? Man, Listen, color ain't gonna do with the dad guard kindergarten. He is going to the first grade. And I'll be down there on August twenty fourth. Mom, I will not be able to allow you to get in the school on August when you were mister, I'm sorry, and let me get Let's tell you what. Let me go in and get my pencil and pen because I don't live that far from this school. And if y'all aren't read it down there causing some comfort, I need to get up and go down there because I'm not telling my baby when he come home the day that he ain't going to the dad come first. Man. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna have to refuse education from him on August. You know what, I just went back and put him in public school. I know that was a stake in the first place. Food which I'm talking about some coloring. Give me your name again, sir Stapleton. Man, And what's that number down there? The number here is actually area code. Women. I got the number them. Mind, I pulled up this report card. I got the number in your name on the back of this paper. I'll tell you what, August twenty fourth will be coming in there, going to school, and I might make a trip around that this evening when I come from the doctor. The bottom line is, I'm not want to hear that. Ain't got na do with nothing else. It's not only color, he's a rhythm of tickets back. No, are you working with him at home? Are you doing anything at home day? What you're trying to say, I'm an incompetent parent. I'm just asking, as a parent, are you working with your child? Working with my child every day? He can read better than you? Problemly, No, he can't read. I'm an I can't read better than you because honestly, you read that role on that paper that he's supposed to be going back to kindergarten when I know the paper saying from it going to the first grade. And I'm not listening to no more this about him going backwards. Now, if you got a problem with your paper work, maybe you need to go talk to your secretary of somebody in there that wrote my baby name down, your name, your son's name Thomas Man. No, it ain't him, baby, I know it ain't him. You're not gonna sit up and tell me my son is flocking kindergarden. He is not going back to that kindergarten. Don't bring your son down here, August. I call you once, be ready to up me and my husband, But we will be down there a four backpack, shoe uniform. Everything you hear me, I will not be able to love him and education right now. I would come down there right now and make that correction on that paper for you. Can you is not going back to no kindergarten for no coloring? Can you bring him down him and let him color for me? So I can't you tell my color in the rhythm and taking out yourselves? No? Uh no, I'm sorry. We would be down there. I was the twenty four. I would have this poor card in my head that says you have been promoted to the first broad that he gonna have a smile on his face, and so are you. I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you listening to me? I'm listening. You ain't saying nothing. Yeah, you better say something that sounds like the first grade because I'm not playing. I would go down to this day. I'm administrative office, and I had fine because my son would be in that first grade. Are you raising your voice? Who are you raising your voice? You talk cra to me. I'm talk cresident in what. I'm a grown woman. I don't need to be explained to you. Why I'm trying to Did you graduate? Honey? I am a college degree person. I have a great job. My husband and I do well for ourselves and for our children, and that's why we're not. You're not You're not even at work right now. Man, That's it. I'm sat phone. I told you that when you call him writing on the doctor to call me now a partner missing my phone call? Can you color because your son can't color? Why? God? Question is that? Can't ask me? Can I color? Why are you white and black? You ask me so? I miss me? I'm not color. No, I ask you? Can you color? Like some racist lines and that? Can you color? No? I'm my coloring and me my color ain't got nothing to do with none of this is just a race thing. No, he's trying to make sure you send him back. No, I'm not trying to send him back. I want to send him back to color to get his coloring together. You what that ain't got nothing to do with nothing. And if you're the head person down there now, you aren't competent and you aren't in a literate Call me and tell me that my son has to go back to the first grad. I got one more thing. You don't want you mixed up? I'll tell you what. I'm through with this guy. I'm through with this case. I'm gonna say one more thing, and I'm gonna be out here. Are you listening, I'm listening. That's his nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend, Felicia. I'm gonna be Felicia's. I am gonna beat You're about to get to the plank. I mean I'm writing now and everything everything. I'm gonna beat her because you know I don't play when it comes to back. That's all right, all right, but one more question. Now, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve Baby put a little classic on you. That town shirt. I threw a little classic on you. He don't play kids. I got that Comedy laugh Fest is jumping off Baby Valentine's weekend on the fourteenth. We will be in Cleveland, Ohio. On the fifteenth, Cincinnati, Ohio and on the sixteenth Memphis Tenner Seed. That's the Comedy laugh Fest. That's me Ain't send you the Entertainer, DL Hughley, Dion Cole and Earthquake hosted by Yours truly neph You tim me tickets on steal right now laying in and cut, Montgomery, Alabama. That's March the fourteenth, Saturday night at the Montgomery Performing Arts Center. The Nephew will be the front end center acting a dog on food. Takes on sale at the box office are at all ticket Master out lest the food is coming to town Way moignittant a plank off. And may I suggest if if you guys, you know, need to stretch for time or anything, you should bring Junior out and he could do a pole. Yeah, y'all of comedy. That's why they called me the little junior boy. Don't you see stand here to stretch time out all you want. I ain't got nothing else to do but on me. You can count. There's my pawn. I drew him just about almost any time. Most of my poems hardy ever makes sense. All right. If you can't stand these palms, that really ain't my fault. You probably the same person that don't like pepper a salt. Thank you, Steve, Thank you nephew. Next Strawberry Letter. Should I just hush and stay on the main line. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Yes, Steve, can I tell you something about this beach last night? Donald Trump head more black people stand up in that crowd that has ever been to his house tolding, and you don't know none of them. Don't try to trick us. Okay, We're way smarter than that. Buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. Thank you nephew. Subject. Should I just hush and stay on the main line? To Stephen Shirley. I've been married for eleven years to a very religious man. When I say my husband loves the Lord, he loves the Lord. He is five years older than me, and he dedicated his life to Christ three years before meeting me. He said it was a Lord that led him to me. Because of him, I got saved and really got into the church. I am a faithful Christian, but I can't quote scriptures like he can. I am constantly reminded that he's more familiar with religion than I am, and he likes to tell me that he has a much better relationship with Jesus than I do. If he's angry with me, he says terrible things like God is not pleased with how I conduct myself as a wife, and I don't carry myself as a woman of God would. If I ask him what I'm doing wrong, he shuts me down and tells me to go talk to Jesus. I asked him to stop saying mean things to me whenever he's upset, and his response is always, you can take it up with Jesus. I used to love the fact that my husband is such a godly man, but lately I am starting to resent him, and he's making me not want to even go to church anymore. We have the same problems that all married couples have, but I can't work through any of our problems or talk to him about anything because he tells me to go talk to Jesus instead of him. My breaking point came last Friday when I tried to talk to him about a conflict I had at work, and he told me that if I prayed more and talked less, even everything in my life would be just fine. We have reached the point where religion is going to destroy our marriage. I've researched how people being how people can be too holy, and my husband is one of those people. I can't continue living like this. I need your advice. Should I talk to him and get counseling or should I keep my mouth shut and stay on the main line. Well, I just got to tell you this first of all, Religion is not destroying your marriage. It's not going to destroy your marriage. I think it's your crazy, self righteous, holier than thou husband that's who's going to destroy your marriage. I mean, he's he is right about one thing. You should take it up with Jesus because only Jesus can fix him, all right, because you certainly can't right now. And by the way, I'm sure you know this, but the way he acts towards you his wife is very ungodly, is very unjudgment it's very judgmental, it's very disrespectful. If the Lord, like he says, truly led him to you, don't you think the Lord would have also, uh, you know, shown him, shown him how to treat you, you know, and all of those things. I gotta tell you there are a lot of non Christian men who don't even know the Lord, non religious men who treat their wives like Queen's way better than he treats you. And you're right married couples Christian whoever, they have issues and they need to be discussed and work through. Uh. He's stubborn, like I said, he's disrespectful, he's closed minded, he has an attitude when it comes to you. He doesn't want to talk to you his wife. He's not the Christian that he claims to be. Just and just because a person can quote scripture, that doesn't make him God's favorite little Christian man. That just doesn't do it. I mean, yeah, I mean to save your marriage of course I would try to talk to him. I would do it lovingly, respectfully, and I would also seek some sort of marriage counseling in this situation, if they offered at your church, even though you said you're feeling like you don't want to go anymore, but something has to be done. You know, I must warn you your husband, mister perfect, he's probably not gonna want to do any marriage counselor. He's probably gonna say, take it up with Jesus. I just think you should go take it up with a marriage counselor at your church. Steve, should I just hush and stay on the main line. Now, you shouldn't, because you in some mess been married eleven years, very religious man. When I say my husband loves a Lord, he loves the Lord. He's five years older than me, and he dedicated his life to Christ three years before meeting me. He said it was a Lord that led me to him. Because of him, I got saved and really got into the church. Here's a problem with your husband, and he loves the Lord so much that he now has fixed it in his mind, and it is trying to convince everybody that he loves the Lord more than anybody else. In order to love the Lord more than anybody else, you must not love some other people, which is what he is doing. Which is what he is doing, this man right here, because of him, you went to church and you got saved. But I can't quote scriptures like he can. You don't have to. He ain't living by him, he just quoting them. I'm constantly reminded that he's more familiar with religion than I am. And he likes to tell me that he got a much better relationship with Jesus than I do. How does he know that? How does he know that? And you know what my father always told me, if somebody always got to tell you who they are and what they do, it probably ain't true. It probably ain't true. This wonderful relationship be talking about with God, but he keeps doing ungodless stuff when he's angry with me, says terrible things like God is not pleased with how duck myself as the while as a wife, what he might. God might not be real happy with your duties as a husband either. You don't seem like you popping that on all corks, chump hold on, Steve won't call him something else with you know church boy. Yeah. Part two of Steve's response coming up today's subject. Should I just hush and stay on the main line? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve? Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter? Or should I just hush and stay on the main line? No, you shouldn't, because you're married to this food. Now. He's bigger Christian than everybody I know. People like that. He got you into the church and everything, but now he did talking to you. He more familiar with the religion than you are. He likes to tell me that he got a much better relationship with Jesus than I do. How does he know that? He just took credit for it? Once again the words of Smith Harvey. If somebody always got to tell you who they are and what they do, it probably ain't true. And I have found that in my life. All the time he's angry. He says terrible things to you, like God is not pleased with how I conduct myself as a wife, and I don't care myself as a woman of God. Then when I ask you what I'm doing wrong, he shut me down. Tell me talk to Jesus. I'm asking you time he shuts me down and tells me to go talk to Jesus. I'm asking you because Jesus ain't told me to shut him sitting down nowhere? What am I doing wrong? Because jess ain't said I was doing nothing wrong. I've asked him to stop saying mean things to me whenever he's upsetting. His response is, you could tell it up with Jesus. I took it out with Jesus. He told me to tell you you're going to hell? How about that? Yeah, mister Holy Moses, Holy Moses, you're about to start telling him stuff that he know ain't true. You ain't all that, You ain't the wife you're supposed to be, and you ain't you ain't Moses, right, you can take it up with Jesus. What Lazarus start saying stuff to you? Then you're just thrown a little bit of the Bible at him that you do know. I'm starting to resent him, and he's making me not want to even go to church no more. You know why you don't want to go to church no more? Because that ain't what church supposed to be. See, that's why you don't like a church supposed to churches for six people, sick people. That's why he died there, because he's sick. Huh yeah, sitting up in him. We got the same couple that all man. We got the same problems all man couples have. But I can't work through any of our problems because when I try to talk to him about anything, he telled me to talk to Jesus instead of him. I didn't imagine Jesus. I married you, ain't Lord, that's the same vibe. Leave all others and cleve only uncle him. But that time when I come you, you're telling me to talk to Jesus. I wanted to talk to my husband. Joe black ass sitting up in here reading the Vible every day. You ain't in the bad and you ain't doing nothing in the bad room. Since we're bringing it up, how about that? How about that, mister fat stomached man sitting up in here, Take it up with Jesus. Eleven years of marriage. My breaking point came last Friday when I tried to talk to him about the conflict I had to work. He told me if I prayed more and talk less, everything in my life would be fine. If I had another husband, my life would be fine. I'm trying to conqu your fat ass. I've researched how people can be too holy? You fat holy roll up, you're doing that. My husband is one of these people. I can't continue living like this up in here, listening to all listen mess and he ain't doing nothing to make me want to stay. Ain't frying the chicken and baking in the bedroom. He ain't doing nothing. We're sitting up and here reading scriptures. Did we fall asleep? I want to fall asleep. I want to get put to sleep. You gotta start snapping back at him. Should I try to talk to him and get counseling or should I just keep my mouth shut and stay on the main line. You know what this dude reminds me because I know people like this holier than that. Yeah you haven't. You know some people that are so saved that they ain't saved? Yeah? I mean, man, you know somebody, Man, every time you talked to you know, these people, you call their house, they still got answering machines. They got all of the Book of Corinthians on their answer machine. Don't nobody even read Corinthians? No nobody ever say you ever read First Corinthians because he don't. Nobody read first Chrinia, second Thrinthia. No, nobody do that. They always got that on that. I can't stand on people. How you doing? Blessing highly favored? Yeah, I saw your car down on A thirty. It was up on block exactly. Guess the blessings ran out on your car. You just all the time, lover like I love the church. Come on now, hey, listen, we gotta get out of here, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand, please and coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Chiefs fans want the president to know his geography. Please. What are you doing there? Oh, you didn't hear about this. It is between Kansas and Missouri. Okay, Kansas City and Missouri. This is crazy. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show well. Super Bowl champ Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes was the guest star at a Disney World parade. He brought along eighteen Make a Wish Foundation children and Disney Parks donated one million dollars to make a wish. Next stop for the Chiefs will be a parade in downtown Kansas City. And guys, remember President Trump's tweet. We'll just read a little part of it. Okay. It says, congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game. You represented the great state of Kansas and in fact, the entire USA so very well. Our country is proud of you. He must have missed geography. Lesson, Well, mister President, the Kansas City Chiefs play in the state of Missouri. Oh wait, what did he say? He said, congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs, Steve on a great game. You represented it, You represented the great state of Kansas, and in fact, the entire USA so very well, a country is proud of you. We got a dude in the White House in there. I mean, everybody makes mistakes, true, Come on, the President of these United States MC junior, meet you in time. We can make that mistake. He can't. He can't. He makes every day though. What the fact, been in Kansas City and nowhe's in Missouri. Better know where that Langridge? Yeah, man, they see it's about the bridge. Man. Yeah. Okay, So we don't live in Kansas. We don't live in Missouri. But Dave, who is from Kansas City, who's still high from the Yeah he's still happy. Chief. Yeah, let's ask a day. Does it matter? Does it matter whether it's Kansas or Missouri? Depend to get on the mic. Yes, it matters. That's a lot. That's now the city goes into both states. Right, but Arrowhead is in Missouri on purpose. Yeah matters because that's to show me. Stay congratulations Dave too. Also Steve. This super Bowl was the tenth most watched super Bowl in history. Uh more people tuned in and the last three years because of New England Patriots. Uh weren't. We're not playing so all right, Trump at the thing at the NFL. Honest, come on, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm still working. Oh you mean, yeah, I ain't no, hell, I ain't gonna say nothing. All right, guys, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, today's office topic. Do you have a hiding place in your home to just have a few minutes alone? Yeah? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening, all right, So guys, here's a question for you. Do you have a hiding place in your home to just have a few minutes alone, you know. I mean everybody should have someplace, some little getaway place that they can have some me time. For instance, some women like to have what they call a she shed or a small room that they can read in or just chill in. I you know what, I love the bathroom. Men usually go into the garage or their man cave or the basement or someplace. Do you take an extended break in your home hiding place? Do you do it every day? Is the question? Or does your family know not to disturb you when you're in your favorite room or you're hiding place. Come on, Steve, I know you take time for yourself. Yeah, I've always done that. Yeah, I go, I go to San Diego. You lead a house, Yeah, get the hell out. Can't follow me down now, Damn. Grandkids know how to use the elevating everything. I'll be Damn, I'm going to San Diego. It's beautiful there. I don't care if it is. They not there. Clearly you got one. Yeah, I love. I will be in my bathroom for our words, in the bathroom, in the bath because I have a TV in there, and you know I do my makeup, you know. Yeah, I don't mean the water. You don't mean the toilet. No, no, no, I don't spend most of my time. I spend most of my time in the band. No, no, no, not there. I just out. Yeah, that's a separate with the van. I got my TV right in front of the toilet and a computer. Now that's how you go from Now, that's how you. I don't miss nothing goes when I'm watching the game. I just get up going in the bathroom. It's on the wall right in front of you. Yeah, I ain't done that up a little high where you can keep your head up. You don't want to look even keep your head or get digestive tracking more open the slight. What about you tell me I'm in my theater. I can get away from in the theater. Don't you hear that? Rich Yeah? Yeah, yeah, you said a rich ass statement. And I ain't saying that. You said, my kids on my grand baby's on the elevator. I ain't saying nothing about your elevating in your house. And I ain't because I ain't gonna go ahead teeth rooms. I thought I had it limited. Okay, all right, Well pass his elevator on my theater. Hey, junior, which one of your rooms in your house is your theater? Yeah, let's hear from the poet. I a theater. What I had to do is take some some drapes and put them on the side of the TeV. Make my ass a theater with them. I'm gonna make a theater. Hold on, y'all, come out to kitchen. Drapes gonna catch you. I'm gonna make a thill. That boy, Paula must be nice. I ain't been here. I go to my theater. That the nothing. I can't say nothing. How many seats in the theater. I'm not telling so many? They can't find him in there? Job, shut up, steve theater, go down front. If down now, I've benna, take my head down. Ain't look in the brock and and see where you are down? Ask me where I go to get away? That's all I said. Man, Well the Lord is still blessing blessing you. Man, I didn't even know I'm saying. If you're talking to you like you, he had one. I got changed. I talked to you. How are you talking to him in front like he hand? No theaters? Now he gotta th I gotta changed. I talked to him, man, Miss the nephew. Now, hey, miss nephew, what time you go down to the dead head head? So, Steve, in case you don't make it to San Diego, what room in your home do you go to? Where do you go? I'll go all the way down to the face. Bite done, man, this little man cave I got. Oh? Okay, all right, see ye all right, coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and we'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour, right after this. What yeah, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right? So, uh, Junior, this story's for you, okay, So lessen about the shirt. Good news. You're Houston girl. You know she's so hot right now. Megan the Stallion is stomping out rumors after a video of rapper g Easy cuddling up on Meg the Stallion and smooching on her at a party made the rounds. Did you see it? I mean he was just kissing all over. They were lying down. It was cute, she said, as L O L. All right, now, you all know you got your jokes and everything, but I'm not fffing G Easy. That's what she said when one of her followers products, so why is he sucking the makeup off your right cheek like that? Hodi Megan responded, he liked fenty with a shrug, finy Rihanna's makeup line, and that's what she wears. G Easy probably had chocolate teeth when man he makeup on it. I saw it was cute. Actually, so they really don't have nothing going on, sir, Well that's what she says. Yeah, but I mean if they're cuddled up like that, you know, it would make people think if I'm kissing your face in public, I'm on my waist on one and something, we're doing something. Well, yeah, we can't be simp He just kissing and they didn't happening. No, I ain't just got a mouthful of makeup. We're going further than this. Well, if you got a wife a lot of kissing without happenings, don't know that. Yeah, I've been disappointed. Oh, it always has to lead to something. Well, we would like it or two? All right, Morva Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news stories coming up for thirty four After the hour. You're listening to show well in today's entertainment news. Rihanna will be honored with the NAACP President's Award this year. In ACP President Derek Johnson will give the award to re Re at the fifty first. This will be the fifty first in ACP Image Awards. The award goes to individuals who are highly accomplished and have a history of distinguished public service. Mister Johnson says Rihanna has not only enjoyed a groundbreaking career as an artist and musician, but has also distinguished herself as a stellar public servant. From her business achievements through fenty to her tremendous record as an activist and philanthropista. Epitomizes the type of character, grace, and devotion to justice that we seek to highlight in our President's Award. That is great news for Rihanna and her camp, I'm sure and so deserving. You know. The awards air February twenty second on b ET. Yeah all right, So in other news, I'm sure you guys have heard about this and other entertainment news, Colin Kaepernick is scratching his head over Jay Z's and Beyonce's display of solidarity at the Super Bowl, jay Z and Beyonce chose to remain seated during the national anthem, though they didn't speak on the gesture at first, and everybody was speculating that they were protesting in all of this, but it comes to come to find out that is not the case. Jay Z has responded anyway. Colin Kaepernick, you know, said he shared a picture of the story about Jay and Beyonce sit out with the caption reading, I thought we were past kneeling though that's a reference. Remember when jay Z made those comments on September of last year, he did a press conference and say we're past that. We're moving on. Anyway. Jay Z has responded, okay, He says he and Beyonce sitting through the Star Spangled banner at the Super Bowl on Sunday was absolutely not a protest of any sort. It was simply two moguls hard at work. Jay was at Columbia University Tuesday. He addressed the video that TMZ Sports first posted on Sunday showing Jay B and Blue Ivy seated as Demi Levado sang the national anthem. But let's make this clear as well, they weren't the only people seated. There were a lot of people, Yeah, but they're the most famous. Columbia professor asked him if he remained seated to convey a signal, and Jay quickly replied it actually wasn't. Sorry, you know, he and Beyonce, he said, Beyonce told him she was saying what Demmy must have been going through in the seconds before starting the national anthem. And as Jay put it, Beyonce's performed at the super Bowl before and I haven't. So there you have it. His response to why he and Bay were sitting by were sitting down. Okay, it wasn't a big protest against the national anthem. They weren't trying to start anything, nothing like that. It's nothing. Yeah, all right, coming up our last break of the day, Our very last break. It's the last break of the day. Thank you, Steve, and of course Steve will have some closing remarks. That's all coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening all right here we are, guys, last break of the day on this Wednesday, big newsday. It's going to be today after the Senate votes on whether they will impeach the president or not. They're not going to do. Yeah, we know and none. Yeah we know, but it's the biggest farce ever. Yeah. Yeah. We need to get ourselves together though, and register to vote and get ready to go to work this November on election day. Can't stress that enough. We just can't. So it's been a good day otherwise. Yeah, I was younger. Is this like really like Nixon all over again? No, because Nixon's got put out. Yeah he um No, that's when the country actually designed up pale their oath as senators and congressmen to uphold the Constitution. They won't do that now. They they turned down the opportunity for a hearing with no witnesses. You can't have any witnesses and we can't show any document. And if it wasn't all today, so they've changed all that. I think right now. I hate to tell you this, but I think that politics from now in this country is forever change. Oh yeah, and I don't I think when he gets out, I don't think they'll ever go back because there is a young senator, congressman, or somebody billionaire who has watched this man become president with this type of behavior, this rhetoric, and this recklessness, and it's going to use that to give themselves a shot. I think he has forever changed it. And the Republican Party has themselves to blame for allowing their candidate to conduct himself in this way and go along with it. Let him tell as many lies as he's told due to things he's done, be as corrupt and immoral as you can be in that office, and people know about it, and you still have them that. Yeah, I mean the lies alone, just the lies alone. It's heading towards twenty thousand. Since he's been in office. This is all a lie, and that's a lot of lies. And I just want to say, from somebody who ain't got no problem, line twenty is a lot. Yeah. I mean the numbers actually like um sixteen and sixteen thousand and some change, but it's heading towards you know, that's a lot of lies. I hadn't a lot. I was sixteen thousand. I hadn't told him many lives when I was sixteen and I was at the height of line. You was on your way when I was a teenager. That's all idea was lot. I never said anything truthful. But I agree with you, though politics has forever changed. Um, you know, the truth, the truth doesn't matter anymore. The truth doesn't matter, morals don't matter. And this country has supported the most immoral president we've ever had. That. He openly said it, and I'm telling you right now, man's a dictator mentality. That's that's that's what they've done. That's what they've done, and and they're perfectly fine with it. And it's sickening to watch. Yeah, yeah, because you know they're lying. But I mean, he has been impeached. I mean, let's not overlook that the House did impeaching what I don't, I don't. That doesn't mean a single thing, but it goes down in history though. It is history, Steve that you know when we look back on it, just like President Clinton at the time, Uh, you know, the fact that he's impeached, it's it made the history books. He just wasn't impeached, thrown out of office by the Senate. But he has been impeaching. I know, it doesn't mean much. He's still going to be re elected if we don't get out and do our jobs all of that, but history will show that he was was Clinton was that in his first term or his second I think Montica Lewinski was in a second Yeah, because he won the second term. But see that impeachment for what ye that holds no counter But they said because he lied when he said I do not know this woman. I did not have this one, and now they won't take him out. Who the hell is gonna voluntarily say? Yeah, well, under oaths, anyone can purge themselves under oath, that's where you're lying at. I guess, huh, you swear to to this country? Are you kidding me? M under oath? Yeah, I do not know that woman. I've had not had sexual relations with that woman. I don't know this woman. That's what he posed to say. That's what anybody else would. I don't care imagine not saying that. That's right. You got to say that as many times as you can, even when the photos come out. Mm hmm. But it's not the only way they got it was at DNA on that black dress. And he only get that dress from your aunts. Ain't clean it's dress? Where are you saving it for? Oh dog, I'd have told everybody that's oh hell, let's hit it. Hell, that's hell, let's Hillary is dressed? And what you're doing to her cloth. I'd have had her arrested for breaking in that house stealing Hillery's clothing. That's how you flipping. And and if Hillary come out and say I never had that dress on when you did that, I know I just used it. Yeah crazy. All right, We're gonna see what happened today. I'm still gonna have a little faith that something can happen that some of the Republican senators are gonna fly. No, I ain't got none if they want to win their elections again, be re elected in their states. No boy, yeah, yeah, this count. You're going to hell in a hand bag. Well, let me just say this, have a great weekend for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show