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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back all s all looking back to back dog giving them mos like American buck bu things and it's tough to me. True good to Stehr guy listening to me put together for stole hobby. Why don't you joy? Yeah? Yeah, well by yall join with me, honey, said you gotta use that turn out. Yeah you got you gotta turn you to turn about turn you love, you got to turn out to turn of y'all, comey, come on your thing, dad. But it only Steve Harkins got a radio show man instead of trying to be about the business. To y'all, I'm i'm, I'm I'm doing all I can. But you know what's crazy in the efforts that I make, I can do more. My father used to tell me something when I was growing up. He says, son, when you've done your best and you've done all you can, sit still for a second and just do a little bit more. Always remember that, he said. When you've done the best you can and you can done all you can think of, he say, sit still for a minute and do some more. And you know what I've discovered in my life always have a little more. I ain't ever just out out out completely. I can't take another step. There ain't another breath in me, There ain't there ain't another thought I can produce. I'm never complete lee out man. Just take a rest for a minute, man, and then just do a little bit more. And that that. I can't tell you how many times that's helped me get over the top. You know. I was watching a documentary about people climbing Mount Everest and how difficult climbing Mount Everest was and how they have on the hill, uh something called like a death zone or killing zone where the majority of people run out of oxygen and they have to turn back. Well, what's crazy is it's right in view of the summit. You can actually see the top of Mount Effort from there. But it's but it's that little bit that's left that's the most difficult. Now that I forgot all the reasons why they said most people don't make it from there, and more people have lost their lives in that area. I don't know what it is, but the people that make it to the top of Mount Effort, they all had to go through that same zone or that same area, but they had a little bit more that allowed them to get to the top. You know, a lot of people have had accidents up there trying that, so I'm not even really sure if Mount Everest analogy is a good one. But let's just break it down a little bit more. Let's just talk about life. There's a poem I learned back when I host Pledge, and it's called don't Quit. The authors are unknown, but the poem was called don't Quit, and I had to memorize it. I memorize this poet when I was eighteen nineteen, but the poem stayed in my head. I'm gonna try to remember it right now. I'm gonna say it for you. But there's a stanza in it that talks about how many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. You know. That's a stanza that always sticks out in my mind. I'm gonna say, I can memorize my whole of right, Okay, this is the point. There's the author is unknown. The name of the pointments don't quit. It goes like this, if I make a mistake. I'm just trying to drum it up. So here we go. It says when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high, when you want to smile, but you have to sigh when cares are pressing you down. A bit, rest if you must, but don't quit. For life is queer with his twist and turns, as every one of us must sometimes learn. And many a fellow has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out. So don't give up. Though the pace seems slow, you may succeed with another blow. Often the gold is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late when the night came down how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. It's your silver tent of your clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are. It may be kneel when it seems afar, so stick to the fight. When your hardest HiT's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. Okay, I remember it. I remember it because I'd had a special method of helping you remember stuff back then. But I remembered it, and that poem right there. It's kept me a lot of times. You know, we often talk about scripture and everything, and I don't I don't see how I could live without it. But every now and then, man, somebody has a writing. God puts a writing on somebody's hard that delivers a message. Man, that can help people. I use every motivational tool that I possibly can to climb this letter of success or try to be the best father and the best husband I can be. I've done a lot of changing over the years, and so have you. But change is necessary in order to grow. If you don't make changes, folks, you can't grow. I was a young man on my set. I kept looking at him, and a sharp little young dude just on my set, and he had these dreads and I mean they were they were super long, man, they will well below the middle of his back. I mean it was just long. And he kept talking to me, and he kept talking to me and talking to me. Now, I know somebody's gonna take this the wrong way, but this is my story. So you know, feel how you want to feel. Already know the emails is coming. You're talking about it. So your man kept talking to him, and I said, hey, man, you know you do your here a huge self of favor in the business you and if you got a haircut, you would do yourself a huge favor. I said, your images everything, man, I said, you keep stopping me in the hallway to try to tell me what you're doing, what you are, but all I see is your hair. I keep trying to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. Man, Now you can feel how you want to feel. But I'm like an employer. I employed people. So when I'm walking through the hallway and I try to think of you traveling me with me, and you're sitting in a meeting with me, I try to imagine you in your suit, sitting there talking business with me. And so, just like other employers are, I'm just having a real story with you. So I said, man, you are to consider cutting your hair. He said, mad Mr Harve, I've been growing his hair sounds a little boy. I said, hold you now, he said, I said, Well, how long you want to hang onto what you was when you was a little boy. You know, if you started growing your hair when you're a teenager. I mean you twenty eight? Now? What we and? I said, so let me help you understand something. Let me let me ask you something. What does it do for you? Man, it's just who I am? I said, So you your have He said, no, no, But it's a part of me. I say, that part of you that you're hanging on too. What does it do for you? I just like it? Well, dog, I like ice cream, but I feed that. But if I hang on ice cream and eat ice cream every single day, my body gonna reflect that. What is it that you hanging on to that you don't want to let go of? That's prohibiting you from being what all you can be? See, it's hard to be what all you can be if you want to keep being all you was? Don't that make sense to you? So I'm I can't tell you how many times I've had to change. Change is necessary to grow. You can't be all you can be if you want to keep hanging on to all you was. That don't make no sense. How do you go forward? If you keep going backwards? You can't stay here and go there. Do you understand that if you want to go over there, you must remove yourself from right here? Oh? I got right Here is comfortable. I got right here is safe. But over there's where the shade is. Over There's where the fruit is. Over there is where the opportunity is. Over there is where the mountain of goal is. So why are you stuck on here? You got to leave here to go over there. You can't be all you can be if you want to stay stuck on who you was. Change his growth is necessary. Let's go. You're listening to ladies in general, and boards and girls people from all around the world. You are listened to the baddest morning show in the land. It is, it is, always is gonna be, It always was, greatest morning show ever. A syllable good morning, good morning, Good morning all Shirley. How are you hey? Good morning Steve. Anyway, I'm fine, Steve, good morning. How are you Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I'm feeling pretty good. What's going on? Junior morning? Uck? How you doing? Man? Callins paulk and her car. She'll be in a minute. That's my job, Steve. Top of the morning, Shirley or what everybody good. I'm great, everybody good. I only have a problem with one thing, and that's at night with these darned scary movie trailers and I'm trying to go to sleep. Yes, it's too much. They don't bother you on watch not in the world series. I'm not watching now. You're not coming in here with that. It's too much. Black people don't really do scary exact we don't. We don't do that exactly. That's why it scares me. It's ghost in the house, in the house exactly because obviously there ain't no get ridy to ghost playing that little scary doll Annabelle. You know, if I'm walking and out here, okay, we are walking no more. We're done. We haul it. We should do a movie, a scary movie. But it's gonna be so crazy because we ain't for the fall an nobody fall into right though, all the black people just running to speak, abody failed. Ain't nobody turned around and we survived? Do we survive? The everybody? Okay, we're actually gonna kill it. We're actually gonna kill a ghost again, but we're gonna kill him. Scared, we actually run to this daylight. All I want to be in the movie. But all I want to do is scream with big guys. That's all I wanted to Yeah, that's all I want to do. We ain't going in there, they say, don't go in there. Cool, and you're gonna respond to with the people in the audience screen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay, here we go. Okay, so sure, yell some stuff out that people HOLLI at the movie and I'm in the movie. Irish, don't open the door. Ain't nobody opening this. Damn don't look look at the camera. Turn around, turn around, go back, go back, go back, go back. We are going where you got to go back. We're not going forward. Get in your car, Get in your car, Get you in the car. What about your friends? What about your friends? All right, we'll be back with something funny. It's time for Junior's truth be told. When we come back at thirty two after the hour you're listening to Steve Show. All right, here we go. It is time for Junior's truth be told. Yeah, Shirlette, you know um um in the same vein of Halloween, in the same vein. You know when you trick a treating. We should be able to recognize what you are when you come to the dough you cost we need to know off the bat. If you a ghost, you a ghost. If you're a god, then you're a guy. Yeah, don't come to my dough with the black costume that. I don't really recognize these hood I feels like you got twenty five and thirty three cents? What is you? I'm a full stamp. You ain't coming to my dough rest like this. You know I don't need a costume. Come to the dough you child support papers. I don't. I don't really want to kill to that. I'm not giving to that. You're not coming over here? Is that? What is you? A box fan? You can't be a box fan coming to me? You got one blade? You spending. I'm not fena be given to that. Yeah, I'm judging the costule. I want to scare your stuff, bracket you know, ghost? You know god? You can't be all this other stuff now it dude, you know what I'm saying. What you want a zombie? Yeah? Yeah, you know that? You forty five? You by yourself? What are you a baby daddy? You cain't be a My damn dope. I'm not fitting at that and my dough. I just want to let y'all know you can come over here. I'm turning my light out of You're not getting no candy, you know what. No, you can't be over slish slish mom liga bull. Now you come to the dough and it's twelve of y'all just want a dought and twelve kids. And I asked you what you is. You can't say, I'm a baby mama. You can't be up and my dough. All the kids, different heights, different ages, And what is you? I'm a baby mama. We're well for Why Why would you want business hood costumes? Different? Yeah? I know you come up to the dough. You gott fall all over you. Who are you? Ultra man? I'm a soul your mama's You got some styrofom already. Why are your ways and some illumining over you? Then you could be a to go plate. You don't know, you don't. I don't want the costume at my dough. That's just the truth. I just got you. You got duct tape wrapped around your shoes. You come up there and just tell me you home so I can just put a whole bunch of white lotion on me junior and say I'm a perm when I'm I'm a parent. Crazy. That's all I'm saying. We don't want to see that this year. You want some Yeah, I want some scary You can't walk up to the door and you got six little girls with you now home then talking about what is you? I'm a pimp? Just too much, that's what. That's hood stuff. This little long round T shirt on. He talking about ups. You got y'all coming, d're coming to it. You come to the door. You're grown man. You got your child, but you've got two card boards. They both got two card board box What do you we? TV sets take? Take your grown dass? About doing right here? If I put on a long white gown, dn and and I'm a I'm a chitling, I'm man or you just walk up to doing You got your pajamas on? What are you? Little girl? I'm a praise damn your step the costumes up. Don't be lazy on the costumes. It's not on the door. You're just not gonna do a little fat one. Not on the dough. He ain't got no consome. Who is you? I'm mean? I'm humby O j okay, Junior. There the shirt, ragged hat, grease all over my face. I'm a shade tree mechanic. Do that work? No? No, food, I don't no, no, I'm letting it down on the corner, you know what. No Jean name. And then down right here, little boy walcome to the door with his dad's good ho little boy water you I'm a thief. Put all the candy. Yeah, we can't have that. We can't have that. We can't have that. Wow, that's a good one. Like, oh man, that's all I'm saying. Okay, Happy Halloween. Yeah, well I just wanted to know. And then, well, now this is completely opposite. What are some of the what's the dumbest thing you've ever done for love? Completely opposite fault? Yeah, stupid just Thanksgiving by a month about a month away, nephew. Yeah, what about you, Steve, what's the dumbest thing you've ever done for love? The list? While you yeah, you want someone else to go, but while you go ahead take her back after she cheated o be and explained to my family why it was all right, Yeah that was dumb, that was study that. I ain't never done that. Being old and you ain't never done. I stole a necklace. That's why you can from the Main Company girl, because I didn't have no money and I was crazy about it. And I got caught going out the door. White dude had on the sweatshirts and gym shoes. He was fast too, He was fast too, just one't quite fast enough. He had me. And then when I gave here my jacket, though, Harry Waite, hang on, Steve tell us the end when we come back. Will hear the end of the Steve story? And Tommy's run that frank back. We'll be back right after. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, alright, so here what happened? I stole his necklace at the Main Company. I'm about eleven, twelfth grade, and I get to the door and stole the touches. Said excuse me, so I'd like to check your bag please, And I said for what? He said, just let me check it. I think, you know, for what? And so then I broke for the dough, but he grabbed my jacket. You know, I was so thin then that didn't mean nothing to me. It was damn near irrelevant. I slipped out that jacket so fast, I just let my arms go limp like spaghetti. He had the jacket. That white dude I got out on a prospect, that white boys star chasing me. That dude was fast, but he had no idea who he was chasing. No dog, I was un catchable. Back then I looked back. I said, man, he's still on here, And I just went on and just dropped it down in nitro was gone. Put that black on him when you're scared, when you're scared, like, yeah, I want to put that black speed on it. That he hadn't seen it sounds like an indie call. Yeah, he yelled at me, come back to the store again, or would be years, partner, don't worry. And when I did go back in Make company, I looked I had a bed and everything I was grown. Yeah, you went back in the skies. All right, all right, nephew, what's this run that brank back running back? Condom cleaners is what this is? Condom cleaners. Oh, we've all done it before, we all have. Man, don't nobody ever want to tell the truth. Condom cleaners is Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach to Mikajamica. How you doing. I'm I'm Brad from Quality Cleaners. I'm the manager over here. H Listen, Um, did you bring some clothes in this morning? No? I didn't bring anything into you this morning. Okay, Well listen. We we got an order that was dropped off this morning. Here. Uh it's a couple of suits, some business shirts and a few other things. But there's actually been some articles actually left in the clothing. So down he this morning. It was dropped off around seven this morning, but we got it's got let's work this like about a hundred bucks cash in the pocket. There's a couple of business cards. Uh, there's there's a cup link here. I looked all over as only one cup link and then there's two condoms in here. So I wanted to see if you guys wanted me to put this in a plastic bag or something and have it have it? Can you repeat? Well? And left in there again? Well, like I said, we gotta Uh it's like right out of Hunter maybe hunting five bucks of cash. Uh, there's a business card from an insurance company. There's another business card. This is uh what else was left right right? I'm trying to tell you about all the business cards I don't. I'm not interested in the business card because you said something else. Okay, No, there's a couple link that we can't we can't find. The other coup link is in his pocket. Like I said, you gotta you got a hunted dollars in here? There's some No, no, no, no, you have said something to me. Yes, there's business cards. There's an insurance card, business cards. You said something else, a couple link. Now there's a couple link in here that we can come. Oh, okay, what the last we there's two condoms in here? Hello? What did did you say? Like I said, there's a hundred dollars in here? Did you say this? You said there were some condoms in there? There's two. There's two extra large condoms in here. Hello, I'm here. I'm just trying to dodge this all the stuff that you had just said that that was in my husband's pocket. Now you sure that this is my husband? Chris? Chris? Uh? Well it has I mean maybe you know the idols man. This is there's a there's a great suit. There's also a solid blue suit that's that sounds from that sounds familiar. But I'm not understanding that some condoms this is the number we have on files? Is this? What the number is this? This is our house number. I just don't believe you know what what you're telling me, because we just celebrated our anniversary last week and this is what? What? What? What? What? I mean? What's what's wrong? Man? What's wrong? What? First of all, we marry and we never used condoms, and then you look that Colm talking about he got condoms left in his soup coat pocket. I'm not understand. Oh, I know he ain't cheating on me. I mean not necessarily. I mean, you know they could have been there, right, he was in his pocket. I just don't make any damn sense. If we're married and we don't use condesn't want to what do you have kindles in his pocket? I don't know, ma'am. You'd have to talk to Chris about that one. Wait a minute. I wanted to know did you did you clean anything here? Did you clean the sup? No, we haven't cleaned. I just I just started. I'm talking stuff and I don't want you. I don't want you to clean them things and all those articles that that you said. I want you to put it. I want you to I want you to put everything, including the damn condos. I want you to put it in the bag. I want you to put it in the bag. Don't clean uphing. So if I'm gonna come up there and I'm gonna pick everything up, okay, I mean I'll be here the whole thing. Like I said, my name is Brad, and I'll be here if you want me to um. If you want me to, you put him to the side. I won't clean them. I just put him to the side and I leave him in the same laundry bag, Yad when you dropped them all, Chris, I don't believe this. I ain't gave it. I'm a good years of my life and he's gonna turn around cheat on me. You make sure you don't clean up say because I'm a serious side on my damn self. You put on that in the bag, I'm gonna call my job and let him. No, I'm not coming into that slow down. I don't want you to get to get to hysterical. I mean, you know you're getting a little I regar you, Okay, I'm I'm I'm gonna be all right. I am gonna to be all right when I get up there. Who Chris is gonna get That's all I got to say. You make sure you have all that stuff not clean. I don't want you to clean it. I want you to put all that other that you said that you found in the pocket. You put all that in the bag because Chris is I don't know who that you. What do you think? Okay? Mr Miko, would you like for me to call Chris? I don't want you no, no, no, no, by I don't want you to know no. Man, wait minute, wait, wait wait. My name is Brad. I'm Brad. I don't give a damn what your name is. So I really don't okay, because Chris is gonna get up. You just put everything in the back ste like I ask you to. I am all my way down there, and Chris, you know this ain't going down this way. We've just renewed our vows and man's that don't come those coming three and you know what they're talking about. This that's what I'm not understanding. I know how to do math. Okay, Chris is gonna get when you get home tonight. Here's here's something else in the pocket too. There's a note in here. No, what does he say? Okay, man, you know what. This has gotten way way out of hand. I don't want to. I don't and you need to quick tell Mannie Rocket what you name that to me? Not a fact? I want that in the bad too. The more evidence I have the bed is gonna be from me because, uh what did the note s The note says, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. Your husband Chris got me to play. Oh shoot, oh Chris was going to die tonight. I was we was going to have a bye in his do you do you hear me? Oh my god, oh my god, Tommy hey baby radio show in the late morning show. Babies, you're listening to the same Harvey Morning show. Republican Senator Bob Corker suggested that President Trump leave it to the professionals for a while and called him utterly untruthful. Trump's reply came via Twitter and not one, but five tweets. This as the President of the United States, Now five tweets, I know, among other things, Trump called Corker incompetent. Corker also replied via Twitter, some untruths from the same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. He wrote, hashtag alert the daycare staff. Also also, Senator Jeff Blake, one of Donald Trump's loudest Republican critics, announced that he's retiring at the end of his term. That will be in what January? He'll leave office January two thousand, nineteen. Uh so he'll still be there for fourteen more months anyway. As for his reasons, Flake said that reckless, outrageous, and undignified behavior has become excused as telling it like it is. He argued that the nation should not accept that conduct of some in the in the executive branches normal. Flake said he deeply regrets the current tone of American politics and condemned what he called a fragrant assault on truth and decency. Trump responded in tweet. Did the reason Flake and Bob Corker dropped out of the Senate race is very simple? They had zero chance of being elected. Now, Axel hurt and wounded. He just came that he just cannot resist tweeting. Yeah, but Corker said he had a great chance of winning. Uh, it's true what they say about Flake. But Corker said, no, that's not true. So, yeah, they have incident with the truth and Donald Trump and how he's acting as president. Yeah, they're saying more are gonna come come forth. And they're saying if it was an election year, next year, a lot more would then. Donald Trump tweeted back, they don't like me, but I got a standing Oh. At the lunch yesterday, there was nobody but the senators house. It was the Republican senators. They meet on current House whatever. Yeah, they meet and and he walked in. He got standing on right, and then when he left, I got standing on yesterday. They like me. From the people who had to clap for you, my party might be okay, Yeah, don't stay in your grass up and see what it's like doing the presidential the speech when he wins and you watch everybody on his side standing and clapping. On the other side just sit. Yeah. Oh man, it's the it's the dumbest thing I've ever Yeah. Man, that's an ignorant mess right there. Yeah. It is half the house standing, half the exactly overhead. But a bunch of I don't it's just he's just, you know, he's just a petty person. He likes to fight. He cannot let anything go. I don't care. That's what you have. You may not want that. But that's ok. Can I give you an analogy? Can I give you guys an analogy that you can all relate to. President's problem is he has to have control, and he has to have the credit. He gotta have the last word, and he has to feel as though he's winning even if he ain't. Does that sound for me? Yes? I know you're talking about how did his black, black ass get to be pressed? What you're that is so inside? Alright, Steve? He did from can we please go to miss and in the world did he meet that white girl? Ladies and gentlemen. Here she is our very own talented news voice of fact, reason and truth, Miss and True. Thank you, Steve, Thanks everybody. This is entered with the news. Well, President Trump says he's going to release thousands of classified documents related to the assassination or President John F. Kennedy today and laws in n law called the John F. Kennedy Records Collection Act requires more than three thousand previously classified documents be made public by that law's twenty five anniversary, which is today. Okay. You may remember, by the way, that during his campaign for the presidency, the Trump made an unfounded claim that the father of arrival ted Cruz was associated with assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. I guess we'll see if that is true or fake news. Yet another prominent Republican yes says he will not run for reelection this time as a speaker of the Texas State House, Joe Strouss. However, Strauss, who's a moderate, says he will quote continue to work for a Republican party that tries to bring Texas together instead of pulling us apart. Strouss's retirement now comes on the heels of similar ones by two Republican U S senators who blast the President as a divisive man who's leading the GOP astray. One of them, Conservative Senator Jeff Flake, puts it like this, we were not made great as a country by indulging in or even exalting our worst impulses, turning against ourselves, glorifying in the things that divide us, and calling fake things true and true things fake. However, the President insists that people just have the wrong impression of him. I think the press makes me more uncivil than I am. You know, people don't understand. I went to an Ivy league college. I was a nice student. I did very well I'm a very intelligent person. That last part of the statement possibly referring to a recent NBC report that said Secretary State Rex Hilson privately called the President a moron. Listen to this, then, Double a CP is warning Black people to be careful when flying on American airlines. The Civil Rights Organizations issued an advisory saying it has noticed a pattern of disturbing incidents reported by African American passionager is specific to American airlines. Officials say the incidents so just a corporate culture, racist disrespect, possible racial bias. The Double a CP going further accounting behavior, it says, cannot be dismissed as normal or random. Spokesn for American Airlines say they're disappointed to learn of the advisory. Sad news of pioneering rock and roll has died. Fats Domino, one of the most influential musicians of the fifties and sixties, has died at age eighty nine. That's Domino, born Antoine Domino Junior in New Orleans. Report Leader Haitian parents waity minutes after the outcomes Eugene the Butterfly, Stay tuned Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we go introduced the butterfly, and Steve introduced him so he can do his segment. Gene, that's good, Butterfly. Let's take it in round. Don't worry about it. Good morning everyone, Steve and Tommy Shirley Carlott Jr. Butterfly. I want to so I need you, Hey, Junior, I need you to help. I am working on my Halloween costume and I want you to help me pick out. I got like four or five. I need you to help me with my suggestions. Could you do that for me today? That's gonna be That's okay, good. One could be me and Junior as badman and ribbing. Wait a minute, man could get involved. We would have to make a decision that you might be bad man a rap. I'm not gonna be neither anyway. Now we could be It could be Junior Batman. Arri. Here's the one. I want to be a pink transformer, a paint transform former. Um Quick from Hollom Nice. That's Eddie Murphy's character, right, I want to be Quick with Holly Nights, with the hat on this stuff. That was he was fly um pregnant beyond say when she did the without shoot she was guard with the twin her recent practice here as pregnant. Now we're gonna stop this thing here, damn ridiculous muscle. Nobody wants to see you pregnant because you didn't tie your shirting and not with your fat good you think you're gonna be Beyonce. Now I'm gonna put the prosthetic thing on. It looks like you're pregnant. You know it's gonna be. It's just you don't need it. Tie your shirt and and not you have a gun seven months right now? Oh god, yeah, I'm not. I'm not gonna do that. Um do you how about a playboy? Playboy bunny and honor of exactly rest in peace? What do you think you're? Playboy bunny? I have to ask the felt us because you know they like to playboy bunny. What do you think you can't? You can't be You're just gonna be a fat rabbit. Basically, don't come out that really what you're gonna be? Good? I gotta go with man. Why don't you come as Elma fund that's not something good to be? Did he can't? What do y'all like which one I love? I love Batman and Robin. Yeah it's Transformer. Pink Transformer, think Transformer. Bade me in a rabbit. All right, right, but we have to go, so thank you, butterfly. We come back from the break at thirty or four after the hour, Steve's gonna tell us a story about eight hundred dollars and love. You don't want to miss this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. I said some clothes to the cleaners the other day. I hadn't worn these jeans, man, and gotta be three years at least. Oh, so the parts came back from the cleaners, had five hundred dollars in the pocket, boomed up wind and everything. Thank you Jesus. I might have been working there years ago and got that fire hunter. I to quit that day. Man, I'm a millionaire. I got eight hundred dollars one time for a car accident, and boy, you couldn't talk to me. I had eight hundred sentified. Good thing I was gonna kid. Yeah, Oh, I wish straight down the rose and blue? What is that rose and bloom down in Cleveland? Man bought me three or four blind Knits bought me three pair of platforms from Flag Brothers. They had a sale on that. It was fourteen dollars, a black pair of pants and a great pair of pants. Walk away all the knit sweaters with them. Boy, you couldn't talk to me, You couldn't help me. Nothing was then uh huh did you get to date who you wanted to date? Looking so good y'all? But you know what, man, Patricia Patricia right, Patricia right, Lloyd Jesus wouldn't give time. But with all, with all your new clothes and stuff. She was nice to me, but no further, she was never mean. She was nice, nice girl. I didn't really get out of here until we went to the prom, and I went through with the prom with with the wrong girl. But I still didn't have a prom date two weeks before because I was scared to ask the girl I wanted to because I thought she was gonna tell me. Now I was right, she went with somebody else. So what happened with the girl you took? I took? She was just dry. She fell asleep at the prom. And then Steve Harper never man told me. He told me, Steve, don't take my sister. She ain't no fun. The biggest day of my life, just gon shock. Then the next day we went to the picnic, the senior picnic. It was at sea the Point Amusement Park. We was on the train ride going around. She on one end of the seat. I'm all that you could have put four people between us. I was just looking off at the gate, and then I saw Patricia Riley leaning against the chain link fence by herself, sipping the drink she would buy herself. She said, hey, Brodrick. I said hey. She said, you by yourself. I looked over that. SI yeah, she said, I'm by myself. You want to ride together? I jumped off the train while it was moved, climbed the eight foot chain link fence. Because I was hood I knew how to climb fence and was on the other side of the fence with Patricia. Find this check out ever seen? Spent the whole day with at the park. We held hands. I spent dimn my head on her. Ask too, cotton candy, funnel cake, little funnel cake. I didn't never like funnel cake. Have funnel cake powder all around that man we was holding hands, man kissing on the little ride. God don't. I had a great part closed at night they had the fireworks show. I went to the car that dry Heath was leaning on the car waiting on me. Oh, the dry one was yeah, yeah, she was at the car. She tasted nothing. You're just gonna leave me like that somebody else you kicked it with at the park, with somebody else, and I just this was once in a lifetime. Okay, okay, hold on, did you get to kiss the girl you kicked it with? Yeah? All day at of Paul were on the ride kissing. I'm trying to stay on the ride. Okay, So wait, wait, wait, hold on, you had to drive this girl back home two hours? What was what was this conversation? L was no conversation. She ain't talking to prim and after Prim, I figured she liked talking. And I had no skills with women back then. I didn't know how to fix nothing. Nothing. Okay, you quiet, I'm quiet? All right. Well we learned, I don't know, I don't know. I don't really know if that's a learn about story. I learned not to go two hours with his as anywhere you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it'll be time for today's Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss that. But first it's time for the Nephews prank phone call What you got? Neugh? I call bucket? What books? If you've never heard it before, you want to hear that? Aug Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Quincy. Hey, how are you? My name is Maurice. Maurice calling you from the power company. How are you doing today? I'm alright, what's up? Well? Listen, we're doing some testing in your neighborhood. We're trying to make sure we don't have to actually shut the power down out there. And uh, we're calling around to quite a few people in your neighborhood, running some tests on individual homes and making sure the electricity is running correctly. Um, can I get you to do a few things warm and see and the quicker we get through with this, sir, and it's possibility we won't have to turn your power off at all. I know you don't want us to have to come out and turn power off. And you've got stuff in the refrigerator that can spoil and things like that, so we want to try to get this done, and hopefully the power with the with the test that we run, it'll it'll it'll run correctly and we won't have to do anything. Okay, I don't know about electricity though, you know what I'm saying, So I don't. No, I understand that. Don't worry about that. All right, here's what I need you to do. Now. How big is your house? Do you? How many bedrooms? You got? Four bedrooms? Now you have upstairs downstairs? It's too short, okay, all right, so here's what we need to do. Um if you can't gonna take loan though I got because I'm in the hurry. Man, ain't gonna have a lot of time. No, no, no, this this, this, this, this won't take long at all. So can I get you to take your breaker and shut down everything upstairs and we're gonna run a test on the stuff downstairs right now. It'll be real quick, all right, just shut just shut everything off. I want you to keep the downstairs open and keep that to the weekn so we can run our test on this thing. All right, everything shut, everything's down. Okay, you you turned off the thing. I just turned off all the switches. Okay, here's what I need you to do. I need you to turn on your television and then turn it off downstairs downstairs. How many TVs you got downstairs? I got two TVs downstairs. Let's turn them both on, you know, just turn them on. Just turn them on. You got them on? I got one on. Let's try to turn that other one on. All right, they both on? Okay. Now you got a microwave in your kitchen, Yeah, microwave. Okay, turn out on. It's already on, man, I can see the light zone. It's got the clock on it, that's got that double hron thing that's going through there, and it's a whole different type of current. I just want to mound on them about what you're talking about. But I gotta get to work, man, So the microwaves on, it's running. No, No, I want you to actually turn it on. I want you to actually push like a minute or two on that thing with anything. Man, come on now, let me what have got to do? No, this is a test, sir. What I don't want to have to do is come out there and turn your power off. And I don't want to do that. You've got a lot of food in your fridge. I'm sure right, all right, all right, it's on microwaves on TV's on. Okay, now open man, electricity works downstairs. Okay, but listen, I know, but what we gotta do is we gotta make sure that this stuff isn't overpower. Now, can you open your refrigerator? Yeah? Yeah, man, do you see the button that actually has you can turn you can push it in the lighter go out. You know what I'm talking about. Come on, man, you ain't got nobody to just be able to check something outside. Man, I mean I'm in the fridge. I understand. But push that button five times for him and see what it does. What the light button? Yeah, push that light button five times? Come on, man, that did it go off? And on everything? It's open on man. Actually they en't wrong with the refrigerator reficiate plug in man. Okay, Now here's what I want you to do. Right there, and if you're in the kitchen, turn your seek on for me. Sink on. They gotta do electricity and say that's a nitrol current, that's a nitril current. You wouldn't understand that, But I need you to turn that on for me too. Just turn it on full black, got it on? I got it on. Okay, Now go in your master bedroom. Now let that water run. Go on your master bedroom, and go on the bath for me. I appreciate you helping me out on this. Man. Come on, man, Quincy, I pretended, I mean everything I'm in. I'm in the bath. What's up? Flush that toilet for me, Quincy, see where plush that toilet for me? Plush the toilet. Yeah, flush that toilet. It is even electrical. What it is? It's a it's a it's an awkward book and heard. You need to get somebody up. Okay, I'm gonna plus the toilet. It ain't no electrical plugs in that in this area, man, right. I understand that you don't see what it is. This is an awkward booky current that flows through that water. Plush that thing for me one time. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, all right, toilet worse, Man, you ain't got nobody in the area that could come out here and just check it out. Man Quincy, I'm trying my best not to come out and and and and and and turn your power off. And I know you got someone to go turn my power off. Man, you're supposed to be making sure the power stay on right. I understand that. Now do you have of course, do you have a blender? Yeah, I gotta blender. Man, I gotta blender. I got a TV, I gotta refrigerator, and they all work. The toilet works, everything worth all right. What I want you to do is get this blender and we'll just throw you a few accused the eyes of something there and turn that thing on for him. Come on, man, we're almost done. I got to get to work, man, just work. Women was comprecated. Man, this is just the blenders. Come on, man, with some bool. I said, I have to mention the current shoot to be walking those man. You need to check the niche house. You don't have no problems with no smoothies or nothing in that thing. Do you see? Man? What the hell they got to do anything? Man? I got get to work. I just listen a minute minute, go too far, come out here or do this because I need to get to my job. And I understanding that I can just call and have people go through the damn house playing scavenger and I gotta get to work. Okay. Now listen to Quincy. One last thing. Are you able to shut that breaker? Put that breaker back on and then shut off downstairs, and then go upstairs and check some stuff from me. Shut up? What shut off the breaker downstairs? Go ahead and turn I'm not shutting off no breaker downstairs. I shut off the one upstairs. We didn't turn on every damn thing down here. You didn't have me. I got the blender, I didn't turn on the micro way to fristly cool man pushing and told us I gotta get to work. Quis it I need you to lose this attitude you got. I need you to get somebody down here to do my electricity in my house work. It worked for you, cam Longe. Thing ain't work. It's my ain't at work because I'm here doing this book. Play off and all. Get somebody in here work. I don't piss me off and make me turn it all the way off well shooting on work and when I get back from work where this should be on. I got one more thing I need to say to you, queen. It's better be the last thing. That's his nephew timming from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got prigged by your sister Gail skills better being a witness protection program Man uh let me tell me what, man, Hey man, let me ask you something. Man, what is the baddest up all about, the baddest radio show in the lane? That's got to be Steve Rvy Morning Show and Tommy? Uh you call me again. They're gonna be the show used to have Tommy on. What do you think Shirley Mama would have been proud? Oh yeah, you know she loves that one, my mom. That was her favorite. It really was. That's funny. I mean I got him turning on, turning on and off everything in the house. Yeah, Linda, everything you see. That's that awkward book occurring right there. We got a lot going on around over the half keep a stupid baby. Hey, you haven't mentioned to play. How's the play going? The play is good. You know. We're we're down because we didn't get to do Houston. We're supposed to do this week and we'll be back next week. Okay, yeah, because of the flooding in Houston. It flood at the theater. Yea, this exact. Shut up, men, you flooded. No, I'm not, junior. It's been a wait wait long. It ended up the same things. But Tommy, I mean, I think Steve made a great suggestion a couple of weeks ago when he said, now is the time to bring Papa Ray back. It was good play, man, Yeah, it really was. Since you've had good success with this play. People know you now. They didn't not like now, not like now when you come out on the stage and you know you're getting standing ohs, like Donald Trump three years ago? Who was you? Wait? No, no, you couldn't be because you're so fatty. You couldn't president. You think he let it go? Man, we'll talk about it after this guy's we'll be back. I mean sounds like we're not sure it ain't gonna happen. Well, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up next Today's Crazy Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss it. But first, did you see the Miami Dolphins signed a backup quarterback and it wasn't callin Kaepernick. You gotta see that? Yeah? Who is this guy? If you've never heard of him? Junior, I don't know. I don't know what's his name? During your David David? Yeah, I mean someone you wouldn't Yeah, all right, Well, anyway, speaking of Kaepernick, what what were you gonna say? Tommy Green Beta saying, wait, Green Bay need a quarterback because their quarterback down. And when y'all quit jumping around to Damn Brown's because don't nobody needs to quarter bed more than us. Miami's quarterback backup is David Faith. Yeah, don't know that it's Colin Kaepernick, okay, And speaking of Colin Kaepernick, he will remain silent no more. This is according to a report in Pro Football Talk. Uh. Kaepernick, of course, is responsible for starting the whole national anthem protests in the NFL. He has signed a one million dollar book deal with Random House and Congratulations, and perhaps because of his role in starting the protest, Kaepernick remains without a job this season. He's since filed a grievance against the NFL, alleging the owners colluded to keep him out of the league. He's been busy with his No Your Rights campaign, which raises awareness about interacting with law enforcement and self empowerment. Kaepernick has also donated one million dollars over the past year to various social justice causes. So there you're going, maybe he'll win his case, Steve, Yeah, the NFL, it's hard to prove, though, Ye, it is hard to prove. And then they have, then he gotta wait till they've give him the money. I understand the book deal because you know, it's still bring some income, but the signing bonus is probably what he needs. But I don't know, man, I don't know. This is this is just a mess for this kid. Deal was the right thing and he is being blackball. How won't nobody calls and they keep hiring quarterbacks? How is he out of the running? He never I asked, ain't called in Miami? I think he played high school for the girl. Yeah, I mean it's to me, there's that's proof right there. They keep overlooking him. Yeah, and social media is eruughting and going off about this recent thing in Miami, like why won't you guys hire Colin Capernin. Yeah, so like this is proving his case. Yeah, that's what I'm yeah, I mean, you're rather hi. Yeah, it's crazy. I'm willing to go to court with Kaepernick and testify against the Brown. Yeah, kick and and testify against the Cleveland And you proved that to Cleveland Brown was inclusion. I can prove that they need a quarterback right up. The defense called Steve Harvey, do you swear yes? I do. Let's try to explain your position. We always six. We ain't one a damn game. Why is he not out? Thank you all for having me? All right, let's go to the witnesses. Excuse yeah, buggle uphold on tight. We got a phone. Strawberry Letters. Subject of the Strawberry Letter today. No sex in relationship, Stephen Sureley have a big problem. I'm a thirty one year old woman and my man is thirty six. We both have never been married and have no children. I've been with my man for a little over a year, and our sex life sucks. When we first started dating, it was on and popping. We fell in love instantly. We couldn't get enough of each other, making love two times a day, and the first four months of us dating we both gained thirty pounds. I understand that men are physical, and he did tell me that he doesn't find me as attractive as a used to to me. I didn't care because I fell in love with him. I'm a very physical person, and I have expressed to him that I need to have sex. We have fun together, going out of town, dinner, concerts, but no sex. We have had sex four times. I've tried to break up with him several times, but he keeps telling me that things will be different. We would have sex that one night and back to the same old, same old, back to the same old same. Uh. He says that once we both lose the weight, things will be back. For some strange reason, I don't think he's cheating on me, but no sex sign is there, But my gut is saying no. He told me that he wants to marry me. I can't keep going on like this. I'm I'm getting tired of this no intimacy. I have thought about cheating on him, but it is just not me. What should I do. He's a great guy. My friends and family love him. I love him, but I think if this continues, I will cheat on him and destroy everything. Signed need help, okay, uh, dear, need help. You know what, as shallow as it may sound, as it is, it may be to us sometimes ladies. Um, you know, we know that men are visual creatures. We know that, and physical appearance has changed. Your physical appearance has changed, my sister. Uh. You know, you might still be the same person he fell in love with and all that, but you don't look like her anymore to him, and I got to encourage you at this point to lose the weight. I mean, thirty pounds can alter your appearance dramatically. He told you. I mean he told you. These were words out of his mouth. He doesn't. Yeah, just leave it like that. He told you. You know that. Um, he doesn't find you as attractive as he used to. That doesn't mean he doesn't want to be with you, doesn't mean that he doesn't like you for you, It doesn't mean any of that. But you've got to hear what he's saying to you. I mean, every woman wants her man to find her sexy and attractive. And what you're doing now is not working for you. So, um, if you want to keep him and keep him interested in you, you need to change some things to get the results you want. Okay, this is about you changing, all right. And at the rate you're going, Uh, you know four months, you gain thirty pounds every four months. If you gain thirty pounds, I mean, come on now, you don't want to do that, okay, Um, So please, I gotta ask you to lose the weight. Do it for yourself, for your health, do it for your sex life. Trust me, I know it's hard, Okay, I know it's hard, but if you want this man to still want you and to bring your sexy back and all that, you've got to step up your game. And that is just the bottom line. And you know what is cheating going to solve? You know, I just say, work on the relationship you have with him right now, if that's what you want. And it sounds like you do. Twelve minutes after Cracker, no code, no code, no no, no code. Nice answer you gave. But that ain't horse wrong. You're absolutely right, horse wrong, crying. But I know what you're saying. This more and there's a couple of lies being told in this letter, spotted both of them. Alright, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, just a reminder, in about twenty minutes, sister O'Dell will be in the building. But come on, Steve, let's go with part two of today's Strawberry Letter. No sex and yeah, ain't we said about nothing? Well? She need help. Really, you don't need help. You need to quit eating. That's what you really need to do. You and your fat man need to quit eating. Both of y'all didn't realize that what you hold up in the letter. It's a Steve and Shirley. You know Steve. So once you ask me, I don't feel nothing. Nah, Tommy, they need to quit eating. You ain't your fat man. Now you're set up. And see here's what they have no excuses for this. She only thirty one years old. He ain't but thirty six. And the woman has had no kids, So she blowing up for what reason? At least women who bad children, they get that baby weight. It's hard to get it off. Man, they have another child compacts the problem. Get stuck at home, they're pregnant, they're laying around, it's hard to walk. They have back problems. I got that part. But you're sitting up in here one shot and you're sitting a pen that sitting now listening to this right here. They first met. Their life was their sex life was great, had sex twice a day, couldn't keep their hands off each other. Four months into Daton, here's where the lies. We both gained fatty pounds. Then she immediately says, I understand that men are physical. And he did tell me that he doesn't find me as attractive as he used to. In in four months, you picked up fatty pounds and he did too. But you ain't saying nothing about being displeasured with his weight loss, I mean with his weight game or him contributing to your weight game. That's why I think this is a little one sided life. I think she's righting in. Really she the one that then blew up because Homeboarding had the adacity see me and ain't stupid. He will have the audacity to sit there and tell you he don't find you as attractive. How how hurtful of a comic can you make to a woman unless you don't really care then about how she feels. But he trying to shock her because she didn't picked up thirty pounds or more. In her letter, she wants us to believe that both of us have gained thirty pounds. Well, I don't think to dude game thirty pounds. I think it's just her. But she tried to get some help with how to handle this heave, but see no, no big girl to set up there and got on swoll by her damn self. Now she want to drag the man into it to make it look like it's a unified problem. It ain't a unified problem. It's a one sided problem. He don't find you as attractive as he used to. You ain't said you don't find him as attractive. Look at this list, then listen to this. She said to me, I didn't care because I fell in love with him. That's we that don't say nothing to me. To me, I didn't care. What she trying to say. She didn't care about him gaining in the way, or she don't care about gaining the way, or he didn't gained some way. The man ain't gained thirty pounds. Two people are set up there and got thirty pounds. She lying behind and got wide by her damn soelf. The man ain't wrote a letter in and asked nobody for help. The problem is her. She didn't picked up this way. I got proof. I'm a very physical person, and I've expressed that to him. I need to have sex. Okay, well, a little horney thing. Then she said, we have fun together, going out of town, dinner, concerts. All of that is evolved around eating. Eating. All y'all doing is eating. When you go out of town, you eat, You go to dinner on the way out of town, eating up everything on the plane. You're stopping at all the fast foods then after the concert, you gotta go to dinner again. Thank you, Steve. You know we gotta go join me today. Today is the day at one thirty pm Eastern Time for the after show Strawberry Letter Live on Facebook. We will talk more about today's crazy Letter and uh we'll do my fresh strawberry pick of the week. We'll talk about some trending topics. But right now, let's introduce her girl from the talk. Go ahead, Steve, there is a Jimmer miss Sean on the woo. Hey, Steve Harvey, did you hear the Henry Clinton that the Democrats was supposed to had chipped in on the Russian darcier that said that President Trump like a little golden shower when you get it freak listen to I thought that caused extra Tommy, but oh sorry, I'm sorry, man. Listen listen. The Democrats they don't invest when they investigating everybody, they finding out everybody. Manafort seemed to be playing both sides of the street because he was the one dealing in between the Russians, the Democrats, and the Republicans. All of it. It's crazy, as I don't know all up. The Republicans started it right and then Hillary took it over. Now they all did it to each other. They was all shooting at each other. It was the gang that couldn't shoot straight. All did itself while Bernie sand is standing on the side going, I could have been your president, solved all the problems. But that ain't what you wanted. That ain't what you're trying to do. Hey, on another note, guess your name. Their baby Rimy and they're not black. Billy Joe had a baby at six to five, six and seven named the baby Rimy. Men when your name and our babies Lexis and Mercedes and Billy Joe, Billy Joe sixty sixty five, sixty seven years old, go to the Google you find it out. But I ain't gonna climb Billy Joel too hard because Billy Joel was the person that inducted Fast Domino into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Fast Domino, I'm passed on and been with the Lord and sold the best in Duguid Robert gull'all them passed on. That was he started on soap as the butler. He didn't want to do that. He was the first black man to play in the Phantom of the operas, and he was in a Pearl Victorious and plug In bast and everything. Yeah, and then he went on and then he was the lieutenant governor, the budget director, he was a kind of things. And then the cliffhanger was he supposed to be the governor. And they didn't say what happened because it was canceled. But back to Halloween, what I'm gonna beat Trick and treat Nest? What y'all going? Okay, I was gonna go as myself, but they said, oh, that's too realistic. I'm bull five. I'm starting to bull five. You're listening coming up at the top of the hour and Carla's reality up date. But Steve, Well, go get your girl. She's here waiting in the wings. I know. Hey. Hey she mhm, Mike Chick, good morning. Is everyone is down? Well? Well, well, good morning? Call it hey, sister Odell, happy, Tasha, she's fine. Thank you for asking. She's still chill eating with the white kids. She's see what you're leading, yes, ma'am with all too high ash, Well, she's a base. She's not a flyer. She's too tall down. What is the base? Baby? The base are the ones that hold up the flyer. I'm get in the air. Listen, Connor, don't let white people step on your baby. You see that sister else is really tass I know she's talking. Don't you wanted to still be a flyer? Don't base I don't want to be one of those cheer mom's sister odell to kind of you know, sometimes you got to go in whooping the ask for your chat. Just so just a word of it, you know, encourage me. I won't s to stay in the programs. But you know what, I saw a dance and she just as good as she wanta be. Yes, ma'am. Think you know when they ain't making the pyramids, you know, I don't like her down at the bottom. Okay, yes, ma'am. I'll see what we can do. But well, you know, but then you know what, you know, let us stay on the bottom because the white kids dropping, we're gonna have to go down and kill somebody. So just gonna leave it at that. Good Marta Junior, This is so health, ma'am. Hi boy, hellout, Tommy. Hey, it's so I was just asking was you a cheerleader? Hi's Kate? My mom was fine. Okay, remember that while you're talking to me. Don't worry about my past. Hello ship, Well hello cister odell, welcome back. Well it's good. What's going on with y'all today? Everything everything well, yes, ma'am. Everything good for me. Excuse me, I was just singing along. When your speed hit you just let it you, Yes, ma'am, go ahead, let him use you. I'm to go here. Well, I mean earlier we talked about Halloween, and you know it's coming up at the end of the month. I was just wondering if he's celebrated or you know, it goes to a couple of Halloween parties, Me and a cup of girlfriends. You really do you wear a costume? That's what I'm doing. Yes, I'm going this year. We're going to the Cheetah, the Cheetah. What's what's the Cheetah? The Cheetahs are strip club in Atlanta. Oh yeah, I know. We're going to two strip clubs this Halloween, Cheetah and Magic See Halloween. I didn't know strip clubs and Halloween went together. Oh yeah, where are we going in there? To say? Souls? Oh? Okay, save the souls to get off the pole. You're gonna mess up somebody that interrupt what they're trying to do. Well, I know it's going in the ruld, but we've got to say these so we gotta get these girls are deep Poe. Well, but it seems like Halloween would be a big night to make. Well that high is gonna be easy for us to get in there, because we're gonna go in with our costumes on. Oh what's your costume? We're going in a fold? Oh Jel, you mean Jezebel. Well, if you want, then for old Jezebel. But what's the Good Morning Show? Well, the plant is simply if they see us, you know this is what happened. If you don't get down off the poling. Oh, you know, their bodies just tight. I want to talk with the one or the one a they called her to Capper. Guys should talk to her. She slid down on the pole and all she did giller the most amazing thing I've ever seen, though I had I let her do it four times, so I stopped. She's scooped up to the top of the pole and then put the put the pole twin the crack of her cheeks and ease down with just her cheeks grabbing the pole. I never loved great day in the moment's okay, Tom, Yeah too much, Timmy. You really need to some more Jesus in your life. Well, I mean do you carry ones? Do you? How do you counsel them? Oh no, we don't. We don't take money. Well, no, when do you talk to them? When do you get a chance to only break when they come backstage. We'd be sitting back there, you know, waiting on and they freely talked to you. You ain't got the freely. But you know, ain't many of them girls can woot me? So you're gonna see ain't many of them can't whoot me? I know you see fights with them on youtubes and everything, but you can't look it's just the old day. Are you gonna get on the poem? I don't have to get on top, you know, you know what you need to do. You need to stay over there and your little setting, just what you need to do, do your little pranks and do your jeans and just when I'm coming on, just stay out to wait. He's the best. But well, cister Dell, before this gets two out of hand here, Um, I don't know how to say this again, because last time. I know last time, but she it's my job, Carla, I gotta do my job. Okay. Uh, he's as I understand it. Originally from New Orleans, Castro Della City. I'm sure you visited many times. Uh, the talented great musician. Uh Fat's Domino Fats I knew old fans and fans. Uh. Well he's daddy um and I was free. Um. What was his dad's name? Black Domino? Who like black Domino. Well, because when you looked at you, you see the two ads, and he looked black, a black Domino. Okay, Well, I have some news to tell you when we come back about when we come back, no problem. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. You know your characters are sweetie, yes, ma'am. Sister tell is still time and gets mash when I gets his wrong. I know, I know I'm Steve, but you know, yes, I want you to think about this. Before you talked to sister, Well, what we were talking about you saying something about fast Domino, and then I told you I know this daddy black Domino, and we called him black Domino because he just looked like when he was so black, he just had two docks. On him. He looked like just look like a black Domino. That what we call him black Domino folk. Okay, well this is not about that folk. V D came out we called him Efty or Fats Domino. Okay, well you know, sister Tell, it is my job uh to bring this. I don't like to, but I'm just going to have to tell you that Mr Fats Domino passed away. Do sit down, sister Dale, just have a seat. What did she shake up? She said, Fats Domino has passed away, sister Rolldale. Yes, so him last week? Yess saw him? Where that? Ain't you good? What? Yes? Yes man, yes ma'am, yes, ma'm we're listening. Yes, well that's Domino, a rock and roll legend passed away. He was eighty nine. Sistro Dell one of the most influential UH musicians in early rock and roll. Yeah, just a ledger m yeah wow? What the teller though, just tell you help her. I can't help, but we're just not gonna tell her though. She can't take too much more. Her heart can't about all this in this bug. I don't why I gotta be all that? Why you is that? What you you didn't take it easy, sister, and there catch your breath. Let's hotel, y'all, bash, y'all bash. We had the dream light those sister. She had learned this in the streets. He'd be mad at me from not telling you can't n I don't know was that men just gonna sit there and let a holly get married. I can give a fan sodel. I can't hold that when she does, she'd swaying. That's what I'm saying. That's so olddel What what she is? She? Okay? Are you choking? Do we need to call Red Cross? Timely? She should we call about she saw that? I just don't tell you're fine? She finds out at someplace that should be mad at me. We're not telling her I can't stay here. You know. She's like, I'm keeping me. Well, that's no way to act this girltel all right, I made away right? You boy got always got something. You asked me what's happening? Then? But always and act like you're the one I got to bring me to do? Why don't you let call and give me to do? Sometimes you you read Josses, get types of news? You do you think you do? You get off on it that doesn't make sense to throw down dat God, I make sense, is what she is doing. Don't nobody never tell me nobody, Dad tell it you because you love telling me that, because you want to tell me. And there's something I wad can't stand your bug, your man gonna leave that's lost the throat. Tell what you want to call it. I don't think she enjoy seeing you. She always wants to see me in pain. That's what she does. This is my ain't Joe your who signed you to and charge your bitch with a word? And when a job Well, listen, we're gonna let you go, so you can you ain't gonna let me go. You wanna let me go now? Yea broke so you can get yourself to let me off your little radio show after you know, saying something funky to him. So I'm just reporting the news. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what sh I'll tell you what we're gonna do. Every time you tell me something that's bad news, I'm gonna give you some bad You're gonna tell me that my husband is gonna leave me, but I can't. It's more bad news than that. But sister Dale, but you can't have a clapback with Shirley saying her husband's gonna leave because she's twitter. Then when I'm gonna tell us something else, I didn't kill him, sister, your girlfriend Tracy, Yes, she says she's never speaking to Wait, we just talked. Put put that on your head. We just talked yesterday. You just talked yesterday. But keep hold me facts with Deal to dank. So then she told me next time she's quiping to it's over Chris with her girl anymore. All right, Well, thank you Cistro Deal for coming by up. I hope you haven't got some news fight your car you drove up in in the park a lotbody, I got somebody stealing it right now. You know, Cis Deal, you don't have to be this way. You don't. You don't have to tell me that facts with day and we would you prefer that you not know. You don't want to know the truth. I was doing yet fine not knowing in here you come all right? Okay, well again, thank you again. I gotta be nice. Thank you so much for Scott. She ain't nice, she's doing my job. Thank you, Cisterdale, have a pleasant day. And and you baby, you Baiby said, don't come see to grand baby. We we gotta go. We have to go. Thank you so much, sister O'Dell. You're listening to the Steve Well the Astros and the l A Dodgers are battling it out in the World Series. Oh, it is so hot in l A. The Strows are like, can we please go to Houston? Can we please go to Houston? It's too hot. Game three is tomorrow night in Houston at Minute May Park. It might rain and the high will be only seventies seven degrees. That nice cool wave right there? All right, switching gears, Carla, we didn't get any reality update today. Let's let's go to you for your reality update. What you got? Let me just tell you this love and hip hop Hollywood. Sure, Steve Tommy Jr. Did some elishness right here. V It was a reunion show Part one, Part two. Part one aired last week. Part two aired this past Monday, and it was just the stupidest Part one. Uh. The co stars on this show, these are cod castmates. I guess you would call them Zail and Mr Ray. They were beefing and then I guess the cast members thought that they were going to apologize. Zille was going to apologize to this guy, Mr. Ray. He acts like they're gonna squash the beef, and then he goes up and hits this guy on the set. It was just horrible the fighting. It's just ratchetry at all time high on this particular show. And one thing I could say for sure, Keisha Cole is really through with her ex husband Booby. At the reunion show she was on stage, it seems like she was just trying to fix him up with another woman. That's when you know, you know it's over. It's over. You are really through. So you know, Booby and Keisha Cole. You know, Keisha was on the show with us not too long ago and she talked about her marriage and being on the show and they have a son, they have a son together, and yeah, they're comment a. Keisha's comment to that situation was that she wants her son to be around somebody that she likes, So she's encouraging Booby to get with somebody that she thinks it's good for him, you know what I mean. So my question is, have you guys ever tried to fix up your ex? Oh? Whatever? X right to talk to you. Yeah, but they have a child together, so she oh kids, you got married. I talked that. I'm not talking to you before you got married, though, Steve, did you ever try to fix up your ex with somebody you knew it wasn't gonna work out? That's a still a no. You're shaking your hand. That still it all nothing. I might go back. I wouldn't wish that. Yeah, before you were married first time. No, before that, when you were younger, when I no, I always contenually tried to sleep with. All of my eyes were on the same page. You jumping back for I got mad. Oh I've always I've always tried to continue sleeping with all mans you. Oh, you always tried to do to go back? What was not? Now we ain't got to beat again. They're about to swing back though. Check the temperature. Boy. Also, if there was an opportunity, you would have got back with the ex. No nothing, No, that's not by no. So you add not get back with get with yeah? Oh take the back out yeah yeah, So you got too many words in that and everybody trying to get back. It's just getting different. Just sex with not all the drama. Thank you, you're okay. So just Okay, well, there are you having to get out of my house. That was part of the plan. Alright, great time for back to back jams right now, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Republican Senator Bob Corker suggested that President Trump leave it to the professionals for a while and called him utterly untruthful. Trump's reply came via Twitter and not one, but five tweets. This is a president of the United States, now five tweets, I know, among other things, Trump called Corker incompetent. Corker also replied via Twitter, some untruths from the same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. He wrote, hashtag alert the daycare staff also also, Senator Jeff Flake, one of Donald Trump's loudest Republican critics, announced that he's retiring at the end of his term. That'll be in what January? He'll leave office January two thousand, nineteen. Uh so he'll still be there for fourteen more months anyway. As for his reasons, Flake said that reckless, outrageous, and undignified behavior has become excused as telling it like it is. He argued that the nation should not accept that conduct of some in the executive branches. Normal. Flake said he deeply regrets the current tone of American politics and condemned what he called a fragrant assault on truth and decency. Trump responded and tweeted, the reason Flake and Bob Corker dropped out of the Senate race is very simple. They had zero chance of being elected. Now Exo hurt and wounded, he just came. He just cannot resist tweeting. Corker said he had a great chance of winning. Uh, it's true what they say about Flake, But Corker said, no, that's not true. So, yeah, they have incident with the truth and Donald Trump and how he's acting as president. Yeah, they're saying more are gonna come come forth, And they're saying if it was an election year next year, a lot more would then. Donald Trump tweeted back, they don't like me, but I got a standing. Oh at the lunch yesterday, how it was nobody but the senators. It was the Republican senators. They meet on current House whatever it was. Yeah, they meet and and he walked in. He got standing him right, and then when he left, I got standing yesterday. They liked me from the people who had to clap food my party might be okay, yeah, don't stay in your just It's like during the presidential speech when he wins and you watch everybody on his side standing and clap. On the other side, just sit yeah. Oh man, it's the It's the dumbest thing I've ever Yeah. Man, that's some ignorant mass right there. It is half the house standing the exactly overhead. It's just he's just, you know, he's just a petty person. He likes to fight. He cannot let anything go. I don't care how that's what you have. You may not want that, but that's ok. I give you an analogy, Yeah, can I give you guys an analogy that you can all relate to. Our president's problem is he has to have control, and he has to have the credit. He gotta have the last word, and he has to feel as though he's winning even if he does death sound for me, yes, I know you're talking about how did his black as what you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with the last segment of the day, just one more thing. Stevie Wonder shared a hope for unity and positivity Sunday at a post race concert at the Formula One US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, then delivered a poignant political message by kneeling during his improvised performance of the National Anthem. Stevie began with a call to action, saying, I've never seen the color of my skin nor the color of your skin. What I want you to know is that we are in a race, we hear, all of us here, a race against time. So it's time for all the leaders, all the people, all of us to come together in the spirit of unity so we can move this world to a positive form. After performing hits like Superstitious or Duke Uh Steve finished. Stevie finished his set with the harmonica cover of the Star Spangled Banner. Then he took a knee during the performance, displaying solidarity with the professional athletes and other public figures who have knelt to protest institutional racism and police brutality. Time out. Austin reports that many in the audience listen to this. Many in the audience knelt as well. You know what he said, Stevie Cole. He said, I've never seen and I've never seen the color yours. That's cold. That is. That is so tell. See so I don't even what y'all talking about. I've never seen it. That's crazy, man. I can't judge you by the color of your skin because I don't see it. So what I'm asking you is how you keep judging us by ours? I'm just asking because I ain't done it to nobody in my life. I ain't even seen the color of musky. Wow. That's deep, isn't it. That's heavy? Yeah, that is so profound, it really is. Thank you, Stevie. Sometimes, you know, it takes something like that to bring it all into perspective and then everyone knelt too a knee. Yeah. It is Thursday night football. Tonight, Miami Dolphins will take on the Baltimore Ravens. Miami Dolphins with the new quarterback Cleveland ain't playing at losing an Yeah, but we go out Sunday. Yeah, but it's an invitable we will lose. And why will we lose because we ain't got no quarterback. Oh man, And we passed on the board from Clemson and went down there and then he looked out. Yeah, I just you know, I mean, you know, when you do something stupid, I think Miles Gerd is a great player. I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. We can rush your quarterback, but you can come eat. I was a lie. So the solution you think that's the only problem with the Browns is the quarterback position. Uh, but we can solve that's all he said. It was so honest right there. That was so honest of you. You can have the greatest players all over the board. If you're quarterback, ain't nothing. You're not gonna win. Quarterback touched the ball every single play. The quarterback makes a decision every single play. The leader huh, that's right. Nobody touches it every play and makes a decision every play. In other words, if your wire receiver you run a forward to run past here back, but if your quarterback can't get you the ball yourself. I'm so glad you're our quarterback, Steve, Yes, you are our leader here. Yeah yeah, the back. Yeah. And he has a good backup too. He has a great backup for being by my side for all these years. Thank you so much. I'm the damn quarterback here. What you're talking about, we cannot quarterback stupid on the backup huddle. Listen to you, he say, w ya can't hug up with me? Who we quen Wright? What listening to you spading on me? I thought I was the backup quarterback here. What I don't think the problem that we're having is we can't get the team to follow you. That's the problem. It's caller, that's who it is. You don't want to play. I'm I'm like a coach or our offensive coordinator. I'm not listening to you the backup quarterback, water boy, you good at that. He can't say it. He can't say it because you just raid and everybody's down pour it over their head when they won a game. I'm gonna pull it over y'all. Right now, the backup quarterback man, the crash, I'm the backup quarterback here. Okay, crashes all right? Man? You yeah? Are you gonna see all with the sitters behind you? Can't? It's radio quarterback. Yes, So there's You don't think there's any chance, any chance that you guys are gonna win any games this season? Well, they played Minnesota sunday, Okay, I don't see it. I don't see a team that we can be wow. Alright, Well, on that note, we gotta go, guys, take us home. Steve, have a great weekend, folks, And I mean that from the bottom of my heart and from me to quarterback number two, Steve numbers one, what's your number? Night and night We're out Love, I love you. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.