Sister Odell Stops By and Steve Gets Pranked - 12.14.17

Published Dec 15, 2017, 1:40 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back dog giving them back, just like the Milan buck buck things. And it's to me true good to steh to move together for stout, Hoby, why don't you joy? Yeah? Joining me? Honey, said you gotta do turn ing a love. Go. Yeah, you're going to do, y'all go. You gotta turn you to turn out turns to love. You got to turn out to turn the water the wan to go. Comey, come on your thing? Got it? Uh huh? I showed well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on, DIGNI now one and only Steve Harvey. I got a radio show. Yeah, man, real grateful for that. You know it's funny man. I remember when I um first started out in radio. A lot of my peers laughed at me. It was, you know, some of it was being mean spirited, some of it was just you know, marking me. I'm used to stuff like that. But I had as a special guest on my show, Joel Oldstein on my talk show. And you know something, man, he he said something that was I can't remember the scripture. I don't know exactly how I where, Like we were having a long conversation, but the gist of it was, don't be upset with where you are now, and don't be upset with the small things in your life. Be grateful for the small things and the small position that you have right now, because you don't know where that's going. You don't know what that's gonna be one day. You don't know what that's gonna lead to. And that was very warming to hear him say that, But it also reminded me of when I started in radio, how small it was. It reminded me of when I started in stand up making twenty five dollars a show. It reminded me of the cause I used to drive and the cause I didn't have. It reminds me of not having a home at a period in my life and what God has allowed me to live in now. So don't be distraught over your position now, and don't be ungrateful or unappreciative for the things you have now because you don't know what that's gonna grow into. And that's really the gist of what he got that I that I got from what he was saying. I just wanted to share that with you, that where you are now it's so temporary because now, like I've said before, now as a fleeting moment. As soon as you say now, right after you finished saying now, that moment that you claimed as now, that's gone. So the where you are now it's a very fleeting process. Now. You can change where you are now, and you can change how you feel about where you're at now, and you can change about where you're going by simply changing your mind. It is no difference. I'm telling you, folks. The thing that I've learned about successful people is not so much of what they do. It's not what they have, is not how I see them functioning. The biggest thing I've learned about successful people is how they think. That's the thing that's different. It's how they think. And I'm telling you that you can change the way you think on any subject and start becoming successful towards that starting now, and that you have to understand that. Man, the biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and non successful people is how they think. I was reading what is God said that he was taught all wrong about money. He said that his father was very negative about money. He all throughout his life he heard his father say, you know, people who got money have walked on somebody to get it, or cheated somebody to get it. People who have money, money is the root of all evil. Money is money is this? And people who got money, you know, don't deserve it. They've done something wrong to get it. Y'ad y'all, So, he said, he grew up the whole time thinking that having money was something was wrong with that. He discovered that it wasn't. You know. Now, Look, you can choose to be successful in any way you want to. I've chosen several ways to be successful. I want to be a very, very successful father. I think that's one of the things that's paramount in my life that I really am working hard right now to become a successful father. Not a successful father in terms of money, but a successful father in terms of offering the amount of love and guidance and leadership and the example that my children need to look at. And that's what I'm really really working hard at now. I want to be successful as a father, but also I want to be successful as a husband. You know, I want Marjorie to always know that she can count on me that to not have to wonder about me a look for me, you know. I want her to feel secure in the fact that I really have gotten it right, that I really am focused on being a good husband to her. Because it means so much to me having gone through everything I've gone through and having God to have at this stage of my life giving me such a wonderful gift. I want to want to show her how much I appreciate it, you know. So I'm working hard on a lot of levels. I'm working hard. I'm trying very strong to be a successful motivator of people. I want to be a share of information to people that will uplift others and give others the same things that I've learned through the trials and tribulations of my life. But at the same time, share that information and use the power this microphone to uplift people, you know, not to destroy. My show is not about guess what's going so said? Guess what's so and so did. I I don't like mean spirited things about people, you know. I joke with people calling this that's another thing. But I don't like destroying people with the power to microphone. So working very hard on being successful in a lot of areas of my life now. Also, I do care about being financially successful too, because my father the one one of the gifts he gave me was very simple gift. He told me a long time ago. He said, son, the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them. And that's stuck with me. And this was a hard working man who was a coal miner, who worked construction his entire life. My father didn't have an easy life man. My father didn't sit behind the microphone. My father didn't come to work and people cheered for him. My father wasn't famous. My father was just a go get it dude. That he instilled that in me. And I've taken that and applied it to my craft and I thank God for him for that. But I do try to be financially successful so that I can do some things with it to help some other people. Now, am I opposed to having nice things? No? Do I apologize for having nice things? No? And why should I I work? I work? You know, I'm done. I'm not and I'm not on the radio asking to give me money, you know, so I can go buy a car. I'm working, so I don't feel how you want to feel, and other people do feel that way about it. But if success in terms of finance it's what you're lacking, you can go about the business of doing that. I'm writing a book and that whole book is about teaching people how to become successful, and Man, I'm breaking it down in a way where everybody can get it, man, because I want the college student to get it, you know, I want I want the working mom to get it, the single mom to get it, the the the hard working father that has been trying to hold his family together can get it. The father that ain't ever got it together and feel that because of that reason, he can't be the father he needs to be. I'm writing something, man, to put it into words, to let you know that God is a forgiving God, and that God is a merciful God, and that God can get you out of any situation you find yourself in. You just can't beat yourself up every time you make a mistake. I make mistakes all the time, Man, I just got to remind myself to get up. I ask God for forgiveness, I call on his mercy and his grace, and I get up and I go again. But it's coming, man. And if finance excess is what you want, you got to change your mind. You got to start thinking about how to produce it. You got what you gotta just this is not what you do first. The first thing you do is you gotta ask. You gotta ask ask to have a life and have a life more abundantly. That's a scripture that he comes to you to give you life and to give you life more abundantly. That's a scripture. That ain't a joke, that ain't a theory. That's a fact and the fact that if you don't have a life of abundance, you can get that by asking. Now follow the rest of it. But it starts by asking. Then it starts by believing, and how to don't even worry about that. He takes care of that himself. He'll send the stuff your way. But you gotta be willing to put some effort in this thing now, and you can do it. Okay. I know I was a little around the place today, but that's what it was. So you know, let's go get it all right. You're listening to ladies and jentlemen, boys and girls, people all around the world. This is it this is the baddest morning show in the world. I ain't gonna lie to this baby. Well, we got so much to talk about. Ama roses in the news. Yeah, gonna be here's probably gonna want to talk about it. She resigned. That was she say, Well, there was a rumor that John Kelly was gonna get rid of her. What's gonna Yeah, Yeah, he's still He's still there being He nicks. He probably ain't being sleep because he ships always sleep. He has to concentrate on what he's saying. He got to see his he's really really bright guy. He got to see him. What of the chances you think, Steve, I love asking him this question, Jay, of us having a black president again, nobody person I think could run for president and win it. You want to know this answer? Sheelle Obama could. She definitely can win. She could win. Corey Booker there, you know that's he's one of the ones they're talking about. I would vote for him, but I don't know what his personal life is. But they're gonna flip him over different than they do other presidents. See, uh, Obama was beyond reproach. He had an impeccable character. Things like that, I don't know much about Corey Booker. Seems like a great guy, you know, if he ran out back him, but I'd have to know a little bit more. But they're gonna flip him over pretty good. So when you run for president, you gotta be ready. The only person they didn't flip over person is Donald Trump. I've never seen I've never seen a person get away with more very very rarely have you ever seen the president being more married multiple times? Yeah, they would have had a little bit more requirements for the first lady in the past, and you could not have said any any of the stuff he said and remained even on the ticket. And he wasn't a politician. I think that's how they let him. And trust me, politician would have never gotten away with as much as Trump. What black Trump? No way, Black Trump would have been a damn spade and the deck of car. That's only you, no one, No Trump. Oh man, It's no way they would let you get away with any of no bro, Because let me tell you something, because blacks would have held you account Uh yeah, they would have to. Your black people would have held you accountable. Don't get in that White House. You wouldn't be able to say, especially the comment he made on the Bush on the bus with Billy Bush, there is no black people would have turned on a black candidate. Wait, wait a minute, man, what you're not gonna do is get in here and do this to us and it was another black woman, No way about that. Are you kidding me? You're gonna say that about a sister? And you think we finn put you in the White House. They would have never done it because you're not gonna get up there. We have to explain you every day. Right, alright, great show we have planned for you today. Stick around something funny because something funny coming up at thirty two after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time, junior. You're ready? Yeah, I want to take congratulations to Alabama elected Doug Jones. Yes, but but truth be told, that horse didn't want to go there. Did not look like the horse? Did that looks like the horse? To Fassi New, she was going loop say, what the hell were going down here? It just don't make no sense why I got to go with you though, even Sassy New. But he rode in, like don't you love the friend and horse? You rode in on. Yes, y'all get a hell out of here. Fassy on the White Act said, I told you wasn't going what I like about that horse. That's a horse, little Joe right on the Ponderosa. That was a palomino. That was a palomino. Baby, I don't know what the color the coloration. Yeah, that's not true. Didn't that sound good? It sounded so damn good. I mean, you made me not want to look it up. I'm not want to google it at all. It was a paler me. No, I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't know what pell me not his his wife was riding George Wallace's mama in the background. You couldn't. We didn't see that. He was full of oates and everything. Man, you couldn't do me like I love watching black Horse and love the friend that gets up to full speed. And then we can't say that one on the air. Not to interrupt you, that's true. But the last joke that shut it down, shut shut the jake spot down last week was George said that mama, can I click it up? Let me clean it up. George Wallace said, my mama was drinking water blowing it out, help behind, putting out the fires in l A. That's disrespectful. I would never say nothing like that about it, mommy. But what was your comeback? I had nothing left the stage. You know, you get top, you just leave it. There was a guy that wheel check got up and ran out the room. He was laughing so hard he could walk after that around Mama's streak of water, bloat it out of behind, putting the fire's out, and they got water. That would have made me fight. You have to go. You know what I love about what Jordian that is to watch Steve Steve like I mean, you know, oh, man, I'll be I'll be wincing. Yeah, I'll be looking at him going because he man, I don't do to your mom with Joe. You cannot bring me in it because did you lose it? Because that's not this thing. I just it's not my thing. You know. You can't talk about my mama. You know, I ain't never been able to play like that. You know, when we were younger and we used to play the dozen about the third one in Now, I won't fight you see, you said something about their loss, and I think you're nice personal because you saw my mom. Yeah, you know you my mom. You know your mama was so fat? Hold up, I know my mama real skinny, but hold on, I don't know my mama got some weight on the hold hold yeah, that's playing a dozen. I'll tell you the one that got me though. He's playing dozen with this dude. Dude said something about my mama weight. I got hot, and then the next one and she's so damn dumb. So he didn't even get the rest of that. See, not what my mama ain't is not my mom not gonna be stupid. Your mom's so damn dumb, damn domn No, you took it to heart. Yeah, and then word got out. Man, Steve Man, you can't play the dozens with him. So I started slowing it down, slowing it down. You just don't play it up. Yeah, yeah, it's best that you don't. Yeah, well, because you're not in the game. Don't even get any game. Yeah right, this No, what he said about my mom was definitely not right. No, it was she's drinking water putting the fires out in l A. And now who says that? Who says that about someone? Yeah, I mean his mama's right, you know how being exactly That's what I'm saying, but she putting them out the force? What is everyone? Are you done with? Sayna, come back to what you got? Forgot right? I'm not a cry baby, but anyway, what I'm saying is what what I'm not a cry man? It's a friend of the show, is he? But some of us don't cry. Really, I'm just saying, but sometimes little things hurt really bad. Just small things like you have a bit your toe O my goodness, oh man, and then forget that that changed the whole deal. Man. Wow, I'll tell you something. Yeah that really ain't that big damn hangnail mail man irritates you for you can't feel it, but you can't get it. Man. And you know something, man, and you know you want to get it off, but you forget and it's with you the next day too, or the damn saying be aggravating the hell Yeah, yeah, I got plenty of you all got to come up with top tennis cone on your baby toe? Whoa I got one of the filip right now? Is that speak? Yes? Hello? Oh who? Your shoes are so cute and good day. You went out and came back in and was holding one in your hand. I walked to the bare food, took it off outside the bath food. You know, I'm I'm going to be food, and threw it on the wall. All right, we gotta get out of here. Coming up next, the nephews run that brank back, or just the nephews prank will be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, miss An, we'll be here with our national news and our headlines. But first it's time for the nephew and his prank. What you got, neces, We're not running it. Prank franks will be running on this show. There's no running what we're doing. We you can like that and didn't run a prank he tried. This is perfect right now. This is YRD politics. YRD politics. That's about how far you lost about one year Yard politics. Let's go up. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Cassandra please. Oh hey, my name is Kendall done with the homeowners Association. I'm good. Let me make sure I have the right address. Are you at teen eight nine? D? Okay, we have a bit of a situation I wanted to give you a call and see if we could possibly work something out a situation. Okay, what's the problem, do you, cass Andrew? Do you have President Barack Obama voting sign in your yard? Absolutely? Okay, here's what's going on. It seems like the majority of the people on your street actually have Mr Mitt Romney uh signs in their yard. And what we want We've gotten a few calls about, you know, the sign that you have in your yard, and we wanted to give you a courtesy call and see if we can probably a you know, stop a problem before it actually happens. We wanted, right, we wanted to see, you know, if you would be so nice, so kind to actually take down your President Barack Obama sign so we you know, we won't have any any friction going on between the other neighbors and yourself and and things of that nature. Are you okay with taking that sign down for us? You know until the like, why would I take much? Did you ask that next door to take his sign down? Meta, Stac Did you ask any other to take down that line than Newdle Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on to Sandy. I don't want you to get upset. What I want to do is see if we can upset. You called me with this morning. I didn't even look. I didn't even put my wig on hood and you're calling me with this morning and pay my taxes like everybody everybody in the hood. I'm a good black person. Okay, I do what the hell I'm supposed to do a payment. I don't have no broke down car down over here. None of my friends come on there ribbing these old crazy but you won't call me about a time. Well, what we're trying to do was create. We're trying to, you know, suppress any tension that we think could possibly occur in the neighborhood. Let me tell you something. I'm when my husband come home, we're gonna pay this blue white and put brocking broma first from the front of Michelle Black Obama on the back. Now, se what happened? I hadn't they were on the street, an't it. Well, I'm gonna say you know what, I don't give Nowine take my sign now, miss Okay, I don't know what. I don't want to. I didn't want to actually have to come over and take the sign down myself. I just wanted to. I'm sorry you don't come to mouse, but I don't want to have to come over and take the sign down. I'm asking you to take it down so it doesn't create a problem. Come over here, trust and believe you come over here, You're gonna have a bigger problem than a sign. Pick up. You don't have to get a sign out of your yes, believe that. Now, who the hell are you voting? Vote? Mr? Who I'm voting for has nothing to do with anything I'm trying to. Yeah, yeah, do because if you hadn't think, you wouldn't vote for that Bloman noodle. You come over flyne if you want to watch what happens my sign, let me call my husband. Matter of fact, where you at? Bring enough trying to put up y'all? Come over here, ma'am. Listen, listen. I'm I'm trying to keep peace within the neighborhood. We have a four or five wrong. Should have told every other neighbor to move they and leave me alone. I'm old and black stuff on this road up there hill, you know, but that mean I'm an US. But I know I how to check it to the hood. Don't bring fine if you want to, man, could you could? You could you could you tone down on the language and the anger. I'm not I don't want to make you angry. I just want to get Ain't you did it? I'm mad. I'm don't call me about my man. Ain't my fine? Ain't that's with nobody. I'm not a so. And if he wanted to start, you don't want to start. No trouble. Is that what you said. If that's what you said, you should have what wrote me an email or something? Then I really couldn't have. I couldn't talk to you. You called me, I'm gonna talk to you. Come on here, fine, that's what text. Come on and I want to see you, come get me. Fine, that's fine. Thought you're coming out? Uh no, not at the moment. So I didn't think you're gonna bring over here. I know you wasn't gonna bring you you know how sick. I don't want to talk about this no more. You know I'm saying, no, don't call me with this, no what what? I don't want to hear him, not say I don't want to hear. But you know what, you'll come over here and get this. Don't call house, no moment. Calarback, calorback Hello, Hello, this is Mr Kendall again, ma'am. You didn't have to hang up on me. I'm trying to get some problems taken care of so we don't have an uproar in the neighborhood. Okay, it's already. I want Mr. Now you need to say to me, you know what, just for kick call with my phone. I'm a leader signed out to the end of the year, not a fact. The sign gonna be planning right next to Santa Claus. I'm trying to a time day with me. Okay, listen, ma'am. I'm not trying to create an argument with you. Okay, I wanted all I wanted to do it. Okay, can I say, can I say something to you? You know what you write? My husband said, I thought too much. I just want to tell you this baby that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your husband Neil got me to prank phone call you. You. Oh, but he told me, he said he told me. He said that that y'all was the only ones on the street that had had the President of Rock Obama signe out. And he said, you made mention to it. We're the only ones on the street out, I signed out, and he said, y'all had a whole bunch of mitt Romney side. He said, this is a perfect, perfect prank to be done. Ray through the neighborhood. He Cassandra, you gotta tell me this before we go. What is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, that is all right? You know yah politics, that's how you're doing Jake, that's done, man. You show the people haven't done and you do it that way. Thank you, hey man. When the next Bob's Boy performance time? Wow? The plays shut down? J Yeah, not shut down, but closed the season. How many weeks did you do their ranted court week? It was the only scheduled for it. Oh when will he be allowed to say? Okay y'all through time? I didn't know it. Yeah, what the next venture, Tommy? You're doing another play anytime Soon's funny. I'm sorry that was lift out. When I started lifting, I said, it's good while his mama's in the fat panther, it's coming out this Boone's fat panther, not not the black. Not to be confused, they got a promo and she's on a tree and the branches bent, laid up the panther and this is your good friend, my friend. Alright, listen, miss Anne. It's coming up next with our national news. All Right, you guys don't want to miss that. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back with more of this show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. So, uh wow, I never heard what happened with the We talked about the fires, the l A fires earlier. I never knew how they started. Well, finally they found out someone started because it was really dry. Well, it says it's the action of some homeless people. Yeah. L A Fire officials said on Tuesday of this week that last week's fire in bel Air, Yeah, it was caused by a cooking fire at a nearby homeless encampment. The fire ended up, of course, burning down six homes and damaging twelve others in bel Air. Uh and Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson said that homeless people have been living under the four oh five freeway for a number of years. Investigators found evident that people were cooking and living in the encampment, but didn't find anyone there, so there are no suspects in the case. The homeless population in l A has been on the rise, of course, uh because from here yeah. Uh. May report said that it has increased by over the last year, putting the homeless population in l A County at fifty eight thousand. Yeah, so there you go. And then then the area up in net is so dry because we're getting resting, yeah, getting arrain. Yeah. I mean I feel for the homeless, I really absolutely, because they got to eat cook all this stuff on fire and it's still burning. It hasn't fires. They've moved This morning on Mulholland when I was coming in, I could see the blades, the actual blazes. Wow. Yeah, I mean we it's to the point now where we don't have to wear a mask. There was a time last week were our Yeah we had to. Yeah, you didn't want to breathe in that stuff. Yeah, But I mean you caught all the extra fumes last week too. What do you mean smoking? Jut the junior back you got a whole another forward fire. Well, how does your hamstring? By the way, Tommy, I'm still jacked up, but I'll be like junior junior here from me, we'll talk this could for the new year. I'll talk to y'all in the new okay, because you gotta nurse your hamstring and get it when you at the spa with your daughter. Yeah, oh yeah, don't see like a hurt hamstring to me when you sitting down and turn that little machine on this show feel good? I mean when you left here though, didday after the race? You remember when he got left. I'm not gonna do this almore, Tommy, you started it. Now which hamstring was? It is the left one, But that wasn't the one you was rubbing in him. I thought you rubbed. You rubbed the opposite one. I'm used to stretch the opposite What what you used to pull in the other one? Used to pull in the right I've always pulled in the right hand run. Oh that's why. That's why you had the ice on now, Oh food, ice is on the left one, that's the one that got pulled. Well, unless your ass is dyslexic, I saw the ice bay like a senate investigation, same level. Did you pull a right race? Hard to go? No matter what, I'm team Tony, all right, Come on, Steve, ladies and gentlemen, she's here with the news, miss and trip pointing everybody out there. This is a troop with the news. Okay. A Kentucky state representative get this under investigation for sexually molesting a teenage girl. Committed suicide last night. That's right. Republican States Senator Representative Daniel Johnson uh fatally shot himself, police say, on a bridge in Tennessee in Kentucky, rather two days after the Kentucky Center for Investigation reported he published a story detailing accusations that he sexually abused a seventeen year old girl at the New Year's party. In autopsy is being performed on the body of Republican State Representative Dan Johnson this morning. Republicans in the House and Senate have agreed on a final tax overhaul. He hopes to pass the bill next week, and the President says he can't wait to sign it. This bill is vital to the American people for many reasons. First of all, it's going to have a tax cut the likes of which we haven't seen for not only business, but for the working families of our country. Trump is trying to push his party's proposed tax cuts through quickly. Especially in light of the fact that the GOP majority in the sent it's about to shrink because of the political upset in Alabama and Senator John McCain is in the hospital right now. Speaking of which, Alabama Senator elect Doug Jones says, the President gracially graciously called him to congratulate him on his win and invite him to the White House. Jones, the first Democrat to be elected to the Senate from his state in twenty five years, says he will try to find common ground with Trump and work with both parties. People of Alabama expect me to do the right thing and vote for the people of Alabama, and so we're gonna see. We're gonna take every issue one step at a time. I want to sit down with folks on both sides of the aisle, on both sides of an issue. Meanwhile, we Republicans, the Republican he beat Roy Moore has still refused to concede. Alabama Secretary State says Uh that yet to be counted ballots are unlikely to change the outcome. At last count, Doug Jones beat Roy Moore by at least twenty thousand votes. PBS says it's suspended distribution of Tavis Smiley's talk show indefinitely after the network says an independent investigation uncovered quote multiple credible allegations of misconduct by the host. Spokesman four PBS had so far declined to specify just what those allegations are where It is, however, that they are sexual in nature. Representatives for Smiley have reportedly not commented yet looks like things that have changed for the former star the Trump TV show The Apprentice. According to a White House statement, Alma Rossa, man of Galt, is now Menagon. The statement from the administration goes the way they always do. She resigned to pursue other opportunities. They always say that. But The Wall Street Journal says that Omar Rossa's departure was confrontational, that she had to be physically dragged out of the White House, and that she was cussing the whole way. Finally, today National Roast, chest N's to Day and National Monkey Day. I don't get it either. Okay, are you're chaking the butterfly? Turny minutes after the hoursday, tune to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve introduced Jay. Do you know, oh do you know? Do you know? You didn't say butterfly, butter fly? Very good? Good morning everyone, Stephen Timey, Charlotte Corlige Jr. I'm sorry, Carlin's I need today, but anyway, good morning everyone. I am Butterfly, flap on Flap brother always here. Heye, Shirley, Timmy something Jay Brown, it's wheat me over there because I'd like to speak to him. Look, okay, York, get your free and out and I can be wheat and corn breed and I live. Yeah, that was fine. I'll touch that. I'm trying to work with him. Yeah, but look at I'm gonna try to work. We didn't do some you know, do some music with him or whatever. But like when you come to here, dis respect me, call me on my name. I don't know. I don't know what they used to do with the radio st he stays in you right now. They ain't like that O wheel right now. I know they apologize, man, I told him say that. I know they were places you with foo people, but you come out here and get your het. How did this turn into that murder you here? I'm sorry, man, I take that back very well. I can get about anybody. Let me say this, Stephen, I want to say it. I'm want to get it out now for the new year. I am going to do some different things on this show. I'm either gonna do sports. No, you're not. I want to be able to get but that's one you're not doing. Tell us to do more. You always say you want us to do more. You want to You always say jump. I mean that's jump jump over there. I want to either do sports. I could do weather, I could fashion, they could do I could do travel where people could go it can't do. But I want to do I could do travel where you know places that you could travel this time of the year. You know what I'm saying. I just want to open myself. I could do something more. Yeah, you I've been some places. I'm just saying I just want to do. I really couldn't do sports because you know I'm really into you're not doing it. We'll see what you think about I thought about it. Don't rush your dream. Why angry? Why you something mean when it comes to me, I'm not angry or me. You're not doing sports because you don't know nothing about sports. We gotta go butterfly. Thank you. Sports. Listen when we come back from the break at thirty four after you would do it, We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, wow, who knew this? Today's show number one again after Matt lowers. Yeah yeah, yeah, they're they're saying his exit maybe the best thing that has happened to the Today Show because a lot of ladies watch morning television and you know the numbers of it. For the second straight weeks since uh Matt's firing, um, the Morning Show has been number one in the ratings, beating out reigning champ Good Morning America. Today has drawn an average of nearly four point fifty eight million viewers overall, while Good Morning America brought in nearly uh four point So he left number one. Yeah, yeah, well I ain't leave. Didn't happen when I left? Did I say that? I did not say that. Yeah, you just said that. It didn't happen when I said that. But now you're in a championship, Jim, Jim, all your over the golden space. I'll start playing with Stephan. Was that shade? Oh man? I wish I could dark Dark Shade? Did not let me. That's what every said. I got you don't take loan, you know it, don't take loan. Put spin on it, spin on it. Well anyway, Um, for now it'll be Savannah gut three. A lot of people are saying that people are watching because they want to see how they're recovering and who they're going to Matt And here's here's a deal. I make a simple long NBC can bring me one. Do you have take me off of something? Take this? Yeah, let's and give me what you was giving Matting. I think he was making like twenty five million a year or something. Steve, I going up. You gonna be sitting behind you. Yeah, they're gonna we're gonna do this radio, come in the studio and film you. Because you're not leaving this. You have to answer a question twice? Why are you looking like for millions? I don't know you. You don't have to have a hit set on it. Help us because we're gonna be guys. I think he would abandoned us for millions. Surely good more in American be like, Steve, what do you think about the election? To Sheran, what do you think about the election? You got to answer the damn question twice. For now. Savannah Guthrie and Hodakati are co anchoring Today and they're doing an outstanding job. Yeah they really are. After show, well, yeah they're Savannah was always on there, she and she and Matt were partners. Anyway, CBS this Morning, which fired Charlie Rose, remember over sexual misstime charges Charlie. Yeah, but you know they're going after Marshall falk Oh yeah, the president keep his job exactly. It's just how and all you got to do this an accusation, but they they've lost their jobs, I mean yeah, yeah, Um, well anyway, I mean they're trying to you know, they're looking into it. They are, they are looking into it. Um, you know, they're bringing it back up now and everything. Anyway, I was telling you that CBS this Morning, um, which who fired Charlie Rose, were the same thing they fired Matt Lower over there in third place with three million point fifty seven viewers. That's all according to not not They didn't even mention it. They're not even mentioned. Yeah, they only mentioned the top three j and Today is number one right now. Yeah, so yeah, just keep watching, keep watching and see are the holidays stressing you out at all, Yes, definitely. Well, well, the advice is to take a dacation. Oh just lots of hotels are offering dacation packages where you can use the hotel spas, the restaurants, the pools and workout rooms, things like that. Take a day off for yourself, treat yourself a day hampering, sit down, Stave finished the show. Sound right there? Yeah, all right, well listen in about an hour, sister O'Dell is going to be in the building. All right, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. You do not want to miss today's Strawberry letter. But first it's the nephew and the prank phone call. What you got? Certainly this is one of the greatest ones of all time. Really, the nephew, Frank's his uncle. We'll hold on before you do that. Let me go and get a little bit. This is for you. Tommy imission looked off of the space between rank right. Let's okay, cool that that was a sound. For those of you that missed it, did you played against that that junior deal with Tommic This is this is when we start the race the gun and what what happened at the race? Go love it? Junior to take mission looked off of the space STWEA shut up, Jay, you're asking on probation over here. I'm keen Tommy lift off. That erupted right there, Junior one blowing up over Tommy and then that timmer Ham strank trying to come back. It is running cat. You said running? Did you running one? I mean I didn't really hear that. I didn't hear it. I was trying to hear it because they were laughing. Yeah, wowa tommer Ham strank between because they clapping as the girls walking already, Now what we're gonna say. I was just gonna say, run that prank, now, come on, I mean, can't do it, running the frank breaking me to not run the plank. I'm tell that's likeness. Want tell the Harold strings. He just seems that the one to hear you're saying, that's what he goad. That's the girls walking. I love him go out walking out and I didn't believe it is the prank? So what did you saying? I'm saying to you right now? Did he turning on everybody? He checking on. He got nothing to do with me, man, That ain't my book. That's his damn book. Put him on the phone there I can tell him. I don't always stand of Steve. He ain't writing about you, even tall on me, you know, tall on my boy. He telling on everybody. Man, his book. Ain't got nothing to do with you, man, No, no, nobody's book. Dude got something to do with me because everything is stayed to run. If he was growing up from the hood telling on everybody, and I'm tired of this, he ought to go somewhere and sit down. Dog dog, you gotta be dick right with your girls. Just if he's storeing my girl, he ain't got no bit, just coming in my house in my car, telling every damn thing. Hello, Hello, who who who is it? What is it? Hold on, man, this Steve Harvey? Who is this? This is your team? Man? Listen here, man, Okay, I was gonna fall with your nephew and I'm just saying this to you, Steve. Okay, hold up to you, dude. I see you on the front of Essence, I see you on the on the family field, on your radio show. So why don't you go somewhere and sit out and quit telling on everybody what I mean. If I'm everything, Steve, I'm riding the car with my family. I gotta turn my radio off because you're telling game. We grow sticking together. If I'm running the middle game and make my hands meet or whatever it is, that's my goodness. You ain't gonna on me, hold on, hold on, old women. First of all, I don't know who you are. I know you. I know who you are, and we listened to the show hard. First thing, you're gonna do the back up a little bit dull because you're talking to me play if Steve, ain't nobody scared you because you got money? Who just say't nothing doing no money? Ain't gonna be too many Wait a minute and just enjoy your right. You're find the perfect right now. You You found the perfect person, the perfect relationship. Okay, that's good. God, let no book God in this. Leave God out of this, because you ain't calling from the God ain't gonna seven kill me with that part right there, God bless you. Don't throw God. You don't want God bless me because you're talking too crazy to me. That's for starters right there. But since you're talking crazy to me. Let me turn you onto something you at that running game. That's your problem. Run your game. You can't get mad at me because I'm doing what I do to man, y'all kill me. You out there doing what you want to do, like you all in this right here. Then you're coming to me because I'm trying to empower somebody. I don't give a damn about you. Man, see on how you want to feel about me. But what you ain't gonna do though, it's talk to me like you clay, because I ain't that. Wait a minute, Steve, let's make the player feel fail. Okay, you got the airwaves, you got the microphone, you got there. Killing need to touch a lot of people. Okay, and you're just telling you're a walk keep talking. Hold hold on. This ain't got nothing doing with the away. This ain't got nothing doing with the media. That just me and you talking. I talk to you personally, perstantly, Me and you can talk a little talk talk me in there called you're talking all this yet sees people like you? Man, dog, you know why I wrote a book in the first place, Because you're always somewhere trying to act like you're something that you want now you got the sauce on the phone. Now you're trying to make about money and to me, this just me and you're just two men talking, not what you want. And if there's two men then talking in from one man to another, watch you just go somewhere and sit down. It quit telling. First of all, I ain't got to sit down. You're already doing nothing as it is. She was soon as somebody go out and do something, trying to do something positive. You're got someone shaking big chimmy wags like you sitting up in here. Man, want him to go sit down somewhere. I ain't gonna sitting down, No, And I'm with you can miss me with that. I say what I want to say. And who are you anyway? You ain't even doing nothing, And don't tell me I ain't doing nothing. I tell you what I am doing. I'm trying to do something. Every time I take a step, you take two steps. I can't hang man killing my whole Hey, yeah, you don't kill me. Why don't you quit trying and do something? You want to kill me? Man? With that on you trying to do something, Why don't you do something? Dog? You shouldn't have been real talking to me about what you're trying. You try of selling that same thing to your people. You're trying winning your tie to me and trying still when you're gonna do something, I'm doing something right now. You don't here on the flower. You can be improving your relationship with your don or who are you trying to get it together? But you're on the phone with me complaining because I wrote a book. Then don't read the damn book. You probably ain't read it no way, And don't watch the TV show. You're probably ain't working enough to play to be on Noh, I don't know Wait a minute, Jo, you don't know nothing about me. Okay, you don't know nothing about my finances. You know what I mean? I don't want about your finances. This about you as a man. Man. If you don't what y'all kill me here? What y'all do to me? What y'all do to me? Y'all always talking to me on the email somewhere, you're always on the blog talking about me. You don't even know me. Then when you're giving me face to face, you want to bring up money. This concepts ain't got nothing to about money. I ain't brought them money one time. It's about man. Who Now, why don't you do that right there? I minute, No, Steve, it ain't about money now because you're guy. Okay, because your guy when you wasn broke, I bet that when you're at just what yo? And then just with when I was broke, I was working. I wasn't sitting on the phone crying to some other men by what he making me feel with my wife. Yeah. Any time I take a step forward, you got me taking two step around. That's why you ain't take a step. Give me. I'll tell you something because you got frank though. Excuse you? Oh oh dog? Alright, in about an hour, as promised, sister Hotel will be here at the race about the race. She heard about it, but she heard about it. All right, we'll be back. You're listening. I don't know if you guys saw this. Uh it went viral, this video. This young man, this little boy, Keaton Jones. You guys heard about this video. He was talking about being bullied, Uh, being bullied and all of this stuff, right, So, I mean the video went viral. A lot of celebrities and everybody came to his aid because bullying is bad no matter you know how you look at it. But anyway, some interesting information has come out since then. The young man's name is Keaton Jones. He's eleven years old. His mother is in damage control mode right now. Uh. Not long after Keaton's video about being bullied went viral, he talked about how the kids at school bullied him. They poured milk on him, poured ham down his clothes, talked about how he was ugly, talked about his nose. He said, it's not okay anyway. Um, you have people that do background checks and things like that. People went to the internet and turned up a photo of his mom. Her name is Kimberly Jones on her Facebook page featuring Keaton posting, uh, posing next to a Confederate flag. So that's what they've unfolded. So Keaton and and his mom posing next to a Confederate flag. That prompted accusations of racism, which Kimberly denied on Good Morning America. She was on there earlier this week. Kimberly Jones that, as her name says, she's not a racist. She's sorry for posting that picture Jones with a Confederate flag. If you're not Yeah, why would you do that? Why would you do that? The yeah, she said, it was meant them taking a picture with the Confederate flag was meant to be ironic and funny and extremes. There was money. Let us know, it makes funny. I don't get that. I've had an experienced several with Confederate flags, but I had one that kind of, you know, befuddled me a little bit. I was on the road as a young comedian. My car broke down on the highway. I think I told you all this one, and a guy came. People would come by to nobody helped me. And this guy comes by in his pickup truck and he pulls over. He got a Confederate flag in the rear window of his pickup truck and he starts backing it up. And I said, okay, I don't know what the hell is said to be right here, but why the hell he stopped it. So he got out to the car and he said, uh, got a little car trouble, buddy, And I said yeah. He said, uh, take a look on your hood. I had the hood up. I said, yeah, go ahead. He tinkered, went to his truck, got a little something, tinkered again, came back. He said, do my favorite, try to start it now. And the car started. My car started up, and um, I said, wow, thank you. Man, should not problem have a good day. He's walking off and I just it bugged me so bad. I said, skilled me, sir, excuse me? He said yeah. I said, I kind of you an apologize. Said, because I misjudged you. He said, what have have we met? I said no. I said, when you pull up and I saw that Confederate flag in your in your window, I said, I thought it was gonna be trouble man, but she helped me out. I just want to say thank you he saw all that flag or it ain't nothing to me. I just locked your way and look. And then they went and went and got in his truck and drove off, and I was standing there. Man, this is in the eighties, you know, I said, damn man, because I had to do all wrong because I thought it was gonna be problems. So I got tight. You know, I'm in the car, got listen, something in my hand because I'm just whatever it's fit to be right. But anyway, little Keaton, I mean, when you see this video, it just it just grabs at your heart. It's just so heart wrenching. But he and his mom are posing next to your Confederate flag. So um, the controversy see has been uh put a hold on the go fund me account because people were um sending him money set up for him and everything. Yeah, they had like fifty eight thousand dollars and pledges. Well, you know, yeah, you gotta research this thing and find out why are they bullying this board? What has he said? Has he saying something to the kids on playground? Well, what I heard was that report to that he was calling the N word. Yeah, that's what I heard that he was calling so that they were retaliating for for him doing that. That that well, that ain't bulleting in that, that's just straightening it out. Yeah, that's that's ranking. Shouldn't be doing this, breaking your habit of saying that. Alright, let's let's get to the letter. H come on, tell me up. We gotta find you human. It's a strawberry letter subject. How do I get out of this mess I made? Dear? Surely, I'm a thirty something single, most of the time intelligent, successful female. I've been on my current job for five years. To make a long story, short, I've been dating my boss for about a year and a half and he is married. His wife is a sweetheart, and I've tried numerous times to break it off because I was not raised to mess mess with anyone's husband or significant other, and maybe I am making this situation more complicated than it really is. The way this affair started is so weird. My boss would come into my office with these sad stories, which now I feel was a plot to gain my sympathy, and I was a confidant and counselor, to put it mildly. Then he started giving me bonuses and gifts, you name it, I got it. Until finally, after a year of gifts, he asked me to dinner with no strings attached. At least that's what he said. Well, I went to dinner with him, and need I say more. A year later, I am singing this song. He makes me feel like the woman I know I am, But it isn't right. Nothing about it is right. The advances, the money that gives, the vacations all feel good for the moment, but afterwards I feel like a prostitute. I know better, and have tried numerous times tell this man I don't want to do this because there is no future in us. I also honestly tell him I want the best for his marriage, but it seems he just doesn't care about anything but himself, and I don't know what to do except change jobs. I avoid phone calls when I am not at work, but Monday morning the cycle restarts. I feel like I am depriving myself of a real relationship with a single and available gentleman dealing with this guy. I want to be married some day and know I will reap what I have sown, and I am willing to accept and deal with that because there is no way around it. But I want to allow room for my mate, the one God is destined for me to come with no hindrances. Please help his sister out. This is really trying to do. Police, help a sister out that is really trying to do what is morally right. Stephen Shirley, Please help. Sincerely, not a prostitute, but feeling like one in the South. Okay, Uh, you know what, dear, not a prostitute. Your answer is right in your letter. You know what you're doing is wrong. You know you already know that I'm not gonna sit here and tell you what a terrible person you are. What you're doing is stank because you already know that. You said you weren't raised to mess with anyone's husband or a significant other. You said it's not right, you said you feel like a prostitute. Afterwards, you said you should change jobs, So hey, why don't you do that? Change jobs, start making plans to get out of this situation. Just stop doing this, Okay, stop, you know it's wrong. You've gotta stop. You gotta get out of this situation. There's just no way around it. Alright, twelve minutes, we're out of time, but we'll be back with Steve and his answer. But you gotta get out of this. Get your resume together, girl. You're listening to show, and don't forget today. No Facebook live after show for me today at one pm. We're yeah, no, no, no, we're not doing that. Well. Shirley is technically not supposed to be, not supposed to be here right on vacation, Tommy, Tommy, I brought it in. Tommy bought it in by request, Uh huh? And what because he felt like no ladies here, that the show wouldn't sound as good, right right? Yeah, I mean I wasn't vacation, and when he su came in wint of coming here two days in a row, I don't even answer my phone on all face. Let me just say that he did bribe me. He did. What did they brab you with? Oh? He bribed me? Would they brab you in? Tell him Tommy to pass you pass shoes? What kind of shoes? Now that's the part I didn't work out early that I should have she looking that the wrong shoe. Oh you thought they were gonna be running shooting. I wouldn't prefer that. No, you set it up. You said it man. I'm sorry, man, I couldn't. All right, Come on, Steve, let's go with part two of today's your response here. Let me how do I get out of this mess up? Shouldn't wanna ask me? Dear Sheran de Sherley. I'm a thirty something single most of the time, uh, intelligence successful female. I've been on my current job for five years, and make a long story short, I've been dating my boss for about a year and a half and he is married. His wife is his wife is a sweetheart, and I've tried numerous times to break it off because I was not raised to mess with anyone's husband or significant other. And maybe I'm making this situation more complicated than it really is. The way that's a fair started is so weird. My boss would come into my office with these stories about how I feel. Uh but but these with these sad stories, which now I feel was applied to game my simply, and I was his confident in counselate to put in milly. Then he started giving me bonuses and gifts, you name it, I got it. Until finally, after about a year of gifts, he asked me to dinner with no strings attached. At least that's what he said. Well, I went to dinner with him, and need to say more, and and need I say more. A year later, I am singing this song. He makes me feel like the woman I know I am, but it isn't right. Nothing about it is right. The advances, the money and the gifts, the vacations all feel good for the moment, but afterwards I feel like a prostitute. I know better and have tried numerous times to tell this man I don't want to do this because there's no future in us. I am absolutely I I also honestly tell him I want the best for his marriage, but it seems he just don't care about anything but himself. And I don't know what to do except change jobs, avoid phone calls when I'm not at work. But Monday morning, the psycho restarts you like I'm depriving myself of a real relationship with a single and available gentleman dealing with this guy. I want to be married someday, and I know I will reap what our son, and I'm willing to accept and deal with that because there's nowhere around it. But I want to allow room for my mate, the one guy that's destined for me to come with no hindrances. Please help her sister out that is really trying to do what is morally right. Steve and Shirley, please help, sincerely, not a prostitute of feeling like one in the South. Well, um, lady, First of all, I'm always amazed at how let us start you all. Ever noticed a person's description of themselves always defies the letter. They always thirty something, single, intelligent, very successful, hardworking, educated. Then you read the dumbest damn left from all of these intelligent people, and that right there is amazing. I need that back I just because it off, I blew the light anyway. Now I can't see anyway. I just I gotta tell you all. Here's so many problems in this, But this is a letter about a woman who is just trying. All she's doing is trying. My daughter taught me something the other day, and I repeated it. When a person says they tried, that merely means that they failed with honor. It just means you failed with honor. Well, you know, I I tried, I gave it my best. I tried. You didn't do anything. You failed with honor. And this woman is full of trying. She says, Uh, I've tried to break it off numerous times. That we go trying again because I was not raised to mess with anyone's husband significant other. Well you might not have been raised to do that, but you've grown now and you show doing a damn good job of it. So whatever your mama taught you when you was growing up, you didn't wipe that out to gain right now. Okay, Uh, the way that's a fair started is so weird. Here's another left part of My boss would come into my office with these sad stories, which I now feel was a plot to game my sympathies. Okay, and you don't get that, Ladies, I have told you how many women have heard this story right here. We know that you all are nurturers by nature, and we play on your nurturing side. Help me, help me, help me. I'm so sad. I don't know what to do. I lost. He's your damn boss and he run a major company. How sad and lost is he? Quit trying to fix everybody and fix yourself. If women, if you are nurturing to yourself as you are to these men, your life would be in the jackpot, lad But you're nurturing on some man. Come along and the dude is married. All right there, let's go on down up now here you go. He makes me feel like the woman I know I am, But it isn't right. Nothing is right about it. The advances, the money that gives the vacations. All feel good for the moment, but afterwards I feel like a prostitute. Well, let's go over this. How does a prostitute operates off money? Gifts, advances, vacation. That's what the prostitute do most of the time. Money. Look here, I'm gonna give you some of this cooking. You give me some cash. That's an exchange that's done on the corner. That a strip club, that a brothel is legal in Vegas. And you got to popping off on your job. Now you just know that's what you're being, Okay, And then you says, I know better and have tried numerous times. Dare your ass go trying again. You don't seem to be trying real hard now, he was. I honestly tell him I want the best for his marriage. That's the good part right there. I want the best for his marriage. That's why I sleeped with you all over town and all these different hotels and take your husband with money and guilt because I want the best for your marriage. Thank you, Steve. We gotta get out of here. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. My love. You can hear in the background she's in the building. Yeah, sister, hotel ladies and gentlemen. Hmm, Lord Lord Loud, you ain't ever needed him, You need him now us trouble man. These is troubles times, troubles times. Now, what is the worst coming to my Hey? Hey lett ray well, good morneys. Everyone was yes, Hello Junior, so deal. Your voice is interested. Oh what, nothing, it's the same. I was hoping you had based it up a little bit, gonna be harder. Did it won't be depending on you if you signed a little bit washing her. I heard you've been flirshing with the little Mississippi Ga. Yes, we've been flirting with a. Y'all just been floating around or did anything to it? Nothing to it though, there we just flirt. You know they Neither one of y'all got cheerous, no, ma'am, and I don't suggest it either, cause it ain't. Neither one of y'all got nice voices. With the bib a little crazy sounded baby. You don't know if the baby crying. I'm saying you babies, somebody to get the babies? And hell Brown, how you doing your day? Good? Good, good timing? Hi boy? Oh little pretty good. How's your mama? Kate? My mom was good. We talked to a not too long ago. He's a sweet girl. I called Kate right after we get through. Hello share well, Hello, sister Odell. Yeah, what's going on? What y'all been talking about so much? Sister Hotel? Okay, first of all, let's get to Alabama. I'm sure you've been watching the news. You know that. Now for the first time twenty five years, a Democrat one Doug Jones over Broy Moore. You heard about Roy Moore? Huh, yes, you know I knew royd More. I knew his granddaddy. Really now, and what was his name, sister, Odell get Mo get most Did he ride a horse? Well, let's just say it was some ride going in, but it was hard. Wasn't involved? Get and get more gas on? He got more, yep than he could handle. I gave him some on the sand to three thirteen slaves. Yeah, you better know it. This is it's a good day in Alabama now, Yes, it is. People's done that really pulls that soft together and got rid of this clown you're setting up in here going to the miles messing with kids. Yes, ma'am, you're thirty some years old. You get banned from a mall because you just keep a caring dog in your hand. You're walking around with cotton candy and a corn dog. You're nasty, evel basket. I'm surprised he was on the ticket anyway. Well, the good thing is he did not make it. Yeah, that state great State of Alabama came through said we're gonna he's hit right here. They represent it and say what you wanted to he grown healthless. That don't bother me one way at all. I don't give an I'd had a whole out of me and say something inappropriate to meet We say something inappropriate to me. You better LEAs your back and well the good thing is bringing and slang. You see what you're working with. Bring it and let me see what you're working with. You ain't gonna intimidation meat, But when you're going to mesh with cheerers, that's where it gets crazy. Yes, man, didn't make no sense. Now what does you want? Well, I was just gonna tell you that Doug Jones did thank African Americans in his acceptance. Well hey should be yeah, what for blanches? There wouldn't be in him, not at all? Man so and and Charles Berkley, you know, admonished Democrats not to take African Americans for granted. Well that's a waste speech, do you think? So you don't think things are gonna change? I think I'm just asking sister. Tell yeah, you ain't a whole lot of change. Huh. Let a black man get pulled on by the police. How much you did change, ma'am. You're right, we used a lot of more changes. They ain't gonna change nothing to called Doug in there. All we did is kept pedophile out of the White House. That is all it is. Well, at least want to have field trips up to the White House to be saved. Speaking Roy More had got up there to the White House. They had to counsel all the field. He said, the kids off the bus. He take hunt down, moved time to taking time. We're gonna do nothing with the kids up there. We have the White House. She now, uh, I'm a Rosa has resigned. Anybody surprised? She said she wants to pursue other opportunities. Did she know? What did she do? I never knew what she did? What opportunities? You're gonnahead get to be on A Rosa the TV show over the Prents. Yeah, she can't go back on that. Yeah, you've been fighting the man, the fat everybody. Yeah. Well, they said that she was fired. Actually, I mean the news came out that she resigned, but it had been rumored that she they were trying to get rid of her and she married chef of staffs she married to do you know hoo? Uh no, Mr Newman? I think is his last name? Yeah, yeah, he's he's a man. But that was her first in the South Carolina Manegal Funeral Home, Manegal. That ain't with a golf but we're fashion. Hey, my boys ain't the same today. I don't even feel like she's just the old day. Sound okay, can I come back? How you come back? We want to talk about all right, well let's talk. I'll be back Swede. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Showing. No, gee, that's a wheel you see will man? Whoa? Yes? See you? What will you do? What will you do? Oh? He we kee keep you what you keep you? What? We glad? You good? Glad? I'm be I love your saying. O roso go go? Uh the wild she is gone? Why tell us why? Because the old bomber didn't want up in new think about somebody else? Come on super run out of time and sing about timing about time. It's like we're racing through your whole segment and I don't wait. Now, let's talk about the race. I don't want to you know I had had about this race, Yes, ma'am, that was going on, tweating a little sick boy. Man, you ain't set today's all healthy? Is strong? Oh yeah? You know in the timing time? Is you there? Yes? Man? Why would your challenge a little sick boy? You know he ain't well and then you're just gonna charge him up like that? And I'm living into the radio and you said you're just gonna run the sicker? Say alright out? Oh yes man? So now I ain't I ain't seen it. I ain't seen it. What happened with the race? Abody to show me the video? Put the video? What happened? Hold on, look at the video. I see the video. Now, let me see the video. Oh, non, play the video that played the video for Let me see look at Let me see. Is that your sorry? I mean that boy blue right by you and your ass pushing the full hat pulling. You got a ham hild ass caught it fly. Let me start a video over again. Hold on, hold on, hold on, start the video over again. Let me see started from the beginning. Here we go. Look at Jesus, he wrote, to show a look at your whole ass. O, What is you grabbing the back of your leg and you had the whole thing? Ain't bursuing flame with worrying about my hamstring. If I had a hamstring, I ain't pull it. You got one, it ain't worth with him? But do you ask me, because I'm not to save them, do I have a ham shout brother? If I got one, it must be a better chance of Yolas got caught on fire. That's a little town. Now when you didn't get on fire on fire? Run it in like last year when they play the video again, let me tell you what it's caught on fire? I'm a comment. The race got started Tommy winning here comes right there as there's no lad book. Now see the clapping after girls is walking off. That's a sad video. Rout that Why you got your ass? Go on? I bet you won't challenge no more sick people. Why don't you race? Ja? He got dad meet? But the thing about it is this deal. We never even knew Junior could run. All he did was he never talked about He talked about football, but never running. And Tommy ran all the time. Why don't you challenge Stephen Wonder? He blasts. Who you gonna race next year? Michael Douglas, got Michael dougla dollar boy, Michael Michael J. Fox raise him? You just challenges? Yeah? Yeah, will you challenges sick people? When you're gonna chaler Ski? What is you gonna jealou Steve to do? Tommy? Oh yeah yeah, let me go get something started. What you think you can do better than him? I don't know I come up with something. Well, what you think though? Just right off the top of you. You know he think he can really Bobby qu you know, he always tell me he's a drill. Oh, timy Love, don't go over there, don't go there. You're gonna get your ass took out again my pit against his pit boy. You don't know what you're saying. You're gonna get your ass toe outna be three different three different meats. Okay, okay, let me ask you what what what three meets you're thinking about? Oh, let me think, let me think. Let's do let's do a brisket, little small brisket. We could do a brisket, and then let's see let's do uh, let's do a steak. That's something self on steak. I'm gonna pick legs ash and ham shrink. You don't know who you're playing with both and I'm gonna roach that ham shrinking that ash y'all that junior did, Bobby? So what is it? Three did you picked? Again? Because I wouldn't list me. What three did you pick? I said, brisket steak? And I'll let you pick the third one? Brisket? No, hell, what is we're talking about? Brisket steak? Were the steak ain't out? That ain't Bobby cute? We're gonna do rims. What did you do? We're gonna do rims. We're gonna do chicken. And I'll tell you what we do brisket or but what we gotta go. We'll be back after the jail. No, I don't kill it. He's that one third? He said? How about? But you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right? Uh? Last hour? I really hate to bring this. You know, I hate this Bill. You don't want to do this. I hate this segment. Why about side pieces? Steve doesn't like it. He doesn't like it. Steve doesn't come in and and Tommy with their side pieces just helping and then just for you helping you know how? You don't? These are just side piece. Don't But Tommy, you're married? When are you? But I'm getting this information from other people. I'm just like them. You're single junior? Yeah, I don't like it's just people. All right, we'll go ahead then, guys, Okay, here's a quick one, ain't I mean? You rapping a gift for me? Don't even waste your time wrapping that up because I'm not gonna see you till January maybe fifteen, sixteen or seventeen. Why wrap it and put it under the tree yourself birthday. Don't even go that with that. Don't do it. I don't even do it. Stop just quick and quick calling me asking men? Can I ride in your car with the top down? Whoa doing the holiday? Unless you want to wear this trap? Can't over your hand? I can't, I can't. Just don't do that and ask me can we go to the mall that's close to my house? Are you kidding? Man? People might be over there. And if you see me at the mall, leave and I and were to the department store, I'm going to immediately turn into a mannequet. I need you to keep walking. He walking I don't know you like that. Look, if we do get together for the hound, that's your certain areas. We can't hold hands. You walk in front of me and I'm behind you. We can talk like that, Okay, we can't walk together. We just get to hear me talk loud, talk real loud. Hold your house where we get in there, okay. And I can't take naps at your house because because you're a little upset right now, you might get to taking pictures of me taking it now. I can't have that. Let you go down, You let your God down when you go to sleep. You're right about stop taking pictures of you on the couch. That's what I'm saying, the pride for God. You can't. You can't be a side cheek hit your main cheek feeling. You see what I'm saying. That sounds like a song man. You gave me a man with main cheek feelings. I hate to both of you, just real it breaks every rule. Steve Dog, No, it happened to me when you fell asleep. Yeah yeah, at your side pieces house. You know, well back in the day before Wait wait, I'm talking about this is in the eighties. I'm talking about Dog I fell asleep. I woke up. Oh you don't know where you I didn't know what was happening. And I got dressed. I got dressed, yelling out stupid. Do you want something eat? He don't know. I don't want to eat. To get out of here? Where is my other? I got good stock home. I need a shirt to go with this tie that's around. Not a shirt I ain't got, but a damn town. You don't want nothing to eat? You don't want and pass on bare back to play the song. All right, we'll be back right after these back to back jams. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, So, uh wow, I never heard what happened with the We talked about the fires, the l A fires earlier. I never knew how they started. Well, finally they found out someone started because it was really dry. Well it says it's the action of some homeless people. Yeah. L A fire officials said on Tuesday of this week that last week's fire and bel air, Yeah, it was caused by a cooking fire at a nearby homeless encampment. The fire ended up, of course, burning down six homes and damaging twelve others. In bel Air uh and Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson said that homeless people have been living under the four oh five freeway for a number of years. Investigators found evidence that people were cooking and living in the encampment, but didn't find anyone there, so there are no suspects in the case. The homeless population in l A has been on the rise, of course, uh because from here, Yeah, I may report said that it has increased by over the last year, putting the homeless population in l A County at fifty eight thousand. Yeah. And then then the area up in that it's so dry because of thee Yeah, we're getting no rain. Yeah. I mean I feel for the homeless really absolutely, because they got to eat, cook and it's still burning. It hasn't fires are still they've moved. Just morning on on Mulholland when I was coming in, I could see the blade. Wow. Yeah, I mean we it's to the point now where we don't have to wear a mask. There was a time last week with our man. You caught all them extra fumes last week too, What do you mean, jut on it the junior blue black He got a whole another forward fire going far Well, how's your hamstring? By the way, Tommy, I'm still jacked up, but I'll be like i'd like junior, junior here from me. We'll talk a this could be for the new year. I'll talk to you all in the okay, because you gotta nurse your hamstring when you at the spa with your daughter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't see like a hurt hamstring to me when you're sitting down there and turn that little machine on this show, feel good? I mean when you left here the day after the race. You remember when he got left. I'm nothing to do this almore. Now, which hamstring was? It is the left one, But that wasn't the one you was rubbing in him. I thought you rubbed. You rubbed the opposite one. I'm used to thee What what you used to pull in the other one? Used to pulling the right I've always pulling the right hand running and oh that's why, that's why you had the ice on now, oh food, ice was on the left one. That's the one that got pulled. Well, unless your answer is dyslexic, I saw the ice bad in the same level. Did you pull a hamster? It's only two right, No, matter what, I'm team Tony. All right, we'll come back to close out the show with just one more thing. I have a feeling that has something to do with as we lay from Steve Harvey. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Here we go, Steve with the last break of the day. With just one more thing. I'm gonna just play this for your short version of it. This is my reaction listening to Shirley Murdoch's As we Lay. This is the reason I'm ticked off because this happened to me in the eighties. I was at a girl's house all night long, and I don't know why Shirley thought necessary write a damn song about such a bad memory for cute. Okay, it's morning and we slept the night. Wait hapen, now we get to back the hand of time. Yes, we still this moule with the chan to face. One simple fang. Ain't no woman we do that someone as we said the night, we ain't just slept no night. I ain't been at your face and just go heave me over sun like shans across your sleep. Oh here yea, yeah, we always go to sleep. We good you be just still posted last night. We're supposed to be the gone, our separate ways. I'm a story hard. We were just supposed to have a lovely few out of the whole night. You got some love to skid. I forgot that you knew I was late snowing. You can't sleep when I'm snowing, like leg hanging at mine. The price we had to pay up in this day, like I can't find my drawls day down, my shoe in the kitchen. I don't know whom tized, jacket turned inside out. I'm trying to get to this car. What is you saying about my wife had when you that's me? You don't want to hurt it? What you take different to do? She used to understanding that I'm right. She from upstaying you know it's crazy, sir, you want who you want? I can't stay that bail right there as we snapped, d what is the veil going on phone? That was the veil at one thirty. You forgot about your funking. You know counted up. You ain't got to deal with the calls. I'm on the one got drive with here and explained it did It's nothing healthy like Tommy say. Eight hundred miss owned calls, car seventy nine texts, all of them from help you better be dead. I'm driving home, trying to think on what I'm in this bust my mouth classic? What was the veil at one thirty? Dude, you don't run enough. I shouldn't have been looking at me talking about that's the sun like cross your face at post me? No light on me? But that was why need to find hanging off here? Shot in the kitchen. I went home. I ain't got no shirt. I just got a town I couldn't even find. I know you gotta go home and face your I never counted up to calls. You know you ain't got going here to do. I you wan't gonna have no draws on? Damn O women. You can't explain that. Why is your draws? See what? I'm not taking the paints off? If I ain't got no draws on? The pants? Stay all night? Are they? Though I didn't I didn't wear them? How did you misplace them over there? I was able toilet at the airport. I had a little accident on them, so I just loved him. Innute man, stop you're lying. It's time to get out of here. We Hey, man, y'all have a great holiday. We're going away for the holidays. Man, We're gonna enjoy our time with our families. We're gonna see y'all to morrow and every day. But we're gonna be showing y'all some moments from the year. But can I just take this time to say thank you for let me join the team over here, and I must submit. I was very nervous coming over here, and I'm still nervous. Ye me. I'm sorry because you Junior Monica. Yeah, I never try to be. But thanks to our audience too, because thank you stay right with us everything. Thank you so much, Junior, you got anything you got to be thankful for. Yeah, I like to be thankful for this happy holiday, your mother. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.