Good morning and welcome to the ride! Did you know that Junior feels for Jodeci the way Steve feels for The Temptations? Both prove it by starting the show with singing their favorite songs. Sister O'dell talks about her woman crush and she also has some black history moments just for us. Steve has a meeting with Kanye. The Chief Love Officer lets a curious woman know the truth about a DM. The theme of the DNC last night was Leadership Matters. Sweetie Pie's owner is charged in murder for hire plot. Postmaster General Dejoy suspends changes until the end of the election. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us of our responsibility to change this election and also warns about the reality of not voting.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bus things and it's not good. Steve Hartley, I don't join joy. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn love, got the turnout to turn, turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me? Now what and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this, But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being changed? My mama gone, What me being positive got to do with that? Okay? Now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, but they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time, A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight, nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts just to start, It starts within you. See, life is tempercent. What happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now, how does you having a positive attitude how does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to virtually turn around and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridded yourself of someone who is obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life. Cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure in security you've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happened to you instead of burying yourself under the what's wrong with it? A old woe is me? Now concept? See a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing? Anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that. But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there, Oh they finned come getting my house? Oh what I'm gonna do now, all this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me, let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't know when they went it was sick of the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty third, two thousand and five, when my when when when my deal was done with the beat out in La? Okay, look what happened though, y'all? I was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see. But I didn't go old war was me? I said, Oh okay, God must have something else from it then, because if he didn't remove me from this. That must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship, Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you that here you go, here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just the waere you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is Me negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude. How high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. Ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something that happened to them along the way, and don't wear you ain't gonna weary about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard, all right, that's the conversation you're listening morning show ladies and gentlemen. Let me have it undivided attention. Papa was a rolled and stone. Wherever he laid his hat was his home. All who he left this was alone. M m Papa was who rolled and stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home. And when he died, oh, he left dudes was alone. Hey mama, that was my part right there, Hey mama, any of the hard singing. Heard some folks talking about Papa doing some storefront preaching, talking about saving souls and all the time reaching then and dealing in the name of the lood. Shelly Strong Bay, how are you doing that? Hey? Good morning, Steve, Good morning. I'm tripping too hard, calling for real. Never on the temptations, Never, baby, Mama, what's what you know about that that, Junior? Not too much and I'm waiting for that. Never I never got mine, never had a chance to see him, never heard nothing but bad things about him. Mama, I'm depending on you to tell me the truth. Who Mama just hold her head down and said, nephew Tommy. But the jacka kay, because that's Papa doing. Folks say Papa with bag baba steel to pay beaus. Did anybody hit that note that's walking around right now? They do that? They don't. They don't do that type of singing. No more man emotional that high note, that high note or Philip Bailey from Earth and Fire he got up there with Maxwell can do and er don't forget? Oh but sing as you name it now, all dimm Is singers, you name it, yeah, Junior, huh, give me one verse of that Jodice Cup come on boy, hey taking my mother's sing boy, my house and my hit up you You didn't have it all name microphone because making come every time we do girl is worse than drum coming Maddy for you drive me crazy, Okay, leave you, Julie, make a fraid you got me. Fien said, I'm feenan. That's how we wanted to start out there off for y'all. Come on, Ji can't help it. Yeah, that's the cup. I'm sorry, I feel like that about you. You feel about temptation. We'll listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. Thank you, Junior, your sister Odell. We'll be in the building right after this. You're listening morning show. All right, guys, it is woman Crushed Wednesday, and uh so we thought we'd invite the one and only sister Kay, You're welcome. Lord he come this far by faith. Whoa whoa, oh hemies, whoa he am my, he shut up in my soul Goodman's everyone was him. Hallelujah, Good morning. Why are y'all today? Thank you for for inviting me, and y'all known hand me a much no more. But it's women Crushed Wednesday. Okay, well what if that is? Well, it's just today when women and and men can do it too, men do it too. Talk about you know the women they have crushes on? My outstanding women. Oh yeah, women that empower us. I'm meshing off. I'm crushing on Sirley today. Women crush win. I'm crushing on Bernice full of whoever she was the black woman that invented the brushes for full of brush. Oh, I didn't you knew her? Of course I knew her. She made all the brushes that the white mens we sally, oh I didn't do in the Black history moment to this is real is a Black history moment, and then brushes that the white men was selling. They never knew what the bristles was made out of. They was dead slave owner's butt hall who who want to? Who want to brush my hair with that? College? I don't call my name, oh my name, it's just that alivable. I would prefer not. Oh well, because I know how part you know had to do something after they passed, you know, um like like for instance, sister, though, some people are crushing on Kamala Harris, she's the VP pick, you know, I last camera heads. I really do you know comma comma? Oh yeah, okay, Kamala Yes, man, you're trying to say punctuation like comma calma hairs, but you were you were saying, uh, anyway, I love her. You know, she's she's jazzy, yes, you know she she's cute girl and she's small as a whip. She just gonna gonna she gonna be, she gonna get to the people. Yes, I like her, how any any one of them would have been fine with me. Stacey. I like Stacy. I like the girl to down in Atlantic, the one that got the Corona. I like her too. She hadn't have got sick, she'd have made it sure. You know I haven't already made that. My camp on. You know what the ending he's doing fine. I have a question for your sister out there in quarantine. What you've been doing. You've been wearing your mask. You've been girl, I've been standing in You know I don't have to wear a mask, you know, m I use this one side of my brow? What for your for my mother? So what is not a side doing when you raise it up to cover your faith? Well, I'm hanging too low for that anyway. I don't need a brawl. I need an apron with two big pockets. He grasp what I Oh? You know, girl, come home? You know it's over. You know you know it ain't over to the fat ladies, ain't well. The heller han't gotten a car. Did you see h our forever? First Lady Michelle Obama's speech last night. He ain't she special? Oh? Yeah, I love me some shell bomber girl. A girl right there? Smart, Lord Jesus, she's smart. She reminds me. The way she talks is the way Harriet used to talk to us when she was tell me you was that you was? Oh? How are you careful? Little fellow? I'm not saying nothing. Just where you got ready to ask? Is I'm that old? I know that didn't he? So? Was you free? Where that man ask you? Is a question? Are you familiar with Emmanuel Lewis, Garret Coleman de Voce wagon when it comes around after suckers and then people's pomps out? Are you familiar? Similar? Same feeling? Think about Michelle Obama. She's just as smart as she want to be, in brutal fun and just talks to me Jesse. She talks Jesse, elicant, you know, and everything, and you just want you just want to vote for her. You know she was talking. I said, wag But rock He's gonna be on there tonight tonight. Yeah, Rocky, Yes, girl, I'm tuning in because girl, I wanted I'll tell you something I ain't never evn my whole life, and I've been the whole of them. I ain't never wanted the president of the vote did something for Oh Lord, rock Rock me babble. Coming up next is him Tommy. He's doing another prank, one from yesterday. Right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne we'll be here with our national news. She'll give the latest on the DNC in Milwaukee, plus an entertainment news. I'm sure you guys have heard about it by now. Steve Harvey and Kanye West meet. Okay, we'll talk about all of it at the top of told me nothing a hen Na, we'll talk about it right now. Nephew is here that prank back? What you got? Now? The gift? Get ready for the gift. So let's go cat dogging the gift. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to Uh. I'm trying to reach Bree. Hey, Bree, how you doing? Listen? We um you know we've never met. I wanted to reach out to you, though. Did you UM? Did you get UM? Did you get a package? Said to you last week? A package? Who is this? My name is My name is Jason UM and I sent you a package. Do I know you? Who are you? Say? Again? Uh, how do I know you? You don't know me? I'm just you know, I guess you could say I'm like a secret admirer. And I've been in mind you for quite some time. And uh, you know, I sent you a little something. Uh you know, I didn't know if if you got it or not if I had to write that dress, but I wanted to know if you had gotten it. So you know, this is like my first time reaching out to you. You to my house. Uh yeah, I mean you got you got a pair of a pair of my underwear with the rose petals all in it. You send? But yeah, you sent draws to my house? Are you? And how do you know me? But I've been a mind you for a long time and I see I see you at your job, I see you at your house, you know, at the grocery market when I see you, Well, you do I know you? Even where do I know you? Find? You don't know me? You know you don't know me at all, But you know I got you know, Wait a minute, wait a minute, you you list to the draw to my house. Got my husband all up in an uproar. My damn dwals And you don't even know me. You got a husband? Yeah, I got a husband. Okay, I didn't. I mean, hey, I no disrespect, Bree, I ain't. I ain't know y'all a husband. You know you've been watching me stocking me at my job in my house. You outn't know that. Hey, I apologize on that, but you so you did get it? I want to apology. Yeah I got him, Okay, I mean what did you think about the chesture though? I mean, who makes lay something to you? My husband got the package with my name on it. As I've been for the last week going through hell this is checking my Facebook, I don't know my emails, going through my colle history of my phone. I get he waked my up in the middle of the night because and you don't ask me about are you crazy? You know I was. I was just in mind you. I thought, you know, sending a pair of my draws come my house. I mean, you like that. I don't even know you like that. I mean you don't know, I know, but I you know, that was my way of like showing you that I admire you, that I'm into you. You know, that was just that's some sick. I don't need no more draws, especially no strange draws. I got draws at the house. I got two sons of husband. I watched draws every week. I don't need no more draws. You don't do no like that, upset my whole household, have me damn me in divorce court behind some drows. What I want to know is how to hell do you know me? Don't do How did you get my address? Where I work? Where I by g? How did you know me? My phone number? How do you know me? I don't get that? Where did you get my from? I tell you what Colin's number back? When my husband get home. You can't wit with him, You get hit and get your draws back. You come meet him in the morning. I have him there, come o my jobs, trying to o with nobody. I'm not trying to have all of that. You explained to him, and get this off my because I had enough of this. Drow was at my door. Okay, let me ask you this here. Will you send me some of yours you did? Are you not listening to me? Hell? No, you can't handle my drows? Why don't you ask my husband for when he call you in the morning. Why don't you at him for some of my jobs? I thought I thought it would be, you know, like a sign of something, something implements something from me, you know, kind of like a token of where I wanted the relationship to go. I don't even know you. You got my damn in divorce court behind some damn draws, and I don't even know who the are you? How? Who are you? How do you know so much about me? Where did you get my address from? How do you know where I work? How do you how you get my phone? Who are you? You let you to know? You have husband? Matter? FA? So what what's this number in? You can call back on this number in our it's home, so we can get this straight, so you can talk to him? Do that? Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, say I'm not looking for no altercation, no if if if, Well, you look you're looking for something and you seem not understand. So I don't say that's what you want, because I'm trying to explain to you. You didn't upset my whole alsehold, got my over here to nerve, and you ain't understanding that, so obviously what you are looking for as an altercation? No I'm not looking for I'm looking for I'm looking for some personal time with you. That's what I'm looking for. My personal time is with my person. What about fit? Don't you understand? I? Will you send me a pair of your underwell? What I mean? I mean you're asking too much? If you just send me a pair of our go away? I sentially give me an address? Yeah, tell me where to send them? Tell me where to send right now? Are you gonna sell? What? Say? Hell? Are you coming the address? You give address? Now? In fact, I handle it the right tonight. So you're trying to create an aufcake. Why don't just give you a po bucket? Because so you're trying to create an affication. No, give me your address, you got mine, you got my address. Let me send you something to your address? No, no, that's all right. Look, you know what? Can I say one more thing to you? No? Yea, you know what I wanted? What? What? What the do you have to say to me? Can I say one more thing until you please? What do you want? I just want to tell you who I am? Can I tell you who I am? You know it? Told me who you are? I want to know how to you know me. Where you getting my Listen to me real closely. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your sister. Oh hello, Oh I'm gonna go what what the I want this? Yeah, I wan't gonna get her. Oh my god. Hey, look we started this over a week and a half a go. We sick me. I'm been going through hell phone week behind me. Oh my goodness, I ain't breath. Tell you man to sim it down. It was all a break phone called baby. Oh he is not going to believe this. Oh my goodness, he is not gonna believe it. Tell me this, bree, What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Just Steve Harving Morning Show, draws and all drows and oh my goodness, give me a call. I'll do it for you. Our mail drawls, bras, penns, socks, choose whatever it takes to get somebody up sick. So, yeah, she wasn't having yet. You got her an age your trouble with her. Her sister allowed us to do that. That was a bit rescate. I knew it when we did. Oh you knew that. All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Coming up, Thank you, coming up, coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So Steve, you are trending big time. Uh. Something you did yesterday was wow, like really something you sat down and met and talked to Kanye West. What happened? How did this come about? Yeah? Jealous? Yeah? Yeah, you know what what happened that chopped up? Come on? Yeah? You know? I like Kanye h oh, I do. Man, He's really really a smart guy. And look, I think we all realized that we all make mistakes, some tremendous mistakes. So what Kanye and I did, and it was just as simple as this, We just sat down with one another. It was all about love, man. It was just all about love man, you know, not criticizing anybody, but just sharing different knowledge that we have and on a plethora of subjects, mandom. We talked a lot about Jesus. We talked a lot about Christ. We talked a lot about family. We talked a lot about the media. We talked a lot about social media. We talked a lot about our feelings, you know, and we just ended up came away to say that you know, you know, just just how we both, you know, become better men and you know everybody you know, Like I explained to him, you can live your life. You can make it without your mother. All of us, three of us on this show know what that is. You can live your life without your father, almost all of us know what that is. You can live your life without your siblings or your brother. But the one thing in life you cannot live without. You cannot live without a friend. And we talked about that because and I'm not just saying that because I know it from a difference respective. Friendship truly is essential to the soul. You cannot live your life without a friend. You got to have somebody man that when it goes down, you can turn to them and say, hey man, I'm messed up, and they don't go what you do? You did? What you need somebody man that when you make a mistake, you go, hey man, I think I'm messed up. This is what I said, all right, cool, my man, this is what we're gonna do. And we talked about that, and that's really the extent of it. Without me talking about any particulars or anything. That was the gist of the conversation. I'm really really happy that that we had a chance to sit down together. You know, as he says, no, no, no, absolutely, he's well, let me tell you something. Kanye is not joking about Jesus now. No, no, he's not playing with that. Kanye is not joking about Jesus. Don't nobody write it. Don't nobody take what I said and twist it. The brother is serious about his walk with Christ. You can believe that. Now. You can judge him just like you can judge me. You're not supposed to, but I mean, but they gonna do it anyway. Yeah, so you can judge him on his walk, just like I've been judged on my walk. But that's the thing we had in common, because we are both judge about our walk. And but so is a lot of other people too. I mean, at times they judge Bishop Jake's Kenneth Olmer, or Bishop Getty's Billy you know him, everyone, Billy Graham, Joel Lolstein himself. They were Joel lostin off as just a motivational speaker, right, Yeah, exactly, they do. So he is really serious about Christ. All right, yeah, go ahead. Well, I just wanted to ask you this because we know you're Steve Harvey. But it's not every day that you know. I mean, how did this meeting come about? That You're just you have a meeting with Kanye West? You know, I mean, I know you guys knew each other and everything without divulging, you know each other at the stove shirt and they just decided to talk. That's That's a good one time. I like. And what store was that? Yeah? You just having to both be in there here right getting that peach milkshake. But I'll tell you one thing though, if Steve Harvey and Kanye West is sitting in a chick for late or let me let me explain what the attention that come with that, that's different. That was different that one hard chicken sandwich eat never has everything, you know. Some of the comments on the Graham were that you were going to be as running mate VP. Now now let me say this right here. We were there to share and aid one another. I'll say it like this, and and and and before anybody, let's be clear about something. I did not vote for Donald Trump. I told him that when I sat there and saw him, I didn't vote for Donald Trump at that time. I went up there and met him. I told him, I didn't vote for you, right, And I'm not voting for Donald Trump this time. I am so against his presidency. Now, you know, I can't speak for everybody else, but I ain't with it, so you know, y'all. But once again, you can say what you want to say, but I'm I'm in the salvage business of young men, my mentoring camp. Let me finish talking about it when we come back. And then I just strattened it out. You're listening to so Steve, you were telling us we were about to go, but you were telling us about your meeting with Kanye West yesterday. I mean, it was just good overall. Now, let let me straighten a couple of things out. Steve Harvey had ever been a Trump supporter, y'all, and got on social media ran with that up the mountain for no reason because you ain't having nothing else to talk about. Steve Robert didn't vote for Donald Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton. And when I met with him, I told him I didn't vote for you. I'm not gonna vote for him this time. I think he's horrible as a president. I've made that obviously clear. So for anybody that's dealing from that standpoint, you're dealing wrong because you just want to be messy, you want to have something to say. This was not about Donald Trump. I could care less. My whole mission is to not have him as the president for a second time. I didn't want him in there the first time. But I can promise you. I can promise you, man, what it was was really two men just putting their arms around each other. You and I have a mintoring program. Yeah, I'm not in to throw the brother away business. If a brother is good and righteous and salvage your boat, we have to make an attempt. Everybody make mistakes. Now, he didn't come to me for that. You know again, you helped me. He didn't ask me for that. That ain't what this was. What we talked about was a lot of things. But now one thing about it. Now, I'm gonna tell you where I stand and what I think. Yeah, and we can go for that. And let me just say that that brother was open to a lot of good stuff. Man, He was open to a lot of good stuff. And I think, man, he just really was glad to have somebody to talk to him from. That's from an older standpoint, and that the don't want nothing from him because I don't work for Kanye. Kanye don't pay me. I got my own I don't need nothing from nobody. So I think it was really good for him to sit with somebody that wasn't trying to extra track because he got a lot of people around him. That's that's coming to him in the name of Christianity to extract. That's the sad. That's the sad part. I wish Christianity was a little bit different when it comes to you know, each other. Just turned the other cheek, Steve turned try Jesus, please don't try come on because I thow hands because I fight. Well when you left him, did you feel better about it when you left him? Oh? Yeah? Man? Great dude. Man, he really is trying to make it mean. He got it. He got some money to all right. Listen, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll do a quick round of ask the CLO Chief Love Officer in the bill right after this. You're listening to this morning show time now to ask the chief love officer that is a CLO or the cloth as the nephew calls it ready, Steve Harvey clo. This one's from Jalicia in Topeka, Candas, Kansas. She says, my husband and I are in our early thirties and we've been married for two years. We met by him sliding in my dms and asking me on a date. The other day, I saw an Instagram DM pop up on his phone. He was in the bathroom, so I checked it for him. It was from a video vixen looking half naked woman that he had sent a message to. He asked her about a fat burner that she used, and she replied to him it appeared to be innocent. But that's how he met me by messaging me on Instagram. He says, I'm tripping and he changed his passcode. Would I be worried it was a fat burner? He was asking about a fat burner. All the DM was about was a fat burner. Whatever, Yeah, that's all it was. You gotta ask somebody. We'll ask the people at the store. The DM stand for don't mess with it. DM stands for don't make Yeah, don't make me. He in the COVID gaining weight. Oh, come on, come on with this good. Thanks, that's all go ahead, Tamica and Burston Burston, Texas says, I'm engaged and my wedding is in five months. My fiance and I uh sent out or save the date notices and we are in the process of sending out the invitations. He asked me if I had a few extra invitations because he wants to invite his son's mother and her mom. They have a great co parenting relationship and I think that's great. But she and a mama don't need to be at my wedding. He says. He loves her mama and they're still close, so he wants her there. This is a never ending battle and I don't think he understands my point of view. Should we invite them or not? They don't have to be at the wedding. No. See what he's not understanding is the wedding is her day and brot, you can't have causes your wedding too. Also, you can't make your bride uncomfortable. Now, I got you like her mama and her at your wedding? Man? You nuts? Are you? Are you? I chilled? Mindzy? Hey doll, just keep sitting them Christmas cards? Dog don't having people at your fandom trying thing. Man, Is there anyone here who sees jes cause I do. Yes, you're inviting trouble. You need to ask him if he, for show still talks to us. Ronald Ronald, Hey, dog man, don't do that. Don't don't do that, sir, sir, that's not smart. And no, the young lady has every right not to want them at her way, and she should not be uncomfortable on her best day of her And this is a never ending battle before they get married. It's gonna be a battle afterwards too. Yeah. Okay, this one's from Red and B in The Bronx, New York. He says, or she says. My husband and I have been married for seven years and we just bought our second home. We need to do some major upgrades to the home, and I've shown my husband several ideas that I have. He doesn't like anything I like, and he's taken it upon himself to start redoing rooms on his own. He's doing way too much, and I don't like the flooring he's chosen or the cabinets he wants for the kitchen. I feel like this is my area of expertise, he can add his input and that's all. How can I get him to stop this? No, this ain't gonna go good. First of all, everything you put the reason he want to do it himself because he keeps control the money. Oh is that what it is? That's all it is. It's control the money. If I put these cabinets in and this flow in here, I didn't control the money. The reason he don't like nothing you picked it is called everything you picked it out his budget. I'm telling you, I'm telling this is a budget. He don't like nothing you like. Yeah, I like this here flow. I don't know what dude, don't understand that. Man, if you force a woman to live in conditions she don't want to live, you couldn't have been a miserable house partner. All y'all gotta do is sit down and say, Okay, what's the budget. This is what I can buy. Let me make the choices. Yeah, all right, Celo, thank you. It's always nailed it. Coming up the nephew with his prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he loves to mention his ex wife. But right now the nephew is here. Yeah, today's brank phone call? What you got for us? Nap hooking up at the daycare? Really one at the daycare run that if you would cat dog? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to I'm trying to reach freedom. This is freedom and cool? Is this? You don't know me? My name is Lynnie Linnie. I know I wanted to call you. I've been looking for trying to get your phone number actually for like about the last about two weeks nine. What do you need my number? Four? Baby? Can you get on weeded because I'm on lunch like I'm trying here and meet me lunch and need to come on with Okay, now is your um? Your husband is uh? What is your name again? My name is Lynn? Okay, and you're asking about my husband? Now what about Yes, that's my husband. See. The problem I'm having, miss Freedom, is that I looked through my wife cell phone about two three weeks ago, and I have found out that this actual phone number belown to your husband named and he been text messaging her and stop right stop stop stop wait at because but see, let me finish. Though he's been text messaging her different uh text message and stuff about he want to meet up with her, and and how she looked the other day and stuff like this hill. But then, but then even worse than this hill, is he you know done, send some some some pictures of himself some some naked pictures on the on the on the sale phone. No, no, sir, not, I know not because if anything, if he texting anybody needs to be an employer about a jaw. I know you're not saying to me, whole body, who is your wife? What's your name again? What's your name again? My name is Linnie, and my my my wife name is my wife name is Denise, Denise, Denise Denise. That ain't registering with me. I don't. We pretty much have an opera relationship where we kind of communicate and m I don't. I don't know about no Denise together. Okay, dude, do your husband's last fold digits on his phone is sixty eight twenty two. Yeah, that would be last digit. Okay, see that what I'm saying, man, I'm not trying to call you, you know, I mean, I'm I'm disappointed in my wife because of these text messes and in these pictures and stuff. You know, I'm I'm the one. That's what I say. Okay, I need to call this man wife right here and see what you know? Do she even know it? I need you the way to meet it? Back up and re quiet for me to look here. Okay, denise your lineing? Okay, where they supposed to have mad ed? What? What you know? Because we used to go everybody again when we go to first of all, the don't work. Let's let's go there. He does not work. I don't know where it is when he got when he generally when he leaves the house, we're together. So where did they meet with? How did how did they meet two weeks ago? You say, because oh, I'm listening to you now, you got I don't. I don't know if they meant two weeks ago. I'm just I just found him in the cell phone two weeks ago. That's what I'm saying. Now. You say, if you're saying he don't work, then evidently it must be doing the day while you go, or something I don't do. I mean you you say, you on your lunch break right now? Yeah? Huh? And where is your wife right now. Wait a minute, do you know where your wife feel is right now? Uh? Well, she's bosed to be at work right now. And you know what I just called. He told me he was gonna getting the tube and when I called back the tacond along he used it. It's okay, it's yeah, okay, if I ain't have to go back in this hospital, baby baby, baby, See, yeah, where's your wife? I need you to get to We need to your wife field. We'll see my wife works at a at a Wait a minute, do y'all have do y'all have kids? Yeah? Yeah, we got kids. And that's my problem. That's why I'm so upset. I'm working all day. I get up a fow in the morning to make sure I got everything prepared for the whole day. Try to get the kids or we have three kids? One, two, and three? Yeah, okay, okay, is he the one? Because he I do he because my wife works at a at a daycare? Do he drop him off at a daycare? Don't start you, your baby. You is getting deeper if I get to this, what daycare does your wife working at? Because I see, don't start me. Yeah, he's dropping them off okay, uh huh. If you tell me the baby, just sell me if our poem I sweat lining. No, Now she's been at this place called children's Academen. You lie, you bet not tell me this non working. Its w thaty're supposed to be watching our kids. See see I'm already and see but see I'm already up set and been upset about. This year is for the lad. I've been holding it for the lands two weeks. I've been holding it. Ain't said nothing tied. Why are you holding it? Ye? Why you the big called me with them. I was just because when he get it. Let me tell you something. I get up at Foe every morning and listen, I go, I have to be the work for six thirty. Every morning I get to that damn hospital. I slave they did, come home and slave for him. Try to make sure he feels good as a man although he's not working. You know when this party y'all laid out, But hey, I want him to feel good. I'll go he's nowhere because you know y'all don't feel too good when you not work, So I wanted him to feel good. I tell the kids, you know it's gonna be okay. But I bet you this got that is my wife. Don't be she's my wife. No, wait a minute, not for wait a minute. See I told you it was ignoricancy. You should have been called me long ago. Let me tell y'all you egnant too. See she's a first of all, because she said she too. She said he raised that out. I say, I'm not a player game and with my hut and he's spending our neked pitcher. He ain't got to be showing up No, like trust me, it ain't worth on. I was just with him because he was a good man. I guess mine. She's dumb too. Oh. I was gonna ask shoot this hill because he's got add What do you want to add? What can you ask me? You just taught me this because here it's with your wife some name Denise. Yes, that's what I said. And this is the that's watching the twins and we have twins? Do you hear me? Can I say something else to you? I don't need you to stay them? Can I say one more thing? What do you need to say? This is nephew timent from the Steve Hardy Morning Show. You just got prank by your husband. Gerald. Let me tell you something got to know to be franking me. He needs to be trying about it, Joe, he don't. I'm going ahead to when I get home kiss none working, I ain't cooking the knights. Let me tell you all. The thing that saved the situation is because first of all, I'm a woman, so I wan't more information. But the secial thing is we need the job, don't work. I couldn't leave you work. I gotta answer something by what's badest radio show in the land? Definitely does see Harvey's up. Come on, y'all, come on, I'm just this shock you playing. I love I loved. Come on, you know what. You're stupid, too stupid to take the whole business out there? Called me. Yeah, yeah, see you stupid too, because that'd be yeah, that's what I said. I ain't registering with me the last Just wait a minute. He ain't take a little naked picture. He ain't got nothing to be shown. Oh I guess I'm the stupid. It's both need that it, it is needed it coming up the Strawberry letter, Thank you nephew subject he loves to mention his ex wife. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on, tark is. What we have here is Strausberry Atlanta. You're stupid. Thank you, nephew. Subject he loves to mention his ex wife. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm married to my high school sweetheart, but we have only been married for four years. After high school, we went our separate ways and he was married for twenty years and had three kids with his wife. I was married for thirteen years and I got a divorce and was raising my two children alone. When I reconnect it with my high school sweetheart, we blended our families and picked right back up where we left off in high school. We have lots in common and we share a lot of old friends and memories. The only problem I'm having in the marriage is when my husband mentions how his ex wife did things, and he compares me to her. He makes sure he always gives me credit as being better than his ex. But I need him to stop mentioning her altogether. We were having a crab boil and I peeled the shrimp before adding them to the pot. He told me he likes a shrimp peeled because he likes a shrimp peeled because Carol used to leave the shell on. I don't need to know what Carol did with her shrimp. It's annoying and hurtful, especially when he does it in front of others. Some of his friends from his previous marriage are now my friends too, and it's uncomfortable for them If my husband mentions his ex wife in our conversation. I get that he spent twenty years with the woman, so he got used to how she did things, but he and I need to get settled into our own ways of doing things. He overheard me talking to my son and I told him he's the spitting image of his daddy. My husband later told me that it sounds like I miss my ex husband. Why can't he understand that's how I feel when he talks about his ex How can I get him to stop bringing up his ex wife to me and others. Well, if I were petty, you know, if I were like a petty and vindictive person, I would just tell you to mention your ex every time he mentioned Carol, his ex, every time, and maybe even in the bedroom, although I really wouldn't advise that one. But for me, you know, depends on how petty you want to get here. Okay, Patty, Betty, Patty, Betty, you know you could make a contest out of it to see who could mention them the most. Okay, But I'm not petty, Betty, so I say explain it to him in a rational, calm way. You could start with something like, you know, honey, remember when you overheard me talking to my son, to our son about how much he looks like his dad. Well, you told me, you know, you said it sounded like I missed my ex. That's what you said. But that wasn't the case, you know. But guess what, I understand what you meant by that completely, Because every time you mentioned Carol, your ex, I feel like you're comparing me to her, and I think you do that a lot. You were with her for twenty years. I get that, so you became accustomed to the way she did things so much so that it seems like you can't help mentioning it every chance you get, especially when we're around our friends. At least I said that to my son, our son, and private when it was just to two of us and no one else. I'm bringing all this up because I don't think you realize how much you mentioned Carol, your ex to me. I mean, do you understand how that makes me feel? You're talking to your husband now, do you understand that? And I hope that's what it is, that you just don't really get or realize what you're doing, and not the fact that you miss her like you accuse me of missing my ex. So I'm you know, I'm saying all this to say, please, let's be mindful. Let's be conscientious of what we say to each other and how we say things, how we speak to each other. Please, we've been married for four years. We want this to last a long time till death. So as not to cause any more hurt feelings or misunderstands, we both have moved on. Remember, that's why we're together. That's how we got together in the first place. Because we've moved on. Let's leave the past and the past we have to do that, say something like that, Like I said, in a rational, calm manner, don't go tit for tat with them, you know, unless you absolutely have to. But I wouldn't do that. But just remind him. Maybe he's you know, not thinking clearly enough, and you got to remind him. But if you need to get Patty Girl gone and get Patty Steve, well, I'm in total disagreement with you. Sheldon Ah, this letter don't call for all that I think so beautiful response, well thought out, everything like that. Here's a problem. High school sweethearts. He was married for twenty years, had three kids, he was man for thirteen hand two. Y'all got back together, pick right back where we left off. We got lots in commas. We share a lot of old friends and memories. The only problem I'm having with this marriage here is what the letter is about. It's quinn. My husband mentioned how his ex wife did things, and he compares me to her. I have one for him. Why is she your X? The fact that he keeps mentioning her. We've got to dig into why she is the X? Because if you miss hug and you keep mentioning her and you keeps comparing you to her. Maybe he didn't want out, he just ended up out. Maybe he's not mentioning her because he's just habit. Maybe it's a longing. I don't know, but I have a couple of ideas for you when we come back, because this is crazy. Just keep mentioning her name. That's wrong with you, Carol? Part two Seves Carol used to lead the shells on. Well that Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after be our subject he loves to mention his ex wife. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject. He loves to mention his ex wife. This man keep bringing up his ex wife to his carron wife. Your husband mentions how his ex wife did stuff, and he compassed me to her. Now he makes sure he give you credit though for being better than his ex. But I need him to stop mentioning her altogether. He was a good example. We're having a crab barrel crab boyl excuse me having a crab boil. I peeled the shrimp before adding him to the pot. He told me he likes to shrimp peel because Carol used to lead a share. I don't need to know what Cal did. Okay, see, well he is just shlly say get patty. I disagree with it, but he is a freem You have to. He told me he liked the shrimp po calls Carol used to leave it on the shall. Then your response should be Harol always liked him off to shell it, and that's why I figured you would too. That sometimes all right, well let me try. It's annoying. It her fault, especially when you do it in front of others, some of his friends from the previous marriage or now my friends too. And it's uncomfortable for them. If my husband mentioned that his ex wife in our conversation, if he's still uncomfortable for them, if he mentions his ex wife in our conversation, Shirley saying mentioned yours too. Okay, Shirley, say something that the man would say about a woman in the conversation with a group of friends, and I'll give you her response. Oh that's how you wearing your hair. Oh I liked it better when Carol Carol. When she wear hair, she used to have the bangs kind of swooped to the side. Well, I wear my hair like Carol Mama. That's how I go to just started right there, got to be patty side. Try nothing to Suley. Oh you got on those shoes. Oh Carol used to wear red bottom. Well you know, I get some red red bottoms, but you don't wear they don't come in your side. I don't know who I insulted on that. What you say you got too deep? Yeah, I don't know. I just try to hurt somebody. Okay, Now who am I Shirley? You're the husband who always compares his wife to No, you're doing the husband, and I'm showing how how to come back. Okay, so you know her? Okay, now I go okay, yeah, so I'll just do the same one up. Those aren't red bottoms. Carol always wore red bottoms my ex Carol. Yeah, well Carol must have had more money because you're broke. Ass I'm down here, pay less. You're supposed to bring in her ex husband? Go ahead, shit, Okay, all right? What are these pancakes or waffles? Because when Carol cooked him I could always tell the difference. Well, hell, it never made hair no difference what I did because I was naked cooking both of them. Okay, now now you get your legs, ye come on now I'm ready, Okay, all right, all right, let's let's go see. Um you want to go see that a comedy. Harold and I always liked, you know, thrillers, Shoot him up, stuff like that, murder, mysteries, gangster stuff. Yeah, like me and Harold like point. So we're gonna watch a little punk ass movie. You and Carrol. You watch me. And Harold was in here doing tabletop. Wow, have you gained a little weight? Carol has that same outfit and it fit her really nicely, especially you know her. I like the way it fit her butt. It's kind of I don't know, because Harol kept all my dresses on top of my butts, so I don't even known known. Yeah, so know if mine was fitting it? Now? You know Harol so crazy? Oh that's what kind of car you have because you know, um, Harold, you know he had a g wagon, Carol. I mean Carol had a wagon, thank you, well, Hal, Harol had a herse. Don't forget it. He was doing me so hard. He was killing me. I just crawled up in the back and he drive me to work. So oh, so we're going on vacation, honey after COVID Okay, oh uncommercial? Oh um? We always went on private. Okay, we must go commercial. She knew pilots and everything Carol did. Damn, maybe I shouldn't have married Carol. All right, thank you? Yeah you did post your comments on Today's Strawberry about it. Yeah, you've got to get patty with this. When you do post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey, f f them on Instagram and Facebook. And please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we're going to talk about the Democratic National Convention last night. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Last night's theme at the Democratic National Convention was leadership Matters. Former President Bill Clinton, Stacy Abrams, and doctor Jill Biden spoke at the DNC, and the evening concluded with a performance by one of my favorites, John Legend him yes yes, yes yes. Former President Bill Clinton said Trump has turned the Oval Office into storm center. Chaos. Tonight's that. Yeah, Tonight's theme at the DNC is a more Perfect Union. Speakers include former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, all right now, vice president nominee, Vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris, and our forever President Barack O. Yes, yes, yes, yes he coming, oh yes with that swag. And did you guys see that. Former Secretary of State Republican Colin Paul announced yesterday that he supports Joe Biden for president. Yeah, you know, he is a Republican. But you know, look, man, people who are Look, you can be a conservative. I don't have a problem with that, right it, But if you care about this country, man, you have to care about the type of leadership that represents the country. If you're going to vote conservative, didn't vote a righteous conservative. End somebody with some character, right, don't just get this, dude. They ain't got no morals. But he's a conservative moral less president. Man, Get out of here. Yeah, come on, y'all. And he doesn't even represent what you all's values are supposed to be. I mean, he don't even come close. Yeah, right, you're absolutely right dictatorship attitude. But I did love last night. I just wanted to say this. Last night at the Democratic National Convention. I loved when they show all of the delegates all from all around the country video of them nominating. You know, they took role, took the vote in nominating Joe Biden. That was nice because you saw America. You saw people from all backgrounds, Americans casting their vote for their candidate. That was not Yeah, you saw the people, like you say, people, not the party. You saw the people. Yes, the vote represented in this country. Yeah. Speaking of voting, Carla, there are seventy six days left until the November thirty election. Go right now to get registered. Please vote for one one dot org. Say what, dude, on a day, don't that's right? Vote for one one dot org. You do a website. Vote takes less than two minutes. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's some shocking news coming out of Saint Louis. At the top of the hour, we'll talk about the owners of Sweetie Pies restaurant. You're not going to believe what happened. We'll tell you right after this. You're listening to show, well, we all are familiar with the restaurant and the TV show. Welcome to Sweetie Pies. We all know that we've been to that restaurant. As a matter of fact, the owner and founder of Sweetie Pies, Miss Robbie, is dealing with some shocking news. This is regarding the death of her grandson. Well, cops have arrested Miss Robbie's son, Timothy his name is Tim Norman, for his alleged role and involvement in the two thousand and sixteen shooting death of Andre Montgomery. That is Miss Robbie's grandson. Yes, yes, yes, so remember, yeah, this is really crazy. Tim took out a four hundred and fifty thousand dollars life insurance policy on his nephew, who was also Miss Robbie's grandson, Andre. And it was Tim. It was Tim, her son who allegedly hired a woman named Terica Ellis to kill Andrea, a lady killed allegedly allegedly. This is all yeah until yeah. According to authorities, Terrika Ellis and Tim, missus Robbie's son, communicated on burner phones to kill Andre for the insurance money. Both. Yeah. Now Tim is in jail in Madison County in Jackson, Mississippi. He is facing murder for higher conspiracy charges. Right now he's in jail in Mississippi and Jackson, Mississippi. This is crazy and I really yeah, Miss Robbie hasn't been on the show before this. Yes, lad, we've been to a restaurant. Wow shows when you come to Saint Louis, she can watch a perform And so now she lost her grandson at the hands of her son, and who's in jail her son, so she's lost them both. I mean this is really really yeah, god, yeah, this is the kind of oh though to take out you have life insurance on your nephew, that's yeah. Yeah, well, I mean that's what helps lead him to it. Nobody's stupid now right, that's right, Steve, that's it. He did work. Yeah. I just I just I don't even know what to say about this. This sounds like something out of date line. You know this this Forensic files right here. This this is like we missed, like by older Davis how to get away to murder? You know his story from you know this is a woman a woman to kill his nephew. That's that's sad. Yeah, come on, man who knows family got the former stripper or something? I don't know, all um, you know details are still coming in and because they're saying that he after the murder, she called him Ellis, called Tim Norman. She left town and there was nine thousand dollars cash deposit in various bank accounts, and so they kind of, you know, like you said, Steve, they pieced it together, I guess, and followed the trail, you know, and the burner phones and cell phone records what they call them cell phone towers. I mean, I feel so bad from miss rob What a sweet, beautiful devastated You got to be heartbroken, devastated this family man. Yeah, this happened four years ago, in twenty sixteen. Yeah, so you know they've been following this case, the authorities, and finally they pieced it together. Um. Wow, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. You hire someone to kill your own blood, your own nephew, your mother's grandchild. That's what you did to your mother. What do you think this is going to do to her? But nine thousand dollars, well that's how much was deposited so far. Who knows Junior with it money trail will lead to. But no amount of money can justify any right, Yeah you can nothing. Yeah, we talk about and on top of that, we talk about family. Yeah, the prayer is going out to you and condolences Miss Robbie. Um, yeah it is. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. While the United States Postmaster General has now decided to suspend all major changes to the US Postal Service until after the November election, uh Lewis DeJoy announced yesterday that in order to avoid even the appearance of voter suppression, he's immediately suspending the restriction of changing the hours at the post Office. He vowed to keep mail processing equipment in place and blue collection boxes in place. No word on whether the Post Office will bring back the blue collection boxes that have already been remote dangels already done. Yeah, yeah, that did happen. That's what they do. See, they're so sliquid it the damage is already done. Yeah, you had a plan for this, but you didn't have a plan for COVID nineteen. But you had a plan for this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's so we got enough we can call it off now. Yeah. I mean really, this was strategic right here, That's what I said. With him appointing that guy. This is all a part of it. He was a huge Trump supporter and he's made large contribution big Now all of a sudden he's expected attorney general, really US postmaster general whatever, No con That's what I keep saying, that how can they do this tampering with you know, agree is up there where Russia to me, tap with the election right the same thing? Ye? Look yeah, but he got out of that. He weaseled his way out of that. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. You're listening to show time now to ask the chief Love Officer that is the clo or the cloth as the nephew calls it, ready, Steve Harvey clo. This one's from Jalicia in Topeka, Candas, Kansas. She says, my husband and I are in our early thirties and we've been married for two years. We met by him sliding in my DMS and asking me on a date. The other day I saw on Instagram DM pop up on his phone. He is in the bathroom, so I checked it for him. It was from a video vixen looking half naked woman that he had sent a message to. He asked her about a fat burner that she used, and she replied to him it appeared to be innocent. But that's how he met me by messaging me on Instagram. He says, I'm tripping and he changed his pass code. Should I be worried? It was a fat burner? He was asking about a fat burn All the DM was about was a fat burner. Whatever, Yeah, that's all it was. You gotta ask somebody. We'll ask the people at the store. The DM stand for don't mess with it. DM stands for don't make Yeah, ok, don't make me. Yesterday he in the COVID gaining weight. Oh, come on, come on with this good fake it. That's all Tamika and Burson Burston, Texas says, I'm engaged and my wedding is in five months. My fiance and I sent out or save the date notices and we are in the process of sending out the invitations. He asked me if I had a few extra invitations because he wants to invite his son's mother and her mom. They have a great co parenting relationship and I think that's great. But she and a mama don't need to be at my wedding. He says he loves her mama and they're still close, so he wants her there. This is a never ending battle and I don't think he understands my point of view. Should we invite them or not? They don't have to be at the wedding. No. See what he's not understanding is the wedding is her day, and Brot, you can't have causes your wedding too. Also, you can't make your bride uncomfortable. Now, I got you like her mama and her at your wedding? Man? You nuts? Are you? Are you at your mind? Hey? Dog? Just keep sitting them Christmas cards? Dog? Don't have people at your fandom, John Man, Is there anyone here who sees Jess cars I do. Yes, you're inviting trouble. You need to ask him if he for show because he still talks to us. Ronald, Ronald, Hey, dog man, don't do that. Don't don't do that. So coming up our last break of the day, it's last break, it is her day, and we'll have some closing remarks of course from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. Democratic National Convention going strong in Wisconsin. Uh, Steve, Yeah, seventy six days left. Yeah, real good Yeah, John Legend, Yes, a good job away. Yeah, Doctor Joe Biden, fantastic. I mean just I'm just enjoying it. I'll just say that. Yeah. Yes, Uh, President Black Obama will spend tonight night night, baby, All the real chief speaks tonight. All the hitters is rolling the end the seven uh huh. And then Thursday night they accept the nomination. Wait, does Kamala speak tonight? Yes, yeah, she's going to speak tonight? Obama? Hillary Clinton? Yeah, who speaking? Who's speaking tonight? Hillary? President Obama? Hillary Clinton? And Kamala Harris VP presumptive VP nominee. This is such a look we've got to do. Oh man, Yeah, he's got the nomination, but we got to do our part. And I'm talking to brothers and sisters, man, because I want you to understand something here. Your vote is absolutely critical. Every one of your votes is critical. We cannot sit this out. We cannot run the risk of you not voting. Every time you don't vote. Listen to me, it's a vote for Donald Trump. I'm just telling you we are responsible to change We have the responsibility to change this election. But we have the power to change this election. We can change this election, y'all, We really can. We single handedly can change the direction of this country in November with a vote. Now, listen to me. If you don't think that Joe Biden is a stark difference between Donald Trump. I mean, come on, let's stop for a minute. Now, listen to me. I understand the conservative argument that we are conservative people. We've voted conservative our whole life. Understand that. I just want to ask conservative this question right here. If you had to pick a conservative candidate to make sure that your morals and values were upheld, really, really, would it be Donald Trump? I don't think it would, man, I just don't think it would. I know too many really good conservative people that are nothing like Donald Trump. I know some great liberals Democrats that are nothing like Donald Trump. I would not want any one of my children to emulate anything about him. And he's the president of the United States. I can't say his service record because he ducked out of that. I can't say his education because I'm not really sure he don't sound very educated to me. I'm sorry. If he went to the brightest school in this country, Warden or Worthington or whatever the name of it is, Warden, whatever he does, he sound like it to you, not to me. Would you morally want your children to grow up to be like that? Would you knowingly want your child to grow up while married, paying off porno stars, having playboard bunnies walk in the same house that you share with your family. Would you want your children to be that way? Would you want your children to grow up to treat human beings the way he's treated human beings? Would you want him to cancel the debt? Would you want your child to ruin people's lives by canceling doctor program? Would you want your children to go up to repeal Obamacare, even at the risk of stopping a medical plan that helps people with pre existing conditions. I just don't think you would. Man, I don't keep I don't see conservative people that way. I think they're Christians. I think they have Christian values, of course I do. That's what I think conservative people have. I do not understand why, as a conservative, a Christian, a moral people, that you would vote for Donald Trump I mean, man, I would rather vote for Biden and then wait for years and try to come up with a good Republican candidate. But Donald Trump is just not a great candidate. I don't care if he was on the Democratic ticket, the independent ticket, order Republican ticket. He's not good for this country. He's too divisive. He really doesn't care about the common man. I don't know if you all are paying attention to this, but he cares nothing about the common man. He don't even know who you are because he never been one. I think that conservative people are better than Donald Trump. I really do. And it's sad that you have found a way to turn the blind eye to all of the things he's done. That's really disheartening because I don't think conservative people are like Donald Trump. I just don't. Sorry. So with that said, black people, if all of you vote, we could have changed the election before. I'll tell you this. If all of us vote, we will change the election this time around. Also, go to vote for one one dot org to get all the information. Vote for one one dot org to get all the information. I tried to talk to you calmly today because tomorrow I'm probably gonna be mad for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to this name Harday Morning Show